1973 Arrow

Page 1

Administration and Staff

Faculty Who’s Who 55 Classes Sports Organizations

Honors Student Life



Bethany Nazarene College Bethany, Oklahoma

Advertising i



college life is not academic, it it not social, it is not spiritual. at least, it is not one of those alone.

m ost of us spend our tim e here striving to reach a balance . . . the com bination th a t makes fo r an abundant life, a purposeful existence, we strain toward weaving it all together into a m eaningful design.

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the pattern ,\ doesn’t begin to take shape intentionally, we’re here . . . we make it th ro u gh a day at a tim e, breathing, eating, reading, praying and som etim es sleeping. year builds on year . . . the days go by seem ingly unnoticed, and then we look back and th e re ’s a whole com plete change. somewhere in the maze of spiral notebooks and dog-eared texts and chapel cards, the tapestry has been woven, thread by single thread.

somehow all those days, all those classes and lessons and talks and thoughts have blended together to produce a tapestry of the tim e we’ve spent at BNC. the pattern, fo r better or fo r worse, is there . . . m ulti-hued, woven together, presentable.

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sections of the tapestry look fa m ilia r there are parts we chose consciously and deliberately to include, other portions seem to have crept in unnoticed.

the snarls and knots and the tie d -o ff ends are concealed fro m the scrutinizing eyes of the world, we are careful to keep the tapestry wrapped tig h tly around us, presenting only the side we wish others to see. we choose cautiously those whom we allow to see the snags and ravels . . . and then, ironically, we fin d th a t these people too co ntribu te to the signif igance of our experiences, adding a dim ension and refinem ent th a t could not have been had except th ro u gh a shared doubt or h u rt or ju st a case of the blahs.


there is an edge th a t is not finished. and upon exam ination of the tapestry, we’d like to unravel and reweave some parts. but fin d in g th a t impossible, we instead resolve to finish, m aking the rem ainder the best. we’ve learned fro m our mistakes, our trium ph s, our failures, our weaknesses, our strengths.

we base our lives on what we’ve woven so far, not entirely fro m the classroom , not entirely fro m dorm life or dates, not entirely fro m chapels, instead, these are all woven together with the thread of His presence, holding the events together, giving them meaning, m aking them blend, a tapestry of our tim e at Bethany Nazarene College.



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Arrow Interviews President Stephen Nease

Arrow: How do you pus?

ke the c a m ­

Nease: Oh m very we mpressed with the student morale and with the bas c student th nk ng. told the faculty when came th a t had great confidence n our stu­ dents and th a t faith hasn’t been shaken Arrow: s it as bad as you were led to be eve when you f rst came? Nease: th nk th a t anytim e you re a d stance away the situation tends to be exaggerated we have some cha lenges ahead th a t we need to face up to But when a of th s sifts down you re go ng to f nd th a t some of the things th a t have been said about the past may be offset by some good th ngs th a t we f nd out about the base th a t has been bu It here That doesn’t mean we d o n ’t owe money though Arrow: Do you resent hav ng to spend a ot of your tim e as a public re at ons man nstead of concen­ tra tin g on the schoo ? Nease: don t th nk resent would be the word I get frustrated som e­ tim es by see ng so m any th ngs th a t ought to be do ng and yet know th a t there are other th ngs th a t just have to be done at this m oment You m ust rem em ber th a t my basic background has been n publ c re ations so en­ joy meet ng people and ta k ng to d ifferent groups. This is part of me On the other hand yes, see th ngs on cam pus where I th nk the presi­ dent ought to be and c a n ’t make it. My nature is to be there when can so you can see there is some fru s tra tio n but no resentment. 18

At the present tim e my spare m om ents are spent with the fam ly don t com e to the office rea early n the m orn ng tend to work ate at n ght rather than early n the m orn ng. As a m atter of fact, m bother ng Security They asked me on one occas on to ca when came n here so they would know th a t the ights w eren’t just left on or th a t someone was robbing the p a ce But f nd the best t me to be with the fam ly is when the k ds are gett ng ready fo r schoo and this re axes me f cou d do anyth ng wanted to d get out and go f sh ng.

Arrow: Do you fee home yet?

th a t BNC


Nease: Oh fee very much that way th nk there s always appre-

hens on but ’ve ived n three separate sect ons of the c o u n try and it seems as though ’ve moved n steps. From New England moved southwest to Oh o and fro m there southwest to here the next move wi probably take me out n the ocean somewhere! But d o n ’t be ieve th a t sect ona differences are a rea thing, c a n ’t com e up w ith the right ac­ cent, and they kid me a little bit when m preach ng—these c pped tones of the Yankee— but fee a rea openness here and apprec ate it and d o n ’t th nk i t ’s a rtific a th nk i t ’s rea A rrow A ot of t mes n the church the m ost dynam c Chr s ta n s do not have co ege degrees How im­ portant s it fo r a Christ an to have a co ege educat on?

Nease: What you say s true but th nk th a t n a most every case that n d iv d u a wou d be the f rst one to urge you to get to co lege and get y o u r degree th nk we can be degree conscious. We have to face up to the fact th a t there are many ways of getting an education and some of these people have learned about ife and how to apply them se ves to the needs of ife quite beyond the c assroom On the other hand my exp e re n ce is that n a m ost any case you re not with them five m nutes before they re say ng, Boy if had to do t a over aga n d go to co ege and get an education th nk wou d move one step beyond that: somet mes the mpl cat on s given that the educat on process takes away fro m the vibrancy of the Christian re ationsh p f it does, we re a wrong, d o n ’t be ieve it does. As a m atter of fact, th nk t helps us to face up to our faith and its m plications ifglpff l i s t ,, *

leges and th a t s a can ta k about, the students have perhaps a more open say here than I’ve seen be­ fore you d o n ’t be eve th a t we m ust go one step even be­ yond that, whether you agree with me or not. th nk n com ng to an nstitution you are accept ng its ph osophies or a arge measure of them don t mean to say there a re n ’t areas fo r change but do th nk th a t somewhere there has to be a strong a u th o rity th a t says th s is the way th ngs are go ng to be And there are going to be some th ngs that a re n ’t go ng to be changed A student group n go ng th rough the academ c process, as ntel igent as a of you are has a right to eva uate the professors and the program as you ook back upon it; but d o n ’t know that, as am sitting n th s situation th a t am n a position to say ‘We they s h o u ld n ’t demand th a t take Engl sh Com position th s k nd of th ng. n other words, I guess m say ng there is st a ro e fo r the fa c u lty to p ay

A rrow Use y our mag nat on two teachers have app ed fo r a va­ cancy on the facu ty One s supe­ rior academ ca y and one s su per or sp ritua y wh ch of the two wou d you hire?

better better

and he ps us articu ate it

t may give us an appreciat on some th ngs th a t others may apprec ate fo r example f music but my po nt is that fend the teach ng m n stry of Christian co ege

fo r not ner de­ the

Arrow: Cou d we go to students and adm n stration fo r a m nute? What ro e f any do you th nk the student has n the govern ng and a d m n i s t r a t v e process of the colege? Or shou d they have?

Nease: We ground n

fro m my ttle back other Nazarene co

Nease: Of course if you re go ng to use your m a g in a to n e t’s go one step fu rth e r wou dn t be nterviewing anyone whose cre­ dent a s had not been checked at the po nt of C h r s t a n oyalty f you re ta k ng about an externa something. th nk my record has dem onstrated th a t ve tr ed to get to the heart of a person and f nd out where h s heart throbs nstead of judg ng h m superficia y see no reason why we ca n ’t f nd men and wom en who com b ne ex ce ence n teach ng with exemp ary C h r s t a n ves. w o u ld n ’t know ngly be nterview ng anybody th a t wou d be d am etr ca y op­ posed to the th ngs we stand for fee th a t our facu ty has got to be oya to our ho ness position to the church to Bethany d o n ’t necessar y th nk th a t they have to agree with every po cy and so

on For example if were n a posit on where cou d be abso ute y open cou d po nt to th ngs n my church th a t m ight wish were dif ferent. Sti have a basic oyalty and ove fo r my church and have dedicated my ife to her service And so with the faculty m em ber there may be areas of co ege po icy he m ght wish were d ffer ent, but h s basic c o m m itm e n t to her ph osophica and sp ritua stand and purpose enables h m to render wholehearted service Arrow: Over a what do you th nk is the purpose of Bethany Naza­ rene Co lege if you were to des­ cribe it n ten words or ess? Nease: th nk the purpose of BNC s to give the f nest educat on possible with n the fra m e w o rk of the Christian faith fro m the Ar­ men an po nt of view. We shou d use our nte e c t God honors us if we do We have an ob igat on to face up to every facet of nqu ry My theory of the c assroom or what th nk the professor on a ho ness co ege cam pus ought to face up to s every avenue of egitim ate scho arly nqu ry n h s fie d n bio ogy th nk he ought to face up to the evo ut onary theory fo r examp e n soc o ogy y o u ’ve got a k nds of areas of study that are opposed to the church s think ngThe difference the Christian col­ lege classroom and professor makes s th a t somewhere a ong the nes he needs to say ook, ’ve sat where you sit now and these are my cone us ons th s s my po nt of view 19

â– 11


T w & Arrow Dean Barnard does it bother you to say no ? Barnard No, it doesn’t bother me at a Arrow Tel me w h a t’s it ke to haveun mited power? Barnard wou d ove to know Nobody rea y has un mited pow­ er m accountable to one per­ son and t h a t ’s the President. And he has been very grac ous to say when ’ve had to make the sticky decis ons, wi back you So t h a t ’s coo Arrow How do you feel when you have to dismiss someone fro m schoo ? Barnard T h a t’s the most pa nfu th ng ’ve ever experienced A rrow s th a t the m ost d iffic u lt th ng about y our job? Barnard Oh yeah Abso utely A rrow Does it get easier? Barnard d o n ’t th nk so It ’s a very tough th ng; but you know we d o n ’t be eve th a t we re kickng anybody out of schoo fee th a t when a student makes a de­ cis on knowing what the results of a given action wi be he has a ready chosen to leave schoo have to process t, t h a t ’s a But i t ’s not th a t easy t s not th a t easy at a

fe u o fr!

Tom Barnard Dean of Students A rrow s there one thing you want very badly to accom p ish on this campus? Barnard- H gh student morale T h a t’s one th ng th a t rea y brings p easure to my job. c a n ’t rea y take any credit fo r it, but it makes m y job so m uch easier Arrow: f came to your off ce and asked fo r persona he p, what would you do? Barnard- If you had a problem would try to he p you solve it. The Dean of Students can cut m ore red tape than anybody on campus, except the Pres dent. T h a t’s exciting. A rrow picture the Dean of Stu­ dents as be ng n the middle of a scale with the students on one s de and the adm n stration on the other Which s de weighs heav­ ier n y o u r p h osophy?

Barnard The students. fee the Dean of Students shou d be a per son who is articu ate n representng the posit on of students. We on a Christian co ege cam pus are often told th a t a person cannot be a disc pi nar an and a c o u n s e o r at the same tim e T h a t’s not neces­ sarily tr u e — we have to serve n those dua roes. th nk m rid ng a fence be­ cause you see there are my adm nistrative co leagues whom deeply respect and who somet mes d sagree with me Now am a c ose friend of these peop e and apprec ate the r counse but they c a n ’t make my decis ons. My de­ cis ons are a ways subject to the President’s approva and to the appea of students, to the Adm nis­ trative Counc or to the Pres dent d rectly But I th nk th a t if stand anywhere it ’s t pped on the side of the students. And d o n ’t mean th a t as an a re n ’t you g ad? k nd of th ng. T h a t’s rea y where stand and hope can a ways be there


Harry Macrory Director of Public Relations


Don Brown Director of Student Recruitm ent

Irwin Harris Developement

Frances Carpenter Alum ni and Endowment


Ray Richards Business Manager

Dave M innix C om ptroller

Harper Cole Director of C om puter Services

Harry Craddock Special Assistant to Business Manager



Gary Lance, M.S. Director of Data Processing

Joyce Zum alt Director of In firm a ry

Hubert Harris Director of Campus Security

M aintenance/Security Crew: C.Kruse, D.Gonzales, T Kessee, P Parkhurst, Gilbert, B.White, B.McKnight, H.Gilbert.


K.Shellenberger B.White, P.Castleberry J.Cariker J.Cornelius, E.


Dr She enberger is a true bus nessman at heart. He has a rea concern fo r students and the r fu tu re He enjoys his c asses and h s students usua y end up enjoy ng them to o —they are a ways a earn ng experence Elmer Shellenberger Ed D.


With a bus ness- ke m nd he s qu ck at so v ng ife s prob ems Mr Wetmore s a peop e-consc ous professor

Prof Grant rem em bers his students fr o m year to year He teaches the d ff cu t course of Econom cs n a knowledge­ able way understand ng busi­ ness pract ces and app y ng them to h s real estate business and his c asses

Ray Wetmore

Dwain Grant



A devoted fo r m e r adm n strato r and a teacher of bus ness aw and off ce mach nes, Dr Dansk n s vita y nterested n h s subject He s a qu et but knowledgeab e man

Str d ng across cam pus carryng a ca cu us book f ash ng a sm e our ex-court coach our present t r e n d Larry M s

Prof Sne devotes t me to academ cs and interests ( uck y they re the same— a v a t o n ) and has a knowledge of busi­ ness pract ces. He tries to better prepare students fo r the w o rk­ ing wor d by app ying it n c ass He a so enjoys shar ng w th students

Donald Danskin Ed D.

Larry Mills M B.A.

Lawrence Snell M.Comm Ed




Poised n fr o n t of an vas, she sees trees massive m ountains streaked with sunset Nila Murrow



em pty can­ and rivers, and skies colors.

He is a perfection st, and his eyes can penetrate you But his mustached sm le wil set you at ease “ Discover what you do best; then perfect it. Harrell C. Lucky

M. Ch. Mus.

An easy-go ng discipl narian deep­ ly nterested n h s students and subject, tho ro u g h n a his en­ deavors, m p o rta n t c o n tr ib u to r to the field of church music. “ Music is a celebration of I fe— make it better!’ Lester Dunn

M. Mus.

Eyes th a t ook deep nto ife, and augh Strik ng eighty-eight piano keys over and over aga n but every one a friend

A teacher of mus c and ife— both dignified both gracefu both ightly ve ned with gent e h u m o r

A med um-sized man but he has a arge understand ng. He has a noncha ant m anner and a deep smile th a t make h m easy to ta k to

MarkReighard M.Mus.Ed.

Margaret Dunn B.F.A.

Howard G. Oliver M.Mus.Ed.


LANGUAGE Modern Languages

Melvin Unruh

M. Mus. Ed.

Travel-f ed sum m ers and enth u s a s m - f led school years st leave tim e fo r a deep c o n ­ cern fo r his students


John Rosfeld

M. Mus. Ed.

One of the most pract ca music ans you ever meet. He s an open-m nded genu n e m a n

Geraldine M. Huhnke


Life s never a s esta but a co or fu f esta fo r M s s Huhnke She takes a deep nterest n everyone she meets, sharing her w a rm th and sm e with those around her


Ruby L. Latham


A world-trave er a pleasant he o an nteresting source of m yriad continenta flavors. She shares her European excur sions with friends and students enthus ast ca ly

Dolores Wood


A bund e of sm es, a ded cated teacher— one who ives fe to the fullest.

L. Charles Jennings


No generation gap exists with th s man H s sharp, qu ck wit brings the characters of English terature to fe n h s relaxed c assrooms.


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Anna Belle Laughbaum


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A knowledgeable w om an tota ly dedicated to her fie d She is deeply concerned with the po­ ets, but more with the students around her She cha enges her students to th nk and to know



Winifred Howard


A sm e a hel o fo r every stu dent She oves to talk and you know she cares what you care about Literature n her class ives because she feels it Hamlet had the very same prob em Let me tell you about it

Ethel Dickerman


Fi led with a ove fo r each of her students, Mrs. D ckerm an makes an e ffo rt to know each of them persona ly But d o n ’t be late fo r her class— those tardies add up.

Speech Communication

Helen Rothwell


Mrs. Rothwel wi always sten to your side She usua y knows better but she st gives you equa tim e f you ask her w h a t’s new she wi flash a bil fo d fu of grandch dren s pictures.

Jack Pischel


He s dependable and prom pt, and if anyth ng needs do ng around campus, you can c o u n t on h m to do it.

Bill Vaughn


A Ph D with a stu d e n t’s perspec­ tive deeply involved with ife and helping others to find it. Dr Vaughn s office s always open


A vita part c pat on n c o m m u n cat on a staccato of runn ng hee s th a t se dom s ows down sm es th a t spread over a c ass­ room Mrs. Vaughn s a n expert at c o m m u n ic a tin g with sincere words, whether w ritten or spo­ ken Ruth Vaughn



Cone se one-sentence prayers, a deep dedication to h s profession a newly-earned Ph D a practica man with a practica m ss on— Speech people are just th a t way Wayne Murrow


U n q u e c o m b in a t ons of student and teacher Kay and D a n e work as Speech Departm ent graduate assistants Ecstat c active nvolved— Diane M urphy She spar kies when she ta ks and glitters as she wa ks— Kay Embick. Diane Murphy Kay Embick

B.A. B.A.


Crit c ze anyth ng Anyth ng at a but pa n ts ittle green my tr e n d s . Just p ants are the bas s Robert Judd


you want. itt e green p a n ts are rem em ber fo r a fe

c a n ’t be eve t ra ned the who e weekend And d o n ’t te me had an appo n tm e n t th rty m nutes ago

We re two weeks behind n ecture ts Aph d dae an Aphid dae

Leo Finkenbinder

Sharon Young







Paul Hendrickson B.S.

Keith G. Walker Ph.D.

Don Beaver Ph.D.

A personable young prof whose t me is divided between BNC, OU and the photograhy ab. Paul Hendrickson has returned to Bethany as an n stru c to r n the Physics Departm ent.

A man who always tries to make the right m oves— d o n ’t a chess masters?

A man fo r a reasons — chemstry Stuco friend


Gene Heasley Ph.D.

A th ngs be ng equa this m echanism proceeds n this way This c om pound, you need to learn does not rea ly exist.

Earl Greer Ph.D.

Paul E. Reinbold Ph.D.

Frankly m d sappo nted the results of this test.


Dedicated conservative cooperat ve revered ex trem e y witty high plane of nte igence friend y sen­ sitive respected




Outgo ng student-oriented a now-generat on BNC profes­ sor Ded cated respected apprec ated

One cou d refer to Dr Rothwe as head of the Ph osophy Depart ment, or as a hum orous, wise man but perhaps he s best descr bed as a br a n tp h osopher k ng.

Obed Watters M.S.

Mel-Thomas Rothwell Ph.D.


Come on n and le t’s ta k about it. a busy man but never too busy Paul Gray Ph.D.

He s re ative dynam c, downto-earth rea a sp ritua and theo ogica gen us. He welcomes you n h s presence he s warm nterested n a world of activi­ ties and oves a laugh as m uch as he oves Wes ey ’s theo ogy

‘Go to Sem nary Go d rectly to Sem nary Do not pass go Do not co ect $200.

Don Owens

Richard E. Howard



An nte ectua man with a dry sense of h u m o r One can c o u n t on h s being a warm friend who wi meet h s students half-way LyleP.FIinner




Some men can learn so much and sti c o m m u n cate on very hum an levels— that is what professoring is a about.

Between badm nton and the B ble you probab y f nd h m n the gym

ts right to w ant a ogica answer! But som etim es the only ogica answer s because

Malcolm Shelton M.A.

Larry Drake M.A.

Rob Staples Th.D.


Home Economics

If good taste organ zation and an eye fo r design can be taught, th s wom an wi do t.

If Mrs Reyno ds were n a huge crowd one would probably pick her out as the neatest and best dressed ndiv dua That is one of the reasons she s able to m ake such a positive mpression on those students she so ably teaches.

Helen Harkins

Anita Reynolds



’ve got it the perfect c o m b i­ nation Po itica Basketba Loren P Gresham




Fred Floyd Ph.D.

f ever w sdom dwe ed n a man then sure y he


Ray Atwood Ph.D

James Randall M.A.

H story cou d n ’t be more down to earth Fam y man and f sher man Ray Atwood s a homespun Lou s ana fa rm e r n the c assroom And h s jokes are unrea

He m ig h t have tamed the W d West. Civ War genera s M ssour C om prom se the Great Awaken ng he stuffs them a nto one short semester st rs n a historica sense of h u m o r and it comes out Tradit on Then he says, sn’t that nterest ng? and you begin to th nk, ‘ Maybe so



LyleTullis Ed D.

Jean Graham M T

Forrest Ladd Ph D

A sunny persona ity who treats h s students with a father y affect on g v ng of h m s e f in guid ng fu tu re soc o ogists and teachers

This ta b onde wom an conducts her psych c asses with a m atter of fact m anner re ating the m a­ ter a to persona exp e re n ce s— nc ud ng everyth ng fro m her fa m i y to her work toward a Ph D fro m 0 U

Thes s th e o re s inte ectua inte igents a He knows where id s at.



Dorothy Stasser Ed.D.

Wanda Rhodes Ph.D.

Dr Stasser had a dog, It’s fleece was white as snow And every­ where th a t Dr Stasser went, Shasta was sure to go An nte igent young prof with a secure grasp of her subject.

Tennis is her racket. You find her on the courts or peda ng her way to Genera Assembly with the Spokesmen And the fitness of her physica ife spi s over nto her sp ritua ife a ong with her genu ne concern fo r students

James Poteet M.A.

Coach Poteet is a coach who helps you play the gam e— w hether it be basketba or ife


Melvin O’Bannon

M S.

Beh nd every good baseba team there s a good coach th s is the man Pass ng by h s office one wi I hear p ans and strategies be ng made f o r t h e next game He believes n the BNC sports program and backs every sport. He d splays sportsmansh p and concern for h s team at every game

David Baker


If you see a f ash of ye ow f cker by chances are it’s Dav d Baker on h s Schwinn 10-speed This ex-A pro footba player teaches BNCs cyclists fro m his experiences on ong-distance b ke trips nc uding the Genera Assembly tr p

Elbert Overholt

Ed D.

Educat on fo r education s sake

■J 49


An affect onate squeeze a busy ov ng m other a founta n of hu m or p a te n ce she bustles th rough busy days spread ng concern h u m o r and w a rm th

Fr end y courteous we versed W th m any years of exper ence Elton Stetson demonstrates to prospective teachers how to han­ dle k d s in a c assroom situat on One can fee at home n his casses

Joy Beaver

Elton Stetson



mpress onab e he pfu a ways sm ng and eager to he p Jeanne Cypert w sten pat ent y to your prob ems and glad y end a hand to work out the so ution Jeanne Cypert



f her knowledge and m anner d d n ’t revea that she s a brar a n her sure soft-spoken tone wou d convince you nform ation s neatly cata ogued n her m nd fo r easy reference as she d rects students n exhausting a sources n R T Wi ams Li­ brary Alfreda Hanna

M.A. in L.S.

Ded cated qu et surrounded by rows and rows of books Walking a m ong rows and rows of books, he moves qu etly, aware ded ca t ed to organ zing th e m a James Pauley

M.A. in L.S.

A co age of co ege— student, brarian prof's wife


Bea Flinner


Clara Jean Peterson


The patro man of the per odica s. ‘C.J s rea y a c own at heart.

Pat Westmoreland

M.S. in L.S.

