Cross Talk 44 Flattened

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Princes Risborough Town Council Newsletter

Issue No.44

January 2010

New play equipment at the KGV Recreational Park

First and foremost, may I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year. I know for many this may not seem easy to achieve given the current economic climate, but just as we look forward to Spring following Winter, so we should hope for a brighter future following the recession. With this in mind the Town Council have been continuing to investigate ways of sustaining and regenerating the Town Centre. Currently, with the assistance of an organisation called “action for market towns”, we are looking into the possibility of establishing a Town Centre Partnership, (TCP), which would develop Town Centre projects and access external funding to bring them to fruition. It's early days yet, but the idea would be that the TCP would be made up of Town Councillors, representatives of other local organisations, Town Centre traders and most importantly any residents who would like to be involved, it's your town, you live here and your input will be very important. Once we are able to agree contracts and initial funding and are ready to launch the TCP we will call a public meeting to explain the project in detail, (and seek volunteers!), so please watch out for the notices which will advertise the event. In the meantime, enquiries are being made into the feasibility of launching a monthly, Sunday farmer's market in the Spring.

On another tack, the Town Council are still working hard at our aim of purchasing the Molins Sports Ground and, (as this edition went to print), we are awaiting a response to our interest in purchasing the Memorial Hall. To keep abreast of Town matters and pass on your views to us please visit our website: - it probably won't be as entertaining or sensational as the “Risboro rumour mill”, but you should find the information more reliable! Of course, if you have the spare time, you are always welcome to attend our main council meetings (see back page for dates and times) and listen to our deliberations on the local issues that affect us all. Alan Turner Mayor & Chairman Princes Risborough Town Council

T he ha Off ve ice n O Pl ow pe ba ea c ni ck se ha ng pa see nge ho ge d! ur s .


STOP PRESS! Memorial Hall to be sold to developer. Historic loss to the Town!

Editorial My turn to write the editorial for this issue now, where shall I start...I know, THE ONE WAY SYSTEM!! The Town Council have had some very interesting comments on this venture, some being unprintable... What's that old saying Rome wasn't built in a Cllr. Clifford day! Of course there are going to be hiccups, but we must be patient and iron out all of the faults until we get it right. Let's not forget that the County Council has the last word in any new undertaking such as this. Speaking for myself, I would love to see the high street pedestrianised from Clarkes the Butchers to the Market Square, with quirky little shops and lovely restaurants, trees, flowers and pavement cafes (or does that sound over the top?). Oh, let's not forget Back Lane, New Road or whatever you like to call it - this area needs a good clean up and a sort out. At last the wheels are turning to get on with the Hypnos site - about time too!! This area is nothing but an eyesore, especially to strangers coming in from the station end. We will do our best to make sure that there is recreation space for children at that end of town. Now, what next? I know, let us have a good moan about the lack of policing in our town. When the local vandals recently smashed into the changing rooms up in Earle Mitchell football ground (and yes, I mean 'smashed' - breeze blocks the lot and they must have used a sledge hammer to be able to achieve such immense destruction). The gang that did this must be locals because strangers would not know that this ground is there. The Police were called and they wrongly went to the tennis courts up New Road (Back Lane) as they were not local policemen to Risborough, but had been called in from surrounding areas!! We need local police working shifts like they used to in the town and to get to know the kids and where they hang out. Old fashioned I may be, but there is only probably a handful what I would call 'problem families' within our town who are causing all the problems. Make the parents pay for any damage I say, then perhaps they would keep their youngsters in check. Community spirit that used to exist in Risborough when I was a girl is very important to a town like Risborough. To make this happen, we need to see more affordable housing allocated to local Risborough young families, so that they can raise their children and their children's children in their home town. If we make this happen, then perhaps we can get the generations of families as it used to be living in the town. I am now a great grandmother, and we as a family are in the 5th generation of living in this lovely town. I think when this happens you tend to get more of an interest in your local environment e.g. my grandsons are all sport mad, so they have put together a new local rugby team and are doing very

well. They feel proud to be able to represent their home town and it is very heart warming to see. This is the sort of thing that a community is all about and all it takes is a little bit of time and commitment. So, let's start the New Year off on the right foot and make our New Year's resolution to become more involved in our town and to be proud of it. A very happy and healthy new year to one and all! Eunice Clifford

