1965 Arrow

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DISTRICT ASSEMBLY, 1965 B ethany N a za ren e C olleg e is happy to present the ‘A r r o w ”

to you

as a sincere expression


o f a ppreciation

fo r you r prayers and coop era tion in h elp in g us serve the you th o f ou r ch u rch .

T h e paym ent in fu ll o f you r ch u rch ’s E du cation al B u dget is so im portan t if we are to adequately m eet the needs o f our youth.


Y ou rs

as together


b u ild

R oy H . C antrell, President Curtis S m ith, Assistant to the President H arry C ra d d o ck , Business M an ager

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bebicateb to p r o f e s s o r J a c k C . & a trb o n Professor Jack T. Rairdon, a man devoted to the task of education, has made a significant contribution to the fives Šf many. His interested participation in campus activities, his ready wit, his genuine concern for the needs of his students, and his strong Christian exam ple have fostered a deep sense of respect and adm iration. To all who have known him, the warmth of his personality w ill not soon be forgotten. To Professor Rairdon we dedicate the 1965 Arrow ,


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IBetljnnj) JTawmie College A coeducational institution accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Bethany Nazarene College, Bethany, Oklahom a, is the established college for the West Central Educational Zone of the Church of the Nazarene. Distinctly Christian, the college was founded and is supported by the Nazarene denom ina­ tion, adhering to its standards and em phasizing the doctrine of holiness. Beautifully landscaped, the campus encompasses twenty-five acres, including twenty-one buildings and a central mall. Three additional buildings are now under


construction or in the planning stages. Bethany Nazarene College endeavors to instill in its students the depth and significance of its motto: Character, Culture, Christ. Truth and sincerity of character, developed through contact with sacrifice and challenge; a sense of m eaningful culture, molded by guidance and maturation; personal know ledge and experience of the saving Christ— these are its objectives. So the doors of the college are opened to young people of all denominations, beckoning them to enter, and to learn.


^ r e s e e 2?aU Bresee Hall is in the most prominent position on the campus. Named for Dr. P. F. Bresee, the administration building faces H ighw ay 66 and forms the main entrance to the campus. The back half of the b uilding was erected in 1920; currently it houses faculty offices for the Humanities and Social Science divisions. The Hall was enlarged in 1941 to include the adm inistrative offices, classrooms, and the library. Remodeled in 1963, the main floor and basement are now occupied by administration; the second floor by classrooms and the Education Department.


jUcConnell Hall The center of classroom activity on campus is McConnell Hall, whose ivy-covered w alls lend it a nostalgic, typically collegiate air. A three-story brick building constructed in 1927, it was named for Dr. Charles M cConnell, one of the early leaders of the Church of the Nazarene. First used as the Science Hall, the ten-classroom build­ ing is now the home of the Speech and Business Depart­ ments, with special equipment and faculty offices for each division. The Departments of English and History also utilize these classrooms. O ccupying the southeast corner of the campus, McConnell Hall w ill be remembered by many as the cornerstone of their learning foundation.


S c ie n c e H a l l A spirin g chemists, biologists, and physicists, as well as promising mathematicians and engineers, spend much of their time in this two-story building known as the Science Hall. In use since 1950, it houses a number of laboratories, classrooms, and faculty offices. Space is also provided for a grow ing biological museum and the Foreign Language Department. Activity and concentration are alw ays in evidence, as the challenge to know ledge and research is answered by an increasing number of our students.


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Gracing the east side of the campus is the Fine Arts, a two-story brick structure erected in 1934. The main floor is occupied by an eight hun­ dred seat auditorium. Several class­ rooms, practice rooms, and faculty offices are also located in this building. The sound of music is often heard drifting from its open w indow s. The many lyceums, recitals, plays and Culture Series presented here w ill linger long in the minds and memories of students, not only for their entertainment but for their inform ative and cultural benefits.


(©ynmastuw Home of B N C s first varsity basketball team, the old Gym nasium w ill be abandoned upon completion of the Broadhurst Physical Educa­ tion Center, to be located on 39th Express­ w ay between C o llege and Peniel Streets. The present building was erected in 1929, remodeled and enlarged in 1934. It contains a basketball court and bleachers, stage, offices for the Physical Education faculty and headquarters for Intramural sports activ­ ity; classes are also held here. A traditional landmark, the gym w ill soon be erased from the face of our campus.



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jllemortal Httnarp

Cam pus intellectual activity is focused on the R. T. W illiam s Memorial Library, built in 1961 in memory of the late General Superintendent. Containing over 40,000 catalogued volumes and several thousand periodicals, this two-story, airconditioned building is structured to ac­ commodate the needs of both students and faculty. Consistently crowded to capacity, the hum of activity is an indicator of the diligence and interest with which studies are pursued. The library is indeed one of the most frequented buildings on the campus. 36


Heltgton ISutlbiug Ready for use in the fall of 1963 was the Religion Building, dedicated to the memory of Dr. S. T. Ludw ig. Housing the Department of Religion and Philosophy, the two-story brick structure contains classrooms, faculty offices, and an extensive display area. Faculty and students share a determination to fu lfill the com­ mand reiterated here: "G o ye into all the w orld and preach the gospel."


Jfarming ^ a ll A three-story brick structure erected in 1928, this b uilding houses the Department of Psychology as well as a number of women students. Named for Professor A. O. Fanning, it w ill eventually be removed to provide space for extension of the library. The home of many during their stay at BNC, the absence of Fanning Hall from the campus w ill be yet another step in the program of continual progress and improvement at Bethany Nazarene College.


Sfernigan Spall In 1945, Jernigan Hall, named after District Superintendent Dr. C. B. Jernigan, was added to the campus. A three-story brick structure erected south of Bud Robinson Hall, this women's dorm i­ tory contains forty-four rooms, a counsellor's apartment, parlor, and prayer chapel. Its "face­ lifting" in 1961 increased the modern look of the campus. The smell of popcorn and the sound of laugh­ ter are trademarks of homey Jernigan.

Named for "Uncle" Bud Robin足 son, this three-story brick b uild足 ing is the largest women's dormitory on campus. Built in 1935 and enlarged in 1940, the recently remodeled exterior has made it almost unrecognizable to former students. Within the two w in gs of the structure are con足 tained ninety-five rooms, two prayer chapels, and a counsellor s apartment. The dorm's large and com足 fortable parlor is much enjoyed by the girls and their dates; late at night, it is an ideal place for cramming and those m idnight gab sessionsl


Cfjapmati J|aU

General Superintendent Dr. J. B. Chapm an pro­ vided the name for this men's dormitory erected in 1956. Chapman Hall is a U-shaped brick building of three stories containing room for two hundred and four men. A glassed-in lounge area connecting the two w ings over­ looks a small landscaped mall. The basement is used for storage rooms and recreation area. This year there has been a new addition to the Chapman fam ily — a mother. “Mom" M cCoy's fudge makes living here very tasty!



Umotobarger Spall

The newest building on our campus, Sam Snow barger Hall, was dedicated on Homecoming Day by Dr. George Coulter, General Superintendent. A modern and attrac­ tive residence hall facing College Street, it is a fivestory brick structure with a capacity for two hundred and forty men. Occupied for the first time with the opening of the fall semester, students watched with interest and anxiety the building's construction. Not completed quite in time, the fellow s cheerfully made room for the workm en to finish. Beautifully landscaped, Snow barger Hall is a monu­ ment to the steady growth of BNC.


Pracfeen paU Housing one hundred and twenty upperclass women is Bracken Hall, named for Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Bracken. Erected just north of Bud Robinson Hall in 1961, this three-story brick building is the newest women's dormitory on our campus. The girls enjoy the advantages of living in Bracken, and appreciate the facilities available for their use: two prayer chapels, a large parlor, and a wellequipped kitchen.

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jHemortal ^>tubent Union anti TOje Jflall "The Drag" is the hub of much campus activity. Here are located the dining hall, post office, student organization and publication offices, the Peniel Room for social func­ tions, the Terrace Room (dining area), and the campus snack bar, the W igw am . Space is also provided for lounge and recreation areas, a TV Room, and the Student Em-


ployment Service. O fficially the Memorial Student Union, the building was erected in 1953 as a joint project of the college and the Alum ni Association. A memorial to students who lost their lives in World War II, the one-story brick structure underwent extensive rem odeling in 1962.

The Union and the Gym nasium form the horizontal boundaries of the central Mall. The north end of the Mall is occupied by a colored fountain, gift of the class of 1957. In the center of the Mall the flam e of the Lamp of Learning reaches ever skyw ard, flanked with majesty by the letters "B N C."




President Roy H. Cantrell is now in his eight­ eenth year of service to the cause of Christian education and Bethany Nazarene College. Since his coming in 1947, the college has made many forward strides. New buildings, increased faculty, and an ever-grow ing student body have marked his administration. Devoted to the cause of Christ through the medium of learn­ ing, Dr. Cantreil exem plifies a sincere and genuine Christian interest in the lives and problems of all students. Traveling many hundreds of miles to represent the college at a number of district assemblies and preachers' meetings, Dr. Can­ trell still finds time to serve as chairman of the Board at Bethany First Church. His con­ secrated life makes him admired and appreciated by all.

DR. ROY H. CANTRELL, President of the College

MISS VERLA EWBANK, Secretary to the President

President of the College Pictured with her husband is Mrs. Cantrell. Standing beside the President in all of his w ork, she is a great source of encouragement to all with whom she comes in contact. Mrs. Cantrell is especially interested in the women's functions on campus, and aids at many teas and receptions. Early in the fall she graciously opened her home to the female officers of all clubs and organizations for instruction in the proper manner of g ivin g a tea. Mrs. Cantrell's quiet sensitivity to the needs of others has made her a much loved and adm ired First Lady.

Serving in the capacity of secretary to the president is no easy task, but Miss Verla Ew bank has proved her capability. Her e ffi­ ciency has greatly benefited the operation of the office.

DR. CURTIS SMITH, Assistant to the President


Assistant to the President Dr. Curtis Smith loyally serves the college as Assistant to \he President, Director of Development. Dr. Smith's principal duty is that of co-ordinating the areas included in Develop­ ment, those of public relations, Alum ni relations, and fund raising. In connection with the furtherance of these programs, he spends much of his time aw ay from the school repre­ MISS MATTIE BELL JONES, Secretary

senting its interests. A ll college representation of any nature is controlled by him. Many improvements have been realized and much good w ill inspired through the untiring efforts of this dedicated man.

STUDENT ASSISTANTS: Jane Peterson, Sally Cockrell, Rita Garman, Lucille Weathers


Dean of the College Dean of the C o llege is Dr. C. Harold Ripper, appointed by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President. A s Dean, Dr. Ripper works in close con­ junction with the President on all matters relative to instruction and educational policy. He serves as ex officio chairman of the curriculum committee, and co-ordinates the activities of the various divisions. The Dean makes recommendations regarding all faculty appointments and determination of academic ranks of staff members. It is his responsibility as Academ ic Dean to approve applica­ tions for graduation, and present the candidates to the President for graduation at the commencement. Listed in Who's Who in America, Dr. Ripper is an active member of church and community. Serving as M ayor of the city of Bethany, he is a member of the local Cham ber of Commerce, the O klahom a County Library Commission, Kiw anis, and a member of the Church Board of Bethany First Church of the Nazarene.

DR. C. HAROLD RIPPER, Dean of the College


MRS. ELAINE MAIN, Receptionist

STUDENT ASSISTANTS: Judy Swaffield, Carolyn Dunlap, Jill Spruce


Dr. Vernon A. Snow barger serves the college and the students in the position of Dean of Students. Application for admission begins its process in this office, and all room assignments and changes are handled here. Student group insurance policies and automobile registration are directed by the Dean's office. As chairman of the committee for social activities, Dr. Snow barger directs the com pilation of the Cam pus Calendar. The Teacher Placement Service is also regulated through the Dean of Students' O ffice. A ll major disciplinary problems are brought to this office. Dr. Snow barger functions as a member of the faculty in the Sociology Department. He is an active member of Kiw anis, and serves Bethany First Church of the Nazarene as treasurer of the Board of Trustees.



Dean of Students STUDENT ASSISTANTS: Doris Cook, Donna Williams, Jessie Wilson, Pat McReynolds, Jane Perry



PUBLIC Relations head, Dr. Curtis Smith, is flanked by his assistants, Gordon Wickersham, Louis McMahon, and Bill Sullivan.

PUBLIC Relations office secretaries Lavina West, Jane Peterson, and Nola Culbertson are responsible for much of the efficiency witnes­ sed in this office.


Department of Development MR. BILL M. SULLIVAN, Assistant Director of Development


Public Relations The title of Assistant Director of Development is given to Mr. Bill M. Sullivan. His w ork in the Department is prim arily in the area of Public Relations, a division having four regions. Internal Relations involves w orking with the Director of Religious Activities, faculty, and students. Church Relations is comprised of the supervision of all representative groups, such as quartets, choirs, and other Christian w orkers. W ork with the community and service clubs are under the heading of External Relations. Student Recruitment is the final area under Public Relations jurisdiction. The addition of Mr. Sullivan to the staff has given a new impetus to the department.


Dean of Women Dean of Women on our campus is Dr. Wanda Rhodes, a Christian professor believing in the necessity of co-ordinating all activity into an effort to be an effective testimony. Dr. Rhodes has made a deep and lasting impression on the lives of all women students in her still brief history on our campus. Under her leadership the Associated Women Students organization has -made many improvements in dorm itory govern­ ment. Dr. Rhodes sponsors the Women's Recrea­ tion Association, attempting to provide a com­ plete sports program for the women students. The athletic phase of the intramural program has undergone much revolution as a result of her efforts.

DR. W ANDA RHODES, Dean of Women



Dean of Men New to the administrative staff is Mr. Carroll A. Etter, Dean of Men. In this capacity Mr. Etter maintains a general counselling program , includ­ ing disciplinary and academic problems; he also assists in personnel services relating to the men on campus. Sponsor of the Associated Men Stu­ dents, he has organized Councils in each of the men's dormitories and has instituted a system of Student Government relating the two. Mr. Etter is w ell qualified for his position, hav­ ing received his M.A. degree in the field of religion from Pasadena College, and doing extended w ork in Counselling and Guidance at the University of California. A member of the local Kiw anis Club, he also teaches a Sunday School class at Bethany First Church.


Alumni Relations A fam ilar figure on campus is that of Mr. Gordon W ickersham. The responsibilities of his position have been incorporated into the Department of Developm ent as Co-ordinator of Alum ni Relations and Director of the News Bureau. Work in this area includes all college publicity and photography, new s­ paper articles, information in church periodi­ cals, printing, advertising brochures, publi­ cation of the Today, and announcements and appearances on radio and television. The photographer for the A R R O W and the REVEILLE ECHO w orks under the direction of this Department. W icky's helpfulness and friendly smile are appreciated by all.

MR. LOUIS McMAHON, Fund Raising

MR. GORDON WICKERSHAM, Co-ordinator of Alumni Relations


Fund Raising A third member of the Department of De­ velopment w orking under Dr. Curtis Smith is Mr. Louis McMahon. Mr. McMahon works in the division entitled Fund Raising, and is concerned with endowments, w ills, an­ nuities, and insurance. The w ork of Mr. McMahon, Mr. W icker­ sham, and Mr. Sullivan helps to correlate the functions embodied in the principle of public relations. The creation of the Depart­ ment of Development embracing all of these w ill serve to accelerate the w ork of promot­ ing Christian education and Bethany Nazarene College.



Business Office

CASHIERS: Mrs. Ramona Sykes, Mrs. Carol Hazelton


CASHIERS: Joy Gongwer, Mrs. Irene Lawrence


Business M anager A ll financial matters pertaining to the college are handled under the direction of Mr. Harry Crad­ dock, Business M anager. Records of all funds received and dispursed are maintained by the Business O ffice. The operation of the Physical Plant and all campus maintenance are under the Business M anager's jurisdiction. Processing and aw arding of student loans is done by Mr. Crad­ dock and his staff. When not enmeshed in his college responsi­ bilities, Mr. Craddock attends his duties as Sunday School Superintendent of Bethany First Church, treasurer of Kiw anis, and member of the local YM C A Board.


MR. HARRY CRADDOCK, Business Manager




Registrar’s Office W orking in conjunction with the Dean of Students O ffice, Registrar Dr. Donald Danskin and his office w orkers academ ically approve all persons accepted as students. Permanent academic records on each student are set up by this office. The Registrar's O ffice supervises class registration, setting up pro­ cedures, and preparing and processing all forms. Statistical reports breaking down the student en­ rollment by class, sex, denomination, home state, major, full-time Christian service, and teacher edu­ cation are sent to the State Department of Education, the State Board of Regents for Higher Education, the Federal Department of Health, Education, and W el­ fare, and the general headquarters of the Church of the Nazarene. Dr. Danskin teaches in the Business Department, and is treasurer of the Northwest Oklahom a District of the Nazarene Church.

MR. DONALD DANSKIN, Registrar STUDENT ASSISTANTS: Front row, Linda Henderson, Judith Sykes, Jennie Wilson; Second Row, Jane’Roberts, Mary Dorn, Barbara Bickford.



MISS MAXINE LEWIS, Recorder; Assistant, Mrs. Lenita Richards


DALLAS DISTRICT Dr. Paul H. Garrett Rev. Clyde E. Ammons Mr. Estel Etheridge HOUSTON DISTRICT Dr. W. Raymond McClung Rev. Hugh B. Dean Mr. John Bundy SAN ANTONIO DISTRICT Rev. James C. Hester Rev. Jimmy Blankenship Mr. Robert Joines ABILENE DISTRICT Rev. Raymond W. Hurn Rev. James Bell Mr. Raman Chandler NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA DISTRICT Dr. I. C. Mathis Rev. E. H. Sanders Mr. Robert Kannady NORTHWEST OKLAHOMA DISTRICT Rev. Jerald Locke Dr. Harold Daniels Rev. J. Reyndal Russell Dr. L. N. Gilbert SOUTHEAST OKLAHOMA DISTRICT Rev. Glen Jones Rev. Harold Harcourt Mr. Lenard Stubbs SOUTHWEST OKLAHOMA DISTRICT Rev. W. T. Johnson Rev. James Snow Rev. Granville Rogers Dr. Glenn McArthur NORTH ARK ANSAS DISTRICT Rev. Boyd C. Hancock Rev. R. Eugene Hulsey Mr. Elbert Tyler SOUTH ARK AN SAS DISTRICT Dr. A. Milton Smith Rev. Thomas M. Hermon Mr. Charles Wilson LOUISIANA DISTRICT Rev. T. T. McCord Rev. Robert L. Spinks Mr. J. T. Henderson ALUMNI Dr. Paul Macrory KANSAS DISTRICT Dr. Ray Hance Rev. Herbert Merritt Mr. E. W. Snowbarger KANSAS CITY DISTRICT Rev. Wilson Lanpher Dr. John Stockton Rev. C. William Ellwanger JOPLIN DISTRICT Rev. Dean Baldwin Rev. Malcolm Eudaley Mr. Herb Frazee NEBRASKA DISTRICT Dr. Whitcomb B. Harding Rev. George L. Mowry Mr., Blaine D. P roffitt PRESIDENT Dr. Roy H. Cantrell

Board of Trustees The governing body of the college known as the Board of Trustees is composed of forty-nine district superintendents, pastors, and laymen of the West Central educational zone of the Church of the Nazarene. The Board, which meets once each year during February, formulates and controls the policies of the school. Adopted this year was an operating budget of $1,509,700; plans were made for the construction of a new girls' dorm itory, Science Hall, and extension of the library.


MR. HUBERT HARRIS, Director of Physical Plant



Student Employment Service, Physical Plant MR. PHIL STOREY, Director of Student Employment, Student Union Manager

MRS. ELIZABETH ployment Secretary.

WYSS, Student Em-

Fannfrig^HaH^6 w ,1Ua^lta r aiming n a n , Mrs^Hazp1 lvirs. Hazel^Mprmr^°r'h McCoy, Chapman" “ Hall; Mrs. °nyeri Opal

HeathAlice Jemigai. ail; Mrs.Hall. NeU Richardson, Bud Robinson Hall; Mrs. Ray, n Bracken


Nurses, Doctors, Dorm Moms, Dietician DR. LEON N. GILBERT, M.D.



. Jfacultp


Division Discusses Theology, Ethics Headed by Dr. Donald Metz, the Division of Religion and Philosophy has a faculty of seven. The study of Biblical Languages is the area of Dr. Robert L. Saw yer; the study of Philosophy is concentrated under Dr. MelThomas Rothwell. Professor Paul M cGrady directs several courses in the practical aspects of preaching. Dr. Rob Staples, Dr. Oscar Reed, and Dr. John Knight have been added to the teaching staff in the past two years. Many underclass students are chal­ lenged by their presentations of the fundamental beliefs of the Christian church. Dr. Metz and his faculty provide a thorough program of study in the area of religion, theology, and philoso­ phy. The number of students in the Master's program is steadily increasing. We are indeed fortunate in the fine caliber of professors in this, the most vital, area of study on our campus.

ROTHWELL, MEL-THOMAS, DR. Head, Philosophy Department; Professor, Philosophy; A.B., Ohio University; A.M., University of Michigan; Ph.D., Boston University; Port Huron, Michigan.

McGRADY, PAUL J. Assistant Professor, Religion; A.B., Trevecca Nazarene College; B.D., Nazarene Theological Seminary; Delta, Pennsylvania.

SAWYER, ROBERT L., DR. Head, Biblical Language Department; Professor, Religion; A.B., Eastern Nazarene College; Th.B., Eastern Nazarene College; B.D., Nazarene Theological Seminary; Th.M., Central Baptist Seminary; Th.D., Central Baptist Seminary; Akron, Ohio.


METZ, DONALD, DR. Chairman, Division of Religion-Philosophy; Professor, Reli­ gion; B.D., Evangelical and Reformed Seminary; M.A., Uni­ versity of Maryland; D.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; Bethany, Oklahoma.

REED, OSCAR F., DR. Professor, Religion; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M.Th., University of Southern California; Ph.D., University of Southern California; Pasadena, California.

STAPLES, ROB L., DR. Assistant Professor, Religion; A.B.; Trevecca Nazarene College; B.D., Nazarene Theological Seminary; Th.D., Pacific School of Religion; Kirksey, Kentucky.


SOCIAL SCIENCE A faculty of fifteen, under the direction of Dr. Anne

C. Greve, teach in the D ivisio n of Social Sciences which includes the Departments of History, Political Science, Sociology, Business, Home Economics, and Physical Education. This broad division touches many areas of the students lives: their physical w ell-being, homemaking arts, business proficiency, human relations, and appli­ cable know ledge of past and present history. FLOYD, FRED, DR. Head, History Department; Professor; A.B., Pasadena College; B.S.E., Mercer; M.A., Vanderbilt; B.D., Van­ derbilt; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; Donalsonville, Georgia.

GARNER, JAMES, DR. Head, Political Science Department; Professor; A.B., B.S., Uni­ versity of Oklahoma; M.A., University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., State University of Iowa; Blossom, Texas.

DAVIS, LAURA JEAN Assistant Professor, Home Economics; B.S., Bethany Naza足 rene College; M.S., Oklahoma State University; Claremore, Oklahoma.

GREVE, ANNE C., DR. Chairman, Division of Social Sci足 ences; Head, Home Economics De足 partment; Professor; B.A., John Fletcher College; M.S., Iowa State College; Ph.D., University of Minn足 esota; Bethany, Oklahoma.



SHELLEx> BERGER, ELMER B. Head, Business Department; A s足 sociate Professor; B.S., Wichita University; M.Ed., Phillips Uni足 versity; Wichita, Kansas.

SNOWBARGER, VERNON A., DR. Head, Sociology Department; Professor; A.B., Bethany Naza足 rene College; M.A., University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., Univers足 ity of Southern California; Sylvia, Kansas.


DANSKIN, DONALD R., DR. Professor, Business; A.D., Kearney State College; M.A., University of Nebraska; D.EcL, University of Oklahoma; Kearney, Nebraska.

WILSON, DONALD W AYNE Acting Head, Physical Education; Assistant Professor; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; Ed.M., University of Oklahoma; Purnell, Missouri.

PAYNE, JUDITH ELAIN E, DR. Assistant Professor. Business; B.S., Bethany Naza­ rene College; Ph.D., Louisiana State University; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

I *,>■■■■...



BAKER, DAVID L. instructor, Physical Education; A.B., University of Oklahoma; Director of Intramural Activities; Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

RHODES, W ANDA MAE, DR. Professor, Physical Education; Dean of Women; B.S., Bethany Nazarene College; M.S., Oregon State Uni­ versity; P.E.D., Indiana University; Albuquerque, New Mexico.

HOPKINS, MARTHA Instructor, Physical Education; B.S., Northwest Nazarene College; M.S., University of Indiana; Nampa, Idaho.



Observation, Experimentation Emphasized Dr. Thurman Coburn is chairman of the Division of Education and Psychology, having a faculty of five members. Dr. Forrest Ladd, head of the Department of Psychology, w ill be on sabbatical second semester of this school year. In charge of the student teaching program on the secondary level is Dr. W esley Moon; the elementary teaching program is under the direction of Miss Dorothy Sheldon. Miss Constance Spruce teaches many courses in the creative arts. The opportunities provided for learning in the areas of psychology and education are excellent and varied. Theories, experimentation, observation, and personal experience are combined to fulfill the needs of the students.

MOON, WESLEY, DR. Head, Education Department; Professor; A.B., Houghton College; Ed.M., University of Rochester; Ed.D., University of Buffalo; Houghton, New York.

SPRUCE, CONSTANCE Associate Professor, Education; B.A., University of Texas; M.A., St. Mary’s University of Texas; Floresville, Texas.

SHELDON,DOROTHY RUTH Associate Professor, Education; Supervisor, Elementary Student Teachers; A.B., John Fletcher College; M.A. University of Michigan; Ed.S., Arizona State University; Blanchard, North Dakota.



LADD, FORREST E., DR. Head, Psychology Department; Professor; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., University of Kansas; Cushing, Oklahoma.

COBURN, THURMAN, DR. Chairman, Division of Education and Psychology; Professor, Educa­ tion, Psychology; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M.Ed., Univers­ ity of Oklahoma; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; Florien, Louisiana.

. X ^




Caculation, Research Further Knowledge Dr. Robert G. Lawrence, head of the Division of Natural Sciences, is aided by a faculty of eight members. Teaching in the Biological Sciences are Professors Newcom b and Bridgwater; Dr. Don Beaver and Prof. Gene Heasley teach in the field of chemistry. Physics is taught by Prof. Emmett Hammer; the Mathematics Department is under the direction of Dr. Earl Greer. Prof. Elmer Davis teaches in both the Physics and Math Departments. Prof. Marion Jam ison is a part-time instructor in the field of engineering. The men and departments housed in the Science Hall are awarded by its late-burning lights, sign ifyin g students at w ork in their quest for know ledge.

BRIDGWATER, DONALD D. Assistant Professor, Biology; B.S., Bethany Nazarene College; M.S., Oklahoma State University; Bethany, Oklahoma.

LAWRENCE, ROBERT G., DR. Chairman, Division of Natural Sciences; Head, Biological Sciences; Professor; B.S., Eastern Nazarene College; M.S., Boston University; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University; Wil­ mington, New York.

NEWCOMB, DONALD WILLIAM Assistant Professor, Biology; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M.E.D., University of Oklahoma; McKinney, Texas.



BEAVER, DON W., DR. Head, Chemistry Department; Professor; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M.S., Oklahoma State University; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University; Bethany, Oklahoma.

HAMMER, EMMETT Head, Physics Department; Associate Professor; A.B., John Fletcher College; M.A., University of Kansas; La Harpe, Kansas.

HEASLEY, GENE ELW YN, DR. Associate Professor, Chemistry; A.B., Kansas University; Burnips, Michigan.




GREER, EARL VINCENT, DR. Head, Math Department; Professor; A.B., Olivet Nazarene College; M.A., University of Illinois; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; Bethany, Oklahoma.

JAMISON, MARION Instructor, Physical Science; B.S., Bethany Nazarene College; M.S. University of Oklahoma; Hutchison, Kansas.

DAVIS, ELMER E. Assistant Professor, Math, Physics; B.S., Fort Hays Kansas State College; M.S., Oklahoma State Uni­ versity; Haviland, Kansas.



Instruments, Voices Become Accomplished Ten faculty members serve in the Division of Fine Arts, headed by Professor Lester L. Dunn. Instruction in vocal music is provided by Professors Lester Dunn, Melvin Unruh, and Jam es Main. Teaching instrumental music are Professors Leckie, Uerkvitz, Taylor, and Margaret Dunn. Professor Ray Bowman teaches in the field of art; the Orchestra is under the direction of Professor Roger Strong, the Band under the direction of Professor Reuben Rodeheaver. The Division of Fine Arts enriches the lives of all students, for not only is specialized and advanced instruction available, but also courses are taught in the elementary basics of art and music.

DUNN, LESTER L. Chairman, Division of Fine Arts; Head, Music Department; Professor, Voice; B.F.A., Bethany Peniel College; M. Music, University of Oklahoma; Holdenville, Oklahoma.

UNRUH, MELVIN 0. Instructor, Voice; B. Mus. Ed., Bethany Nazarene College; M. Mus. Ed., University of Oklahoma; Hutchinson, Kansas.


MAIN, NOBLE JAMES Instructor, Voice, Music Education; B.A., Central College; M.A., State College of Iowa; Marania, Iowa.

LECKIE, THOMAS C. Assistant Professor of Piano; B.A., Northwest Nazarene College; B of Mus., Northwest Nazarene College; M. of Mus., University of Oregon; Buhl, Idaho.

DUNN, MARGARET Assistant Professor, Piano; B.F.A., Bethany Naza­ rene College; Advanced Study, University of Okla­ homa; Woodline, Kansas.

TAYLOR, RUTH Assistant Professor, Organ, Music Theory; B.F.A., Bethany Nazarene College; B. Mus., Oklahoma Citv University; M. Mus. Ed., Central State College; Bethany, Oklahoma.

UERKVITZ, T. DAVID Assistant Professor, Piano; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M. Mus., University of Oklahoma; Bethany, Oklahoma.


BOWMAN, RAY Assistant Professor, Art, Engineering; B.S., Kansas State University; M.S., Kansas State University; Bethany, Oklahoma. 1

STRONG, ROGER W. Instructor, String Instrumental Music; B. Mus., Oklahoma City University; M. Mus., University of Southern California; Ft.Collins, Colorado.

RODEHEAVER, REUBEN ELLIS Assistant Professor, Instrumental Music; B. Mus. Ed., West Virginia University; M. of Mus., West Virginia University; Deer Park, Maryland.



Departments Teach Vocabulary, The division of Humanities and its ten faculty members are under the direction of Dr. W illis B. Dobson. Doctors Dobson and Laughbaum and Professors Dickerson, Helen Rothwell, Pischel and Jennings comprise the Department of English. Teaching Foreign Language are Professors Huhnke and Mahan; instructing in the Speech Department are Dr. Elwood Tame and Prof. Charles Harrison. The Humanities Division provides a very complete course of instruction, including three foreign languages, debate, linguistics, and upper division courses in such authors as Shakespeare and Milton.

LAUGHBAUM, ANNA BELLE, DR. Professor, English; A.B., Greenville College; A.M., University of Illinois; Ph.D., University of Illinois; Pellston, Michigan.

DOBSON, WILLIS B., DR. Chairman, Division of Humanities; Head, English Department; Professor, English; A.B., Centenary College; M.A., University of Texas; Ph.D., University of Texas; Shreveport, Louisiana.

DICKERSON, MAURINE Associate Professor, English; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M.A., Oklahoma State University; M.A.L.S., Lniversity of Oklahoma; Bethany, Oklahoma.


PISCHEL, JACK C. Instructor, English; B.A., Olivet Nazarene College; B.D., Nazarene Theological Seminary; Carroll, Iowa.

JENNINGS, CHARLES L. Assistant Professor, English; B.S., Southwest Missouri State College; B.D., Nazarene Theological Seminary; M.S., Northwest Missouri State College; Dexter, Missouri.

TAME, ELLWOOD R., DR. Head, Speech Department; Professor; A.B., Northwest Naza­ rene College; M.A., University of Denver; Ph.D., University of Denver; Cleveland, Ohio.

HARRISON, CHARLES R. Instructor, Speech; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M.A., Oklahoma University; Bethany, Oklahoma.

MAHAN, OLVETTE Instructor, Modern Languages; A.B., Bethany Nazarene College; M.A., University of Oklahoma; R.N., St. Anthony s School of Nursing; Talihina, Oklahoma.

HUHNKE, GERALDINE M. Head, Language Department; Associate Professor; A.B., Northwest Nazarene College; M.A., State University of Iowa; New Rockford, North Dakota.

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Homecoming Reigning over a victorious Homecoming for the Redskins was Miss Doris Cook, a senior elementary education major from Enid, Oklahom a. Doris has served as junior class treasurer, dorm president, SEA treasurer, and secretary of the college m issionary chapter. Radiant in her Christian testimony as well as her smile, Doris was indeed a well-chosen queen.

Heart-Pal 1965 brought another lovely face into the lim elight in the person of Miss M arilyn Tims, a junior m ajoring in elementary education. M arilyn's home town is Medford, Oklahom a. Active as a member of the social committee and parlia­ mentarian of AW S, Marilyn added grace and beauty to the banquet decor.

Crfjo The Echo Tournament Queen this year was Miss Kerry Dawson of Bethany, O k la ­ homa, a senior history major. Elected by the society basketball teams on the basis of her participation in W RA and society activities, Kerry is women's athletic director for Sigm a and is a member of SEA. Kerry reigned royally over the cham pionship game.


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A Time of Fulfillment

The Class of 1965 has attained the first plateau in its climb up the mountain of higher learning. Pausing on the threshold of their new w orld, the seniors glim pse a panorama of past, present, and future. A sense of nostalgia colors the d iffi­ culties of the past in a glo w of pride in perseverance; the present is bathed in the radi­ ance of a task completed and w ell-done; the uncertain and hopeful future lies before as a shining ribbon, w in din g through the terrain of life. The senior year has brought the class a sense of sophistication, w edding-bells, and graduation. The year has brought, too, a spur to ever increase the sense of Fulfillm ent.

President Dave Robertson

OFFICERS President ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Robertson Vice President -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave M cClung Chaplain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jam es Southworth Student Council R ep resen tative _________________________________ Larry Hightower Secretary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janice Hollow ay Treasurer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lorna chisum Social Committee R ep resen tative________________________________ ju lia Goodrich Sponsor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p r< precj f\0 y ^

ACHESON, SAN DRA GRACE Lufkin, Texas BS, Elementary Education ADAM S, W E SL E Y Bethany, Oklahoma M A, Religion ALD RID GE, V E N E V IA N RUTH Okemah, Oklahoma BS, Education

AN ESI, D E A N N A M ARIE Kirksville, Missouri BS, Psychology B ARN ARD , JACK LEE Topeka, Kansas BS, Biology BEARD, DAVID LOUIS St. Louis, Missouri AB, Religion

BECK, CAROL COAK Denver, Colorado BS, Elementary Education BEESON, JA M ELYN LISK Pasco, Washington BS, Elementary Education BEESON, RONALD DEAN North Platte, Nebraska BS, Mathematics

BENSON, B E T T Y JEAN Kansas City, Missouri AB, Religion B LANK EN SH IP, R. J. Indian River City, Florida AB, Religion B LE AK LEY , LOIS M ARIE North Little Rock, Arkansas AB, History


BOND, RICHARD DALE Ingalls, Kansas AB, Religion BRANDES, ROBERT W. Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Chemistry BRANDES, SAN DRA S. Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Home Economics

BRIDGEMAN, M YRA JE AN Ponca City, Oklahoma AB, Spanish BRITT, GERALD EDW ARD Kansas City, Missouri AB, Psychology B RO W NFIELD, M ELVIN KEITH Lubbock, Texas BS, Biology


Robertson Elected Class Prexy Fourth Time

ANTICIPATION of a de­ lightful meal is apparent by the expressions on the faces of Calvin Nicholson, Linda Ladd, Sherry Dudney, and Dick Bond as they are being served at the All-School Dinner.


‘ C

A .

IMMACULATE campus at BNC is the responsi­ bility of the many stu­ dents who work to make it a showplace. Circle K members R. J. Blanken­ ship and Dave Robertson add a new coat of paint to one of the landmarks.


Sizzling Steaks Lure Seniors to Annual Fry ■■■

BROYLES, SH IRLEY DARLENE Alma, Arkansas BS, Elementary Education BUSH, JE R R Y A LLE N Orlando, Florida BS, Accounting CASH, B A R B A R A JE AN North Little Rock, Arkansas AB, Religion

CAUDELL, A L T A P ATR ICIA Hot Springs, Arkansas AB, Sociology CH AN DLER, JUDITH DIANE Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AB, Voice CHANDLER, RAM AN L. Dalhart, Texas AB, Sociology


CHAPLIN, MERVIN LEE Indianola, Iowa AB, Religion CHISUM, LORNA MAE Howe, Texas BS, Physical Education CLINE, RAYMOND W INFIELD Gage, Oklahoma AB, Mathematics

COCHRAN, CARL T. JR. Bethany, Oklahoma AB, Religion COOK, DORIS A. Enid, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education CRAW FORD, ERNEST C. Stockton, California AB, History

DAHL, W A YN E HAROLD Nampa, Idaho AB, Music DAILEY, SANDI JO Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education DAWSON, KERRY Bethany, Oklahoma AB, History

DREIER, LORRIN LOUIS Newton, Kansas BS, Business DUDNEY, SHERRY BENN ETTE Kansas City, Missouri AB, English DUNLAP, CAROLYN FIONA DeSota, Missouri BS, Home Economics


D U R R ,C L A U D E SHELBY Shreveport, Louisana BS, Business EARP, CLAUDIA KAY Stroud, Oklahoma B, Music Education, Instrumental EHRLICH, JANICE LEE Shattuck, Oklahoma BS, Business Education

ELKINS, KEN N ETH LEROY Kansas City, Kansas BS, Biology EM M ERT, JIM MASTON Odessa, Texas AB, Religion ESKEW , GERALD LYN N Springfield, Colorado BS, Business Administration

ESKEW, JERRY G. Springfield, Colorado B, Music Education, Vocal FENNO. JAMES G. LaMoure, North Dakota AB, Religion FIELDS, CHARLES R. Ulysses, Kansas AB, Vocal

FIELDS, W ILLIAM M ARSHALL Independence, Missouri AB, Religion FINE, LARRY D. Ash Grove, Missouri AB, Religion FLOWERS, CLARA LUELLA Imperial, Pennsylvania BS, Elementary Education


FRANK LIN, LESLIE DOUGLAS Walters. Oklahoma AB, Religion FRIESEN , RICHARD DEAN Hutchinson, Kansas BS, Biology FUQUA, LOREN LAEL Seiling, Oklahoma BS, Business Education

GANSHORN, L A R R Y JOE Lincoln, Nebraska AB, Religion GIBBS, DORSIE JOE South Point* Ohio BS, Biology GOODRICH, JU L IA ANN Santa Fe, New Mexico AB, Speech


Dr. Floyd Presents Films of Four Great Years

LANKY Jim Hamilton, with sack of food in hand, waits patiently for Carol Reaves to make an appearance.




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COMPLEX communication system is in the capable hands of Betty Loper as she keeps the calls com­ ing- through.


