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November 2019

the Visitor Our Vision Statement

Preparing servants who make a difference in their community and the world by knowing Christ, following Christ and sharing Christ.

Church Staff Lead Pastor JJ Mannschreck Office Manager Rose Dessinger Director of Music Christie Dover

a publication of Flushing United Methodist Church

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 2 Cor 4:15

Sunday Worship 8:45 am Traditional Service 11:15 am Contemporary Worship* (*Includes Praise & Play - ages 5 & up)

Sunday School 10 am Christian Education for all ages

Christian Ed. Director Lisa Mitchell

Available both services for infants - 4 years old

Youth Leader Tramell Ferguson

Office Hours

The Play Place, Nursery

Custodian Marlene Cooper

Open: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4 pm Closed: Friday - Sunday

Play Place Director Brooke Daily

Published the last Wednesday of the month (810)659-5172 Editor: Rose Dessinger

Play Place Sandy Abueita Sarah Covert

413 E Main St, Flushing MI 48433 e-mail: Pastor JJ’s email: cell #: (248) 219-8598

Greetings from the desk of the Pastor! Can it really be November already? I’m sure you all had a wonderful time celebrating Reformation Day last week! (That’s a nerdy history joke for you there) Reformation day of course is the annual celebration of the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses’ to the door of the Catholic Church and sparked the protest that created Protestants! It celebrated it’s 502 anniversary last week, and it just happens to fall on Halloween. Anyways, the biggest thing I wanted to cover in my newsletter article is the upcoming sermon series for the month of November! I am equally thrilled and terrified about this sermon series. It’s called Controversies In The Church, and each week we will be engaging in a hot button issue of the church – topics will include everything from women in leadership all the way over to homosexuality. Yep – this is THAT sermon series. This is THAT month. Now, a couple things to get you ready. First – there is a reason I’ve waited to start this sermon series. I was ready to do this sermon series, to engage these difficult conversations, last year. But we did not know one another enough yet. I have a firm belief that we listen best to those we love. We listen more and we listen better when we know someone, when we trust someone. A stranger shouting at you from the sidewalk has very little effect on your convictions – but a dear friend over coffee saying the same thing can move mountains in our hearts. I waited a full year to put this sermon series on the calendar, because I wanted us to have a chance to get to know one another. I wanted us to trust each other as Pastor and Congregation. Second – I am asking you to trust me. Some folks over the past few months have sort of jokingly said things like “Let me know which topics are when so I know when to skip church” – and we laugh, but a little bit I understand where they are coming from. Controversy is so hard! And it can lead to confrontation – which can be really painful!

Most of us see these things and we run in the other direction as fast as we can. But I am asking you to trust me. I do not step into this process carelessly. I will approach each topic with the same level I have approached every sermon so far. You may be pleasantly surprised. Controversy, when handled with both compassion AND conviction can actually lead to a deeper form of love. We actually grow closer to one another through grappling with our differences. Third – please do not let these topics begin and end with a sermon. These issues have very practical, real life applications and effects. These topics are huge and there are so many facets and different angles to approach them – so I invite you to continue the conversation. I hope these topics encourage you to talk to one another. Grow and learn. Ask questions, be open to answers. Listen with intent to understand, not simply a desire to prove someone wrong or win an argument. You will learn how to love one another better and more deeply if we can keep our focus on the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, instead of winning the arguments of today. Fourth and finally – Eyes Up, Flushing. Through this whole process I encourage you to remember that we are not here to win arguments or to defeat one another. We are here to grow closer to God with the ultimate goal of transforming the world. Our world has no model for how to disagree with love. Our world has no clue how to talk about difficult and challenging topics in effective, heart-transforming ways. Where would we learn that? From politicians? From news sources? From social media? From sitcoms? No. There is no better place to model loving your neighbor and loving your enemy than the church. Perhaps together, you and I can show the world a better way than shouting AT one another as we seek to find a loving way to talk WITH one another. But until then, I’ll see you on Sunday!

Pastor’s Bookshelf

Welcome to my bookshelf!

