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On The Cover Merry Christmas and happy new year from team waves!
c o n t e n t s December 2023
t’s M
WAVES December 2023
E ntertainment M agazine priceless
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Rent Me!
Sat, Dec 16, 2023 | 8 PM
Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart. Celebrating its 100th anniversary season, enjoy Duke’s • Cart Rentals • Private Guided Tours • Restored Historic Home Tours • Christmas Light Tours CarriageHausRentals.com l 2127 Broadway, Galveston, TX
standard classics such as “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing),” “Take the “A” Train,” and more plus get in the holiday spirit with “The Nutcracker Suite.”
GIVE THE GIFT OF ENTERTAINMENT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! Here are just a few shows coming to The Grand in 2024!
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Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart.
Local News. KPFT 90.1 Returns To Galveston!
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Feb 23
Jan 27
• Cart Rentals • Private Guided Tours • Restored Historic Home Tours • Christmas Light Tours
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Upcoming Concerts All Sunday performances at The Grand 1894 Opera House
S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 3rd a t 7 P M
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Copland, Letter from Home Ravel, Piano Concerto in G Marlijn Helder, Spring Rain (U.S. premiere) Gerschwin, Rhapsody in Blue Evelyn Chen, piano
Waves Magazine | December 2023 7
Mike Burke|Publisher
Waves Magazine Is Published Monthly By: Waves Magazine | Mike Burke Box 3343 | Galveston , TX 77552 P: 409-789-1160 www.wavesgalveston.com Publisher | Editor Sales Director Mike Burke mburke@wavesgalveston.com 409-789-1160
Distribution | Webmaster Tiffany Bergeron tbergeron@wavesgalveston.com
Executive Creative Director Christopher Bergeron cbergeron@wavesgalveston.com
Contributors Richard Henderson, D.V.M. J.A. Bunny Jan & Dean Billy Powell Chris Gonzales Max Conner Tom Valliere Charlie Bresenhan Paul Hager Bob Rohan John Valastro Kathy Valastro Holly Ross Dr. Tara Wegryn J. Chumley Photography Thomas Waggoner Zach Tate Lynda Watson Shaye Henderson James Clark Christy Monroe Renee Hartfield On the web WavesGalveston.com Facebook / WavesGalveston
BURKE’S BRIEFS December 2023
Merry Christmas, Wavers.
he Christmas Season has always been very special to me. It’s a wonderful time to spread
cheer, goodwill, and happiness. It is also a time
Lynda Watson and Mike Burke
than many of us. There is an abundance of worthy causes in our area that need your generous
Each day of the year it is important to BUY LOCAL. It is vital
contributions. Galveston is a giving and caring
this time of year. Please remember this Holiday Season to
community that I am proud to be a part of.
BUY LOCAL! Please support our local businesses. See you around the island…
I want to thank our loyal readers, contributors, and advertisers for your continuous support. We could not do what we do here at Waves each month without all of you. Thank you for a great six years
Mike Burke | Publisher
and counting.
Closer and Skeeter wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas
in our space!
Gourmet Burgers, Brewery, & Bourbon Flights • • • • •
Award Winning Burgers 70 Bourbons & Whiskeys 30 Tequilas 50 Beers 25 Wines
Subscriptions Available Waves Magazine P.O. Box 3343 | Galveston , TX 77552 P: 409-789-1160 Waves Magazine is produced monthly. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Tiffany & Christopher Bergeron
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
ET Corner When the Holidays, Pets and People Collide
he holidays bring families and their pets together for what we hope are pleasant, stress-free gatherings. Relatives arrive from far and wide with pets that are not socialized with each
other. The Norman Rockwell Christmas can turn into an Amtrack train wreck in a moment’s notice. I won’t try to offer any solutions to avoid
sins of liberalism, their two dogs are about to rumble over the
the inevitable human conflict this holiday season but there are a few
new squeaky toy. If they had kept an eye on their canines’
pet problems we see at our veterinary hospital over and over that
behavior, they could have stopped the fight before it started.
can be prevented. Who wants a thousand-dollar pet emergency room
Too often the animals are set free in a crowded house,
visit this time of year when the credit cards have already been nearly
unsupervised, and expected to get along. Probably best to
melted from overuse?
put all toys and treats away unless the dogs have direct supervision.
The most obvious Christmas crisis involves food. No, it’s not okay to feed dogs turkey bones. In fact, no bones at all. Especially dogs that
Then there are those dang cats and Christmas tree troubles.
are not used to having bones. The animal may end up with a bone
It’s a guarantee that the obese cat that has barely been off
impaction when the bone chips mix with his stool. Besides the poor
the couch all year is going to try and climb to the top of the
pup being in pain, I really don’t enjoy putting the rubber glove on
tree. He probably won’t get hurt when he topples the tree
and digging the impaction out of the back side of an angry German
but if he swallows a long strand of tree tinsel it may cause a
Shepherd. Bones go in the trash, period. Speaking of food, so many
life-threatening intestinal obstruction. I recall years ago a cat
dogs will readily eat gravy, meat fat, and turkey skin only to pay the
sprayed urine into the socket of the tree lights and shorted
price later. When Aunt Mabel says, “A little ham won’t hurt Fuffy,
out the breaker in the fuse box. Luckily, he didn’t set the tree
it’s Christmas,” hand her the roll of paper towels when the rear-end
or house on fire. Best to totally unplug the tree at night when
volcanic eruption occurs the next day.
the felines are free in the house having fun.
I’ve seen too many dog fight injuries during the holidays that were
Out-of-towners need to be aware that on a warm winter day
triggered by a visiting dog trying
in Galveston the snakes can be out. About ten years ago
to take a toy away from his dog
on Christmas Eve, a couple from Fort Worth arrived at the
“cousin”. So, while conservative
office with their Labrador retriever that had just been bitten
Uncle Joe is lecturing his nephew,
by a rattlesnake at the beach. The dog’s head was already
who is in from Berkley, about the
so swollen I couldn’t see his eyes. But being a Lab, he was wagging his tail and happy like this was no big deal. However,
Waves Magazine | December 2023
I immediately detected a bit of tension between the not-so-
Dog gets the antivenom and leaves the hospital before we
happy couple.
close on the road to recovery. I bet it was a long ride for that man all the way back to Fort Worth and a not-so Merry
It seems the husband told his wife that the signs posted
Christmas the next day.
on the dunes that there are snakes were put out to keep people from walking into the dunes. So, he lets his dog play
Keep your pets safe. Happy holidays.
in the dunes and guess what? His dog gets bitten. While I’m examining the dog, he calls his hunting buddy who tells him that dogs really don’t need an antivenom shot to survive a snake bite. As he tries to weasel out of the cost of antivenom his wife glared at him pointing a finger an inch from his nose and told him, “This is all your fault, this is no longer your decision.” She then politely turned to me and said, “Doctor, do all you think necessary to fix him.”
Richard D. Henderson, DVM Galveston Veterinary Clinic 2108 61st Street Galveston, TX 77551
2111 STRAND ST. GALVESTON, TX 77550 | 409-220-3148 www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Chocolate Crinkles Ingredients
round Bunny’s house, Christmas would not be Christmas without the delightful smell of wonderful baked goods from
the kitchen. It’s a family tradition! Our family always had plenty of wonderful cookies, candy, breads, and all kinds of goodies on hand during the season to welcome our guests or to share with neighbors and friends. Many of the recipes were passed down from generation to generation. I want to share with you two of our favorite cookie recipes that were a holiday tradition to bake in Bunny’s family. One is her mama’s recipe for chewy and yummy Pecan Crispies and the other is a recipe for these delicious Chocolate Crinkles, which are chewy and melt in your mouth. Bunny picked these two to share because they are both “Easy Peasy” and will impress everyone who tries them. Enjoy!
Directions Mix cocoa, oil, sugar, eggs, and flour in a large mixing bowl with a kitchen mixer. Add baking powder, salt, vanilla, and powdered sugar and mix well. The batter will be very moist. Put in the refrigerator and allow to chill for about 4 hours. Make 1-inch balls with a spoon parchment paper and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 11-12 minutes, depending on the size of the balls. They will spread out
and end up in the pretty crinkles seen in the picture.