Heart-Pal Banquet Sets Mood for Engagements GORDON, BENNIE SUE Rising: Star, Texas BS, Business Education GORDON, PEGGY LAD EAN Holdenville, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education GUESS, JOHN LEE Bethany, Oklahoma B. Music Education, Vocal

HAM ILTON, JAM ES RANDALL Morgantown, West Virginia BS, Business HAM ILTON, JUDY M. Newton, Kansas AB, Music HAND, JEAN EN E RUTH Hot Springs, Arkansas BS, Elementary Education


HANSON, LOIS M ARIAN St. Augustine, Florida A B , Spanish HARMON, ANTHON Y W. Rockmart, Georgia BS, Chemistry HAZELBAKER, JIM CHARLES Camargo, Oklahoma BS. Business Administration

HENBEST, IRMA LOU Houston, Texas AB, Religion

H ENDRIX, MARVIN LEROY Bartlesville, Oklahoma BS, Biology HICKS, EVE LYN M. Dallas, Texas BS, Business Administration

HIETT, CHARLOTTE ANN Alva, Oklahoma AB, Religion HIGHTOW ER, LA R R Y EUGENE Little Rock, Arkansas B. Music Education HIGHTOWER, LINDA FITTS Wheatridge, Colorado B. Music Education, Vocal

HOCKETT, GILBERT LAVERN Burlington, Iowa AB, Religion HOLLOW AY. JANICE ANNE Channelview, Texas BS, Business Administration HORTON, TRU DY DELORIS Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education


HOW ELL. ERNEST EUGENE Bartlesville, Oklahoma BS, Chemistry HUDSON, ROBERT DEAN LaHarpe, Kansas AB, Religion HUGHES, JAM ES H EN RY Mishawaka, Indiana BS, Business Administration

INGLE, GORDON STAH LY Seattle, Washington AB, Religion INGLE, ROBERT LEW IS Grand Prairie, Texas AB, History JABLECKI, DONNA M. Lake Jackson, Texas BS, Biology

JACKSON, ROBBIE SUE Crystal Springs, Mississippi BS, Social Studies JERGENSEN, JOYCE G. North Platte, Nebraska BS, Mathematics JETTON, LAVON North Little Rock, Arkansas BS, Elementary Education

JONES. CHARLES E. Haywood, Oklahoma AB, Religion JONES, KENNETH DALE Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AB, Religion JONKMAN, RICHARD LEE Fountain Valley, California AB, Political Science


JORDON, GARY DEAN Burr Oak, Kansas AB, History KELLY, A N IT A F A Y E Texarkana, Texas BS, Elementary Education KELLY, ARD ITH A RLEN E Elkhart, Kansas BS, Elementary Education

KELM AN. M ARVIN CLARK Bradshaw, Nebraska AB, Religion KNEE, ELM ER H EN RY Creston, Iowa AB, Religion LAFORCE, NORMAN W A YN E Mt. Vernon, Texas AB, Religion


Seniors Experience Difficult Comprehensives

INTRICACIES of geome­ try are explained to Nor­ ma Stark and Diana Moore by David Penn.


PAUSE that refreshes takes on added meaning for Robert Ingle during a lull in the election pro­ gram while Donna Hance tends to her knitting.


Thanks, Juniors, for a Memorable Banquet

LAU BY, JOYCE LEA Shawnee Mission, Kansas BS, Biology LAU BY, RICHARD Shawnee Mission, Kansas AB, Religion LEHM AN, PAT R IC IA D. Lamarque, Texas AB, Psychology

L IBE R TY , B A R BA RA JEAN Preston, Nebraska BS, Business Education LOPER, B ETTY SUE Bethany, Oklahoma AB, Functional M cC l e l l a n , r o n a l d k . Topeka, Kansas BA, Music Education


McCLUNG, JAMES DAVID Lake Charles, Louisan a BS, Business Administration McCORMICK, CURTIS DEAN Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AB, Religion M cDANIEL, BARBARA ANN Temple, Texas BS, Elementary Education

McNAMES, JUDY ANN Claremore, Oklahoma BS, Home Economies M cVAY, MACY ELAINE Bonham, Texas BS, Elementary Education MADDEN, LARRY DEAN McPherson. Kansas AB, Religion

M ANCHESTER, A LA N E. Johnson, Vermont BS, Business Administration M ARTIN, PAT R IC IA SHERILL Topeka, Kansas BS, Elementary Education M A XE Y, LAR RY EDW IN Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Business Administration

M A XE Y, P A T R IC IA McGILL Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education M A X E Y , RICHARD FLOYD Follett, Texas BS, Accounting MEEK, A N IT A JEAN El Paso, Texas BS, Home Ecoyiomics


M E N E FE E, CAROLYN K AY Elkhart, Kansas BS, Business Education M ESSER, A LF R E D GLENN Bethany, Oklahoma AB, Religion M ILLIGAN, E LV A R A Y Heavener, Oklahoma BS, Mathematics

MILLS, CAROL L. Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education MOORE, M ARK KENT Bradley, Illinois AB, Biology MOORE, PRISCILLA MAE Oklahoma City, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education

MORGAN, DICK ALLEN Ponca City, Oklahoma BS, Biology MORGAN, MARY FRA ZIER Bethany, Oklahoma AB, English MOUNTFORD, SONJA G. Kansas City, Kansas B. Music Education, Choir

NICHOLS, JERRY LYNN Cleburne. Texas BS, Physics NICHOLSON, CALVIN L. Ingalls, Kansas AB, Religion NICKERSON, WILLIAM ROYCE Rochester, New York BS, Accounting

12 4

NORSW ORTHY, DAVID A. Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Physics OHSFELDT, SHARON L. B. Dallas, Texas BS, Elementary Education OLSON, JAMES EDW ARD Lincoln, Nebraska AB, Religion

ORRELL. SHARON ANN Apple Valley, California BS, Elementary Education OWENS, DEN N Y G. Bethany, Oklahoma AB, Religion PARKER, CAIROL JOHN Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Business Administration


Senior Trip is Last Class Activity of BNC Years

CELEBRITIES of BNC are Stuco president Dick Bond and nervous queen candidates Glenda Dudney, Doris Cook, Lorna Chisum, Sally Cockrell, and Linda Sodowsky as they are being introduced to the TV audience on Homecoming Day.


EAGER seniors carefully select t h o s e important g r a d u a t i o n announce­ ments.


Prophecy and Will Constitute Senior Legacy

P A U LE Y , JAM ES CHAPMAN Springfield, Ohio BS, Mathematics PENN, DAVID A LA N Auxuasse. Missouri BS, Business Education PETERSON , LOIS JANE Kansas City, Missouri BS, O ffice Administration

PHELPS, LA R R Y RONALD Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Business Administration PH ILLIPS, RONNIE J. Texarkana, Arkansas AB, History PHIPPS, JERROD LYNN Sublett, Kansas BS, Accounting


PRICE, A LT A A LVEN E Beckley, West Virginia BS, Elementary Education PRESSON KENNETH C. Chinle, Arizona BS, Physical Education R EE VE R, CAROL COLEAN Greeley, Colorado BS, Elementary Education

REITZER, PAU LETTE NADINE San Antonio, Texas AB, English R ILEY, SIDNEY KENT Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Business Education RIST, STEPHEN EDWARD Kansas City, Kansas AB, Religion

ROBERTS, IRIS FONDA Orlando, Florida BS, Business Administration ROBERTS, JUDY D. Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education ROBERTSON, DAVID A LLA N Jasper, Texas BS, Business Administration

ROHLM EIER, TER RY LEE Yukon, Oklahoma AB, Religion ROSE, JOHNNY C. Lockney, Texas BS, Business Administration SCALES, DEA K A Y Bethany, Oklahoma AB, Music


SCHMIDT, T W IL A MAE Copeland, Kansas B. Music E d P e r fo r m a n c e SCHOELZ, CLIFF L. Arcadia, California AB, Religion SCOTT, HOW ARD EARL Carnegie, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education

SCOTT, JUNE E STELLE Carnegie, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education SCROGGS, LaVERN E K A Y Waco, Texas BS, Elementary Education SHELTON. NORMAN W. Texas City, Texas BS, Biology

SHEPHERD, CAROLYN S. Newton, Kansas BS, Home Economics SHEPHERD, JAMES RONALD Towanda, Kansas BS, Mathematics SHEPPARD, RICHARD LOUIS Bay City, Michigan AB, Psychology

SIMONS, IDA MAE Mora, Minnesota BS, Business Education SIMPSON, ROBERT Longdale. Oklahoma BS, Business Adininistration SMITH, SHARON ANN Pine Bluff, Arkansas AB, Chemistry


SNYDER, GARRY E. Wichita Falls, Texas BS, Business Administration SOUTHWORTH, JAMES F. Hemet, California AB, Religion STAFFO RD , ROBERT A LBERT Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Accounting

STAHL, LAN ELL DULIN Denver City, Texas AB, English STAHL, RICHARD W. Allentown, Pennsylvania AB, History STARK, ALICE F A Y E G. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma AB, Religion


Tears and Triumph Mark Exit of College

HIGHLIGHTS and shadows in the Student Union foun­ tain express the moods and feelings of the Class of 65 as they approach graduation.

■ i


li i i S j

DORIS Cook smiles radiantly as she is crowned the 1964 Homecoming Queen. 1963 Queen Sherry Dudney placed the royal crown on her.

Senior Doris Cook Crowned Homecoming Queen

STILES, BAR BA RA ELLEN Orlando, Florida AB, Music Education STOREY, PHILLIP G. Bethany, Oklahoma AB, Psychology SW EA TT, LaVETA ELLEN Helena, Oklahoma BS, Physical Education

SYKES, JUDITH GAIL Bradenton, Florida BS, Elementary Education TAYLO R, CLAYTON D. Yukon, Oklahoma AB, Religion TAYLOR, D. K ATH Y St. Joseph, Missouri BS, Elementary Education


THOMPSON, KENN ETH RAY West Line, Missouri AB, Functional THOMPSON, SHEILLA Barberton, Ohio AB, Sociology TOW NSEND, MARK ALLAN Norman, Oklahoma BS, Mathematics-PJiysics

UNRUH, AN N A LEE Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Elementary Education VERSAW , FRANCIS EARL Wood River, Nebraska BS, Mathematics WAGNER, LARRY RAY Bethany, Oklahoma B. Music Education

WESTON, FRAN K E. Amarillo, Texas BS, Business Administration W HITE, JERRY W A YN E Springdale, Arkansas BS, Business Administration WHITEMAN, JAMES M ARTIN Alanta, Kansas BS, Business Ad minis t ration

W ILLIAMS, ROBERT PAUL Carnegie, Oklahoma BS, Business Administration WILLIS, DORIS ELAINE Petersburg, Texas BS, Home Economics W INEINGER, VERNON G., JR. Richmond, Virginia BS, Business Administration


W IRT, LYN D A Miltonvale, Kansas BS, Biology W R A Y , CHARLES L. Topeka, Kansas AB, Religion W RIGHT, A R G E N T IA SUE R. Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Home Economics

W RIGHT, ROBERT ROYCE Bethany, Oklahoma AB, History W YCO FF, ALICE MARIE L. Muskogee, Oklahoma B. Music Education, Voice YARBROUGH, JAN K. Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Business

YARBROUGH, JAM ES DWIGHT Bethany, Oklahoma AB, Music YOUNGMAN, M ILDRED JOYCE Wichita, Kansas BS, Biology

ZIMM ERM AN, GLORIA ANN Bethany, Oklahoma BS, Business Education ZINN, RICHARD ELWOOD Holbrook, Arizona BS, Mathematics


Senior Investiture Service, Members of the Class of 1965 have attended chapel services weekly in the Bethany Church of the Nazarene during their four years of college life. Several chapels have left their indelible imprint upon the lives of these young adults; but the most memorable of all was the final chapel held on Monday, May 24, 1965.

May 24, 1965

H ighlight of the service was the act of investiture com­ mitted by President Dave Robertson. Here he adhered to an established BNC tradition by relinquishing his leader's cape to junior class president O rville Jenkins and challenging him to lead his class "unto heights even greater than these."

134 i k*l


A Time of Preparation

The Class of 1966 is nearing the completion of its sojourn at Bethany Nazarene College, marked by steady progress in its search for truth and meaning. Now certain of their aims, sure of their call­ ings, as juniors, their ambitions have been materialized to realistic heights — high enough to call forth diligent striving. The passing of time has passed many m easuring-sticks indicating sure increase in dedication to the task before them. The junior year is joyous and jubilant: hayrides, engagements, and Junior-Senior Banquet. This, too, is a year of journey, from youth to adulthood. The time of preparation has flow n by sw iftly; have we made it sufficient?

President O rville Jenkins

OFFICERS President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O rville Jenkins Vice President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Hayes C h a p l a i n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Isbell Student Council Representative -------------------------------------------- Norman Snow barger Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Norma Brunson Treasurer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed Schneider Social Committee Representative ________________________________ M arilyn Tims Sponsor -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Qr Mel-Thomas Rothwell


Acheson, Jerry Dean Adams, Wayne Alder, John Edward Andrews, Jess Apple, Jerry Dale

Bailey, Lloyd Banz, Merna Marie Bishop, Oliver Harrel Blesi, Bonnie Sue Bley, Ruben Louis

Bohannan, A. J. Bourne, Donald Wilson Braddock, Milledge Edwin Briggs, Raymond Elihue Broce, Ai

Brown, Paul Wayne Brunson, Norma Hendrix Burchett, Linda M. Burton, Janice Ruth Butler, Robert I.

Caldwell, Dennis Percy Campbell, Juanita Delores Cannon, Donald Gene Carrison, Harold W. Carroll, James Ernest

Chapman, Marcia Roene Cheveallier, Clint Clay, Sandra June Clegg, Stephen John Clegg, Merry Uphaus


ti SMILES are worth, a lot, but how about some money? Mrs. Bill Sullivan greets Glenda Dudney and Donna Jones as they solic­ it for the Community Chest drive.


Juniors are Active in Community Services Clifton, Jane Ray Cochran, Iona Marie Cockrell, Sally Jeanne Cole, Barbara Jean Coleman, Carl James

Cotton, James Edwin Cory, Phil Covington, Nathan Allen Crouch, Marilyn June Cundiff, Kay Lynne

Dalrymple, Ramon Eugene Davis, Daniel Roy Dedman, Kenneth H. Dexter, Dana Diese Dixon, Patricia Sue

Douglass, John Allen Dreier, Gaylia Garrett Dudney, Glenda LaRue Duer, Darrell Eason, James Armstrong


Eason, Peggy Linda Easton, Bethel Elaine Edwards, Steve Elkes, Peter James Elkins, Mary Elizabeth

Elliott, Ruth Earleen Ellison, Jerry Emberton, Nelda Carolyn Emerson, Patricia Fales Etchison, Edwin Eugene


Sodowsky, Dudney, Cockrell are Candidates

Falk, Patsy Adell Faidley, Edith Louise Ferguson, Dean Ferguson, Olen Teris Fetterhoff, Garry Dan

Fields, Ronald O. Franklin, Stanley Joe Frickel, Karen Sue Gerdes, Allen Gill, Louis Robert, Jr.

Gilbert, Harlan Irvin Godwin, Manuel H., Jr. Gongwer, Beatrice Joy Grant, Carolyn Sue Guess, James E.


Hancock, Kirby L. Hantla, Ronald Paul Harbison, Willis Jackson Harris, Paul Glenn Harrison, Robert Vernon

Harter, Michael Franklin Hayes, John H. Harwell, Janice Kay Hazelton, John Kenneth Heap, Christiana Lois

Henderson, Linda Merle Hicks, Raymond Carl Hill, Ronnie Joe Hillery, Nancy Jean Hoffpauir, Jack Wendell

Houston, Graydon Lee Hunter, Jerry Ellit Humble, Carole Louise Ingle, Carolyn Sue Ireland, Ronald Lewis

Irvin, Robert Loyd Isbell, Charles David Jackson, Donald Joseph Jenkins, Orville Wesley Johnson, Karen Louise

Jones, Beverly Ann Jones, Donna Lou Jones, Terry L. Johnson, Carol June Kee, Janet Delores


Keesee, Willis Duane Kelley, Mildred Arlene Key, Keyna Grace Kinsch, M. Jane Kirby, Mike Barrett

Ladd, Linda Lou Lane, Richard Merle Lewis, Frances Tucker Locke, Janet Louise Lynch, Jimmy Joe

Lynn, Kenneth Eugene McCaslin, Virginia Anne McDaniel, Leonard Earl McElrath, Jackie Ray McLaughlin, Terry A.

McLean, Gwendolyn A. McPheeters, V. Leroy, Jr McWilliams, Jennie Lea Maker, Karen Nanette Martin, Carolyn Joy

Martin, Ginger Martin, Larry Eugene Meddles, Larry Merritt, Sandra Kaye Mitts, Sandra Wilcoxson

Moody, Helen Gail Morgan, Ruth Carolyn Muzingo, Donald Lorn, Jr. Nabors, Monte Glidden Nelson, Linda Darnell


CONCENTRATION is the secret! Linda Burchett serves at one of the many teas provided by the Stu­ dent Council.


Juniors are Integral Part of School Service Newlander, Jerry Lloyd Newsom, W. Dean Nollenberger, David Lee Ohsfeldt, Ronald Arthur, Jr, Park, Robert Henry

Parrish, Joyce Loretta Partee, Carol Ann Patch, Patricia Pearson, Paul Edwin Peterson, Lynn Christine

Phipps, Charles Jay Pike, Garnet F. Pirtle, Diana May Porter, Katheryn Jeanette Postlewait, James Lee

Presley, Jimmy C. Price, Brenda Lee Quintanilla, Mimi Ransey, Lila Joan Reaves, Carol Gene


Reazin, Virgil Duane Rempel, Luetta Mae Rice, Paul David Richards, Geraldine Faye Richards, Thomas James

Roberts, Leslie Jane Ronnekamp, George Stephen Rcss, John Ross, Rosalie A. Sampson, Zenas Arch


Jenkins Leads Class Through Another Year

Sanders, Ray Don Sands, Dorene Kay Sauer, Paul Gary Sawyer, Carl Scales, Glen Ray

Schneider, Julius Edward Schultz, Marcia Diane Schwenk, Don Lee Shadowens, Delores Jean Shride, Carl Michael

Sims, Sandra Jeanne Sisson, Virginia Sharon Smith, Glenda Jay Smith, Shirley Ann Smith, Walter William


Snavely, Orville Duane Snider, Carl Snyder, Kay Snowbarger, Norman Lee Snowbarger, Thaine Alvin

Sodowsky, Kinda Kathleen Sowers, Stanley Ross Spruce, Jill Elaine Stafford, Barbara M. Stafford, Jim

Stark, Norma Jean Steel- E ffie Sue Stogdill, Judith Karen Stoner, Marilyn Marie Stroman, David W.

Stroud, A. Logan Stump, Mary Frances Taylor, Dillard Stanley Thevenet, Cherye Francine Tillett, Kenneth Errol

Tims, Marilyn Ruth Trissel, Paul James Trissel, Rebecca Joy Tyner, Anitarae Urwiller, Gary

Vaughters, Charlotte Watkins, Danny Dwight Weathers, C. Hardy Weathers, Lucille Lewis Wells, Don Lynn


Wells, Margaret Helen Weston, Judy Arlene White, Norma Jean Wiegman, Geraldine Keeton Williams, Marcia Ellen

Williams, Phynetta Lee Wilson, Lavern Ray Wood, Helen Louise Worley, Floyd Norman, Jr. Wright, Eleanor Aubrey

Wright, Joyce Young, Frank Lester, Jr. Zabel, Peggy Louisa


W ork Makes Junior-Senior Banquet Rewarding

AUCTIONEER Marcia Schultz attempts to get higher bids on boys being “ sold” at the Twirp Week auction.


Juniors Continue W alk Into Senior H orizon Our |ourney from ad|ustment to maturity is almost at its end. The pause between youth and adulthood is small and mmute, soft and wonderful, but almost unnoticeable. Strange as it may seem, we juniors are eageriy, and at the same time, reluctantly approaching our time of fulfillm ent. The

know ledge we have gained in preparation for the future w ill be the hands onour clocks of time. Junior Kathy Porter and Gary Hermance are exem plary of ideals of our Junior class,




A Time of Determination

Returning for its year in the gam e of education, the Class of 1967 is settled to the task of accomplishment, ready to aim for the highest star. Settling quickly into the accustomed routine, the sophomores fellow ship with friends and faculty, b initiating a spirit of harmony and unity. Success is the driving motivation urging their quest for discovery; know ledge in the academic realm and satisfaction in social functions charac­ terize their activities. The sophomore year is the year for being smooth and silly: bonfires, money corsages, and Camp Classen. This, too, is the year for being sedate and studious, for learning and achieving. The light of Determination guides the pathway . . .

President Mike Miller

OFFICERS President ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike M iller Vice President -------------------------------------------------------------------Chaplain ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lionel Tillett Student Council R epresentative____________________________________ Doug M cVay Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linda Rice Treasurer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connie Hurn Social Committee Representative ___________________________________ Jan Jenkins Sponsor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Qr Thurman Coburn

G ary Banz

Abbott, Bill Jack Adams, Donna Kay Adams, Elizabeth Ann Adams, Johnny Lee Ahlemann, James Lowell


Sand, Food, Song, Make Party A Success

Alder, M. David Allen, Anita Jo Allen, Larry Anderson, Alden Lewis Angle, Bonnie Lou

Anneler, Lynn Bradley Antle, William Lee Apple, Florence Ellen Askew, Llew Atkinson, Thomas D.

Atteberry, David Alan Auter, Brenda Gayle Avery, Naomi Gertrude Bacon, Vearl Bagby, Linda Rae

Baggerly, Constance Joy Baldwin, Carter Porter Ball, Marsha Bancroft, Alice Faye Banz, Gary Wayne


Barbee, Janet Barlow, Jean A. Beadles, John Beason, Kathy Sharon Bebout, Douglas Lynn

Beebe, Joanne Marie Bell, Frances I. Berckefeldt, Darlene Mildred Berckefeldt, Doyle E. Bickford, Barbara Jo

Biddinger, Carol Ann Blevins, Shelia Sue Boehs, Marleita Kay Boiler, Harriett Gaye Bolton, Robert L.

Bond, Dale Ray Boone, Grace Edna Bordelon, Donna Esther Bordelon, Naomi Gayle Borton, Wesley Lawrence

Bowen, Marsha L. Boyd, James David Brakebill, Ann Marie Brandt, Vernon Omer Brannon, Carol Faith

Brightup, Charles F. Brinkley, Douglas Lesley Briscoe, Ponce Jo Bronson, Joyce Annette Brunson, Nancy Raylene

Buchanan, Julianne Budd, Donald Dean Burdine, Robert Jerrell Burnett, Cora Sue Busby, Sandra Lee

Butts, Judy Marie Carpenter, Martha Lou Carpenter, Mary Sue Cauthron, Hal A., Jr. Childs, Billy Ray

Clanton, Carol Donis Clapp, Terry Raymond Clegg, Donald Eugene Cline, Ken Reece Close, Judy Ann


Lionel Tillet Leads Class to Spiritual Heights

Cody, Esther Lee Cole, Stephen LeRoy Collins, W. Edward Conrad, Steven Cook, Martha Nell

Copeland, Donald Ray Crane, Robert Curtis Crider, Tommie A. Culbertson, Nola Viola Curtis, Sharon Ann

Dale, Maxine Elizabeth Davis, Don Andrew Dawson, Janis Louise Debee, Paul Howard Dorn, Mary Sue

Doss, Bobby Wayne Doyle, David Lee Dozier, Harold Wayne Dunkin, Geraldine Lynn Edgerton, Phillip Earl


Edwards, Donelda Fay Eigsti, Wilmer Alloon Ekstrom, Carol Jean Elledge, Paula Dean Elliott, Jack Neil


Snell and Miller Named Outstanding Students

Ellison, Laura Grace Emmert, Bonita Fern Eppler, Marty Lynn Eppler, Robert W. Estes, Jimmie Burl

Ewbank, Sharon Eldeana Fain, Sharon Marie Ferguson, Janet Kay Figg, David E. Foster, Janice

Franklin, Paul Weldon Frantz, Patrecia Jane Garber, Lesta Lea Garrison, Nancy Kay Gassett, Drexell Wadene

German, C. Dale Gilham, Sarah Jean Gingrich, Janice Godwin, Lenora Gail Golliher, Richard Allen


Goodwin, Linda Goodwin, Patricia Anne Gorton, Marilyn Jean Gould, Daniel Wayne Grady, David Patterson

Graves, Judy Marie Greer, Laura Ann Gregory, Cletis, Jr. Grimes, Nathan Wayne Halford, Gwendolyn Lee

Hall, Robert Wayne Hames, Linda Kathleen Hamilton, Charles Edgar Hamman, Robert Max II Hance, Donna Jean

Haney, Lloyd Edward Harp, Harriette Nan Harper, Robert Alex Harrod, Betty Louise Heath, Marian

Hendrix, Hurshel Leon Hill, Dennis Eldon Hodge, Linda Jean Hogan, Dollie Faye Hubbert, Jamie Raye

Hubbert, Viekv Ann Huddleston, Jerry Bryon Hudson, Sheila Jean Mce Hudson, Robert Wayne Hull, Patricia

Humphreys, Nancy Elizabeth Hurn, Connie Lynn Hutto, Bryon LeJune Ice, Michael Don Ide, Sally Mae

Idell, William Delayne Ingle, R. Jolene Isbell, Ellen Rose Jacobs, Jim Jenkins, Janette Louise

Jennings, Jennings, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston,

James Jay Katherine Jean Barbara L. Diane LaNell Mary Elizabeth


Sophomore Slogan Welcomes Green Freshmen

Kilpatrick, Gayle Lynn Knight, Donna Lynn Knight, Eddie Wilson Landon, Linda Jo Lewis, James Henry, Jr.

Lewis, Pauline Lighthill, Jergena Jane Lucky, Grayson Luthye, Elizabeth Ann McElrath, Dovianne W agstaff

McGuire, Ralph Eugene Mclntire, Tim J. McVay, Doug Leon McWilliams, James Kenneth Manchester, Jean Emma

Manners, James Ferrell Manning, William C. Martin, Iris Jean Martin, Keith E. Martin, Troy Lee


Mauk, Sylvia Meek, L. Jolene Melton, Carolyn Kay Mendez, Marces Messer, Ellis Edward, Jr.


Scenic Cam p Classen is Sight of Class Outing

Millard, Phylis J. Miller, Mike Allen Minix, Glenda L. Mitchell, Allan E. Mixon, Thomas A.

Mohr, Merleen Mohr, Shirleen Moore, Diana Patricia Moore, Paul Howard Morgan, Gary

Moseley, Kendall Van Mowen, Jeanne Alele Mullins, H. Stanley Munhollon, Marilin Lucille Murphy, James Loron

Murray, LaNelle Ann Musgrave, Thomas Edward Neel, Arlie Jack Neely, Theresa Ann Nelson, Richard Warner


Neusehwanger, Orval E, Niedens, Selma Jean Nielsen, Richard Daniel Norton, John Wesley Oliver, Charles Wayne

Osborne, Richard Allan Outlaw, Joyce Ann Palmer, Joyce Elaine Parnell, Denny Lee Pearson, Cecil Charles

Perry, Orba J., Jr. Phillips, Allen Leon Phillips, Rondall Van Postlewait, Frank Edmond Pound, Ira Oscar

Pyatt, Rose Ann Quass, Jonathan Gilbert Quire, Judy Carol Reed, Charlotte Elaine Reever, Charol Lareen

CHAPEL attendance record­ ers Jessie Wilson and Donna Williams frigidly wait for the deluge of attendance slips which follows weekly sopho­ more chapels.

Rehfeldt, Roger William Rice, Linda Kay Ridings, Paul Carl Riggs, Charles Ray Rippstein, Joy Ellen


Hayride Provides Thrills for Enduring Sophs

Roberts, Charles D. Roe, Tommy Rose, Marilyn Kay Rush, Kenneth James Russell, Judy Ann

Sawyer, Hayward Lamar Schmidt, Clarice Marie Schroeder, Delbert Arlo Schwenk, Karen Faye Shearer, John Willis

Sheppard, Michael Allen Shook, Jerold Lee Shore, Carmen Louise Shore, Curtis Harold Shumake, Beverly Kaye

Silver, Myra Ann Simmons, Bobbie Jean Simms, Robert Judson, Jr. Sisson, Miliey Ann Skaggs, Johnny Arthur


Smith, R. Blake Smith, Robert Wayne Smith, Sharon Rae Snell, Edith Karen Spruiell, Maryan Joyce

Standefer, Sandie Sue Starling, Gloria Jean Staton, Ellen M. Stielow, Kenneth L. Suttle, Linda Dare

Taylor, Christine D. Thomas, Daniel Paul Tillett, Lionel Edward Tinker, Thomas G. Tipton, Barbara Ann

Tyrrel, Jimmy Vandervort, Richard Edward Wade, Robert Allison Walker, David Paul Weber, Gary

SPANISH serenaders Wayne and Ron Hudson entertain at the Chateau Dans L’Arbour f o l l o w i n g the victorious homecoming game.

West, LaVina Dale West, Sharon Kaye White, Jan White, Judith Kathleen White ,Lois Esthan

White, William Herman Whitmore, Ethel Jane Winslow, David Wiese, Frank Eugene, III Williams, Donna Christine

Williams, Douglas Gene Williams, Joseph James Williams, Wally Guy Wilson, David Eugene Wilson, Jennie Ann

Wilson, Jessie Ann Wood, Emma Judy Wooten, Judy Ann Worthan, James Andrews Younger, Tommy


"Your College W ill Be W hat You Make it�

Yust, Virginia Ann Zell, Glenora E. Zoubek, Betty Ann


Ed ie Snell, Mike Miller All-Round Freshmen Named outstanding freshmen girl and boy for the school year 1963-64 were sophomores Edie Snell and Mike Miller. Dean Snow barger presented them with certificates at the annual All-School Dinner. Edie is secretary of AW S and Gamma, associate editor of the ARRO W , an honor society member, and was a freshmen

queen attendant last year. Mike is president of the sopho­ more class, a member of honor society, and was class Student Council representative his freshmen year. The award is based on scholarship, leadership, loyalty, service, and sportsmanship.



A Time of Adjustment jli ii


For the Class of 1968, the first year of college is a time of many changes, an introduction to a new horizon of goals and experiences. A dormitory room gradually becomes home; the dining hall loses its strangeness. The sea of faces solidifies into fam iliarity; know ledge of buildings and classrooms becomes intimate. New purpose and direction is sought and stabilized with the realization that this is preparation for Life.



The freshman year is the year of fun and frolic: the luau, mistletoe, and a banquet. This, too, is the year of friendship and fantasy, dreams and aspirations.


The challenge of Adjustm ent is stern and de­ m anding; how many w ill meet it?


G ary Hermance


P re sid e n t-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- G ary Hermance Vice P re sid e n t______________________________________________________ Paul Davis Chaplain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Johnny W arrick Student Council R epresentative Brad Moore Secretary __________________________________________________________ Elva Cantu Treasurer _____________________________________________________ Pat McReynolds Sponsor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Elwood Tame


REGISTRATION was the first step in the freshman’s time of adjustment. Cards, forms, and lines provided him with an al­ most seemingly impossible task.


Class of Abbott, Beverly Ann Adkins, Lynda Gail Aduddell, Sandra Catherine Ahlwardt, Gail Jean Alexander, Charlotte Rae

Allen, Charles Earnest Allen, Lawrence Larry Amen, Bobbie Glen Anderson, Dorothy Emma Anderson, Leta Jan

Anesi, Joanna Louise Anglin, Elaine Anne Aubrey, Stanley Dwight Austin, David K. Avery, Martha Sue

Bailey, Kenneth Welcome Bailey, Willis Estes Baker, John Mark Baldwin, Danny Ray Barker, Patricia Darlene


68 has Record Enrollment of 541

Barnes, Ernest Edward Beason, Robert Curtis Bechtle, Patricia Ann Beck, Jerry Nathan Beeson, Connie Kay

Bell, Curdella LaVerne Bell, Karen Leslie Bennett, Helen Marie Berkley, Roy Bialas, Charles Joseph, Jr.

Bilyeu, Larry Birnell, Richard Eugene Boehle, Steven Douglas Bounds, Sheri LaRue Bower, Kayla Ann

Box, Larry Wayne Boyce, John Roger Brediger, Susan Colleen Bridgman, Luther Rodney Bristow, Harriett Dale

Brockman, Richard Ray Brown, Arthur Brown, Carol Jeanette Brown, Sherryl Kay Brown, Verna Claudette

Bullock, Gaylia Suzanne Burgess, Carl Stanley Bynum, Phillip Wayne Cannon, Annetfa Cannon, Norbert

Cantu, Elva Marie Cantu, Ernestine Carney, Larry Carpenter, Joyce Marie Carter, John William

Carter, Judy Carol Chambers, Bill E. Chapman, Barbara Diane Chapman, Gerald Allen Cheatham, Gloria Sue

Chichester, Vivian Marie Childers, Barbara Sharon Christenberry, George Anne Clason, Allen H. Clevenger, Sheryel Ann

Coale, Linda Kay Coast, Rosemary E. Cochran, David Allan Cody, Ruby Lee Collier, Stanley Wayne

Collins, Beverly Ann Combs, Robert Carl Cook, Janice Mae Cook, Paul Ray Cooper, Harriet Louise

Cooper, Robert Gerald Coose, Alfred Louis Coston, Gary Mac Cotton, Frances Lynnette Crawley, Dennis

Crow, Charles Delmar Culbertson, Howard R. Dahl, Eileen Dahlem, Donna Lee Darden, Linda Kay

Darrow, Dennis Keith Davis, Anita June Davis, Paul Harvey Dech, Andrew George, Jr. Denton, William Ronald, II

DeYoung, Robert Ellis Dimick, James Richard Dimond, Sheryl Kaye Dix, Paul Henry Durr, Ivis Louise

Durst, Ron L. Duxworth, Faye Leroyce Dyer, Ernest P. Eddy, Jeaneatte Elaine Edwards, Genelle




FRESHMEN soon experienced that “ green” feeling, for green beanies were atop every head.

Become Campus Fad

FRESHMAN Faye Smalling is inspired by stately Bresee Hall and Prof. Bowman.


Sponsor Attempts to "Tame" Freshman Class Edwards, John Harold Eller, Patricia Lynn Ensminger, Glenn Eldon Eromann, Philip James Etchison, Donald Dean

Etchison, Ronald Gene Ewen, Linda R. Faulconer, Shyril Lee Fauss, Larry Dale Finley, Ronald Wayne

Fitts, Janice Dawn Fleenor, Charma G. Flowers, Jerry Lee Fore, Roy Lynn Forshee, Stanley Jennings, Jr.

Fowler, Joseph P. Fox, Linda Marie Fox, Marlys May Frazier, Linda Sue Friesen, Myrna Anne


Gamble,ÂťVilas S. Garman, Rita Ruth Garner, Lloyd Thomas Gentry, Patricia Ann Gibbs, Janice Dayle

Gibson, Gordon Lelclon Giese, Carol Ann Godkin, Roy Lynn Gorton, Kenneth Eugene Graham, Miriam Margene

Gray, Sharon Lee Greer, William Allison Greve, Ariel Fay Grey, Kayleen Sue Guinn, Donald Raymond

Halford, Larry M. Hall, Clarence Alfred Hall, Dennis L. Hall, John David Hall, Timothy Alan

Hamlett, Donald Perry Hamman, Reginald D. Hammann, Betty Eileen Hannaford, Allen D. Hanson, Janet D.

Harms, Betty Sue Harris, Lynda Sue Hart, Maxine Ann Harty, Robert Lee Haverly, Sharon Rae

Heagle, Marsha Fern Heap, Stephen Moffat Hegi, Peggy Jo Henderson, Kenneth Don Hendrick, Robert Paul

Hermance, Gary Charles Herren, Robert Gene Hess, Dixie Ellen Hesser, Sally Virginia Heustis, Helen E.

Hill, Donna Jean Hodges, Sharon Ann Hoffman, Mary Lou Hofmann, Tacie Hohner, Gary

Holmes, Dennis Lee Hoppe, Patricia Sue Hoyt, Connie Sue Hubbard, Robert Sneed Hubbert, Mark James

Hudgins, Robert Lynn Huffman, Galen Dean Hughes, Larry Earl Hulsey, Steve Hunter, Mendall Frank

Huntsman, Nancy Lee Hurlbut, Robert W. Hysom, Carole Sue Ingle, Linda Kay Ireland, Carol Ann

Jernigan, Lorene Johnson, Linda Jo Johnston, John Leo Jones, Cecil Alton Jordan, Linda Kay

Kamada, Herbert Hideo Keesee, Dana Richard Keith, Larry Martin Kellay, Mildred Kelley, Robert Parks

Kennedy, Claralou Keyes, Wayne E. Kightlinger, Carol Jannene Kilgore, Lawrence Willard Killgore, Michael L.


G a ry Hermance Elected President by Frosh

CLASS picture time is always busy for members of the ARROW staff. Linda Darden wearily collects money and informa­ tion from waiting students.


Hawaiian Luau was Theme of Dreamy Party King, Carol Ann King, Edward Anderson, Jr. Kissinger, Roberta Irene Knabe, Lois Lynn Lampp, Joe Wayne

Lance, Sheryl Ann Landis, Donald Eugene Lindsey, G. Tim Linebaugh, Laura Lee Lively, Diana Lynn

McAnally, Carolyn K. McCauley, Nancy Jolee McClaflin, George Alfred McCullough, Rosemari Naomi McDowell, Danny Earl

* *;

McElfresh, Ronald David McElrath, Jayne Ruth McElrath, Roy Lee McGill, Kathy McKellips, Ruthanne

McKenney, Chuck McMahon, Don McReynolds, Patricia M. Mahoney, Asil Pete Manning, Judith

Martin, Martin, Martin, Massey, Massey,

David Wayne Jerry Ray J. Gayle Philip Wayne

Maxwell, Marylyn Meador, Patsy Ruth Meador, Rebekah Gwendolyn Melton, Darrel Eugene Mendenhall, Carrie Ann

Menefee, Marsha Avelda Messer, Nelda Miller, Carnel Glenn Miller, Heather Lea Miller, Linda Jeanette

Mincey, William Hugh Moore, Brad Reynolds Moore, James Moore, Linda Kay Moore, Patricia Ann

Moore, Sandra Kay Morales, Jesus M. Moose, Sharen Elizabeth Mosher, Donald Dean Mosiman, Sherilyn Kaye

Moyer, Margaret Ruth Mulder, Rowena Ruth Mullen, Larry Dale Munson, Sharon Kay Murphy, Wilson Darell

Murray, Kenneth Wayne Murray, Stephen Edwin Myers, Lawrence Robert Neufeld, Janelle Kay Nielsen, LaVera

Olson, Harold Dean Orndoff, Gary Wayne Ouzts, Delores Patty Owen, M yma Esther Owen, Thomas Dale

Oyler, Jane Ellen Pack, Mary Rose Pate, Beverly Jo Pate, Gary Dean Patnode, Terry Lee

Patterson, Linda Kay Patterson, Virginia Dell Patton, Tommy Dawson Paul, George T. Peabody, Carol Lea

Peck, Arlie Royce Pego, Elsie Penick, Tess Penn, David Michael Peterson, James Homer

Phelps, Kathleen Phillips, Karen Sue Phillips, Ruby LaVerne Plummer, Bob Allen Plummer, Carolyn Louise

Plummer, William Lloyd Pound, Thomas Bert Presley, Carol Jean Price, Laura Proffitt, Nancy Kay

Purtee, Nellinda Anne Radley, Grover Daniel Rains, Earl Lee Ralph, Stephen William Ransford, Helen Elaine

Rathbun, Ralph Ream, Thomas, Jr. Reed, John Reed, Kenneth Eugene Reighard, Q. Mark



FRESHMAN students work on programs which were distributed during Alumni Chapel on Homecoming Day.

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BEWILDERED freshmen wonder where to go after their first orientation given by Dean Snowbarger.


Studies, Activities Provide Balance for Life Reymore, Linda Lee Reynolds, LaDonna Kay Rice, Larry Everett Richey, Delores Riley, Normalee Jewel

Rist, Robert G. Robert, Jeanette Alice Rock, Clinton Andrew III Rogers, Reid Patrick Rose, Kenneth Allen

Rosenau, Judy Ann Roundtree, Janis Jo Rousselle, Sandra Sue Ruddell, Stephen Claude Sales, JoAnne

Sales, Richard Grant Sanders, Nancy Lee Sandlin, Terry Allan Sarber, Donna Gail Sawrie, Michael Keith


Schatz, Jacob Schilling, Sandra Louise Schnieder, James Darwin Schott, Ramona Scott, Ray Allan

Scott, William Hayden Seaton, Carolyn Sue Sharp, Johnny Shearer, Barbara Jeanette Shepard, Betty J.

Shepherd, Sheryl Jean Sherrill, Gloria Jean Shortreed, Emmett Louis Sifford, Clyde Lee Sires, Leland Ray

Smalling, Mary Fay Smalling, Martha Kay Smith, Darrell D. Smith, David Evans Smith, Imalee Ruth

Smith, Lowell Clinton Sopena, Violeta Sparks, Katie Jo Spaulding, Sammy M. Spoon, Paul David

Spires, Letricia Ann Stark, William, Jr. Steel, Mary Ellyn Stein, Rhonda Carol Stephens, Wilbert Allen

Stewart, Joellyn Marie Storey, Lynne Eleanor Straker, Gary Ennis Stroman, Janice Ellen Sullivan, Judy Kay

Sutter, Stanley Vernon Swaffield, Judy Linda Swinhart, Linda Kay Taylor, Galen L. Teakell, Garnett Otis

Thompson L. Dean Thompson, Olive Mae Thompson, R. John Thompson, Wayne Eugene Thompson, Wendell D.

