The Visitor/ El Visitante Vol. 17#49

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VOL. 17#49




London and Broadway play “Red” staged in English and Spanish T

he play,”Red”, John Logan’s portrayal of the life and mind of Mark Rothko, a great American painter of Latvian origin, which was designated the best Broadway play of 2010 will be

performed in Panama in January. This is the first time a play will be presented in Spanish and English at the same time, so there is no excuse for missing it. The play, set in the 50s, takes

Leo Wiznitzer in the part of Mark Rothko and Luigi Pezzotti as his young assistant. Leo Wiznitzer en el papel de Mark Rothko y Luigi Pezzotti como su joven asistente.

us to the studio of Mark Rothko, famous for his enormous paintings of abstract expressionism. Director, Bruce Quinn, and producer, Leo Wiznitzer joined forces to make possible the staging in Panama of this play which first conquered London and then New York.. The play is directed by Bruce Quinn and the two characters will be interpreted in English and Spanish by Wiznitzer (Rothko) and the young Luigi Pezzotti (Ken). “Red” will be staged in English on January 12, 2012 at the Theatre Guild of Ancon, and from Jan 17 through January 29 at the Teatro La Quadra. Prices will be $25.00 for the general public, $15.00 for seniors, and $10.00 for students.

La obra londinense y de Broadway “Red” escenificada en Inglés y español E

n enero llegará a Panamá la mejor obra de teatro de Broadway del año 2010, Red, de John Logan. Será la primera vez que una obra se presente en español e inglés al mismo tiempo, así que no hay excusas para no disfrutar del retrato que hace John Logan de la vida y la mente de Mark Rothko, genial pintor norteamericano de origen letón. La obra nos traslada al estudio de Mark Rothko –famoso por sus enormes cuadros de expresionismo abstracto–, en

los años 50, cuando el pintor contrató a un joven asistente que lo ayudara en la creación de una serie de murales para el restaurante Four Seasons de Nueva York. Dirigidos por Quinn, los dos personajes serán interpretados en inglés y español por Wiznitzer (Rothko) y el joven Luigi Pezzotti (Ken). Las luces y la música son personajes tan importantes como los protagonistas. La música fue diseñada y escogida por Adam Cork, encargado del

estreno en Londres y ganador del premio Olivier a la mejor dirección de sonido. El diseño de luces está a cargo de Rick Belzer, premiado internacionalmente en varias ocasiones. Red se estrenará el 12 de Enero de 2012 en inglés en el Theatre Guild de Ancón, y del 17 al 29 de Enero en el Teatro La Quadra. Los precios serán $25.00 para el público general, $15.00 para jubilados, y $10.00 para estudiantes.





Training to break the poverty cycle F

undacionCalicanto is a nongovernmental organization founded in 1997 working in the historic district of Casco Viejo in Panama City. Calicanto promotes conservation efforts in the district and also provides life skills training to local communities to break the of cycle poverty. This is done through their programs CAPTA, ENLACES, RESTAURA and the initiative (CONEXION) which strengthens personal develop-

ment and helps create a sense of community among the program’s beneficiaries. CAPTA (Capacitación para el Trabajo: Work Training) is an intensive course that trains women to work in the hospitality sector. Five weeks are dedicated to personal development, psychological support and basic entrepreneurship, followed by two weeks of specialized training at the International Hotel School.

ENLACES works with at-risk children (ages 7-12) and provides a values based educational experience, performing arts training, tutoring and psychological support to give them the tools needed to become positive leaders. RESTAURA promotes responsible restoration of the historic district, honoring its cultural heritage of humanity status.


Entrenamiento para el emprendimiento y el trabajo en hoteles


a Fundación Calicanto es una organización no gubernamental fundada en 1997. Calicanto promueve la conservación del Casco Antiguo y ofrece a los habitantes de este distrito histórico y los barrios aledaños las herramientas para salir de la pobreza no solamente económica, sino emocional. La fundación trabaja actualmente en tres programas: CAPTA, ENLACES y RESTAURA; y una iniciativa (CONEXIÓN) que refuerza el desarrollo personal e impulsa la creación de un sentimiento de comunidad entre sus beneficiarios. CAPTA (Capacitación para el Trabajo) es un curso intensivo que proporciona capacitación laboral a mujeres. El curso consta de dos partes: cinco semanas dedicadas al desarrollo personal, apoyo psicológico y conceptos básicos de emprendedurismo; seguidos de dos semanas de formación técnica en la Escuela de Hotelería. ENLACES trabaja con niños de 7 a 12 años en riesgo social, educándolos de manera integral como líderes positivos por medio de acompañamiento psicosocial, reforzamiento escolar y formación en las artes escénicas; para que promuevan valores y habilidades artísticas aprendidas como herramientas de cambio en su comunidad. RESTAURA promueve la restauración del centro histórico de una forma responsable, respetando su estatus de patrimonio de la humanidad.

Training for entrepreneurship and hotel work. Entrenamiento para el emprendimiento y la profesión hotelera.




At Barcelona fair

Tourism Authority touts leisure activities, convention facilities P

anama was well-represented last week at the tourism fair EIBTM in Barcelona, Spain. Over 14,000 industry professionals covering incentives, events, group and individual tourism, business tourism and conventions attended the fair. Some of the Panamanian representatives were Panama Hotel, Marriot Hotel, Trump Ocean Club, Bern Hotels and Resorts, Escapes Panama, Panama Crown Tour, Travel Planners, Quetzal MOTIVO, Margo Tours and PTY Boarding Tour and Safety Shuttle. Focus Group was also represented by Marketing and Sales

Director, Patricia Puentes, who distributed copies of The Visitor newspaper and the Focus guidebook, published by the media group Focus Publications Int, SA. The Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP) receivd a positive response from participating hoteliers representing a proportion of the 10,000 hotel rooms which Panama has today. For their part, tour operators showed confidence in positioning Panama as the region´s leader for events and conventions, by combining the country´s wide range of leisure activities with its conventions facilities, especially the offer

from the Atlapa Convention Center to provide its services free of charge when an event organizer can promise occupation of at least 500 hotel rooms. Promotourist is the communication and public relations company hired by the ATP to influence the Spanish market. The agency employs various communication channels, assists in tourism fairs and incentives (EITBM and FITUR in Madrid), and generates reports and articles about Panama, as well as organizes trips to Panama for journalists and tour operators.

Sr. Octavio Abad, Ejecutivo de Ferias Internacionales ATP, Sr. David Dolum Director- Presidente No Limits Design, Sra. Patricia Puentes Gte de Mercadeo y Ventas de Focus Panama & The Visitor, Licdas Lidón Figuerola y Elena Soler Ejecutivas de Cuentas de Promotourist.

Panamá se posiciona en la gran Muestra de Eventos y Encuentros Globales de Barcelona P

anamá estuvo bien representada la semana pasada en la Feria de Turismo EIBTM en Barcelona, España. Alrededor de 14,000 profesionales de la industria y promotores de incentivos, eventos, turismo individual y grupal, turismo de negocios y convenciones, asistieron a la feria. Algunos de los representantes panameños fueron Hotel Panama, Marriot Hotel, Trump Ocean Club Panama, Bern Hotels and Resort, Escapes Panama, Panama Crown Tour, Travel Planners, Quetzal MOTIVO, Margo Tour y PTY Boarding safety Shuttle. También estuvo el Grupo Focus re-

presentado por su Directora de Marketing y Ventas, Patricia Puentes, que repartió ejemplares del periódico El Visitante así como guías turísticas Focus Panamá, editadas por el grupo mediático Focus Publications Int, S.A. La Autoridad de Turismo de Panamá (ATP) recibió una respuesta positiva de los hoteleros que representaron a una parte de las 10,000 plazas hoteleras con las que cuenta Panamá actualmente. Por su parte, los tour operadores siguen confiados en posicionarse líderes de la región en eventos y convenciones, combinando su gran oferta de actividades de ocio con su facilidad para congresos. Es-

pecialmente la oferta como la del Centro de Convenciones Atlapa, que presta sus servicios gratuitamente cuando el organizador de un evento asegura al menos la ocupación de 500 plazas hoteleras. Promotourist es la Agencia de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas contratada por la ATP para dar a conocer a Panamá en el mercado español. Esta agencia emplea diversos canales de comunicación: asistencia en ferias de turismo e incentivos (EITBM y FITUR, en Madrid) y gestión de reportajes y artículos sobre Panamá, así como la organización de viajes al país para periodistas y tour operadores.



Birth of a tradition

2000 throng Plaza de Francia for 1st “Carols by Candlelight” S

ome 2000 participants waved flickering candles and sang carols under star filled skies in the Plaza de Francia in Casco Antiguo for the first annual Carols By Candlelight event organized by the CanadaPLUS Club on December 3. Ambassadors from several countries, including Canada, The UK, Germany and Uruguay were among the audience. Proceeds will aid Fundacion Calicanto, a group that works to give practical help to women and children in Casco Viejo. The performers were the Fundacion Danilo Perez Ensemble, Coro De Ninos Juntos Podemos, Coro de Colegio Brader, Cantus Panama, The G-Harmony quartet, Opera Panama, Coro Rendicion and Instituto Nuestra Senora De Fatima Over 120 performers were on the steps of the Cultural Institute (INAC) for the Finale. Opera Panama led off with Adeste Fidelis (O

Come All Ye Faithful) in Latin, the combined choirs sang it in Spanish and English, and then the audience joined in in the language of their choice. A wonderful end to an enchant-

ing evening, and CanadaPLUS founder David Young promises more for next year. The joint MC’s were Frank Castagnet and Marie Lourdes Tarte and the show was produced by Magali Teillo.