Each month I will discuss a recent book that I’ve finished. *disclaimer; I don’t always have time to sit and read physical books, but I do quite a bit of my reading through audiobooks these days.*

The Reason For God: Belief In An Age of Skepticism By Tim Keller I usually insist on completing a book before I recommend it to people – just in case it has a terrible ending. However, I was ready to recommend this book by the second page. I waited a few months until I had completed it – and now: I’m STILL ready to recommend this book. Tim Keller is a very well known and highly respected pastor in the Presbyterian Church of America. (PCA for short). He’s one of the smartest pastor’s I’ve ever read. I commented regularly while I was reading it that I could almost feel my brain growing while reading this book. Tim Keller built a mega church in the one place nobody thought you could build a successful church – New York City. His entire ministry has been engaging young intellectuals who ask the hardest questions of faith, and yet his church has thrived. He specializes in handling difficult questions presented by the younger generation. The description on amazon reads.. “…to true believers he offers a solid platform on which to stand their ground against the backlash to religion created by the Age of Skepticism. And to skeptics, atheists, and agnostics, he provides a challenging argument for pursuing the reason for God.”

First Sunday of the month, continues November 6 at 12:30pm. Here’s another opportunity to come to enjoy pizza and ask Pastor JJ anything and everything. It's just a regular opportunity to get together with the congregation and get to know one another better.

Family Promise News

Upcoming Host Week November 24 - December 1 Check the schedule in Fellowship Hall for volunteer opportunities. Many volunteers are needed to serve as hosts and support during the week. New volunteers are always welcome. We especially need hosts for overnight and during the day Saturday. The schedule can be flexible any amount of time is greatly appreciated. The schedule will be posted on the Mission bulletin board. Contact Carolyn at 810-348-0653, Kris Supernaw, Sue Martin or Denise Trantham

Men’s Breakfast Postponed (All Men are invited)


Nov 16

@ 8:30 am @Kathy's Restaurant

The Men’s Breakfast is being postponed from Nov 9th to Nov 16th due to UMM scheduling conflicts. Pastor JJ Mannschreck will be our speaker, so please come and enjoy fellowship with other men of Flushing UMC as well as Hope UMC.

Sunday, November 24th Join us after both services There is plenty to do, so we will do Hanging of the Greens after both services. Pizza to follow.

Finance Snapshot through October 2019 Amount received YTD: $$241,406 September: General: $25,583 Capitol: $2,167 2019 Apportionments: $49,485 Paid to date: $36,850 We are STILL 100% current on this years apportionments!

Henson, John LeCureux, Ethan Martin, Mary Lou Allyn, Ellie Mohr, Chris McCarty, Ray Pritt, Ally Ensign, Terry Nixon, Diane Cicowski, Autumn Kleinedler, Adalyn Keane, Carol Roman, Nolan Lester, Debbie Harper, Audrey Vaughan, Jan Champagne, Dick Everett, Trenton

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Schultz, Mary Bodis, Jan Judson, Michael Mohr, Sandra Hulet, Ellen Rowley Jr, Mark Goodale, Jacob Graham, Jim Schack, Larry Kipp, Jan Venters, Dan Wilson, Justin Kleinedler, Amy Napier, Natalie Walters, Tyler LeCureux, Cole Langtry, Lois

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East Winds District Annual Conference Training Day Lay Servant Commissioning Keynote Speakers Michael Mather and De’Amon Harges Michael Mather is author of Having Nothing, Possessing Everything

Saturday, November 9, 2019

at Clarkston United Methodist Church 6600 Waldon Road, Clarkston, MI 48346 9:30am: Registration 10:00am: Training Session One 11:15pm: Training Session Two 12:15pm: Lunch 1:15-4:15pm: Worship, Commissioning of Lay Servants, and East Winds District Annual Conference Morning Training Sessions include: SPPRC, Lay Leader/Lay Member to Annual Conference, Treasurers/Finance, Trustees, Finding and Leading God’s VISION, Church Communications and Social Media, Town and Country Ministries, Multicultural Vibrancy, Neighborhood Children and Youth Ministries, Benefits Are Not Boring, Having Nothing, Possessing Everything, Discovering and Developing Your Niche’, Cultural Vibrancy as a Discipleship Pathway. Cokesbury representative, Michael Morley will be onsite.