Mrs Westmore and keeps a steady pace of peasantness and he pfulness in the brary. But behind her g o d wire-r ms, her eyes spark e with lu n and an unexce ed zest for life

Dorm Counselors Opal Heath Garey Hall

Jim and Hazel Goudy Chapman Hall


Betty Otwell Hatley Hall

Larry and Judy Porter Bracken Hall

Doug and Margaret Eaton Snowbarger Hall

VICKIE BEHRNES Elementary Education Fort Walton Florida SUSAN HAHN Spanish/Chemistry Boulder Colorado

VICKIE WESSELS Biology Leawood Kansas



DEBI OSBORNE Speech/English Perryton Texas

STEPHANE GREEN Physica Education Bryan Texas

CATH E FIELDCAMP Po itica Science Terlton Oklahoma

CYNDI BURROWS Speech/Creative W riting Dallas, Texas


FRANK LEWIS Speech Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

PAM PRYOR Speech/Creative W riting Lakewood Colorado



PHYLLIS JONES Speech/Education/English Sapulpa Oklahoma

EDDY HALL Religious Education/Speech Blackwe Oklahoma


STEVE INGERSOL Religion Oklahoma City Oklahoma

RON JESSEE Music Education San Diego, Californ a


HARLAN MOORE Religious Education Bourbonnais, II no s



Randall Spindle, President Prof. Obed Watters, Sponsor Vickie Behrnes, Secretary Dale Donahue, Vice-President Larry Krom er, Treasurer not pictured: Tim White, Chaplain

NANCY ADAMS B.S., Home Economics Oklahoma City, Oklahoma KEITH ADKINS B.A., Business Brookhaven, Mississippi MARGO ALBRIGHT B.A.. Speech, English, Education Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

JUDY ARNOLD B.S., Elementary Education Colorado Springs, Colorado MARGO BAILEY B.S., Elementary Education Scottsbluff, Nebraska BILL BARKER B.S., Religious Education Phoenix, Arizona MIKE BEAN A.B., History Houston, Texas KAREN BEEMAN A.B., Spanish Bethany, Oklahoma

VICKIE BEHRNES 8,S„ Elementary Education Fort Walton Beach, Florida TERRY BEST B.S., Elementary Education Pleasant Hill, California RANDY BLAD A.B., Business Administration Belleville, Kansas JERRY BLEY A.B., Psychology Palisade, Nebraska HELEN BOEVERS B.A., Elementary Education Muldrow, Oklahoma

Seniors 67

JAN BOLERJACK Office Administration Forth Worth, Texas SHERRY BRIGGS A.B., Spanish Albuquerque, New Mexico PHIL BRODEN B.S., Psychology, Sociology Clay Center, Kansas JUDY BROWN B.S., Business Education Carrollton, Texas KENNETH BROWN B.A., Religion Jamaica, New York 8.S.,

JOHN BUDENSIEK B.S., Music Education Salem, Ohio STEPHEN BUDENSIEK M.A. Religion Bethany, Oklahoma DORCUS BUFFINGTON B.S., Sociology Midland, Texas JIMMY BURKS A.B., Religion Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ANNETTE BURTON B.S. Business Odessa, Texas

PRISCILLA BUSH B.S., Math San Diego, California BARRY CARDEN B.S., Physics Wichita, Kansas SUE ANNE CARGILL B.S., Elementary Education Walla Walla, Washington JIMMY CARIKER A.8., Religion McCrory, Arkansas DAN CARNLINE B.S., Sociology Many, Louisiana

CAROL CHANEY A.B., Elementary Education Tampa, Florida HELEN CHISUM Graduate Bethany, Oklahoma RUTH CLASSEN B.S,, Religious Education Chester, Oklahoma BRENDA COBBLE A.B., Psychology Burkburnett, Texas DONNELLA COLVIN B.S., Home Economics Abilene, Texas

Seniors 68

RON COMINGDEER 8. S., Accounting Talequah, Oklahoma LARRY CORNETT A.B., Functional Austin, Texas JEANIE CRAIG B.S., Elementary Education Coatgate, Oklahoma

JERRY CRAMM B.S., Chemistry Midwest City, Oklahoma MERRILIE CRIPPEN 8.S., Elementary Education Osage City, Kansas RON CRUMLEY A.B., Religious Education Indianapolis, Indiana

DEBBIE CURRY B.S., Elementary Education Jackson, Mississippi J. MICHAEL CURRY B.S., Elementary Education Dallas, Texas DEAN DAVIS B.S., Psychology S. Portland, Maine

SARA DAVIS B.S., Mathematics Groves, Texas VERNA DAVIS B.S., Elementary Education Corpus Christi, Texas RICHARD DICKINSON A.B., Religion Irving, Texas

JANICE DISCH B.S., Home Economics Midland, Texas DAVID EASTMAN B.S., Business Administration Grand Prairie. Texas PAM EGGLESTON B.S., Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma


VERLE EGGLESTON B.S., Accounting Enid, Oklahoma DON EMRICH A.EL, Social Studies Bradenton, Florida RODNEY FECHNER B.S., Political Science Perry, Oklahoma CATHIE FIELDCAMP A.B., Political Science Terlton, Oklahoma LARRY FIELDS B.S., Accounting Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

CAROL FLINNER B.S., Medical Technology Bethany, Oklahoma NANCY FREDRICKSON A.B., Speech Wichita, Kansas RANDALL GARRETT B. S., Accounting Oklahoma City, Oklahoma WALTER GARRETT B. Music Education Bethany, Oklahoma MIKE GENTRY A.B., Religion Midwest City, Oklahoma

DEBBIE GILLEY A.B., English Temple, Texas DIANE GILLILAND B.S., Biology Raymondville, Texas JOHNNY GRAHAM A.B., History Edmond, Oklahoma KATHY GREEN B.S., Business North Little Rock, Arkansas REGGIE GREGORY A.B., Speech Crockett, Texas

LOR IE HAAS A.B., English San Bernardino, California SUSAN HAHN A,B., Spanish Boulder, Colorado KAREN HALL B.S., Elementary Education Wichita, Kansas GREG HANNAFORD A. South Port, Maine DEBBIE HARMON B.S., Elementary Education Trinidad, West Indies

B., Speech


CINDY HARRIS B.S., Biology Orlando, Florida KATHY HARRISON A.B., Speech Paris, Texas

JEANNA HASLEY B.S., Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma MARQUITA HAZLiP A.8., Religion Cushing, Oklahoma

CINDY HIGHTOWER A.B., Speech Dodson, Texas RON HODGES B.S., Chemistry Bethpage, New York ARLETA HODGSON B.S., Home Economics Karval, Colorado CAROL HOFRICHTER A.B., Sociology Bethany, Oklahoma

STEVE HOLZ B.S., Business Administration Carthage, Missouri DEBORAH, HOUSE B.S., Psychology Lubbock, Texas DENNIS HUFF B.A., Religion Midwest City, Oklahoma TOM JACOBS B.S., Business Administration Fairfax, Virginia

Seniors 71

NANCY JENNINGS B.S. Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma DEBORAH JONES B.S., Physical Education Kittanning, Pennsylvania 8EV KEEGAN B.S., Elementary Education Hialeah, Florida KAY KILGORE B.S., Psychology Bethany, Oklahoma MIKE KILGORE B.S., Biology Bethany, Oklahoma

JOHN KNIPPERS B.S., Psychology Colorado Springs, Colorado ETHELENA KNOWLES B.S., Elementary Education Oklahoma City, Oklahoma LARRY KROMER A.B., Religion Ft. Worth, Texas FRANK LEWIS A.B., Speech Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio RICHARD LEWIS B A , Music Education Lyndon, Kansas

KAY LIGMAN B.S., Mathematics Little Rock, Arkansas NORIE LYON B.S., Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma CAROLYN McANALLY B.S., Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma GILBERT McCLUNG B.S., Chemistry Houston, Texas DEAN McDANlEL B.S., Biology Chickasha, Oklahoma

GEORGIANA McDANlEL B.S., Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma RANDY McDANlEL A.B., Religion Freeport, Texas STUART MALLOY B.S., Religious Education Tulsa. Oklahoma JIM MARTIN B.S., Biology Bright Star, Arkansas KEN MARTIN B.S., Business Administration Junction City, Kansas

LINDA MASON B.S., Elementary Education Yakima, Washington DON MAULSBY 8.S., Psychology Oklahoma City, Oklahoma VERNA MENDENHALL B.S., Mathematics Red Oak, Oklahoma PAM MERONEY B.S., Religious Education Odessa, Texas GARY MEYER B.S., Biology San Benito, Texas

DAVE MICHAEL B.S.. Mathematics Jacksonville, Texas BECKY MILLER B.S., Medical Technology Falls Church, Virginia CARMALYN MILLER B.S., Elementary Education Falls Church, Virginia DAVID MILLER A.B., Music Kansas City, Kansas KAREN MITCHELL B.S., Business Education Liberty, Missouri

LARRY MITCHELL A, B., Mathematics Oklahoma City, Oklahoma PHIL MOORE B. Music Education Bethany, Oklahoma DIANE MURPHY M.A., Speech Norman, Oklahoma STEVE NEUMANN A.B., Speech Bethany, Oklahoma KATHY NEWBERRY B.S., Elementary Education Victoria, Texas

SUSAN NORRIS B.S., Elementary Educatio Tulsa, Oklahoma DEBI OSBORNE A.8., Speech Perryton, Texas DEBBIE PARRISH B.S., Home Economics Overland Park, Kansas EDDIE PATTERSON B.S., Physics Wellington, Texas RUTH PATTERSON B.S., Zoology Ashland, Kansas

Seniors 73

PAUL PERRYMAN 8.S., Physics Vernon,Texas MARILYN PETERSON B.S., Business Merriam, Kansas ARDIS PHILLIPS B.S., Zoology North Platte, Nebraska DEBORAH PHILLIPS A.B,, Social Studies Little Rock, Arkansas DAVE PICKARD B.S., Psychology Bethany, Oklahoma

FRED POSTLEWAIT B,S., Physics Kansas City, Kansas DARLENE POTEET B.S., Home Economics Bethany, Oklahoma MIKE PRICE A.B., Religious Education Bethany, Oklahoma PAM PRYOR A.B.. Speech Lakewood, Colorado CHARLOTTE PUCKETT B.S., Elementary Education Paragould, Arkansas

JOE REED B.A., Religious Journalism Fowler, Colorado BARRY REISWIG A.B., Religion Austin, Minnesota

Seniors 74

DANNY RENEAU A.B., Business Atlanta, Texas JAN RENEAU B.S., Home Economics Mitchell, Nebraska JUDY ROWLAND B.S., Education Bethany, Oklahoma GORDON RUPERT A.B., Religion Bethany, Oklahoma

ANDREW RUSHING, JR. A.B., Religion Corsicana, Texas BART RUSTIN A.B., Business Durant, Oklahoma DIANE RYAN B.S., Elementary Education Oilton. Oklahoma SUSAN RYAN B.S., Elementary Education Elyria, Ohio

LINDA RYE A.8., Speech Port Neches, Texas MYRA SANDERFER B.S., Psychology Port Arthur, Texas CALVIN SANDERS A.B., History Hot Springs, Arkansas JOANNE SAUTER B.S., Home Economics Redwood Falls, Minnesota

RONALD SCHAEFFER A. B., Religion Turbotviite, Pennsylvania RON SCHELL B.S., Mathematics Buhler, Kansas RICHARD SIDERS A.B., Functional Little Rock, Arkansas CHERYL SKINNER B.S., Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma

LEON SKINNER A.B., Religion Sacramento, California RON SLAVEN B.S., Biology Cascade, Colorado MARY SMITH B.S., Elementary Education Arkansas City, Kansas CATHY SNEED B.S., Mathematics ' Terlton, Oklahoma

DAREL SNYDER B.S., Business Bethany, Oklahoma RUTH SOMERS A.B., Speech Ponca City, Oklahoma ROBERT SPRINGER B.S., Elementary Education Bethany, Oklahoma

JIM STARR A.B., Art Garland, Texas GAYLA STOWE A.B., Functional Kansas City, Missouri RUTH STRONG A.B., Sociology Spencer, South Dakota JOYCE TAYLOR B.S., Business Education Grove, Oklahoma NINA TAYLOR B.S., Home Economics St. Joseph, Missouri :

LINDA THEEL A.B., History Shawnee Mission, Kansas ROY THOMAS B.S., Business Freeport, Texas ANN THOMPSON A.B., Functional Duncan, Oklahoma JONATHAN TRISNA Graduate Bethany, Oklahoma RICHARD TUCKER B.S., Accounting Little Rock, Arkansas

DAVID UNRUH B.S., Science Technology Bethany, Oklahoma SHELLEY VANBIBBER B.S., Elementary Education Denver, Colorado BECKY VAUGHN A.8., English Oklahoma City, Oklahoma MICHAEL VLOEDMAN B.S., Mathematics Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ROBERT WADE A.B., Religion! Grand Saline, Texas

Seniors 76

SAMMEE WALLER B.A. Speech Nampa, Idaho CHARLES R. WATKINS, JR. A.B., Religion Kilgore, Texas KENNY WELLS B.A., Business Administration Mattoon, Illinois

TIM WHITE A.B., Religion Tulsa, Oklahoma LINDA WHITT B.S., Elementary Education Parsons, Kansas JOHN WICKERSHAM B.S., Mathematics Bethany, Oklahoma

CAROLYN WILLIAMS B.S., Mathematics Oklahoma City, Oklahoma DAVE WILLIAMS B.S., Business Administration Augusta, Kansas ALICE WILSON B.S., Elementary Education Houston, Texas

DAN WILSON A.B., Functional Mitchell, South Dakota LINDA WOODBURY A.B., English Enid, Oklahoma SANDRA YOUNG A.B., History Yukon, Oklahoma



Dr Robert Judd, Sponsor Debbie Tackleberry Treasurer Bettie Lou Loeber Secretary Gary Morsch, President Lewis McClain, Vice-President Scott Skiles, Chaplain




Mark Patredis, Chaplain Dr Atwood,Sponsor Bob Smith, President Cynd Burrows, Secretary Kay Curry Treasurer Stephane Green Vice-President

FRESHMEN CLASS OFFICERS M ke Blueford President Prof Richard Howard Sponsor M riam Stone, Treasurer Betty Payne, Secretary Mark Wessels, Chaplain not pictured Scott McCoy Vice-President


Laurie Adams, So. Mark Adams, Fr Becky Anderson, So. Linda Anderson, Fr

Lockiyn Anderson, Nancy Anderson, Nedra Anderson, Rodney Anderson,

Fr Jr Fr Fr

Jane Andrews, Jr Cathy Ankney So. Carol Arney So. Ed Atwood So.

Richard Auter Janette Avery Byron Babcock, Tim Baer

Fr Fr Fr Jr

Karla Bailey, So. Phoebe Baker Fr Jerald Baldwin, Jr Nancy Baldwin, Jr

Steve Baldwin, So. Debbie Barhan, Fr Fran Barkman, Fr Gwen Bates, So.

Darrel Bauer Linda Bauldwin, Ela ne Baum Steve Bay


Fr So. Fr Fr

Bev Beaver So. Garry Becker Fr Linda Beehler So. Kaye Behrnes, So. Deborah Bel Jr Janice Bel Fr

Janice Bell So. Janice Bellman, Fr Joel Bentley Fr Marty Berger Fr Joneva Bergman, Fr Bobby Bernardi, So.

Dan Beuttenm uller Fr Lurissa Billings, So. Pam Bilyeu So. Betty Bingaman, So. Sharon Birdwell Fr Iris Blackkelter

Emily Blain, Jr Gene Blakely Fr Marsha Bley So. Pau Boggs, Jr Gary Bohannan, Fr Jerry Bohn, Jr

Cindy Bounds, Fr Clarice Bowers, Fr Cindy Bowman, Jr Cheryl Bradshaw So. Jerry Breitling, So. Linda Bridges, So.

Charlette Bronson, Jr Gordon Broom Jr Danny Brosius, Fr Bobby Brown, Jr Debbie Brown, Jr Kent Brown, So.

Larry Brown, Jr Mark Brown So. Nancy Brown, Fr Rhonda Brown, Fr Sonja Brown, Fr Reymus Broyles, So.

Debbie Bruns, Fr Linda Bryan, Fr Pau Bryan, So. Beverly Bryand So. David Bryant, Fr Bill Bumpus, Fr

Cyndi Burrows, Jr Dan Bush Jr Reta Butts, Jr Alice Cain, So. Susan Calvert, So. Ron Campbell Fr

Marilyn Cantwell Fr Jim Caplinger So. Linda Caplinger Jr Bob Carden, Jr Donald A. Carlson, So. Steve Carpenter Jr

Tricia Carr Fr Karen Carson, So. Brenda Carter Fr Janet Cate, Fr Fran Cauley Fr Kenneth Chambers, Fr

Theresa Chambers, Fr Kay Chandler Fr Pat Cherry Fr Steve Christiansen, Fr Kathy Chunn, So. Kathy Clark, Fr

Leigh Anne Cline, Fr Paul Cl ngerman, Jr Carolyn Clinkingbeard Fr Jackie Clinkingbeard Fr James Coker Fr Reggie Coleman, Fr

Sherry Coll ns, Linda Comingdeer Paul Coney Marcia Coody Lynette Cook, John Cornelius,


Fr Jr Fr Jr Jr Fr

Sheryl Couch, Fr Debbie Creech Fr. Steven Crites, Jr Judy Crouse, Jr Debra Crum pler Fr Cheri Culbertson, Jr

Kay Curry Jr Greg Daniels, Jr Dana Davis, Fr Rusty Davis, Fr Debbie Dawson, So. Debbie Delbridge, So.

Peggy Delk, Fr Debbie Demetre, Fr Debbie DeTienne, Fr Connie DeWitt, Fr Hilda Diaz, Fr Kaylene Dickinson, So.

Garrol Dockum, Jr Althea Donaldson, Fr Linda Dorough, Jr Sharon Dorough, Fr Carol Dotson, So. Jon Douglass, So.

Helen Drake, Fr KayeDudney So. Lois Duel So. Debbye Duhon, Jr Donna Dunkin Jr Sherrie Dunn, Jr

Terrell Earnest, Jr Celeste Eastman, Jr Dwayne Edwards, Fr Ralph Eguren, Fr Cris Elliott, Jr B I Ellis, Jr

Julia El is, Fr Rosanne Els, Fr Georgetta Emberton, Jr David Emerson, Fr Dannie Emmert, Fr Marcia Enoch, Fr

Janice Evans, So. Doug Fain, Fr B urtF alkner Fr Arletha Fansler So. Marilyn Faust, Fr Shelby Faust, So.

Ken Fechner Jr Butch Felkner Jr Carol Ferguson, So. Sue Ferguson, Fr Marshall Ferrell So. Earl Feurtado, Fr

Sharon Feurtado, David Finkenbiner Tami Fletcher Leola Floren, Marvin Floyd Valarie Flynn,

So. Jr So. So. So. So.

David Foster Jr Jean Foster Jr Linda Foster Fr Carolyn Fulton, So. Dan Funkhouse, Fr Jetta Gandy Jr

Cathy Gann, Jr Larry Gann, So. Velma Gappa, So. Paul Garber So. Rosa Garcia, So. Jeryl Gardner So.

Marcie Gardner Fr Rick Gardner Fr Charles Garrett, Jr Carolyn Garrison, Fr Billy Gary Fr Joy Gassett, So.

Lynn Gaston, Fr Kent Gering, Fr Jeff Gibson, Jr Mary Gilbert, Fr Rhonda Gilbert, Jr Lisa Gi lespie, So.


Kathy Gilley So. Mary Sue Ginn, So. BobGiuman, Fr Barbara Glass, Fr

Mike Glaze, Jr Deanna Goble, Fr Rich Godfrey Jr Mike Gough, Jr

Roxanne Gould, Jr Ray Goynes, Jr Debby Graham Jr Rita Graham So.

Steve Grant, Fr Randy Graves, Fr Dan Green, Fr Lynn Green, Jr

Stephane Green, Jr Reggie Gregory Jr Rocky Gribble, Jr Teresa G riffin, Fr

Jenny Gunter So. Bob Haefs, So. Nelda Haefs, Jr Larry Hahn, Fr

Rita Hair So. Vicki Hale, Fr Eddie Hall, Jr Karen Hall So.


Linda Hall Fr Stephen Hall, So. Mark Ham ilton, Jr Cathy Ham m itt, Jr Terry Hanna, So. Janice Hansell, Jr

Markye Harbuck, Judy Harder Janice Harrell Mary K. Harrell Sherry Harrington, Jim Harris,

So. Fr Fr So. So. So.

Lynne Harris, So. Roger Harris, So. Bev Harrison, Jr Garry Harrison, So. Jeanne Harrison, Fr Connie Hatley Fr

Marlita Haviland, Jr Beth Hawkins, So. Judy Hawkins, So. Debbie Hayes, Fr Debbie Hazelton, Fr Joyce Heckel, So.

C liff Henderson, Jr Gary Henderson, Jr Les Henkel, Fr Johnny Henley Fr Stacy Heritage, Fr Joan Hess, Fr

Ruth Ann Hester Fr Carolyn Hicks, Fr Liz Hilbun, Jr Dan Hine, Jr Bob Hinton, So. Peggy Hock, Jr

Vicki Hodges, Fr Don Hoeckle, So. Pat Hoffman, So. Greg Hohner Fr Denton Holland, So. Jerry Holley Jr

Sue Hooker Fr Cindy Hooper Fr Mike Hornbaker So. Rita Hornbuckle, So. Cheri Houghtling, So. Stan Houts, Jr

Pam Howard, Jr John Howell Fr Paul Huber Fr Faira Kay Huffaker So. Vicki Huffm an, Fr Debbie H unnicutt, Jr

Elaine Hunter Fr John Hunter Jr Lyn Huscher Fr Donna Huwa, Jr Steve Ingersol Jr Roma Ingle, So.

Garry Isham Jr Sherri Isham Fr Tom m y Jackson, Fr Jeff Jantz, Jr John Jeffreys, Fr Frank Jeldy So.

Ron Jessee, Jr Gary Johnson So. Larry Johnson, Fr Rick Johnson, So. Debbie Johnston, So. Dan Jones, So.

David Jones, Fr Larry Jones, So. Phyllis Jones, Jr Vicki Jones, Fr Liann Julian, Fr Karen Kannady Fr

Melody Kastelle, Jr Bill Kautz, So. Sandy Keeton, So. Vicky Keith, So. Debbie Kelley So. Debbie Kendrick, So.

Kep Keoppel So. Bertha Keppler So. David Kidder Fr Cheryl Kildow So. Cathy King, So. Gary King, Fr

Karl King, So. Pam King, Jr Terry King, Fr Paul Klamm Fr Flannah Klein, So. Mika Klumpp, Fr

Arvle Knight, Fr Dennis Knight, So. Cecil Knippers, Jr Tony Knittle, So. Lou Kornegay Fr Glenda Koon, Fr

Dale Lane, Fr Bob Lanicek, So. Dave Lanicek, Jr Carole Larpenteur Jr Corinne Larson, Fr Charles Larue, Jr

George Larue, Jr Robin Leek, Jr Jennifer Lee, So. Gary Lehman, Jr June Lehman, So. Bill Lemay Fr

Karl Lewis, So. Nancy Lewis, So. Bettie Lou Loeber So. Pat Lofl n, Jr Daniel Lowe, Fr Kathy Lucas, So.

Kathy Luckert, Jr Tony Lyles, Fr Lilette Lyon, So. Susan Malloy So. Linda.Manning, Jr Donnie Marchant, Fr


Ronnie Marchant, Fr Karen Marks, Jr Bobby Martin, Jr David Martin, So. Mike Martin, Jr Nicki Martin, So.

Troy Martin, So. Kathy Mason, Jr Jan Mathis, Jr Paula Matson, Fr Ann Mayo, Jr Louis Meder So.

Fred Meyer Jr Kathy Meyer So. John M Her So. Karen Mi ler So. James Milligan, Fr M aryM ligan, So.

Lucy Missing, So. Tim M Is, Fr Sheila Mixon, So. Issa M ohamm adi Jr Debbie Moon, Fr Bonnie Moore, Fr

Flarlan Moore, Jr Steve Morgan, Fr Becky Morsch Jr Gary Morsch, So. Jeff Moseley Fr Jacque Moyer So.

Lani M ullin, Fr Margie M urphy Fr Christina Meyers, Fr Mark Meyers, Fr Barbara Myler Fr Randy McBurnett, Jr

Janet McCarlin, So. Lewis McClain So. Conita McClung, Fr Cheryl McClure, Fr Scott McCoy Fr Ellen McCue, Jr


Curt McCully So. Karen McKell ps, Fr Kathy McKenzie, Fr Danny McMahan, So.

Donna McNutt, Fr Janet Nantze, Jr Roxie Nash, So. Gaylene Nelson, So.

Martha Newman, Jr Susan Nobles, So. Pam Norris, Jr Susan Offut, Jr

Brad Oliver Fr Mike O m m art, Jr Keith Oney Fr Maggie Ortiz, So.

Dan LaPaglia, Ron Park, Debbie Parker Paul Parker

Jr Fr Fr Fr

D’Linda Patman, Fr Mark Patredis, Jr Esther Patterson, So. Billy Patton Fr

Mendell Patton, So. George Payne, Fr Betty Payne, Fr Mary Payne, So.


Penny Pendergast, Fr Paula Perkins, Fr Gwen Peters, So. Debra Peterson, So. Steve Peterson, Jr Kathy Pflum Fr

Jenny Phillips, Fr Marsha Pierce, So. Karla Pinson, Jr Gary Pitcock, Fr Ross Poling, Jr Kent Polk, Fr

Diane Poison, So. Terry Potter Fr Linda Potter Jr Virginia Preston, Fr Steve Proctor Fr Vera Pruett, Fr

Melvin Purcell So. Kathleen Purdy Fr Garalene Pyatt, Jr Marcia Quakenbush, So. Lynn Quiring, Jr Loyd Rains, Fr

Bishai Ramgenesh, Fr Mary Randall, So. Beverly Randolph, Fr Martha Ratliff Fr Steve Ray Jr Steve Rea, Fr

Delores Reeves, So. Helen Regan, Fr Lorraine Renna, Jr Carolyn Repp, Jr Gary Reynolds, Jr Riley Rhoades, Jr

Debbie Rhodes, Fr Jeff Rhodes, Fr Deb Riggs, So. Donnie Riggs, Fr Lucinda Riley Jr Mike Riley Jr


Donna Ringler Jr Ron Robinson, So. Bob Roehm So. Gerri Rogers, Jr Linda Rose, Fr Geri Ann Ross, Jr

Terry Rowland Fr Janine Rudolph, So. Ande Rushing, Fr Beverly Russel Fr Debra Russell, Fr Sherry Russell Fr

Sheryl Russell Jr Tina Russell So. Barry Ryan, Fr Bruce Ryan Jr Rebecca Ryan, So. Dewey Sanders, So.

Terry Sanders, Fr Dan Schaap, Fr Ruth Schlinger So. Sharon Schmitz, Fr Sherry Schnider Fr Kathy Schuneman, So.

Larry Schuneman, Jr Beverly Scott, Fr Paul Sechrist, Fr Linda Shaw So. Steve Shaw, Jr Steve Shearer Jr

Merl Sholtess, So. David Showalter So. Dina Shrauner Jr Gwin Shuey So. Birdena Sides, Jr Don Sides, Jr

Floyd Simmons, Fr Karen Simmons, Fr Marian Simmons, So. Harry Simms, Fr 0. J. Simpson, Jr Scott Skiles, So.

Letha Skil ngsTJr Cindy Sledge, Fr Glen Slinker Jr Nancy Sloan, Fr Rhydonia Sloan, Fr Belinda Smith, Jr

Bob Smith, Jr Donna Smith, Fr Gail Smith, Fr Juanette Sneed, So. Mike Snowbarger Jr Haideh Sottani, Fr

Bruce South, Jr Teresa Spears, Fr John Spence, So. Flermine Spencer So. Thane Sprenger So. JanaSpruiell So.

Betty Squyres, Fr Roberta Stack, Fr Tom Stair Fr Larry Standler Fr Janice Stangland So. Karen Staples, Fr

Wes Statley Fr Donna Steadham So. Vicke Stearman, Jr Pam Steele, Fr Freda Stevens, Fr Sandra Stevens, Jr

Sandra Stevenson, So. Steve Stevenson, Fr Kenneth Stokely So. Miriam Stone, Fr Joyce Stonecipher So. Johnny Stubbs, So.

Pam Sul ivan, So. Steven Swigart, Fr Juanita Swisher Jr Debbie Tackeberry So. Tomisine Tatum Jr Belinda Taylor So.

Charles Taylor Gary Taylor Georgia Taylor Patrice Taylor

So. Fr Fr Fr

Garry Thanscheidt, So. Gene Thomas, Fr Libbey Thomas, So. Sue Ann Thomas, Fr

Beta Thompson, So. Debra Thompson, Fr Roger Thompson, So. Nadine Thurm ond, So.

Charles Tiemann, Fr Marilyn Tongue, Jr Linda Tracy So. Laurita Trueblood So.

Ed Trusty So. Keith T urner So. Jackie Twyeffort, Jr Lavonna Twyman, Fr

Jan Tyler So. Gary Ungar Fr Sheila Va I, So. Brenda Van Horn, Jr

Candace Vernon, Jr Pat Vestal So. Susan Vestal Jr Felix Vigil So.


Renee Wade, Fr Betty Waggoner Fr Ed Walker So. Ken Walker Jr Rodney Wallace, Jr Esther Wankel So.

Doug Ward So. Lyle Ward Fr Sherri Warkentin, Fr Becky Wasson, So. Rodney Watson, Fr Jayne Weaver So.

Linda Weisinger Jr Wally Wellman, So. Mark Wessels, Fr Vickie Wessels, Jr Kathy West, Jr Leroy West, So.

