The Freedom Theatre Annual Report 2008

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theatre school film studio

The Jenin area has been among the most harshly affected by sraeli military aggression since the beginning of the Second ntifada in 2000 and Jenin Camp was almost completely destroyed during an invasion in 2002. Set up in 1953, Jenin Camp currently has a population of more than 16,000, almost development half of which areweb estimated to be under 18 years of age, and he demographic situation of nearby Jenin City is similar. Unti oday, this population remains among the most isolated in the occupied West Bank. n this context of continuing oppression, domestic violence is on he increase, school drop-out rates are surging and movement emains restricted by checkpoints and closures. Bearing the effects of a 60-year long occupation, the population of the area truggles with economic hardship, a sense of hopelessness fo he future and deepening trauma caused by the ongoing military assault. The Freedom Theatre attempts to counter these trends by freedom theatre offering cultural activities that inspirethe children and youth with new possibilities for the future. The organisation’s work is driven by the conviction that theatre and culture play an important ole in rebuilding the shattered social fabric, by developing eadership, stimulating communication, cooperation, and sup drama therapy porting social change.


jenin refugee camp



the freedom theatre

annual reportannual report 2008 voices

contents The Freedom Theatre Annual Report 2008

Message from the Board The Freedom Theatre

2 4

Organisation Life in Jenin Refugee Camp Mission

6 6 7

Theatre and Performing Arts Programme Multimedia Studio Other Activities and Events Facilities

10 12 13 14

Capacity Building Resource Development Networking Outreach Special Thanks

18 19 20 21 22

Strengths Challenges and Solutions Looking to the Future

26 26 27

Staff and Volunteers Board of Directors

30 31

Activities in 2008

Institutional Development


Organisational Structure Financial Statement




28 32

message from the board 2

the freedom theatre

Dear Friends, I am pleased to present to you The Freedom Theatre’s Annual Report for 2008. During this past year we have made a concerted effort to develop our activities for the benefit of our children, youth and society. The Freedom Theatre’s main achievement in 2008 has been the launching of the first Palestinian Theatre School, set up in cooperation with the Arab American University in Jenin. We also produced our first youth photography exhibition titled “Freedom and Oppression” and our quarterly youth magazine called “Voices” was launched. In addition the theatre space was significantly upgraded during a thorough renovation. Three years after joining The Freedom Theatre I look back with pride as I look ahead with confidence, assured that the arts play an increasingly important role in the development of our society. By offering children and youth a peaceful place, full of new experiences and knowledge, we can help them to be what they want to be and build the society they want to live in. Seeing happiness replacing sadness in their eyes is the greatest reward in the midst of the suffering that penetrates life under occupation. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all our supporters as well as the staff and board of The Freedom Theatre, without whom our success would not be possible. I am confident in the readiness of our professional team to take on new challenges in the coming year and to continue the work to create a better future for our children, youth and our society.

Dr. Mervat Ayiash

Chair Person of the Board

annual report 2008


the freedom theatre The only professional venue for theatre and arts in the northern West Bank...


the freedom theatre

annual report 2008


he freedom theatr

Organisation The Freedom Theatre was officially registered as a Swedish Foundation on April 5, 2006, and as a non-governmental organisation under the Palestinian Authority on 5 November 2007. The Freedom Theatre, a community-based theatre and cultural centre in Jenin Refugee Camp, is developing the only professional venue for theatre and multimedia in the northern part of the West Bank in Occupied Palestine. Through its activities, The Freedom Theatre aims to enrich cultural life in the region, address the cultural isolation that limits access to the wider community and world, as well as empower and give voice to the children and youth of Jenin Refugee Camp and surrounding areas. In order to fulfil these aims, The Freedom Theatre has built up a unique programme of workshops and activities in theatre, arts and multimedia, offering participants an opportunity to express themselves and explore their creativity through theatre and drama activities, as well as film, photography and creative writing.

