June 2023 Outreach Newsletter

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VPK Preschool students and their lemonade stand fundraiser
See more on page 11
Rev. Craig Goodrich and Rev. Rex Childs 3 Finance 4 Deacons 5 Stephen Ministry 6 Missions 7 Preschool 11 Intergenerational CE 12 Membership 15 236.262.1311 Phone Extensions Ministers Rev. Craig Goodrich, Senior Pastor 2035 craigg@fpcnaples.org Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor 2027 rexc@fpcnaples.org Worship & Music Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries 2039 briceg@fpcnaples.org David Fister, Audio-Visual Technician 2044 davidf@fpcnaples.org Caitlin Hancock, Sound and Video Operator Christian Education Jack Fogelman, Kidz Lab Teacher Audrey Gordon, Childcare Provider Ashley Hancock, Christian Education Assistant 2012 ashley.hancock@fpcnaples.org Nancy Van Fleet, Director of Children and Youth 2029 nancyv@fpcnaples.org Office Sandy Knight, Office Assistant/Receptionist 2000 sandyk@fpcnaples.org Kathleen Law, Director of Publications and Social Media kathleenl@fpcnaples.org 2013 Sharman Pfaus, Executive Office Manager 2036 sharmanp@fpcnaples.org Susan Pratt, Assistant for Caring Ministries 2037 susanp@fpcnaples.org Debbie Savage, Director of Finance 2042 debbies@fpcnaples.org Facilities Lisa Ethier, Custodian 2016 lisae@fpcnaples.org Eduardo Martinez, Maintenance 2014 eduardom@fpcnaples.org Sandy Poore, Director of Facilities 2028 sandyp@fpcnaples.org Preschool Ashley Houk, Preschool Director 2009 ashleyh@fpcnaples.org Lindsay Clarke, Assistant Preschool Director 2038 lindsayc@fpcnaples.org STAFF LISTING TABLE

Greetings FPCN family and friends,

Summer is upon us and I hope that wherever you are and wherever you may travel, you are aware that you are accompanied by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of this congregation.

We look back on a wonderful month of May. We have celebrated GenWe and Staff Recognition Sundays, Day, Ascension and Pentecost Sundays, and Graduation Milestones. We have commissioned our Cuba mission team and our youth and adults who will be going to Montreat. Presbyterian Women and Women of the Way have ended their seasons on high notes. (Men’s Fellowship and Huddle will continue into June). And we have graduated another Preschool class. Our Deacons and Stephen Ministers have continued to care. We are back to one service at 9:30 a.m. and many of you have headed to your northern homes, yet are staying connected with us online.

As for me, you have graciously given to me the gift of Sabbatical time. Thank you! After seven and a half years Andie and I will be away from the church for three months, essentially June, July and August. I am looking forward to this time of retreat and renewal, to relax and breathe deeply, to read and study, to reconnect with friends, to go deeper into the life of prayer and the Spirit, to travel and spend time with family. Among other things, we will attend my 50th high school reunion (how did that happen?!) and 40th anniversary of our beach house on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. And there will be plenty of time for spiritual focus and reflection. I expect to return with renewed energy, vision and passion for the days ahead!

I am so grateful to our amazing staff, recognizing that my time away increases the workload for others, especially Rex Childs and Sharman Pfaus. Again, I thank you and thank God for the privilege of serving as a pastor of this congregation and I look forward to seeing you in September.

Faithfully and Gratefully,

¡Hola, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo!

We are back from Cuba! Pat Nordbrock, Amy Manley, Sarah Nichols and I were honored to serve as representatives of our congregation as we spent time in worship and Christian fellowship with our partner church in Matanzas. We received very warm hospitality and abundant love from our siblings in Christ in Cuba. We brought much needed supplies for their work of ministry, but we received a lot more from them. Their strong faith and dedication to serve in the midst of very difficult circumstances was an inspiration to each of us. They have such passion and energy for the Lord that it thawed even us “frozen chosen.” Be sure to check out the photos from our trip included here in the Outreach and we can’t wait to tell you more about our time there.

In looking ahead, we have an exciting month of June. We rejoice with Craig as he begins his sabbatical and our prayers go with him. The youth will head off to Montreat for the summer youth conference. At the end of the month, we’ll offer Vacation Bible School. We also will commence some of the many construction projects planned for the summer, starting with new flooring in the preschool classrooms. Finally, in worship, we’ll welcome our first guest preacher of the summer on June 11 with the General Presbyter of our presbytery, Rev. Melana Scruggs, returning to be with us. I look forward to continuing our ministry together in the slower pace that summer brings to SWFL.


