Winter 2021
News Journal
BUSINESS A publication of the Southern KY Chamber of Commerce
Kentucky, Inc.
Electroless Ni-P Surface Treatment Plating for the automotive industry
MAYOR — Suzie Razmus
CITY MANAGER — Marlon Sams
CITY COMMISSIONERS Trent Knuckles Allison Moore Seth Reeves Brandon Shepherd
CITY CLERK Roberta Webb Tori Mouser, Assistant
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Dianne Lay Rhonda Moore, Assistant
Corbin Government Center
805 South Main St., Corbin, KY | 606.528.0669
Page 5 Executive Director Bruce Carpenter
Chamber Corporate Sponsors:
FEATURED Page 6 KOWA Kentucky, Inc.
Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 3 STRICTLY BUSINESS MAGAZINE
STRICTLY BUSINESS is a co-publication of the Southern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and the News Journal. It is published quarterly and distributed for free at various locations throughout the area.
1610 Cumberland Falls Hwy., Suite 8 Corbin, KY 40701 606.528.6390
Page 10 Forcht Bank
Page 12 Liquor Mart
Winter 2021
News Journal
BUSINESS A publication of the Southern KY Chamber of Commerce
Kentucky, Inc.
Chamber Member:
Electroless Ni-P Surface Treatment Plating for the automotive industry
Page 18 Whitley County Fiscal Court
CHAMBER MEMBERS Pages 21-22 See the most current list of chamber members.
Since 1977 we have been Serving the t tri-county area. We look forward to many more years to come! • Payroll • Monthly Bookkeeping & Financials • Tax Professionals
ON THE COVER: KOWA Kentucky, inc.
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To schedule an appointment or for more information call
8828 Ky 1232 (Old Barbourville Hwy.) Corbin, KY
07-1012 ©2020 The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (Northwestern Mutual).
4 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
Partner with a community bank that understands the entrepreneurial spirit and has both the experienced team and sophisticated tools to help you grow. Learn more about our Business Banking Team at
Corey Chesnut Market President
Member FDIC I
Mike Sharpe Regional Market President
Whitley County Fiscal Court Whitley County Judge Executive Pat White, Jr. 606-549-6000 Meetings every third Tuesday of each month at 4 pm
Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 5
ith 2020 now behind us and became Forcht Bank. Throughout the the vaccine roll-out going years, Forcht Bank has grown to inwell, we are ready to beclude 24 banking centers in Kentucky gin planning for both 2021 and Ohio. luncheons and the 2021 NIBROC FestiMichael Sharpe is the Regional Market val. President of Forcht Bank for the bankOur new Board of Directors met in ing centers covering our area. Mike has January and are tentatively planning to supported the Chamber is numerous resume monthly luncheons in March ways, including serving as the President good news! New Directors Randy Bargo, of the Board and teaching Work Ethic Lisa Harrison, Samantha Schuhmann Seal classes in our area high schools. and Kristina White join Heather BarIn 2019, Forcht Bank was a major conrineau, Tommy Black, Trent Knuckles, tributor to the NIBROC Festival, helping Sandy Moore, Anthony Powers, Greg to bring multi-national entertainer Rick Razmus and Jackie Willis to make up the Springfield to the NIBROC stage. The 2021 Chamber Board. Welcome to the Chamber is especially grateful to Forcht BRUCE CARPENTER Executive Director, new Directors and thanks to all for their Bank and Terry Forcht for their continuSouthern KY Chamber of Commerce willingness to serve on the Board. ing support over these many years. #WeAreSouthernKentucky Our featured industry for this issue is Liquor Mart has been a Chamber KOWA Kentucky, Inc. KOWA produces Member since 2012 and a Chamber Electroless Ni-P Surface Treatment Plating for the au- Corporate Sponsor since 2019. Owners Jack and Paul tomotive industry. This business and its employees are Taylor offer a wide selection of wine, liquor and beers well-known to me. In 2014, KOWA Kentucky made the and pride themselves on their great customer service. Southeast Kentucky Regional Industrial Park their first Our Member Highlight for this edition is the Whitley home in North America. I have worked with KOWA from County Fiscal Court. Our office has a wonderful working the beginning and have been pleased to work with them relationship with Judge-Executive Pat White, Jr. and his while they got their plant up and running. staff, working to bring revenue and good paying jobs to In our Corporate Spotlight: Forcht Bank and Liquor our region. Mart. We hope you enjoy this, the 16th edition of Strictly Forcht Bank is a long - standing corporate partner. In Business, and wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2007, Terry Forcht consolidated his 10 banks, and they Winter 2021.
