Foodie Issue 23 : June 2011

Page 22

meataholic’s anonymous

20 Days three and four proceeded in similar fashion – I developed a craving for something meaty and overcompensated with a vegetarian treat or two. I also found a new side effect – I seemed to get hungry more easily. My stomach was constantly growling and it became quite embarrassing. The solution was simple – I started to eat a larger-than-usual portion at every meal. The real test, however, was dining out with friends on the fourth day after an intense workout at the gym. As I watched my friends enjoying their pizza, I was tempted, more than once, to cheat or simply give up on the experiment. In the end, it was either my steadfast determination or plenty of beer and chips that saved me from the disgrace. day




"My stomach was constantly growling and it became quite embarrassing. " On day five, light began to appear at the other end of the tunnel as my craving of the day appeared to be one of my usuals – ice-cream (I have a sweet tooth first, a meat addiction second), which I adequately sated by finishing nearly half a tub of Häagen-Dazs. True victory came on day six, however, when my body had truly adjusted to the diet – no more urges to consume any food in an inappropriate amount. I was able to pass up on meat at lunch without much difficulty and fully appreciate my delicious tomato and basil pizza. As I pen this on day seven, I hope the rest of the day goes as smoothly. day






why try meat free? Whether you’re going vege for life or taking a week off every so often, here are the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Happy Heart


Vegetarian diets are low in salt, meaning reduced blood pressure and hypertension. Also, cholesterol is greatly increased by meat (especially red meat) so cutting it out makes for a happier heart.

Most meat is processed, so a large amount of additives and preservatives are ingested when it’s eaten. This causes a build-up of toxins in the body - something alleviated by consuming fresh produce.

Beat Diabetes The high-fibre intake of legumes, vegetables, fruits and grains results in lower blood sugar, making it the most effective way to combat the disease.

Digestion Meat is a ‘heavy’ food, meaning the human body has a hard time digesting it. This retention of waste can lead to stomach and intestinal cancer.

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