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Behavioral Health & Rape Crisis Center



Behavioral Health & Rape Crisis Center


Behavioral Health & Rape Crisis Center

exists to improve lives.

As the only behavioral health and rape crisis center in Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, and Talbot Counties, our trauma-certified team forms a safety net across 22% of Maryland’s geography. In the last year alone, we impacted thousands of lives on the Eastern Shore and across the state, delivering 60,000+ critical services.



Everyone, regardless of language or walk of life, should have access to expert life-saving mental healthcare, as well as sexual assault and other trauma services.


Mental health and victim needs are urgent and cannot wait. Our innovative Open Access™ program ensures individuals and families receive care exactly when needed with no waitlist.


With six in-person offices on the Eastern Shore, comprehensive telehealth services, extensive educational programming, and statewide leadership –our impact spans the state of Maryland.


Accepting every insurance and offering free/reducedcost care to those in need, we make the highest quality mental health and victim support services accessible to every child and every adult, regardless of ability to pay.


Trauma-certified individual, family, couples, and schoolbased services for all ages


Holistic patient-centered approach for all ages, including evaluations and medication management


24/7 bilingual hotlines, dedicated crisis appointments, and community trauma debriefings


Comprehensive support for survivors through hospital, law enforcement, and court accompaniments, case management, and referrals for emergency shelter, legal resources, and more


Mental health and sexual assault-related training, outreach events, and awareness campaigns for the Eastern Shore and statewide



We are in a time of change. Change is the new normal. We need to pivot to meet the needs of our community. These are the phrases that have driven For All Seasons over the past few years. Our team understands that nothing changes if nothing changes. And we understand that when we lead, it must be from a place of meeting the needs of today while laying the foundation for the future.

As I close out a decade in this role, I reflect on how we have changed the way we show up to do business – by delivering innovative services and programs and intentionally placing the health of our community at the forefront of all we do. You have been there with us, believing in our vision, supporting our ability to expand our services, and creating an environment where everyone recognizes that mental health impacts us all.

With you by our side, For All Seasons has extended our reach into the most rural parts of our region, ensuring that mental health and sexual assault services are accessible to even our most remote neighbors. We’ve created a movement of education across the state to bring awareness to some of the hardest topics that impact every single one of us, like human trafficking, suicide, and intergenerational trauma. We address these topics head-on so stigma, shame, and judgment will not hold us back from reaching out for help.

As you turn the pages of this report, do so knowing that our journey is far from over. Consider where you see yourself as a part of our mission. I invite you to join us as a partner in the innovation and change that is shifting how For All Seasons meets the needs of our community.


See how our innovative Open Access™ model received national recognition for providing immediate care and increasing our capacity. p. 4

TALBOT F iRST™ In partnership with other front-line agencies, For All Seasons launched a mental health peer support program for first responders. p. 6-7



advances community resilience through proactive mental health and sexual assault-related education. p. 9


Catch an up-close view of our work – from clinical and victim services to outreach events and more. p. 10-11


The unwavering support of our donors sustains our mission. See the full donor list. p. 14-16


Learn how we are bringing mental health to the forefront of the conversation across Maryland. p. 18-19


Open Access™ Program Receives National Recognition

FY24 saw the first full year of implementation of For All Seasons’ Open Access™ program, which continues to revolutionize the delivery of mental health services on the Eastern Shore and beyond. In a time where mental health providers hold months-long waitlists, For All Seasons’ Open Access™ program allows individuals and families to begin mental health services right away – no waiting, no delays.

“Our community has faced an overwhelming need for mental health services, and Open Access™ expands our capacity to meet that need,” says Lesa Mulcahy, Chief Clinical Officer. “By increasing availability and streamlining intake, we’re able to serve more people faster. When people seek help, they need it right away.”

And, the results are clear – Open Access™ enables For All Seasons to welcome 20-24 new clients each week, with expanded service hours and a growing team of clinicians. The program not only meets the increasing demand for services but also improves business. Since implementing the program, For All Seasons has reduced client no-show and late cancellation rates by nearly 20% and increased the number of services each clinician has available by over 10%.

For All Seasons’ innovative approach to service delivery has also garnered the agency national recognition. The Rural Justice Collaborative recognized For All Seasons as a Rural Innovation Site – one of only 19 sites nationwide – positioning the agency as a model of innovative practices to be studied and replicated in rural communities across the United States.

How Open Access™ Works


During select hours, clients walk into one of our Open Access™ locations in Easton, Denton, or connect via our telehealth portal from anywhere in Maryland.


The success of Open Access ™ has led to growing demand from Marylanders beyond the Eastern Shore. With telehealth as an option, individuals across the state who have faced lengthy waitlists at other providers have turned to For All Seasons to start care immediately. As wait times for mental health services continue to rise statewide, Open Access ™ offers a lifeline, ensuring timely and accessible care for those in need.

This innovation reflects a broader trend in healthcare, where accessibility and financial sustainability go hand-in-hand to create a lasting impact. By enhancing client care and improving operations. Open Access™ has become a sustainable model that benefits the entire community. The increased efficiency has allowed For All Seasons to expand services, hire more staff, and extend its reach into even more rural areas. This ripple effect ensures that Open Access™ not only addresses urgent mental health needs but also supports long-term growth, enabling For All Seasons to continue meeting the community’s needs well into the future.