Tiemann, Elwood Christian Tims, Dee Ann Toepfer, Steven Arnold Tompkins, Billy Frank Troutman, Jana Sue

Tumbleson, Helen Marie Turner, James Edward, Jr. Van Donselaar, Evelyn Louise Van Doren, Della Mae Walker, Susan Fae

Wallace, R. Margaret Wallick, Judith Annetta Warrick, Johnny Ken Way, Wilson Edrington Webster, Carol Diane

Weiss, Joyce Doreen West, James West, Larry White, Harold White, Malcom Edwin

White, Ruthelma Whittaker, Timothy F. Whittenberg, Earnie Ray Wilkinson, Sedelia Loretta Willard, Juanita June

Williams, Cheryl Louise Williams, Lynda Kaye Wilson, Barbara Ann Wilson, Billy Joe Winn, Sherry Ann

Wire, Carol Sue Witcher, Carolyn Faye Womack, James Weston Wood, Alberta Hope Woolery, Leland Gary


Social Life was Integral Part of O ur W orld

MARIAN Graham’s nimble fingers scale the ivories to provide entertainment at the All-School Party.

Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright, W ycoff,

Carol Jean Gary Janice Carol Larry Verdell Helen Irene

Yocham, Roger Anthony Young, Alice Eileen Young, Karen Elaine Young, Norma Gail Young, Ronnie

Young, Stanley Orville


Freshmen Progress on their Circle of Time


Freshmen enjoy wearing tell-tale beanies Freshman initiation has long been adhered to here at BNC,

w ithout them. Woe to the person seen without the adorn­

for it is as old a custom as the Harvard ivy has been. Upon

ment by an upperclassman!

arriving at the campus of Bethany Nazarene College, the

Sophomore Sue Carpenter is seen delightedly distributing

entire freshman class is required to w ear those little "green

the beanies to freshmen Ernestine Cantu and Tommy Patton

beanies" for one w eek, and they must never be caught

w hile Tony Yocham places one atop M arilyn M axw ell.



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Friendly Efficiency Characterizes Librarians Capably serving our students in the beautifully designed R. T. W illiam s Library are our efficient librarians Miss Smith, Miss Coose, and Mrs. Pauley. Miss Elizabeth Smith, head librarian, received her M.A. degree from the University of Denver. She has served Bethany Nazarene College as librarian and associate pro­


fessor for the past eight years. Reference and circulation librarian Miss Am elia Coose was awarded her degree from the University of Denver. Her assistance is much appreciated by all of the students. New to the library staff this year is Mrs. Jo y Pauley, recent graduate of the University of Oklahom a.

EFFICIENCY and knowl­ edge are two qualities which are essential for those in command of a library. These characteristics are found in our librarians, Miss Amelia Coose, Mrs. Joy Pauley, and Miss Elizabeth Smith, head librarian.

CONCENTRATION is the secret for one’s academic well being, and these students utilize facilities provided by our library for that purpose.



Students Study Characters, Novels, German The titles English, Speech, and Modern Languages hardly seem adequate to describe the interesting and varied activities utilized by the Division of Humanities to aid in the learning processes of the students. In an attempt to learn the dialect of M iddle English, Prof. Charles Je n n in g s7 Chaucer students were required to tell a brief anecdote in M iddle English, and learned to sing one of the love com­ plaints of Chaucer to a modern tune. Several speech classes taught by Dr. Elwood Tame were engaged in interesting projects. A program commemorating the death of Lincoln and the C ivil War was presented by members of the Advanced interpretation class; students of Rhetoric read the great writers of the centuries, including Plato and Aristotle. M issionary students enrolled in Spanish W orkshop attended a class taught entirely in Spanish; as part of their w ork they conducted services sim ilar to those held on the mission field. Germ an students enjoyed as alw ays a Christmas party held in the traditional German manner.

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CAPTIVATING the audience in Educational Dramatics class are Lenora Godwin and Diana Moore as they characterize a reading.


FITZGERALD S novel, The Great Gatsby, is the subject being discussed by Virginia Chesney, Jane Kinsch, Suzanne Rich, and Dean Thompson in Contemporary Literature class.

GERMAN students follow the instructions of Miss Huhnke as she endeavors to give them a speaking knowledge of the language.

THE air of authority sur­ rounding- a teacher is tem­ pered by a genuine interest in his students.

ABSORBED in the purification of a liquid, David Stroman and Jim Coleman are practicing principles derived from study.



Blackboards and Dissections Aid Learning Bottles, test-tubes, specimens, and microscopes are evidence of the myriad occupations undertaken in the Division of Natural Sciences. Physics, Engineer­ ing, Chem istry, Mathematics, and Biology depart­ ments unite in providing a complete and highly academic program of study. Much of the w ork of this past year was under­ taken in the form of projects intended to similate the type of research done in industry or in graduate study. Required of all home economics majors, an introductory course in organic chem istry explored the more common organic compounds studied in foods, nutrition, and textiles. Offered first semester was a course in Ecology, for which was acquired the use of 160 acres of land as it w ould be found in nature if man had not come; here students concerned themselves with the rela­ tionships and inter-actions of the plants and animals therein.

COMPARATIVE Anatomy students Sharon Sisson and Allen Mitchell dissect a specimen known as the dog­ fish shark.

WILDLIFE museum in the science department provides excellent viewing for those interested in biology.


Students Enjoy Pies, Records, Badminton Not all of education is to be concerned with the singularly intellectual developm ent of the mind, but it is to include as w ell the developm ent of necessary and useful skills. Filling this need is the program included in the Division of Social Sciences embracing the Business and Home Economics Departments, the Division of Fine Arts, and the Physical Education Department. G irls studying in the home economics field were given opportunity to study the principles of clothing selection and construction through applied project w ork. Preparing and sam pling the fruits of their culinary endeavors encouraged the application of proper domestic methods. G reatly expanded by the com ing of two addi­ tional faculty members, the offerings in the area of physical education have been num erously increased. A vailab le to all was instruction in tennis, archery, golf, badminton, and trampoline in addition to the basic physical fitness courses. Adm inistrative courses in the instruction of P.E. were provided for those interested in the teaching profession.

MUSIC students find the library has adequate “ facili­ ties” for those assignments requiring listening to records.

COOKING lab finds Judy Wooten and Paula Elledge engrossed in their task of making pies.


BEGINNING typing students may at first be perplexed about their inefficiency, but as time mcKves on they find themselves becoming more adept at the skillful art.

BADMINTON class affords a time for releasing energy as well as learning the skills of the game.

ARTS and Crafts students Rebecca Trissel and Martha Carpenter display the mobiles which they made for an elementary classroom.

DR. ANNE GREVE helps her Child and Adolescent Psychology students observe three infants who “ visited� the classroom.



Children, Mobiles, Greek Claim Attention A part of every student's curriculum is the elementary religion courses which provide a basic grounding in Biblical truths and Christian doctrines. Students majoring in the field of religion enjoy such courses as those explaining the developm ent of the Church of the Nazarene in particular or g ivin g opportunity to practice preaching skills in the classroom. Instruc­ tion in the Biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew is also provided. The unpredictable behavior of children is inter­ esting to people of all ages, college students not excepted. Members of Dr. Anne Greve's Child and Adolescent Psychology class participate in observa­ tion projects in which they study behavior patterns of children at different stages of developm ent. D eveloping useful artistic skills is the aim of Arts and Crafts students under the instruction of Miss Constance Spruce. The class constructs shadow boxes, mosaics, flow er arrangem ents, g ift wraps, and glass objects.

MANY and varied are the expressions of New Testament Bible and Life students as they listen to substitute teacher Betty Benson.



Number of Graduate Students Increased f >

Now in its second year of existence, the fifth-year program in religion leading to the Master of Arts degree had an enrollm ent of approxim ately thirty-two students during the spring semester. The purpose of the program is to meet the needs of students preparing for the ministry or for effective Christian service as lay-w orkers, Course offerings this year have included theological studies—Reformation, W esleyan, and B iblical—and a survey of the living religions of the w ofld. A va ila b le at other times are studies of the Bible, exegetical and interpretive, and advanced courses in sermon preparation and deliverance. The Master's Program has added depth and stature to our religion department curriculum , providing an opportunity for Nazarene students to study under the doctrinal influences of our own church.

DR. Donald Metz, head of the Religion Department, listens attentively to a student’s question.

INFORMAL discussion provides a good learning atmosphere as these graduate students study the principles of Biblical Theology.

COMMENTS flow back and forth between instructor and student in an attempt to understand the question at hand.


ALD MEMBERS— Front Row: Mrs. Rothwell, honorary member; Schmidt, Edwards, Mohr, Bagby, Elledge, Roberts, Dr. Rhodes, sponsor. Row Two: Bordelon, Hance, Wilson, Butts, Boone,

Wilson, Martin. Back Row: Mohr, White, Murray, Boehs, Reever, West. Not in picture: Edie Snell.


Sophomore Girls Form New Honor Group OFFICERS: LaNelle Murray, secretary; Donna Hance, presi­ dent; Grace Boone, historian; Jean Martin, vice president; Jessie Wilson, treasurer.

In operation on our campus for the first time is a local chapter of the national honor group known as Alpha Lambda Delta. It is an association for sophomore girls w ho maintained a grade point average of at least 3.50 during their first two semesters of college work. Sponsored by Dr. Wanda Rhodes, Dean of Women, the group was organized with thirty-eight charter mem­ bers; at present there are tw enty-five active members. An im pressive, candle-light installation ceremony was held on April 19, at which the girls exchanged red, gold, and w hite pledge ribbons for membership pins.


Alpha Nu Membership Increases,- Ladd Speaks Operating w ithin the colleges of the Church of the Nazarene is the Phi Delta Lambda honor society. Operating on our campus is the Epsilon Chapter, of which the student affiliate group is known as Alpha Nu. M em bership is attained by m aintaining a minimum grade point of 3.40 for two con­ secutive semesters.

The Honor Society of seventy-two members has monthly dinner meetings at which a number of guest speakers have presented taiks. Featured this year have been Rev. Jam es R. Snow, Dr. Forrest Ladd, and Mr. Gerard Reed, recent graduate of Bethany Nazarene College. Providing a musical Christmas program were students of Prof. Uerkvitz.

HONOR SOCIETY— Front Row: Cook, Moody, Stafford, presi­ dent; Laughbaum, sponsor; Williams, secretary-treasurer; Moore, vice-president; Partee, Elledge. Row Two: Ladd, Harwell, Spruce,

Reever, Cash, Reever, Peterson, Lewis, Isbell, West, Stafford. Back Row: Davis, Isbell, Cauthron, W ycoff, Butts, Willis, Ed­ wards, Miller, Phipps, Bond, Beam.

HONOR SOCIETY— Front Row: Godwin, Schultz, Stafford, Laughbaum, sponsor; Williams, Moore, Snell, Burchett. Row Two: Reitzer, Hames, Wilson, Hudson, Wilson, Martin, Schmidt,

Sisson, Holloway, Bordelon, Boehs. Back Row: Townsend, Lane, Williams, Brownfield, Bell, Boone, Harmon, Robertson, McClung.


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Daniels Comes To College Church September brought not only new students but also a new pastor to the college, as Dr. Harold Daniels assumed the pastorate of Bethany First Church of the Nazarene. The college church has served as an anchor for students since its erection on the campus site. The beautiful sanctuary,- utilized for All-School Chapel, has become a hallowed and m eaningful place of w orship for the entire student body. The challenging messages delivered by Dr. Daniels have brought new life to the hearts of many; he and his w ife are appreciated for their effective service.

DR. HAROLD DANIELS and his wife Edith came to First Church this year as the new college pastors.

W EEKLY chapel bulletins activities on our campus.


BNC students of the

HOMECOMING day sets the pace for the dedication of the new men’s dormitory, Sam Snowbarger Hall. A son of Mr. Snowbarger leads the audience in the dedicatory response during the service.



Council Deepens Spiritual Atmosphere

Com prising the Religious Organizations Council are the presidents of all campus religious organizations and the class chaplains, under the guidance of Dr. Donald Metz, head of the Religion Department. The Council meets w eekly, endeavoring to continue the spiritual atmosphere and em phasis so profoundly felt by all students. Sponsored by the Council are the inspirational All-School Devotionals, the Religious Organizations Banquet held in the spring, and the pre-service prayer meetings held in the Chapel of First Church during revivals.

CHAIRMAN Betty Benson has given willfully of herself in order to create a better spiritual atmosphere on our campus.

RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS COUNCIL— Front row: Dr. Metz, sponsor; Chris Heap, Betty Benson, Janet Kee, Charles Isbell, Dan Davis. Back row: James Southworth, Larry Martin,

Jim Lynch, Lionel Tillett, Charles Jones, Lawrence Williams, Johnny Warrick, Doug McVay.

MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION— Front row: Martin, Covington, Culbertson, Shook, Pyatt, Miller Babcock, White, Aubrey. Row Iw o: Kelley, Warrick, Tinker, Grady, Beam, Lewis, Cauthron,

Phillips, Blankenship, Rist, Worley, Heap. Row Three: Brown, Jones, Davis, Ingle, Snowbarger, Hamilton, Durst, Kelman, McLaughlin, Manners, Ice, Beadles, Hamlett,-Martin.


Prayer and Preaching Activate Association OFFICERS: Hal Cauthron, secretary; Charles Jones, presi­ dent; Nathan Covington, vice president; Keith Martin, treasurer.

H ighlight of the campus year for members of the Ministerial Association was a trip to the Nazarene Theological Sem inary, International Headquarters, and Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri. The film , "From Darkness To Light," was sponsored by the Association. Ad dressing the group have been Dr. Curtis Smith, Prof. Paul M cGrady, and Evangelist Leon W yss. One of the largest organizations on campus, all students preparing for the pastorate or evangelistic ministry comprise the mem bership of the Association.

FRIDAY noons in Bethany First Church, one can always find a group of dedicated students who gather to worship at weekly prayer and fasting services.


Chimes Sound Friday Noon, Hour of Fasting

. . . Ten . . . Eleven . . . Twelve. The chimes sound Friday noon, and in the sanctuary of First Church the tones of the organ may be softly heard. By 12:15, approxim ately one hundred and fifty students have gathered, and the Prayer and Fasting service begins. The prayers, the music, and the devotional talks are a source of strength and guidance for the coming week. "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled ." Matthew 5:6

OFFICERS: Linda Sodowsky, organist; Barbara Cole, secretary; Doug McVay, vice president; Dr. Gamer, spon­ sor; Lawrence Williams, president.



Team Provides Gospel Choir, Holds Services The Gospel Team travels over the educational zone holding services three w eek-ends each month. A tw enty-six member group, the Team takes charge of the entire service, preaching and singing. Six ministerial students in the group present Gospel truths through sermons; the choir is directed by Sonja Mountford, from which are composed special musical groups, trios, quartets, etc. M embership in the Gospei Team is a rew arding and developing experience for any student; the task of spreading the Good New s is made a truly joyous one.

GOSPEL TEAM OFFICERS: Mattie Bell Jones, sponsor; Sonja Mountford, song leader; Paula Elledge, secretary; Doug McVay, president.

GOSPEL TEAM— Front row: Mattie Bell Jones, D. McVay S Mountford. Second row: M. Hubbert, D. Bond, A. Davis P El­ ledge, P. Williams, L. Patterson, E. Steele, H. Cooper, R Isbell

D. Thomas, S. Aubrey. Back row: B. Kelley, I. Pound E Shortreed D. Jones, J. Fitts, R. McKellips, G. Bordelon, M Dale R Brockman, L. Woolery.


League Speakers Broaden Horizons of Many Serving to create an interest in foreign missions and to prepare students for m issionary w ork is the M issionary Emphasis League. The League provides support for missionaries now on the field, and is at­ tempting to w iden the spiritual horizons of all students by fostering an atmosphere conducive to the heeding and answ ering of calls to active Christian service. Speakers have included Rev. and Mrs. Elton Wood, Cape Verde, and Rev. Harry Flinnor, Peru. An annual Retreat geared to educating the prospective m issionary as to his responsibilities is held at Cam p Classen.

MEL OFFICERS— Front row: Grace Boone, secretary; Mrs. Uerkvitz, sponsor; Joyce Youngman, treasurer. Back row: Prof. Uerkvitz, sponsor; Jim Lynch, president.

MEL meetings are held monthly in the Religion Building; their purpose is to inform prospective mis­ sionaries. Here Dr. Dudley Powers tells the group about life in New Guinea.



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MISSION CRUSADERS— Front row: D. Wilkinson, L. Johnson, S. Thompson, L. Henbest, V. Sopena, J. Kee, C. Melton, G. Boone, J. Mowen, H. Miller, L. Jetton. Back row: P. Edgerton, K. Til-

lett, W. Thompson, M. Seghers, S. Franklin, B. Thompson, G. Ingle, M. Shepherd, L. Wright, S. Heap, M. Chaplin.


Missionaries of Tomorrow Crusade Today The traveling group of M issionary Emphasis League is known as Mission Crusaders. Holding services two Sundays each month, the group's members are prim ar­ ily students having a definite call to serve on the mission field. A ccordingly, the Sunday morning service emphasis is on missions; evangelism is em phasized in the Sunday evening services. Mission Crusaders provides an opportunity for students entering active missionary service to explore the many means of presenting the Christian faith to others. The experience of sponsors Professor and Mrs. David Uerkvitz in the San Antonio mission school has aided them in g u id in g the Crusaders.

MISSION CRUSADER OFFICERS: Les Wright, Vice president; Grace Boone, secretary; Jim Lynch, president; Joyce Youngman, treasurer; Prof. Uerkvitz, sponsor.

PLAINSMEN Front row: C. Brightup, T. McIntyre, J. Boss, I. Pound, D. Boyd, E. Collins, B. Scott, W. Thompson, S. Toepher, D. W ycoff, J. Baker, C. Bialas, Prof. Main. Second row: S. Ruddell, m ’. Hubbert, D. Thompson, A. Pate, J. West, T. Roe,

M. Reghers, R. Hamman, D. Holmes, D. Melton, R. Kelley, W. Thompson. Third row: J. Southworth, E. Eigsti, F. James, G. Banz, S. Franklin, D. Crawley, C. Roberts, C. West, L. Mullen, J. Boyce, J. Johnson, J. Guess.


Plainsmen Travel, Benefit Selves and Others The Male Choir was organized this year under the direction of Professor Jam es Main. The entire choir of forty has sung at a number of the Nazarene churches of this local area. The twenty-four member traveling choir has appeared in M uskogee, Ponca City, and Tulsa, Oklahom a; Hutchison and Sylvia, Kansas; and Dallas, Texas. A public concert was presented in the Fine Arts Auditorium on May 6. To develop accomplishment in musical skill is only a secondary purpose of the choir, whose prim ary aim is to represent the college and the Lord as a Christian witness.

DIRECTOR James Main’s outstanding ability has made the Plainsmen one of the best vocal groups on campus.

PLAINSMEN OFFICERS: Charles Roberts, vice presi­ dent; Ed Collins, reporter; Gary Banz, chaplain; Bill Scott, president; John Ross, treasurer.



Unruh Directs Successful Trebie-Ai res Female counterpart to the Male Choir is the TrebleAires, the new ly created girls' choir directed by Pro­ fessor Melvin Unruh. The choir made approxim ately one-half dozen appearances during second semester. A final program was presented during National Music Week in co-ordination with the Male Choir. The developm ent of the choir was preceded by student request for such a group. Its formation has given forty-six girls an opportunity to use their musical talents in an endeavor to g lo rify Christ. The group is a radiant asset to furthering unity between churches and the college.

PROF. Melvin Unruh, conductor

? e fr e t a ^ S M a iT l^ arw n|’i ViC® President: Carolyn Seato: president.’ argaret Wells> accompanist; Anita Alle:


COLLEGIATE QUARTET: Bob Rist, Tim W hittaker, Charles Isbell, Wayne Brown.


All-New Collegiates Travel Miles The Collegiate Quartet is the primary student representative group for Bethany Nazarene College. The foursome makes over 250 appearances annually for the school in churches, civic clubs, summer youth camps, church conferences, and campus activities. Charles Isbell, second tenor in the group, is a junior majoring in religion. Charles7 home town is Crow ley, Louisiana. 210

W ayne Brown, baritone, is a junior from Cimarron, Kansas. He is a pre-med student. Tim Whittaker sings the bass notes, and is a freshman music major from Shreveport, Louisiana. Bob Rist, singing first tenor, is from Kansas City, Kansas. He is a freshman music education major.

DR. CURTIS SMITH plans the traveling schedule with the quartet and informs them of the places they will sing, WEEKEND trip^ are always on the agenda for the quartet boys. Seen packing for a venture to Dallas are Bob, Tim, Wayne, and Charles.

PRACTICE makes perfect may be an old cliche, but the truth con­ tained therein is well known by the boys. Collegiate practices are held nightly in the music hall where Charles Isbell gets a chance to demonstrate the ability of his “ nimble ten.”


TROUBADOR QUARTET: Dave Walker, Bill Mincey, Orville Jenkins, Charles Oliver.


Troubadour Foursome Sings for College Sin ging first tenor in the Troubador Quartet is David W alker, from W innsboro, Louisiana. He is a sophomore, m ajoring in chemistry. Bill M incey, second tenor in the group, is a freshman m ajoring in church music. Bill's home town is Chatta­ nooga, Tennessee. O rville Jenkins, baritone, is a junior from Kansas City, Missouri, m ajoring in history. Charles O liver sings the bass notes, and is a sopho­ more majoring in political science. Charles is from Jackson, M ississippi. TROUBADORS spend many hours in practice to assure the best performances possible.

BEAMING radiantly after their performances in the MESSIAH are soloists Hardy Weathers, Marcia Schultz, Frances Lewis, and Steve Brown.


Students Solo Messiah; Trios Harmonize The Messiah presentation is alw ays one of the high­ lights of the musical year at BNC. This year the choir was formed by the A Cappella, Male Choir, and G irls' Choir. Sin ging the solo parts were students Steve Brown, baritone; Frances Lewis, contralto; Marcia Schultz, soprano; and Hardy Weathers, tenor. The class trios provided by members of the A C ap ­ pella choir add quality and enjoyment to many campus events.

MEMBERS of the sophomore trio are Jean Gilham, Connie Hurn, and Lesta Garber.

KATHY Phelps, Linda Darden, and Sandy Moore comprise the fresh­ man ladies trio.

GAYLE Bordelon gives her testimony and praises Christ at a Bracken Hall prayer meeting.


Dorm Prayer Meetings Provide W eekly Uplift

SERIOUS and serene, these boys gather for a few moments of worship together at a floor meeting.

JANICE Holloway brings the devotion at one of the weekly prayer meet­ ings in Bracken Hall.


DEAN Etter stands as an inspiration to all Snowbarger boys. Here he speaks during a floor prayer meeting.

JERNIGAN girls take time from their nightly schedule to attend dorm prayer meeting in the parlor.

Perhaps the most vital area of any student's life is that of his relationship to God. Contributing to the main­ tenance of a truly personal experience are the prayer meetings held w eekly in each of the dormitories. Here students are able to gather inform ally at the close of a busy day and replenish their exhausted supply of spiritual resources. Thought-provoking, refreshing devotionals are given by students or faculty, and here everyone has an opportunity to g ive his testimony in the congenial atmosphere. Surely an essential part of campus living is to be found here.

AN open door reveals Jernigan Hall girls at a dorm prayer meeting.


Class Chapels Illustrate Purposeful Unity

JAMES SOUTHWORTH, Senior Class Chaplain

LIONEL TILLETT, Sophomore Class Chaplain


CHARLES ISBELL, Junior Class Chaplain

JOHNNY W ARRICK, Freshman Class Chaplain

A new and rew arding experience for Freshmen were the class Chapels held w eekly. Their elected chaplain, Jo hnny W arrick, presided over the service and brought many of the m essages himself. In each session, the dignified presence of chaplain Lionel Til let lent to the Sophomore class a reminder of the extension of Christ's love and power to all people. Charles Isbell was able to revitalize the hearts of Junior class members with his dynam ic and personal sermons asserting the necessity of complete holiness for victorious living. Seniors listened with concentrated earnestness to the guidin g voice of chaplain Jam es Southworth, realizing that all too soon their guidance w ill come only from within.

INTEREST in abundance is seen on the faces of these many seniors as they worship in their weekly class chapel.

CHAPLAIN Lionel Tillett is the guiding- light of the sophomore chapels and his life is a blessing as he ministers the message of Christ.

FRESHMAN Buddy Scott challenges his fellow classmates to a higher level of living through the Word of God.


Growth Emphasized in All-School Chapel Long remembered in the minds and hearts of all BNC students are the Chapel services held in the sanctuary of Bethany First Church. Here the entire student body is gathered twice w eekly for a brief time of worship and inspiration. Filling the pulpit have been members of the faculty from the Religion, Philosophy, and Speech Departments, as well as administrative officials and a number of noted speakers.

Presenting missions-centered devotionals were Rev. Paul Orjala, head of the department of w orld missions at the seminary; Dr. Dudley Powers, under appointment to New Guinea; and Rev. W allace White and Mrs. S. L. Hendrix, active on the New Guinea and Argentine fields, respectively. The challenge to take the Gospel message to heathen lands has had a powerful impact on the lives on many.


Fall Revival Novem ber 8-15 were the dates of the annual Fall Revival held in conjunction with Bethany First Church of the Nazarene. The Reverend Charles Hastings Smith, known throughout the Church as the "poet of the O zarks," conducted the meeting. The revival initiated a tide of religious endeavor that has not ebbed; the campus has been marked by a continually deepening spiritual tone. The m essages of Rev. Smith with their emphasis on the necessity of a fu lly committed life spurred many to search their hearts in an endeavor to establish a closer Christian w alk. Notable in the history of the entire Nazarene Church was the record-breaking attendance of 2,339 at the closing Sunday morning service.

REV. CHARLES HASTINGS SMITH, Evangelist DR. SAMUEL YOUNG, General Superintendent


Opening Convention General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene since 1948, Dr. Samuel Young was speaker for the .Opening Convention services of second semester. Although we were privileged to have him among us only a few days, the radiance of his life spread to every corner of the campus. O pening the Word for seven services, January 27-31, Dr. Young drew from it texts which he related to his emphasis on the vitality which comes from a truly personal relationship with God. His understanding of the problems and questionings of youth and his directions for ob­ taining strength and guidance made the conven­ tion a highly beneficial one. 219

COLLEGIATE quartet members sing of the glories of God during one of the monthly all­ school devotionals. Stu­ dents abandon t h e i r studies for a few moments to have their s o u l s refreshed and their spirits uplifted as they gather in the Drag.

"And He Sent Them To Preach The Kingdom . Christ commanded, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness," Matthew 6:33. Our lives are, indeed, to be w ell-rounded socially, cultur­ ally, and intellectually, but they are not to be so rounded that they have no point or purpose. Our first consideration must be that of attaining the highest and best possible w ill

of God for guidance and direction. To this end, are the strivings of our administration, faculty, and students aimed, that each one might seek, find, and live the perfect plan of God. This is our purpose.



ZENAS SAMPSON, First Vice President in charge o f social activities.


Qualified Student Lead Throughout the 1964-65 school year, the Student Council attempted to govern, organize, and plan with emphasis on the uniqueness of this college as a Christian institu­ tion. It was the Council's desire to further the creation of the ideal college student, well-rounded in the areas of the intellect, the social, and the cultural, but with Christ as the center and basis of all of these. With this objective in view , the Council presented the second annual Student Culture Series, featuring a program of current lectures and musical entertainment. Two Stu­ dent Leadership Conferences were held to promote united functioning of the various organizations on campus. The Student Council also sponsored a Christmas missionary project for the Argentine field, amounting to $400.00.

STUDENT COUNCIL president Dick Bond was an efficient leader for our school this year. In addition, he also was president of the Nazarene Student Leaders’ Conference held at Olivet Nazarene College in March.

GLENDA DUDNEY Secretary-Treasurer

RON PHILLIPS, Third Vice President charge of intra-mural activities.


BETTY BENSON, Second Vice President in charge of religious activities.

ers Generate Enthusiastic Activity STUDENT COUNCIL— Front row: Sherry Dudney, Linda Ladd, Linda Burchett. Back row: Dr. Don Beaver, Sponsor; Dillard

Taylor, Norman Snowbarger, Larry Hightower, Doug McVay, Brad Moore.

ARROW STAFF: Jolene Ingle, Dale Bond, Sheri Bounds, Linda Darden, Jan Jenkins.


Annual Staff Compiles Year’s History Time seemed to fiy for the busy 1964-65 ARRO W staff, but the introduction of several new procedures enabled them to more easily produce another lastinfg record of a year's activities at BNC. The big change was the engaging of a new printer, the Am erican Yearbook Com pany. W orking with the staff w as John Clark, the company's area representative, who gave advice on the technical correctness of lay-out and design. For the first time, "C ollege Yearbook" was added to the college curriculum. Students w orking on the annual staff were given one-half hour credit per semester, tuition-free. Most popular with the staff and students was the use of color throughout the calendar section, featuring students in action. O nly through the efforts of all was the book completed.

SERVING in the position of associate editors are sophomores Edie Snell and Donna Hance.

EDITOR of the 1965 ARROW , Linda Ladd.

HARD-WORKING Reg Hamman, ARROW photographer.

.^.EHTIS SMITH and Miss Maurine Dickerson serve as faculty and administrative advisors.

-c i i* BUSINESS Do V* rr manager of our publication is sophomore

I _O m r



Six-Page Paper Reports Campus Events O ffset printing with Mr. Phil Cow an of the Bethany Tribune resulted in a new look for the REVEILLE ECHO. Under the leadership of a capable editor, the paper was increased in size to six pages and includes more pictorial coverage than previously. A lso initiated was a m onthly "Letters to the Editor" feature. The ECHO staff met in a one-hour class session each w eek, where they studied and practiced the principles of good paper w riting and lay-out. Aw arded a second place certificate for new s-w riting at the fall meeting of the Oklahom a Collegiate Press Associa­ tion, the paper was also submitted to the Associated Collegiate Press critical service for ratings. Com plete coverage of campus news makes the bi-w eekly Friday distribution an eagerly awaited event for both students and faculty.

LINDA Burchett, editor of the REVEILLE ECHO, perhaps is smiling over “ the job well done.”

ECHO STAFF MEMBERS: Bob Smith, Jane Peterson, Gloria Starling, Howard Culbertson, Steve Clegg, Carole Hysom.


ECHO STAFF MEMBERS: Steve Cole, Judy Jablecki, Linda Burchett, Drexel Gassett, 'E d Collins, Janet Kee, Dale Bond.


AWS COUNCIL— Front row: Jane Peterson, Judicial Board chairman; Donna Jones, treasurer; Marilyn Tims, parliamentarian; Janice Holloway, academic chairman; Dr. Rhodes,

sponsor. Back row: Linda Sodowsky, vice president; Jolene Ingle, historian; Edie Snell, secretary; Gail Moody, social chairman; Sherry Dudney, president; Lorna Chisum, W RA president.


A W S Greets Frosh, Hosts Oklahoma State Day AW S, Associated Women Students, was organized under the direction of Dr. Wanda Rhodes. O n ly three years old, our campus chapter hosted AW S Oklahom a State Day. Delegates from the colleges and universities in Oklahom a attended "Broaden Your H orizons/7 at which were featured speakers Tom Harris, Statesman, and Marija Raiskums, an escapee from the communist regim e in Latvia. Two representatives from our school attended the March convention of National IAW S held in Utah.

PRESIDENT Sherry Dudney has made AWS one of the most active organizations on campus.

PENIEL room was the scene of the AW S State Day luncheon with over seventy delegates attending.


DORMITORY counselors enjoy the food at the State Day lunch­ eon as well as the music provided by Kathy Porter.

The AW S continued the Big Sister-Little Sister pro­ gram as a means of aiding freshman girls, sponsored Tw irp W eek activities and Open House in the g irls7 dormitories, and organized the functioning Judicial Board. Com parable to the AW S is the Associated Men Students organization. The prim ary goal of this year's officers was to formulate and put into operation a w orking Constitution. Sweepers for the two men's dormitories were purchased from AM S funds.

AMS COUNCIL— Front row: Paul Franklin, Secretary; Carl Sawyer, Vice President; Dillard Taylor, President; Dean Etter, Sponsor. Back row: Steve Ronnekamp, Junior Representative;

PRESIDENT Dillard Taylor has served the AMS well this year in initiating new policies and plans.

Mark Townsend, Senior Representative; Steve Heap, Freshman Representative; Norman Snowbarger, Treasurer; Steve Cole, Sophomore Representative.



Service Keynotes Circle K Fellowship Active and accomplished are the designations to be given the Circle-K m embership. Throughout the year the mem­ bers present many enjoyable activities available to the student body, two of which are the annual Circle-K Kapers and a fund-raising Chicken Supper. In addition, they undertake several service projects; this year they are providing chapel attendance slips, have painted the campus trash barrels, and are reading to Lawrence W illiam s, a blind graduate student. Sponsored by Kiw anis International, Circle K has ade­ quately fu lfilled the motto "We Build," as evidenced by their w inning for three consecutive years the "Outstand­ ing Achievem ent A w ard " and the "Single Service A w ard" for the Texas-Oklahom a District. The members of Circle-K set an exam ple of unselfish g iv in g to others.

CIRCLE Iv OFFICERS — Ed Schneider, president; Wayne Brown, secretary; Dick Morgan, vice president; Hubert Harris, sponsor; Ed Braddock, treasurer.

CIRCLE K— Front row: David Penn, Keith Martin, Dale Bond, Ed Braddock, Ed Schneider, Hubert Harris. Row two: Paul Hantla, Dave Stroman, R. J. Blankenship, Wayne Brown, Johnny

Rose, Bob Smith, Dave Nollenberger. Back row: Dave Robertson, Robert Ingle, Charles Jones, Dick Morgan, Larry Maxey, Jim Jacobs, Dick Bond.

ATHENAS— Front row: Miss Elizabeth Smith, Mrs. Curtis Smith, Miss Geraldine Huhnke, Janice Holloway. Back row: Carol Jones Mills, Twila Schmidt, Sherry Dudney, Sharon Ballard, Sharon Smith.


New Mortar Board Group Offers Assistance N ew ly organized on the campus of BNC is the Athenas group, a branch of the nationally recognized honor societyservice organization for senior women known as Mortar Board. First projects for the group were selection of a name, motto, and standard uniform s, a now fam iliar sight. They have planned and served for the Student Culture Series receptions, and were responsible for the com piling and printing of an information booklet containing the officers and meeting times of all clubs and organizations.

OFFICERS: Julia Goodrich, vice president; Sharon Smith, secretary; Sharon Ballard, treasurer; Janice Holloway, president.

ATHENAS sponsors: Miss Huhnke, Mrs. Smith, Miss Smith.


INTRAMURAL COUNCIL— Front row: Ron Phillips, Chairman; Faye Bancroft, Secre­ tary. Back row: Dave Nollenberger, Paul Trissel, Carl Sawyer, Robert Ingle, Coach David Baker.


Intramural Council Legislates Society Sports

Intramural Council, headed by Stuco Third Vice-President Ron Phillips, is composed of the Society Presidents and Athletic Directors. A ll society sports activity is planned by the Council, and includes not only the traditional football, basketball, and track program s, but has initiated such sports as tennis, golf, and volleyball on three levels: boys, girls, and co-ed. Competition is also maintained in the Society Contest Plays and Music Program.

COACH David Baker and Ron Phillips, chairman, discuss plans for the forthcoming Echo tournament.


Oatmeal Pies Attraction at All-School Fair Initiated in 1960 was the intramural program now operating on our campus. The six societies involved in the program compete in men's athletics, women's ath­ letics, co-ed athletics, and in the literary events. Alpha Nu Om ega came into the program in 1962, and has been an active participant in all of the areas of competition. The first all-school event of the 1964-65 year featured activity booths sponsored by each society. Prominent among the displays was the large, orangecolored " A " form ing the entrance to Alpha's oatmeal pie-throwing contest, enjoyed by all. This society has helped to fu lfill the intramural objective of serving the recreational needs of all stu­ dents through providing a varied program of activities.

ALPHA members survey their pie-throwing booth at the all-school party.

ALPHA OFFICERS— Front row: Prof. Main, sponsor; Marcia Schultz, program director; Rebecca Trissel, girls’ athletic director; Lesta Garber, secretary-treasurer. Back row: Paul Trissel,

president; Jerry Burdine, boys' athletic director; Dale Bond, vice president,

SOCIAL COMMITTEE-—Front row: Jan Jenkins, Marilyn Tims, Linda Darden. Back row . Zenas Sampson, Norman Snowbarger, Brad Moore, Doug McVay.


Fair, Homecoming Planned By Committee "Meetcha At The Fair77 — a wonderful w ay of getting ac­ quainted! The first function of the school year planned by the Stuco Social Committee, the Fair featured activity booths by all clubs and societies and a variety program. Homecoming 1964 introduced dorm itory decorations, a television interview of the queen candidates, and the "Chateau dans I'Arbor" — a delicious victory celebration in the Student Union. The Christmas Banquet featured a tableau "Born This Day" recreating the nativity and selections by the Children's Choir of Bethany First Church. The Social Committee's fourth all-school function was the Heart-Pal Banquet; here a motif of de stijl art expanded "Till The End O f Time."

CHAIRMAN Zenas Sampson has worked diligently to make this year’s social events ones which will live long in our memories.

OFFICERS: Francis Versaw, boys’ athletic director; Miss Hopkins, sponsor; Kathleen Phelps, girls’ athletic director; Diana Moore, program director.

OFFICERS: Lynn Anneler, vice president; Dave Nollenberger, presi­ dent; Edie Snell, secretary.


Gamma Stars in Society Tennis, Volleyball GAMMA-ITE Charles Frantom reaches for the skies in an attempt to capture the “ pigskin.”

Sports form a large area of intramural society activity. The men compete in football, basketball, softball, track; the women compete in basketball, vo lleyball, softball, and track. The organized co-ed sports program consists of softball and volleyball. Many individual sports tournaments are held throughout the year which may be entered by all w ho are interested. Now in its third year of existence, Gamma Tau Beta has proved to be a strong contender for top honors. The society this year placed first in vo lleyball, tennis and soccer, and second in football. The active participa­ tion and enthusiasm of its members has contributed to the society's success.

KAPPA OFFICERS: James Southworth, presi­ dent; Dr. Payne, sponsor; Jolene Ingle, program di­ rector; Nancy Humphreys, secretary; Jim Hamilton, vice president.


Royal Sweatshirts Proclaim Kappa Kingdom Providing conscientious leadership for Kappa-ites this year was president Jam es Southworth. Under his direction the society has made great strides in its accomplishments. Kappa Pi Epsilon was awarded the first place intramural football trophy, and presented the play "Seeds of Suspicion" as its contest program entry. A loyalty cam paign was w aged, with all mem­ bers urged to purchase purple sweatshirts, Gothiclettered in white. Ingenuity can often be the key to success, and Kappa has endeavored to apply this principle in all phases of society events.

KAPPA-ITES Jones, Collins, Hamman, and Hamilton combine their many efforts to make Kappa Day the best




Women Star in Lambda Sports Activity General directions are given to the intramural societies program by the Third Vice-President of the Student Council. It is his responsibility to instill a desire for active participation and support of each individual society, through the Intramural Council. Lambda Chi Theta has applied this inspiration, striv­ ing to maintain its Number One position through industrious activity and competition. The past several years have been noted for the outstanding success of Lambda's women athletes, as well as for its varied and interesting contest programs. As an exam ple of interested participation, Lambda has done well.

LAMBDA S water throw booth provided fun and entertain­ ment at the all school party.

OFFICERS: Ken McWilliams, boys athletic director; Janfs Dawson, secretary; Johnny Rose, vice president; Robert Ingle, president.


OFFICERS: R. J. Blankenship, president; Julia Goodrich, program director; David Penn, vice president; Judy Wooten,

Secretary; Gary Fetterhoff, boys athletic director; Kerry Dawson, girls athletic director.


Original “Imagination” Presented by Sigma Each society presents one contest program during the year, this usually taking the form of a play. An out­ standing performance was presented by members of Sigm a Delta Chi in "Im agination/' an original work written and directed by program director Julia Goodrich. The aim of the Intramural program to raise the quality of student life by providing campus-centered activities promoting cultural abilities was excellently met by this production.

SIG M A -ITE S Jim Olson and R. J. Blankenship construct Sigma’s county jail for the all school party.

Sue Carpenter, girls athletic director; Donna Hance program director; Johnny Hall, boys athletic director.’


ZETA OFFICERS: Gary Banz, vice president; Carl Sawyer, president.

Zeta Musicians Capture Contest First Place Virginia Patterson, Ken Murray, Richard Lauby, and Brad Moore star in Zeta’s play, “ The Violin Maker of Cremona.”