Rev. Craig Goodrich,
craigg@fpcnaples.org Rev. Rex
Senior Pastor,
Childs, Associate Pastor,
FROM THE PULPIT 3 June 4 Rev. Rex Childs “With You Always” June 11 Guest Preacher Rev. Melana Scruggs General Presbyter June 18 Father’s Day Rev. Rex Childs “Father of Many” June 25 Rev. Rex Childs “Newness of Life”

Summer Giving

Summer is here, which for many of us, means time away from Naples and church. Wherever you may be, we hope it is for you a time of rest, renewal and encouragement.

We would also encourage you, if and when you are able, to continue to make your contributions to the church and to make payments on your pledges.

Although the pace slows down, our ministry and expenses continue. We are always grateful for your financial commitment and prayerful support.

Remember that you can give online at www.fpcnaples.org/give and you can setup recurring gifts if you desire.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Debbie Savage, Director of Finance.

4 Finance
Sunday Worship Online Mail/ In Person Ways to GIVE

We are not yet at the half-way point of this fast-paced 2023, and the Nominating Committee is already planning to replenish the ranks of your deacons due to terms expiring at the end of this year.

In a few months, the Committee will be calling members of our congregation to describe the duties of deacons and to ask members to serve. Deacons serve terms of three years, and each year approximately one-third of the deacons reach the end of their terms. New deacon replacements must be found every year.

Generally, our church is divided into thirty parishes, and each deacon is assigned a parish of about twenty households from our membership. It is the deacon’s responsibility to represent her/his parishioners in all matters relating to the

church, be it to answer questions or to deliver information. The deacons also serve various functions in the church, many of which take place in the background and are invisible to the members.

Our deacons are a wonderful group of people who volunteer and serve others with love in their hearts. Their motivation is to respond to Jesus’ commandment to love one another through service. The best way to understand who deacons are and what they do is to spend a little time with one. If you have any interest in finding a meaningful way to serve the Church, please contact the Church office. They will pass along your name, and you will be called in the Fall to discuss the possibilities. Or, you can contact a deacon to learn more and express a desire to become a deacon.

Express your love for Christ and the Church by serving as a deacon. While your service will bring Joy to others, you will feel tremendous Joy as well by giving of yourself in this meaningful way.


Class of 2023

Pat Collins

Tedi and Gene Fraley

Lucy Koll

Betty Plum

Barbara and Roger Simons

Susan Sonderby

Deb & Harry Streamer

Class of 2024

Mary Armstrong

Marti Beard

Norman Brown

Pam Fisher

Amy Manley

Sylvia and Jack Marsh

Melissa McClayton

Sarah Nichols

Ali Norris

Gary Root

Liz Speake

Class of 2025

Cindy Esler

Gary Nordbrock

Karen and Roy Parker

Cari Rieder

Sue Shenk

Nancy Walkenhorst

Janice and David Witman

Janet Yanushefski

Deacons David Witman, Deacon Moderator, dpwitman@hotmail.com Saralene Oldham, Clerk of Session, soldham@helmsbriscoe.com 5

Christ Caring for People through People

Last month, Rex gave a wonderful sermon about death and how a Christian prepares for it and moves past it. Below please find an interesting perspective on death delivered as a series of thoughts, some related and some disjointed, kind of like witnessing the death of a loved one. Take some time to read through these thoughts to see if you can find something that connects with you.

Death” by Sarah Kerr, Ritual Healing Practitioner and Death Doula

When someone dies, the first thing to do is nothing. Don't run out and call the nurse. Don't pick up the phone. Take a deep breath and be present to the magnitude of the moment.

There's a grace to being at the bedside of someone you love as they make their transition out of this world. At the moment they take their last breath, there's an incredible sacredness in the space. The veil between the worlds opens.

We're so unprepared and untrained in how to deal with death that sometimes a kind of panic response kicks in. "They're dead!"

The death of a loved one is not cause to panic; rather, take a deep breath, to stop, and be really present to what's happening. If you're at home, maybe put on the kettle and make a cup of tea.

Sit at the bedside and just be present to the experience in the room. What's happening for you? What might be happening for others in the room? What other presences are here that might be supporting them on their way? Tune into all the beauty and magic.

