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Manager Notes

As October arrives so do some of our winter residents ~ Welcome Home” We have had a long hot summer and hopefully our returning winter residents will bring some cooler temperatures with them! As our weather cools and we are able to be outside more to enjoy our Florida sunshine it is a good time to take a look around your home and check for repairs and upkeep needed…don‟t forget to check your lamp post as well.

SOLICITORS It is posted “No Solicitors” are allowed in the park. If a solicitor should approach you, please advise them that there is no soliciting allowed. If they don‟t leave call the police. As per our Rules and Regulations # 15 ~ Your dog or cat MUST be on a leash outside your home. This includes your yard or driveway. I have been receiving numerous complaints about dog owners not having their animal on a leash when outside their home. Please pet owners keep your dog on a leash at all times when not inside your home. Thank you. The mowing of the “back 40” is scheduled for this month.

To the residents who have called, emailed or come by the office to clarify or confirm something that they were told by another resident. This action really helps to keep down the rumors and gossip that might be considered „truthful and actual‟ (which sometimes is not the case) to a minimum. Thank you again. Note: A few of these emails and phone calls have come from our winter or vacationing residents who wanted clarification or confirmation before they return so they do not repeat something that is not truthful or actual.

Renee` October 2010


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