2021 Chamber Board Members
Randy Bargo President
Heather Barrineau Vice President
Sandy Moore
Lisa Harrison
Anthony Powers
Samantha Schuhmann
Stephanie Giles - Hussey Executive Assistant
Kristina White
Greg Razmus
Tommy Black
Trent Knuckles
Jackie Willis
6 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
f you own or pass a Toyota SUV or light truck, chances are that KOWA’s factory in Corbin has played a part in its construction. “We don’t actually make parts,” said Kazushi “Kaz” Takahashi, Operations Manager at KOWA Kentucky of the Corbin facility. “We do surface finishing of automotive parts for Toyota.” Parts, such as the fuel rails that attach to the engine chambers, are plated with nickel. “These are made out of metal,” Takahashi explained. “Therefore, if it’s used by itself only, it will rust. It will possibly corrode with the surrounding environment or the gas itself.” Takahashi said previously that the process is called, “electroless nickel plating,” technically known as Electroless Ni-P Surface Treatment Plating which uses a strictly chemical reaction, as
opposed to an electromagnetic reaction. The difference is that with the electroless reaction, it thoroughly coats the interior of the pipes that will carry the fuel. “This is where our technique comes into play,” Takahashi explained. “As long as the chemicals are evenly and continuously replenished and exposed to the part that you want to plate, it will form the nickel coating on the inside and the outside, uniformly.” The parts that Corbin treats are manufactured at Optics USA in Morristown, Tennessee. After being treated at Corbin, the parts are then shipped out to Toyota’s manufacturing plants in Georgetown, Huntsville, Alabama, and Buffalo, West Virginia. The Corbin facility treats approximately 1.3 mil-
Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
lion pieces annually. When KOWA opened the plant in 2015, it had 10 employees. “We are currently at about 23 employees,” Takahashi said noting the plant is running two shifts. Takahashi said the Corbin facility is currently operating one line, but, should it become necessary, there is room at the plant to expand to a second line. Takahashi said while its Corbin facility is treating auto parts, the process could be used on other machine parts. “What separates us from electroplating is that electroplating is typically a little cheaper,” Takahashi explained, noting that KOWA’s electroless plating process works better on anything that has a very complex texture or shape, such as pipe, or small valves that have holes in them.” “Our boundaries are not really limited to the automotive industry,” Takahashi said. “It is just that has been a big industry in the United States, and a very stable one too, especially with us be-
ing under Toyota.” KOWA Kogyosho Co. Ltd., which is based in Nagoya, Japan, announced the decision to locate in Corbin in September 2014. KOWA purchased the existing speculative building and 19.7 acres in the Southeast Kentucky Business Park off of the Corbin bypass for $1.6 million, with plans to invest $8.3 million into the Corbin operation. “We think it’s a success, but there is more room to grow,” Takahashi said of the Corbin facility. “We are still struggling to stretch our network across the nation, in order to gain new projects, so we may serve many customers out there that
8 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
City of Williamsburg w w w. w i l l i a m s b u r gk y.c om City Clerk: Teresa Black Administrative Assistant: Gina Hamblin City Council: Loren Connell, Patty Faulkner, Richard Foley, Erica Harris, Mary Ann Stanfill, Laurel West
Mayor Roddy Harrison 423 Main Street Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769
(606) 549-6033
Photo by Mark White
Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 9
The Story Of Kentucky’s Foremost Entrepreneur. From modest beginnings in Louisville, Kentucky, Terry Forcht built over 93 businesses, one on top of another, into what is now Forcht Group of Kentucky.