Pausing gives your soul a chance to adjust, because no matter how prepared we are, a death is still a shock. If we kick right into "do" mode, and call 911, or call the hospice, we never get a chance to absorb the enormity of the event.

Give yourself five minutes or 10 minutes, or 15 minutes just to be. You'll never get that time back again if you don't take it now.

After that, do the smallest thing you can. Call the one person who needs to be called. Engage whatever systems need to be engaged, but engage them at the very most minimal level. Move really, really, really, slowly, because this is a period where it's easy for body and soul to get separated.

Our bodies can gallop forward, but sometimes our souls haven't caught up. If you have an opportunity to be quiet and be present, take it. Accept and acclimatize and adjust to what's happening. Then, as the train starts rolling, and all the things that happen after a death kick in, you'll be better prepared.

You won't get a chance to catch your breath later on. You need to do it now.

Being present in the moments after death is an incredible gift to yourself, it's a gift to the people you're with, and it's a gift to the person who's just died. They're just a hair's breath away. They're just starting their new journey in the world without a body. If you keep a calm space around their body, and in the room, they're launched in a more beautiful way. It's a service to both sides of the veil.

To all trained Stephen Ministers not presently serving in our church, we would be so happy to have you join our amazing group!

Please call Saralene Oldham at 239.564.1847, if you are agreeable to renew your willingness to serve in this wonderful ministry!

Stephen Ministry

AMessage from the Chairman Dr.Arol Buntzman

Missions Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org

Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor,

A Visit to the Central Reformed Presbyterian Church of Matanzas

Fifteen people from Peace River Presbytery travelled to Cuba May 19 - 23 to strengthen the bonds of Christian fellowship. Our church partner in Cuba, Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada Central de Matanzas, is led by Pastors Ary Fenandez Alban and his wife, Beidy Casas Aragon. Our church team included Rev. Rex Childs, Amy Manley, Sarah Nichols and Pat Nordbrock.

8 Missions
Amy Manley, Sarah Nichols, Rev. Rex Childs, Rev. Rob Marrow (Vanderbilt PC), and Pat Nordbrock are ready to board the bus and head to the airport. Shrink wrapped and labeled suitcases all set to go! Worshiping with the hymnals we printed for them Sarah and Amy at worship Senior Adult Prayer Group Church members prepping dinner everyone
in a members home
Sharing a meal together Prayer
Group meeting

Feed the 5,000

This month we are helping to restock the food pantry of Youth Haven. YouthHaven:ProvidingHome,Hope,&Healingtoabusedand neglectedchildrenandteensinSouthwestFlorida

Ushers will have a list available as you leave the Sanctuary the first Sunday of June. Food donations will be collected at the 6th Street church entrance on the second Sunday of the month, June 11.

If you prefer, monetary donations can be made online at www.fpcnaples.org/give or checks may be made payable to "First Presbyterian Church" with the memo marked "Feed the 5,000" and placed in the collection plate.

Suggested items are:


Pancake mix


Dried fruit

Fruit cups

Granola bars


Dried beans

Boxed stuffing

Microwave popcorn

Tomato paste

Tomato sauce

Canned tomatoes


Animal crackers

Boxed mac & cheese


Juice boxes

Graham crackers

Canned veggies

Peanut butter


9 Missions Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org
Signing the partnership agreement between our churches church elders, Jorge-Luis, Zaida and Nestor with Ary, Rex and Pat Rex, Ary, Pat, Nestor (elder and treasurer) and Beidy The group that travelled from the US along with a few of the Cuban pastors Amy, Rex, Ary, Sarah, Violeta, Pat and Beidy

Did you know that each month since October, 2022 through May, 2023 Yancey Brame has organized a group of members and friends to work at a Habitat for Humanity neighborhood?

Although the FPCN group is taking a break for the summer, there are plenty of opportunities to stay connected and volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. Visit their website www.habitatcollier.org/volunteer to find out more and see where you might make a difference. Thank you, Yancey, for leading such a dedicated group of volunteers from our church. And heartfelt thanks to all of our volunteers for their time and talent in making a difference with our mission partners!

Habitat for Humanity of Collier County is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope.

Habitat for Humanity of Collier County is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions.

Missions Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org

Lemonade Stand Fun!

Mrs. Casagrande’s class held a lemonade stand fundraiser recently in the courtyard. They raised a total of $42.

When asked if they wanted to donate to the needs of animals or children, they voted on donating it to children.