In an endeavor to raise the level of society participa­ tion in social and cultural events, the intramural program inaugurated this year a music contest. Each society's entrants were required to be other than music majors. An enjoyable evening of music was provided and an opportunity provided for students to exercise their musical talents. Zeta contestants secured first place for their society. The many phases of the society program provide for our campus a w ell-rounded selection of activities avail­ able to all students. Zeta Epsilon Rho and its counter­ parts are vital in the social program of BNC.


LITERARY CLUB — Front Row: Haverly, Young-, Hor­ ton, Lively. Back Row: Pro­ fessor Pischel, s p o n s o r ; White, Harms, Clegg.


Literary Club Explores Handwriting Analysis

Students interested in the humanities have the oppor­ tunity to belong to the Literary Club. The first meeting of the year presented a discussion on handwriting analysis by Rev. Frank M cConnell. A Christmas party was entertained with special singing by the quartet from the Men's Choir. Sponsored by Prof. Jack C. Pischel, the club meets once each month for an interesting and informative discussion program.

Professor Pischel, sponsor; Trudy Horton, president; Judy White, vice-president; Diana Lively, secretary.



Debate Team Sets Record W inning Season Closing the year with a total record of 75% wins was our successful Debate Team under the able coaching of Dr. Elwood Tame. The squad traveled 8200 miles and attended eleven tournaments, de足 bating 186 times in competition against representa足 tives from 125 other colleges and universities. Invited to the inter-regional tournaments in Hatties足 burg, M ississippi, and Tucson, Arizona, the team took first and second place in Hattiesburg and third place in Tucson, individual debators w inning in oratory, interpretive reading, and extemporaneous speaking. Members of the two Senior Teams are Carole Hysom and Alien Hannaford, and Kayla Bower and Faye Bancroft. Other team members attending tournaments were Tim Fontaine, Tony Yocham, Letricia Spires, Jan Neufeld and Clinton Rock.

DEBATERS proudly display the many trophies which they won at the Southeastern Debate Tournament at Haittesburg, Mississippi.

DEBATE TEAM : Prof. Harrison, co-sponsor; Allen Hanna足 ford, Carole Hysom, Kayla Bower, Faye Bancroft.


FBLA— Front row: Sandra Merritt, Lenora Godwin, Theresa Neeley, Jane Peterson, Lucille Weathers, Carol Biddinger, Ann Brakemill, Evelyn Hicks, Lila Ramsey, Dana Dexter. Row two: Miss Payne, Jerry Britt, Johnny Rose, Shelby Durr, Jerry Bur-

dine, Richard Lane, Jerry White, Lael Fuqua. Back row: Dave McClung, Bill Nickerson, Oliver Bishop, Jim Olson, Mike Harter, Lynn Wilson, Bob Williams, Jerry Bush, Gary Snyder.


Club Practices Fund­ amentals of Business Field trips become an enjoyable learning process for Business Club members. The Adam s Funeral Home, M errill-Lynch-Pierce7Fenner and Smith Stock Brokers, and the State Convention on the University of O kla­ homa Cam pus have been the sites of some of their excursions. Special speaker Mr. Bill Harrow and several film show ings have drawn members to their bi-monthly meetings.

FBLA OFFICERS: Front row: Miss Payne, sponsor; Lucille Weathers, historian; Jane Peterson, publicity chairman; Lenora Godwin, secretary. Back row: Dave McClung, president; Johnny Rose, reporter; Bill Nickerson, vice president; Shelby Durr, representative-at-large; Jerry Bush, treasurer.

SPONSOR for FBLA this year is Dr. Judy Payne, who is enjoying her first year with the club.



Community Attracts G roup’s Interest Re-activated on campus this year was the Social Science Club, under the sponsorship of Dr. Fred Floyd. Begin­ ning its new life with approxim ately thirty members, the club was responsible for the election-night party held in the Student Union. A trip to the Berry House, a juvenile detention home in Oklahom a City, and a lecture by Dr. Douglas Moon, Vice-President of the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Board, provided two very interesting sessions. Dr. Floyd and president Clint Cheveallier hope for the club's continued growth. SOCIAL SCIENCE OFFICERS— Front row: Charlotte Vaughters, publicity chairman; Alta Caudell, secretary; Mary Beth Johnston, treasurer; Pat Dixon, vice president. Back row: Dr. Floyd, sponsor; Sue Steele, social chairman; Clint Cheveallier president.

SOCIAL SCIENCE Front row: Fay Smalling, Ann Briggs, Dana Dexter, Linda Bagby, Charlotte Vaughters, Mary Beth Johnston. Row two: Patty Ouzts, Janice Holloway, Nancy Hum­

phreys, Pat Dixon, Sue Steele, Alta Caudell. Back row: Nathan Covington, Don Wells, Doug Bebout, Terry Clapp, Clint Cheaveallier, Dr. Floyd.


PEMM CLUB— Front Row: Dr. Rhodes, Sponsor; Cantu, Cockrell, Chisum, Whitmore. Back Row: Miss Hopkins, Sponsor; Hendricks, Anneler, Keesee, Bourne, Jackson.


Phys. Ed. Majors Publish First Press Book The association for Physical Education Majors and Minors has made some definite and lasting contribu­ tions in its brief existence of two years. Its members are responsible for the operation of the concession stand at all Redskin gam es, the proceeds being used to purchase new athletic equipment for use in the Physical Education Department. For the benefit of the student body, the organization published a pressbook for the 1964-65 basketball season containing information about each Redskin player. Further developm ent of the club w ill be accelerated by attendance at the O AH PER Convention held in Tulsa.

OFFICERS: Carl Shride, treasurer; Laveta Sweatt, secretary; Sally Cockrell, vice president; Dr. Rhodes, sponsor.

Wnntpr. Ep p ' Cu+lberts,° » ’ I- Cochran, J. Wooten, x . Eiledge, E. Staton. Row two; Miss Copeland, N. Hillery, C. Dunlap, M. Banz, A. Meek, Dr. Greve. Back row:

M. Cook, M. Bennett, R. McKellips, J. McNames, D. Willis, J. Bronson.


Fashions, Decorating, Engross Home-Ec’ers All girls aspire to become w ives and homemakers, so what better w ay to prepare than to belong to the Home Economics Club. Here is education in action! An early program for the club was a tour of the area Parade of Homes, where the latest styles in homebuilding and decorating were critically exam ined. Late in the fall a m odeling of current fashions was available for all girls on campus. Want to be a mother, too? An interview with the parents of twins can tell you what you're in for!

HOME EC OFFICERS— Front row: Dr. Greve, sponsor; Merna Banz, president; Miss Copeland, sponsor. Back row: Carolyn Dunlap, treasurer; Doris Willis, vice president; Paula Elledge, secretary.

MISS GLADYS COPELAND and Miss Ann Greve, sponsors, discuss forthcoming events of the Home Ec club.



Campus Beautification Project of Biologists Improvem ent of our b eau tifu lly landscaped campus w ould seem hard to do, but the members of the Biology Club recognized and filled a need. Selected as a project for this school year was the planting of native Oklahom a trees on campus. A Side Show Booth at the All-School Party started the year off with a bang; the first formal meeting featured a presentation by Dr. Robert Lawrence of his doctoral dissertation. A guest speaker from the O kla­ homa City Zoo gave insights into the natural habitats and characteristics of various anim als now in captivity. Biology Club members have found the enjoyment resulting from an awareness of the fascination of our natural surroundings.

OFFICERS: Donna Jablecki, secretary; Donna Bordelon, treas­ urer; Sharon Sisson, publicity chairman; Ed Braddock, vice president; Richard Friesen, president; Gordon Gibson, freshman representative; Prof. Bridgwater, sponsor.

BIOLOGY CLUB— Front row: Sharon Sisson, Donis Clanton, Donna Jablecki, Donna Bordelon. Row Two: Ed Braddock, Joyce Youngman, Sheri Bounds, Richard Friesen, Prof. Bridgwater.

Row Three: Terry Clapp, John Carter, Don Guinn, Gordon Gibson, Leroy McPheeters.

PHYSICAL SCIENCE CLUB—-Front Row: Dr. Hammer, spon­ sor; E. Davis, sponsor; Smith, Harris, Boehs, G. Heasley, sponsor. Row Two: Townsend, Stroman, Howell, Coleman, Har-

mon, Nichols. Row Three: Postlewait, White, Schneider, Best, Murphy.


Math, Chemistry, Physics Unite Efforts Students interested in chemistry, physics, or mathe­ matics w ill find an opportunity to keep abreast of advancements and learn of practical applications in each field by attending the monthly meetings of the Physical Science Club. The uniting of what was form erly three separate clubs has afforded the group a higher quality pro­ gram m ing; the engagem ent of guest speakers, the use of film s, and the executing of field trips both in and out of this area are now more frequent.

OFFICERS: Dave Stroman, vice president; Sharon Smith, secretary; Jerry Nichols, vice president; Joyce Jer^ensen, vice president; Ron Ohsfeldt, president.

PSYCHOLOGY CLUB— Front row: S. Sisson, A. Caudell, M. Johnston, D. Dexter, L. Bagby, D. Clanton, J. Spruce, J. Ingle, D. Hance, J. Carter. Row two: S. Steele, C. Vaughters, J. Hollo­ way, P. Dixon, N. Humphreys, K. Cundiff, K. Maker, D. Anesi, S. Thompson, F. Hogan, S. Smith, P. Patch, S. Clay. Row three:

C. Cheveallier, S. Paris, L. Martin, C. Scholtz, J. Skaggs, D. Davis, D. Bond, R. Carland. Back row: Dr. Ladd, Sponsor; M. Brownfield, E. Howell, J. Coleman, S. Clegg, E. Collins, P. Hantla, Dr. Coburn? sponsor.


Hypnotism Object of Psychology Discussion Psychology Club has brought to our campus a number of excellent speakers. Am ong those who have pre­ sented lectures are Dr. Ronald O. M cAfee, head of the Bethany G uidance Center; Dr. Kenneth O g g , an expert in the field of hypnotism ; Dr. M. W. Myatt, accom­ plished in the use of the lie detector; and Dr. Jim G. Duckett, a cosmetic and reconstruction surgeon. In its first year of existence, the club has undertaken the project of leaving, each year, a useful piece of equipment for the Psychology Department.

DR. JIM DUCKETT, local plastic surgeon, explains the fundamentals o f cosmetic and reconstruction science.

BETA PSI CHI OFFICERS— Front row: Donna Hance, secretary; Janice Holloway, president; Jill Spruce, treasurer; Pat Dixon, publicity director. Back row: Dr. Ladd, sponsor; Ed Collins, chaplain; Steve Paris, vice president; Dr. Coburn, sponsor.


SE A --F ront Row: Kelley, Williams, Harrod, Allen, Blesi, Martin, Spruiell, Standefer, Martin. Row Two: Miss Spruce, sponsor; Wilson, Williams, Snowder, Ramsey, Goodwin, Buchanan, McYay,

Niedens, Jennings. Row Three: McDaniel, Parrish, Stoner, Faidley, Moore, McDaniel, Enns, Fleenor, Starling, Wooten, Suttle, Penn, Carroll.


Teaching Seen As Appealing Occupation Membership in the Student Education Association is of invaluable aid for all those who are planning a teach­ ing career. The club's format includes service projects such as providing Christm as gifts for underprivileged children, affiliation with the Oklahom a State Education Association, and provision of the N EA Journal to all members. O f interest this year was the Crafts Fair exhibit, featuring displays representing different levels and areas of teaching.

OFFICERS: David Penn, president; Miss Spruce, sponsor; Diana Moore, secretary; Phyllis Enns, historian; Donna Williams, treasurer; Marcia Williams, vice president.



Music Lovers Present Faculty Fun Frolic Professor R. E. Rodeheaver and the music education majors have w orked hard to develop an organization which w ill provide w orthw hile program s and activities with the emphasis on music. Club m eetings this year have featured Father Vincent of St. G regory's School speaking on the Gregorian Chant, and concerts by local high school choirs. Members of the club attended the State and Southwestern Divisional Conventions of the Music Educators National Conference. A popular campus activity presented by the club give s the student body a chance to laugh at the faculty's antics in the annual Faculty Fun Frolic.

OFFICERS: Jerry Acheson, president; Linda Hender­ son, secretary; Prof. Rodeheaver, sponsor; Merry Clegg, vice president.

MENC— Front Row: Guess, Falk, Reaves, Wagner, Dahl. Back Row: Hendrix, Schmidt, Tims, Reynolds, Scales.

u l? i ™ £ — Front Row: Garber, Jenkins, Roberts, Schultz, Bullock Bell, Porter, Purtee. Row Two: Greer, Hum, Zell, Inssel, Dawson, Reaves, Lewis, Gilham, Richey, Hubbert. Row

Three: Mincey, Walker, Pearson, Wag-ner, Lucky Lane Hightower, Hayes, Jenkins. Back Row: Trissel, Smith Burdine Miller, German, Phillips, Oliver, Fields, Townsend.


Choir Tours Promote Christian Education The A Cappella Choir under the direction of Prof. Lester Dunn is a vital link in the network of public relations relating to the college. The Choir's Spring Tour took them through Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas; their programs of sacred music are eagerly anticipated. During this year, the Choir made a number of w eek­ end trips to various churches on the educational zone, including Garden City and Meade, Kansas, Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas. Special performances w ere given at Val Gene's Restaurant, St. Luke's Methodist Church, and O'M ealey's Cafeteria. The thirty-six voiced choir is a definite asset to the spiritual atmosphere of the college.

OFFICERS: Prof. Dunn, director; Larry Hightower, president; Kathy Porter, secretary; John Hayes, chap­ lain; Grayson Lucky, vice president.

BAND— Front Row: Carmen Shore, Sandy Abbott, Pat McReynolds, Lynn Peterson. Row Two: Joyce Spruiell, Margaret Wallace, Karen Nobles, Lenora Godwin, Clara Flowers, Marilyn Rose, Paul Hendrick, Bill Manning. Row Three: LaDonna Reynolds, Beverly Pate, Tom Reed, Carrie Mendenhall, Pat

Moore, John Guess, Charles Phipps, Mike Kilgore, Bob Simms, Keith Martin. Back Row: Prof. Rodeheaver, Jerry Acheson, Jane Roberts, Paul Hantla, Paul Franklin, Ron McClellan, Steve Edwards.


Concert Band’s Spectacular “George Washing The BNC Band has a "new look" this year; proceeds from record sales enabled the band to purchase sixtyfive new tuxedo styled uniforms. Conducted by Professor Reuben Rodeheaver, the band presented its Winter Concert under the title "Spectrum Spectacular." One of the contemporary num­ bers perform ed, "G eorge W ashington Bridge," featured a mural painting by Zenas Sampson; the band and the painting were given coverage in the Port Authority m agazine. A Spring Concert was presented on May 1. The band made week-end trips for performances at churches in Sapulpa, O klahom a; Shreveport, Louisiana; and Fort Worth, Texas. O rganization of a Pep Band helped to generate enthusiasm at the Redskin basketball games.

MIKE Sheppard solos in an imitation of A1 Hurt during the Oklahoma Motorcade program.

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BAND— Front Row: Judy White, Claudia Earp, Carol Biddinger, Mike Sheppard, Joy Rippstein. Row Two: Anthony Harmon, Joy Baggerly, Jim Guess, Steve Ruddell, Beverly Abbott, Linda Henderson, Don Unruh. Row Three: Paul Davis, Paula Elledge, Bob Irvin, Bob Kelley, Paul Moore, Byran McCrory, David Doyle,

Wayne Adams, Steve Hulsey. Back Row: Carl Combs, Lawrence Kilgore, Bob Williams, Phil Edgerton, Sharon Eubank, John Johnston, Larry Halford, Sherry Winn, Galen Huffman, Rick Stahl, Marilyn Tims.

ton Bridge” Featured in Port Authority PROFESSOR Reuben Rodeheaver, Conductor

BAND OFFICERS: Paul Franklin, president; Linda Henderson, secre­ tary; Sharon Eubank, publicity chairman; Joyce Spruiell, vice-president; Keith Martin, chaplain.



New Conductor Strong Inspires Orchestra Hard w ork by director Roger Strong and the members of the Orchestra resulted in the presentation of several fine concerts during the second semester. The Orches­ tra's first campus appearance was a February concert in the Fine Arts Auditorium . A full concert was pre­ sented in Ap ril during National Music W eek, and an impressionistic concert was played in May. The BN C Symphonette has been successful because of the dedication and love of music of both its members and instructor. We are looking forw ard to greater achievements in future years.

PAYING close attention to the notes before them are Margaret Wells and Karen Phillips, violinists.

ORCHESTRA— Front Row: Ann Strong, Jeanne Cypert, Margaret Wells, Earl Greer. Row Two: Joy Kischler, Karen Phillips, Charles Phipps, Jim Yarborough, Bill Abbott. Row Three: Prof. Strong, Paul Franklin.

PROFESSOR Roger Strong, Conductor.

MANY hours of diligent practice have produced an orchestra of top quality.

ORCHESTRA— Front Row: Lois Knabe, Sandi Sims, Jolaine Maine, Mike Sheppard. Back Row: Paul Hendrick, Jim Guess, John Johnston, Sharon Eubank, Bill Manning.



Bourne, Dana Keesee, Carl Sawyer, Dennis Crawley. Back Row:

Hammann, Robert Ingle, Wes Borton, Manager.


Redskins Have Victorious First Season The history of the Bethany Nazarene College varsity basket­ ball team took a sharp turn this year as the Redskins entered inter-collegiate sports, competing against other Christian colleges. Under the direction of new coach David Baker, the Redskins battled their w ay to a triumphant *first season record of 8 wins, 6 losses. H ighlighting the season was the home victory over Evangel College, a team which closed their season with a 20-3 record. Enthusiastic students and faculty supported the Redskins with near-capacity attendance at all home games. Desiring that the members of the basketball team might live better Christian lives through their efforts in this com­ petitive sport, Coach Baker contacted the pastors in the vicinity of the Redskins' out-of-town games, volunteering the team's assistance in church services. On two occasions was the team utilized; in Springfield, Missouri, and in Sylvia, Kansas, Wes Borton and Gary Banz preached in the Sunday morning services. 260

Bethany Bethany

89 70

BASKETBALL SEASO N RECORD A lum ni __________________________ 61 Oklahom a Christian College _______ 85



Southwestern College ---------------------- 80



Oklahom a Christian College ________100



John Brown University ____________ 99



O zark Bible College _______________ 56



Central C ollege ________





Central College ___________________



Evangel College __________________ 85



Tabor College _____________________ 78



O zark Bible C ollege _______________ 7 A



Southwestern College _____________ 90



Evangel C ollege __________________


John Brown University ____________ 79 62


COACH David Baker is l i f t e d triumphantly by Redskin fans following the victorious win over Evangel College.


JIM DIMICK, Freshman



REACHING high is 6’7” Duane Keesee in an attempt to score during the home game against Central College.



CARL Sawyer jumps to take the ball away from the Southwestern College players.





MAKING the basket with ease is Dana Keesee, scoring another two points in the fight to beat Evangel.

REDSKIN Cheerleaders: Carpenter, Wooten, Cockrell, Shepard, Chisum.


Cheerleaders Faithfully Support Redskins A boon to all of the basketball players was our effervescent cheerleading squad. A lw ays ready with optimism and en­ couragement, their presence helped to spur the Redskins on to success. Eye-catching in uniforms of red and white, the girls worked effectively as a unit due to the guidance of

Lorna Chisum , senior, head cheerleader. Sally Cockrell, junior; Sue Carpenter and Ju d y Wooten, sophomores; and Sheryl Shepard, freshman, are appreciated for their loyal support.


STOPPED in a set-up attempt by an OCC opponent is Don Bourne.

JUNIOR VARSITY— Front Row: Larry West, Alvin Hendricks, Don Jackson, Terry Patnode, Sammy Spaulding. Back Row: Tom

Ream, Stan Young, Steve Ronnekamp, George Jackson, Kenneth Henderson, Galen Huffman.


Redskin Junior Varsity Team O rgan ized Operating as a sub-division of the varsity Redskins was the Junior Varsity basketball team. Coached by depart­ ment head Don W ilson, the team was organized for a two-fold purpose: to provide a training program for future varsity players, and to g ive more boys an op­ portunity to participate in varsity play. The junior team played against teams from Oklahom a Christian College, M idwest Christian College, John Brown University, Central College, Southwestern College, and the Intramural All-Stars. Their first season record was a good 6 w ins - 4 losses. Leading scorers for the team were Steve Ronnekam p, Don Jackson, and Don Bourne, who scored totals of 152, 147, and 140 points, respectively.

STAN Young looks on with amazement as Steve Ronnekamp clutches the ball in a battle for its possession.

DON Bourne goes high to snare a rebound in the game against Oklahoma Christian.



Kappa Defeats Sigma In Championship Game Capturing the society football cham pionship this year was Kappa, defeating Sigm a with a 12-0 victory in the cham pionship gam e. After losing their first gam e to Lambda, 12-7, Kappa went undefeated for the remainder of the season; it was their first season win in six years. Large crowds attended the Saturday night games. Both spectators and participants showed good sports­ manship and exceptionally high spirits. A d d in g much to the enthusiasm were the society cheerleaders. A pproxim ately 80 boys participated in the society football program this year.

TEAM STA N D IN G S W Alpha Gamma Kappa Lambda Sigm a Zeta

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A NEW METHOD of catching the football seems to be with the elbows, at least for Gamma player Charles Frantom.

FOOTBALL ALL-STARS— Front Row: Bud Haney (G), Dana Keesee (K), Robert Ingle (L). Back Row: Hayward Sawyer (S), Larry West (S), Jerry Beam (S), Harold Olson (L). Not

pictured: Tom Ream ( K) , Charles Frantom (G), Dennis Hill (S), Steve Ronnekamp ( A) , Gary Urwiller (L).

SOMEHOW the football missed the waiting arms of Kappa player Tom Ream.

ALPHA— Front Row: Bob Crane, Jerry Burdine, David McClung, Reuben Bley, Paul Cook.

GAMMA— Back Row: Francis Versaw, Dave Noilenberger Dc Bourne, David Stroman, Lynn Anneler, Roy McElrath.


KAPPA— Front Row: Tom Ream, Dana Keesee, Blake Smith, Dave Atteberry, John Ross. ROBERT Hubbard encourages fellow Lambda-ite Ray Chand­ ler as he grapples with Zeta player Carl Sawyer for possession of the ball.

LAM BDA— Row Two: Johnny Rose, John Boyce, Royce Wright, Ken McWilliams. Back Row: Harold Olson, Robert Ingle, Bob Hall, Mike Harter, Robert Hubbard, Ray Chandler.

TERSELY awaiting- the kick are Zeta and Lambda teams during an exciting duel.

K fiSK clings aarfisKs s? $$ F etteV L fL ciL e^ S iT fb -^ 'A 'lL rT p t1! ! '^ 'aXne Thompson, Garry



Hayward Sawyer. ZETA— Back Row: Gary Banz, George Jack

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Lambda Wins Tournament, All-Stars Chosen

ALPHA-ZETA players watch as David Boyd, and Jim Tyrrell vye for possession of the jump ball during the first game of the season.


















Sigm a







DAVE ROBERTSON, Lambda, Most Valuable Player



Sharing the basketball cham pionship this year were Kappa and Lambda; both teams lost only one gam e during the season. Clinching the season was the traditional Echo Tournament. Lambda won the title by defeating Sigm a in the final gam e. The old story of the underdog was seen again as Sigm a took second place after a no-win season. Scoring 46 points in the final gam e, a new single-gam e record, Dave Robertson was selected for the Most V alu ­ able Player award. The All-Tournament team consisted of Larry Box, Z; Dennis Hill, S; Ronnie Hill, Z; Robert Hubbard, L; and Dave Robertson, L.

COACHES Gary Banz and George Jackson guide Zeta team members during an Echo Tournament time-out.

ALPHA— Front Row: Jerry Burdine, David McClung, Paul Cook, Paul Trissel. GAMMA— Back Row: Francis Versaw, Lynn Anneler, Kendall Mosely, Stanley Mullins, Hardy Weathers, Paul Dix.

KAPPA— Front Row: Tom Ream, Dana Keesee, Blake Smith, Dave Atteberry, John Ross. LAM BDA— Row Two: Harold Olson, Johnny Rose, John Boyce, Royce Wright, Ken McWilliams, Ken

F e t t e lh o f r Larry 'S e S o r b e T t ’ S o n . R oT tw o : Alvin Hendricks, Carl Combs, Galen Huffman, Hayward Sawyer.

Reed, Ray Chandler. Back Row: Robert Ingle, Jon Schendel Bob Hall, Mike Harter, Robert Hubbard, Dave Robertson.

D e a if C o o k ^ i^ T y r ^ e T c h r ip T ie m a n n Jacks° n’ Jerry Martin ’ ^ r e H , Chi is Tiemann.


Society Cheerleaders Encourage Vocalism

Z E T A CHEERLEADERS: Letricia Spires, Connie Bee足 son, Sheryl Diamond, Patty Ouzts, Beverly Pate.

SIGMA CHEERLEAD足 ERS: Barbara Chap足 man, Marcia Chapman, Mascot, Carolyn Witch足 er, Sharon Curtis.


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GAMMA CHEERLEADERS: Gloria Starling, Jessie Wilson, Jan Ander­ son, Diana Moore, Mary Beth Johnston.

A vital factor in any program is the support which it receives. Generating loyalty and enthusiasm at all society athletic events have been each society's cheerleaders. Their efforts to incite vocal participat­ ion by the spectators added much to the cheer­ ing excitement of the football and basketball com­ petitions.

ALPHA CHEERLEADERS: Lesta Garber, Rebecca Trissel, Sally Hesser, Joyce Spruiell, Gloria Sherrill. GAMMA cheerleader Diana Moore yells excitedly during a tense football game.

ATHLETIC DIRECTORS— Front Row: Carol Wright, Lambda; Sue Carpenter, Zeta; Kathleen Phelps, Gamma; Kerry Dawson, Sigma. Back Row: Jerry Burdine, Alpha; Ken McWilliams,

Lambda; Rebecca Trissel, Alpha; George Jackson, Zeta* Garry Fetterhoff, Sigma.


Athletic Directors Keep Program Moving Perhaps the most important people involved in perpetuating the success of the society intramural athletic program are the men's and women's athletic directors of each society. These students are elected by the society membership to

serve as director and co-ordinator of the sports activities. Recruiting participants, score-keeping, and refereeing are only three phases of their work. Thank you to these hard­ w orking students!


W RA Offers Nu Gamma Chi Membership G uiding the sports program for all women students on campus is the Women's Recreation Association. Competition events are classified as team round robin, single performance, and extramural events. Participation in the W RA Intramural Activities affords our

women athletes an opportunity for membership in the honorary group Nu Gamma Chi. Members strive toward being a worthy temple in which the Holy Spirit may dwell and in becoming poised and graceful.

1 1

WRA OFFICERS— Front Row: Sally Cockrell, vice-president; Joyce Bronson, jacks chairman; Sue Carpenter, extram ural chairman; Dr. Rhodes, sponsor. Back Row: Gayle Bordelon,

swimming chairman; Rebecca Trissel, secretary; Lorna Chisum president; Jan Jenkins, shuffleboard chairman.



Gamma Girls Down Powerful Lambda Team

Gamma girls won the basketball cham pionship from the powerful Lambda team to mark Lambda s first tournament defeat in four years. Most Valuable Player award was presented to Francis Lewis. G radually developing precision as a w orking unit, the basketball All-Star team closed their season with a 3-win, 5-loss record. The girls attended the Basketball Sports Day held at Southwestern State College.

ECHO Tournament was the scene of much precarious basket­ ball activity as witnessed in this shot from the GammaLambda game.

WOMEN’S ALL-STAR BASKETBALL— Front Row: Dr. Rhodes, sponsor; Lorna Chisum, Marleita Boehs, LaVeta Sweatt,


Miss Hopkins, sponsor. Back Row: Linda Coale, Karen Frickel, Elaine Young, Sheryl Diamond, LaVerne Bell.

ALPHA— Front Row: Judy Wallick, Marcia Schultz, Bonnie Blesi, Joyce Spruiell, Rebecca Trissel. Row Two: Linda Rice, Norma Stark, Audrey Caudell, Gwen Halford, Joy Rippstein.

GAMMA— Back Row: Sally Cockrell, Gloria Starling, Kathy Phelps, Lucille Weathers, Frances Lewis, Ann Briggs.

K A PPA — Front Row: Margaret Breen, Sharon West, Nancy Humphreys, Ruby Phillips. LAM BDA— Row Two: Marsha Menefee, Louise Williams, Glenna Zell, Esther Cody, Ernestine Cantu.

Back Row: Sherry Dudney, Sheryl Williams, Janis Dawson, Linda Coale, Lynda Harris, Carol Wright,


SIGMA— Front Row: Pauline Lewis, Darlene Levack, Kerry Dawson, Sharon Curtis, Carolyn Witcher. Row Two: Elaine Young, Marilyn Rose, Joyce Vore, Pat Dixon. ZETA— Back Row:

Marlys Fox, Ann Brakebill, Rebekah Meador, Connie Beeson, Sue Carpenter, Sheryl Diamond, Sandi Standefer, Marsha Ball.

KAREN Frickel watches anxiously to see which team will win possession of the jump ball.



Team Plays Second Season of Varsity Tennis The men s varsity tennis team played a ten match schedule this spring against Phillips University, St. G regory's, O klahoma Christian College, Oklahom a Baptist University, and

Oklahom a City University freshm an team. The outlook for a strong team next spring is bright since five of the seven team members are freshmen.

TENNIS— Front Row: Dr. Rhodes, Coach; Brad Moore, Carl Shride, Bob Simms. Back Row: John Schendel, Galen Hufman, Paul Dix, Reg Hamman.



Many New Records Set At ’64 Track Day Track Day 1964 was highlighted by the setting of several new records. Don Bourne reduced the mile run record to 4 min. 53.8 sec. Setting a new discus mark at 118' 1 1" was Tom Richards. The 880 yard run was made by Jim Wolstenholm in 2 min. 10 sec. Johnny Rose put the 220 yard dash record at 2 1 .6 sec., w hile Glen Messer cleared I T 5W ' in breaking the pole vault record. Lambda set a new 880 yard relay record of 1 min. 41. 4 sec. Although rain threatened to stop the action, it never became preventative and close competition amidst the record setting provoked great excitement among the spectators.

PREPARING to release the shotput is Vernon Brandt, Sigma.

GARY Banz looks as though he’s heading for the sand after clearing the high jump.

FATIGUE can be seen in the faces of Jim Wolstenholm, Dick Bond, and David Green as they near the end of the V2 mile run.


DON Morgan waits for the signal to release Johnny Rose, Ron Phillips, and Charley Jones in the first lap of a relay race.

TAUT muscles successfully.






the discus


------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

Gamma ________________ ___________

2 7 V2

Kappa ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Lambda _______________________________________ Sigm a Zeta


__________________________________________ 8


TRAINING and concentration enabled Babs Burnett to set a new record of 13.1 seconds in the 100-yard dash.



^tutient life

THE CAMPUS takes on a different aspect when seen from a helicopter cockpit.

The Beautiful BNC Campus Welcomes Students 288


THE STUDENT UNION frontage is enhanced by the sparkling jets of water spouting out of the reflector fountain.

LEAFLESS trees were silver glazed by an early morning freeze.

ICE-COATED needles gave this evergreen a porcu­ pine appearance.


WINTER bleakness didn’t discourage this BNC co-ed from having her picture taken to send to “ the boy back home.”

BN C’ers Enjoy Campus in Sun, Rain, and Cold SUMMER sun traced a leafy pattern on campus walks to provide shady sauntering for restless students.

AN OPEN classroom window revealed BNC’ers hurrying to classes on a bright winter day.

. . . but it was Glenna Zell peeking shyly from behind her protective shield.

ART students Ray Riggs and Letricia Spires shared a comfortable seat on the g rasSy front lawn while sketching.

Registration, Book Exchanges Signal Classes

GLEAMING brightly through the darkness are the silent lights of the library.

LYING still, under their canvas shrouds were the stately letters “ BNC” surround­ ing the Lamp of Learning.


COMPETING for supremacy were the dancing flame of the Lamp and the milky luster of an autumn moon.

STUDENTS file slowly through the Office of the Registrar in an effort to complete the registration round.

Llo,yd Bailey seemed to enjoy loading Sally anc^ Lucille with textbooks.

HUMMING with activity, the Drag was filled with frustrated students attempting to complete the sixteen hundred forms (maybe a few less!) required by the business office.



THREE times a day, seven days a week, four weeks a month, nine months a year, the meeting place for chatter and companionship is the college dining hall.

Campus Dining Hall Affords Food and Fun AFTER you have your food, all you need is a place to eat it— right, fellows? MARGARET W ALLACE and Faye Bancroft “ dagwood” their Friday hamburgers.

Camera Caught Class Sponsors Unaware

JAUNTILY trudging toward his “ home” on Faculty Row is the loved and familiar figure of Dr. Floyd.

TAKING a break from the weary routine of classes, Prof. Rairdon contemplates over a cup of Wigwam coffee.

DR. COBURN may do a psychological study on the behavior of swans.


DOES Dr. Tame always observe his students in this manner?

ABLE fingers nimbly search the card catalogue in preparation for term paper work.


A PORTRAIT of scholarship — two fellows studying with no female distractions in sight!

MAKING use of the convenience of bound periodicals is studious Barbara McDaniel.


M m

KEN THOMPSON seemed the proverbial bookworm as he used the library shelves for a backrest.

Many Hours Are Spent Within Library Walls KAYLEEN tracks down a recent magazine article; the paper indicates she was having a little difficulty!

PORING intently over his subiect matter, Dick Sales crouched in the library aisle in the only seat he could find.

A FAVORITE hang-out is the Wigwam, where studying, gossiping, or flirting may all be carried on. Eating, too!

MIGHTY little Phil released his aggression on a helpless ping-pong pa!P

THE LATEST recreational activity is the after-dinner orange throw, demonstrated by Bobby Lewis.

DAVID PENN made another fruitless search of his empty mailbox.

Variety Classifies Student Union Activities ED, Robert, A1 and Bob were entranced by the melodies provided by guitarist Bob Smith.

RONNIE HILL appreciates the Echo, but he had a little difficulty locating the faculty boxes.

Editor Distributes Paper,- Supper A Success of th^papei^’ld^^'sfmn^onTI^Itob sfm mTrlcei^ed^opfes flom edito? Linda Burchett.

DRAW ING lay-outs for the 1965 ARROW was industrious Jolene InSle-

BEANS, bread, chicken, and potato chips were cherrily served by Brad, Tom, Dale, and Paul at the annual Circle-K Chicken Supper.

OUR own Dale Bond listens to a contribution of an out-oftown guest at the Circle-K Regional Workshop held on our campus.

CIRCLE-K turned Paint Crew, trying out their skill on trash barrels.

ORVILLE JENKINS MC’ed the Workshop dinner while those attending patiently waited to eat.

CHERYE got some assistance as she warned the ’49 Alums to prepare for a dunking.

PROPHSCYING the doom of the Alumni was this victorious “ Redskin.”


JANICE and Sandy used some unusual equipment to prepare for the Chateau dans l’arbor.


CAUGHT sampling refreshments at the Snowbarger Hall dedication, hosts and host­ esses Dale, Gaylia, Wayne, and Donna practiced their most winning smiles.

Dummies and Corsages Evidenced Homecoming

SANDY appreciated Allen’s joke as they ate in the Student Council restaurant.

HARD-WORKING Brad puts the finishing touches on his short-lived advertising poster for a coming Culture Series program.

THE POW ERFUL voice of Robert Hale rang through Fine Arts as he presented a musical concert.



lecturer Robert Cohen willingly answered

student’s questions about the Castro regime.

A Cappella Members Board Bus for Spring Tour

TINY Linda Sodowsky stretched for the pedals as she performed at a Fine Arts program.

OKLAHOMA motorcaders enjoyed the afternoon concert presented by the college band.

MARCIA played the newest invention in musical instruments.


LESTA concentrated on her music as she took an organ lesson amidst the stage clutter.

BROWN DERBIES, bow ties, and garters make a marked change in the appearance of the Pep Band.

Music Emphasis Includes Water Bottle, Derbies

EVERY nine weeks students face the inevitable . . .

. . . BOB HAMMANN soberly receives his grade reports.


GLENDA and Mike rehearsed their roles as Mary and Joseph as other students decorated for the Christmas Banquet.

TRIMMING the Christmas tree was a meticulous task for Nancy, Linda, and Glenda.

PROFESSORS aren’t such old fogies after all! A group of them enjoyed conversing at the All-School Banquet.

Couples Around Campus Are A Frequent Sight

MIKE was proud of his date at the Heart-Pal Banquet.

THE STUDENT UNION lounge provided a place of quiet togetherness for Marty and R. J.

LESLIE W right was rewarded for his efforts by a successful missionary retreat.

ALL-NIGHT studying was reflected by Connie Beeson as she reached tiredly for her attendance slap.

Chapel, Twirp Week, Hayrides Come Yearly

THESE girls came early to get a seat for the favorite afternoon soap opera, “ As the World Turns.”

GIRLS wanting a date with one of these fellows . . .

EMPTY cups were Faculty reception.




the Freshman-

ORVILLE’S fan club (Glenda) laughed heartily at his jokes at the Junior class hayride.

. . . could get one during Twirp Week by deciding, which feet belong to whom.


College Opens Doors of Many Shapes, Sizes

GARY Hermance paused skeptically on the Fine Arts threshold,

DARLENE sadly bound traveler.



Stuco, Drag Reflect Campus Personality

SWINGING from the greeted a winter sun.


Student Union


Sue smilingly

JENNIE WILSON is a popular person when she’s handing out chapel attendance slips.

EVEN cowboy Jim is a gentleman at BNC! PEOPLE like Terry always interest photographers

STUCO members contemplated a new proposal made by prexy Dick.

Spring Fever Besets Students in Many Ways

THE FIRST days of spring were enjoyed by Jane Peterson with a game of catch . . .

. . . David Walker expressed his feelings in a sidewalk handstand . . .


• • • and Donna worked hard to meet the ARROW deadline,

Bu^^^Wn^n^^a^singmoccaSon£Uly°ToresurTey Sthe girls on the walk below.




CATHY JEFFRIES looks resignedly at Prof. Bowman as he assigns her the nothernmost part of town for the United Appeal Drive.

° bStade C° U1'Se l° make * l° the ARR° W

Faces In The Crowd .