Paul Westmark, Jr Jane White, Fr Kay White, Jr Mary Ann White, So. Ramona W hittaker Jr Nancy Wickland, Fr

Doug Wickwire, Fr Jerry Wickwire, Jr Ralph Wickwire, Fr Ralph Wiegman, So. Stephen Wienecke, So. Ellen Wiley Fr

Lilly Wilke, So. Alexis Wilkerson, Jr Kay Willard Jr Gary Williams, So. Claudia Wi liamson, Fr Lindy W ilmoth, So.

Bill Wilson, So. Danny Wilson, Fr Jan Wilson, Fr Kiki Wilson, Fr Sherry Wilson, Fr Gary Wobig, So.


Ralph Wood, Jr Luther Woodcock, Fr Debbie Woods, Fr

Mike Wooldridge, So. Pam Worcester Jr Jonathan Wright, So.

M ke Wright, Jr Connie Wurst, Jr Alan Wyett, Fr

Cathy Wyman, Fr Alicia Young, So. Joyce Zum alt, Jr Steve Zumalt, Jr


The 1972-73 Bethany Nazarene College Basketbal Team John McMinn, Jeff Jones, Andrew Johnson, Gary Stokes, John M Her Lou Gibson, Brad Yarbrough, David Gentz, Wa ly Wellman Richard Wal ace, Bobby Martin. KNEELING: are Jeff Jantz, George Esperi la Steve Peterson Coach Jim Poteet, James Degrate.






Optimism, Uncertainty Both The Bethany Nazarene College cage team is looking to the 1972-73 season with optim ism and of course the usua uncerta nty th a t runs hand in hand with the start of every season No one is sure how the new faces wil blend in w ith the old, how big a role injuries wi I play or if the team will have th a t certa n some­ thing tha t separates the winners from the losers. There are however the usual hopes harbored by every fan fo r his team. There are severa factors that could turn those hopes nto rea ity such as 1) Jeff Jantz (6-7) leading scorer and rebounder fo r the Redskins last year carrying a 20.6 ppg. and 8.9 rebounds per game average. You can aways count on Jeff fo r a good game, and he’s liable to suprise you and have a great game.

(2) John M iller (6-5), pressed into service last year as a freshman, pro­ duced 12.0 po nts and 6.1 rebounds a game. A lot stronger and more expe­ rienced he is expected to blossom into the al around player he is capable of being this year 3) John McMinn and Bobby M artin a couple of slick-passing, lightning-quick guards, are new but wel­ come faces to the Redskins. They both have college experience and are guaran­ teed to keep the action m oving at a fast pace. 4 James Degrate 6-6) Juco transfer has a sm ooth sure shot and is the idea shooter to fi I out the Redskins new wide-open attack. 5 Richard Wallace and Wally Wellman two guards return ng from last year’s squad on which they saw a great dea of action Wallace, a standout defensive player and Wellman, a deceptive passer can


Dulan Elder ,r both be counted on fo r solid pe rfo rm ­ ances com ing off the bench (6) Gary Stokes, Steve Peterson and Andrew

BNC Roundballers Begin 1972-73 Season

Players Outlook Good; Hail From 7 States the season a successful year

BETHANY The Bethany Nazarene Col­ lege Redskins wi begin the ir fall basket­ ball season with a collection of athletes from seven d iffe re nt states ranging in height from 5’8 ’ to 6 7

Andrew Johnson, 6 ’3 ” a transfer from Biola College should also see action as should freshm en Jeff Jones 6 ’2 ’ David Gentz6 3 ’ and Lon G bson 6 ’5’

Coach Jim Poteet, in his second year at the college, expressed optim ism and confidence in the ability of this year’s team to produce an e x c itin ^ xand pro­ ductive brand of basketbal The Beth­ any roundballers defeated Phil ps University in the ir firs t game of the sea­ son by a score of 70-69.

The 1972 season fo r the ’Skins will add a new dim ension to the basketball pro­ gram at BNC with Bethany’s entrance in the newly form ed NAIA conference of Texas and Oklahoma colleges. There is presently an outstanding schedule of 33 games, 17 of which are home games. Part of Poteet’s optim ism can be a ttrib ­ uted to the returning players from last year’s squad includ ng 6 ’7 Jeff Jants, 6 ’5” John M iller 6 ’7’ Steve Peterson 6 ’2 ’ Richard Wallace, 6 ’2’ Wally Well­ man, 6 ’4 Gary Stokes, and 6 ’5 Brad Yarbrough New players also serve to add optim ism to Poteet’s outlook. Two unior college transfers, James DeGrate 6 ’7 and Bobby M artin 6 ’0 ’ combined with 5’8 ’ John McMinn, who is returning from m litary service, should serve to make




In Cagers Make-Up Johnson a I provide experience and size as back-up help at the forward position (7) David Gentz, Lon G bson Jeff Jones, and Brad Yarbrough, a hand­ ful of rookies, provide a fresh touch to the team and m ight tu rn out some pleasant surprises.

and Coach J m Poteet has pulled out a wide-open, high-scoring offense fo r this year’s version of the Redskins. No one is m aking any big promises fo r the up­ com ing season, but there are a ot of people wandering around the gym sm ng I ke they knew som ething pretty exciting.

The Redskins have the men to get the ball down the court and and put it in the basket fa rly re g u la rly but I ke every other team they haven’t found any way to put it in every tim e. This all points to BNC’s biggest problem rebounding. Not blessed by great size, the Skins wil really have to work to rebound with their opponents.


Miller’s Last Second Jump Shot Decisive ENID—The Bethany Nazarene College Redskins, setting the stage fo r the ir big tournam ent this weekend notched a win over Phillips University by one point, 70-69. It took a desperation ump shot before the whistle by the Redskin’s John M iller to notch the victory fo r Coach J m Poteet’s roundballers. Bethany was holding a seven point lead 43-36, over the favored Phillips at inter­ mission. But the Enid qu ntet instigated a com e­ back during the second half to know the

The Redskins wil feature a new style of play this season Last year’s control type game has been put back in the files


BNC Dynamic Dozen Dribble to Game; Raises Basketball Funds and Spirit Buses Objective of Enid March The dynam ic dr bbl ng dozen fro m BNC eft Friday November 10, to bounce basketba s fr o m Beth­ any to Enid The group hoped to boost team sp rit and raise money to he p sponsor buses to out-of tow n games d u rin g the season The s c h o o ’s basketba team p ayed Ph ps University of Enid Satur­ day November 11

mmm I

The funds were ra sed by each dribbler by obta n ng students to sponsor h m so m uch fo r each m le he dribbled The goa of the group was to ra se $800 fo r ob­ ta n ng the buses, wh ch were to tra n s p o rt BNC fans. The d r ib b e r s cons sted of M ke B ueford Mark Brown Dan Jones, Ronnie Marchant, Lewis McC a n Scott McCoy Gary Morsch Ed O v e rh o t, A r th u r Ph ps, Dave Showalter Gene Thomas, Mark Wesse s, and Coach J m Poteet. Kent She enberger ogged the m les fo r each of the dribblers.

The dynam c dribbl ng dozen a group of twelve BNC men left Friday Novem ber 10, fo r En d and the Phil ps vs. BNC Basketba game The group wi be rais ng m oney to charter buses fo r out-of town basketba games fo r the 1972 season

^h e Redsk ns beat the of Ph ps University spo the E n d te a m s ne

Haymakers 70-69 to hom ecom -

Pairings Announced For P a rin g s fo r the Second Basketba T ournam ent, co lege to u r n a m e n t n nounced and should br every basketba fan n the

Annua Redsk n nv tat ona ha led as the biggest sma Oklahoma have been an­ ng sm es of sat sfaction to state

Basketba teams fro m seven states wi partic pate n the to u r n a m e n t wh ch f nds O k a h o m a Christian Co lege runner-up n the NA A playoff n 1972, and Pasadena College a frequent visitor to the NA A p ayoffs, as ead ng contenders fo r the to u rn a m e n t title The to u rn a m e n t f res off Thursday, November 16 at Broadhurst gym nas um on the BNC cam pus with the Friday night sem -f na s m oving to the State Fa rgrounds Arena A Saturday games w be p ayed at 100

the Fa rgrounds, w ith the conso ation games schedu ed fo r Broadhu rst gym The to u rn a m e n t opens at 1 30 p.m Thursday when Mt. Vernon Nazarene Co lege of Oh o tips off aga nst 01 vet Nazarene Co ege of nois. At 3:30 the same afternoon Eastern Nazarene Co ege fr o m Massachu setts meets the roundba ers of Pasadena Co ege Pasadena Ca iforn a The even ng ne-up pits Trevecca Nazarene Co lege of Tennessee aga nst Oklahom a Christ an Co ege at 7 p.m Fo owing th a t game the Redsk ns of BNC w tangle with Mid-America Nazarene Co ege of 0 athe Kansas.

(cont. fr o m pg. 99) cou n t and move ahead of the visi­ tors with the lead chang ng hands severa tim es n the f na m nutes before M er app ied the f na touch James DeGrate paced the Bethany attack with 18 po nts. He was folowed by Jeff Jantz who ta ed 16, and M er with 13 po nts. Jack Hol­ ley and Wende Lynch ed the Ph ps attack with 14 and 11 po nts, respective y BETHANY NAZARENE 70, PHILLIPS UNIV 69 Bethany Nazarene 43 27 70 Phillips University 36 33-69 Bethany Nazarene-DeGrate 18, Jantz 16, Miller 13, M artin 8, McMinn 6, Wallace 4, Peterson 2, Stokes 2, Wellman 1 Phil IipsJ.Holley 14, Lynch 11 Morgan 8, Yound 6, Newman 6, Groves 2, Thorp 2, Ireland 2, Little 2.

John M iller (25) goes in fo r two of the 13 points he scored fo r BNC in the Phillips game. Mil­ ler put the final touch on the Redskin’s scant 70-69 win Saturday

James Degrate paced the Redskin win over Phillips with a total of 18 points.

Redskin Invitational Tourney Friday November 17 wi fo r the Redsk ns.

m ark the hom ecom ng game

Coach J m Poteet's players are expected to put on a good show ng fo r the thousands of fans who wi be watch ng the Redsk ns as the to u r n a m e n t th s year incorporates a the excitem ent of basketba p ay with the additiona hom ecom ng, November 17 and co m b nat on of SCV Days a tim e when prospective BNC students wi be visiting the co ege campus.

Spec a cam pus visitors (SCV’ers) are expected on the cam pus fr o m fo u r diffe re n t states and shou d com bine with fans fro m partic pat ng schoo s to make the to u r ­ nam ent an a ttra c t on fo r severa states n the nat on The BNC Redsk ns are expected to f nish n the top category by some observers but anyth ng could hap­ pen as the featured team s compose some of the c o u n ­ try s best sma college cagers.


Fans Enthusiasm High As Re Students w d y we corned the open ng of the Redsk n nvitat ona T ourn a m e n t th s week as faculty alu m n and cam pus spir it o rg a n iz a to n s o ned with them to cheer the r team on to what many hoped wou d be the beg nn ng of a w inning streak th a t would f nd the BNC Redsk ns rated h gh n the NAIA stand ngs at the end of the year H gh hopes caused by new players and the narrow w n over Ph ps U n iv e rs ty n the seasons openng game com b ned w ith the ex c item ent of the thousands of visiting supporters of oppos ng teams and Spec a Campus V sitors prom sed one of the most

BETHANY REDSKINS SCALP PIONEERS t d dn t take ong fo r BNC to estab sh c o m p e te dom nat on of the r game aga nst M d-Amer ca Nazarene Co ege of Kansas Thursday in a game th a t saw a 15 of the Redsk n pa ye rs get t ng n on the scor ng as they shattered the 0 athe schoo 109-64. The Redskins hit the f rst s x shots of the game to exp ode to a 15-2 ead with just fo u r m nutes e apsed n the opening pe­ riod At ha ft me the score stood at 57 28 Coach J m Poteet was P ay ng h s th rd str ngers f ve m nutes nto the second ha f but t d d n ’t make much d fference n the out come Jun or James DeGrate who p ayed s p a r n g y hit e ght of n ne fro m the f oor and one of one fro m the free th ro w ane to pace the Redskins with 17 points Wa y We man was the on y other BNC p a y e r to h t n d o u b e f g u r e s afo he notched 10 po nts wh e The starters co ected 46 of the 109 po nts BNC scored n the contest

IN TOURNAMENT PLAY 106-64 Bethany Nazarene Co ege and Oklahoma C h r s t a n Co ege two c ubs rated h gh n the Redsk n nvitat ona T ournam ent, had to take a back seat today to Olivet Nazarene of n o s as the atter took advantage of Eagle m scues to w n a 77 75 tr um ph enroute to the cham p onsh p. Before the c ham p onsh p batt e BNC fe v ct m to Eastern Naz­ arene of Mass 80-69 and had to settle fo r fo u rth p a c e n the to u rn a m e n t / n the title contest OCC bu t up a 48-34 lead at nterm ssion only to see its apparent victo ry m e lt before the charge of the nois qu ntet who poured th ro u g h 43 po nts in the second half wh le hold ng the OCC c ub to 27 The OCC team was gu ty of 12 turnovers n the f na three m nutes and th s a ong w th a trave ng cal w th n ne seconds re­ m ain ng, opened the w ndow fo r the 01 vet f ve

Olivet Wins Tournament BNC tra ng on y 33-31 at nter m ss on cou d n ’t keep pace with ENC s 47 po nt barrage n the second ha f despite a 28 po nt o u tb u rs t by the c u b s James DeGrate Pasadena raced past Mr Vernon of O h o 80-52 to take f fth pace wh e Trevecca Nazarene of Nashv e dropped Mid-Amerca Nazarene of Kansas by 92-77 fo r seventh p a c e n the t o u r ­ nament.

Poteet s Redsk ns ripped to a 42-34 ha ft me ead over 0 vet n F rd a y n g h t’s sem f na but ran nto fou t r o u b e n the second ha f that cost them starters Jeff Jantz and Bobby Mart n Th s bit of bad uck a so cost them game as the nos the ba c ub came back w th a stretch dr ve th a t produced 50 points to the Bethany c ub s 38 and gave the vistors an 84-80 win 103


BNC Places Fourth In Texas Tourney The Bethany Nazarene Co lege Redsk ns f n shed fo u rth n a basketba race th a t found fo u r Okla­ homa schoo s com pet ng n the semi-f nals of the Top of Texas nvitationa Basketbal T o u rn a ­ m ent last week n Wichita Fa s. The sk ns swamped host Mid­ western n the f rst round by a 80-76 score ed by jun or forward Jeff Jantz who had an alm ost unbe ievable shooting night, hitting 13 of 14 fr o m the field and fo u r of

five fro m the free th ro w 30 po nts.

ne for

Jantz hit fo u r consecutive field goa s down the stretch to b unt a ate Midwestern ra y The second game found the BNC cagers pitted aga nst Cameron Co ege who wou d ater go on to win the to u rn a m e n t, n a round th a t found the Redsk ns osing by a score of 80-73 despite the r f rst half lead

Hold ng the r 39-37 nterm ss on lead the roundba ers fr o m Beth­ any came up with a cold-shooting second half that com b ned with the 37 rebounds of Cameron as com pared to the Bethany 29 caused the ’sk ns winn ng chances to be less than favorable The Aggies fro m Cameron seized a 43-39 edge early in the second ha f and cont nued to bu Id that m argin unt the Redsk ns tr mmed the edge to 76-73 with 36 seconds eft. But Jerry Davenport, who paced the C am eron attack th r o u g h o u t the game connected on both ends of a one and one free th ro w and then fed M ke F erri­ ng with a sp nn ng beh nd the back pass to c nch it fo r the Col­ legiate Conference winners. James Degrate paced the Bethany team n scor ng with 26 points. n the battle fo r th rd p ace South­ eastern s Toby K e n d r c k hit a follow shot with one second re­ main ng to give the Savages a 71 69 disputed victory over the Red­ skins. Kendrick hit the fo ow shot with 3 4 seconds to go to give S outh­ eastern a 69-67 ead then Jeff Jantz tied it 24 seconds fro m the end with a tip n With Southeastern work ng fo r the ast shot and the Savage coach try ng to ca a t me out with five seconds to play sophom ore George Neff pumped up a 20 footer th a t bounced away and Kendrick tipped it n with the horn sound ng. James Degrate paced the Bethany team fo r the second t me w ith 26 points

James Degrate (33), who paced the Redskins in two of the three games played at the Mid­ western University sponsored Top of Texas Invitational Basketball Tournam ent, goes up fo r two in one of the Bethany games. Degrate scored 26 points in each game, one against Came­ ron and the other against Southeastern College, both of Oklahoma

BNC coach J m Poteet w asn’t sure the fina bucket should have counted an op nion shared by many of the fans who had traveled snow covered h gh ways and streets to watch the Bethany team play

Coach Changes Basketball Style to "Run and Gun" by Dulan Elder A good coach changes his style of play to suit his materia For example, if Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was on his team he’d nsta an offense th a t gave the big man the ball every tim e it was possi­ ble. The Redskins are undergoing a change n tactics th s season n an a tte m p t to adjust to the m aterial available Last year the sk ns ran a slow deliberate offense, worked fo r the good shot, and tried to s ow the game down and m ethodically whittle out a victory When the recru itin g was f nished ast spring, Coach Poteet had some quick, speedy, ba Iplayers to work into his system Bobby Martin, who al­ though a good Nazarene, can do the fastest jig around while fak ng out opponents, John McM nn a fast and fancy passer and James Degrate a deadly shooter, join sure shots John Miller and Jeff Jantz to give the sk ns a prom is ng run and gun team

John M iller gets two points the hard way against Northwest Nazarene College of Nampa, Idaho. The ’Skins ripped NNC twice during their seven game w inning streak in the middle of the season.

The runn ng game has severa strong points. It s a fast m oving excit ng type of game to watch A run n in g team is iable to hit a hot streak and blow the other team off the c o u rt at any t me n the game When a runn ng team gets its opponent running with th e m th e y ’ pu away 107

JR. VARSITY J.Esperilla, G.Taylor J.Baker M.Pennell D.Funkhouser B.Oliver L.Gibson, A.White, K.Shellenberger J.Jones, J Stubbs, R.Bold, S.Baldwin, L.Gresham coach.

Ju nior Varsity Begins Season The Jun or Varsity Basketba Team began the r season n good fo r m hand ng an easy defeat to H sdale B ble Co ege 86-42 and to Midwest Christian 92-53. The JV s dropped one n th e ir beginn ng games to Southwestern Co lege n Oklahoma City but a prospects ook bright fo r the Gresham cagers.


Gary Stokes meets a Dallas Baptist player in a battle of the minds and strategy Shortly after Stokes drove and scored two points.

Jeff Jantz pumps in two points over a Wayland Baptist College player In the left handed corner is John M iller (25). Both M iller and Jantz averaged in double figures fo r the ’skins 11.6 and 12.6 ppg respectively.


The Redsk ns rolled up a 19 po nt ead and then they held on fo r a 78-72 w n on the w nners home c o u rt Fr day January 26 aga nst Wayland Bapt st Co lege of H O p ainv ew Texas.

Dom nat Redsk ns fo owed Wa yW e

ng the p ay th ro u g h o u t the f rst half the were paced by James Degrate with 21 po nts by Jeff Jantz with 20. The sk fu p ay ng of man (20) c nched the game fo r BNC.

Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany Bethany

Bobby Martin double-pumps and fl ps in two points wh le apparently th in kin g about the points the team would make during the season. M artin scored 379 points fo r an 11.5 game average, one of fo u r Redskins to average in double figures fo r the season



DeGrate J Jantz, J Miller J Mart n B Peterson S Wa ace, R Stokes, G We man W McM nn J Jones, J Johnson A Gentz, D Others tota s Team Tota :5 Opponents

30 33 31 33 33 30 23 22 15 14 7 5


243 196 132 165 59 106 28 38 58 25 11 6 21 33 1088 333 1035





Reb. Avg. Tota


472 515 72 89 .808 228 8 0 558 1'8 6 388 505 58 91 637 229 9 450 13 6 250 528 78 105 742 202 6.5 342 11 6 332 .499 49 78 628 105 3 1 379 11 5 108 546 47 60 783 134 4.0 165 5.0 251 422 19 25 760 100 3 3 7 7 231 6 11 545 42 53 528 62 2 7 1.8 42 809 32 78 487 34 110 5 0 1.4 7 34 124 .468 9 778 18 123 8 2 37 44 568 12 29 414 2 6 62 4 4 3 4 750 10 16 688 1.4 25 2 3 4 10 600 1 000 .8 12 2 4 25 10 171 18 52 2151 506 396 572 692 1328 42 4 2572 77 9 444 1155 35 0 2514 76 1

Nazarene 70, Nazarene 109* Nazarene 80, Nazarene 69, Nazarene 91, Nazarene 65, Nazarene 65, Nazarene 82, Nazarene 79, Nazarene 71 Nazarene 69, Nazarene 80, Nazarene 81 Nazarene 80, Nazarene 73, Nazarene 69, Nazarene 78, Nazarene 77 Nazarene 75, Nazarene 80, Nazarene 83, Nazarene 81 Nazarene 78, Nazarene 97 75, Nazarene 70, Nazarene 70, Nazarene 62, Nazarene Nazarene 81 Nazarene 85, 83, Nazarene 93, Nazarene 71 Nazarene

Phillips Univ Mid-America Olivet Eastern Southwestern CSU East Central Phillips Univ OBU John Brown East Texas East T exas Calif. Lutheran Midwestern Cameron State Southeastern OBU Dallas Bapt. Northwestern Nampa Nampa Midwestern Wayland Bapt. LCC John Brown OCC Northwestern Midwestern Dallas Bapt. Southwestern OCC Wayland Bapt. LCC

69 64 84 80 74 67 68 72 71 86 48 86 72 76 80 71 104 70 59 53 72 68 72 76 92 76 76 70 88 96 101 102 70

Redskins End Season; Emot ons ran at the r peak fo r the 1972-73 Redsk n Basketba Sea son From os ng by two po nts n the ast m nute th ro u g h sound y w hom p ng the r opponents ‘Sk n


fans stuck w th their te a m — somet mes ye ng the Redsk n Revo u t on ru es r ght out of the gymnas um somet mes trave ng ong m es and ate hours to support

them The co m p e tit on was s tiff th s sea­ son but Coach J m Poteet put to ­ gether a strong f ve th a t p ayed hard and p ayed to w n

Not All Good,Not All Bad Coach wasn't a ways p eased the r techn ques Then aga n team wasn’t a ways p eased the Coach s techn ques. And

with the with the

fans w eren’t a ways p eased with the ref s ca s and the refs w eren’t a ways p eased with the fans e ther But t h a t ’s what c o m p e tit on

s composed of and both po es of the em ot on-c o n tin u u m were covered th s season




— _

.. ...




■ '*fcxk

Varsity Cheerleaders G Emberton C Eastman cer

B Wasson D De bridge

JTyer H Spen­

Jr. Varsity Cheerleaders C S edge D Creech R Hester Wi son P Steele D Barham





Varsity Baseball


0 5 0 3 4 1 5 5 6 10 2 6 0 0 0 1 3 8 9 4 4 0 3 2 1

Altus College Oscar Rose CSU St. Gregory Southwestern Southwestern Centra State OBU Altus College St. Gregory OBU Langston Oscar Rose

BASEBALL TEAM C.Garrett, B.Copeland, P Ring, A.Phillips, R.Thulin, R.Hollingsworth, M.John­ ston, J.Maggert, L.Gant, R.Harris, G.Cochran, T Baer M.Smith, G.King, M O’Bannon, coach, D. Cantrell, R.Tucker G.Payne




tflH flR R R B£0?9.il mtfKFm in n ^ IE W S1M ill

L.Weisinger D.Brown, M.Ortiz, W Rhodes, sponsor T Tatum , B.Hughes, M.Swartzendruber K.Hansen


K lW Sw I ^ w lillillilM t e ii ;-;■■■'". p| | . ;■ w b

, -



K.Keoppel, A.Rushing, J Stubbs, K.Shellenberger E.Overholt, R.Watson.



BADMINTON The BNC Badm nton team partic pated n tourna­ ments n Houston and Denton Texas, OSU at St water and BNC Darlene Johnston and Marlene Swartzendruber took 1st p ace n the womens c o n s o a to n d v s on at Houston and 2nd n w o m e n s d o u b e s at OSU and BNC Ms Johnston rece ved a 1st p ace n the conso ation div s on at BNC and Ms Swartzendruber took the conso ation s ngles at Houston p aced 2nd n the co eg ate s ngles at OSU and BNC and won the BNC co n s o a to n m xed doubles with part ner John Nob es. Nobles a so won the con­ so at on open doub es at BNC with Kep Keoppel. Keoppe had prev ously won the Denton co egiate m xed doubles con­ so ation

(1ST ROW LEFT TO RIGHT) R. Coleman, D.Rathburn E.Feurtado, L.Drake (2ND ROW) L. Weisinger M.Swartzendruber K.Keoppel, D.Davis, W Rhodes, sponsor and G.Wilson. NOT PICTURED J Nobles, D Johnston, D.Brown J.McM nn


ARCHERY Archery was a new d mens on n the sports p cture at BNC n 1970 but s nee then the team has done we n archery to u rn a m e n ts across the State Headed by Dr Wanda Rhodes the team sponsored the 3rd Annua Fa l-lndoor Centra Archery Tour nam ent on the BNC cam pus Two of the team s m em bers Dave Eastman and Marlita Hav and p aced high n c o m p e tit on repeat ng the r perform ances n other archery test ng grounds Members of the archery team nc ude L nda Foster Tom Tatum Dave Eastman Ron W son Don Mau sby Marlita Hav and Da e Cantre Gary Meyer and Ron Altus.


R.Comingdeer D.Jones, D.Funkhouser D.Maulsby M Smith, L.Quiring, D.Brosius


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL With fo u r return ng veterans of ast year’s batt es the wom en s basketba team began the 1972-73 season n good fo rm and h gh fash on Sport ng a new coach Professor Obed Watters, the gir s began a tedious hard and dedicated dr ve to w n the r games aga nst some of the best co eg ate worn en s te a m s n the State

PICTURED BELOW FROM LEFT TO RIGHT ARE (1ST ROW) N.Martin, M.Quakenbush, S.Couch, D.Steadham, (2ND ROW) A.Ph lips, D.Gil iland, 0 .Watters, coach, S.Wi liams, P Howard NOT PICTURED D. Johnston.