Life in Jenin The Jenin area has been among the most harshly affected by Israeli military aggression since the beginning of the Second Intifada in 2000 and Jenin Camp was almost completely destroyed during an invasion in 2002. Set up in 1953, Jenin Camp currently has a population of more than 16,000, almost half of which are estimated to be under 18 years of age, and the demographic situation of nearby Jenin City is similar. Until today, this population remains among the most isolated in the occupied West Bank. In this context of continuing oppression, domestic violence is on the increase, school drop-out rates are surging and movement remains restricted by checkpoints and closures. Bearing the effects of a 60-year long occupation, the population of the area struggles with economic hardship, a sense of hopelessness for the future and deepening trauma caused by the ongoing military assault. The Freedom Theatre attempts to counter these trends by offering cultural activities that inspire children and youth with new possibilities for the future. The organisation’s work is driven by the conviction that theatre and culture play an important role in rebuilding the shattered social fabric, by developing leadership, stimulating communication, cooperation, and supporting social change.


the freedom theatre

Mission The Freedom Theatre aims to demonstrate a model of artistic excellence in theatre in Occupied Palestine and, using the creative process as a model for social change, provide opportunities for the children and youth of Jenin Refugee Camp and its surroundings to develop the skills, self-knowledge and confidence which would empower them to challenge present realities and to take control of their future. Through its work, The Freedom Theatre aims to: • Provide the children of Jenin Refugee Camp with a space in which boys and girls can equally and safely express themselves, dare to experiment, take risks, imagine other realities and challenge existing social and cultural barriers; • Empower children and youth to find new ways of solving problems and to develop the confidence needed to face the hardships of their everyday reality; • Address the cultural isolation that limits access to the wider Palestinian and global communities; • Demonstrate a model of artistic excellence in theatre and the arts.

annual report 2008



the freedom theatre

activities Theatre, filmmaking, drama therapy, journalism, hosting performances, photography, cinema, web development...

annual report 2008


Theatre and Performing Arts Programme In 2008, the Theatre and Performing Arts Programme was significantly developed and expanded. While continuing to host performances and to arrange drama activities for children and youth, a new Theatre School programme was opened, providing professional theatre training for youth and young adults.

Performances and Cinema Screenings Total performances: 81 Total film screenings: 32 Total attendance: 16,694 Throughout the year The Freedom Theatre continued to hosts performances by Palestinian as well as international artists and theatre groups. During 2008 The Freedom Theatre also set up a cinema in its theatre hall and regular film screenings were held, mainly targeting children in the refugee camp. Through a wide range of shows this project aims to combat the sense of isolation prevalent among the population in Jenin Refugee Camp and the wider Jenin area, which for years has been almost completely cut off from both local and international cultural activities and developments.

Theatre School


Total participants:


In September 2008, The Freedom Theatre launched a 3-year professional theatre training programme for youth and young adults from the Jenin area and around the West Bank. The Theatre School is run in cooperation with the Arab American University in Jenin and offers students a diverse study programme, ranging from basic acting skills, movement and voice, to pantomime, masks as well as social and cultural studies. Through this programme, The Freedom Theatre hopes to contribute towards raising the level of theatre and performing arts in the area in the long term.


the freedom theatre

Drama Therapy and Drama Activities Total participants:


Throughout 2008, The Freedom Theatre continued providing Drama Therapy and Drama Activities for children and youth. This project aims to introduce the young generation to the playful and healing aspects of theatre, by offering participants an opportunity to explore their creativity and act out their emotions in a safe environment. Theatre and drama have proved to build up confidence, encourage commitment and responsibility, and allow children and youth to develop their communication skills in a creative way.

Theatre Technician Training Total participants:


During the past year a group of young theatre technician trainees was established at The Freedom Theatre. These youngsters take part in specialised training in set design, light and sound technique, as well as cinema technique, and practice their skills by assisting with the day-to-day running of the theatre and its activities.

annual report 2008


Multimedia Studio In the past year, The Freedom Theatre focused much of its efforts into developing its Multimedia Studio, setting up a programme of workshops and courses in filmmaking, photography, journalism and creative writing, as well as web design and development. These activities provide the young generations in Jenin with important skills in multimedia technology, allowing them to produce unique documentation of their circumstances which can be communicated to a wide audience.

