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June-July 2020

the Visitor a publication of Flushing United Methodist Church

Our Vision Statement Preparing servants who make a difference in their community and the world by knowing Christ, following Christ and sharing Christ.

Sunday Worship

8:45 am Traditional Service 11:15 am Contemporary Worship

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Church Staff Lead Pastor JJ Mannschreck Office Manager Rose Dessinger Director of Music Christie Dover Youth Leader Tramell Ferguson Christian Ed. Director Melissa Whalen Custodian Marlene Cooper Play Place Director Lisa Luther Play Place Sandy Abueita, Sarah Covert, Hanna Nettleton,

Greetings from the desk of the Pastor! I pray this newsletter finds you well. It certainly has been a mixed bag of emotions these past few months. From sunny days to flooding in northern Michigan, from good news on the COVID-19 front to the political turmoil of an election year. Sometimes it almost feels like a roller coaster. May we never forget, even in the valley, that the mountain top is waiting for us just around the corner. I do have a few exciting things to share with you all this month. First and foremost – we are re-opening the church! For the month of June we will be offering BOTH in-person worship AND online digital worship. I’ve expanded on this in a separate letter – but let me just reiterate: I highly encourage you to stay home and stay safe if you are not ready to rejoin us in person. We completely understand, and while we are eager to see people face to face, we are also patient so that our re -opening happens the right way, at the right pace. Particularly if you are a high risk category or display ANY of the symptoms – please join us digitally until the time is right for in person worship. For the month of June, we will be opening for in-person worship ONLY. The office will still be closed, as well as coffee hour, bible studies and many other functions. As the summer progresses – we will continue to monitor updates from our government, the CDC and the WHO, as well as local authorities. If things continue to improve, we expect to open more and more parts of the church as we go! Second, I wanted to take a quick second to update you on some things you may have forgotten about. Global pandemics have a way of re-orienting priorities. As you may remember, the highest authority in the United Methodist Church – called General Conference – was supposed to gather in early May to decide on the future of our denomination and vote on a possible split (commonly referred to as the Protocol). However, with international travel all but impossible and mass gatherings of several thousand people being slightly frowned upon – the Conference had to be postponed. They have tentatively –being slightly frowned upon – the Conference had to be postponed.

They have tentatively rescheduled for late August, early September of 2021. The Protocol is still going to be voted upon, and things will move forward – but the political process of the church has been put on hold temporarily. As such, you may notice I’ve removed the “Diving Deeper into the Protocol” section from the newsletter, and have brought back the “Pastor’s Bookshelf” section. Our smaller gathering, called Annual Conference, which is just for the churches in Michigan – has also been postponed to the end of July. In an exciting development, our Annual Conference will meet entirely digitally. How are several thousand delegates from all over the state of Michigan going to meet digitally at the same time? Honestly – I’m not sure, but I’m excited to find out. We are breaking down all sorts of barriers with technology and innovation at this time. The last thing I wanted to mention is the upcoming sermon series for the month of June. We are finally finishing up our 16 part sermon series through the book of Romans called “The Road To Rome.” For June we will be going through Part IV – chapters 13-16. It looks like this.. Road To Rome IV 06.07.2020 Love VS Law Romans 13 06.14.2020 Disputable Matters Romans 14 06.21.2020 Join Me In My Struggle Romans 15 06.28.2020 Unity Romans 16 What I’m most excited about with this new sermon series is that the last part of Romans focuses almost completely on humanity and how we interact with one another. Person to person relationships, particularly between Christians in the church – is such a key topic for discussion right now! Paul gets into how we treat one another, how we support one another, challenge each other, and are united through our struggles – I’m really looking forward to breaking these chapters down throughout June. But until then I'll see you on Sunday!

