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Del27al30demarzode 2023

Simonetta Sargenti (compositora) Conservatorio GuidoCantelli (Novara, Italia)

CesareSaldicco(compositor)Conservatorio GiuseppeVerdi(Milán,Italia)

MarioGaruti (compositor) Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi(Milán, Italia)

CosimoColazzo(compositoryconcertista) ConservatorioFrancescoA.Bonporti(Trento,Italia)

DanielaTerranova(compositora)ConservatorioJacopo Tomadini(Udine,Italia)

RobertaVacca(compositora)ConservatorioAlfredo Casella(L’Aquila,Italia)

SEDES:InstitutoSanIsidoro,CentrodeEstudiosHispanoamericanos(CSIC),EspacioSantaClara(ICAS)yCSMManuelCastillo/ ORGANIZAN:CSMManuelCastillo(Sevilla),ProgramaErasmus+/INTÉRPRETESCOLABORADORES:C.Colazzo(pno),ElenaFernández (vla),AlfonsoPadilla(saxo),LesterRodríguez(percusión),IgnacioTorner(pno)yelAaykyamSaxQuartet/EQUIPODECOORDINACIÓN: IsraelSánchez,AlfonsoPadilla,AlbertoCarreteroyFco.MartínQuintero/COORDINACIÓNGENERAL:Fco.MartínQuintero







Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos: Sala «Rafael Yuste» (c/Alfonso XII, 16, Sevilla)

8:30-10:30. Inauguración del Encuentro a cargo del director del centro, Israel Sánchez, y primer encuentro con Simonetta Sargenti (Conservatorio «Guido Cantelli» de Novara, Italia): Music and space: towards accessible and sustainable tools for real time mixed composition, improvisation and performance.

10:30-11:00. Descanso.

11:00-13:00. Encuentro con Cosimo Colazzo (Conservatorio «Francesco A. Bonporti» de Trento, Italia): «Francisca». Composición y Dramaturgia musical. Entre historia y presente, género y diversidad.

13:00-14:30. Encuentro con Francesco Manenti (Conservatorio «Giuseppe Verdi» de Milán, Italia): Augmentation Design for Developing Euphonium Practice and Mechanics

Conservatorio Superior «Manuel Castillo»: Edificio Baños (c/Baños, 48, Sevilla).

17:00-19:00. Masterclasses privadas con los profesores del Encuentro (I): Mario Garuti (Edificio Baños, aula 25) y Simonetta Sargenti (Edificio Baños, aula 23).

19:30-21:00. Concierto 1. Obras de Mario Garuti y de estudiantes de Composición del CSM «Manuel Castillo». Con la participación de Lester Rodríguez (Edificio Baños, aula 14). NUEVO: VER PROGRAMA


Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos: Sala «Rafael Yuste» (c/Alfonso XII, 16, Sevilla).

8:30-10:30. Encuentro con Mario Garuti (Conservatorio «Giuseppe Verdi» de Milán, Italia): Casta, caustica, stocastica. Analisis de piezas del propio Garuti y de una obra de Xenakis.

10:30-11:00. Descanso.

11:00-13:00. Encuentro con Simonetta Sargenti (Conservatorio «Guido Cantelli» de Novara, Italia): Perception, listening and meaning: a proposal of analysis of electroacoustic music.

13:00-15:00. Encuentro con Daniela Terranova (Conservatorio «Jacopo Tomadini» de Udine, Italia). Sound Gestures of Silent Matter.





Conservatorio Superior «Manuel Castillo»: Edificio Baños (c/Baños, 48, Sevilla).

17:00-19:00. Masterclasses privadas con los profesores del Encuentro (II): Daniela Terranova (Edificio Baños, aula 25) y Roberta Vacca (Edificio Baños, aula 23).

