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Alicia Nickles


Larry Tenner

ADVERTISING SALES Libba Beaucham, Dave Martin





CLASSIFIEDS Jennifer Keene

AD DESIGNERS Chris McNeal, Cody Robinson

CONTRIBUTORS Chris Dowd, Gordon Lamb, Rebecca McCarthy, Ed Tant

CARTOONISTS Missy Kulik, David Mack, Klon Waldrip, Joey Weiser

CIRCULATION Jennifer Bray, Charles Greenleaf, Joe Rowe

EDITORIAL INTERNS Mary Beth Bryan, Xinge Lei

PHOTOGRAPHERS Mason Pearson, Jake Zerkel


Nerveclinic, the music-producer-moniker of multidisciplinary artist Monty Greene, has just released a music video for the song “Hollow” that incorporates

city dope DA Draws Opposition


Defense attorney and former prosecutor Kalki Yalamanchili and his team of supporters have collected 14,000 signatures, more than enough for him to qualify as an independent in the race for district attorney this fall.

At a press conference July 1, Yalamanchili said he had presented the signatures to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office earlier in the day. Georgia law says an independent candidate needs physical signatures—not electronic ones—from 5%

on vacation in 2022, but a family member’s cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment consumed him. Last summer, with the situation resolved, he decided to move forward. “The cancer made me think about what I wanted to do, and what I wanted to do professionally,” he said.

Yalamanchili would have had an easier time getting on the ballot if he ran against Gonzalez in the Democratic primary or as a Republican. “The district attorney’s office is not a place for partisanship,” he said.

of registered voters in the Western Circuit to be included on a ballot. In five to seven weeks, Yalamanchili will learn whether the signatures are deemed acceptable.

Clarke County registered voters counted for 9,000 signatures, and Oconee for 5,000. With about 70,000 registered voters in Clarke and 30,000 in Athens, Yalamanchili needs about 5,000 to meet the 5% threshold to get on the November ballot as an independent. But candidates need to gather more than the minimum because some signatures will likely be thrown out, because the signer doesn’t live in the circuit or isn’t registered or for some other reason.

“I’m just grateful for the outpouring of support I’ve gotten,” he said. “I’m humbled.”

Yalamanchili said he hired a company in May for $120,000 that did data validation and full-time signature collection, which meant he could concentrate completely on campaigning. In his most recent campaign finance disclosure, filed with the state on May 7, he reported raising a whopping $367,000 and had $275,000 on hand. Incumbent Deborah Gonzalez reported raising $78,000 and spending $33,000 during the same period.

Having worked under former district attorney Ken Mauldin and as a prosecutor in Cobb County, Yalamanchili said he has learned how to run an effective and efficient operation. He left the DA’s office in 2018 and set up a private practice in downtown Athens. In addition to prosecuting cases, he has gained experience defending clients. He thought about running for DA while

While the point-in-time count provides the best data on homelessness available, it is notoriously inaccurate. Homeless camps can be difficult to find and are temporary by nature. They can spring into existence one week and be gone the next, but only those in existence on the day of the count are included. Furthermore, many people experiencing homelessness are able to sleep on a friend’s couch or in a spare room, making themselves almost invisible during the annual count. These factors make the point-in-time count a significant underestimate of the number of people experiencing homelessness in Athens.

Even so, we can compare this year’s count to previous years to glean important insights. For example, it’s clear that the point-in-time count has been growing year after year. The 2024 count is the highest of the past decade, second only to 2023.

The data shows more sheltered homeless people, who are relatively easy to count, than unsheltered, who are more difficult to reach. 2023 was an unusual year in that the numbers for sheltered homelessness dipped below that of the unsheltered population. According to John Morris, the chair of Athens’ Continuum of Care, that’s because the Salvation Army shelter temporarily closed during 2023.

During the count, surveyors ask a number of questions designed to provide more information about those experiencing homelessness in Athens. This year, as in previous years, the people surveyed were disproportionately Black, mostly male and ranged widely in age. About 80% had been homeless for a year or more.

east Georgia, and 39 said they came from another region in Georgia or from out of state. Only 35 out of 232 respondents said they came to Athens for the services, compared to 177 who lived here already or had family or friends here. Those numbers are consistent with previous surveys. [Chris Dowd]

Homeless Coalition Appoints Director

The board of the Athens Homeless Coalition has appointed UGA graduate Michael Bien as its first full-time executive director.

The coalition—a collection of shelters and other nonprofits that assist the homeless—reorganized last year, transitioning from a loose collective to a more formal organization. Based on a 2023 strategic plan commissioned by Athens-Clarke County, county commissioners directed $1.1 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to the AHC. Bien’s responsibilities will include helping to decide how to spend those funds and set measurable goals for the AHC.

“Even more than his professional experience, his compassion, humility, curiosity and dedication shine through when you meet him,” local pastor Laura Patterson, vice chair of the AHC board, said in a news release. “He knows the importance of partnerships to address the big issues that intersect in Athens and in the lives of so many homeless Athenians. We’re excited as a board to support the work he leads in this community.”

Despite having no experience in criminal justice, Gonzalez won the DA’s race in 2020 on promises not to prosecute low-level drug offenses and to focus on restorative justice over punishment for nonviolent criminals. Since then, her office has been chronically short-staffed, and she’s suffered a number of high-profile defeats in the courtroom.

The office currently is “non-functional,” Yalamanchili said, with an inadequate number of staff members, little experience among attorneys and a failure of leadership. Gonzalez has blamed the problems in her office on low pay for assistant DAs and on attacks by Republicans. [Rebecca McCarthy]

Athens Homelessness Is Mostly Homegrown

Homelessness in Athens has reached a new high this year, according to the AthensClarke County Continuum of Care’s annual point-in-time count. Almost 400 people experiencing homelessness were surveyed on Jan. 24.

The annual point-in-time count tallies people experiencing both sheltered and unsheltered homelessness as well as the total shelter capacity of the surrounding community. It counts those living in emergency shelters and transitional housing as well as those living in places not meant for human habitation, including cars, as long as homeless services providers can find them. The 2024 count found 384 people without housing, up 12.5% from last year.

During public forums and local discussions about homelessness, it’s often assumed that most people experiencing homelessness come from outside Athens, but that’s not borne out by the data. A majority of the homeless individuals surveyed this year say they’ve lived in Athens for six years or more. Only 10% say they’ve lived here for less than six months.

When asked where they lived before becoming homeless, 82 respondents said Athens-Clarke County. Forty-two said they came from a nearby county in north-

After graduating with a master’s degree in public health from UGA, Bien went to work for Advantage Behavioral Health Systems, where he started the street outreach program. He then worked for the CDC Foundation, specializing in systemic factors and social determinants that affect health and homelessness.

“We are committed to better understanding the scale and scope of homelessness in Athens, advocating for unhoused individuals and families, and supporting our amazing service providers,” Bien said. [Blake Aued] f

Kalki Yalamanchili at a press conference at Hotel Indigo Monday, July 1.

Biden on the Ropes


“I belong to no organized political party. I am a Democrat,” said cowboy humorist Will Rogers nearly a century ago. Today the Democratic Party is disorganized and disgruntled in the aftermath of President Joe Biden’s dismal debate debacle last month. Calls for Biden to step down from the 2024 campaign in favor of a fresher face came from the editorial boards of the New York Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution Democratic voters and politicians joined the chorus of cries urging Biden to step down, while others in the party urged him to stay in the race as the Nov. 5 election day draws ever closer.

