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Letter From The Publisher Hey there fellow grapplers, summer is here! Well, at least for all our Northern Hemisphere readers - lol. If you’re like me, summer is a time to rebalance my body, mind, and soul. Part of that mission is to find ways to do less so I can train more! I know many of you can relate to that especially for all you busy bodies. If mat time seems like a juggling act between work, personal life, and everything in between, then now may be good time to just let the pins drop. That may sound counterproductive but hear me out. Letting the pins fall so you can pick them back up through re-evaluation and re-prioritizing can many times lead to increased productivity and decreased stress; which brings it back to our main goal, more time on the mats. So, before the school year starts or your workflow rams up, take some time to balance things out again. In that process you’ll find more time to -


Live, Laugh, & Roll!


-Clinton “Sapinho” Dela Cruz


DESIGN | OPERATIONS Clinton Dela Cruz Publisher / Designer E: IG: @clintondlc

Jason Walter Managing Editor E: IG: @menamejmaw

Eddie Rodrigues Lead Designer E: IG: @roxt_eddie

Cover Photos | BRET THOMPSETT E: IG: @brettheafrican Subject | AJ IG:ajkeeprollin

STORYTELLERS David Greer Interview: Joey Bozik of WeDefy Foundation E: IG: @whitepineapple Daniel Soule Book Review: The One Minute Workout E: TW: @grammatologer Chloe Fonacier BJJ & Chill - “The Release” E: IG: @chloefonacier Danielle Martin BJJ & CHILL - “Thoughts” E: IG: officialdaniellemartin Bernice Aurellano “Animal Yoga Flow” E: IG: @bernicefitcpt

Romana Miah Media Coordinator E: IG @anamormiah

Tiannah DLC-Diaz Customer Representive E: IG: @tiannahko

Jeffrey Huang Brand Ambassador E: IG @ajmataz





Book Review on the ONE MINUTE WORKOUT







Issue 008 | FREEROLL | 5

BJJ Community Spotlight

We Defy Foundation By David Greer

Many charities help military veterans by building homes, getting treatment for wounded vets, or helping with job placement but Joey Bozik and the We Defy Foundation have a unique approach to helping veterans which

conditions in both operations. He told me a story about when his unit provided security for a supply convoy that came under fire. He helped provide cover, drove off the enemy, then proceeded to pursue and capture a number of insurgents and discovered a large weapons cache. Joey humbly describes the experience as “a thing that happens.” Some saw it as more than a mere ‘thing’ and Joey was nominated for and awarded a Bronze Star for valor. Joey was also awarded a Purple Heart, an award given to those injured in the line of duty. Joey encountered an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and lost both legs and his right arm below the elbow. He spent a year and half in the hospital. Joey is himself a veteran who was wounded in combat.

utilizes Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I recently had the opportunity to talk with Joey and learn more about him, what led him to starting the We Defy Foundation, and what the foundation is all about. Joey Bozik joined the Army in 2000 and served for 6 years. During that time he took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He experienced heavy combat 6 | FREEROLL | Issue 008

Once discharged from the Army, Joey sought to have a “normal” life by getting a job, having a family, buying a home, and doing all the other things Mr. and Mrs. Jones do. And Joey Bozik while he did all of those things, he found there was more to transitioning back to civilian life: “You still carry around the weight of war...a lot of guys try to transition and we think the solution is to be ‘normal’ but until you find a way to cope with the stress and have an outlet you’re always going to carry that with you. I mean, you’re going to carry it with you all your life but how you choose to mentally and physically deal with it on a