1 cup solid vegetable oil (i.e. Crisco) 2 1/2 cups light brown sugar 2 eggs 2 1/2 cups flour 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp. vanilla 1 cup chopped pecans
Enjoy! and Happy Holiday Trails to you and yours!
Directions With a mixer, mix cream, sugar, and Crisco together until combined. Add eggs, beating well after each, until fluffy. Add the dry ingredients and vanilla. Mix until combined. Gently mix in pecans throughout the batter. Drop tablespoon-size clusters of cookie dough onto cookie sheet (or use a small cookie dough rounded scoop). Bake in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for 12-14 minutes or until sides are golden brown. The less time they cook = chewier cookies. Let cool on a wire rack.
Waves Magazine | December 2023
1 cup cocoa 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 cup Canola or vegetable oil 1/2 tsp salt 2 cups sugar 1/2 cup powdered sugar 4 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla 2 cups flour powdered sugar for coating
or cookie scoop and roll in the extra powdered sugar. Place on
Mama’s Pecan Crispies • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •
ISLAND SILVER W NE ts g r llin Ca Se ED w S No d U an
Rent Me! Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric car. • Cart Rentals • Private Guided Tours • Restored Historic Home Tours • Christmas Light Tours CarriageHausRentals.com
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C a n Yo u N a m e T h e s e V i n t a g e To y s P o p u l a r a t C h r i s t m a s P a s t ?
◊ Raggedy Ann ◊ Raggedy Andy ◊ Chatty Cathy ◊ Crissy Doll
◊ Troll Doll ◊ Monchichi Doll ◊ Pound Puppy ◊ Mr. Potatohead
◊ Colorforms ◊ Lite Bright ◊ Popples ◊ Monchichi
◊ Teddy Ruxpin ◊ Paddington Bear ◊ Winnie-the-Pooh ◊ Care Bear
◊ Legos ◊ Lite Brite ◊ Lincoln Logs ◊ Hungry Hippo
◊ Snoopy Sno-Cone ◊ Easy-Bake Oven ◊ Shape-shifter ◊ Tamagotchi
◊ Bouncy Ball ◊ Big Wheel ◊ Pogo Stick ◊ Sled
◊ Rainbow Brite ◊ Raggedy Ann ◊ My Little Pony ◊ Chatty Cathy
◊ Bouncy Ball ◊ Big Wheel ◊ Pogo Stick ◊ Sled
◊ Casey the Robot ◊ Madballs ◊ Rock ‘em Sock ‘em ◊ Verbot
◊ Raggedy Ann ◊ Rainbow Brite ◊ Chatty Cathy ◊ Talky Crissy Doll
◊ Chatter Telephone ◊ Furby ◊ Magic 8-Ball ◊ Verbot
Check Your Answers On Page 66 16
Waves Magazine | December 2023
◊ Viewmaster ◊ Speak and Spell ◊ See N Say ◊ Glo Worm
◊ Pound Puppy ◊ Raggedy Andy ◊ Care Bear ◊ Troll
◊ Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine ◊ Easy-Bake Oven ◊ Tamagotchi
◊ Teddy Ruxpin ◊ Paddington Bear ◊ Winnie-the-Pooh ◊ Care Bear
◊ Easy Bake Oven ◊ Pound Puppy ◊ Colorforms ◊ Transformer
◊ Magic 8 Ball ◊ Casey the Robot ◊ See N Say ◊ Jacks
◊ Shape-shifter ◊ Transformer ◊ G.I. Joe ◊ Madballs
◊ Chatty Cathy ◊ See N Say ◊ Casey the Robot ◊ Furby
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Jean Lafitte
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Advice with
Jan & Dean Hi Jan & Dean. I have something that just eats at me. Actually, I should be happy about the first part of this situation. My in-laws celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. My side of the family celebrates on Christmas Day. This part is great because we don’t have to juggle family gatherings. I agree with Jan that your husband should get involved with this. It’s My problem is that December 24th is my Birthday! I want the 24th
much better that he says something to your in-laws rather than you
to be MY day but everyone else is into the Christmas spirit and my
doing it. I have no way of knowing if they are just unaware of how
birthday is almost completely ignored every year. To top it off, my
important your birthday is to you, or if they are just cheap and trying to
in-laws give me a combined gift, Christmas and birthday, wrapped in
slide by with a single present covering two very separate occasions.
Christmas paper. My birthday card is sometimes a Christmas card. I always give them both a Christmas present and a birthday gift.
Jan also has a good idea when she tells you to get out with your husband and friends and celebrate your birthday before your Christmas
My husband learned very quickly to give me Christmas presents
Eve family gathering. Make it a great day!
for Christmas and separate presents for my birthday. I know most people don’t think of this as a big deal, but most don’t have birthdays right around Christmas time. It’s been going on for a few years now and I’m at my boiling point. How do I get them to understand that this is important to me? -Brenda is Bummed
Hi Brenda. You have a good thing going regarding the separations of the Christmas gatherings. I do feel for you when it comes to your birthday. That is a very special day. As for your in-laws and their tactic of wrapping your present in Christmas wrap and not giving two separate gifts, that just isn’t right. Actually, I think your husband should say something to them. They are probably just clueless. I also suggest that you go out with your husband during the day of your birthday, get some friends together, and celebrate your special day during the daytime hours! Then go have double the fun at the family Christmas Eve gathering that evening. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to you.
Hello Brenda. Well, it finally happened on the last month of the year. I am going to agree with Jan on something. A birthday is a very special day. You deserve to have it celebrated the same way on December 24th as it would be if it occurred on April 3rd, for example. Have a question for Jan & Dean? Go to www.wavesgalveston.com & ask away. You just might have your question answered next month. 18
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Isle Cycle Studio
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Yoga, cardio, strength.
Come spin with us!
Massage, IV drip, & more.
2910 53rd Street, Galveston • (409) 220-3901 @BentOnHealthyLivingWellness / BentOnHealthyLiving.com Waves Magazine | December 2023 21 www.wavesgalveston.com
Shaye Henderson, BSN, M.Ed., M.S., Instructor a t B e n t O n H e a l t h y L i v i n g We l l n e s s C e n t e r, 2910 53rd Street, Galveston
Stay Well This Holiday Season
ith Americans set to travel for holiday gatherings now through the new year, you may find yourself being exposed to a petri dish full of new viruses and bacteria your body is not accustomed to handling.
The intergenerational mixing of families at holidays like Christmas often helps pathogens spread more quickly through the population. This a perfect environment for infectious diseases to take off. Following general good-health guidelines is the best step to naturally keeping your immune system working properly. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy living strategies. The immune system is the body’s way of protecting itself from infection and disease; it fights everything from cold and flu viruses to serious conditions such as cancer. Our immune systems are complex and influenced by many factors. Vaccines such as the flu and RSV build immunity against specific diseases. However, there are some additional ways to strengthen your immune system.
Prolonged intense exercise can suppress your immune system, but moderate exercise can boost it. Moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and promote the healthy turnover of immune cells. In a study of more than 500,000 US adults, those who met aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity guidelines were about half as likely to die from flu and pneumonia as adults who met neither guideline. For adults, weekly physical activity guidelines call for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (30 minutes a day for five days) plus two days of muscle-strengthening activities. Regular physical activity helps you feel better, sleep better, and reduce anxiety.
Eat More Whole Plant Foods Whole plant foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that may give you an upper hand against harmful pathogens. The antioxidants in these foods help decrease inflammation by combatting unstable compounds called free radicals, which can cause inflammation when they build up in your body at high levels.
Maintain a Healthy Weight Excess weight can affect how your body functions. Obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more in adults, is linked to impaired immune functions. Safe ways to help maintain a healthy weight include reducing stress, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and engaging in
The fiber in plant foods feeds your gut microbiome, or the community of healthy bacteria in your gut. A robust gut microbiome can improve your immunity and help keep harmful pathogens from entering your body via your digestive tract. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, which may reduce the duration of the common cold.
regular physical activity. Get Enough Sleep Sleep and immunity are closely tied. In fact, inadequate or poor-quality sleep is linked to a higher susceptibility to sickness. In a study of 164 healthy adults, those who slept fewer than 6 hours each night were likelier to catch a cold than those who slept 6 hours or more each night.