PHYSICAL ED CLASSES OFFER NEW SPORTS EXCITEMENT New phys ca education casses have brought a new era of sports on the scene at Bethany Nazarene Co ege Comb ned with prev ous phys. ed courses the new c asses offer sports such as sw m m ing, canoe ng, bow ng, sa ng, water po o snow sk ng, and b eye ng. Dr Wanda Rhodes phys ca educa­ tion professor and sponsor of the new sports has taken a tr p down the no s R ver n canoes with her Recreat ona Leadersh p c ass, has conducted the n ne week sa ng c ass at Lake Hefner and ta u g h t the new b o w in g c ass at one of the ocal anes.




Str ke Bow ng, a new physica education course on the BNC cam pus offered students a chance to get nvo ved n sport ng activi­

ties, get bow ng experience and study nnovative bowl ng techn ques

lH W m ^m m



BlllllllSllllliil K 11■: la iir ' H I IM H b HW B m r W r M ~ 1

m IIS MMM®M I :...



m k


n tra m u ra footba p ayed a big ro e on the sports scene at BNC th s year with Kappa undefeated n the 1971 season tagged as the pre-season fav­ or te Kappa began the year by 6-0 but re nqu shed the Lambda who f n shed as sh p T o u rn a m e n t before

defeat ng the 1971 n tra m u ra A -Stars by a s ight sports spotlight ater n the season to A pha and the top two n the n tra m u ra Footba Champ onA pha defeated the Lambda team by a w hom p ng

22-0 Powderpuff footba a so ran ram pant fo r awh le with BNC m sses pract c ng and earn ng the sk s of the game on the BNC ma before the big meet ng between the upperc ass women and the freshm an g r s with the younger team w nn ng a resound ng v ctory



P a r t i c p a t o n was the goa of the in tra m u ra program this year un­ der the d rect on of Vice-Presi­ dent of R ecreatona Life Jerry B ey Fac ng a program th a t had dis ntegrated due to the ack of student partic pation Bley nitiated a p a n of act on ca ling fo r more nvo ve-

m ent by students and succeeded n such areas as ntra m u ra l basketba where a soc eties had active and we l-ba anced teams Partic pation was good and cornpetit on keen as the teams battled aga nst one another fo r the 1973 cham p onsh p title

Jerry B ey recreat ona


72/ f_ ’73 student

Dr Don Beaver sponsor

Vickie Wesse s treasurer

Har an Moore re ig ous ife f rst semester


I / I Arrow C.Osborne editor S.Davis, busi­ ness m an a g e r- S.Ray sports and organizations, J Moseley S.McCoy photographers, L.Haas, who s who S.Peterson, classes and adm nistra tio n J Evans, T.Jackson fac­ u l t y P Parker D Kendrick, typist; Winifred Howard sponsorJ Wright, L.F oren student ife

Echo J Reed editor- G Morsch, ad edi­ tor- J Mu lenax associate e d it o r D Riggs, D Brown L.Adams, G Broom, D Brosius, S.Bruce B Car den, K.Chandler L.Duell L.F elds, L.FIoren R Godfrey S Hooker S. sham J.Jones D Kendrick J Lowe J M igan S McCoy R.Mar chant, J Moore J Moseley D Owen M Patton V Pruett B Rust n L. Rye D Showalter S.Speer J Wachte R W is o n J Wr ght, Helen Rothwe sponsor 137

AMS President Steve Neumann Vice-President Gary Meyer Secretary Steve Ray Treasurer Danny Matthews Pub city Butch Fe kner Men s J Board D rectorate Dave Showa ter Sophom ore Representat ve Scott Stearman Jun or Representat ve Steve Shaw Sen or Representative Frank Lew s Chapman Pres dent M ke B ueford Bracken Pres dent Ray Vargas Snowbarger President B Wi son Sponsor Dr Wayne M urrow

; :■I ■■

AWS President Pam Pryor Vice-Pres dent Kathy Lucas Secretary Kay Ligman Treasurer Stephane Green J-Board Cha rm an Linda Rye Publ city Leo a F oren H stor an Debbie Tackeberry Academic Cha rm an Roxanne Gou d Soc a Cha rm an -P h y s Jones Pari am entar an Becky M er AWS Contact Cha rm an Georgetta Emberton Sponsor Mrs Joy Beaver


> 9


•H V I

Potpourri Winners Tom Sta r th rd Penny Pender gast, f rst Arvle Knight, second

Spectra J Evans treasurer* C Bowman secretary L.Rye vice president C Burrows, president.

Concert Band Les Sta I ngs D rector


Chorale J Avery N Lewis, Harre Lucky d rector S Knight, P Pendergast, P Westmark, M Crabtree T Chambers D Patm an S Hi house S Morgan M Harbuck C Dona­ hue A Knight M Enoch R Auter R Jessee G Wi ams, S.Brown S Raney D M er L.Skil ng, D Wa ker J Cate W Garrett S Mayberry S Davis, B Smith.

G Reyno ds, v ce pres dent of socia ife Howard 0 ver sponsor D M er officer at arge M G bert secretary S.Raney pres dent; L.Sk ng, vice pres dent of pubcity


Science Council Dr Walker F.Postlewait, Dr Beaver K.Curry P.Perryman, R.Hodges, Dr Reinbold, Dr Judd, D.Riggs, Prof Wat­ ters, G.Daniels.

Science Organizations Dr Judd, D.Riggs, R.Purdy S.Reynolds, R.Auter J.Moore, L.Marple, P.Bryan, J.Walker Prof Finkenbinder C.Hen­ derson, R.Wiegman, G.Lehman, D.Gill­ iland, R.Gilbert, D.Duhon, R.Eguren, C.Larpenter K.Lucas, D.Dunkin, V Wessels, K.Brown, P.Pendergast, K.Staples, M.Ferrell, R.Gould, C.Dorough. Dr Young, C.Koshy K.Farrow, E.McCurl, E.Overholt, P.Anderson, R.Thompson, J.Anderson, R.Nash. D.Bush, G.Smith, E. Patterson, L.Woodcock, N.Anderson, P.McClendon. W.Stately, R.Stewart, C. Herrera, K.Pflum, G.Ungar B.Lemay. Prof Watters, Dr Greer Prof Hendrick­ son, E.Patterson, P.Garber P.Perryman, E.Feurtado, K.Curry, C.Larson, S.Davis, G.Dockum, Dr Reinbold, Dr Walker V Hodges, M.Pierce, P.Pendergast, K. Brown, K.Staples, A.Cory R.Hodges, Dr Beaver P.Bush, G.McClung, R.Rhodes, H.Simms, B.Smith, Prof Lance, K.Con­ way, E.Anderson. G.Gardner D.Gray, T.Baer R.Brown, J.Wickersham, C. Williams, V.Mendenhall R.Scheel, F Elayyache, D.Michaels, L.Hinkle, H.MacBurnett, G.Daniel. D.Wickland, F.Postle­ wait, B.Cardin, D.Mosher




m O ©

Mission Crusaders N.Thurmond, J.Craig, L. Hahn, A.Donaldson, C.Henderson, K.Chand­ ler B.Kepler, D.Demetre, F Vigil, E.McCue, K.Brown, D.Grant, sponsor C.Riley S.Birdwell, M.KIumpp, P.Bolerjack, P Huber N. Taylor J.Milligan, B.Reiswig, L.Butem iller D.Carlson, J.Harrell. Missions In Action J.Craig, pres., K.Brown, vice- pres., K.Chunn, sec., S.Hahn, treas., C.Riley Program director Don Owens, sponsor Marksmen A.Rushing, G.Hutcheson, L. Ellingston, D.McDonald, J.Haines. God’s Quad T.Mills, D.Funkhouser D.Jones, M.Pennell. Prayer and Fasting L.Manning, Pres., J. Wright, vice-pres. P.Bilyeu, sec., K.Walker music; D.Moon, J.Avery p u b lic ity P.Boggs, council m ember at large; Dwain Grant, sponsor Reach Out K.Wells, pres., R.Lopez, vicepres. T.M artin, chaplain, D.Poulson, sec.treas., C.Ferguson, p u b lic ity Paul Gray sponsor Timothean Society B.Smith, pres., M. Gough, vice-pres. Paul Gray sponsor Gospel Team M.Brown, S.Dorough, B. Beaver D.Ryan, L.Bruce, T.Etris, C.Hofrichter DJones, T.Fletcher M Stone, L.Valdez, H.Anderson, F.Simmons, A.Mayo, D.Bishop, L.Wylie, P Sechrist, R.Wiegman, R.Campbell, D.Bartholomew B.Godfrey J.Mathis, L. Bean, B.Dewees, G.Bohannon.



Political Science Club G Morsch G Esper a F Sanchez B Rust n D E m r c h Mex can Gov­ e rn m e n t Off c a C Sanders L. Gresham sponsor R B ad S Shaw L.F oren R Feckner D Showalter B VanHorn S Ha S Ray Eva Fuentes Cruz, Mex can Governmenta Secretary

Young Democrats Steve Ray C hairm an

Young Republicans Joey White Chairm an

Office of Student Interest Mobilization Gary Morsch Organ zer Dave Showa ter Organizer


Bleacher Bums D Edwards, R. Marchant, B. Pitcock, J Moseley, E Feurtado, S Swigart, R. Spruill S. Proctor, B. Lemay, B. Sims, D Green, M Wessels, T Jackson, T Potter, S. McCoy, M Blueford, P Brown, B. Finkenbinder D Richardson, G King, B. Bumpers, D Schapp, R. Coleman, D Marchant, B. Babcock, K. Gering, W Stately R. Phillips



^ .

^ ;â–

^ ; ::


: |

i 1 :


Pep Band Phil Moore, Director PEMM Club Officers: T Russe pubicity cha rm an S.Green secretarytre a s u r e r M Swartzendruber vicepresident; C Garrett, president.


Cardinal Key Jun or Women s Honor Society VWessels, L.Com ngdeer S.Vestal G. Emberton, W Howard Sponsor J Hansell S.Knight, K.Curry D.Hunnicut, B.Morsch, D. Huwa, B.M Her D.Dunkin, D.Ringler C. Peterson, Sponsor P.Jones.

Athenas Sen or Women s Honor Society C.Miller M Peterson, V Behrnes, N.Jennings, M Smith, D.Gil iland G McDaniel C. Fieldcamp, S.Raney C.Sneed S.Hahn. Sponsors N.Murrow A.Oliver D Wood

Alpha Lambda Delta Sophom ore Women s Honor Society D.Reeve, H Rothwell, Sponsor A.Fansler K.Lucas, C.Kildow L.Bruce, B.Bingaman, D Riggs, V Flynn, M.Pierce, L.FIoren, E.Patter­ son, M Simmons, S.Feurtado, E.Dickerman, Sponsor M.Bayles.


Alpha Nu Honor Society G.Anderson, T.Baer J.Baldwin, M Bayles, V.Behrnes, R.BIad, J Bolerjack, C.Bowman, J.Breitling, L.Bruce, J.Burks, R.Butts, S. Cargill J.Cariker L.Comingdeer R.Comingdeer M.Coody C.Crittenden, M.Curry K. Curry K.Daniels, L.Dorough, D.Earnest, P Eggleston, A.Fansler M.Ferrell C.Fieldcamp, L.FIoren, J Foster N.Fredrickson, J Gandy S.Garber J.Garrett, W.Garrett, M Gilbert, R.Gilbert, D.Gilley D.Gilliland, R. Gould C.Gray R.Green, S.Green, FI.Greene, J.Gunter S.FIahn, E.Flail G Flamilton, B. Flarrison, M Flaviland J Flawkins, M.Hock, R. Flodges, A.FIodgson, P Floffpauir C.Hofrichter B.FIughes, D.FIunnicutt, G.Hutcheson, S.lngersol N.Jennings, P.Jones, B. Keegan, S.Keeton, C.Kildow C.King, P King, C.Knippers, M Krom er P Lee, G.Lehman, F.Lewis, K.Lucas, L.Manning, T.Martin, A. Mayo, V.Mendenhall C.Miller D.M Her D M iller R.Miller P.Moore, H.Moore, G. Morsch, R.Morsch, J Nantze, C.Osborne, E. Overholt, M Patredis, E.Patterson, S.Patter­ son, M.Pierce, R.Potts, P.Pryor C.Puckett, S.Ralph, S.Raney J.Reed, D.Reeves, J Reneau R.Rhodes, J Rice, D.Riggs, J Rowland S.Russell, D.Ryan M Saunders, R.Scheel R. Schuneman, S.Shearer M Sholtess, D. Shrauner M Simmons, M.Smith, R.Smith, T.Sprenger J Stangeland J.Starr L.Starr S.Stevens, R.Stillings, G Stokes, G Stowe, D. Strickland, L.Theel B.VanHorn, R.Vaughn, S.Vestal, S.Waller V Wessels, M White, L. Whitt, A.Wilkerson C.Williams, B. Wilson, J Wright, B.Yarbrough.

Linda Dorough, secre ta ry Susan Hahn, president; Cathie Fieldcamp, vice president; Leola Floren, publicity chairm an. Dr Anna Belle Laughbaum Sponsor


NOW Club A.Hodgson, president; J Foster vice president; K.Ch Iders, secre ta ry J Twyeffort, treasurer- C.Repp, p u b lic ity D.Ringler historian Helen Harkins, spon­ sor SEA C.Sneed, state president; K.Curry state secre ta ry V Behrnes, local president; C.Sneed vice president; C.Mil er secretarytre a su re r J Hansell historian; C.Fieldcamp, p u b lic ity Joy Beaver Obed Watters, spon­ sors.


Crooked Rook Chess Club P Everett, presi­ dent; J Walker vice president; R.Hodges, secretary D.Wickland, treasurer- Keith Walker sponsor PBL Business Club B.Rustin, president; R.Comingdeer vice president; A.Wilkerson, secre ta ry D.Offutt, treasu rer- J.Gassett, historian-reporter- K.Wells, conven­ tion co o rd in a to r- E.mer Shellenberger Dwain Grant, sponsors. Amateur Radio Club P Perryman, president; S.Budensiek, vice president of equipm ent; D.Bowers, vice president of p u b lic ity B. Carden, secretary-treasurer- Forrest Ladd, sponsor Psychology Club S.Shearer president; PW estmark, vice president; J Hess, secre­ ta ry - M.James, treasu rer- J Stephenson, chaplain- D.Holland, p u b licity- Forrest Ladd Jean Graham Dorothy Stasser spon-

Publicity Committee R Marchant, J Ph ps, R Wi son Not pictured M Patton, D Lanicek

Personnel Policies S Ray K Marks Not p ctured K Brown

Film Committee J Stange and L. Haas, D Be C.Sowash R Vargas Not pictured D Emr ch

Social Life J Mose ey J Crouse R Jessee D Harm on S McCoy M Wesse s D Ho and R M archant L.We s nger V Ha e J Evans M Cantwe S Heritage D Emerson C Larson R Hester L.Qu r ng, K McKell ps J Sauter K McKenzie K Lucan C Hooper D Riggs M Harbuck, J Hess Student Union J Evans J Harr s, B Fe k ner B Loeber Not pictured C West. Entertainment G P tcock C Bounds J Tyler Not pictured R Eguren J Hess, P Parker

Presidential Research B.Sm ith, S Ray S Davis, G Morsch M Peterson Student-Faculty Forum C.Kn ppers, M Payne not pic­ tured D Pickard, B G odfrey Impeachm ent Com m ittee D .Show alter S.Davis, S Ingersol, P Parker, S.Ray not p ictured M Peterson B Rustin

FOOD COMMITTEE R. Lopez, A.Fansier S.Bay J.Harder T.Weber L.Tracy, M.Floyd, C.Repp, L.Dorough, D.Phillips, M.Bailey C,Sanders RECREATIONAL COMMITTEE J.Bley, K.Wells, S.Houts, S.Faust, R .lu cke r M.Omm art, R. Gregory D. Williams, NOT PICTURED S.VanBibber B.Copeland, S.Greene, D.Jones W.McKamie EDUCATIONAL POLICIES EDUCATIONAL POLICIES L. Rye, N. Kannady, NOT PICTURED Dan Bruns



I / I


Circle K S Ray R Lopez, J H arr s E M oham ­ mad B Vaughn sponsor C.Gar rett, B M orr son L.McC a n B W son F Lew s B Rust n R Grbbe S.Holtz, D Showa te r D E der D O ffu tt, S N eum ann B S m ith E St nson D Donahue B Fe kner D M atthew s D Bush R Purdy B Y arbrough K She enberger E Overho t, G Morsch


f)M II£C 0U U tl6

CELEBRATION ’72 t had a d iffe re n t ook th is year Fa r G rounds Arena was the place a n d th e R e d s k n n vita tio n a was the occasion It was a weekend f ed w ith excitem ent. Friends fro m our sister co leges, SCV’ers, parents, and A lum n a jo ned n the


CELEE Soft vib ra tio n s of m usic c assic ite ra tu re and an nterest n m arine bio ogy

Enjoy ng the peace and freedom of natura th ngs- m petuous and sp u r of the m om ent.

A c o m fo rta b le person Warm y p easant and natura


The tra d ito n was sti cess,

as a ways.


the same


T me does

but changes were

atm osphere An



n pro­ people

m p o rta n t even ng to rem em ber

E xciting enterta nm ent. A n nouncem ents of the fu tu re u n ity of tw o becom ng one Then Heart

Silence Pa



A tim e to ta k and enjoy frie n d s and

G entlem en



pause Gasp

yo u r



Outstanding Freshmen

Deb Riggs


Ed Overholt

Student Life

d scuss it

17 0

mm m m

Somehow try to get it together make it work make it happen make it good celebrate it


Registration ines

and m ore lines.

Fall Opening Convention The Bill Gaither Trio

Culture Series The Alpha Omega Players ‘The Diary of Adam and Eve



Fight or collapse; resist or let go

and sleep fo r awhile, fin a lly

You hear it rising fro m a p ro stra te fo rm below the business o ffic e w indow ; cra w lin g fro m beneath a stalled Buick in th e p a rking lot; d riftin g o ut a cafeteria w indow ; hanging heavy like a cloud above a lib ra ry study table. It’s a groaned “ oh, no,” or a plead­ ing “ Why me???” It's a teary-eyed fre sh m a n s c rib b lin g across the to p of a page, “ Can I ever really tru s t anybody?” And it ’s a blearyeyed senior s c rib b lin g back, “ I d o n ’t know. B u t you have to keep try in g .”

Is this reality?


Roots go deep, but the upper branches either bend— or break off,

But som etim es it ’s fun to fight; th a t is, if you're winning.

Then she hits you w ith it—retaliation.

And so m ust every man pass unto his own just reward.


Fall Pow Wow ’72

Col Lionel K lutzo’s Medicine Show fea tu ring Col Klutzo and Fifi


Harlan and Patrice


Inside occupied zones bubbles, books, benches, beds, This s nice, b u t you wou d n ’t w ant to do it all the days of your ife, w ould you? Like when the w orld tu rn s and you com e to the edge of night, have you got a guid ng ig h t to get th ro u g h the dark shadows of the secret storm ? And if n your search fo r to m o rro w you com e across an o th e r w orld let me know and togethe r we’ celebrate ove of ife

1 80


Distance can m ake a difference. Like when you take a g ia n t step back to view a Van Gogh, or a great Persian ta p e stry— o r a sem ester.

C o n trib u te $250 to Do t Now For B ethany’ cam paign Then go hom e unti you save enough to pay o ff yo u r b

D N* is a gam e created especia y fo r Bethany Nazarene Co lege Students, t requ res ittle s k and m ostly uck

Loose pet horny toad n gen­ era chape Advance to Dean Barnard s o ff ce fo r a fu n a fte r­ noon of gentle chid ng.

t m ay be p ayed a one or w ith any num ber up to around 1 500, but not a at the same t me of course The object of the game s quite s m ple because there rea y is n ’t any Ru es are re ative y uncom p icated and are n fa c t so a r b tr a r y th a t they have been d spensed w ith a lto ­ gether •DO

Fracture w rist n fa on icy sidewa k Report to student health center fo r sym pathy and a bandaid


C o ntribute $10 to Do t Now For Bethany cam paign Ad vance to m ailbox fo r specia thank-you note fro m Dr Nease


Selected to represent BNC th ro u g h o ff ce of public reat ons Advance to the barber shop of your choice


Neglect to m em orize Beati­ tudes fo r NT m id -te rm Go d i­ rectly to cafeteria fo r p u n ish ­ m ent.


f Keep hours dent p art t

reserve brary book tw o overdue Advance to s tu ­ e m p lo y m e n t serv ce fo r me job to pay f ne

0 s

f i A ccum ulate cused chapel e absences. m er s ittin g A u d ito r um n ghts

A ccidently d stu rb ra t’s nest wh le p ra ctic ng p ano n F ne Arts B dg. Proceed to G bert C nic fo r tetanus shot.

seventeen unex unexcused chapSpend the su m ­ a one n H errick on Wednesday

Lose yo u r student D Go th ro u g h cafeteria ne fo r th o r ough fr sk ng.

Accepted fo r m em bersh p nto M ss on Crusaders T ou r dis­ tr ic t d u r ng Spr ng Break.

Dorm Mom congratu ates you on determ nat on to study every n ight unt 11'30 even Fridays-and it ’s ju st th a t y o u ’ve never been asked out. Go back to your room

C rcle K hits you fo r a b ood d onatio n Advance 1 space be­ cause you tried to h t back




"FRIENDS AND SPONSORS OF ARROW 7 3 " Acord, Bob G. 8208 N.W 31st Terrace Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 1948-50, 6 5 -67 -B.S. Adams, Wesley 101 N. Lacy Dr., Lot 36 Waco, Texas 76705 B.N.C. 1960-65; A.B. M.A. N.T.S. Baylor Arbuckle, Miles R. 3008 McMillan Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 1965-71 B.S. Barlow Ronald S., M.D. 2805 Oakridge Drive Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 1955-58; B.S. O.U. Medical School Bounds, Sheri LaRue 1730V2 Paloma Pasadena, California 91104 B.N.C. 1964-68; B.S. U.C.L.A., U.C.S.B. Pasadena College, Laverne College, Ventura College Carter Lucretia Box 206 Soldotna, Alaska B.N.C. 1950-57 Coale, Geron E. 3970 Harmony Dr #507 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 B.N.C. 1969-72; A.B. Colle, Mrs. Guy A. (Sheryl Dimond) Rt. 3 Box 97 St. John, Kansas 67576 B.N.C. B.S. Fort Hays Kansas State College Dobson, Willis B. 4611 N. Donald St. Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 1924-26; Junior College Degree, diplom a n piano Centenary College; B.A. University of Texas; M.A., PhD. Dorris, Curtis 3209 Markwell P.O. Box 444 Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 1956,67-69; B.S. Central State University Fauss, Paul W 7905 N.W 39th St. Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 1934-38; A.B. Blackwood Business College

Godkin, Jennie McW illiams Rt. 1 Box 92 Gibson Manor Bel Air Maryland 21014 B.N.C. 1963-67-A.B. Burlington General Hospital Iowa N.T.S. Godkin, Roy Lynn Rt. 1 Box 92 Gibson Manor Bel Air Maryland 21014 B.N.C.; A.B. Lamar University Beaumont, Texas N.T.S. M.R.E. Goulden ArleyJ. 5601 Stoutwood Circle Austin, Texas 78745 B.N.C. 1952-53, 58-59; A.B. Central State University of Oklahoma Oklahoma City University Hankins, Mrs. Alene Welch Box 293 Newcastle, Texas 76372 B.N.C. 1935-39; B.A. Midwestern U n iversity M.A. Heneger Clarence 0. 7217 E. 63rd St., South Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133 B.N.C. 1945-48, 54-55; A.B. University of Oklahoma University of California at Berkley Henson, Emilene E. (Fuller) 1007 E. Boulder Colorado Springs, Colorado B.N.C. 1965-70; B.S. Tulsa University Holz, Velma Tim m 515E. 14th Carthage, Missouri 64836 B.N.C. 2 years Lambert, Rev and Mrs. Jerry (Verla Oke) 162 N.E. 122St. Miam Florida B.N.C. 1955-59; A.B. Macrory Dr and Mrs. Paul D. 2908 Holloway Bethany 73008 B.N.C. 1935-39; B.S. Asbury College University of Oklahoma School of Medicine Matson, Morris C. 5616 Woodway Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76133 B.N.C. 1946-47 50; A.B. Texas Christian University Miller Rev A rthu r and Lola P.O. Box 570-N.E. B� St. Bentonville, Arkansas 72712

Floyd, John H (M D.) 2209 7th Ave. Scottsbluff Nebraska 69361 B.N.C. 1945-49; A.B. University of Oklahoma School of Medicine

O’Neal Lona Mae (Wheatly) Box 67 4220 Pasadena Texas 77503 B.N.C. 1955-59; B.S.

Garsee, Dr Jarrell Mt. Vernon Nazarene College M artinsburg Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050

Preston, Barbara Jeanenne Colorado State Hospital Pathology Laboratory Pueblo, Colorado 81003 B.N.C. 1968-71 B.S.

Gassett, J T 400 Longmeadow Drive Syracuse, New York 13205 B.N.C. 1935-39; A.B. Bresee College; ThB.

Riggs, Shirley Strangeland 7459 Village Drive Prairie Village Kansas 66208 B.N.C. 1952-56; B.S. University of Oklahoma M L.S.