START RIGHT. END RIGHT. The Terry Forcht Story. © 2020 Forcht Group of Kentucky
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10 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
orcht Bank’s motto is “Happier Banking,” and one of its ways of doing so is by having happier employees. In 2020, Forcht Bank was named one of the “Best Places to Work” winners in Kentucky for the sixth consecutive year. “We take great pride in this as the selections are primarily based on an employee survey. Our employees have anonymously communicated to an independent third party that they are happy with Forcht Bank in areas of employee communication, growth opportunities, compensation and more. That is a huge compliment to our management team, and the bank as a whole, for continuing to focus and improve upon the bank’s culture. Our goal is to create happier employees who provide happier banking that ultimately creates happier communities,” said Forcht Bank Marketing Director Andrew Miller. Forcht Bank’s mission is to consistently exceed its
customers’ expectations. Miller said the bank’s strategy to fulfill this mission is a multi-pronged approach consisting of three things: recruiting and retaining the best people, delivering great products and services, and providing digital banking solutions its customers want. “With a focus on these three areas, we believe we can deliver a truly unique community banking experience,” Miller said. Forcht Bank was founded in 1985 by Terry E. Forcht when he and a group of investors opened their first bank, Tri-County National Bank in Corbin with $1.5 million in assets. In the years that followed, Forcht founded or acquired 10 additional community banks, including: Williamsburg National Bank, Laurel National Bank and McCreary National Bank. On Dec. 31, 2007, the 10 different banks were consolidated under one charter and the names were officially changed to Forcht Bank.
Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 11 Today, Forcht Bank has 24 banking centers across Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio, with more than 300 employees, and approximately $1 billion in total assets, which makes it one of the largest banking groups based in Kentucky. Despite its size now, Miller said that Forcht Bank works daily to focus on making sure its banking facilities still have that community bank feel for customers. “It’s in our training. It’s in our culture. Our banking team understands that’s how we set ourselves apart from the competition, and therefore understand the importance of Mike Sharpe, Regional Market President, and Corey Chesnut, Market President delivering that personalcustomers to do their banking on their schedule, ized experience. And part of it comes naturally. We not ours. We provide live teller banking service hire great people that are very personable. And from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, they just naturally develop those ‘first-name’ basis making us one of the most convenient banks in relationships with their customers,” Miller said. the state. Additionally, we have rolled out an online He said that the bank strives daily to provide a mortgage application that allows customers to appersonalized banking experience that the larger fiply for a home loan in as little as 10 minutes from nancial institutions cannot replicate. the comfort of their couch, office or kitchen table. Miller noted that Forcht Bank is OK with having We understand our customers lives are busy, and fewer customers than the national banks because our focus is to make banking easier,” Miller said. this allows it to create a stronger relationship with Two of the Interactive Teller Machines are at sites its customers and spend more time with them, ulthat are separate from the 24 formal banking centimately providing a happier banking relationship. ters. The term ‘bankers hours’ has historically focused on the short time window in which banks operate and allow customers direct access to their lobbies, and it is a term that Forcht Bank is trying to throw out the window with the use of state-ofthe-art technology. “In a multi-year rollout, we installed Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs) at all 26 of our locations throughout Kentucky and Ohio to allow | Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender
12 Winter Winter2021 2021— —Strictly StrictlyBusiness Business
or Liquor Mart Owner Paul Taylor, Corbin is home and the place where he grew up with his brother and co-owner, Jack Taylor. “I worked at Daniel’s department store. Me and my brother are both from Corbin. We are Corbin graduates and the TriCounty area has always been great to us,” Paul Taylor noted. “I remember when we were real young, our house burnt. The community – back then it was the optimist club – they came and picked us up and bought us clothes and all that. I always knew Corbin would be home to me. I always wanted it to be.” Paul Taylor first started working at a liquor store when he was in a fraternity at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond. One of his fellow fraternity members came in and
said that someone didn’t show up for work at Ernie’s Liquor Store, and asked Taylor if he wanted to work. Taylor, who was majoring in law enforcement at the time, decided he wanted to try working there and he found that he liked the liquor store business. When he was 21 years old, he opened Taylor’s Liquor in Richmond, and nearly 30 years later, he is still in the liquor store business. When the Richmond Bypass went wet, Paul and Jack opened their first Liquor Mart and have been in the business ever since. At one time, they owned as many as seven stores, but currently Liquor Mart has five locations in Corbin, Lancaster, Danville, Georgetown and Nicholasville. Paul Taylor said that when other towns in Kentucky would go wet, he and his brother would look
Eric Gabbard, manager and Paul Taylor, owner at possibly opening a liquor store there, and when Corbin approved packaged alcohol sales in 2012, they decided to open a store here. Paul Taylor moved back to Corbin about one year ago, and is actively involved in the community serving on the site-based decision making council, he is a member of the varsity club, is a Corbin High School football booster, and is on the little league board. “I try to give back to the community now in any way I can help,” Paul Taylor said. “Anything I can do to help our community, like I said, it is home to me, and I love it here.” Paul Taylor said that the big thing his stores try to do is have great customer service. “We treat our customers with respect like you want to be treated,” he noted. If a customer likes a particular brand of wine or bourbon, then the store tries to get it for them. “We carry a great selection of liquor, beer, wine and scotch. I feel like for our square footage, we have a great variety. We are very good at putting the new items in when they become available,” he said. The business also works hard to keep their pricing very competitive. All employees are STAR (Server Training in Alcohol Regulations) trained.