Eat More Healthy Fats Healthy fats, like those found in olive oil and salmon, may boost your body’s immune response to pathogens by decreasing inflammation. Although low-level inflammation is a normal response to stress or injury, chronic inflammation can suppress your immune system.
Engage in Moderate Exercise
Getting adequate rest may strengthen your natural immunity. Also, you may sleep more when sick to allow your immune system to fight the illness better. Adults should aim to get seven or more hours of sleep each night, while teens need 8–10 hours and younger children and infants up to 14 hours.
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Don’t Smoke or Be Around Second-Hand Smoke
From eating healthier foods to lifestyle changes, there’s a lot you can do to
Seriously. Nothing good comes from filling your lungs with known car-
strengthen your immune system, and not just right before flu season. Taking
cinogens. Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly
care of your immune system year-round is best because viruses and bacteria are always lurking. Arm yourself to be healthy so you can enjoy all the family
every organ of the body.
gatherings coming ahead in the holiday season. More than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking. For every person who dies because of smoking, at least 30 people live with a serious smoking-related illness. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases the risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system. And secondhand smoke isn’t any better. Secondhand smoke exposure contributes to approximately 41,000 deaths among nonsmoking adults and 400 deaths in infants each year. Avoid Too Much Alcohol Alcohol disrupts immune pathways that can impair the body’s ability to defend against infection, contribute to organ damage associated with alcohol consumption, and impede recovery from tissue injury. Over time,
Shaye Henderson
excessive alcohol use can weaken the immune system.
S h a y e H e n d e r s o n , B S N , M . E d . , M . S . , I n s t r u c t o r a t B e n t O n H e a l t h y L i v i n g We l l n e s s C e n t e r, 2 9 1 0 5 3 r d S t r e e t , G a l v e s t o n
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June 2023
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WAVES December 2023
July 2023
August 2023
September 2023
October 2023
November 2023
E ntertainment M agazine priceless
December 2023
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Visit our website to see the full season.
TheGrand.com | 409.765.1894
Tickets on sale now!
Waves Magazine | October 2022
Sat, Dec 16, 2023 | 8 PM
Celebrating its 100th anniversary season, enjoy Duke’s standard classics such as “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing),” “Take the “A” Train,” and more plus get in the holiday spirit with “The Nutcracker Suite.”
GIVE THE GIFT OF ENTERTAINMENT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! Here are just a few shows coming to The Grand in 2024!
Feb 23
Jan 27
GET TICKETS! TheGrand.com 409.765.1894
2020 Postoffice Street, Galveston www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | October 2022
N o t Yo u r U s u a l B o t o x ®️ ( X e o m i n ®️ ) H O L I D AY R E A D Y !
otox®️ or Xeomin®️are commonly injected into 3 main sites; the forehead to treat expressive lines, the outer sides of the eyes to treat “Crow’s Feet”, and between the eyebrows to eliminate frown lines sometimes referred to as “11s”. But did you know that botulinum can also be used to raise the eyebrows, eliminate horizontal “bunny” lines on the nose, turn up the corners of the mouth, reduce lines above the lip, get rid of chin dimpling and smooth out neck bands? Read the details below. Neck Bands The platysma is a broad superficial muscle that spans the neck from the top of the chest to the jawline. With age, it can develop bands and cords. Botulinum into these bands relaxes them, making them less visible.The result is a smoother, more youthful neck.
the corners of the mouth down, the depressor anguli oris. This allows the smile muscles that pull up on the corners of the mouth to function, unopposed. Easy as that. Lip Lines & “Lip Flip” Nothing makes one feel older than the fine lines that develop above the lip. Often incorrectly referred to as “ Smoker’s Lines”, they can develop in smokers and non-smokers alike. When low dose botulinum is placed above the lip in the circular muscle that creates puckering, the muscle relaxes, and the lines are reduced creating a more youthful look. Some people even get the added effect of a slightly wider upper lip leading to its nickname, the “lip-flip” or the “ lip-pop”. Dimpled Chin Chin dimpling can occur with age if the mentalis muscles become overactive. Botulinum can be used to relax these muscles thereby reducing the dimpling, giving you a smoother chin.
Dr. Tara Wegryn is a board-certified Neurologist and Electrophysiologist and a member in good standing with the IAPAM (International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine). Dr. Wegryn received her MD from the University of Florida and residency in Neurology at the Cleveland Clinic. In 1996, Dr. Wegryn founded Houston Neuromonitoring, a successful intraoperative monitoring company that served the surgical community at the TMC (Texas Medical Center) for over 17 years. Dr. Tara Wegryn is currently the director/ owner of Refresh Medispa in Galveston, Texas.
Eyebrow Lift When an elevated brow is desired, botulinum injected into the upper lateral aspect of the circular eye muscle named the orbicularis oculi can achieve this. By slightly weakening this part of the muscle, the opposing muscle of the forehead literally lifts the eyebrow up. Simple! Bunny Lines People use their facial muscles differently. Some people develop vertical “11” lines when they frown while others also contract the muscles on the side of the nose creating a horizontal “bunny” line across the bridge of their nose. This can be easily treated with a single injection of botulinum to each side of the nose. Mouth Frown Do people think you look sad when you are not? Droopy mouth corners can be improved by reducing the activity of a muscle that pulls 26 Waves Magazine | December 2023
Masseter Teeth clenching and teeth grinding can cause enlargement of the masseter muscle which adds fullness to the face and angulates the jaw. Botulinum into this muscle not only relieves the symptoms of teeth grinding but can have the added benefit of slimming the face. So next time you are in for your Botox®️ or Xeomin®️appointment, let me know if you are interested in treating one or more of these areas. I will evaluate your unique, expressive face, and we will decide if adding any of these sites would be a good choice for you. Have a great day, and I hope you continue to “Look Fresh And Feel Confident”.
If you have any questions about aesthetic medicine or Refresh Medispa, please send them to Drtara@refreshmedidayspa.com and she will try to answer them in future articles!
Refresh Medispa 2424 Mechanic Street Galveston, Texas, 77550 409.443.5633
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
Bob Rohan, or as he is known in Texas “Bad Bob”, has been playing the fiddle and singing in various groups for over 30 years in Texas, and has opened for Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, Charlie Daniels, Carlene Carter and John Conley to name a few. Bob has played in bands that have backed up country legends like Hank Thompson, Ray Price, Jack Greene, Pam Tillis, and Dale Watson. Along with songwriting, Bob is also a talented cartoonist and has a self syndicated comic strip titled “Buffalo Gals”. The comic feature is about two cowgirls “Bess Winchester” and “Connie Cheyenne”. The comic strip was inspired after playing with “The Hays County Gals and Pals” a cowgirl western group that toured through Texas, Oklahoma and as far west as Elko, Nevada. Bob has won The Wisconsin State Fiddle Championship and has been nominated several times from The Academy of Western Artists for Best Cowboy Cartoonist.
w w w. b a d b o b r o h a n . c o m
Waves Magazine | December 2023
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
The Herbs of Christmas
h e strongest memories are those that are attached to scents. If we smell cinnamon and pine, we can’t help but think of Christmas. While pine is considered an herb, it
also has medicinal qualities, and cinnamon is definitely an herb. There are many more herbs that receive attention at Christmas, several of which grow easily in our climate. Sage- Sage is to southern cooking what Dolly Parton is to country music. The dressing on the table just wouldn’t taste the same without sage. This is a sturdy, evergreen herb that grows well in our climate with a little bit of shade. It’s fairly tolerant of drought
Cloves- if we are being technical, cloves belong to the spice category rather than an herb, but let’s not be picky. Cloves are
and poor soil.
wonderful pressed into citrus to make pomanders. The whole
Rosemary- they say Rosemary is for remembrance and the
citrus does!
house smells warm and citrusy. Cloves do not grow well here but
holidays are the perfect time for remembering the Christmas’ past
Enjoy your Holiday Season and all the
while making new memories. Rosemary likes sandy soil and heat
beautiful plants that make it grand!
which is good since we have plenty of that! This woody shrub is also evergreen and works well both in cooking and in decorating. Ginger- Ginger has many uses around the holidays- gingerbread houses and gingerbread men. This spicy herb is excellent in teas for reducing inflammation. Ginger is a tropical plant and grows well on the island. It’s best to keep at least one plant in a pot in the event of a nasty cold snap. That way, if the plants in the garden are killed off by a freeze, you can plant more from the one
For more great information, go to: www.hollykross.com
you took inside.