Finance news Mr Micawber was right.. The annual occasion of great wrangling and in-fighting within the Town Council (otherwise known as the estimates meeting) took place on 19th November. Looking through the draft balance sheet for 2010-2011 I thought it would be an easy ride. How wrong I was! I think the clock was heading towards 10.00 pm before I got home that night. It's always the little things that seem to take the longest time to resolve. Some committees wanted significant increases, others reductions. Overall, the final picture was not too bad with a recommendation that the precept be increased by a mere 1% over last year. Our Human Resources and Administration Committee wanted a significant increase, largely due to staff costs. Not only do the public (rightly) demand greater attention and easy contact with their Council, but our commitments to the administration of the Memorial Garden, negotiations associated with the future of Molins Sports Ground and the Memorial Hall, seeking funding opportunities and the increasing cascade of responsibilities from the higher levels of local government all result in increased commitment by our clerk and her staff. In addition, audit fees and insurance costs have rising significantly. The budget for this committee is increased from £72923 to £83420. Another significant increase occurs in the Memorial Garden Committee proposals. Regular annual costs remain much the same; the principal item being the repayment of the loan for the development of the site (£19220 per annum). However, we have had to put aside £14000 for kerbing stone, overlooked in the original development, and to rectify faults during construction. The budget for this committee is raised from £31170 to £42960. It should be noted that it does not look as though the annual income currently generated from the use of the Memorial Garden will meet the yearly loan repayments, as was originally anticipated. The Parks Committee has done a stalwart job in significantly reducing costs. Over the past three years, savings have been made on grass-cutting - £32600 to £25000 to £17646 - and there is no intention to carry out capital expenditure projects next year compared with the £46000 in this current year. Good work by our office staff and the committee secured outside funding for the highlysuccessful children's play equipment in the King George V Park. The budget for this committee is reduced from £114530 to £69292. The Pubic Relations Committee is the smallest of our

spenders. There has been a general reduction in proposed expenditure (eg now the website is established, only running costs are involved). The main expenditure, Crosstalk, remains at £7500 and we hope you continue to find this useful. Two new items are £550 for a proposed May Day event and £1000 to initiate a Community Cinema. The budget for this committee is reduced from £12150 to £11550. The Town and Lighting Committee is our biggest spender. Much of the expenditure is routine. The cost of servicing and maintaining our lighting stock remains much the same (£54700). On the town side, costs for litterpicking and grass-cutting, etc is the largest item at £25000. Maintenance costs for war memorials and the market house have risen, while annual maintenance of our CCTV system outstrips all at £16278. The budget for this committee is reduced from £108320 to £106353. Grants to charitable and other equivalent organisations have risen by 2%. The principal beneficiaries remain the same – the churches that have burial grounds, the Town Festival and the Community Centre. Others are local charities or local events, including some that require monetary recognition from the Town Council in order to generate further funding. Subscriptions to various bodies necessary for the smooth running of the Council remain much the same. An increase from £1000 to £1300 to the Bucks Association of Local Councils accounts for the general rise of £1430 to £1745. Overall, we hope that you are content with our handling of the Town's finances. I should add that although our reserves are currently much lower than they should be for a town and budget of our size, we felt that we should not exceed a 1% rise. The total precept for 2010-2011 comes out at £348450. Reg Orsler Chairman of Finance

Planning news At this time of the year, trees feature largely in the planning applications on which the Town Council is asked to comment. It is, after all, the natural time when 'tree works' are carried out. Our Planning Committee is as protective of the town's trees and green spaces as it is of the 'built environment' around us, and so the District Arboriculturalist, Alastair Cunningham, was invited to attend one of our monthly meetings to tell us where, and how, our comments fell short of best practice. As far as trees are concerned, we appear to be doing well, So

