Focus of SWFL 2014 Cheers To Your Style

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NOV/DEC 2014


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Style to your


CHROMALIGHT display with long-lasting luminescence - White lacquered, snailed pink gold small seconds counter




CONTENT C o llie r - S arasot a - Charlot t e - Lee


42 68

26 29 33 34 37 38 54 67 71 72 76 79 81 96 98

Redesigning Your Style Nothing Pleases a Woman More... Love Your Body Smart Snacking Tips To Make Your Kids Wise Staying Sane This Holiday Season Healthy Hair & Skin Stay Cool & Succeed 5 C's How To Get Motivated Prepared To Be WOWED! Perfect Spot Finding Your Philanthropy Innovation That Goes Further REdefing Real Estate

102 84

94 10 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

CONTENT C o l l i e r - Saraso ta - C h a r lo t t e - L e e




134 104

108 110 120 140 143 150 154 158 166 168 171 172 176 178

Deliver Big Home Value Why Emergency Preparedness Matters Achieving Personal Harmony Fashion Tips Victorian Woman Best Friends Fashion Trends An American in Amsterdam Michael St. Amand Start The Day Off Right Healthy Eating Colorful Feast Turkey Talk Sweet Dreams

News & Info

103 Thwart That Cold Tickle 122 Benefits of a Mini-Facelift

12 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


FO CM a g a z i n e

of S W F L

113 Publisher: Focus Magazine of SWFL


Cover Photography: Jim Jordan Model: Taylor Hill Desiger: Prada Contributors: Daniel Fernandez, Nina Pak, Harry Yadav, Bill Schiller, Karen Sulprizio, Anna Aparicio, Susan Bennett, Marsha Friedman, Ginny Grimsley, K. Buchanan, Marla Tomazin, Chiara Solloa, Christina White, Vicki Victoire, Manuela Biocca, Robert Salvatore, Carrie Myers Smith, Maria Nanikki, Samantha Ramos, Mike Coppola, Frazer Harrison, Mai Yomioto, Chip Krespach, Dan Myricks, Tony William, Scott Black, Terri Profetto Focus Magazine of SWFL is published Bimonthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Focus Magazine of SWFL policy. Š 2010 Focus Magazine of SWFL, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: Focus Magazine of SWFL at 105 Triple Diamond Blvd, Suite 101, Venice, FL 34275. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices.

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Redesigning Your


By K. Buchanan

If you cannot remember when was the last time you went out shopping for clothes due to your limited budget, perhaps there is a solution for you not to feel "out of fashion" anymore. Garnishing and remodeling clothes is not only an interesting idea for you to pass your time with, but it can actually help you renew your wardrobe with the minimum amount of money possible. Transforming clothes was always connected with providing many important functions for human activity. In addition, transformed clothes are a byproduct of creativity and ingenuity. Being a stylish person is not easy. Thus, improving your clothes' demeanor as an act of conscious fashion shift towards contemporary refashioning of secondhand clothing is actually rather progressive. Experiencing the new character of that same old pair of jeans you have bought three years ago, can be the outcome of your dedication to commit some time and renew its old fit. A few cuts, at the right places, some foe crystals on its back pockets, a monogram on the thigh, a gold sparkling textile marker across the waist, are some of the things that can help you transform your used clothing and attract other peoples' attention to your unique style illustrated by your personally crafted fashionable creations. Additionally, transforming old clothes, in any way, can become your new potential value to another social group. You might even discover a hidden talent while in the process. A number of people, who have begun remodeling or garnishing their clothes due to need or as a new hobby, experienced tremendous success through their hand-made creations and entered the fashion industry from the backstage. The "one-piece" deal is a strong marketing incentive when people need to convey through their clothes the feeling of being different; this need grows worldwide as globalization transcends all known boarders-especially that of fashion. By selling their creations to a variety of clothing stores, or more recently online, these clothes re-crafters reintroduced an old idea, which became an instant urban trend. Thus, next time you look frustrated the resources you have available in your closet, instead of wasting time and money in trying to figure out what to wear for a night out, why not using your imagination along with some of your other skills to renovate the pieces of your wardrobe that need a little sparkle again to shine? Apart from it being a great idea to spend some quality time alone, redesigning clothes can also open up new career horizons; at least it can amuse you and your friends. Transforming an old skirt into an apron or a pillow case, garnishing your worn-out pants with silver spray suitable for textile painting, altering the length of your old simple black dress, or engraving your initials on your leather bag may be some of the alterations you can perform to your possession and enter a party with a redesigned style. The most important thing is that you will be able to congratulate yourself when one will gaze your looks and admire your stylish appearance. Most importantly, you will know that no fortune was spent on that "unique" piece of clothing you are wearing. Isn't that a sweat deal?

26 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Nothing Pleases A Woman More... by Maria Nanikki

I remember my first crush on beautiful dangling earrings my mom used to wear when I was a little girl. With the passage of time, my love for jewelry has grown into a delightful passion. The delicate sparkling as well as funky earrings has become a part of my daily wear. My earring affiliation is unmatched with other pieces of jewelry, but I love to wear unique rings, stylish bracelets, glass bangles and long necklaces which add glamour to my wardrobe. While shopping and on vacations, I am always looking for lovely pieces that I can add to my collection. For me, jewelry is a tasteful, creative and glamorous addition to enhance our looks. My addiction is to buy beaded, wood, metallic and glass pieces from around the world. Every country has developed its own style and taste in ornamentation. It is exciting to find new styles associated with different countries and adorn ourselves with them gleefully.


am in love with each and every material for their uniqueness and immense style. For ladies, the real form of jewelry is made of precious metals and gemstones which have unmatched elegancy and beauty. Diamonds are forever is a famous song which comes to our minds when we think of shiny adornments. What is more classy and beautiful than a piece of diamond sparkling on our fingers? They have been a passion for ladies since the inception of this age. It has always been the most expensive form of adornment for ladies showing off their social status. Gold, white gold, Pearls and gemstones do not lag behind in their sparkling beauty. Gold has been a woman’s best friend since ancient times. Egyptian ladies used to adorn themselves with huge gold necklaces and crowns. The metal has a great value because of its ornamental usage around the globe. Its other form is white gold which has a silver look to the value of gold and it produces a very elegant look on ladies.

Pearls, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, quartz, jade, jasper, turquoise, amber and limitless stones add organic color to the elegant pieces of jewelry. Most of the times, these stones are used with diamond and gold plates adding color to the shining metals. Nothing is more beautiful than a gold necklace adorned with emeralds matched to the emerald gown of a lady dancing in a ballroom. Smooth white pearls stir a unique touch to the attire of a woman specially a nice pearl necklace. I think for female population, nothing is a better gift than a beautiful piece of jewelry. Nothing pleases women when husbands gift them with a sparkling piece as a token of love. I think it is not an exaggeration to say that jewelry will always remain a women’s best friend forever. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 29

LOVE IS ALWAYS AROUND Carrera y Carrera pays tribute to eternal love and to its most universal script: LOVE. Since time immemorial, love has been associated with symbols and icons. The duality of a human being: masculine and feminine, good and evil, yin and yang. The idea of love is manifested through very figurative pieces where nature takes prominence in the form of a small flower. Jewels that are lightweight, easy to wear, and full of movement, meticulously carved by the company’s master jewelers. Small diamonds – symbols of eternal and lasting love – adorn these discreet and elegant pieces. The jewels feature round shapes that represent life revolving around Mother Nature. Feminine sensuality is represented by daisies and united to male individuality by a vine. Pieces full of emotion to be worn every day. Jewels that will always recall special moments full of love: LOVE.

Love Your Body By Carrie Myers Smith

While many of us have an easy time showering other people with love, we find that Cupid has yet to hit us with the "body love" arrow. Don’t wait for Cupid! Begin today to start appreciating, accepting and yes, even loving your body. Stop picking yourself apart Let’s face it: No matter how close-to-perfection body you have (and just what is the perfect body anyway?), chances are, there is something you would change about it if you could. Even celebrities and models who have been stamped with the media’s "perfect body" rating have parts they dislike – their feet, their hands, their ears – and they don’t necessarily have high self-esteem either! Rather than pick your body apart, look at your body as a whole (and read the next point…) Consider the marvelous functions of your body There are millions of microscopic functions that go on in our bodies every day, and you don’t even have to think about them. They just happen! Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis or a tragedy, such as a brush with death, a go-around with a disease, or a debilitating accident for some women to realize that their bodies weren’t so bad to begin with and that their body hang-ups were a big waste of time. Don’t let that be the case with you! How much time are you spending each day worrying about your weight, your body shape, the size of your rear? What could you be doing during that time? Maybe you’re supposed to be the first female president, but you’ll never know because you’re too busy obsessing about your abs!

Photography Krystina Woldanowski

Get real Did you know that most of the images you see on television, movies and magazines aren’t even real? A model for a magazine cover goes through hours of professional hair and make-up, has professional stylists, top photographers who know her "best side," professional lighting, and that’s all before the chosen photo goes to a company where they remove stray hairs, wrinkles, blemishes and "extra" curves. Sometimes Model A’s head is stuck onto Model B’s body. What you see is totally made up! And it’s not just fashion magazines that are creating a fantasy. Most of today’s "fitness" magazines are following suit. On top of airbrushing and computer generating their models, fitness magazines now need to audition their models to be sure they’re strong enough to just do basic exercises! Muscles are even airbrushed in! It’s time to get real! Find real role models who emanate the qualities you desire. Educate yourself about what really goes on "behind the scenes." And realize that no one naturally "glows" the way those models in the magazines do! Change your inner dialogue It’s been said that we teach others how to treat us. If we believe that, the message that comes across to others is that we are not worth being liked, loved, or treated with respect. Most of it comes from what we’re not even saying. Choose to believe that you are worth taking care of and that you have the right to be respected and treated with dignity – and act like it! Take care of your body Diets, pills, quick-fixes, binging, not exercising, over-exercising, all these things disrespect one of the greatest gifts you have been given – your body! You only get one per lifetime, so give it the respect it deserves. You will not only feel better, but you just might become someone else’s role model!

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 33

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Smart Snacking


Snacks are a common aspect of most Americans’ daily diets. Although you may feel like stealing nibbles between meals is a guilt-worthy offense, making smart snacking choices can actually contribute to a healthy eating plan. According to a recent survey conducted by ORC International, snacking is as American as apple pie. Nearly all Americans (98 percent) have snacked at least once in the last two weeks, and the majority consumes one to two snacks every day. You may be surprised to learn that these habits are actually supported by leading health experts. According to staff at The Mayo Clinic, most well-planned diets allow for snacks between meals to help fight hunger. Numerous other experts advocate snacks as a way to manage food intake throughout the day, which keeps your metabolism running strong and helps you avoid over-eating at any one meal. If you’re like the majority of participants in the recent snacking survey, calories, portability and nutritional content, such as protein and fiber, are top considerations when choosing a snack. Moderation and balance are also important to successful snacking. To be sure you’re never caught without a smart snacking option, consider these snacking survival tips: • Look for snacks that combine food groups for an extra nutrition punch. For example, pair a low-fat dairy product, such as yogurt or cottage cheese, with fresh fruit for a tasty and satisfying treat.

• Don’t sacrifice calories for convenience. Many on-the-go bars are loaded with sugar and lack overall nutrition, but there are smart alternatives. Baked with pieces of real fruit and nongenetically modified ground whole soybeans, SOYJOY® is an all-natural, certified gluten-free snack bar available in seven delicious flavors. Each bar offers the perfect combination of carbohydrates, plant-based protein and fiber for only 130-140 calories. • When you need a little more to fill you up, opt for high-fiber and high-water foods. These options let you eat more volume without loading up the calories. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts are all good choices when you’re feeling extra hungry. Try 1/2 cup shelled edamame for a convenient, highfiber snack. • Keep quick, low-calorie snacks on hand. A large apple, three and a half cups of popcorn or a large handful of almonds (about 23) are all under 150 calories. The key is doing the math and measuring ahead of time so you’re not tempted to make a less healthy choice when you’re crunched for time and hunger strikes. • Manage your sweet tooth with better-for-you snack options. Every diet has room for indulgences once in a while, but save those for special occasions. When you’re craving something sweet, fruit can often appease your taste buds. Reach for frozen bananas, grapes or even a baked apple sprinkled with cinnamon. 34 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

KATE ZIEGLER, U.S. Olympic Swimmer

I’ VE LOGGED ENOUGH MILE S TO SWIM FROM THE U. S . TO AUSTR ALIA . I can hold my breath for 108 seconds. And to recharge and boost my performance, I choose vegetarian proteins and whole grains, like super-healthy rice and beans. Catch me if you can!

T E A M I N G U P 4 H E A LT H . O R G

TIPS To Make Your Kids

Photos courtesy of Getty Images


Kids are never too young to learn the skills of saving, budgeting, and other basics for becoming a money-wise individual. In fact, T. Rowe Price’s 2014 Parents, Kids & Money survey found that 60 percent of kids whose parents frequently talk to them about budgeting feel they are smart about money, as opposed to just 34 percent of kids whose parents do not. Financial experts agree that the sooner parents start imparting key money concepts, the more effective they will be in raising financially responsible adults. While it may seem like an involved topic, it’s as simple as starting a conversation. “There is a clear correlation between talking with kids about financial topics and their habits,” said Judith Ward, a senior financial planner with T. Rowe Price. “Parents can invest in their kids by talking to them weekly about money matters.” The survey also found that parents are having more financial conversations with boys rather than girls. “Boys and girls should have the same opportunities to learn about money matters at home so they can grow into financially savvy adults,” Ms. Ward says. “By talking to kids of either gender about things like saving for college, parents can help kids get involved and excited about their future.”

Tips for starting money conversations First, learn to engage in frequent money conversations with your kids. While you can sit down to discuss in a formal manner, casual dialog may be more effective and memorable. From trips to the grocery store to a visit to your neighborhood bank, there are plenty of real-world situations where you can teach your kids about spending, saving, and other money concepts. Ms. Ward offers these tips to help parents initiate conversation: • When discussing weekend plans: When your kids plan for weekend fun with friends, ask them how much the activities will cost. Find out if they have budgeted for these expenses and if they are saving for any other upcoming events. • When talking about their future: Ask your child what they wish to be when they grow up. This is a great opportunity to talk about what kind of college degree may be required for the profession, how much getting the degree can cost, and the need to save for it in advance. • When talking about extracurricular activities: When talking about extra activities like soccer, dance, karate, piano lessons and others, talk with your kids about the cost of each. Help them understand that all of these add up to a lot of money, so they can help you save by only doing the ones they really enjoy. Use these simple tips to help integrate money conversations into your daily lives — your kids will thank you later. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 37

Staying Sane ThisHoliday


by Marla Tomazin

Without a doubt, the holidays are a crazy time of year (as well as “the most wonderful”!). From the end of November to the beginning of January, most of us rush around nonstop, trying to fit in dozens of events, activities, and responsibilities. And even though most of us look forward to this special season all year long, it’s still easy to stretch yourself too thin in the midst of all the festivities. According to Marla Tomazin, that’s why it’s very important to take care of yourself as well as taking care of everyone else. “Most of us don’t realize just how demanding the holiday scramble can be until we’re exhausted, overwhelmed, or even sick,” points out Tomazin, who has been an image consultant for twenty years after earlier experience in the fashion industry. “The good news is, with a little prior planning and prioritizing, you can enjoy and cherish the things that are most important to you without having to run on fumes to make it through New Year’s Eve!” Tomazin promises that when you decide to have yourself a merry little Christmas, you’ll make more memories to cherish, you’ll be a more valuable help to your family, and you’ll be in a good position to enter the New Year already on a roll. Read on for her top take-care-of-you tips: Make a list and check it twice. Realistically, you can focus only on one or two big goals at a time, no matter how adept you are at multitasking. That’s why Tomazin recommends sitting down (right now!), deciding what is most important to you this holiday season, and prioritizing those things. If spending time with your family is at the top of your list, for example, put them first and consciously make sure that other things remain on the back burner. Or if eating well and maintaining your health is a primary goal, plan out a strategy beforehand so that you won’t be blindsided by buffet-table bounty. Most importantly, remember that you can’t do it all. 38 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

“I’ll never forget the year I specifically set aside time to spend with my mother,” Tomazin recalls. “She taught me to make the Italian cookies that she and her family had always enjoyed at this time of year. I couldn’t possibly put a price on learning to carry on this tradition, and the memories my mother and I made are certainly better than if we had gone shopping in one more store!” Give yourself the gift of health. When you’re this busy and stressed, it’s easy to become run down and spread yourself too thin. And on top of the strain that the holiday bustle can bring, it’s also cold and flu season…so make sure to take care of your physical needs. Tomazin recommends getting in some light exercise, even if you can work in only a short walk a few days a week. Also, be sure to drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, and avoid gorging on treats at every opportunity. Lastly, make a point to get enough sleep (DVR that late-night holiday special if you have to)! Tomazin promises that if you do all of these things, you’ll enter the New Year on a healthy foot. And that means that you won’t have to start all over on January 2nd and make a brand new set of “lose weight and live healthier” resolutions. Go on a date…with yourself. We tend to be more or less constantly surrounded by other people during the holidays; after all, it’s a season devoted to being with the ones you love! However, even when it comes to family and friends, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. To make sure you don’t become socially drained mid-season; make a point to do something by yourself every now and then. Maybe it’s sitting down to enjoy a cup of coffee in the middle of Christmas shopping, or going to see a romantic comedy without your kids. (A dinner with just your spouse can also serve this function if you’d rather not fly solo.) When you unwind and take a breather, Tomazin promises, your perspective will stay clear and your stress won’t become too overwhelming.

Plan ahead. Everyone talks about how the holidays “catch them by surprise” every year. In order to keep from being overwhelmed and overbooked in the coming weeks, Tomazin says that you need to look at your calendar right now. Start scheduling social engagements as soon as you become aware of them, and give yourself plenty of time to fulfill your own responsibilities so that you aren’t frantically gluing tinsel onto your daughter’s pageant costume at 2:00 a.m. the day before her big stage debut. This way, you’ll be able to enjoy seasonal events instead of just getting through them. Let yourself off the hook, and be okay with that. Unless you’re Martha Stewart, you’ll never have a picture-perfect holiday season. (Truthfully, most of us can identify more with Clark Griswold’s mishaps in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation as the beloved character tries to create a “good old-fashioned family Christmas.”) To save your sanity, realize ahead of time that you might forget to buy a gift for Great-Aunt Maude, that the dog might break a few low-hanging Christmas ornaments, and that you might not be able to make all eight dozen cookie recipes you’ve collected. That’s normal, Tomazin assures, so don’t beat yourself up. Keep your focus on what’s really important and you’ll be less tense and harried—as well as more resilient! Say no. Many of us have trouble saying no for a variety of reasons: We don’t want to let others down, we don’t want to be seen as weak, we’re afraid to refuse, etc. However, Tomazin points out that until you learn to say no when you need to, you’ll never be in the driver’s seat of your own life. She’s adamant that you don’t have to do it all—

nor should you. You don’t have to chair every event, host every party, and buy every gift on your kids’ lists. Again, Tomazin reminds, decide ahead of time what’s most important to you and prioritize those things. Then you can feel okay about saying no to some of the rest. Give yourself a gift (or two). Chances are, you’ve already started shopping for some of the items on your gift list. As you’re choosing the perfect presents for your spouse, kids, friends, and more, Tomazin reminds you not to forget yourself! Whether it’s an afternoon pedicure or a plush new robe to wear around the house during the chilly months, remember that it’s both okay and healthy to invest in yourself. This might even be the perfect opportunity to buy that fabulous dress you’ve been eyeing—after all, you can wear it to your and your spouse’s company parties or cocktail hours. Spending a few dollars or minutes on yourself might seem like a relatively small thing, but Tomazin promises that it can make a huge difference. “Ultimately, you don’t have to completely overhaul the way you approach the holidays to savor the upcoming season instead of feeling stressed by it,” Tomazin concludes. “By putting some prior thought into what you find most meaningful and important, and by acknowledging the importance of your own health and sanity, you’ll find that this is once again ‘the most wonderful time of the year’!”


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FOCUS of SWFL 2014 39

Tiffany heart-shaped solitaire diamond ring in platinum. Tiffany Enchant Keys (clockwise from top): primrose key pendant of diamonds in platinum and 18 karat rose gold; quatra heart pendant with pink and white diamonds in platinum and 18 karat rose gold; primrose key pendant of diamonds in platinum; scallop key pendant with yellow and white diamonds in platinum and 18 karat gold. Chain sold separately.

Ziegfeld locket in sterling silver. From The Great Gatsby collection by Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany T (from left): Square bracelet in 18 karat yellow gold, Cut-out cuff in 18 karat yellow gold with white ceramic, Large Chain bracelet in 18 karat yellow gold.

Tiffany & Co. Essence of Chic Sophistication

Original creations, beautifully crafted by Tiffany artisans with an exacting attention to detail. How each piece entails a signature moment in their life; that every wearer can tell you their own unique story of every "Blue Box" moment. Graceful and uncomplicated, these creations distill style to its very essence; they represent the attention to detail that makes for a fashion essential of enduring style. Every detail and variation distinguish's Tiffany & Co 177 year heritage as the premier jeweler of elegant simplicity.

Tiffany Blue Book 2014 rings

Atlas速 Weave cuffs in 18 karat gold and sterling silver Tiffany Blue Book 2014 bracelet

42 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

TIFFANY DIAMOND BRACELET AND EARRINGS Tiffany diamond drop earrings and a diamond bracelet in platinum

Photography by : Michael Simon

Rosie Huntington Whitely in a Tiffany T square bracelet in 18 karat gold and a Tiffany T cut-out cuff in 18 karat gold with white ceramic

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 43

A feminine woman radiating character, naturally chic and possessing her own unique style. By Photography Camilo GERMAIN-VIHEL

44 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Fashion & Style



Carrera y Carrera


Sculptural jewels of great movement in which all the firm’s savoir-faire is reflected. Impressive work represented in rings, earrings, and pendants crafted in yellow gold, yellow gold with diamonds, and white gold with diamonds.