Waves Magazine | December 2023
~Holly Ross
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Fun Facts Historical Galveston By: Thomas Waggoner
Ho Ho Ho - Christmas on the Island
A White Island Christmas
Dickins On The Strand
reetings, Wavers! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The Christmas season is here, and the Island is one of the best places to be! Enjoy these fun facts about a Galveston Christmas. A White Island Christmas The earliest weather record-keeping for Galveston was in 1871. In the hundred years between 1900 and 1999, there were 39 years with snowfall. Eleven of those years had measurable amounts, while the rest had “trace” amounts. The worst Island winters were in 1886 when Galveston Bay froze, and in 1895 when the island received an unbelievable 15.4 inches of snow. Fun Fact: In 2004 Galveston experienced its first-ever white Christmas. Nutcracker at The Grand The famous Nutcracker shows up on the Island a little earlier than Santa each year. The Nutcracker lives in the 1894 Grand Opera House for 2-3 days each year. The Academy of the City Ballet of Houston has performed their Nutcrackers there for the past 25 years. Fun Fact: The music for the Nutcracker, written by Tchaikovsky in 1892, was composed only two years earlier than the opening of The Grand. Dickens on The Strand The Strand is the name of a waterfront street in both Galveston and London. Starting in 1974, Galvestonians and their friends dressed in their Victorian-era costumes and celebrated Charles Dickens and 19th-century London! This festival, put on by the Galveston Historical Foundation, is the first weekend in December. Fun Fact: As a result of Dickens on the Strand festival, The Strand Historic District became a National Historic District in the National Register of Historic Places. Festival of Lights & Iceland Be sure to take a stroll along this mile-long trail featuring more than two million lights. That’s a lot of lights! The lighted scenes are themed to holiday music that takes you around the Moody Gardens property. There are also spectacular views of Galveston Bay. The lights are a favorite for taking holiday photos! Fun Fact: Homemade S’mores, hot chocolate, and mistletoe are offered along the way! According to Moody Gardens Inc., a team of master ice carvers from Harbin, China will be back this year at Moody Gardens to carve out a magnificent masterpiece using two million pounds of ice to sculpt towering ice displays for a truly extraordinary, frosty journey through the rainforest. Fun Fact: Iceland was first introduced to the Island in 2014. Oh Christmas Tree Beautiful Christmas trees decorate the island this time of year. This picture is one of my favorites. Residents of Bermuda Beach have revived a program to use real Christmas trees as a base material for dune construction. This will help replace dunes wiped out by a series of storms. Plants will begin growing on piles of sand that make up the dunes. Dune plants send down roots that trap and hold sand, aiding in the process of beach building. Fun Fact: Professionals on the Island actually collect soil DNA samples to study how dune plants perform under varying conditions. Christmas at Moody Mansion The home is named for William Lewis Moody, Jr. It is located at 2618 Broadway Street. The thirty-one-room mansion was completed in 1895. The house remained home to Moody’s family members until 1983 when Hurricane Alicia 32
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Festival Of Lights and Iceland
Oh Christmas Tree
Moody Mansion
The Polar Express
caused major damage. Following repairs and restoration, it was opened as a house museum in 1991. Today, its rooms are filled with the furnishings and personal effects of the family. Fun Fact: Moody, his wife, and four children celebrated their first Christmas at the mansion in 1900. Fun Fact #2: They celebrated just three months after the 1900 hurricane. Polar Express It’s ALL ABOARD, and pajamas are encouraged! The Galveston Railroad Museum is celebrating the return of THE POLAR EXPRESS! Be there early because the show starts as the Train comes steaming into the depot! Fun Fact: In 1932 the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe railroad built the current Art Deco depot that is home to the Polar Express. Fun Fact #2: The Museum was used as a movie set in the Orson Welles production of Kafka’s The Trial. The Island Christmas Parade I love parades! This year’s Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, December 9th at 3 p.m. The annual parade is sponsored by the Galveston Municipal Police Association. The parade will begin at 3 p.m. on 25th Street and Postoffice, proceeding east to 19th Street, north to Strand, west to 25th Street, and south to Postoffice, and complete one additional loop before ending at 25th & Strand. The parade will line up beginning at 2 p.m. at Postoffice between 25th and 26th streets and on 26th Street between Postoffice and Winnie. Fun Fact: You can be in the parade! Entry is at least one unwrapped toy for the Blue Santa program. Gifts from Santa Galveston is a fantastic place to find gifts for everyone! I always start at Murdoch’s. When it comes to gift-giving, the best presents are those that create lasting memories. Fun Fact: On December 16, 1905, a beautiful Japanese-style vase “appeared” at the Rosenberg Library. The library had only been open for a year and a half. The identity of the “Secret Santa” has never been discovered, but more than a century later, this thoughtful holiday gift can still be enjoyed by visitors to the library. From one Waver to another, I hope you have a great Holiday Season! Enjoy our wonderful island of Galveston. Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!
Thomas Waggoner
Happy Holidays!
6207 Central City Blvd. Galveston, TX 77551 www.wavesgalveston.com
(409)-497-4560 Waves Magazine | December 2023
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
Big B I TES by: Tom Valliere & Charlie Bresenhan
P i r at e I s l a n d B a r a n d G r i l l It was mid-March 1965 when this 18-yearold U.S. Army private boarded a chartered Boeing 707 aircraft headed to Vietnam. The plane was full. Almost all were young enlisted men such as myself. Very few had traveled outside the United States and for many, this was their first plane ride. I had enlisted several months prior and after basic training at Ft Leonard Wood Missouri and electronics training at Ft Devens
street carts competed for customers. The sheer volume of offerings
Massachusetts, I was anxious to report for duty at my assigned post
and the smell of charcoal and exotic spices remain vividly etched in
outside Saigon. Like many recruits, I came from a small Midwestern
my memory.
town where the standard fare was meatloaf and mashed potatoes and It was then and there that I developed a lifelong appreciation and
perhaps a pot roast on Sunday.
love for Vietnam. The people, culture, and food. All very foreign to Landing at Ton Son Nhat airport, our cabin was filled with strange
me, all exotic and all delicious.
odors of food and spices that seemed to permeate the air. After signing in and getting oriented to my new duty station, I was anxious
Returning to the US, for many years I missed that wonderful food. It
to explore this strange new land.
was not until the 1980’s long after the fall of South Vietnam that waves of immigrants began settling in the US bringing their food and
Saigon in 1965 was far removed from the war that was slowly growing
customs to our shore. Many Vietnamese endured unspeakable
in that nation. It was a beautiful colonial city often referred to as the
hardship on their journey here and many settled in and around
Paris of the Orient after many years of French colonial rule. That was
Houston, drawn to our climate and proximity to water and growing
changing rapidly as Americans supplanted the French and English
expat community.
became the dominant foreign language. Saigon was a city of contrasts with magnificent hotels and homes coexisting with ramshackle
It was 1979 when Kim Su Tran La fled Vietnam with her husband
slums. The streets were crowded with taxis, bicycles, and pedicabs
and seven children eventually settling in Houston and opening the
and everywhere there was food! Restaurants, open-air markets, and
now-famous Kim Son restaurant. A true pioneer, “Mama La” introduced an entire generation of South Texans to the wonders of Vietnamese food. Scores of refugees followed making up the huge Asian population and a thriving “Chinatown” area in Houston. Fishermen by trade, many Vietnamese settled in and around Galveston Bay engaging in shrimping and oystering in our fertile waters. Settling in Galveston, they began opening restaurants and selling seafood.
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Galveston, being an international port city with a history of welcoming
of the Philippines. After spending two years in a refugee camp, he
newcomers, quickly embraced our new neighbors, and soon small
managed to contact an uncle living in Houston and eventually was
pho shops were prospering on our island. Pho (pronounced phuh) is a
able to obtain approval to travel to the USA and live with his relatives
national dish in Vietnam and is pleasing to Western palates. Best
in Houston. Almost literally cast upon a foreign shore, young Dat
described as Grandma’s special noodle soup on steroids, it is a
worked hard to learn the language and customs of his new country.
product of slow simmering bone stock with exotic spices and herbs
The Sharpstown neighborhood where he resided was becoming a
and has been adopted and become a universal American dish
high-crime area so he needed to become “streetwise” quickly. An
enjoyed by millions. There is even instant pho available in supermar-
early venture to start a Disc Jockey business failed and an errant
kets across the country.