19:30-21:00. Concierto 2. Proyecto de colaboración entre el área de Percusión y el departamento de Composición «Percumposition». Obras de estudiantes de Composición escritas para estudiantes de Percusión (Edificio Baños, aula 14). NUEVO: VER PROGRAMA


Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos: Sala «Rafael Yuste» (c/Alfonso XII, 16, Sevilla).

8:30-10:30. Encuentro con Cosimo Colazzo (Conservatorio «Francesco A. Bonporti» de Trento, Italia): Teatro musical. «La locandiera, Musicape e il giovin signore». Lo cómico como la clave para la crítica social y política.

10:30-11:00. Descanso.

11:00-13:00. Encuentro con Roberta Vacca (Conservatorio «Alfredo Casella» de L’Aquila, Italia): Azio Corghi. Un maestro per la vita.

13:00-15:00. Encuentro con Cesare Saldicco (Conservatorio «Giuseppe Verdi» de Milán, Italia). Formalizing spirals: algorithms for instrument solo with electronics.

Conservatorio Superior «Manuel Castillo»: Edificio Baños (c/Baños, 48, Sevilla).

18:00-20:00. Masterclasses privadas con los profesores del Encuentro (V): Mario Garuti (Edificio Baños. Aula 25) y Daniela Terranova (Edificio Baños: Aula 23).

19:30-21:30. Masterclasses privadas con los profesores del Encuentro (III): Cosimo Colazzo (Edificio Baños. Aula 25) y Roberta Vacca (Edificio Baños: Aula 23).






Espacio Santa Clara (c/Becas s/n, Sevilla).

10:00-12:00. Encuentro con Mario Garuti (Conservatorio «Giuseppe Verdi» de Milán, Italia). «Sibille sull'ellittica». Analisis de piezas del propio Garuti y de una obra de Ligeti.

12:00-14:00. Encuentro con Daniela Terranova (Conservatorio «Jacopo Tomadini» de Udine, Italia). Hearing Colours

Instituto San Isidoro (c/ Amor de Dios, 28, Sevilla).

16:30-18:00. Encuentro con Cesare Saldicco: Análisis y comentario de obra de los estudiantes.

18:00-19:30. Encuentro con Roberta Vacca (Conservatorio «Alfredo Casella» de L’Aquila, Italia): Compongo dunque s(U)ono: ludus e logos nella composizione musicale.

Conservatorio Superior «Manuel Castillo»: Edificio Baños (c/Baños, 48, Sevilla).

20:00-21:30. Concierto 3. Obras de los profesores del III Encuentro, interpretadas por Cosimo Colazzo, Alfonso Padilla, Ignacio Torner, Elena Fernández y el Aaykyam Sax Quartet (aula 14). NUEVO: VER PROGRAMA


 Total: 38 horas. Se emitirán certificaciones de 25 horas o de 38, según el nivel de asistencia.

 Para todos los asistentes será obligatoria la asistencia a un mínimo del 80 por ciento de cada tramo de certificación para obtenerla.

 Por otro lado, el alumno podrá declararse activo u oyente. En el caso de alumno activo deberá aportar al menos un trabajo para ser revisado por algunos de los docentes.

 Prioridad para los alumnos matriculados en Composición del CSM «Manuel Castillo». Los conciertos serán de entrada libre hasta completar aforo.

 Inscripciones, del 8 al 24 de marzo. PRECIOS:

-Alumnos y profesorado del CSM Manuel Castillo: Gratis.

-Alumnos matriculados en otro conservatorio superior u otras inscripciones: 40 euros, mediante transferencia a la cuenta del CSM

Manuel Castillo siguiente: ES34 2100 2518 1402 1000 7874, adjuntando justificante en el formulario.