Democrats are in a “damned if they do, damned if they don’t” quandary after Biden’s plodding performance on the debate stage. Though GOP candidate Donald Trump peppered his debate spiel with egregious falsehoods and exaggerations, and refused to say whether he would abide by the results of the upcoming 2024 election, it was President Biden’s cringe-worthy showing on the debate stage that was the salient takeaway from the event televised to a viewing audience of more than 50 million.

next debate in September. Democrats hoping for a political savior on a white horse to replace Biden at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August will probably have their hopes dashed as Biden is renominated in the Windy City. The president gave a strong, upbeat State of the Union speech early this year, and Democrats are hoping that Joe Biden shows up at the next debate, on the convention stage and on the campaign trail.

“ The clock is ticking for Biden’s presidential run, and there’s not much time left.

Biden spokesman James Singer has warned voters about the perils of a possible second Trump administration. “America, stop scrolling and pay attention,” he said recently. “Donald Trump is not playing games. He is telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power: rule as a dictator over a ‘unified reich’… The stakes could not be higher. Trump promises an unabashedly imperial presidency with no checks and balances, no courts and an obedient GOP.”

Indeed, the stakes have never been higher in the American political contest than they are in this year’s election. The competition in 2024 is between democracy

Soon after his flop in the first of two debates, Biden made a forceful and well-received speech at a rally in North Carolina. On July 1, Biden made a short but emphatic televised address decrying the Supreme Court’s decision that day expanding presidential powers by backing immunity from prosecution for presidents who may break the law while performing “official acts.” The decision was made by a 6–3 partisan split on the high court. Biden strongly agreed with Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s words of dissent in the case: “In every use of power, the president is now a king above the law,” she warned. Still, Biden’s poor showing in the first debate is overshadowing his wise words in North Carolina and Washington that were heard by far fewer American voters than the 50 million who tuned in for last month’s debate.

The clock is ticking for Biden’s presidential run, and there’s not much time left. He needs a good showing during the


Crystal Clear CHANCES


Several downtown and Midtown Atlanta water mains broke simultaneously in May, forcing businesses to close and residents to boil water for nearly a week, and Megan Thee Stallion to cancel a concert, until city workers made repairs. But Athens-Clarke County officials say they’re confident a catastrophe of that magnitude is unlikely to happen here.

“[ACC Public Utilities Department (PUD) staff] goes above and beyond making sure quality water is coming out, fire protection is happening, all that,” PUD Director Hollis Terry says.

Atlanta officials attributed the main breaks to aging infrastructure—some pipes in the city center are 100 years old. In Athens, all of the old cast-iron pipes downtown that dated back as far as 1893 were replaced as part of various streetscape projects, such as the recent Clayton Street infrastructure overhaul, according to ACC Public Utilities Department officials.

ACC is also in the process of replacing aging pipes elsewhere in the county, and adding new ones. Every five years, PUD updates its 20-year service delivery plan. As of 2020, the most recent update, Athens had a little more than 800 miles of water lines. About 100 miles have been added in the past four years. The 2020 service delivery plan calls for spending $400 million on water and sewer infrastructure, including $20 million to upgrade aging water mains.


and capital budget of nearly $60 million for 2025, PUD is one of the largest departments in the ACC government. The department is funded primarily by ratepayers and does not receive property tax revenue, but it does receive sales tax funding for some capital projects. Those costs, however, pale in comparison to what Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has said will be billions of dollars worth of repairs to the water system in Atlanta.

Dickens is not the first mayor to ask for federal assistance in tackling long-overdue water infrastructure projects. The Jackson, MS water system nearly collapsed in 2022 after decades of neglect and disinvestment due to white flight and a shrinking tax base. A torrential downpour made water from

the Ross Barnett Reservoir harder to treat, and the resulting slowdown at the city’s two aging treatment plants caused dangerously low water pressure for many of the city’s 150,000 residents.

and despotism, and democracy is on the ropes. If Trump returns to the White House, he has vowed to seek revenge and retribution on his opponents, and he has talked of pardons for the MAGA mobsters who were imprisoned after the infamous Jan. 6, 2021 invasion of Capitol Hill. He will stock his cabinet with lickspittle loyalists and go after opponents who dare to question his regime.

In 1960, some 70 million Americans out of a population of about 176 million saw the first televised debate between Democrat John Kennedy and Republican rival Richard Nixon. In the 1960 election, Nixon lost a close contest, but he abided by the results. Today’s U.S. population is nearly twice what it was in 1960, but last month’s debate drew far fewer viewers. The choices for president this year are disheartening, but one can only hope that voters in 2024 would rather have a president who’s old, feeble and unsure than a preening plutocrat who’s old, evil and cocksure. f

“It’s all over [the county], and a lot of times that has to do with age,” Terry says.

“We may replace a line if it breaks every three months,” Assistant Director Hugh Ogle adds. “It depends on the service history.”

But overall, even the old cast-iron pipes “were in very good shape for what they are,” Ogle says. Those older pipes tend to become brittle over time. The city now uses pipes made out of ductile iron for water mains.

In addition to replacing aging pipes, many of which are now too narrow in addition to becoming brittle, PUD is also continually expanding the water system so that there are multiple routes for water to flow to customers. That way, the water stays on even if a main breaks. “We have so much redundancy, [a complete shutoff] is unlikely to happen,” Terry says.

Boil-water advisories are rare in Athens. When a main does break, though, sometimes water customers will see discolored water coming through the taps. Minerals in the water accumulate in pipes over time, and when pressure drops they get stirred up, Ogle explains. But the minerals are not harmful, he says.

With 200 employees and an operating

The crisis in Flint, MI was even worse. In a city with a decimated tax base much like Jackson, an emergency manager appointed by the governor stopped buying Lake Huron water from nearby Detroit and started drawing it from the polluted Flint River to save money. The water caused an outbreak of Legionnaires disease and it corroded lead pipes, exposing thousands of children to dangerously high levels of lead.

“To make a comparison between us and Flint would be impossible,” Ogle says. For one thing, Athens’ sources of raw water— the North Oconee River, Middle Oconee River, Bear Creek Reservoir in Jackson County and, within the next decade, an East Athens rock quarry the county bought in 2020—are much cleaner to start with. For another, PUD conducted a survey looking for lead water mains and has not found any, although it’s possible some buildings have lead pipes on private property, because PUD’s responsibilities stop at the edge of the right-of-way.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires utilities to test water frequently and issue a report on water quality each year. The most recent report in 2023 found that Athens’ drinking water met all federal standards. f

City workers replace an old downtown Athens water line in 2017.

live music calendar

Tuesday 9

Flicker Theatre & Bar

8 p.m. $10. www.flickertheatreandbar. com

LIZ FARRELL Jeff Buckleyinspired vocals accompanied by intricate ukulele.

CAMMY ENAHARO Singersongwriter from Rochester, NY whose songs move through self doubt and daily reflection to reveal her hopeful spirit.

JANUARY Multi-instrumentalist from Richmond, VA.

