Book by Kelsey Khazam

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I would like to dedicate this book to all who struggle with mental health silently, you are never alone.


Special thanks to Coach Xavier Cook, for making this book possible. For inspiring countless numbers of young athletes. For helping spread the importance of mental health. I would also like to acknowledge all those who were involved in the process of helping this book come to life, Alana Hernandez, Mr. Greco, Ms. Parkinson, and many more. Thank you.



When I started this project, it felt impossible. Suddenly I was flooded with so many questions; Who do I interview? How do I write this book? The first name that came to my head was my basketball coach at Mountain View High school, Coach Xavier Cook. Going through the process of making this book has made me value the importance of mental health to a new level. Going into this interview, I was interested in learning more about Cook, beyond the court. I asked him several questions about his upbringing, time in the military, and his goals in life. Wanting to show people he isn't just a coach but, an inspiration to many, and a had worker. Despite his busy schedule of working three jobs, i managed to learn more about how he was raised, and what its like to teach young adults. He talked about learning to overcome challenges, and how he wants to ensure his athletes know they can do anything.



As Coach Xavier Cook stepped through the gym doors his sneakers squeaked in rhythm with his steps. The familiar scent of the basketball court swallowed him, instantly transporting him back to his childhood days. Around him, youthful athletes were busy lacing up their shoes, their faces a mix of determination and anticipation. They were ready to give their all, fueled. Xavier, the seasoned coach, had just wrapped up a long day at work. But now, as he tightened his whistle around his neck, a surge of excitement coursed through him. These young athletes were his joy, and he was eager to mold them into champions. He exchanged jokes with the athletes as they warmed up. With a smile, he stepped onto the court, ready to pass on his wisdom and passion to the next generation.



Whether he’s wearing his security uniform or pacing the sidelines as a coach, Cook consistently shares crucial life lessons. Many athletes can recall a coach that completely changed their lives. It’s no surprise that so many of Cook’s former athletes reminisce about their time with him. Not only is he an outstanding coach, he is a mentor. Cook understands that his student-athletes face more than physical challenges. They carry the weight of expectations, dreams, and the pursuit of excellence. So, he steps in as more than just a coach. He becomes a listener and a source of inspiration. He teaches resilience, adaptability, and the power of overcoming obstacles. His influence isn’t confined to the court, it raises their mental toughness. As these young athletes lace up their sneakers, they’re not just preparing for a game, they’re preparing for life.


And Cook, with his undeniable dedication, ensures they’re ready for the world they’re about to step into. His legacy isn’t only measured in wins or championships; it’s in the hearts of those he mentors.

High school athletes often grapple with significant mental and physical obstacles, contending with the weight of expectations from both themselves and society. According to USA Today, a staggering 70% of young athletes abandon sports participation, finding the experience increasingly focused on external definitions of success rather than personal enjoyment. Amidst these challenges, the role of a coach becomes pivotal. Coaches not only guide athletic performance but also serve as mentors, providing invaluable support in navigating the inner struggles that accompany athletic pursuits. Xavier Cook, a multifaceted figure serving as a security guard and varsity girls’ basketball and softball coach at a local high school, embodies this mentorship role. Despite the athletic success,

Cook recognizes the bumpy nature of his athletes' journeys.

Alana Hernandez, a junior on the Varsity girls Basketball team at MVHS recalls "Although basketball season was one of my favorite times of the year, it was a time when I was at my lowest due to outside circumstances” she goes onto say “he (Cook) has always been there for me, and another person to lean on when it was hard to lean on anyone else." His unwavering commitment lies in fostering not only athletic growth but also the overall wellbeing of his athletes, imparting essential lessons of self-belief and resilience. Coaches like Cook play a crucial role in the development of young athletes.

"He has always been there for me, and another person to lean on when it was hard to lean on anyone else."
-Alana Hernandez


Participating in athletics is not just about the games or the victories; it's a profound life lesson that leaves an enduring impact. It's a journey that forges lifelong bonds, teaching invaluable skills like time management and prioritization. As athletes navigate the demands of school and sports, they learn the art of balance, a skill that serves them well in all aspects of life. The memories created on the field or court hold a special place in the hearts of those who experience them, serving as a bridge connecting past and present. For coaches like Cook, the most gratifying aspect is witnessing the growth of his athletes over time. From young players full of potential to accomplished adults with families and careers. For Cook that is immensely rewarding. When former athletes return to express their gratitude and share their successes, it reaffirms the profound impact sports can have on shaping character and fostering lifelong relationships.


"I wanted every player to play hard like I did."