Cosimo Colazzo (Melpignano, Lecce, Italy, 1964), graduated in Piano (Lecce Conservatory, Italy), Composition (Rome Conservatory) and Conducting (Milan Conservatory), as well as in Philosophy (University of Lecce). He specialized in Composition with Salvatore Sciarrino (198588), and receives Conducting classes from Pierre Boulez (Avignon, 1988) and Peter Eötvös (Szombathely, 1988), as well as Composition with Luigi Nono (Avignon, 1989). He carried out activities of artistic and musical direction of the Irpinia Symphony Orchestra, during the symphony and concert seasons from 1985 to 1988, and he is the founder, pianist and director of the MotoContrario Ensemble and ArgoArt Ensemble, with whom he has performed numerous concerts in Italy, and abroad. As a composer and as a pianist, he has been awarded in numerous national and international competitions, presenting his works in various national and international festivals (Italy, Europe, North and South America, Japan). He was director of the Conservatorio di Musica "F.A. Bonporti" (2005-2011), and has an intense musicological activity. He is currently Professor of Composition at the Federico Bonporti Conservatory in Trento and a faculty member and artist-in-residence at the Italian School at Middlebury College (USA).







Born in Modena on 4 August 1957, he studied with U.Rotondi at Milan Conservatory and obtained his diploma with full marks in 1985 (where he currently teaches composition). He attended post-graduate courses at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena with Franco Donatoni (198283).Hiscompositions,manyofthempublishedbyBMGRicordi,havewon awards on numerous occasions: Gaudeamus (Amsterdam, 1983, 1985), RAI Competition (Milan, 1982), Fiocchi Competition (Milan, 1984), Berg International Competition (Vienna, 1985), Hambach Intern Comp (1985), Carme Comp. (Milan, 1985), Petrassi Intern. Comp. (Parma, 1986). In 1982 he took part in the Venezia Opera Prima festival. From 1984 to 1994 he was regularly invited to the summer courses in Darmstadt, where he won the Stipendienpreis in 1984 and the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis in 1986 ("…e l'altro", Arditti String Quartet, cd Col Legno WWE 31896). He was given several masterclasses and he taken part in various seminars, including: 1983 at the Conservatory of Paris, 1992 St Petersburg, 1999 Damascus, 2000 Marina di Massa and in the University of Cremona.2004Musikhochschule Stuttgartand University of Milan. 2006 ConservatoryofVilnius,2007 Conservatoryof Granada,2008University of Malta, 2012 Conservatory of Pesaro, 2015 Conservatory of Seville. In 2021 he has organized in Milan a conference about Writing and Time named “I Cantieri di Chronos”. During the last three years he has a stable cooperation with the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania. His works are commissioned and performed at the most international festivals by prestigious interpreters such as Trio Accanto (Eclat Festival in Stuttgart, 1998), Giuliana Albisetti, Alter Ego Ensemble, Arditti String Quartet (Darmstadt, 1986; Biennale in Venice, 2009), Penderecki String Quartet, Icarus Ensemble, EX-novo Ensemble, Het Trio, Divertimento Ensemble, Baden Baden Sudwest Rundfunk Orchestra (dir. M.Gielen), RAI





Orchestra in Milan (dir. M.Valdès), Orchestra La Fenice of Venice (dir. G.Taverna), Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra in Milan, Christopher Redgate, Brenda Mitchell, Annamaria Morini, Roberto Fabbriciani, Robert Szreder, Spazio Musica EnsembleMarco Rogliano, J. Faber, Paolo Tini, Stefano Scodanibbio, Steven Schick, Robert Szreder, Oscar Pizzo, Manuel Zurria, Stefano Vismara, Nicole Kern, Christian Dierstein, Carine Levine, ecc. He has also collaborated with the electronic music studios Agon and MMT (Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Cologne, 1994; Musica Verticale, 1995, Rome). With Stefano Carrara he founded U.R.T.O. a multimedia group. The last work an opera-clip, "Moondata" has been played during the Festival "Di nuovo Musica" (Reggio Emilia 2000). He also plays violin in the 'Opus Orchestra', an improvisation group founded in 2012 (Barcellona, Mirò Foundation, june; Milan, Palazzina Liberty, november) by W.Prati. Last pieces: “Lucenti Aita” for soprano, choir and orchestra (Teatro Massimo Bellini, Catania, 2018); “Four little blue tunes” for soprano, clarinet, doublebass and piano (Conservatorio of Milan, 2018); “3.1”, string quartet played by Penderecki String Quartet in Genoa (2019); “Canto, come se nulla fosse”, symphonic poem for violin and orchestra (Teatro Massimo Bellini, Catania 2020). Next work: “Mars asleep on Venus lap”, a commission by the Penderecki String Quartet.