Wednesday 10

Creature Comforts


Athens Farmers Market. 5–8 p.m. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket. net


Live string music. (6 p.m.)

El Paso Tacos & Tequila 6–10 p.m. www.instagram.com/ elpasoathenss

KARAOKE Every Wednesday and Friday evening.

Flicker Theatre & Bar

9 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreand bar.com

KARAOKE Featuring a very large assortment of pop, rock, indie and more.


8 p.m. FREE! www.hendershotsathens. com

A COOL SUMMER NIGHT WITH BART KING The local pianist and vocalist performs a solo show of favorite summertime tunes, from jazz standards by Gershwin and Hoagy Carmichael, to popular songs by Tom Waits and Elton John.

Thursday 11


Primordial Void Presents. 8 p.m. (doors), 9 p.m. (show). $10. www. athenscine.com

DISH Asheville band crafting a singular indie sound influenced by post-rock, slowcore and jazz.

ANTLERED AUNT LORD Local cult favorites producing feedbackdrenched noise pop, led by songwriter Jesse Stinnard (Tunabunny).

RACECAR 44 New Athens indie band featuring members of Picture Show.

Flicker Theatre & Bar

8 p.m. $10. www.flickertheatreandbar. com

DON CHAMBERS Longtime local favorite who delves into pastoral folk and experimental rock with equal passion.

JEFFREY BUTZER Composer who works with accordion, toy piano, electric piano, chord organs, glockenspiel, melodica, banjo and other noise makers.

The Foundry Aubrey Entertainment Presents. 6 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $20 (adv.), $25. bit.ly/TurnstilesJuly11

TURNSTILES The ultimate tribute to the music of Billy Joel.

Nowhere Bar 9:30 p.m. www.facebook.com/ NowhereBarAthens


Live freeform funk to dance to and a rotating crew of musicians. Feel free to bring an instrument.

Southern Brewing Co.

7–9 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddog athens

KARAOKE Every Thursday evening hosted by TJ Wayt.

The World Famous 9 p.m. $5 suggested donation. www. facebook.com/theworldfamous athens

MAGIC ROCKERS OF TEXAS Austin quartet whose sound falls somewhere between garage punk and saccharine pop.

T. HARDY MORRIS Local singersongwriter and guitarist plays twangy, reflective folk-rock.

Friday 12

40 Watt Club The Breeding Ground Presents. 7 p.m. (doors). $15. www.40watt.com

ALLEY BEI Whimsical and varied artist who incorporates multilingual and multicultural influences into her music. (8 p.m.)

WAY PAST COOL Fast, melodic sing-a-long pop-punk anthems with a classic ’90s vibe.(8:40 p.m.)

TYL3R DAVIS Athens-based vocalist with heartfelt melodies and confident flows. (9:25 p.m.)

PERFECT ANIMAL Indie rock from Atlanta with shoegaze guitar and introspective lyrics. (10:15 p.m.)

FULL ON MONE’T Multimedia artist from Central PA who makes sad ukulele songs. (11 p.m.)

BAD GURU Conscious-shifting creatives casting cosmic concerts to the collective. (11:50 p.m.)

Athentic Brewing Co. 7–9:30 p.m. www.athenticbrewing. com

THE HOBOHEMIANS Six-piece acoustic band performing American and European roots music of the 1910s–30s, with a mix of protojazz, blues and folk.

El Paso Tacos & Tequila 6–10 p.m. www.instagram.com/ elpasoathenss

KARAOKE Every Wednesday and Friday evening.

Flicker Theatre & Bar

Primordial Void Presents. 8 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12. www.flickertheatreand bar.com

CAN’T READ NYC indie rockers signed to Primordial Void, for fans of Pavement, Sebadoh and Flying Nun Records.

DIVIDERS Athens country rock outfit featuring members of The Rishis, Chairs and Organically Programmed Orchestra.

TEAM DEATHMATCH Atlanta shoegaze band led by Reed Winckler, crafting dreamy rock similar to Galaxie 500 and Bar Italia.

NANOCAR Local indie rockers with rich harmonic segments; RIYL Big Star and Yankee-era Wilco.

The Foundry

6 p.m. (doors), 7 p.m. (show). $12 (adv.), $15. bit.ly/TheCoreInAthens

THE CORE Atlanta act recreating the sounds of the 1990s H.O.R.D.E. Tour through songs by the Allman Brothers Band, Widespread Panic, Dave Matthews Band, Col. Bruce Hampton and The Aquarium Rescue Unit, Phish and more.


8:30 p.m. $12. www.hendershots athens.com

HOUSTON IN THE BLIND Experimental indie rock outfit from Los Angeles.

THAYER SARRANO Hazy shoegaze-inspired songwriter whose sound is described as a “Southern-psych dreamland.”

Nowhere Bar

9:30 p.m. $10 (adv.), $15. www.facebook.com/NowhereBarAthens

HEART OF PINE Nostalgic “Southedelic” roots rock band from Athens with a genuine sound.

Oak House Distillery

7 p.m. FREE! www.oakhousedistillery. com

OPEN MIC Every Friday. The Root

8 p.m. FREE! www.therootathens.com

KARAOKE Tonight’s your night to shine.

Saturday 13

40 Watt Club

7 p.m. (doors). $10. www.40watt.com

TEARS FOR THE DYING Longrunning local deathrock and goth group fronted by Adria Stembridge.

MORE IS NOT ENOUGH Solo synthwave project of Nashville artist Pedro Lopez, now taking on new ground and a darker sound.

ICONOSTASIS Atlanta silly screaming.

Athentic Brewing Co. 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenticbrewing. com


Easygoing acoustic guitar performers who will play both covers and originals.

Bishop Park

Athens Farmers Market. 8 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www.athensfarmers market.net

ALYS WILLMAN Athens singersongwriter. (8 a.m.)

MARK PLEMMONS Talented local pianist. (10 a.m.)


Athens Goth Night Dance Party. 10 p.m. $10. www.athenscine.com

DJ CROWE DJ Steven Crowe.

DJ TOMB LILY Adria Stembridge of Tears For The Dying spins deathrock, post-punk, goth and more.

TWIN POWERS Local DJ who is also a member of DJ trio Booty Boyz.

DJ GOTH DAD Dustin Gannon of Vision Video leads a dance party spinning goth, post-punk, ’80s, Halloween music and more.

Flicker Theatre & Bar

8 p.m. $10. www.flickertheatreandbar. com

KIT New Athens-based kaleidoscopic rock band expanded from the eponymous solo project Catt Malonius.

ANNIE LEETH Local producer and violinist loops drums, synths and strings.

TRIADS Jangle/dream pop band originating from Columbus.

The Foundry Aubrey Entertainment Presents. 6 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $15. bit.ly/ SierraGreenAthens

SIERRA GREEN AND THE GIANTS New Orleans-based fusion of timeless soul with an irresistible contemporary allure, evoking the depth and grit of the genre’s raw essence.

The Globe 6 p.m. Donations accepted. www. globetavern.com

WOODY GARRISON AND THE GALACTIC COWBOYS Psychedelic Americana singer-songwriter Woody Garrison is joined by John Miley, Robert Bell, Bill Bokas and Alberto Salazarte.