1. LOVE Bracelet in White and Yellow Gold with Diamonds 2. Emperatriz Cascada Medium Necklace in Yellow Gold, Amethyst and Diamonds 3. LOVE Necklace in Yellow Gold and Pink Quartz 4. Emperatriz Cascada Maxi Ring in Yellow Gold, Amethyst and Diamonds 5. Emperatriz Bouquet Maxi Ring in Yellow Gold and Pink Sapphires 6. Emperatriz Mini Ring in Yellow Gold and Diamonds 7. Emperatriz Bouqet Mini Ring in Yellow and White Gold with Diamonds Page Photo. Olivia Palermo - Cervantes & VelĂĄzquez pieces FOCUS of SWFL 2014 45

Fashion & Style

A Moment in Time

Tory Chronograph Bracelet Watch A classic, sporty style with a round case and a bold bracelet – the epitome of tomboy chic

The very first watch collection in history available from this eponymous American lifestyle brand. A collection infused with signature Tory Burch design elements including decorative fretwork and geometric details, saffiano leather straps and the iconic double-T logo, as well as space on the back to engrave a personal message. Classic, graphic and colorful, it earned the prestigious Swiss Made craftsmanship label, which is governed by laws to ensure the highest quality possible.

Reva Logo Leather Strap Watch, Navy Gold Named after Tory’s mother, the Reva is defined by an iconic double-T logo dial and comes in a full spectrum of colors Buddy Signature Double Wrap Leather Strap Watch, Black Gold Named after Tory’s father, a vintage-inspired with single or double-wrap leather straps and textured and smooth cases

Limited Edition Robinson Bangle Watch A limited-edition style — only 500 were produced — the Tory Burch 10-year anniversary watch is named after Tory’s parents, Buddy and Reva Robinson Izzie Clear Case Watch With Leather Strap, Orange Gold Graphic and modern, Izzie features a bold, clear square case inlaid with geometric fretwork, a signature design element of Tory Burch 46 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Sawyer Bangle Watch One of Tory’s favorites, a limited-edition watch inspired by a bracelet Tory’s grandmother often wore. Tory loves this piece because it works as a chic piece of jewelry and has utility

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 47

1998 Jaeger-LeCoultre 101 ring-watch

Fashion & Style

Jaeger-LeCoultre 48 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Ever since the 16th century, ladies’ watches have delighted in reinventing the rules of the game of seduction: exploring the full spectrum from invisible to dazzling and from concealment to revealment, while engaged in a perpetual quest to strike the perfect balance between beauty, refinement and telling the time. Jaeger-LeCoultre has enriched this tradition by creating “secret” watches with covers, as well as swivelling and pivoting models, rings and pendants, covering a range of styles streatching from the purity of Art Deco to the most expressive floral motifs.

1954 Jaeger-LeCoultre Ladies' watch

Radiating ultimate aesthetic appeal and supreme elegance, these creations unite the twin arts of exceptional watchmaking and fine jewellery. Such masterpieces could only be created in the workshops of the Manufacture that so fully masters the subtle intricacies of mechanical perfection and the most exquisitely delicate gem-setting techniques.

Over the centuries and in step with changing dress codes, women have determined the aesthetic of time and the ways in which it is worn. They have adopted all manner of innovations and horological complications. They have combined beauty and perfection, thereby enabling watchmaking to draw nurture from the art of jewellery and goldsmithing. Whether hung from a long sautoir necklace, attached to the belt by a “châtelaine” chain, concealed within a brooch or a snuffbox, watches have displayed the multiple, ever-changing and secret facets of their nature – very much like women themselves. And when 18th and 19th century customs held that ladies had no need to measure time or to enquire about the time when in company, the dance of the hours was delicately cloaked in pearls and precious stones.

Jaeger-LeCoultre has always lavished special attention on feminine timepieces, in terms of both their aesthetic and their mechanism. In particular, this tradition dates back to the smallest round movements with an extremely small diameter, such as the LeCoultre Calibre 7HP created in the 1880s, and which equipped enamelled watches set with diamonds and pearls, generally worn around the neck.

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 49

Beauty & Style

Mauve and Burgundy Lids: Models at DVF and Rodarte worked lids in warm tones of taupe, burgundy, mauve, and brown. The look was fresh with just a hint of roughness. (Try Merle Norman Color Max Shadow in Desert Shimmer or Chocolate Sun.) For Fall/Winter 2014, runways at New York Fashion Week showed everything from ethereal, radiant skin to contoured eyes in shades of mauve and burgundy. All were linked by an overall minimalistic hand, making these looks easier than ever to try at home. We’re excited to share some of the latest on-trend launches from Merle Norman that you can use to emulate runway beauty:

Punk-Inspired Liners: For those who want to make a more daring statement, look no further than the dramatically lined eyes seen at at Herve Leger and Chanel. (Try Merle Norman Pro Pen Eyeliner in Sharp Black.)

All Nude Everything: Velvety smooth, all-nude faces with natural pink lips were a big trend at Stella McCartney, Chloe, Narciso Rodriguez and countless others. (Try Merle Norman NEW CC Cream Broad Spectrum SPF 30.)

Back to Berry Lips: The oh-so popular bold lip seen at Rebecca Minkoff and Naeem Khan is definitely making a comeback this season in shades of red, berry and wine. (Try Merle Norman Age Defying+ Lipcolor in Heartbreaker or Rich Raisin.)

Garrett Leight California Optical Fall/Holiday 2014 collection of opticals and sunglasses. This season GLCO focused on their core collection while incorporating fresh hues, layered mirror lenses and new sizing options. Never-before-seen opticals include Wellesley, a defined frame with custom vintage hues, Dewey, a quirky yet classic thin acetate frame and Washington, a stylish acetate and metal frame. Newly released sunglasses include Washington, Bentley (previously offered in optical) and Valita, an aluminum frame paired with layered lenses. Kinney, one of GLCO's best-selling optical styles, is now available with clip to double as a sunglass. Layered mirror lenses make a statement in Pacific, Kinney and Harding styles, in shimmering red, blue, green, gold and silver. Dillon and Wilson, two classic styles offered in both sun and optical, are now available in a slightly larger size. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 51

Beauty & Care

Most wine lovers often wonder about their life choices and try to figure out where they are going with their obsession. It’s true that most are guilty of overindulgence at some point of time or the other. But what if someone told you that these wine habits have actually made people live longer due to resveratrol.

Resveratrol Merlot Moisture Day Cream: This rich yet lightweight formula is quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving it feeling hydrated and replenished. This cream will complete your daily skincare regimen, keeping your skin soft and radiant looking all day.

Resveratrol is a dual antioxidant (possesses antioxidant and anti-angiogenic properties) that prevents future signs of aging and can also help to repair existing lines/spots on your body and skin. The use of resveratrol is believed to help slow the aging process and retain a timeless youthful appearance. Vine Vera is a line of skin care products with the main ingredient resveratrol. So instead of having that one glass of red wine each night to keep the doctor away – try using the following Vine Vera products that have formulated resveratrol alongside other extraordinary anti-aging ingredients into miracle formulas for all types of skin.

Resveratrol Merlot Nourishing Night Cream: This ultra-soothing cream will restore the hydration that your skin loses throughout the day, relieving dryor rough skin caused by the day’s harshness. Formulated with Shea Butter and Resveratrol, your skin will look more radiant by morning.

Vine-Vera Cleansing Kit: The Vine Vera Merlot Collection Cleansing Kit comes with a Resveratrol Milk Cleanser and Resveratrol Balance Toner.

How To Use: Step 1) Apply a generous amount of the Resveratrol Milk Cleanser on a cotton ball to remove impurities from the face and neck areas. Return the action until you have a clean cotton ball. Step 2) Soak a cotton ball in the Resveratrol Balance Toner to remove impurities and hydrate the face and neck areas. Repeat action as needed. Both steps formulated for everyday use.


Healthy Hair & Skin

Whether quick and efficient or long and relaxing, 61 percent of Americans would rather give up brushing their teeth for a week than remove showering from their daily routines, according to a recent survey commissioned by Delta Faucet. While people may recognize the value of a steaming shower, they may not consider the effects water temperature and beauty rituals have on the body and mind. Healthier hair, softer skin and less stress can be achieved by following a few simple steps: • Glowing skin. Cold water can cause pores to tighten, making it difficult to thoroughly clean skin. Conversely, hot water can dry out skin, causing it to become tight. To offer peace of mind and ensure the temperature of the water flowing from your shower or bathtub spout is right for you, Delta Faucet introduced Temp2O Technology – a digital temperature display featuring LED color indicators to easily identify water temperature ranges. • Luxurious locks. Where cold water can reduce hair volume, hot water can strip locks of natural oils, leaving hair dry and brittle. Most shampoos work best with a moderate water temperature so be aware of hot versus cold when treating your hair. • Olive your new look. Whether harsh summer sun or cold, dry winters – damaged, dehydrated hair can happen year round. Repairing distressed hair does not always mean you need to make an appointment at the salon or stock up on expensive hair treatments. Simply look in your kitchen cabinet. Olive oil adds moisture and shine to lackluster hair, so treat it – wet or dry – at a fraction of the cost. 54 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


• Turn up the volume. After a shower or bath, tousle your hair from root to crown with your fingertips as you blow-dry to create the illusion of fuller hair. When strands are dry, give the roots extra lift by back-combing undersides with a clean, dry toothbrush. Rather than tearing at hair with a comb, the soft bristles will grip and rough up strands just enough to maintain lift. • Relaxing fruit bath. After a tough day of sun exposure, stress and pollution – a bath set at the appropriate temperature can help de-stress the body and mind. Start by running a warm bath – 80 to 100 degrees – with a half-gallon of milk and lavender oil, and rub pureed watermelon, a natural anti-inflammatory, on the skin for a soothing finish. • Drink up. We’ve all heard about the benefits of drinking water – and they’re true. Add a few slices of cucumber or mint leaves to a glass of ice water for a post bath or shower refresher. Skin care expert and research scientist Warren Wallo explains, “Water helps flush toxins from your body and hydrates your system, for healthy-looking skin and a soft, natural glow.” No matter what your beauty routine may be, the right shower and bathing temperatures make a difference.

Skin Care

As temperatures drop, heaters clank on and the wind whips up, the battle for healthy skin begins. Dry air depletes skin's natural oils and moisture, flaring up itchy and painful conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and severe dry skin. Creating a multi-step skin care routine with hydrating serums and creams can help prevent flare ups caused by winter's harsh conditions, and selecting formulas with calming ingredients like mesima mushroom, sulfur, and argan oil can treat existing inflammation and redness. Amarte, a luxe Korean skin care brand, offers new decadent, moisture-rich hydrators that deliver these unique botanicals deeply into skin using nanotechnology, to calm, clarify and soothe skin for a supple, moisturized complexion through the coldest of temperatures.

Aqua Veil速 Pure Hydration Serum: Rich in natural herbs and intensive moisturizing ingredients, this deeply hydrating formula optimizes skin's ability to absorb and retain moisture. A visible magic-water veil is formed immediately upon application with resultant coolness and softness. To use, gently massage into skin twice daily. Aqua Lotion速: Rich in antioxidants and natural arbutin, this ultra-light, water-based facial lotion smoothes and brightens dehydrated skin. Its silky formula enhances skin's clarity and transparency, improving tone and texture while adding softness. To use, gently massage into skin twice daily.

Aqua Cream速: This brightening antioxidant facial moisturizer is rich in arbutin and 1% retinol that ramps up smoothness and softness while delivering a bright glow. To use, gently massage into skin twice daily.

Wonder Cream: Nutrient-rich and therapeutic, the advanced Korean formula uses a proprietary complex of ActivElements速 to gently diminish freckles and sunspots, reduce lines and wrinkles and lovingly exfoliate for a supple, translucent complexion. Unique mushroom emollient enhances immunity and shields skin from inflammatory triggers, irritation, environmental toxins and UV damage

56 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Skin Care

Dry, flaky, red and itchy skin is all too common during winter months, as the combination of dry indoor heat and harsh outdoor air disrupts the natural pH balance of our skin. To keep skin smooth and soft this season, I recommend swapping your summer and fall regimens for a moisture-rich routine specifically designed to treat and prevent winter’s worst skin symptoms. These easy tips will optimize your skin’s protective barrier to retain moisture during dry weather and repel environmental irritants that exacerbate dry skin: • Tip #1: Apply body lotion within three minutes of your shower. Skin

loses water to radiator heat, dry air and hot water all day long, so it’s important to replenish and balance moisture content after every shower. To seal in hydration, at (don’t rub) skin with a towel and apply a pH balanced moisturizer, like Sebamed Moisturizing Body Lotion, while skin is still damp.

• Tip #2: Don’t forget your day cream! Day cream is an essential prep step for

going outside on a cold winter's day, because it creates a protective barrier from harsh winter weather. Sebamed Anti-Dry Day Defence Cream uses the smoothing and soothing properties of avocado oil (with skin-related lipids, Vitamins A and E) help to protect sensitive, dry skin. The cream slides easily over the skin where it is totally absorbed, leaving no sticky traces or residue.

• Tip #3: Bring in a heavy duty night cream to recover from summer

damage. Undo winter wind damage while you sleep by switching to a restorative night cream like Sebamed Anti-Dry Night Intensive Cream, which works to protect, smooth, calm and regenerate the skin without clogging pores. The intensive and rich properties stimulate the skin's own renewal process overnight for fresher skin by morning.

• Tip #4: Strengthen hands and nails with a healing balm. Leave your

chapped hands and hangnails behind by using a multi-tasking balm like Sebamed Hand & Nail Balm, which uses keratin to strengthen nails against breakage while also relieving dry skin. To retain maximum moisture, apply Sebamed Hand & Nail Balm and cover with moisturizing hand gloves for an easy overnight treatment.

Amope Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot File The revolutionary new electronic file helps to remove rough, hard skin by gently exfoliating and buffing feet, revealing luxuriously smooth results after just one use. Featuring a micralumina roller head with microabrasive particles and an ergonomically-designed shape, the Amope Pedi Perfect makes an at-home pedicure easier and faster than ever! The Amope Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot File will be available at drugstores nationwide, including Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Amazon and

G.M. Collin skincare, Daily Ceramide Comfort Capsules a Daily Ceramide Comfort system is a replenishing and nourishing skin care supplement in practical single dose capsules that protects the skin against environmental elements and reduces the skin stress and irritation while improving hydration. It’s sold for $95 at spas nationwide and select online retailers. WWW.GMCOLLIN.COM 58 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Family & More The Fresh Market is a staff favorite for the third year running. Providing wonderful healthly options for lunch and dinner, with a friendly and knowladgeable staff always willing to help. Stop by your local store for healthly choices this holiday season. We suggest you check out their step-by-step presentations by checking the website or asking the staff at one of many locations. If not, ask questions, learn, get a recipe, pick up a cook book and enjoy the selection. WWW.THEFRESHMARKET.COM

Melitta USA, a brand well-recognized for exceptional quality in all aspects of coffee and coffee preparation. Producing a the full range of gourmet coffee products for major retail chains and small specialty stores across the country. Melitta has dedicated itself to providing the ultimate coffee experience with its premium line of coffee, coffee filters and high quality coffee makers, bringing European indulgence to life. The company was founded in 1908 by Melitta Bentz, after receiving a patent for her coffee filtering system consisting of a filter and filtration paper. The filter system was the first to successfully remove coffee residue in the brewing process, revolutionizing the way coffee was brewed. WWW.MELITTA.COM

VOGA Italia

Imported from Italy by Enovation Brands, Inc., Red Fusion joins VOGA’s collection of meticulously crafted, strikingly packaged wines and reflects the VOGA Italia mission to produce distinctive, high-quality wines for the modern wine consumer. Made from a blend of 65% Zinfandel and 35% Cabernet Sauvignon from Salento, known as the “heel of the Italian boot”, the terroir and hot, sunny southern Italian climate are unmistakable in the soft mouth feel and lush fruit flavors of this bold, provocative wine.


Invented by a mom who was tired of replacing her son’s expensive tech gear, Bheestie is a unique accessory that can save pricey tech gadgets in a water emergency (smart phone, iPad, lap top, etc.)! Bheestie is essential to have on hand in case of a major water mishap. Anytime personal electronics get wet, Bheestie offers speedy recovery. Bheestie is simple, dry, and effective- specially designed for safe-keeping of expensive personal electronics.


Oral Care System includes a variety of high-quality products such as toothpaste, mouthwash and breath spray. All of the products are alcohol-free, sulfate-free and are pH balanced which helps protect mouths from being too acidic. The breath spray is a holiday party purse must have! Plus, CloSYS offers a travel-size kit that is a must-have for healthy travel!

Cold-EEZE Cold Remedy – recommended by Dr. Jennifer Collins, New York based Physician specializing in Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology - is a homeopathic cold remedy clinically proven to shorten the duration of a cold by almost half! Its main ingredient, zinc gluconate, relieves symptoms including cough, runny nose, hoarseness, etc and is linked to boosting the immune system and decreasing viral activity. WWW.COLDEEZE.COM

60 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


Did you know your cell phone is 18 times dirtier than a public toilet? We are constantly transferring bacteria onto our devices from everything we touch. You wash your hands, but never clean your phone. The PhoneSoap Charger is the first and only cell phone charger that cleans and sanitizes your phone in less than five minutes while it charges, and it is the safest and most complete way to kill all the bacteria growing on your phone. Using UV light to safely get rid of bacteria, the PhoneSoap charger does not use heat, liquid or chemicals. PhoneSoap Charger is universal, and designed to fit even the largest smartphones. No need to worry if you want to charge and clean your phone overnight, the PhoneSoap charger has unique acoustic outlets designed to let you hear your notifications and alarms even when your phone is inside. You will be able to hear your alarm, notifications and calls loud and clear.

Flik Flops

Every pink and blue step will be a light-up adventure for your kids with Flik Flops! These adorable flip flops have unique LED lights on the outsole of the shoes creating a vibrant, lighted path with every step! Kids love the interactive design, and parents appreciate the visibility of the LED lights at night for added safety while walking. Launched last year, Flik Flops are the mastermind of a seven-year-old! Available in girls and boys sizes. Today’s top smartphones can do just about everything, and with the newest case from OtterBox, they can go just about everywhere. From the No. 1 trusted case brand for smartphone protection comes a new line that allows technology users to embrace all the wet, messy, spontaneous fun life has to offer. The OtterBox Preserver Series allows smartphone users to take on life’s daily adventures and extraordinary pursuits without thinking about the safety of their devices. WWW.OTTERBOX.COM

Endless Games

Endless Games is always on the cutting edge of games that are fun for the whole family! For ages 3 to 103, Endless Games offers card, dice, party, word, strategy, trivia, survey and pop culture games for everyone! Games like Oddly Obvious, the wild new party game where all the answers are right in front of you. One player reads clues while the other players race to spot the correct answers on a game card. The trick, the answers are each in different fonts and colors, written up, down, and even upside down. Shout out the most correct answers to win. It's not as easy as you think! And, CRAZY LEGS, is a brand new game that gets players up and moving. Each space on the game board represents a new physical challenge for children and families to jump, twist, shake and exercise their way to victory!


Whole body care for face, lips, hands, feet and body. For all skin conditions including: dry, chapped, calloused, cracked, sun-damaged skin, rashes, burning, itching and wrinkles! Simply rub into the problem area well.. a little goes a long way, so a jar lasts an incredibly long time. It does not result in a greasy look or feel because it is readily absorbed as nourishment. Ingredients include: tallow (from 100% grass-fed organic cows), olive oil (extra virgin, organic) and essential oils. Available in eight scents and two sizes... two ounces and nine ounces. Great for babies (diaper rash), eczema, after shave for men and so much more!

Dotmine Day Planners

Dotmine Day Planners, chic and trendy day planners that are perfect for students (and parents) of all ages! The concept is simple: create fashionable, functional and affordable day planners to help manage your busy schedule. The end goal: increase efficiency, minimize chaos and maximize happiness! You don't have to plug it in, sync it, click it or charge it. Paper planners are at the ready, with a clear view of your day, week and month. Dotmine Day Planners savvy planning tools meet the needs of busy students with a place for master/class schedules, notes and monthly and weekly planning pages. These planners go for 17-months, August-December and they're reasonably priced

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 61

Home & More

Macy’s is celebrating the holiday season with a wide variety of affordable and on-trend gifts that are sure to excite and enchant everyone on your holiday gift list. Whether shopping for fashionistas, foodies or techies, Macy’s carries top designers and products for all your holiday gifting needs. Among Macy’s offerings for the holiday season is the retailer’s curated collection of Star Gifts, the secret to becoming the ultimate gift-giver, featuring favorite brands at the best prices. “The gift giving season can be a very busy time, so we aim to make the shopping experience stress-free through easily accessible gift ideas for everyone on your list,” said Susan Bertelsen, Group Vice President of Macy’s By Appointment. “With locations nationwide and available 24 hours a day, we can help customers find their favorite brands and designers at the most convenient time for them to shop.”

Martha Stewart Collection Harlow Dinnerware Collection

The Cellar 3-Piece Large Square Salad Set

The Cellar Whiteware Words Set of 4 Stemless Wine Glasses

Macy's has a variety of fun gift options that will make every room in the house merry and bright. For a touch of personalization that every girl will appreciate, gift her with monogrammed plates and mugs by Kate Spade New York, in bold colors and charming prints. Give the gift of rest and relaxation with a Homedics shiatsu foot massager or natural sounds spa, as well as plush bath robes and quilts from Martha Stewart Collection. Add a little twinkle to that special tree with this year's stunning ornaments from Waterford Crystal and Swarovski. Looking for a gift that will please just about anyone? The Keurig 2.0 and Bodum Bistro French press will have your loved ones starting the morning off right.