Student m


Ifflfjat is lim e ? Ih e shaboto on tfte bial, t(je striking of the clock, the running of the sanb bap anb night, summer anb tointer, months, pears, centuries these are hut arhitrarp anb outtoarb signs, the measure of lim e, not lame itself. lim e is the life of the Soul. Hongfeiioto



p. -


Advertising Directory Abernathy, Texas _______________ 357 Abilene District _________________371 Alum ni ------------------376 Arlington, Texas, East Park --------- 353 Augusta, Kansas F ir s t ____________ 358 Austin, Texas, Grace ____--------------- 374 Belle Chasse, Louisiana, West Bank ______________ 362 Bethany, Oklahom a, Calvary --------369 Bethany, Oklahom a, First ____332, 333 Bethany Nazarene College --------- 329 Bethany, Oklahom a, W illiam s Memorial ____________348 Carnegie, Oklahom a _________ __ 359 Cushing, Oklahom a _____________ 359 Dallas, Texas, Central ----------------- 337 Dallas District _____________________366 Dallas, Texas, South Oak C liff ------362 Dallas, Texas, Trinity _________ ____353 Durant, Oklahom a, First --------------- 350 El Dorado, Kansas ________________363 Freeport, Texas _________________364 Fort Smith, Arkansas, First _______ 363

Anthony, C. R. Co. ____ 386 Arts Barber Shop _______ 391 Ayers, R. T. Chevrolet ___________391 Banz, Weldon K., Insurance, Dallas 380, 381 Bates Shoes _________ 393 Bethany Flower Shop ___________385 Bethany Medical Center ___________377 Bethany Paint and Appliance ____ 388 Brown-McClure Lumber Co. ______394 Curtis Studios ____ 392 Don's Pharmacy ____________ 390


Greenville, Texas _______________ 364 Guym on, Oklahom a ____________ 352 Hastings, Nebraska, First ________ 360 Henryetta, Oklahom a, First ______336 Hugoton, Kansas _______________ 362 Houston, District _______________ 346 Hutchinson, Kansas, First __________358 Independence, Kansas, First ______342 JopNn, District __________________ 370 Kansas City, Mo., Argentine ____ 375 Kansas District __________________ 330 Kingston, Missouri ______________ 364 Lincoln, Nebraska, First _______ 354 Little Rock, Arkansas, First _______ 340 Little Rock, Arkansas, Westwood 363 Nacogdoches, Texas _____________ 355 Nebraska District _______________ 343 Nebraska District N YPS _________ 360 Norman, Oklahom a, F ir s t ________ 354 North Arkansas District _________ 341 North Little Rock, Arkansas, First __334 Northeast Oklahom a District ____ 367 Northwest Oklahom a District 372, 373

_______ ____392 Don Self's Pharmacy Eagan Plumbing __________ 386 First National Bank, Bethany ____ 383 Gilbert Clinic ___________________ 379 Graham's Furniture _________ 393 Hal Owen Photographers ________ 384 Hasty Laundry ____ 390 Humpty Dumpty _________________392 Kraker's ______________ 393 Little's C le a n e rs__________ 392 Lurry O ffice Supplies ____________ 385 Macrory T e x a c o __________________ 375

Oklahom a City Britton __________ 356 Oklahom a City First ____________ 344 Oklahom a City Lakeview Park ____337 Oklahom a City M eridian Park __ 368 Oklahom a City Penn. A ve. _____ 359 Oklahom a City Trinity __________ 351 Paradise, Kansas _______________ 356 Plainview , Kansas ______________ 374 Ponca City, Oklahom a, F ir s t 345 Salina, Kansas, First _____________ 361 San Antonio District _____________ 338 Sapulpa, Oklahom a _____________ 335 Shreveport, Louisiana, Queensborough ______________ 362 Southeast Oklahom a District ____ 365 Southwest Oklahom a District ____ 347 St. Joseph, Missouri _____________ 359 S ylvia, Kansas, Pleasant Hill ____ 355 Texarkana, Texas, First _________ 353 Topeka, Kansas, First ____________ 349 Topeka, Kansas, O akland ________ 364 Tulsa, Oklahom a Central __________356 Wichita, Linwood _______________ 361

O'M ealey's _________ 391 Payne's O ffice Supplies _________ 387 Porter's Flowers ____ 389 Student Union ____ ..________ 378 Tom Smith Conoco ____ ____394 Unique Cafe ___________________ 389 Up-to-Date Cleaners _____________ 387 ______382 Vaughan, Fred Com pany W ehrenberg Drug ____________ 393 Westmoreland, State Farm Mutual 388

Bethany Nazarene College Bethany, Oklahoma

(1) Toprovide quality education in an atmosphere that is spiritually motivated and that keeps eternal values in focus; (2) To lead young people to Christ so that, whatever vocation they pursue, they will he examples of Christ­ ian faith and service.

BETHANY NAZARENE COLLEGE, situated on a thirty-acre campus, ten miles northwest of the heart of Oklahoma City, serves the seven-state West Central Educational Zone. Her 56 faculty members, 25 of whom have earned doctoral degrees, gave academic and spiritual leadership to a total of 1,651 students in the 1964-65 academic year. Academic training includes twenty-two departments within these six divisions:- Education and Psychology, Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Philosophy and Religion, and Social Sciences. Degrees offered are Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music Education, and Master of Arts. Two-year certificate programs are offered in religion and secretarial science. Professional programs lead to further study in medicine, dentistry, nursing, law, business administration, engineering, and seminary. B.N.C. is a fully accredited institution by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and the Board of Education for the State of Oklahoma.

To Continue Our God-given Responsibility in Holiness Education, Bethany Nazarene College Must Enlist the Loyal and Sacrifical Support of All Who Share in These Ideals and Have Faith in These Vital Programs for Christian Young People.

We Invite You to Join Wholeheartedly in This Task!



Lakeview Park Church of the Nazarene

Paul Turner, Minister of Rel. Ed.

Melvin 0. Unruh, Minister of Music 331

BETHANY ( III Ill'll o Dr. M. Harold Daniels, Pastor



hi! M U I R John Clark, Minister of Christian Education Don Morgan, Minister of Youth Frank McConnell, Minister of Visitation Dr. Oscar F. Reed, Minister of College Relations Lester L. Dunn, Minister of Music Judy Payne, Financial Secretary Edna Baker, Church Office Secretary


C-H U RGH NAZAL-ENT 21st a n d M a p le , N O R T H


OUR STUDENTS Jerry Beam Lois Bleakley Harold Lloyd Frances Lewis Grayson Lucky Kay Smalling Fay Smalling

Mrs. M. D. Hooper, N.F.M.S. President

Congratulates the class of 65



L. Eugene Plemons, Pastor

Gerald Will iams, Minister of Music





B O O S T I N G OUR C O L L E G E E. H . Sanders, Pastor

M rs. E. H . Sanders, N .F.M .S. President

B ob D onaldson, Sunday-School Supt.

B o b b y R o d g e r s , N.Y.P.S. President


Boosting B.N.C.

With Prayers Youth Finance

B E R N A R D S M IT H S. S. S u perintendent R O L A N D E L L IS N .Y .P.S.' President M R S. E D N A K U Y K E N D A L L N .F .M .S. President

FI RST C H U R C H of the N A Z A R E N E C o r n e r of 8th a n d T r u d g e o n HENRYETTA,


OUR SENIOR Illlil®! illll


E llen Snowder


David F. Krick, Pastor



B .N .C .






of the N A Z A R E N E


4105 V I CT OR


T E L E P H O N E T A y l o r 7- 4293








Anita Allen

Edwin White

Glenda Smith


Rev. Clyde E. Ammons, Pastor

Janet Locke

Ken McWilliams 337










DISTRICT Congratulations to the Class of 1965

M RS. A. M I L T O N S M I T H

A. M I L T O N S M I T H

N.W.AA.S. President

District Superintendent



N .Y .P .S . President

C h u r c h Schools C h a ir m a n

From the Heart of Texas THE S AN A N T O N IO DISTR|CT


Jam es C. Hester District Supt.

A D V ISO RY BOARD O dell Brown, W illard Hubbard J. W. Setliff, Carroll Phillips DISTRICT OFFICERS W. M. Lynch, Church School Board Bud Garber, N YPS President A vis Lynch, NWMS President




OUR STUDENTS REV. BOYD C. HANCOCK District Superintendent



REV. JACK DELL Church Schools Chairman


First Church of the Nazarene


greetings t

row the



Whitcomb Harding, District Superintendent

Hiram Sanders, Church School Board Chair

Bill Shipman, Managing Editor and Cub Reporter, District Digest.

Stanly Gerboth, N.Y.P.S. President

Mrs. George Mowry N.F.M.S. President

Treas. W. E. Eigsti

Sec. B. D. Proffitt


Congratulations to the Class of ’6


Congratulates the class of ’65


Rev. L. J. Minkler Pastor

Our Students

Stan Muller

Karen Maker

Ponce Briscoe

Dub Morgan


HOUSTON DISTRICT “The Manned-Spacecraft Control Center of the World”

Congratulates Bethany Nazarene College and The Class of ’65


N.W.M.S. President: Mrs. W. Raymond McClung District Advisory Board: Hugh B. Dean John L. Harrison T. Frank Thompson John Bundy

Chairman District Church School Board: Frank J. Kemendo District N.Y.P.S. President: Hollis Underwood District Treasurer Dwight J. Bolton District Secretary: Frank J. Kemendo “Announcer” Editor: C. Kenneth Sparks



In the Power of the Spirit EVANGELIZE NAZARENE WORLD MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. W. T. Johnson, District President “BEHOLD HE COMETH”


WIN NAZARENE CHURCH SCHOOLS Rev. Carl Summer, District Chairman “MARCH TO A MILLION” “WE ARE LABORERS TOGETHER” W. T. Johnson, District Superintendent

Southwest Oklahoma District

g t e t Chufcck ojj the Jlfaga/tene Hot Springs, Arkansas -t i t

W ith a M ission of Hope a Message of Holiness Wilbur W. Brannon Minister


Williams Memorial Church of the Nazarene F l o / d W . R o w e , Pastor Arston V . W o o d s , M i n is t e r o f E d u c a t io n T il im a n E b y , M i n is t e r o f Y o u t h

L a r r y M c K a y , N . Y . P . S . P r e s id e n t M r s . D o r o t h y L u g i n b y h l , N . W . M . P res. P rofessor J . R a ym o nd P a r k e r , M i n . M u s ic

M a r v in L . S t o n e , S . S . S u p t .

B E S T W I S H E S F O R C L A S S O F 1965 A N D B E T H A N Y N A Z A R E N E C O L L E G E


Rev. Ralph G. Jared Pastor

Rev. Robert F. Gaut Minister of Ed.


B .N .C .

First Church of the Nazarene 1001

B uchan an Street

T o p e k a , K a n sa s

‘ The Church that Sings”

R. J. Blankenship

Carol Fortner, N.Y.P. Pres. Winifred Malin, N.F.M.S. Pres.

Robert Smoker, S. S. Supt. Alex Cubie, Chorister

Raymond Briggs, Jr.

First Church of the Nazarene Lawrence, Kansas SUPPORTING B.N.C. WITH PRAYER, FIN A N CES A N D


Students not pictured: Shiela Blevins, Carol Pres­ ley, Jim Presley.

Rev. Paul Cleckner, Minister of Youth and Education Ray June, S. S. Supt. Joan Crew, N.W.M.S. Pres. Pat Frye, N.Y.P.S. Pres.

R. W. Crew Pastor 349

First Church of the Nazarene Conway, Arkansas

Jack Dell Pastor

C^onc^ra tu la ti ons to E M C .



‘W e are am ong you as one w ho serves’

TRINITY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1335 SW 29th St. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

New Remodeled Church


REV. R. L. SUMNER, Pastor


F ly, Singing Church d rien NOW




COLLEGE. Bruce Hebard, Kayla Bower, Claudia Calhoun, Rita Garman, Gloria Sherrill, Dale Owen, Jim Murphy, Sandra Aduddell, Wilson Way, Dave Rice, Barbara Tipton, Don Fowler.

W e welcome the opportunity to serve Bethany N azarene College, her faculty and her student body.


Class of ’65!

Pennsylvania Avenue Church of the Nazarene North Pennsylvania at West Park Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Marvin E. Powers, Pastor W. K. Garrett, S.S. Superintendent Alta Miller, NWMS President Jerry Hull, NYPS President

A Church with a message of hope in the age of despair


Cushing CHURCH



Robert Weathers, Pastor Cushing, Oklahoma C ontra tu la


Class Of 1965

From the Panhandle Magic Empire

Guymon, Oklahoma Church of the Nazarene

Salutes Bethany Nazarene College and congratulates the Class of ’65


J. Reyndal Russell, Pastor W. J. Bryan, S. S. Superintendent Mrs. W. J. Bryan, N.W.M.S. President Max Tomlinson, Youth Director and N.Y.P.S. President


East Park Church of the Nazarene A RLIN G TO N , TEXA S 2222 E. Park Row

<0T/tintty Cfvu/tefi


the cAfaga/tene

3 4 1 5 South Polk


D a lla s, Te xa s 3 Miles South of Six Flags


Robert H. Green Pastor



Sue G rant



E la in e A n g lin o

SUPPORTING BETHANY: T h e E ntire C hurch


F 1965 R obert B. W illiam s, Pastor

fffir s t

(fL u rc h

c iz c tr e n e

Brown and Eighth Texarkana, Texas OUR STUDENTS

Pastor: R. B. K E LLY

'Texarkana, Texas, First Church is proud of our Anita Kelly

Bethany Nazarene College"

Ed Braddock Ron Phillips

(not pictured)


(d o n c^ra tu la tio n d a n d (l^edt 'IdJished to th e Cdla5$ o ^ *65

J. RAY SHADO W ENS Minister ROGER STRONG Minister of Music LO NN IE FUSON Sunday School Superintendent LLOYD POSEY N.Y.P.S. President MRS. EARL BROWN N.W.M.S. President OUR STUDENTS: V irginia Chesney Mark Townsend Delores Shadowens Lynda Hames Curtis Johnston


C^lun'cli o i

a z a re n e


Boosting B.N.C. with Prayer - Youth - Finances W. E. Heizer, Minister

Larry Ganshorn Jim Olson Harold Olson Nancy Proffitt Mary Dorn Jennie Wilson Jessie Wilson



OUR STUDENTS Lynn Anneler Eddie Etchison Ron Etchison Don Etchison Norman Snowbarger ; Merna Banz Gary Banz


Pleasant Hill Church of the Nazarene Sylvia, Kansas



Pastor, Ralph Wright Billy Childs

“Supporting B.N.C. with our PrayersStudents - Offerings” Rav Fore




Church of the Nazarene 900 N. Western

Church of the Nazarene

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Paradise, Kansas

Where College Students Feel At Home O U R STUDENTS

Jack L. Thompson, Pastor DAVID ROBERTS, Sunday School Superintendent

Don Landis Kenneth Steilow Marilyn Wirth Wolstenholm

Hardy Weathers, Minister of Music

Tulsa Central Church of the Nazarene Congratulations to the Class of 1965 OUR STUDENTS: Nancy Garrison, Linda Ladd, Reid Rogers

Many Former B. N. C. Students Attend Tulsa Central Church ERNEST ARM STRONG, Pastor


Abernathy Church of the Nazarene Abernathy, Texas


1’ r

Joyce Spnliell

Dennis Hall

James H. Robertson Pastor

It’s so new we can’t even show you a picture of it yet . . . But watch next year’s ARROW for our completely new church plant. As always, we will be standing behind Bethany Nazarene College.

FIRST CHURCH of the NAZARENE 46 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas

H. B. Dean, Pastor




Hutchinson First Church of the Nazarene 211 East 4th — Hutchinson, Kansas

HAROLD TAYLOR S. S. Superintendent GLEN EPP N.Y.P.S. President LEOTA HENRY N.W.M.S. President BETTY STREET Musical Director

W. A. STRONG Pastor

“ Breaking the Bread of Life in the H eart of the N ation’

First Church of the Nazarene Augusta, Kansas

Rev. Amos Williams Pastor

Marcia Williams Student 358

1010 Osage Congratulations to the class of 1965

yTi/tst Ckiw,h oh tke Jdafiaitme 22nd and Pacific SAINT JOSEPH, MISSOURI KANSAS CITY DISTRICT

SUPPORTS Rev. Keith G. Taylor


Robert Hurlbut



Bob Williams, Jr.

Christine Taylor

Donna Williams

Jan White

Bob Williams, Pastor

C ^ o n c jra tu lc itL o n i C a la is



Nebraska District Motorcade Supporting BNC with it’s NYPS NYPS OFFICERS CONGRATULATIONS BNC AND CLASS OF ’65 Stanley Gerboth President

William Campbell Vice President

R. T. Bolerjack Secretary

James Christy Treasurer

Hastings Church of the Nazarene Hastings, Nebraska Fifth and Saunders Streets

Larry Meddles Junior

Mariys Fox Freshman

Karen Schrenk Sophomore

Roberta Kissinger Freshman

James Tapley — Pastor

Joyce Carpenter Freshman


WE SUPPORT BETHANY with our prayers, budgets and students

Wilmer Eigsti Freshman

C O N G R A T U LA T IO N S T O B. N .C . /



'^ L tU X J G G O

u tch G

i h e ^ / a!zcLt(2.n.G

E. Harry and Greenwood Marsha Ball

Carnel Miller

Susan Walker

Wichita, Kansas C. MARSELLE KNIGHT, Pastor JAMES BURNETT, Associate

3 Present Students and 20 Former Students Are Proud of


.5 tVd/ (C hurch

lazarene o p th e Ifja

Eleventh and Prescott Salina, Kansas

G erry Dunkin

Wendell Miller Pastor

Mrs. J. D. Beck N.F.M.S. Pres.

Larry Billings S. S. Supt.

Robert Mauck N.Y.P.S. Pres.

Diana Lively 361

BestWishes to the Class of 1965

W est Bank Church Of The Nazarene

the J[ja^aitene

Q u een sb o/iou g {i C L /t c fi

Corner Mission Avenue and Frederick Shreveport, Louisiana

Belle Chasse, La.

1 OUR STUDENTS Jerry Burdine Shelby Durr Lorraine Durr Ivis Durr Donald Hamlet Sandra Merritt Mary Rose Pack Rev. M. M. Snyder

S. S. Supt. Woodrow Berry Former N.Y.P.S. President of Old Western Oklahoma District & Dallas District

H. M. FOSTER, Pastor

Congratulations to the Class of ’65 Congratulations to the Class of ’65

South Oak Cliff Church of the Nazarene 1442 Overton Road Dallas, Texas

Church of the Nazarene Hugoton, Kansas


Carl L. Soliday Pastor

Paul Sclum S. S. Supt.

EVANGELISTIC! Pastor, Rev. H. F. Crews

Mrs. T. V. Bentley N.W.M.S. Pres.


Mrs. Robert Benear N.Y.P.S. Pres.

S. S. Supt., Jack Martin N.Y.P.S. Pres. Barbara Morrison N.F.M.S. Pres. Mrs. Joyce Brending



The First Church of The Nazarene North Platte, Nebraska George L. M owry, Pastor Mr. O. E. Beeson, Sunday School Superintendent Mrs. Harold Crow , W .N.S. President Mrs. Lloyd Speicher, N.Y.P.S. President

Harold E. Jones Our Pastor

Donna Jones Our Student OUR STUDENTS

Congratulates the class of ’65 C ^Lurcli

th e

f l alazarene

North St. & Blair Avenue Fort Sm ith, A rk a n sa s

Our 1965 Congratulations to BNC and our student, Cherye Thevenet.

Westwood Church of the Nazarene 8501 Asher Ave. Little Rock, Ark. Agnes W. Diffee, Pastor

OUR STUDENTS Gail Moody Shirley Smith C. Frank Beckett Pastor 363


Oakland Church of the Nazarene 934 N. Michigan, Topeka, Kansas

Church of

— J im Tracy, Pastor —

the Nazarene


Jo y Baggerly

Ja ck Barnard Carol Ireland

Fran Cotton


“ God bless Bethany Nazarene College.”





First Church of the Nazarene 3620 Washington St. Greenville, Texas


Charles C. McMinn, Pastor

Our Students


Willis Bailey

D. S. Littlefield, Pastor 364

Jean Martin


Southeast Oklahoma District




PAUL H. GARRETT, District Superintendent W. L. (BUDDY) LITTLE, District N.Y.P.S. President ROBERT G. NIELSON, Church School Chairman MRS. CLYDE E. AMMONS, N.F.M.S. President

North East Oklahoma District


Rev. E. H. Sanders

District Superintendent

Chairman Church School Board


Rev. Robert L. Griffin N.Y.P.S. President

N.W .M .S. President





Boosting Bethany Nazarene College REV. NOBLE HATHAW AY Minister

100 %


OFFERS a Sane, Rugged, Scriptural Ministery an Attractive Musical Programe an Outreach for Ministerial and Missionary Students

Bible Holiness Our Emphasis



DEAN BA LD W IN District Superintendent


Not pictured: Steve Paris Rollin Gilliland Wally Williams Carol Wright Carolyn Price

C ^ ongratufations to (13. l^ j. 370

The 100 Churches of the

ABILENE DISTRICT (Northwest Texas) S a l u t e s :

• 1965 Graduates of B.N.C. • The 72 students from Abilene District • The Missionary Pastor of the 100th Church, Wedgewood, Ft. Worth Organized Feb. 28, 1965

Rev. and Mrs. Melvin McCullough (1961) Pioneer Pastor of the 100th Church

15 of the 72 B.N.C. Students

Raymond Hurn (1943) District Supt.



Harry L. Craddock

W. J. Bryan

L. N. Gilbert

Dr. Paul MacCror Alumni Rep.

M. Harold Daniels

Jerald Locke, Dist. Supt. Fred Floyd, Sec.

Don Danskin, Treas.

E. Roy Darden M. Harold Daniels


NORTHWEST OKI J. Reyndal Russell J. Walter Hall Linda Darden N.Y.P.S. COUNCIL

Howard Culbertson

Carl Powers, Pres.


J. D. Dorough

George D. Andrews

Don Morgan

Harold Blankenship

J. Paul Turner

Don Fitzgerald


Jerald R. Locke

Mrs. D. R. Danskin

Mrs. John Yarbroujrh

Mrs. Darrell Slack

Mrs. Noble Hathaway

J. Reyndal Russell

Mrs. Jerald Locke, Pres.

Mrs. J. Walter Hall Mrs. Harold Blankenship

Mrs. J. Reyndal Russell

Mrs. Ellis Lewis

Mrs. Emma M. Pierce


- With Prayers - Students and Finance CHURCH SCHOOL BOARD

Congratulations Class of 1965

Don Schuneman

J. Reyndal Russell

Carl Powers

Harold Mullins

Bill Draper

E. Roy Darden, Chairman

First Church of the Nazarene Plainview, Texas


• • •


as proposed

Salutes the ’65 Graduates Backs the college with students, finances, prayers Congratulates the college in its progressiveness

ORVEL MURRAY, Superintendent MILDRED McGUIRE, N.W.M.S. President JERRY ROSE, N.Y.P.S. President

Donis Clanton

Johnny Rose

Q/tace Cfiu/icfi o{

Nathan Grimes


Austin, Texas

Over 30 former B.N.C. Jimmy Blankenship Pastor

Students now attending Grace Church.

Collegiate Quartet of 1978 • Gregory Simmons — Son of Dred and Joanne (Class of 60) • Brent Mowry — Son of Jim and Clara (Class of 56) Left to right:

• Tim Knight — Son of Lester and Pat (Class of '57) • Jakie Blankenship -


Son of Jake and Helen


M acrory Texaco

28th & Metropolitan Kansas City, Kansas

p Pastor Rev. Adam Hoffpavir

Student Tom Tinker

Music: Douglas Barnett S.S. Supt.: David Reed N.F.M.S.: Mrs. Adam Hoffpavir N.Y.P.S.: Tim Tinker


4301 N. Rockwell SU 9-7774




LINDA LADD editor GARY BANZ bus. mgr.

REG HAMMAN photographer

Dp p ^ A0? t^ tCE ED1E SNELL co-editors


B e th a n y

B e th a n y ,

N a za re n e O k la h o m a

C o lle g e

73008 375

The Alumni Association of Beth'any Nazarene College elcomes the graduates and students of 196 1-6.) into a rewarding lifetime of Christian fellowship and service.




John Bumpus, President


N. Bernard Lorette, Vice President Joy Beaver, Secretary Florence Lundy, Treasurer



Paul Macrory, Trustee Representative Jack Rairdon, Historian Fred Vaughan, Foundation Chairman Bill Draper, Past President Gordon C. Wickersham, Coordinator

Congratulations Class of ’65


Paul D. Macrory, M.D. David Rutledge, M.D. Roger A. James, M.D.

H t P .n t f'J I l

r .£ t T £ I



l ^




w ]em oria f ^Student



r e d e n t 6




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Congratulations to the Class of 1/9 9 5 r



from the doctors of the Gilbert Clinic Leon N. Gilbert

Kenneth G. Ogg

Lawrence E. Silvey

J. Dudley Powers




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ACHESON, SANDRA WEISINGER Zeta; Society Cheerleader, Sec.-Trea.; SEA; Dorm President; Arrow S taff; Honor Society. ANESI, DEANNA MARIE Gamma; Psychology Club; Prayer and Fasting. APPLE, JERRY DALE Kappa; Ministerial Association. BEAM, GERALD W AYNE Sigma; Society President, Vice-President, Play Cast; All-Star Football; Archery, Volleyball; Dorm Presi­ dent; Ministerial Association; Missionary Emphasis League; Honor Society. BEARD, KATHY TAYLOR Sigma, Girls’ Atheltic Director; S E A ; A Cappella. BENSON, BETTY JEAN K appa; Psychology Club; Secretary, Missionary Em­ phasis League; Secretary, Prayer and Fasting; Christian Workers Association; Mission Crusaders; Religious Organizations Council, Secretary; Dorm Chaplain; W ho’s W ho; AWS Regulatory Council; Second Vice-President of Student Body. BLANKENSHIP, R. J. Sigma; Society President, Vice-President; Treasurer, Ministerial Association; AMS Treasurer; Circle K ; Junior Class Vice-President; Intramural Council; Honor Society; transfer, University of Kansas. BLEAKLEY, LOIS MARIE Zeta; S E A ; Social Science Club. BOND, RICHARD DALE Kappa; Vice-President, Literary Club; Treasurer, Circle K ; Sophomore Stuco Representative; Echo E ditor; Student Body President; W ho’s W h o; Prayer and Fasting; Missionary Emphasis League; Minister­ ial Association; Nazarene Evangelistic Ambassador; Track, Football. BRANDES, ROBERT W. Sigma; Biology Club. BRANDES, SANDRA STAPLETON Sigma; Home Economics Club. BROWNFIELD, MELVIN KEITH Alpha; Biology Club; Psychology Society.



BROYLES, SHIRLEY DARLENE Sigma; SEA, Social Chairman; Literary Club; Phi Beta Lambda; AWS, Judicial Board; Sigma Play; Prayer and Fasting; FBLA. BUCHANAN, ERNESTINE JEANETTE Lam bda; S E A ; Prayer and Fasting. BUCHANAN, TERRY CRAIG Sigma; Softball; Ministerial Association; Prayer and Fasting. CASH, BAR BARA JEAN Sigma; Social Science Club; Literary Club; SE A ; Honor Society; Prayer and Fasting. CHAPLIN, MERVIN LEE Kappa; Ministerial Association; Missionary Emphasis League; Mission Crusaders; Prayer and Fasting; Honor Society; transfer, Vennard College.

CHISUM, LORNA MAE Zeta; Society Cheerleader, Secretary; Redskin Cheer­ leader; All-Star Volleyball, Basketball; Sophomore AW S Representative, AWS Council; W RA President; Secretary, PEM M ; S E A ; Missionary Emphasis League; Dorm Vice-President, Secretary; Senior Class Treasurer; Prayer and Fasting. COOK, DORIS ANN Sigm a; Treasurer, S E A ; Honor S ociety; Dorm Presi­ dent; Junior Class Treasurer; Homecoming Queen. DAWSON, K ERRY E. Sigm a; Society Program Director, Girls’ Athletic Director; Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton; Vice-President, Social Science Club; Literary Club; S E A ; Echo Queen. DAHL, W AYNE H. Zeta; MENC DUDNEY, SHERRY BENNETTE Lambda; Society Program Chairman; Basketball; S E A ; AWS President; Student Council; MEL; Pray­ er and Fasting; Who’s W ho; Homecoming Queen; Athenas. DURR, C. SHELBY Kappa; Phi Beta Lambda; Dorm Treasurer. EARP, CLAUDIA K AY M ENC; Band; S E A ; Missionary Emphasis League. EHRLICH, JANICE L. Lambda; Society Girls’ Athletic D irector; Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, Softball; Girls’ Most Valuable Player Award; WRA, Softball Chairman; Phi Beta Lambda. ENNS, PHYLLIS JEAN Lambda; SEA. ESKEW, GERALD LYNN Kappa; Phi Beta Lambda. FINE, LARRY D. Zeta; All-Star Basketball; Ministerial Association. FLOWERS, CLARA LUELLA Kappa; S E A ; Band; Prayer and Fasting; Mission Crusaders. FRANKLIN, LESLIE DOUGLAS Alpha; Ministerial Association. FUQUA, L. LAEL Lambda; Phi Beta Lambda; SEA. GANSHORN, LARRY JOE Sigma; Softball; Missionary Emphasis League; Ministerial Association; FB LA ; Gospel Team; AllSchool Play. GOODRICH, JULIA ANN Sigma; Society Program Director; Volleyball; Liter­ ary Club; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honor Society; Athenas; Social Committee; Student Council; Arrow E ditor; W ho’s W h o; Echo Feature Editor; All-School Play; Senior Speech Recital. GUESS, JOHN LEE Sigma; MENC; Honor Society; Band; Prayer and Fasting. 395

HAND, JEANENE RUTH Lambda; SE A ; Literary Club; Basketball, Volleyball. HARMON, ANTHONY W AYNE Zeta; Badminton, Volleyball, Softball, Track, Arch­ ery; Chemistry Club; Physical Science Club; Band; Freshman Math A w ard; Honor Society; NFS Fellowship. HICKS, EVELYN Sigma; Echo S taff; MENC; Orchestra; Business Club. HOCKETT, GILBERT LAVERN Sigma. HOLLOWAY, JANICE ANNE Sigma; FBLA, Vice President; Phi Beta Lambda, President; Beta Psi Chi, President; Social Science Club; Honor Society, Secretary and Treasurer; College Queen; Who’s W ho; Senior Class Secretary; Alpha Lambda Delta; Athenas, President; AWS, Academic Chairman; Prayer and Fasting; Christian Workers Association; Missionary Emphasis League. HORTON, TRUDY Sigma; SEA; Literary Club, Sec.-Treas., President. HOWELL, ERNEST EUGENE Gamma; Football; Chemistry Club; Psychology Club; SEA; Honor Society. HUDSON, ROBERT DEAN (HERC) Sigma; Football; Gospel Team; Prayer and Fasting; Missionary Emphasis League. INGLE, GORDON STAHLY Gamma; All-Star Softball; Basketball, Archery, Volleyball; Ministerial Association; Missionary Em­ phasis League; Mission Crusaders. JETTON, LAVON Sigma; Mission Crusaders; Art Club; Literary Club; SEA. JONES, CHARLES EDWARD Kappa; Society President; Ministerial Association, President; Circle K ; Missionary Emphasis League; Class Chaplain; All-School Athletic Director; AllStar Football, Softball, Basketball, Track; Nazarene Evangelistic Ambassador. JONES, KENNETH D. Zeta; Golf. KELLY, ANITA FAYE Zeta; SE A ; Nu Gamma Chi; Women’s Athletic Club; Honor Society; All-Star Volleyball. KELLY, ARDITH ARLENE Kappa; Honor Society; Alpha Lambda Delta; SEA. LAUBY, JOYCE LEA Kappa; SEA. LAUBY, RICHARD LEE Zeta; Circle K. LIBERTY, BARBARA JEAN Sigma; S E A ; Phi Beta Lambda; Prayer and Fasting. LONG, MARTHA SUE Gamma; SE A ; Psychology Club; Honor Society; Band; Prayer and Fasting; Christian Workers As­ sociation ; Missionary Emphasis League. McCl e l l a n , r o n a l d k e i t h Zeta; Softball; Volleyball; MENC; Band Chaplain, Publicity Chairman; Trombone Quartet. 396

McCLUNG, JAMES DAVID Alpha; Senior Class Vice-President; Phi Beta Lambda, President; Pi Sigma Epsilon; Football, Softball. McNAMES, JUDY ANN Lambda; Home Economics Club, Secretary, Presi­ dent; S E A ; AW S Social Committee; Dorm VicePresident; Archery. McVAY, MACY ELAINE Zeta; S E A ; Mission Crusaders; Prayer and Fasting. MARTIN, PATRICIA SHERILL Lambda; S E A ; Volleyball, Basketball, Softball. MAXEY, LARRY EDWIN Sigma; Vice-President Freshman Class; AMS Regu­ lations Council; Phi Beta Lambda; Circle K ; AllSchool Athletic Director; Society Athletic Director; All-Star Football, Basketball; Softball, Track. MEEK, AN ITA JEAN Zeta; Home Economics Club; Art Club. MENEFEE, CAROLYN K A Y Lambda; S E A ; Phi Beta Lambda, Historian; MENC; Band; Literary Club, Vice-President; Prayer and Fasting; Volleyball, Softball. MILLIGAN, ELVA R A Y Alpha; Physical Science Club; SEA. MOORE, M. KENT Sigma; W ho’s W ho; Circle K ; Honor Society, VicePresident; Biology Club; Debate; Pi Kappa Delta. NICHOLS, JERRY LYNN Kappa; Physical Science Club, Vice-President. NICHOLSON, CALVIN LAWRENCE Kappa; Ministerial Association; Prayer and Fasting. NICKERSON, WILLIAM ROYCE Sigma; Society Vice-President, Treasurer; Phi Beta Lambda. OHSFELDT, RONALD ARTHUR Alpha; Honor Society; Physical Science Club, Presi­ dent; Freshman Physics Award. OHSFELDT, SHARON BALLARD Alpha; Honor Society; Physical Science Club; SE A ; Athenas, Treasurer; Chemistry Award; Alpha Lambda Delta. OWENS, DENNY G. Zeta; Missionary Emphasis League; Ministerial As­ sociation ; Mission Crusaders, Co-Sponsor; Gospel Team; Chairman, College NYPS; Football, Basket­ ball, Softball. PETERSON, JANE Zeta; Society Athletic Director; Phi Beta Lambda, Chaplain; Echo Queen; W RA Intramural A w ard; Circle K Service A w ard; Asst. Editor o f E ch o; AWS Judicial Board, Chairman; Basketball, Softball, Volleyball. PHELPS, LARRY RONALD Sigm a; Society President; Troubador Quartet; A Cappella; Football, Softball, Track. PHILLIPS, RONNIE J. Zeta; Who’s W ho; Third Vice-President o f Student B od y; Intramural Council; S E A ; Social Science Club; Sports Editor, E ch o; Society Athletic D irector; Foot­ ball, Softball, Track.

PRICE, ALTA A. SEA. REEVER, CAROL COLEEN Alpha; S E A ; Honor Society. REITZER, PAULETTE NADINE Lambda; Society Program Director; S E A ; Literary Club; Honor Society; Athenas Editor, Historian; Echo S ta ff; Arrow Staff. RIST, STEPHEN EDWARD Gamma; Ministerial Association. ROBERTS, JUDY DARLENE Kappa; S E A ; Dorm Vice-President; Volleyball. ROBERTSON, DAVE A LLAN Lambda; Honor Society, President; Class President; Outstanding Freshman Award; Who’s W ho; Red­ skins; All-Star Basketball, Softball; Most Valuable Player Award. ROSE, JOHNNY C. Lambda; Society Vice-President, Athletic Director; Circle K ; Phi Beta Lambda; Band; All-Star Football, Basketball Softball, Track, Volleyball. SCHMIDT, TW ILA MAE Lambda; Honor Society; Alpha Lambda Delta, Senior Sponsor; Athenas; MENC; Senior Piano Recital. SCHOEZ, CLIFFORD LEE Kappa; Psychology Club; Ministerial Association; Prayer and Fasting. SCROGGS, LAVERN K AY Sigm a; S E A ; Band; Prayer and Fasting. SHEPHERD, CAROLYN SCHROEDER Sigma; Echo Queen; Home Economics Club; SEA. SHEPHERD, J. RONALD Sigm a; Mission Crusaders; Math Club. SHEPPARD, RICHARD LOUIS Alpha; Ministerial Association; Gospel Team; Basketball. SMITH, SHARON ANN Sigma; Honor Society; Athenas, Secretary; Psychol­ ogy Club; Chemistry Club, Secretary and Treasurer; Physical Science Club, Secretary and Treasurer; Literary Club. SNOWDER, ELLEN LOUISE Kappa; SEA. SOUTHWORTH, JAMES Kappa; Society Vice-President, President; Intramural Council; Senior Class Chaplain; Religious Organiza­ tions Council; Ministerial Association. STAHL, LAN ELL DULIN Zeta; MENC; S E A ; Missionary Emphasis League; Mission Crusaders; Prayer and Fasting. STAHL, RICHARD W AYNE Gamma; Mission Crusaders; Missionary Emphasis League; Arrow S ta ff; Band; transfer, Eastern Nazarene College. STARK, ALICE GARNER Lambda.

STOREY, PHILLIP G. Zeta; Society Athletic Director; Psychology Club; Circle K ; Class Chaplain; Missionary Emphasis League; Prayer and Fasting. SWEATT, LAVETA ELLEN Lambda; Society Athletic Director; WRA, VicePresident; PEMM, Secretary; All-Star Basketball, Volleyball; Literary Club. THOMPSON, KENNETH RAYMOND Sigma; Political Science Club; Debate; Arrow Staff. THOMPSON, SHEILLA SUE Sigma; Literary Club; Psychology Club; Mission Crusaders; Volleyball, Basketball; transfer, Eastern Nazarene College. TOWNSEND, MARK ALLAN Lambda; Table Tennis; Physical Science Club; Physics Assistant; Chemistry Achievement Award; AMS Representative; Honor Society; A Cappella. UNRUH, AN N A LEE Faculty Dames. VERSAW, FRANCIS EARL Gamma; Football, Basketball, Track, Softball, Soccer, Volleyball. WHITE, JERRY W AYNE Sigma; Phi Beta Lambda. WILLIAMS, ROBERT PAUL Zeta; Phi Beta Lambda; Band. WILLIS, DORIS ELAINE Sigma; SEA; Home Economics Club, Vice President; Honor Society. WIRT, LYNDA JEAN Zeta. WRIGHT, ARGENTIA RIDDLE Zeta; Society Cheerleader; Redskin Cheerleader; Home Economics Club; Echo, Heart-Pal, Homecom­ ing Queen Candidate. WRIGHT, ROBERT ROYCE Lambda; Society Vice-President, Athletic Director; Redskins; All-Star Basketball; Football, Basketball, Softball, Track, Volleyball, Archery; Circle K ; A Cappella President, Vice-President; Band; Troubador Quartet; Messengers Quartet. WYCOFF, ALICE LAKE Zeta; Gospel Team; Mission Crusaders; Prayer and Fasting; Orchestra; Honor Society; Class Secretary; Outstanding Freshman Award. YOUNGMAN, MILDRED JOYCE Lambda; Biology Club; Missionary Emphasis League, Treasurer; Prayer and Fasting. ZIMMERMAN, GLORIA ANN Lambda; Phi Beta Lambda; SE A ; Prayer and Fasting. ZINN, RICHARD ELWOOD Kappa; Honor Society; Prayer and Fasting. ZINN, GAYLE FARTHING Zeta; SE A ; Prayer and Fasting.