“ Our daughter has been struggling with depression, and when she stopped attending her college classes, we knew we needed help right away. We walked into For All Seasons through Open Access, and she saw a therapist for a mental health assessment that same day. Within a week, she was visiting regularly with her therapist and psychiatrist. We don’t know where we would be without For All Seasons. – Parents of a For All Seasons Client

Clients complete paperwork and meet with a licensed therapist on the same day to discuss mental health needs, goals, and expectations for ongoing care.


After the initial assessment, ongoing mental health appointments are scheduled at a convenient time and location, either in one of our six offices or via telehealth.


Our Rape Crisis Center Team

24/7 hotlines

Advocacy and support at the hospital following a sexual assault

Accompanying a victim to the courthouse for their hearing to confront their perpetrator

Ensuring safe housing and providing the basic necessities of food, toiletries, and clothing

Securing on-site, immediate protective orders

Sitting with a client and listening to their story

A warm handoff to a clinician for therapy and psychiatric services

Circling back with the victim to ensure that they are doing OK after their first appointment

Helping an adult for the first time come to terms with the sexual abuse they suffered as a child

Day in and day out, this is the role of the For All Seasons Rape Crisis Center advocates. There is no rehearsal for what will be on the other end of the phone or what the scenario will be when the client walks through our door. We do not choose our cases. We do not turn anyone away. We are here with our whole hearts, providing trauma-certified care that supports the whole person wherever they are on their journey. Our job is to believe and meet the victim where they are, not to tell them what they need or to take control after all of their control and dignity has been stripped from them. We are here 24/7/365 – without question, without hesitation to serve.

Sexual assault services increased by 50% in the last year alone. Even when funding continues to fall short, we are here – serving without question and providing a blanket of support for the most egregious crimes – crimes that no human should ever have to endure.

For everyone, no matter who you are or where you are from, we are here.


From L to R: Susan Ahlstrom, Regional Navigator; Myisha Johnson, Victim Advocate; Fabiola Marquez, After Hours Victim Advocate; Kristy Mirando, Director of Victim Services; LaTonya Potter, After Hours Victim Advocate


Addressing Mental Health with First Responders

FiRST™, adds, “For All Seasons provides clinical expertise and the innovative programming design that we need to make this dream a reality.

First Responders – including law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), corrections, and 911 dispatchers – are on the front lines of crisis and tragedy daily. While their bravery and dedication are undeniable, the mental toll these experiences take is often less visible but equally significant. These daily traumas, stressors, and lifethreatening situations place them at a higher risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Despite these risks, support for the mental health of our first responders has historically not been addressed, especially in rural areas like the Eastern Shore.

To address this urgent need, For All Seasons is helping to lead an innovative collaboration in Talbot

County with the creation of Talbot FiRST™ – the First Responder Support Team. Talbot FiRST™ brings together multiple agencies and partners to support the mental health of all its first responders in the County − launching a robust peer support team that creates a pathway for immediate access to traumacertified mental health services and works intentionally to build in proactive resiliency training.

“This is groundbreaking work for the state and the country – bringing resources together like this to take care of our first responders who never hesitate to take care of us,”

comments Beth Anne Dorman, President & CEO of For All Seasons.

Matt Watkins, retired EMS Division Chief for Talbot County Emergency Services and Team Leader for Talbot

Beth Anne and Lesa have been champions for us, both on the steering committee for this program and during real-world responses to critical events in our community. Their response is always immediate, and that response time is critical. What we are creating here in Talbot County does not exist anywhere else in the state and is rarely found in the country – a multidisciplinary team solely focused on the well-being of first responders.”

Watkins continues, “I believe it's incumbent upon leadership to take care of our people. This team is going to provide support for first responders in doing their jobs.

Having For All Seasons support us and spearhead this program is invaluable.”

The Talbot FiRST™ initiative has been building for nearly 18 months, supported by national expert Dr. Jeff Thompson, a clinical

Back row – L to R: Joseph Hughes, Director of Corrections Talbot County; Lesa Mulcahy, Chief Clinical Officer, For All Seasons; Sonny Jones, Chief, Easton Fire Department; Matthew Watkins, Talbot County DES Paramedic/Peer Support Chair. Front row – L to R: Alan Lowrey, Chief, Easton Police Department; Beth Anne Dorman, President & CEO, For All Seasons; Holley Guschke, Talbot County 911 Communication Chief; Tina Kintop, Talbot County EMS Division Chief. Not pictured J.R. Dobson, Lt. Talbot County Sheriff's Office.

research psychologist from Columbia University and retired NYPD detective. With extensive experience in suicide prevention and crisis intervention for first responders, Jeff has been instrumental in training the Talbot FiRST™ peer support team, ensuring our local experts are grounded in evidence-based practices that prioritize the mental health of our first responders.

“Peer support programs create a space where individuals can support each other in real-time, offering immediate comfort and solidarity during crises or stressful life events. Sitting side-by-side with peers who understand their unique experience makes individuals feel more supported and validated. These peer interactions can also act as a bridge to connect individuals with additional resources or professional help when necessary. Everyone deserves to have positive mental health, and that certainly includes our first responders,” comments Thompson.

Talbot FiRST™ ensures that first responders have the mental health support they need. This program is not just addressing an immediate need – it's creating a foundation for a healthier, more resilient community. As the initiative grows, its success will be felt far beyond the first responders it serves, benefiting the entire region and ensuring that those who protect us are also protected.

Initial funding to launch Talbot FiRST™ has been generously provided in part by the Wyman Family Foundation and the Rural Maryland Council, helping make this critical program a reality.


