Philosophy&Mission Statement
Our Mission
The mission of Foothills Academy is to facilitate learning in persons, primarily youth and children, identified as having a Learning Disability by providing quality educational programs and a supportive environment for families and staff. We recognize that we are interdependent with our global community – by participating in research, public education, in-service and advocacy, through community service.
Our Philosophy
We will be recognized for our expertise in working with individuals identified as having Learning Disabilities locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. Striving to enhance the lives of individuals with Learning Disabilities, by Finding Understanding, Building Confidence and Maximizing Potential.
The mission of Foothills Academy Society is to facilitate learning in those identified as having a Learning Disability by providing quality educational programs and a supportive environment for families
Foothills Academy was built around the belief that all students with Learning Disabilities have exceptional potential and that with the right support and guidance, they can achieve great success in school, post-secondary, and the workplace. We understand the difficulties and challenges facing students and their families, be it academic, social, or emotional/behavioral. Foothills Academy's community builds upon these foundations with the individuals and families we work with. Much of our success is found in our agency-wide philosophical belief in and understanding of Self-Determination Theory, which has three core values: Relationships, Competence, and Autonomy, which aligns with out motto;
ExecutiveDirectors' Message
Foothills Academy is truly unique in the Canadian landscape, and we are continuously reflecting on how we can evolve to best support the community we serve.
Foothills Academy is the only school in the Calgary area whose sole purpose is to be a Designated Special Education Private School (DSEPS) dedicated to supporting students with Learning Disabilities. Furthermore, the wide range of services and programs related to Learning Disabilities and ADHD that we offer through our Community Services departments is truly unique in the country in terms of the breadth of support it provides. Whether it is supporting youth to gain essential literacy skills; providing answers to families through psychoeducational assessments or psychological counselling; serving youth with social skills and recreational programming; or increasing the capacity of families and professionals through our education programs, Foothills Academy has a vast impact.
It takes all stakeholders to create a culture where collaboration and support allow us to provide ongoing opportunities for young people with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD, and their families to grow, thrive and flourish.
We are excited to share the milestones of the 2021 - 2022 year, in which our theme was 'Leading the Way', a call to our community to not only reflect on our successes but build on them to continue to create, collaborate, adapt and strive towards the next level of excellence which Foothills Academy Society is known for.
Karen MacMillan Simon Williams PhD, R. Psych Executive Co-Director Foothills Academy Society MSEd, LQS Executive Co-Director Foothills Academy SocietyMessagefrom The Board Chair
This is truly an exciting time to be a part of the Foothills Academy Society, and it is my privilege to be the Board Chair.
The Foothills community is thriving, both in terms of the impact created for all of our students, families, and community clients, as well as in the continued growth of evolving and developing our best practices. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19 in the past couple of years, we have persevered and adapted to meet our mission and support the community in ways that truly change lives.
For over forty years, Foothills Academy has remained at the forefront of delivering effective programs that positively impact individuals with Learning Disabilities in the Calgary area, and well beyond.
It is a great pleasure to be a part of this truly outstanding organization, the success of which would not be possible without all of you our stakeholders
Harold Esche Board Chair Foothills Academy SocietySchoolProgram Overview
FoothillsAcademyisaDesignatedSpecialEducationPrivateSchool(DSEPS)through AlbertaEducationforstudentswithdiagnosedLearningDisabilitiesingrades3-12.Our schoolwasdevelopedontheunderstandingthatallstudentswithLearningDisabilities haveexceptionalpotentialandthatwiththerightsupportandguidance,theycan achievegreatsuccessinschool,post-secondary,andtheworkplace.
Weknowthatthereareawiderangeofchallengesfacingstudentsandtheirfamilies livingwithLearningDisabilities.Weprovideappropriateandnecessarysupport, strategies,andprogramstomeeteachstudent’sneedsintheschool;academically, socially,andemotionally.WeachievethisthroughourfundamentalphilosophyofSelfDeterminationTheory,andourapproachisto: 100% Graduation Rate
294 Studentsenrolledinthe 2021/2022schoolyear
92 Bursariesweregiven outinthe2021/2022 schoolyear.
30 Extracurricularclubs
"Amazing School. Amazing Staff. You gave our son the confidence that he needs, the guidance that he needed to succeed. You all went above and beyond."
Alumni Parent
SchoolFeatureHighlights Outdoor Classrooms
"I took two Social 7 classes to use the 'talking circle' area to share their re-telling of an aboriginal creation myth they rehearsed. Being in nature, and utilizing the talking circle helped to establish authentic FNMI foundational knowledge."
School Teacher
Foothills Academy Society
ClubFeature SewingClub
"Sewing club is a place where students can safely express their creativity through many different textiles while focusing on learning the process of garment construction and slow fashion."