Filmmaking Total participants:


In 2008, The Freedom Theatre began a programme of regular filmmaking workshops, offering youth in Jenin Camp the opportunity to learn basic techniques in all aspects of filmmaking. As this community has, for decades, seen its image in the outside world mediated by outsiders, this project allows young boys and girls in the Jenin area to develop the skills needed to actively construct their own narratives and to play a leading role in choosing how their experience is shown to the wider world.

Photography and Journalism


Total participants:


Throughout the year, groups of young boys and girls have taken part in regular workshops in photography, as well as journalism and creative writing. The overall aim of this project is to provide opportunities for young boys and girls in Jenin Refugee Camp to tell their stories and communicate their concerns to the local community as well as to a wider, international audience. Two issues of The Freedom Theatre’s youth magazine Voices were published and a youth photography exhibition titled Freedom and Oppression was presented in Jenin and internationally.

Web Design and Development Total participants:


During the past year The Freedom Theatre ran weekly workshops in Web Design and Development for youth, as well as classes in basic computer skills for younger children. As a result of these workshops, a youth website ( was set up, displaying a range products from The Freedom Theatre’s multimedia programme, including short films, photography and the youth magazine.


the freedom theatre

Other Activities and Events Summer Camp Between June and August 2008, The Freedom Theatre carried out an intensive Theatre and Multimedia Summer Camp for children and youth in Jenin Camp, attracting a total of 300 participants.

Photography Exhibition In June 2008, The Freedom Theatre opened its first youth photography exhibition in Jenin Camp. The exhibition, titled Freedom and Oppression, took children and youth from Jenin Refugee Camp on an artistic journey, exploring the concept of freedom and exposing the oppression which affects Palestinians today – in their homes, their community, and as a nation.

Field Trips Throughout the year several groups of children and youth participated in field trips as part of their activities at The Freedom Theatre. These field trips included visits to Al Kasaba Theatre and art galleries in Ramallah, as well as a Birthright Re-plugged trip to Jerusalem, Haifa and surrounding villages which their families were expelled from in 1948.

annual report 2008


Facilities Current and New Theatre To fulfil its objectives, The Freedom Theatre continues to develop high-quality, sustainable infrastructure for theatre and performing arts in Jenin Refugee Camp. The theatre, which was renovated and upgraded at the end of 2008, currently consists of a semi-professional space, seating around 300 people. In addition, plans are underway for building a new, professional theatre, which can better serve the growing demand in the area.

Theatre Workshop Space The majority of The Freedom Theatre’s workshops in acting and drama, including part of the Theatre School classes, take place in a spacious workshop room next to the theatre hall.

Computer Centre


The Ahmad El-Khatib Computer Centre at The Freedom Theatre is equipped with 10 computers. The centre offers classes in web development and computer skills for children and youth. In addition, the centre serves as a vital resource for all activities in The Freedom Theatre’s multimedia programme.

Film and Photography Studio The studio contains two workshop rooms, two film editing studios with professional editing stations, as well as a storage room for equipment, including professional digital still and video cameras.

Arts and Media Library The Freedom Theatre Arts and Media Library make a wealth of resources available to its constituency. The materials cover theatre, music, film and other arts, and are used by children, staff and instructors who wish to deepen their knowledge of a particular art form. The library presently consists of about 1,000 books, 500 CDs and 100 DVDs, as well as audio and visual equipment for viewing or listening to library materials.


the freedom theatre

Theatre School Building The Theatre School Building in Jenin City is a renovated villa containing workshop spaces that are used for acting, voice and movement training.

Office and Guest Accommodation The office space hosts the administrative department, which enables the smooth running of all of The Freedom Theatre’s activities. The Freedom Theatre also offers guest accommodation for visitors, volunteers and trainers.

