Basil Plant - An adaptogenic herb With Aphrodisiac Properties

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Basil Plant - An adaptogenic herb With Aphrodisiac Properties

Basil Plant is one of the most important parts of aromatherapy that have the potential to heal several health problems. It is mainly used as an herb in aromatherapy that can treat stress, depression and fatigue. Basil herb is basically a bulbous plant found under the sunflower family. Its fleshy stem and leaves are used as a spice in cooking and in some traditional medicines. T Basil and basil leaves make an excellent combination for treating different illnesses. Basil contains many valuable ingredients that can fight against the common side effects of cancer. Basil contains chlorogenic acid that is an extremely powerful antioxidant that can destroy cancer cells. On the other hand basil leaves possess the qualities of an anti-infective and antimicrobial that can fight against bacteria, fungi, yeasts, parasites and intestinal plaque that cause kidney stones. As a result of these properties it is widely used in Ayurveda as a medicine to treat several health problems. The Basil Plant was first cultivated in the tenth century by the holy traveler Babu (Babaul) who had introduced this world with white tea leaves. After that Basil plant spread quickly all over the country and was even more popular in Central Asia. From there it moved slowly to the West and now it is often combined with basil leaves to make a variety of health products. The benefits of Basil plant are due to its powerful antioxidants that can eliminate the harmful free radicals from our body. These radicals can damage our DNA and cause diseases like cancer. The Basil leaves have been used as a spice in many Indian dishes like Murg Masala and Nasiyanad. A wide range of health benefits are associated with the use of this miracle herb. The

most prominent and widely acclaimed one is its ability to cure severe disorders like rheumatism, arthritis, asthma, coughing, heart disease and many more. In fact this amazing miracle herb has a lot more benefits. It is an excellent remedy for constipation and can ease bowel movements. It can also provide relief from allergies, stress and anxiety. Apart from treating the above mentioned ailments, the Basil plant is also used as a spiritual herb in Indian religions. Basil is mainly used as a medicine for treating constipation and has a good laxative effect on the body. The other benefits of Basil include improved digestion, reduced stress, nourishment and promotion of vital energy levels. The Basil plant has been proved to be very effective in improving mental and physical performance, it has been proved in Ayurvedic texts that this plant is able to cure a wide range of problems that are caused due to stress. The Basil plant is also able to treat a number of diseases like diabetes, asthma, indigestion, kidney diseases and heart diseases. A tea is prepared from the leaves of the Basil plant. Basil tea has a rich taste, and the aroma of the herbs in Basil tea has a stimulating effect. Basil tea can be prepared in two different methods; one is through the brewing of the tea in water and the second method is through decoction form of the tea. Many people prefer to make a cup of tea with Basil extract, but there are also people who prefer to buy Basil tea or take the pulse in supplement form. The multi herb is also used in many Ayurvedic formulations, these include Arogya Vardhini, Triphala Guggulu, Agnitundi Guggulu and Kutki (Pterocarpus santalinus). These ayurvedic formulations help in relaxing your mind and help you cope with stress. In fact many of the stress reducing therapies rely on the use of adaptogens - Basil is one such herb.

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