Quick Access for Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families

Military-connected individuals and their families face significant barriers when seeking mental health care – from long waitlists and lack of culturally competent providers to financial challenges and the stigma around asking for help. These obstacles delay critical support, turning manageable issues into crisis. This is not just a veterans issue; it's a community health emergency that affects everyone.

– Eric B. Johnson, Jr., Executive Director of QAC Veteran and Military Support Alliance (VAMSA)

In FY24, For All Seasons expanded its mental health services and sexual trauma for military-connected individuals. Our Veteran and Military Family Mental Health Program was made possible from two key grantors: the Maryland Department of Health’s Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program and the Disabled Veterans National Foundation.

This initiative tackles the most pressing gaps in care for military families by:

• Eliminating wait times through For All Seasons’ Open Access™ program

• Removing financial barriers by offering services to active duty service members, veterans, and their immediate families at no out-of-pocket cost

• Certifying 100% of the agency’s staff as Trained Military Assistance Providers to ensure For All Seasons is a culturally competent environment

• Combating stigma through the “Protect Your Mental Health” outreach campaign

The backbone of the Veteran and Military Family Mental Health Program is its deep collaboration with other military-serving organizations. By partnering with trusted groups like VAMSA, Maryland’s Commitment to Veterans, VFWs, and American Legion posts, For All Seasons ensures that military families receive the comprehensive support they need.

For further information, visit www.ForAllSeasonsInc.org/SMVF.

Eric B. Johnson, Jr., Executive Director of QAC Veteran and Military Support Alliance, was photographed as part of the “Protect Your Mental Health” outreach campaign for veterans, service members, and their families.



I write this letter to express my support and gratitude for For All Seasons and its mission to offer therapy, advocacy, education, and psychiatric care within a secure environment that promotes wellness.

As a child and teenager, I experienced some intense trauma involving mental illness, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, multiple divorces, and the death of my mother, either from murder or suicide. There were no witnesses to her death other than her husband, and he left town.

That was in the late 1960s, early ’70s. Families like mine weren’t supposed to have issues like this. We were rich and white. Stuff like this only happened to people ‘over there.’ Wrong.

Mental illness, domestic violence, substance abuse, and suicide happen in all socio-economic spheres. It knows no color boundaries. It doesn’t care about college degrees. If it happened to me, it can happen to anyone.

A year or so ago, I experienced another trauma. I knew that I would need professional help to get through it. I have lived in Easton for twenty years, and I had no idea where or how to find a qualified therapist.

I called For All Seasons. With immediacy and discretion, I was seen by a therapist. After a year of hard work, life is somewhat back to normal. I still see the therapist from time to time. It’s reassuring to know that a safety net is there. With deepest thanks to For All Seasons – for all they do for as many people who need them.


Alexa and Tom Seip of Easton have supported For All Seasons for over ten years. Their role as donors through their family foundation has grown significantly as they have watched the agency grow. More recently, Alexa joined the For All Seasons Board of Directors. This deepening involvement reflects not only their commitment but also Alexa's personal connection to mental health.


Empowering Communities Through Learning

For All Seasons’ Center for Learning plays a vital role in advancing community resilience, addressing immediate and long-term community needs through proactive education and outreach across our region, state, and beyond. The Center for Learning provides accessible, evidence-based education through workshops, trainings, webinars, and other initiatives that equip individuals, organizations, mental health practitioners, community groups, and others to understand and respond to mental health and sexual assault-related topics.

Below are a few highlights of the transformative programs the Center for Learning has delivered in FY24.

Training the Front Line: Human Trafficking Awareness in Action

In collaboration with officials from the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy and the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force, the Center for Learning convened nearly 100 mandated reporters from the five Mid-Shore counties for human trafficking roundtable events.

Representatives from law enforcement, healthcare, emergency services, social services, and others attended the trainings that underscored the importance of the state’s mandated reporter laws in identifying and preventing human trafficking. To continue the learning after the event, the Center for Learning launched a free online course on human trafficking fundamentals, key warning signs, and how to refer cases to For All Seasons.

Equipping Professionals to Address Childhood Trauma

In partnership with Talbot Family Network, Director of Clinical Services and Center for Learning faculty member Emily Moody, LCSW-C, led an online seminar on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). This two-part training equipped youth-serving professionals – including DSS staff, educators, school counselors, and nonprofit leaders – to better recognize, understand, and address the lasting effects of childhood trauma.

Fostering Healing in Diverse Communities

For All Seasons partnered with Dr. Sabrina N’Diaye of the Heart Nest Center for Peace and Healing for a full-day training for the agency’s service providers.

“An African-American woman’s journey includes crises and triumphs, joy and sorrow, and facing the stark reality of life at the intersection of sexism, racism, and chronic illness. The training served as a catalyst for healing and resilience in the community, supporting For All Seasons’ mission to provide life-changing therapy and support across diverse populations,” says Dr. N’Diaye.

Building Brave Leaders

Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitators Beth Anne Dorman, CEO, and Lesa Mulcahy, CCO, introduced the internationally acclaimed Dare to Lead™ courage-building program from Dr. Brené Brown to the regional business community. The training provided leaders with practical tools and in-depth exploration of the daring leadership skills that will help them lean into their values in their work and personal lives.