regular basis matters. You can’t ignore it... you have to find a way to relieve the stress from mental and physical complications: things you’ve seen, things you’ve done, places you’ve been. Until you find that outlet, you’re basically masking it with something else.” After hearing Joey say this I could only imagine how difficult transitioning to civilian life must be for any veteran. In my own opinion, it’s foolish to think somebody could return to civilian life and go straight to a “normal” lifestyle when coming out of a very abnormal and highly stressful experience. The struggle must be a unique one, difficult for somebody who has never served in the military to fully fathom and appreciate. For Joey, he found that socializing and finding ways to be physically active were the most effective outlets. He golfed, dieted, and routinely worked out. A few years ago, Joey enrolled his daughter in Jiu-Jitsu so that she could build confidence while learning an effective method of self-defense. He wanted to prepare his daughter with Jiu-Jitsu because, “she could choose the level of force, protect herself comfortably against a bigger opponent. If a boy is messing with her at school she could take

care of herself without absolutely destroying some kid.” Only a few minutes into our conversation I could tell that providing protection is a key value in Joey’s character. And he’s very thoughtful about it too. In regards to his daughter it was important that she gain the tools to protect herself in a way that does not harm others. While searching for a Jiu-Jitsu school to enroll his daughter, Joey met Professor Alan Shebaro, a 3rd degree black belt and military veteran. Alan has also been a combat instructor for various military special forces, local law enforcement, and the FBI. Alan invited Joey to train Jiu-Jitsu, and they worked one-on-one for some time as Alan innovated a style effective for Joey’s body type. It worked, and Joey was soon able to roll in a regular Jiu-Jitsu class and become an active Jiu-Jitsu competitor. Joey describes training Jiu-Jitsu as something that leaves him, “completely exhausted but mentally clear.” He then went on to bridge his experience in the Army with training Jiu-Jitsu:

“In the military there’s camaraderie, Issue 008 | FREEROLL | 7

significant problem and Joey saw a solution in Jiu-Jitsu that could help bridge the gap between awareness and recovery. Working with Professor Alan Shebaro, the two hatched the idea to bring Jiu-Jitsu to other veterans who have experienced trauma and the We Defy Foundation (WDF) was born.

you bleed and sweat together. That forms a bond and a military family mindset that gets ripped away from you. Then you go out and go work and get a job and you try to talk to co-workers about it but they have no idea... they’re just trying to collect a paycheck. Then you go on the Jiu-Jitsu mat with all these different people who love you and want the best for you, and therefore choke the crap out of you. It’s a hard to understand concept.” Those of us who roll understand what Joey is getting at here. It’s tough to explain how rolling around on the ground with somebody, trying to choke them or put them in a joint lock, forms a bond and fosters a family environment but Jiu-Jitsu does it. Through training Joey had found an effective physical outlet and a supportive group of people that sincerely cared for his well-being and encouraged improvement. Joey had worked with Mission 22, which is an organization aimed at raising awareness of veteran suicide. Approximately 20 veterans are lost every day due to suicide (learn more at It’s a 8 | FREEROLL | Issue 008

The main function of WDF is to sponsor Jiu-Jitsu memberships for veterans who have experienced trauma to train at a WDF certified school. In simpler terms, they pay for veterans to train Jiu-Jitsu. And they serve veterans who have experienced physical or mental trauma. WDF serves veterans who have lost limbs, have been sexually abused, are having trouble coping with their time in the military, and more. At the time of our interview, WDF sponsors 64 veterans and there are 25 more veterans waiting to be placed in a WDF certified school. Currently there are 86 WDF certified Jiu-Jitsu schools across the United States, with 36 more soon to come on board. In the near future, there will be 122 WDF certified schools available to serve 89 veterans. And

apply online at where the criteria to receive a sponsorship is clearly spelled out. There are two types of sponsorships available: the Standard Sponsorship and the Scholarship Sponsorship. The vast majority of applicants receive scholarships and are awarded a year of Jiu-Jitsu training at a certified school, 2 gi’s with WDF patches, and a belt. The Standard Sponsorship is awarded to veterans who would like to represent the WDF brand. They are awarded several WDF gi patches, a t-shirt, and a window decal.