Student Directory — A— ABBOTT, BEVERLY ANN FR. 2100 E. 61 N., Wichita, Kansas ABBOTT, BILL JACK SO. 6604 N.W. 43, Bethany, Oklahoma ABBOTT, SANDRA SO. 6604 N.W. 43, Bethany, Oklahoma ACHESON, JERRY D. JR. 4910 N. Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma ACHESON, SANDRA GRACE SR. 4910 N. Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma ADAMS, DONNA KAY FR. 304 N. Oleander, Grand Saline, Texas ADAMS, EDNA LEE FR. Box 225, Cyril, Oklahoma ADAMS, ELIZABETH ANN SO. 304 N. Oleander, Grand Saline, Texas ADAMS, JOHNNY LEE SO. Box 119, Rt. 2, Tuttle, Oklahoma ADAMS, J. W ESLEY GRAD. 4304 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma ADAMS, W AYNE M. SO. 1048 So. 1, Montrose, Colorado ADKINS, LYNDA GAIL FR. Rt. 4, B’haren, Mississippi ADUDDELL, SANDRA C___________ FR. 1237 S.W. Binkley, Oklahoma City AHLEMANN, JAMES LOWELL SO. Blytheville, Arkansas AHLWARDT, GAIL JEAN FR. Box 235, Cleo Springs, Oklahoma AHRENS, SUSIE LOELLA FR. 2429 McKinley, Kansas City, Mo. ALBRIGHT, GREGORY R. FR. 12791 Dale St., Garden Grove, Calif. ALDER, JOHN EDWARD j r . 18290 Arrow, Fontana, California ALDER, M. DAVID SO. 18290 Arrow, Fontana, California ALDRIDGE, VENEVIAN RUTH SR. 224 N. 4, Okemah, Oklahoma ALENANDER, CHARLOTTE RAE FR. I l l N. Locust, Sulphur Springs, Texas ALLEN, ANITA JO _______________ SO. 6610 Overlook, Dallas, Texas ALLEN, CHARLES EARNEST FR. 506 W. 11, Post, Texas ALLEN, LARRY REID SO. Route 4, Box 36, Chandler, Oklahoma ALLEN, LAWRENCE LAR RY FR. Kansas City, Missouri ALLEN, ZANNA LUCILLE JR. 606 Stella, Baytown, Texas AMEN, BOBBIE GLEN FR. Box 32, Big Bow, Kansas AMID, AHMAD REZA FR. 301 Hedait, Tehran, Iran AMOS, W ARREN EARL FR. 3913 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma ANDERSON, ALDEN LEWIS SO. Box 218, McKinney, Texas ANDERSON, DORTHY EMMA FR. 4401 N. Central Rd., Bethany, Okla. ANDERSON, LETA JAN FR. 1314 Eidson, Odessa, Texas ANDREWS, JESS PAUL JR. 4808 N. Bever, Bethany, Oklahoma ANESI, DEANNA MARIE JR. 1209 N.W. 40, Oklahoma City, Okla. ANESI, JOANNA LOUISE FR. 1801 E. Normal, Kirksvill, Missouri ANGLE, BONNIE SO. Braman, Oklahoma ANGLIN, ELAINE ANNE FR. 511 Penguin Dr., Dallas, Texas ANNELER, LYNN BRADLEY SO. Box 146, Sylvia, Kansas ANTLE, WILLIAM LEE SO. 1609 River Oaks, Irving, Texas APPLE, FLORENCE ELLEN SO. 4208 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma APPLE, JERRY DALE ____________ SO. 4208 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma ARTMAN, SHARON SUE FR. 1431 Oak St., Atchison, Kansas ASKEW, LLEW SO. Helena, Oklahoma


ATKINSON, THOMAS D. SO. 21 S.E. 36, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ATTEBERRY, DAVID A LA N .... SO. 3046 Lexington Ave., El Monte, Calif. AUBREY, STANLEY DWIGHT FR. 72 South Emerson, Kansas City, Mo. AUBUCHON, DONALD LEROY FR. 9720 Marsh, Kansas City, Missouri AUSTIN, DAVID K. __________ FR, 1406 S. Colorado, Midland, Texas AUTER, BRENDA GAYLE _______ SO. 10044 Alpha Dr., Baton Rouge, La. A VERY, MARTHA SUE ___________FR. 201 S.E. Dallas, Grand Prairie, Tex. AVERY, NAOMI GERTRUDE SO. 201 S.E. Dallas, Grand Prairie, Tex. — B— BACON, VEARL SO. 939 N. Barber, McPherson, Kansas BABCOCK, DWIGHT W AYN E FR. 6509 N. Grove, Oklahoma City, Okla. BAGBY, LINDA RAE _____________ SO. 3037 Texas Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas BAGGERLY, CONSTANCE JOY SO. 531 Grattan, Topeka, Kansas BAILEY, KENNETH WELCOME FR. 4603 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma BAILEY, LLOYD __________________ JR. 5704 N. Rockwell, Bethany, Oklahoma BAILEY, W ILLIS ESTES __________FR. Box 12, Greenville, Texas BAKER, DAVID LEE . __ SO. 6809 N.W. 49, Bethany, Oklahoma BAKER, GERALD D. JR. 30479 Worth, Gibraltar, Mich. BAKER, JOHN M ARK FR. 7th Ave. Lacroft, East Liverpool, Ohio BALDW IN, CARTER PORTER SO. 911 S. Garrison, Carthage, Missouri BALDW IN, DANNY R A Y __________FR. 223 W. Washington, McAlester, Okla. BALDWIN, W ILLIAM ALDEAN JR. 4310 N. Asbury, Apt. G, Bethany, Okla. BALL, MARSHA CLAIRE FR. 1933 S. Topeka, Wichita, Kansas BALLARD, SHARON LOUISE SR. 2505 Dunreath Dr., Dallas, Texas BANCROFT, ALICE FAYE _______ SO. 206 Southside, Killeen, Texas BANZ, GARY W AYNE SO. R t., 1, Sylvia, Kansas BANZ, MERNA MARIE JR. Sylvia, Kansas BARBEE, JANET IRENE ________ SO. 4713 N.W. 46, Oklahoma City, Okla. BARLOW, JEAN A. _______________ SO. 1001 E. Spring St., Collinsville, Okla. BARKER, PATRICIA DARLENE FR. 13609 Parker, Grandview, Missouri BARNARD, JACK L________________ JR. 1045 Wabash, Topeka, Kansas BARNES, ERNEST EDWARD FR. JRt. 2, Elkhart, Kansas BASKA, BARBARA ANN SO. 562 Sunset Place, Bismarck, N. Dak. BEADLES, JOHN W ESLEY SO. 4305 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma BEAM, JERRY W AYNE SR. 5306 Pike Ave., N. Little Rock, Ark. BEARD, DAVID LOUIS SR. 6743 Vernon, St. Louis, Missouri BEASON, KATHY SHARON SO. 5109 Blake Ct., Wichita, Kansas BEASON, ROBERT CURTIS FR. 7640 Meridian, Valley Center, Kansas BEBOUT, DOUGLAS LYNN SO. 8333 E. Indianapolis, Wichita, Kansas BECHTLE, PATRICIA ANN FR. Ottawa, Kansas BECK, ALLEN DALE 8213 N.W. 36, Bethany, Oklahoma BECK, CAROL ELAINE SR. 1530 N.W. 48, Bethany, Oklahoma BECK, JERRY NATHAN FR. 6904 N.W. 42, Bethany, Oklahoma

BECK, PAT ________________________ SR. 4101 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma BEEBE, JOANNE MARIE SO. 1587 E. 17, Idaho Falls, Idaho BEESON, CONNIE K AY FR. 1301 E. 2, North Platte, Nebraska BEESON, JAMELYN LISK SR. 6810% N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma BEESON, RONALD DEAN SR. 6801% N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma BELL, CURDELLA LA VERNE FR. Rt. 1, Shallowater, Texas BELL, FRANCES, I. SO. 2610 Garden, Carlsbad, New Mexico BELL, KAREN LESLIE FR. 400 Perryman, Palacios, Texas BENETT, HELEN M ARIE FR. Box 2571, Flagstaff, Arizona BENSON, BETTY JEAN SR. 7601 Paseo, Kansas City, Missouri BERCKEFELDT, DARLENE M. SO. 3808 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma BERCKEFELDT, DOYLE E _________SO. 3808 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma BERESFORD, KENNETH W AYN E SO. 1070 Del Ray, Pasadena, Calif. BERKLEY, ROY I., SO. 6108 N.W. 56, Okla. City BEST, ROBERT EUGENE FR. 7000 N.W. 49, Bethany, Okla. BIALAS, CHARLES JOSEPH, FR, 627 London S.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. BICKFORD, BARBARA JO SO. 227 Summit, Sand Springs, Okla. BIDDINGER, CAROL ANN FR. Rt. 2, Pratt, Kansas BILYEU, L AR RY FR. 1837 S. Elizabeth, Wichita, Kansas BIRNELL, RICHARD EUGENE FR. 5412 Walmer, Mission, Kansas BISHOP, OLIVER HARREL JR. Rt. 1, Box 139, Wellington, Texas BISHOP, SHARON L _______________ JR. Valentine, Nebraska BLAKELY, JIMMIE ALICE JR. 4200 N. Redmond, Bethany, Okla. BLAKLEY, MALCOLM L. SO. 214 S. Canadian, Geary, Okla. BLANKENSHIP, R. J. _____________ SR. 213 Hood Ave., Indian River City, Fla. BLEAKLEY, LOIS MARIE SR. 4906 N. College, Bethany, Okla. BLESI, BONNIE SUE ______________ JR. _Rt._. 2, Box 239, Sullivan, Mo. BLEVINS, SHELIA SUE SO. 220 N. 4th St., Lawrence, Kansas BLEY, RUBEN LOUIS .... JR. 2320 So.558, Lincoln, Nebraska BOEHLE, STEVEN DOUGLAS FR. 1845 Illinois St., Lawrence, Kansas BOEHS, M ARLEITA KAY SO. Cleo Springs, Okla. BOHANNAN, A. J. ________________ JR. 2440 N.W. 2, Okla. City, Okla. BOLLER, HARRIETT GAYE SO. South Star Route, Ainsworth, Nebr. BOLTON, ROBERT L _______ SO. 7820 N.W. 5, Okla. City BOND, DALE R AY SO. Ingalls, Kansas BOND, RICHARD DALE SR. Ingalls, Kansas BOONE, GRACE EDNA SO. 4863 E. Nevada, Fresno, Calif. BOONE, JAMES A --------------------------- FR. 4040 N.W. 12, Okla. City, Okla. BORDELON, DONNA ESTHER SO. 1455 Mazant St., New Orleans, La. BORDELON, NAOMI GAYLE SO. 1455 Mazant St., New Orleans, La. BORTON, W ESLEY LAWRENCE SO. 1227 John Road, Rochester, Michigan BOUNDS, SHERI LARUE FR. 103 N.W. 3, Bentonville, Ark. BOURNE, DONALD WILSON JR. 3108 Main, Clovis, New Mexico BOWEN, MARSHA L. SO. 1109 N. Market, Cordell, Okla.

BOWER, K A YLA ANN FR. 913 S.W. 53, Okla. City, Okla. BOX, LARRY W AYN E FR. Box 282, Panama, Okla. BOYCE, JOHN ROGER FR. 2016 Eliz., Pueblo, Colo. BOYD, JAMES DAVID ____________ FR. 1208 Idylwood, Lufkin, Texas BRADDOCK, MILLEDGE EDWIN JR. Rt. 1, Box 63, Texarkana, Ark. BRAKEBILL, ANN MARIE SO. 900 S. Summit, Little Rock, Ark. BRANDES, ROBERT W. SR. 4201 N. Rockwell, Bethany, Okla. BRANDES, SANDRA STAPLETON SR. 4201 N. R ockw ell, Bethany, Okla. BRANDT, VERNON OMER SO. 647 Marcilene, Wichita, Kansas BRANNON, CAROL FAITH FR. 203 N. Arapahoe, Caldwell, Kansas BREDIGER, SUSAN COLLEEN FR. 908 N.W. 90, Seattle, Wash. BREEDLOVE, DURINDA ANNE FR. Tern. 21, S.E. 36, Okla. City, Okla. BREEN, MARGARET M. 4704 N. Muller, Bethany, Okla BREWER, BILLY PAUL Box 26, Wellston, Okla. BRIDGES, STEPHEN W ILLIAM FR. 6503 N.W. 36, Bethany, Oklahoma BRIDGMAN, LUTHER RODNEY FR. 909 E. Chestnut, Ponca City, Oklahoma BRIDGMAN, M YRA JEAN SR. 909 E. Chestnut, Ponca City, Oklahoma BRIGGS, MILLY ANN SISSON SO. 4206 N. Peniel, Apt. D., Bethany, Okla. BRIGGS, RAYMOND ELIHUE JR. 4206 N. Peniel, Apt. D., Bethany, Okla. BRIGHTUP, CHARLES F. SO. 6905 N.W. 46, Bethany, Oklahoma BRINKLEY, DOUG SO. 330 West Third, Ada, Oklahoma BRISCOE, PONCE JO _____________ SO. 113 East Detroit, Ponca City, Okla. BRISTOW, HARRIETT DALE FR. 2901 Poe Ave., Overland, Mo. BRITT, GERALD EDW ARD JR. 7421 Agnes, Kansas City, Missouri BRIZENDINE, RUTH EVELYN GRAD. 514 W. 2nd, Florence, Colorado BROCE, ALFRED PAU L FR. 706 N. 10, Elwood, Kansas BROCIOUS, DOROTHY JOAN FR. 132 Constitution Ave., Bradford, Pa. BROCKMAN, RICHARD R AY FR. Bex 783, Carson, Washington BRONSON, JOYCE SO. 3874 Dunhaven Rd., Dallas, Texas BROWN, ARTHUR ....... FR. 806 St. Clair Ave., E. Liverpool, Ohio BROWN, CAROL JEANETTE FR. Route #4, Box 304, Walla Walla, Wash. BROWN, PAUL W AYN E JR. Box 543, Cimarron, Kansas BROWN, SHEILA JON FR. 4500 N. Central, Bethany, Oklahoma BROWN, SHERRYL K A Y FR. Box 5, Mountainair, New Mexico BROWN, STEPHEN SCOTT SR. 6116 N.W. 58, Bethany, Oklahoma BROWN, VERNA CLAUDETTE FR. 1395 West Exposition, Denver, Colo. BROWNFIELD, MELVIN KEITH SR. Route 4, Box 48, Lubbock, Texas BROWNING, EFFIE FAYE JR. 720 N. Wineblood St., Checotah, Okla. BROYLES, SHIRLEY DARLENE SR. Route 3, Alma, Arkansas BRUNSON, NANCY RAYLENE SO. 3241 Carlin, Lynwood, California BRUNSON, NORMA HENDRIX JR. 4113 N. Mueller, Bethany, Oklahoma BRUNSON, ROBERT WORTH GRAD. 4113 N. Mueller, Bethany, Oklahoma BRUNSON, RONALD F. ___________ SO. 2801 Adriatic Ave., Long Beach, Calif. BRYAN, JIM H. ____________________JR. 4312 N. Redmond, Bethany, Oklahoma BUCHANAN, ERNESTINE J. SR. 4309 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma BUCHANAN, JULIANNE SO. Route 1, Mansfield, Mo.

BUCHANAN, TERRY CRAIG SR. 4309 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma SO. BUDD, DONALD DEAN ______ 718 E. Maple, Independence, Kansas BUDY, TERRY MAX ______________ FR. Dacoma, Oklahoma BULLOCK, GAYLIA S U Z A N N E FR. 818 N. Confederate, Tyler, Texas BURCHETT, LINDA M_____________ JR. Route 3, Green Castle, Mo. BURDINE, ROBERT JERRELL SO. 30 Kirby PL, Shreveport, Louisiana BURGER, ART LEROY ...SPECIAL 3219 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma BURGESS, CARL STANLEY FR. Brice Route, Lebanon, Missouri BURKE, MICHAEL SCOTT _______ FR. 3409 Meridian St., Bethany, Oklahoma BURNETT, CORA SUE ____________ SO. 223 N. Chestnut, Pauls Valley, Okla. BUTLER, ROBERT T. _______ JR. 1102 N. 4 Ave. W., Newton, Iowa BURTON, JANICE RUTH JR. Fowler, Kansas BUSBY, SANDRA LEE ______ FR. 30764 Triangle, Gibraltar, Michigan BUSH, JERRY ALLEN ____________ SR. 531 W. Columbia, Orlando, Florida BUTLER, ROBERT ______ JR. 1102 N. 4 Ave. W., Newton, Iowa BUTCHER, ALDEN LEE _______ SO. 1324 Cornwall St., Spring Valley, Calif. BUTTS, JUDY MARIE _____________ SO. Route 1, Higgins, Texas BUTTS, LINDA JANICE SR. Route 1, Box 27, Higgins, Texas BYNUM, PHILLIP W AYN E FR. 101 S.E. 44, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — C— CALDWELL, DENNIS P. _________ JR. 6601 N.W. 58, Bethany, Oklahoma .....FR. CALHOUN, CLAUDIA P. ____ 4012 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma CALHOUN, DONALD MARSTON SR. 4700 N.W. 10, Okla. City, Okla. CALLAW AY, CLIFFORD K. SO. 4103 N. Wheeler, Bethany, Oklahoma CAMPBELL, JEANITA DELORES JR. 316 Washington St., Lake Charles, La. CAMPBELL, TERRY D. ........ SR. 1605 Clarke, Ponca City, Okla. CANNON, ANNETTA P. __________FR. 6712 N.W. 36, Bethany, Okla. CANNON, DONALD GENE .... JR. 6712 N.W. 36, Apt. 2, Bethany, Okla. CANNON, NORBERT _____________ JR. 5632 A Lariat, Amarillo, Texas CANTU, ELVA MARIE ........... FR. Cauchema #300, San Nicholas de Losg, N.L., Mex. FR. CANTU, ERNESTINE ___ 8100 Garland, Houston, Texas CARLAND, RALPH C. ________ JR. 1714 N. Adams, Hutchinson, Kansas CARNEY, L A R R Y _______________FR. 6719 N.W. 30, Bethany, Okla. CARPENTER, JOYCE MARIE FR. 615 S. Hastings, Hastings, Nebraska CARPENTER, M ARTHA LOU SO. I l l N. 5, Lamar, Colorado CARPENTER, MARY SUE SO. 1812 Boyd, Borger, Tex. CARPENTER, U. L. ..... FR. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma CARRISON, HAROLD W. JR. 721 South 11 St., Eastemville, Iowa CARROLL, JAMES ERNEST SO. 504 ^ N. Cooper, Colo. Spngs., Colo. CARTER, JOHN W ILLIAM FR. 5806 -SV 2 , Galveston, Texas CARTER, JUDY CAROL FR. 530 American Rd., Nashville, Tenn. CASH, BARBARA JEAN __________SR. 4519 Camp Robinson, Little Rock, Ark. CAUDELL, A LTA PATRICIA SR. 124 Tennessee, Hot Springs, Ark. CAUDELL, AUDREY ELVERTA FR. 124 Tennessee, Hot Springs, Ark. CAUTHRON, HAL A. SO. Box 408, Seminole, Okla.

CHAMBERS, BILL E. _____________ FR. 5228 N. Frankfort PL, Tulsa, Okla. CHANDLER, JUDITH DIAN SR. 5513 N. Donald, Oklahoma City, Okla. CHANDLER, RAM AN L. _________ SR. 5513 N. Donald, Oklahoma City, Okla. CHANDLER, W ALDEN CLARK JR. 4308 N. Redmond, Bethany, Okla. CHAPEL, ERYOL JOANN 410 -14, Sioux City, Iowa CHAPLIN, MERVIN LEE SR. 205 W. Second, Indianola, Iowa CHAPMAN, BARBARA DIANE FR. 1409 Sheridan, Great Bend, Kansas CHAPMAN. GERALD ALLEN FR. S. 39 St., Scotts, Mich. CHAPMAN, M ARIA ROENE JR. 1409 Sheridan. Great Bend, Kansas CHEATHAM, GLORIA SUE FR. 226 Delmar, Houston, Tex. CHESNEY, VIRGINIA McCASLIN JR. 1520 Rowena Lane, Norman, Okla. CHEVEALLIER, J. CLINT SO. 8424 Franwood, Baton Rouge, La. CHICHESTER, VIVIAN MARIE FR. Rt. 4, Box 385, Hood River, Ore. CHILDERS, BARBARA SHARON FR. 411 Elder St., Nampa, Idaho CHILDRESS, ROBERT W AYNE FR. 3104 Beechwood, Lynwood, Calif. CHILDS, BILLIE R. FR. Rt. 1, Box 78, Nacogdoches, Tex. CHISUM, LORNA MAE SR. Howe, Texas CHRISTENBERRY, GEO. ANNE FR. 1304 67 St. N.W., Bradenton, Fla. CLANTON, CAROL DONIS SO. 1602 Lexington, Plainview, Tex. CLAPP, TERRY RAYMOND SO. Overlake Ave., Orlando, Florida CLASON, ALLEN H. FR. Del City, Oklahoma CLAY, SANDRA J JR. 3506 N.W. 53, Okla. City, Okla. CLEAVELIN, NITA M. JR. 4109 N. Beaver, Apt. 2, Bethany, Okla. CLEGG, DONALD EUGENE SO. Bethany, Oklahoma CLEGG, MERRY JANE JR. Bethany, Oklahoma CLEGG, STEPHEN JOHN JR. 400 S. Church, Olathe, Kansas CLEMENTS, LINDA KAY FR. 3620 Baylor, Ft. Worth, Tex. CLEVENGER, SHERYEL ANN FR. Box 261, Liberty, Missouri CLIFTON, JANE RAY JR. 40 Miller Road, N. Little Rock, Ark. CLINE, KEN REESE FR. Rt. 2, Gage, Okla. CLINE, RAYMOND WINFIELD SR. Rt. 2, Gage, Okla. CLOSE, JUDY ANN FR. Box 54, Kingsdown, Kan. COALE, LINDA KAY FR. 512 S. Harvard, Bartlesville, Okla. COAST, LINDA M. SO. Box 346, Cimarron, Kan. COAST, ROSEMARY ETHEL FR. Box 346, Cimarron, Kan. COCHRAN, CARL T ................ SR. 501 Oxford, Houston, Texas COCHRAN, DAVID ALLAN FR. 301 First St., Phillips, Tex. COCHRAN, IONE MARIE JR. Box 354, Manzanola, Colo. COCKRELL, SALLY JEANNE JR. 715 Orner, Carthage, Mo. COLDIRON, BILLY CLAYTON JR. Rt. 2, Guymon, Oklahoma CODY, ESTER LEE SO. Box 1179, Flagstaff, Ariz. CODY, RUBY LEE FR. Box 1179, Flagstaff, Ariz. COLE, BARBARA JEAN SO. Rt. 1, Minford, Ohio COLE, STEPHEN LEROY SO. 3319 E. Gregory, Kansas City, Mo. COLEMAN, CARL JAMES JR. 6166 Kingsbury, St. Louis, Missouri


COLLIER, STANLEY W AYNE FR. 5200 N. Willow, Bethany, Oklahoma COLLINS, BEVERLY ANN FR. 4801 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma COLLINS, KENNETH LEON SO. 905 So. Lewis, Pryor, Oklahoma COLLINS, W. EDWARD SO. 4503 46 Ave. S.W., Seattle, Wash. COLLINS, WILLIAM SPEC. 1814 W. Mayfield, San Antonio, Texas COMBS, ROBERT CARL FR. 3411 E. 13, Amarillo, Texas CONROD, STEVEN SO. Portis, Kansas COOK, DEAN A. JR. 1713 E. Walnut, Enid, Oklahoma COOK, DORIS A. SR. Box 2273, Enid, Oklahoma COOK, JANICE MAE FR. 1010 Hobson, Hot Springs, Arkansas COOK, MARTHA NELL ___________SO. Rt. #2, WaKenney, Kansas COOK, PAUL RAY _______________ FR. 1713 E. Walnut, Enid, Oklahoma COOPER, HARRIET LOUISE FR. 1514 N. Wakefield St., Arlington, Va. COOPER, ROBERT GERALD FR. 2223 Ave. D., Nederland, Texas COOSE, ALFRED LOUIS FR. Tichnor, Arkansas COPELAND, DONALD R AY FR. Rt. 1, Lowell, Arkansas CORY, LINDA MARLENE FR. 4314 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma CORY, PHILLIP L. SO. 4314 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma COSTON, GARY MAC _____________ FR. 707 N. Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okla. COTTON, FRANCES LYNNETTE FR. 810 West Fifth, Freeport, Texas COTTON, JAMES EDWIN SO. 810 West Fifth, Freeport, Texas COVINGTON, NATHAN ALLEN JR. 6606^ N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma CRANE, ROBERT CURTIS SO. 1005 Rhode Island St., Lawrence, Kan. CRAWFORD, ERNEST C. SR. 310 N. Oro, Stockton, California CRAWLEY, DENNIS ELTON FR. 204 Ingleside Drive, Monroe, La. CREES, RONALD D. JR. 6803 N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma CRIDER, TOMMIE A. SO. Route 3, Box 105, West Plains, Mo. CROUCH, MARILYN JUNE JR. 7113 N.W. 44, Bethany, Oklahoma CROUCH, ORBIN NOLAN FR. 7113 N.W. 44, Bethany, Oklahoma CROW, CHARLES DELMAR FR. Box 56, Paztoro, Nebr. CULBERTSON, HOWARD R. FR. 1212 W. Logan, Guthrie, Oklahoma CULBERTSON, NOLA VIOLA SO. 1212 W. Logan, Guthrie, Oklahoma CUNDIFF, KAY LYNNE JR. 1518 E. 23, Hutchinson, Kansas CURTIS, SHARON ANN SO. 411 W. Curtis Dr., Midwest City, Okla. — D— DAHL, EILEEN FR. Route 1, Nampa, Idaho DAHL, W AYNE H. JR. Route 1, Box 275, Nampa, Idaho DAHLEM, DONNA LEE FR. 1020 S. Ash, Wichita, Kansas DAILEY, SANDI JO SR. 1808 N. Wilburn, Bethany, Okla. DALE, MAXINE E. SO. 2550 Cold Spngs. Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. DALYRIMPLE, RAMON JR. 1226 El Paso, Derby, Kansas DANIELS, GERALD THOMAS FR. 12401 Chef Menteur, New Orleans, La. DARDEN, LINDA K A Y FR. 617 E. Okla., Blackwell, Okla. DARROW, DENNIS KEITH FR. 3811 N. Barr, Oklahoma City, Okla. DAVIS, ANITA JUNE FR. 4442 N.W. 59, Oklahoma City, Okla. DAVIS, DANIEL ROY JR. K.B.S., Gadag, Mysore, State, India


DAVIS, DON A. SO. Ojito, New Mexico DAVIS, JERRY CURTIS FR. 4442 N.W. 59, Oklahoma City, Okla. DAVIS, PAUL HARVEY FR. Karnataka Bible Sem., Gadag, Mysore State, India DAVISON, DELORIS JOAN SPEC. 3509 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, Okla. DAWSON, JANIS LOUISE SO. 4603 N. Wheeler, Bethany, Okla. DAWSON, KERRY SR. 4603 N. Wheeler, Bethany, Okla. DEARMAN, BRENDA SO. 1333 Meadow Lane, Poplar Bluff, Mo. DEBEE, PAUL H. FR. 7124 N.W. 42, Bethany, Okla. DECH, ANDREW G. FR. 1111 Ave. E. N.W, Childress, Texas DEDMAN, KENNETH H JR. 411 S. 13, Longview, Texas DELBEIDGE, BRIAN BERYL FR. 4113 Solon. Rd., Cedar Springs, Mich. DENISON, JOSEPH JEEP SO. 1333 Stonebrook Rd.. Helena, Ark. DENTON, W ILLIAM RONALD FR. 6300 E. College, Kansas City, Mo. DEPUE, ELBA FERN GRAD. Rt. 5, Box 573A, Okla. City, Okla. DEXTER, DANA DIESE JR. 3407 Glen Park Dr., Huntsville, Ala. DeYOUNG, ROBERT FR. 2727 Millard St., Shreveport, La. DIMICK, JAMES RICHARD FR. 78 Anthoine St., S. Portland, Maine DIMOND, SHERYL K A Y FR. Box 397, Little River, Kansas DIX, PAUL HENRY FR. 1010 Lynn St., Winfield, Kansas DIXON, PATRICIA SUE JR. 1047 S. 5, Montrose, Colo. DORN, M ARY SUE SO. 3015 J. Street, Lincoln, Nebr. DOSS, BOBBY W AYN E SO. 407 S. 2, McGehee, Arkansas DOUGLASS, JOHN ALLEN JR. 521 Pemberton, Ft. Worth, Tex. DOWNS, MICHAEL R AY SO. 1809 S. 53, Lincoln, Nebr. DOYLE, DAVID LEE SO. Box 43,Manter, Kansas DOZIER, HAROLD W AYN E SO. 810 N. Okmulgee, Annapolis, Md. DREIER. GAYLIA GARRETT JR. 2718 Maple Springs, Dallas, Tex. DREIER, LORRIN L. JR. Route 1, Newton, Kansas DUCE, PERRY HUBERT JR. Box 326, Petrolia, Texas DUDNEY, GLENDA LARUE JR. 6301 Agnes. Kansas City, Mo. DUDNEY, SHERRY BENNETTE SR. 6301 Agnes, Kansas City, Mo. DUER, DARRELL JENS JR. Vici, Oklahoma DUNHAM, GERALDINE LIU FR. 436 N. Dodge, Wichita, Kansas DUNKIN, GERALDINE LYNN SO. 646 S. 9, Salina, Kansas DUNLAP, CAROLYN FIONA JR. Star Route, DeSoto. Missouri DURR, CLAUDE SHELBY SR. 6874 Greenwood Rd., Shreveport, La. DURR, IVIS LOUISE FR. 6874 Greenwood Rd.. Shreveport, La. DURST, RONALD LEE FR. 5324 RV2 , Galveston, Texas DUXWORTH, FAYE LEROYCE FR. 2739 Palmyra. New Orleans, La. DYER, ERNEST PHILLIP FR. Route 1, Olmitz, Kansas — E— EARP, CLAUDIA KAY SR. Rt. 1, Stroud, Oklahoma EASON, JAMES A. JR. 112 9 St., E., Bradenton, Fla. EASON, PEGGY LINDA JR. 112 9 St., E., Bradenton, Fla. EASTON, BETHEL ELAINE JR. 4148 N. Harlan, Baldwin Park, Calif.

EDDY, JEANNETTE ELAINE FR. 517 Bruce Ave., Dumas, Texas EDGERTON, PHILLIP EARL SO. 718 Center, Grinnell, Iowa EDW ARDS, DONELDA F A Y SO. Rt. 3, Box 56, Elkhart, Kans. EDW ARDS, I. GENELLE FR. 921 Florence Rd., Killeen, Texas EDW ARDS, JOHN HAROLD FR. E. Oklahoma, Hennessey, Okla. EDW ARDS, JUDY FR. 590 Grand Valley Dr., Grand Junct. Co. EDW ARDS, STEPHEN F. SO. 921 Florence Rd., Killeen, Tex. EHRLICH, JANICE LEE SR. Box 546, Shattuck, Okla. EIGSTI, WILMER ALLON SO. 1323 N. Burlington, Hastings, Nebr. EKSTROM, CAROL JEAN SO. 619 S. Buckeye, Iola, Kansas ELKES, PETER JAMES JR. Route 5, Highpoint, N. Carolina ELKINS, KENNETH LEROY SR. 1416 North 25, Kansas City, Kansas ELKINS, M ARY ELIZABETH JR. Box 1672, Pine Bluff, Ark. ELLEDGE, PAU LA DEAN SO. 1224 W. Hanna, Denison, Texas ELLER, PATRICIA LYNN ________ FR. 2111 Broad, Selma, Alabama ELLIOTT, CLINT A. SR. 201 Barrett, Pineville, La. ELLIOTT, JACK NEIL SO. 2201 Manilyn, Arlington, Texas ELLIOTT, RUTH EARLEEN JR. 1201 S. Walnut, McPherson, Kansas ELLISON, JERRY JR. Box 103, Thayer, Nebraska ELLISON, LAU RA GRACE SO. Box 103, Thayer, Nebr. ELROD, TERRY BENNETT SO. 3327 Silverside, Wilmington, Del. EMBERTON, NELDA CAROLYN JR. 1611 N. Nelson, Amarillo, Texas EMERSON, PATRICIA FALES SO. 3816 N. College, Bethany, Okla. EMERSON, RICHARD C. GRAD. 6706 N.W. 34 St., Bethany, Okla. EMMERT, BONITA FERN ________ FR. 700 N. 10, Frederick, Okla. EMMERT, JIM MASTON SR. 4312 N. Lucust, Odessa, Tex. ENEGREN, ALLEN CLARK GRAD. 2004 S. Kansas, Wichita, Kansas ENNS, PHYLLIS JEAN ___________ SR. 405 Western Ave., Liberal, Kansas ENSMINGER, GLENN ELDON FR. Isabella, Oklahoma EPPLER, ESTHER HASELTON GRAD. Box 453, Bethany, Oklahoma EPPLER, MARTHA LYNN FR. Box 103, Yukon, Oklahoma EPPLER, ROBERT W. SO. 6608 N.W. 33, Bethany, Okla. ERICSON, LUETTA ______ 1414 N. Drexel, Oklahoma City, Okla. EROMANN, PHILIP JAMES FR. 1210 Mill Brook Way, Bountiful, Utah. ESKEW, GERALD LYNN __________SR. Star Route, Springfield, Colorado ESKEW, JERRY G_________________SR. Star Route,'Springfield, Colorado ESKEW, RUTH SR. Box 337, Elkhart, Kansas ESTES, JIMMIE BURL ___________ SO. 217 S. Washington, Liberal, Kansas ETCHISON, DONALD A. _________ FR. Sylvia, Kansas ETCHISON, EDWIN EUGENE JR. Sylvia, Kansas ETCHISON, RONALD G___________ FR. Sylvia, Kansas EVANS, EDW ARD HENRY FR. 3811 N. Nicklas, Oklahoma City, Okla. EW BANK, Sharon _________________ SO. 4025 Quay, Wheat Ridge, Colorado EWEN, LINDA ROYCE __________ FR. 5495 M. View Ave., San Bernardino, Cal. — F— FAIDLEY, EDITH LOUISE Route 2, Temple, Texas


FAIN , SHARON MARIE ___________ SO. 1739 Santa Anna, San Antonia, Texas FALK, PATSY A. _________________ SO. Route 2, Box 82, Wellington, Texas FAULCONER, SHYRILL LEE FR. Cowgill, Missouri FR. FAUSS, LAR RY DALE ________ 7905 N.W. 39, Bethany, Oklahoma FELTS, ANDREA _________________ JR. Box 96, Siloam Springs, Arkansas FR. FENNO, DAVID JOHN ___ 6721 N.W. 49, Bethany, Oklahoma FENNO, JAMES G. ___ SR. 7004 N.W. 46, Bethany, Oklahoma FERGUSON, JANET K A Y _________SO. 6220 Parallel, Kansas City, Kan. FERGUSON, OLEN TEVIS _____ JR. 4309V2 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma FERGUSON, R. DEAN ____________ SO. 4017 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma FETTERHOFF, GARRY D__________ JR. 1026 W. Emmans, Mexico, Missouri FIELDS, CHARLES R. ........ SR. Route 2, Box 23, Ulysses, Kansas FIELDS, M ARY GAYLE __________SO. 1015 N.W. 16th, Bethany, Oklahoma FIELDS, R O N A L D __________ JR. Johnson, Kansas FIELDS, W ILLIAM MARSHALL . ..SR. 6766 N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma FIGG, DAVID E. _____ SO. 422 N. 12 St., Bismareh, North Dakota FINE, LAR RY D _______ SR. Rt. No. 2, Ash Grove, Missouri FINLEY, RONALD W AYN E FR. 1086 41, Kansas City, Kansas FITTS, JANICE DAW N ______ FR. 9900 W. 41, Wheat Ridge, Colorado FLEENOR, CHARM A G____________ FR. 416 East Fourth, Edmond, Oklahoma FLOWERS, CLARA LUELLA SR. Box 620, Imperial, Pa. FLOWERS, JERRY LEE .......... FR. 121 Boyd Rd., Marietta, Ga. FONTAINE, TIMOTHY PAUL FR. Route. 1, Homeworth, Ohio FORE, ROY LYNN ______ FR. Nacogdochos, Texas FORSHEE, STANLEY JENNINGS . FR. Box 45, Winnsboro, Texas FOSTER, JANICE E T T A J E A N ____ FR. 10 N. Lawton, Tulsa, Oklahoma FOWLEY, JOSEPH P. ....... FR. Kington, Missouri FOX, LINDA MARIE ........ FR. Route 1, Severy, Kansas FOX, MARLYS M AY ____ FR. 1622 W. Seventh, Hastings, Nebraska FRANKLIN, LESLIE DOUGLAS . SR. Route 3, Walters, Oklahoma FRANKLIN, PAUL WELDON SO. 1009 Ave. B, Dodge City, Kansas FRANKLIN, STANLEY JOE JR. 3500 W. 85 St., Leawood, Kansas FRANTOM, CHARLES ALTON SO. 4017 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma FRANTZ, PATRECIA JANE SO. 1203 E. Van Buren, Idabel, Oklahoma FRAZIER, LINDA SUE ____ FR. 1200 N.W. 97th, Oklahoma City, Okla. FRICKEL, KAREN SUE _____ JR. Cleo Springs, Oklahoma FRIESEN, M YRNA ANNE FR. Sutherland, Nebraska FRIESEN, RICHARD DEAN SR. 1016 W. 2nd, Hutchinson, Kansas FUGUA, LOREN L A E L ......... .JR. Seiling, Oklahoma

GARUIN, JOE N O A H ______________ JR. HAIST, EDNA W AUNEITA SO. 427 S. Harvey, Oklahoma City, Okla. 4017 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma GASSETT, DREXELL WADENE ....SO. HALFORD, GWENDELYN LEE SO. Oxford, Kansas 717 Rollison Ave., Blytheville, Ark. HALFORD, LAR RY M ........ FR. GENTRY, PATRICIA A N N ________ FR. 1641 Victory, Wichita Falls, Texas 4701 N. Redmond, Bethany, Oklahoma GERDES, A L L E N __________________ JR. HALL, CLARENCE ALFRED .... FR. Star Route, Hodgen, Oklahoma 7707 Greenwood Ave. N., Seattle, Wash GERMAN, C. DALE ____________ . FR. ....... FR. HALL, DENNIS L. Box 566, Abernathy, Texas 301 Urban Ave., Norwood, Pa. GIBBS, DORSIE JOE ______________ SR. HALL, JOHN DAVID ______________ FR. 720 W. 8, Wellington, Kansas 4107 Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma HALL, ROBERT W. ____________ SO. GIBBS, JANICE D A Y L E ________ FR. 502 Hazel, Atlantic, Iowa 2514 Robin Dr., Colorado Springs, Colo. HALL, TIMOTHY A L A N ___________FR. GIBBS, ROBERT NEIL ____________FR. 806 Cobble Dr., San Antonio, Texas 2514 Robin Dr., Colorado Springs, Colo. HAMES, LINDA KATHLEEN SO. GIBSON, GORDON L E L D O N FR. 513 E. Hughbert, Norman, Okla. 301 N. McAdoo, Little Rock, Arkansas GIESE, CAROL A N N ______________ FR. HAMILTON, CHARLES EDGAR .. . SO. 212 N. Georgia, Troup, Texas Route 1, Box 304-A, Sapulpa, Okla. SR. HAMILTON, James Randall __ GILBERT, HARLAN I R W I N JR. 776 Garrison Ave., Morgantown, W.V. 1377 Jefferson St., Warren, Ohio HAMILTON, JUDY M______________ SR. GILHAM, S. JEAN _______ !_______ SO. Route 1, Newton, Kansas 2819 W. Lombard, Springfield, Mo. HAMLETT, Donald Perry _________ FR. GILL, LOUIS R O B E R T _____________ SO. 745 Meadowdale Rd., Shreveport, La. 1202 Runyan, Artesia, New Mexico HAMMAN, REGINALD DUANE . FR. GINGRICH, JANICE IRENE SO. 5721 N.W. 32, Oklahoma City, Okla. Bladen, Nebraska HAMMANN, BETTY E. ___ FR. GODKIN, ROY LYNN FR. 1318 Holiday Place, Bossier City, La. 1108 Verna Dr., Nederland, Texas HAMMANN, ROBERT M AX SO. GODWIN, LENORA GAIL SO. 1318 Holiday Place, Bossier City, La. Box 74, West Monroe, La. HANCE, DONNA JEAN ___________SO. GODWIN, MANUAL H. JR. 457 Lexington, Wichita, Kansas 409 Jo Anna Dr., Shreveport, La. HAND, JEANENE RUTH __________SR. GOLLIHER, RICHARD ALLEN SO. Hot Springs, Arkansas Route 2, Emporia, Kansas HANCOCK, BOYD C. ________ SO. GONGWER, B. JOY _______________ SO. Box 907, Conway, Arkansas 7490 Raleigh, Westminster, Colorado HANCOCK, KIRBY L. JR. GOODWIN, LINDA C. _____________ SO. 20302 Devlin, Artesia, California Box 420, Elkhart, Kansas HANCOCK, GARY A SO. GOODWIN, PATRICIA ANNE SO. 7700 N.W. 39, Bethany, Oklahoma Hoae, Arkansas HANCOCK, LAR RY DEAN _______ FR. GORDON, BENNIE SUE SR. 4111 N. Rockwell, Bethany, Oklahoma 6600 N.W. 31, Apt. 7, Bethany, Okla. HANEY, LLOYD E. _______________ FR. GORDON, PEGGY L A D E A N _______ JR. Miami, Florida 400 E. Commerce, Holdenville, Okla. HANNAFORD, ALLEN FR. GORTON, KENNETH EUGENE FR. 35 Wermuth Rd., S. Portland, Maine 412 Shelbourne St., Horseheads, N.Y. HANNEMAN, MICHAEL W AYNE FR. GORTON, M ARILYN J E A N _______ SO. Box 305, Denver City, Texas 412 Shelbourne St., Horseheads, N.Y. HANSON, JANET DIANNE FR. GOULD, DANIEL W AYN E SO. Viborg, South Dakota Box 527, Kansas City, Missouri HANSON, LOIS MARIAN SR. GRADY, DAVID PATTERSON SO. 7001 N.W. 47, Bethany, Oklahoma 4213 N. Redmond, Bethany, Oklahoma HANTLA, RONALD P A U L ________ JR. GRAHAM, MIRIAM MARGENE FR. 6125 Robinson, Shawnee Mission, Kan. Beaver, Oklahoma HARBISON, W ILLIS J. ......... JR. GRANT, CAROLYN SUE JR. 7001 46, Bethany, Oklahoma 1213 Whispering Trail, Dallas, Texas HARMON, ANTHONY W ___________ SR. GRAVES, JUDY MARIE ________ SO. Route 3, Rockmart, Ga. 412 N. Center St., Grove City, Pa. HARMS, BETTY SUE _____________ FR. GRAY, SHARON LEE FR. 6050 Wadsworth, Arvada, Colorado 1703 E. 2 PL, Lubbock, Texas HARP, HARRIETTE NAN SO. GREEN, CHANLOTTE M AY GRAD. 1107 Drew Lane, Minden, La. 2813 N. Redmond, Okla. City, Okla. HARPER, ROBERT A LEX ________ SO. GREER, LAU RA ANN SO. 1621 N. Liberty, Independence, Mo. 3103 Tennessee, Dallas, Texas HARRIS, GENE ____________________SR. GREER, RICHARD S_______________ JR. 4508 S.E. 23, Del City, Oklahoma 3736 N.W. 87, Oklahoma City, Okla. FR. HARRIS, LYNDA LEE _____ GREER, W ILLIAM ALLISON FR. 1410 Prospect, Lawrence, Kansas Peniel Ave., Bethany, Oklahoma HARRIS, PAUL GLENN ___________SO. GREGORY, CLETIS JR_____________ SO. 8510 Antioch, Overland Park, Kansas 3723 N.W. Hartford, Okla. City, Okla. HARRISON, ROBERT V ____________ JR GRESS, RONALD EUGENE FR. 4508 N. Libby, Bethany, Oklahoma 9717 W. 60, Merriam, Kansas HARROD, BETTY L. ______________ SO. GREVE, ARIEL F A Y ______________ FR. Route 1, Olton, Texas 1132 Iola, Auror, Colorado HART, MAXINE ANN FR. GREY, KAYLEEN SUE FR 721 N. Anna, Wichita, Kansas 1322 W. 2, Coffeyville, Kansas HARTER, MICHAEL FRANKLIN JR. —■G — GRIMES, NATHAN W AYN E SO. 5864 Prescott Dr., Baton Rouge, La. 507 Raleigh, Plainview, Texas GAMBLE, VILAS S ................ FR. HARTY, ROBERT LEE ____________FR. GUESS, JAMES ___________________ JR. Woodbine Ave., East Liverpool, Okla. 4606 N. College, Bethany, Okla. .4 2 1 0 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma GANSHORN, LARRY JOE ...... SR. HARW ELL, JANICE K A Y ________ JR. GUESS, JOHN LEE _______________ SR. 1041 South 36th, Lincoln, Nebr. 600 Beach St. W., Fort Worth, Texas Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma GARBER, LESTA ..... ...SO. HAVERLY, SHARON RAE ________ FR. GUINN, DONALD RAYMOND FR. Route 1, Baxter Springs, Kansas Route 2, Box 148, Yukon, Oklahoma 1020 Horseshoe Dr., Nashville, Tenn. GARRISON, NANCY K A Y SO HAWORTH, W ILLIAM R ___________ SO. GUNTER, CAROLYNN D. ____ SO. 8316 E. 23, Tulsa, Oklahoma 6306 N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma 4506 N. Lewis, Tulsa, Oklahoma GARMAN, RITA RUTH ............ FR. HAWS, EVERETT R AY ___________SO. 705 N. Belmont, Springfield, Ohio — H— ' 3908 N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. GARNER, LLOYD THOMAS FR. HAINEY, CAROLYN JEAN FR. HAYES, JOHN ____________________ j r . 1320 W. 37 St., No. Little Rock, Ark. 4600 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma 721 Texas, Pine Bluff, Arkansas