we will continue to query the need to fell trees instead of using other methods of tree management. As far as' pruning' is concerned, we will always query what seem to be excessive percentages of limb and foliage removal and recommend that, where appropriate, replacement trees are planted. We admit that we are not experts and always defer to those that are, but even we can detect an unusual request such as 'prune to ground level', as one resident suggested in an application to fell a tree. Building works around the town are still clearly at a standstill, or with barely discernible activity, However, plans for a face-lift to the George and Dragon in the High Street have been submitted and the number of vacant properties in town is being whittled down with the welcome arrival of a greengrocer and another coffee outlet, albeit with a national, rather than a 'local', name. Next to the former Thresher's off-licence, the South Bucks Hospice will be opening a shop, hopefully with a longer tenancy than the previous short-term traders. Meanwhile, the off-licence premises is undergoing a Planning Inspectorate Appeals procedure for a change of use to an Estate Agency and Financial Services outlet. The Town Council finds it difficult to support the loss of any retail outlet, even though there are still unwelcome and unsightly trading gaps in the town centre. It is still our belief that, if residents were to support our traders more actively then perhaps business would thrive, newcomers be encouraged to start up and the overused word vibrant would really have some meaning when used to describe our local economy. Away from the Town Centre, the plans for the development at Pictsmede are now well and truly in the public domain; but permission has been granted for the demolition of the shops and flats at the junction of Station Road and Manor Park Avenue and the erection of what appears, to us and other residents, as a rather cramped replacement. The development at 28 Wycombe Road has, once again, been refused by the Planning Inspectorate and determination of the retrospective plans for the smoking shelter on Green Belt and AONB land, close to the Plough at Cadsden, are still in abeyance. A decision continues to be awaited on the Old British School and also on the site of the Old Gasworks at Longwick Road. And finally, now that the New Year is upon us, we would all be relieved to learn whether, or not, the imposed planning condition, due to the lack of capacity at the sewage farm, has been lifted. Cllr Ben Benifer Chairman of Planning


Memorial Committee Update

Now that the Memorial Garden is well-established, the work-load of the committee has decreased considerably. Nevertheless, we cannot become complacent. The old stables on the site were showing signs of decay and have had to be repaired so that they can be used for general storage. Part of the initial layout has been modified, requiring some renumbering of grave plots. We are addressing requirements from WDC planning department related to the storage of waste and grave arisings. Their very precise interpretation of the original planning permission provides us with extra work. We are looking into the design and establishment of an open-sided shelter at the far end of the site as at present there is no protection from inclement weather for those attending interments. Winter is here so there is not a lot to say about the floral side of the Memorial Garden. Everyone knows Winter is the season for a lot of plants to rest before the cycle starts once more. Mixed bulbs have been planted and it will be interesting to see what pops up when Spring arrives. We all look forward to Spring with the days getting longer and all the lovely flowers appearing. A reminder: the Memorial Garden opening times for the Winter months is 9am to 4pm. Memorial Committee

Town and Lighting Update

Pre one way system Please continue reporting promptly the lamp numbers of faulty streetlights during the darkest part of the year. They are an important utility to many people and your vigilance is appreciated.

I have no wish either to embarrass or humiliate anyone in the town, so I will be vague where necessary in the following item. After an 18 month long saga where a local street has been left with an area of several hundred yards of darkness

Post one way system following the unauthorised removal of one of our lights, the Town Council (TC) secured funding for 2 new streetlights to be installed in the vicinity concerned. When the contractors turned up on site they were confronted by residents who said they did not wish street lighting to be installed outside their properties. The situation escalated to the extent that one resident burst into tears while others were firm in their resolve. The result was that the contractor installed only one of the two lights in this very dark area, and that was put into a position not previously planned. As most of you will realise street lighting is placed at regular intervals in precise locations so that the light can be effective for pedestrian safety and unnecessarily large dark spots do not occur. Despite the fact that councillors attended the scene and attempted to reconcile the situation, residents' feelings remained set against the new installations. The contractor felt pressured into leaving site and the TC (the taxpayer) will now pick up any invoices for any wasting of expensive time. Does having a new light near your property justify such emotive behaviour in the street? If anyone has a genuine claim that a light is spoiling their life then there are various measures that can be taken including fitting back plates to the lantern to stop any light going back to the property. Areas currently being reviewed for improved lighting include Hawthorn Road, Picts Lane, Poppy Road and Station Road. Thank you also for all of your complimentary remarks for the new light on the footpath from Westmead to the Scout Hut. Glad to see we are getting some things right! The one-way town centre experimental traffic flow began on 2nd November. It got off to a rocky start due to the malfunction of the pedestrian lights by M&S which caused miles of traffic queues at peak times right out of town, it also caused very long queues at the same time for traffic leaving the High Street. The lights have now been adjusted and queues on the A4010 have reduced somewhat, although queues in the High Street at peak times continue to be an issue. This re-routing of traffic is the first major change for Princes Risborough since 1984 when the A4010 was re-routed out of High Street/ Duke Street onto the new relief road, Back Lane then, now known as New Road. At that time there

