Flying Start Education Magazine

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School Libraries In the UK... a worthwhile past, a difficult present – and a transformed future?









Managing Health & Safety The effective management of health and safety in schools can appear to be a thorny problem

Vital Eating Disorder Support The first UK telephone befriending service launches

School Celeb Chef Competition Extends After more than 250 schools sign up for the national cooking challenge in just two months

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To the new magazine for Teachers




After 29 successful editions of Flying Start’s quarterly Pregnancy, Parenting and Early Years magazine, we are pleased to celebrate the launch of Flying Start Education edition. We are bringing Teachers, Heads and Deputy Heads a magazine boasting all the quality of a Flying Start title – free of charge. Keeping you up to date with recent news and research we will be looking at features and topics such as Special educational needs, exams, tackling bullying, recruitment, assemblies, school trips, health and safety, equipment and resources, building maintenance, professional development and much more... you are guaranteed to thoroughly enjoy each magazine. In this first Education edition, we look at unrealistic goals and standards making teachers stressed, Celebrity TV Chef Simon Rimmer’s national School Cooks competition, managing health and safety in schools, school uniform affordability guidance, National Fire Safety Week, the UK school library study findings plus much more. In conjunction with the printed magazine launch, we have created which is an interactive website where you can have your say about any of the featured topics, so why not head on over and share your points of view. We would love to hear your feedback or ideas. Email us

The F

Start g n i ly



Cover Image: © Andres Rodriguez

Flying Start group of publications are published by Magenta Press Ltd, 45 Centurion House, Centurion Way, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 3GR. Telephone the advertising office on 01772 459418 or email Visit for full terms and conditions.


What’s Inside?...




10. Unrealistic Goals and Standards Make Teachers Stressed 13. School Celeb Chef Competition Extends DONT 15. Managing Health and Safety FOR TO VIS GET 17. SEN News IT WWW . FLYIN 21. I.T. News GSTA RT EDUC ATION 25. Schools Ignore Guidance on Affordability .CO.U K 27. Hearing Impairment News 29. Catering News 30. Keeping Your School Safe 31. Fire Safety In Schools



35. New Classroom Kit




10 ......

on Homelessness 37. UK School Library Findings 39. Vital Eating Disorder Support

37 ......

15 ......


Fighting Ignorance with Inspiration Although first diagnosed in 1943, Autism is still relatively unknown. Yet autistic spectrum disorders are estimated to touch the lives of over 500,000 families throughout the UK. Fighting ignorance with inspiration As a determined and passionate mother of two children with an autism spectrum condition Anna Kennedy has led the way in transforming the education and lives of those who suffer from this hugely challenging and frustrating condition. In 1999 Anna Kennedy, as the mother of two boys, Patrick and Angelo, one with Autism and the other Asperger syndrome, simply wanted the best education for her sons, but after being Anna receiving special Chairmans award



who are looking for a positive and supportive environment for their intelligent but different offspring. Hillingdon Manor has gone from strength to strength and is now the largest school of its kind in the UK. Since 1999 Anna’s work has expanded considerably and she has opened a number of new facilities. In 2008 she merged her school with Hillcrest Autism Services to gain access to greater resources to continue her work. She and Hillcrest have also expanded their work to provide education for adults with Autism and Asperger syndrome and opened the West London Community College, which also has a residential home attached for students attending the educational establishment.







refused entry by a staggering 26 special needs schools she decided to take matters into her own hands and started her own very special place of education. Ten years on she has transformed the lives of literally hundreds of children with Autism and Asperger syndrome by setting a new course in education and support for those with these special needs. In 1999 she and her husband felt so passionately about providing better education for children with Autism and Asperger that they remortgaged their home and transformed a derelict council building in Middlesex, West London into Hillingdon Manor School. The school, which is now a centre of excellence, has earned considerable recognition for its outstanding work, and caught the imagination of Esther Rantzen who is now its patron. A decade of success Over the last decade Hillingdon Manor has thrived and in 2010 will educate 150 children from 3 to 19 years with plans to expand to accommodate an increasing number of parents


Offering hope for children with Autism in Kent and Greater London This September Anna is delighted to be opening Baston House School in Bromley, Kent which is working towards accommodating 150 children from 3 to 19 years of age. Formerly an independent girls school, the new special needs unit will provide a centre of excellence in education and development for children who have been diagnosed with autism . The new school is expected to be very popular from Day One as there are few resources in the South East that can cope with the special education needs of Autism and Asperger Syndrome. For parents of children with these conditions life can be a constant struggle to try and get their sons and daughters to live normal lives or communicate and integrate with family and friends. Baston House School will provide welcome relief and a real breakthrough for these children and help them to lead more fulfilled and productive lives. The school will be a unique provision for children on the Autism Spectrum and will offer an eclectic approach to a number of strategies, taking the best of a myriad of techniques and resources that have been developed worldwide over many years. All of the schools under the Hillcrest approach are able to offer personalised teaching and learning within an Autistic-specific environment, so that pupils’ individual needs can be addressed in full, and their capabilities fully realised. As a result the children can


develop into independent, participative and contributing members of society. Perseverance pays off The results of the education provided at Anna Kennedy’s schools are impressive as one parent of a child at Hillingdon Manor School put it. “I must say that being around my son is becoming more and more of a pleasure and less and less like a task since he has been attending Hillingdon Manor! My thanks to you all, please keep up the good work.” Working closely with highly dedicated teachers and specialists from Hillcrest and other organisations Anna Kennedy is still breaking new ground and every year she and her colleagues are finding new ways and techniques to help children with Autism to maximise their potential. When describing her work and that of Hillcrest she is full of praise for those around her. “ I work with a truly great team of hugely talented and committed people who care deeply about positively improving the lives of those with Autism Spectrum disorders. Everyone involved from school and college principals to specialist teachers, support workers and classroom assistants all work together to improve the education and living experience of the pupils at our centres. It is so gratifying and uplifting to see the results and the positive changes that are made for individuals and their families.” !








Not Stupid In 2008 Anna co-authored her best selling biography “Not Stupid” which poignantly portrayed her struggle to find appropriate provision for her boys – a story which will be familiar to many parents who feel they could not get what they felt their children needed from the local education authority. Anna’s story appeared as an hour long BBC ’pick of the day’ Video Diary documentary and her story has been featured in numerous magazines and newspapers, including the Times Educational Supplement, The Times, The Observer, The Guardian, The Daily Mirror and The Daily Mail. In 2009 she won ‘Woman of the Year’, an award run in conjunction with The Observer newspaper and Smooth Radio and earlier this year was the recipient of the coveted Institute of Directors (IOD) Chairman’s special award. Anna certainly caught the imagination of Esther Rantzen who was so impressed that she became Patron of Hillingdon Manor

School and now Baston House School. Esther sums up the essence of Anna Kennedy’s work and the schools she set up. “Over the years special needs schools have been brutally phased out, instead of being expanded and developed, and, in many places, as the Children’s Commissioner has pointed out, for children affected by autism, simply don’t exist. The new school, its facilities and potential to help youngsters diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition is a credit to what Anna Kennedy and her dedicated team have achieved over the years. Baston House is a wonderful facility that is so desperately needed in our country and I am delighted to be associated with helping children with autism achieve their full potential”. With the instance of Autism growing alarmingly in Esther Rantzan Britain the special schools Patron of Hillingdon provided by Anna Kennedy Manor school. and Hillcrest have never been so much needed and it should be hoped that more and more of these facilities are made available to children and their families to help them fulfil their potential. Of course the educational and life supporting needs don’t stop at school leaving age and Anna Kennedy and Hillcrest are now leading the way in providing lifelong support for those with Autism and Asperger syndrome.

If you would like to find out more about Anna Kennedy or any of the Hillcrest special schools please telephone: 01895 619734 or contact:

............................................................................................ Wybone's Face Bins Encourage Children to Recycle

Wybone's colourful Face Bins are a fantastic way to encourage young children to recycle. They are the perfect product for schools and Datchet St Marys C of E Primary School in Slough, have recently personalised some of these bins with their own logo – and they look great in the playground! The Face Bins are UV resistant and very versatile, each unit can be free standing, ground fixed or part of a recycling system. The bins can be grouped together in pairs or more on a galvanised steel stand to form a recycling station. For more information telephone 01226 744010, or email Visit












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Attention to detail

Teacher intoduction and #$%$&'()$ feedback


Unrealistic goals and standards make teachers months, makes it clear that teachers should set these performance standards for themselves, rather than be imposed from colleagues or senior managers. In fact, teachers who felt that other people demanded more than they were capable of giving had higher levels of stress, stress- related ill health and burnout, as well as lower levels of wellbeing. Julian Childs explained: 'Of the teachers we spoke with we discovered that most only suffered from burnout if they were highly stressed. Yet teachers who thought other people wanted them to be perfect had high burnout and low wellbeing whether they were highly stressed or not.'







Research from the University of Kent, in association with the Teacher Support Network, has found that teachers who want to be happier should not try to please everyone and should have a greater say in setting targets. The research, which was conducted by Julian Childs and Dr Joachim Stoeber from the University's School of Psychology, also shows that teachers with career aspirations and a goal to learn are happier than those facing unrealistic standards. Other findings include teachers who set high performance standards for themselves having, in contrast, higher levels of wellbeing. Similarly, teachers with a goal to advance their professional development have higher levels of mental energy and are more invested in their work than those who are focused on outperforming others. Yet the study of 197 teachers, completed twice over three

Mr Childs also explained how higher standards could benefit students. 'Teachers pass their goals onto students: a teacher focused on learning and developing their skills will foster the same goal in their students.' Julian Stanley, Chief Executive of Teacher Support Network, echoed this view. He said: 'Stress is the leading cause of work-related illness in the UK education sector. We believe that great teachers are made in part by the environments in which they work. Teachers must be fully supported and developed throughout their careers, but crucially not overworked, so that they, and by extension our children, can reach their full potentials.' Have your say... Visit

........................................................................................................ Research conducted by The University of Kent, the UK's European university and the first institution within the county to be granted a university charter. It has 19,000 students studying at Canterbury, Medway, Tonbridge, Brussels and Paris.