Address Change: Nixon, Wayne Grand Blanc Fields 12628 Pagels Rd, Rm 16, Grand Blanc, MI 48439 Baker Hale, Dianne 323 W 12th St, Traverse City, MI 48684

Notes from the Membership Secretary

Sunday Worship 8:45 am & 11:15 am

Giving Opportunities from our aith n ction eam 600 Boxes Of Stuffing Needed Time to start stocking up on boxes of stuffing! (turkey & chicken please) We are again providing stuffing for the Flushing community Thanksgiving Food Boxes. We will begin to collect boxes November 1st thru 24th in the lobby. So look for weekly sales! See Becky Stamm 810-397-5928.

Looking for a way to serve? We are getting a team together to help put these food boxes together on November 24th around 7:00 pm to deliver to Flushing residents before Thanksgiving.

Operation Christmas Child

Anyone who has an Operation Christmas Child shoebox ready to give can bring them in by Nov 24th. Please be sure the donations inside are age appropriate. Pamphlets are on the mission table in Fellowship Hall. Please see Becky Stamm for details or call 810-397-5928.

CWS: Living Gifts

Anyone not wanting to donate to these can also donate to Church World Service: Living Gifts. Make check payable to Flushing UMC and write CWS: Living Gifts in the memo line.

You already have the gift of helping others. And when you pair that gift with living gifts, you offer an invaluable treasure. It’s providing families with chickens, animals and livestock. They provide them honey bees, fruit trees and vegetables through corn, seeds and vines. This enables families the ability to provide food on the table not just once, but continually. Truly a gift that keeps on giving.

Tuesday, Nov 5th Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas?

This seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death. Call the office to let us know if you plan to join us. • Is it normal to feel so depressed during the holidays? • How do I deal with the pain of the holidays? • What should I do if I get emotional at a party or event? • How can God and others help me this holiday season? • Will I ever enjoy the holidays again?

Mobility Worldwide East Michigan Our Goal is to provide a “Free Gift of Mobility” in the form of a PULL-CART for adults and children living in poverty in developing nations, who have lost the use of their arms and legs due to land mines, disease, birth defects, accidents, or many other reasons, and live in areas where traditional wheelchairs are inadequate because of the terrain. They are lifting people from the dirt in Africa, Central America, Haiti, Vietnam, Nepal and the Philippines. Volunteers do all work. Our financing comes from donations and fund-raising activities. Our volunteers come from several churches and communities in southeast Michigan. No experience is necessary. To donate: write “Mobility Worldwide East Michigan” in the memo line. To volunteer: Our location in Flushing is in a private shop where we fabricate some of the wood parts. Call Carl Pierce for more info.

Let’s Celebrate Our AMAZING Staff October was OFFICIAL staff appreciation month, but WE’RE appointing November as OUR official STAFF APPRECIATION MONTH for FUMC!!! (October was too crazy busy) So, let’s celebrate and shower our wonderful staff with Love and Thanks for all they do for US!!! Let’s join together in LOVE and FELLOWSHIP on November 10th, at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall with a Potluck Brunch. PLEASE write a note of THANKS and APPRECIATION for each of our beautiful servants. Let them know how much you love and appreciate what they do for us. Be as specific as you can. You might even include a gift card to their favorite coffee shop or ice cream stand or restaurant. Be creative! We’ll have a unique letter box for each of them that you can drop your messages into on that day (November 10) as we BATHE them in messages and gifts of sweet agape love and appreciation at the celebration. If you are unable to be with us on November 10, please send the messages to the church (413 East Main St., Flushing, 48433-2029) Our FABULOUS Staff Pastor JJ Rose Dessinger our office manager Lisa Mitchell our Christian Ed Director, Tramell Ferguson our Youth Leader, Christie Dover our Music Director, Marlene Cooper our Custodian, Brooke Booth our Play Place Director, Sandy Albueita, Patricia Wisenbaugh, Sarah Covert our Play Place Workers (Sarah Covert is also our volunteer Intern) But don’t just wait until November 10 to show your love and gratitude. Make a special effort to surprise our staff with “gifts and notes of agape” throughout the ENTIRE month of November. Leave a surprise love note on their desk or door or wherever you know they will find it. Leave them a special treat to nourish their body and or soul. Give them a Hug. “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8). SO… Let’s walk humbly and “love one another as He has loved us” (John 15:12). If you have any questions or suggestions contact Kris Supernaw (810-691-2519).SPPRC chair.