Spike Jones album caused him to take that moniker for his “western” name.
Pho has become a benchmark dish for many and the quest for the best pho consumes much energy among lovers of Vietnamese food.
Undaunted by this and other setbacks, Dat went on to learn the
Galveston is no exception. When a new Vietnamese restaurant with
restaurant business eventually settling in Kansas City where he
the unlikely name of Pirate Island recently opened on the Seawall, I
opened, managed, and sold two successful restaurants before
like many others rushed to investigate. Of course, I tried the pho for
returning to Texas and opening the Pirate Island Bar and Grill.
a starter - and it was good - but there is so much more here that it is difficult to describe everything with the few short pages allocated to
A remarkable story surely, but I have left out large portions better
me. But let’s try.
narrated by Spike himself if you catch him on a quiet moment. Outgoing and friendly, you will certainly meet him if you venture into
Dat Nguyen, who prefers his nickname “Spike”, is the owner of Pirate
his establishment.
Island Bar and Grill in the location previously occupied by the short-lived La Peska restaurant. It opened a few weeks ago to much
Justly proud of his heritage and accomplishments, Spike is equally
acclaim and has since caused quite a sensation. Local Facebook
pleased with his culinary achievements. Taking his native dishes to
groups have touted his praises non-stop. I cannot remember another
new heights with his knowledge of Western foods and his tireless
restaurant opening that has created as much buzz. However, this new
experiments, he has created a class of fusion dishes that successful-
restaurant is only a small part of Mr. Nguyen’s remarkable journey.
ly merge into exciting new flavors. A case in point is our beloved pho.
After the fall of the South Vietnam government in 1975, many people were desperate to leave and seek a better life. Spike was nine years old and one of ten children living in a coastal town on the Vietnamese east coast. One evening, he managed to swim out and board a fishing boat crowded with desperate refugees known as “boat people” seeking to escape. Several days later after a harrowing journey, he landed on the shores www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Spike takes it up a notch by adding some Texas smoked brisket
and I envision this as an important event venue in the future.
rather than the usual sliced ribeye. Taking great care with the bone broth base and traditional seasonings, the slight smoke flavor adds a
Drop by if only for coffee or a beer while you watch a game. This is
new dimension to this national dish. Do you want traditional? No
becoming a neighborhood gathering place and is friendly and
problem, you can have it that way as well. Spike takes great pains
with all of his dishes, experimenting and perfecting constantly. He is very proud of his food and it shows in the large crowds that come
A couple of notes. This restaurant utilizes counter order-
daily. Not familiar with Vietnamese food? Do not worry. Spike will
ing which is not my favorite but seems to be prevalent. Currently,
take the time to guide you through the choices - there are many and
they offer beer and wine only but a full-service liquor license is in
something for every taste. If you only sample one thing, make it his
chilled Vietnamese coffee. Literally the result of years of effort, he There is street parking along the Seawall and in front of the restau-
has managed to create the perfect brew.
rant. There is additional parking at the rear of the building. There is one quirk however. Spike is extremely health conscious and extends those concerns to his customers. He is distrustful of the
Handicapped accessibility is good with ramps and an elevator.
cleanliness of raw vegetables like bean sprouts and cilantro. You will not be served a side dish to be placed into your pho. Not to worry
Hours of Operation:
though as the flavors and herbs are incorporated into the cooking.
Daily 8 AM to 10 PM.
Likewise is his extensive use of single-serve plastic dinnerware.
Closed Tuesday
Again, he believes this to be cleaner and healthier than the detergent residues from commercial dishwashers. Some people may disagree and balk at the environmental issues, but rest assured, Spike goes to great lengths to capture the waste and ensure it is properly recycled. Spike has done a great job transforming the building. You enter on the ground floor into an impressive sports bar with wall-sized TV screens. There is a large bar and several high-top tables for dining. The kitchen occupies a large space and the ordering counter is at the kitchen portal. The upstairs is accessible via stairs or elevator and is a massive space. One wall is occupied by a long bar and there is ample table seating and a band area. The entire area opens to a huge rooftop garden with extraordinary views of the Gulf of Mexico. Still under development, Spike is adding shade structures and landscaping to make this a pleasant getaway. The scale is enormous 44
b eb re r2 02 20 32 3 W a v e s M a g a z i n e | DO ce ct oe m
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W a v e s M a g a z i n e | SD e pc te emmb be er r 2 20 02 23 2
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
New Year’s Event Saltwater Grill is available for private lunch reservations 7 days a week.
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
Pennie’s Take Out Menu Smoked Brisket Quality brisket covered with our original rub, slow smoked and ready to be sliced when you order.
1713 37th Street, Galveston, TX 77550
Pork Ribs Pork ribs cooked with our original rub till almost done then basted with our honey sweetened sauce.
Barbacoa (Sat. and Sun. Only) Pennie Ochoa’s delicious recipe. Tender, moist shredded beef is the result.
Grilled Chicken Chicken spiced with our rub cooked over wood. Unlike any chicken you have ever eaten.
Sides and Dessert All sides are made fresh at
Link Sausage Pork and Beef link sausage smoked over oak ready and waiting for you to order.
Pork & Beef Blend | Jalapeno Bean | Chicken | Jalapeno Pork & Beef Blend
We Now Ship Our Tamales and Whole Briskets
W a v e s M a g a z i n e | SD e pc te emmb be er r 2 20 02 23 2
Sandwiches Chopped Beef | Sliced Beef | Sausage | Comes with a complimentary 4 oz side Stuffed Baked Potato Huge baked potato filled with butter, cheese, sour cream, chives and best of all chopped brisket!
Pennie’s Potato Salad Dill based cool refreshing chopped potatoes mixed with dressings. Pinto Beans My own recipe made fresh daily. Lots of love goes into the beans. Green Beans Cole Slaw Banana Pudding Trifle
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Owner/Chef Lin Biar www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Upcoming Concerts All Sunday performances at The Grand 1894 Opera House
S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 3rd a t 7 P M
Copland, Letter from Home Ravel, Piano Concerto in G Marlijn Helder, Spring Rain (U.S. premiere) Gerschwin, Rhapsody in Blue Evelyn Chen, piano
Sunday, January 7 at 7PM
This Latin music & dance-inspired program combines music, imagery, dance, and story-telling to produce an evening of pure magic. Fossekall will get your heart pumping, your feet tapping, and your pulse racing.
GalvestonSymphony.org or call The Grand Box Office at (409) 765-1894 DON'T MISS A BEAT 52
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Moody Mansion Music 2023-24 PERFORMANCES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 / 7PM Evelyn Chen, piano
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16 / 7PM Will Hagen, violin Charlie Tauber, piano
FRIDAY, APRIL 5 / 7PM Julian Schwarz, cello Marika Bournaki, piano
Waves Magazine | December 2023
By: Paul Hager
Holiday-Themed Entertainment nce again, it’s that ‘most wonderful time of the year’ when holiday-themed entertainment abounds on the island. If your family is like many others, one of your annual Christmas traditions is to gather around
the television to watch Your favorite Christmas movies. This year, why not start a new tradition by venturing out to experience the magic of a live performance? To help you in doing so, we turn our spotlight to focus on what is playing right here in our hometown. ‘YULE have plenty of laughs during ETC’s next show’ states their website as ISLAND ETC [East-End Theatre Company]
Last but certainly not least, THE POLAR EXPRESS™
Train Ride is celebrating its 4th year on the island
CHRISTMAS SPECTACLAR. Artistic director Kim Mytelka
informed me this is one of the funniest scripts she’s ever read, and with the
This immersive family-oriented adventure comes to life
multi-talented ETC mainstay Matt Poole directing, I’m sure hilarity will ensue.
when the train departs for a round-trip journey to the North Pole led by a cast of talented actors from ISLAND ETC THEATRE’s company. Set to the sounds
Not one but two versions of the Charles Dickens classic
of the motion picture soundtrack, passengers will relive the magic of the classic
A CHRISTMAS CAROL will be offered by THE GRAND
story as they are whisked away on THE POLAR EXPRESS™ for a one-hour
trip to meet Santa. Once on board, the conductor will work his way through the
coach and punch golden tickets before hot chocolate and a delicious cookie are served by dancing chefs. Passengers then read along with the classic chil-
If an evening of musical appreciation is more your style, enjoy
dren’s book, The Polar Express, by Chris Van Allsburg. Santa and his helpers
the holiday-themed concerts GALVESTON SYMPHONY
board the train to greet passengers and each guest is given the first gift of
Christmas. During the trip, characters on each car lead fantastic onboard enter-
tainment – just like in the film! Each guest will take home a keepsake sleigh
bell and souvenir golden ticket in addition to the wonderful memories made on this magical trip. Just like the kids in the book, families are encouraged to wear
An annual holiday tradition for many is THE NUTCRACKER
their pajamas for the ride! A family tradition for many, it’s the perfect way to
also at THE GRAND. Plus, there is a ‘side-show’ attraction -
immerse yourself in the holiday spirit.