the numbers continue to grow. Becoming a WDF certified school is fairly straightforward. There’s an online application that can be filled out on the WDF website (, and every school that applies for certification is thoroughly vetted to ensure it’s a suitable place for veterans to train. Part of the vetting process includes ensuring the head instructor is a black belt and the instructor’s Jiu-Jitsu lineage is evaluated to ensure they are a legitimate black belt. This is an important piece of the certification because the instructor needs to have a level of experience to effectively teach veterans with special needs and unique body types. WDF also screens each application to make sure the school’s intention for getting certified is to provide a good environment for veterans, and not merely a means to get more students. It also helps if the head instructor is a veteran as they will be better able to relate to and understand the needs of other veterans.

Veterans seeking a sponsorship can

There is a vetting process for veterans seeking sponsorships. Each applicant is screened so that the folks at WDF can get an idea of the nature of their trauma and to ensure the applicant is indeed a military veteran. The mission of WDF is to help military veterans, and each application is screened to ensure sponsorships go to military veterans. It’s a level of intention and integrity that Joey and the entire foundation work hard to maintain. When I asked Joey why he felt Jiu-Jitsu is such an effective form of therapy, it’s clear he’s given it a lot of thought: “I can build houses for veterans. I could build a house for a guy in a wheelchair and give him a house. What am I helping him with? What am I really doing? I’m giving him something else that’s going to be more responsibility and more work. I’m giving him something but he didn’t earn it. Sure he earned it through his service, but his service is over now he has to deal with a lot of things and now he also has to deal with a house. Whereas with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you come into our place, I’m not giving you anything but a chance to learn. I’m giving an opportunity to work as hard as you can and see the benefits from that and Issue 008 | FREEROLL | 9

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those are the things that help you change and grow, make you get out of your funk and move forward, reassess your goals, build your self-confidence up. You’re doing it, I’m not giving it to you, you’re doing it yourself.” The fact that there have been 64 sponsorships awarded with 25 more on the way shows that what WDF is doing is gaining attention, and gaining momentum. And I would guess it’s working, and it’s why WDF is deserving of our support. WDF is primarily funded by corporate sponsorships and individual donations. Anybody who wants to support the foundation, whether you are an individual or represent a business, can do so through the WDF website at www.wedefyfoundation. org. WDF maintains low overhead expenses. There is only 1 employee and 8 board members, and less than 20% of donated money goes toward overhead. Another way to think about that is to realize that for every dollar donated, at least 80 cents is helping a veteran train Jiu-Jitsu and less than 20 cents is going toward the stability and growth of the foundation. WDF also receives funds through fund-raising events, most notable is their annual Roll-A-Thon fundraiser. The Roll-A-Thon is a nationwide event where any Jiu-Jitsu school can participate by hosting an open mat session. A $20 donation gets anybody through the door for 2 hours of open rolling. WDF’s goal this year is to get 100 Jiu-Jitsu schools across the United States, preferably 2 schools per state, to participate and the collective effort could potentially raise tens of thousands of dollars for veterans in only 2 hours. This year’s Roll-A-Thon is going to take place on either Veteran’s Day, November 11, or on the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, December 7. You can

subscribe to the WDF Facebook page to stay updated on this and please contact WDF if your Jiu-Jitsu school is interested in taking part. For those inclined to help a veteran transition back to civilian life, rebuild the pieces of themselves that were shaken by the stress of war, I encourage you to contribute to the We Defy Foundation. The expectations of a vet who has lost one or more limbs or suffered crippling mental stress are grim, help them defy that. “We defy the odds, we defy our own personas, we defy what people think of us, we defy our own obstacles that we put in front of us. That’s what it’s all about.” Training Jiu-Jitsu helped me build up my own confidence, strength, and character and I’ve seen it do the same for everybody I’ve trained with. If you roll, you know how helpful it’s been for you and your Jiu-Jitsu family. Help a veteran realize those same benefits and visit “The Jiu-Jitsu community is very tied into and ingrained in the actual community they’re involved in. There are lawyers, doctors, police officers, firefighters, veterans and all kinds of people training together and it creates a family community environment...I’ve been extremely blessed and overwhelmed to see the outpour of support for myself and the foundation...I am very, very thankful for all the brothers and sisters out there in the Jiu-Jitsu community that have been there to support me and the foundation and helped us grow to this point. I’m truly blown away by their support and very thankful.” For more information or to donate visit: Issue 008 | FREEROLL | 11

