Lenham Focus | September '13

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Borough Council Corner Report from Councillor Tom Sams What fun we all had! It was good to see that many of the summer events went off so well. From bike rides/runs to rounders tournaments, from litter picks to ragwort pulling mornings all were different and each gave something back to our community. The volunteers and organisers are to be applauded for their efforts, well done. 08

The council re-organised its recycling which of course including the extra glass bottles is excellent, but it did appear that it wasn’t brilliantly communicated to residents and hopefully will be ironed out. We even came across a bin that had fallen off the food waste recycling lorry which a motor cyclist was moving to a safer spot of the road! I know in principal residents want to recycle more and this gives us an opportunity to do this. Time will tell how successful it is.

Borough Council Corner

Cllr Tom Sams Harrietsham & Lenham Ward t: 01622 859412 m: 07718173329 tomsamscllr@gmail.com

Finally can I applauded the public safety event organised principally by our PCSO Dave Rowley in cooperation with Martin Sherwood our community warden. It was advertised extensively and unfortunately was not attended as much as they would have liked. I and others know the work both David and Martin put in. It’s immense and by working together they are an effective force of good for our community.

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