THE NUTCRACKER AFTERNOON TEA - a special event for young girls and boys and their families, held in Edna’s Room at The Grand and Rudy & Paco’s Restaurant. This sounds like so much fun! I’m
Please see ON THE BOARDS below for all dates, times, and links to ticketing information. To you and yours - “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good
seriously considering borrowing a child from someone so I can go myself.
Waves Magazine | December 2023
night” of live entertainment!
Based on the the classic children’s book, The Polar Express, by Chris Van Allsburg and the 2004 Warner Brothers film - Multiple departure times on select dates through December 23, 2023 - For tickets, see https://galvestonrrmuseum.org/
ISLAND ETC [East-End Theatre Company] THE CHARITABLE SISTERHOOD CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR By Bo Wilson.November 17 - December 9, 2023 https://www.islandetc.org/
By Charles Dickens. December 2, 2023 - 8:00 PM and December 3, 2023 - 3:00 PM
THE RICHARDS GROUP JOB #: SAL19_034940_National Christmas TRIM: 10.87" x 21" LIVE: Same as trim COLORS: SNAP/CMYK INSERTION: TBD - Full Page AD NAME: The World Doesn’t Care - Red BKGD
December 9, 2023 - 12:30 PM
CLIENT: Salvation Army BLEED: N/A QUESTIONS: Call Karen Newman 214-891-5875
December 9 - 10, 2023 - Various Times
AN EVENING WITH THE DUKE ELLINGTON ORCHESTRA December 16, 2023 - 8:00 PM http://www.thegrand.com/
Adapted from the Charles Dickens Novella Directed by Kaleigh Huxley - December 2023 https://clearcreekcommunitytheatre.com/
The world doesn’t care
IN THE WINGS [Opening Soon]
If there are more kids than coats. If there are more empty stomachs than full plates. If there are more people than beds. If there’s more hurt than healing, More despair than hope, or more bad than good.
ISLAND ETC [East-End Theatre Company] LIFE ON MY KNEES
By William Missouri Downs. January 19 - January 27, 2024 Sunday matinee - January 21, 2024 - https://www.islandetc.org/
THE GRAND 1894 OPERA HOUSE Galveston Symphony Orchestra: New Year’s Pops Concert – A New Year Pops Concert Fossekall - January 7, 2024 - 4:00 PM
The Oak Ridge Boys
January 20 - 21, 2024 - 7:30 PM and 3:00 PM
The Greatest Love of All – Whitney Houston Tribute January 27, 2024 - 8:00 PM http://www.thegrand.com/
But thankfully, you do. Every day, nearly 40 million hardworking Americans battle poverty. Help them win. A sustaining monthly gift of just $25 helps us double our ability to assist those in need throughout your community.
By Agatha Christie - January 19 - 21, 2024 https://clearcreekcommunitytheatre.com/
Paul Hager
There are 3 ways to join the #FightForGood My gift
at SalvationArmyGalvestonCounty.org
at PO Box 990, Galveston, TX 77553
call us at (409) 763-1691
Waves Magazine | December 2023
T exas M usic P rofile Story by Zach Tate. Photos by Michael Lichter, Jacob Kitchens, Renee Hartfield, Joanna Valliere, Nancy Cook and Zach Tate
Lone Star Rally Photography
one Star Rally, the largest 4-day annual motorcycle rally in the U.S., has always been a photographer’s paradise. From the casual cell phone shooter to some of the best professionals in the country, everyone would agree there is a picture waiting to be taken every second, around every corner, and from every angle. 2023’s Lone Star Rally in Galveston which took place Nov. 2nd through the 5th was no exception with its two concert stages hosting live music performances from noon to midnight each day, hundreds of thousands of motorcycles, choppers, wheeled machines of all kinds lit up with LED lights, shining chrome and sparkling paint, and hundreds of thousands of attendees dressed up, down, sideways or with barely a stitch. Lone Star Rally social media feeds were jammed with a constant rotation of photos like never seen before. With estimates of more than 400,000 people attending, it’s safe to say there were over 8 million photos taken (at a modest average of 20 photos taken per person). Although many people seem to snap indiscriminately at just about anything that shimmers, blinks, or roars, many are making concerted efforts to capture the immensity of the event in one stellar image - one image that says it all. It’s a monumental task and, as social media has revealed with its plethora of images posted, there really is not one image that can do it. It takes a team of photographers to tell the whole story.
Pat Green. Photo: Zach Tate.
From amateurs to career professionals like Colorado’s world-renowned motorcycle photographer, Michael Lichter, or League City’s 10-year photography veteran, Jacob Kitchens, Lone Star Rally presents an opportunity and a challenge to create beautiful photography. Kitchens has been attending the Lone Star Rally for the last 5 years but this year said he wanted to focus on people. “I love the characters. I try to get shots that no one else gets,” Kitchens said.
Kevin Fowler. Photo: Zach Tate.
Motorcycles, musicians, characters, bikinis, and cars were all captured in color and creativity making this year’s Lone Star Rally another successful event and one to look forward to next year. Dates have been set for Lone Star Rally 2024 (November 7th – 10th) as Galveston plans to be another photo ops playground. Presented by Waves Magazine as seen through the eyes of 6 photographers: Lichter, Kitchens, Galveston’s Renee Hartfield, who specializes in live concert photography, and three other active local area photographers, Joanna Valliere, Nancy Cook, and Zach Tate, is just part of the vivid story of Lone Star Rally 2023.
Zach Tate 56
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Zach Tate. Photo: Joanna Valliere.
Diamond Rio. Photo: Zach Tate.
KPFT is back on the air in Galveston. Houston’s only independent broadcast radio staMiss Lone Star Rally. Photos: Renee Hartfield.
tion playing locally produced music, KPFT 90.1 FM, is back on the air in Galveston as of November 21st, 2023. The Pacifica Network radio station, which had a separate frequency (89.5 FM) in Galveston for many years before losing its signal-boosting transmitter in 2020, has announced its new transmitter location at the Bryan Museum
Kid Rock Tribute. Photo: Renee Hartfield.
(21st and M). KPFT, playing Galveston and Houston artists like Robert Kuhn (aka Galvezton), Mighty Orq, and Zach Tate, will become accessible once again to Galveston radio listeners who want to hear local programming on the FM dial at 89.5.
Saliva. Photo: Renee Hartfield.
LSR Car Show. Photo: Zach Tate.
KPFT's 90.1 signal covers most of the Houston geographic area but for most people listening, the radio station became hard to hear clearly once over the causeway that separates Galveston Island from mainland Texas. The new signal booster will ensure clear listening for Galvestonians, said KPFT GM Sandy Weinman. "We look forward to serving the Galveston community more effectively
Mighty Orq. Photo: Zach Tate.
Stone Senate. Photo:Zach Tate..
Whey Jennings.Photo: Nancy Cook.
Kevin Fowler. Photo: Zach Tate.
as a result of our partnership with the Bryan Museum," Weinman said. KPFT is funded by donations from listeners
Sandy Weinman.
and the station is accepting underwriting, Weinman said, adding that he is hopeful that some businesses in Galveston will come aboard to help KPFT's community-building brand stay on the air. KPFT reaches an area populated by over 5 million people and has been broadcasting for 53 BMW Chick. Photo: Khris Harding. Photo: Jacob Kitchens. Jacob Kitchens.