The University has consistently been rated as one of the best universities in the UK according to the National Student Survey. The 2011 Guardian university guide saw Kent ranked 27 out 118 universities and the Complete University Guide, published by The Independent, places Kent 38th, maintaining its position as a leading UK university, with 82 per cent of subjects taught being among the national top 30.





Among the study's conclusions is the recommendation that teachers need to discuss clear and achievable work goals with their managers. Julian Childs added: 'Managers then need to make sure teachers have the resources to achieve these goals and are able to talk about conflicting duties and how these can be prioritised.'

was placed 24th in the UK for its world-leading research out of 159 participating institutions, while 97% of academic staff work in schools or centres where the research is rated as internationally or nationally excellent. The University has a strong international impact, with long-standing partnerships with over 100 universities in mainland Europe and external networks with leading universities around the world. It is the only UK university with specialist postgraduate centres in Brussels and Paris.

In 2008, the University was awarded The Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for the work of its Kent Law Clinic.

........................................................................................................ In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, the University


For further information go to:


Teachers’ Wellbeing and Stress at Work: Study Facts In the UK, stress is the leading cause of work-related illness in the education sector. Across occupations, teachers have some of the highest levels of stress and burnout and many teachers actually retire early because of burnout. Organisations are required by law to prevent and reduce stress at work. This study investigated how stress changes over time and what employers can do to prevent stress and promote wellbeing. Stress occurs when someone feels they have more demands than they are capable of meeting. Role conflict and role ambiguity are two common forms of stress people feel about their position in an organisation.

Role Conflict occurs when teachers are required to do incompatible tasks and tasks that are outside their job description. Role Ambiguity occurs when teachers have unclear work goals and when teachers do not have the necessary resources to carry out their job. Chronic stress can lead to burnout. Here, teachers feel emotionally and mentally exhausted and they distance themselves from work - they become emotionally detached. The opposite of burnout is engagement or wellbeing when teachers feel emotionally and mentally energetic and are emotionally invested in work.

........................................................................................................ How can teachers wellbeing be improved?




Teachers who set high performance standards for themselves had higher levels of wellbeing: they felt emotionally and mentally energetic and they were emotionally invested in work

Teachers: Aiming for high standards is good. Equally though, when demands are very high, work hard and still aim for good performance but remember that it is OK if you feel some things are not quite perfect.

Teachers who felt that other people demanded more than they were capable of giving had higher levels of stress, stress-related ill health and burnout, and lower levels of wellbeing

Teachers: When you feel overwhelmed by what other people expect from you, don’t give up. Remind yourself of all the successes you have achieved and that you must be very capable in order to have attained your job in the first place! Try not to compare your work and performance with that of co-workers. Instead, focus on your own work and the task at hand. Also, look for opportunities to develop your career and professional skills.

Teacher with a goal to outperform colleagues had higher levels of stress and emotional exhaustion. These teachers also felt emotionally detached from work




Teachers with a goal to advance their professional development had higher levels of mental energy and these teachers were also emotionally invested at work



Time in current job was related to emotional detachment. Teachers who had worked in their current job for longer felt more emotionally detached from work

Organisation: Highlight what support and resources are available to teachers. Provide regular ‘stress check-ups’ especially for long term staff.

Teachers who had worked as a teacher for longer has lower levels of mental exhaustion and higher levels of emotional energy.

Managers: Discuss clear and achievable work goals with teachers. Make sure teachers have the resources to achieve these goals and talk about conflicting duties and how these can be prioritised.

The results showed no difference in wellbeing and stress related to type of teaching job


Summary of results: Arrow indicates direction of relationship; colour indicates whether this is good (green) or bad (red) for wellbeing

High standards Demands from others Comparison with colleagues Professional development

You do not have to lower your standards, try not to judge yourself too much on how you meet your standards. If you feel you have not met your standards, do not criticise yourself you can learn and do better next time; or perhaps yo were trying to do too much in the first place!

Role conflict

Role ambiguity

Stress­related ill health

Emotional exhaustion

Mental exhaustion

Emotional detachment

Time in current job

Time in teaching

Job type


Mental energy

Emotional investment

Emotional energy











School Celeb Chef Competition Extends Celebrity TV Chef Simon Rimmer has extended the deadline in his national School Cooks competition after more than 250 schools sign up for the national cooking challenge in just two months. School Cooks is a nationwide schools’ competition in association with which equips students with the knowledge and skills to deal with a range of issues they face as they grow up. It culminates in April 2011 with a competition which could win their school £10,000 worth of cooking equipment. School Cooks will provide every school which takes part with a range of high quality, free lesson plans which have been specially devised to fit in with the Key Stage 3 Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PHSE) curriculum.



Simon Rimmer, who this week hosts new Channel 5 series Meals In Moments, said “The response to the challenge has been phenomenal. We only launched the competition in the final week of the summer term and already we have more than 250 schools registered. We have extended the deadline because we want as many schools to enter as possible.

something you can eat with your family or friends. It’s very important. I want boys and girls to start cooking – and I want them to go home and carry on cooking there too.” During the autumn/winter term students will be taught a wide range of practical skills. Through life-relevant topics the students will enjoy a bite size chunk of nutritional health, learn how to create a video and will investigate not just internet safety issues, but the responsibilities involved with using the web. The lessons will also look at safety in kitchens as well as exploring a variety of careers from kitchen porter to celebrity chef and TV runner to show producer. Once students have completed these lessons they will be given the opportunity to put the ideas and skills they have developed to use and create a video of themselves cooking a dish – just like a TV chef. The videos will then be uploaded to accessible only to students and teachers belonging to their school, who can vote for their favourites. The video with the most votes will be entered into a regional final.




“I launched School Cooks because I want children to have a go at cooking. One of the great pleasures you can have is to start with a set of raw ingredients and end up with




The winning young chef from each of the six regions in the UK will then be entered into a national ‘cook off’ final to take place in Liverpool in April 2011. Simon Rimmer will then decide who will be crowned School Cooks champion and the winning school will be presented with £10,000 worth of cooking equipment. Teachers are able to register their interest in the competition at Entries to the competition will be accepted during the autumn term with winners announced in February 2011. Go to for more information on the competition and lesson plans for teachers. Go to to see the regional finalists’ video entries and to cast your vote.













y t e f a S d n a h t l a He

in Schools

Peter Cornall, Head of Leisure Safety at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) tells us how the effective management of health and safety in schools can appear to be a thorny problem. The education sector has singular challenges, not least of which is the presence of a relatively small number of employees compared with many non-employees, most of whom are children. Some laws are general in their nature – for example, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999. Others relate more specifically to aspects of school life, including the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and laws regarding child car seats and seatbelts on coaches.





As school life is characterised by a huge variety of activities taking place in a wide range of settings, keeping abreast of legislation and guidance can seem tricky. School trips, work experience placements and minibus safety are just some of the issues requiring attention – and are subjects about which RoSPA often receives questions.

When staff properly understand and are trained in health and safety management, they will see that it is not characterised by the mass of red tape that is so often suggested to be a barrier to carrying out important and fun activities within lessons and on school trips. Remember, good health and safety management is not about eliminating risks completely and banning activities, it is about striking the right balance – keeping risks within tolerable bounds and judging the risk of doing something against the cost of not doing it. If the benefits of doing the activity are considered first, it puts into perspective the safety issues you might need to overcome.

For more information about RoSPA visit




The overall responsibility for health and safety lies with the “employer”, which will depend on the type of school in question.


Employers are required to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their employees and anyone else affected by their actions. Employees have responsibilities too – and must take reasonable care of their own and others’ health and safety, co-operate with employers, carry out activities according to training and inform the employer of serious risk. Even when health and safety is the Local Education Authority’s responsibility, it is good practice for schools to draw up their own policies. See Health and Safety: Responsibilities and Powers for advice. Setting a policy is a great opportunity to make health and safety a “whole school” issue that involves everyone – teachers, non-teaching staff and, importantly, pupils. See RoSPA’s guidance for schools Incorporating safety education in the curriculum would be a valuable aspect of your policy, allowing your school to equip pupils with the skills and knowledge to deal with risky situations safely – lessons they will build upon throughout their lives.












Children’s Minister unveils plans for education of SEN pupils Ministers are considering how to ensure parents can send their child with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities to their preferred educational setting – whether that is a mainstream school, special school or an academy.









to choose where their child is educated. I want to look at every aspect of SEN – from assessment and identification to funding and education. We need to strip away the cumbersome bureaucracy but ensure there is a better, more comprehensive service for families.

The plans were outlined as Children’s Minister Sarah Teather called on parents, charities, teachers and LAs to contribute to the Government’s SEN Green Paper.

Christine Lenehan, Director, Council for Disabled Children, said:

The Green Paper, published autumn, aims to improve radically the entire SEN system and will cover issues including school choice, early identification and assessment, funding and family support.

CDC is delighted by the Government's continued focus on the needs of disabled children and those with SEN. We hope people involved in the lives of disabled children take this opportunity to respond to the call for views.