The Freedom Theatre opened its renovated theatre space by hosting the play «Atsi»...

annual report 2008


institutional development Building a strong, sustainable and independent organisation...


the freedom theatre

annual report 2008


Capacity Building As an independent, community-based organisation, The Freedom Theatre sees the importance of allocating part of its resources to training and courses for staff and volunteers, so as to continue developing itself as a sustainable and efficient organisation. The Freedom Theatre’s trainers and instructors completed the following courses:


• A Film Training Programme was held for Filmmaking Trainees at The Freedom Theatre; • Filmmaking Trainees took part in a Sound Training Course in Ramallah; • One of The Freedom Theatre’s instructors took part in a Third Theater Based Peer Education Training in Borovets, Bulgaria; • Two of The Freedom Theatre’s instructors completed an intensive workshop in Computer Programming (PHP). In addition, administrative staff took part in the following capacity building courses: • The organisation’s accountant completed the ACBA certification at the Arab American University in Jenin; • Three members of staff completed a project management course organised by SIDA in Ramallah; • Two administrative staff took English as well as Arabic language classes.


the freedom theatre


Resource Development

In 2008, The Freedom Theatre carried on establishing a strong Resource Development department, responsible for building up sustainable, long-term relationships with foundations and donors. In addition, part of the funds raised during the year derived from private donations, from the sales and screenings of “Arna’s Children”, as well as the hard work of friends and supporters in Europe and the United States who organise or invite representatives of The Freedom Theatre to various international events. During 2008, these including the following:

• Series of Events organised by the Friends of the Jenin Freedom Theatre (June 2008), New York, San Francisco and Washington, United States • Arab-American Anti Discrimination Committee Annual Convention (June 2008), Washington, United States • “Youth at the Crossroads” Conference, (June 2008), Bahrain • European Social Forum (September 2008), Sweden • ICT4D Conference (September 2008), Paris, France • ”London Cries” Benefit for The Freedom Theatre (December 2008), New York, United States

annual report 2008


Networking During the past year, The Freedom Theatre continued developing its strong network of friends, supporters and partners, who provide invaluable support through their fundraising efforts and events. The Freedom Theatre’s friends associations and partners include the following:

Friends Associations The Friends of The Jenin Freedom Theatre, United States Les Amis du Théâtre de la Liberté de Jénine, France Frihetsteaterns Vänförening i Malmö, Malmö, Sweden Frihetsteaterns Vänförening i Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden The Friends of The Freedom Theatre, Berlin, Germany Amigos Teatro de la Libertad de Jenin, Buenos Aires, Argentina


• • • • • •

Other Networks of Support • British Shalom Salaam Trust (BSST), United Kingdom • Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace (FFIPP), Belgium

Partners • • • • • • • • • • • •


Arab American University, Jenin, Occupied Palestine University of Song and Music, Gothenburg, Sweden Al Kasaba Theatre, Ramallah, Occupied Palestine Dramatiska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden The National Academy of Theatre and Mime, Stockholm, Sweden El-Hakawati Theatre Company, Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine Ashtar Theatre, Ramallah, Occupied Palestine Yes Theatre, Bethlehem, Occupied Palestine Al Harah Theatre, Bethlehem, Occupied Palestine Clowns Without Borders, Sweden Boomchucka Circus, United Kingdom United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, (UNRWA)

the freedom theatre


Outreach Websites

In addition to regularly updating its main website ( with news, pictures and events, The Freedom Theatre also set up a new site for its Theatre School programme ( during the past year. In addition, The Freedom Theatre’s youth website ( contains photography, films and writings produced by project participants.

Short Films

During 2008, The Freedom Theatre produced four short films about its activities. These have been screened during networking tours and can also been viewed online (


The Freedom Theatre sends regular updates and news to its mailing list, including press releases as well as invitations to events and performances.


The Freedom Theatre has been very successful in developing a high media profile both regionally and internationally. A wide range of print, radio, and television media have reported on The Freedom Theatre’s events and activities in the past year. These include Sky News TV (UK), NSK (Sweden), Skånska Dagbladet (Sweden), Russia Today TV (Russia), Sunday Telegraph (UK), Der Schlepper (Germany), Israel Channel 10, Dagens Nyheter (Sweden), Al-Jazeera children’s channel, Al-Jazeera English – ArtWorld, Courrier International (France), Palestine Monitor (Palestine), PNN (Palestine), Channel 4 (UK), NPR Radio (USA), Krytyka Polityczna (Poland), Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Palestine).