Military. Photo: Jacob Kitchens.
Rally Dog. Photo: Jacob Kitchens.
years. While nearly all radio stations in the United States are run by large corporations with strict bottom-line financial agendas and adhere to tightly controlled playlists, forbidding independent, local music to be heard, KPFT on 90.1 FM in Houston and 89.5 in Galveston (also at KPFT.org) is the region’s last broadcast radio station (free to listen to by anyone with a radio) playing music produced and recorded by Houston and
Chopper at The Galvez. Photo: Michael Lichter.
LSR Biker. Photo: Nancy Cook.
LSR Server Madeline. Photo: Zach Tate.
Bryan Museum Staff.
Galveston artists.
Visit KPFT.org for more information.
W a v e s M a g a z i n e | DF e bc er m u ab re yr 2 0 2 3
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
Experienced Fishing Advice To Make Fishing Great Again
Serious Tackle Box With Chris Gonzales Surgeon’s End & Dropper Loop Knots 101
he surgeon’s end loop is the easiest to tie of the monofilament loop knots. I think it’s a somewhat overlooked knot and misused at times
Surgeon’s End & Dropper Loop Knots 101
when it is utilized. When applied correctly, numerous uses throughout
the water column come to mind, ranging from freelining near the surface to heavy single-drop bottom rigs. Knot strength is always something to consider when selecting any knot; this one is rated at about 95%. When talking about knot strength, remember - if your mono isn’t I.G.F.A. Line Class rated, you can bet that it will overtest its stated pound test. What this translates into is that, with a 95% knot, it won’t fail until somewhat over the stated pound on the spool. The surgeon’s end loop tying is shown at the top of the illustration. Form the knot as shown, hold both strands at 1, moisten the mono with saliva, and tighten evenly by pulling on the loop. It should now look like the illustration’s second view, left. This is the basis for the rest of the rigs to be covered. They will be the correct loop to hook connection, and why; the freeline/sow rig variations, and the single drop bottom rig, and why. The correct loop-to-hook connection is shown in oval “A”. Get there by passing the loop through the hook eye from the “bend” side of the hook. Now, twist it and pass the loop over the bend side of the hook, twist it again and pass the loop back over the hook bend, then twist it and pass it over the bend side of the hook one last time. Evenly snug it up a bit and the wraps around the hook shank will look like those in oval “A”. Oval “B” shows how the wraps look when tightened against the hook eye. What it also shows is the direct pull, in line with the hook point. Another great benefit is that, when the line comes tight at the hookup of your target species, the force applied to the hook causes its eye to be forced down; this rotates the hook point into faster, deeper penetration. Don’t give away this hookup advantage by passing the surgeon’s loop through the hook eye from the other side. Oval “C” shows the different hook point position in relation to the pull of a tighten line; this pull obviously won’t rotate the hook point either. Carefully do this connection both ways and see the benefit for yourself, it’s one of those little things that do make a difference.
Waves Magazine | december 2023
The freeline/sow rig difference is the use of, and size of eggweight that’s used. This is about as simple as rigging gets, for just about anything without a lot of mono-slicing teeth. That would include ling, snapper, dolphin, grouper, and amberjack. With a nose-hooked, whole baitfish on the hook, use anything from no weight to, say up to a 12 oz. eggweight for depth control. Depending on the
depth of the target species and the strength of the current, varying the size of
loop or dropper loop a lot of thought, I didn’t until about 10 or 12 years ago.
the eggweight will get you there.
Maybe I’ve given it too much thought, but I don’t think so. These simple connections have their good points; when properly tied and used, but like
The bottom rig shown at the bottom left of the illustration is a double drop
anything else, they can bring problems when they’re not. Put the surgeon’s
version. I only show a double drop to clearly show the possibility of a breakoff
end and dropper loop knots to use and you, too, will soon appreciate their
if a big bottom fish gets on the lower hook, “E”. This would come from the
simplicity, strength and multiple applications.
pull on the bottom hook and the force it would apply to the top surgeon’s loop knot, “D”. The oval to the right shows this problem in closer detail. The pull from the bottom hook on the top surgeon’s dropper loop is shown at “1”. The pull on the top knot that is the correct loading on surgeon’s dropper loop knot is shown at “2”. This is why a single drop bottom rig is my preference when using a surgeon’s dropper loop knot. It’s guaranteed that one big-bottom
If you have any questions, stop by Serious Tackle or email me at chris@serioustackle. co m
fish at a time is enough on the other end of your line anyway. The surgeon’s dropper loop is formed and tightened like the end loop, just with more mono on the back side to tie up the lower portion of the rig. A surgeon’s end loop is at the bottom to attach the sinker, as shown.
Chris Gonzales Owner - Serious Tackle
The surgeon’s end and dropper loop knots are some of the most versatile, easiest to tie, and have high strength...they are knots that will get the job done for you in a variety of situations — offshore and inshore. I’ve used them offshore with mono ranging from 30 to 300# for many years. I’d almost bet that most fishermen haven’t given the lowly surgeon’s end
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
Recipe Of The Month
Grilled Chicken Breast with Italian Herbs & Cheese Marinara Sauce Ingredients olive oil/butter - 2 tbsp/ 1 tbsp garlic - 1.5 tbsp minced red bell pepper - 1 cup chopped crushed roma tomato - 2 cans (28 oz each) chicken broth - 1 cup fresh basil - 1/2 cup rough chop-small leaves whole TSS Italian Herbs & Cheese - 4 tbsp ground mixed peppercorns - 2 tsp (more to taste) ground sea salt - 1 tsp (more to taste) Newsom Vineyards 2016 Syrah - 1/4 cup (optional) TSS Texas Pequin Garlic Salt - .5 tsp Chicken Ingredients whole chicken breasts lemon juice TSS Italian Herbs & Cheese seasoning Duck fat spray Provolone and Mozzarella slices Fresh roma tomato sliced & seasoned
Chicken Directions Wash and pat dry chicken breasts then squeeze fresh lemon juice on them and massage in. Next spray with Duck Fat Spray and season both sides with TSS Italian Herbs and Cheese. Grill at 350 until breasts reach an internal temperature of 155 then add half a slice of provolone and mozzarella to the top along with a seasoned thin slice of Roma tomato that has been sprayed with oil and seasoned with salt, pepper, and TSS Italian herbs and cheese. Grill until cheese melts and chicken reaches 165 internal.
TSS Italian Herbs and Cheese Seasoning
to med-low and simmer stirring often for 20 minutes then cover and reduce to lowest setting for another 10 minutes. Ladle sauce on a plate and set finished chicken breast on top and garnish with fresh chopped Italian parsley. -“Wild Bill” & Barbara Powell See Our Store Ad On Page 5
Sauce Directions Heat stock pot on med-high and add oil/butter, garlic, bell pepper then sauté until soft. Add all other ingredients and bring to a boil then reduce
Follow Wild Bill at: Instagram@TexasSelectSeasonings Facebook@TexasSelectSeasonings
Wild Bill’s Store | 5517 FM 2004 Suite 100 | Hitchcock, Texas, 77563 | Ph: (409) 392-8199 www.texasselectseasonings.com
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Waves Magazine | December 2023
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
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Waves Magazine | December 2023
T h e
Beach Bum Happy December, Wavers! Here we are, finally at the end of the year. 2023 proved to be a pretty good year for your Beach Bum. I hope all of you can say the same! I had a random thought the other day while I was riding around in my ol’ scarab. It’s not like me to have very many thoughts in a day, but here is what had me thinking. Instead of recapping the year, as I usually do, I wanted to hit y’all with some raw, deep-down vintage Christmas nostalgia this month. What better way than to reminisce a few of the vintage Christmas advertisements we have all lived with most of our lives. From the extraordinary Coca-Cola adverts dating back to the 1920s, to the Norelco Santa riding the razor in the snow in the ’60s, and Ronald McDonald spinning the left-out ice skating boy from the ’80s, these will certainly take you back to a simpler time.