Ministers are considering a range of options including how to

Julie Jennings, Chair, Special Educational Consortium, said:

* give parents a choice of educational settings that can meet their child’s needs * transform funding for children with SEN and disabilities and their families, making the system more transparent and cost-effective while maintaining a high quality of service * prevent the unnecessary closure of special schools, and involve parents in any decisions about the future of special schools * support young people with SEN and disabilities post-16 to help them succeed after education * improve diagnosis and assessment to identify children with additional needs earlier. Children’s Minister Sarah Teather said: Children with special educational needs and disabilities should have the same opportunities as other children, but the current system is so adversarial that too often this doesn’t happen. I want parents, teachers, charities, teaching unions and local authorities to come forward with the changes they think are needed to make the system better for children with SEN and their families. Parents should be in control of their child’s education and future. Importantly, they must be involved in discussions and decisions about the support they need rather than feel they have to battle the system. I want to make it easier for parents


I am delighted that disabled children and children with special educational needs have been made a high priority by the Government. I am pleased, too, that there is no suggestion that we are starting from a blank sheet of paper – so much evidence has been brought together over the last few years that this invitation to contribute to the Green Paper is rightly focused on setting priorities and practical action that is going to make a real difference. To support fundamental changes to the SEN and disability system, ministers are looking at how to identify children’s needs earlier, develop fairer and more transparent funding arrangements, and streamline assessments to make life easier for parents and families. Ministers are seeking a wide range of views to help them develop proposals for consultation that are practical to implement, reduce bureaucracy and build on current effective practice as well as make the most of the available funds. Alongside the launch of the Call for Views, the Children’s Minister confirmed the end of the national disabled children’s services parental survey. Only a limited number of parents could respond to the survey and ministers want all parents to have the opportunity to get involved in how local services are designed and delivered. The Government welcomes views on how to strengthen the process for ensuring parents’ views affect the services their family receives locally.




















Love Learning! Symbotica is a fun card game where coloured symbols are placed to match the shape or colour of all the adjoining cards. Sounds simple – but twists keep it interesting, introduce strategy, and make it addictive! Symbotica offers educational value in four areas: shape and colour matching, addition, multiplication and strategy. Pre-school and Primary teachers have praised the game highly for its developmental properties, and what’s more, children love playing it! The cards can be used for other fun games (e.g. snap, pairs, set collecting) and children can create their own games.







Helping Special Needs Symbotica has also been well received by those working in special educational needs: “I used Symbotica with a student who is a selective mute and unable to make eye contact. We played the basic game and she was able to understand the rules. Symbotica is a fantastic resource and colleagues have said they would definitely find a use for it. You can use it with, and differentiate the uses for, all ability groups. It encompasses all the learning styles (Visual, Aural, Read and Kineasthetic)." The 7cm square cards, with rounded corners for safety, are plastic-coated and fit easily in a child’s hand.

.......................................... For more information visit





Read all about I.T. Bolton College Chooses SonicWALL SonicWALL, Inc today announced that it has been chosen by Bolton College to upgrade its network security systems to coincide with the launch of a new £70 million high-tech campus in September. The recently launched SonicWALL E-class NSA E8500 will replace the existing Cisco PIX firewall and provide advanced security features including deep-packet inspection, gateway anti-virus and malware detection, bandwidth control and content filtering. Bolton College has over 400 members of staff and 15,000 enrolled students, spread over six campuses. While based primarily in Bolton, the College operates a number of Community Learning Centres in the surrounding area. With the launch of a new campus in September, the College started looking for a long-term network security solutions to accommodate the College’s growing needs.









“We have roughly 1,600 devices on the network including roughly 40 servers, of which 95% are within a virtual infrastructure,” said Steven Fitzsimmons, Senior IT Technician, at Bolton College. “We decided on SonicWALL NSA E8500 due to extremely positive reviews from other colleges around the country. I also spoke to colleges using other vendors and did not hear the same enthusiasm about the other products. We are planning to use the E8500 to replace the use of existing products such as our Web filter and external SSL VPN access. There is an obvious saving once the licenses for these products have expired.” The E8500 is engineered to drive down administrative complexity, while defending against the entire spectrum of network attacks, both externally and internally, with unprecedented speed. This next generation firewall provides

centralised management, network segmentation, multiple deployment options and advanced networking features for ultimate control and flexibility. Additionally, the College will be able to utilise advanced SonicWALL Application Intelligence and Control features to ensure proper utilisation of bandwidth by limiting down peerto-peer and video traffic while prioritising access to education related applications. “When we first plugged in the E85000, we could see for the first time that 80% of non-web browsing traffic was attributed to Bit Torrent sites. More worryingly, we could also see that many machines were infected with the Conficker virus. When compared to a competitive device we tried from another vendor, this data was simply not detected at all.” “We are delighted to be working with Bolton College as they go through this transformational project,” said Andy Zollo, NEMEA Sales Director at SonicWALL . “Our presence in the education sector is growing rapidly, as products like the E8500 are uniquely placed to meet the stringent network security requirements of schools, colleges and universities, while offering significant cost-savings.” In the last 12 months, SonicWALL has reached a number of significant agreements with colleges and Universities across the UK, helping them to replace legacy firewall with SonicWALL’s award-winning NSA and E-Class NSA solutions.

For more information see


Keep children safe on the internet with CYBERminder A NEW device for ensuring children’s safety when accessing the internet has been launched by Atlantic Surf Ltd. CYBERminder is a smart computer system that consists of two USB keys – a ‘Supervise’ key for parental use and a ‘Protect’ age-related key for the child. Giving parents peace-of-mind it allows children to use a PC to access the internet but prevents them from the dangers of visiting inappropriate websites. Stefan Lampinen, of Atlantic Surf Ltd, says: “Child internet protection is a vital issue. Parents want to safeguard their children when they are online and CYBERminder provides a swift and easy solution for this. “Parents do not need to provide either hands-on supervision or download child protection software on to their PC as CYBERminder provides the keys to immediate secure protection for age ranges varying from small children up to teenagers.”


HOW IT WORKS CYBERminder works by means of two user-friendly keys. The Blue Supervise key is for parental use and when first inserted in the USB port installs a child protection software filter. The Protect key, which cannot be disabled, is for use by the child and ensures internet browsing is filtered. Importantly recognising that one size does not fit all, this key is age-related and the packs are designed for: Protect Under 9 (Green), Protect Age 9-12 (Yellow) and Protect Teenagers (Orange). Once CYBERminder is loaded onto a particular computer the child cannot access the internet without this Protect key. If neither key is inserted internet access is blocked. Seeing the Protect key plugged into their child’s computer reassures parents at a glance that their child’s internet browsing is filtered – safe and secure. Priced at £29.99 (GBP), CYBERminder is available from: and For more information visit


!"#$%&'())*+#%'*,*-.'%+/001'(23'*,*-.'#*(+/*Around 1 in 100 children are on the autism spectrum. Many do not have a formal diagnosis but most require individualised support to help them learn and socialise at school. The Autism Education Trust (AET) helps teachers and the education professionals supporting them by coordinating and sharing good practice and providing practical strategies to use with pupils on the autism spectrum in the classroom. Sarah-Jane Critchley, Project Head at the Trust says, “We work with teachers, SEN specialists and wider education professionals to develop resources aimed directly at practitioners and offer easy-to-use tools and support for classrooms and other school settings.” She continues, “Only a fraction of children on the autism spectrum have a diagnosis and each child is affected by their autism in very different ways. We know many teachers will be supporting pupils with autism perhaps with little understanding about why the child requires additional support or what help can be provided comparatively easily.”

Not for profit

The AET receives funding from The Department for Education and is governed and advised by a series of voluntary bodies made up of education professionals, commissioners, adults and young people on the autism spectrum. The AET website is a recognised hub of information and resources and includes specific areas designed for younger children with autism (The Kids Zone) and teenagers and young people with autism and their siblings (The Den).

Latest resources

Do you have a child with autism in your class? is a concise and handy reference introducing teachers to the idea of creating individualised support strategies for pupils on the autism spectrum.

Transition Toolkit

is a practical summary of common issues surrounding transition for young people on the autism spectrum, as well as a guide to the considerations that should be taken by those supporting them.

Tools for Teachers


is a practical guide and set of tried and tested ‘tools’ which have been developed with a number of schools. The full resource, including the toolkit and a ‘how to’ DVD, is available to purchase. Email or call 020 7903 3650 for more details.




You can stay in touch with the latest autism education news as well as information about new books, resources and relevant events, via the regular AET e-newsletter. Email us at (quoting ‘flyingstart’ in the subject line) to start receiving your copy.



Visit to find out more and download the latest resources.













Making a kite and flying it is one of the most rewarding tasks a child can do. With the new emphasis on skills based learning, it can be hard to find activities that are suitable for primary school children of all ages. Kites for Schools have introduced a kite kit that is particularly suitable for use in primary schools. “We find the kites are a fantastic way to give children the confidence to use the playing areas”, said Karen Gamble from Kites for Schools. “We have observed that there seem to be children who are active, fit and well co-coordinated who "own" the playing fields. Other children who are less co-coordinated, and particularly ones who may be over weight, will usually do everything they can to avoid the playing areas.” “On a kite day, all the children are running and laughing together, and it is inspiring to watch this happen. We hope that the schools can build from this positive introduction to keep these children enjoying outdoor activities.” We are very proud that the kits are substantially made right here in the UK. We have components manufactured for us in Gloucester, Loughborough, Lancashire, Surrey and Dorset. Although we do import some components, we also export kits to other countries. We have placed a particular emphasis on colour in the kits so that the kites are individual, without requiring individual artistic skills. This helps those children with less confidence in writing and drawing to believe that they can succeed.