6 p.m. (doors), 7 p.m. (show). $25. www.innovationamphitheater.com

SKYNFOLKS The best of Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Nowhere Bar

9:30 p.m. (show). www.facebook. com/NowhereBarAthens

JOEY FLETCHER BAND Southern rock guitarist from Tennessee who is rooted in the blues.

The Root

9 p.m. www.therootathens.com

SILENT DISCO Grab a pair of headphones, choose a music channel and dance the night away.

The World Famous 9:30 p.m. $10. www.facebook.com/ theworldfamousathens

BLACK TUSK Sinister sludge metal from Savannah.

BEAST MODE Blackened thrash metal outfit writing fast, intricate, heavy riffs.

IN MEMORIES Peach state emotional hardcore.

Sunday 14

Athentic Brewing Co.

2–5 p.m. FREE! www.athenticbrewing. com

ATHENTIC BLUEGRASS JAM Players of all skill levels are invited to participate in this open jam, which strives to unite members of the local folk music community. No. 3 Railroad Street 6 p.m. $10 suggested donation www.3railroad.org

FESTER HAGOOD’S MOJO CONFESSIONAL SHOWCASE This week features music by Zach Aaron

and MrJordanMrTonks and live painting by Marisa Leilani Mustard. Bring a potluck dish to share. The World Famous 8 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ theworldfamousathens

ZACH AARON Texas-based singer-songwriter with an elegantly tarnished tenor voice, finger-picked guitar melodies and mix of raw honesty and abstract sentiments.

Monday 15

The World Famous 9 p.m. www.facebook.com/theworld famousathens

BULLSEYE Lo-fi bedroom slacker and power pop that exists in apartments in Queens, NY and Austin, TX and features members of Fishbreath, Answering Machines, ACT and Patti.

Tuesday 16


8 p.m. FREE! www.athenscine.com

KARAOKE WITH THE KING Show off your pipes to the world. Every first, third and fifth Tuesday. Hendershot’s No Phone Party. 7 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com

KENOSHA KID Instrumental adventure-jazz group centered around the rollicking compositions of Dan Nettles and featuring Josh Allen, Seth Hendershot and guests. Live Wire Tiki Taco Tuesday. 6:30–9 p.m. FREE! www.livewireathens.com

KINKY WAIKIKI Relaxing, steel guitar-driven band following the traditions of Hawaiian music. Normal Bar 8–11 p.m. FREE! booking@rudy montayremusic.com OPEN MIC Held Every Tuesday evening.

State Botanical Garden of Georgia Sunflower Concert Series. 7 p.m. $12 (ages 5–16), $20 (Friends of the Garden), $24. botgarden.uga.edu THE NEW ORLEANS JAZZ STOMPERS Specializing in the historic “hot” syncopated dance music of the early 20th century. Chairs, blankets and picnics are welcome at this concert in the flower garden. f

Handholder’s Older Brother


LISTEN WITHOUT PREJUDICE: I’ve written a lot about the experimental noise vehicle partydead in these pages. At least it feels like a lot. Anyway, word came down this week that the project has just now completed its first version—titled home to love—of a planned three-version release of its planned second-to-last album. Now, if you have to say something three differ-

ent times in three different ways, then it must be super important. Its architect, Eric The Hat, has a well-honed sense of both bliss and aggression, and each plays a significant role in nearly all his releases. Sometimes within the same track even, such as “mutant” on this new one. The analog drums on “pfft” and “numbskull” were a nice surprise, too, even though I can’t really tell if they’re sampled or not. Among all the aforementioned aggression happening here is “73 years old” which plays like a deconstructed “Tubular Bells” and smooths things out in the process. Find this at eric thehat.bandcamp.com.

CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: The folks behind JOKERJOKERtv pulled out all the stops for their AthFest coverage. After suffering massive amounts of connectivity issues, YouTube strikes and more, the venerable Athens channel still made great use of its time and conducted interviews with or featured nearly 50 artists. This would have been an incredible achievement even if things ran smoothly. It is such an incredibly cool thing these folks are doing, and it reminds me very much of the music scene public access shows that used to be broadcast via Observer TV here in Athens. All interviews and performances are cataloged under the playlist “AthFest 2024” at youtube.com/@JOKERJOKERtvofficial.

LOCK DOWN: While the final four songs on Handholder’s new album Older Brother deliver the sound made familiar with the group’s recent Memos collection and even its debut EP Clearing, the first two are barn burning shoegaze tracks that blast out completely unexpectedly. Opening song “N2L” adopts the accepted loud-quiet-loud structure and maintains it around

a relatively simple riff, but adds a sublime middle section. There’s loads of really subtle production stuff happening here in the background, too, so pay close attention. The second song, “Found,” has a similar but less effective midsection. The rest of the song, though, has a looser structure that rolls more than rocks in a most effective way. Enjoy this at handholder.bandcamp.com, and follow along at instagram.com/ handholder.band.

NO LAUGHING: With exceptionally rare exceptions, I’m not a fan of humor in music. And that comes in quite handy when not finding the new EP Neutral Violet by Violent Violet funny at all. I say that as a precursor because at first glance it seems like a joke, and someone somewhere will likely find it funny. But it’s five Neutral Milk Hotel covers done with varying degrees of reverence. Some of the constructs used here really shine out, like the guitar toward the end of “Someone Is Waiting.” Other songs covered here are “King of the Carrot Flowers (pt 1)” (performed straightforward), “Gardenhead / Leave Me Alone,” “Everything Is” and ‘Engine.” The fact is, no one could have covered these with as much detail unless already a pretty big fan of these records, and as weird as this record sounds and is, by its end it also feels somewhat sincere. Fly your aeroplane over to violentvioletathens. bandcamp.com.

LOADED UP AND TRUCKIN’: The Georgia Theatre and Zero Mile will host An Evening With Patterson Hood Thursday, July 25. I’m pretty certain a good amount of folks that always show up for the annual HeAthens Drive-By Truckers shows will come back to town for this. Advance tickets are $25–45, and they’ll run you the same at the door, if there are any left at the door. To purchase, please see georgiatheatre.com.

NEW TUNE: Hip-hop/industrial act Something Haunted releases its first single Friday, July 12. It’s named “Path,” and it’s pretty slick. It definitely falls more on the pop industrial (Nine Inch Nails, et al) side of things, but even these touch points are minimally explored. Mostly, this is a midheavy alt-rock track with a decent hook and memorable vocals. Find it on all major streaming services.

PICKIN’ UP CHANGE: Released on the cusp of a short tour that will see them back home, probably, by the time you see this, the new album from hardcore merchants Snuki came out on July 4. The six-song shredder is named Means to an End. This is the most circle-pit-ready punk release outta Athens for the past several months, especially “Diehard Townie” and the group’s namesake “Snuki.” Nothing too terribly mind blowing here—ust a really solid hardcore record that deserves repeated plays. Find it at snuuuki. bandcamp.com. f


Handholder’s Older Brother
HHSOM AD_7-10.indd 1

Flying Squid Comedy

Asa beloved kraken known for its fabled jokes went down, out of its ashes rose a mighty… flying squid? At the center of Athens’ growing comedy community is Flying Squid Comedy, an organization offering regular classes and events that carry on the good times of its predecessor, Krakin Jokes.