Francesco Manenti took his Bachelor’s Degree in Composition with full marks and honors at “L. Marenzio” Conservatory in Brescia (IT), studying with Prof. Emanuela Ballio; in his graduationthesishediscussed the applicationoftheShannonWeaver model of communication to the score’s analysis. He is now attending his Master’s Degree studies with Prof. Mario Garuti at “G. Verdi” Conservatory in Milan (IT), improving his style in composition, and developing preservative augmentations for acoustic instruments. He studied electronic-music and analog synthesis, drums, and theorbo, respectively with Prof.s Enrico Cosimi, Franco Rossi, and Leopoldo Saracino. One of his main strengths in the composition’s process involves practicing and experimenting directly on the instrument, therefore after piano studies in his youth, he started learning strings, electric guitar and bass, in order to acquire all the knowledge he could about instruments’ dynamic and structure. He attended many Masterclasses with internationally well-known musicians such as: Marina Boselli, Laura Bersani, Cristina Zavalloni, Dom Famularo, Billy Cobham, Dennis Chambers, Benny Greb, Tom Griesgraber, and many more… He also went deeper into the performative side of music, working as a sound and light engineer in theaters and music halls for theatre and dance companies, but also progressive and metal artists and bands from all over the world. During his Bachelor’s Degree he worked for Prof. Maria Grazia Gazzola’s Chamber Music class, writing pieces for exams and degrees; he also wrote some pieces for solo mandolin and mandolins ensemble - both with and without electronics - for Prof. Dorina Frati’s Mandolin class. He wrote a lot for drums too, both for LPEB’s exams and degrees, for Franco Rossi’s Accademia di Musica Moderna. At the moment he is developing preservative augmentations for acoustic instruments, and producing a new music literature for these special configurations, working with some professional musicians such as: Marina Boselli, Laura Bersani, and Marco Ignoti. He also designs and produces his own eurorack modules for synthesizers, and electronic interfaces for acoustic instruments to communicate with modular systems.

Website: francescomanentihq.com









Cesare Saldicco is a composer, multimedia artist and filmmaker based in Milan. Research interests include the use of emergent dynamical and fractal systemsingenerativeworksandnonstandardsynthesis, glitch/noiseaestheticsandnewformsofinteractionand self-organized presentation. He has had commissions, awards and grants from the most significant international institutions such as Accademia Nazionale of Santa Cecilia in Rome, Acanthes, Centro Tempo

Reale, CECh – Comunidad Electroacùstica de Chile, Bourges International Festival of Electroacoustic Music and Sonic Art, CEMAT Federation,MusicaVivaPortugal,EXPO2015,EmuFest,MUSLab,MixturFestival,AVAF-AthensVideoArtFestival,Destellosprizeand LaBiennaledi Venezia.His musicis editedandpublishedbyArsPublica,Philology, Da Vinci Publishing,Sconfinarte,RMNClassical and Stradivarius and has been widely performed in Italy, Austria, Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.S.A. and broadcasted by Italian National RadioRAI. Starting from 2019 he is curator of MA/IN Festival, an international festival for digit and multimediaarts.HeisprofessorinelectroacousticmusiccompositionatConservatorioStatalediMusica“GiuseppeVerdi”inMilan.