2000 personas se toman la Plaza de Francia a la luz de la velas


lgunos de los 2000 participantes ondeaban velas parpadeantes y cantaban villancicos bajo un cielo estrellado en la Plaza de Francia en el Casco Antiguo. Se estaba celebrando por primera vez el evento denominado “Villancicos a la luz de las Velas”, organizado por CanadaPLUS el 3 de diciembre. Embajadores de varios países, incluyendo Canadá y Reino Unido, Alemania y Uruguay, estaban entre los asistentes. Las donaciones recaudadas irán destinadas a la Fundación Calicanto, un grupo que trabaja para dar ayuda práctica a las mujeres y niños del Casco Viejo. Los artistas participantes pertenecían a la Fundación Danilo Pérez, al Coro Niños Juntos Podemos, al Coro Colegio

Brader, Cantus Panama, The G-Harmony quartet, Ópera de Panamá, el Coro Rendición y el Instituto Nuestra Señora de Fátima. Más de 120 artistas se lucieron desde los aledaños del Instituto de Cultura (INAC). Ópera Panamá empezó con Adeles Fidelis en latín, y sus coros combinados cantaron además en español e inglés. La audiencia tenía dónde escoger. Un final maravilloso para una tarde encantadora. El fundador del evento de CanadaPLUS, David Young, prometió más para el próximo año. Los MC del evento fueron Frank Castagnet y Marie Lourdes Tarte y la producción fue a cargo de Magali Teillo.



Panama city’s Restaurant Metsuyan

Sushi...deliciously eternal, ever-evolving S

ushi has travelled the world and, although it is always sushi, it is never quite the same.. The Japanese tend always to be wary when foreigners threaten to undermine their traditions abroad, in this case their cuisine. But

more and more restaurants in Tokyo and other cities are using ingredients that are characteristic of other countries. Sushi is still sublime, yes, but it also tastes different. A small sample of this trend is

seen in restaurant Metsuyan, in the center of the banking area of Panama City. Their Panamanian Rolls of breaded “ebi” with banana, avocado and cheese speak for themselves, they melt in your mouth just as they were created

to do. And Japanese food, especially vegetarian (in the Metsu they do not serve meat of any kind) is a natural choice for the Jewish community, and generally speaking for anyone who wants to watch their waistline, considering

to supervise every stage of food production, and if eating can be considered a religious experience you could say in this case it is almost a commandment. Restaurant opening hours are very convenient and adapted to Jew-

that the Japanese are the least obese of any people in the world. Metsuyan is one of the few, if not the only, Japanese restaurants in Panama that is kosher , having staff designated by a rabbi

ish religious precepts. This means that the Metsuyan closes every Friday at 3:30 p.m. and does not

Restaurante Metsuyan is traditional, innovate – and its Kosher! reopen until Saturday at 8:00 p.m. The rest of the week it is open all day, just as in Japan, the country that never sleeps and you eat each day as if it were your last. Metsuyan Restaurant: Via Italia, Plaza Bal Harbour, Paitilla, Panama City. Phone: 213-1314



Sushi... deliciosamente eterno, siempre evolucionando E

l sushi ha traspasado tantas fronteras que sin cambiar no ha vuelto a ser el mismo. Debido a su liderazgo en innovación, los japoneses tienden siempre a la desconfianza cuando lo extranjero amenaza con desvirtuar alguna de sus tradiciones, en este caso la de sentarse a la mesa. Pero cada vez son más los restaurantes de Tokio y otras ciudades que emplean ingredientes característicos de otros países. El sushi sigue siendo sublime, sí, pero también sabe diferente. Una pequeña muestra de esta tendencia se observa en el restaurante Metsuyan, en plena área bancaria de Ciudad de Panamá. Sus rollos panameños de ebi rebozado con plátano, aguacate y queso hablan por sí solos, se derriten sin drama, exactamente como si hubiesen sido creados para ello. Y es que la comida japonesa, sobre todo en su vertiente vegetariana (el Metsuyan no sirve carne de ninguna clase), le viene como anillo

al dedo a la comunidad judía, y en general a todo aquel que desee mantener

Restaurante Metsuyan tradicional e innovador... y Kosher! la línea si tenemos en cuenta que Japón es de los países con menos obesidad del

mundo. Metsuyan es uno de los pocos –si no el único– restaurante de cocina nipona de Panamá que tienen un kosher (persona designada directamente por el rabino para supervisar cada fase en la producción de los alimentos), y si comer puede ser considerada una expereincia religiosa, podría decirse que en ese caso es casi un mandamiento. Los horarios del restaurante son muy cómodos y se adaptan a las preceptos religiosos judíos. Esto quiere decir que el Metsuyan cierra cada viernes a las 3:30 p.m. y no vuelve a abrir hasta el sábado a las 8:00 p.m. El resto de la semana abre todo el día, como si estuviera en Japón, el país que nunca duerme pero que come cada día como si fuera el último. Restaurante Metsuyan: Vía Italia, Plaza Bal Harbour, Paitilla, Ciudad de Panamá. Teléfonos: 213-1314 / 213-1315.



See them at Retro Glam Night

European fashions of the 50s are right back in style By: José Díaz


eanne Moss is a young British woman who has lived in Panama for the past three years. Like many expats she took advantage of her comings and goings to Europe to bring to Panama the trendy fashions which can be seen on the streets of London and her friends began to place orders

with her. Half in joke and half seriously she began to call herself Miss Moss, but now it is no longer a joke but serious business. Miss Moss Productions, the company founded by Leanne, is now a fashion consultancy and event organizer in which a few determined Brits and Panamanians are dedicated to bringing the

latest fashions from the streets of the world to local women who don’t necessarily find what they are looking for on the fashion runways. ”Retro fashion from New York, Paris or Milan is the best there is, because it is something you can no longer find. It is not a question of money but of history” explained Leanne, whose company has rented the Casa de la Municipalidad for a grand showing of local and international designers with the common theme: the 50’s Retro Glam Night Retro Glam Night will take place on December 14, starting at 7 p.m. and more than 700 invitations have been issued. The event will have a movie set backContinued on page 14



1ª Retro Glam Night

El eterno retorno de la moda Por: José Díaz


eanne Moss es una joven británica residiendo en Panamá desde hace tres años. Como cualquier expatriado, aprovechaba sus idas y venidas al viejo continente para traer consigo las tendencias que en cada momento se lucían en las calles londinenses, y sus amigas empezaron a hacerle encargos. Medio en broma medio en serio, comenzó a llamarse a sí misma Miss Moss, pero ya se ha dado cuenta de que aquello no era un chiste. Miss Moss Productions, la compañía fundada por Leanne, es hoy una consultora de moda y organizadora de eventos en la que trabajan varios ingleses y panameños empeñados en descubrir la última moda de las calles del mundo para las mujeres que no necesariamente encuen-

Leanne Moss.

tran lo que buscan en las pasarelas. “Lo retro en New York, París o Milán es lo mejor que puedes tener, porque es algo que ya no puedes encontrar. No es una cuestión de dinero sino de historia. El valor de lo retro no puede ser comprado hoy, pero puede apreciarse en el futuro”,

apunta Leanne, cuya compañía ha alquilado la Casa de la Municipalidad para una gran muestra de diseñadores locales e internacionales con un tema común: los años 50. Una noche especial La Retro Glam Night se celebrará el

14 de diciembre a partir de las 7:00 p.m. Se han repartido más de 700 invitaciones y el evento será lo más parecido a un decorado de cine con cócteles clásicos, un trío musical británico cantando canciones de la época, y todo en el mágico entorno del Casco Antiguo.

“Miss Moss desea rescatar el valor de la historia y la herencia cultural en la evolución del mundo de la moda, algo que ya existe a nivel mundial, pero no en Panamá, donde normalmente solo se valora lo último que llega”, según explica Continúa en la pag. 14



Special events in the city this week The Mayor’s Christmas parade The Cinta Costera, the city’s beltway around the bay front is the place to be this Sunday, Dec 11, to watch the Mayor’s big Christmas parade. The parade, which is planned to start with vintage cars and motorcycles will depart from 50th Street at 4 p.m. and finish at the Cinta Costera. Bands and floats from all over the country will take part in this traditional parade.

Young Expats party The Young Expats in Panama (YEP!) Group is kicking off the holiday season with its, big, first annual party. YEP! Along with The Panama Club, Canada Plus and the American Society of Panama, invit you to the event at Alta Bar, a newly opened, two-floor club off Calle Uruguay.

The party is on Saturday, December 17 from 7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. There will be drink specials and if you mention “YEP!” at the door, the cover charge is eliminated.

Art antiques sale A private collection of European art and antiques will be on display at the Milan Salon of Riu Hotel from Sunday, December 11 until Tuesday, December 13 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Wednes-

day 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Then on Thursday 15 at 7 p.m. the items of the collection will be auctioned at the Berlin Salon of this prestigious hotel. Many of the items belong to XVI, XVII and XVIII century, including paintings, marble statues, mirrors and other. Call Stelis Auctions for more information at 6054-0673, write to or visit

Eventos especiales en la ciudad Gran desfile navideño La Cinta Costera, el cinturón de la ciudad a lo largo del frente de la bahía, es el lugar idóneo para observar el Gran Desfile Navideño este domingo, 11 de diciembre. Según los planes el desfile empezará con coches antiguos y motos que partirán desde la Calle 50, sobre las 4:00 p.m., poniendo fin a su trayecto en la

Cinta Costera. Bandas y carros alegóricos de todo el mundo tomarán parte en este tradicional desfile.