Cook's passion for sports ignited at a young age and has remained a driving force throughout his life's journey. He was initially offered a job at his local high school, Los Gatos. However, it was at Mountain View High School where his coaching aspirations truly took flight, thanks to the encouragement of his colleague, Mack. Intrigued by the prospect of shaping the next generation of athletes, Cook eagerly embraced the opportunity to guide young players on the basketball court. Reflecting on his inaugural season as a coach, Cook candidly admits, "I was too competitive. I wanted every player to play hard like I did." This desire for excellence exemplified Cook's ambitious spirit, propelling him forward on his coaching journey. Over the span of eight years, he has developed his coaching skills and nurtured the talents of countless young athletes, leaving a mark on the Mountain View High School community.



Cook, a native of South Central Los Angeles, reminisces about his upbringing, fondly recalling the positive influences that shaped his life. "I always have had positive influences in my life," he affirms, highlighting the pivotal roles his mother and two brothers played.

Reflecting on his mother, Cook vividly recalls her unwavering determination, stating, "She knew what she wanted." This recollection unveils the harsh realities of urban life, notably in cities like Los Angeles, where safety becomes a paramount concern after dark. The juxtaposition of personal ambition against external constraints encapsulates the perpetual struggle between individual agency and societal challenges.

As I continued to talk to Cook, he reflected on his decision to join the military, citing a dissatisfaction with traditional schooling as the driving force behind his choice. He candidly admits, "What pushed me to join was I didn't like school. I didn’t want to sit on my behind and do nothing." Having grown up with a father who served in the military, Cook possessed a familiarity with the institution and saw it as a viable alternative to his current circumstances. His decision to enlist was rooted in a desire for purpose and growth, believing that the military would provide him with the direction he sought. Reflecting on his experience, Cook acknowledges the profound impact it had on his life, stating, "it taught me a lot of things about life in general." Despite the challenges he may have faced during his service, Cook expresses no regrets, emphasizing the invaluable lessons learned and the personal development gained. His journey through the military, he believes, not only equipped him with practical skills but also instilled within him a sense of responsibility and maturity,

shaping him into the man he is today. The realization struck him as soon as he arrived at boot camp. He had always had thoughts in the back of his head that there were many things he was incapable of. However, upon stepping into the midst of adversity in the military, he was compelled to completely change his perspective. It became evident that instead of dwelling on limitations, he needed to channel his energy into finding solutions. This newfound mindset gave him a profound sense of resilience and determination. He describes that he learned that the key to success lies in embracing the possibility of adaptability and perseverance. Each obstacle became an opportunity for growth, a chance to refine his ability to adapt and overcome. This transformative journey taught him a fundamental truth. The words "I can't" hold no power in the face of unwavering determination and a willingness to confront challenges head-on.



In discussing the culture surrounding youth athletics, it becomes apparent that external pressures often overshadow the true essence of sportsmanship and personal growth. As Cook observed, “I truly believe that a lot of parents put a lot of pressure on kids to get scholarships... A lot of parents are living through their kids to get a scholarship so they don't have to pay.' This sentiment highlights the issue of parental expectations silencing enjoyment of the game. However Cook’s assertion that "if you're out here because of your parents you shouldn't be playing” underscores the importance of personal passion and commitment in sports participation. Indeed, the essence of youth sports lies not in fulfilling parental aspirations but in fostering a genuine love for the game. As Cook concludes, “I do it because I love it,” emphasizing the fundamental role of passion and enjoyment in sustaining athletes through the inevitable challenges they face.


Special congratulations to the Mountain View Varsity Girl Basketball team for claiming the league title this year. I am beyond proud to have played on the court with this family.

Thank you to Coach Cook and Coach Hernandez. We couldn't have done it without you.



Cook, Xavier- personal interview 11 February, 2024

Hernandez, Alana- personal interview 20 March, 2024

- National Federation of State High School Associations. *NFHS*. NFHS, 2019.

- "70% of kids drop out of youth sports by the age of 13. Here's why and how to fix it, per AAP." *USA TODAY*. Gannett Satellite Information Network, 2024,

- “Prevalence of stress among high school athletes (v2)” *National Library of Medicine*. National Institutes of Health, 2023.

- “Why Mental Health in High School Athletes is Critical.” *St. Agnes Academy*. 2023 org/news-detail?pk=1474823



Kelsey Khazam is a 17 year-old junior at Mountain View High School. She is a part of the Varsity girls basketball team. When she is not on the court or learning in school, she enjoys all things music. During Quarantine she dove into a rabbit hole of music, she taught herself several instruments, such as guitar, piano, ukulele, clarinet, and drums. She also enjoys traveling, singing, and photography. She enjoys being creative in her classes at freestyle, making friends, and having a good time. Her goal is to help those who struggle with mental health, and try to help as many people as possible. She loves to make people laugh and smile. After Graduating high school she hopes to go to college, pursuing her passion. She hopes to live life to the fullest, never missing an opportunity to do something insane. "You only live once".

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