Greater Port Macquarie Focus i150

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Health Wellbeing and




suffering with

Dental anxiety or dental phobias are extremely common. It has been estimated that 9% to 15% of adults avoid seeing the dentist because of anxiety and fear.


eople with dental anxiety often put off routine care for years, or even decades. Even a low level of anxiety can cause someone to put off essential check-ups. Others opt to live with chronic treatable infections, pain or even broken and unsightly teeth until the pain is more unbearable than the fear and … at last they are forced to visit the dentist. This often means the problem that could have been diagnosed and treated easily, requires much more complex treatment that costs the patient more. Besides chronically infected teeth and gums which can affect your medical status, your ability to chew, digest and SMILE, there are other aspects of your life that can be seriously compromised without dental care. Without healthy teeth and gums, your speech, your ability to chew and swallow the food you love can be affected. An unsightly smile and bad breath can affect your self-confidence, and a lack of self-confidence can limit your future. How to overcome your dental anxiety: • Understand that modern dental techniques and technology have made most treatment, (including injections), virtually pain-free. • Find a dentist who communicates well with

74 Greater Port Macquarie focus

YOU, is patient, genuinely caring and makes You Feel Comfortable. • Schedule a time when you’ll be relaxed, not before something important. • Let the clinician know you’re nervous ahead of time and allow longer time for your appointment. • Bring along a friend for moral support and arrive early. • Start small, with a check-up, or a small filling, then build up to a larger treatment. • Bring along your own music and headphones. • Ask your dentist about relaxation options such as “Happy Gas” (Nitrous Oxide). • When you are done with your dental treatment, reward yourself - treat yourself to something special and ENJOY YOUR REWARD YOU EARNED IT! Don’t let a dental anxiety hold you back; get on top of your dental health and your reason to SMILE. For more information about the gentle and caring team at Sundial Dental, Happy Gas or a full list of services, visit www.sundialdental. or call one of our four friendly locations. To book a consultation today in Port Macquarie at 133 - 137 Gordon St reet, call 6583 3533.


There are many sources of stress that most of us will encounter at some stage in our lives. Some common causes of stress are exams, workplace, relationships and financial worries, amongst others.


tress is a natural response to events or situations. Different people respond in different ways. People who suffer with depression or anxiety will likely not cope as well with stress as those who don’t. There are also genetic tendencies to coping abilities. People who have good family and friend support usually cope better with stress. SIGNS OF STRESS Stress can be acute or chronic. An event such as a car accident can cause a sudden stress response. Sometimes if you have been feeling a certain way for a while, you may not realise that you suffering with chronic stress. The following signs can occur when suffering with stress: shaking, sweating headache, muscle pain, difficulty eating, loose bowel motions, difficulty sleeping, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty concentrating, getting upset easily, anger. If you notice these signs in yourself, it is important to acknowledge that you may be suffering with stress and that there are things you can do to help. WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH STRESS Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your doctor or a psychologist or

counsellor, who can help work through sources of stress and how to cope. Having someone you can be totally honest with who can listen and offer advice is very helpful for most people. Take care of yourself. You’ve probably heard it before, but it is important to ensure you have adequate sleep and eat a healthy diet. Get outside in the sun for part of the day and get some enjoyable exercise in. The release of good endorphins will help you feel better. Do what you enjoy. Read a book, listen to music or anything else you enjoy. Avoid activities that make stress worse. Drinking alcohol excessively and smoking are two things people do to help with stress. In the long run they actually make the issue worse, so it’s best to avoid these and focus on the things that actually help. LONG TERM IMPACT OF STRESS There is increased risk of medical conditions such as heart disease, psoriasis, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and others in people suffering with stress for a long period of time. Depression, anxiety and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) can occur due to stress and stressful events, and these can be very damaging to a person’s overall health.

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