“ ” Without our donors, so many people would never have the chance to find hope and healing. Because of you, we help people go from simply surviving to truly thriving.
Susan Truitt, LCSW-C, Director of Clinical Operations


With support from the Qlarant Foundation, Chief Medical Officer Dr. William Cerrato led his team to launch the Open Access Refill (OAR)TM clinic to address a critical gap left by the closure of the region’s psychiatric bridge clinic during the COVID pandemic. The OAR TM program ensures that the agency’s psychiatry patients can access medication refills without delay, even if they miss an appointment. This program is essential for all clients, offering consistency in medication management and reducing the likelihood of emergency room visits. By making psychiatric care more accessible, For All Seasons’ OAR TM clinic meets the community’s needs through innovative, client-centered care.


For All Seasons' trauma-certified clinical team continued to provide evidence-based therapy in person and via telehealth for individuals, families, and couples. Our team served clients across our six offices and in community-based settings like schools, higher education institutions, and detention centers. Our clinicians are skilled in a variety of therapeutic modalities, offering specialized care for clients of all ages, with our youngest client being one year old and our oldest client being 93 years old.


For All Seasons Events & Programs

Our 3rd Annual Frosty’s Holiday Village brought connection and fun to several hundred families to kick off the holiday season.

We hosted our 1st Annual Paddles Up for Mental Health pickleball event to highlight that mental health is health.

During Mental Health Awareness Month, Kent Island Elementary School participated in Spread Joy Confetti Challenge and mental health awareness activities.

Latino Program

Victim Services

Outreach & Education

Former NFL Baltimore Raven Matt Lawrence, founder of 32Sports, partnered with For All Seasons to host school takeover assemblies on mental health, wellness, and resilience at St. Michaels Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. Inspired by Lawrence’s powerful message, students joined together in the affirmation: “I can do hard things!”

Amazon partnered with For All Seasons to donate items for our Rape Crisis Center’s victim comfort kits. These kits provide survivors dignity after an assault and include essentials like clothes, socks, underwear, and toiletries. For youth, they also contain a small toy or stuffed animal for comfort. Available 24/7/365 when our team responds to hospitals, law enforcement agencies, or other community sites, the comfort kits, along with emergency shelter, transportation, and food cards, are provided by our Rape Crisis Center, to ensure survivors have the support and resources they need.

For All Seasons hosted its second annual Migrant Resource Fair at the Hoopers Island Volunteer Fire House in Fishing Creek, Maryland, as part of a larger effort to support the seasonal migrant workers in our community. The fair, which attracted over 130 participants, provided vital information and resources from over 20 organizations, as well as art activities, dinner, and music. Beyond the fair, our Latino Outreach and Education team spends time on Hoopers Island each week, offering psychoeducational groups, case management, and support.

Our Regional Navigator worked with 64 educational partners, presented 40 Human Trafficking 101 presentations.

Our No Matter What… You Matter

Suicide Prevention Campaign expanded to include two community speaker series events, five county proclamations, educational videos,and thousands of prevention brochures.

We hosted nearly 1,700 guests and 25 resource organizations, and distributed 800 backpacks to families in need at our School Supplies Giveaway.

Learn more about our events and programs




In FY24, For All Seasons achieved a distinction that places the agency in an elite group reached by fewer than 3% of the more than 80,000 entities accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) worldwide. For All Seasons stands out by receiving a “zero recommendation” report – an exceptionally rare accomplishment that underscores the agency’s commitment to the highest standards in behavioral health and victim services. This recognition reinforces For All Seasons’ role as a leader in delivering exceptional care across the Eastern Shore and the state of Maryland.

“The leadership has a strong and integrated community connection, collaborative partnerships, and a sense of community needs. For All Seasons has a strong infrastructure to continue to grow and develop services to meet the needs of its community. During the survey, community members noted that the organization is forwardthinking and innovative and provides a benchmark for others. For All Seasons was described as ‘a vital part of our community,’ with one stakeholder commenting, ‘I don’t know what we would do without them.’”

— CARF Surveyor, Mary Lynn Logsdon

“I first gave to For All Seasons because of their timely support and compassion for all in need. They are a true safety net for our community. I continue to give year after year because I have complete confidence in their ability to create lasting change and make our community a better place.

– For All Seasons donor Warren L. Allen


Your gift does more than close the gap...IT SAVES LIVES.

Our community's needs are vast, and client fees and grants alone do not cover the expense. Mental health care is an essential service that no one should be denied.

For All Seasons gave me hope when I had none. The program saw possibilities in me when I had none. I am now a new mom, wife, and thriving in a new life, when before I knew I had none. They saved my life, literally, on more than one occasion.

— For All Seasons Client

SCAN THE QR CODE to support our mission. supportforallseasonsinc.org/donate

Contact Lauren Weber, VP of Strategy and Development at lweber@forallseasonsinc.org or 410-822-1018 x129 An Annual Gift Monthly Giving Gifts of Security Transfer IRA Charitable Distributions Donor Advised Funds DONATE TODAY. THERE ARE MANY WAYS YOU CAN SUPPORT OUR LIFE-SAVING WORK:

MAIL DONATIONS TO: For All Seasons, Inc. / ATTN: Giving 300 Talbot Street, Easton, MD 21601


For All Seasons is grateful to our loyal donors who are partners in our live-saving work. All gifts, no matter the size, make a difference in our mission.