Martha Stewart Collection Copper Accent 12 pc Stainless Steel Cookware

Charter Club Set of 4 Lace Chargers Gold FOCUS of SWFL 2014 63

Stay Cool & Succeed

By Ginny Grimsley

We all ask ourselves the same desperate question from time to time:

How am I going to make this work?! “No matter how well we’ve done laying the groundwork for everything to run smoothly – becoming educated, choosing the right spouse, treating others well -- we all face situations that challenge us,” says Dr. Robert J. Cerfolio, a world-renowned cardiothoracic surgeon known as “the Michael Jordan of lung surgery.” “If we can keep our cool and adhere to some basic principles, we can not only meet any challenge – we can perform with excellence.” A high-performance athlete in high school and college, Dr. Cerfolio parlayed his talents and focus into pursuing his medical career and creating a happy family with his cherished wife, Lorraine, and their three sons.

Photographer Kulish Viktoriia

But after battling breast cancer, Lorraine recently passed away. Cerfolio, author of “Super Performing at Work and at Home: The Athleticism of Surgery and Life,” shares the principles that helped him through that greatest of all challenges and lesser ones along the way. “Apply these principles in work, sports and life in general, and you can become a super performer,” he says. • Pressure equals opportunity. It’s when something matters that the pressure starts to build; this is where the rubber meets the road for sports-to-life analogies. “In sports as in life, remember your training; follow through just like you did during practice; visualize success; believe it will happen,” Dr. Cerfolio says. “With friends, for example, high-pressure moments can be those times when they need you. The best way to have great friends is to be a great friend.” • Strive to hit .400 every year – keep your eye on the prize; write it down. “My high school gave out an award each year to the best student athlete in each grade,” he says. “I wrote down that I wanted to win the Klein Award in the ninth, 10th and 11th grades, and to win the most prestigious award at the senior graduation, the Deetjen Award. He accomplished most of those goals, and a key to those achievements was writing them down and placing the paper where, for four years, he could see it every night. “By writing them down, I had made my goals clear and objective.”

• Lean toward a “we-centered” ego rather than a “mecentered” one. “When I traded in my baseball uniform for surgical scrubs, I noticed the importance of stripping the many layers of the ego I once had,” Dr. Cerfolio says. “This is really important: Your ego doesn’t need to be visible to everyone -- or even anyone but yourself.” Being a top performer requires ego – it helps fuel self-confidence and provides some of the motivation necessary to achieve. But it should not hinder the performance of your team: your coworkers, friends and family. Over time, by keeping your ego to yourself, it becomes easier to enact a team-oriented ego, rather than a “meoriented” one. • Time to quit? Rub some dirt on it. In life, work is unavoidable, so embrace it, go big, and appreciate the rewards. No matter how difficult the challenge you face or how much it may hurt to meet that challenge, push through and give it your all. “Yes, there’s a chance you won’t succeed, or won’t succeed to the degree you’d like. But you stand zero chance of success if you don’t meet that challenge and give it everything you’ve got,” Dr. Cerfolio says. “You owe it to yourself and your team, whether that’s your ball team, your family team or your work team. When you sign up for any team, by definition you promise your time, effort and 100 percent commitment. You have to be at every game and every practice on time and ready to go.” FOCUS of SWFL 2014 67

Lieutenant Governor | Jennifer Carroll

68 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

What It Takes to Thrive in Male-Dominated Professions

by Ginny Grimsley

Ninety-four years after women’s suffrage in the United States, intelligent and well-educated females still battle stereotypes, discrimination and, sometimes, their own fears, when working in male-dominated professions. And there are still many of those! From the famously boys-club cultures of Silicon Valley to construction and the automotive industry, guys remain the standard in many industries – that also tend to pay better than female-dominated fields. “Sure, women face challenges, some of them pretty unpleasant, when they’re the minority in their chosen profession,” says Jennifer Carroll, the first female – and first black – elected lieutenant governor of Florida under Gov. Rick Scott, and a retired U.S. Navy lieutenant commander.

“My husband has stayed true to the core through all the ups and downs we’ve experienced,” she says. “He’s secure in who he is, which has brought me a sense of strength and helped me ascend to whatever levels I chose.” Likewise, her children – Nolan, Nyckie and Necho – are staunch supporters no matter what happens. Through the most difficult times, their main concern has always been, “How is mommy feeling? Is she okay?” • Have a deep and trusting faith in God. “I believe God will always make a path through the storm. I believe you have to go through the storm to get to what’s waiting on the other side and afterward, you’ll be stronger and more capable of handling whatever comes,” she says. That faith, that God had a purpose for even the most seemingly unjust and unkind actions of others, helped Carroll when emotions including depression, anger and betrayal threatened to overwhelm. “You have to trust that and when you do, you don’t allow yourself to engage in behaviors that conflict with your values,” she says. “You maintain your self-esteem, your self-respect, and the respect of those who know and love you.”

Photographer Stacy Ferris

Carroll, who shares her experiences in her new autobiography, “When You Get There,” says what she learned in childhood and in the military helped her to not only succeed, but to be strong and confident through even the most difficult times. “When you’re struggling, you never think you’ll be better off because of it, particularly if you’re a good person who’s trying to do well,” she says. “You learn to adjust and come out of these trying times stronger and more prepared for what’s truly intended for you.” Here are some of her suggestions for women working in maledominated companies and industries. • Don’t neglect or fail to nurture family bonds – they will sustain you through anything. Carroll married Nolan Carroll while she was in the Navy, and raised three children and cared for her aging parents even as she rose through the ranks and then entered politics. Throughout, she made sure family was her priority.

• Be a team player. Her 20 years in the military taught Carroll, who’d been a loner as a child, the value of being a good team player. Despite her difficult two years working as the second in command to a governor who severely limited her role, Carroll persevered in working to support him, including pursuing votes and legislation using her talents and the strong relationships she had built as a legislator. “Some people might ask, ‘Why did you keep trying to help him when it was clear he didn’t want your help?’ It may appear futile, if you focus only how things ended,” she says. But that’s not her focus. “I can look back and be proud of what I was able to accomplish during my time in office,” she says. “Just one example: As Chairwoman of Space Florida, I was instrumental in creating thousands of new private sector, space and aerospace-related jobs. I helped transition Florida into a post-space shuttle era, so we could remain the space activity capital of the world. I managed a program that enabled 15 new or growing aerospace-related programs to thrive. They’ll bring us nearly 2,000 jobs over the next five years. “I’m very happy about what those accomplishments, and others, mean for my state.” FOCUS of SWFL 2014 69

5 C’s

for Building a Successful Business

By Marsha Friedman

• Courage Thirty years ago, I probably would never have said it takes courage to lead a small business, but without it, I assure you, you’ll fail. There are dragons and quicksand and dark woods all around. You’ll find them in the day-to-day problems, the obstacles you didn’t see lying in wait, the risks you must take, and the stresses involved with honoring your obligations to everyone working with and for you. Trust me, your courage will grow every time you push your fear behind you and deal with what frightens you. Which will also help you build confidence.

Small businesses have made a huge recovery since the economic crash in 2008 and that’s good news for all of us. Since we account for 63 percent of new jobs, our success puts people back to work. That, in turn, helps us even more – people with paychecks buy stuff! And here’s more good news: The number of new businesses launching has grown each year since hitting a low in 2009. One report put it at 540,000 new businesses a month this year. In hopes of contributing in my own small way, I thought I’d share my 5 C’s for building a business. These are the guiding principles I’ve learned in the 24 years since I founded EMSI Public Relations. Through the ups and downs and all the mistakes, I’ve found that if I keep my compass set on the 5 C’s, we always make it through to smoother waters.

What are the C’s? • Caring It starts with caring enough about yourself and your dreams to stay committed to achieving your goals. (Giving up is never a good option!) You have to care enough about yourself to firmly believe that you deserve success and the good things that come with it. Just as important is caring about your staff and creating a positive work environment for them. Protect their sanity from the clients who want to chew them up and from new hires who don’t fit in and hurt morale. Be supportive when stressful situations arise in their lives outside of work. And ensure everyone has the knowledge and tools they need to be successful. None of us gets far at all if we don’t care about our customers. Give them the best exchange possible for their money; define expectations so that they understand the end product you are delivering and for which they are paying. Be willing to listen to their concerns, take responsibility for mistakes, and correct them.

• Confidence Think of the many challenges you’ve faced in your life, and the many times you’ve overcome them. Bring that confidence to your business. Believing that you can reach for and achieve your short- and long-term goals is essential to getting you there. • Competence Competence comes from knowledge and experience. Hone it by staying up on the trends and disruptions in your industry. One of the most important roles a CEO plays is as the visionary for his or her company. That means you can’t, and shouldn’t, take on jobs within your company for which you’re not qualified. You’ll make yourself miserable and your business will suffer. Hire an accountant to handle the financials. Get marketing help if that’s not your thing. As for employees, take the time to hire competent people who you’ll trust in their jobs – and then trust them! • Commitment Stay dedicated to your goals no matter how difficult that becomes. That may mean taking painful measures, as it did for me after the 9/11 terrorist attacks put the brakes on the economy. There came a point for my business when all hope looked lost. I had to make drastic cuts, including letting go beloved employees. For more than a year, I ramped up marketing efforts, diversified our services, and took other steps to get the business out of the red. In 2005, I succeeded – and it has been upward and onward ever since. Building my business has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I get a lot of pleasure from helping our clients meet their goals. I enjoy coming to work and spending time with the team I’m blessed to call part of the family. We laugh loudly and often! If you’ve recently launched a new business, know that you’ll encounter challenges. Don’t panic! Remember the 5 C’s and forge ahead with caring, courage, confidence, competence and commitment. About Marsha Friedman Marsha Friedman is a public relations expert with 25 years’ experience developing publicity strategies for celebrities, corporations and media newcomers alike. Using the proprietary system she created as founder and CEO of EMSI Public Relations, an award-winning national agency, she secures thousands of top-tier media placements annually for her clients. The former senior vice president for marketing at the American Economic Council, Marsha is a sought-after advisor on PR issues and strategies. She shares her knowledge in her Amazon best-selling book, Celebritize Yourself, and as a popular speaker at organizations around the country. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 71

How To Get Motivated: 4 strategies that work

By Anna Aparicio

Because here is the thing: you may have a burning desire to do something, you may have the best will in the world, you may even know all the reasons why you should do it… but if you haven't done it yet, don't be surprised. Getting motivated doesn't happen by coincidence or by miracle. Motivation is not something that some people have and others don't either. It is something we all do, consciously or unconsciously, everyday! Motivation is not something you have or don't have; it is something you do Take training; for example, notice I say training, and not exercising! We want to do it, we know it is good for us, we know it is going to make us look better and feel better… but after a hard day's work, when tiredness sets in, who would blame us for wanting to slouch on the couch and watch some TV while eating our favorite treat? Well, think of taking a shower for a moment. Most of us do it every day. We don't wait until we are all stinky to clean ourselves. We do it because it is the right thing to do; it is time to take a shower. We are able to do this because we have built up this good habit over the years through repetition. We do it at the same time, in the same place, following the same routine, which is so ingrained in our unconscious that we are barely aware of the process. If you want to get to the point where your training routine goes as smoothly as your shower routine, start following the following these rules:

1# IDENTIFY EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO DO Answer these questions:

What do you want specifically? When do you want it by? Where? With whom? What for? What will happen if you achieve that? What if you don't achieve that? Is it under your control? Is it worth it? You see, when setting up goals, a lot of people do it wrong. They state what they want to have, not what they want to do; things like "I want to be slim", "I want a six pack" or "I want to have toned arms"… But, what do you want to do? Because it is as a result of you doing what you need to do that you will get to have what you want. Your objective needs to be stated in a way that your brain understands it. And just like your computer, your brain needs 3 things: affirmative statements that are direct and very specific. If you are just thinking it then it is not an objective, it is just a thought. So, put pen to paper and write your answers to the questions above.

If you don't know what you want, how will you know when you've got there? 72 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Again, if you don't have a plan, all you have is a lovely thought. I suggest you get yourself a diary, an excel sheet, a calendar, whatever works for you, and devise your personal strategy. A strategy to suit your lifestyle, your working schedule, etc… Keeping the end result in mind, what is the first step you need to take in order for you to do what you need to do? And after that? What's next? Do you have all the resources you need (resources are materials, books, money, people…), or do you need help? If it's going to take you 12 weeks to get a six pack, set a date and work backwards from there. If you want to lose a stone in 3 weeks, do the same. Break your objective into smaller, more achievable chunks, so that this week you know exactly what you are doing with regards to training and nutrition, and you can focus on just that. As I tell my clients, it's one week at a time, one day at a time. You see, now you have more than just a nice thought; now you have a plan of action. And believe it or not, this is what most people lack. It's hard to get motivated if you don't know what you want to get motivated for! And what are you going to do when you are tired, sad, in a mad mood, frustrated…? You must put strategies in place, so when that happens, and it will, you know exactly what to do. You have to become a bit of a ninja! continued on page 74...

Photography by Ryan Pike


3# FIND OUT WHAT FIRES YOU UP There are a lot of things that we need to or should do, but that doesn't mean we do them. So I want you to try on the following sentences, simply add what you want to be able to do at the end. For example, if you want to go to the gym every day at 6pm for an hour, try these on. Say them out loud:

I should go to the gym – I need to go to the gym – I have to go to the gym – I'd better go to the gym I could go to the gym – I can go to the gym – I will go to the gym – I'm going to the gym Do this a few times and notice which one creates the strongest feeling within you, like you want to go do it. You've just unlocked your personal motivational language. Make sure you use it from now on!

It's vital that you build a propulsion system that makes you feel good and look forward to doing the things you want to do, so that you want to do them more and more. This is how you get to build up new more useful habits to last you a lifetime. I've just shared 4 motivational strategies with you, that when you use them, they will help you get more stuff done and achieve more, faster. They can be applied in any area of your life. These strategies have helped transform some of my clients from couch potatoes into fitness freaks, so good luck to you!

4# IMAGINE YOURSELF SUCCEEDING One of the main functions of the brain is to prove itself right. So, whatever you focus on is magnified, as the brain thinks it is an objective of yours. Also, the brain doesn't know the difference between a vividly imagined memory and reality. This is why if you want to do something, it's vital you imagine yourself doing it like this (read this resource fully before you do it): Think of yourself doing the thing you want to do, training in the gym, or whatever. When you think about it you may notice the thought to be at a certain distance from you, a certain size, and in a certain place. Just make sure you see yourself in it, looking happy, positive and really enjoying what you are doing. Now, imagine the thought getting bigger and bigger until it's almost panoramic. Make sure it's big, bold and colorful, maybe add some sound to it, and notice how good you feel.

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Now, imagine you can float outside of your body and into yourself in the image, so you can see through your eyes, hear through your ears and feel how good it feels to be doing what you are doing and loving it too! Intensify everything even more, so the colors are brighter, the sounds louder and the feelings stronger. Now, tell yourself in your most motivating voice "Go For It!" Now, take a deep breath through the nose and magnify the feelings so you feel even more motivated! Repeat 3 times, first sitting down, and then standing up, and notice how you feel even more motivated!

74 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

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Prepare to be

By Karen Sulprizio

The gulf coast area of Sarasota/Bradenton may be renowned for beaches and balmy weather, but many would not be surprised to know that it includes an array of fun and educational areas that can defy the imagination. The Bishop Planetarium at the South Florida Museum is, by far, one of the must-go-to highlights. There is so much to see and do at the museum, that we have created two articles for you and will include the South Florida Museum and Parker Manatee Aquarium in the second article. The planetarium offers residents and visitors alike the chance to participate in some of the highest quality, 3-D simulation, multi-media adventures, with the latest high tech audio and visual presentations. One visit to the Bishop Planetarium is guaranteed to give you that ‘wow’ experience and you will be returning for more. As part of the incredible South Florida Museum, the Bishop Planetarium is the area’s premier astronomy and educational facility. Located on 10th Street in Bradenton, FL, the theatre is a full dome, using the Digistar system and incorporates unidirectional stadium style seating with a 25,000 watt Dolby 5.1 digital surround sound system. What this means is that you walk through the doors and are immediately transported to a 3-D simulation HD viewing and sound extravaganza. Using the specially designed software, the Bishop Planetarium can bring astronomy and educational programs that incorporate projectors to literally- take you on a journey through the stars. You can start with an overhead, birds-eye view of the rooftops of our area and before you know it, you are traveling out to the 76 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

state, and then the country, then to earth itself and the galaxy. The vision of the stars are crisp and sparkling as you trek through planets, see the places where the stars are born and witness a star going nova. From the moment that you sit down, you feel as if you are traveling through space and time, in your own personal ship; seeing the beauty of our planet and gazing into the immense depth of the universe.

Photos courtesy of South Florida Museum

Jeff Rodgers, Bishop Planetarium Director is concentrically focused to bring the best programs and presentations that can compete with some of the large planetariums in the country. The software is being consistently updated and with the use of satellite data, through Bing and OnTerra views, each person can have their own intimate touch with our planet, stars and even the universe. There are shows throughout the week and weekend, and have included such notables as: “Perfect Little Planet”, “Passport to the Universe”, “Life: A Cosmic Story”, and weekends only: “Live Star Talk”. The planetarium theatre brings an enormous benefit as host to films, live music, lectures and digital art presentations. The ever changing calendar has something new and adventurous every month, from the Rock Hall of Fame to the Perfect Little Planet. There is variety, intrigue and an enticement that can appeal to all ages, expanding the senses and the imagination. The Bishop Planetarium is an integral component of the South Florida Museum, whose mission statement is: To engage and inspire learners of

all ages; we protect, interpret and communicate scientific and cultural knowledge of Florida, the world, and our universe. As such, they use their

resources to include expansion for programs to the community. Educational outreach has been a high priority and there are class visits for presentations for many of the local schools. Jeff Rodgers, however, doesn’t stop there; as Director of Education, he has specially designed instructional courses that are taught in collaboration with various local organizations, including: Longboat Key Education Center, The Pierian Springs Academy and University of South Florida’s Lifelong Learning Academy. Jeff has the ability to captivate an audience and launch interest into every topic, which can include both space related as well as historic Florida. In addition to external classes, they also offer home school courses that are co-taught by Jeff Rodgers and Samantha Sprague, the Museum’s Curator of Education. The curriculum combines group discussions, classroom activities and an extensive use of the planetarium. There is an entire team at the South Florida Museum that works together to form a cohesive group with focus on bringing the very best to the community. Each year, kids from the area can attend the ‘Summer Camp’, which would make even adults envious. There is always a segment set aside in the program for kids to explore the galaxy and stars. The Museum staff coordinates uniquely designed ‘Family Nights’ with programs for families to

explore the entire Museum and engage with everything from films and live performances to exploring the entire Museum. There are also live performances as well as presentations, with titles such as: “Live Star Talk” 360” “SpacePark“ and “Rock Hall of Fame”. If anyone is interested, they have an array of volunteers to work with the staff to help with tours and special presentations. There is never a dull moment at the Bishop Planetarium as they are ever changing and expanding their selections. Whether it is experimenting with the latest 3-D scanners to examine and then project some of the smallest objects and magnify for a clear view on the wide dome, to keeping up with latest space exploration projects and technologies, the Bishop Planetarium continues to bring intense excitement and enjoyment for both mature and young alike. The South Florida Museum includes the Bishop Planetarium and the Parker Manatee Aquarium. All are located at 201 10th Street West, Bradenton, Florida. Admission is: Free if you are part of the Members of the Museum Friends Program, $18 for adults, $16 for Seniors 65 and over, $14 for children ages 4-12, Children 3 and under are free with a paying adult. Active military and teachers have free admission (with confirmed ID). The first Saturday of most months the admission is half price after 4 pm (Family Night), and there are group rates that can be arranged. The days and hours of operation are: Open 7 days a week January through April and the month of July. Mon thru Sat. 10 AM to 5 pm, Sundays 12 noon to 5 pm. All other months: open 6 days a week: Tues thru Sat 10 AM to 5 pm, Sundays from 12 noon to 5 pm. Closed Mondays during the months of May, June and August through December. This is one place that you are guaranteed to have an experience like no other. We will see you there!



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Photo courtesy of Panera Bread


By Christina White

Welcome to a new era, for the professional on the go. A meeting place for entrepreneurs, businesses, personal lunches or just grabbing a quick bite to eat. Panera Bread has become one of the coolest places to spend time with your friends, have great conversations while your meal is being prepared. With a fresh, serving of a wide variety of daily specials such as their “You Pick Two” combination special to side orders such as soups and sandwiches. Panera Bread has become one of the premier Café bakeries in the Southwest Florida area with easy access to the Internet. With its diverse atmosphere at any given time you can find business meetings taking place or couples engaging in close conversations as well as college students studying for exams. It’s the home office away from home where you can plan out your business strategies and daily work tasks. With many convenient locations throughout our coast, and extended hours, families can enjoy dinner away from home as well as a healthy meal together.

The Panera brand has grown over time because of the customer service and great food provided and served by its staff. I spent the last several weeks meeting colleagues preparing for the next issue of Focus of SWFL, visiting several locations so that we could get an up close and personal feeling of the café. It made our business meetings and collaboration less stressful due to the quiet and relaxing atmosphere. Panera is also customer friendly and is always thinking about the convenience of its patrons. The Panera 2.0 allows customers to order meals via mobile device to expedite waiting on line, this as well as its use of only organic food with no antibiotics is why Panera Bread is the choice for healthy meals and great atmosphere. With a comfortable and inviting environment, great food and fresh goodies Panera Bread has become the café cultural phenomenon.

