Parma GA

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M arketing Forum & General Assembly

Parma, Italy

5- 9 June 2024

Hosted by the Arturo Toscanini International Conducting Competition

1 Issue1 | April 2020

Dear Mem bers, dear Friends and Colleagues,

it is a great pleasure to invite you today to the 2024 WFIMCGeneral Assembly in Parma

Three years after our meeting in Reggio Emilia, we are happy to be back in northern Italy, and especially excited to be guest at a conducting competition- the Concorso internazionale di Direzione d´ Orchestra Arturo Toscanini

With its towering figures Giuseppe Verdi and Arturo Toscanini, with the impressive 400-year-old Teatro Farnese and the imposing opera house Teatro Regio, Parma is truly a city of culture, theatre, and music. At the same time, it is a UNESCO Creative City of gastronomy, showcasing some of the finest foods in all of Italy

For the first time, we will hold a marketing conference ahead of the regular General Assembly The 2024 WFIMCMarketing Forum is free and open to marketeers, directors and staff of all members and associate members Outside guests, interested professionals and the general public can take part for a one-time fee of 200,00?

Marketing Forum and General Assembly overlap- depending on your calendar you can visit one or both, or part of the two conferences At any rate, we ask you to take part in our presidential and board elections on 7/8 June The election is held electronically and the entire conference is being live-streamed, so you can also access the sessions from your living room (albeit without the gastronomic delights of Parma)

You will find some basic information about the conference in these pages in order to plan your itinerary and consider a place to stay Registration for the conference is now open; more details will follow during the next weeks, along with the assembly documents. The WFIMCoffice as well as our colleagues in Parma are at your disposal for any information and help you may require.

Welcome to Parma, Italy!

Yours sincerely



5 June 2024

WFIMC Market ing Forum

Arrival at Parm a

see"Access"page in thisbrochurefor information on Trains, Flights, Airportsand ground transportation.

16:00 / Fondazione Toscanini/ Foyer Pizzetti Regist rat ion

17:00/ Sala Pizzetti

Welcom e by President / Secret ary General

17:10-17:30/ Sala Pizzetti

Keynot e- New Classical Music Plat form s

17:30-19:00 / Sala Pizzeti

Panel: Creat ing Cont ent

19:00/ Fondazione Toscanini (place tba)

Welcom e Recept ion


Parco della Musica

VialeR. eP. Barilla, 27/A 43121 Parma

Access links to the live streams will be available shortly before the conference; recordings will be available after the conference on the WFIMCwebsite. All information subject to change.


Thursday, 6 June 2024

Market ing Forum / General Assem bly

08:30-09:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Regist rat ion & Coffee

09:00-09:20/ Sala Pizzetti

Present at ion: SEO and t arget ed Advert ising

09:20-10:30/ Sala Pizzetti

Panel: Building an Audience

10:30-11:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Coffee break

11:00-11:20/ Sala Pizzetti

Keynot e: Social Media in t he m aking: w hat ?s new

11:20-12:30/ Sala Pizzetti

Panel: St ream ing, Webcast s and SNS


Lunch break

14:30-15:30/ Sala Pizzetti

Present at ion: AI Tools- an overview

15:30-16:30/ Sala Pizzetti

Panel: Sust ainable Market ing- best Pract ices

16:30-17:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Coffee break

17:00-18:00/ Sala Pizzetti

Panel: Crisis Managem ent 101

19:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Welcom e Recept ion of t he Mayor of Parm a

21:00 (optional)

Movie: The Conduct or (Venue t ba)


Friday, 7 June 2024

Market ing Forum / General Assem bly

08:30-09:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Regist rat ion & Coffee

09:00-10:00/ Sala Pizzetti

Your call for Applicat ions

10:00-10:30/ Foyer Pizzetti

Coffee break

10:30-11:30/ Sala Pizzetti

Aw ard Cerem onies around t he World

11:30-12:00/ Sala Pizzetti

Market ing Forum Wrap-up/ Fam ily Pict ure


Lunch break


14:00-16:30/ Departure from Hotel

Opt ional Tour

for Associat e Mem bers and guest s

Visit to Casa Toscanini

Visit to Complesso Monumentale Pilotta/ Teatro Farnese

14:00-15:30/ Sala Pizzetti

WFIMC Business Agenda (m em bers only)

15:30-16:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Coffee break

16:00-17:30/ Sala Pizzetti

WFIMC Business Agenda (Mem bers only)

Onlinevotefor Financials, newmembersetc.