*Designates Founding Members of the Leadership Cirlce



Warren Allen*

Bluepoint Hospitality Group, LLC

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

Dock Street Foundation*

Matthew & Beth Anne Dorman*

William & Amanda Madar*

Scott & Tracy Wagner

Leonard & Ann Wolf*



The Edgewood Fund

The Putnam Family Foundation

The Seip Family Foundation*

St. John Foundation, Inc.*

Jennifer Stanley*

Tilghman United Methodist Church

Van Strum Foundation

Willow Construction*

Wyman Family Foundation



Pattie & Michael Batza, Jr.

Brad & Hilary Deutsch

Thomas F. Filbert & Karen M. Kaludis*

Marasun Roofing

Robert Middleton & Penelope Cripps

Thomas Mitchell

James Taneyhill & Laura Moon-Taneyhill

O’Donnell Vein & Medical


Ryan & Allison Prell*

Andrew & Leslie Price

Rosenfeld Rumford Steckler Family Foundation

Robert & Lynn Sanchez

Scaling Strategies

Ruey Warfield



CG Heritage Fund

Construction Services & Supply, Inc.

Creative Training Solutions

Dorchester Lodge #223

Easton Utilities*

Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A

Diana Flagler*

Michael T. Flaherty & Mary Lee Murrin*

Gil Genn


Rand & Morna McEver Golletz

Jonathan T. Soistman, DDS

Tim & Sally Kagan*

Ken & Leslie Mann*

PayPal Giving Fund

Mary Ann Schindler

Tidewater Inn

Ronda Tracy

VFW 7464 Charity Fund

Hanna & Peter Woicke



Bruce & Blenda Armistead

Sheila Barry

Bay Imprint

Richard & Ellen Bernstein

Steven & Julie Burleson

Carol Carlson

Christ Church, St. Michaels Parish

Christ Church, St. Peter’s Parish

Stephen & Linda Clineburg

Bill & Mia Cranford

George Dappert & Judy Wixted

John & Ann Davis

Easton Lions Club

EE Streets Memorial Post 5118

Mickey & Margery Elsberg

Brenda Fike

Mike & Karen Fisher*

Ronald Frampton & Susan Roecker

Gearhart Real Estate Services

Richard Goodall

Grayce B. Kerr Fund*

Frank Hamilton

Helena Hermes

Lissa Holtzner

Jamie & Mary Hurley

Hyatt Place Kent Narrows Hotel & Marina

Diana Johnson

Melissa Katsoulas

Christine Larsen

Sandy Lenhard

Jean Leverage

Llandaff Family Trust

The Lyn & Andrew McCormick

Charitable Gift Fund

Beverley Martin

McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker, LLC

Dana McGrath

Merriewold Trust

Lee & Monica Meyers

Douglas & Donna Michalek

Carol Middleton

Mid South Audio

Gary & Deborah Molchan

Cristy Morrell

Nagel Family Fund

Christopher & Christy Olsen

Bobbi Parlett

PepUp, a TriGas & Oil Company

Mike & Susan Phillips

Queenstown Bank

Mariclare Rafferty

Vivian Richards

Rise Up Coffee Roasters

Michelle Salb

James & Sheila Scott

Shore United Bank

Steven & M. Stacia Skinner

George & Marianne Strother

Talbot County Department of Social Services


Adam & Katie Theeke

Bonnie Thomas

Carol Thompson

William & Marie U’Ren

John & Lise Valliant

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Clint & Sandra Vince

Peter Von Pawel

The Watson Stone Family Foundation, Inc.

Jeff Weber

Josh & Lauren Weber

Susan Weller

William Davenport & Bruce Wiltsie

Danielle Wilson

Michael & Linda Wilt



Kim Agee

Alternative Therapy MD

Anchor Church

Ashore Resort & Beach Club

Lynne Austin

Baird Foundation, Inc.

Melissa Barcomb & Ken Doyle

Be With Me Playseum

Bronwyn Belling

BSC Group, LLC

Gene & Rebecca Burner

Chesapeake Blooms

John & Peggy Christie

Douglas & Tina Cox

Sara Jane Davidson

Delmarva Laser Eye Center

The Dixon Group

Brenda Early

Patricia Faison-Ball

Chip & Anna Fichtner

Michael & Laurie Frame

Pamela Gardner

Charles & Ellen Garrison

The Granville Fund

Kenny & Kate Gray

Jessica L. Greeley

Bridget & John Horner

Susan Horst

Dorothy Howe

Jennie Hyatt

Maulik & Emilie Joshie

Amy Keller

Kevertin Pet Resort

Jill Khadduri

Gary & Suzanne Konigkramer

Alexis Kramer

La De Da!

Graham & Brenda Lee

“Mental health and the need to heal from mental trauma are



are often uncomfortable discussing – yet almost every family will face the need for help with these issues. For All Seasons is visible and there, ready to give expert support when it is needed.”

– For All Seasons donors

William and Amanda Madar

Laurie Lewis

Jack & Jill Meyerhoff

The Orthopedic Center

Robert & Pamela Ortiz, Esq.

Oxford Business Association

Peck Family Foundation

Doug Pierson

James & Cynthia Reed

Ken & Pat Rogers

Evangeline Ross

Charles Tolbert Rowe

The Rubel Family Foundation

Stephen Satchell

Schauber Van Schaik Insurance

& ERIE Insurance

Jacqueline Sorrells

Jamie Tammariello

Philip & April Toussaint

David & Brenda VanAken

Deborah Walsworth

Elinor Warring



Holly Abel

Jay & Judith Anglada

Jim & Connie Arvia

Gail Aveson

Avon Dixon

Kathi Bangert

James & Linda Barton

Robert & Sandra Bjork

William & Ruth Boicourt

Brooke Michelle Photography

David & Patti Cannon

Chester River Yacht & Country Club

Kamari & Wanda Collins

Sara Danenmann

Sharon Dobson

Jane Feigleson

Sally Flaherty

Foto Berry Photography

Harley Gates

Giant Food of Maryland, LLC

Kenneth & Wendy Gibson

Higgins & Spencer, Inc.