The $42 raised was given to the Power Pak program! Great job kids! Thank you for supporting local children in need.

Teresa Doane, Preschool Committee Chair, twdoane@hotmail.com Ashley Houk, Preschool Director, ashleyh@fpcnaples.org Preschool 11

Intergenerational CE

GenWe Sundays are held on the first Sundays of the month when we welcome children to stay in the sanctuary during the service and worship with their families. Following worship everyone is invited to join together and work on a project that is fun for all ages.

Kidz Lab meets after the Children’s Time in the Youth Room.

Children in grades Kindergarten through 6 are invited to this faith formation journey based on the weekly lectionary choices.

Children in Kidz Lab engage with the same lessons that their parents hear in church, which encourages family conversations after the service.



June 26-30

9 a.m.—12 p.m. For children entering Kindergarten through grade 5

*Cost: $25 per child

Intergenerational CE
Roni Haggart, Committee Chair, vhaggart@gmail.com Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org
VBS 2019

Wednesday Morning Men: Faith and Fellowship

Wednesday, June 21 at 8 a.m. in Spencer Hall for a continuation of the topic "The Aging Process: Are We Prepared" and looking at a conclusion and summary to our series.

We begin our gathering with coffee, pastry and informal social time. Participants will then have an opportunity to share their thoughts and some responses to discussion items.

During July and August we will take a break and from our regular format and meet in a local restaurant for breakfast during those two months.

If you would like to join the group, need the Zoom link for our June meetings, or have any questions/comments, please contact Bill Kearney at skearney239@comcast.net.

A Men’s Bible Discussion Group

All men are invited and encouraged to gather with us in Spencer Hall each Thursday at noon. Bring a Bible and your lunch! If unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join the meeting via Zoom.

Please contact David Fister at davidf@fpcnaples.org for Zoom instructions and a link to the meeting.

Acts The Book of

Women’s Ministry Bible Study

All women are invited to join us for a weekly Bible Study held on Mondays at 1 p.m. in the Parlor. Please bring your Bible. We look to covenant with each other week by week as we delve into God’s Word.

For more information contact Janeen McClure at jrmc@airmcclure.com.

14 Intergenerational CE

June 1

Jean Sholtens

Carolyn Bennett

Doug Jensen

Alison Yang

Lou Mahigel

Jim Singerling

June 2

Cindy Esler

June 4

Fred Garner

June 5

Michele Gerlach

Jacque Foust

June 6

Stan Adams

Joe Johnston

Frank Westover

Diane Pauling

June 7

Sylvia Marsh

June 8

Yancey Brame

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

June 9

Martha Quinones

June 10

Deborah Weidner

Robert Mason

Janet Koonce

Bill Wright

June 11

Kathy Peterson

June 12

Barbara Beach

June 13

Diane Miller

June 14

Florence Calyore

Bob Knudson

Kim Witmer

Nancy Dunlap

June 15

Mary Vande Voren

June 16

Joanne Slager

Spyros Zorbalas

June 17

Eric Holt

Janet Root

June 18

Kelly Holmberg

June 19

Jane Holbrook

Jay Swallen

Nancy Masterson

June 20

Jack Marsh

June 21

Diane Stellema

Gary Lubben

Chuck Work

Michelle Bloom

June 22

Diana Childs

June 23

Janie Casassa

Alex Yanushefski

June 24

Kelly Assaad

Sheldon Veil

Andie Goodrich

Suzanne Zelinka

June 25

Sheila Lytle

David Brown

June 26

Chuck Lyon

Dottie Morse

Jan Modesitt

June 27

Linda Rader

Daisy Scott

June 28

Mariellen Lemasters

Amy Manley

June 30

Lisa Brock

4, 2023
& Joiners Do you want to know more about our faith, this congregation and how to become a member of our warm and friendly church? A Seekers and Joiners Class will be held on Sunday, June 18 following the worship service. To register, please call the church office at 239.262.1311 or e-mail Sandy Knight at sandyk@fpcnaples.org.
Dir. of Publications and Social Media, kathleenl@fpcnaples.org Membership
In Memoriam Seekers
Janie Casassa, Committee Chair,
Kathleen Law,
First Presbyterian Church of Naples 250 Sixth Street South Naples, FL 34102 www.fpcnaples.org 239.262.1311 Non-Profit Org. Postage PAID Naples, FL 34102 Permit No. 8 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 26 — 30 9 a.m.—12 p.m. See page 13 for details and registration information.
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