Subasta de arte y antigüedades El Salón Milán del Hotel Riu mostrará una colección privada de arte europeo y antigüedades. El período de muestra será del domingo 11 de diciembre al martes 13, de 10:00 a.m. a 9 p.m., y el miércoles 14 de 10:00 a.m. a 4 p.m. La subasta, finalmente, tendrá lugar en el Salón Berlín el jueves a partir de las 7:00 p.m. Muchas de las piezas pertenecen a los siglos 16, 17 y 18 e incluyen pinturas, estatuas de mármol y espejos, entre otras piezas. Para más información llamar a Stelis Auctions al 6054-0673 o escribir a o visitar





First Retro Glam Night Cont. from page 10 ground, classic cocktails, a British musical trio with songs from the 50’s, all in the magical surroundings of the Casco Antiguo “Miss Moss wants to highlight the value of history and cultural heritage in the evolution of the world of fashion, something which already exists in the rest of the world but not in Panama where importance is usually given only to the latest fashions”, said Le-

anne As well as clothing, the show will also present objects, accessories and music of the 50’s, a decade when women began to be independent and to show off their figures. The last Century, North American women were asked by their government to donate their corsets, the iron from which was used to construct warships and this somehow began their libera-

El eterno retorno de la moda Leanne. Además de ropa, en la muestra tendrán cabida objetos, accesorios y música de los 50, una década en la que las mujeres empezaron a ser independientes y exaltar su figura. Hace casi un siglo que el gobierno norteamericano llamó a las mujeres a donar sus corsés, cuyo hierro sirvió para construir naves de guerra. No fue una buena causa, pero de alguna manera aquello las liberó. La productora tiene planeado realizar dos eventos por año. Tal vez sea posible que en el próximo evento se hable de la liberación del hombre, algo que en ciertos países sigue siendo un tabú. Contacto:

tion. Leanne plans to stage two events per year. Perhaps the next event will deal with the liberation of men, a subject which still is taboo in certain countries. Contact: www.leanne@missmoss. me or 6678-1209. Photos by Stuart Hooper & Sarah Tyler. Clothes by Espacio Vintage, Magda Boutique, Mode Boutique, Melyssa Shoes. Styling by Cheryl Tutty. Make-up Diego Bowie.

Desde la pág. 11 ó 6678-1209 Fotografías de Stuart Hooper & Sarah Taylor. Ropa de Espacio Vintage, Mag-

da Boutique, Melyssa Shoes. Estilo de Cheryl Tutty. Maquillaje de Diego Bowie.



16- The visitor / el visitante


go to page #21 / vaya a la página número 21

Theater/Teatro Until December 9

The musical, “Hello Dolly”, performed at Teatro en Circulo,

Tuesday to Saturday at 8p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. La obra musical, “ Herllo Dolly”, en el Teatro en Circulo, Martes a Sabado a 8 p.m. y domingo a las 4 p.m.

Until December 11

“Cruella and the Dalmatians”. Written and directed by Juan Manuel Ferrer. Teatro ABA, Vía

Transísmica in front of Riba Smith. Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and 13:00 p.m. 260-63-16. “Cruela y los Dálmatas”. Escrita y dirigida por Juan Manuel Ferrer y representada en el Teatro ABA, Vía Transísmica frente a Riba Smith. Domingos a las 11:00 a.m. y 13:00 p.m. 260-63-16. "Bang Bang, You´re Dead". Piece

written by the Emmy winner William Mastrosimone after 7 people were killed by a normal guy in 1998 in Springfield. La Cuadra Theater. Tickets from $10-12. Contact: 214-3695. Bang Bang, Estás Muerto. Pieza escrita por el ganador del Grammy William Mastrosimone después de que un chico normal matase a 7 personas en 1998 en Springfield. Tickets desde $10-12. Contacto: 214-3695.

Seminars and Conferences Conferencias y Seminarios December 14

"Types, Statistics and Supervision about money laundering at Colon Free Zone Area". Mohandas T. Mayani Salon at the Users Asociation of Colon Free Zone. From 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. "Tipología, Estadísticas y Supervisión sobre Blanqueo de Capitales en la Zona Libre de Colón". Salón Mohandas T. Mayani de la Asociación de Usuarios de la Zona Libre de Colón. De 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 a.m y de 1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m.

Restaurant Specials Especiales en restaurantes Monday to Thursday/ De lunes a jueves

Four course menu for $23.50 in TGI Friday´s Marbella, Amador, Dorado and Los Pueblos. Happy hour every day from 5:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. Menús de una entrada, dos platos fuertes

y un postre por $23.50 en TGI Friday´s Marbella, Amador, Dorado y Los Pueblos. Happy hour cada día de 5:00 p.m. a 9 p.m.

Every Sat / Cada Sábado

Feijolada Nights! Brazilian food at Pangea Restaurant from noon to 10:00 p.m. in El Cangrejo. 3927359 / 392-7366 / ¡Sábados de Feijoada! Comida Brasilera en restaurante Pangea en El Cangrejo de 12:00 p.m. a 10:00 p.m. 392-7366 / 3927359

Live music Música en vivo

Thurs/Fri/ Sat/ Juev/ Vier/Sab

Amuka Restaurant -Thursday Jazz & Bossa Nova & Happy Hour 5-8 p.m., Friday Bossa Lounge Live from 9 p.m., Saturday Absolut Unplugged & Rock Covers in English & Spanish from 9 p.m. & Calle 56, Obarrio. Ave Abel Bravo. 398-0568 Restuarante Amuka - Jueves Jazz & Bossa Nova y Happy Hour 5-8 p.m., Viernes Bossa Lounge en vivo desde 9 p.m., Sabado Absolut Unplugged y Rock Covers en inglés y español desde 9 p.m. Calle 56, Obarrio. Ave Abel Bravo. 398-0568

Every Wednesday/Cada Miércoles

Jazz nights with live bands at Santos Café restaurant, Calle Uruguay. 263-5638. Noches de jazz con bandas tocando en

The visitor / el visitante -17

vivo en restaurant Santos Café, Calle Uruguay. 263-5638.

Every Thursday

Anastasia Gerasimchuk performing live Bossa Nova hit covers at the Manrey Hotel Lobby. Happy hour 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 203-0015 Anastasia Gerasimchuk presentándose en vivo con hits de bossa nova en el Lobby del Hotel Manrey. Happy Hour 5:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.

Every Friday / Todos los viernes

Live music rock bands Pavo Real Vía Argentina. 11:00 p.m. 3946853. Bandas de rock en vivo en el Pavo Real de Vía Argentina a las 11:00 p.m. 3946853.

Tues - Sun / Mar - Dom

Jazz, Bossa Nova and Salsa at Bucanero’s Restaurant & Taberna on Isla Flamenco, Amador Causeway. Open from 11:30am till late. 314-0881 Jazz, Bossa Nova y salsa en Bucanero’s Restaurante y Taberna en Isla Flamenco, Amador. Abierto desde 11:30 am hasta tarde. 314-0881

Thursdays / los jueves

Ladies Night, live music and dancing. 6pm – 9pm. Royal Casino at Hotel Marriott. Ladies Night, música bailable en vivo 6pm a 9pm en el Royal Casino del Hotel Marriott.

Every Week / Cada Semana

Bolero nights on Wednesdays, jazz nights on Thursdays, salsa nights on Fridays and rock nights on Saturdays, 10:00 p.m., every week at Bar Platea in Casco Antiguo. Free admission. 228-4011 Noches de bolero los miércoles, noches de jazz los jueves, noches de salsa los viernes y noches de rock los sábados a las 10:00 p.m. todas las semanas en Bar Platea del Casco Antiguo. Entrada gratuita. 228-4011.

Every Fri, Sat / Cada Vie, Sab

Live rock bands at Oldies Pub and Restaurant, Calle 39 Bella Vista. 225-5707 Bandas de Rock en vivo en Oldie’s Pub and Restaurant, Calle 39 Bella Vista. 225-5707

Every Fri, Sat /Cada Vie, Sab

Live Music at Mediterraneo Restaurant. Plaza del Súper 99 de Punta Pacífica, next to Dunkin Donuts). 396-7377 / Música en vivo en el Restaurante Mediterráneo en la plaza del 99 de Punta Pacifica, al lado de Dunkin Donuts.396-7377

Every Thurs, Fri, Sat /Cada Juev, Vie, Sab

Live muisc at Hábbito in Marbella 398-38800 Música en vivo en Hábbito in Marbella 398-38800

Folklore Shows Espectáculos Folklóricos Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat / Mar, Mier, Jue, Vier, Sab

Folklore dinner shows from all regions of Panama at Restaurante

Tinajas, at 9pm. Calle 51, Bella Vista. 263- 7890. Cena con show folklóricos de todas las regiones de Panamá, en el Restaurante Tinajas. Calle 51 Bella Vista, a las 9pm. 263-7890.

Art Exhibits Exhibiciones de Arte Until December 15

“Ex It 2011”: Itinerant exposition by different central american artists doing permances, video art,

18- The visitor / el visitante

painting, sculpture or arquitectonic intervention. Los del Patio Bar, on the side of the Teatro Nacional in Casco Antiguo. Free of charge. “Ex It 2011”: Exposición itinerante de artistas centroamericanos representando performances, vídeo arte, dibujo, escultura e intervención arquitectónica. Bar Los del Patio, a un costado del Teatro Nacional en Casco Antiguo. Gratis.