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Book Review Martin Gibala’s -


It’s an old question, what’s the best way to train? There are a lot of people out there who think they’ve got the answer. In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu we build everything from friendships, schools and brands around it. However, like all interesting questions, in reality, there is no simple answer. However, from Dr Martin Gibala, PhD, has come a new book The One Minute Workout (TOMW) that appears to have a simple and powerful answer, which could have equally powerful implications for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners, whether elite athletes, weekend warriors, or Wanda Wannabefits. TOMW isn’t a guide to martial technique nor about accelerated learning. Rather it focuses on something intrinsic to any sport: fitness. It is the distillation of cutting edge sports-physiology research into interval training, by one of the world’s leading researchers. The essence of the book is this: intensity is far more important than duration. That’s right. The science backs up that shorter, intense workouts,

particularly when organized around intervals of higher activity punctuated with rest or recovery periods, is more effective, in terms of time, than longer steady state workouts, in achieving significant markers of health, especially your VO2 max. Here are two examples. Firstly, the Wingate protocol takes twenty-five minutes from start to finish, including warm up and cool down. In terms of improvements in aerobic capacity, muscle endurance and fat burning, this workout is equivalent to going for a ninety-minute run. The workout goes like this: 1. On an exercise bike, pedal lightly, warming up for three minutes. 2. Sprint for 30 seconds at your absolute maximum (like you are trying to save a child). 3. Recover, pedalling lightly again for 4.5 minutes. 4. Blast another thirty second all out sprint. Issue 008 | FREEROLL | 15

5. Recover for another 4.5 minutes and repeat until you have completed five sprints. 6. Cool down for two minutes pedalling lightly. If you did this three times a week it would be equivalent to doing 4.5 hours of steady state running, whereas you would only have spent seventy-five minutes exercising. The second example, is the workout from which the book takes its name. Only one minute of hard exercise is necessary to produce the same benefits as a 45mins steady state workout, such as jogging. Here it is: 1. Pedal lightly for three minutes. 2. Sprint like you are trying to save a child for 20 seconds. 3. Recover for two mins pedaling lightly with no resistance. 4. Repeat this cycle until you have done three 20 second sprints. 5. Cool down for two minutes, pedaling lightly.

Martin Gibala

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That’s pretty amazing: a workout that only takes ten minutes gives you the same benefits as a 45-minute run. The implications of which I think are profound. For myself, I’m a dad with two small children. I live quite a drive from either my BJJ or a fitness gym and I travel a lot for work. Time is an issue but I can and have found time for both workouts. I would find it hard to find time to run for three to 4.5 hours per week on top of four to six hours of grappling training. Also, at 38 and even though I’m in pretty good condition, I’m not sure my body could take that training load, and certainly not without prodigious amounts of recovery time or chemical help (of the Mexican yam variety), neither of which I can justify. But fitting in either ten or 25-minute workouts is much easier, and the wear on my body is far less. In fact, I’ve felt fantastic after these workouts, particularly in the 25-minute Wingate, although that fourth and fifth sprint can be nauseatingly brutal. For athletes, the benefits seem to be the same. Who wouldn’t want to save time and wear on their bodies? Instead of starting your day with a 45minutes jog, do a ten-minute workout with one minute worth of sprints. Instead of grinding your body during competition preparation with 4.5 hours of road work each week, do seventy-five-minutes of intervals over three sessions, with only 7.5 minutes of sprints, ideally