were many concerns and complaints raised, particularly from traders, perfectly understandable as the change had a huge impact on the town and its population. However, we all got used to it and after a while things settled down. We all had to get accustomed to the new situation; indeed all local people under 30 have never actually known anything different. Currently we seem to be going through the same process. The TC recognise there will be issues, but it is far too early to make judgments either way. Finally on the High Street subject, there is little doubt that many shops and traders are struggling. We are in the grips of serious recession, high unemployment and social upheaval. Recently we have lost many shops. The High Street is important to all of us. The one-way system, if successful, plus some really nice landscaping changes could make things so much better. But unless we go down there and regularly use the shops, our town centre will suffer. We must support the High Street, In the last month we have gained a greengrocer and a coffee shop. Let's hope we can encourage more retailers to come here, thus gaining a wider range of outlets. Give some time to support our local traders, and don't forget the Thursday market too. Please, once again email, write or telephone your views to us; they are important. Gary Hall Chairman of Town & Lighting

Parks Update

King George V At last the new play equipment is up and running, and is proving to be very popular. In fact, I don't think KGV has seen so much action for a long time! The Parks Committee are over the moon to have received so many lovely comments - not just from adults but from our local kids as well. Our next venture is to try to secure funding for a bigger and better skate-board park. We will be looking at all potential sites within the park, knowing that modern skate-boarding sufaces are now much less noisy. (I used to be a nifty skater myself in my younger day, albeit on roller skates!)

The new seats have been received most gratefully from our senior members of the community. Poor old Bill (ex Tesco trolley park attendant) tells me that he got fed up with walking half way round and then back the same side for a sitdown after his operation. Now he can walk all the way round. St Dunstans This Park remains very much the same (the Mayor's favourite one actually) and, when you think about it, has a very 'across the board' appeal with regard to activities eg football pitch, volley or netball pitch, swings, activity square etc. I have received a lot of complaints about dogs being off their leads in this park - and not just one or two, but ten to fifteen at a time! This is not allowed - please remember dogs must be kept on leads and also that it is a fineable offence not to pick up after them (SCOOP THE POOP)!! Wades Park As always, a busy park eg football and nursery sports. It's always really sweet to watch the tots, but lots of tears if they don't win (not that dissimilar to grown-up football). Next Summer we hope to host 'Risboroughs got Talent' in this park - that should be great fun! We will have a pig roast on that event instead of festival night. The multi-use games area still remains very popular. The same rules apply for dogs in this park also as for any other in Risborough. Please don't think I am a dog hater because you must have seen me and Lil, my black Labrador (I lie, she is a mongrel really but she gets upset if she hears you say that). I only go in the parks with her (lead firmly on and pooper scooper in my pocket) when we are on Parks patrol as there are beautiful walks in the fields and woods of our surrounding countryside. The Crescent All's well in this park. As usual, we have a few budding artists that fancy themselves as the future Picasso's. certainly not going to happen based on what they are turning out, that's for sure. Seats have been installed in this park; always welcome for mums to sit and have a chat or a good old gossip (nothing unusual about that in Risborough). Earl-Mitchell and the Ridgeway The fields are looking good and so they should after the heavy rainfalls during these past couple of months! We have a big problem in the Ridgeway field, off the A4010 near Askett (where the car boot sales are held). The boiler has gone up the creek, so that will cost a few bob to put right, but our resident football teams are a super bunch of lads and with a little help from the regular car boots and from the Parks budget, we will get it sorted. Last but not least, our very successful rugby team, Risborough Rugby Club, needs help. Is there anybody out there that knows anybody or owns a field that could be turned into a rugby field? It would have to be big enough to house a changing/shower room and maybe, in the future, a club house. I have a feeling that this is going to be hugely successful if we can get them a permanent home. The number of parents who want to get their youngsters involved in this club is phenomenal and I really think this would put Risborough on the map - Thame springs to mind! I was talking to one of the shop owners in Thame, and he said that sales in the town double when they have rugby tournaments.