Until December 31

"Evolución" (Evolution), exhibition by Panamanian artist Marcos Lee at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Calle San Blas and Ave. de los Mártires.Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 262-8012. Inauguración de la muestra "Evolución" del artista panameño Marcos Lee en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Calle San Blas y Ave. de los Mártires. De martes a domingo de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. 262-8012.

Until the end of January

“The geometric and the organic in the abstraction”. Expo with artists from Panam, Costa Rica, Honduras, EE.UU, Colombia, Brasil, Peru, Chile, Argentina and european east at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Calle San Blas and Ave. de los Mártires. Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 262-8012. "Lo gométrico y lo orgánico en la abstracción". Exposición con artistas de Panamá, Costa Rica, Honduras, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Brasil, Perú, Chile, Argentina y Europa del Este en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Calle San Blas and Ave. de los Mártires. De

martes a domingo de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. 262-8012.


Every Tuesday / Cada Martes

Diablo Rosso presents “Cena Cine” (Dinner and a Movie) every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Avenida A, Casco Viejo. Diablo Rosso presenta “Cena Cine” cada Martes a las 7:30pm. Avenida A, Casco Viejo.

Every 2nd Friday/Cada dos viernes

"NOCOCINE:(snacks, drinks and cinema)". Movie showings with snacks by Chef Javier Ignacio Lee and good wine at the Experimental University Cinema Group (GECU) at Calle José Fábrega. 7:00 p.m. No cover. "NOCOCINE: bocaditos, bebidas y séptimo arte". Nuevas muestras de cine con bocaditos del Chef Javier Ignacio Lee y un buen vino en el Grupo Experimental de Cine Universitario (GECU) en la Calle José Fábrega. 7:00 p.m. Entrada gratuita.

Boquete Music Música en Boquete Every Monday / Todos los lunes

Jazz Night at The Rock, featuring Jon Day on the piano. No cover charge. 720-2516. Noche de Jazz en The Rock con Jon Day en el piano. Entrada Gratuita. 720-2516.

Monthly / Todos los meses

The Boquete Jazz & Blues Foundation is offering free montly concerts at the Boquete Central Park on the second Sunday of each month. Local bands play from

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Free admission. Donations are welcome. 6519-7876. La Boquete Jazz & Blues Foundation está ofreciendo conciertos gratuitos todos el segundo domingo de cada mes. Bandas locales tocando de 11:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Entrada gratis. Se aceptan donaciones. 6519-7876.

December 23

“Half Moon Drum night” it’s a fun event with Panamanian musician Alfredo Hidrovo. The Rock will supply the first 50 attendees wIth their “instrument” and invites everyone to bring their own drum. No cover charge. From 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at The Rock, Ave. 11 de abril, Boquete, Chiriquí. “Noche de tambores de media luna” es un divertido evento con el músico panameño Afredo Hidrovo. El pub The Rock entregará su instrumento a los primeros 50 asistentes e invita a todo el mundo a traer su propio tambor. Gratis. De 6:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. en The Rock, Ave. 11 de abril, Boquete, Chiriquí.

Sports bars

Tues-Fri / Martes a viernes

Superbook VIP Sports Club. Games on 36 televisions and in two VIP rooms at. $10 parlay card, gets free national beer. Tues - Fri, 5pm to close, 25 cent wings. Diagonal to Royal Casino of Marriott Hotel. 214-8913. Superbook VIP Sports Club. Todos los juegos en 36 pantallas y 2 salas VIP. Cerveza nacional gratis con 'parlay' de $10. Martes a viernes, 5pm hasta cierre, alitas

The visitor / el visitante -19

de pollo a 25 centavos. Diagonal al Casino de Hotel Marriott. 214-8913.


Actions Sportsbook and Players Lounge, Mezzanine Level of the Royal Casino, adjacent to the Marriott Hotel. Sporting events and horse races on over 20 big screens. MLB Baseball and Soccer games every day. Free valet. Restaurant, drink specials, international menu. Available for private parties. Info: or 3929080. Free $10 credit to all new accounts who mention The Visitor! Actions Sportsbook and Players Lounge, Mezzanine del Royal Casino, Area Bancaria junto al Hotel Marriott. Eventos deportivos y carreras de caballos en mas de 20 pantallas. MLB Beisbol y juegos de Fútbol todos los días. Valet parking sin cargo. Restaurante, bebidas especiales, menú internacional. Disponible para fiestas privadas. Info: or 392-9080. Crédito de $10 gratis a todas las cuentas

nuevas que mencionan El Visitante!

Expat Events Expat Eventos

Expat Explorers activity group offers outings and social events. Founded by Canadian Expat Laura Alexander in 2005. Mission: “Expats helping expats and having fun while doing it.” Non-membership, open to all.

Every Tuesday

Bridge Night, 6:30pm at Rino's Restaurant. New-comers should confirm attendance in advance and enquire whether teaching will be available. Marie: 399-0696,

Every Saturday

Learn to speak Spanish and have fun with Panama City's Spanish coversation club in a friendly ex-pat environment. RSVP

SpanishPanama, Via Argentina Tel:(507) 213-3121

Every Month

Expats in Panama invites you to their “Expat Social” the 2nd Monday of every month. Different venues, visit for updated info.

Every Month

ings the second Tuesday of every month at 8pm. at the Rincon Aleman (Calle 51, just off Federico Boyd), Panama City. Information: 6613-2977;

Expat Events / Boquete Every Tuesday

The Books & Arts Circle, a stimulating and entertaining morning. Exedra Books 9:45am the last Thursday each month. Founder and Moderator, Laraine Chaplin: 263-7567.

Tuesday Market at the Boquete Community Center. For information contact Mercado de los Martes en el Centro Comunitario de Boquete.

Meets every first Tues. at 9:30am at Sanborns, Multiplaza. Nonprofit, dedicated to welcoming women new comers to Panama. Info: / 6981- 1788

BIG Expat Holiday Party @ Alta Bar by YEP! This newly opened two-floor club right off of Calle Uruguay has a chic modern feel. The festivities will take place from 7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Free entry from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. with mention of YEP! Gran fiesta de vacaciones para los expatriados en el Bar Alta, un nuevo club de dos pisos situado en Calle Uruguay.

Who's New Club of Panama

Every Month

To all Scottish descendants and those interested, St. Andrew’s Society of Panama hold their meet-

December 17

El club, con un toque chic, abre de 7:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m. Entrada gratis hasta las 11:00 p.m. mencionando a YEP.


December 2 - January 23

First Annual International Wildlife Art Expo. Gran Hotel Nacional, David. Free of charge. Contact: 775-22-22 Primera exposición internacional de arte referente a vida salvaje en el Gran Hotel Nacional, David. Gratis. Contacto: 775- 22-22.


Happy hour from 5:00 p.m. to close plus a drink and a dish for just $5.95 at Friday´s David. Happy hour de 5:00 p.m. a cierre y un plato más bebida por sólo $5.95 en Friday´s David.

Every Wednesday

"David's Market" at Chiriquí Mall. Handmade jewelry, scarves, hand-made Panamanian cigars and organic products; Spanish lessons, chiropractic services and massage chairs. "El mercado de David" en Chiriquí Mall.

20- The visitor / el visitante

Joyería y cigarros panameños hechos a mano, productos orgánicos, clases de español, servicios quiroprácticos y sillas de masajes. 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Sunday Brunches Brunch Dominicales

Radisson Summit Hotel & Golf Panama

Brunch including Open Champagne. $25 per person. Children from 6 to 12 years old pay half price. 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 232-3700/ Brunch con Open Champaña. $25 por persona. Niños de 6 a 12 años pagan medio precio. 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 2323700 /

Tours, Trips/Giras, Paseos Ongoing

The Safari Monkey City Tour: a one-day tour though the Canal, Panama City, and Monkey Island. Safari Monkey City Tour: tour de un día por el Canal, la Ciudad de Panamá e Isla Mono.


Canal and Bay Tours offers boat trips around Panama Bay and partial transits of the Panama Canal. Weekly tours available on the “Isla Morada”, with an open bar and Calypso music on tours of Panama Bay. Departs from Playita de Amador (behind Mi Ranchito Restaurant). Info and reservations: 209-2009, 209-2010. Canal and Bay Tours ofrece paseos en

barco por la Bahía de Panamá y tránsitos por el Canal de Panamá. Tours semanales a bordo de la “Isla Morada”, con bar abierto y música Calypso, alrededor de la bahía. Sarpe desde La Playita de Amador (detrás del Restaurante Mi Ranchito). Info y reservas: 209-2009, 209-2010.

Christmas/Navidad December 11

Cantus Panama chorus presents "Carols and Villancicos of the Americas", as they celebrate the holiday season with music from various cultures. Starts at 2:30 p.m. at the St Lukes Episcopal Cathedral on calle Gorgas in Ancon. Proceeds will be donated. Cantus Panama coro presenta "Carols and Villancicos of the Américas", donde celebrará la navidad con música de varias culturas. A partir de las 2:30 p.m. en Catedral San Lucas, calle Gorgas en Ancón. Los fondos recaudados serán donados.

Miscelaneous Misceláneos December 9

Chema and George´s present his new album “Somethin´s Cookin”. Guests: Neil Enua (France) and an acoustic set by Alejandro Lagrotta. From 8:00 p.m. at El Sótano. Avenida Federico Boyd close to the Cinta Costera. Free of charge. Chema and George's Doris Bajaraque presentan en vivo su disco "Somethin's Cookin" . Invitados: Neil Enua (Francia) con set

acústico de Alejandro Lagrotta. Desde las 8:00 p.m. en El Sótano. Avenida Federico Boyd casi llegando a la Cinta Costera. Entrada Gratis.