Simonetta Sargenti lives in Milan. She studied at the Conservatorio G. Verdi violin, composition and electroacoustic music and at the Università Statale of Milan Philosophy and Musicolgy. Since 1980 she's performer and composer especially engaged in XX century’s music and interested at the applications of technology in musical and artistic domain. From 1990 to 1997 she worked in Milan with a composer's team for musical research and production. She realised with them, the sound direction of Stockhausen's works: Mikrophonie I, Solo with different instruments and Mantra She is composer for instruments, instruments and live electronics, magnetic tape and recently she realised some audio-visual installations and interactive compositions. Her compositions are performed in Italy and other European countries and often she plays her owns pieces for violin and live electronics. Sheisactiveasmusicologisttoo.Shehaswrittenarticlesandessaysespecially on 20st centurymusic.Her most recentstudies areon Nono'slastworksand Stockhausen's technique of “formula”: Technology and instrumental writing in Luigi Nono's latest work (Paris 2008, Kaunas, 2010), Application of the “formula”inMantraofKarlheinzStockhausen.(Rimini2010,Kuerten2011, published in 2013 in Journal of Literature and Art Studies), Dramaturgy of sound, mobile sound and digital garden as grounding concepts ofmultimedia works, (Berlin 2014), Interaction in a performance space: A changing landscape, an experience of audiovisual installation, (Lisbon 2013). She is professor of Music Analysis and History of Electroacoustic Music in the Conservatorio di Musica “G. Cantelli” of Novara, and she worked before in the Accademia Internazionale della Musica of Milan, Istituto Musicale





C. Monteverdi of Cremona, Conservatorio di Musica “S. Giacomantonio” of Cosenza, Conservatorio “G. Rossini”, Pesaro. She is invited annually in the University of Technology of Kaunas (Lithuania) for the Conference Music and technologies and she held Masterclasses on electroacoustic music at the Universidade Catholica Portuguesa of Porto (Portugal), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Malaga (Spain). She was invited to the first workshop on Stockhausen's music “The musical legacy of Karlheinz Stockhausen” in Kuerten, August 2011 where she presented a project on Mantra.

Academia.edu MORE:





Daniela Terranova is an Italian composer working in the area of concert music, opera and extended sonic environments. Her recent work revolves around the sound substance conceived as ‘sonic dramaturgy’, strongly linked to an exploration of the matter the instruments are made of. She studied composition in Italywith Azio Corghi and attended academiesandmasterclasses throughout Europe. Among the most relevant, a postgraduate course in Composition with Beat Furrer at Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Graz and a postgraduate course in electroacoustic composition at the mdwUniversität für Musikund darstellendeKunstinWien.Herworkhaswonseveral national and international competitions, including: 'SIAE – Classici di Oggi' (a new commission project in partnership with Orchestra della Toscana); I prize at the international competition 'Gianni Bergamo Classic Music Award' (SwissLugano); Special Mention for the Italian Music: 'Premio SIAE' (International Composition Contest 'Valentino Bucchi Prize', Rome); the prize 'Nuova Musica alla Fenice' (Gran Teatro La Fenice, Venice); I prize at the International Composition Contest'VieriTosatti'(Rome);theprize'MontedeiPaschidiSiena' (AccademiaChigiana,Siena);theprize'FrancoDonatoniInternationalMeetingforYoungComposers'(DivertimentoEnsemble, Milan); 'Kinderszenen Prize' (CIDIM, Rome); the prize ICOMS (Turin); the National Prize of Arts. Her music has been performed at many festivals and concert seasons: IRCAM's Concert Season; London Sinfonietta's Concert Season; Wiener Konzerthaus; Wien Modern Music Festival; Bludenzer tage zeitgemäßer musik, Bludenz; Open Music, Graz; Gare du Nord Basel; Ultraschall Berlin - Festival für Neue Musik; Biennale Musica 2019, Venice; Musikpodium, Zürich; Multiphonics Festival, Koln; Only Connect, Oslo; Foundaciòn BBVA, Madrid; Festival Mixtur and Festival Barcelona Modern; Teatros del Canal, Madrid; TeatroCentral, Seville;BudapestMusic Center;Timeof MusicFestival,Vitasaari; Musikaliska ConcertHall, Stockholm; Italian Academy of the Columbia University, New York; Festival Vértice, Mexico City; Royal Welsh College of Music and