Imagine waking up in the morning and after a fast start workout, heading over to Panera Bread and indulging in a variety of healthy menu choices of fresh baked goods made from the finest all natural ingredients. Health conscience enthusiasts may also enjoy a variety of freshly prepared salads or an organic and all-natural meal with no trans-fat while keeping their diet on target. Visualize starting off your day with a cup of fresh brewed coffee, cappuccino or tea along with reading your favorite book or magazine. Just envision being in an atmosphere which allows you to engage in a casual conversation with your friends, or to meet new people from all walks of life. Not only is it a café of Internet and social networking but Panera Bread offers patrons the opportunity to parley and exchange business cards, ideas and information that connects you to new business prospects. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 79

Photos courtesy of Getty Images


Whether it’s the busy mother who spends her weekend volunteering at a local women’s shelter or the young girl raising money for hungry children thousands of miles away with her lemonade stand — women that do good deeds are everywhere. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women continue to volunteer more often than men across every age group and educational level. With so many devoting their time and energy to giving back, it’s easy to find and learn from the many female mentors hard at work in your own community. Recognizing remarkable women In a global initiative to celebrate the selfless work everyday women do within their communities and around the world to improve the livelihood of others, PANDORA Jewelry has launched Hearts of Today. The program allows the brand to support a variety of charitable causes that are important to women. PANDORA will honor eight women who are actively doing work to impact change with a monetary donation to help the organization with which they are working.

Make it a group effort Do you have friends and family members who share the same interests and willingness to help others? If you do, gather them up for one of the many opportunities that exist for groups. This not only allows each member to experience the gift of volunteer work, it also builds camaraderie among the group. Balance your obligations While you may wish to jump into your new endeavor right away, be sure to review your schedule carefully before overcommitting yourself. Many organizations will allow you to work a limited schedule and gradually build more hours over time until you are more comfortable or available. The Many Ways to Volunteer The opportunities to give are endless. Here are some of the ways you can get involved through charitable organizations that support women and children.

“Historically, our charitable efforts have been focused primarily on breast cancer awareness, but we know there are so many other issues that are equally as important to women,” said Andrea Alvey, member of PANDORA A/S Board of Directors. “Through this program, we are now able to financially support the causes that our consumers are passionate about.”

Special donations Here are some ways you can help out with charitable donations:

Those semi-finalists will be chosen by a group of five remarkable women leaders whose individual resumes boast an impressive list of philanthropic work, from there, the public will vote and the top eight entries will receive $25,000 for their charity..

Wedding dress: A donation of your special gown can help out a number of organizations. Some donated gowns are sold again with proceeds helping those with cancer and other illnesses. Others can be donated to help military brides have the wedding of their dreams.

Tips to get you giving While the enormous generosity of an accomplished philanthropist may seem inconceivable in your own life, there are countless ways to give back. Here are a few ways to offer your time and talents for the good of your community and beyond.

Business attire: Work appropriate clothing, footwear and accessories can be donated to groups who work directly with women looking to enter the workforce.

Start small Taking on a volunteering opportunity can be daunting — especially with so many charitable groups to choose from. While other obligations may keep you from giving as much time as you’d like, remember that every hour you can give is appreciated by everyone involved. Look locally A great place to start the search for volunteer opportunities is in your own back yard. From the animal shelter down the street to the local food pantry, helping out in your area strengthens community involvement and also helps you meet others and build contacts that could help you down the line. Check out the many online resources available that fit potential volunteers with opportunities that exist in their areas, such as, and, as well as many others. Find meaningful jobs Be sure to take some time to think about your own personal interests and hobbies before searching for volunteer opportunities. Do you have any social issues that you feel passionately about? While your daytime job may not allow you to pursue such passions, a volunteer position may be the ticket.

Hair: For children suffering from long-term hair loss due to illness, a donation of hair is turned into a prosthetic, helping to restore confidence and a sense of normalcy.

Volunteer opportunities There are many ways to put your time and talents to use helping those in need. Here are a few organizations you can contribute to: Embracing accomplishment: Help provide young, grade schoolaged girls with the opportunity to learn life lessons and encourage physical activity by training for a 5K race event. Become a mentor: By volunteering to read, tutor or mentor, you can help children of all ages be more focused in school, which can help in the classroom and beyond. Helping families: Some non-profit groups work to help single moms get the resources, workplace skills and training needed to provide for their children. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 81

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journey history through

By Karen Sulprizio

84 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Where else can you go to one place to tour through the history of Florida, see the oldest Manatee in the world and take a trip through the stars at a high tech, 3-D simulation planetarium? The South Florida Museum brings all three of these enticing experiences and there isn’t a kid or adult around that will be able to resist the excitement. There is so much to see and do that we have created two articles: one for the Bishop Planetarium and this one, for the museum and Parker Manatee Aquarium. A single trip to the South Florida Museum offers you the captivating history of Florida through fossils and archeological finds and then whisks you to visit ‘Snooty’ – the beloved Manatee. Once touched by the museum and aquarium, you not only have a visit, but you create memories that stay for a lifetime. The first thing that you notice when you enter the South Florida Museum is the very warm and welcoming atmosphere. Unlike other huge venues, this is a very personal place, designed to give you the feeling of an invited friend. As you tour through the various areas, you go from the past to the present and then to the future. Every section is arranged to bring a personal experience, addressing the antiquities of our area of Florida as well as some of today’s most important environmental issues and topics. We will start with the museum, which is the largest cultural history and natural museum on the gulf coast of Florida. The museum interprets everything from the Pleistocene era to the present and includes fossil evidence from some of Florida’s earliest mammals and marine species. There is a Montague Tallant collection of artifacts that represent prehistoric as well as post-contact archeology; each piece taking you back into Florida’s past. The collection of exhibits cover local maritime traditions, early 20th-century medical practices and even the exploration of the New World by the Spanish. A spectacular must-see is the Spanish Plaza which features full-scale replicas of a manor house from the 16th century, chapel and the birthplace of the renowned conquistador, Hernando DeSoto. The Environmental Wing has been set aside to bring attention to the Florida ecology and the bio-diversity in the Pine Uplands and Riverine Galleries. The museum participates as a ‘host’ to traveling exhibits bringing informational and educational connections to the community to see, that would otherwise not be available. Sharing and educational outreach are a high priority at the South Florida Museum. Jeff Rodgers is the Director of Education and working with his incredible staff and volunteers, they have teamed up to offer an array of programs. From school field trips, to learning resources, and even specialized lectures and home school projects, you are in awe of all of the opportunities for learning and fun. This also includes a ‘Summer Camp’ for kids entering grades 2 through 5 as continued on page 86... FOCUS of SWFL 2014 85

well as the newly added Middle School Science Camp for children in grades 6-8. The projects at the Summer Camp include everything from the study of our coral reefs, examining creatures under microscopes and even extra-solar and exo-planets. The camp is enough to make any adult envious to be a kid again. The museum also has special programs though out the month to invite and entice. At the ‘think + drink (science)’ get together, every second Wednesday of the month, the Bishop Planetarium is transformed from 7 to 9 pm into a relaxed, informal setting for people to grab a glass of wine, a beer or soft drinks and talk about science, and a presentation by an ‘expert du jour’. “Family Night’ is on the first Saturday of most months, with an ever-changing list of events. You can watch a family-friendly film, a live performance or even a scavenger hunt. On the 4th Wednesday of every month you can attend a monthly star talk at 7 pm at the planetarium called Stelliferous Live and you can’t miss the weekly Film Fridays at 6 pm. There are so many adventures, that you need to keep checking their website calendar to keep up and to see what programs are being presented. The Parker Manatee Aquarium was designed to be home to up to three adult manatees. Holding almost 60,000 gallons of water, including a medical pool, it allows manatees to maintain natural feeding behaviors. The exhibit area assists in educating the public about manatees and has both an above and below water viewing area. Working closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife as well as the critical care hospitals for manatees, the Parker Manatee Aquarium is a second stage facility for rehabilitation, giving injured manatees a temporary home for treatment before they are released back into the wild. Of all of the beauty that can be seen at the aquarium, the most popular is ‘Snooty’. Born in 1948 and known as the oldest manatee in the world, Snooty has been a favorite for multiple generations of fans. He even has his own ‘Snooty cam’ where friends from all over the world can watch him online through the museum’s website! He has shared his aquarium home with as many as 28 manatees, and you can’t blame him for being relieved when the energetic ‘young pool-mates’ leave. Snooty is the ambassador for manatees and other endangered species and has been part of training with both Mote Marine Laboratory and New College staff. To say that Snooty is the darling of the museum, is an understatement. His most recent ‘birthday’ was celebrated with such fanfare that he appeared in Facebook feeds and Twitter tweets. The South Florida Museum is a personal visit to spend some time with friends and family and an opportunity to learn about the incredible beauty, history and charm of our area of Florida. This is truly a location of enchantment and is guaranteed to have everyone smiling and laughing. The South Florida Museum includes the Bishop Planetarium and the Parker Manatee Aquarium. All are located at 201 10th Street West, Bradenton, Florida. Admission is: Free if you are part of the Members of the Museum Friends Program, $18 for adults, $16 for Seniors 65 and over, $14 for children ages 4-12, Children 3 and under are free with a paying adult. Active military and teachers have free admission (with confirmed ID). The first Saturday of most months the admission is half price after 4 pm (Family Night), and there are group rates that can be arranged. The days and hours of operation are: Open 7 days a week January through April and the month of July. Mon thru Sat. 10 AM to 5 pm, Sundays 12 noon to 5 pm. All other months: open 6 days a week: Tues thru Sat 10 AM to 5 pm, Sundays from 12 noon to 5 pm. Closed Mondays during the months of May, June and August through December. 86 FOCUS of SWFL 2014



90 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

is key

By Scott Black

Business air travel has become more popular over the past few years, due to our increasing need within our global marketplace. Whether you engage in air travel for business, touring, visiting family or other purposes, it has become a more pleasurable experience for many. Not only for large corporations and high net-worth individuals, but small and mid-size companies willing to meet the business demand. Gulfstream, an award winning company with over 50 years in the jet market, will be releasing its new super mid-size business jet; the G280, aimed at providing best in class performance in business aviation. What makes the G280 such an improvement? It’s what you expect from a super mid-size luxury jet; speed, range, safety and comfort. From an altitude of 43,000 feet covering 3,682 nautical miles, speed of Mach 0.80, from Dulles International in Washington D.C. to Geneva in 7 hours and 47 minutes is just one example of the exceptional qualities of the G280. How about traveling at Mach 0.80 from Dallas to Washington D.C. for a total flight of 2 hours and 20 minutes, landing with NBAA IFR reserves? Let’s leave from Paris Le Bourget Airport for a meeting in White Plains, New York at Mach 0.80 with air time as quick as 7 hours and 40 minutes? All dependant on flight conditions. These improvements are in part to a new high-speed wing design and Honeywell HTF7250G engines improving the G280’s fuel efficiency. Giving the G280 a shorter balanced field length of 4,750 feet, allows the G280 the ability to land and take off from many air fields. continued on page 93...

FOCUS of SWFL 2014 91

“It offers the largest cabin, flies farther and uses less runway. In fact, it flies farther, faster and uses less fuel than the G200 it replaces. The G280 will offer unsurpassed mission flexibility for a business jet of this size.” said Larry Flynn, president, Gulfstream.

Within the cockpit, Gulfstream brings a proven philosophy from Gulfstream's large-cabin aircraft to the super midsize G280, the PlaneView280™; improved safety through reduced pilot workload and improved situational awareness. With the optional HUD II and Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS II), which can be used during low visibility, and additional part of the system which includes auto-braking to enhance safety and improve brake wear and tear, the G280 is top at its game. This is the first to be done in the industry. Within this class of aircraft, you would most likely expect the same large and comfortable cabins, which sometimes comes at the sacrifice of other items. Not so with the G280. You get large windows; which reduce fatigue and provide a very comfortable environment, a large galley; to indulge yourself while in flight, and easy access to baggage. Many are willing to spend opulent amounts to ensure that their private jets will satisfy various personal and business requirements, such as luxurious interior. The demand for industry aircraft interiors with technological advances has been met as a result of the G280. It has room for up to ten passengers in two seating areas, and the most spacious business cabin in its class. The aircraft allows you and your team one of the most comfortable seating areas to complete whatever task you may have at hand. The G280 offers corporations, government entities and private individual’s world-class interior quality at the very highest level.

Need to send important documents or relay vital information? Consider it done. Whether you wish to work, sleep, dine, or just relax, you can download the GMS software to your device and it will sync with your device. Using intuitive screens and menus, you can set and save preferences for a particular flight. What is really amazing about this system is that it allows each passenger the same control. It works by being synced to any of the seats within the aircrafts floor plan, ensuring privacy for flyers. A truly innovative system for travel, making your every wish its command, the Gulfstream G280 has many improvements within its class by combining improved fuel efficiency, speed, technological advances, room, and maintainability. With its lower operating cost, I may have to say, the “G” stands for “Green” for Gulfstream’s new super mid-size jet. No matter how fast you get there, Gulfstream’s G280 will make sure you’ll be quite revitalized as you approach your destination.

Gulfstream has been a company that has been receptive to the needs of its clients. For example, the company has included an all-new Gulfstream Cabin Management System to meet the needs of the business traveler. If you are familiar with using an iPod, then you can easily use this system, giving you the ability to control every option from monitors, temperature, lights and more, from your fingertips. You have the convenience of creating your own flight experience. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 93

METROPOLITAN PHANTOM Whilst every Rolls-Royce is special, many customers desire extraordinary distinguishing features to make their car completely unique. This falls to the marque’s Bespoke design department; a collective of the automotive world’s finest designers, engineers and craftspeople. This approach has distinguished Rolls-Royce for over a century, with today’s methods echoing the age of the coachbuilder when customers purchased their chassis and engine before sending it to be bodied to their exacting specifications. From the finest detailing to the boldest statement, customers work in close collaboration with the team to realize their desires. Inspiration can come from anywhere; whether it is a request to perfectly match the exterior finish to a favorite garment or a more elaborate creation that seeks to tell a story, no idea is left unexplored. The Phantom Metropolitan Collection, unveiled at the Mondial de L’Automobile in Paris, features exquisite hand-crafted design inspired by the modern metropolis. Just 20 of these beautifully crafted motor cars will be available to commission. Phantom’s launch in 2003 emphatically heralded the renaissance of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars by affording the world’s most discerning and successful men and women the consummate super-luxury experience. Central to the allure of its unique promise is an interior furnished in the very finest materials; expertly hand-applied by the master craftspeople at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood, England. It presents a space that cossets occupants and provides the ultimate sanctuary in which to traverse and observe the city in supreme comfort. The Phantom Metropolitan Collection pays homage to the world’s great metropolises through the meticulous application of marquetry – the art of inlaying small pieces of wood veneer to form decorative motifs. When open, Phantom’s signature picnic table presents occupants with an elevated view of the city, created through the expert application of 500 individual wood veneer pieces. Indeed, the process of hand-cutting, colouring, shaping and applying is so complex these unique objects d’art take an expert wood craftsperson several days to complete. On closing the tables, a different perspective of the cityscape is offered – reflecting the view one gets when effortlessly travelling in the rear of a Phantom. 94 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

by Mai Yomioto

“I can think of no more fitting location than Paris to debut this remarkable new motor car. This is a city that echoes Rolls-Royce’s very special brand promise in perfectly combining the timeless and modern in a manner that celebrates the art of the master craftsperson,” said Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. “Our customers across the globe delight in challenging our designers and craftspeople to create true, oneof-a-kind pieces of automotive art. This latest Collection serves to showcase the extraordinary scope for Bespoke personalisation afforded to every patron of the marque.” Meticulous care is taken when selecting the individual wood veneers. Minute imperfections such as knots and flecks lead to instant rejection. Adjustments to the colour of each piece are made through the traditional hand-process of hot-sand shading before a final inspection under magnification on a light box to ensure perfection. The cityscape theme extends beyond Phantom’s many wood surfaces. A specially developed Aetherius Grey leather colour was created to echo the colour palette of the modern city whilst 6,800 two-tone stitches to the central rear seat flutes depict an abstract

This is the latest in a line of remarkable, individual Bespoke masterpieces. 2014 has seen such highlights as the Phantom Drophead Coupé Waterspeed Collection that paid tribute to Sir Donald Campbell’s record-breaking achievements and the Pinnacle Travel Phantom that made its debut at the Beijing Auto Show. These limited Collections serve to inspire customers, with record levels of Bespoke demand reported in September 2014. Nearly every Phantom across the globe, 90% of Wraith and 80% of Ghost family motor cars were commissioned by customers with some element of Bespoke design. With an unparalleled scope for personalisation, Bespoke is very much the jewel in the crown of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars’ unique brand promise, indeed Bespoke is Rolls-Royce.

image of a skyscraper. A specially developed Bespoke clock extends the theme to the front of the car. For the first time in the marque’s history, a rotating bezel expressing 24 of the great cities of the world and their time zones – Paris included – adorns the central console of a Rolls-Royce motor car. An exterior hue, Darkest Tungsten, inspired by city skylines finishes the exterior surfaces of the motor car on display in Paris. However, as afforded to any Rolls-Royce customer, the full palette of 44,000 colours is available to those commissioning a Phantom Metropolitan Collection motor car. Should that not be enough, the marque’s Bespoke craftspeople will create a perfect match of any colour or object a customer may wish to replicate. The exterior is completed with a hand-applied coachline that depicts an abstract silhouette of modern skyscrapers.



that goes further By Tony William

Needing a long cruise range, state-of-the-art avionics and exquisite style; Cessna Aircraft Company introduced its newest business jet, the Citation Longitude. Designed with comfort a leading edge technology, allows business people to stay connected.

The Citation Longitude’s state-of-the-art cockpit features Garmin G5000 avionics with touch-screen controls and all of the capabilities required to comply with emerging operating requirements for intercontinental aircraft, including FANS/CPDLC, ADSB and RNP.

Boasting a 4,000-nautical-mile range and a maximum speed of Mach .86, the Citation Longitude will make a non-stop flight from New York to Paris, London to Dubai or Beijing to Moscow. At a price of $25.999 million, Cessna believes that the Citation Longitude is the best value 4,000-nautical-mile super mid-size business jet available.

With space for a crew of two plus up to eight passengers and one optional additional crew member seat, the Citation Longitude features a stand-up 6-foot (1.8 meter) high, 31-foot (9.4 meters) flat floor passenger cabin. Cessna’s intelligent cabin technology developed specifically for the Citation line, ClairityTM, will be standard on the Longitude to provide each passenger the ‘ultimate connectivity experience.’

Scott Ernest, Cessna president and CEO said: “The Citation Longitude sets itself apart with the largest Citation cabin, intercontinental range and a price point unmatched by other business jets with similar performance. This super mid-size jet sets a new standard for cabin efficiency, connectivity and stylish comfort.” The Citation Longitude will be powered by two Silvercrest engines, with 11,000 pounds of thrust, made by Snecma (Safran group). These engines lead the industry in fuel efficiency, weight and maintainability. The engines will be on an on-condition maintenance plan, which is expected to reduce the operating costs of the aircraft because maintenance intervals will be extended significantly. “We are thrilled to bring the Silvercrest engine to Cessna customers because of its best-in-class efficiency, reliability and quality,” Ernest said. “This engine is expected to take the Citation Longitude to a new level and give our customers the range, efficiency and noise-reduction they need to be successful in today’s competitive environment.” 96 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Cabin seat configuration options include a dual-club eight-seat arrangement and a four-place forward club with a three-place couch and entertainment credenza. Cabin-length indirect LED lighting is provided overhead in the passenger service units with variable adjustment for direct reading lights and more. For long-distance travel comfort, the cabin is equipped with a dual-zone temperature control, a fully operational galley with an oven and cold storage along with a pressurized water system. The aircraft features a large lavatory equipped with a vacuum-assist toilet. The cabin also features in-flight access to a spacious baggage storage area. As the longest-range business jet in Cessna’s product line, the Citation Longitude is designed to offer an estimated full fuel payload of 1,950 pounds, a maximum cruise speed of 490 knots true airspeed and a maximum range of 4,000 nautical miles. The aircraft will have a maximum overall width of 86 feet and maximum overall length of 87 feet with a gently swept wing and advanced winglets for greater range, with improved hot/high performance, climb and fuel burn. Entry into service is expected in 2017.

REdefining Real Estate

… and the Region

By Bill Schiller

From an unconventional office setting in Southwest Florida, a collaboration between computer geeks and real estate agents has been a catalyst for the creation of technology solutions now transitioning throughout America’s real estate industry. This same team is the originator of a new initiative designed to deliver more recognition (and more business) to technology firms throughout the region.

On any given day of the week, Coconut Point Mall in Estero is host to thousands of customers who come to peruse and purchase offerings from the more than 140 leading brand name stores, fashionable boutiques and fine restaurants amassed among 1.2 million square-feet of retail operations. Most are oblivious to a corridor of executive offices located along a perimeter of the mall’s posh Fashion Drive. It is here, within one such obscured suite found just across from some of that delicately transparent attire Victoria touts as “secret” and above the wardrobe deemed proper by Boston Proper, the principals of three autonomous technology firms are focused on their work. That may not be immediately evident given this cadre’s casual dress in sandals, shorts and t-shirts, not to mention the constant streaming of classic and alternative rock music which pervades their workspace, but make no mistake, these entrepreneurs are very serious when it comes to their respective enterprises. Their youth and exuberance may likewise obfuscate the fact that these fellows are seasoned experts in their fields and the very source of a spectacular array of technology solutions increasingly sought out by real estate brokers, agents and professionals of other industries. To fully account of that compels consideration of the services and leadership emerging from each company.

Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, a network of more than 500 premier real estate firms representing 120,000 sales associates in some 50 countries; regionally, that network includes real estate dynamos like John R. Wood of Naples, Sarasota Sensation Michael Saunders & Company and numerous others. Testimonial Tree has, however, branched out to serve trade associations, chambers of commerce and companies in a variety of other industries beyond real estate. In the way of testimonies on Testimonial Tree, consider remarks provided by Gulfshore Insurance Director of Brand Management Crystal Hoover, who says, “We know there is no greater lead generation tool then a referral from a trusted source,” she says. “The insurance industry is very competitive, and for that reason, it’s very important to showcase our agency strengths. We anticipate this tool doing just that, and are very excited about our partnership with Testimonial Tree.”

Meet Jason Dolle, President of Testimony Tree; Lu Doan, “Chief Problem Solver” of Agent Shield Technologies; and Ryan Tremblay, the Chief Technology Officer and visionary behind REfindly. Testifiably Talented Testimonial Tree specializes in software that allows client testimonies to be captured and conveyed through a solution that conveniently integrates with websites and social media platforms. Dolle (who is also a Realtor®) says, “Imagine your happy, loyal customers telling their friends about you through a positive review while linking to your website … it helps drive new traffic to your website and helps generate more sales.” Testimonial Tree is the exclusive testimonial/ review system engaged by institutions such as 98 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Ryan Tremblay

Agents of Shield Agent Shield has also patented technology that allows for an easy add-on to an existing website, in this case, tools that not only assist with marketing of agents and new property developments, but also solutions that help protect the agent from adverse sales interactions. In explaining company products such as Website Shield and Agent Tracker, Duon says, “Agents and brokers are sometimes hesitant about linking to a developer’s website out of concern of losing customers who may contact the developer instead of the agent. This also impacts developers who lose out on traffic to their website as well as sales opportunities.” Website Shield therefore enables agents to utilize a developer’s website as their own marketing tool. Agent Tracker works similarly, but when a customer is reviewing a developer’s website, the contact information is converted to that of the agent as opposed to that of the developer. Another company product is Agent Toolbox, a resource that allows real estate professionals to rapidly acquire relevant floor plans, home designs, pricing data, renderings or other material. As Duon says, “This allows developers to save time from repetitive tasks but also empowers them to work with agents more efficiently.” For Duon, it wasn’t too difficult relating to the advantages of such technology … he spent years in the real estate trade before focusing on the software. REliable & REwarding The final member of this collective is a real estate technology provider called REfindly. The company was founded by Ryan Tremblay, a native of Naples who formerly served a stint with the global software company of ASG before launching his own website design firm known as RT Design Group. Tremblay ultimately sold RT Design and could have conveniently retired at the ripe age of 30 were it not for two factors: one, he actually prefers to stay busy; and two, he just so happened to have some friends who are real estate agents. Over the course of conversations, Tremblay was made aware of the extent to which the real estate industry could benefit from the creation of affordable technology exclusively customized to suit their needs. In turn, Tremblay spent more than a year developing an entire suite of enterprise software culminating in the delivery of a revolutionary Customer Relationship Management system, a lead generation platform, an IDX integration solution that’s speedier than most any other in the industry, and other tools that not only help real estate professionals save time and money, but achieve more sales. According to Tremblay, “Real estate companies would typically have to contract with a range of different vendors to secure the capabilities that REfindly provides under one roof.” Even then, Tremblay notes an unfortunate, if not expensive, byproduct of that process is discovering that varying applications don’t communicate so well with each other … sort of like what happens with some forced marriages. In REfindly’s case, the products were designed to allow for integration with a singular platform. In terms of other advantages, imagine that you’re a real estate agent and you have a website featuring various properties available for sale. Obviously, you want potential customers to visit your website. You might also want to know that the website visitor was someone named “John Q. Public” and he’s looking for a three-bedroom home with an attached garage in a certain price range, in a certain neighborhood. With such data in hand, the real estate agent can quickly contact that lead and, hopefully, convert him into a customer. To do so, might require several communications back and forth, a process that can be complicated by the need to conduct property showings that take you out of the office, not to mention the work in just juggling all the details about the customer, the property desired, what you last said and when you said it. REfindly’s platform facilitates communications with the customer who, in turn, sees those messages as coming from the agent, not the software. For a home buyer or home seller, REfindly’s IDX solution help ensure property information is timely. Imagine identifying a home you want to buy, but then contacting the agent to discover it is no longer on the market. Or, if you’re a home seller, you want to make sure that the propriety is listed as fast as possible. REfindly’s IDX solution refreshes every thirty minutes, essentially if a property is listed or no longer available, that information is communicated across the platform

is as fast as thirty minutes. For a broker, the technology provides unprecedented means to measure and monitor performance. If you have agents working with your team, you’d like to know if they are responding to leads in ten minutes, ten hours or ten days. You’d like to know if they’re following-up with customers weekly or biweekly. Powerful Endorsements Those factors especially resonate with Broker Michael Burke who leads a team of Realtors® affiliated with KellerWilliams. Burke says he realized early in his career that technical tools and systems were needed to maximize business. He says online solutions are particularly fundamental since 92% of buyers and sellers now start their real estate searches on the Internet. “You can’t afford to not be there and leverage yourself,” says Burke. Though his team has always relied on a range of technical capabilities, Burke says growing pains and intent to stay ahead of the competition led his firm to revamp technology tools. “One of the best tools we added is the CRM from REfindly. My agents love it! I am able to track how many leads come in and where they come from,” says Burke. “One of the best things is how easy it is to follow up with buyers and sellers. Every day they log on and can see who they need to talk to and about what. I can see their pipeline and what they are saying and sending to their customers. We are able to track closing ratios and track their performance. If an agent is struggling with something it shows up early in the tracking process. When we see an inefficiency we are able to help coach them where they are struggling, whether it be time blocking, scripts or follow up.” Burke further describes REfindly’s technical support as “outstanding.” He notes, “They have even taken some of our suggestions to help improve the product accordingly. They are listening to their users to continually improve the product. While the system is relatively new, it is light years beyond much of the completion and I expect the system to pay for itself because we have lost less business with better tracking and follow up!” Burke’s validation is especially appreciated by the team at REfindly, after all, beyond his leadership at KellerWilliams Burke is also PresiMichael Burke of Keller Williams dent Elect of the Bonita Springs-Estero Association of REALTORS®. What’s more, REfindly has earned similar accolades from a principal of one of the region’s largest real estate firms, Michael Hughes, the Vice President of Downing Frye, a company comprised by some 600 agents which achieved $1 billion in closed sales volumes last year. Hughes says Downing Frye is very committed to helping its agents acquire tools to build a successful career, “But we want to effectively serve our customers too … we view REfindly’s technology as something that helps us save money by working more efficiently and provide greater convenience as well as enhanced services to our customers.” The endorsement resoundingly resonates at REfindly, particularly because Michael Huges is President Elect of Naples Area Board of Realtors. Then again, agents of Downing Frye were among the earliest to provide feedback and serve as beta testers for REfindly’s technology. Tremblay says the guidance and encouragement from firms like KellerWilliams and Downing Frye helped his team of techies hone the applications and technical capabilities most wanted by real estate professionals. After a composite of Downing Frye agents demonstrated how they were able to double their sales volume and lead conversions through use of REfindly’s tools, the company struck an agreement last month that enables all to now access this technology. It gets even better, since debuting the technology at the recent Florida Association of Realtors® in Orlando, REfindly has expanded into markets of California, Louisiana, Maryland, North & South Carolina as well as throughout Florida. continued on page 100... FOCUS of SWFL 2014 99

Teaming with Talent Beyond designing and refining REfindly’s technology, Trembly says his focus has been finding the right team of people to help drive the business. REfindly staff includes Data Scientist Matthew Crowson, a Northwest University graduates who formerly served as a programmer analyst at America’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and as a Business Process Analyst at Infinity Software. At REfindly, Crowson parses code and analyzes customer and agent interactions with REfindly’s platform as part of a plan to develop more products and services. “Data is REfindly’s secret sauce,” says Crowson. Then again, staff suggest “sauce” isn’t just a technical proclivity in Crowson’s ponderings; he’s been rumored to be rather quick-handed in pinching the last slice of pizza. Designer Ed Siebert is a native of Naples and web designer who has produced literally hundreds of websites for discriminating clients throughout the region. Siebert is also very adept in explaining what makes Batman superior to Superman, or the virtues of one gaming system over another. During breaks from duties at REfindly duties, one may find Siebert engaged in a kind of computer game known as Goat Simulator. When asked what is the objective of the game, Sibert nonchalantly replies, “To be a goat.”

While more formal announcements involving the formation of the Sunset Coast Technology Consortium are forthcoming, for now, the principals of Agent Shileld, Testimony Tree and REfindly are sufficiently busy growing their businesses. For Agent Shield, that includes extending into international markets. The team from REfindly is currently preparing to step into a national spotlight during this month’s National Association of Realtors Conference that will be held in New Orleans. “We’ve been very encouraged to see the way real estate professionals have reacted to our products, in many ways, our customers have become our best marketing tool,” says Tremblay. “We are growing nationally, but we’re going to stay mindful that none of this would have got off the ground were it not for the help and support we’ve received here at home,” adds Tremblay. “We’re compelled to return the favor by doing what we can to help other firms here in Southwest Florida.”

The office is described as “very different” from that which Human Resources Director Doris Lemcke has been accustomed throughout her career. Lemcke has formerly fulfilled human resources roles for major manufacturers and companies which include Source InterLink, the former heavy weight in the world of media distribution. “The office dynamics at REfindly are nothing like what I’m used to,” says Lemcke. When asked to explain what it like to work among a music-loving, pizza-munching team of techies, Lemcke almost seems to wink when she says, “It’s refreshing.” While the team from REfindly occupies almost half of the office space, Testimonial Tree and Agent Shield claim the rest. Dolle, Doan and Tremblay each affirm that by sharing the office, each company has benefitted from the mutual support, encouragement and insight each respectively offer. Though each company is autonomous, they each respond to different needs within the real estate industry, but in so doing, they’ve been able to share something else with one another - referrals. Tek Industry Advocacy & Awareness While Southwest Florida’s economy has been fundamentally driven by tourism and the building industry, Jason Dolle says that there are small technology firms which make-up the market too, but these aren’t always at the forefront of people’s awareness. “We do have several large companies, but there’s a number of smaller enterprises which are not so recognized,” says Dolle. The team is now in the process of establishing a new organization, or alliance, designed to bring greater recognition and greater business opportunities to such firms throughout the region. Branded as the Sunset Coast Technology Consortium (SCTC), Tremblay says the group will provide a means for technology firms to network together, engage in specialized programs and forums, and ultimately become better acquainted with the services and products each company respectively offers. Tremblay sees this as helping firms secure more referrals and generate more business. As such has been the case with a couple of technology firms sharing one office, the group feels something even more positive could result from uniting professionals throughout the region. There is, at present, another technology-focused organization in the region, but Dolle says the SCTC’s programs and focus will be different. “This will be a more grassroots driven group comprised of actual technology companies, not the companies who use technology, but genuine technology companies,” says Dolle. “Our focus won’t delve into government lobbying initiatives or regional economic strategies, rather what we can do to help refer business to one another, provide ideas, solutions or feedback to one another and increase exposure of the excellent technology firms that do business here.”

100 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Jason Dolle

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Serving Southwest Florida 5/6/13 2:32 PM

Punta Gorda

Farmers Market

By Dan Myricks

Punta Gorda has long been a central location for events, food and entertainment in Charlotte County. During the months from May through April, every Saturday morning the Punta Gorda Farmers’ Market is open for business with fresh fruits and vegetables; a flavorful and colorful variety of produce and freshly baked breads and pastries, flowers, gourmet appetizers and much, much more! Just the thought makes many mouths water for the fullness found therein. Punta Gorda Farmers Market has been named the 15th best small market in the U.S. and recently won a contest becoming #1 in the State of Florida. This should come as no surprise as all of the venders and patrons are so friendly that they add to the enjoyable shopping experience. You cannot help but say, “good morning” to Jerry Presseller, who is the Market Manager for the Farmers Market.

Take a relaxing seat in the garden and watch one of the local artists like Charlies Peck and Mary Taglieri painting. Enjoy the music and humor from Lou Canoe’s Blues. Take a walk and look at Hernandez Farm Produce or the many other vendors covering products from Homemade Pasta, Jewelry, fruit trees, Asian Produce, French artisans, Beef Country steaks, sausage, clothes, Cupcakes, Imported Cheese and authentic French baguette. Think you're done? Check out the beautiful home decor for your residence from such vendors like Mickey and Mike of M & M Creations; how about some jewelry and summer clothing? With so much to see and sample, this Farmers’ Market is sure to give you all the tastes and freshness for your kitchen, as well as lend you a delightful shopping experience that is unique. 102 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


As the weather cools, germs multiply at work and the kids reluctantly head back to school, your house is bound to become host to a cold or flu. While pills and cough syrups are good and dandy, nothing comforts quite as much as a thoughtful home remedy.

This fall season, Golden Blossom Honey has the perfect serum that will appease even the grouchiest patients. This lemony treatment is effective at soothing mild sore throats and is easy to create even through a foggy head cold. Golden Blossom Honey, the fourth generation iconic honey brand, uses 100% US honey to create a blend composed of extra-white clover, sage buckwheat and orange blossom. The result: a distinct flavor, color and fragrance possessed by no other honey brand that is soothing and familiar. Honey and Sage Cold Syrup

Ginger & Honey Citrus Sore Throat Home Treatment Ingredients 4 tablespoons GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY Juice of 1 large lemon 3 teaspoons vegetable oil 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger Directions Mix all ingredients together in a small jar. Every hour, take 1 teaspoon in your mouth and gargle. Then swallow the remedy.

Relieve a sore throat and other cold symptoms with this home treatment infused with sage. Ingredients 1 teaspoon chopped fresh sage 1/3 cup, plus 1 tablespoon GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar Directions Steep sage in a cup filled with boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain out sage and allow the mixture to cool. Place honey in a jar and add vinegar and sage water. Shake well. Take 2 teaspoons every hour.

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Wet-Rock Innovations FOCUS of SWFL 2014 103


erenity at

The Colony

By Chip Krespach

The premier community of The Colony Golf & Bay Club features 800 serene acres and is located in Bonita Springs within close proximity to white sand beaches, restaurants, boutiques, galleries, performing arts and sports venues, all within minutes of the SWFL International Airport. The community offers the finest in luxury living and includes a private 34 acre Beach Park with boat shuttle service, chaise lounges, social pavilion, serving kitchen and shower and restroom facilities.

104 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

The relaxing three story Bay Club is reserved for the exclusive enjoyment of The Colony residents and guests and features formal dining with multi-level seating on the second floor and a casual lounge and private dining rooms on the third floor all overlooking the tranquil Estero Bay. Experience unparalleled water views, romantic ambiance and fiery sunsets.

And let’s not forget the Spa & Fitness Center located at the Colony Sports Club that offers cardiovascular and weight training equipment, tennis center with six Har-Tru® courts and an extensive tennis shop, aerobics studio, three spa treatment rooms, men’s and women’s locker rooms, steam showers, 65-foot pool and jetted spa. The 18 hole, par 72 championship golf course designed by architect and U.S. open champion Jerry Pate features approximately 6,802 yard of emerald green paspalum fairways with sweeping water and preserve views. The grand 28,000 square foot Tuscan inspired Country Club offers dining, grille room, golf shop and more! Luxury homes within The Colony include spacious carriage homes with two car garages, old world style villa homes, elegant mid-rise and high-rise condominiums featuring breath taking vistas of the Gulf of Mexico and the expansive estate homes of Tuscany Isle. The ONLY single level home available in Tuscany Isle, this exquisite lake view estate home is offered TURNKEY FURNISHED and features 4 bedrooms plus den and 4 1/2 bathrooms. From the air conditioned garages... you pass under the porte cochere to the main home where you will find Argentinian marble floors, top of the line kitchen appliances, Control 4 Home Automation system, illuminated Onyx bar top, decor fenced lanai and yard area for that special pet, automatic family room privacy blinds and power roll down screen enclosure on the spacious lanai, impact glass and Cummins home backup generator system for peace of mind storm protection and more! This is luxury living at its finest! The newest addition to the home opportunities in The Colony are the luxury penthouse residences of Terzetto. Currently under construction, these mid-rise homes will feature floor plans from 2,200 to 2,700 square feet with sweeping golf and preserve views from the high $400’s. Chip and Deanna Krespach are specialists in The Colony Golf & Bay Club and welcome inquires about the community and the many distinctive luxury homes in the area.

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FOCUS of SWFL 2014 105

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Deliver Big Home Value


Kitchen and bathroom remodeling projects can significantly add comfort, improve functionality and increase the home’s resale value. Whichever reason drives homeowners to complete an improvement project, they need to pick one that also delivers a return on investment. “Many homeowners believe that they need to take on a full-scale remodeling project in order to boost value or make the effort worthwhile,” said Chris Terrill, CEO of HomeAdvisor. “Not only is that not practical for many families’ budgets and time constraints, the truth is that smaller, more manageable projects can still provide a high ROI.” Kitchen solutions Recent data from HomeAdvisor reveals that updating the countertops and cabinets are among the top kitchen improvements homeowners are undertaking. Depending on the materials used, the projects average $3,459 and $5,853 according to HomeAdvisor’s Cost Guide. These projects are still just a fraction of a whole kitchen remodel, which averages around $22,200. New appliances are an effective way to update and unify a room, and features such as built-in ovens, microwaves and storage for small appliances can make the kitchen appear less cluttered. When shopping, remember that regardless of upfront costs the best buy is the highest energy efficient product, for the best return on investment. “A minor kitchen remodel is one of the best investments homeowners can make,” said Terrill. “Projects including refinishing the cabinets, updating the countertops, and installing new appliances all provide a high return without breaking the bank.” Bathroom brush-up Although typically the smallest rooms in the home, bathrooms can still make a big statement. Even the tiniest of bathrooms can be improved to increase value, function, and overall aesthetics without a complete overhaul. That is likely welcome news to homeowners unwilling or able to dedicate the $10,274 average price tag associated with a full bathroom remodel. Installing a new shower or bath tops the list of bathroom renovation projects homeowners undertake. Free-standing showers and shower and bathtub combos are the most popular choices. The projects average $4,381 and $3,453 respectively and according to Terrill, most homeowners find the resale value worth the investment. Updating the flooring is also a common small-scale project in the bathroom, with costs averaging $1,794. Installing a colorful tile floor is an especially appealing way to brighten up a dull bath, but if tiling the entire bathroom is out of the question, homeowners can still add flair with tile above the sink or bathtub. 108 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Image courtesy of DesignMine

“Regardless of the size and scope of the renovation project, one tool I find helpful is HomeAdvisor’s Cost Guide,” said Terrill. “This online resource helps homeowners get a better idea of the costs they can expect to incur when completing a project.”

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Common Types of Backup Generators A power outage is a common result of weather-related emergencies, but it’s also one of the easiest to correct by using a generator. There are two common generator types: portable generators and standby generators. n A

portable generator is an immediate but temporary solution. Typically powered by gasoline, it is lower in cost and doesn’t require installation time, but it can only power a few items for a few hours.

n A

standby generator is an automatic, per­manent backup power solution. It requires professional installation outside the home. It is powered by natural gas or liquid pro­ pane and turns on automatically during a utility power outage to keep a home’s lights, furnace, AC units and other appliances on while the power is out.



reparing for an unexpected emergency, especially one brought on by severe weather, is one of the most important ways you can protect your home and family. Proactively addressing storm-related issues ranging from property damage to power outages can minimize a potentially disastrous situation.

Nearly all homeowners carry some form of insurance on their home, as required by their mortgage lender. But policies can vary, and the after­math of a powerful storm is no time to find out you’re underinsured. To ensure your homeowners policy adequately covers your needs, take time to review the policy every year at renewal time, and any time you make any significant improvements to your home. Check that the coverage amount for your main residence accurately reflects the finished square footage of your home, including any upgrades or changes such as a newly renovated bathroom or expanded deck struc­ture. Also confirm that the replacement cost your homeowners insur­ance agent has determined is consistent with what you would expect to pay to rebuild your home. In addition, take time to understand any exclusions, especially those for weather-related incidents. For example, many homeowners insur­ance policies do not automatically include flood protection. Finally, take time to thoroughly document your personal possessions with video or still images and record their value. Store the documen­tation in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box or remote-access electronic file, that you will be able to access in the event of an emer­gency. Not only will this help expedite your claim if you need to replace items, but you’ll have a list ready when you face the daunting task of replacing your belongings.

Keep Up on Home Maintenance Stepping outside after a significant storm is no time to remember that you forgot to trim the tree or secure a loose section of fencing. 110 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Making time to provide ongoing home maintenance for exterior features of your home, such as landscaping, decking, siding, roofing and shutters, will ensure they are in good function when bad weather strikes. While little can be done to prevent damage from high-impact storms, routinely checking that everything is in good repair will minimize the chances of preventable destruction. As you assess your home and yard, ask yourself: Are the trees and shrubs properly trimmed and set far enough away from structures that they are unlikely to topple in high winds? Are shutters affixed securely to the house? Are there any cracked or otherwise weakened windows that should be replaced to prevent shattering during a storm?