December 10

Live concert of Llevarte a Marte, José Andrés and AudioKabana. They will be selling cd´s. Tickets: $7. El Sótano. Avenida Federico Boyd close to the Cinta Costera Llevarte a Marte, Jose Andrés y AudioKabana en Vivo! Se estarán vendiendo los discos y material promocional de las bandas. Entrada: $7.00. En El Sótano. Avenida Federico Boyd casi llegando a la Cinta Costera. Entrada Gratis.

December 13

Navy League Panama wishes all our Moms a very happy day at La Mar Restaurant for our scholarship fund raising dinner. Price $25. La Liga Naviera de Panamá felicita a todas las madres en el Restaurante La Mar a partir de las 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $25.

December 14

Retro Glam Night. Opportunity to find nice vintage clothes and other iconic objects from the 50´s. There will also be concerts and catwalks. Organized by Miss Moss productions. From 7:00 p.m. at la Casa de la Municipalidad in Casco Viejo. Only with invitation. Contact: 6678-1209 Noche de Glamour Retro. Una gran oportunidad para hacerse con ropa y objetos vintage de los años 50. También habrá conciertos y pasarela. El evento está or-

ganizado por Miss Moss Producciones. Solo con invitación. Desde las 7:00 en la Casa de la Municipalidad en el Casco Viejo. Contacto: 6678-1209

December 14

The American Society of Panama is organizing a dinner at Balboa Yacht Club. No-host cocktails at 6:00 p.m. and dinner at 7:00 p.m. Prices are $25 for members (children under 12 $15), non-

members $35 (children under 12 $25). All the money collected will go to interships for Panamanian students. La Sociedad Americana de Panamá organiza una cena en el Club de Yates de Balboa. Cócteles a las 6:00 p.m. y cena a partir de las 7:00 p.m. $25 para miembros (menores de 12 $15), $35 para no miembros (menores de 12 $25). El dinero recaudado irá destinado a becas para estudiantes panameños.

January 27-29

The biggest party to welcome school classes with a gigant park full of inflatable games. There will also be clowns and face painting. Tickets are $3.50. Atlapa Conventions Center. 392-64-68. La fiesta más grande de bienvenida a las clases con un gigante parque lleno de juegos inflables. También habrá payasos y pinta caritas. Entrada $3.50 en el Centro de Convenciones Atapla. 392-64-68.

January 27-29

Baby´s fair: Activities, products, castings, health and games; all related to the baby´s world. or 392-6468. Feria del bebé: Actividades, productos, castings, salud y juegos; todo relacionado con el mundo del bebé. o 3926468.

The visitor / el visitante -21

nowned Jazz artists like Miles Davis, Idania got her father’s strong voice that provides elegance to her singing, and G Harmony is a musical family that perform varied music styles like gospel and religious Jazz. The tickets are available at and Blockbuster starting at $10.

Sabor panameño en la clausura del World Music 2011 Jueves 22 de diciembre

Panamanian flavor at the closing of World Music 2011 Thursday, December 22 Carlos Garnett, Idania Downman and G Harmony will be in charge of entertaining the audience at the closing concert of World Music Panama 2011, at the Ateneo Theater of the City of Knowledge at 8:00 p.m. Garnett played with re-

Carlos Garneet, Idania Downman y G Harmony armonizarán la última sesión de conciertos del World Music Panama 2011, en el Ateneo de la Ciudad del Saber desde las 8:00 p.m. Carlos ha tocado con ilustres del jazz como Miles Davis, Idania heredó de su padre el vozarrón que da elegancia a su canto y G Harmony es una familia con varios estilos: góspel y jazz religioso, entre otros. y blockbuster.

nuevos valores de la escena electrónica británica. Sus sesiones suelen desarrollarse en formato MP3. En 2008 ganó el premio Ibiza DJ a la mejor canción del verano y el premio Beatport a la mejor canción de techno house. Funkagenda pinchará por la noche en el Club Nuvo, a partir de las 10:00 p.m., pero la fiesta empezará mucho antes, desde las 15:00 p.m. en la picina del Hotel Decápolis. Entradas: Hotel Decápolis, Restauante Santos y Club Nuvo.

DJ Funkagenda Saturday December 17 Adam Funkagenda Walder is one of the new stars of the British electronic scene. His sessions are usually developed in MP3 format. In 2008 he won the Ibiza DJ award for best song of the summer and the Beatport Award for best techno house song. Funkagenda will perform at Club Nuvo, from 10:00 pm, but the party will start much earlier at the pool of the Hotel Decapolis from 3 p.m. Tickets: Hotel Decapolis, Santos Restauant and Club Nuvo.

DJ Funkagenda Sábado 17 de diciembre

Adam Walder es Funkagenda, uno de los

Alfaro and Calle 12 Este, Casco Antiguo. Reservations 212-0151 or at 67177899.

Willie Colón en vivo - Jueves 22 de diciembre El famoso neoyorkino de origen puerto riqueño fue uno de los pioneros de la música salsa en los años 70. Willie Colón es un enemigo íntimo de Rubén Blades, pero es posible que en esta visita suya a Panamá se reconcilien y brinden con una buena canción. Willie realizará un asalto navideño en el Habana Panamá, Calle Eloy Alfaro y Calle 12 Este, Casco Antiguo. Reservaciones en el 212-0151 ó 67177899.

Van Van arrives from Cuba. Saturday December 31

Willie Colon Live -Thursday December 22

This famous New Yorker of Puerto Rican origin was a pioneer of salsa music in the 70's. Willie Colon is a long standing rival of Ruben Blades, but it is possible that his visit to Panama will bring reconciliation celebrated in song. Willie will make a Christmas assault on Panama in Habana, Calle Eloy

The last day of the year is the date chosen by Van Van to launch their latest album, A Todo Maquina". The fiery Cuban music band will perform new songs and some classics at Habana Panama, Calle Eloy Alfaro and Calle 12 Este, Casco Antiguo. Reservations 212-0151 or at 67177899.

22- The visitor / el visitante

Eugene Eisenmann Natural Pathway opened Y

ou would hardly expect to find a dry tropical forest at this time of year, but that is exactly what was highlighted in an event at Coronado on Nov 26. It was the inauguration of the ” Eugene Eisenman Natural Pathway” in the tropical dry forest of Coronado. The event was held under a persistent drizzle. It was attended by the Directors of Coronado es Vida and Coronado Hotel, the Eugene Eisenmann Avifauna Foundation, representatives of different media, and special guests. Among them was the prominent Kuna artist, Olodwagdi, who was commissioned to paint the mural depicting the dry forest at the entrance to the Eugene Eisenmann Natural Pathway and also to illustrate the different stations along the path. The Natural Pathway is named in honor of Eugene Eisenmann, a renowned Panamanian ornithologist. The event began with words from Margelis Barria from the Avifauna Foundation. Following the

introduction, Engineer Jaime Quiros Guevara, author of the book ‘Coronado Dry Forest,’ talked about the importance and characteristics of the dry forest. At the end of the presentation, Mr. Roberto Eisenmann II expressed extreme gratitude to Coronado es Vida for maintaining this most interesting ecosystem. After the ceremony of planting a “Cope” tree, a native species of these forests, and cutting the ribbon, all attendees were invited

to walk along the Eugene Eisenmann Natural Pathway. The tour took about an hour, and a biologist from the Avifauna Foundation explained the main characteristic of this unique ecosystem. The Natural Pathway provides stations along the way where visitors can stop to rest and learn more about the dry forest through informative murals and beautiful illustrations by Olodwagdi.

Guided tour through the Eugene Eisenmann Natural Pathways. Tour guiado por el sendero natural Eugene Eisenmann.

Unique ecosystem of the premontane dry forest The Coronado premontane dry forest of approximately 45 hectares dates back to the decade of the seventies. Studies conducted at that time found that only 3% of the country maintained this ecosystem. Shortly thereafter, Coronado’s premontane dry forest was declared a "protected area" on the recommendation of the Municipality of Chame, and that same year a cooperation agreement to preserve the premontane dry forest was signed between Laura Flores of the Smithsonian and Roberto Eisenmann III of Coronado Golf Development. According to Jaime Quiros Guevara, Coronado’s premontane dry forest is the largest of all the forests of this type that are preserved in the world. All of these dry forests have particular characteristics in common including vegetation of trees that do not exceed 10 feet, a dry season that lasts five to six months, minimum rainfall of eleven hundred millimeters per year, and sandy soils. Also these forests experience the phenomenon known as Föenh, which

consists of sudden changes in temperature from more than 30°C during the day up to very cold during the night. The same author states, “This forest is a laboratory for scientists, a place for nature lovers, a space for environmental education, and a commitment to conservation groups. For the tourists, it is a wonderful opportunity to add to their culture the experience of this unique ecosystem.” Among the inhabitants of this forest we can find the paisana o chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps), a variety of butterflies, frigatebirds and much more. There are also many migratory birds that rely on this forest for food. Currently an inventory of existing birds is being created to be used as a guide for amateurs and ornithologists. Additionally, there will soon be a system for guided tours through Coronado’s Dry Forest Natural Pathway. The entrance to the Natural Pathway is behind the Coronado Homeowners’ Association office next to the new mural by Olodwagdi.