Visitors In 2008 some 1000 guests from all around the world visited The Freedom Theatre, among which were the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. David Milliband; the Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Mr Robert Serry; as well as Representatives of the Bristish, Brazilian and Swedish Consulates.

annual report 2008


titutional develop

Special Thanks We would like to express our gratitude to all those whose donations and hard work have helped us carry out our activities at The Freedom Theatre during the past year. Special thanks to the following funders: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Annenberg Foundation United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) ArtVenture Grassroots International Skoll Foundation Karim Rida Said Foundation (KRSF) Sparkplug Foundation Caisse Centrale d’Activites Sociales The British Consulate General in Jerusalem Nathan Cummings Foundation Unity Theatre Trust Medico International International Performers Aid Trust (IPAT) Jean Stein Luisa Morgantini And all other individual donors and volunteers at The Freedom Theatre.

the freedom theatre

annual report 2008


evaluation The Freedom Theatre has developed into one of the leading cultural forces in the Jenin area...


the freedom theatre

annual report 2008


Strengths During its third year of activity, The Freedom Theatre developed to become one of the leading cultural forces in the Jenin area. Major achievements during 2008 included: • • • •

Renovating and upgrading the theatre facilities, greatly expanding the capacity of the space; Establishing the first professional theatre training programme in the area; Setting up a professional multimedia studio with a wide range of courses and projects; Significantly developing the administrative capacity of the organisation.

The factors which contribute towards making The Freedom Theatre a strong and sustainable organisation include: • • • •

A commitment to maintaining high standards in all aspects of its work; The strong belief that art and culture form the corner stones of a free and healthy society; A broad base of support, in the local community as well as internationally; Favouring a work ethic that favours transparency, accountability and cooperation.


Challenges and Solutions Despite its success, The Freedom Theatre has faced a number of challenges since the start of activities in Jenin Camp: • Following 8 years of siege and isolation the Jenin area has become almost totally disconnected from cultural developments and The Freedom Theatre has worked hard to restore trust and public support for theatre and the arts, focussing much of its efforts on community outreach and involvement. • In order to meet the financial demands of a growing organisation, reaching more and more participants, The Freedom Theatre has developed a strong fundraising department and continues to build and maintain its international friends and support networks. • As theatre and multimedia activities were previously not developed in the area, professional teachers and instructors are hard to come by. The Freedom Theatre has therefore set up special training programmes for local instructors, relying on professional instructors from other parts of Palestine as well as international volunteers to give specialised training. • As a result of the ongoing Israeli occupation, staff and students travelling to the theatre from outside of Jenin continue to face restrictions of movement caused by checkpoints and roadblocks. With several years of experience and a network of reliable drivers, such disturbances have today been reduced to a minimum.


the freedom theatre

Looking to the Future In 2009 The Freedom Theatre hopes to: • Stage regular in-house theatre productions; • Continue hosting regular performances and cinema screenings for children, youth and adults in its theatre hall; • Carry on developing and improving the quality of its current projects in theatre and multimedia; • Produce a wide range of multimedia products, including films, exhibitions, magazines, websites and books; • Build a new, professional theatre building which will allow the organisation to better meet the needs of the community; • Continue developing human resources through a variety of capacity-building initiatives; • Further strengthen communication and cooperation with the local community by reaching out to schools and families; • Continue to work closely with our support networks and partners while intensifying outreach efforts; • Develop its press file and other promotional materials to improve public relations and advocacy work; • Design improved strategies for evaluating the organisation and its activities in terms of impact.

annual report 2008



the freedom theatre

organisational structure

Professional and committed staff, volunteers and Board of Directors...

annual report 2008


Staff and Volunteers The Freedom Theatre is fortunate in the interest and commitment of its staff, volunteers and Board.