“We don’t sell to minors,” Paul Taylor added. He said that the business supports social distancing, offers hand sanitizer, and employees are temperature checked when they come to work. If a customer comes in without a mask, then they are offered one. If the customer doesn’t want to wear a mask, then they are served through the drive-thru. “We try to make it a safe shopping experience for everyone. Our cleaning supply bill is crazy,” Paul Taylor noted adding the business tries to buy from local businesses whenever it can. His business doesn’t have a lot of employee turnover with one manager having worked there for 15 years and another manager having worked there for 10 years. “We always try to take care of our employees, as well as our customers,” Paul Taylor added. The Corbin store is located at 14659 N. US 25E in the Trademart Shopping Center in the old Dairy Queen location. The store is open Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – 11 p.m., Friday-Saturday from 9 a.m. – midnight, and Sunday from noon – 9 p.m. For more information call (606) 215-3560, visit the store’s website at, or its Facebook page at Liquor Mart of Corbin.
14 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
do not know us yet. That way we can hire more full-time employees (KOWA Kentucky has been at 100 percent full-time employment) and offer job opportunities to the local community.” KOWA Kogyosho was founded in Nagoya, Japan
in 1947 and provides surface treatment for insulators for power transmission and distribution lines along with a whole host of other services, including metal fabrication. It operates 11 plants in Japan and employs over 1,000 individuals.
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Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 15
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16 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
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Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 17
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18 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
Whitley County Judge-Executive Pat White, Jr.
he Whitley County Fiscal Court has been instrumental in helping the community overcome some of its greatest obstacles this past year. Serving as a legislative body, the fiscal court is responsible for helping to facilitate the county’s business. “[The fiscal court is a body] that’s very involved really with most people’s lives and very diverse in the services we are involved with,” said Whitley County Judge-Executive Pat White, Jr. Services facilitated by the court include everything from fixing potholes on roads to ambulance service personnel to starting up a garbage service that is now serving 1200+ customers. The fiscal court also works with the health department, water districts, airport boards, library boards, economic development
projects and many other services and organizations. “It’s a very broad and diverse organization really that is involved in many people’s lives in ways that they don’t realize,” said White. Over the past year, the court has helped the county overcome challenges presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic and the county’s thirdhighest flood. “I am really proud of how our staff, especially our maintenance staff and our ambulance employees, have handled COVID,” said White. The judge-executive cited early voting as an example of how effective and efficient the maintenance staff was in terms of being able to respond to the pandemic. “I believe we had 7,000 people do early voting and we didn’t have a spike from the county of COVID with 7,000 people walking through
Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 19 these one set of doors,” said White. “That’s a pretty White said that despite the struggles the county substantial accomplishment in this current environhas faced, he believes the biggest success for the ment and so I am really proud of our staff and the fiscal court was the development of the Whitley way they have worked to try to keep COVID down County Sanitation Department. and help protect the com“We had people in our munity.” county that really could In terms of the flood, I am really proud of how our staff, not get reliable garbage White said the damage especially our maintenance staff service. We are saving was catastrophic in some them money – reducing and our ambulance employees, their cost – and providing areas. “Some of the pictures them with that reliable have handled COVID. that I took while I was service and we have taktravelling around looking en that from no customat the damage from the flood – looking at the water ers, which was back in February, to we just entered levels from that flood – it was catastrophic some of customer 1,200 this past week,” said White. “We are the damage that people faced,” said White. “One of on track to bring in substantially more revenue in the things we did to respond was we helped people this first year, this first fiscal year, than we expected with clean ups and we had big dumpsters from our and budgeted for, so we are hoping to make that new garbage service that allowed us to do that.” a positive revenue stream for the county at some White said the court tried to help the county repoint. It will take some time for that, but I think that cover in any way that it could following the event. is where we are going.” “We did FEMA applications and all that we could to White has served as the Whitley County judge extry to help recover from that,” said White. ecutive since January 2007. Other members of the fiscal court include First District Magistrate Scotty Harrison, Second District Magistrate Mondo Cima, Third District Magistrate Michael Jarboe, and Fourth District Magistrate Raleigh Meadors. The fiscal court’s regularly scheduled meetings for 2021 are Feb. 16, Mar. 16, Apr. 20, May 18, June 18, Jul. 20, Aug. 17, Sep. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 and Dec. 21.