These kits are complete with everything required to build 20 kites in vibrant colours with coloured tails. These kits can be taken on school outings or camps and built outdoors. Children can build these kites in around 20 minutes leaving plenty of time during the lesson to fly. Full step by step instructions make it easy to lead children through the complete assembly. We designed a kite that is particularly light so that it will fly in almost all weather conditions, even when it is damp. We wanted a kite that flies very well and yet can be easily taken home by the children. We are particularly concerned with safety, so we have designed parts that are not sharp or likely to splinter. In fact we guarantee our diamond kites will fly. Clare Freeman of the Out of School Alliance writes; "We tried out the kite kit at our after school club earlier this week and the children absolutely loved it. We are very impressed with the completeness of the kits, with the quality of the kites, with the play value of the activity, and with the overall value for money of the kits. We will definitely be investing in some more kits for use in the future."

For more information visit or phone 01308 456 274










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How it works... We pay you for good quality used clothes and shoes (paired please!) Every pupil gets a printed bag to take home and fill We come to collect the full bags You provide the clothes.... We provide the money! We weigh the bags when collected just one week later, you will receive your cheque! We then sell them to third world and developing countries. Clothes are sold in markets and second­hand shops which provide the local people with good quality affordable clothing.

Tel: 01924 439309 Email: 24


!"#$$%&'()*$+,'-./01*",'$*' Schools are adding to recession-stressed parents’ financial woes by ignoring DCSF government guidance on keeping down the cost of school uniform, national charity Citizens Advice recently announced.


Too many are still insisting on uniform items that can only be bought from an exclusive supplier, instead of making sure parents can take advantage of cheaper deals widely available from supermarkets and high street chains. Some even compel parents to purchase items from the school itself – often at twice the price they might pay for the same clothing elsewhere – with profits going towards school funds. Now Citizens Advice is calling on all schools to do their bit to help family budgets by adopting sensible, low cost policies on uniform which comply with the official guidance on affordability. Citizens Advice Chief executive Gillian Guy said:


“As thousands of youngsters prepare for the return to school in September the question for many struggling families will be: “how do we afford it ?”

============================================ Recent cases include the following:

A CAB saw a parent on a low income with two children. In September, one of the children is starting at a new secondary school with a policy that all children must be in uniform bought from the school’s own uniform shop. She has been told that failure to buy uniform from this shop will result in the pupil being unable to attend school. The price list from the school shows that the uniform will cost a minimum of £179. The local authority does not provide any school uniform grants and she also has to buy uniform for her second child at a further cost of £100.. She is very distressed and worried she will be unable to afford the uniforms. A CAB saw a parent whose daughter attends a local comprehensive school where all uniform including gym kit has to be branded with the school logo. Uniform can only be bought at one specialist shop in the city which also supplies the uniforms to local public schools and therefore costs are excessively high. The parent is on a low income and also has debts and the cost of the uniform makes these problems worse.








“In the current economic climate, and at a time when academies – many with expensive new uniforms – are springing up to replace existing schools, it’s all the more important that schools do what they can to keep costs down for families who are under severe financial pressure. “Yet evidence from our bureau network shows that many schools are continuing to overlook official guidance which says that the cost of uniforms, sports kit and other “essentials” should be kept to a minimum. “By following simple, cost-cutting steps schools really can help families at this time of greatest need. We want to see them making uniform available from a wide selection of suppliers or by offering iron-on and sew-on badges as options. “Local councils can play an important role too. Citizens Advice research shows that while more than 40% of local authorities are continuing to provide school uniform grants, nearly 60% are not, leaving parents having to approach local charities for help – or risk their children facing discipline for not having the correct uniform.” The Citizens Advice Adding Up campaign is challenging schools to help out families by following these simple recession-busting tips:

A CAB saw a lone parent on jobseekers allowance whose 12 year old daughter attends a local comprehensive with a compulsory school uniform. The mother has to buy it from the school and cannot get a cheaper version from the high street. This costs her approximately £100 per term as her daughter is growing fast. The local authority does not help with school uniforms so she has had to borrow money from family to pay for the school uniform. Students are sent home if they do not wear the correct uniform purchased directly from the school. A CAB saw a parent who works and receives working and child tax credit. She has two children at secondary school and has to pay the full cost of school uniform for both, including some items only available from the school and not from any other retailer. This has cost her £180 for each child and she has got into debt and struggles to cope financially. The local authority does not offer any help with the cost of uniforms.

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* Make sure uniform is available from a range of outlets rather than one sole supplier * Offer sew-on badges that can be put on plain clothing * Encourage recycling or swap schemes * Go for colours that can be carried over from one school to the next * Appoint a governor to keep a check on the affordability of parental expenditure.













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Do you have a deaf child in your nursery or school who doesn’t easily understand English?









Without hearing or with little hearing it is hard to understand spoken language and to communicate with hearing family and friends. Even with cochlear implants many deaf children cannot hear all the sounds of speech, and in noisy places like schools it is particularly hard to understand speech through aids or implants. Lip-reading is of limited help - it is only possible to lipread about 30% of what is said, the rest is guesswork. These problems make it difficult for deaf children to understand or think in English and consequently hard to speak, to lipread, or to read and write. Using British Sign Language does not solve all these problems; it takes several years to learn and it is a completely different language from written and spoken English. There is another way. More parents are learning Cued Speech so that their deaf children can understand the English language. Cued Speech is also being increasingly used with young children at school where it can both give access to whole language and be used on a phoneme level for literacy and pre-literacy lessons. Cued Speech uses just eight handshapes in four positions near the mouth together with the lip shapes of normal speech. It can be learnt in 20 hours and it totally clarifies lipreading. It is widely 27

used abroad. Research and case studies show that with Cued Speech deaf children can use and understand English and can read and write as well as hearing children. A parent of two deaf children recently wrote: 'I started to use Cued Speech over 20 years ago when my two children were born deaf. It has allowed them entirely to reach their potential. Last year I had a conversation with my youngest (a physics graduate) about the role Cued Speech played in his ability to communicate in English and achieve academic success. We talked about Michelangelo who used his genius to paint the Sistine Chapel and the fact that, sadly, given the same paints you and I could not do a similar job! But Michelangelo couldn't have created his masterpiece either if he hadn't had a scaffold to reach the ceiling! ‘All of us have a bit of genius in us, but we need scaffolds - communication, language, education - to fulfil our potential; the exact things that deaf children are so often denied. Cued Speech provides the scaffolds: it gives unambiguous access to the language and communication that deaf children need to thrive to paint their own personal Sistine Chapel.’ For information or training contact national charity: the Cued Speech Association UK: phone: 01803 83 27 84 fax: 01803 83 53 11


Whatever your connection with dance The one thing that every dance teacher, student and practitioner needs is a reliable source of inspiring music. You can now choose how you'd like to receive this: on CDs, as For those of you working at primary or elementary level, you may need a little help in preparing your dance classes. For you, there is a growing library of pre-prepared lessons, which will save you many hours of planning. The aim is to give you what you need not just for today but into the future as well.

Contact Dance Notes Today For More Information By Telephone: +44 (0)1225 313082, Email: or visit











Catering News

Innovate Services

Hits the Mark






Innovate Services Ltd, the innovative catering supplier to the education sector, has today announced it has achieved the ISO9001 and ISO14001 quality standards, in addition to being awarded the Bronze Food for Life catering mark.

award by the Food for Life initiative. We are now working on achieving silver and gold in due course. These standards and achievements demonstrate that we are fully committed to delivering the very best quality food to the students and staff that use our facilities, in addition to offering high quality support services.”

The ISO9001 quality standard certifies that formalised business processes are being applied across our business, and the ISO14001 demonstrates that a core set of standards have been used for designing and implementing an effective environmental management system. Whilst the Food for Life catering mark is a Soil Association accreditation scheme that has been created to help caterers give reassurance of food quality.

Adds Derick Martin: “Specifically regarding the Food for Life Partnership, all Innovate schools and colleges can join this scheme and, as a Bronze mark catering provider, their school is one step closer to becoming eligible to enter the Food for Life Awards for Schools initiative. We are therefore encouraging all our schools and colleges to visit the Food for Life website to find out more, or to speak to a member of the Innovate team.”

The three tiers of Bronze, Silver and Gold allow caterers to make step-wise progress towards greater use of fresh, seasonal, local and organic ingredients, high welfare meat and sustainable fish. The Bronze award achieved by Innovate Services confirms that each of the 49 schools and colleges it manages:

For further information, visit and




- No meals contain undesirable food additives or hydrogenated fats; - At least 75% of dishes are freshly prepared; - Meat meets UK welfare standards and eggs are from cage-free hens; - Menus are seasonal; - Catering staff are trained to good standards; and - No GM ingredients are contained within any dishes prepared by the Innovate staff. Derick Martin, CEO, Innovate Services said: “We are proud to have achieved both the ISO9001 and ISO14001 quality assurance standards in addition to being presented with the Bronze


Is Your School Safe? Everywhere we look we see health and safety campaigns, especially where schools are involved, but managing building safety is far from just maintaining corridors and play areas. More recently it has been stated that a number of UK schools are not conforming to their duty to protect pupils from the dangerous substance ‘asbestos’. Earlier this year, a snapshot survey of 16 schools was carried out and the concluding report by the Asbestos Training and Consultancy Association said none of the 16 schools were meeting health and safety rules on managing asbestos. It is advised that asbestos should be managed rather than removed but the Asbestos Training and Consultancy Association (Atac) say many schools lack the resources to manage it safely. The association said, of the 16 schools visited in the study, asbestos had been damaged in more than half of them. Although the survey was relatively small, the findings showed that it is a potential problem, especially as around 75% of the UK’s schools are thought to contain asbestos. !