19:00-21:00/ Venue tba

Dinner Recept ion

21:00-22:30/ Sala Paganini

Concert Filarm onia Toscanini


Sat urday, 8 June 2024

General Assem bly

08:30-09:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Regist rat ion & Coffee

09:00-10:00/ Sala Pizzetti

Present at ion of Candidat es

Election start (membersonly)

10:00-10:30/ Foyer Pizzetti

Coffee break

10:30-10:45/ Sala Pizzetti

Present at ion: La Toscanini

10:45-12:00/ Sala Pizzetti

Panel: Conduct ing Com pet it ions


Lunch break

14:00-15:30/ Sala Pizzetti

A conversat ion w it h Marin Alsop

15:30-16:00/ Foyer Pizzetti

Coffee break

16:00-17:15: Panel: Diversit y and Inclusion

17:15-18:00/ Sala Pizzetti

WFIMC Dialogue

Present at ion of t he 2025 GA in Harbin

20:00 Bus departure

Dinner at Trat t oria Ai Due Plat ani, Coloret o (to be confirmed)


Announcem ent of Elect ion result s


Sunday, 9 June 2024

General Assem bly Excursion


Bus Depart ure from Hot els


Visit t o Mont echiarugolo Cast le


Bus Transfer t o Mont ecavolo


Visit t o Fat t oria Rossi (Organic Parm iggiano Fact ory)


Bus Transfer t o Langhirano


Visit t o Frat elli Galloni Prosciut t i Farew ell Lunch


Ret urn t o Parm a Hot els / Parm a St at ion


Busto Reggio Emilia AVStation (more trains availableto Bologna and Milano)


Reservat ion deadline:

31 March

(via regist rat ion form )

Accom m odat ion

Official Conference Hotel I:

Grand Hot el de la Ville * * * * *

www grandhoteldelaville com

Viale Riccardo Barilla, 1 - 43121 Parma

Phone: +39 - 0521 - 03 04

Standard Twin: EUR140 00 single use

Standard Twin: EUR155.00 twin use

?3,50 tourist Tax added per day

Breakfast included

Parking ?12 per day (garage)

check-in: 14:00/ Check-out: 11:00

Restaurant "Parmigianino" and American Bar in the Lobby

Grand Hot el de la Ville is a 5-minute walk away from the Conference Venue From Parma Station, it is best to take a taxi (5 min) or a local bus

Hot el Sina Maria Luigia can be reached on foot from Parma Station (200m), however you will need public transportation or taxi to get to the venue (or walk for 20 min)

Det ails on local t ransport at ion w ill be provided before t he conference.

All rat es include breakfast and free w ifi

There are m any hot els in Parm a, and you can find great deals on w w w booking com These hot els are t oo sm all for us t o book larger groups, but you can easily book one yourself, especially if you are looking for a low er rat e or if you w ould like t o st ay in t he old t ow n (15-20 m in from t he venue)

For any quest ions or m ore inform at ion please cont act t he FMCIM Secret ariat at fm cim @fm cim org

Official Conference Hotel II:

Hot el Sina Maria Luigia * * * *

Viale Mentana, 140 - 43121 Parma

www sinahotels com

Phone: +39 0521281032

Standard Twin: ca EUR130 00 single use

Standard Twin: ca EUR160 00 twin use

?3,50 tourist Tax added per day

Breakfast included

Parking: nearby

check-in: 14:00/ Check-out: 12:00

Restaurant "Maxim´ s" and L´ Aiglon Bar



Access from Bologna Marconi Airport (BLQ)

Take the Marconi Express airport train to Bologna Central Station It takes only 8 minutes and costs ?12 80 one-way, ?23 30 return Taking a taxi will take at least twice as long, without traffic

From Bologna Centrale, there are frequent trains to Parma, taking about 50 minutes ( ?8- ?22)

Bologna Airport can bereached bydirect flightsfrom most European capitals BesidesBA, Lufthansa, Swiss, Austrian, Lot, KLM, Air France, Iberia and Finnair, also Turkish Airlinesand Emirates(from Dubai) flydirectlyto this airport.

Access from Milan Linat e Airport (LIN)

Take an airport bus to Milano Centrale Station (ca 25 min) It leaves at :30 every hour and costs ?5

From Milano Centrale station, there are frequent trains to Parma, however some are much faster and more expensive (Frecciarossa takes 50mins and costs around ?50) while others take more than 90 minutes and cost a fraction of the Frecciarossa fare

If you can share the price with several people, it might be worth taking a private shuttle or van for around ?270-?300 (2 hours) . The secretariat can assist you with reservations Malpensa Airport isserved bymost major carriers from around theworld Low-Cost carriersarrive at Terminal 2, all othersat Terminal 1

LinateAirport hasdirect flightsfrom manyEuropean cities.

TheParma Train Station

Access by Train

Parma is easily reached from other Italian destinations like Florence (2 hours), Rome (3 hours) or Venice (4 hours). Most trips require a change in Bologna

From Zurich, trains take about 6 hours, from Munich about 8 hours

Access from Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP)

Malpensa is rather far from Parma and only makes sense if you fly in from overseas Malpensa to Parma by train usually requires two transfers (unless you want to have lunch in Milan while waiting) and takes 2,5 to 3 hours.

Arriving by Car

The Parking Garage at Grand Hotel de la Ville charges ?12 per day. There is also a free parking lot at the Fondatione Toscanini, but it closes at night


Venue & Access Map


FondazioneArturo Toscanini

Parco della Musica

VialeR. eP. Barilla, 27/A

43121 Parma

12 Ci vediamo a Parma! ©WFIMC2024 Contact: fmcim@fmcim org

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