Prepare for Backup Power During an Outage Loss of power is one of the most common occurrences in severe weather. And the financial impact of outage-related expenses (e.g. spoiled food replacement, supply purchases or home repair) can add up quickly. “Storm-related power loss can be costly for a family,” said Greg Inwood, vice president for Briggs & Stratton Standby Power. “An unexpected power loss can result in a number of inconveniences if the outage requires special arrangements such as meals out and overnight hotel stays.” The easiest way to prepare for a weather-related power outage is by installing a standby generator in advance of the storm season. Fortunately, attaining the safety and comfort provided by a standby generator during a storm event has become more reasonable thanks to emerging technology that has made generators smaller, smarter and, therefore, more affordable.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Step 1: Verify Your Homeowners Insurance Covers Storm Damage

“In the past, having a generator was cost-prohibitive for many house­ holds,” said Amanda Grandy, marketing manager for Briggs & Stratton Standby Power, which is the exclusive licensee of GE Generator Systems. “Today, technology has advanced to make owning a standby generator far more affordable for the average family.” Improved technology features such as GE’s Symphony® II power management system, which manages a home’s power demands auto­ matically and electronically during an outage, allow more of a home’s lights and appliances — up to two AC units — to be powered with a smaller standby generator. A home that would typically need a larger 20 kW home generator to power all of the home’s power demands could now be powered with GE’s 10 kW unit paired with Symphony® II technology. The smaller, more affordable 10 kW home generators also boast the smallest footprint on the market, making it ideal for homes with tight lot lines. Learn more about the home standby generators available to home­ owners at

Emergency Preparedness Kit Having an emergency preparedness kit of items that your household may need in an emergency situation is critical. Basic utilities such as electricity, gas, water, sewage and phone service may be unavailable after a storm strikes, so the kit should contain food, water, any necessary medications, lighting and backup battery supplies.

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The Present, Past and Potential Future

By Bill Schiller

For all the contemplating on candidates confronting those who’ll cast a vote in the November 4 General Election, the residents of one Southwest Florida area will be especially deliberative in determining the response to a question that some suggest portends consequences more significant than any singular candidate. That stands to reason, after all, the voting results may fundamentally affect the fate and future of a community recognized as one of the fastest growing unincorporated areas of Florida. The community is Estero and the relevant question is whether residents will vote in favor of it becoming an actual incorporated municipality with all the inherent rights of self-governance, or will they simply opt to maintain the status quo? Estero is geographically located in an unincorporated section of Lee County, between the larger Metropolitan Statistical Areas of Fort Myers (to the North) and Collier County City of Naples (to the South). The community is home to some 23,000 full-time residents, yet those numbers swell by the thousands each season with the migrational proclivities of snowbirds. Over the ten year duration between the 2000 and 2010 census, Estero’s population blossomed by more than 137 percent and it continues to grow. That growth isn’t simply measured by new homeowners, but new business too. Earlier this year, the Hertz Corporation began construction of their new global headquarters in Estero. With so much working in favor of the community, one may wonder whether it is necessary to fix something that doesn’t seem broken. In this case, the break is reflected in terms of trust. After a longstanding agreement with the neighboring community of Bonita Springs, Estero residents balked when Bonita began annexing properties that, until that point, had been considered as part of Estero. Beautiful beach sunsets await mere minutes from Estero, photo by Bill Schiller

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As Nick Batos of the Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) explains, Bonita’s encroachment prompted immediate concern because development requirements in Estero are more stringent than that of the county or other communities. Estero standards put greater restrictions on density, requirements on landscaping, respect for ecological sensitivity, and interconnectivity with the community, all of which, as Batos affirms, contributes to the aesthetic allure and quality of life enjoyed by residents. “There was a time that some developers didn’t appreciate our development codes. They thought our environmental concerns made developing here more complicated and costly. Today, I think they realize that the requirement allow them to actually build a better product,” says Batos. A great example exists in Batos neighborhood known as The Brooks. Developed by the Bonita Bay Group, The Brooks is comprised of four gated neighborhoods situated among 2,492 acres. The land management practices and water conservation protocols that overarched creation of The Brooks went on to serve as a national model of responsible, sustainable development. This Estero-based community continues to earn distinction as one of America’s most masterful of master planned developments. So, the very suggestion that standards of Bonita Springs could increasingly be foisted upon a community that takes pride in having a differentiated quality, one could anticipate the reaction to annexation. The ECCL rallied residents to sign petitions enabling the ballot measure on Estero’s incorporation. Over the last few months, Batos and other members of the ECCL have conducted several dozen public forums on the initiative, outlining plans for the future, explaining advantages and responding to criticism too. Thus far, Batos says the proposal has had only a few detractors. “There has been some complaint that this will create an additional layer of government that nobody wants,” says Batos. “We feel that it doesn’t add more government, but more effective governance and greater ability for us to control our destiny by representing the interests of the people that live here.” Participants of the ECCL’s public forum seem to feel the same for the most part, and so too does the business community. “I see this as something very positive for the community,” says Estero Chamber of Commerce Board Chairman Gene Montenieri. “We’re not concerned that this is going to increase taxes … The Estero Council of Community Leaders has done an excellent job explaining their objectives and plans for the future… the Chamber supports the Council as well as the right for people to vote.” Voters will not only be deciding on Estero’s incorporation. Should the measure pass, it would ultimately allow various districts of the new formed Village of Estero to be represented by an cadre of elected officials. 114 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Members of the Estero Council of Community Leaders Jim Boesch, Phil Douglas, Marilyn Edwards, Roger Strelow and Nick Batos. Photo by Bill Schiller

Beyond representing the interests of their respective districts, this body would have authority to advance other projects in which Estero is currently stymied. One such project involves the creation of Estero Crossing, a new commercial planned development that could be potentially situated on an empty 42-acre site adjacent to Corkscrew Road. “We presently don’t have the capacity to act on certain projects the way we could as elected representatives of an incorporated community,” says Batos. His hope, along with that of other ECCL Members, is that voters will simply turn-out and let their will be known. “Obviously, we think incorporation is a good idea, but good or bad, we simply want people to get out and vote … that’s the only way we’ll know what people really want,” says Batos.

Sold on Estero

While votes have yet to be tallied, one thing is sure, people really do want Estero. To put that in context, consider remarks from the leading real estate team in the area. Jesse McGreevy and Marc Comisar command the Domain Realty Group of Downing-Frye, a 600-agent firm with offices throughout Southwest Florida. Last year, Domain Realty Group was honored as the top performing team of Downing Fry, thanks in large part to transactions closed in Estero. McGreevy has actually been recognized as a top performer agent among the more than 5,000 agents affiliated with this market. When asked why so many home buyers are drawn to Estero, McGreevy cites a familiar mantra of the real estate industry “Location, Location, Location!” “Estero has everything home buyers are looking for. There’s not only quality construction in gated-developments complemented with resort-style amenities in club house dining, golf and tennis, but within a matter of only a few minutes, residents can access a full range of leading brand stores, designer boutiques, fine restaurants and cultural attractions involving the performing arts or sports,” says McGreevy. “Buyers don’t simply want to invest in rooms under a roof and somewhere to park their car, they’re looking to invest in a community that can cater to their lifestyle. Part of Estero’s appeal derives from residents’ ability to readily access so much of what make living in Southwest Florida so great. Comisar adds to the point indicating how Estero has been developed to allow for interconnectivity. Residents who live along essential traffic corridors of Corkscrew Road, Ben Hill Griffin Road or Three Oaks Parkway can quickly access the region’s vital corridors of Highway 41 and Interstate 75, not to mention Southwest Florida International Airport which is only a minutes drive from Estero. “Residents can quickly and conveniently access all points north, south and beyond,” says Comisar. “The community is not only minutes from the beach, but also the Cities of Fort Myers and Naples … it couldn’t be more perfectly positioned in terms of allowing residents to be only minutes from most places one would want to go.”

Estero Real Estate Specialists Marc Comisar and Jesse McGreevy of the Domain Realty Group of Downing Frye. Photo by Bill Schiller

It just so happens, however, that so many of the places that most people want to go are in the immediate vicinity of Estero. For example, fashionistas and epicureans drawn to fine dining have venues that include Miromar Outlets and Coconut Point Mall. Both are located in Estero, and collectively provide some several hundred options in leading brand retail operations, top designer boutiques and popular restaurants. Beyond the dining and retail opportunities, these venues also serve as host for a variety of other social and cultural events which include the region’s most popular arts & crafts fairs which annually attract thousands of visitors. Distinctive interior design elements and home fixtures can be found at Miromar Design Center; home to more than 45 showrooms featuring works from world leading home good designers.

For those who clamor more for competitive sport, Estero provides several opportunities to cheer on favorite home teams. Estero’s Germain Arena is not only home to the Florida Everblades Hockey Team, but also the most dynamic team in arena football - the championship winning Florida Tarpons. For those who enjoy NCAA basketball, Alico Arena at Florida Gulf Coast University is only a few minutes drive from Estero. This venue became known as “Dunk City” after the bracket-busting FGCU Eagles made NCAA history in 2013 (the first time a 15th seed team advanced to the Sweet 16). For those who enjoy baseball, the ball fields of Hammond Stadium and Jet Blue Stadium are also only minutes from Estero. These fields respectively serve as homes-away-from-home for the Minnesota Twins and the Boston Red Sox. While baseball takes center stage each spring, all know that every season in Southwest Florida is great for golf. With its per capita composite of In addition to having its own private luxury community, Estero’s Coconut Point Mall has more than 140 leading brand stores and restaurants located among hundredspublic and private holes, of acres complemented by scenic lakes and boardwalks.

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Estero’s Germain Arena is not only home to the Florida Everblades Hockey Team and championship winning Florida Tarpons arena football team, but also host a variety of concerts and cultural events. (Graphic Illustration by Bill Schiller and Kevin Bires Photography)

FENWAY SOUTH - Only minutes from Estero, Jet Blue Stadium, also known as Fenway South, serves as the home-away-from-home for the Boston Red Sox.

Miromar Design Center features 45 showrooms touting the expertise of leading interior designers and manufactures of home goods.

Southwest Florida has been heralded as “The Golf Capital of the World,” but Estero is at the epicenter of all this activity. Some of the region’s top courses can be found here, including: Old Corkscrew (the only stand alone Jack Nicklause Signature Course in the region); Wildcat Run (an Arnold Palmer course that he once suggested as being among the finest in the Southeastern U.S.); and Stoneybrook (recognized among the longest courses in the region). Beyond the shops, restaurants, sports and other attractions, both McGreevy and Comisar note that residents can also readily connect with schools, churches, healthcare and a range of professional service providers. As McGreevy says, “Estero has it all, and that’s why so many want to live here.”

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That point is validated by a recent MetroStudy report that ranked the Naples/Fort Myers MSA as being among the nation’s “Top Ten” for sales of new residential construction. Though Naples/Fort Myers was credited for that distinction, McGreevy says the analysis of data included sales transactions involving several developments in Estero. “Our region’s ranking was totally bolstered by the demand for homes in Estero,” says McGreevy, who goes as far as to credit Estero as a catalyst for so much of the new construction currently taking place in the region. “After the housing debacle, many developers sat on property and waited for clear indications that the market was turning around before determining to proceed with development.” In 2013, the development firm of Camerrata Companies collaborated with national building firms of Pulte Homes and Lennar Homes to create a new master-planned residential community called The Preserve at Corkscrew. Sites here sold faster than the builders could build; it became the fastest selling new development in the region, and to McGreevy’s point, the success of that helped fuel greater confidence among developers involved with other projects. There are several new developments now underway in Estero, such as Estero Place and Corkscrew Shores. The Corkscrew Shores development marks yet another collaboration between Pulte and Camerrata Companies, who are no doubt intent to see lightening strike twice (the development is a stone’s throw from The Preserve at Corkscrew).

Both McGreevy and Comisar are supportive of Estero’s incorporation, as Comisar says, “Estero has a cachet of its own, very different from Naples or Fort Myers. It makes sense that residents would want to protect and preserve its brand.”

Artistic conception of Calusa encounter with Ponce de León in 1513. Artwork of Merald Clark, courtesy of the Florida Museum of Natural History

A Fascinating History

While so many have come to regard modern Estero as a Southwest Florida paradise, the fact remains that reputation began centuries ago, or even millennia when considering these very lands were once sacred to the Calusa Indians, among Florida’s earliest and most enigmatic of inhabitants. Given the abundance of natural resources in flora and fauna on which the Calusa so thoroughly thrived, they were able to develop a highly complex civilization that flourished while other aboriginals struggled to survive. The Calusa advanced in the creation of a two-tier caste system with laborers and nobles, enacted elaborate ritual ceremonies, engineered the building of canals and shell mounds,

Calusa Indian ceremonial mask.

but also took time to produce creative works of art, and produce a highly formidable army, in fact, the word “Calusa" equivocates to “Fierce People.” The Calusa were so feared that other indian tribes brought tributes to their king in hope that they would be left to live in peace. The tribe’s hostility was particularly hyped after interaction with early Spanish explorers who often had to be reminded that their visitations were neither wanted nor welcomed. In one such instance, Ponce De Leon’s fabled quest for the Fountain of Youth abruptly ended after he died from an infection prompted from meeting the business-end of a poison arrow. There were occasional periods of peace. History accords that Captain Pedro Menendez forged a tentative peace with King Carlos. The meeting took place in a massive earthen & thatched structure with walls bedecked in ceremonial masks. The building hosted thousands who attended, and King Carlos apparently took a liking to Menendez, allowing several Spanish prisoners to be released and he even offered his own sister to become the Captain’s bride. Menedez would play her like a pawn in future negotiations. That practice, along with his forging of alliances with competing tribes led to a severing of the relationship with King Carlos, then again, the Spanish order to have King Carlos killed didn’t help mend any fences either. Though the mangroves along the Estero River offer excellent opportunity to see a variety of avian species that make a home here, there’s potential for other encounters too.

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Founder of the Koreshanity, Cyrus Teed.

The Koreshans created Estero’s first general store and post office along the banks of the Estero River.

The Spaniards enlisted help from Carlos’ own cousin, Phelipe, to lure the king and several of his commanders to a secluded spot somewhere (reportedly in Estero) where they were slaughtered and beheaded. Phelipe is said to have become a puppet of Spain for a time, but he too was eventually assassinated. The Calusa remarkably withstood Spanish conquest centuries longer than any other aboriginals were able. Resistance finally waned after the 1702 war between Spain and England; a conflict that led to the arming of other Native American tribes who eventually ventured into Calusa territory in conjunction with slave raids. The Calusa were literally out-gunned. Disease had also taken its toll. Some were believed to flee to Cuba, but here in Florida, the shell mounds and artifacts are all that remain of this once great civilization. Today, one of the region’s greatest archeological treasures can be found on what is known as Mound Key. Located in Estero Bay, researchers believe this small island was historically known as “Calos,” the very capital city of the Calusa civilization. Visitors can only access Mound Key by way of canoe, kayak or other vessel, but that’s easily accomplished by taking a short journey on the Estero River. Officially deemed as integral to Florida’s Statewide System of Greenways and Trails, the Estero river is a six-mile long waterway that gently ebbs in a windingly westward fashion from Estero toward the estuary waters of Estero Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The river’s brackish waters are a great place to go fishing, bird watching or simply escape distractions of the modern world. While paddling beneath the fertile canopy of vines and branches encompassing the narrow river, the jumping mullet, stalking alligators and ever vigilant heron and crane combine to impart a sense that you’ve just stepped back in time. That feeling is further driven home upon turning a bend beside the preserved compound of the 19th Century settlers credited for founding modern Estero. These pioneers were devotees of an interesting physician who also dabbled in alchemy, philosophy and earth sciences before assuming the more demanding role of messiah. His name was Cyrus Teed, and he was a distant cousin of the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith. Teed’s emergence as messiah was apparently or 118 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

dained during an encounter with a divine spirit who was gracious enough to confirm it. The spirit had simply waited to reveal this and other vital information after Teed got knocked unconscious by an electrical shock in a botched alchemy experiment. Fortunately for his followers, he awoke with new wisdom and a new sense of purpose. Teed changed his name to “Koresh” which is the Hebrew and Persian equivalent of “Cyrus,” (as in Cyrus-theGreat, the ruler who allowed his Hebrew slaves to depart Babylon and live out their lives as slaves in the Holy Land). Teed’s followers practiced a form of communal living which came to be known as Koreshan Unity. This involved men and women living together in harmony, an effort made all the less complicated due to their espousing of celibacy. After amassing an appropriate collective on compounds in Illinois, believers united in their resolve to establish the New Jerusalem, a Utopia on Earth. In 1894, Teed and some 250 followers arrived in Southwest Florida under the assumption that the paradise they sought could be found in the area known as Estero. The Koreshans went on to establish the community’s first general store, first post office, a lecture hall and housing on a 135acre site where they also created their own power plant. It was here that Teed advanced his theories on Cellular Cosmogony; principles that are somewhat akin to Hollow Earth theories. In this case, consider that our planet is not so much a ball orbiting through space, but rather that we are confined to a bubble. Teed believed that humanity existed upon the shell of the inner surface and when we looked upward to the heavens, it wasn’t so much the sun blinding our eyes, but the massive electro-

magnetic discharges spewing from a giant rotating battery that helped all this firmament stay in tact. He believed all life happens within this bubble, but outside is only void. Teed and other Koreshans engaged in elaborate experiments that attempted to demonstrate that the curvature of the earth is not convex, but concave. While findings from those experiments have prompted both fascination and ridicule, Teed certainly helped facilitate early notoriety for this fledgling community. And when Teed died in December of 1908, his followers didn’t quickly disband. As believers in reincarnation, they simply left Teed’s body submerged in a bathtub and awaited his second-coming, confident that it would likely happen on Christmas Day. The county authorities were not so patient. They waited only two more days after the failed resurrection before determining to actually bury Teed’s decomposing corpse. The Koreshan compound was deeded to the state in the 1960’s. As a state park located on Corkscrew Road in Estero, visitors come here to camp-out, or go fishing and kayaking along the Estero River, or simply explore the grounds and building which have been beautifully preserved. The site serves as one of the most fascinating historical attractions in the region, yet stands in stark contradiction to Estero’s marvelous modernity. It is interesting to note that the Koreshans envisioned a future time when millions would be drawn to the utopia they would establish in Southwest Florida. The Estero Council of Community Leaders are more driven to just ensure that the community continues to exist as a paradise for the thousands who already reside here. And if incorporation allows for more effective control of the community’s destiny and furthering of enhancements that help generate more jobs as well as additional millions for area business … one could, indeed, consider it as part of a divine plan.

The Estero River is an excellent place to canoe, catch fish or escape modern distractions.

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Personal Harmony FAMILY FEATURES

What if after surviving your first cancer diagnosis at the age of 51, you were re-diagnosed just 18 months later? Metastatic colorectal cancer patient Dave Johnson experienced that first-hand, and was initially reluctant and scared to tell his family, friends and co-workers. However, he soon learned two important lessons – that he had more support around him than he thought, and that he could control his lifestyle and personal harmony. Now at the age of 53, Johnson, a full-time banker, has discovered a new sense of inner well-being and, according to his physician, is again cancer free. Many people find achieving personal harmony and balance difficult – the demands and stresses of everyday life often impede the ability to find inner peace. For those facing a cancer diagnosis, achieving that balance may feel impossible. And, yet, it is as important, if not more, for people living with cancer to find and maintain a sense of inner harmony. After being diagnosed with an advanced form of colorectal cancer, Johnson knew he had to fight the disease head on, from both a medical and mental perspective. Johnson worked with his physician to choose his treatment, and made the conscious decision to focus on areas of his life he felt he could control. “Setting goals and priorities, as well as staying active, became very important to me, and helped me accept my diagnosis as my ‘new normal,’” said Johnson. “The ability to fulfill goals and keep both my mind and body busy helped me focus on the sweet spots in life that give me strength and joy.” Johnson also said expressing his emotions was important to regaining his balance. “There were many days when I could have said ‘why me’ and focused my energy on feelings of anger and resentment,” said Johnson. “I’d let myself experience those feelings but I made a point of expressing those emotions and then moving on, which helped me maintain mental clarity. Additionally, my faith helped me accept the challenges I was going through.” Tips to achieving personal harmony and balance during cancer include: • Express your emotions: Make a point of expressing your emotions before they start to have a negative impact. • Set goals and priorities: Focus on the areas you can control and set out to fulfill the goals most important in your personal and work life. • Keep active: Find activities to keep both your body and mind busy that you also enjoy. • Enjoy the company of loved ones: Surround yourself with positive, supportive relationships, whether with your family, friends or co-workers. • Be open with your doctor: Don’t be afraid to discuss any cancer fears you have with your doctor or nurse. (941) 639-6364

One of a kind handmade fashion Photography by Richard Evans

Johnson stressed the importance of surrounding himself with positive, supportive relationships, including others who were also navigating a cancer journey. “I learned to celebrate the successes of other patients while supporting those experiencing setbacks – this in turn kept me self-motivated to fight my cancer with all the strength I had,” said Johnson. “It’s easy to feel overwhelmed after a cancer diagnosis. For me, taking time to focus on myself and my inner being, and creating an environment that was as nurturing and calming as possible, helped me stay positive in combating my disease.”


The Pre-Lift is most appropriate for men and women who have mild to moderate aging changes in the cheeks, jawline (jowls), and neck. Although there isn’t a definite age range, most patients who qualify for this procedure are aged late 40s to mid60s. The Pre-Lift is one of several procedures, both surgical and nonsurgical, that Dr. Prendiville will discuss at his “All About Face” seminar. Using before and after pictures of actual patients, Dr. Prendiville will discuss the latest advances in facelifts, eyelid lifts, nose surgery, lasers, and reconstructive surgery. He also will review injectable wrinkle fillers Botox®, Sculptra®, Juvederm®, Restylane®, Radiesse® and Voluma®. In addition to a light lunch, attendees will be able to make an appointment for a free consultation with Dr. Prendiville. Dr. Prendiville is the only Fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon in Fort Myers who is certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. He has performed more than 3,000 surgical procedures during his 10 years of practice in Fort Myers. He is recognized nationally as a facelift expert with more than 20 articles published in medical journals and he has served as guest editor for Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America.