At least 178 teachers are said to have died from asbestos related diseases between 1980 and 2005. An article published by the Sundy Times last year stated that an unknown number of children could fall victim later in life and

described the asbestos as a ‘cancer timebomb’. If asbestos is accidentally damaged, fibres can be released which can contaminate the school, it’s teachers and pupils. . Commenting on the findings of a joint survey by the Health & Safety Executive and the Department for Education on local authorities’ arrangements for dealing with asbestos in system built schools, Christine Blower, General Secretary of the NUT said “The HSE and DfE conclude that the majority of local authorities have demonstrated that they have systems in place to manage asbestos safety. Whilst welcoming the survey as a step in the right direction, the NUT views this confidence as misplaced. “Apart from the fact that the survey was restricted to asbestos management in system built schools, the NUT questions how it can be claimed that the majority of local authorities meet legal requirements in terms of asbestos management when only 42 were actually visited by HSE inspectors. The other 110 simply completed an on-line survey, making the survey essentially a paper exercise, reliant on local authorities admitting to failings in their system of asbestos management in order to trigger a visit from the HSE. A true understanding of the nature of the problem can only be gained when a full independent national audit of all schools is undertaken – something for which the NUT has called many years.

Control of Legionella in Schools Legionnaires' disease is a type of severe pneumonia discovered in the USA in 1976. It is an uncommon but serious disease. The germ which causes Legionnaires' disease is a bacterium called Legionella pneumophila and people catch it by inhaling small droplets of water suspended in the air which contain this bacterium. However, whilst it can be fatal most people who are exposed to Legionella do not become ill. Legionella pneumophila is widespread in nature where it mainly lives in water, for example ponds, where it does not usually cause problems. Outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease usually occur from purpose-built water systems where temperatures are warm enough to encourage growth of the bacteria, e.g. in cooling towers, pools; and from water used for domestic purposes in buildings such as schools. School building services and other systems that pose a legionella risk include any equipment containing water likely to exceed 20 OC and which release an aerosol or spray. This can include hot and cold water systems, showers, taps, toilets, water features, spa pools etc. Compliance In the UK the law that covers the control of legionella bacteria in schools and other premises is the Health & Safety at Work Act, and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations; but more specifically the Health & Safety Executives’ Approved Code of Practice "Legionnaires' disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems". Practical steps to compliance To comply with UK law all schools and educational premises must:


t *EFOUJGZ BOE BTTFTT UIF TPVSDF PG BMM LOPXO -FHJPOFMMB SJTLT o This can be done by carrying out a full Legionella risk assessment. t 1SFQBSF B XSJUUFO NBOBHFNFOU TDIFNF GPS QSFWFOUJOH PS controlling those identified risks – This follows from the risk assessment report. t *NQMFNFOU NBOBHF BOE NPOJUPS UIF QSFDBVUJPOBSZ measures – This involves testing, inspections and water sampling to ensure any Legionella control regimen is effective. t ,FFQ SFDPSET PG UIFTF QSFDBVUJPOT o 3FDPSE LFFQJOH JT BO essential component of any compliance programme. t "QQPJOU B QFSTPO UP CF NBOBHFSJBMMZ SFTQPOTJCMF o 5IJT person is referred to as the “Responsible Person”. They must be properly trained to perform this role and have the financial authority to implement the control scheme. About Legionella Control International Legionella Control International ( are a leading firm of Legionella and environmental hygiene specialists offering a range of consulting services, delivered through teams of experts with national and international reputations for unambiguous and impartial advice. Services include advice on strategy, Legionella risk management and risk assessments, crisis and emergency management, expert witness and litigation support, Legionella training, water and environmental hygiene services; and facilities management. For more information contact John Dobson on 0161 877 0586 or email


Fire Safety in Schools Teachers urged to participate in National Fire Safety Awareness Campaign To help raise awareness of the dangers of fire and educate children about fire safety, The Fire Fighters Charity and the Communities and Local Government Fire Kills Campaign are continuing their quest to encourage primary schools s to work with their local Fire and Rescue Service during this year’s National Schools’ Fire Safety Week (4th-8th October 2010). Between 2007 and 2008, 16 children under the age of 11 were killed in fires in the UK, and a further 1,300 were injured in house fires. Fire statistics show that over 13,000 fires in 2008 were started by children under the age of 18, more than half of which were caused by matches, lighters or lighted candles.









The Fire Fighters Charity and the Fire Kills Campaign have therefore created this annual, high profile awareness week, to provide anyone who looks after children, with the tools they need to educate those in their care about fire safety and help drive these numbers down. This year’s topic is Matches & Lighters: Tools not Toys. Matches and lighters when used by responsible adults are safe products, but in the hands of children and juveniles these products can be dangerous and can be used to cause injury and damage. Children also tend to copy their parents or older brothers or sisters. If children see their parents using a lighter or striking matches, they may well try and copy if they find them lying around. Unbelievably there is also no minimum age to sell matches and lighters to children. With support from local government departments, the objective of this year’s campaign is to teach children the key messages relating to the dangers of matches and lighters that are easy to remember and can be passed on to friends and siblings, consecutively helping to prevent fires. The campaign is primarily aimed at Key Stage 1 children (5-7 year olds) and all teachers/parents or carers wishing to participate in the event can request a free teachers’ resource pack which will include daily classroom activity worksheets, an event poster, homework sheet and guidance notes. The campaign is supported by a fun and educational microsite lead by fictional character Neenaw The Fire Engine, and

includes individually designed zones for both adults and children. Additional teachers’ resources, games, quizzes and advice for parents and carers can also be found on this dedicated website. To help further promote the event in schools, The Fire Fighters Charity is launching a national competition, in which children are asked to complete the first line of a poem, presenting their work in a creative format! In May, all Key Stage 1 teachers will receive further information relating to the campaign and the competition, as well as an invitation to join in with the activities during National Schools’ Fire Safety Week. The resource packs can then be either downloaded from the campaign website www.nationalschools, or requested in a hard copy format by completing an online form or calling the order line – 01202 864 671. To support the day’s activities, it is recommended that teachers contact their Community Fire Safety team at their local Fire and Rescue Service who will be aware of the campaign. They are likely to be able to support the Day by visiting the school and talking to the children about fire safety. Keith MacGillivray, Chairman of The Fire Fighters Charity said “Sadly, fire is one of the main causes of accidental injury and death amongst children and sometimes these fires are started by children. Children as young as two are capable of operating lighters. They are curious about fire but don’t necessarily understand the danger. The Fire Services work tirelessly to prevent fires from starting, but more can be done by those who regularly look after children, to reinforce the key messages relating to this years’ campaign. Ultimately, it could save lives.” More information on the Communities and Local Government Fire Kills Campaign can be found at The Fire Fighters Charity is the official organisation which exists for injured fire fighters and their families during their times of need as well as burns survivors, assisting thousands of individuals every year by providing pioneering treatment and support services

National Schools’ Fire Safety Week 4th-8th October 2010 31


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Bubbles Creative Educational Resources for Music and Dance Bubbles Education provide primary music, dance and drama resources designed to inspire and motivate teachers and

Check out this fantastic showcase of products for school and home

Go-Givers is an exciting web-based PSHE and Citizenship programme which aims to develop caring and make a positive contribution to their communities. It includes 100 downloadable lessons, fantastic context free web tools, and a lively ‘Kids’ Zone’ – and it’s all completely FREE! !





Bubbles resources thematic, cross-curricular teaching without being as rigid as a scheme of work. Bubbles leaves scope for practitioners to take ownership of lessons and encourage creativity, whilst still acting as a supporting tool for both generalist and specialist alike. These resources are designed to help schools provide purposeful, contextual learning experiences. They help teachers to link subjects together in a meaningful way, whilst still clearly covering key subject skills and concepts. Bubbles provides ideas which can be developed over a Telephone: 01254 680575 Email: Web:








Letter Roads and Number Roads – these large plastic mats show the alphabet and numbers as roads, complete with white lines. ‘Brumming’ a car around the shapes turns learning into ‘down-on-the-

And now Letter Roads moves into book form, blending literacy with geography. Marti is an alien adventuring along letter roads on earth; in ‘Marti goes to E’ he discovers that tracing the ‘E’ road leads to Egypt, learning all about this amazing country as he goes.

The solution for quick and durable labelling of everything for kids and grown-ups.

Labels that are bound to stick around!

Identify all your kids clothes with iron-on labels. These very thin labels, made of an innovative material are washing machine and clothes dryer proof. of stickers to identify all your kids belongings including bags, books, pens, musical instruments, sports equipment and shoes to name just a few.

Visit Encouraging children to recycle



Dimensions is a creative, theme-based curriculum design toolkit. Everything you need to help you plan, organise and assess your own innovative creative curriculum is included in Dimensions. The purpose of Dimensions is to customise your Primary Curriculum in a clear, step-bystep way using the Design

underpinned by the Dimensions Skills Ladder that has been carefully constructed to ensure continuity and progression.





can easily modify and adapt to suit their own context, whilst ensuring that statutory curriculum requirements are met. It consists of curriculum theme cycles, curriculum maps, catalyst questions, literacy links, Essential Learning Experiences and Assessment for Learning materials all linked through a thematic approach to teaching and learning. Telephone: 01254 680575 Email: Web:



guide and advise on all aspects of painting .Doodlepots lends itself well to school parties. We can advise on suitable pieces and

the studio fee and 10% on ceramics when pre booked .We are on one level and have a disabled toilet and are in the centre Flowergate in Whitby North Yorkshire.

Our website is : Tel number 01947 825824




Doodlepots is a ceramic studio and café where children and adults can come and be creative in a fun atmosphere .Our studio is large and airy with all the equipment to design and produce a work of art .We have a large selection of pieces to paint from useful items like mugs to small collectables ,money banks and decorative pieces.

Multisensations is a new company set up to develop resources for the interactive whiteboard to create a multisensory experience. The Surprise Jelly

developed from a series of stories written by Liz Gray, the founder of Multisensations. The story is delivered as a power point presentation and contains lesson plans, four original songs and multisensory activities. The Surprise Jelly Party- Put the pupils in the story using digital images and video clips Jimmy has made lots of friends of children in nursery, primary and special schools already and he is eager to make new friends!