In 2015 Krakin Jokes started as a small gathering of coworkers telling jokes and sharing stories, and it quickly grew into a regular backyard comedy show. Its story and the community it fostered were detailed in the 2018 documentary Athens Rising: The Sicyon Project, but sadly a year or two later Krakin Jokes was shut down by the county. However, Flying Squid founder and self-proclaimed “herder of cats” Kelly Petronis says that this was a moment they had anticipated.

those plans.

“That was all kind of a wake up call. If I had pushed through because I got to get this thing done and forced it… It would have been over because the pandemic would have hit and I wouldn’t have been able to pay rent. Anytime that I try to force something, it is bad,” says Petronis.

At this point Petronis says it is inevitable that Flying Squid will find a new perma-

Another area of growth for Flying Squid is the diversity of its members and attendees, largely ranging in adult ages but also in gender, race and sexuality. Petronis emphasizes that the greatest value is truly in the relationships built, and that relationships are the foundation of what drives everything else in life.

“If this whole thing crashes and burns tomorrow, these friendships are going to still be there,” says Petronis.

On the comedy side Flying Squid offers exposure to many different forms of the art, but at its core the focus is on improv. Petronis explains that improv is the foundational skill at the root of other forms of comedy, and it helps people practice and get in touch with that basic instinct of what is funny and what feels good. Beyond that it builds practical life skills like creative thinking, active listening and improved communication. This is why Flying Squid also provides corporate and team building improv classes for businesses and organizations.

“We always knew that if we got to the point where we got shut down, that was a measure of success,” says Petronis.

Through the Athens Rising screening Petronis met Lisa Yaconelli of the community space work.shop, and it became Flying Squid’s homebase from the first classes offered. Petronis says space was the biggest challenge they had to address when transitioning out of the Krakin Jokes house. Initially he wanted to open a commercial space with a bar and had even gone so far as drawing up floor plans and finding investors to cover 80% of the funding needed. However, the pandemic quickly dashed

nent home. Its calendar and members have grown to the point that he says that they no longer support Yaconelli’s mission of operating a community space due to needing to book out so many nights of the week. These growing pains are a testament to the active and passionate community Flying Squid has fostered within and outside of the comedy scene.

“I think our biggest value that we give to the community [is] we have people that are of all ages that otherwise would never have met one another and also would never be friends,” says Petronis. “Adults don’t have space to play in their day-to-day life.”

Flying Squid’s second annual Improv Festival will take place Aug. 21–24 at work. shop and Buvez. It started last fall with a two-fold goal: bring improv acts from Atlanta for local improvisers to learn from and engage the broader Athens community to showcase what’s here. The festival kicks off Wednesday, Aug. 21 with a free show of local improvisers at Buvez. On Thursday there will be an improv jam open to the public and suitable for complete beginners. There will be a ticketed full night of finale shows on Friday at work. shop, then Saturday morning two expertled workshops will take place.

New to its endeavors, Flying Squid will host its first official theatrical performance this weekend July 12–14 at work.shop. It’s a production of Aaron Posner’s critically-acclaimed play Life Sucks, which is a fastpaced reworking of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya

Directed by theater professional Ginny Simmons, the cast is a mix of Flying Squid’s improv members and community actors.

Petronis says this collaboration came from Jayson Warner Smith bringing the “Actor’s Worst Nightmare” format to Flying Squid, which is where two actors with scripts memorized must use their lines to react to what an improviser throws at them. This brought the comedy and theater communities together, and Petronis began working closely with Julia Roessing who would bring him scripts. Thus the magic of theater and improv joined forces. Although Petronis’ spirit is a guiding force of Flying Squid, he says that his goal is to “stay out of the way so that I don’t ruin a good thing.” He owes the success of the collective to its one rule and three principles. The one rule is to have fun. There’s no pressure or obligation to engage in anything that isn’t “fun.” The three principles are to fail gracefully, support your partner and be brave. These guidelines may keep Flying Squid on track, but they’re also another lesson of improv that translates to real life.

After a semi-break and slowing down for the summer, Flying Squid’s full offerings and schedule of events will resume in August. Classes include an Improv Comedy Level 1 and 2; One, Two, Three Prov focused on scene work and longform improv; and Narrative Improv. There are multiple recurring shows open to the public each week: Gorgeous George’s Improv League on Wednesdays at Buvez, Open Improv Jam on Thursdays at work.shop, ASSSSCAT on the first Thursday of every month at Hendershot’s, and a rotating selection of themed events most Fridays at work. shop. Currently all classes and events are intended for an adult audience, but Petronis hopes to add kids classes in the future. For more information and Flying Squid’s updated calendar, visit flyingsquidcomedy. com. f

event calendar

Tuesday 9

CLASSES: Reiki Circle (Serenity Attunement) Connect in meditation and learn more about Reiki. Second Tuesdays, 6 p.m. $22. www.serenity attunement.com

EVENTS: Tiki Taco Tuesday (Live Wire) Enjoy live music, craft cocktails and a taco pop-up from Don Carne. Tuesdays, 5–10 p.m. www. livewireathens.com

EVENTS: West Broad Farmers Market and Garden (Athentic Brewing Co.) Vendors will be on site with fresh produce, local fare, rare plants, artisan goods and more. Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 5–8 p.m. FREE! www.athenticbrewing. com

FILM: This or That: Adventure Movie (Bogart Library) Screening of an adventure movie voted on by attendees. Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6 p.m. FREE! www.athens library.org/bogart

GAMES: Tuesday Night Shenanigans (Southern Brewing Co.) Play board games and arcade games on site, bring your own games or even your D&D group. Tuesdays, 5–10 p.m. www.sobrewco.com

GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Amici Athens) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddogathens

GAMES: Classic City Trivia (Akademia Brewing Co.) Test your trivia knowledge with host Garrett Lennox. 7 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ ClassicCityTriviaCo

GAMES: Singo! (Beef O’Brady’s) Win gift certificates and prizes at this music bingo night. Tuesdays, 7–9 p.m. www.beefobradys.com/athens

GAMES: Rock ’n Roll Trivia (Athentic Brewing Co.) Test your trivia knowledge with host The Music Man. 7 p.m. FREE! www.athentic brewing.com

KIDSTUFF: Crafternoon (Oconee County Library) Drop in for a craft or two. Supplies Provided. All ages. Tuesdays, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

MEETINGS: Knot Just For Knitters (Oconee County Library) Bring your own crafting project to work on while chatting with fellow crafters. Tuesdays, 3–5 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee

MEETINGS: Memoir Writing Group (Bogart Library) During this monthly group, hear memoirs from others and learn tips on how to write your own. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.athens library.org/bogart

Wednesday 10

ART: Tour At Two (Georgia Museum of Art) These drop-in public tours feature highlights of the permanent collection. 2 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org

CLASSES: Casual Crafting (Oconee County Library) Bring your current project and talk with other creatives and the host instructor Zakk Wilder. Registration required. 6–8 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org

CLASSES: Salsa Dancing (El Carretonero) Join SALSAthens for Cuban salsa lessons meeting a variety of dance abilities. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. (advanced), 7:30 p.m. (beginner/intermediate). $10. SALS AthensDancing@gmail.com