Machetazo in Coronado

Famous store Famosa tienda abre opens beach branch sucursal en la playa


he long awaited opening day of Machetazo was on Wednesday November 23rd. The department store is the first of its kind in the beach area of Coronado. Featuring 3 floors of grocery, household and sporting supplies, and a great selection of electronics and men, women and children’s clothing. the store is located in The Village Plaza


a tienda Machetazoacaba de inaugurarse en Coronado. Sus tres pisos concentran textiles, ultramarinos, deportes, útilespara la casa y electrónica. La tienda está en la cara norte de la auto pista Panamericana cerca de Cochez, en La Plaza de la Villa.Una de las firmas de la casa es una escalera mecánica que transporta al cliente y su carro al mismo tiempo. La tienda abretodos los días de 9:00 a.m. a 10:00 p.m.

The visitor / el visitante -23

Inauguración del Sendero Natural Eugene Eisenmann en el Bosque Seco de Coronado Por Playacommunity.Com


ajo una persistente llovizna, el “Sendero Natural Eugene Eisenmann” fue inau-

gurado en el Bosque Seco de Coronado el 26 de noviembre. Al encuentro asistieron el

Planting of a Cope Tree by the Eisenmann younger generation. Jóvenes de cendientes de Eisenmann plantando un árbol.

Beach Events & Activities Eventos y Actividades en la Playa

Saturday, December 10 –

Live Music with Charito, starting at 7:00 p.m. at Picasso Restaurant and Bar, located inside the gates at Coronado, on Punta Prieta Rd. 345.3777 Sábado 10 de diciembre – Música en vivo con Charito desde las 7:00 p.m. en el Restaurante Bar Picasso, situado de puertas para adentro en Coronado, en la Carretera de Punta Prieta. 345.3777

Saturday, December 17 –

The CASA Christmas dinner dance will be held at la Carreta Restaurant, Equestrian Center in Coronado (Outside the gate), free parking. More details to follow. Sábado 17 de diciembre – La cena y el baile de navidad de CASA será en el Restaurante La Carreta, en el Centro Ecuestre de Coronado (fuera del guate), parking libre. Más detalles por venir.

Saturday, December 24 –

acoustic rock for Charity with John and Bobby from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. at Picasso Restaurant and Bar, located inside the gates at Coronado, on Punta Prieta Rd. 345.3777 Sábado 24 de diciembre – rock acústico para la beneficiencia con John y Bobby de 3:00 – 6:00 p.m en el Restaurante Bar Picasso, situado de puertas para adentro en Coronado, en la Carretera de Punta Prieta. 345.3777

Wednesday, December 28 – Playacommunity Mixer at Rincon

del Chef in Coronado, starting at 5:00 p.m. Info: email placomm@ Find the Playacommunity Harpie on Playacommunity.Com and win $100 at the Mixer. Details

on Events Calendar.

Miércoles 28 de diciembre – Playacommunity Mixer en el Rincón del Chef en Corondo, desde las 5:00 p.m. Contacto: email. Encuentra el Harpie de Playacomunity en y gana $100 en el Mixer. Detalles en el calendario de eventos.

Fitness / En forma

Sunwave Fitness is offering something for everyone. From Zumba to the newest class, Yogacise. Email or call 507-6533-9311. Sunwave Fitness ofrece algo para cada uno de sus clientes. Desde Zumba hasta lo último en Yogacise. Email o llame al 507-6533-9311. Tuesday/Martes 7:00 a.m. - Beachfit @ Solarium in Coronado Tuesday/Martes 9:00 a.m. - Zumba @ Solarium in Coronado Wednesday/Miércoles 8:15 a.m. Aquafit @ Playa Blanca Resort Thursday/Jueves 7:00 a.m. - Beachfit @ Solarium in Coronado Thursday/Jueves 9:00 a.m. - Bodysculpting @ Solarium in Coronado Saturday/Sábado 8:00 a.m. - Yogacize @Solarium in Coronado

Salsa Dancing / Bailar salsa

Salsa classes at Paraiso Restaurant in Las Uvas (3 kms up towards El Valle) every Friday and Sundays at 6:00 p.m. $5 per person. Clases de salsa en el Restauante Paraíso en Las Uvas (3kms hacia el Valle) cada viernes y domingo desde las 6:00 p.m. $5 por persona.

director de Coronado es Vida, Coronado Hotel y de la Fundación de Avifauna Eugene Eisenmann. Entre ellos brilló el artista Kuna Olodwagdi, que se encargó de pintar un mural representando el bosque. El sendero fue bautizado con el nombre de Eugene Eisenmann, un renombrado ornitólogo panameño. Margelis Barria, de la Fundación Avifauna, abrió la ceremoni ajunto al Ingeniero Jaime Quiros Guevara, autor del libro “El bosque de Coronado”, quedio un discurso. El señor Roberto Eisenmann II expresósugratitud a Coronado es Vida porpreservar tan interesante ecosistema. Después de la ceremonia en la que se plantó un árbol de una de las especies nativas del bosque, se cortó el lazo y todos fueron invitados a transitar el Sendero Natural Eugene Eisenmann. La caminata duró una hora, y un biólogo de Avifauna fue desgranando las características de ese ecosistemaúnico. A lo largo del sendero natural hay estaciones donde los visitantes pueden descansar y aprender por medio de los paneles informativos y murales pintados por Olodwagdi. El Bosque Seco de Coronado, de 45 hectáreas, empezó a ser protegido en la década de los setenta, después de que va-

rios estudios concluyeran que solo el 3% del país poseía ese ecosistema. Fue entonces cuando el municipio de Chame recomendó nombrarla área protegida, y Laura Flores de Smithsonian y Roberto III de Coronado Golf Development firmaron un acuerdo de cooperación para que así fuera. Según Jaime Quiros Guevara, este área seca de bosque es una de las mayores de su tipo en todo el mundo. Todos estos bosques secos tienen características en común: los árboles no exceden los 10 pies, la sesión seca dura de 5 a 6 meses y hay un mínimo de 1,100 milímetros de lluvia poraño. Estos bosques también experimentan un fenómeno, el Föenh, que consiste en cambios de temperatura repentinos, de más de 30ºC durante el día a frío en exceso por la noche. El autor asegura que “el bosque

es un laboratorio para los ciéntificos, un lugar para los amantes de la naturaleza, un espacio para la educación ambiental, y una responsabilidad de conservación para los grupos. Para los turistas, es una oportunidad maravillosa puesto que permite acoplar a su experiencia cultural un ecosistema único”. Entre los habitantes del bosque están los paisana o chachalaca (Ortaloscinereiceps), variedades de mariposas, pájaros de fragata, entre otros.También hay muchas aves migratorias que paran en el bosque para buscar alimento. Un inventorio de pájaros ha sido creado para usarse como libro de referencia para ornitólogos y guías.

24- The visitor / el visitante

Craig Weincek's Casa Viejo novel available as e–book


he novel “Casco Viejo: the Second Season” by Craig Weincek , is now available as an E-book. The novel was first published as “a work-in-progress,” with each chapter being released on a blog and on the Playacommunity web site. Weincek told the Visitor “ I tried to give my novel away for free. Actually, I had around a thousand readers per chapter, but the problem with a work in progress, was that it had too much lag time in between chapters and not everybody likes to read books, even chapters of books, at their computers.

“So, Weincek decided to publish the finished novel on Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook Reader. The price is $1.99, and the edition has some photos included. The book is still available for free at, under the LifeStyle section, but it seems to flow better as an Ebook. Set in present time, in the Old Town section of Panama City, the book is about the expat experience. It is also a travel book and a murder mystery, with lots of local color. Weincek, who is a long-time contributor to The Visitor added, “I

hope this new format and the fact that all the chapters are collected in one volume will make Casco Viejo: the Second Season an enjoyable reading experience. Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.

The visitor / el visitante -25

Pinceladas internacionales en una muestra sobre la flora y fauna de Chiriquí E

l Gran Hotel Nacional de David, en Chiriquí, acoge estos días la Primera Exposición Internacional de Arte de Vida Salvaje del 2 al 23 de diciembre. La muestra ha sido promovida por la pintora local Gloriela Patiño, y cuenta con pintores norteamericanos, españoles, colombianos y panameños que

International Art Exhibition of Wildlife at Gran Hotel Nacional T

he Gran Hotel Nacional in David, Chiriquí, is hosting the First International Art Exhibition of Wildlife until December 23. The exhibition is sponsored by local artist Gloriela Patiño and includes the works of North American, Spanish, Colombian and Panamanian artists who live in the province or close by. Some of the artists are Ignacio de Leon, Julie Jorgenson, Professor Shiru and Ma-

ria Arias. The Tzanetatos company is sponsoring the event in conjunction with the Gran Hotel Nacional. The prices of the paintings range from $ 300 to $ 1000 and run the gamut from the surreal to the abstract through the contemporary and, of course, the realistic. Admission is free. For more information please contact 775-22-22 or write to

viven en la provincia y sus alrededores. Algunos de los artistas son Ignacio de León, Julie Jorgenson, el Profesor Shiru y María Arias. La compañía Sanetatos es el patrocinador del evento junto al Gran Hotel Nacional. El precio de los cuadros oscila entre los $300 y $1000 y va de lo surrealista a lo

abstracto pasando por lo contemporáneo y, por supuesto, lo realista. La entrada es libre. Para más información ponerse en contacto con el 775-22-22 o escribir al

26- The visitor / el visitante

Isthmian Update Some of the news in Panama Demands surround Noriega's return Members of the Civil Crusade revived a demand that the Panamanian judiciary enforce the prison sentence on former general Manuel Antonio Noriega, who will be extradited from France to Panama before December 13. A group formed by Carlos Abadía, Roberto Brenes, Aurelio Barría, Sandra Escorcia and Carlos Guzmán Baúles Lee (son of Carlos Guzmán Baúles, who was shot dead during anti-Noriega

protests) used as an argument to enforce the law, Article 107 of the Penal Code.