The Suprise Party Teaching Resource Pack, Jimmy Jones Puppet and the mould of the Jelly Factory all for a special price of £50.00 Visit for more information

CHANGING ESTABLISHED PATTERNS OF PLAY A colourful range of loose parts play equipment is positively changing established patterns of play at primary schools and play areas throughout the country. Developed by leading UK play equipment manufacturer, winning artists Snug & Outdoor, Snug is the culmination of a 15 year research and development programme by Snug & Outdoor, exploring how children behave, react and play in a variety of situations. In addition to playtime, Snug is also being used to enhance curriculum learning, both in and out of the classroom. The colourful combination of nine integrated play pieces encourages children to play imaginatively, creating dynamic playscapes that provide hours of fun and mental/physical stimulation. Snug’s light shapes can be easily moved, joined and arranged by children themselves, to create exciting new environments to play and learn. Snug changes conventional patterns of behaviour in playgrounds by engaging children’s imaginations and giving them the satisfaction of being able to change their own surroundings.

Encouraging children to recycle


You Can’t Learn to Read if the Letters Move Around Say Ssssssnake! Ssssssss. S. Sssssssnake... While every literacy lesson guides the nation’s children through the labyrinth of Letters and Sounds, some children in every class are getting further behind; lost in the maze. Not because they can’t learn how to turn letters into sounds, but because they can’t see the letters to decode them. These children aren’t short sighted; they may not even be dyslexic. over-excites certain nerve cells causing symptoms - such as the letters “jumping around”- that hinder or prevent reading. Changing the background to the colour that suits the child stabilizes the text, and means the child can start turning letters into sounds. Eye Level Reading Rulers from Crossbow Education provide the tint, support eye tracking, and help children to read. They are used in over 50% of the schools in the UK, and


to try them? Ring 0845 269 7272 now, or visit to order your pack. They’ll be sent to you tomorrow. PS we do excellent phonics resources too: get a catalogue!


Did your last Enterprise day have the WOW factor?

An Innovative Enterprise event is all about learning by doing, using role-play, games, multimedia input, examples from the real world and challenging activities. Students are not 'talked at' – they are participants. We deliver events, and supply learning resources, to schools all over the UK which bring business, enterprise and science together. We also run workshops to help with job or university understanding the environment and PSHE/citizenship. The main thing to remember is that the format of each needs whether that be in terms of activity levels, academic standards or, of course, the aims of your enterprise culture and curriculum. All at no extra cost. Stock Market Challenge and MILieU which are all available for Primary Schools, too! WOW factor. Call us on: 0845 326 4818 Innovative Enterprise Ltd. E: W:









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“I have no hesitation in recommending the rulers to teachers, intervention strategy which, although underpinned by a great deal of research, requires no more than pragmatic common ofreading speed, accuracy, and sustained engagement with text.” Neil Mackay, International Education consultant.

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New term, new Classroom Kit on homelessness from Shelter As the new term begins, housing charity Shelter launches new lesson plans on homelessness and bad housing for Key Stage One pupils as part of its popular interactive Classroom Kit.

believes it is vital children learn about the issues of homelessness and bad housing at a young age to help develop understanding and awareness.

Shelter launched the classroom kit for seven to 14 year olds last year, and it proved so popular that the pack has now been extended to a younger audience. The kits are available to download free from the Shelter website today at:

Louise Parkes, Director of Fundraising, said: “Bad housing and homelessness can have a devastating effect on every area of a child’s life. The classroom kit is a fantastic way to educate children about all aspects of bad housing and encourage them to get involved with Shelter’s vital work.

The new lesson plans aim to help teachers engage four to seven year olds with ideas about homes and neighbourhoods in a fun and interesting way. Using materials and features from their local environment, along with games and matching activities, children can create patterns and pictures, and describe shapes related to the idea of the home.

“We would urge teachers to download this kit not only to help children develop an understanding of their community and home, but to help raise awareness of the plight of the 1.6 million children currently trapped in bad housing.”

Elrick Primary School teacher Christine Gray said: “Shelter’s classroom kit is wonderful. The online resources to support the lessons were excellent and the images of homes and slide shows of children’s stories give the children something real to focus on. “I would certainly encourage teachers to use this great resource to offer their class an engaging and insightful lesson on their community and home.” Children living in bad housing are nearly twice as likely as other children to leave school without any GCSEs. Shelter


The classroom kit also includes information on Home Time!, Shelter’s exciting initiative that offers fun-filled fundraising ideas for schools, centred round the theme of the home. Louise Parkes continued: “HomeTime! encourages pupils to get involved in supporting Shelter’s work, helping to change the lives of thousands of homeless children. From spelling to dressing up, game-playing to arts and crafts, you’re sure to find an activity that will get your class fired up to fundraise.”

For more information, or to download Shelter’s classroom kit go to:



The Original and Best Each pouch provides separate pockets for their daily Books, Stationery, a designated net pocket, so pupils can drink freely throughout the day without leaving their chair or disrupting the class.

PHOTOGRAPHY Carry hook/handle

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Two sizes cover KS1 & KS2 This proven innovative CLASSROOM CHAIR POUCH provides personal storage for each pupil, designed to reduce classroom and desk disorder, aiding Teacher control, therefore improving discipline. Pop the pouch on the chair and give them easy, accessible ‘My Space’ for their classroom items right where they are seated. CLASS PURCHASE AND COMBINATION DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE !




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The key findings of the report are: t 5IFSF JT B DMFBS BOE HSPXJOH difference between the best and the rest in terms of funding levels, staffing and the services provided. 31% of respondents judged the library stock good for supporting teaching and learning in the school and only 15% thought coverage of websites and e-publications was good.







There is a growing gap between the best services and those where resources and management support are failing, according to a CILIP School Libraries Group report earlier this year.



The national survey of UK school libraries has just been completed, with detailed replies from 1,547 secondary, middle, special and independent schools and exhaustive activity reports from over 1,000 of these, supplemented by information from 655 primary schools. The report School Libraries in the UK: a worthwhile past, a difficult present – and a transformed future? concludes that the vision and support of senior management is vital to success. It is crucial that school management recognise the difference that a good school library can make. Currently, it is not a statutory requirement for schools in England to have a school library. Making school libraries and librarians statutory would be a big help in securing the vital role that libraries can play in enhancing teaching and learning. Professor Stephen Heppell said: “The evidence continues to accumulate that libraries – and their librarians – lie absolutely at the heart of 3rd millennium learning organisations: a place for scholarship, a place to escape into adventures, a place of discovery, a place to share and explore, a place for deep thought, a place for surprise, and above all else a place absolutely without limits. The best schools have libraries at their centres not as some sad throwback to an earlier age but as a clear and evocative prototype of what ambitious learning might look like in this century of learning.�


t PG RVBMJĂśFE MJCSBSJBOT BSF contributing to information literacy work in their school by such activities as planning and conducting lessons in the library or classroom, often jointly with teachers. A growing number of library staff are actively engaging with ICT to make e-resources available and help develop e-learning platforms to support teaching and learning throughout the school. t PG RVBMJĂśFE MJCSBSJBOT BSF IFMQJOH UP EFTJHO BOE NBOBHF the school website; 59% are contributing actively to the school VLE, learning platform or website. t 5IFSF JT FYDFMMFOU XPSL HPJOH PO JO IFMQJOH TUVEFOUT UP develop as information literate adults capable of functioning effectively in the Age of Cyber-Information as well as in supporting literacy and reading for pleasure. t 5IFSF JT B DMFBS QPTJUJWF SFMBUJPOTIJQ CFUXFFO UIF MFWFM PG education of school librarians and their ability to make an impact on teaching and learning in their schools. t 5PP NBOZ TDIPPM MJCSBSJFT BSF TUBòFE CZ VORVBMJĂśFE QFPQMF who lack the skills and knowledge to work effectively with teachers in developing information literacy, in actively and imaginatively promoting reading and in exploiting the possibilities of ICT to support learning. t " XPSSZJOH OVNCFS PG TFDPOEBSZ BOE JOEFQFOEFOU TDIPPMT BOE QSJNBSZ TDIPPMT BSF SFQPSUJOH DVUT JO budgets, sometimes from a very low base. Most other respondents reported no change in funding levels (effectively a EFDSFBTF School Libraries in the UK: a worthwhile past, a difficult present – and a transformed future? was commissioned by CILIP’s School Libraries Group and prepared by David Streatfield, Sue Shaper and Simon Rae-Scott, and is available online at:


PrimaryViewPoint Ltd introduces their SciencePLUS resource Building upon the success of the original PrimaryViewPoint Science Year Disks, the company has recently released four SciencePLUS disks for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children. These build upon the original disks but incorporate additional interactive materials such as matching and sorting games, on-screen jigsaws, word scrambles, word searches and crosswords. These are all built into Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, which make them easy to manage in the classroom. Designed for whole class use using an interactive whiteboard, each activity is designed to be both appealing to children and also focus on a particular learning point in the topic. This new version also includes 100’s of fully illustrated multiple choice questions, which are ideal for whole class assessment, and which will save hours of preparation time if you have access to an interactive voting system in your school. Each SciencePLUS disk includes over 120 interactive tasks, 240 fully illustrated multiple choice questions; lots of ideas and suggestions for lively and stimulating starter activities; full colour animations helping fully illustrated examples of scientific investigations showing expected outcomes and results and summaries of learning outcomes presented through animated slides. !