Pastor’s Bookshelf

Welcome to my bookshelf! Each month I will discuss a recent book that I’ve finished. *disclaimer; I don’t always have time to sit and read physical books, but I do quite a bit of my reading through audiobooks these days.*

Help My Unbelief: Why Doubt is Not The Enemy of Faith By Barnabas Piper You might Recognize Barnabas’ name – he is famously the son of the renowned pastor/author/theologian John Piper. Through his own ministry, Barnabas Piper has made a name for himself. Back in 2014 he wrote “The Pastor’s Kid: Finding Your Own Faith And Identity” – which I am looking forward to picking up and reading next chance I get. Help My Unbelief was a quick read, but it poked at soft spots in my faith journey that I have not explored fully. It centers around a story from Mark 9 where a man asks Jesus to heal his child. He says, “Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!” Simultaneously expressing that we DO believe, and yet we need help in order to believe. The description on Amazon says, “All of us have questions about faith, but we often feel awkward or uncomfortable asking them. We assume doubt is always a bad thing. God is infinite, beyond our understanding—yet He chooses to reveal Himself in ways that spark our questions rather than settling them all. Instead of making Himself smaller and easily understood, God invites us into a larger faith—one that has room for questions, victories, failures, and mystery.” I’m uncertain if I am drawn to Barnabas’ writing style because I find him incredibly relatable to me personally, or if he is relatable for many people – even those who are NOT Pastor’s kids.

I appreciated the way he was not afraid to ask questions that plague all of us who grow up in the church. One of the key insights for me was the idea that asking God for help with our belief IS a sign that we believe in God. Just as asking a doctor for help is a sign that we believe the doctor can help us. It is well worth your time.

Road To Rome IV 06.07.2020 06.14.2020 06.21.2020 06.28.2020

Love VS Law Disputable Matters Join Me In My Struggle Unity

Romans 13 Romans 14 Romans 15 Romans 16

Time to Share Some Love & Joy Let’s come together, safely and with JOY to celebrate two of our families, the Mannschrecks and the Dailys (Brooke Booth & husband Ryan Daily). Due to the outbreak of COVID19 we’ve not been able to follow through on baby shower plans for the Mannschrecks or on thanking Brooke for her 10 years of service to our FUMC families and children for coordinating and serving in our Play Place. SO, it’s time to come out of our homes, safely, keeping our distance, and shower these two families with LOVE in the manor of a PERSONAL PARADE! SPPRC & UMW together are sponsoring this ALL church event. On June 14th at 2:40 pm ALL FUMC family are asked to assemble in the FUMC parking lot, remaining in their cars, with their cars decorated, and sporting a sign of Love, Congratulations, & Thanks. We will parade through town horns honking and hands waving, to the Daily home (JOYFULLY they moved in just before the stay at home order was made. And if you didn’t know they are expecting their first child in July). Then we will continue our parade to the Mannachreck home, with horns honking and hands waving. As we pass by each home, we will have the opportunity to drop gifts (described below) at the curb side in a basket that will be provided. In this way, with us all remaining in our cars, we will be keeping each of us, including our honored families, safe. After completing our pass by the Mannschreck home we will head to our own homes, prayerfully filled with the Joy that comes from being Children of God serving and caring for each other!

All Church Personal Parade


Gift Suggestions:

Shh! It’s A Surprise !

Daily family: We are asking for 

donations for a rocking chair that is just like the ones Brooke used in the Play Place and that she wants for her own nursery. Dean Mosey, our resident furniture specialist/artist, will prepare (put together with care and grace and know how) the rocking chair, for delivery on the day of the parade. (You can send or drop donations for the chair at church. Make the check out to Flushing UMC and in the memo line write Daily Rocking Chair. Any additional donations collected over the amount of the cost of the chair will be given to the Daily family for their new little one.) This gift will be a constant reminder of the love of their FUMC church family as they rock to sleep and comfort their new little blessing from God.

and diapers, any size, any brand. These packages of diapers, we will drop the from our car windows as we pass by the Daily home. Won’t that be a fun sight to behold, a mountain of diapers growing at the curb sides.