General Staff (Palestinian, unless otherwise stated) Juliano Mer Khamis, General Director Samia Steiti, General Programme Manager Jonatan Stanczak (Sweden), Administrative and Financial Manager Jenny Nyman (Finland), Resource Development Coordinator Johanna Wallin (Sweden), Resource Development Mussadaq Jarrar, Accountant Rania Wasfi, Administrative Assistant Hiba Arqawi, Theatre School Receptionist Mei Tubase, Secretary Samy Matar, Webmaster Qosay Hassan, Translator Amani Smara, Interpreter Miriam Abu Atiia, Housekeeper


• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Project Staff (Palestinian, unless otherwise stated) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Nabeel Al-Raee, Acting Instructor Micaela Miranda (Portugal), Specialised Acting Instructor Reem Ello, Voice Trainer Petra Barghouthi, Drama Therapy Instructor Mohammed Hajj Ahmad, Drama Activities Instructor Adnan Naghnaghiye, Stage and Location Manager Ahmad Assaadi, Theatre Technician Wesam Kana’an, Circus Instructor Anan Barakat, Film Instructor Mohammed Moawia, Film Instructor Mustafa Steti, Film and Photography Instructor Tareq Al-Khaldi, Film and Photography Instructor Hiba Assaf, Journalism Instructor Ahmed Al-Araj, Web Development Instructor Rawand Warqawi, English Teacher

the freedom theatre

Palestinian Organisation • • • • • • • • • •

Dr. Mervat Ayiash (Chair Person), Professor of the Arab American University Mahmoud Darwish, Palestinian National Poet Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, PLC Member and Founder of MIFTAH Wafaa Habb-AlReeh, President of the Palestinian Women’s Union George Ibrahim, Director of Al Kasaba Theatre Bassima Abu Nami, Director of Al Muntada in Jenin Said Murad, General Manager of Sabreen Association for Art Production Jamal Tubasi, Merchant Sumaia Hajj Ibrahim, Primary School Teacher Bilal Assaadi, Merchant

Swedish Foundation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Khulood Badawi, Chairperson (Occupied Palestine), Human Rights Activist Noam Chomsky (United States), Professor in Linguistics Mahmoud Darwish (Occupied Palestine), Poet Judith Butler (United States), Professor in Philosophy Louisa Morgantini (Italy), Politician and EU Parliament Member Etienne Balibar (France), Professor in Political Science Howard Brenton (United Kingdom), Playwright Elias Khoury (Lebanon), Author Avraham Oz (Israel), Professor of Theatre Michel Khleifi (Occupied Palestine), Film Director Mohammad Bakri (Occupied Palestine), Actor and Director Salim Daw (Occupied Palestine), Actor and Film Director Salwa Nakkara (Occupied Palestine), Actress Henry Ascher (Sweden), Paediatrician Dror Feiler (Sweden), Musician and Composer Suzanne Osten (Sweden), Professor in Directing San’a Badawi (Occupied Palestine), Public Relations Manager, Jenin Governorate Abeer Kopty (Occupied Palestine), Human Rights Activist

annual report 2008


Board of Directors


financial statement 32

the freedom theatre

Income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 December 2008:


Donations from Foundations/Organisations Donations from Friends and Support Groups Private Donations Corporate Sponsorship Other Donations Sales of Promotional Materials Fees TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURE

Programme Costs Building Development Salaries Project Expenses Running Costs Printing and Publicity Depreciation TOTAL EXPENDITURE BALANCE SHEET

Amount (USD)

409,031 16,118 3,805 9,995 10,817 2,945 200 452,911 Amount (USD)

76,459 28,266 74,880 70,486 73,971 21,099 34,740 379,901 Amount (USD)


Current Assets Fixed Assets Total Assets

4,172 176,632 180,804

Liabilities and Surpluses

Liabilities Accumulated Surpluses Total Liabilities and Surpluses

8,431 172,373


the freedom theatre

Jenin Refugee Camp Occupied Palestine Tel: +972 42503345 Fax: +972 42503219 Email: Website: Theatre School Website: Youth Website:

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