Coca-Cola - decades
The first-ever Coca-Cola Christmas campaign goes all the way back to 1920 when the red Santa Clause first made an appearance in magazine advertisements. The famous Coca-Cola polar bears were first seen in 1922. Since then, the creativity involved has set in stone Coca-Cola’s position as a holiday brand, leaving people with the excitement of waiting to see their campaigns each year. Most of the advertisements put out by Coke are absolutely beautiful. The Polar Bears are by far your Bum’s favorite!
I enjoyed being with all of you for 2023 and look forward to doing the same for 2024! Enjoy this last trip down memory lane for the year.
M&M’s “Meeting Santa” 1990s
The M&M’s meet Santa for the first time near a fireplace in a living room setting stating in shock, “he IS real”. Santa states in equal shock, “they ARE real”, and then he faints. The commercial originally aired in ’96 followed by a few variations through the years, including a sequel involving the yellow M&M deciding he needs to save Christmas since Santa is unconscious. This commercial has stood the test of time, as much as the M&M brand has.
Campbell’s Soup “Snowman” 1993
Ahhh. The Campbell’s Soup snowman just wanted something warm to enjoy during the holidays. This has become another timeless classic, with a powerhouse brand, and the image of family and warmth this commercial projects. The poor snowman melts away, but that Campbell’s sure is “M’m! M’m! Good!”
Folgers “Peter Comes Home” 1980s
Iconic Christmas Commercials
Hershey’s “Holiday Bells” 1989
The Folgers’ “Peter Comes Home” commercial first aired in 1986. College student Peter comes home for the holidays in a snowstorm in the early morning, drops the presents off under the tree, and proceeds to make a pot of fresh Folgers coffee with his little sister to wake up the rest of the family. The spot ran for over 17 years, so it stands out in people’s minds as closely associated with Christmas.
Aired in 1989, Hersey’s Holiday Bells commercial is the longest-running television commercial in the history of the Hershey brand. It was revamped in 2012, which is the version that runs now.
McDonald’s “Ice-Skating” 1980s
I’d Like To Buy The World A Coke
This Mcdonald’s classic would air around Christmas in the ’80s and ’90s. It featured Ronald McDonald ice skating, while animated forest animals peep out of the brush. Ronald engages in a game with a bunch of kids on the ice while the smallest of them is left behind. He notices the lonely boy looks sad and picks him up to lovingly spin him around. The other kids finally acknowledge the lonely boys’ existence. Awe!
In 2020, some “genius” changed the commercial up so much, that it received tons of backlash from viewers. Both versions are aired now.
1970s Another powerhouse released by Coca-Cola, who doesn’t remember singing along to this one? While singing the song, a group holds lit white candles, then in the final zoom-out crane shot, only the candle flames remain visible, forming a Christmas tree. The final scene is shown in the pic above. This tune was used in many versions, even Mickey Mouse has decorated a tree to the tune. Classic!
Honey Nut Cheerios 1989
First aired in 1989, the Honey Nut Cheerios Christmas spot has gone through a few changes over the years, but can still be seen every season. The thing that doesn’t change is the core message: Everybody loves Honey Nut Cheerios. Kids. Grownups. They can even warm the heart of the meanest, stingiest Scrooge in town. I remember this commercial playing many times in my holiday household through the years.
Budweiser’s Clydesdale Horses 1980s
Anheuser-Busch is no stranger to brilliant, timeless advertising. Budweiser’s Clydesdale Horses Christmas ad is proof of this dating all the way back to ‘87. This classic has held on to people’s hearts for many years. The sight of Clydesdale horses marching in the snow with the distinct music in the background followed by the simple “Happy Holidays” message from the King of Beers still ignites the holiday spirit. It’s iconic, and this jewel still runs during the holiday season.
Waves Magazine | December 2023
Of The Month
Here we go again! Dark BY 5:30 pm!
ell folks, here we go again. That wonderful time of year when we “Fall Back” into the dark ages. The time of year
when we go from Daylight Saving Time (DST) to Standard Time. This subject is going to remain an annual Pet Peeve until this horrible and depressing situation comes to an end.
Standard Time is just plain horrific. Multiple studies have shown that longer daylight evenings motivate people to get out of the house. Longer daylight hours counteract the sedentary lifestyle
of modern living. The extra hours of daylight can be used for outdoor recreation like boating, fishing, golf, soccer, walking
Back in March 2022, the United States Senate unanimously
and jogging, going to the beach, etc. In other words, longer
passed the “ Sunshine Protection Act.” That would have made
daylight provides a happier and healthier life.
daylight saving time permanent starting in November 2023. However, the bill stalled in the House and expired. The bill
Longer daylight hours are a boost for the economy. Extra
was reintroduced in March 2023. The bill is currently in limbo
daylight also provides more safety. Studies have shown that
according to Congress’ website. Let’s urge our representatives
DST contributes to improved road safety, reducing pedestrian
to do something productive and get this done!
fatalities by 13%. Another study found a 7% decrease in robberies during DST.
Do we like it when it is completely dark outside by 5:30 pm? Do we like not being able to enjoy some of our favorite activities because it is too dark outside to do so? Do we like feeling like it is midnight when it is only 7:00 pm?
Waves Magazine | December 2023
$1 off well drinks. $2 off draft beer. $5 Crown Royal
$5 Jameson. $6 Kettle One. $4 Frireball.
$1 off anything made in Texas
$4 Purple Gatorade $4 Woo Woo Shots
$1 off any Whiskey. $2 off any wine. -Free Pool-
$5 House Bloody Mary. $5 Mimosa. .50 off all Draft Beer
THIRSTY THURSDAY $1 off all Tequila. $5 house ritas & Tequila sunrises
(Does Not Include Tax)
Waves Magazine | December 2023
eflections by: John & Kathy Valastro
A T h a n k f u l 2 0 2 3 i n Review Wow, 2023 is almost in the books as another year down!
wanted to write two Reflections, but I decided to combine them into one. First, I wanted to reflect on 2023 and secondly, I wanted to show my thanks and gratitude to my “Island Friends” and those who
follow and support Waves Magazine. So, let’s get to it.
bowling alley at Primetime located at 89th and Seawall will be opening soon. It’s an activity young and old alike can participate in and enjoy. I want to say “Thank You” to all the sponsors of these events and the
2023 has been a year filled with so many events on the island that brought us together and if you blinked you may have missed out. We had big events such as Mardi Gras, Long Ships Regatta, Sandcastle Contest, Lone Star Bike Rally, Moody Garden’s Christmas Showcase, and Dickens on the Strand. We had our favorite local events that showcased local talent, such as the Art Walk (every six weeks) and numerous shows at the historic Grand Opera House. We had several Pub Crawls that celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Poker Run, Galveston Brewery, Walk About (help keep Galveston clean), and a few others. If you weren’t careful, you were literally crawling to your golf cart or the next pub! Oh, the sights and the fun. I won’t say any names to protect my island friends from scrutiny or any embarrassment, including myself!
workers who help promote and support Galveston Island. As you can see, so much occurs on the island and one of the best ways to keep up with it all.....is our great support for Waves Magazine. I want to say a special “Thanks” to Michael Burke, Christopher Bergeron, and the crew who gives us Waves Magazine. If you want to know what’s going on, just pick up a copy, follow us at Wavesmagazine. com, or follow Waves on FB and you will have access to everything going on all year long. Finally, I want to thank God for the many blessings he has bestowed on our Island. We made it through another successful tourism season, we survived one of the hottest and driest summers anyone can remember,
We had plenty of fun runs, 3K’s, 5K’s Half Marathons, Marathons, and even an Ironman (my daughter and son-in-law participated in that one!). The investment and commitment to local live music is growing. The music scene showcases local talent and it’s getting bigger and better. Houston talent is making its way over the Causeway to be a part of it. It’s been a lot of fun and I hope you will continue to support our local talent!
we were protected from the ravage of another hurricane season, and found ways to be kind and charitable through the Thanksgiving and upcoming Holiday season. We islanders had so much to be thankful for in 2023 and we look forward to the New Year.
“We count our blessings, we’re thankful for our Island friends, and continue to love our Galveston Island.” “ Looking forward to a great 2024!”
We have plenty of established restaurants as well as new ones so get your friends and find those “happy hours”. Finally, get ready, the new
Waves Magazine | December 2023
John and Kathy Valastro
Waves Magazine | December 2023
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