Ah well - I think I have been bending your ears enough and instead of wishing you a Happy New Year again (done that in my editorial) I will leave you with this little ditty I read and could not stop laughing: Mary had a little lamb, she tied it to a pylon ten thousand vaults shot up its bum, and turned it's coat to nylon. (Please don't let this stop you dog owners out there from putting on the leads when in our parks...there are no pylons in sight!) Eunice Clifford Chairman of Parks

News from the Public Relations Committee Community Cinema Following on from a representation of a member of the public at our public meeting relating to the Memorial Hall we are currently investigating the setting up of a community cinema in the town. A community cinema does what it says on the tin, it brings feature films to the town where you can spend an evening out at a much lower cost than attending a commercial cinema in one of our two local towns – Aylesbury & High Wycombe. The idea is for the cinema to operate, initially, one day per month and to show films that are on general release. There are two different ways in which a cinema can be set up but apart from initial, minimal, set up costs they should both be self financing and therefore of no financial burden to the Town Council. There is a charity called the British Federation of Film Societies – BFFS- that can assist in the set up and will provide the contacts to rent films and we have obtained their advice leaflet which can be used to ensure that any group is set up properly. The leaflet suggests that the initial procedure is to set up a working group of interested people and it would be up to this group to investigate the commercial relationships with film distributors and indeed the type of enterprise that it will eventually be. The initial equipment needed this is already, mostly, available to the Town Council and consists of a DVD player or laptop computer, a digital projector and a sound system. If the enterprise becomes a success then the cinema should look towards providing its own equipment to provide a quality experience. Various venues around the town have been considered, including the Memorial Hall, the Community Centre, the White Cross Hall and the Walsingham Hall although the chosen venue must be available for a full season so that customers are not put off by change. We believe that a theatrical venture, such as this, could provide the town with a well needed break through into the arts which could lead to more ventures in the future. Anyone interested in helping this project forward please get in contact through the town office or by email to:

Risborough's Got talent & May Fair Another venture that is being investigated is a May Fair for next year which will include a talent contest along the lines of the TV show 'Britain's Got Talent'. The fair would be in the style of the old village garden fete, with charities and organisations being invited to provide stalls and games for others to enjoy whilst the talent show is ongoing on a stage. We envisage using Wades Park for this event and entry will be free to all, as well as no charge to the stall holders. The event is still in the early stages of planning but any organisation that would like to take part is free to contact us at the town office or on the specially provided email address as shown below: Cllr. John Coombs

Kop Hill Climb 2009 puts Risborough on the map


Wow!! Over 5,000 spectators, 250 veteran, vintage and classic cars and motorcycles, dozens of others on display who missed out on the commemorative run and two days of glorious sunshine! Welcome to Princes Risborough, 26 and 27 September 2009, and Risborough Area Community Action's Kop Hill Climb. It may have seemed a dress rehearsal for the 100th anniversary in 2010 of the start of the event but thanks to the team who put it together, everyone agreed the organisation couldn't have been better and the relaxed atmosphere so enjoyable that next year can't come quickly enough. Kop Hill above Princes Risborough is one of the oldest hill climb venues in England. Between 1910 and 1925 it was a major annual event in the motor sports and motorcycle calendars and many famous names “ran” the Hill. They

included Malcolm Campbell, Henry Segrave and Archie Frazer Nash. However, in 1925 as a result of an unfortunate accident involving a spectator, the RAC banned motor sport on all public roads. The organisers are delighted that they have been given the go ahead to do it again next year. For those who would like to see some of the action go to and if you missed out this year, put 25 and 26 September 2010 in your diaries to be part of the Kop Hill 100 Climb.

Risborough's Community Centre Trustees of the town's Community Centre presented their reports at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 11th November. Running costs continue to rise, both in terms of services, utility bills and general maintenance but the management committee are committed to a policy of small increases in the hire tariff each year which is limiting the burden on users. The building is now 30 years old and inevitably elements of it's fabric, fixtures and fittings are beginning to expire. This is coupled with the need to constantly upgrade equipment such as alarms, security, lighting, heating and water systems. Consequently the trustees are developing a budget that addresses these factors and also the need to replace the covered walkway between the Carrington Room and Main building with a brick and tile structure, a response to growing concerns about security and safeguarding vulnerable groups. At the Annual General Meeting, Francis Gomme was reelected as Chairman, Alan Turner as Vice Chair and Donald Rintoul as Treasurer. For more information about the Centre please contact our Administrator, Maggie Cooper on 01844 343287 or email:

The personal rewards are great, the knowledge that you have helped save a life are almost indescribable. All we ask is that you are assessed in performing resuscitation and using a defibrillator every six months, although lots of the existing volunteers do lots more.

