Aquarium World vol 65 issue 1 2019

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Welcome to another issue of Aquarium World. In this issue we profile triplefins. Triplefins are a common sight in tidal pools and around wharves throughout New Zealand. These small natives come in a wide range of colours and patterns, have plenty of personality, and make great subjects for a dedicated local marine aquarium. If you have an outdoor pond or a coldwater tank and would like to stock it with a native aquatic plant or two, why not try a milfoil. In the second in our series of articles, Melanie Newfield introduces these attractive aquatic natives and tells us how to tell them apart from the invasive species. New Zealand has very few exotics reptiles that can be kept as pets. Bearded dragons are an exception and Mark Paterson introduces us to these striking Australian lizards and provides advice on how to keep them. And finally, barbs are often overlooked in tropical community tanks in favour of small schooling species such as tetras or livebearers. While tiger barbs can be a little nippy most other aquarium barbs are peaceful and in the right tank with appropriate tank mates, a school of barbs is a stunning sight.


Darren Stevens FNZAS Editor

Oblique-swimming Triplefin Forsterygion maryannae Photo: Šsarahmilicich Aquarium World


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