Martha Horner

Yolanda Horton

Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay

The Jeff & Terry Flaig Charitable Fund

Melissa Kelly

Ronald Ketter

Heather Klink

Law Offices of James T. Worm III

Steve & Geraldine Leder

Legal Assets Craft Food & Spirits

Jennifer Leps

Stuart Levine & Carol Smith

Dorothea Matey

Marc Matyseck

Heather Meredith

Josephine Merrill

Jeffrey & Janet Messing

Nelson Coleman Jewelers

David Nelson

Palmer’s Plumbing, LLC

Laura Pell

The Point at Pintail

Prospect Bay Country Club

Melvin Rapelyea

Abigail Ritchie

Terese Schauber

Phil Schoenthal

Schooner Woodwind: Annapolis

Sailing Cruises

Schuman Cleaning Services

Seaford Presbyterian Church

Stephen & Anne Slack

Eva Smorzaniuk & Phil Dietz

Andrew Southworth

State Farm Insurance - Karen Davis

Amelia & Eric Steward

SunKissed Flower Farm

Carl & Nancy Tankersley

Matt & Amy Tietze

Giancarlo & Talley Tondin

Tred Avon Family Wealth, LLC

Tuna The Tide Charter Service

Barbara Vann

Washington College – Alpha

Chi Omega

Michele Williams

Stephen J. & Mary R. Wilson

Cole Wixted


Eileen Abbott

Agave Juicing Co.

Susan Ahlstrom

All-Shred, Inc.

Amalfi Coast Italian + Wine Bar

Robert & Judith Amdur

American Online Giving Foundation

Della Andrew

Carol Armstrong

Gary & Judith Austin

DonJoven & Erica Batson

Bay Star Consignments

Bay Country Bakery

Foster & Cheryl Beach III

Blackwater Adventures

Chesapeake Bay

Jan Bohn

Christine Boudrie

Linda Boyle

David Brandon

Gretchen Brandon

Suzanne Brigham

Jay & Katherine Brown

Jessie Browne

Robert & Karen Burger

James & Mary Kay Burkett

Ray & Kathryn Busen

Kenneth E. & Elizabeth Bush

Jessica Byerly

Kathleen Carroll

Robert Case

M. Edward & Laura Cassidy

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Inc.

Claudia Chesley

Laurence & Lorraine Claggett

Lisa Clark

Classic Motor Museum of St. Michaels, Inc.

