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Manager’s Report: a) Manager reported that she attended the Haines City Commission Meeting on Golf Cart usage outside of the park. We are allowed to go out on Glen Este. We can go on our side of 27 but does not include Old Polk City Road. It was not included due to truck traffic; Police Chief will not condone crossing it but will not have his officers looking for us. Drivers can’t be under the age of 16, hours of operation sunrise/sunset if have brakes, reliable steering, safe tires, rearview mirror and red reflectors on front and rear. Usage after dark requires headlights, brake lights, and wind shield. It was proposed to have carts registered and inspected but as of now not required. This has been passed with amendments but will be finalized at a later date. Police Chief will let Renee know when this happens and send her a copy of it. b) Handicap Spots – Has been getting numerous complaints that non handicap vehicles have been using the handicap spots in front of the clubhouse. Manager asked that we please don’t use those spots unless we are handicapped. c)

A question was asked regarding the tree trimming in the back woods. This will be done in the summer. She will be asking the loggers if we can keep the mulch.


Old Business: a) Liability Insurance – Board President reported that when we received the policy there was a discrepancy in the amount owed. Company was called and the new policy is being rewritten and mailed to us.


New Business: a) Sunshine Committee – We will have a new person taking over this job as of May 1st. Check the front of your Gator Tales for the name and phone. The past person doing this job was thanked for her dedicated work. b) Memorial Committee – The HOA Board is working on setting up a Memorial Committee to handle memorials held in our park. We have a volunteer to start this committee for a year and then hopefully someone new will step forward and take over. This volunteer would organize the food for memorials, set up/clean up. We will need funds to purchase the food. Details are being worked out by the board and will be presented later.


Motion to close meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Respectfully submitted by Secretary LHV HOA


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