Bank investment portfolios swell by over 10% Banks operating in the banking center of Panama continue to increase their investment portfolios and at the close of the third quarter this amounted to $14.39 billion. The amount represents an increase of 10.97% or $423 million compared with September last year, according to figures from the Superintendency of Banks.

Martinelli on Twitter regarding security purchase The daily Estrella de Panamá reported that President Ricardo Martinelli lashed out against publications questioning the purchase of 19 radars and other security equipment from the Italian company Finmeccanica. While on a visit to Mexico, Martinelli posted on his account @ RMartinelli that the transaction with Finmeccanica, has caused a lot of “morbid curiosity, lies and innuendos."

On food security By 2012, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), sees a difficult stage on the issue of food security because of possible markups on food prices in international markets that will impact against importing nations such as Panama.

Colombians in Panama march against FARC Colombian citizens residing in Panama marched on the Cinta Costera, or the Coastal Strip on Tuesday December 6, to support demonstrations being carried out in their country in protest against the guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the shooting of four kidnapped hostages.

Mireya on Martinelli Former president Mireya Moscoso said that every president has his style, and that the administra-

tion of Martinelli maintained the separation of powers. "I am proud that in this country democracy continues," she added.

Many conventions in 2012 With 60 conventions confirmed for 2012, the Government will allocate about $2 million to improve the image and functioning of the ATLAPA Convention Center.

Missing gold An inspection by the First Drug Attorney in the vaults of the National Bank of Panama revealed the loss of 28 kilos of gold that were part of a shipment of 40 kilos of gold confiscated from Venezuelan Jairo Fernando Lopez on May 14, 2009 at the Tocumen Airport.

Big shopping trend Year-end shopping began in earnest this past weekend with the approach of Mother's Day and the remainder of December. Throughout the month over $200 million will circulate in the country due to holiday savings, bonuses and payment of the thirteenth month payment to both government and private sector employees.

More chicken and beef As of July 2011, the agricultural activity in Panama continues to rise, highlighting an increase in animal breeding or fattening, according to a recent report by the Ministry of Finance released yesterday. Unlike the previous two years, more cattle were slaughtered (9.0%) and there was more chicken meat (9.4%), both domestically and for export.

CFZ laundering detection According to the weekly shipping newspaper The Bulletin, identifying money laundering in the Colon Free Zone (CFZ) will be the topic of a seminar to be held on December 14. The event will be organized by the Financial Analysis Unit of Panama (UAF), the Colon Free Zone Administration and the Colon Free Zone Users’ Association (AU). The seminar will be held in the Mohandas T. Mayani Hall of the Users’ Association from 8:30 a.m., to 12:30 p.m., and from 1:00 p.m., to 4:00 p.m.

wide, attended the HELP International Symposium 2011: "Building paths to knowledge and a future of water sustainability.” The opening ceremony was chaired by Bolivar Perez, acting manager of the National Environment Authority, Olivia la O 'Castillo, of the Advisory Council of the Secretary General of the United Nations Water and Sanitation organization; Soontak Lee, chairman of the Intergovernmental Council of IHP UNESCO's International arm, Shahbaz Khan, Chief for Sustainable Development and Management of Water Resources and Global Coordinator of HELP, and the Panama Canal Administrator Alberto Aleman Zubieta.

New assistant manager in CFZ Under executive order published in the Official Gazette, President Ricardo Martinelli, appointed Mario Alberto Figueroa as the new assistant manager of the Colon Free Zone (CFZ). Figueroa replaces Manuel Grimaldo, who was ousted from office by the Executive on November 5. Figueroa is a physician and leader of the Democratic Change party in the Atlantic province.

Panama tech leader in Latin America According to the weekly shipping newspaper The Bulliten, Panama, with a record 43% Internet penetration and a 21% increase in sales of personal computers, replaced Uruguay as a technology leader in Latin America. This is revealed in the sixth Annual Technology Index of Latin America made by the magazine Latin Business Chronicle, which highlights the Social and Economic Report of July 2011 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

Low unemployment

Water policy

The unemployment rate in Panama in August stood at 2.9%, falling when compared to 4.2% in March. The Ministry of Finance based its information on data from the Comptroller’s Office. "We are in a full employment economy. I dare say we're the country with the lowest unemployment rate in the region," said the Minister of Economy, Frank De Lima at a press conference.

Experts in law and policies related to water, water managers and scientists from 40 countries world-

The cultivation of bananas in the

Banana production down

The visitor / el visitante -27

Isthmian Update country reported a decline of 6% between January and October 2011, compared to the same period last year. The planting acres of this fruit, which in the 1990s was the main export crop of Panama and the second among the producing countries of Latin America, have declined due to closure of the commercial farms and the disruption by the rains. In the year 1990, 12,000 hectares were cultivated in the country, but planting is now only 7,000 hectares.

Train Station in La Concepción, Chiriquí possible historical site The sale of a parcel of land by the Mayor of Bugaba, Joaquin Cas-

while 20% saw no change and only 9% said it worsened. Forward prospects are more conservative. Economic Section.

tillo, is causing concern among the inhabitants of this district. For some locals, that land and building that housed the Railway Station in La Conceptión, was declared a national historical monument. However, the highest authority of this community believes that the property sold belongs to the municipality.

Biwater shares information on Chilibre water plant

Businesses have positive outlook about economy

UN Human Development Report focuses on gender inequality, wealth gap

Panamanian companies generally have a positive view of the economy, according to the results of the fourth Business Barometer survey of the consulting and auditing firm Deloitte. A total of 71% of the respondents consider it is in a better position than a year ago,

From April 2011 to date, the investment in the drinking water plant at Chilibre that caters to Panama and San Miguelito, exceeds $2 million, according to estimates by Biwater International Limited, responsible for the expansion and rehabilitation of the plant.

The bad distribution of wealth and gender inequality in Panama were the most important aspects presented by the Human Development Report 2011 presented by the United Nations Fund for

Development (UNDP). According to the document, Panama this year is at a level of "high human development" with 768 points, which places the country at No. 58 among 187 nations. In Latin America, it is ranked No. 5 after Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Mexico.

ATP includes 65 events and a new convention center proyect for 2012 Panama will host 65 international at last events in 2012. That means the country has ensured a hotel occupancy of 95,000 nights, according to the administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), Solomon Shamah. During the ending year, the country hosted 62 regional and global conventions. This represented a 90,000 hotel occupancy nights. "The increase for 2012 is a result

of the promotion that we are doing and the ease of air connectivity through Tocumen Airport," said Shamah. The Tourism Manager also announced that by January 2012 may be bidding the construction of the new Convention and Exhibition Centre located in Amador. It will have 15 thousand square meters of internal exposure and external 8,000.

Supreme court judges named Hernán De Leon and Luis Ramon Fabrega were named last week by the Cabinet as judges of the Supreme Court to replace Winston Spadafora and Alberto Cigarruista, who end their terms on December 31.

KLM promotion

Under $500 to Europe, just over $1,000 to Asia


LM Royal Dutch Airlines, based in Amsterdam, is celebrating its daily service between Tocumen International Airport in Panama CIty and Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport by offering very economic fares to Europe and to Asia. Tickets must be booked by December 16 to take advantage of these promotional rates. The promotional fares include a round trip ticket for $579 to European destinations like Paris, London and Milan and $1,090 to Asian destinations like Shanghai, Tokio and Hong Kong. Requirements include special dates within which travel must initiate and conditions vary by destination. Even lower still are the $479 fares which include destinations like Moscow, Zurich and Tel Aviv. Travel for this fare must initiate before the end of the month. KLM, known for being the oldest airline in the world still operating under its original name, recently increased its frequency to Panama from six weekly to daily.

Menos de $500 a Europa, poco más de $1000 para Asia


LM Royal Dutch Airlines, con base en Ámsterdam, celebra su servicio diario desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumén en Ciudad de Panamá, ofreciendo ofertas a Asia y Europa a precios muy económicos. Los tickets deben reservarse hasta el 16 de diciembre para beneficiarse de las tarifas de promoción. Las tarifas de promoción incluyen viajes de ida y vuelta a destinos europeos como París, Londres o Milán por $579. Destinos asiáticos como Shangai, Tokio y Hong Kong son ofertados con precios también accesibles en torno a los $1,090. Los vuelos están sujetos a fechas específicas y condiciones diferentes según el país de destino. Las ciudades de Moscú, Tel Aviv y Zúrich también son promocionadas por $479, a las que habrá que viajar antes de final de mes para disfrutar de la oferta. KLM, conocida por ser la aerolínea europea más antigua operando con su nombre original, hace poco ha aumentado su frecuencia de vuelos con Panamá, de seis semanales, a uno diario.

and Pink. El pingüino Mumble tiene un problema: Su hijo Erik, que se resiste a la danza, se encuentra con el poderoso Sven, un pingüino que puede volar! Las cosas se ponen peor para Mumble, cuando el mundo es sacudido por fuerzas poderosas, por lo cual reúne a los países de pingüinos y sus aliados para arreglar las cosas. Dirigido por George Miller. Protagonizada por Elijah Wood, Robin Williams y Pink.