A new mini-facelift designed to lift facial tissue with fewer incisions and a quicker recovery time has been introduced in Southwest Florida by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Stephen Prendiville. Dr. Prendiville created the “Pre-Lift” as an alternative to a full facelift. The procedure helps lessen the bands and sagging skin under the jawline while raising the cheek area and adding volume to the midface through the use of Voluma®XC, an FDAapproved injectable gel that instantly adds volume to the cheek area. The Pre-Lift will be discussed along with other procedures for rejuvenating the face at a seminar Dr. Prendiville will conduct Friday, Nov. 14, at 11:30 a.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn/Fort Myers Airport at 16410 Corporate Commerce Way in South Fort Myers near Gulf Coast Town Center. A light lunch will be served. The seminar is free, but reservations are required by calling 239437-3900. Space is limited. “This combination procedure has the advantages of fewer incisions, instant volume in the midface area and a somewhat quicker recovery,” Dr. Prendiville said. “Not every patient is a candidate, but many people are.”

In 2008, he was invited to join as a reviewer and has now achieved Distinguished Member status for his responses to patients with questions about facial plastic surgery and skin rejuvenation techniques. Dr. Prendiville is the past president and secretary/treasurer of the Florida Society of Facial Plastic Surgery, an association consisting of 250 facial plastic surgeons in the state. Dr. Prendiville graduated with his M.D. degree with high honors from Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., and served his residency at Georgetown University. He was awarded a Fellowship in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at St. Louis University in Missouri, where he was a clinical instructor in the St. Louis University Department of Otolaryngology. All surgeries are performed at Dr. Prendiville’s state-of-the-art Surgical Center adjacent to his office in South Fort Myers at 9407 Cypress Lake Drive, Suite A. The Surgical Center is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF), which is the largest accrediting body for outpatient surgical facilities in the United States. 122 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

By Susan Bennett







A toll-free resource of the Florida Department of Transportation (standard mobile phone minutes, text message and data charges may apply)

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PANDORA’s collection of outstanding jewelry features raw, elegant designs inspired by rock style with a hint of vintage and a bit of attitude. PANDORA bracelets give women the freedom to capture the unforgettable moments that make life extraordinary and the new charms of the fall season offer a twist on what has become the hallmark of the PANDORA brand. Two elegant sterling silver bracelets are also new–one is designed to hold one traditional or new decorative clip, the other as many as five. Mix, match and combine the clips and bracelets in any combination, creating pieces that are unique to your personal style. It’s an idea inspired by PANDORA’s popular charm bracelet. Create and combine looks with other new additions to the PANDORA universe, including a line of 14k solid gold earrings, pendants and dangle charms with intricate lace details and diamonds; and large cocktail rings, featuring amethyst or grey moonstone, that are perfect for stacking. Stunning earrings inspired by delicate lace patterns in 14K gold with freshwater pearls and diamonds can be worn on their own, layered or combined with other pieces from the Compose collection. Rings in 14K gold, sterling and black oxidized silver have florally inspired designs with an unpredictable twist that is raw yet feminine. Large cocktail rings in amethyst or grey moonstone are perfect for stacking with this season’s more delicate pieces. New LovePod rings in white, yellow and rose 18K gold with brilliant-cut diamonds or colorful gemstones work beautifully with other pieces of PANDORA jewelry and interlock when stacked together. The spirit of nostalgic rock infuses the collection, especially our new sterling silver decorative clips in raw, sculptural shapes. The other standouts include a star-shaped pendant and charm in black oxidized silver, an alluring finish that runs through the collection.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week 2015 By Samantha Ramos

Summer may have come and gone, but the fashion industry kicked into high gear as the newest Collections made their debut at Lincoln Center with the start of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, with a line-up of over 100 designers showing their collections. Among the world's most renowned designers, MercedesBenz is showing an icon of its own - the all-new 2015 C-Class. A benchmark of automotive generations, the C-Class possesses a rare combination of style, luxury and engineering which sets new standards for others to follow. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week as always draws the attention of thousands of fashion fans to New York City. The designer’s signature use of color, custom prints, and unique fashion style, brings the authenticity of cultural elements to the modern women around the world with sophistication, elegance and seductive glamour. The S & C-Class is the main attraction within The House of Mercedes-Benz fashion boutique in the main lobby of Lincoln Center. Here, the worlds of fashion and automotive design merge as the vehicle's attributes come to life in a unique retail environment providing guests with a complete sensory experience. The House of Mercedes-Benz depicts the amazing characteristics of the all-new S-Class in a unique way which appeals to a fashion-minded audience."

From what's new and chic, it’s all about special pieces inspired by creativity that goes from runway-to-reality. From the perfect 126 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

hairstyle, accessories and footwear are essential to complete a look and no one knows better than the top models and stylists of Fashion Week. This season brings the authenticity of cultural elements to the modern women around the world with sophistication, elegance and seductive glamour. "We are excited to once again highlight the creativity and innovation of Australia's most promising talent at New York Fashion Week, which brings together the very best in our business from around the world," says Fashion Palette founder, Sonya Mefaddi. This year, Fashion Palette will partner with Space 530 – a premiere, full-service work environment and showroom concept that is equally devoted to nurturing budding brands. Space 530 will host Fashion Palette's temporary pop-up showroom from September 8th – 15th for press and buyer appointments. "As always, Fashion Palette is focused on continuing to raise the international visibility of Australian talent to worldwide buyers, media and stylists", notes Mefaddi and will continue to do so by introducing yet another series of notable designers this season.

“Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week truly embodies the global scale of the fashion industry and highlights the limitless boundaries Photography by of design. A leader in the global Michael Buckner & Frazer Harrison fashion event circuit; MercedesBenz Fashion Week in New York has the highest number of international designers who choose to make this Event the home for their Collection debuts,” says Christina Neault, Executive Procontinued on page 128...

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Project Runway

Todd Snyder

Stella Nolasco


Jay Godfrey

Nicholas K

Photography Credit Getty Images

Richard Chai LOVE

Art Hearts

Marissa Webb


ducer, IMG Fashion Events and Properties. “As well, with three fashion schools and numerous emerging designers presenting alongside their established colleagues, Lincoln Center is the place to discover the next rising star.” “Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York is internationally recognized as the world’s stage to premier the latest developments in cutting-edge fashion to the global fashion industry,” said Stephanie Zimmer, Manager of Brand Experience Marketing for Mercedes-Benz USA. “The excitement is building in anticipation of what will hit the runways from both the well-known designers and emerging talent showing this season."

The impressive designer line-up has expanded in size from last season and features a fabulous balance of industry greats and notable up-andcomers. Los Angeles based online boutique Le Jolie has launched this summer with designer fashions offering the top trends for men, women, children, as well as one-of-a-kind vintage accessories and home décor. Le Jolie believes that luxury should be accessible to all and provides consumers access to international brands such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Marc Jacobs, Valentino, and Prada along with unique vintage products by Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Chanel.


More than just an online shopping destination, Le Jolie is a lifestyle, and they are looking for a fresh face to embody just that. Le Jolie is teaming up with New York Fashion Week to sponsor a special event at the Lincoln Center Fashion Show in search of the newest face.

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"For years, Pilot has been telling people how writing expresses more than just your words—it expresses your own personal style. What better way to make that point than with Nicolas K's fabulous runway dress?" said Ariann Langsam, Director of Consumer Marketing for Pilot Corpocontinued on page 131...



Designers thrilled to celebrate the full bloomof the season with soft details, vivid colors, along with hues of summer, nude natural tones and exquisite modern elements. Exciting guest with hundreds of beautiful, must-have pieces from each of the designers collections. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week had an indelible impression of beautiful pieces that evoked a stunning yet relaxed mood of harmony, style and daily wear ability. Fit for the style savvy women to discover cutting edge collections for the discerning fashionista in you.

BCBGMAXAZRIA Lounge during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2015

Miyoshi Rheberg & Tiffany Andersen

Alicia Quarles & designer Dennis Basso


Vicky Jeudy & Peyton List

Hofit Golan

Rita Glaser & Bernie Glaser

Christina Milian & Liz Milian

Camille Grammer & Adriana de Moura FOCUS of SWFL 2014 129

John Basedow

Samantha Black

Sonja Morgan

Layana Aguilar

Natalie Zfat

Bibhu Mohapatra

Lauren Rae Levy

130 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Falguni and Shane Peacock

Zang Toi

Carmen Marc Valvo

Jenny Packham

ration of America. "Think about it: fashion is art and writing is art. Put them together and you have a masterpiece—a Nicolas K original dress adorned with Pilot FriXion Clicker erasable gel ink pens gliding down the runway at Lincoln Center. It's a unique statement about the power of the pen."

Fashion enthusiasts found no shortage of thrilling content this week long schedule of backstage beauty looks, insider interviews and streaming videos. The magic of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York continues with new life in a highly stylized, fashion forward world. Perfectly illustrates the diverse roster of talent, beauty and digital presence. To once again deliver the excitement of this year’s event to all fashion lovers everywhere.

Son Jung

Cesar Galindo

In addition to the excitement taking place on and off the runways, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week continues its commitment to the local community by engaging local businesses and supporting educational initiatives. Working together with the Lincoln Square BID, MercedesBenz Fashion Week once again welcomes the Fashion Plate and Crew Cuts promotions to support local restaurants and businesses in the surrounding area. As well, through its continuing partnership with the New York City Housing Authority and with the support of event vendors, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week is able to continue to offer employment opportunities to public housing residents through the course of the week.


In addition to the excitement taking place on and off the runways, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week continues its commitment to the local community by engaging local businesses and supporting educational initiatives. Working together with the Lincoln Square BID, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week once again welcomes the Fashion Plate and Crew Cuts promotions to support local restaurants and businesses in the surrounding area. A recent study by Fordham University estimated that $40 million in direct economic impact was generated annually in the 10-block radius around Lincoln Center by the vendors, staff, and guests. As well, through its continuing partnership with the New York City Housing Authority and with the support of event vendors, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week is able to continue to offer employment opportunities to public housing residents through the course of the week.

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Vivienne Tam

Nanette Lepore

Erin Fetherston

Badgley Mischka

Angel Sanchez

Academy of Art University


B. Michael America



Anna Sui

Pamella Roland

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Francesca Liberatore

David Tlale

Reem Acra

Michael Kors

Dress for Success

By K. Buchanan

You have always imagined how this meeting would be. From the moment you exited your college doors to the moment you applied for this amazing opportunity at the company of your dreams, you have been fantasizing how your conversational skills would lead you closer to a job proposal that will excite you. But, have you ever considered that apart from building your professional experience and advancing your academic background, the condition of your wardrobe can be a crucial factor for your prospective employer to base his/her decision on? All around the globe, HR professionals agree that candidates who select to wear clean and matching clothes actually increase their chances of being offered the position they are after.

(left) Ryan Seacrest Distinction exclusively at Macy's (right) Ellen Tracy Dress at Macy's 134 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

It is common in today's professional environment for people to wear their "business" outfit during office hours and their casual clothes during leisure time. Whether you have realized it or not, you are probably a member of this fast-pace attire couture, as you open your closet in the morning to wear one of your business suits leaving your jeans hanging for the more "relaxed" atmosphere of the weekend or a barbeque party. But even if your office dress code does not explicitly direct you to wear formal business garments, when you are about to be interviewed for a new job it is important you will select to wear your professional-looking clothes.

anyone. For instance, women that wear heavy makeup or men that select to wear an extremely expensive suit might give to the interviewer the wrong impression regarding their professional status and overall character. In fact, one might lose a perfectly good opportunity to get the position he or she is about to be interviewed due to a poor or over-the-top appearance. Dressing casually or over-dressing will never lead you to the desired result. Thus, before meeting with your potential employer, it is imperative to consult with friends, who have working experience in the business field you wish to enter, so as to learn as much as possible in relation to the working outfit recruiters and business executives consider as acceptable. Consequently, it is important for you to plan ahead and invest in purchasing the "right" type of clothes. Being proactive today will give you tomorrow the opportunity to buy that piece of clothing that your future boss would characterize as "extreme," but your partner or friends would adore.


Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.


Coco Chanel

As a matter of fact, my personal experience has led me to conclude that the outfit I will select to wear before having to give a small speech about my abilities and skills can direct the attention of my future employer to what I am saying instead to how I look. Contemporary business culture demands from the person that wishes to enter a business environment, of any kind, to look sharp and professional. Thus, it is crucial for candidates to choose carefully their apparel so as to reflect the generally accepted working dress-code, apart from their personal taste. Regardless if the position is that of a senior or a junior executive, HR agencies inform the individuals they manage to pay attention to their appearance as much as they should practice what they are going to elaborate on when explaining their professional experience and skills. There is not one recruiter out there that would overlook the way interested professionals look when they are invited for the first round of interviews. As the old saying goes, "An image says 1,000 words." But, while one should be conscious of the impact a carefully chosen wardrobe has to the overall image he or she is about to give, going over the business dress-code line is not advisable by FOCUS of SWFL 2014 135

Style&co. Blazer $59.00 Top $32.00 Pant $49.00 Available at select Macy's and at

136 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

CHARTER CLUB Dress 89.00 Available at select Macy's and at

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Get the inside details from Chiara Solloa, a celebrity fashion stylist. She has worked on major music videos for artists like Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, Jlo, etc. She has also work on television commercials and have styled celebrities such as Lebron James, Tiger Woods, etc. Retro 60’s inspired One of my favorite trends for fall/winter seen on the runway buy our favorite designers is the youthful mod inspired look of the 60’s, vintage prints and leather trenches pair with chunky heeled knee high boots. I am so excited to travel back in time into my moms closet for some cool vintage inspired looks.

The Long Coats and Capes Another look sure to be a hit is the long coat and cape. There is something about a long coat that instantly communicates glamour. This look makes you feel like a glamour queen gliding along the street. It can be paired many ways, under a pant look, skirt, or even a dress.

Textures of all kinds From wool , chunky knits, velvets , furs, leather, silks, a patchwork of textures is welcomed for fall. Try mixing a silk and a wool or a chunky knit with sequins. Don’t forget color this season, just because summer is gone doesn’t mean you need to sport a drab attire. Trying layers some of these different textures together with a pop of color. 140 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

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Top Hat “Curiosité-Red”: skull brocade, garnet beads, with a STERLING SILVER SKULL 925 emblem designed by Manuela Biocca and by a jeweler especially for the brand VICTORIAN WOMAN! 142 FOCUS of SWFL 2014



Photographer : Sylvain Reneult ( Stylist : Manuela Biocca - Victorian Woman Fashion accessories, corsets and skirts : Manuela Biocca - Victorian Woman Model : Marion Dussaix Make-Up - Hair : Haddy Sanghore (

Manuela Biocca, the designer, created Victorian Woman in 2009. Her desire is to highlight the Gothic Chic style, to bring it back to the front of the scene and as an everyday lifestyle. Victorian Woman is a French fashion designer accessories brand, handmade in France, in limited edition and unique items. Th e brand takes on a commitment and guarantees to produce a limited number of its products in order for its customers to always feel exceptional by delivering them a certifi cate of authenticity as for pieces of art. She off ers women romantic accessories inspired by fashions from the past: underbust corsets, hats, hair accessories, lace jewelry, belts, purses and bags, spats, cloaks. The signature of these artistic and atypical accessories is made from the union of luxury fabrics, beautiful laces and jewelry decorated with gemstones. The sense of detail, quality, and the exclusivity of her designs are its priority. Faithful to her inspirations, the designer imagined a collection resolutely anti-conformist and feminine: baroque charm, cabinets of curiosities and their fantastic discoveries, punk rockers and dandies. Th is collection with timeless and sophisticated forms invites the modern woman to reveal its multi-facetted personality by playing with contrasting eff ects. The creative process of this season gives birth to a collection between shadow and light, between romanticism and rock attitude. Black silk marries with golden silk fl owers, the black duchess satin enlightened with cameos of lace, skulls heads and scrolls, eyelets, spikes, metal buckles, laces are the privileged materials of this collection. Necklace “Curiosité-Red” (Curiosity ) : black lace, red skull brocade, spikes, satin roses with garnet beads, sterling silver celtic jewel with jade cabochon – Unique piece Bracelet “Curiosité-Red” : black satiny fabric, red skull brocade, garnet beads, sterling silver celtic jewel with jade cabochon – Unique piece Bag “Curiosité-Red” : black satiny fabric, brocade skull head emblem with lace around, garnet beads, delivered with its matching red skull brocade pouch

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Underbust Corset, skirt and evening clutch bag “Orchidée Noire” (Black Orchid) Skirt : Black silk, pieces of black lace, satin roses with garnet beads Bag and underbust corset : Black silk, pieces of black lace, satin roses with garnet beads with real RUBY cabochon set on a sterling silver 925 setting Bag delivered with little matching pouch with real RUBY cabochon set on a sterling silver 925 setting 144 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Necklace “Curiosité-Purple” : black lace, purple skull brocade, satin roses, black onyx and amethyst beads, sterling silver celtic jewel with black onyx cabochon – Unique piece Bracelet “Curiosité-Purple”: black satiny fabric, purple skull brocade, black onyx beads, sterling silver celtic jewel with black onyx cabochon – Unique piece FOCUS of SWFL 2014 145

Photography by Lucas Huang

146 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


Fashion extravaganza to showcase young, up-andcoming Asian/Hong Kong designers capturing the spirit of New York Fashion Week. The idea of throwing a catwalk show for Asian/Hong Kong designers in New York, the well-known fashion capital of the US came from my blogging mission that I set myself when I first blogged 4 years ago. Considering that their lack of financial resources is always a major obstacle for many young emerging Asian/Hong Kong designers to moving their career goals one step forward. I, being a Hong Kong-based fashion blogger bearing a primary mission to bring any potential Asian/Hong Kong designers to the world’s attention, felt an urge to "do something" to make the name of our future design stars from Asia/Hong Kong known, and their works seen as their talents deserve to be valued despite deficiency of both financial back-up and manpower from my end.

Not afraid to dream big though. September's New York Asian Fashion Week Extravaganza is a multidesigner trunk show organized by the experienced fashion show producer/consultant and co-founder of YaJu Events in New York, Yanna Begelman, French fashion event promoter and editor of Fashion Digest, Ruben Landsberger and by me, Hong Kong-based fashion blogger/marketer, Vicki Victoire (pseudonym: Gwen Vikkey Miao) of La Mode by GV Miao - an Oriental Perspective to provide the emerging Asian/Hong Kong designers with an international platform to present their signature collection to customers around the world in New York. Unlike other fashion shows at the commercialized fashion weeks, all invitations were not made in a random manner.

Designers being invited to participate in this show whether specialized in fashion or accessories were solely picked from my preference list and their collection showcased will for sure reflect my personal taste in fashion as a blogger. Asian Fashion Week Extravaganza held at Libation NYC introducing 4 emerging Hong Kong-based designers initiated and organized by La Mode by GV Miao. The show was well-received and the fabulous kimono inspired couture dresses by Japanese designer Naoko Tsuruta and the intricately crafted large-scale headpieces by Hong Kong headpiece/ jewelry designer Angel Wong especially appealed to the guests. What's more, we had the winner and first runner up of CA Model Competition walking the show for us. This is not the end, it's just the beginning of my persistent project looking to create more irresistible whirlwind of emerging talents in Asia and Hong Kong worldwide. My next stop is going to be Paris Fashion Week 2015.

K.L. Photography FOCUS of SWFL 2014 147

Yen Yeung: Hong Kong-based jewelry designer and founder of NoBeing, her pieces have everything a sparkling girl could want, bling, chunkiness and many more

Naoko Tsuruta: 148 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Hong Kong-based Japanese couture designer inspired by traditional kimono.

Photography by Gustavo Villar

Betty Lau:

handbag designer from Hong Kong and founder of RBRK offering metropolitan ladies both versatile and chic bags perfect for every occasion

Angel Wong: based in Hong Kong, Angel Wong founded Angel Wong Image 10 years ago in 2004. She plays a double role as professional make-up artist and headpiece/jewelry designer. She perceives and interprets aesthetics in a comprehensive way, which makes her pursue creating harmony of the total look. She is good in designing large-scale fashion pieces exuding a sense of elegance and sophistication yet fun

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Best Friends

By Nina Pak

Friendship is that bond which works when all the rest of relations just sour out. Friends are the ones whose trust and love makes one stand tall through hard times and who expresses his or her love and opinions in the most sincere and unbiased manner.

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Jewelry by Dreamloka Gems Make up styling: Little Bug Make Up Photography by Nina Pak Models: Glass Oliva (short dark hair) Angela Avocado (redish hair)

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Style & Co. (top) $88.00 (bottom) $98.00 at MACY's

Fashion Trends

By Robert Salvatore

A continuing trend that drives designer’s picks for fashion colors is a persons drive for individuality, fashion, and escapism. People in the market are looking for jewelry that will make them feel more than just fashionable. Sometimes people can go for a more adventurous and daring piece of jewelry, and sometimes people can accessorize with subtle jewelry. Whatever the choice for the day, no one can go wrong with putting on a few fabulous jewels. If one wants to pull out an adventurous look, luckily the latest industry predictions for the coming year shows that designers have opted for colors on the opposite side of the color spectrum; vivid, bright, and lively colors. So how can anyone go wrong throwing on a amethyst ring, or a aquamarine one. Even a black diamond ring can throw off anyone’s outfit. Showing how colors style you are in. Citrine earrings, blue topaz earrings, aquamarine earrings, pink sapphires, and smoky topaz earrings can really brighten up your wardrobe, and you will definitely fall into this season’s latest trend. Gems are also always enriched with deep and vivid colors, and all of these mentioned colors and jewelry are available. Remember bright colors are going to make you pop, and there is no problem looking dazzling this season. Another popular trend this season, are the neutral colors that play the backbone for all other colors to play on. These nude hues leave an honest vibe that makes anyone relaxed, calm, and approachable. Even gold is trending in this style. Any type of gold chain, ring, or earrings, can give someone a relaxed style, and also look very trendy for this season. Smoky Topaz earrings would be a great example to following this trend. The light brown gives a haze to one’s look, looking fresh and ready for spring! You can also mix up your look with a garnet and diamond mixed earring, giving you a fresh look, which is parallel to the neutral colors giving off this season. Going for a subtler look? No one can go wrong having a white diamond ring. A regular diamond can give off your presence in a classy and even a flirtatious way. If diamonds are not your thing, throw on a classic pearl necklace. Everyone should have at least one pearl necklace in their jewelry box. Having a simple necklace around your neck won’t do you wrong either. Speaking of patterns, big bold prints such as tropical themes and jungle prints are back. This year is no exception. Color is back, and black is out, at least for now. Last year, brown was the new black, and this year it is muted silver and grey that's all the rage when you want to opt for a non-color. What about shoes, you ask? Pointy-toe pumps are back! Not that they ever really went out of style, but they certainly came second to the flip flop, the ballet slipper, and other such cutesy flat footwear, along with the rounded toe pump. Also noteworthy is what's in store for later on in the season. This season proves to be an interesting and eclectic mix of styles. This may seem contradictory, but the feminine nature of the season's styles pulls from flowing fabrics and cuts and seems to just use a hint of metal and accessory - and it's a hit!