CLASSES: Create Your Death File Workshop (Getting Real Counseling Center) Learn how to convey your end-of-life wishes through an organized death file with all materials provided and access to an End of Life Doula to answer questions. Registration required. 6:30 p.m. $75. https://forms.gle/61uWwUDD1 nwriXq97

COMEDY: Gorgeous George’s Improv League (Buvez) Townie improv that invites you to bring suggestions to help create improv magic. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. $5 suggested donation. www.flying squidcomedy.com

EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Creature Comforts Brewery) Markets offer fresh produce, flowers, eggs, meats, prepared foods, art and crafts. Live music at 6 p.m. AFM doubles SNAP dollars spent. Wednesdays, 5–8 p.m. www.athens farmersmarket.net

FILM: Blood Everywhere (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Screening of the horror mystery film A Lizard in Woman’s Skin. 7 p.m. FREE! www. flickertheatreandbar.com

GAMES: Shadowfist Power Lunch (Tyche’s Games) Come down with your lunch and play Shadowfist. New players welcome. 12 p.m. FREE! www.tychesgames.com

GAMES: Classic City Trivia (The Local 706) Test your trivia knowledge with host Garrett Lennox. 7 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ ClassicCityTriviaCo

GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Eddie’s Calzones) Test your trivia knowledge with host Nickalous Benson. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. www.facebook. com/baddogathens

KIDSTUFF: Busy Bee Toddler Time (Bogart Library) Join Ms. Donna for rhymes, songs, puppets and a story. 10 a.m. & 11 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

KIDSTUFF: Big Time Groove Adventures in Rhythm and Rhyme (Oconee County Library) Beatin’ Path Rhythm Events will host drumming and storytelling with the book Itsy Bitsy Blues. 11 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

KIDSTUFF: Snakes Alive (Bogart Library) Learn about reptiles, make crafts and meet some friends from Sandy Creek Nature Center. All ages. 3 p.m. FREE! www.athens library.org/bogart

KIDSTUFF: LEGO & Builder’s Club (Bogart Library) Drop in to use LEGOs and other building materials. All ages. 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

KIDSTUFF: Teen Anime Club (Oconee County Library) Join other fans of manga and anime to discover books, play games, snack and watch anime. Grades 6–12. 7 –8 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary. org/oconee

OUTDOORS: ‘Normal’ Run (Athentic Brewing Co.) Join the Athens Road Runners for a 1–3 mile run that starts and ends at Athentic Brewing. Every other Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenticbrewing.com

Thursday 11

CLASSES: DMC: Blender for Beginners (ACC Library) Learn how to create basic 3D objects using Blender. Registration is required. 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org

EVENTS: Planet Earth Rocks and Crystals Warehouse Sale The warehouse is open to the public to browse over 6,000 square feet of crystals and specimens. Jul. 11 & 12, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Jul. 13, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. www.facebook.com/ planetearthrocksandcrystals

EVENTS: Murder at Broad River Bridge (Danielsville Senior Center) Join the community in observing the 60th anniversary of the murder of LTC Lemuel Penn by the Ku Klux Klan. 10 a.m. FREE! denachandler @windstream.net

FILM: Throwback Thursday (Bogart Library) Screening of a family

Thursdays, 3:30–5:30. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee MEETINGS: Coffee Hour (Oconee County Library) Drop in to drink some coffee, while supplies last. Thursdays, 11 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

MEETINGS: KnitLits Knitting Group (Bogart Library) Knitters of all levels are invited to have fun, share craft ideas and knit to their hearts’ content. Thursdays, 6 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/bogart

OUTDOORS: Athentic Cycling Group (Athentic Brewing Co.) Cyclists of all skill levels are invited for a no-drop group ride that starts

p.m. Jul. 13–14, 5 p.m. $12. www. flyingsquidcomedy.com

Saturday 13

ART: Artist Talk (Winterville Cultural Center Gallery) Folk art painter Sherre Watwood will discuss her artistic heritage, inspirations and techniques. 11 a.m. FREE! www. wintervilleccgallery.com

CLASSES: Adult Poetry Workshop (ACC Library) Athens Poet Laureate Mikhayla Smith will lead a workshop in creating a poem and explore ways to stay creative in

movie voted on by attendees with lemonade and popcorn. 3 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

FILM: Club Ned Anime Society (ACC Library) Join club members to watch and discuss episodes of “Serial Experiments Lain,” “Kaguya-sama: Love is War” and “Erased.” 6:30–8:30 p.m. FREE! www.animefandom.org

GAMES: Mahjong Club (Winterville Cultural Center) Learn to play the ancient Chinese game of Mahjong. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1–4 p.m. $1. www.wintervillecenter.com

GAMES: Adult Dungeons & Dragons (Bogart Library) All skill levels are invited to join the popular role playing game. Ages 18 & up. 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/ bogart

GAMES: BINGO (VFW Post 2872) Join in to play this weekly game of chance. Thursdays, 6 p.m. (doors). FREE! www.facebook.com/vfw2872

GAMES: Thursday Trivia (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Test your trivia knowledge with host Jon Head. 6:30 p.m. www.johnnyspizza. com

KIDSTUFF: Clifford The Big Red Dog (ACC Library) Dress as your favorite book character, hear stories, make crafts and get your picture taken with Clifford. 10:30 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org

KIDSTUFF: Open Play (Oconee County Library) Drop in for playtime that’s focused on encouraging early literacy and brain building. 5 & under. 11 a.m. FREE! www.athens library.org/oconee

KIDSTUFF: LEGO Club (Oconee County Library) Drop in to free build and create, or do one of the fun LEGO challenges. Ages 5–12.

and ends at Athentic Brewing. Every other Thursday, 6 p.m. FREE! www. athenticbrewing.com

SPORTS: Classic City Pétanque Club (Lay Park) New players welcome. Scheduled days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 10 a.m. info@petanque.org, www. athenspetanque.org

Friday 12

CLASSES: Sew Book Jackets (Oconee County Library) Craft your own book jacket with provided materials. 4:30 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee

EVENTS: Planet Earth Rocks and Crystals Warehouse Sale The warehouse is open to the public to browse over 6,000 square feet of crystals and specimens. Jul. 11 & 12, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Jul. 13, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. www.facebook.com/ planetearthrocksandcrystals

GAMES: Chess Club (Winterville Cultural Center) Join others for a weekly chess competition. Fridays, 6–10 p.m. FREE! www.winterville center.com

GAMES: Friday Night Initiative (Online: Tyche’s Games) Learn how to play a new roleplaying game. New players welcome. 7 p.m. FREE! www.tychesgames.com

KIDSTUFF: Meet & Play (Bogart Library) Drop in for facilitated open play with age-appropriate toys. Best for ages 6 & under. Every Friday, 10:30 a.m. FREE! www.athens library.org/bogart

THEATER: Life Sucks (work.shop) Based on Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, the cast is drawn from local comedians around the area. Jul. 12, 7

cars, enjoy food, games, music, a silent auction and more in benefit of Bigger Vision of Athens. 11 a.m.–7 p.m. $20. www.classic center.com

EVENTS: Really, Really Free Market (Reese and Pope Park) Just like a yard sale, but everything is free. Bring what you can, take what you need. Second Saturday of every month. 12–1:30 p.m. reallyreally freemarketathens@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/RRFMAthens