School Teacher
Foothills Academy Society
Community Services
Read/Write Overview
Department Manager: Paige McDonald
Read/WriteProgramsofferevidence-basedinstructioncustomizedtoeachstudent's needs.Rangingfrom60minutesto3hoursperdayourRead/WriteProgramserves thosewiththeneedforremediatedliteracyinstruction-withdiagnosesorsuspected LearningDisabilities.
Allinterventionsaredeliveredone-to-onewithanInstructorutilizingtheLindamood BellandWilsonReadingmethodsandVoyagerSopris:StepuptoWriting.
506 Programs Delivered to 354 Individuals
106 IntensivePrograms
135 LiteracyBooster Weeks
206 Weekly Literacy Programs
"My child loved the program although she was apprehensive. It was her first time doing a program at Foothills and she found it a very positive experience. We are looking forward to having her continue with the program. She is actually excited!!!"
AmicusCamp&Recreation Overview
Department Manager: Kathleen Gurski
OurAmicusprogramsaredesignedforyouthages8andupwithdiagnosedor suspectedLearningDisabilitiesand/orADHD.Theseprogramswithactivitiesthat supporttheirsocialskilldevelopment,independence,andfriendship.
BasedontheSocialThinkingMethodology,Amicusoffersevidence-basedintegrative socialskillprograms-throughbothdirectsocialskillinstructionandindividualized socialcoaching.Programsrangefromweeklyrecreation-basedprogramstoour Horsemanshipprograms. Nomatterwhichprogramaparticipantchooses,anessential componentofallAmicusprogramsisthedevelopmentofpositivesocialskills.
Total youth enrolled across all Amicus programs
196 Youthenrolledinour recreationprogram
116 Youthenrolledinour overnightcamp program
115 Youthenrolledinour daycampprogram
"Camp Amicus has been such a blessing. We feel part of a family and our kids are seen for who they are and they thrive. We can't imagine life without it, it is such a life line. Thank you!"
Amicus Parent
PsychologicalServices&Programs Overview
Department Manager: Melanie Reader
ThePsychologicalServices&Programsdepartmentoffersquality,comprehensive psycho-educationalassessment,individualandfamilycounselling,andgroup programmingservicesforchildren,youth,andadultsaffectedbyLearningDisabilities and/orADHD.
Ourteamreliesonevidence-basedpracticesinPsychologyandEducationtoguideour practices.Wenotonlyseektounderstandwhatachild’sdifficultymightbebutalsothe areaswheretheycanfindprideandsuccess.
339 Clients were seen through Psych Services
259 Psychoeducational Assessments
44 Privatecounselling clients
39 Group participants
"I just wanted to reach out and THANK YOU and your amazing assessment team for the work you do to complete incredibly detailed, relevant and practical assessments!"
Director of Educational Services Company
ProfessionalDevelopment& CommunityEducationOverview
Department Manager: Tanya Keto
TheProfessionalDevelopmentandCommunityEducationteambringsknowledge, expertise,andpracticalstrategiestoourwiderangeofworkshopsandcoursesbothin personandonline.Continuallyevolvingtoreflectcurrentresearchandtomeetthe needsofourcommunity,thisdepartmentoffersawiderangeofcontenttoengage professionalsinappealing,meaningful,andpracticallearningopportunities.
OurcoursesaredesignedtoincreaseknowledgeandunderstandingofLearning DisabilitiesandhowtonavigatetheimpactLearningDisabilitiescanhaveonachild’s academics,behavior,andwell-being.
"I learned so much. The pace was perfect, the outline and speaker matched so my notes are incredibly meaningful. I feel energized to head back to my class!"
Course Participant
Professionals, Parents and Community members served through PD/CE
925 Educators participatedin 37LivePD workshops
613 ParticipantsofInside LDandInsideADHD forFamilies
196 RecreationProgram Enrollment
Financial Information
Financial Information
Fundraising&Donors Information
Wewanttothankallofourdonorsforthegenerouscontributionstosupportour bursaryfundandongoingprogrammingdevelopment.Yoursupportensuresthat childrenwithLearningDisabilitiescanaccessthespecializedprogramstohelpthem reachtheirtruepotential.
Fundraising Highlights
Giving Tuesday/Matching with Olympia Trust Company
12th Annual Gordon Hoffman Golf Tournament located at Priddis Greens Golf and Country Club
Lindahascommittedtothreeyearsoffundingouruniquehorsemanshipprogramthat bringsatherapeuticandsocialskilldevelopmentmodeltoworkingwithandriding horses.Thisuniqueprogramintegratessocialskills,executivefunctionskillsand emotionalregulationskillsforchildrenandteenswithLearningDisabilitiesandADHD thoughhorsemanshipprogramming.
"We know where to turn if we have any challenges moving forward. Mission accomplished!"
Foothills Academy Parent