20 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
Corbin Flower Shop 416 Master Street • Corbin 606.528.3174
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Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 21
CURRENT CHAMBER MEMBERS • 4ever Graphics & Design
• Corbin Elementary
• Falls Road Plaza
• Air Med Care Network
• Corbin Flower Shop, Inc.
• Firestone Industrial Products
• Aisin Automotive Casting, LLC
• Corbin Garage Doors
• First Baptist Church
• Appalachian Children’s Home
• Corbin Health and Rehab Center
• First Financial Credit, Inc.
• Appalachian Wireless
• Corbin High School
• First Bank of the Southeast
• Ascension Consulting, LLC
• Corbin Intermediate
• FK Perkins & Co. PLLC
• AT&T
• Corbin Lion’s Club
• Forcht Bank - Corbin
• AT&T Store
• Corbin Middle School
• Forcht Bank - Williamsburg
• Avizion Glass LLC
• Corbin News Journal
• Forcht Broadcasting
• Bank of England Mortgage
• Corbin Pediatric Associates PSC
• Forcht Group of Kentucky
• Baptist Health Corbin
• Corbin Preschool
• Forcht Pharmacy
• Baptist Worx
• Corbin Primary School
• Forest Hills Shopping Center
• Barnhill Pediatric Dentistry, P.S.C.
• Corbin Rotary Club
• Foster Supply Inc.
• Baylor Commercial Door
• Corbin Tourism and
• Freedom Point Church
& Hardware Inc. • Baymont Inn & Suites • Belk, Inc.
Convention Commission • Corbin Tri-County Joint Industrial Development Authority
• Benjamin Moore
• Corbin Wellness Center, LLC
• Berea College Partners for Education
• Creative Touch Jewelers
• Best Western Corbin Inn
• Creech & Gibbs Pharmacy LLC
• Bissell’s
• Crystal Clean
• Bluegrass Care Navigators
• Cumberland Falls Family
• Brandeis Machinery & Supply Company
Dentistry, P.L.L.C • Cumberland Falls State Park
• Breaktime Vending
• Cumberland Foot & Ankle Center
• CareSource
• Cumberland Valley Cruise In
• Carnegie Center of Corbin
• Cumberland Valley Insurance
• Central Automotive Supply
• Cumberland Valley National Bank
• Central Baptist Church
• Cumberland Valley RECC
• Century 21 Advantage Realty,
• David’s Steaks, Buffet & Catering
a Robinson Company
• Davis Salvage
• City of Corbin
• Dayspring Health
• City of Williamsburg
• Delta Natural Gas
• Cloyd & Associates, PSC
• Donevon Storm - KFB Insurance
• Commercial Bank
• Drives and Conveyors, Inc.
• Commonwealth Cancer Center
• Earthworks Machinery LLC
• Community Trust Bank - Corbin
• East Kentucky Telecom
• Community Trust Bank - Williamsburg 1
• Eastern Kentucky University - Corbin
• Community Trust Bank - Williamsburg 2
• Eastern Kentucky University-
• Computer Information Services (CIS)
Workforce Education
• Continue CARE Hospital at BHC
• Edgewood Homes
• Cora Physical Therapy
• Edward Jones - Roy Kidd Ave.
• Corbin Board of Education
• Edward Jones - Cumberland Falls Hwy.
• Corbin Center
• Encore Communications, Inc.
• Corbin City Utilities Commission
• Enterprise Rent-A-Car
• Corbin Community Backpack
• Eubanks Electrical Supply, Inc.