Ronnekamp, Steve and Nelda B. .A. Eek, Alaska 99578 B.N.C. 1966; B.S. and A.B. Central State U n iversity both M.A. Schoela, C lifford 2430 S. 2nd Avenue Arcadia, California 91006 B.N.C. 1961-67- A.B. N.T.S. Simpson, Robert L. Box 1663 Ponca City Oklahoma 74601 B.N.C. 1961-64; B.S. Sodowsky Paul M. 3306 E. Meyer Blvd. Kansas City Missouri 64132 B.N.C. 1935-40; ThB. and A.B. Northwest Nazarene College; ThM. Tesley Mrs. Justine Burton 224 W Hillcrest Blvd. Monrovia, California 91016 B.N.C. 2 years, A.B. Central State Teachers College, Edmond Thompson, Amelia (Coose) 339 Fouts Avenue Duncanville, Texas 75116 B.N.C. 1957-58; B.S. University of Denver- M.A. Thompson, Wendell 339 Fouts Avenue Duncanville, Texas 75116 B.N.C. 1964-69; B.S. University of Oklahoma, M.L.S. Thurm ond, Mrs. Roger C. (Edie Snell) 2121 Old Forge Drive Little Rock, Arkansas 72207 B.N.C. 1964-67-A.B. Tull, Charles and lona (Casey) Box 142 W eatherford, Texas 76086 B.N.C. 1967 70; A.B. Wade, E. Bruce and Beulah 3029 Sharpview Lane Dallas, Texas 75228 B.N.C. 1944-66 Washburn, Dr and Mrs. Phillip 315 W Cleveland Sapulpa, Oklahoma B.N.C. 1954-58; B.S. University of Oklahoma School of Medicine Westmoreland, John G. 7713 N.W 20th Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 4 years B.S. Wisler Charles C. 7014 N.W 45th Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C., Junior College Degree Wisler Lucille McCormick 7014 N.W 45th Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. Junior College Degree Oklahoma City University Zim m erm an, Esther (Mrs. J.E.) 5001 N. Peniel Bethany Oklahoma 73008 B.N.C. 2 years, A.B. Pasadena Nazarene College Central State University

CHURCH INDEX A bernathy Texas F r s t A rd m o re Ok ahom a Austin Texas F rst Bartlesv e O klahom a Baton Rouge Louis ana F rst Bentonv le Arkansas Bethany O klahom a F rst Br nkley Arkansas Bethany Ok ahom a Calvary Conway Arkansas F r s t Da as, Texas Centra Dallas, Texas F rst Da las, Texas N orth D epartm ent of Y outh Edm ond, Ok ahom a First Enid Ok ahom a Fr s t Fort W orth Texas First Freeport, Texas F rst Stuart, Ok ahom a Friendsh p Greenv le Texas Harrah Ok ahom a Hereford Texas F r s t Houston D is tric t Houston Texas Oakwood Jacksonv le Arkansas F rst K gore Texas Bethany Ok ahom a Lake Overho ser Ok ahom a C ity Lakeview Park Lamesa Texas Little Rock, Arkansas First Little Rock, Arkansas Rose H Lufk n Texas F rst N orth Arkansas D s tric t N orth Little Rock, Arkansas F rst N orth Little Rock, Arkansas Grace N ortheast O klahom a D s tric t N orthw est Ok ahom a D is trict Orange Texas Ok ahom a C ity Ok ahom a Pennsylvan a Avenue Ponca C ity Ok ahom a P ort A rth u r Texas Grace San A nton o D s tric t Shreveport, Louis ana F rst Southeast O klahom a D is trict O klahom a C ity Ok ahom a T rin ty T u s a Ok ahom a Centra Tulsa O klahom a First Ok ahom a C ity Vi age Bethany Ok ahom a Westgate Bethany Ok ahom a W iam s M em oria Yukon Ok ahom a

195 191 204 209 194 205 211 208 215 190 195 203 208 198 209 196 216 192 208 198 202 196 193 204 204 194 191 192 202 206 196 192 199 214 195 207 200-201 209 215 215 202 197 199 210 191 212-213 199 205 204 194 205


First Church of the Nazarene Conway, Arkansas

Mary Harrell

19 0


Robert Sumner-pastor Al Butler-education Martin Butler-youth C.F. Wilson-music


ARDMORE Church of the Nazarene




John Calhoun Pastor

Garland Johnson Pastor


Dr. Glenn McArthur

S.S. Supt.

Ed Marler


Charles Smith


Phyliss McArthur


jM ift



J V ,a z a r e n e_

c S t ’ OItrurcI| of % ffiammw w



Earl Cotton Pastor

Our Student

Rex Weisinger S.S. Supt.

Mattie Childress N.W M.S. Pres. Nelda Haefs

Linda Weisinger

Debbie Cotton N.Y.P.S. Pres.

not pictured: David Gant


David E. Wilson Pastor



Roy Thomas



O f


W a,ar.n < 3426 NW 50th OKLAHOMA CITY 943-8581

Steve Hulsey, Youth Harrell Lucky, Music Jewel Adkinson, Children Jim Bond, Pastor




Continues Support of Christian Education at Bethany Nazarene College

Raymond McClung District Superintendent



Ford Boone, Pastor The First Steps to Happiness Are the Church Steps Claude E.Pittenger, Pastor Cecil Stokely, S.S. Supt. Mrs. Allen May, N.W.M.S. Pres. Milton Frazier, N.Y P S. Pres.

Belinda Taylor

Richard Auter

Baton Rouge, La.

Ken Stokely


Congratulations Class of 1973




Central Linda Hall

Not pictu re d Mac Rogers Don Schaap



supported by

of prayers






Louis Schaap, pastor

Nazarene 4105 Victors Dallas, Texas

Grace Church of the Nazarene

North Little Rock Arkansas

Our Student Susan Calvert






of the




Enid Okla.

1 « f i r


Rhydonia Sloan

Garry Becker


1101 Kanis Road Little Rock, Ark. 72205


Linda Woodbury


Richard Tucker

Bob Huffaker Pastor




Congratulates the Class of 1973 and Continues Support of Bethany Nazarene College




Young Adult Discussion Outlines


Cktotck oi Tke l/la p n & m . Greenville, Texas Bob C. Viser, Pastor

“Just for the Love of It’’

the department of youth church off the nazarene we’re in the business off helping young people become fully functioning members off the body off Christ.






First Church of the Nazarene

1027 Jordan SHREVEPORT, LA.


Dale Lane not pictured: Karen Simmons

Wayne LaForce, pastor



First Church of the Nazarene

A continues support of B.N.C. 199




Port Arthur, Texas



"We are proud to support BNC 100% �

Myra Sandifer

Darrel Miley Pastor

Dedicated Feb. 13,1972

M L. T u rb yfi l-pastor A rthus Norman-S.S Supt. rene P ritc h e tt N W M S. pres Jolene Key-N Y P S. pres A grow ing ch u rch n a grow ing city


DALLAS FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Supporting Christian Education at B.N.C.


Houston Oakwood


Church of the Nazarene 7118 Roswell Houston, Texas Our Students

We Support B.N.C.



JACKSONVILLE, ARK. -Home of the Little Rock Air Force Base-

Church of the Nazarene 5949 N W 39th Expressway Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Carl C Ingersol - Pastor Walter G a rro tt-M in of Music

Friendly Spiritual Growing and Alive Near the BNC Campus

Julia Ellis

Bill Wilson



Village Church of the Nazarene

10621 N. May Avenue Oklahoma City

Supporting B.N.C.

Cecil Kmppers-pastor Mel Roberts-music Mrs. Cecil Knippers-youth, education





“The Friendly Village Church” ■




Rev. M.V. Scutt Pastor

Our Students:

Linda Bauldwin

Earl Feurtado

Linda Bryan

Sharon Feurtado

Kay Daniel

Helen Drake

Vicki Huffman

Vickie Jones

not pictured: Cheryl Bradshaw Linda Bryant

Bob Smith


Gary Williams


E.H. Sanders, District Superintendent Rev. Richard Harper, District N.Y.P.S. President Rev. E. Keith Bottles, Church Schools Chairman Advisory Board: Rev. E. Keith Bottles Rev. Eugene Sanders Mr. Bob Donaldson Mr. Robert Kannady

Boosting Bethany Nazarene College with our prayers, students and finances


BRINKLEY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE BRINKLEY, ARKANSAS "He has begun the good work in us, and we are acting on the promise: ’And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task with­ in you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns.” ’


Philippians 1:6 Living Bible

Organized May ’72 Pastor: Dan Rushing


Irwin Harris Pastor





E-Keith Bottles, Pastor Rene’ Colaw, Associate Pastor Jack Mendenhall, S.S. Supt. & B.N.C. Trustee Brenda Scotts, Youth Irene Long, Missions Paul Bond, Music Jane Ryan, Office Secretary Bruce Ewers, Treasurer John Norell, Secretary

Our Students

Pam King

Terri King


Bill Lemay

Edmond First Church of the Nazarene Boulevard at Main Edmond, Oklahoma

Rev Beecher Kuykendall Pastor


Congratulations Class of ’73!



Supporting Christian Education at


Ponder W. Gilliland ’72-73 Reflections Gaither Trio Harvest Celebration 39th Street Bridge Celebration of Hope Collegiate Choir Windsong Hale and Wilder Glaphre’ Cornerstone ReGeneration Five and Dime The Greatest Story Yet Untold Four Way Revival

Stuart Malloy

Susan Malloy

Rick Johnson

Janice Hansell

WELCOME TO One of Tulsa’s Friendliest Churches Karen Kannady

Tim White

CENTRAL CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 3355 Jamestown Ph. 747-7511

Eugene Sanders Pastor

Larry Woodward Assoc. Pastor

i i i

Stuart Malloy Children

Ralph Jared Visitation

A Concerned and Dedicated Staff to Serve You.

Central Offers a Church Home Abundant With Children, Youth, Young and Older Adults. An Active Program Is Offered for All Ages.


congratulations to

Dr. Nease, Our President Dedicated B.N.C. Staff Graduating Class of ’73

WELCOME TO One of America’s Most Beautiful Cities

TULSA, OKLAHOMA YOU WOULD BE WISE TO LOCATE IN TULSA AND WE WILL HELP YOU! Tulsa Is a Boom City, Abounding With Job Opportunities. It Would Earn an "A” in Ecology Culturally, It Is Rated With All Other Metropolitan Cities. In Sports, Professional and high School and University Teams Provide Exciting Adventure. Spiritually, It Is Considered the Heart of the Bible Belt. TULSA IS WAITING FOR YOU!

Congratulations to the Arrow Staff Danny Wilson

Ron Robinson

First Church of the Nazarene North Little Rock, Arkansas

Art Eastman S.S. Supt.

Darrel W. Gash Music and Youth

Wayne T. Gash Pastor

Congratulations B.N.C. and Class of ’73!

Our Students

V |

/ kf Celeste Eastman 214


Cindy Hooper




Kathy Green

Beverly Scott




23rd and Mueller, Bethany, Oklahoma '

7y f U n d c

Carl Summer Pastor


o f 't/c u b ^ AFrank u A Kelley c /l Ed. and Visitation


Ponca City First Church of the Nazarene


Pennsylvania Avenue Church of the Nazarene 1121 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Oklahoma City

Our Students: Sam Stringer Connie DeWitt Bonnie Schunaman SUCCESS and



Dave L. Humble Pastor Bill Howard S.S. Superintendent Rick Powell N.Y.P.S. President Rosella Garrett N.W.M.S. President 215

FORT WORTH FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Supports Bethany Nazarene College and Congratulates the Senior Class of ’73


CAMPUS INDEX A um n Assoc ation Assoc ated Men Students B N C. Bookstore C rc e K Freshm an C ass Garey Dorm M ss on Crusaders PBL Bus ness Club Pr nt Shop P ublic Re at ons C om p m ents of Ron C ronk Saga Food Service S now barger Dorm S tudent Counc

219 219 220 224 218 223 220 219 222 221 223 224 2 22 218




n Grateful Appreciation


PBL Business Club


Is Awarded the Degree of DOCTORS OF KOINONIA By The Aiumni Association For Contribution of Time and Money to Bethany Nazarene College

Alumni President


B.N.C. BOOKSTORE Larry Mills, manager

v Jlh d B E H ii % c



â– BIB

J U h ii








God’s Quad


Mission Crusaders

Gospel Team

Schedule these groups for your church through: Harry Macrory Director of Public Relations Bethany Nazarene College Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 221

We are here to serve you. - Snowbarger Dorm Council

Print Shop of Bethany Nazarene College Karl Miller Manager 222

Compliments of Ron Cronk

SAGA Food Service

BUSINESS ADVERTISING INDEX A rcadia Mote Bates Shoe Store B e rt’s United Rent A Bethany M otor C om pany Bethany U nited Drug Bob and Terry s B ow m an-N icek Associates Bowl 66 Brown-M cC ure Lum ber C om pany C.R. A n th on y C arlyle Mote C ham ber of C om m erce C ark s Bakery C o m m u n ity N ationa Bank DeVi le Barber Shop Don s P harm acy D river M usic C om pany Duer Realty nc Eagan P um b ng Com pany Er c M otley-C harles Bryan Executive Kars Fash on C orra F rst Nat ona Bank of Bethany F rst Nat ona Bank of Yukon Fred Vaughn G bert C nic G raham Home Furn sh ngs H gh ander Laundry K ra k e r’s Ladies and Men Wear Larsen’s Mus c C om pany Lurry O ffice Mach ne Com pany M cClure s F owers Med c D scount P harm acy M obile Serv ce Center Pau R d ngs Rea ty State Farm nsurance T hom ason Hardware T ribu ne Review Twi ite Bowl Tw ite Mote Up-To-Date Cleaners West Oaks Medical Center

231 240 228 235 240 233 231 233 235 242 236 238 238 229 226 232 240 230 233 231 226 243 234 228 244 241 243 227 238 228 242 242 237 239 230 235 240 238 228 227 243 236


DeVille Barber Shop 7835 N.W. 23rd Bethany, Oklahoma

Executive Kars 6433 N.W. 39th Exp. Bethany, Oklahoma


Highlander Laundry 4109 N. Rockwell Bethany, Oklahoma 789-9959

Twilite Inn Motel 6225 N.W. 39th Bethany, Oklahoma


First National


Tw ilite Bowl

East of Yukon 5926 N W. 39th, Bethany

4001 N W 63





* £ < " ' / / / ) / 11\ 1V y







DUER REALTY, INC Let our efficient full time sales staff handle your housing needs

Bethany, Warr Acres N.W. Oklahoma City Darrell Duer, Pres. 1966 B.N.C. graduate

■I ”


DEAL WITH A "DUER” (405) 787-2525

REALTY INC. 4315 N. MacArthur Blvd. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73122

\ *I ]

' '



. C-:


■ ' -

*''r - '; t/'* , 7/V, - . " „


w HL' '




' ■■'

Paul Ridings Realtors 6505 N.W. 39th Exp. 789-0352

Bowman-Nicek Associates 4612 N. MacArthur Oklahoma City, Okla. ph. 789-3622

GO REDSKINS Architects, Engineers, Planners

Compliments of Eric L. Motley, D.D.S. Charles L. Bryan, D.D.S.

ARCADIA MOTEL 3520 N.W. 39th Exp. Oklahoma City, Okla.

color T.V. large swimming pool

Bank Americard, Mobile, Master Charge accepted


Don’s Pharmacy 6801 N.W. 39th Exp. Bethany, Oklahoma


BOB AND TERRY’S 6730 N.W. 39th Exp. Bethany 789-5365 3810 N.W. 39TH EXP. ON U.S. HIGHWAY OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA

Good Luck Seniors!



FIRST NATIONAL BANK 3924 N. College Bethany





J.M. and John G. Westmoreland



6401 N.W. 39 Exp. : I



6720 N.W. 38th Bethany 789-0320 235

WESTERN OAKS MEDICAL CENTER 7330 N.W. 23rd, Bethany Phone: 789-4150

John W. Bumpus, M . D . Paul Barrett, M . D . A. L. G o re n a , M . D . Paul M a cro ry, M . D . Kenneth W. W hittington, M . D .

CARLYLE M O T E L 3600 N.W. 39th Oklahoma City • Pool • A ir C onditioning • Free TV • AAA Approved • Playground • Restaurants and Shopping center


MEDIC DISCOUNT PHARMACY 5420 N. Portland, Oklahoma City and 3420 N. McArthur, Oklahoma, City







V 1





3813 Co lege

Clark’s Bakery and Siegi’s Coffee Shop 6744 N.W. 39th Exp.

K ra ke r’s Lad es and Men s Wear 6726 N W 39th Exp

S u p p o rtin g th e Total College E ffort

C h a m b er of C o m m erce 238


6529 N.W. 39th Exp. Bethany


6648 N W 39








6600 N.W. 39TH EXPRESSWAY BETHANY 789-4711 Bates Shoe Store 6716 N.W. 39th

Bethany United Drugs


Congratulations to the Class of 1973 Leon N. Gilbert, M.D. Kenneth G. Ogg, M.D. Lawrence E. Silvey, M.D. J. Dudley Powers, M.D. Douglas W. Brant, M.D.

GILBERT CLINIC, INC. 6801 N W 39th Expressway Bethany, Oklahoma


L u rry Off ce Mach ne Co 3928 N Co ege Bethany Ok ahom a

C R Anthony Co 6748 N W 39th Exp McC ure s F owers 6700 N W 39th Bethany



X W J> "n Z O Graham Home Furn sh ngs 6734 N W 39th Bethany

r > a » Q O

6714 N W 39th Exp Bethany

UP-TO-DATE CLEANERS 6718 N.W. 39th 243



STUDENT INDEX FRESHMEN ADAMS, JOHN 5818 Aspen Great Bend, KS AFSHAR, NADER 527 Sooner Dr Apt. B Norman, OK ALLEN, PAM 221 Edgerton Oakley, KS ANDERSON, DWAINE 2432 N.W. 36 Oklahoma City, OK ANDERSON, LINDA P.O. Box 397 Moriarty, NM ANDERSON, LOCHLYN Rt. 1 Box 103 Merigold, MS ANDERSON, NEDRA 7622 Redbud Dr Dallas, Tx ANDERSON, RODNEY Star Rt. 2 Box 11 Hugoton, KS ANKNEY CATHY Box 365 Burns, Flat, OK ARCHER, RONALD 7016 N.W. 61st Terr Bethany, OK ARMSTRONG, JIMMY 912 Bradley Oklahoma City, OK AUTER, RICHARD 10044 Alpha Dr Baton Rouge, LA AVERY JANETTE Rt. 2 Box 322 Alvarado, TX BABCOCK, BYRON Rt. 3 Portland, Ml BADER, TED 211C 2707 Valmont Boulder CO BAILEY DEBBIE 360 Farris Rd. Conway, AR BAKER, JONNY 3229 Tanglewood Ft. Worth, TX BAKER, PHOEBE Rt. 3 Box 57A Conway, ARK BANZ, PHIL 224 Meadowcreek Desoto, TX BARHAM, DEBRA 1254 Stevens Ridge Dallas, TX BARKMAN, FRANCESCA 2215 Woods Chapel Arlington, TX BAUER, DARREL 515 145h St. NW Minot, ND BAUM, ELAINE 125 Park Ave. Fairview, OK BAY STEPHEN 1400 Downing St. Oklahoma City, OK BEAN, LARRY 1913 Godlin Oklahoma City, OK BECKER, GARRY Rt. 1 Box 22 Enid, OK BELL, JANICE P.O. Box 630 Mena, ARK BELLMAN, JANICE 1181 Single Tree Cr Minot AFB, ND

BENTLEY JOEL 144 Glade Hot Springs, ARK BERGEN, MARTIN 1650 Broadmoor Ct. Baton Rouge, LA BERGMAN, JONEVA 4003 Glade Bethany, OK BEUTENMULLER, DAN 2310 E. St. Vrain Colorado Springs, CO BIRDWELL, SHARON 13904 Laredo St. Houston, TX BLACKKETTER, IRIS RR 2 Leedey, OK BLAKELY EUGENE 4309 Zephyr Way Sacramento, CA BLUEFORD, MICHAEL 117 Spruce Modesto, CA BOHANNAN, GARY 1901 Loma Linda Vernon, TX BOLD, RALPH Star Rt. Bradview, NM BOLDT ANNETTE RR 1 Chase, KS BOUNDS, CINDY 4004 Riverside Bethany, OK BOWERS, CLARICE 1101 Florence Colorado Springs, CO BRADFORD, RICKEY 1245 Loma Dr Norman, OK BRAUNAGEL, CARMELA 401 E. 5th St. Watford City, ND BROSIUS, ROBERT 10917 Deer Creek Rd. Burleson, TX BROWN,NANCY 811 Forest Amarillo, TX BROWN, SONJA Rt. 1 Box 340 Bentonville, AR BROWNING, RONALD P.O. Box 644 Ponca City, OK BRUCE, STEPHEN RR 1 Meeker OK BRUNS, DEBBIE 6333 Harlan St. Arvada, CO BRYAN, BARRY 2700 N. Peniel Oklahoma City, OK BRYAN, LINDA 2200 Blvd. Little Rock, ARK BRYANT DAVID Rt. 5 Box 447 Malvern, AR BUMPUS, JOHN 2900 Oakridge Bethany, OK BYLER, DAVID 7522 N.W. 6 206 Oklahoma City, OK CAMPBELL, RONALD 505 Deuel St. Ft. Morgan, CO CANTWELL, MARILYN 807 Nancy Lynn Norman, OK CAPLINGER, JIM Rt. 1 Bonham, TX CARNLINE, GEORGE RR 1 Robeline, LA

CARR, PATRICIA 2550 Lindholm Shreveport, LA CARTER, BRENDA 305 W Brookside Colorado Springs, CO CARTER, RANDY 9008 E. Moon Oklahoma City, OK CASEY KAREN 3215 Wilburn-Ave. Bethany, OK CATE, JANET 9911 Aves Houston, TX CAULEY FRAN 1237 Mill St. San Luis Obispo, CA CHACKO, VARUGHES 4110 N. Redmond Oklahoma City, OK CHAMBERS, KENNETH 1339 Tarberry Houston, TX CHAMBERS, THERESA 342 Kayenta Los Alamos, NM CHANDLER, KATHRYN Box 1176 Dalhart, TX CHERRY PATRICIA 1733 Wayland Cir Atlanta, GA CHURCHILL, LOWELL 3708 College Bethany, OK CHURCHILL, KAYLENE 3708 S. College Bethany, Ok CLARK, WILLA 215 Burns Ave. Dayton, OH CLARK, DON PO Box 699 Sulphur LA CLINE, LEIGH 2002 3rd Woodward, OK CLINKINGBEARD, CAROLYN 536 W. Blackwell Blackwell, OK COKER, JIM Rt. 2 Vilonia, AR COLEMAN, REBECCA 3030 Gladiolus Dallas, TX COLLINS, SHARON 1003 Stadium Dr Alvin, TX CONEY PAULA Rt. 1 Box 5448 Mabelvale, AR COOPER, STEVE 1710 Magnolia N. Little Rock, AR CORNELIUS, JOHNNY 6873 Hermosa Ave. Alta Loma, CA COUCH, SHERYL Box 561 Ashland, KS CRAIG, JOHN 511 N. Girls School Indianapolis, IN CRAIG, SHIRLEY 210 S. Covington Coalgate, OK CRANDALL, STANLEY 3 Tonka Cir Mesquite, TX CREECH, DEBBIE 6214 Howard Dallas, TX CRUMPLER, DEBRA 1150 Elm Abilene, TX DAVIS, DANA 90 Linton S. Portland, ME

DAVIS, RUSTY 1208 Winn rose Jackson, MS DAVIS, SHIRLEY 616 Mark Dr Del City, OK DAWSON, DEBBIE 4316 N.W. 55 Oklahoma City, OK DEARMAN, DOYLE 5908 Tarpon Dr El Paso, TX DELK, PEGGY 5630 Shelby St. Indianapolis, IN DEMETRE, DEBBIE Box 198 Liquinea Kingston, Jamaica DETIENNE, DEBORAH 712 9th Sidney, MT DEWITT CONNIE 200 Fresno Ponca City, OK DIAZ, HILDA 1802 Leal San Antonio, TX DIEBALL, BRENDA 4305 S.E. 9th Apt. 7 Del City, OK DINNEL, JIM Rt. 4 Box 194 Greelye, CO DONALSON, ALTHEA 7919 Twin Hills Houston, TX DOOLEY REBEKAH Ft. 1 Box 172 Ruston, LA DOROUGH, JOHN 1665 Southern Wichita Falls, TX DOROUGH, SHARON 2101 52nd Lubbock, TX DOTSON, CAROL P.O. Box 143 Palesade, CO DOWNS, SUSAN 4200 N. College Bethany, OK DRAKE, HELEN 6 Trinity Cir Little Rock, AR DRECHSLER, DEBRA 35533 Windsor Ave. Oklahoma City, OK DUXWORTH, LINDA 2515 34th St. Kenner LA EDWARDS, MARSHALL 2400 N. Springs Amarillo, TX EGUREN, RALPH 61 Richard St. Passaic NJ ELLINGSON, ROBERT 285 Underwood Dr Atlanta, GA ELLIOTT RONALD 2904 W. Ave. T Temple, TX ELLIS, JULIA Rt. 1 Box 101B Jacksonville, AR ELS, ROSANNE 412 S. 4th Floydada, TX EMERSON, DAVID 5829 Wooddale Edina, MN EMMERT JAMES 7307 N.W. 45 Bethany, OK ENOCH, MARCIA 5504 Manor Rd. Austin, TX FAIN, DOUGLAS 1739 Santa Anna San Antonio, TX

FALKNER, BURT 4500Central Rd. Bethany, OK FANSLER, ARLETHA General Del. Gypsum, CO FARSHCHI, MOHAMMAD 4206 N. Peniel A Bethany, Ok FAUST MARILYN P.O. Box 244 Robeline, LA FERGUSON, LINDA Box 337 Beebe, AR FEURTADO, EARL 804 Vinson St. Little, Rock, AR FIGARO, JANET 4804 Quincy St. Metairie, LA FINKENBINDER, WILLIAM No. Star Rt. Syracuse, KS FOSTER, LINDA Rt. L Box 132 Hiwasse, AR FOWLER, ROGER 231 West 15th Ada, OK FUNKHOUSER, KENNETH 1413 N.W. 96 Oklahoma City, OK GAPPA, BOB 2628 St. Anthony Colorado Springs, CO GARCIA, JUVENAL 6903 N.W. 36 Bethany, OK GARDNER, MARCIE 5514 N. Rockwell Bethany, OK GARDNER, RICHARD R.D.4 Slippery Rock, PA GARRISON, CAROLYN 7005 N.W. 45 Bethany, OK GARY BILLY Olton Route Painview, TX GASTON, DIANA Rt. 6 Box 464 Hot Springs, AR GEERDES, MONTE 1201 Lee Borger TX GENTZ, DAVID 3124 Chisholm Trail Ft. Worth, TX GERING, KENTON 7208 N.W. 32 Bethany, OK GIBSON, LON 2923 Osage Ft. Smith, AR GILBERT MARY 2109 N. Mueller Bethany, OK GILMAN, ROBERT 515 S. 4th Ave. Stroud, OK GLASS, BARBARA 3218 Perryton Dallas, TX GOBLE, DEANNA 537 a8 1/4 Rd. Grand Junction, CO GRANT STEVE 4949 Raleigh Denver CO GRAVES, RANDY 17076 Pine Ave. Fontana, CA GREEN, DAN 2718 Meadow Rose Dr Nashville, TN GRIFFIN, TERESA 2213 Westfield Grand Prairie, TX