Mannschreck family: We are asking 

for those who were not been able to participate in the previous donations collected for the Mannschrecks, (which was sent to them after the baby shower was cancelled) this is your chance to include a gift card, possibly to a favorite restaurant for take-out, in a greeting card OR a gift you know they would cherish. All of us can include a special personal message in a greeting card, which will be delivered during the Personal Parade. We will drop them in a basket that will be provided at the curb side. What joy that will bring to their family to see tons of decorated cars passing by with cards floating out of windows, and hands waving in love.

We look forward to seeing you ALL safely in your cars ready to spread LOVE & JOY in the name of Christ Jesus on the 14th!!! Any questions or concerns contact Kris Supernaw @ 810-691-2519

ZOOM – How To Call In To Our Worship Services ZOOM is a video chat program that lets people connect with their phone OR with their computer. The church pays for a subscription so that we can offer this to you for free. Every Sunday at 8:30am, Pastor JJ opens up a ZOOM meeting on his computer. He leaves the meeting open from 8:30 all the way until 12:30. You are welcome to come and go as you please. At 8:45 you’ll see and/or hear the traditional service. and at 11:15 you’ll see or hear the contemporary service. You can hang up and call back, leave early, come late, stay for part or the whole morning – just like you can for in person church. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING YOUR COMPUTER: 1. Call the church and give them your email address, tell them “I want to join the ZOOM meeting on Sunday morning.” 2. Sometime during the week, usually on Friday or Saturday, you’ll receive an email from Pastor JJ (through Realm) that says COFFEE HOUR ZOOM. In that email there is a link. 3. If you click that link, the zoom meeting will attempt to open. There should be a box that says “open meeting” or “join meeting” – click open or join and it should connect you to the ZOOM meeting. (Then you can turn on camera and speakers)

IF you don’t have a computer, or your computer is NOT working, you can CALL into the Zoom meeting. You’ll be able to hear everyone, and they will be able to hear you. It’s sort of like a conference call.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR CALLING IN BY PHONE: 1. DIAL 312 626 6799. (you can use a cell phone OR a landline) (this is the number for ZOOM) 2. It will ask you for your Meeting ID, so enter 387 864 384 and then push # (This is the meeting ID for our Sunday Morning Worship services, it will always been the same meeting ID. We might change it for security reasons at some point – but for now, it’s always the same each week) 3. It will ask you for your participant ID, just push # (you don’t need a participant ID, pushing # skips this step)

Extra Notes: - You will muted when you first enter the meeting. Pastor JJ will unmute you and say hello – unless it’s the middle of service. -I recommend putting your phone on speakerphone, if you can – so you can listen to our entire service through your phone from the comfort of your home.

These last few months have been a learning experience for us all. I am so sorry that we could not end this 2019-2020 Sunday School year like previous years. I, along with your Sunday School teachers, wish things could have been different for all of you students nursery through 5th grade. We are, however, thankful that each and every one of you are in a home that is safe, happy and full of love. Your parents and church family love you so much. We are all eagerly awaiting the next time we can see you and worship God with you. I know for a fact that your Sunday School teachers are excited to hear all about your fun and unique experiences at home, too! Every summer brings excitement, wonder and VBS. This summer, just to be on the safe side, we will not be having VBS, but that does not mean you have to stop learning about the amazing things God has done, nor does it mean you will not learn how much the Lord loves you. Every day God shows you the beauty of his work; the unconditional love he has for you, your family, and the rest of the world. Be sure to truly open your eyes and recognize that beauty and feel that love. See the good in people, especially during these difficult times. Practice patience with siblings, forgiveness with your family, and focus on the positive, not the negative. Next fall brings a new beginning to our FUMC Sunday School year. We are hopeful that we will be able to meet and grow together as we learn about Christ. Until then, remember, you are loved, cherished and greatly missed.

