2013 Fall FTA Footprint

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have worked to build the FNST. It would be like a Volunteer Fire Department who stops responding to blazes, because it doesn’t support getting new equipment, training, or personnel. Successful citizen organizations thrive because they keep “The Mission” in mind whenever they train their volunteers, hold activities, talk to the public, host a fundraising event, or meet to plan strategy. They build sufficient resources (cash, staff, expertise, volunteers, tools, etc.) to support that Mission, and they support all efforts that help fulfill it. FTA can and must do a better job of this, beginning with the Board of Directors, Chapter Council, and Chapter leaders. We owe it to ourselves, our founders, and the people of Florida that we claim to serve to step it up. We owe it to them to learn new tricks. Tough choices and hard work are ahead. But they knew that back in the mid-60s, when they started this ball rolling. Now we need to keep moving it forward, with your generosity and support.

TravelCountry staff members Brian and “Krispy Kritter” are avid hikers and backpackers. At TravelCountry, we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk!

407.831.0777 ~1101 E Altamonte Drive, Altamonte Springs, FL

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