GRIMES, CORBIE 713 S. 12th Montrose, CO HAHN, LARRY 7097 Jay Rd. Boulder CO HAIL, GARY 3409 Partridge Rd. Oklahoma City, OK HAINES, JOHN 2650 Bentley Rd. 10M Marietta, GA HALE, VICKIE 210 Greenhaven Dallas, TX HALL, LINDA Box 536 Abernathy, TX HANSEN, KATHRYN 8806 Galena Dr El Paso, TX HANSON, SUSAN 4733 Michael Dr Del City, OK HARDER, JUDITH 114 Rector Hot Springs, AR HARRELL, JANICE Box 56 Paradise, KS HARRISON, ALTHEA 520 Fredonia Muskogee, OK HARRISON, SAMUEL 7412 Lyrewood Oklahoma City, OK HATLEY CONNIE Rt. 2 Box 11 Marietta, OK HAWORTH, NILES 700 Woodland Mustang, OK HAYES, DEBBIE 1211Judson Texarkana, TX HAZELTON, DEBBIE 1106 Duvall Dr Killeen, TX HENKEL, LESLIE C. 10521 Livingston Dr Northglenn, CO HENLEY JOHNNY 9501 Tuckerman St. Seabrook, MD HENNING, DAVID 1329 Manitou Rd. Hilton, NY HERITAGE, STACY 10 Green Acres Texarkana, AR HERRERA, CALEB 4114 W. Commerce San Antonio, TX HESS, JOAN 1101 N. Sycamore lola, KS HESTER, RUTH 689 W. Swan Springfield, MO HICKS, CAROLYN 3808 Durango Dallas, TX HILL, MELONY 1975 Mittenwald 114 Colorado Springs, CO HINMAN, RICKI 401 E. Adams Blackwell, OK HODGES, VICKI 10 Linden Ave Bethpage, NY HOHNER, GREG 435 Kings Canyon Galesburg, IL HOLLAND, JANIE 3601 Zedna Dr Oklahoma City, OK HOOKER, SUZANNE P.O. Box 213 Gahlup, NM

HORROCKS, JOHN 7218 Blue Ridge Houston, TX HOWELL, JOHN 11407 Worden Rd. Deleran, NY HOWES, NANCE 1 Orchard Dr Golden, CO HUBER, BRENDA 4808 N. College Bethany, OK HUFFMAN, MARTHA 8620 Skyview Bont, TX HUFFMAN, VICKI 29 Arbor Oaks N. Little Rock, ARK HUNTER, JACKIE RR 2 Taloga, OK HUSCHER, LYNN RR 1 Waukee, IA ISHAM, SHERRI 1537 Hollyhock Colorado Springs, CO JACKSON, TOMMY 4023 Pine St. Texarkana, TX JACOB, ALEX 5927 N.W. 39th Exp. 6 Bethany, OK JEFFREYS, JOHN 4309 N. Beaver Bethany, OK JOHNSON, GARY Route 2 Greenbrier AR JOHNSON, LARRY 5310 45th Lubbock, TX JOHNSON, MARK 514 Cottonwood St. Ardmore, OK JONES, DAVID 1608 E. Dale Springfield, MO JONES, JEFF 1511 E. 17th Ada, OK JONES, VICKIE 160 Indian Hills Benton, AR JOSEPH, ABRAHAM Box 532 Bethany, OK JULIAN, LIANN 709 W. Brooks Norman, OK KANNADY KAREN 5610 S. 75th E. PI. Tulsa, OK KARKER, JOHN 7 Conrad St. Florida Johannesburg, SA KEEGAN, CINDY 6477 N. Sterling Dr Oklahoma City, OK KEITH, DARLENE 3700 Markwell Bethany, OK KEITH, VICKY 2807 62 Lubbock, TX KIDDER, JAMES 1404 McHenry St. Malvern, AR KING, GARY Box 128 Hesston, KS KING, TERRI 313 Brookline PI. Bartlesville, OK KINNEY DEBRA 6908 Vassar Dr Austin, TX KLAMM, PAUL Watford City, ND

KLUMPP MIKAL T0046 Hanka Houston, TX KNIGHT ARVLE 13404 Charcoal Ln. Frmers Brand, TX KOON, GLENDA 9214 Chicot Rd. Little Rock. AR KORNEGAY LOU 3714 Matador Dallas, TX KUHN, MALINDA Gen. Del. Red Rock, TX LAGUNAS, MARY Rt. 1 Box 77H Piedmont, OK LAIRD, DELMAR 1608 Trio Lane Ponca City, OK LANE, CLIFTON 2501 Melrose Bossier City, LA LARSON, CORRINE Rt. 1 Savage, MT LAWLER, XINA 943 W. 6th Ave Corsicana, TX LEMAY WILLIAM 2621 Oakdale Rd. Bartlesville, OK LOUGHRIDGE, STEVE 6001 N. Hammond Oklahoma City, OK LOUSTAUNAU, JOAQUIN 2408 N. College Bethany, OK LOWE, DANIEL Rt. 1 Robeline, LA LYLES, TONY 2943 Laveil Wichita Falls, TX MAICHETTI, SHIRLEY 2622 Sadler Houston, TX MARCHANT DONNIE 13903 Birchlawn Dallas, TX MARCHANT RONALD 14411 Ablon Dallas, TX MARPLE, LINDA 2801 Sequoia Ln. Arlington, TX MATSON, PAULA 5616 Woodway Ft. Worth, TX McCLUNG, CONITA RR 1 Box 36 Arnett, OK McCLURE, CHERYL 3937 Bradley, Dr Ft. Smith, AR McCORMICK, STEVE 4219 N. Quirt Lubbock, TX McCOY SCOTT 7909 Falmouth Shawnee Mission, KS McFADDEN, DAVID 10021 Nesbit El Paso, TX McKELLIPS, KAREN 2746 W. Orangewood Phoenix, AZ McKENZIE, KATHY 420Glenwood Dr Thomasville, GA McLAURIN, WILLIAM 2202 W. 4th St. Plainview, TX McLENDON, PATRICIA Rt. 3 Box 686 Broken Arrow, OK McNALL, ALYCE P.O. Box 71 Orofino, ID

McNUTT DONNA 137 Greenwood Hereford, TX MICKLE, THEODORE P.O. Box 353 Whitefish, MT MILLER, MARK 1724 N. 8 Bismarck, ND MILLER, RUTH 2305 N. Hammond Bethany, OK MILLER, STEPHEN 3701 Wilshire Abilene, TX MILLIGAN, JAMES 205 Main St. Heavener OK MILLS, TIM Rt 1 Box 342 Springfield, MO MISEMER, JOYCE 10906 W. 53rd Shawnee, KS MOON, DEBORAH 1255 Bush Brig iton, CO MOORE, BONNIE 1111 Coffee Dr Borger TX MOORE, JESSIE Rt. 1 Box 77 Goodland, KS MORGAN, STEVE 2201 Tennent Springfield, IL MOSELEY JEFF 1501 E. Willham Stillwater OK MURPHEY MARGIE 8210 N. Macarthur Oklahoma City, OK MURRAY MICHAEL 1406 Ennis Plainview, TX MUSTAIN, GWEN 2708 N. Rockwell Bethany, OK MYERS, CHRISTINE 218 W. Potomac Brunswick, MD MEYERS, MARK 1101 Dearborn Circle Carlsbad, NM MYLER, BARBARA 1900 N. Cielo Hobbs, NM NIBBS, AHINAWAKE 244 N. Foster El Reno, OK NOORIZADEH, HOOSHANG E62 Bahmanshir Abadan, Iran NOORIZADEH, MEHRANGIZ E62 Bahmanshir Abadan, Iran O’CONNOR, PRISCILLA 922 Grecian NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 OLINGER, CRISTEE 119 S. Olive Greensburg, KS 67054 OLIVER, BRADLEY 4613 Osuna CT NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 INEY KEITH 5514 Mapleleaf Dr Austin, TX 78723 PADILLA, HECTOR Ninos Herdes 103 Mexicano PARK, RONALD 914 N. Grant Springfield, MO 65802 PARKER, DEBORAH 2309 Patricia Garland, TX 75041 PARKER, PAUL 4 Edgewood Dr Baytown, TX. 77520

PATMAN, D’LINDA Rt. 1 Box 39E Lovington, NM 88260 PATTON, BILLY Bx 134A SC RT Big Springs, TX79720 PATTON, MARK 826 Willowbrook Mesquite, TX 75149 PAYNE, BETTY 6608 NW 42 Bethany, OK 73008 PAYNE, GEORGE Apt 6C NW Ave. Corsicana, TX 75110 PENDERGAST PENNY 3235 W. Pentagon Pkwy Dallas, Tx 75233 PENNELL, JOHN 1006 Camorene Springfield, MO 65803 PERKINS, PAULA Box 145 Rodesville, TX 79358 PETERS, THOMAS P.O. Box 44 Foss, OK PFLUM, KATHY 7 21 Judson Longmont, CO 80501 PHILLIPS, JENNIFER 1 North Rice Phillips, TX 79071 PHILLIPS, ROBERT RD 1 Box 244A Belair MD 21014 PIERCE, DOUGLAS Rt. 1 Box 178A Yukons, OK 73099 PIERSALL, JAN 1147 N. Quebec Tulsa, OK 74115 PIGG, MITCHEL 517 W 14 North Little Rock, AR 72114 PITCOCK, GARY 3605 Falcon Fort Worth, TX 76119 POLK, KENT 307 Stonewall Lane Austin, TX 78746 POTTER, TERRY 522 Saratoga Brownsburg, IN 46112 PRENTICE, JUDY 7501 NW 24 Bethany, OK 73008 PRESTON, VIRGINIA Route 1 Roggen, CO 80652 PRINCE, ROBIN 7626 Callahan 104 San Antonio, TX 78229 PROCTOR, STEVE Arrowshaft Trail Parker Coo PRUETT VERA PO Box 96 Blanchard, LA 71009 PURDY KATHLEEN 7821 NW 28 Terrace Bethany, OK 73008 RAINS, LOYD 2904W 17 Plainview, TX 79072 RAMGANESH, BISHAI PO Box 2966 Bethany, OK 73008 RANDALL, JUDY 101 DedarCt Westwego, LA 70094 RANDALL, MARY 4712 Reeves Dr Okla. City, OK 73122 RANDOLPH, BEVERLY 310E. Friend Columbiana, OH 44408 RATLIFF MARTHA 223 W Birch Carnegie, OK 73015

REA, STEPHEN 1000 Lee Borger TX 79007 REAM, DAVID 1361 SPark Titusville, FL 32780 REED, KENNETH 7625 NW 14 Okla City, OK 73127 REETER, JOEL 2402 Wildwood Enid, OK REYNOLDS, SHARON 3309 N Glenoaks Midwest City, OK 73110 RHODES, DEBRA 365 Center Rd. Bedford, OH 44146 RHODES, JEFFREY 332 Center St. Conway, AR 72032 RICE, BARBARA 707 Upland Midland, TX 79701 RICHARDSON, DUDLEY 415 S Arapaho Dr Wichita, KS 67209 RIGGAN, HELEN 406 Roosevelt Borger TX 79007 RIGGS, DONALD 8124 NW 30 Bethany, OK 73008 ROBINSON, MIKE 413 Hall Sinton, TX 78387 ROBINSON, PATRICIA 413 Hall Sinton, TX 78387 RODGERS, SHARON PO Box 24 Sapulpa, OK 74066 RODRIQUEZ, DEBORAH 11503 Kirkmeadow Houston, TX 77034 ROMERO, MADELINE 144 Lee Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06605 ROSE, LINDA 2708 Laurel Waterloo, IA 50702 ROWLAND, TERRY 5SE34 Okla. City, OK 73129 RUELAS, ALFONSO 9Y 16 De Sept 630 Ens BC Mexico RUSHING, ANDREW 1819 W 5 Corsicana, TX 75110 RUSSELL, BEVERLY 4419 N 49 Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85031 RUSSELL, DEBRA 3548 S Knoxville Tulsa, OK 74135 RUSSELL, SHERRY 3019 W Las Palmaritas Phoenix AZ 85021 RYAN, BARRY 290 E 16 St. Elyria, OH 44035 RYAN, REBECCA Box 246 Oilton, OK 74052 SANDERS, TERRY 120 Shepard Ht Springs, AR 71901 SCHAPP DANIEL Box 517 601 5th St. Abernathy, TX 79311 SCHLINGER, CATHY PO Box 1111 Whitefish, MT 59937 SCHNEIDER, SHERRY 4715 Ave G Austin, TX 78751 SCOTT BEVERLY 160 Sunset Dr N Little Rock, AR 72118

SEABOURNE, ANGELA 3123 SW 63 St Okla. City, OK 73159 SECHRIST MARK Old Ocean Road Yorkshire NY 14173 SECHRIST PAUL Old Ocean Road Yorkshire, NY 14173 SETLIFF ARLENE 13301 Leopard Corpus Christi, TX 78410 SHAW, JACK 905 SW 19 Perryton, TX 79070 SHELL, DEBRA 4933 S Lake Park Dr Wichita Falls, TX 76302 SHERMAN, JAMES 4409 1/2 N Redmond Okla City, OK SHIJOONI FOOMENI KAZEM No 121 Kucheh Leila Kuy Noobakht TE SHOCKLEY RAUL 1556 Emery St. Longmont, Co 80501 SHUMAKE, RENEE 412 2nd Ave E Watford City ND 58854 SIMMONS, DWAYNE 2804 N Holloway Bethany, OK 73008 SIMMONS, FLOYD 343 Albert Sn Antonio TX 78207 SIMMONS, MELBA 3057 Fulton Shreveport, LA 71109 SIMMS, HARRY Rt. 2 Box 153 Texarkana TX 75501 SLEDGE, CYNTHIA 1318 McCasland Duncan, OK 73533 SLOAN, NANCY 104 Doris Drive Denison, TX 75020 SLOAN, RHYDONIA 407 Blackjack Dr Enid, OK73701 SMITH, ANNETTE 2308 Vanderbilt Circle Austin TX 78723 SMITH, DONNA Box 18 Rt. 50E Athens, OH 45701 SNITCHLER, STEPHEN 8020 Elrod Houston, TX 77017 SNODGRASS, JAMIE 12450 NW Barnes 8B Portland, OR 97229 SOLTANI, ASLAN Abas Abad 9 Pash Tehran SOLTANI, EZATOLLAH Dampezeshki II Tehran, Iran SOMMER, DEBBIE 6404 NW 41 5 Bethany, OK 73008 SPEARS, TERESA Gail Rt. Box 62 Big Spring, TX 79720 SPEER, SUSAN 5318 Anchorage Drive Nashville, TN 37220 SPRUILL, RONALD 8131 NW 25 Bethany, OK 73008 SQUYRES, BETTY PO Box 395 Norphlet, AR 71759 STACK, ROBERTA 2306 Momeagle Colorado Springs, CO 80909 STAIR, THOMAS 1231 E Randolph Enid, OK 73701

STANDLEE, LARRY PO Box 295 Taft, TX 78390 STAPLES, KAREN 3911 N. GLADE Bethany, OK STEELE, PAM Rt 1 Box 2044 Burleson, TX STEVENSON, STEVE 1113 Cleveland Borger TX STEWART RODNEY 7604 N.W. 40 Bethany, OK STIVERSON, PAM 1254 Hillcrest Millbrae, CA STONE, MIRIAM Box 412 McCrory, AR STURM, RHONDA 4014 N. Meridian Oklahoma City, OK SWIGART STEPHEN 1602 14th Woodward, OK SWINFORD, DAVID 6614 N.W. 42nd Bethany, OK TAYLOR, DIANE 8028 N.W. 19th Oklahoma City, OK TAYLOR, GARY 4051 N.W.62nd Terr Oklahoma City, OK TAYLOR, GAYLE 5113Pommeroy Dr Fairfax, VA TAYLOR, GEORGIA 307 S. Haswell Dr Bryan, TX TAYLOR, MARILYN 5836 Robinson Riverside, CA TEAS, JULIE 1717 Seven Pines Dr St. Louis, MO TERRY VALERIE 259 Buffington St. Upland, CA THOMAS, ELROY P.O. Box 724 Valliant, OK THOMAS ISAAC 3808 1/2 N. Asbury Bethany, OK THOMAS, SUE Rt 2 Box 925 Hastings, NB THOMPSON, DEBRA 202 Wilson Deridder LA THOMPSON, LOGAN 6428 S. Drexel Oklahoma City, OK THOMPSON, MICHAEL 3257 Nesbitt Ave. Oklahoma City, OK THURMOND, NADINE Box 295 El Maton, TX TIEMANN, CHARLES 2536 Lindholm Shreveport, LA TULLIS, KIM 304 Ellison Yukon, OK TWYMAN, LAVONNA 801 N. Oklahoma Boise City, OK UNGAR, GARY 724 Jona Kay Norman, OK VAUGHAN, JOHN 1209 S.W. 56 Oklahoma City, OK WACHTEL, JANICE 712 West First Edmond, OK

WADE, CHARLYN 1020 W. 6th Grand Island, NB WAGGONER, BETTY P.O. Box 448 Pineville, LA WALKER, CONNIE 6705 N.W. 38th Bethany, OK WALKER, JANET 1046 E. Indianola Phoenix, AZ WALLACE, RICHARD 1926 S. Cedar Colorado Springs, CO WALLIS, FRED Rt. 2 Box 260 B Pottsboro, TX WARD, LYLE Rt. 3 Box 256 Bentonville, AR WARKENTIN, SHERRIL 4050 Kenmore Dr N. Fresno, CA WATSON, RANDY 8216 N.W. 38th Bethany, OK WATSON, RODNEY Rt. 4 Box 39B Greenville, Tx WESSELS, MARK 8104 Sagamore Leawood, KS WEST LARRY 3401 Bristol Arlington, TX WEST ROBERT 4601 S.E. 22nd Del City, OK WHITE, ARIE P.O. Box 681 La Junta, CO WHITE, JANE Rt. 3 Box 330 Little Rock, AR WHITE, WILLIAM 724 1st Ave. Conway, AR WHITTENBERG, FRANCES R.R. 2 Canute, OK WICKLAND, NANCY P.O. Box 7185 Tucson, AZ WICKWIRE, DOUG 11450 Milam Colorado Springs, CO WIENECKE, LINNEA 9728 Pardwood Kansas City, MO WILEY ELLEN 2300 E. Evans Pueblo, CO WILKE, LILLIE Rt. 3 Box 38 Post, TX WILLIAMS, LARRY 1418 Columbia Dr Longview, TX WILLIAMSON, CLAUDIA 515 Wainwright Houston, TX WILLIAMS, KENNETH 6903 N. W. 36th Bethany, OK WILSON, DANNY 4747 S. Darlington 26 Tulsa, OK WILSON, JAN Rt. 4 Box 1122 Lakeland, FL WILSON, JULIA 2300 N. College Bethany, OK WILSON, KATHLEEN 8405 Bowling Green Austin, TX WILSON, RON 928 Glenstone Ln. Dallas, TX

WILSON, SHERRY 1151 N.W. 92nd Oklahoma City, OK WINDLE, HARVEY Box 12466 Oklahoma City, OK WINGATE, SUSAN 219 Tomrob Dr Sn Antonio, TX WOBIG, GARY 560 W. Mill Winona, MN WOODBURY JANE 1031 E. Cherokee Enid, OK WOODCOCK, LUTHER Box 6 Baker OK WOODS, DEBBIE 4707 N. Donald Bethany, OK WOOLMAN, ROXY 2605 St. Joseph Sulphur LA WYETT ALAN 1007 S.E.6 Ave Box 417 Mineral Well, TX WYMAN, CATHY 816 W. Plains Clovis, NM

SOPHOMORES ADAMS, LAURIE 7605 N.W. 21st Bethany, OK ADAMS, ROBERT 1537 S.E. 29th Oklahoma City, OK ANDERSON, PAUL Hiram Road Arcade, NY ANDERSON, REBECCA 1504 W. Polk Lovington, NM ARNEY CAROLE 5109 James Amarillo, TX ATWOOD, EDWARD 6740 N.W. 52nd Bethany, OK BAKER, JAMES 6212 N.W. 38th 224 Bethany, OK BALDWIN, JAMES 1705 Surrey Circle Grand Prairie, TX BATES, GWEN 4501 N. Peniel Bethany, OK BAULDWIN, LINDA 4101 Willow Springs Rd. Little Rock, AR BAYLES, MELANIE 4404 N. Wheeler Bethany, OK BEAVER, BEV 13606 Spring Grove Dallas, TX BEEHLER, LINDA 11709 East 2nd St. Tulsa, OK BEHRNES, KAYE 111 Dell Rd. Ft. Walton Beach, FL BELL, JANICE Route 1 Shallowater TX BELL, NEDRA 2407 W. 49th St. Tulsa, OK BERNARDY ROBERT 1327 N.W. 30th Oklahoma City, OK BILLINGS, LURISSA R.R. 1 Gate, OK BILYEU, PAM 1837 S. Elizabeth Wichita, KS

BINGAMAN, BETTY Prairie City, SD BIRD, JOAN 6416 Whitehall Dr Oklahoma City, OK BLEY MARSHA Palisade, NB BOLERJACK, PHIL 61 0 W. 9th Ada, OK BOOTH, BINNIE 78 Pinewood Ave. Rittman, OH BOOZER, JEAN 4207 N. Peniel Bethany, OK BOSTICK, DAVID 1407 1/2 N.W. 27th Oklahoma City, OK BRADSHAW, CHERYL 713 Water N. Little Rock, AR BREITLING, JERRY Route 2 Thomas, OK BIRDGES, LINDA 236 N.E. Murphey Burleson, TX BRONSON, CHARLETTE Rt. 2 Box 296 Durant, OK BROOM, GORDON 4040 Park Fulton Cleveland, OH BROWN, DARRELL 412 Nevada Weatherford, OK BROWN, DWAYNE 1717 Petroleum Odessa, TX BROWN, MARK 3409 N. Meridian Ct. Oklahoma City, OK BROWN, STANLEY 2724 Lancaster Ln. Oklahoma City, OK BROYLES, REYMUS Route 3 Alma, AR BRUCE, LINDA Route 1 Meeker OK BRYAN, PAUL 8301 Chivalry Rd. Annandale, VA BRYANT BEVERLY 109 D. Cummings Henryetta, OK CAIN, ALICE Route 1 Rogers, AR CALVERT SUSAN 3906 Hillside Dr N. Little Rock, AR CARLSON, DONALD 500W. 16th ADA. OK CARSON, KAREN 3762 Jeanette Wichita, KS CHRISTIANSEN, STEVE 2608 Rosewood Pampa, TX CHUNN, KATHRYN Rt 2 Box 448 Hot Springs, AR CLARKSON, JANICE 126 7th St. Roxana, IL COCHRAN. GARY 218 Maple Elgin, OK COCHRAN, ROYCE 5612 Heard St. Jackson, MS COOK, LYNETTE 7116 Waycrest Dallas, TX CORY, ALAN 4500 N. Libby Warr Acres, OK

COX, DIXIE 4504 N. Redmond Bethany, OK CRITTENDEN, CAROL Route 4 Box 830 74 Sonora, CA DAVIS. DONNA 4806 N. College Bethany, OK DAVIS, JAY 1135 N. Glade 156 Oklahoma City, OK DELBRIDGE, DEBBIE 1540 Park Ave. Bay City, Ml DEWEES, ROBERT 8257 S. Waco Ave. Wichita, KS DICKINSON, DONNA Rt. 3 Box 954 Odessa, TX DIEBALL, LARRY 4305 S.E. 9 Del City, OK DONALSON, SHEILA 9526 Moorberry Houston, TX DOUGLASS, JONATHAN 839 Locust St. Galesburg, IL DOWNS DAVID 4200 N. College Bethany, OK DUDNEY KAYE 2376 Spring Run Ct. Decatur GA DUEL, LOIS Route 1 Box 144 Kersey, CO DUNN, SHERRIE 6717 N.W. 39th 3 Bethany, OK DURHAM, GARY 7002 N.W. 50 Bethany, OK EATON, LAWRENCE 302 Phillips Ct. Gr Prairie, TX ELDER, DULAN 600 W. Elm Breckenridge, TX ELLER, RODNEY 115 Ramsey Dr Selma, AL EVANS, JANICE SLEE Route 2 Buffalo, MO FAUST JAMES Route 2 Many, LA FERGUSON, CAROL Box 337 Beebe, AR FERRELL, MARSHALL 6425 Saulsbury Ct. Arvada, CO FERRIS, GERALD 1802 Durham Irving, TX FEURTADO, SHARON 804 Vinson Little Rock, AR FIKE, DAVID 5106 Tawney Amarillo, TX FLETCHER, TAMARA 541 Meadowshire Dallas, TX FLOREN, LEOLA 464 Estancia NW Albuquerque, NM FLOYD, MARVIN 2209 7th Ave. Scotts Bluff, NM FLYNN, VALARIE Route 6 Box 490 Hot Springs, AR FULTON, CAROLYN RR 3 Huntington, IN

GABEL, FRAN 129 Lake Dr Downington, PA GALBRAITH, EARL 6714 N.W. 43rd Bethany, OK GANN, CATHY Box 116 Haysville, KS GANN, LARRY 2944 S. Vine Wichita, KS GAPPA, VELMA 2628 St. Anthony Colorado Springs, CO GARBER, STEVE 2045 S. Maple Carthage, MO GARCIA, ROSA 7634 Boca Chica Brownsville, TX GARDNER, JERYL 520 Circle Way Lake Jackson, TX GASSETT JOY Rural Rt 1 Oxford, KS GILLESPIE, JAMES 3720 Lawndale Ft. Worth, TX GILLEY KATHY 705 S. Walnut Sapulpa, OK GINN, MARY SUE 2217 N. Raguet Lufkin, TX GLAZE, MICHAEL 119 Ranch Hot Springs, AR GODFREY RICHARD 4308 N. Mt. View Ave San Bernardino, CA GRAHAM, RITA Route 1 Olton, TX 79064 GRAHAM, SHERRI 814 S. 4th Raton, NM GREGORY REGAN Box 365 Crockett, TX GRUBB, PATRICIA 501 Flamingo Ave. Oklahoma City, OK GUNTER, JENNIFER 350 Charlotte Dr Beaumont, TX HAEFS, ROBERT 4210 N. Redmond Bethany, OK HAIR, RITA 1307 S. 8th Chickasha, OK HALL, KAREN Box 207 Petersburg, TX HALL, STEPHEN 414 W. 30th St.S Wichita, KS HANNA, TERRY 6509 N.W.31st Bethany, OK HARBUCK, MARKYE Route 1 Box 164 Lufkin, TX HARMON, SANFORD 3217 Ardyce Dr Oklahoma City, OK HARRELL, MARY 1705 Robins Conway, AR HARRINGTON, SHERRY 5191 D. Oldfield Ct. College Park, GA HARRIS, JAMES 2700 N. Council Bethany, OK HARRIS, LYNNE 4907 N. Willow Bethany, OK