Nancy Collins

Robin Connolly

Thomas & Virginia Cornwell

Brenda Crabbs

Patricia Crane

Crow Vineyard & Winery

Cult Classic Brewing

Claudia Cunningham

Joseph Davis

Alison Davis

Delmarva Pride Center

Karen Denny

Ilene Siegel Deutsch

Jacqueline Dianich

Pasquale & Angelina Didonato

Ralph & Lynn Dolinger

Elizabeth Dorbin


David Draut

Kelly Dubois

Christine DuFour

Easton Cycle & Sport

William & Carol Edwards

Claude & Carolyn Edwards

Emily’s Produce

EscapeTime Escape Rooms

Herman & Nancy Espenhorst

Alice Fenn

Suzy Filbert

Fisherman’s Inn Restaurant

Daniel & Sharon Flagler

Connor Flaherty

Margaret Ford

Stephen & Audrey Forrer

Frank & Shirley Foster

Patricia Fox

Nancy Fox

Mandy Frail

Lynn Freeburger

Kelsey Frenkiel

Elaine Friedman

Ann Frock

Tom & Cynthia Fulton

The Galley in St. Michaels

Joe & Mary Gamble

Debbie Gardner

Judith Gieske

Elizabeth Gifford

Richard & Jan Gnospelius

Jeffrey Goad

Rebecca Golden

Gary Goldstein & Arlene Forastiere*

GoodCoin Giving Fund

Jane Gordon

Thomas & Jacqueline Gosselin

Roberta Gribbon

Tom Divilio & Lisa Gritti

Sheryl Groce

Frank Gunsallus

Hair O’ The Dog Wine & Spirits

John & Judith Harlow

Maurice & Diana Harmon

John & Susan Hellwege

Katharine Henning

Glynn & Judy Hodges

Robert & Joanna Holden

Nancy Holt

Francis & Jane Hopkinson

Richard & Beth Hott

Carla Howell

Bob & Naomi Hyman

Michael Iandolo & Jacqueline


InJapan Japanese Steak

Seafood & Sushi

Karine Ireland

The Ivy Cafe

Maureen Jacobs

Merton & Margaret Jarboe

Jay Fleming Photography

Christian & Karen Jensen

Donald & Joan Johnson

Mary Johnston

R. Douglas & Cynthia Jurrius

Maureen Karns

James N. & Paula H. Karr

Renee Karrh

Jane Kasper

Margaret Keller

Cathie Kempf

Dean & Linda Kenderdine

Kent Island Resort

Robert & Patricia Kestler

Deena Kilmon

Kiln Born Creations

Mary Klein

Kathie Kleppinger

Katherine Lamotte

Diane Lane

Lane Engineering, LLC

Kathy & Mark Langrell

Linda Laramy

Brenda Latka

Layton’s Chance Vineyard & Winery

Leah Ashlee Therapy & Wellness, LLC

Charles Lerner

James & Edith Liesener

Limoncello Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar

A Little Lovely Coffee House

Paul & Lauren Littlefield

Lizzy Dee

David Lloyd

William & Leigh Marquess

Tom McCall

Margot McClellan

Jack McClellan

Duffy & Gina McConnell

Paul & Patricia McDonald

Jim McDonald

Michael & Melissa Micriotti

Mielke Brothers, LLP

Thomas & Shelly Mielke

Jules Miller

Elwood Miller

Ladson & Christina Mills

Dominick & Kristy Mirando

Momma Maria’s Mediterranean Bistro

Richard & Isla Moore

Kevin & Susan Moran

Tamara Morris

Kirsten Mosher

Lesa & Justin Mulcahy

William & Elise Murphy

Marilyn Nace

Women Who Care Talbot , demonstrating the power of collective giving in making a meaningful impact. This support is a reminder that

The Narrows Restaurant

National Aquarium

Mark & Eugenia Newberg

Gail Newell

Leo & Jean Nollmeyer

Janice O’Connor Feeley

John Ohler

Brendan & Susan O’Neill

Ernest Oskin

Out of the Fire

The Oxford Inn - Pope’s Tavern

Barbara Oxnam

Peter & Diane Pappas

Nicholas & Betty Papson

Rima Parkhurst

Katie Parks

Sandra Patterson

Janice Pauly

Larry & Sharon Paz

Sharon Pepukayi

Carl Pergler

Bruce & Louise Perry

Susan Pidgeon

James Pierson

Planet Fitness

Playa Bowls

Pledgeling Foundation

Madeline Poe

Richard & Gadis Pollard

Wynn & Nancy Poole

Michael Popovec

Pulse & Beats

Bradford Rathgeber

Martin & Barbara Regalia

Vanessa Reyes

James & Penny Reynolds

Christopher Rigaux

Robert W. Baird & Co, Inc.

William Roe

Ruick & Holly Rolland

Dennis & Jeanne Roy

Martha Roysdon

Alice Ryan

Kenneth & Sarah Sadler

Sailor of St. Michaels, LLC

Lawrence Sanford


Ed & Leigh Ann Schaefer

Barbara Schantz

Daphne Schauber

Timothy & Melinda Schilling

Jayne Schnellenberger

Francis H. & Joyce Schriver

The Scottish Highland Creamery

Leslie Sea

Harry & Linda Seemans

Mary Shaffer

Stephen & Mary Shearer

Shorely Organized

Shawaun Simmons

Simpatico, Italy’s Finest

Shay Sisco-Lewis

Skipjack Nathan of Dorchester

Alan & Carol Sleeper

Kathleen Smith

Jacqueline Smith

Lacey Snyder

J. Dennis & C. Stephanie Sokso

Elizabeth Somes

Elizabeth Spence

Sprinkle It Sweet

William Stagg

Lawrence Stahl

John & Anne Stalfort

Phillip Stapleton

Paula Statkiewicz

Tamara Stock

Storm & Daughters Ice Cream

Julia Strong

Suicide Bridge Restaurant/ Choptank Riverboat Co


Beth Anne Dorman

Darian Sump

Ralph & Madelaine Surette

Fred & Martha Suss

Tracie Thomas

William L. & Susan B. Thomas

Bruce Thomas & James Carder

Archie & Judith Tinelli

Michael & Linda Todd

Bryan Tramont

Tuckahoe Hardwoods

Marcy Vazquez

W. Moorhead Vermilye

Greg & Jane Virgil

Kirk & Laura Wade

John & Adrienne Wafer

Frederick & Kay Wagenblatt

Eugene & Diane Walbridge

Sharon Warner

Raymond G. & Carolyn Wasdyke

Linda Webb

Kerry Weber

William & Caroline White

Winslow & Helen Womack

Kimberly Wong

Jan Wood

Sara Woodall

Kim Worley

Mary Jane Wyant

Calvin Yowell, Jr.

David Zamborsky

Herb Ziegler

Peter & Carolyn Zukoski


APG Media

Forever Midshore WCEI - FM 96.7 WINX


NoPixAfterDark Podcast

Overtime Live - Shore Sports

Screen Vision Media

The Spy Newspapers


What’s Up? Media

WHCP - FM 91.7


The Caroline Foundation

Disabled Veterans National Foundation

Dorchester County Circuit Court

Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention & Policy

Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Maryland Community Health Resources Commission

Maryland Department of Health

Maryland Rural Development Corporation

Mid Shore Behavioral Health

Mid-Shore Community Foundation

Qlarant Foundation

Queen Anne’s County Mental Health Committee

Rural Maryland Council

Talbot County Government

Talbot County Health Department

United Way of Kent County

United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore

United Way of Queen Anne’s County

Women & Girls Fund of the Mid-Shore

This year, For All Seasons celebrates the 10th anniversary of Beth Anne Dorman as President & CEO. Under her leadership, the agency has grown from 23 employees to nearly 100, and its annual budget has expanded from $1.2 million at the beginning of her tenure to nearly $11 million today. Once a small ‘mom and pop’ agency serving just the five MidShore counties, For All Seasons has grown its services and reach to serve Marylanders in every jurisdiction of the state.