Drama, Cardiff; Festival Styria Cantat VI, Graz-Helmut List Halle; Universität Mozarteum, Salzburg; International Week of New Music-SIMN, Bucharest; Son[UT]opìas project, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Tallin Chamber Music Festival; FidelioTrioSeason,Dublin;FestivalTraiettorie,Parma;FestivalNuovaConsonanza,Rome;AccademiaFilarmonicadiBologna; Gran Teatro La Fenice; Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome; Teatro Dal Verme, Milan; OPV (Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto) Concert Season, Padua; La Verdi Symphony Season, Milan; Divertimento Ensemble's Concert Season, Milan; festival 'Play it!', Florence; Festival Internazionale della Valle d'Itria; International Concerts Season of Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana; Festival of Cadiz.She graduated with honors in Classical Languages and Literature at the University of Trieste, and in 2015 completed her international PhD program in Audiovisual Studies at the University of Udine (in collaboration with Université SorbonneNouvelle–Paris3),withadissertationentitled'MythandMusicintheContemporaryMusicalProduction forTheatre'. Her music is published by the editor Suvini Zerboni - Sugarmusic (Milan) and has been broadcast by several radios such as BBC Radio 3 (in the contemporary music programs ‘Hear and Now’ and 'The New Music Show'), Radio3 Suite, RSI, ORF, Rbb Kultur, Deutschlandfunk Kultur. She teaches Composition in Italian Conservatories.

https://www.danielaterranova.com/ https://soundcloud.com/daniela_terranova







(L’Aquila, 1967), pianist, achieved her composition studies with Matteo D’Amico and Azio Corghi, also in Chigiana Accademy and S. Cecilia Accademy. She won many international composition prizes: VIII Freiburg Competition, “G.Spontini”, “D. Guaccero”, ICOMS, CEMAT, S. Cecilia, “Valentino Bucchi”, “A. Ginastera” (Canary Islands). She was chosen for the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers 2003 and for the XXVI Foro Internacional de Música Nueva "Manuel Enríquez” (Mexico), in 2004. In the same year she was “artist in residence” at Mac Dowell Colony (U.S.A.). She had some commissions by important associations and festivals (Festival Pontino, Radio 3, Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, Settimana Musicale Senese, I.C.O., Teatro delle Muse, Orchestra Nazionale della RAI, Orchestra Regionale Toscana, Milano Classica, Biennale di Venezia, Festival di Huddensfield e di Nuova Consonanza, OperAperta, Cortona ContemporaryMusic Festival). Herworks have beenplayed many times inItaly and abroad (Austria, Canada, France, Hungary, Spain, Ukraine, U.S.A., Argentina) by various soloists and several groups. She works also on projects of electro-acoustic music andvisual-art;herworkswerementioned,selectedandwonaprizeintheIBiennaldevideoycinecontemporàneo-VideoFest2k4/Mexico,Visiòn Frontera/Mexico, On the road–Video festival Celebrates Jack Kerouac–119 Gallery/U.S.A., Premio Sinestesie. In 1995 she founded Gruppo TeatraleBurattinmusicaforproductions ofmusical puppettheatre; withBurattinmusicashegotcommissionsfrom FestivalArteintransito, Tuttia Santa Cecilia, Società dei Concerti “B. Barattelli” and got the prize Performing Arts 2006. She collaborated with BMG-Casa Ricordi working on some scores; some of her woks are published by Ars Publica, Twilight, Sconfinarte and RAI Trade Editions. She teaches Musical Theory at the Conservatory “A. Casella” in L’Aquila.






LINKS: www.robertavacca.it www.burattinmusica.com

RobertaVacca Composer(canale YouTubeeInstagram)

RobertaVacca–Musicpage (Facebook)


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