HARRISON, GARRY 4310 N. Asbury B Bethany, OK HARRIS, ROGER 2514 Melrose Bossier LA HAWKINS, BETH 608 S. 15th Temple, TX HAWKINS, JUDY 8902 Shelbyville Rd. 4 Louisville, KY HEAP DENISE 5904 Browne Omaha, NB HECKEL, JOYCE 510 Spruce Hot Springs, AR HENDERSON, CLIFFORD 7215 Washington Kansas City, MO HERING, KATHRYN 2004 Briarcl iff Bethany, OK HINTON, ROBERT 600 E. Anderson Rd. L 726 Houston, TX HOECKLE, DONALD 642 Vaky St. Corpus Christi, TX HOFFMAN, PATRICIA 1400 Wooten Austin, TX HOLLAND, DENTON 522W. Kay Marshall, MO HOOPER, CYNTHIA 248 Plainview Circle N. Little Rock, AR HORNBAKER, MICHAEL 424 E. 10 Hutchinson, KS HORNBUCKLE, RITA 3597 McKinley Ave. Tacoma, WN HOUGHTLING, CHERI 5303 Willow Cliff 108 Oklahoma City, OK HOWARD, PAM Route 2 Port Allegany, PA HOWELL, WILLIAM 9200 S.E. 29th Lot 28 Oklahoma City, OK HUFFAKER, FAIRA 707 N. Ave. H Lamesa, TX HUGHES, LADONNA 606 N. Gum St. Searcy, AR HUTCHESON, GARY 11620 E. 24th St. Tulsa, OK IGO, ROBERT 2333 N. Thompkins 243 Bethany, OK INGLE, ROMA Rt 3 Box 230 Edmond, OK ISHAM, GARRY 1537 Hollyhock Dr Colorado Springs, CO JACOBSON, DAVID 3536 N.W. 12th Oklahoma City, OK JELDY FRANK 5916 N.W. 49th Oklahoma City, OK JOHNSON, ANDREW 216 S. 19th Ave. Maywood, IL JOHNSON, RICHARD 3721 Darlington Tulsa, OK JONES, DANIEL 1315 Orr Ave. Kittanning, PA JONES, LARRY 5214 N. Mueller Bathany, OK

JUDKINS, PATRICIA 3615 N.W. 17th Oklahoma City, OK JULIAN, RHONDA Route 2 Box 12 JOHNSON, KS KASTELLE, MELODY 230 Dakota Ave. Whitefish, MT KAUTZ, WILLIAM Route 2 Hershey, NB KEARNS, PAUL 1173 N. Meta Oklahoma City, OK KEETON, SANDRA 725 Richard Arlington, TX KELLEY DEBORAH Box 38 Bethany, OK KENDRICK, DEBORAH 520 Poplar Helena, AR KEOPPEL, KENNETH Route 7 Nampa, ID KEPLER, BERTHA Rt 1 Box 437 Collinsville, OK KILDOW, CHERYL 2516 249 Rockwell Arm Bethany, OK KING, CATHERINE 8022 Ridgeview Houston, TX KING, KARL 3600 N. Hammond Bethany, OK KLEIN, HANNAH 1090 Duane Blvd. Kankakee, IL KNIGHT DENNIS Route 4 Elk City, OK KNITTLE, TONY Route 1 Box 12 Kersey, CO LAMB, STEVE 4800 N. College Bethany, OK LANICEK, DAVID 821 Willowbrook Mesquite. TX LEE, JENNIFER 3612 Calumet Rd. Decatur GA LEHMAN, JUNE 3104 N. Markwell Bethany, OK LEWIS, KARL 543 Octavia St. New Orleans, LA LEWIS, NANCY 911 E. Berridge Ln. Phoenix, AZ LITKE, MARK 1103 Somerset Austin, TX LOFLIN, PAT 1606 Dahlia Amarillo, TX LONGNECKER, JAMES 1201 Carol Lane Oklahoma City, OK LOOBY WILFRED 3200 N.W. 21 Oklahoma City, OK LUCAS, KATHY Route 2 Johnson, KS LUTHER, RONNIE 305 Rhyne St. Booneville, AR LYON, LILETTE Box 232 Rd No. 2 Endicott, NY MALLOY SUSAN 6405 N.W.41 4 Bethany, OK

MARKS, SHANNON 6113 Alexander Ln. Bethany, OK MARTIN, DAVID 5136 S. Meridian Marion, IN MARTIN, MICHAEL 4101 N. Peniel Bethany, OK MARTIN, NICKI Route 2 Box 108 Bloomburg, TX MARTIN, TROY Route 2 Seagraves, TX MATHIS, MARTHA 1800 Breckenridge Del City, OK McBURNETT RANDY Route 2 Box 160 Arkansas City, KS MCCASLIN, JANET 623 Jean Marie Norman, OK McCLAIN, LEWIS 6800 N.W. 45 Bethany, OK McCULLY CURTIS 1655 S. Lowell Denver CO McDo n a l d , d avid Rt. 1 Box 721 Broken Arrow, OK McKAMIE, WAYNE 2105 Siesta Dallas, TX McLENDON, RUTH Rt. 3 Box 686 Broken Arrow, OK McMAHAN, DANNY P.O. Box 2425 Bethany, OK McPHEETERS, WESLE/ 6612 N. 42 Bethany, OK MEFFORD, DAN P.O. Box 2365 Bethany, OK MEYER, KATHLEEN 143 Palo Blanco San Benito, TX MILBURN, WES 717 Iowa Chandler OK MILLER, JOHN 1021 E. 6th Ada, OK MILLIGAN, MARY 205 Main St. Heavener OK MISSING, LUCY Flat 3 Birdsedge Huddersfield, England MIXON, SHEILA 3114 Parker Irving, TX MORSCH, GARY 2425 Eastland Ave. Nashville, TN MOYER, JACQUELINE Route 1 Argonia, KS MULLENAX, JOHN 865 Park Olathe, KS MULLINS, BONNIE Route 2 Red Rock, OK MURPHY MICHAEL 1516 Nunneley Wichita Falls, TX NASH, ROXIE 1712 Beverly Wichita Falls, TX NDOK OKON, JOE 4109 N. Peniel Bethany, OK NELSON, GAYLENE 6811 N.W. 45th Bethany, OK


NOBLES, SUSAN 1001 Stirman Corpus Christi, TX NOLAND, MARTIN 7201 N.W. 44 Bethany, OK OVERHOLT ED 7804 N.W. 21st. Bethany, OK OWEN, DEAN 134 W. Main S. Butler NY OWEN, VAN 503 18th Ave. Greeley, CO PARR, KATHY 7728 N.W.26th Bethany, OK PATTERSON, ESTHER Rt. 2 Box 134 Gentry, AR PATTON, MENDELL 826 Willowbrook Mesquite, TX PAYNE, MARY 6718 N.W. 46th Bethany, OK PETERS, GWEN 1170 N. McCart Stephenville, TX PETERSON, DEBRA 3133 Jacqueline Wichita Falls, TX PETERSON, STEVE 1844 Ravencrest Brea, CA PICKARD, DANNY 7005 N.W.39th St. Bethany, OK PIERCE, MARSHA 2116 W. Mayfield Rd. Arlington, TX PINSON, KARLA 214 S. 13 Duncan, OK PLEMONS, GARY 5237 Douglas Or Bethany, OK POLSON, DIANE 17203 Folsom Houston, TX PRESTON, JAMES RFD 1 Roggen, CO PURCELL, MELVIN 105 Caladium Lake Jackson, TX QUAKENBUSH, MARCIA Rt. 1 Box 11 Allen, TX RAMLOW, JAMES Box 428 Whitefish, MT RATHBURN DENNIS Star Rt. 1 Box 273 New Braunfe, TX REEVES, DOLORES 716 W. Ross Floydada, TX REVILLE, WILLIAM 2329 N.Thompkins 229 Bethany, OK RHODES, RICK Route 1 PLainview, TX RICE, JANET 1504 N. Main Del Rio, TX RICHARDS, NADENE 4611 N. Willow Bethany, OK RICKEY MICHAEL 3404 55th Ave. Cheverly, MD RIGGS, DEBRA 7119 N.W.32 Bethany, OK ROBERTS, MATT 6620 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD

ROBIDEAUX, NANCY 3843 Avalon Ave. Port Arthur TX ROBINSON, RONALD 9051 E. 29th Tulsa, OK ROEHM, ROBERT 4510 1/2 N. Peniel Bethany, OK ROGERS, CHERYL 4310 N. Asbury F Bethany, OK ROMERO, ELIZABETH 144 Lee Ave. Bridgeport, CT ROSE, GARY 1904 13 St. Galena Park, TX ROUNTREE, CAROLYN 4761 N.W. 24th 126N Oklahoma City, OK RUDOLPH, KATHY Route 2 Box 179 A Rocky Ford, CO RUNION, BETTY 6719 N.W. 35th Bethany, OK RUSHING, DENNIS 3013 Dakota Albuquerque, NM RUSSELL, DANIEL 5528 N.W.23 120 Oklahoma City, OK RUSSELL, TINA 2617 Roosevelt Ave. 47 San Antonio, TX SARTIN, CAROLYN 3715 N.W. 46th Oklahoma City, OK SCHLINGER, RUTH Box 1111 Whitefish, MT SCHMITZ, SHARON 724 Gaylewood Richardson, TX SCHULTZ, JODI 6217 N.W. 39-7 Bethany, OK SCHUNEMAN, BONNIE 4 31 0 N. ASBURY C Bethany, OK SCHUNEMAN, KATHY Box 24 S. Haven, KS SHAW, LINDA 905 S.W. 19th Perryton, TX SHELLENBERGER, KENT 6821 N.W.29th Terr Bethany, OK SHOLTESS, MERL Box 133 Cleo, OK SHOWALTER, DAVE P.O. Box 42B Rt 1 Altamont, MO SHOWALTER, MARGARET 6824 N.W. 21st Bethany, OK SHUEY GWENDOLYN Route 2 Box 596 B Alvin, TX SIMMONS, MARIAN 715 N. Birch Broken Arrow, OK SKILES, SCOTT 5700 W. 87th Terr Overland Park, KS SMITH, CLARENCE 2801 Ardsley Dr Orlando, FL SMITH, JAY 4202 N. College Bethany, OK SNEED, JUANETTE 4017 Leonhardt Dr Del City, OK SOUTHERN, DOROTHY 1500Oakhill Ln. Oklahoma City, OK

SPEARS, DANNY 4015 N. Donald Bethanv. OK SPENCE, JOHN 1750 Manchester Rd. Akron, OH SPRENGER, THAINE 761 W. Northern Coolidge, AZ SPRUIELL, JANA 1607 Ave. F Abernathy, TX STANGELAND, JANICE Rt 2 Ponca City, OK STEADHAM, DONA Box 105 Forestburg, TX STEARMAN, SCOTT 4825 N. Grove Oklahoma City, OK STEPHENS, ELMER Rt. 3 Box 557 Oklahoma City, OK STEVENSON, SANDRA 1801 Jameson Abilene, TX STOKELY KENNETH Box 127 New London, TX STONECIPHER, JOYCE 108 S. Rollins Macon, MO STREET PAUL 713 E. Crawford St Ebensburg, PA STRINGER, SAM 1201 N. 7th Ponca City, OK STUBBS, JOHNNY 711 W. Broadway Henryetta, OK SULLIVAN, PAM 1915 Deep Valley PI. Richardson, TX SWINFORD, JERRY 6614 N.W.42nd Bethany, Ok TACKEBERRY DEBRA 1600 W. Washington Kennett, MO TATE, DEBRA Rt 2 Box 1916 Burleson, TX TATE, PHILLIP Box 683 Mansfield, TX TATUM, TOMISINE 2702 Wilson Austin, TX TAYLOR, BELINDA 1176 Kimbro Dr Baton Rouge, LA TAYLOR, CHARLES 1029 S.E. 4th Grand Prairie, TX THANSCHEIDT GARRY 1104 Florence Colorado Springs, CO THOMAS, ELIZABETH Box 121 Ropesville, TX THOMPSON, BURT 3137 Gsconade Springfield, MO THOMPSON, ROGER 400 Market St. Warren, PA THULIN, RON 5390 Clifornia Ave. Bethal Park, PA TRACY LINDA 406 E. 91st Kansas City, MO TRUEBLOOD, LAURITA 6807 Commercial Everett, WA TRUSTY ED 609 S. 13 Duncan, OK

TUNNELL, FAYE Route 1 Temple, OK TURNER, MARION 15301 E. 13th Tulsa, OK TYLER, JAN 1522 Scott Conway, AR UERKVITZ, CLAUDIA Mt. Vernon Nazarene College Mt. Vernon, OH VAIL, SHEILA 5925 lone Dr Oklahoma City, OK VESTAL, PAT 218 Willowbrook Duncanville, TX VIGIL, FELIX 10608 Vlencia Bloomington, CA WALKER, ED Rt 4 Box 406 Burleson, TX WALL, TROYCE Box 1495 Pampa, TX WALLACE, RICHARD 3201 N.E. 15th Oklahoma City, OK WALLACE, RODNEY 4314 N. Asbury Bethany, OK WARD, JOHNNIE 410 Showalter Midwest City, OK WAYLAND, ROBERT RR 2 Grayville, IL WASSON, BECKY 1310 Wickman Walterboro, SC WEAVER, BETTY Route 2 Carnegie, OK WEBER, TIM 909 S.W. 68 Oklahoma City, OK WELLMAN, WALLY 675 S. Univ. Apt 208 Denver CO WEST LEROY 5604 S. Rockwood Oklahoma City, OK WHITE, DIANNE 113 Hilly Ave. Ruston, LA WHITE, JERRY 1520 S. Florence Tulsa, OK WHITE, MARY Route 3 Box 330 Little Rock, AR WHITTAKER, RAMONA 3021 Morningside Dr Shreveport, LA WIEGMAN, RALPH 2710 Harrison, Amarillo, TX WIENECKE, STEVE 9728 Parkwood Kansas City MO WILLIAMS, GARY 5700 E. Roosevelt Little Rock, AR WILLIAMS, SUSAN 4630 N.W. 39 30 Oklahoma City, OK WILSON, BILL 1309 Stone Jacksonville, AR WILMOTH, LINDY 126.13 Overbrook Rd. Leawood, KS WINDLE, PHILIP Box 12466 Oklahoma City, OK WOOLDRIDGE, MIKE 2510Central Rd. Big Spring, TX

WRIGHT DARLENE 210 E. Wyoming Walters, OK WRIGHT JONATHAN 1350 N. Lake Ave. Avon Park, FL WYLIE, LANELL 624 Moraine Ave. Midwest City, OK YARBROUGH, BRAD 4017 Shannon Bethany, OK YOUNG, ALICIA 7300 Jackson Kansas City MO ZUMALT STEVE 4010 N. College Bethany, OK

JUNIORS ALBRIGHT KENNETH 3101 Willow St. Ft. Smith, AR ALTES, RONALD 1024 N. Quapah Oklahoma City, OK ANDERSEN, NANCY RR 2 Woonsocket, SD ANDREWS, JANE 331 E. 45th St. Hialeah, FL ARNOLD, JAMES 1024 S.W. 55 Oklahoma City, OK BAER, TIMOTHY 2007 Philo Rd 1 Urbana, IL BALDWIN, JERALD 4707 N. Peniel Bethany, OK BELL, DEBORAH 860 Hale Edwardsville, IL BILYEU, ROBERT 4411 N. Willow Bethany, OK BLAD, RANDALL 2404 M Belleville, KS BLAIN, EMILY Box 4 Orchard, NB BLEY JERRY Palisades, NB BOGGS, PAUL 2016 S. 6 Iron, OH BOHN, JERRY 4601 N, Central Rd. Bethany, OK BOWMAN, CYNTHIA 4407 N. Central Bethany, OK BROWN, BOBBY 3207 Brockbank Irving, TX BROWN, DEBORAH Route 8 Box 600 Lakeland, FL BROWN, STEVE 6205 N.W. 37th A 209 Bethany, OK BROWN, J.C. 3613 N.W. 12th Oklahoma City, OK BROWN, KENNETH 179 23 144 Ave. Jamaica, NY BROWN, LAWRENCE 2936 Calle Princesa Juan Santa Fe, NM BROWN, PAM Rt. 2 Box 2495 Hamilton, MT BUFFINGTON, DORCAS 205 N. Eisenhauer Midland, TX

BURROWS, BUGAR 3299 S. Polk 113 Dallas, TX BUSH, DAN 6113 N.W. 57 Oklahoma City, OK BUTTS, RETA Route 1 Higgins, TX CAPLINGER, LINDA Rt. 1 Bonham, TX CARDEN, ROBERT 4707 N. Asbury Bethany, OK CARPENTER, STEPHEN 14 Radcliff Lane Pueblo, CO CASEY DELBERT 2516 N. Hammond Oklahoma City, OK CHAMBERLAIN, DONALD Box 176 Dover OK CHILDERS, KATHY 4217 Holiday PL Oklahoma City, OK CLAPP LYNN 3701 Sedgewick PI. Orlando, FL CLARK, TOM 6301 B. N.W. 39th Bethany, OK CLAYTON, PHIL 7100 N.W. 43rd. Apt. 5 Bethany, OK COBLE, CECIL 6215 N.W. 36 Bethany, OK COLVIN, DONNELLA 2110 N. Mockingbird Abilene, TX COMINGDEER, LINDA 4207 N. Wheeler Bethany, OK CONNELLY ROBERT 6205 N.W.36th Bethany, OK CONTRERAS, CHRIS 1004 N.W.18 Oklahoma City, OK COODY MARCIA 6807 N.W 42nd Bethany, OK COPELAND, ROBERT 407 Christ Rd. Evansville, IL CRITES, STEVEN 4003 N. Peniel Bethany, OK CRITTENDEN, DAVID 3720 N. Shannon Bethany, OK CROUSE, JUDITH Rt. 1 Box 170 Bentonville, AR CULBERTSON, CHERITH Box 724 Hermiston, OR CUNNINGHAM, JEAN 2 N. South St. Warren, PA CURRY KAY 1425 Oak Vista Dallas, TX DENNARD, LOU 7631 N.W. 20th Bethany, OK DICKSON, BERNARD 123 GArden St. Bedford, OH DOCKUM, GARROL Box 615 Breckenridge, CO DOOLEY FRED 7317 N.W. 23 155 Bethany, OK DOROUGH, LINDA 2101 52nd Lubbock, TX

DUHON, DEBORAH 202 S. Demanade Lafayette, LA DUNKIN, DONNA 1208 N. Glade Oklahoma City, OK DYER, ELBERTA 1720 S.E. 51 st Oklahoma City, OK EASTMAN, CELESTE 3535 N. St. Chas 98 Oklahoma City, OK EAST TERESA 6310 N.W. 38th Bethany, OK ELLIOTT CHRISTINE 421 Dipping Lane Houston, TX ELLIS, WILLIAM 721 S.E. 3rd PL. Hialeah, FL EMBERTON, GEORGETTA 2624 Blanton Dr Dallas, TX EVERETT PAUL 2626 1/2 N.W. 11th Oklahoma City, OK FARIES, ALLEN 7014 N.W.49th Bethany, OK FARROW, FLOYD 4310 N. Asbury D Bethany, OK FECHNER, KEN 1701 llt h s t St. Perry, OK. FELKNER, BUTCH 500 Kipling Waco, TX FINKENBINER, DAVID 1836 Branard Houston, TX FOSTER, DAVID 6303 N.W. 33 Bethany, OK GANDY, JETTA 34785 Fountain Blvd. Westland, Ml GARRETT CHARLES 700 Nix Rd. Little Rock, AR GEIST THOMAS 3133 N.W. 70 Oklahoma City, OK GIBSON, JEFFREY 467 Lamont Ave. Akron, OH GILBERT MARTHA 2109 N. Mueller Bethany, OK GILBERT RHONDA 6609 Walrond Kansas City MO. GOUGH, MICHAEL 1148 E. Liveoak Altus, OK GOULD, SHEILA 357 Paper Mill Rd. Noward, DE GRAHAM, DEBBY 808 N. Main Tonkawa, OK GREEN, ROBERT 1127 Frontier Dr Longmont, CO GREEN, STEPHANE 2309 Quail Hollow Bryan, TX GREENE, HAROLD RR3 Marysville, OH GRIBBLE, ROCKY Route 3 Post, TX GRIFFIN, MARK 2313 Mickey Rd. Del City, OK HAHN, SUSAN 7097 Jay Rd. Boulder CO

HALL, ED 902 S. 9th Blackwell, OK HAMILTON, MARK 12414 Askew Grandview, MO HAMMITT CATHERINE General Delivery New Salem, IL HANSELL, JANICE 2148 N. Delaware Ave. Tulsa, OK HANSEN, HARLAN 8806 Galena El Paso, TX HARMON, DEBORAH Box 1245 Pt of Spain, Trinidad HARRISON, BEVERLY Rural Rte. 2 Stratton, NB HAVILAND, MARLITA 6705 N.W. 46th Bethany, OK HENDERSON, GARY P.O. Box 151 lota, LA HEWITT DONALD 6832 N.W. 16th Oklahoma City, OK HEWITT JUDITH Route 2 Mansfield, MO HILBUN, ELIZABETH Route 1 Baskin, LA HILLHOUSE, SAM 1304 S. Caldwell Dr Midwest City, OK HINE, DANNY Route 5 Lebanon, IA HOCK, MARGARET Box 338 Kingston, OK HOLDEMAN, GARY 4708 N. Willow Bethany, OK HOLLEY JERRY Rt 2 Box 427 B Charleston, WV HOLLINGSWORTH, RON 2737 N.W. 30th Oklahoma City, OK HOLMES, DALE 6604 1/2 N.W. 43 Bethany, OK HORTON, GARY 4905 N. Peniel Bethany, OK HOUSE, DEBORAH 124 Ave. W Lubbock, TX HOUTS, STAN 2629 Alvarado Albuquerque, NM HUDSON, DALE 6608 N.W.42 Bethany, OK HUNNICUTT DEBORAH 1002 W. 4th North Platte, NB HUNTER, JOHNNY 4208 1/2 N. Donald Bethany, OK HUWA, DONNA Box 158 Keenesburg, CO JANTZ, JEFFREY 520 Main LaJunta, CO JESSEE, RON 5349 Diane Ave. San Diego, CA JONES, GERON 208 Circle Dr Guymon, OK JONES, JAMES 3613 N.W. 20 Oklahoma City, OK


JONES, PHYLLIS 27 W. Mary Lynn Sapulpa, OK KEESEE, TOM 4308 N. Libby Oklahoma City, OK KILLGORE, MICHAEL 7011 N.W. 16 285 Bethany, OK KING, PAM 313 Brookline PI. Bartlesville, OK KNABE, RONNIE 7900 N.W. 39 106 Bethany, OK KNIGHT SHERYL 4204 N. Willow Bethany, OK KNIPPERS, CAROLYN 5911 N.W.40 Oklahoma City, OK KNIPPERS, CECIL 10317 N. Major Oklahoma City, OK KRUSE, CLEMENS 4012 N. College Bethany, OK LANDTROOP RICK Route 1 Oklahoma City, OK LAPAGLIA, DAN 6721 N.W. 35 Bethany, OK LARUE, CHARLES Rt 1 B390 Princeton, WV LECK, ROBIN 5521 1/2 N.W.41 Oklahoma City, OK LEHMAN, GARY 6609 N.W. 34 Bethany, OK LOPEZ, RICHARD 800 Menaul NW Albuquerque, NM LOWE, JACK 4408 N. Redmond Bethany, OK LUCKERT KATHRYN Route 1 Box 347 Enid, OK MABERRY STEPHEN Route 4 Box 904 Orange, TX MANNING, LYNDA 4202 W. 38th Ave. Apt. 2 Denver CO MARKS, KAREN 7315 Torquay Lane Houston, TX MARTIN, BOBBY 925 Morton Dumas, TX MARTIN, ELIZABETH Box 175 Liota, LA MASON, KATHY 309 Ivy St. El Dorado, AR MATTHEWS, DANIEL 5330 Whitaker Groves, TX MAYO, ANN 516 Madison Lubbock, TX McA ll is t e r , jo h n 6502 W. 51st Tulsa, OK McCARL, ELVIN 6415 N.W. 41 Bethany, OK McCLUNG, GILBERT 8418 Hunters Creek Houston, TX McCUE, ELLEN 343 1/2 Shaw Street New Castle, PA McELRATH, ROY 601 S. Douglass Malden, MO

McMINN, JOHN 5811 N.W. 34 Oklahoma City, OK MEFFORD, CATHERINE 6217 N.W. 39th 6 Bethany, OK MEYER, FREDERICK 1359 Culbert Rd. Hudson, Ml MILLER, KAREN 3701 Wilshire Abilene, TX MILLER, REBECCA 3236 Kenney Dr Falls Church, VA MOORE, HARLAN 409 Blanchette Bourbonnais. IL MORSCH, BECK 2425 Eastland, Nashville, TN MUSE, DANIEL 10404 Ski Drive Oklahoma City, OK NANTZE, JANET 4005 N. Peniel Bethany, OK NEWMAN, MARTHA 461 Palo Alto Palm Springs, FL NORRIS, PAM 10444 Monroe Mills Rd. Gambier OH OFFUTT SUSAN 900 W. Noble Drumright, OK OMMART MICHAEL 817 Hackamore Ft. Worth, TX OSBORNE, CHARLES 5820 N.W. 41 Oklahoma City, OK PATREDIS, MARK 208 Anastasia St. Louis, MO PAYNE, KEVIN 605 Thompson Bossier LA PEMBLE, EDWARD 720 5th St Whitefish, MT PERRYMAN, PAUL 2322 15th Vernon, TX PETERSON, DAVID 4403 N. Redmond Bethany, OK POLING, ROSS 140 Hill St. Blackwell, OK POTTER, LINDA RFD Bloomington, NB POUND, PEGGY 4500 N. College Bethany, OK PYATT GARALENE 1500 Heagon Lamar MO QUIRING, LYNN 3428 Lazy Brook Lane Lawrence, KS RANDLEMAN, ROBERT 6728 N.W. 37th Bethany, OK RANKIN, GEORGE 7108 N.W.44 Bethany, OK RAY STEVE Box 1115 Whitney, TX REGESTER, RICHARD 2228 Seawall Blvd. 351 Galveston, TX RENNA, LORRAINE 3 Devon St. Lynbrook, NY REPP CAROLYN 2307 Reynoldston Dallas, TX