June Birthdays Dorothy Byard Carson Meredith Daphne Pattee Hunter Whalen Nathaniel Kleinedler Kris Rundell Karen Shovels Skylar Alexander Ethan Guerra Gayle Serbus Jeff Welch Ella Allard Ella Schwartz Madison Kegler Sue Lewis Jake Martin Sue Durling Marcia Henson Dan Alsager Charlotte Anderson Mark Malaski Sue Martin Lorie Goodale Tom Lawrence Amos Mannschreck Liam Mannschreck Tramell Ferguson Alyssa Stamm Aria Pierson Tara Fleury Ty Wildman Carsyn Murray Kaleb Buning Madison Pritt Sid Roman Sandra Drubin Chris Osterman Barry Trantham Mike Workman

Date of Birth 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 12 12 13 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 22 25 25 25

July Birthdays Zach Martin Wendy Meredith Sydney Guerra Jason LeCureux Sharon Prittie Janet Swenson Megan LeCureux Anthony Butts Alexis Bernritter Jennifer Messina Grant Wildman Mike Roman Carol Dick Laurie Pitkin Megan Kegler Alexis Alexander Dan Helmer Jerry Crandell Bonnie Farrow Daren Hawley Bob Martin Alta Parsons Tracey Booth Sylvia Hathaway Shirlee Peterson Kelly Buning Josephine Davis Kurt Kegler Cheryl Butts Tara Eavy

Date of Birth 2 2 5 5 5 5 6 7 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 16 17 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 24 25

During this challenging time of our lives our church continues to love and serve others. One such way is through our Telecare Ministry. A group of dedicated servants call on our congregation each month to let them know they are loved and prayed for. They also take time to chat, check up on any needs that are needing to be met, and take prayer requests as well. Sometimes these requests are personal and sometimes they are for others our church family cares about. Occasionally the prayer requests are asked to be put on the church wide prayer chain and other times they are asked to be kept private with the Telecare Ministry only. Sometimes there are needs voiced that can be referred to other appropriate ministries within our congregation. Many of our FUMC family members have told us that they are joyful and made to feel loved by the calls even if there is no need that has to be addressed or no pressing prayer requests. All of us on the Telecare Ministry Team have believe that we the ones being blessed and uplifted during these calls as much as those FUMC family members receiving the calls. In these trying times it is important to stay connected the best ways we know. If you are interested in being a part of this fabulous loving ministry, chatting with others from the comfort and safety of home, please contact Jeff Welch 810-350-9706. We sure would feel blessed to expand this team!

Finance Snapshot through April 2020 Amount received YTD General: $21,735 Capitol: $947 2020 Apportionments: $47,397 Paid to date: $19,749 (including May) We are STILL 100% current on this years apportionments!

The Endowment Committee recently approved a grant for The Forge, an emerging men’s ministry at FUMC. The grant of $1,150 will provide startup funds for their activities and upcoming projects. Additional funds are still available for 2020. To be considered for a grant, the requested funds are to be used for projects and activities that are not regularly supported through the church budget. Gifts to the Fund are invested and only the interest earned is available to use each year. Thank you to the many donors who have contributed since the Fund was established in 1990. For more information about donating or submitting a request for funds, contact Carolyn Malaski, Endowment Chairperson or contact the office.


New will or trust? Updating an existing will or trust? Don’t forget to consider your church. What better than to gift the Flushing United Methodist Church Endowment Fund. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!


Gifting of an appreciated asset (stocks, bonds, etc.) to the Flushing United Methodist Church Endowment Fund might be considered to reduce capital gains tax for the taxpayer and provide value to the Fund. The Fund provides grant monies for various church projects and programs based on the value of the Fund.

Thank you to all who recently contributed to Family Promise of Genesee County. We received a note of appreciation from FPGC for the generous donations that were made. The funds provided assistance for “our host week-May 3-10� which was held at the Day Center located at Calvary United Methodist Church. Since the Stay at Home directive in March, families remained at the Day Center instead of staying at a different church one week at a time. Additional funds were needed to pay staff to be there since no volunteers have been allowed to serve. At one time the families needed to be isolated so they stayed in a motel for a few weeks which was an unexpected expense. One family moved into their own place May 1st and the other families are now staying at the Day Center. Within the next week or two, the other families will be graduating and moving into their own place. FPGC will then turn their focus toward homeless prevention until churches are open and can host families again. More details will soon be available as to how we can help prevent homelessness. This has been a very challenging time for all of us but even more so for families without their own home and FPGC in their efforts to keep families and staff safe and healthy. Visit familypromiseofgc.org or familypromise.org to learn more about what is happening in Genesee County and around the country with other affiliates.