on a good exercise or spin bike. The book is very well written, starting with an explanation of the science. Gibala tells the story behind interval training and why many people still default to steady state workouts. Then the book gets into detailing different workouts, fifteen in all, of differing design. Each workout was not only clearly described, with a summary of the health and fitness benefits, often against a comparative group of steady state exercisers. If I could make one criticism it was that one or two of the workouts didn’t have this, such as the original Tabata protocol. We are told the improvements in VO2 max but it isn’t easy to extrapolate what the equivalent steady state load would be from the description. Another benefit of the book is that it helps you mix and match workouts, to build in variety and to workout smarter and more efficiently. It’s the evidence base of this book that is perhaps its strongest weapon. Anyone who hangs around gyms, grappling or otherwise, should be aware of the huge amount of ‘bro-science’ that is spouted as though it is true. There is a lot of training that is done just because we’ve always done it that way. I haven’t yet been to a competition class in the ten years I’ve been training that is well designed

for BJJ competition. I’ve also seen conditioning sessions online, from world class BJJ teams, who do just the same. Most gyms think recovery is for wimps, failing to realize that if you cut recovery everyone modulates their output because they can’t sustain competition intensity for 60-minutes, heck most people can’t sustain it for 15 or 20-minutes. It is also possible to train like an idiot and still get better. The human body and mind is good at adapting, but that doesn’t mean it’s the most effective and efficient way to train. In short, train smarter and not harder, or rather train really, really hard for very short intervals, with plenty of recovery and save yourself a lot of time and wear on your body. Oh, yes and buy a copy of The One Minute Workout and get some evidence based training into your life. Publisher: Vermillion Price: Paperback $10.82 on

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BJJ & Chill - “The Release” By Chloe Fonacier

●What BJJ and chill means to me?

Kind of funny to think, but BJJ brings me a feeling of calmness under the calamity. That’s right, training under pressure brings me back down to earth, should I allow that to happen. Should I not allow myself to relax and breathe, well that just creates the perfect recipe to become frustrated, upset, and just pent up with negative vibes growing within me. Hence, that’s the importance of making a choice every time I step on the mats… Making a choice to have humility and an openness to learn what is working for me and against me.

ered which allows me to slow down in life, take deep breaths, feel where I have tension from training and going hard, replay the moments during my roll, be present with my breath on the yoga mat, and look at the moments where I need to re-train my mind to come back to simplicity.

Why does it work for me?

It works for me because I see that it comes down to choice. Choice to want to slow down and not feel like I have to compete consistently (not merely with others, but compete against my own self). To feel okay with steadying myself and gaining release.

Not only do these choices allow me to train well, but also be open to what my teammates and professors are sharing with me in order to improve. A training of the mind to let go of what tactics and mindsets aren’t serving me, and be able to gratefully receive pieces of advice, a pat on the back to try again, or a humbling choke around the neck to remind me to stay on guard.

A release from pressure, from having to owe anything to anyone outside of my being, a release that allows me to peacefully let the frustrations/pains/ doubts/fear/shame/embarrassment all go… and welcome in a brand new train of thought.

Favorite post BJJ activity

Peace, forgiveness, intention, welcoming new thoughts and visions. Allowing me to enjoy the very moment I am in, without anxious dependence on what will

Yoga is my favorite post BJJ activity. It is the one activity that I’ve discov20 | FREEROLL | Issue 008

Yoga gifts me with brand new ways of thinking.

happen in the next 60 minutes, 24 hours, 7 days, 1 year. Imagine, when we roll and are so focused on crushing and having quickness. In that, we might have totally bypassed the opportunity to still ourselves and realign so that we are set up for a better dominant position. Life too also works in that way, where your life comes down to decisions and if you make the decision right now to change something, then you can hold the key to your end result. You can wake up now and change your path. You don’t have to feel ready in order to change. Don’t let fear or outside opinions make the next step decisions for you, put yourself in a place where you can stand still. Standing still, where clarity and focus can happen so that you can discern what you are feeling and thinking.