For more information, including the facility to download some FREE resources . visit or contact us at






Saves hours of preparation time; Over 3000 slides all linked to current primary science topics; Ideal for use with interactive whiteboards; Can be edited and changed to produce your own resources, posters and handouts. The new SciencePLUS materials include many additional educational games, puzzles and quizzes as well as fully illustrated multiple choice questions that can be useful for assessing your class.

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PO Box 3229, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 9LP Telephone: 01785 600515 Fax: 01785 330832 Email: Web site:



Vital Eating Disorder Support Can your school help raise awareness to Parents about the launch of this vital support service

National charity Care for the Family is launching the first UK telephone befriending service for parents of children with an eating disorder. Available from October 2010, the new service will be the first to offer parents one-to-one, ongoing support from trained ‘befrienders’ whohave themselves been through the experience of watching their own child struggle with an eating disorder.


Care for the Family, whose aim is to strengthen family life and help those facing family difficulties, set up the service because it is frequently contacted by parents of children who have an eating disorder and are seriously ill. Studies suggest that eating disorders in children are at an all time high with as many as a quarter of adolescent girls in the UK currently affected[i]. Half of nine to ten year olds say they want to be thinner[ii] and anorexia has been reported in children as young as seven[iii].






Katharine Hill, Director of Policy, Research and Development at Care for the Family says: “People can develop an eating disorder at any stage of life, but those most at risk are children and teenagers. Having a child with an eating disorder affects the whole family and can place a huge strain on relationships between parents and with siblings. We want parents to know they are not alone.” “We know that telephone befriending services can help parents to feel supported because we already run other national befriending networks that draw alongside families with particular needs,” continues Katharine. “We’re confident that our latest initiative, especially for parents of children with eating disorders, will benefit parents right across the UK.” As part of a new working partnership, all befrienders will be trained and supported by Anorexia & Bulimia Care (ABC), a national charity with more than 20 years’ experience in this area. The expertise of the trained, volunteer befriender will be matched as closely as possible with the situation of the parent needing support. Each befriender will offer practical encouragement and insights drawn from real life, giving parents reassurance and emotional support to help them cope. The relationship will be informal and non-judgmental and the parent will be able to speak to the same person for as long as they need it.


The new service will complement national helplines that currently provide members of the public with information and advice about eating disorders. “In our experience, people value general helplines but tend to use them on an ad hoc basis,” says Jane Smith, Director of ABC. “The parent befriending network will be a unique and much needed additional service that provides personal, ongoing support.”


To arrange to speak to a befriender call (029) 2081 0800 or email . For further information on eating disorders visit [i] Source: “Eating disorders ‘rife in girls’,” 4 September 2001, [ii] Source: “Body image issues ‘want to be thinner’,” Berger, Schilke and Strauss 2005 [iii] Source: “Anorexia children/Great Ormond Street” September 2006,




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Many parents try to encourage their children to read and appreciate the value of books. way that they can have fun and if it's a story at bedtime then it is also a great opportunity for you to spend some quality time with your child. By using a personalised book, a little touch of magic captures their attention as they feature in the story as it unfolds. There are many titles available and all of these can be found Online.










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Our range of activities are ideal for teachers & group leaders who are looking for an introductory activity or a progressive, developmental programme. LOPC has a reputation for working with users to provide activities that are tailor made to your specific needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements on: Telephone: 0116 268 1426, Email: or visit our Website: !








Environmental Art for Your School Willow Arts builld large scale Environmental Public Art Sculptures and Community outdoor spaces for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy. Led by Artists and Designers Chris and Audrea Oldham. We have worked over the last 10 years with all aspects of the public; Schools, Councils, Communities and Art Galleries. We run lots of our art projects in the School Grounds. With the children we build Big Living Willow Sculptures, Outdoor Classrooms and Children's Gardens. In the classroom we make sculptures about the natural world or anthing else the children can think of. Its very easy to do and Teachers learn new skills too. We use willow, tissue and glitter, wool and outdoor textile materials. They look great, everyone has lots of fun and learns something new.

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Sensory gardens for Schools and nurseries Sensory gardens provide both relaxation and stimulation of the senses: touch, sight, sound and smell, as well as taste. This is provided not only by the planting which provides, colour, scent, movement and the opportunity for children and staff to grow their own edible produce. It is also the design and structure of the garden creating paths for wheelchair access, decking for activities, as well as the sound and move­ ment of water, providing they are safe features.





The hidden garden offers such a holistic approach to both the design and interpretation to take into account the needs of your children and staff. !""#rofessionally qualified Designer !""Time served craftsmen !""$%&"'()'*)+",-.ff !""We work to all budgets and requirements !""$/01'23".44roved supplier !""56.721.-28)".1+"'reative design – quality construction

It is important that the design of a sensory garden adopts a holistic approach to create a space that can be enjoyed. This may take many forms such as social contact, communication, creative activity, mental stimulation, etc. One such activity can be the physical action of being in the garden, being outside and relaxing, playing and enjoying a natural environment.

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For more information or to book a residential in the Longhouse, please contact: The Ancient Technology Centre Damerham Road, Cranborne, Dorset BH21 5RP Tel: 01725517618 Fax: 01725517618 Email:



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Spymasters is the ultimate Spy experience for anyone aged 8 or over, fantastic for birthday parties but also a great family game, you can even put the kids against the adults! From the moment you start your mission the tension mounts as we take your team to the helipad to be issued with their equipment and briefed during the short flight to the Russian Embassy. After zip-wiring down to the Embassy roof and breaking in, you must work your way from room to room through highly restricted areas, to steal the secret weapons and escape in an adrenalin pumping finish! Cool gadgets, cracking codes, breaking into safes, the laser corridor – very Mission Impossible – are just part of the many challenges you will face on your mission. Take care not to get caught by the cameras or set off the alarms as this could have a devastating effect on your final score! When finished, you can re-fuel in our Café with a choice of hot meals, drinks and snacks.









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Innovation in Early Years Education

“Curiouser and Curiouser” .....Said Alice A classroom with four walls and a roof is a convenient and traditional adult concept and is well within the comfort zone for adults. A classroom without four walls and a roof is an:

OUTDOOR CLASSROOM An Outdoor Classroom is: * a welcome supplement * often a very necessary complement * but above all a refreshing and exciting alternative that stimulates the CURIOSITY of CHILDREN





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Acoustics for Schools Initiative S

ound Reduction Systems Ltd (SRS Ltd) are proud to launch their new ‘Acoustics for Schools’ initiative. The main thrust of the scheme will see acoustic specialists, SRS Ltd, launch their new ‘BB93 & Acoustics Within The Educational Environment’ guide whilst offering all UK schools and the specifiers and contractors working on them FREE OF CHARGE evaluations, guidance and specifications to ensure that the school meets all the acoustic standards set out in BB93, as well as the needs of its staff and students. Many schools in the UK suffer from poor room acoustics due to the acoustically reflective surfaces traditionally found within the learning environment. This leads to a great deal of reverberation and echo which creates poor speech intelligibility - an environment like this has a detrimental effect on both teaching and learning. SRS Ltd have a new and unique range of acoustic absorbers that can be used to control noise within all school environments, from large gymnasiums and canteens to small classrooms and media suites. The Sonata range of products offers extremely high levels of performance but does not compromise design, with various shapes, colours and finishes available. Unlike many traditional, mineral fibre based products, Sonata products are manufactured using innovative acoustic foams that are completely non-fibrous and perfectly safe to install during term time. There are also significant problems with noise disturbance from adjoining classrooms, halls and corridors. Often, walls and ceilings are particularly lightweight and a simple application of an acoustic product can make a significant difference. For example, walls and ceilings can be lined with Maxiboard – a high performance acoustic building board, designed to be used like standard plasterboard but with far greater acoustic performance. SRS Ltd also have a range of acoustic ceiling tiles, SoundBlocker, which can be used to increase the acoustic performance of lightweight suspended ceilings, as cross-talk between classrooms with these types of ceilings installed is often a problem area. In short SRS Ltd has the knowledge, expertise and practical solutions to deal with just about any sound insulation issue within the educational environment and are happy to help our schools out in any way they can. !








To receive your free ‘BB93 & Acoustics Within The Educational Environment’ guide, to book a site visit or just to talk through any acoustic issues that you have, please contact the industry leading technical team on tel: 01204 380074; email: or visit the website



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Cool Science provides workshops and science assemblies for primary schools in the Midlands, Yorkshire and East Anglia. Topics covered are Changing State, Forces, Gravity & Space and Sound & Light. A van load of equipment is used to set up a laboratory for young scientists in your school hall. During the workshops and assemblies, pupils are invited to enter the lab and help with a range of exciting experiments. What they do is scrutinised on screen by the young audience using a camcorder and projector to zoom in on the action. As you can imagine, there is never a shortage of willing volunteers to be cool scientists. The experiments have been carefully chosen to appeal to young children and help them think about the topic covered. Risk assessments are available. To give you some idea laboratory!













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Affresol Ltd have developed a range of truly sustainable, low carbon,prefabricated modular buildings that are both flexible and affordable. Affresol is particularly focused on Schools & Nursery/Creche where is a requirement for excellent comfort standards within high quality, modern and secure accommodation. This modular accommodation is secured by design, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Each unit is designed using “Passive House” principles around a steel frame. The frame is clad with a TPR™ (Thermo Polymerized Rock) walling system which returns a “U” Value of 0.2. The TPR™ can be the external finish or it can be addition­ ally clad with a Timber effect, Brick effect, Stone effect, or Render finish so as to blend into your existing environment. TPR™ is a “thermo set polymer” produced from a cold process that takes recycled mixed plastic waste and waste minerals that have been diverted from landfill. These waste materials are processed to produce a mouldable compound which when cured, is waterproof, thermally efficient, fire retardant is as strong as and lighter than concrete. Every modular building is manufactured to your specifica­ tion, to a set of strict quality controls within the Affresol ISO9001 quality controlled factory premises.