Beth Anne’s leadership has been transformative, positioning For All Seasons as a leader in mental health both statewide and nationally. She has played a key role in advising legislators on the mental health needs of rural communities and has made For All Seasons a model of accessible care for all. The Open AccessTM model – adopted by fewer than 500 organizations nationwide – has been recognized as a national leader in healthcare delivery for rural communities.

Beth Anne’s ability to bring experts to the table has been pivotal in building the sustainable organization For All Seasons is today. This commitment to people-centered leadership and innovation has created an agency where nothing feels impossible.

mental health care to ALL.


is such a gift to have this kind of leadership right in our own backyard.

” Beth Anne has put For All Seasons on the map as an innovator and leader in providing timely and first-rate

— For All Seasons Co-Founder Karen M. Kaludis, Esq


Rooted in core values of service and connection, the For All Seasons team provides clinical, medical, business, and nonprofit expertise. We ensure that For All Seasons remains sustainable and consistently innovative. Our entire staff offers a safety net of support for the evolving mental health and victim needs of our community. We exist to improve lives through compassionate, trauma-certified, person-centered care.


received Dare to LeadTM training from certified facilitators, Beth Anne Dorman and Lesa Mulcahy.


From left to right: Beth Anne Dorman, MS, President & CEO; Lesa Mulcahy, LCSW-C, Chief Clinical Officer; William Cerrato, D.O., Chief Medical Officer; Lauren Kay Weber, MBA, VP Strategy & Development; Katie Theeke, M.Ed., VP Marketing & Communications; Patti Cannon, MBA, Chief Operating Officer

The Executive Team represents over 48 years of combined service to the agency.


Leonard Wolf, CPA, RIA (Chair)

Kamari Collins, Ed.D. (1st Vice Chair)

Diane Flagler (2nd Vice Chair)

Shay Lewis-Sisco (Secretary)

Linda Booze (Treasurer)

Melissa Kelly (Past Chair)

Alison Davis, Ph.D.

Ronald Frampton

Sharon Pepukayi, Ed.D.

Carl Pergler

Leslie Sea

Alexa Seip

Giovanni Wynn



For All Seasons’ CEO Beth Anne Dorman and Aaron Dante, owner of NoPixAfterDark (bottom right) sparked conversations with statewide leaders about mental health and the agency’s role in fostering a healthy, thriving Maryland.


“If we’re not addressing mental health on the front end, we will pay for it on the back end. And when we do, it’s going to be incredibly costly, not just financially, but morally. Making smart investments in mental health now ensures that all communities receive the support they deserve. This approach leads to better outcomes and a more inclusive, thriving economy for everyone.”


“As I travel, for example, along the Eastern Shore, the challenge is access. Can you get access to health care? It’s not just the affordability, which is an issue. Can you get access? And mental health, it’s particularly challenging. Agencies like For All Seasons, with their innovative model, are helping to bridge that gap by reaching those communities in ways we hadn’t before.”


“Good mental health is essential for a strong workforce. When people are struggling with depression or anxiety, it affects everything from their ability to work to their overall potential. That’s why immediate access to mental health For All Seasons provides, is so crucial. If we don’t address these issues early, we lose valuable talent, and the economic impact is massive… Investing in mental health is essential for a thriving economy.”


"We're facing a mental health crisis across our communities, and it’s not isolated to any one group. The solution is to ensure that services are available locally, so people can get the help they need when they need it. We need to invest in community-based mental health programs that are accessible to everyone, because mental health challenges don’t follow a schedule – they can happen at any time, and we need to be prepared."


Aaron Dante joins For All Seasons to bring critical conversations to his award winning podcast. View the video interviews here.

FY24 at a Glance

Offices located in five Mid-Shore counties and clients served in all 24 Maryland jurisdictions

Nearly 3,500 clients served in FY24

Telehealth appointments make up 50% of our services

Six office locations provide in-person appointments

19% of our services delivered were in languages other than English

On-site mental health services offered at Chesapeake College

16 schools, PreK - 12th grade, with For All Seasons school-based services

On-site clinicians in Dorchester and Caroline detention centers


“Mental health touches everything we do, and it’s crucial that we not only break down the stigma but also ensure that we’re meeting the need. Organizations like For All Seasons are essential in providing critical services at the local level. It’s up to us as leaders to partner with them and other providers to ensure that no one is left behind in this conversation and that we’re providing the resources that people need to thrive.”


“Organizations like For All Seasons play a crucial role in addressing mental health needs across our state. As leaders, we can’t ignore the importance of mental health in our communities. It’s our responsibility to support agencies like For All Seasons that are doing the hard work on the ground, providing immediate, accessible care. If we don’t step up and ensure these services are available, we’re just passing the problem down the line.”

Five Mid-Shore Counties


“When it comes to mental health, timing is critical. You can’t wait when someone needs help. That’s why the work For All Seasons is doing, like providing immediate access to care with no waitlists, is so vital. Mental health challenges are a matter of life and death for many, and we need partners like For All Seasons to ensure people get the help they need, right when they need it.”

Behavioral Health & Rape Crisis Center


For All Seasons improves the quality of life for Marylanders with our expert mental health services, victim and crisis support, education and outreach, and statewide leadership. The agency’s unique model of care ensures anyone can receive the highest-quality, trauma-certified mental health care when they need it, regardless of language or ability to pay. For All Seasons ensures that no one in our region has to imagine life without accessible mental healthcare.

OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Therapy • Psychiatry • Victim & Crisis Support • Education

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