Move forward with that.

The one hour that I dedicate to myself on those mats, mean so much to my mind, soul, and body. Together Jiu-Jitsu and yoga have become my dance. My dance throughout my week to recognize the importance of what is happening in my mind then and there. Not focusing on what I’ve gone through or where I am going. No, the dance brings me to the present moment on my mat right now,

and enables me to see, feel, touch, and breathe into the awareness of my mind and body. And should I choose to not stay attached to the temporary emotion, I can then learn to recognize my feelings, chill out, and release it. We all have the power to control our mind. We all have the power to release in our minds, to let go of what doesn’t feel right or doesn’t serve us in that moment. Whatever you determine your chill to be, you can make the conscious decision to open up yourself literally and figuratively in order to let go or to receive. To be aware of where the moment has you, and respond with healthy intention, rather than react in emotional defense. For me, it’s Jiu-Jitsu and yoga. For you, maybe scaling a mountainside, a clean barrel at your favorite surf spot, or maybe hanging with your braddahs and sistahs watching the sunset. Whatever your chill is… go to that moment of being present. That moment where all that matters is what’s in front of you and not feeling tied down to what has past and what will come. That my friends, is you in your purest form. That is you, when you are at your best.

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Thoughts on BJJ & Chill By Danielle Martin

BJJ and Chill go right together, kind of like peas and carrots. BJJ is a very cerebral martial art with so many what-ifs and options for offense, as well as defense. One of the best pieces of advice I have received and now tell new BJJ players is:

Leave their strength off the mats.

I basically tell them to chill. The sooner one can grasp that concept on and off the mats, the better you will be all around. BJJ isn’t an easy martial art or craft even though the common cliche is that its for everyone. Some people pick it up quick and for others, it takes a long time to give into the very essence of what it is, technique and leverage beating strength. With that said, to have the ability to leave the ego off the mats, and to also have the ability to chill, feel, and just roll is difficult. We naturally want to “fight” back against pressure or force, and when we can chill, all that’s left is the technique and with that, you will will find your best BJJ. I personally don’t chill well off the mats. I always feel like there is more I could be doing or accomplishing. Being able to chill both mentally and physically is so important. It’s about finding balance and just taking a breath, slowing down and paying attention to the details. It’s also the details of the techniques in BJJ that are so 22 | FREEROLL | Issue 008

compelling and keep us coming back for more. BJJ and Chill are peas and carrots to me. They go together and they’re both healthy for you. BJJ keeps you fighting for the greater things in life whether one realizes it or not. That hour or more you spend on the mats each time you partake allows you to leverage better off the mats. The body gets sore, tired and sometimes injured. Finding that balance physically and allowing time to chill between trains will help you to create that balance that we all seek in life. I BJJ hard when I do and I usually find my chill out in the surf or behind a paint brush. I have learned through BJJ to be comfortable while being uncomfortable. BJJ has only ever contributed to my life in all the best ways and for this I am grateful.

BJJ and Chill Q & A

Favorite post Jiu-Jitsu beverage: Green tea. Favorite meal: Sushi. Favorite Activity: I love catching a surf in the cool ocean after a hard train or just a chill swim. The salt water helps with the soreness and the ocean soothes my mind and soul.

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Fitness and Health

Animal Yoga Flow By Bernice Aurellano body the innate desire to move like an animal. One day I was in Jiu-Jitsu class and we were doing Spider Guard drills. Then the thought came to me, “This reminds me of the yoga pose, ‘Happy Baby.’” Similar to Jiu-Jitsu, Vinyasa Yoga has so much to do with moving while being mindful of the poses that you are getting into. I love that! Then as I continue to roll, I got into plow pose. As class continued, I started relating one movement to the next, realizing that I was doing multiple Yoga poses, just with a partner.