Our Church Family

Aware of a concern or joy in our family? Please notify the church, so we can share them with you. Only first names will be published in prayer concerns.

Please remember in your hearts and prayers: + + + + + +

Jeff and daughters on life challenges + Mary with lung issues affecting heart + Patty still needs kidney and liver Barbara has Covid-19 and broken hip + + Ralph with Covid-19 + Wanda with Parkinson’s disease

Tom, who is in hospice Cathy with bruised ribs and shoulder issues from fall Don, on chemo Aunt Shay with Covid-19 Sarah, a respiratory specialist

To the friends and family on the loss of member Marshall Knight.. To the friends and family on the loss of member Germaine Knox.

Thank you for to all the women who have lovingly organized, donated supplies, gathered materials, sewn (LOTS OF SEWING!!) washed and delivered 1560 FACE MASKS (#’s as of May 12th-more have been made since then!). These face masks have been donated to our area hospitals, senior care facilities, senior centers, Flushing area restaurants, Flushing UMC staff & members, fire fighters, police, Flint Soup Kitchen, grocery stores, FCOC and stores/repair centers. 200 of these masks have been thoughtfully made and donated for use of our congregation who still need a mask and would like to attend our in-house worship services beginning June 7th. (These will be available at the door). THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!

Deadline: July 23, 2020 Published the last Wednesday of the month (810)659-5172 Editor: Rose Dessinger

413 E Main St, Flushing MI 48433 www.flushingumc.org e-mail: flumc@sbcglobal.net Pastor JJ’s email: pastor@flushingumc.org cell #: (248) 219-8598

June 7, 2020 we re-introduce In-House Worship Services

Policies Some folks have indicated that the decision to return to church will depend on what worship looks like when we return. To that end, I’d like to outline some of the key features of worship for the month of June: There will be no necessary physical contact with one another. No passing items: no pew pads, offertory plates are at the doors, no bulletins, no hymnals, no written prayer cards. Masks will be REQUIRED, doors will be propped open, and air will be ventilating through the whole service If you do not have a mask to bring from home, we will have a variety of home-made masks, in different sizes available at the door for free. You can keep and re-use these masks (and they are stylish). We will also have disposable masks available if you prefer those. Alternating pews will be marked off, and people are encouraged to sit at least 6 feet (or three chairs) apart. There will be singing – just the normal singing of hymns and contemporary songs. This was not a decision we came by lightly. We have been regularly checking the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) website for updates on the spread of COVID19. Currently there is no medical evidence of aerosolization through singing, and the guidelines given do not forbid it. That being said – many are wary of singing because of the possibility of spread and so I wanted to be up front about the fact that we will be singing in church. If this concerns you – please consider joining us digitally until more information on the virus spread can be confirmed. Pastor JJ will not be wearing a mask while running service, but will have it in his pocket to put on immediately before/after service. Again, this was not an easy decision. I am more than happy to preach with a mask on, but many in our congregation rely on being able to see my lips in order to fully understand what I’m saying. The front pew will be marked off, and I will preach from the middle of the chancel, rather than the edge – giving at least 15-20 feet between me and the nearest person during the sermon. I will put the mask back on as SOON as I’m no longer talking into a microphone. I may also use a face shield while preaching. We will NOT be having IN PERSON communion. Starting June 7th, we will be doing a Digital Communion Services once a month. There are hand-sanitizer stations all OVER the church. We encourage folks to use them frequently. A custodial team will be cleaning the sanctuary between services, wiping down commonly touched surfaces and doing a general once over of the sanctuary and foyer.

May 27, 2020 – Issue #5

the Visitor






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