All you need to join is to be over 18, have a full driving licence and pass an enhanced criminal records' check and be willing and able to give up some free time to help your community. We are currently looking for volunteers throughout Buckinghamshire including Princes Risborough and the surrounding villages. If you would like to help in this literally life saving and very rewarding project please e-mail or call 0800 587 0207.

Rangers JFC launches new girls football group

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust Community First Responders Do you want to make a difference and give something back to the people in your local community when they need you the most? Community First Responders are volunteers who are trained and equipped by the ambulance service to answer certain types of medical emergencies in their local communities while the ambulance is on its way. Most responder schemes work in groups with a volunteer coordinator to arrange an “on call� list so all the responders within that scheme do as much time on call as they want to commit to, without affecting their work and family life and their other commitments. There is no compulsion for the volunteer responder to attend any incident and there are no minimum requirements for being on call, although, the more calls you attend, the better your skills become and the more confidence you build up.

Risborough Rangers JFC has recently gained the FA Charter Standard award and is now working in partnership with Princes Risborough Secondary School, the Football Association and Bucks Sport to launch a new initiative to encourage more girls to get involved in playing football. rd The first training session will be on Saturday January 23 at Wades Park from 9.30-11am. The group will be managed by Vicky Bonham, who is a fully qualified FA Coach, supported closely by Lisa Welling ( Berks & Bucks FA), who is working with the local primary schools to arrange free taster sessions before the January launch. Girls in school years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be invited to try out a session and have the opportunity to receive some quality football coaching in school during a PE lesson or an after-school club. For more information, go to: or contact Vicky Bonham directly / mobile 07956 415587

Success for our Schools Princes Risborough School (PRS) and The Secret Garden Pre-School in Princes Risborough both received high praise from Ofsted school inspectors after their visit. The Secret Garden was awarded an overall 'Outstanding' rating for its quality of provision. PRS also received an 'Outstanding' rating in many areas. 83% of lessons observed were classed as “outstanding or good” and the remaining 17% being 'satisfactory'. The TC congratulates them both sincerely. May their good work continue.

How and Who to Contact Princes Risborough Town Council, 1, Tower Court, Horns Lane, Princes Risborough, Bucks, HP27 0AJ Telephone: E-mail: Website:

(01844) 275912

Mayor & Chairman of the Council: Deputy Chairman & Chairman of Finance Cttee: Chairman of Admin & HR Cttee: Chairman of Memorial Garden Management Cttee: Chairman of Parks Cttee: Chairman of Planning Cttee: Chairman of Public Relations Cttee: Chairman of Town and Lighting Cttee:

Cllr. Bill Bendyshe-Brown Cllr. Dennis Green Clerk to the Council: Assistant to the Clerk: Clerical Assistants:

Cllr. Alan Turner Cllr. Reg Orsler Cllr. A Turner Cllr. Pamela Williams Cllr. Eunice Clifford Cllr. Ben Benifer Cllr. John Coombs Cllr. Gary Hall

Councillors Cllr. Carl Etholen Cllr. Pam Summerbell

Cllr. Will Streule Cllr. Wally Woolf

Mrs. Sue Griffiths Mrs. Kirsty Pope Mrs Janice Meade and Miss Nikki Bedwin

New Office Opening hours: Monday. 10.00am – 3.00pm Tuesday. 10.00am – 3.00pm Wednesday. 10.00am – 3.00pm Thursday. 10.00am – 3.00pm Saturday. 10.00am – 12.00pm Please visit our website; The full Town Council meets at 7.15pm on the last Tuesday of each month at The Chapter House, St Mary's Church. There is a 10-minute slot at the beginning of each meeting when the public can express a view or concern relating to town matters. Please check the website to confirm time and venue. The next meetings are: Tuesday January 26th

Tuesday February 23rd

Tuesday March 3rd

The Town Council aims to be as accessible as possible, and welcomes the views, comments and concerns of the Princes Risborough electorate. Although the views of the whole Council are given wherever possible, for constitutional and legal reasons we must state that the views expressed here in Crosstalk, and in any personal correspondence received from individual Councillors, are those of the author concerned and do not necessarily express the opinions or policy of PRTC unless explicitly stated.

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