As you come to the mat and it is your time to spar, what do you think of? Do you imagine yourself as a fierce animal up against its prey? Do you see yourself moving gently from one technique to another so well that it flows together like a snake swiftly moving through the jungle, or a spider weaving its web to set up a trap for their prey? When you come to your yoga mat and it is time to relax and meditate on your body, mind, and spirit, do you imagine yourself as a calm and collected animal? Do you imagine yourself as the eagle seated at the top of a mountain satisfied by eating its first meal of the day? For me, I relate movement on the mat to specific animals which helps me to better em26 | FREEROLL | Issue 008

Yoga has really helped my Jiu Jitsu game tremendously! I am not only more flexible, but I am more aware of what my entire body is doing while it is moving. Yoga means “to unite.” I unite my breath, my body, mind, and “spirit animal” in each yoga pose. I unite my mind and my body in Jiu-Jitsu, but also my breath and spirit as I move from one technique to another. The breath is commonly important in both Jiu-Jitsu and Yoga. Without one’s breath in Yoga, one may not receive the full benefits of the pose. Being wiithout one’s breath in Jiu-Jitsu results in having to “tap out” from being choked or smashed. When one could align their breath, body, and movement, one becomes an even more secure in their jiu jitsu and yoga practices. Animal Yoga Flow: Uniting your breath, body, and spirit into forms of a variety of animals. Here are poses from my “bird sequence.” Eagle pose “Garudasana” How to: To properly get into this pose, move from Utkatasana (Chair Pose) into Eagle Pose. Start on the right side by bringing your right elbow underneath your left, working into binding your forearms to each other and twisting them together with the palms of your hands

touching. From there, slide your right leg over your left leg as you balance on your left leg. Keep your back straight like it were against a wall. Bring your binded arms to about shoulder height. (Options for beginners) - Bring the opposite hand to the opposite shoulders crossing arms at your elbows. Kick stand your feet on the floor for more balance Benefits: ● Strengthens and stretches your legs, calves, and ankles ● Improves concentration and focus ● Improves sense of balance Crane or Crow “Bakasana” How to: From Downward Facing Dog, walk your feet behind your hands. Set your gaze about 8 inches in front of your hands. Rise to your toes as you bend your elbows. Place your knees on the higher part of your triceps. Contract your torso and round your back completely. Start to lean forward as you pick your feet off the ground and point your toes towards one another. To decrease the pain in your wrists, curl your fingers slightly. Benefits: ● Strengthens arms and wrists ● Stretches your upper back ● Strengthens your abdominal muscles ● Tones the abdominal muscles

Pigeon “Eka Pada Rajakapotasana” How to: From either 3-legged-dog or a tabletop position, bring your right knee to the back of your right wrist. Keep your right thigh parallel to the right side of your mat, as you bring your right foot forward until your shin is parallel to the front side of the mat and it is in placed above your right hip. Slide your left leg back in a straight line as you bring both hips evenly towards the ground. With your hands beside your hips, stay in “Proud Pigeon” for 2-4 breaths to let your hips settle in the posture. Observe the sensations it may give you as your hips start to loosen. Then, walk your forearms forward while relaxing your head and neck down into “sleeping pigeon.”

Benefits: ● Increases external range of motion of femur in hip socket ● Lengthens hip flexors ● Prepares body for backbends My fitness and martial arts studio, connected to Caveirinha Jiu Jitsu Family Academy, The Mango Tree Fitness and Martial Arts has Yoga and Martial Arts classes 6 days per week. We teach classes and have personal training and small group training. Contact Bernice Aurellano at 808-351-7885, BerniceFitCPT@gmail. com, or on IG, Snapchat, or facebook at: BerniceFitCPT. Remember that staying fit means forever in training. Learn and work hard everyday to become your best, fittest, you!

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