HAZELBAKER, JIM C. ____________ SR. 4303V2 N. College, Bethany, Okla. HAZELTON, JOHN KENNETH JR. 6716 N.W. 36, Bethany, Oklahoma HEAGLE, MARSHA FERN _______ FR. 648 Arthur Ave., Chula Vista, Calif. HEAP, CHRISTIANA LOIS JR. Santa Elena, Peten, Guatemala HEAP, STEPHEN MOFFET FR. Santa Elena, Peten Guatemala HEARD, THELMA SO. 817 26 Ave. E., Tuscaloosa, Alabama HEATH, MARIAN LORRAINE SO. 6810 N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma HEATH, MARJORIE JUNE FR. 6810 N.W. 41, Bethany, Oklahoma HEBARD, DAVID BRUCE FR. 1345 S.W. 29, Oklahoma City, Okla. HEGI, PEGGY JO FR. 625 S. McComas, Wichita, Kansas HENDERSON, CONLEY PAUL GRAD 4310 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma HENDERSON, KENNETH DON FR. 1433 Reding Dr., Oklahoma City, Okla. HENDERSON, LINDA MERLE JR. 255 Seyburn Dr., Baton Rouge, La. HENBEST, IRMA LOU SR. 1920 Counterpoint, Houston, Texas HENDRICK, ROBERT PAUL FR. 4502 N. Central, Bethany, Oklahoma HENDRICKS, ALVIN LEWIS FR. 318 Cedar, Cedar Hill, Texas HENDRIX, HURSHEL LEON SO. Box 531, Bartlesville, Oklahoma HENDRIX, MARVIN L. SR. Box 531, Bartlesville, Oklahoma HERMANCE, GARY CHARLES FR. 801 N.W. 145 Terrace, Miami, Fla. HARREN, ROBERT GENE FR. 113 S. Mitchell, San Marcos, Texas HERSHBERGER, SUSAN B. SO. 4107 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma HESS, DIXIE ELLEN . FR. 3018 N. Warren, Oklahoma City, Okla. HESSER, SALLY VIRGINIA FR. 114 Carlson, Marshall, Texas HEUSTIS, HELEN ________________ FR. 6727 N.W. 38, Bethany, Oklahoma HICKS, EVELYN M. SR. 4206 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma HICKS, RAYMOND CARL FR. 6500 N. Meridian, Okla. City, Okla. HIETT, CHARLOTTE ANN SR. 905 Logan, Alva, Oklahoma HIGHTOWER, LARRY EUGENE SR. 4304 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma HIGHTOWER, LINDA FITTS SR. 4304 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma HILL, DENNIS ELDON FR. 1227 S. Charles, Sherman, Texas HILL, DONNA JEAN ..... FR. Box 272, Newport, Vermont HILL, RONNIE JOE JR. 1227 S. Charles, Sherman, Texas HILLERY, NANCY JEAN SO. Route 2, Prescott, Arkansas HINDMAN, EARL R. ______________ FR. 4111 Rockwell, Bethany, Oklahoma HINTZ, W. GENE __ SO. 909 S.W. 45, Bethany, Oklahoma HOCKETT, GILBERT LAVERN JR. 2111 South 3, Burlington, Iowa HODGE, LINDA JEAN ___________ SO. Route 2, Rock Falls, 111. HODGE, LYNN VERNON SO. 3629 N.W. 27, Oklahoma City, Okla. HODGES, SHARON ANN _________ FR. 2701 Mountain View, Carlsbad, N.M. HOFFMAN, MARYLOU FR. Box 445, Nampa, Idaho HOFFPAUIR, JACK W ENDELL JR. 1106 S. 51, Temple, Texas HOFMANN, TACIE _______________ FR. 320 Hancock St., Holdrege, Nebraska HOGAN, DOLLIE FAYE SO. 2030 W. 17, Little Rock, Arkansas HOHNER, GARY __________________ FR. Box 284, Cameron, 111. HOLLOWAY, JANICE ANNE SR. Box 367, Channelview, Texas HOLMES, DENNIS LEE FR. 943 Tennyson, Denver, Colorado


HOPPE, PATRICIA SUE __________FR. 2040 Federal Blvd. No. 9, Denver, Colo. HORNE, DIANA JEAN ___________FR. 3132 Pioneer, Oklahoma City, Okla. HORTON, TRUDY DELORIS SR. 4811 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma HOWELL, ERNEST EUGENE SR. 1308 Delaware, Bartlesville, Okla. HOUSTON, GRAYDON L E E _______ JR. Route 2, Johnson, Kansas HOWARD, FRANK CORBETT SO. 644 Valkyrie, K. I. Sawyer AFB, Mich. HOYT, CONNIE SUE _____________ FR. 6616 N.W. 30 Terrace, Bethany, Okla. HUBBARD, ROBERT SNEED FR. 3213 West Ave. T, Temple, Texas HUBBERT, JAMIE RAYE _________SO. 6812 N.W. 43, Bethany, Oklahoma HUBBERT, MARQUIS JAMES FR. 6812 NW 43, Bethany, Okla. HUBBERT, VICKY ANN __________FR. 6812 N.W. 43, Bethany, Oklahoma HUBNER, JIM D. _________________ SO. Route 2, Assumption, Oklahoma HUDDLESTON, JERRY BRYSON SO. Conway Springs, Kansas HUDGINS, ROBERT LYNN ..... FR. 620 S. Louis Title, Mangum, Oklahoma HUDSON, JAMES RON ..... SR. 6608 N.W. 42, Bethany, Oklahoma HUDSON, ROBERT DEAN _______ SR. Route 1, LaHarpe, Kansas HUDSON, SHEILA JEAN MEE SO. 4208 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma HUDSON, W AYNE ROBERT SO. 6608 N.W. 42, Bethany, Oklahoma HUFFMAN, GALEN DEAN FR. 2217 S. Belmont, Wichita, Kansas HUDGES, JAMES _________________ -SR. 112 W. Broadway, Mishawaka, Indiana HUGHES, LARRY EARL FR. 1452 E. Oak St., Mesa, Arizona HUGHES, MARY ELLEN _________SR. 4739 N. 36 Ave., Omaha, Nebraska HULL, PATRICIA G. ___ JR. 21116 Harvard, Torrance, California HULSEY, PAUL STEPHEN FR. 509 N. Greenwood, Ft. Smith, Ark. HUMPHREYS, NANCY E. _____ SO. 8305 N. Military, Oklahoma City, Okla. HUNTER, JERRY ELLIT __________SO. 413 E. Columbia St., Magnolia, Ark. HUNTER, MENDALL FRANK FR. Route 1, Box 36, Wheeler, Texas HUNTER, TROYCE JA Y SO. 6501 N.W. 35, Bethany, Oklahoma HUNTSMAN, NANCY LEE FR. 1844 Mt. Washington, Colo. Springs HULBUT, ROBERT W. ____________ FR. 3417 Jackson, St. Joseph, Mo. HURN, CONNIE LYNN SO. 3515 43, Lubbock, Texas HUTTO, BRYON LEJUNE SO. Route 1, Box 41, Robeline, La. HYSOM, CAROLE SUE FR. 727 LaZella St., Sturgis, So. Dakota — I— ICE, MICHAEL DON ______________ FR. 4302V2 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma IDE, SALLY M. FR Route 2, Vicksburg, Michigan IDELL, W ILLIAM DELAYNE SO. 819 N. Taylor, Gainesville, Texas INGLE, CAROLYN SUE .... JR. 9914 2 Ave. S., Seattle, Washington INGLE, GORDON STAHLY _______ SR. 9914 2 Ave. S., Seattle, Washington INGLE, LINDA K A Y ______________ FR. 904 Fall, Odessa, Texas INGLE, R. JOLENE SO. 1014 Budleson, Grand Prairie, Texas INGLE, ROBERT LEWIS JR. 1014 Burleson, Grand Prairie, Texas IRELAND, CAROL ANN FR. 1210 W. 6, Freeport, Texas IRELAND, RONALD LEWIS JR. 522 Gardenia, Lake Jackson, Texas IRVIN, ROBERT LOYD JR. 211 Truax, San Antonio, Texas ISBELL, CHARLES DAVID JR. Box 957, Crowley, La.

ISBELL, E. ROSE _______________ SO. Box 957, Crowley, La. — J— JABLECKI, DONNA M_____________ SR. 6611 N.W. 42, Bethany, Oklahoma JABLECKI, JUDITH ANNE SO. 321 N. Chelsea, Kansas City, Mo. JABLECKI, LAW RENCE T GRAD. 6611 N.W. 42, Bethany, Oklahoma JACKSON, DONALD JOSEPH JR. 210 N. Ruston, Sioux City, Iowa JACKSON, GEORGE W ALLACE FR. 1712 Taylor, Lawton, Oklahoma JACKSON, GLORIA JEAN FR. 2510 W. 24, Wichita, Kansas JACKSON, ROBBIE SUE SR. 7001 N.W. 47, Bethany, Oklahoma JACOBS, JIMMIE LEE ____________FR, 428 S. Quaker, Nevada, Missouri JAMES, FREDERICK WILLIAM FR. 4305 St. Cathedines, Vancouver, B.C. JEDAL, MOHAMMOD R ____________ SR. Aref, Tehran, Iran JEFFERIES, CATHERINE ANN SR. Route 1, Howe, Texas JENKINS, GORDON LEE FR. 4801 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma JENKINS, JANETTE LOUISE SO. 7348 Wayne, Kansas City, Mo. JENKINS, ORVILLE W ESLEY JR. 7348 Wayne, Kansas City, Mo. JENNINGS, C. R AY FR. 3803 N. Redmond, Bethany, Oklahoma JENNINGS, JAMES JAY SO. Route 1, Coffeyville, Kansas JENNINGS, KATHERINE JEAN SO. Box 174, Bangs, Texas JENNINGS, PEGGY SUE FR. 406 E. 3 St., Smith Center, Kansas JERGENSEN, JOYCE GLENNENE JR. 804 W. 4, North Platte, Nebraska JERNIGAN, LORENE LOUISE FR. 737 W, Florence, Blackwell, Okla. JERNIGAN, MERILYN DELL JR 228 Ash, Yukon, Oklahoma JETTON, LA VON JR. 5304 Schaer, N. Little Rock, Ark. JOHNSON, CAROL JUNE SO. 1018 Barracuda, Corpus Christi, Texas JOHNSON, DON EUGENE FR. Fargo, Oklahoma JOHNSON, COMER R ___________ GRAD. 1206 Loftin Dr., Midwest City, Okla. JOHNSON, KAREN LOUISE JR. 7313 S. Douglas, Oklahoma City, Okla. JOHNSON KENNETH L. __________SO. Box 66, Fargo, Oklahoma JOHNSON, LINDA JO _____________ FR. 1529 W irt Rd., Houston, Texas JOHNSTON, BARBARA L. ________ SO. Socorro, New Mexico JOHNSTON, CURTIS SO. Route 3, Norman, Oklahoma JOHNSTON, DIANE LANELL SO. 3017 Wallace, Clovis, N. Mexico JOHNSTON, JOHN LEO FR. Box 58-C, Pearl River, La. JOHNSTON, M ARY ELIZABETH SO. 304 Roosevelt Circle, Morrilton, Ark. JONES, BEVERLY ANN ___________SO. 4411 N. Central Rd., Bethany, Okla. JONES, CAROL VIOLET JR. Taloga, Oklahoma JONES, CECIL ALTON FR. 4411 N. Central Rd., Bethany, Okla. JONES, CHARLES EDWARD SR. Haywood, Oklahoma JONES, DONNA LOU JR. Cimarron, Kansas JONES, JAMES VERDELL FR. 5120 N.W. 47, Oklahoma City, Okla. JONES, KENNETH DALE SR. 6901 N.W. 46, Bethany, Oklahoma JONES, TERRY L. _________________ JR. 6757]/2 N.W. 39, Bethany, Oklahoma JONKMAN, RICHARD LEE JR. 18131 Third St., Fountain Valley, Calif. JORDON, GARY DEAN SR. Burr Oak, Kansas JORDAN, LINDA K A Y FR. Burr Oak, Kansas

— K— KAM ADA, HERBERT HIDEO FR. Hawaii KASTNER, RUANNAH LEE FR. 4411 N. Mueller, Bethany, Okla. KEE, JANET DELORES ___________JR. 1702 W. Duval, Troup, Texas KEESEE, DANA RICHARD FR. 1721 Lexington, Vernon, Texas KEESEE, WILLS D U A N E __________JR. 1721 Lexington, Vernon, Texas KEITH, LAR RY MARTIN ________ FR. 4332 Cypress Rd., St. Ann, Mo. KEITH, PATTY LOU ______________ FR. 1606 Taylor, Lawton, Oklahoma KELLEY, MILDRED ARLENE JR. 2019 Ash, Parsons, Kansas KELLEY, ROBERT PARKS _______ FR. Rehm Route, Dalhart, Texas KELLY, A N ITA FAY E ____________ SR. 1619 W. 8 St., Texarkana, Texas KELLY, ARDITH ARLENE SR. Elkhart, Kansas KELMAN MARVIN C L A R K _______ SR. Box 261, Bradshaw, Nebraska KEMP, SHARON K A Y _____________ JR. Box 128, Miltonvale, Kansas KENNEDY, C L A R A L O U ___________FR. 27431 Villa, Highland, California KENNEDY, JOHNNY R A Y ________ JR. Route 1, Box 411, Henryetta, Okla. KENNEDY, LA R R Y _______________ FR. Route 1, Box 411, Henryetta, Okla. KENT, CAROLYN AN ITA JR. 609 Maplewood Lane, Nashville, Tenn. KEY, JANET N _____________________ FR. Box 1004, Healdton, Okla. KEY, KEYNA GRACE _____ JR. 6110 Blythe, Highland, California KEYES, W AYN E E _________________FR. 710 B C Ave., McAllen, Texas KIGHTLINGER, CAROL J. _______ FR. Box 1406, Route 1, Sapulpa, Okla. KILGORE, LAWRENCE W ILLARD FR. Box 351, Johnson, Kansas KILLGORE, MICHAEL LEE . FR. 2912 23 St. N.W., Canton, Ohio KILPATRICK, GAYLE LYNN FR. Route 1, Box 44, Skiatook, Okla. KIM, HEE C H U M __________________ JR. 26645 W. Six Mile Rd., Detroit, Mich. KIMERY, RAYFORD L _____________ SO. 534 S.W. 49, Oklahoma City, Okla. KING, CAROL ANN _______________ FR. 8022 Ridgeview Dr., Houston, Texas KING, EDW ARD ANDERSON FR. 732 N. Westlink, Wichita, Kansas KINSCH, M. JANE ________________ JR. 602 N. Walnut, Coffeyville, Kansas KIRBY, MICHAEL BARRETT SO. Box 85, Broomfield, Colorado KICKHAM, EDW ARD A. _________ SR. 1013 Elm, Yukon, Oklahoma KIRKPATRICK, ROBERT W. SO. B P 76, Kitaga, Buryndi, Africa KISSINGER, ROBERTA IRENE . FR. 1801 W. 7 St., Hastings, Nebraska KNABE, LOIS L Y N N ______________ FR. 1012 E. Maple, Enid, Oklahoma KNAPP, SHARON ELAINE JR. Miltonvale, Kansas KNEE, ELMER HENRY ___________ SR. 402 N. Jarvis, Craston, Iowa KNIGHT, DONNA LYNN SO. 1805 Broadmoor, Amarillo, Texas KNIGHT, EDDIE WILSON _______ SO. 1611 S.W. 23, Oklahoma City, Okla. KOEHN, KATHLEEN CAROL FR. 1110 Harrison, Newton, Kansas KROBER, LOANNA JUNE ________ JR. 4732 S.E. 24, Del City, Oklahoma — L— LADD, LINDA L. _____ JR 2509 E. Admiral Ct., Tulsa, Okla. LAFORCE, NORMAN W AYN E SR. Bethany, Oklahoma LAMPP, JOE W AYN E _____________ FR. Route 1, Seagraves, Texas LANCE, SHERYL ANN ___________FR. 421 E. Buena Vista, Evansville, Ind.

LANDIS, DONALD EUGENE FR, Star Route, Russell, Kansas LANDON, LINDA JO SO. 4313 N. State, Oklahoma City, Okla. LANE, GERALD EARL GRAD. 17 Mohawk Drive, Kirksville, Mo. LANE, RICHARD MERLE JR. 17 Mohawk Drive, Kirksville, Mo. LAUBY, JOYCE LEA _____________ SR. 4900 N. Mueller, Bethany, Okla. LAUBY, RICHARD LEE JR. 4900 N. Mueller, Bethany, Okla. LEAGUE, PAUL DAN _____________ SO. Box 91, Sublette, Kansas LEHMAN, PATRICIA D____________ SR. 4211 Redmond, Bethany, Okla. LEONARD, RICHARD F U L T O N SO. 516 S. Francis, El Reno, Okla. LEVACK, DARLENE ANDREE FR. 13690 Grandview, Gibraltar, Mich. LEWIS, FRANCES TUCKER JR. 4208V2 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma LEWIS, JAMES HENRY __________SO. 543 Octavia St., New Orleans 15, La. LEWIS, LARRY H. GRAD. 4208V2 N. Donald, Bethany, Okla. LEWIS, PAULINE SO. Route 2, Weston, Missouri LEWIS, ROBERT D. JR. 2217 6 Ave. N., Texas City, Texas LIBERTY, BARBARA JEAN SR. Box 77, Preston, Nebraska LIGHTHILL, JORGENA JANE SO. 4115 N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. LIGHTHILL, MAHLON F. SO. Box 704, Valentine, Nebraska LIN, BETTY ________ JR. Chung Cheng Rd., Taipei, Taiwan LINDSEY, G. TIM _________________ FR. 933 El Paso Dr., Derby, Kansas LINEBAUGH, LAU RA LEE FR. 60 W. Hylda, Youngstown, Ohio LIVELY, DIANA LYNN FR. 2661 Summer Lane, Salina, Kansas LLOYD, HAROLD LEON ___________JR. 714 Fairway, N. Little Rock, Ark. LOCK, JANET LOUISE ___________SO. 9810 Cloister Dr., Dallas, Texas LOETSCHER, ALBERT O’NEAL FR. 3221 College, Bethany, Oklahoma LONG, MARTHA S. SR. 401 S. Doty, Stillwater, Okla. LOPER, BETTY SUE SR. Bethany, Oklahoma LOURWOOD, M. KENNETH SR. 4010 N. College, Bethany, Okla. LOWE, JACK B. __________________ SO. 3844 S.W. 40, Oklahoma City, Okla. LUCAS, CHARLES CHUCK JR. 4505 S. Lipan, Englewood, Colorado LUCKY, GRAYSON SO. 2211 Gaines, Little Rock, Ark. LUTHYE, ELIZABETH ANN SO. 1020 Grove, Perry, Oklahoma LYNCH, JIMMY JOE JR. Route 1, Box 95, Denison, Texas LYNN, KENNETH JR. 4874 English, Indianapolis, Indiana — Me — M cANALLY, CAROLYN K. FR. 800 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma M cANALLY, LeDON K. GRAD. 4005 N. Donald, Bethany, Okla. McATEE, JAMES C. _______________ SO. 2930 Thomas PL, Oklahoma City, Okla. McBRIDE, M ARY PEARL ________ FR. 602 W. Panola, Carthage, Texas McCAIN, NOAH W ARREN GRAD. 707 N.W. 8, Oklahoma City, Okla. M cCa u l e y , n a n c y j . ___________ f r . Box 3, Walsh, Colorado McCLAFLIN, GEORGE ALFRED FR. 1603 Hawaii, Alamogordo, N. M. McCl e l l a n , r o n a l d k . sr. 1183 Washburn, Topeka, Kansas McCLUNG, JAMES DAVID _______ SR. 1723 Foster, Lake Charles, La. McCORMICK, CURTIS DEAN SR. Rt. 2, Box 399A, Bethany, Okla. M cCu l l o u g h , r o s e m a r i n . fr. 233 Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista, Arizona

McDANIEL, BARBARA ANN SR. 718 South 2, Temple, Texas McDANIEL, LEONARD EARL JR. 718 South 2, Temple, Texas McDANIEL, MARVIN O. 4804 N. Willow, Bethany, Okla. M cD o w e l l , d a n n y e a r l fr. 7022 Esther St., St. Joseph, Mo. McELFRESH, RONALD DAVID FR. 1216 N.W. 99th, Oklahoma City, Okla. McELRATH, DOVIANNE W. SO. 6913 NW 36 St., Bethany, Okla. McELRATH, JACKIE RAY JR. 6913 N.W. 36 St., Bethany, Okla. McELRATH, JANEY RUTH FR. 1808 N. Wilburn Ave., Bethany, Okla-, McELRATH, ROY LEE ____________FR. 601 S. Douglass, Malden, Mo. McGARRAUGH, CAROLYN LOU FR. 6606 N.W. 41st, Bethany, Okla. McGILL, KATHY FRANCES FR. Box 509, Helena, Arkansas McGUIRE, RALPH EUGENE FR. 1217 Hackney, Winfield, Kansas McINTIRE, TIM J. ________________ SO. 6706 N.W. 32, Bethany, Okla. McKAY, LARRY JOE _____________ SO. 802 South 1, Yukon, Okla. McKELLIPS, RUTHANNE ________ FR. 1503 W. 5, Coffeyville, Kansas M cK i n n e y , Ch a r l e s r i c h a r d 7791 Marion, Buena Park, California M cL a u g h l i n , t e r r y so. 8007 Kenton Ave., Cleveland, Ohio McLEAN, GWEN ANN SO. Route 3, Burr Oak, Kansas McMAHON, DONALD M. FR. 27050 Stratford, Highland, Calif. McNAMES, JUDY ANN SR. 210 N. McCloud, Claremore, Oklahoma McPHEETERS, V. LEROY JR. Route 1, Box 81, Independence, Kansas McREYNOLDS, PATRICIA M. FR. 1645 Massachusetts, Lawrence, Kansas McVAY, DOUG LEON _____________ SO. Box 32, Turpin, Kansas McVAY, MACY ELAINE SR. Route 2, Bonham, Texas M cW i l l i a m s , j a m e s k e n n e t h s o . 1911 Dale Place, Irving, Texas McW i l l i a m s , j e n n i e l e a jr . 304 W. Williams, Ottumwa, Iowa — M— MACKRILL, PATRICIA MAY SO. 401 W. Maple, Lexington, Nebraska MACRORY, PAUL DEAN FR. 3713 Grant, Bethany, Okla. MADDEN, LARRY DEAN JR. Box 292, McPherson, Kansas MAHONEY, ASIL PETE FR. 1504 S.W. 64, Oklahoma City, Okla. MAKER, KAREN NANETTE JR. 609 N. Oak, Ponca City, Okla. MANCHESTER, ALAN E. SR. Johnson, Vermont MANCHESTER, JEAN EMMA SO. Johnson, Vermont M ANLEY, STANFORD J. SO. 2312 N. Main, Garden City, Kansas MANNERS, JAMES FERRELL SO. Box 155, Manzunola, Colo. MANNING, JUDITH MAE FR. Box 2068, Titusville, Fla. MANNING, WILLIAM C. SO. 3828 Spaulding, Omaha, Nebraska MARKT, BRENDA KAY FR. 402 Auburn, Orayon, Mo. MARLER, DUANE EDGAR FR. 4115 St. Charles, Oklahoma City, Okla. MARTIN, CAROLYN JOY JR. 710 W. Duke, Hugo, Oklahoma MARTIN, DAVID W AYNE FR. 2334 Barlow, Dallas, Texas MARTIN, IRIS JEAN SO. 3401 Briscoe, Greenville, Texas MARTIN, JIMMIE E. ______________ SR. 4010 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma MARTIN, KEITH E _________________SO. 4808 N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. MARTIN, LARRY EUGENE JR. 13 E E. So. Hutch, Hutchinson, Kansas


MILLS, CAROL L. ________________ SO. 4207 N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. MILLS, DOUG ____________________Grad 4207 N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. MINCEY, W ILLIAM HUGH FR. 3808 15th Ave. Chattaneoga, Tenn. MINIX,GLENDA L __________________ SO. 1310 Fordham, Dallas, Tex. MINOTT, ELIZABETH JANE SR. 1 Aberdeen St. Peabody, Mass. M IRANDA, JOYCE _____________ GRAD. 4605 N. Wheeler, Bethany, Okla. MITCHELL, ALLAN F. ___________ SO. 406 S. Keystone, Stafford, Kan. MITTS, SONDRA O D E S S A ________ JR. 4310 N. Asbury, Bethany, Okla. MIXON, THOMAS A. _____________ SO. 2612 E. Avenue, Lawton, Okla. MOHR, C. MERLEEN _____________ SO. Box 233, Derby, Kan. MOHR, M. SHIRLEEN _____________ SO. Box 233, Derby, Kan. MOODY, H. GAIL ___ JR. 3300 No. Spring, Ft. Smith, Ark. MOORE, BRAD REYNOLDS FR. 1394 Blatt Blvd., Bradley, 111. MOORE, DIANA PATRICIA SO. 718 Saipan, San Antonio, Tex. MEADE, JAMES ROBERT ________ FR. MOORE, JAMES NOAH ___________FR. 5110 NW Grand Blvd., Okl. City Okla. 1002 Keith, Malvern, Ark. MEADOR, PATSY RUTH ________ FR. MOORE, LINDA K A Y _____________ FR. 5420 Ave. A., Lubbock, Texas 118 Princeton, Benton, Ark. MEADOR, REBEKAH G____________ FR. MOORE, MARK K E N T _____________ SR. 110 Weatherly, Borger, Tex. 5055 NW 40th, Okla. City, Okla. MEDDLES, LARRY W AYN E JR. MOORE, PATRICIA ANN ________ FR. 1810 W 4, Hastings, Nebraska Box 727, Montrose, Colo. MEEK, AN ITA JEAN _____________ JR. MOORE, PAUL HOW ARD _________SO. 2728 Altura, El Paso, Tex. 7009 NW 49th, Bethany, Okla. MEEK, LOIS JOLENE _____________ FR. MOORE, PRISCILLA MAE _____ SR. 2728% Altura, El Paso, Tex. 2944 NW 28, Okla. City, Okla. MEFFORD, MARY LOU _________ JR. MOORE, RUTH E L IZ A B E T H ______ SR. 4700 NW 10, Okla. City, Okla. 7009 NW 49, Bethany, Okla. MELROSE, ALBERT LEROY FR. MOORE, SANDRA K A Y ___________FR. Route 2, Aline, Okla. 1313 Fir Ave., Perry, Okla. MELTON, CAROLYN K A Y ________ SO. MOOSE, SHAREN ELIZABETH ... FR. Box 53, Tabor, Iowa 6009 NW 57, Okla. City, Okla. MELTON, DARREL EUGENE FR. MORALES, JESUS M. _____________ FR. Sidney, Iowa 1801 Guatemozin, Laredo, Tex. MENDENHALL, CARRIE ANN . FR. MORGAN, DICK A L L E N _______ SR. 601 N. Love, Lovington, N. M. 310 W. Cleveland, Ponca City, Okla. MORGAN, GARY ___________________SO. MENDEZ, MARCES _______________ SO Route 2, Wister, Okla. Box 257, San Marcos, Tex. MORGAN, M ARY FRAZIER SR. MENEFEE, CAROLYN K A Y SR. 6910 NW 41, Bethany, Okla. Box 472, Elkhart, Kan. MORGAN, RUTH CAROLYN JR. MENEFEE, MARSHA AVELDA .FR. Route 1, Fargo, Okla. Box 472, Elkhart, Kan. MORRIS, JIMMY VAN ___________FR. MERRITT, SANDRA KAYE SO. 5929 NW 43, Okla. City, Okla. 741 Woodmont PL, Shreveport, La. FR. MESIS, MILDRED J. _________ JR. MORRISON, EVA LILLIAN 87 Essex Street, Portland, Maine 5925 Havard Dr., Okla. City, Okla. MORRISON, MITCHEL QUINTEN FR. MESSER, ALFRED GLENN _______ JR. 5007 N. Central, Bethany, Okla. 6303 NW 36, Bethany, Okla. MORRISON, SUMNER L E R O Y FR. MESSER, ELLIS EDW ARD .... ... SO. 6613 NW 33, Bethany, Okla. Route 1, Sapulpa, Okla. MOSELEY, KENDALL VAN SO. MESSER, NELDA R AY ___________FR. Route 1 Box 180, Stephenville Tex. 146 E. Rittenhouse, Houston, Tex. MOSIMAN, SHERILYN KAYE FR. METZ, DONALD LYNN ______ JR. Route 3, Newton, Kan. 4605 N. Hammond, Bethany, Okla. MOSHER, DONALD DEAN FR. METZ, JUDY S. ____________________SO. Route 4, Box 131, Cozad, Neb. 4605 N. Hammond, Bethany, Okla. MOSLEY, WILLIAM JEROME JR. MI AO, R U T H ________ - .......... JR. 1525 N. Harvard, Okla. City, Okla. 29, Line 4, Chin-Shin, Hung-Ho MOUNTFORD, SONJA G. __________SR. Taiper Hsien, Taiwan 2236 Russell, Kansas City, Kan. MILLARD, PHYLIS J. _____________ SO. MOWEN, JEANNE ADELE SO. Milan, Kan. 12118 W. 55 St.. Shawnee, Kan. MILLER, BONNIE JOANNE SO. MOYER, M. RUTH FR. 12825 Central Ave., Portage, Ind. Route 1, Enid, Okla. MILLER, CARNEL GLENN -FR. MULDER, ROWENA RUTH FR. 515 W. Zimmerly, Wichita, Kan. 302 W. B St., Box 318, Ringling, Okla. M ILLER /H E A TH ER LEA ________ FR. MULLEN, LARRY DALE FR. Box 383, Taipei, Taiwan Route 2, Box 29-A, Mission, Tex. MILLER, JAY E ___________ SR. MULLINS, H. STANLEY SO. 6605 NW 12, Okla. City, Okla. Red Rock, Okla. MILLER, LINDA JEANETTE FR. MULHOLLON, MARILYN L. SO. 8425 Yale, Houston, Tex. 613 N. 2, Mulvane, Kan. MILLER, MIKE ALLEN - SO. MUNSON, SHARON KAY FR. 4916 Greeley, Kansas City, Kan. 1213 Angular St. Burlington, Iowa MILLER, NELDA C. MOORE JR. MURPHY, JAMES LORON SO. 6605 NW 12, Okla. City, Okla. 1462 NW 196 St., Miami, Fla. MILLIGAN, ELVA R AY ........... SR. MURPHY, WILSON DARELL FR. Star Route, Heavener, Okla. U. S. Navy Audit Office Hughes A ir­

MARTIN, PATRICIA SHERILL SR. 2121 Harrison, Topeka, Kansas MARTIN, RALPH R A Y ........... JR. 310 Crosby Dr., Del City, Okla. MARTIN, TROY LEE ______ SO. 5012 Asbury, Bethany, Okla. MARTIN, VIRGINIA ______________ SO. 1107 E. College, Sherman. Texas MARTIN, WILLIAM GERALD .. FR. 2121 Harrison, Topeka, Kansas MASSEY, JUDITH GAYLE ..... FR. 2110 Plymouth Dr. Irving, Tex. MASSEY, PHILIP W AYN E ....... FR. 710 S. Furguson, Stamford, Tex. MAUK, SYLVIA ANN ........ FR. Route 6, Box 718, Houston Tex. MAXEY, LARRY EDWIN .... SR.. Box 21, Follett, Tex. MAXEY, PATRICIA ANN SR. Box 509, Helena, Ark. MAXEY, RICHARD FLOYD SR. 6017 NW 59, Bethany, Okla. MAXWELL, MARYLYN ________ FR. 121 Embassy, Kirkwood, Mo. MEADE, DAVID CURTIS ________ FR. Box 76, Karval, Colorado


craft, Fullerton, Calif. MURRY, CLIFFORD HENRY . GRAD. 6735 NW 50, Bethany, Okla. M URRAY, KENNETH W AYN E FR. 107 B Second St., Apt 953 San Francisco, Calif. M URRAY, LANELLE ANN SO. 107 B Second St., A pt 953 San Francisco, Calif. MURRAY, STEPHEN EDWIN FR. 2202 Mount Vernon, Colo. Spr., Colo. MUSGRAVE, THOMAS EDW ARD SO. Fort Morgan, Colo. MUZINGO, DONALD LORN SO. 4604 N. Rockwell, Bethany, Okla. MYERS, LAW RENCE ROBERT FR. 1923 E. Jackson, Colo. Spr., Colo. — N— NABORS, MONTE G. JR. 315 S. 7, Kingfisher, Okla. NEEL, ARLIE JACK SO. Box 133, Loraine, Tex. NEELY THERESA ANN SO. 1555 Mesquita, Wichita Falls, Tex. NELSON, LINDA DARNELL SO. 124 N. 24th, Lamesa, Tex. NELSON, RICHARD W ARNER SO. 4101 N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. NE'UFELD, JANELL FR. 911 Epenard St., Dallas 11, Texas NEUSCHWANGER, ORVAL E _____ SO. 5608 Cindy Lane, Fort Worth, Tex. NEW LANDER, JERRY LLOYD SO. 1463 S. Mari Posa, Denver, Colo. NEWSOM, W. DEAN JR. 4306^ N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. NICE, LUELLA MAE ______________ SO. Rt. 3, Kingfisher, Okla. NICHOLS, JERRY LYON __________SR. 1002 Sheridan Lane, Cleburne, Tex. NICHOLSON, CALVIN L. ________ SR Ingalls, Kan. NICKERSON, W ILLIAM ROYCE SR. 1105 Rennington Dr., Rochester, N. Y. NIEDENS, SELMA JEAN SO. Rt. 1, Hooker, Okla. NIELSEN, LA V E R A _______________ FR. 5815 S. 51 Ave., Omaha, Neb. NIELSEN, RICHARD DANIEL SO. 6705 NW 31 Terr., Bethany, Okla. NOLLENBERGER, DAVID LEE JR. Route 2, Medford, Okla. NORTON, JOHN W E S L E Y ________ SO. 11200 Apricot St., Lynwood, Calif. NORSWORTHY, DAVID ARCHIE SR. 6810 NW 46th, Bethany, Okla. — O— ODEN, SHARON JUDITH JR. Box 36, Franklin Springs, Geo. OGG, GARY W AYN E SO. 7115 M. Mt. Vernon Rd., Evansville, Ind. OHSFELDT, RONALD ARTHUR JR. 1320 Neeley Drive, Houston, Tex. OLIVER, CHARLES W AYN E SO. 2008 Wsteria Dr., Jackson, Miss. OLSON, HAROLD DEAN ________ FR. 102 S. 33, Lincoln, Neb. OLSON, JAMES ____________________JR. 1025 S. 33, Lincoln, Neb. ORNDOFF, GARY W AYN E _______ FR. Route 6, Fayetteville, Ark. ORRELL, SHARON ANN SR. 17558 Sycamore Lane, Apple Valley, Calif. OSBURN, GEORGE WELLS FR. Wessington, S. Dak. OSBORNE, RICHARD ALLAN SO. 619 E. Tenn. St., Evansvile, Ind. OUTLAW, JOYCE ANN SO. 1227 24, Orlando, Fla. OUZTS, DELORES PATTY FR. 2008 Alma, Shreveport, La. OWEN, M YRNA ESTER FR. 820 Manitou Blvd., Colo. Spr., Colo. OWEN, THOMAS DALE _________ FR. 2328 SW 40, Okla. City, Okla. OWENS, DENNY G. _______________ SR. 6802 NW 45, Bethany, Okla. OYLER, JANE ELLEN ________FR. Box 7, 11th & Broadway, Lamed, Kan.

— P— PACK, M ARY ROSE FR. 5925 Lexington, Shreveport, La. PALMER, JOYCE E L A IN E _________SO. Rt. 3, Ithaca, Mich. PALMER, LEETTA JOYCE SO. 1112 Main St., Canon City, Colo. PARIS, STEPHEN W. _____________ SO. 2045 S. Maple, Carthage, Missouri PARK, ROBERT HENERY JR. Rt. 1 Box 25, Coyle, Okla. PARKER, CAIROL JOHAN SR. 6709 Gleason Circle, Bethany, Okla. PARNELL, DENNY LEE SO. Halltown, Missouri PARRISH, JOYCE LORETTA JR. Miltonvale, Kan. PARTEE, CAROL ANN JR. 14829 Jupiter, Whittier, Calif. PATCH, PATRICIA JOANN JR. Rt. 2, Oil City, Penn. PATE, BEVERLY JO FR. N. College, Bethany, Okla. PATE, GARRY DEAN _____________ FR. 105 Siesta Lane, Hot Springs, Ark. PATNODE, TERRY LEE FR. 4310 Lloyd, Kansas City, Kan. PATTERSON, LINDA K A Y FR. 1650 Floberta, Wichita, Kan. PATTERSON, MALCOLM H________JR. 38 St. Warr Acres, Davis Trailer Park PATTERSON, VIRGINIA DELL FR. 1116 E. Williams, Barstow, Calif. PATTON, TOMMY D A W S O N ______ FR. 2920 Lee Ave, Monroe, La. PAUL GEORGE T _______________ FR. 150 Nicklas, Okla. City, Okla. PAU LEY JIM ______________________ SR. 7111 NW 44, Bethany, Okla. PEABODY, CAROL _______________ FR. Crawford, Neb. PEARSON, CECIL CHARLES SO. Box 5, Orlando, Okla. PEARSON, PAUL EDW IN JR. 6907 NW 46, Bethany, Okla. PECK, ARLIE ROYCE _____________ FR. East Lawn, Kearney, Neb. PENDERSEN, R A Y A. ________ GRAD. 4109 Apt. 3 N. Beaver, Bethany, Okla. FR. PEGO, ELSIE _________________ 6708 NW 36th, Okla. City, Okla. PENICK, TESS ____________________ F R . 3508 Ridgemont Dr., Orange, Tex PENN, DAVID A LA N SR. Rt. 2, Auxvasse, Mo. PENN, DAVID MICHAEL FR. 309 NE Roselawn, Bartlesville, Okla. PERRY, ORBA J. JR. _____________ SO. 7005 NW 47, Bethany, Okla. PERRY, LAWRENCE W ESLEY FR. Rt. 1, Ryan, Okla. PETERSON, JAMES HOM'ER FR. 3821 Baseline Rd., Little Rock, Ark. PETERSON, LOIS JANE SR. 6231 N. Harrison, Kansas City, Mo. PETERSON, LYNN CHRISTINE JR. 11515 S. Wallace St., Chicago, 111. PETERSON, M ARY LYNN SO. Ryan, Okla. PETERSON, JULIA GOODRICH SR. 4205 N. Donald, Bethany, Okla. PHELPS, KATHLEEN _____________ FR. Olmitz, Kansas PHELPS, LAR RY RONALD SR. 6411 NW 42, Bethany, Okla. PHILLIPS, ALLEN LEON SO. 2810 W. 6th, North Platte, Neb. PHILLIPS, CAROLYN LUCILLE SO. 1922 East 70th St., Kansas City, Mo. PHILLIPS, KAREN SUE FR. Route 3, Winfield, Kansas PHILLIPS, RONDALL VAN SO. 1102 Grand, West Des Moines, Iowa PHILLIPS, RONNIE J______________ SR. 493 East 37, Texarkana, Ark. PHILLIPS, RUBY LA VERNE FR. 630 A. Taylor, Evansville, Ind. PHIPPS, CHARLES JAY JR. Rose St., Sheridan, Ark. PHIPPS, JERROLD LYNN SR. 301 Beeknell Ave., Sublette, Kan.