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Recycled Rubber Products

“BUY NOW, DON’T PAY LATER” We all want to ‘do our bit’ to make our world a better place and we all know how important it is for the global environment and the future of us all to recycle. By using our range of products, you have helped put to good use some of our world’s toughest materials to recycle. Our range of products cover many possibilities from Landscaping to Play Envirolay rubber bark lasts for 3­10 years, never discolours, doesn’t and Learning Areas and much more besides. At the same time our chip compact, doesn’t rot, doesn’t blow away, dries quickly and doesn’t and bark outperforms many other safety surfaces. freeze. It also will not stick to shoes so it will not be brought in to your school from outside, and no colour from the bark will ever transfer on to children’s clothes thanks to our patented colouring methods.

Rubber Chippings

Playground & Landscaping



Rubber Bark

All Purpose Rubber Bark

You can also lay our product loose or bonded. Our rubber chippings provide many of the same benefits as our rubber bark, but with even greater savings for you and your school.



Buy Now Don’t Pay Later: Consider organic bark versus Envirolay rubber bark. Ordinary bark only lasts 6­12 months. Normal bark also compacts, turns to mulch and so needs constant replacement and costs money to remove. Children will get dirty playing in it and they will bring the bark in to school on the soles of their shoes.


Rubber Chippings

Rubber Bark

Wood Bark

*Critical Fall Height (100mm):




Life Span:

3 ­ 10 years

3 ­ 10 years

1 year max

Can be used in winter:




Rot or Decompose:





Choice of 7

Choice of 7


*This critical fall height is based on being laid on a solid/concrete surface. The CFH is higher on a grass/soft surface. !



Rubber bark and rubber chippings can provide a multi purpose, multi colour surface making outdoor learning and playground activities safer for children. All our products are tested and certified. Don’t forget you would need 50% more organic bark than rubber bark to achieve the same critical fall heights in your play areas. Just as important, for the sake of the environment, no trees are sacrificed to make our products. For more information on our fantastic products and to place your order please contact us.


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It is estimated that in 2010 four thousand people will die from their previous exposures to asbestos dust, and this death toll is set to continue rising until around 2025. Sadly these figures do include children, teachers and support staff who were exposed to asbestos in our schools. A recent study found that in the majority of schools the systems of asbestos management is not of an acceptable standard is ineffective and even dangerous at times. Fibre Safe have extensive experience working within a wide variety of sectors and our client list includes national contractors, local authorities, NHS, commercial and domestic work’ however our true expertise lies in schools. We are currently working in partnership with schools across England & Wales to deliver a complete asbestos solutions package, which includes‌

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In addition to helping schools manage their asbestos, we also work regularly with architects, health & safety consultants, builders and demolition firms to produce easy reading reports that are clear and concise for both refurbishment and demolition projects within educational buildings.

If you need help with any of the above issues, or would like further advice on asbestos in schools and how to deal with it; call us free today on 0800 458 4136 or visit for further information.


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Aquadition for the Education Sector Aquadition are specialists in both domestic and commercial water treatment for over 35 years in the UK. A second generation family company offering a more personal service that the larger companies cannot hope to offer. We supply, maintain and repair all types of domestic and commercial water treatment products as well as supplying granular, tablet and block salt for water softeners together with an extensive selection of filter cartridges.







We can supply anything from a small domestic under sink drinking water filter system and water softener to large commercial water treatment products such as demineralisation and commercial reverse osmosis. Our extensive knowledge and outstanding reputation in the industry makes us unique in our field throughout Hampshire and the UK, for legionella control and specific site risk assessments.



As a water treatment specialist we are able to offer other services such as chlorinations (disinfection of external and internal water distribution systems) including building hygiene water management in accordance with HSE L8 The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems; cooling tower maintenance, steam boiler water treatment and chemical cleaning of heating and chilled circuits; water storage tank refurbishments and replacement and borehole water treatment. As well as private schools and colleges, some of our clients include the Ministry of Defence; government establishments; health authorities; local councils; national and international hotel chains; major industrial corporations; department stores and even British and foreign royalty and foreign embassies. When you employ our services you can rest assured that you are dealing with a reputable company who have been specialising in domestic and commercial water treatment and supplying quality equipment for more than 35 years in the UK. Aquadition water treatment are approved contractors to Hampshire County Council, Ministry of Defence and Buckingham Palace and Leeds Castle.

Own Brand Domestic Water Softeners You can buy a domestic water softener from any retail outlet store but there is only one Aquadition Domestic Range Our domestic water softeners are hand built by our own engineers, the same person who is going to install it for you. You can therefore be guaranteed the quality of manufacture is the best as you can possibly get. Key Benefits * Quality of Components * Quality of Manufacture * Competitively priced If you have a specific application we can custom build to your own requirements.

For more information, contact Aquadition by Telephone +44 (0) 23 9269 1035 Fax +44 (0) 23 9261 8200 Post Aquadition Ltd. 220 Copnor Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5DA, UK E­mail











WeldLag was established in 1981 and was awarded its first Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Licence to undertake work with asbestos in 1984.

We aim to provide professional, cost effective solutions for our clients whilst maintaining the highest ethical, operational and safety standards. Helping you to comply with Regulation 4 of CAR 2006 !



WeldLag undertake asbestos surveys and present survey reports in accordance with HSE guidance note HSG 264. The reports are designed to be user friendly and include:






* Identification of asbestos materials in the building, its location and condition * Risk algorithms assessing the risk of any asbestos found * Recommendations for the control of such risks * Formulation of an on­going asbestos management plan * Provision of such information for those who need it (e.g. building contractors, maintenance personnel) * Appropriate timetables and action plans to monitor the condition of identified asbestos and to review and update the management plan. All our surveyors have many years’ experience and are trained to a minimum of British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) P402: Building Surveys and Bulk Sampling for Asbestos. Where asbestos is identified, it can either be encapsulated and managed, or safely removed and disposed of in full compliance with current, relevant health and safety and asbestos regulations.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements WeldLag (Preston) Ltd, Unit 8, Progress Business Park, Orders Lane Kirkham, Lancashire, PR4 2TZ Tel: 01772 674670, Fax: 01772 673819 Email:



Z ephyr

Water Treatment Services Domestic and Commercial Drinking Water Filteration Install & Maintain Ultraviolet Sterilisation Unit Salt Supplies Establisted 1984




23 Brassmill Enterprise Centre, Brassmill Lane, Bath, BA1 3JN t: 01225 334838 Fax: 01225 442028 E­mail: zephyr­





the water hygiene and acop L8 sector. highly professional service along with competitive quotes for large and small companies alike.

D & S Chlorination Services General Plumbing Legionella Prevention Chlorination Services Acid Descales CWST Upgrade/ Replacement System Flushing Legionella Risk assessment Closed Circuit/ Dosing Analytical Testing Water Sampling Environmental sampling UKAS Temperature Reading Record Keeping/ Monitoring Acop L8

For more information Tel: 0845136194 / mob 07968121859 Fax: 01277 229892 Email: Web:

CLEANFLOW Water Hot and cold water risk assesment


It is a legal requirement to have a legionella risk assessment of all cold and hot water systems. Our Risk assessments have been developed in accordance with the guidelines and recommended practices issued by the UK Health & Safety Executive L8 and the Health and Safety Commission (HSC). A risk assessment will have a significant impact on reducing your liability should any problems occur. Please contact us for a free, no obligation consultation with one of our experts on how your organisation can comply with current UK legionellosis legislation. We provide risk assessments for all types of applications including: hot and cold water systems plant and associated pipe work cooling systems wash systems air conditioning systems showers cooling tower systems hot and cold water systems

Tel: 07973 185817



TEACHERS MARKETPLACE At Abertay we provide training in a range of areas and specialise in Health and Safety as well as Train training throughout the UK and Ireland, at various locations and supply in-house courses at the venue of your choice.

For more information please call 0845 3700 305 Fax 0845 3700 306 or visit

Trainer Courses First Aid Training Courses Manual Handling Courses Health and Safety Courses Trainer PowerPoint Presentations Computer Courses Security Courses Plus a range of other professional training courses

01279 254150 We pride ourselves in ‘providing quality training at affordable prices’. Our training is fun and interactive. Courses delivered in-house across the UK. First Aid Training for Schools, Paediatric First Aid Training, Health and Safety Training, Fire Safety Training, Food Safety Training, Storysacks Training Train the Trainers Courses

Abertay Training Head Quarters 26 Meenashesk Place Strabane BT82 9DX

“The interesting bit was that the training was excellent. As a fellow of CIPD I am rarely impressed by training on offer, usually its lacklustre and boring. The training run by this bunch was the best first aid training I have ever done. It was engaging and full of energy.” Simon Carter, Assistant Director, The Scout Association. Fun and interactive First Aid Training that is run at your venue when you want it. At Good Skills Training we pride ourselves on providing a high quality service that means that our customers keep coming back. Call us on 01279 254150 or visit









FREE or or FREE or DISCOUNTE DISCOUNTED D TRAINING!!! TRAINING!!! (may be available subject to terms & conditions)


First Aid Training Health and Safety Training Skills up-date/ Practice session Fire Training Early years Paediatric First Aid Moving and Handling Emergency First Aid in schools Risk Assessment Training Emergency Aid for youth workers Epilepsy Care Emergency First Aid in the workplace Diabetes Care Communication Training Health and Safety Training Report Writing Fire Marshall Course Care Planning Moving and Handling Mental Health Awareness Training Risk Assessment Training Bespoke courses meeting individual needs

Bespoke courses to meet individual needs

For Further Information and costs of individual courses please contact us.





















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