REYNOLDS, GARY 4920 Shelbourne Rd. Baltimore, MD RHOADES, RILEY 106 Bannock St. Sterling, CO RHODES, EUGENE 4601 1/2 N. Donald St. Bethany, OK RHODES, JOE 101 Lake St. Bntonville, AR RICHEY DAVID 1222 South B St. Harlinger TX RINGLER, DONNA 6201 N.W.37th 105 Bethany, OK ROBERTSON, BOBBY 5723 S. Lindsay Oklahoma City, OK ROGERS, GERRI 307 Elm Drive Greensburg, KS ROSS, GERI 605 N. Lotus Ave. Midwest City, OK RYAN, BRUCE 290 E. 16th Elyria, OH SACKETT BETTY 1112 Kingston Dr Yukon, OK SAWYER, ANITA 1605 Markwell PI. Oklahoma City, OK SCHMITT LAUREEN 111 S. Ponca Norman, OK SCHUNEMAN, LARRY RR 1 S. Haven, KS SHAW, STEVE 2627 Drexel Shreveport, LA SHEARER, STEVE Route 2 Minot, ND SHIRLEY LAMOINE 5620 N.W.65 Oklahoma City, OK SHOULDIS, DIANA 903 Grant St. Charleston, WV SHRAUNER, DINA 2745 Truman NE Albuquerque, NM SICKELS, RICHARD 7022 N.W. 61 Terr Bethany, OK SIDES, BIRDENA Rt. 2 Tribune, KS SIDES, DONALD 604 N. Ash Owasso, OK SIMPSON, DONALD 2539 14 Avenue Greeley, CO SKILLING, LETHA 728 Prairie Rd. Colorado Springs, CO SLINKER, GLEN 708 Walnut Lamar MO SMITH, BELINDA 2308 Vandebilt Austin, TX SMITH, MICHAEL 4812 N. Steanson 10 Oklahoma City, OK SMITH, ROBERT 5408 Cedar N. Little Rock, AR SNITCHLER, PAULA 8020 Elrod Houston, TX SNOWBARGER, MIKE Leoti, KS

SOUTH, BRUCE 11915W. 36th Little Rock, AR SOWASH, CYNTHIA 6746 De Moss-188 Houston, TX SPEAR, CHARLES Rt. 1 Hiwasse, AR STEARMAN, VICKIE 6705 1/2 N.W. 42nd Bethany, OK STERLING, DAVID 401 Ave. H Farwell, TX STEVENS, ALVEST 4309 N. Donald Bethany, OK STUMP SHELDA 7214 N.W.45 Bethany, OK SWISHER, JUANITA 505 Southline Dr Lebanon, OH TAYLOR, PATRICE 724360 Hillcrest Dr San Diego, CA TEALE, PHILLIP 800 Linden Ct. Mustang, OK THOMPSON, MITCHELL 701 W. Monroe Purcell, OK TONGUE, MARILYN 47 Parkhurst Dr Spencerport, NY TUCKER, RICHARD Route 3 Box 288 Little Rock, AR TWYEFFORT JACKIE 4900 Caballeros San Luis Obispo, CA VAN BIBBER, SCOTT 4206 N. Peniel B Bethany, OK VAN HORN, BRENDA 4009 Summit Rd. Barberton, OH VAN PELT DELBERT 7909 N.W.73 Oklahoma City, OK VERNON, CANDACE Route 5 Box 391 Oklahoma City, OK VESTAL, SUSAN 218 Willowbrook Duncanville, TX WAGNER, BRENDA Box 541 Bethany, OK WALDEN, KENNETH 7548 N.W. 16 Oklahoma City, OK WALKER, KEN 14555 W. 46 Dr Golden, CO WAUQUA, MICHAEL 6732 N.W. 36 Bethany, OK WEATHERS, DANNY 32 Candy Lane Murphysboro, IL WEISINGER, LINDA 222 Hu mason Lufkin, TX WELLS, RACHEL 1605 1/2 Ann Arbor Oklahoma City, OK WESSELS, VICKIE 8104 Sagamore Rd. Leawood, KS WEST KATHERYN 1508 Grand Leavenworth, KS WESTMARK, PAUL 14711 Orchard Rd. Minnetonka, MN WHITE, LINDA 3206 Old Warren Rd. Pine Bluff, AR

WICKLAND, DANIEL 210W. 27 Tucson, AZ WICKWIRE, JERRY 11450 Milam Colorado Springs, CO WILKERSON, ALEXIS 3384 Niagara Denver, CO WILLIAMS, FRED 5808 N.W. 45 Oklahoma City, OK WILLIAMS, JON 348 Columbia Augusta, KS WILSON, ALICE 5811 N.W.34 22 Oklahoma City, OK WORCESTER, PAM 312 Elm Street Monroeville, IN WURST CONNIE 6802 N.W. 50th Bethany, OK

SENIORS ADAMS, HARRY 9816 Lloyd Midwest City, OK ADAMS, NANCY 2008 Tiffany St. R 5 Oklahoma City, OK ADKINS, KEITH Rt 3 Box 205E Brookhave, MS ALBRIGHT MARGO 2817 Tudor Rd. Oklahoma City, OK ALLEN, LARRY 5929 N. Central Rd. Oklahoma City, OK ANDERSON, CRAIG 6044 N.W. Expressway Oklahoma City, OK ANDERSON, ELLAN 3803 N. Asbury Bethany, OK ANDERSON, HAMPTON 3618 61st Lubbock, TX ANDERSON, JOAN 6044 N.W. 39th Oklahoma City, OK ARNOLD, JUDITH 1607 Rushmore Dr Colorado Springs, CO BAILEY MARGO Box 203 Scottsbluff NB BAIRD, LINDA 7005 N.W. 60 Bethany, OK BARKER, WILLIAM 4214 N. Peniel Bethany, OK BARTHOLOMEW, DALE Rt. 1 Box 118 Skiatook, OK BEAN, MIKE 6205 N.W. 37-213 Bethany, OK BEEMAN, KAREN 4607 N. Central Rd. Bethany, OK BEHRNES, VICKIE 111 Dell Road Ft. Walton Beach, FL BENN, PAUL 7008 N.W. 38th Terr Bethany, OK BERGMAN, B.L. 4003 Glade Ave. Bethany, OK BEST TERY 514 Maureen LN Pleasant Hill, CA

BIGLER, MIKE P.O. Box 295 Bethany, OK BLACK, FLORENCE Birch Hotel Perryton, TX BLAND, BEVERLY 4105 N. Beaver Bethany, OK BLUM, DOREEN 325 Woodside Dr Norman, OK BOEVERS, HELEN Route 1 Muldrow, OK BOLERJACK, JAN 5612 Black Oak Lane Ft. Worth, TX BRAATEN, LINDA RR 2 Larimore, ND BREWER, RONALD 5811 N.W.34-29 Oklahoma City, OK BRIGGS, SHERRILL 444 Conchas NE Albuquerque, NM BRISTOR, WILMA 1010 East High Waynesburg, PA BRODEN, PHIL 516 Franklin Clay Center KS BROWN, JUDY Rt 1 Box 260 Lot 20 Carrollton, TX BRUNS, DAN 6333 Harlan Arvada, CO BUDENSIEK, JOHN Rd 2 32984 Coff Sch. Rd. Salem, OH BURKS, JIMMY 920 S.W.27 Oklahoma City, OK BURTON, ANNETTE 3849 E. Everglade Odessa, TX CANTRELL, CARL 3411 N. Holloway Bethany, OK CARDEN, BARRY 2526 W. Douglas Wichita, KS CARGILL, P.F 701 Hobson Walla Walla, WA CARIKER, JIMMY 4107 N. Beaver Apt. 7 Bethany, OK CARLISLE, ED 1410 Dianna Dr Yukon, OK CARLINE, DANNY Route 2 Many, LA CASPELL, GERALD 9461 E. Lurlene Tucson, AZ CASTLEBERRY PHIL 6716 N.W. 31 Terr Bethany, OK CHANEY CAROL 2101 Barclay Tampa, FL CLAPP TERRY 1311 Terrace Dr Oklahoma City, OK CLARK, DERRELL 221 1/2 N.E. 26 Oklahoma City, OK CLASSEN, RUTH Route 1 Box 42 Chester OK CLINGERMAN, PAUL 217 S. Sycamore Harrison, OH COBBLE, BRENDA 103 Holly Burkburnett, TX

COMINGDEER, RON 4207 N. Wheeler Bethany, OK CONKLE, IRMA 4407 N. Rockwell Bethany, OK COPE, WARREN 5113 N. Mueller Bethany, OK CORNETT LARRY 4605 Asbury Bethany, OK COYOTE, MARY P.O. Box 76 Somerton, AZ CRAIG, JEANNIE 210 S. Covington Coalgate, OK CRAMM, GERALD 9712 Harmony Dr Midwest City, OK CRIPPEN, MERRILIE R. R. 1 Osage, KS CRUMLEY RON 4101 1/2 Hammond Bethany, OK CURRY DEBORAH 3535 N. St. Charles 108 Oklahoma City, OK CURRY JOHN MICHAEL 3534 N. St. Charles 108 Oklahoma City, OK DANIELS, KAY L. 6404 N.W. 41st Apt. 2 Bethany, Oklahoma DAVIDSON, JANIE 2105 N.W. 20 Cir Bethany, Oklahoma DAVIDSON, MIKE 2105 N.W. 20 Cir Bethany, Oklahoma DAVIS, DEAN 90 Linton St. S. Portland, ME DAVIS, SARA DEAN 4849 Lawndale Groves, TX DAVIS, V.D. 1210 Salem Corpus Christi, TX DAY JEAN 8166 N.W. 44 Bethany,ok DICK, JAY 614 N. Pine Pratt, KS DICKINSON, RICHARD 6900 N.W. 35 Bethany, OK DIFFEE, VICTOR 7325 N.W.21 Oklahoma City, OK DISCH, JANICE 2806 Auburn Dr Midland, TX DONAHUE, DALE 1645 West 7th Meridian, ID DOROUGH, JAMES 1665 Southern Wichita Falls, TX DOWNING, STEVE 301 South 7th Medford, OK EARNEST DONNA 7311 N.W. 23 122 Bethany, OK EASTMAN, DAVID 3535 N. St. Charles 98 Oklahoma City, OK EATON, DOUG Box 694 Bethany, OK EDWARDS, DANE 5001 N.W. 10th 201C Oklahoma City, OK EGGLESTON, VERLE 6611 1/2 N.W. 42nd Bethany, OK

ELLIOTT IMAGENE 410 Hill Dr Kingfisher OK EMMONS, WILLIAM 4312 N. Circle Dr Oklahoma City, OK EMRICH, DON 5604 28th St. W Braderton, FL ETRIS, TONY Box 606 Covington, GA EVANS, SHELLY 6611 N.W. 25th Bethany, OK FECHNER, RODNEY Box 141 Perry, OK FERGUSON, ELAINE Box 337 Beebe, AR FIELDCAMP CATHERINE Box 143 Terlton, OK FIELDS, LARRY 5927 N.W. 39th 3 Oklahoma City, OK FISHER, MARCIA 4204 College Bethany, OK FORD, HERBERT 2808 N. Peniel Oklahoma City, OK FRANK, JUANITA 12410 Lindsey LN Colorado Springs, CO FREDRICKSON, NANCY 3923 E. Funston Wichita, KS GANT KATHRYN 4208 N. College Bethany, OK GARRETT RENDALL 2518 N.W. 44th Oklahoma City, OK GARRETT WALTER 6204 N.W. 46 Bethany, OK GENTRY MICHAEL 544 E. Rose Dr Midwest City, OK GILLEY DEBORAH 4111 N. Rockwell H Bethany, OK GILLILAND, DIANE Route 1 Box 107 Raymondville, TX GRAHAM, JOHN 208 E. 14 Edmond, OK GRAY CAROL Box 127 Lookeba, OK GREEN, JAMES 712 N. Pesotum Shawnee, OK GREEN, SHARON 4309 N. Peniel Bethany, OK GUY CLAUDE 4209 N. Hammond Bethany, OK HAAS, LOUIE 25356 Paloma Rd. San Bernardino, CA HALL, KAREN 414 W. 30th St. S Wichita, KS HAMILTON, GALEN 12414 Askew Grandview, MO HANNAFORD, GREG 35 Wermuth S. Portland, ME HARGRAVE, CHERYL Box 895 Carnegie, OK HARRIS, CINDY 2807 Nancy St. Orlando, FL


HARRISON, KATHY 4310 N. Asbury B Bethany, OK HASLEY JEANNA 7505 N.W. 21 Bethany, OK HAWKINS, JAMES 6611 N.W. 42 Bethany, OK HAZLIP MARQUITA 1415 E. Walnut Cushing, OK HIGHTOWER, CINDY Box 446 Dodson, TX HILL, JOHN 7252 N.W. 36 113 Bethany, OK HODGES, RON 10 Linden Ave. Bethpage, NY HODGSON, ARLETA Karval, CO HOFFPAUIR, JACK 713 S.W. 56th Oklahoma City, OK HOFFPAUIR, PHYLLIS 6821 N.W. 50 Bethany, OK HOFRICHTER, CAROL P.O. Box 7 Wood River NB HOLMES, RON 6604 1/2 N.W. 43 Bethany, OK HOLZ, STEVE 515 E. 14 Carthage, MO HOOVER, CHARLES P.O. Box 545 Hennessey, OK HOUGHTLING, LANCE 4311 N. Donald Bethany, OK HUBBS, DAVID 1009 E. Sunshine Springfield, MO HUFF DENNIS 807 Evan Hale Rd. Oklahoma City, OK HUGHES, BELINDA Royal, NB INGERSOL, STAN 436 Lakeview Terr Springfield, MO JACOBS, TOM 4019 Stonewall Fairfax, VA JEFFRIES, LARRY 8903 Lakeview PI. Oklahoma City, OK JENNINGS, NANCY 6205 N.W. 36 116 Bethany, OK JOHNSTON, DARLENE Box 13 Snowflake, AZ JOHNSTON, STEVE 1301 N. Ave. B Denver City, TX JONES, DEBORAH 1315 Orr Ave. Kittanning, PA JORDAN, JOHN 4206 N. Willow Bethany, OK KEEGAN, BEVERLY 5780 N.W. 112th Terr Hialeah, FL KESTER, MILDRED 1814 S. Raymond Boise, ID KILLGORE, CYNTHIA 6608 Edenbrough 217 Oklahoma City, OK KNIPPERS, JOHN 5911 N.W. 40 Oklahoma City, OK

KNOWLES, ETHELENA Box 769 Purcell, OK KRLIN, GARY 1471 Caton Ave. Elmira, NY KROMER, LARRY 8207 Llano Ft. Worth, TX LAIR, JUDI 3837 S. 55 Ave. Tulsa, OK LANGE, PAULA Gen. Delivery Miltonvale, KS LANHAM, DARRELL 2210 Kansas Woodward, OK LARPENTEUR, CAROLE 843 Koonce St. Natchitoches, LA LAUGHLIN, OWEN 511 Main Higgins, TX LEE, PAUL 4404 N.W. 32 Oklahoma City, OK LEWIS, FRANK 815 Lincoln Ave. Cuyohoga, OH LEWIS, RICHARD 1100 S. Rockwell Oklahoma City, OK LITHERLAND, OTTILIE Rt. 1 Bridgeport, IL LIVELY ROBERT 7 Churchill Court Maryville NB, Canada MAGGART JEFF 310 N. 6th Lamar Co MALLOY STUART 6405 N.W. 41 Apt 4 Bethany, OK MANNERS, JAMES 7210 N.W. 46 Bethany, OK MARCHANT KENNY 14411 Ablon Dallas, TX MARTIN, DEBORAH 4014 1/2 N. College Bethany, OK MARTIN, JAMES Route 2 Box 108 Bloomburg, TX MARTIN, KANDACE Chester Star Route Fairview, OK MARTIN, TOMIE 4014 1/2 N. College Bethany, OK MARTIN, WARREN 1327 Shamrock Junction City, KS MASON, LINDA 1217 Fruitvale Blvd. Yakima, WA MAULSBY DON 4909 N. Willow Bethany, OK McANALLY CAROLYN 4505 N. Donald Bethany, OK McDANIEL, DEAN 1519 S. 13th Chickasha, OK McDANIEL, RANDY 6813 N.W.42nd Bethany, OK MENDENHALL, VERNA Route 1 Red Oak, OK MERONEY PAM 1819 Freeland San Angelo, TX MEYER, GARY P.O. Box 1133 San Benito, TX

MICHAEL, DAVID 818 Bryan St. Jacksonville, TX MILLER, CARMALYN 3236 Kenney Dr Falls Church, VA MILLER, DAVID 1127 N. 32nd Apt. 10 Kansas City KS MILLER, JAMES 9348 Compton Blvd. 16 Belflower CA MILLER, RONALD Box 115 4208 N. Timber Bethany, OK MILLS, KERRY 6903 N.W. 50 Bethany, OK MITCHELL, KAREN 406 S. Keystone Stafford, KS MITCHELL, LARRY 6215 N.W.36 111 Bethany, OK MIXON, ALTON 4104 Redmond, Bethany, OK MORRISON, ROBERT 209 Adamson St. Mt. Vernon, OH MOSHER, DAVID 718 E. 11th Concordia, KS MUECKE, LINDA 3520 Cresthill Ave. Macon, GA MUELLER, EVANGELINE Box 32 Lakin, KS MULLET DORES 3121 Timber Bethany, OK NEUMANN, STEVE 7800 N.W. 37th Bethany, OK NOBLES, JOHN 1001 Stirman Corpus Christi, TX NORRIS, SUSAN 1027 N. 77th E. Tulsa, OK NUTTER, BEVERLY 4101 1/2 N. Hammond Bethany, OK OFFUTT DANE P.O. Box 133 Bethany, OK OMMART SHIRLEY 8207 Llano Fort Worth, TX OSBORNE, CHICKIE 1117 Jackson Perryton, TX PALMER, LINDA 924 West 58th Ashtabula, OH PARRISH, DEBBIE 9406 W. 82 Overland Park, KS PATTERSON, EDDIE 1202 Childress Wellington, TX PATTERSON, RUTH 4309 N. Peniel Bethany, OK PERRY JAMES High Pt. Trl. Pk. 212 Enid, OK PETERS, CHERYL Box 65 Wister OK PETERSON, SQUIRREL 6146 Hemlock Merriam, KS PHILLIPS, ARDIS 2810W. 6 N. Platte, NB PHILLIPS, ARTHUR Box 37 Falcon, NC

PHILLIPS, DEBORAH 2115 Columbus Stuttgart, ARK PICKARD, DAVID 7005 N.W.39th Bethany, OK PICKLE, GREG 4202 N. Redmond Bethany,V0K POSTLEWAIT FRED 614 County Line Kansas City KS POTEET DARLENE 6717 N.W. 42nd Bethany, OK POTTS, BUD 6411 N.W. 42nd Bethany, OK PRICE, MIKE 3004 N. Holloway Bethany, OK PRYOR, PAM 470 S. Newland Lakewood, CO PUCKETT CHARLOTTE Rt. 7 Box 480F Paragould, AR PURDY RANDALL 7821 N.W. 28 Bethany, OK RALPH, STEVE 133 S. Center Plainfield, IN RANEY SHEILA 510 W. Wilson Cleburne, TX RAY KATHY 233 Cherokee Hereford, TX READ, KAREN 6020 N.W.58 Oklahoma City, OK REAM, JOHN 1361 S. Park Titusville, FL REED, JOE 6731 N.W.38 Bethany, OK REISWIG, BARRY Route 2 Box 90 Austin, MN RENEAU, DANNY 4101 N. Peniel Bethany, OK REYNOLDS, LYNN 307 E. Curtiss Midwest City, OK RINEHART JUDY 4136 Kaseberg Granite, IL ROBLES, RICHARD 2708 Clemont PI. Oklahoma City, OK ROEDIGER, TERRY 5212 N. Willow Bethany, OK ROGERS, MACK 4310 N. Asbury Bethany, OK ROSE, EARLIE 4200 N. College Bethany, OK ROUSSELLE, CLAUDIA 6808 N.W. 44th Bethany, OK ROWE, CYNTHIA 4 W. Alpine Terr Oklahoma City, OK RUMBAUGH, LARRY 303 N. Webster Junction, City, KS RUSHING, ANDREW 702 E. 8th Coffeyville, KS RUSTIN, BART Box 449 Durant, OK RYAN, DIANE Box 246 Oilton, OK

RYAN, SUSAN 290 E. 16th Elyria, OH RYE, LINDA 1310Grigsby Dr Port Neches, TX SACKET WAYNE 7009 N.W.48 Bethany, OK SANDERFER, MYRA 2443 Woodrew Dr Port Arthur TX SANDERS, CALVIN 4117 Malvern Rd. Hot Springs, AR SAUNDERS, MARY Box 265 Duncan Falls, OH SAUTER, JOANNE 907 1st St. Crawford, NB SCHAEFFER, RONALD 5000 N. Mueller Bethany, OK SCHEEL, RONALD 507 N. Main Buhler KS SCHMITT DEAN 111 S. Ponca Norman, OK SCHNETZER, DAVID 4304 N. College Bethany, OK SCHULTZ, REID 4101 N. Peniel Bethany, OK SCHULTZ, ROBERT 6008 N.W. Expr C Oklahoma City, OK SETLIFF JERRY 13301 Leopard St. Corpus Christi, TX. SHARP JOSEPH 5950 N.W. 40-220 Oklahoma City, OK SHARP PATRICIA 6766 N.W. 41 Bethany, OK SHAW, DOUGLAS 14526 Gainsville Houston, TX SIDERS, RICHARD 41 Larry Dr Little Rock, ARK SINCLAIR, GARY 4402 1/2 N. Peniel Bethany, OK SKINNER, LEON 4730 N.W. 39th Exp. Oklahoma City, OK SLAVEN, RON Box 42 Cascade, CO SLUSHER, MICHAEL 1928 S. Evanston Tulsa, OK SMITH, GARY RR 1 Hutchinson, KS SMITH, MARY Box 762 Arkansas City, KS SNEED, CATHY Route 1 Terlton, OK SOMERS, RUTH 1101 Lombardy Rd. Oklahoma City, OK SOMERVILLE, LOU 6718 N.W. 27 Bethany, OK SPINDLE, PONDER 6006 N.W. 48th Warr Acres, OK SPRINGER, ROBERT 4601 N. Hammond Bethany, OK STARR, JIM 1804 N. Rockwell-213 Bethany, OK

STEPHENSON, DAVID Box 266 Middleport, OH STILLINGS, RAY 209 E. Walnut St. Cardington, OH STINSON, EDDIE Route 1 Box 188 Prescott, AR STOKES, GARY 7169 N.W. 16 Bethany, OK STOWE, GAYLA 12821 Oakmont Kansas City, MO STRICKLAND, DUDLEY 1314 Sorrento Drive Colorado Springs, CO STRONG, RUTH Spencer SD SUDDETH, DEANNE 9204 Knightsbridge Oklahoma City, OK SWAN, WILLIAM 4902 N. Asbury Bethany, OK SWARTZENDRUBER, MARLENE Route 1 Hydro, OK TAYLOR, NINA 2823 S. 27th St. Joseph, MO THEEL, LINDA 5911 Howe Dr Shawnee Mission, KS THOMAS, WILLIAM 1003 N. Ave. B Freeport, TX THOMPSON, ANN 6725 N.W. 30 Oklahoma City, OK TROUTMAN, LAMAR 209 Lucille Lake Charles, LA TURNER, DIANNE 6705 N.W. 42 Bethany, OK VALDEZ, LUPE 219 Calles San Antonio, TX VAUGHAN, REBECCA 5920 N.W. 62nd Terr Oklahoma City, OK VLOEDMAN, MICHAEL Route 1 Box 107 Oklahoma City, OK WALKER, JAMES 6705 N.W. 38 Bethany, OK WALLER, SAMMEE 3631 N. Hammond 202 Bethany, OK WATKINS, CHARLES P.O. Box 55 Kilgore, TX WELLMAN, JAMES Rt 2 Box 121A Yukon, OK WELLS, ARVIS 1605 1/2 Ann Arbor Oklahoma City, OK WELLS, KENNETH 1109 S. 17th Mattoon, IL WHITE, JOHN 1501 S.W. 60 Oklahoma City, OK WHITE, TIM 6405 N.W. 41 1 Bethany, OK WHITT LINDA 7405 N.W. 6th Terr Oklahoma City, OK WICKERSHAM, JOHN Box 92 Bourbonnais, IL WILLIAMS, CAROLYN 3600 N.W. 71st Oklahoma City, OK

WILLIAMS, DAN 348 Columbia Augusta, KS WILSON, JOHN Rt 4 Box 1122 Lakeland, FL WOODBURY LINDA 1031 E. Cherokee Enid, OK WURST ROBERT 6802 N.W. 50th Bethany, OK YOUNG, SAUNDRA 1010 Montreal Yukon, OK YOUNGBLOOD, BARBARA Rt 2 Mt. Home, AR YOUNT WILILAM 5109 N. Willow Bethany, OK THE END.

What can I say? Am ong the tra d itio n s th a t were broken th is year, I am beginn ing to th in k th a t the last page in yearbooks being reserved fo r ed itors to make closin g rem arks should be one of th e m to be done away w ith. In fa ct, there have been num erou s tim e s when I’ve th o u g h t year­ books in general should be abolished. When you fin a lly com e down to th e last fra n tic week and you can fin a lly see the end in sight, a little of the frenzy leaves, but not enough. You can spend th e next 3 m o n th s w o rry in g ab ou t w hether o r not the kids w ill like the book, w hethe r or n o t the c o n s titu e n cy (you becom e w ell-acquainted w ith th a t w ord by being e d ito r on th is cam pus) w ill like the book, and you are rela­ tive ly sure th a t you personally w ill NOT like th e book. In fact, you may never look at it again; o r at least not fo r the next year. Then you have to reconsider, fo r the hu n d re d th tim e , and realize th a t you did the best you could under the circum sta n ce s, and accept it w hether anyone else does or not. There were m ore th a n a few snags th is year in the p ro d u c tio n of th is book. B ut the parts, th e threads th a t w ove/w orked to g e th e r s m o o th ly are the m ost im p o r­ ta n t— w ith o u t th em , the annual w o u ld n 't be: sp o tlig h ts

on Steve, Sara, Scott, Jeff, M arilyn, (ro o m m a te s of A rrow ed ito rs deserve a m edal), Leola and God. Thanks also to Lorie, Ja n ice ,T o m m y, Jonathon, Paul. You were there, too. And a few others need to be m entioned, but they w o n ’t be because, due to th e m , the book a lm o st w asn't. However, we did pull th ro u g h . So here it is, kids. We tried, and w hether or not we could do it depends on yo u r ju d g e m e n t in re lation to you. You have to decide if it speaks to you. N othing is perfect, least of all yearbooks. But there is som e value in everything. Look fo r so m e th in g here. And keep lo oking a t yo u r own ta pestries—-th e re ’s w o rth there too, Focus on it and let the snags and knots go on by, w o rkin g beyond th e m and not allow ing th e m to slow you down, or get you down. Thaaaaank yo u —

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