If you have a special prayer request during the week, please let Rose (in the church office) know so that she can put it on the Prayer Chain. Please note: no prayer request can be from anonymous. Please give us your full name so we can state who authorizes the request.

Are You A Prayer Warrior?

If would like to be notified of prayer requests but are not currently on our list, please let Rose (in the church office) know. You can be put on our email list or a phone list (for those without emails). Just make sure we have your current email address or phone number. If you or another member of our church family is in the hospital or having surgery, please call Pastor JJ or the church office to let us know. McLaren and Hurley do not inform us at all. Only Genesys occasionally calls to inform us that someone from our congregation is in the hospital. Our Pastor and the CaringVisitation Team desire to minister to folks in the hospital, and they can only visit when they know someone is in. We would rather hear from several people that one of our congregation needs a visitation than not hear about it at all.

Our Church Family

Aware of a concern or joy in our family? Please notify the church, so we can share them with you. Only first names will be published in prayer concerns.

Please remember in your hearts and prayers: + Mary Lou, in rehab with hip + fracture + + Lisa, recovering from surgery to + remove appendicitis + + Ethel, hip replacement-Friday + Jeff, in hospital with addiction + problems + + Buck, recovering from open + heart surgery + + Donna, still in ICU with brain infection +

Tami, with blood pressure issue Penny, with knee issues Ed, preparing for surgery Nov15 Daren, recovering from foot amputation Tanya, who is struggling Ellen, recovering from asthma Rachel, with breast cancer Megan, diagnosed with Bilateral Optic Neuritis Gary, ICU with complications

To Laurel Allyn, friends and family on the loss of her mother, Lorraine. To Peggy Blanchard, friends and family on the loss of her husband, Paul. To Joe Dorman, friends and family on the loss of his mother. May these families be uplifted by our prayers.

We would like to thank everyone for sending cards and mail during our illness. It was greatly appreciated. -Larry & Barbara Launstein What an incredible journey working an Emmaus Walk is! Thank you, to all 9 of my dear friends and Emmaus sisters for such a blessed weekend and all your hard work. I loved working with each of you and look forward to doing it again. —Rose Dessinger

Worship Servants Greeters 8:45 am Nov 3 - Larry & Sue Ridge Nov 10 - Bill & Sue Martin, Alta Parsons Nov 17 - Bonnie Farrow, Bill Dessinger Nov 24 – Larry & Sue Ridge Coffee Hosts 8:45 am Nov 3 - Jim & Liz Fonger Nov 10 - Jim & Laragene Triplett Nov 17 - Jim & Velma Graham Nov 24 – Bonnie Farrow, Bill & Sue Martin Ushers 8:45 am Nov 3 - Dave Lewis, Carolyn Malaski Nov 10 - Bill Dessinger, Bonnie Farrow Nov 17 - Jim & Liz Fonger Nov 24 – John & Marcia Henson Scripture Readers 8:45 am Nov 3 - Larry Ridge Nov 10 - Laurel Allyn Nov 17 - Sue Ridge Nov 24 – Carol Dick

Greeters 11:15 am Nov 3 - Cathy Riley, Denise Johnson Nov 10 - Marlene Cooper,, Tom Lawrence Nov 17 - Lori & Joe Dorman Nov 24 – Denise Sands, Becky Stamm Coffee Hosts 11:15 am Nov 3 - Marlene Cooper, Becky Stamm Nov 10 - Warren & Faye Atwell Nov 17 - Bob Halbedel, Kris Supernaw Nov 24 – Teresa Casteel Ushers 11:15 am Nov 3 - Greg & Anne Winarski Nov 10 - Blair & Tracey Booth Nov 17 - Kris Burns, Teresa Casteel Nov 24 – Denise Johnson, Tom Lawrence

Deadline: November 20, 2019

Oct 6 - 183 Oct 13 - 167 Oct 20- 169 Oct 27 - 183

October 30, 2019 – Issue #10

the Visitor






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