• Corbin Educational Center
• Factory Connection, LLC
• Freeman Family Practice • Freeman, Childers & Howard • Friends of the Corbin Public Library • Gambrel Toyota • Gibson’s Music • Goodwill Industries of Corbin • Goodwill Industries of Williamsburg • Grace Community Health Center • Grace On The Hill • Great Clips • Grove Marina • H&R Block • Hacker Brothers Inc. • Hampton Inn by Hilton, Williamsburg • Hampton Inn Corbin • Hart Funeral Home Inc. • Heaberlin Supply • Hillcrest Health and Rehab Center • Holiday Inn Express, Williamsburg • Hometown Bank of Corbin • Housing Authority of Williamsburg • Howard Mann, PSC, Attorney at Law • Insurance Service Center of Corbin • J. B. Aerial Imaging and Photography, LLC • Jackson Warewashing Systems • James Baker State Farm • JBK, Inc. Roofing Division • Johnny Wheels • Jones Plastic & Engineering Co., LLC • KCEOC Community Action Partnership • KECH, Inc. • Kentucky Career Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
22 Strictly Business — Winter 2021 • KentuckyOne Health Cancer Care
• Paradise Landscaping
• The Depot on Main
• Kimberly Branham Art
• Paw Paw Patch Dog Grooming, LLC
• The Doc Shoppe, PLLC
• Kiwanis Club of Corbin
• Pennington Wellness
• The Gail Frederick School Of Dance, Inc
• KOWA Kentucky, Inc.
• Pepsi Cola Bottling Company
• The Heritage
• L&N Federal Credit Union
• Planet Earth PC
• The Holler
• LaDonna’s LLC
• Progress Rail
• The Job Shop
• Lakewood Development
• PT Pros, Inc.
• Larkey HVAC
• Re/Max on Main
• The MPI Group LLC
• Laurel Gardens
• Reeves Property Group
• Legacy Ford Lincoln
• Renfro Supply
Chevrolet Buick GMC • Lexington Bluegrass Association of Realtors
• The Wrigley Taproom and Eatery • Tim Short Auto Mall
• Robert P. Hammons, Attorney at Law • RRJ Solutions • Servpro of Pulaski and Laurel Counties
• Little Caesar’s Pizza
• SH Tube LLC
• Mackey Vision Center
• Shawn Rogers Realty Inc.
• Magnolia Terrace Apartments
• Sheltowee Trace Adventure Resort
• Mallory Davis - State Farm Insurance
• Slone’s Flooring
• Marr, Miller & Myers PSC, CPA
• Smartwood USA
• Martin’s Sports Apparel
• Sonic Drive-In
• Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant
• Sonny’s BBQ
• Minuteman Press
• Southeast Apparatus LLC
• Mitchell Tax & Accounting
• Southeast Kentucky Audiology
• Mr. Gatti’s Pizza
• Southeast Kentucky Rehabilitation
• New Hope Ministries • Northern Contours
• University of the Cumberlands • W.D. Bryant & Son • Waste Connections of Eastern Kentucky • Webbed Sphere, Inc. • Whitaker Bank
of Commerce
• Northwestern Mutual
• State Farm Insurance - Michael Jones
• Norvex Supply
• State Farm Insurance - Mike Sparks
• Old Town Grill
• Steve Berry Insurance Agency, Inc.
• On The Money, LLC
• SUDS Car Wash
• O’Neil-Lawson Funeral Home
• The Arena
• Ossoli Foundation
• The Brick Oven
• Owens Auto Parts
• The Caboose Sports Tavern
1738 Cumberland Falls Hwy., Corbin, KY Phone: 606-528-4180 606-528-5194 Fax: 606-528-6937
• Trinity Family Health, PLLC
• Wallen’s Towing and Recovery
• Southern Kentucky Chamber
• Tri-County Cineplex • United Rentals
•Auto, Truck & Diesel Parts •Machine Shop Services •Rebuild Shop
• Tipton & Tipton Attorneys At Law • Transamerica Agency Network Corbin
• Sav-Rite Home Care Inc.
• Liquor Mart
• Times Tribune
• White, Greer & Maggard Orthodontics • Whitley Broadcasting Co. Inc. • Whitley County Fiscal Court • Whitley County Health Department • Whitley County/UK Extension Service • Wildcat Harley Davidson • Wildcat RV Sales • Williamsburg Health and Rehab Center • Williamsburg Insurance Agency • Williamsburg Tourism Commission • Wilson Equipment Co., Inc. • Wyatt Insurance Agency, Inc.
Windham Drug Justin Smith, Pharm. D., Pharmacist/Owner
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Winter 2021 — Strictly Business 23
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24 Winter 2021 — Strictly Business
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