Happy Feet 2 (El Pinguino 2)

Mumble has a problem: His son Erik, who refuses to dance, meets the powerful Sven, a penguin that can fly! Things get worse for Mumble, when the world is shaken by powerful forces, thus bringing together the countries of penguins and their allies to put things right. Directed by George Miller. Voices by Elijah Wood, Robin Williams

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 ( Amanecer) Edward and Bella get married in a ceremony organized by Alice. Bella gets pregnant but the rapid growth of a half-human, half-vampire fetus affects her health and takes her to the brink of death.

Edward tries to convince her to abort the baby to save her own life, but Bella feels a bond with her unborn child and insists on having it. Directed by Bill Condon. Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner Edward y Bella se casan en una gran ceremonia organizada por Alice. Bella queda embarazada y el rápido crecimiento del feto mitad humano mitad vampiro afectan su salud y la llevan al borde de la muerte. Edward trata de convencerla de abortar al bebe para salvar su propia vida, pero Bella siente un lazo con su hijo no-nato e insiste en tenerlo. Dirigido por Bill Condon. Protagonizada por Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson y Taylor Lautner

Johnny English Reborn

Johnny English goes up against international assassins hunting down the Chinese premier. Johnny English va en contra de asesinos internacionales que intentan cazar al primer ministro chino.

30- The visiTor / el visiTanTe

Real Estate/ Bienes Raíces Panama City Vendo Apartamento San Francisco Vía Israel, Terra Sol, piso 41, 132 mtrs2, tres recamaras, dos baños, den, balcón, piscina, seguridad las 24 horas, gym, dos estacionamientos. Cel: 6780-6471. Vendo Apartamento Ernesto T Lefevre $105,000 Negociable. 2 recamaras, 2 baños línea blanca, piscina, salón de fiestas. Tel. 6780-6471. Acualina Alquila o Vende penthouse 1 balcón con vista al mar, 1 balcón con vista a la ciudad incluye línea blanca. 6780-6471 Trump Ocean Club 2beds/hab. #4304 153m2 Negotiable $550K1(786)2942855, 58(0212)771-0494

Arraiján / Veracruz Vendo terreno 10 hect con vista espectacular de la ciudad y mar pacifico $6m2 6781-9811. Grand 2 day auction¡ Ave. Balboa Apt. Fully-Remodeled. 1,937 sq. Ft., 2bed/2.5bath. Open House/Auction Saturday-Sunday, December 10th-11th 2011, 10:a.m- 5:00 p.m.. Bidding starts $146,500 (Appraised at $292,500) Sold to Highest Bidder Sunday, 11 Decem-

ber 2011, 6:00p.m. Subasta Apartamento Ave. Balboa remodelado 180m2, 2 rec/2.5 ba. Inspecció/Subasta: Sábado-Domingo 10 y 11 Diciembre 2011, 10:00a.m – 5:00pm. Remate empieza $146.500 (Avaluado $292.500) Apto será vendido al mejor postor Domingo, 11 Diciembre 2011, 6:00p.m RSVP 209-6700/60301165

Alquilo Apto en el Edif. Acualina con Línea blanca y Vista al mar. Tel. 6780-6471 Se alquila apartamento-estudio (AMOBLADO) P.H. Majestic Garden (Edison Park) 1 recamara cerrada y otra abierta que comparte espacio con sala-comedor. 1 baño y cocina. Línea blanca incluida. Un estacionamiento. Cuenta con linda vista hacia la bahía de Panamá, Panamá Ports y el Cerro Ancón, $1,200.00. Para mayor información favor contactar a House Fo Rent Close to The Panama Canal Administration Building. 688 mt2 $2.700 with appliances. Call6030-6919.

Real Estate Outside the City/

Finca For Sale in Bocas del Toro 22 hectare. Call 6003-3835 or 6003-5211

El Valle-Río de Jesús Riverfront, 1.2 hect. 110K. 6676-9899 For Sale Retirees Alert- Build & Live or- purchase high-end home – in the cool mountains near all services, commercial & medical, w/beaches Las Tablas 2029179 Ledys or Claudia 6747-1927. Panama... your dreams can come true! Beautiful new home for sale-Santiago, Veraguas. Large corner lot, quiet, professional neighborhood. See my YouTube video! Contact us today! Tel.305-743-3233 By Owner: One- Hectare Mountainview and Riverfront Ranchettes Near Boquete/Caldera from $4.95 per meter! Visit for information and pictures. Phone 6897-6449. Hotel For Sale Contadora Island 7 rooms, 1 Villa, restaurant Bar Lic., 7 Golf Carts, 1 4x4 Truck. Highly Rated In All Major Panama Travel Books. Relocation Forces Sale. Contact

Bienes Raíces en el interior de Panamá

Titled Beach Front for sale Only $67,000.00 contact Erick 507-6815-5196

Se vende finca en Bocas del Toro 22 hectáreas llamar al 6003-3835 o 6003-5211.

Contadora Island – Villa for sale, furnished, 2bed, 21/2bath, Stainless Steel Kitchen, pool and more Extras $365K, Call 6670-7768 www.

The visitor / el visitante -31

Rent/Alquiler (2.2) Property on Ocean near to Las Tablas, electricity, water 2 beautiful homes 85K. Villa for Rent $400-500 per month. 6642-8039

Playa Blanca, Alquilo Aptos. Amoblados 2 y3 recamaras, espectacular vista al mar piscina, acceso playa. 6238-3330

3 Cars for sale/ Venta de carros(2.2) Chevrolet Optra 2005 four door, White C.D radio clean looping 4 cilindros. Km 75,000 asking $4500 cell phone 507-6969-6735

Articles For Sale / Artículos para la Venta (5) Curtains, black-outs, roller shades, verticals, horizontal cloth, plastic, 50% discount any size manufactured to your needs 2320447 / 232-0446 Earthlite Folding Massage Table, brought from US, rarely used, tag still on, v. clean, carrying duffel, headrest, lightweight, oneperson can fold, height adjustable. Price: $230 Call 6239-2527. Clean Seasoned Corporations- Protect Assets- Open Bank Accounts – Simply Change directors- $400. Jerry 6613-3253 (English)

home. 6643-2001/64846713. Jackie. Gama Print Specialists in printing and graphic design, scanning negatives, photographic prints, digital photo retouching, wedding albums, large format digital printing, art design and promotional material required by your company. Contact us without any obligation at phone 265-3436 or 265-7355; email:

Gama Print especialistas en impresión y diseño grafico, digitalización de negativos, pruebas fotográficas, retoques de fotos digitales, álbumes de bodas, impresión digital a gran formato, diseño de arte y material promocional que requiera su empresa. Contáctenos sin compromiso al Tel. 265-3436 o 265-7355; email: Beautiful Contemporary Photography, Weddings, Portraits, Events, Contact Jennifer on 6983-7990 or

GQ Escort: To your hotel or residence. VIP Latin Colombian girls-first class models. Low rates, and very discreet. Call: Michell 66944222. See photos: Escort VIP: Exclusive and beautiful girls offering best massages 24/7. Hotel and

Spectacular Vip, massaje and escort service for high class gentlemen. 6967-2522 to contact, 24/7 view photos \

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Exclusive full service masaje, VIP girls, elite models. Low Rates, Very discreet. To your hotel and home 24/7. Visit us at Call 67525009 Beautiful barbie vip escort, sensual body 20 years offers massages 6696-6028 to contact 24/7 view photos

Full massages your hotel or at your home, Relax VIP 100% discret visit the website call 6205-5923. Home sought for Rocky , a young male dog. Has slight limp owing to puppyhood injury. Bullied by other dogs on farm where he lives. Contact

32- The visitor / el visitante

$300,000 prize money for Clasico del Caribe at Remon Racetrack


he best horses and riders in Central America will be competing Panama City this weekend at the Presidente Remon Race-

track. There is a game prize of $300,000, and 11 riders from Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Panama will do their best to cross the finish line first. Among the participating horses, all winners in their countries of origin, there is only one mare. The schedule of activities for the 2011 Series, Hipica del Caribe, ends this Saturday, December 10, and Sunday, December

11 from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm. At stake on Saturday are the Cups for Speed, Drama and Fellowship, and on Sunday the Caribbean Invitational Cup and the International Classic will take place Tickets range from $ 5 to $ 10. For more information visit www. or call (507) 3002600. Presidente Remon Racetrack is located on Vias Jose Agustin Arango y Juan Diaz, Panama City

$300,000 para el ganador del Clásico del Caribe en el Hipódromo Presidente Remón L

os mejores caballos y jinetes de Centroamérica estarán compitiendo en Ciudad de Panamá este fin de semana en el Hipódromo Presidente Remón. Hay un premio en juego de $300,000, y los 11 jinetes de México, Venezuela, Puerto Rico y Panamá harán lo posible por cruzar los primeros la línea de meta. Entre los potros participan-

tes, triunfadores en sus países de origen, hay una sola hembra. El itinerario de actividades para la Serie Hípica del CARIBE 2011 culmina este sábado y domingo, 10 y 11 de diciembre, de 11:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m. Están en juego la Copa Velocidad del Caribe, la Copa Drama y la Copa Confraternidad, el sábado. Y la Copa Invitacional del

Caribe y el Clásico Internacional, el domingo. Los precios de las entradas van de los $5 a las $10 dólares. Para más información entrar en www. o llamar al (507) 300-2600. El Hipódromo Presidente Remón se ubica entre las Vías José Agustín Arango y Juan Díaz, en Ciudad de Panamá.

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