两只小猫 - Two Little Kittens

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两只小猫在风雨夜 展开激烈的争吵! 一只有鼠,一只没有 它们因此而开始吵闹。

Two little kittens one stormy night, Were being bad and having a fight One had a mouse and the other had none And that is how the fight had begun.

大猫说:给我老鼠! 小猫叫:不,不不行! 大猫说:那我要抢! 小猫儿抓大猫儿一把!

“Give me the mouse! Said the biggest cat. The little cat cried, “No, no, you can’t!” “I’ll take it away!” The big cat spoke And the little cat gave the other a poke.

两只小猫在风雨夜 胡闹起来,正在打架。 女人进来拿起扫帚 把猫儿赶到房子外面!

Two little kittens one stormy night, Were being bad and having a fight. The woman came in and took her broom, And chased the kittens right out of the room.

外面是那么湿又冷 所以猫儿再回到房里时。 因温暖美好的家而感谢 它们忘掉老鼠就睡着了。

Outside it was so cold and wet, So back inside the kittens went, So thankful they were for their nice warm house, They went to sleep and forgot about the mouse.



我们需要感谢 - 不要埋怨争吵。 为有的东西而高兴 不要像那两只猫那样争吵。

We need to be thankful and not complain or cry Let’s all be glad for what we have And not be like two kittens that fight.

Kittens – 小猫 Fight – 争吵 Mouse – 鼠 Give – 给我 Broom – 扫帚 Outside the house – 房子外面

Cold and wet – 湿又冷 Warm – 温暖 Be thankful – 感谢 Complain/whine – 埋怨

双语儿童的故事 : www.freekidstories.org

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