EVENTS: Grand Opening at Oak Grove Animal Clinic (Oak Grove Animal Clinic) Enjoy face painting, reptile meet and greets, snacks, tours of the clinic and more. 12–4 p.m. FREE! www.oakgrove.vet

FILM: Saturday Cinema (Bogart Library) Screening of the science fiction film A Princess of Mars with popcorn and lemonade. 3 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

FILM: Hot Summer Movie Night (Marigold Auditorium for Arts and Culture) Screening of the 1938 romance thriller Algiers. 6 p.m. $5. www.marigoldauditorium.com

FILM: Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (Southern Brewing Co.) Cine hosts a drive-in movie screening with concessions available. 8 p.m. (gates), 9 p.m. (screening). $30–50 per vehicle. www.athenscine. com/drive-in

GAMES: Board Game Demonstrations (Tyche’s Games) Drop in, meet new people and try out a variety of new games. 12–6 p.m. FREE! www.tychesgames.com

everyday life. 11 a.m.–3 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org

EVENTS: Annual Cottage Classic Golf Tournament (UGA Golf Course) Enjoy breakfast, beverages on the course and a catered lunch. All skill levels welcome. All proceeds benefit The Cottage Sexual Assault Center & Children’s Advocacy Center. 7:30 a.m. (registration), 8:15 a.m. (tee-off). $125. www.northgeorgiacottage.org/golftournament

EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Bishop Park) Markets offer locally grown groceries and handmade goods with live music and children’s activities. AFM doubles SNAP dollars spent. Saturdays, 8 a.m.–12 p.m. www.athensfarmers market.net

EVENTS: Danielsville Farmers Market (Danielsville City Hall) Browse vendors with an array of homemade, handmade and stategrown products. 8 a.m.–12 p.m. www.danielsvillemarket.wixsite. com/farmersmarket

EVENTS: Planet Earth Rocks and Crystals Warehouse Sale The warehouse is open to the public to browse over 6,000 square feet of crystals and specimens. Jul. 11 & 12, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Jul. 13, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. www.facebook.com/ planetearthrocksandcrystals

EVENTS: West Broad Farmers Market (Rocksprings Park Pavilion) Vendors will be on site with fresh produce, local fare, rare plants, artisan goods and more. Saturdays, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. FREE! www.athens landtrust.org/wbfm

EVENTS: Classic City Car Show (The Classic Center) In addition to showcasing more than 50 classic

KIDSTUFF: Star Wars Day (ACC Library) Fans of all ages can meet Star Wars characters, make crafts and more. 11 a.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org

KIDSTUFF: Family Movie Night (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a rated PG family friendly movie. Registration required. 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

LECTURES & LIT: Master of Adventure (Bogart Library) As part of the Summer Reading Program, this event features discussions and videos on the legendary author Edgar Rice Burroughs. 2 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

OUTDOORS: Southeast Striders Walking Club 5K & 10K (Dudley Park) Take a guided walk around Athens followed by lunch. 8:15 a.m. (registration), 8:30 a.m. (walk). $4 (children under 18 FREE!). 904704-8402

OUTDOORS: Firefly Discovery Ride (Firefly Trail) Join Trails and Open Space staff on this fun ride to learn about the history of the trail and future plans. 10 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www.accgovga.myrec.com

PERFORMANCE: Athens Showgirl Cabaret Drag For All (Hendershot’s) Enjoy a fabulous night of open drag fun for all ages. 8–11 p.m. $5. www.athensshowgirl cabaret.com

THEATER: Life Sucks (work.shop) Based on Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, the cast is drawn from local comedians around the area. Jul. 12, 7 p.m. Jul. 13–14, 5 p.m. $12. www. flyingsquidcomedy.com

Sunday 14

ART: Artist Reception (Oconee County Library) Athens Art Association’s exhibit “Sailing Into

Athens Poet Laureate Mikhayla Robinson Smith will lead a poetry workshop at the ACC Library on July 13.

Summer” features over 40 different art pieces by local artists. 2–4 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/ oconee

COMEDY: Off The Clock Comedy (The Globe) Athens Comedy presents local comedians and improv, this week featuring J.B. King and friends. Sundays, 9–10:30 p.m. $7. www.facebook.com/athenscomedy

FILM: Mocktails & A Movie (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a mocktail and a Q&A about the films of Christopher Nolan with the Here Come the Sequels podcast hosts. 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary. org/oconee

GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Southern Brewing Co.) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Sundays, 4 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddog athens

SPORTS: Classic City Pétanque Club (Lay Park) New players welcome. Scheduled days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 10 a.m. info@petanque.org, www. athenspetanque.org

THEATER: Life Sucks (work.shop)

Based on Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, the cast is drawn from local comedians around the area. Jul. 12, 7 p.m. Jul. 13–14, 5 p.m. $12. www. flyingsquidcomedy.com

Monday 15

COMEDY: Funny Femmes (Gyro Wrap) An all-women comedy show featuring local comedians. 8 p.m. $10. www.instagram.com/ theup_stairsbar

COMEDY: Sake Bomb Open Mic Comedy (Cozy Bar) Watch a variety of comedians perform new material or join in with your own standup routine. Mondays, 9 p.m. FREE! www.athenscomedy.com

GAMES: Open Chess Play (ACC Library) Drop in for a game open to all skill levels with light refreshments served. Mondays, 3–5 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org

GAMES: General Trivia with Erin (Athentic Brewing Co.) Test your trivia knowledge with host Erin. Mondays, 7–9 p.m. FREE! www. athenticbrewing.com

GAMES: Classic City Trivia (Dooley’s Bar and Grill) Test your trivia knowledge with host Garrett Lennox. 7 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ ClassicCityTriviaCo

GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (LumberJaxe) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Mondays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddogathens

KIDSTUFF: Monday Funday (Bogart Library) Join Ms. Donna for songs, fingerplays, storytelling and STEAM activities. Ages 3–7 years. Registration suggested. 10:30 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

KIDSTUFF: Minecraft Bank Crafting (Oconee County Library) Create a block bank out of cardboard cubes. Ages 8–12. Registration required. 11 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary. org/oconee

KIDSTUFF: Teen D&D Club (Oconee County Library) Join a one-shot game open to all skill levels, including Dungeon Masters, with a prize drawing at the end of the evening. Grades 6–12. 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

KIDSTUFF: Adventure is at Your Library (Bogart Library) Explore the library after hours for puzzles and prizes. Grades 6–12. 6–8 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.com/ bogart

LECTURES & LIT: Third Monday Book Club (Oconee County Library) Discuss books chosen by the group. New members welcome. Third Mondays, 7 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee

MEETINGS: Classic City Rotary (Athentic Brewing Co.) The local chapter meets weekly. Mondays, 11:30 a.m. FREE! www.athentic brewing.com

Tuesday 16

CLASSES: MS Excel: Formulas, Functions, and Sorting (ACC Library) This fast-paced class teaches how to work with datasets and perform a basic data analysis. 10 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary. org

CLASSES: ESOL (Bogart Library) Learn or polish your English skills using Mango languages online and in-person basic conversation and vocabulary. 12:30 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/bogart

CLASSES: Green Clean DIY (Oconee County Library) Learn how to make cleaning products using basic household ingredients. 4 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