PICKENS, CHARLES Grad. 612 W. Crawford, Stafford, Kansas PIRTLE, DIANA MAY JR. 425 8th, West Des Moines, Iowa PLUMMER, BOB ALLEN ______ FR. 1816 Runyan, Artesia, New Mexico PLUMMER, CAROLYN LOUISE FR. 5000 Meuller, Bethany, Okla. PLUMMER, W ILLIAM LLOYD FR. 5000 Meuller, Bethany, Okla. PORTER, JOSEPH C. JR. 4121 N. Asbury, Bethany, Okla. PORTER, KATHERYN JEANETTE JR. 305 S. M St., Tishomingo, Okla. POSTLEW AIT, FRANK EDW ARD SO. 614 County Line Rd. Kan. City, Kan. POSTLEWAIT, JAMES LEE JR. 614 County Line Rd., Kan. City, Kan. POUND, IRA OSCAR SO. 4500 N College, Bethany, Okla. POUND, THOMAS BERT FR. 4500 N. College, Bethany, Okla. POWERS, DAVID SR. 6714 NW 43, Bethany, Okla. POWELL, CHARLES PHIL JR. 5920 NW 59, Okla. City, Okla. PRESLEY, CAROL JEAN FR. 4201 N. Rockwell, Bethany, Okla. PRESLEY, JIMMY CLIFTON SO. 4201 N. Rockwell, Bethany, Okla. PRICE, A LTA ALVEN A SR. 3004 N. Holloway, Bethany, Okla. PRICE, BRENDA LEE _____________ JR. 5353 NW 45 St., Okla. City, Okla. PRICE, CAROLYN S. SO. Route 2, Cherry vale, Kansas PRICE, LAU RA BETH FR 3004 Holloway, Bethany, Okla. PRICE, PHYLLIS KAY ____________ SO. 6804 NW 43, Bethany, Okla. PROFFITT, NANCY KAY FR. 4441 S. 44th, Lincoln, Neb. PURTEE, NELLINDA ANNE FR. 1405 W. Washington, Jonesboro, Ark. PYATT, ROSE ANN SO. Route 2, Lamar, Missouri

—Q— QUASS, JONATHAN GILBERT SO. 7501 N. El Micage Rd., Glendale, Arz. QUEEN, EDW ARD LARRAINE FR. 122 N. 78 St., Belleville, 111. QUINTANILLA, ENNA MIMI JR. 136 E. Craig, San Antonio, Texas QUIRE, JUDY CAROL ___________SO. PO Box 664, Drumright, Okla. — R— RACKLEY, RICHARD SO. 636 Hickory, Yukon, Okla. RADLEY, GROVER DANIEL FR. 914 Harlan, Falls City, Neb. RAINS, EARL LEE _______________ FR. 201 S. Perry, Ponca City, Okla. RAIRDON, HAROLD W AYNE FR. 4602 N. Wheeler, Bethany, Okla. RALPH, STEPHEN WILLIAM FR. 140 W. Michigan, Clayton, Indiana RAMSEY, LILA JOAN JR. Kenesaw, Neb. RANSFORD, HELEN ELAINE FR. 526 NW 13, Okla. City, Okla. RATHBUN, RALPH _______________ FR. 202 West 10 St., Caruthersville, Mo. REAN, NEVA GAIL _____________ Grad. 102 S. Texas, Cherokee, Okla. REAM, THOMAS EUGENE JR. FR. 115 Harrison St., Titusville, Florida REAVES, CAROL GENE ___________JR. Box 514, Conroe, Texas REAZIN, VIRGIL DUANE ________ JR. Route 3, Box 189, Troup, Texas REED, CHARLOTTE ELAINE SO. Rt. 1, Box 104, Iota, Louisiana REDD, JOHN R. _________________ FR. 216 N. Ash, Little Rock, Ark. REED, KENNETH EUGENE FR. 1017 Trisha, Des Moines, Iowa REEVER, CAROL COLEAN SR. 1877 11th Ave., Greeley, Colo. REEVER, CHAROL LAREEN SO. 1877 11 Avenue, Greeley, Colorado

REHFELDT, ROGER WILLIAM SO. 4930 S. Frankin Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. RELGER, CLAIRE NEILL GRAD. 821 NW 40, Okla. City, Okla. REIGHARD, G. MARK FR. 4115 W. 48, Shawnee Mission, Kansas REITZER, PAULETTE NADINE SR. 415 Avant Ave., San Antonio, Texas REMPEL, LUETTA MAE ________ JR. 1407 O’Daniel, Hutchinson, Kansas REX, LADONNA JANE SO. 4905 NW 29, Okla. City, Okla. REYMORE, KINDA LEE ________ FR. 407 Walnut St., Reno, Pa. REYNOLDS, LADONNA K A Y FR. 4804 N. Mueler, Bethany, Oklahoma RHODES, GEORGE W AYNE SO. 6709 NW 28, Bethany, Okla. RICE, LARRY EVERETT FR. 3800 E. 69, Kansas City, Missouri RICE, LINDA KAY _______________ SO. 2418 Ohio, Lawrence, Kansas RICE, PAUL DAVID SO. 9002 Ahmann, Whittier, California RICH, JAMES E ________________ GRAD. 6816 NW 30, Bethany, Okla. RICH, SUZANNE F. JR. 6816 NW 30, Bethany, Oklahoma RICHARDS, GERALDINE FAYE SO. 3113 E. Lee St., Pensacola, Fla. RICHARDS, THOMAS JAMES SO. 6708 NW 36, Bethany, Okla. RICHEY, DELORES _______________ FR. 1222 South B, Harlingen, Texas RIDENOUR, HAROLD E. FR. 6405 NW 41, Bethany, Okla. RIDINGS, PAUL CARL ___________SO. 4708 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma RIGGS, CHARLES RAY FR. 4703 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma RILEY, CAROLYN SUE SO. 6761 NW 39, Bethany, Oklahoma RILEY, NORMALEE JEWEL 2508 Belvir Blvd., Sarasota, Florida RILEY, SIDNEY KENT 6761 NW 39, Bethany, Okla. RING, WILLIAM H. _______________ JR 3503 N. Holloway, Bethany, Okla. RIPPSTEIN, JOY ELLEN SO. Box 165, Higgins,Texas RIST, ROBERT G _______________ FR. 4251 Parkview, Kansas City, Kansas RIST, STEPHEN EDWARD SR. 4251 Parkview, Kansas City, Kansas ROBERTS, CHARLES D SO. 1501 Ashley Dr., Oklahoma City, Okla ROBERTS, IRIE FONDA SR! 917 y2 19 St., Orlando, Fla. ROBERT, JEANETTE ALICE FR. Box 64, Climax Kansas ROBERTS, JUDY D SR. 4701 N. Asbury, Bethany, Oklahoma ROBERTS, LESLIE JANE JR 2904 20 St., Lubbock, Texas ROBERTSON, DAVE ALLAN SR. 551 Third St., Jasper, Texas ROBERTSON, KEN GENE JR. 6801 NW 42, Bethany, Okla. ROCK, CLINTON ANDREW FR. 710 Colorado St., Rawlins, Wyo. RODDY, CHERYL LEE SO. 25770 Mira Monte, Redlands, Calif. ROE, TOMMY GENE SO. 1103 Palmeno, Pasadena, Texas ROGERS, REID PATRICK FR. 469 S. 78E Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma ROHLMEIER, TERRY L___________SR. 316 Bass Ave., Yukon, Oklahoma RONNEKAMP G. STEPHEN .... JR. 835 Alderson, Billings, Montana ROQUERRE, DONALD ROBERT FR. 9408 Juniper, Fontana, Calif. ROSE, JOHNNY C SR. Box 94, Lockney, Texas ROSE, KENNETH ALLEN FR. Route 1, Elkhart, Kansas ROSE, MARILYN KAY SO. Route 1, Elkhart, Kansas ROSENAU, JUDY ANN __________ FR Willow Creek, California


ROSS, ROSALIE A ________________ JR. 4011 N. Donald, Bethany, Okla. ROUNDTREE, JANIS JO _________ FR. H E . Sunset Dr., Orange, Texas ROUSSELLE, SANDRA S U E _______FR. 950 State St., Phillipsburg, Kansas RUDDELL, STEPHEN CLAUDE FR. Rt. 1, Knoxville, 111. RUSH, LENNETH JAMES ....... SO Eugene, Missouri RUSSELL, JUDY A N N SO. 2501 N. Key, Midwest City, Oklahoma RUSSELL, MARGARET E JR. 914 N. “ H” , Wellington, Kansas RUTHERFORD, LO UAH NA SO. Capitol Trailors, Lot 11, Bethany, Okla. RUTHERFORD, W ILLIAM HOMER JR. 7700 NW 39, Bethany, Oklahoma _ S — SALES, JOANNE __________________ FR. 8745 N W 18, Bethany, Oklahoma SALES, RICHARD GRANT .. . FR 8745 N W 18, Oklahoma City, Okla. SAMPSON, ZENAS ARCH _________ JR. 239 Harriet St., S. Portland, Maine SANDERS, BRENDA JOYCE FR 720 Rector, Hot Springs, Arkansas SANDERS, M ARY LOUISE JR. 217 N. Seminole, Bartlesville, Okla. SANDERS, N A N C Y LEE _________ FR. 217 N. Seminole, Bartlesville, Okla. SANDERS, R. DON ____ JR. 4513 N. Libby, Oklahoma City, Okla. SANDLIN, TERRY A LLA N FR 2204 Mt. Vernon, Orlando, Florida ___ JR. SANDS, DORENE K A Y Box 108, Cimarron, Kansas SANER, JAMES RUSSELL FR. 5056 Garner Lane, Merriam, Kansas SARBER, DONNA GAIL _________ FR 7040 N. Pala Fox Blvd., Pensacola, Fla. SAUER, PAUL GARY ___ JR Mounted Rt. Nampa, Idaho SAWRIE, MICHAEL KEITH FR. Rt. 3, Little Rock, Arkansas SAW YER, CARL ________ JR Box 378, Greenbrier, Tenn. SAW YER, H AY W A R D ..... SO. 10110 Asher, Elmonte, California SCALES, DEA BURKHART JR. 6812 N W 41, Bethany, Oklahoma SCALES, GLEN R A Y ______ SO 6812 N W 41, Bethany, Oklahoma SCHATZ, JACOB _____ FR. 2206 Burrell, Lewiston, Idaho SCHENDEL, JON G___________ . FR. 10503 Otis St., So. Gate, California SCHILLING, SANDRA LOUISE FR. Route 3, Harlingen, Texas SCHMIDT, CLARICE KARIE SO. Route 2, Copeland, Kansas SCHMIDT, TW ILA MAE __________ SR. Route 2, Copeland, Kansas SCHNEIDER, JAMES DA R W IN ......FR Box 240, Bartlesville, Oklahoma SCHNEIDER, JULIUS EDW ARD JR. Box 240, Bartlesville, Oklahoma SCHOELZ, CLIFF ___ SR. 2430 S. 2., Amcadla, California SCHOTT, RAMONA _____ FR. 709 W . 5, Hutchinson, Kansas SCHROEDER, DELBERT ARLO SO 1109 E. 1. St., Newton, Kansas SCHROEDER, ROBERT A. GRAD. 6007 N W 32, Bethany, Oklahoma SCHBERT, VERA LOU ________ SO. 4411 Mueller, Bethany, Oklahoma SCHULTZ, MARCIA DIANE JR. 8507 E. 114th, Kansas City Missouri SCHWENK, DON L. _____ JR 3221 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma SCHWENK, KAREN F A Y E SO. 918 Briggs, Hastings, Nebraska SCOTT, HOWARD EARL _________ SR. Route 2, El Reno, Oklahoma SCOTT, JUNE E. ______ __ ________ _____ Box 67, El Reno, Oklahoma SCOTT, R A Y A LLA N _____ FR. 12521 Green River Dr., Houston, Texas SCOTT, W ILLIAM H A Y D E N FR. 12521 Green River Dr., Houston, Texas


SR. SCROGGS, L. K A Y ______________ SMITH, SHARON RAE ___________SO. 5305 Lake Highland, Waco, Texas 6306 NW 37, Bethany, Oklahoma SEATON, CAROLYN SUE _______ FR. SMITH, SHIRLEY ANN ___________JR. 3801 Mary, Fort Smith, Arkansas 1100 NE 58, Oklahoma City, Okla. SMITH, W ALTER W. _____________ SO. SHADOWENS, DELORES JEAN ... JR. 1544 Crestwood, N Little Rock, Ark. 516 S. Crawford, Norman, Oklahoma SO. SHARP, JOHNNY W . ___________ FR. SNAVELY, ORVILLE DUANE 435 E. 2nd., Concordia, Kansas 4160 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma SHEARER, BARBARA J. _________ FR. SNELL, EDITH KAREN ___________ SO. 1141 N. Sterling, Okla. City, Okla 629 S. Porter, Tyler, Texas SNIDER, CARL CLEO _____________ JR. SHEARER, JOHN W ILLIS FR 6709 NW 37, Apt. B, Bethany, Okla. Capitol Park, Bethany, Oklahoma SNIDER, RUTH EARLEEN JR. SHELTON, NORMAN W . _________ SR. 6709 W 37, Apt. B, Bethany, Okla. 4113 Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma SHEPARD, BETTY JO ___________ FR. SNOWBARGER, NORMAN LEO JR. Rt. 1, Cherryvale, Kansas Route 1, Sylvia, Kansas SHEPHERD, CAROLYN JOAN SR SNOWBARGER, THAINE ALVIN SO. 4109 N. Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma 3000 Oakridge, Bethany, Okla. SHEPHERD J. R O N A L D ____________SR. SNOWDER, ELLEN LOUISE SR. 4109 N. Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma Box 154, Henryetta, Oklahoma SHEPHERD, SHERYL JEAN FR. SNYDER, GARRY E. __ SR. 513 8th, Towanda, Kansas 4105 W. Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma SHEPPARD, MICHAEL A L L A N SO. SNYDER, M ARILYN K A Y _________SO. 5301 N. 48, Omaha, Nebraska 4105 W. Beaver, Bethany, Okla. SHEPPARD, RICHARD L. _____ SR. SODOWSKY, LINDA KATHLEEN JR 7700 N W 39, Bethany, Oklahoma 3306 E. Meyer Blvd., Kan. City, Mo. SHERRILL, GLORIA JEAN FR. SOPENA, VIOLETA _______________ FR 7020 S. Villa, Okla. City, Oklahoma 1913 Paysandi, Urvguay, South Amer. SHIMKO, JO S E P H SO SOUTHWORTH, JAMES FORREST SR. Edgar, Nebraska 7709 NW 7, Oklahoma City, Okla. SHIRBROWN, GEORGE F __________ JR. SOWERS, STANLEY ROSS __________ Miltonvale, Kansas Marienthal, Kansas SHOOK, JEROLD L E E ______________ FR. SPARKS, KATIE JO _____________ FR. 403 N. D., Arkansas City, Kansas 5003 Outlook, Mission, Kansas SHORE, CARMEN LOUISE SO. SPAULDING, SAMMY M. .... FR. Route 2, Johnson, Kansas Box 95, Isabel, Kansas SHORE, CURTIS HAROLD SO. SPICER, CHARLA ANN ________ FR. Route 1, Meade, Kansas 221 W. 7, Ft. Morgan, Colorado SHORTREED, EMMETT LOUIS FR. SPIRES, LETRICIA ANN ... FR. Hot Springs, Arkansas 2326 60, Lubbock, Texas SHRIDE, CARL MICHEAL JR SPOON, BARRY DEAN _______ JR. 1405 W . Highland Ct., Decatur, 111. 6615 NW 42, Bethany, Oklahoma SHUMAKE, BEVERLY K A YE SO SPOON, PAUL D A V ID _____________ FR 1342 Stratford Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 615 Linwood Ave., Pleasanthill, Md. SIFFORD, CLYDE LEE FR. SPRUCE, JILL _____________________JR. Bay City, Texas 7710 Maxwell, San Antonio, Texas SILVER, M YRA AN N ______________ SO SPRUIELL, M ARYAN JOYCE SO 515 E. Lowell St., Lakeland, Florida Box 128, Abernathy, Texas SILVER, LINDA FR. SRADER, DUANE E. __ SO. 515 E Lowell St., Lakeland Florida 4310 N Asbury, Apt. H, Bethany, Okla. SILVEY, HELEN EDW ARDS SR. STAFFORD, BARBARA M JR. 4311 N. Wheeler, Bethany, Oklahoma Box 11, Bethany, Oklahoma SIMANS, IDA M. __________________ SR STAFFORD, JAMES ELBERT JR. Route 1, Mora, Minn. 6903 NW 42, Bethany, Oklahoma SIMMONS, BOBBIE JEAN SO. STAFFORD, ROBERT ALBERT ....SR 908 N McKenney, Odessa, Texas 4303 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma SIMMONS, SHARON LEE SO. STAHL, LANELL DULIN _________SR. 4201 N. Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma 6604 NW 43, Bethany, Oklahoma SIMMS, ROBERT JUDSON SO. STAHL, RICHARD W AYN E SR, 832 E 7, Pueblo, Colorado 6604 NW 43, Bethany, Oklahoma SIMPSON, ROBERT ________________ SR. STAMPS, DON GARREL Grad Route 1, Longdale, Oklahoma 6105 NW 32, Bethany, Oklahoma SIRES, LELAND R A Y FR. STANDEFER, JIMMIE CLINTON FR. 4208 N. Redmond, Bethany, Oklahoma 7518 Kentucky, Odessa, Texas SISSON, VIRGINIA SHARON JR STANDEFER, SAN DIE SUE ________ 2408 Elm, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Odessa, Texas SKAGGS, JOHN ARTHUR SO. STARK, ALICE FAY E ___ SR. 412 N W 5, Bentonville, Arkansas 4208 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma SLOTHWER, DEAN W . ___________ JR. STARK, NORMA JEAN ________ JR 7011 N W 59 Terrace, Bethany, Okla. 516 E. 7, Newton, Kansas SMALLING, MARTHA K A Y FR STARK, W ILLIAM __________ FR. 4107 Hillside Dr., N. Little Rock, Ark. 3416 S. Seneca, Wichita, Kansas SMALLING, M ARY F A Y FR. STARLING, GLORIA JEAN SO. 4107 Hillside Dr., N. Little Rock, Ark. 6318 W 54, Mission, Kansas SMITH, DARRELL D. ______________FR. STATON, ELLEN M. .... .................SO. 1300 Hoover, Great Bend, Kansas 3142 SW 38, Oklahoma City, Okla. SMITH, DAVID E VANS FR. STEEL, EFFIE SUE _________ JR. Apt. 2, Labranch, McComb, Miss. Box 207, Oklahoma City, Okla SMITH, GLENDA J A Y ______________SO. STEEL, M ARY ELLEN .......... FR. 4313 Waterloo, Dallas, Texas Box 207, Oklahoma City, Okla. SMITH, EUGENE ______________ SR. STEIN, RHONDA CAROL ________ FR. 3604 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma 1101 N. Leach, Watonga, Oklahoma STEPHENS, W ILBERT ALLEN FR SMITH, IMALEE RUTH _________ FR. Box 96, Elmore City, Oklahoma 1446 SW 54, Bethany, Oklahoma SMITH, LOWELL CLINTON FR. STETSON, ELTON GRANT JR. 4503 N. Redmond, Bethany, Oklahoma Burdette, Kansas SMITH, R. BLAKE ______________ SO STEW ART, JOELLYN MARIE FR. 4305 N. Donald, Bethany, Oklahoma Fort Dodge Road, Dodge City Kansas SMITH, ROBERT W A Y N E ... ...SO. STIELOW, KENNETH ....... ................SO. 7492 Orchard, New Lothrop, Mich. Paradise, Kansas SMITH, SHARON A N N __________ SR STILES, BARBARA ELLEN SR 218 Laurel, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 1025 W. Kabe, Orlando, Florida

STINCHCOMB, BONNY R U S S E L L ____ 6205 N W 40, Bethany, Oklahoma STOGDILL, JUDITH KAREN JR. 409 E. Garfield, Clarinda, Iowa STOLL, ALOAH K A Y E ___________ JR. Route 1, Kismet, Kansas STONE, MARVIN R A Y ____________SO. 3407 N. Rockwell, Bethany, Oklahoma STINNER, M ARILYN MARIE JR. Route 5, Clay Center, Kansas STOREY, LYNNE ELEANOR FR. 2101 Alexander Lane, Bethany, Okla STOREY, PHILLIP G. SR. 2101 Alexander, Bethany, Okla. STRAKER, G ARY ENNIS FR Route 2, Cowgill, Missouri STRAUGHAN, JEAN DORIS SO. 4430 N. 47 St., Phoenix, Arizona STRICKLAND, ROBERT W A Y N E FR 8 Chilternrd, Florida, Johannesburg, South Africa STROMAN, DAVID W . JR. 8bl Date Ave., Chula Vista, California STROMAN, JANICE ELLEN FR. 891 Date Ave., Chula Vista, California STROUD, A. LOGAN _______________ JR. 2152 E. 55 St., Tulsa, Oklahoma STUMP, M A R Y FRANCES JR. 912 South Fifth, Texhoma, Oklahoma SULLIVAN, JUDY K A Y ________ FR. Box 134, Rolla, Kansas SUMMER, GENE GRAD. 4501 N. Hammond, Bethany, Oklahoma SUTTER, STA N LE Y VERNON FR. Route 1, Abilene, Kansas SUTTERFIELD, MELVIN LEON FR Route 1, Oklahoma City, Okla. SUTTLE, LINDA DARE ____________SO. 214 Greenlawn, San Antonio, Texas SW AFFIELD, JUDY LINDA FR. Hastings, Nebraska SW EAT, LA V E TA ELLEN SR. Helena, Oklahoma SW INHART, LIN D A K A Y FR 220 E. Butts St., Holdenville, Okla. SYKES, JUDITH GAIL JR. 2318 7 Ave. W ., Bradenton, Florida

TILLETT, KENNETH ERROL JR. Crooked Tree, British, Honduras TILLETT, LIONEL EDW ARD SO Crooked Tree, British, Honduras TIMS, DEE ANN _____ FR. 504 SW 60 St., Oklahoma City, Okla. TIMS, MARILYN RUTH JR. Box 33, Medford, Oklahoma TINKER, THOMAS G. _____________ SO. 5 South, 23 St., Kansas City, Kan TIPTON, BARBARA L. ___________FR. 1316 SW 14 St., Oklahoma City, Okla TOEPFER, STEVEN ARNOLD FR! 1909 N. Taylor, Arlington, Virginia TOMBAUGH, GLEN ELWOOD JR. 203 Rowena, Nampa, Idaho TOMPKINS, BILLY FRANK FR. 545 S. Quail, Denver, Colorado TOMPKINS, CARL D. ________ . SO. 1304 Western Dr., Lufkin, Texas TOWNSEND, MARK A L L A N ______ SR. 1409 McKinley, Norman, Oklahoma TRISSEL, PAUL JAMES ___________JR. Box 401, Palm Bay, Florida TRISSEL, REBECCA JOY JR. Box 401, Palm Bay, Florida TROUTMAN, JANA SUE ________ FR. 1720 North A, Wellington, Kansas TUCKER, RALPH W. JR. FR. Route 2, Ncodesha, Kansas TUMBLESON, HELEN M. FR. 5008 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma TURNER, JAMES EDW ARD FR. 611 E. 14, Carthage, Missouri TURNER, JAMES PAUL ________ SO. 7017 Dearborn, Overland Park, Kansas TYNER, A N ITARAE ....... SO. 5 Morrison Ave., Plattsburgh, N. Y. TYRRELL, JIMMY ____ SO. Box 123, Fargo, Oklahoma — U— UNRUH, AN N A LEE SR. 6606 NW 28, Bethany, Oklahoma URW ILLER, GARY M. SR. Woodend, North Canty, New Zealand

— T— TAGGART, JAMES ________________ FR. Route 2, Hennessey, Oklahoma TALEGHAM , PARNOZ FARD FR. Teheran, Iran TAYLOR, CHRISTINE D. _________ SO. 2823 So 27, St. Jose, Missouri TAYLOR, CLAYTON D. SR. Route 2, Box 140, Yukon, Oklahoma TAYLOR, D. K A T H Y ________ SR. 2020 So 22 St., St. Joseph, Missouri TAYLOR, DILLARD STA N LE Y JR. 5740 Grand, Kansas City, Missouri TAYLOR, GALEN L. FR. 1436 SW 43 St., Oklahoma City, Okla. TEAKELL, GARNETT OTIS FR. 1221 N. Lea St., Clovis, New Mexico THEVENET, CHERYE F. _________ JR 1820 Battery, Little Rock, Arkansas THOMAS, DANIEL PAUL SO. 4124 Sun Meadow Lane, Indianapolis, Indiana THOMPSON, KENNETH R. SR. West Line, Missouri THOMPSON, L DEAN FR. 207 W. Prairie, Girard, Kansas THOMPSON, OLIVE MAE FR. Route 2, Box 198, Baxter Springs, Kan. THOMPSON, PAU L BEACHAM JR 1505V2 N W 17, Oklahoma City, Okla. ..... FR. THOMPSON, R. JOHN 4405 N Central, Bethany, Okla. THOMPSON, ROBERT A LE X. SR. 6423 Pineshade, Houston, Texas THOMPSON, SHEILLA SUE JR. 4405 N Central, Bethany, Okla. THOMPSON, W A N D A ______________ FR. 5507 S. Land, Oklahoma City, Okla. THOMPSON, W A Y N E EUGENE FR 1100 N W 96 St., Oklahoma City, Okla. THOMPSON, W EN D ELL D. FR. 912 Carolina St., Dallas, Texas TIEM AN N, ELWOOD CHRIS. FR. 1454 Clanton, Shreveport, La.

VAN BEEK, JEANINE GRAD. Route 3, Ravenna, Nebraska VANCE, GLEN P SO. 6601 NW 31, Bethany, Oklahoma VANDERVORT, RICHARD E. FR. 4113 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma VAN DONSELAAR, EVELYN L. FR. Route 1, Grinnell, Iowa VAN DOREN, DELLA MAE FR. Fort Supply, Oklahoma VAN SICKLE, HOWARD LEE SO. 4909 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma VAUGHTERS, CHARLOTTE JR. 950 Sunshine, San Antonio, Texas VERMILLION, LEO GRAD. 4311 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma VERNON, ELIZABETH DORIS JR. Route 1, Box 391, Oklahoma City, Okla. VERSAW , FRANCIS EARL SR. Route 2, Wood River, Nebraska VERSAW , ROBERT ARTHUR SO. Route 2, Wood River, Nebraska VORE, JOYCE _____________________FR. 105030 Rhodesia, Sunland, California


_W — W ADE, ROBERT ALLISON SO. Box 127, Friendswood, Texas WAGGONER, ELLA MAE SO. 5608 N. Warren, Oklahoma City, Okla. WAGNER, LARRY R A Y ..... JR. 2650 Airdale Dr., Greenville, Miss. WAGNER, W ALTER GERALD FR. 3807 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma WALKER, DAVID PAUL ________ SO. Route 2, Winnsloro, Louisiana W ALKER, LOWELL W AYNE FR. 6908^ NW 47, Bethany, Oklahoma W ALKER, SUSAN FAYE FR. 1120 Berkeley, Wichita, Kansas W ALLACE, GARLAND R AY FR. 3707 E. 3, Lubbock, Texas W ALLACE, JERRY W AYNE FR. 3707 E. 3, Lubbock, Texas

W ALLACE, M ARGARET _________ FR. 4204 N. Wheeler, Bethany,Oklahoma W ALLICK, JUDITH ANNETTA FR. 2111 Chicago St., Trenton, Missouri W ALRAVEN, ORVILLE ...... FR. 7006 NW 41, Bethany, Oklahoma W ALTERS, DIANNE E ________ JR. 26 Viewpoint Lane, Levitown, Pa. W ARRICK, JOHNNY KEN FR. 2807-52, Lubbock, Texas WATKINS, DANNY _______________ JR. Danville, Iowa WATSON, MARY ALICE SR. Drummond, Oklahoma W AY, WILSON ___________________ FR. 1580 Waterwitch, Orlando, Florida WEATHERS, LUCILLE LEWIS JR. 3216 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma W EATHERS, HARDY _____________JR. 3216 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma WEAVER, JIMMIE DEAN FR. Route 2, Carnegie, Oklahoma WEBER, GARY SO. Westphalia, Kansas WEBSTER, CAROL DIANE FR. 125 Eberle, Moore, Oklahoma WEJREMERG, PAUL ALBERT FR. 4405 N. Wheeler, Bethany, Oklahoma WEISS, JOYCE DOREEN FR. 5395 NE 5, Des Moines, Iowa WELLS, DON LYNN JR. 214 N. 5, Yukon, Oklahoma WELLS, MARGARET _____________JR. 3035 N. J. St., Omaha, Nebraska WEST, CHARLES EDWARD FR. 1240 NW 98, Oklahoma City, Okla. WEST, DONNA ___________________ FR. 4805 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma WEST, JAMES L. _______________ FR. 4601 SE 22, Oklahoma City, Okla. WEST, LARRY FR. 4121 N. 10, Santa Paula, California WEST, LAVINA DALE _______ SO. 4729 SE 26, Del City, Oklahoma WEST, SHARON KAYE ___________SO. 1508 Grand Ave., Leavenworth, Kansas WESTON, FRANK ___ SR 4202 Pinon, Amarillo, Texas WESTON, JUDY ARLENE ________ SO. 4204 N. Pinon, Amarillo, Texas WHITE, CLARA JAN .... SO. Route 1, Carnegie, Oklahoma WHITE, FRANCIS LEROY GRAD. Stratford, Oklahoma WHITE, JERRY W AYNE SR. Route 1, Springdale, Arkansas WHITE, JERYL EDWIN ___________SO. Box 452, Blanco, New Mexico WHITE, JUDITH KATHLEEN SO. 1304 S. 14, Nederland, Texas WHITE, LOIS ESTHER SO. Box 87, Haviland, Kansas WHITE, MALCOM EDWIN FR. 5319 Urban Crest, Dallas, Texas WHITE, MONA R. _____________ UNCL. 4309 Kemp Ave., El Paso, Texas WHITE, NORMA JEAN __________ JR. 1220 N. Luckett Ave., Sherman, Texas WHITE, RUTHELMA FR. Route 2, Box 10, Vici, Oklahoma WHITE, SHARON KAY SO. 508 E. Belmont, Pasadena, Texas WHITE, W ILLIAM HERMAN SO. 413 E. Dale, Colorado Springs, Colo. WHITE, W ILMA RACHEL SR. Brandon, Colorado WHITEMAN, JAMES MARTIN JR. Atvanta, Kansas WHITMORE, ETHEL JANE SO. 1304 Court, Scott City, Kansas WHITTENBERG, ERNIE RAY FR. Route 2, Foss, Oklahoma WHITTENBERG, KENNEY FR. Route 2, Foss, Oklahoma W HITTAKER, TIMOTHY FR. 3021 Momingside, Shreveport, La. WIEGMAN, GERALDINE K. SO. 3104 N. Holloway, Bethany, Oklahoma WIEGMAN, CHALMER R. GRAD. 6609 NW 25, Bethany, Oklahoma WEISE, FRANK __ SO. 5928 Fox Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas


WILCOXSON, SONDRA ____ JR. 403 E. 16, Hutchison, Kansas WILKINSON, SEDILLA L. . FR. 786 Alice Ave., Memphis, Tennessee WILLARD, JUAN ITA ___ FR. 3409 Stutzman Rd., Hutchinson, Kan. WILLIAMS, CHERYL L. ....... FR. 103 S. Main, Newton, Kansas WILLIAMS, DON __________________ JR. 2298 Cynthia St., Pomona, Calif. WILLIAMS, DONNA C. ........... SO. Box 752, Carnegie, Oklahoma WILLIAMS, DOUGLAS GENE SO. 302 Carling, Channel view, Texas WILLIAMS, JOSEPH JAMES SO. Jacksonville, Florida W ILLIAMS, LAW RENCE Z ______GRAD 601 Nelray, Austin, Texas WILLIAMS, LY N D A K A Y E ........ FR. 1911 Ave. M, Lubbock, Texas WILLIAMS, MARCIA ELLEN JR. 348 Columbia, Augusta, Kansas WILLIAMS, PHYNETTA LEE JR. 219 Denver, Turner, Oregon WILLIAMS, ROBERT PAUL SR. Box 752, Carnegie, Oklahoma WILLIAMS, W A L L Y GU Y SO. Prescott, Kansas WILLIS, DORIS ELAINE ..... SR. Route 1, Petersburg, Texas WILSON, BILLY JOE __________ FR. 6404 NW 36, Bethany, Oklahoma WILSON, BARBARA A N N FR. 717 N. Main, Eureka, Kansas WILSON, DAVID EUGENE SO. 4010 N. Redmond, Bethany, Oklahoma WILSON, JAMES ARTHUR SO. 6902 Belgrave Ave., Grdn. Grve. Calif. WILSON, JENNIE LOU ___ SO. 3203 T. St., Lincoln, Nebraska WILSON, JESSIE AN N SO. 3203 T. St., Lincoln, Nebraska WILSON, LAVERNE DWIGHT GRAD. 6706 NW 42, Bethany, Oklahoma WILSON, LAVERN RAY JR. Route 4, Frederick, Oklahoma WILSON, LYNN W. SR. 4110 N. Redmond, Bethany, Okla. WINEINGER, VERNON GENE SR. 4310 N. Asbury, Apt. D, Bthy, Okla. WINN, SHERRY A N N , ___________ FR. 511 Duffy Rd., Hutchison, Kansas WINSLOW, DAVID SO. 17374 Manchester, Detroit, Michigan WIRE, CAROL SUE FR. 6711 N W 48, Bethany, Oklahoma WIRE, DAVID L. SR. 2322 SW 55, Apt. 119, Okla. City, Okla.


W IRT, RICHARD B SR. 6702 V2 NW 32, Oklahoma City, Okla. WIRT, LINDA SHANFELT SR. 6702 ^ NW 32, Oklahoma City, Okla. WIRTH, M ARILYN ELAYNE SO. Luray, Kansas W ISENBAKER, M ARYANN FR, 1814 18, Cody, Wyoming WITCHER, CAROLYN FAYE FR. 351 Washgtn Ave. W. Memphis, Ark. WOLSTENHOLM, JAMES DEAN JR. Lusk, Wyoming WOMACK, JAMES W E S T O N FR. 3723 Hartfort, Oklahoma City, Okla. WOOD, ALBERTA HOPE ________ FR. 3129 Inwood Rd., Dallas, Texas WOOD, EMMA JUDY SO. 351 W. 11, Hoisington, Kansas WOOD, HELEN L ___________________ SO. Trousdale, Kansas WOODCOCK, DORIS JANE FR. 2315 Markham Rd., S.W. Albuquerque, New Mexico WOODS, SYLVIA JUANITA JR. 304 S. 2, Independence, Kansas WOOLERY, LELAND GARY FR. 1308 W. Broadway, Newton, Kansas WOOLSON, W ILLIAM HENRY FR. 1027 N. Baltimore, Derby, Kansas WOOTEN, JUDY ANN SO. 2 Terrace Dr., Helena, Arkansas WORLEY, FLOYD NORMAN JR. 3200 Sims, St., Ann, Missouri WORTHAN, JAMES ANDREW S SO. 3331 Neely Ct., Wichita, Kansas W RAY, CHARLES L. ______ SR. 6208 NW 40th, Bethany, Okla. WRIGHT, ARGENTIA SUE SR. 2204 Overholser Dr., Bethany, Okla. WRIGHT, CAROL JEAN ________ FR. 508 N. Olive, Pittsburg, Kansas WRIGHT, ELEANER E. ___________JR. 4017 N. Peniel, Bethany, Okla. WRIGHT, GARRY M. ________ GRAD 4017 N. Peniel, Bethany, Oklahoma WRIGHT, HAROL DEAN _____ FR. 508 N. Olive, Pittsburg, Kansas WRIGHT, JANICE CAROL FR. 2401 S. Broadway, Okla. City, Okla. WRIGHT, JOHN HOWARD SO. Route 1, Satanta, Kansas WRIGHT, JOYCE RUDENE JR. Box 86, Union City, Oklahoma WRIGHT, LAR RY VERDELL FR. 110 Gardner Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. WRIGHT, LESLIE F. _____________ JR. 3125 Hidalgo, San Bernardino, Calif.

WRIGHT, R. ROYCE SR. 2204 Overholser Dr., Bethany, Okla. W YCOFF, ALICE M. L A K H ______ SR. 520 Fredonia, Muskogee, Oklahoma WYCOFF, HELEN IRENE ________ FR. 3849 Central Ave., Shadyside, Ohio WYCOFF, RICHARD E. __________ JR. 3849 Central Road, Shadyside, Ohio W YLES, R AN D ALL BARTON SO. 4141 Broadmoor, Riverside, Calif. — Y— YARBROUGH, JAN K ______________ SR. 300 Oakridge, Bethany, Oklahoma YARBROUGH, JIM D. _____________ SR. 3811 N. Beaver, Bethany, Oklahoma Y EAM AN , FRANK JOSHUA JR. Bucklin, Kansas YOCHAM, ROGER ANTHONY FR. 401 S. Oak, Sapulpa, Oklahoma YOUNG, ALICE ELLEEN FR. 2301 Suncrest Drive, Ocala, Florida YOUNG, F RA N K LESTER ________ JR. Okinawa YOUNG, KAREN ELAINE ________ FR. 505 Brewer Dr., Oklahoma City, Okla. YOUNG, NORMA GAIL ______ FR. 3501 N. Albert Pike, Ft. Smith, Ark. YOUNG, STANLEY ORVILLE FR. 505 Brower Drive, Okla. City, Okla. YOUNG, RONNIE WOODROW FR. 505 Spurr, Dumas, Texas YOUNGER, T O M M Y ________ SO. 2305 SW 52, Oklahoma City, Okla. SR. YOUNGMAN, M. JOYCE _____ 9117 Murray St., Wichita, Kansas YIRAK, ELIZABETH ANN FR. Box 277, Castle Dale, Utah YUST, VIRGINIA ANN ___________SO. 1311 Fry St., Lamed, Kansas — Z— ZABEL, PEGGY L. JR. Hooker, Oklahoma ZELL, GLENORA E. SO. 114 N. Garfield, Sand Springs, Okla. ZIMMERMAN, GLORIA ANN SR. 4906 N. College, Bethany, Oklahoma ZINN, RICHARD ELWOOD SR Twin Wells School Box 608, Holbrooth, Arizona ZINN, VALRIA GAYLE SR. 615 Harold Glen, Alexandria, La. ZOUBEK, BETTY ANN ...... SO. 633 Queensboro, Yukon, Oklahoma

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