(left) Material Girl - Dress $40.00 at MACY's (right) I▪N▪C INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS $109.50

154 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


Get�the�Facts�about�the�Pet�Shop�-�Pup 156 FOCUS of SWFL 2014


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An American in


David L. Turner launched his women's and men's line Kathryn Milan during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Amsterdam in January 2014. For his elegant fashion and red carpet clothing he chose the grandeur of the former palace of justice in Amsterdam. There, he gave the audience something new, yet unexpected. With the birth of his ready to wear women’s collection Kathryn Milan and men’s collection KM24, David L. Turner creates a new evolution of luxury, bringing his sense of simple elegance and style, with an infused influence of European class, to the fashion world. David L. Turner shows the story of the lady Kathryn Milan – who symbolizes the signature of the fashion brand – and the man who adores and admirers her. The Kathryn Milan collection invites the 24 hour representative woman to coordinate her pieces as she likes and she thinks is right for the occasion. As Mr. Turner states: “The Kathryn Milan collection for me is the wonderful feeling that I have when I reflect on all the amazing women throughout my life that have style and grace. And for the men that love them. Our ambition is to have Kathryn Milan recognized internationally so that the global audience will identify it with the high standards and simple elegance it exudes, a touch of contemporary yet classic style.” Kathryn Milan’s silhouette has clean lines with tailoring always in mind. She uses all key garments like pants, skirts and jackets. Leather is a material that runs through all items in the collection. Turner works with colorful silks for both the woman and her man along with luxurious fabrics. As the style is elegant, timeless and well-crafted the clothing can be seen as investment pieces. The goal of Kathryn Milan is to provide its clients with a brand that is synonymous with luxury, sophistication, great style, impeccable detail, comfort and wear ability. At the same time, Turner wants to expand the business with beautiful accessories, lifestyle products, and online services, with the objective of laying the foundation for a global expansion of the brand. Photography by PAAR Make Up Artist: Klai Rung Clothes: Kathryn Milan 158 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Topaz jumpsuit Aventurine skirt & Quartz bustier

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Marble coat

160 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Banded Agate suit

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Shells jacket Kota pants & Swarovski dress

162 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Nero cape & Royal Sodalite dress

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CYCLISTS (Silkscreen) - By Ugo Nespolo

Life Continues - By Jean-Francois Dupuis

Personal Values – By René Magritte The Lamp - By Romare Bearden Romare Bearden Foundation 164 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

flying south - By Ikki Matsumoto

In my heart - By Clarita

figurin - By Miguel Marinero

Samaritan Soldiers - By Dawn Hudson FOCUS of SWFL 2014 165

166 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Michael St. Amand

United States of America

St. Amand (Born 1958) uses a multi-disciplined approach to his art making – painting, printmaking, digital art, video, sculpture, installations, and mixed media constructs. The artist’s work cannot be classified within a particular generation of art movements. St. Amand’s style is a combination of Avant-Garde, Abstract Expressionism, Modernism, and Color-Field Painting. The artist focuses on the basic elements of an artwork – color, shape, and composition and chooses materials to psychologically evoke certain kinds of feelings. St. Amand’s paintings affect the space in which they hang. His use of multi-layered raw, vibrant color and fluorescent pigments put the viewer on the spot. His paintings vibrate with energy and light causing the art to interact with the audience. The artwork reflects glaring bursts of color back at the viewer, necessitating a multi-angled tour of the canvas in order to form a complete image of it. Because of the way light reacts to the fluorescent pigments, as ones physical relationship to them changes so does the artwork.

Repicant 2012

There is nothing “quick” about St. Amand's work. His art needs time to be ingested, digested, and contemplated. Messages are coming from all sides -- political, social, cultural, sexual, and aesthetical. St. Amand juxtaposes the sacred with the profane and leaves the viewers to determine where on the continuum their perceptions lie. “All the objects are just objects. As with all art, it is what the viewer brings to it,” St. Amand says of his work. “It is the viewer’s own – very personal – reactionary emotion or self-analysis. Whether it is disdain or shock, passion or compassion, every person will create his or her own truth attached to the work.” This is at the heart of St. Amand’s work. As art, his pieces are unique and visually engaging. As social commentary, they are thought evoking and provoking. His work inspires conversation and insight into three worlds: the artist’s, the one in which we all share, and the very personal one within each individual. Michael St. Amand, with the endorsement of the United States Embassy and The Georgian Ministry of Culture, had two solo exhibitions: Myths and Mayhem exhibited at the Tbilisi History Museum and the Signagi Museum in the Republic of Georgia in 2013. In addition he has earned numerous awards for his work. The artist has been listed in Art in America Magazine’s Who’s Who in American Art. He has exhibited his art nationally and internationally, including Paris, Bordeaux, New York City, The Republic of Georgia, Germany, Dallas, New Zealand, Washington, D.C., and throughout Florida. His work can be found in many corporate and private collections. Photo Credit: Michael St. Amand by Nicholas Berdysheff

Tipping Point 2013

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Start the Day Off Right

Breakfast has forever been celebrated as the most important meal of the day – but are you eating the right kind of breakfast to power your potential? To ensure your morning meal gets you off on the right start, opt for one with protein. While experts recommend 20-30 grams of protein at each meal, the average breakfast bowl and plate only contains 10-12 grams. One way to help close the gap is to include an eight ounce glass of milk. All milk, including fat free and lowfat, packs the same nutrient-rich punch, with nine essential nutrients, including 8 grams of high-quality protein in an 8-ounce glass – that’s more protein than an egg! Below are five tips to help you enjoy a better breakfast to help power your day: 1) Count to (at Least) Three: Make sure your breakfast consists of three of the five food groups including dairy, fruits, vegetables, meat/beans and whole grains. 2) Make It With Milk: Like oatmeal? Swap out 8-ounces of water for 8-ounces of milk to add 8 grams of protein for a creamy addition to your oatmeal. See recipe below! 3) A Perfect Pair: Pair any breakfast with an 8-ounce glass of milk. Not only does milk help enhance the nutrition of any meal, it can help get you closer to the recommended amount of protein at each meal when served alongside your frittata or egg scramble. In addition to protein, each serving of milk includes nearly one-third of the daily-recommended amount of calcium and vitamin D. 4) To Go, Please: No time to eat at home? No problem! Grab fruit, a granola bar and milk to go. You can also make a quick smoothie by swirling in 1/2 cup of milk to your favorite recipe, and add a tablespoon of almond butter for extra protein punch. 5) Get Organized: If you find yourself rushing in the mornings, plan ahead and think about breakfast after dinner. You can set the table the night before with bowls and glasses, and pre-mix ingredients to maximize time in the morning.

Hearty Oatmeal Serve this hearty dish with an 8-ounce glass of milk and half a banana, and you’ll be starting the day with 25 grams of protein. Makes: 2 servings 1 3/4 1 1 1/8 1/4 1/4 3

cup lowfat or fat free milk cup old fashioned or quick cooking oats (not instant) teaspoon brown sugar teaspoon ground cinnamon cup sliced strawberries cup dried cherries tablespoons toasted sliced almonds (3/4 oz.)

Combine milk, oatmeal, brown sugar and cinnamon in saucepan; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir often to prevent boiling over. Cook until thickened. Divide between two serving bowls and top with strawberries, cherries and almonds. Serve immediately. Nutrition: 510 calories; 8 g fat; 0 g saturated fat; 10 mg cholesterol; 25 g protein; 87 g carbohydrates; 8 g fiber; 0 mg sodium; 600 mg calcium (60% of daily value). Nutrition figures based on using fat free milk. FAMILY FEATURES 168 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Healthy Eating


Looking for creative ways to get your family to eat healthier? Registered dietitian nutritionist and mom of three, Frances LargemanRoth, finds inspiration from the color spectrum, creating vividlyhued homemade culinary creations that encourage her children to explore new foods while incorporating good nutrition. “When planning meals and snacks, include the colors of the rainbow – like vitamin C-rich mango or protein-filled red lentils. This is an easy way to entice kids to eat more fruits and vegetables while eliminating the need to overthink vitamin and mineral intakes,” said Largeman-Roth. “The whole family benefits from bringing more colorful foods to the kitchen table. Replacing processed foods with fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will automatically cut calories and saturated fat while increasing fiber and antioxidants.” As a leading healthy cooking expert, Largeman-Roth shares her personal family stories, tips, and recipes for colorful healthy eating in her newest cookbook “Eating in Color: Delicious, Healthy Recipes for You and Your Family.” And mango is one of her go-to fruits for color-infused meals and snacks. “My family loves the tropical flavor of mango and its vibrant orange color. And as a nutritionist, I love that one serving of mango delivers 100% of your daily vitamin C.”

Mangos are superfruits bursting with antioxidants and more than 20 different vitamins and minerals. One cup of mango is 100 calories and a good source of fiber, which aids in digestion and the management of weight, and an excellent source of vitamin A which plays a role in bone growth. To select a mango at the grocery store, squeeze gently to judge ripeness. If the mango has a slight give, it’s ripe and ready to eat. If it’s too firm, let it ripen on your kitchen counter for a few days at room temperature. Don’t judge a mango’s ripeness by its color. The red blush you’ll see on some varieties is simply a characteristic of the variety. Get your family on its way to more colorful, nutritious eating with these tips from Frances: 1. Eat color often. Pack antioxidant-rich colorful fruits and vegetables into every meal and snack. 2. Don’t eat monochrome. It’s easy to get into a routine and just start eating kale salads every day. Kale is great for you, but it’s not going to meet all your nutrient needs. 3. Go beyond your comfort zone. When shopping, seek out new fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein sources to try. And have your kids help with grocery selections!

Coco-Mango Smoothie Courtesy of Frances Largeman-Roth, “Eating In Color” 1 1 1/2 1 1

large ripe mango, peeled, pitted and diced lime (finely grated zest and juice) cup coconut butter, such as Nutiva Coconut Manna teaspoon ground turmeric cup ice, plus more for serving

In blender, combine all ingredients with 1 cup of water and blend until smooth. Pour into two glasses, over additional ice if desired, and serve. FOCUS of SWFL 2014 171



s you prepare for this season of celebrations, consider recipes that offer a fresh approach to the traditional holiday menu. With its sweet simplicity and vibrant color, a garnish featuring California grapes can make your meal presenta足tion even more enticing. Keep those mealtime traditions intact by serving favorites like Brussels sprouts, but pair them with sweet California grapes in a salad for the perfect balance of flavor and crunchy texture. A beloved side dish, such as cornbread dressing, will exceed all expectations with ingredients like red and green grapes, butternut squash, walnuts and pan足cetta. Complete the meal with a new twist on a trifle that results in a rich dessert worthy of any gathering for the holidays and beyond. For more ways to increase the freshness and flavor of your holiday meals, visit GrapesfromCalifornia. com, and

172 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Raw Vegetable and Grape Salad

Servings: 6 Salad: 2 cups shredded or very thinly sliced Brussels sprouts 1 cup shredded carrots 1 cup thinly sliced fennel 1/2 cup cooked, chopped bacon (6 slices) 4 cups green and red seedless California grapes, halved 1/2 cup sliced green onions Dressing: 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper Toss all salad ingredients together in large bowl. Whisk together all dressing ingredients in medium bowl and drizzle over salad. Toss until ingredients are well coated with dressing. Nutrition information per serving: 226 calories; 14 g fat (4 g saturated fat); 55% calories from fat; 8 g protein; 19 g carbohydrate; 3 g fiber; 17 mg cholesterol; 516 mg sodium; 471 mg potassium.

Peanut Butter and Grape Trifle

Helpful Tips for the Perfect Holiday Turkey n When

shopping for your turkey, look for one with a pop-up timer.

n To thaw your turkey, keep it in the refrigerator based on its weight.

For example, it should remain in the refrigerator for 24 hours for every 5 pounds. To thaw quickly, place it in the sink and cover with cold water, changing the water every half hour per pound.

n Once

the turkey has thawed, always refrigerate or cook immediately.

n When

you’re ready to cook, baste the bird with extra virgin olive oil. Place turkey with the breast up on a rack in a shallow roasting pan in an oven preheated to 325°F. Loosely cover turkey with foil to prevent over-browning.

n The

turkey is done cooking when the meat thermometer reads 180°F, or if the red stem on the pop-up timer is up and the drum­ stick feels soft or moves easily.

n Always

allow the bird to rest for at least 20 minutes for easy carving.

n Present

your turkey on a platter with a fresh and colorful garnish, such as California grapes.

Servings: 14 1 (16-ounce) container nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt 8 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 2 tablespoons honey 1 (8-ounce) container lite whipped topping, divided 1 (16-ounce) store-bought pound cake, sliced into 1-inch cubes 3 cups red seedless California grapes, plus more for garnish 3 cups green seedless California grapes, plus more for garnish 1/4 cup honey-roasted peanuts, chopped (optional garnish) In medium bowl, stir together yogurt, peanut butter and honey until well combined. Gently fold in half of whipped topping. Set aside. In clear glass trifle dish or bowl, layer half each of pound cake cubes, peanut butter mixture, red grapes and green grapes. Repeat layers a second time and top with remaining whipped topping. Garnish with additional grapes (sliced in half) if desired, and chopped peanuts, if desired. Nutrition information per serving (with peanuts): 313 calories; 15 g fat (5 g saturated fat); 42% calories from fat; 8 g protein; 38 g carbohydrate; 1 g fiber; 73 mg cholesterol; 197 mg sodium; 206 mg potassium.

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Cornbread Dressing with Roasted Grapes, Walnuts and Pancetta Servings: 12 2 cups red seedless California grapes 2 cups green seedless California grapes 2 cups cubed butternut squash 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper, to taste 6 ounces diced pancetta 3/4 cup sliced celery 1 large onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 5 cups coarsely crumbled cornbread (either store-bought or prepared from a mix), toasted 3/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts, toasted 2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage 1 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth 3 tablespoons butter, melted 3 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar 1 egg, beaten Preheat oven to 400°F. Toss grapes and squash cubes together in large bowl with oil, salt and pepper, to taste. Spread in single layer on baking sheet and roast for about 20–30 minutes, until grapes have begun to slightly shrivel and squash is tender. Set aside. Heat large nonstick skillet over

medium-high heat and cook pancetta until it begins to brown slightly. Add celery and onions and cook until tender and onions are translucent, about 5–6 minutes. Add garlic and cook for one minute more. Remove from heat. In large bowl, combine cornbread, pancetta mixture, grapes, squash, walnuts, sage and salt and pepper to taste, if desired. Set aside. In medium bowl, whisk together broth, butter, vinegar and egg. Pour over cornbread mixture and toss well to combine. Spray 9-by-13-inch baking dish with cooking spray. Spoon dressing evenly into dish. (At this point, you can either bake immediately or cover and refrigerate overnight to bake the next day.) Bake, covered with foil, at 350°F for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake another 20 minutes, or until warmed through and golden brown. Nutrition information per serving: 442 calories; 18 g fat (4 g saturated fat); 37% calories from fat; 14 g protein; 54 g carbohydrate; 2 g fiber; 75 mg cholesterol; 1103 mg sodium; 475 mg potassium.

A Tasty Tradition

A Spanish custom spanning back to 1895, those who practice “the twelve grapes of luck” are said to be provided with a year of prosperity. Add this festive ritual to your celebration by eating a grape with the ringing of each bell at midnight on New Year’s Eve.

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Turkey Talk:

After spending hours roasting your turkey to perfection, it (and you) deserves more than a sandwich the day after. With a little creative pre-shopping and stocking of refrigerators and cupboards, you can take your day-two turkey from boring to amazing – and nutritious.

Enjoying delicious meals doesn’t have to mean blowing the bank on calories. Simple, fresh ingredients that are full of nutrition and flavor can take leftover turkey to a different level, says Marisa Paolillo, nutritionist with NuVal. When planning for the big harvest meal (and the day-after dishes to follow), you can rely on tools such as the NuVal Nutritional Scoring System. Many grocery retailers now provide these scores on the shelf tag to help shoppers find more nutritious food choices. Based on a scale of 1 to 100, foods and beverages are scored based on their nutritional content, with the most nutritious choices scoring highest. The experts at NuVal suggest putting these power-packed foods on your pre-Thanksgiving grocery list. Both fresh and nutritious, these ingredients can create new menu options for turkey leftovers.

Spice it: Pair reheated turkey with baked spiced apples. Core and slice fresh apples (NuVal 100) and combine with raisins (NuVal 88), chopped pecans (NuVal 71), cinnamon and lemon. Roast for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. No need to add sugar. The apples provide all the sweetness you need. Wrap it: For a lighter take on the traditional leftover turkey sandwich, chop cold turkey in small pieces and layer with raw vegetables, avocado (NuVal 88), mustard, Romaine lettuce (NuVal 100), tomatoes (NuVal 100), sliced red or green bell peppers (NuVal 100), shredded carrots (NuVal 100) and cucumbers (NuVal 100) in a tortilla wrap. Curry it: Need a quick 30-minute post-Thanksgiving meal that is both savory and sweet? NuVal’s pick is Curried Turkey with Raisins and Mushrooms. The recipe works really well with leftover turkey and it’s simple to make. The meal combines protein-rich turkey with the earthy flavors of mushrooms and the sweet, spicy tones of raisins and curry.

Curried Turkey with Raisins and Mushrooms 1 1/2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil (NuVal 18) 12 ounces boneless, skinless turkey breast diced into one-inch cubes (NuVal 57) 2 cups fresh white mushrooms (NuVal 100) 2 cups sliced cremini mushrooms (NuVal 100) 1/2 medium red or green bell peppers, chopped into squares (NuVal 100) 2 cups chicken or turkey broth 1 cup raisins (NuVal-88) 2 cups instant whole grain rice (NuVal-91) 1 1/2 tablespoons curry powder Basil leaves, chopped (NuVal-100) Heat extra virgin olive oil in large saute pan. With heat on medium high, heat up leftover turkey in pan. If turkey is raw, cook turkey strips at least five minutes. Add mushrooms and peppers and cook for three to four minutes. Add broth. Mix in raisins, rice and curry powder. Bring to boil then reduce heat and cover. Simmer until rice is done. Fluff with fork, remove from heat. Let sit three to five minutes and garnish with basil before serving.


176 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

Take Leftovers Beyond a Sandwich

Sweet Dreams by Daniel Fernandez

Down is nature’s best insulator and offers the sleep inducing benefits of warmth without weight. The wonderful softness of down and feather pillows feels great and is good for you because it conforms to the body more naturally than many synthetic fibers or foam pillows. This quality has led to the increase in non-traditional pillow shapes for specific types of sleepers—such as those who sleep be st with a large pillow they can “hug”, or the pillows designed for expectant mothers. In a more traditional bed pillow, the neck and shoulder muscles are less strained as the head is naturally cradled in the down and feather pillow. Down and feather is a natural material that wicks moisture away and allows it to quickly evaporate rather than trapping moisture. Waking up in the night having to throw off a blanket because of feeling overheated is a thing of the past when your pillow and comforter are made from down and feather. Dust mite allergies plague at least 10 percent of the population and are a leading contributor to developing asthma. Hypoallergenic down and feather is a good product for allergy sufferers because the natural breathability means that moisture– which dust mites need to live and thrive–is not trapped in the fibers. Additionally, the fabrics that encase the down and feathers are tightly woven–possessing a high thread count–in order to keep any feathers from escaping. This tightly woven fabric also serves as a barrier to dust mites. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic in the U.S. Further, the CDC says that a lack of sleep makes a person more likely to suffer from other chronic diseases such as diabetes, depression and obesity. How can people help create better sleep habits and lead healthier lives? The first step is to realize what is keeping them awake. Feeling too hot or too cold? Restless and sore from fidgeting while sleeping? These seemingly trivial discomforts can have adverse effects on sleep and health. Use these tips from the American Down and Feather Council (ADFC) to pick out the right bedding for a night of deep and refreshing sleep. 178 FOCUS of SWFL 2014

• Waking up Shivering or Sweating? Down is nature’s best insulator and offers the sleep inducing benefits of warmth without weight. A down comforter with a fill power higher than 500 will give added warmth, and a down comforter with less than 500 will keep you snug but cool. • Fidgeting in your Sleep? Look for bedding that is soft and will naturally conform to your body – like down and feather. Down and feather contours and moves with your body as you shift positions, this will keep you from getting tangled up in your sleep. • Feeling Dirty and Gross? Easily washable, down and feather products are made from natural materials that wick moisture away and allow it to quickly evaporate rather than trapping it close to your body. Sleeping in a moisture-free bed will help you retain a fresh and clean feeling. • Suffering from Allergies? Plaguing at least 10 percent of the population, dust mites thrive in humid locations and are one of the leading contributors to asthma. Superior construction and breathable materials allow down and feather products to be dust mite free and hypoallergenic.

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