COMEDY: Open Toad Comedy Night (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Comedy performed by a mix of newcomers and local favorites from Athens and Atlanta. 9 p.m. (doors). $7. www.flickertheatreandbar.com

EVENTS: Tiki Taco Tuesday (Live Wire) Enjoy live music, craft cocktails and a taco pop-up from Don Carne. Tuesdays, 5–10 p.m. www. livewireathens.com

FILM: OLLI Summer Film Festival (Ciné) This weekly film festival featuring women directors sponsored by OLLI presents First Cow. Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. $8. www.athens cine.com

GAMES: Lunch and Learn New Games (Tyche’s Games) Come down with your lunch and try out some new games. 11:30 a.m. FREE! www.tychesgames.com

GAMES: Mahjong Club (Winterville Cultural Center) Learn to play the ancient Chinese game of Mahjong. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1–4 p.m. $1. www.wintervillecenter.com

GAMES: Tuesday Night Shenanigans (Southern Brewing Co.) Play board games and arcade games on site, bring your own games or even your D&D group. Tuesdays, 5–10 p.m. www.sobrewco.com

GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Amici Athens) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddogathens

GAMES: Classic City Trivia (Akademia Brewing Co.) Test your trivia knowledge with host Garrett Lennox. 7 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ ClassicCityTriviaCo

GAMES: Singo! (Beef O’Brady’s) Win gift certificates and prizes at this music bingo night. Tuesdays, 7–9 p.m. www.beefobradys.com/athens

KIDSTUFF: Toddler Tuesday: Shapeshifting (Georgia Museum of Art) Enjoy art and storytime in the galleries, then complete an art activity. Ages 18 months to 3 years. RSVP by email. 10 a.m. FREE! gmoa-tours@uga.edu

KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Drop in and join Ms. Jera for rhymes, songs, movement, a story and a craft. Ages 5 & under. 11 a.m. & 12 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

KIDSTUFF: Crafternoon (Oconee County Library) Drop in for a craft or two. Supplies Provided. All ages. Tuesdays, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee

MEETINGS: Knot Just For Knitters (Oconee County Library) Bring your own crafting project to work on while chatting with fellow crafters. Tuesdays, 3–5 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee

SPORTS: Classic City Pétanque Club (Lay Park) New players wel-

come. Scheduled days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 10 a.m. info@petanque.org, www. athenspetanque.org

Wednesday 17

CLASSES: Salsa Dancing (El Carretonero) Join SALSAthens for Cuban salsa lessons meeting a variety of dance abilities. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. (advanced), 7:30 p.m. (beginner/intermediate). $10. SALS AthensDancing@gmail.com

CLASSES: Microsoft Word: Basic Formatting (ACC Library) Learn how to create a word document and to format text, insert content and more. Registration is required. 6:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org

COMEDY: Gorgeous George’s Improv League (Buvez) Townie improv that invites you to bring suggestions to help create improv magic. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. $5 suggested donation. www.flying squidcomedy.com

COMEDY: Hendershot’s Comedy (Hendershot’s) Enjoy a lineup featuring comics from Athens and Atlanta as well as newcomers. Hosted by Noell Appling. Third Wednesdays, 8 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com

EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Creature Comforts Brewery) Markets offer fresh produce, flowers, eggs, meats, prepared foods, art and crafts. Live music at 6 p.m. AFM doubles SNAP dollars spent. Wednesdays, 5–8 p.m. www.athens farmersmarket.net

GAMES: Shadowfist Power Lunch (Tyche’s Games) Come down with your lunch and play Shadowfist. New players welcome. 12 p.m. FREE! www.tychesgames.com

GAMES: Classic City Trivia (The Local 706) Test your trivia knowledge with host Garrett Lennox. 7 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ ClassicCityTriviaCo

GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Eddie’s Calzones) Test your trivia knowledge with host Nickalous Benson. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. www.facebook. com/baddogathens

KIDSTUFF: Busy Bee Toddler Time (Bogart Library) Join Ms. Donna for rhymes, songs, puppets and a story. 10 a.m. & 11 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

KIDSTUFF: Movie and Popcorn (Oconee County Library) Snack on popcorn while enjoying a family friendly movie. 11 a.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee

KIDSTUFF: Adventurer Training (Bogart Library) Embrace your inner adventurer with crafts, games and activities. Ages 5 & up. 3 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.com/ bogart

KIDSTUFF: LEGO & Builder’s Club (Bogart Library) Drop in to use LEGOs and other building materials. All ages. 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart

KIDSTUFF: UGA Sea Dawgs (ACC Library) UGA Marine Science Department’s Sea Dawgs will bring live sea creatures from coastal Georgia. All ages. 4 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org

KIDSTUFF: Indoor Camping Night (Oconee County Library) Gather around the “campfire” and enjoy s’mores while watching a campingthemed movie. Ages 12–18. 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/ oconee

MEETINGS: Athens Psychedelic Society (740 Prince) Meet likeminded individuals and discuss what community and support could look like in Athens for sacred medicine. 6 p.m. FREE! Athens Psychedelic Society on Facebook f

calendar picks arts & culture


Magic Rockers of Texas

The World Famous • 9 p.m. • $5 suggested donation

Austin-based genre omnibus Magic Rockers of Texas is piloted by what NPR calls the “incessantly musical mind of Jim Campo.” Campo is far from new to the music scene, having been in outfits including Berkshire Hounds, The Rotten Mangos and Loteria. Magic Rockers of Texas—which includes other veteran musicians Chris Kues, McGarrity Stanley and Mike Huff— has been playing together for years and releasing music since 2016, most recently a series of singles ahead of its upcoming album. Its sound touches on everything from garage to country, rollicking and noisy one second and laid back and contemplative the next. This eclectic energy translates in live shows, which have been known to turn casual listeners into devoted fans. The show will be opened by local twangy folk-rock artist T. Hardy Morris. [Mary Beth Bryan]


| FRI, JULY 12

Can’t Read

Flicker Theatre & Bar • 8 p.m. (doors), 9 p.m. (show) • $10 (adv.), $12

Mind’s Eye is the debut release from NYC band Can’t Read. Inspired by ’80s hardcore and evolved from a college punk band, the eight-track album is equal parts crunchy and dreamy. Aside from its core influences, it also takes swings at alt-rock, shoegaze and indie, creating a sound likened to rock staples like Pavement and Sebadoh. Mind’s Eye was also mastered by Harrison Smith, who has collaborated with Charli XCX and led his own musical projects, The Dare and Turtlenecked. Writer Marc Matchak writes of the debut: “In keeping with [Primordial Void] labelmeister Marcel Sletten’s pledge for honest music, this is an enduring sound made by hardworking individuals.” The show will be opened by team deathmatch, a dreamy rock band from Atlanta, local country rock supergroup Dividers and indie jangle pop band Nanocar. [MB]


Houston in the Blind & Thayer Sarrano

Hendershot’s • 8:30 p.m. • $12

release, 2019’s Wings Alleluia, is dark and fuzzy with a spiritual spine, lending it a transcendental energy. In Russell Rockwell’s review for Immersive Atlanta, he summarizes this feeling: “If the A-side is baptism with rejuvenating water, then the flip side is baptism with a cleansing fire.” Sarrano is also a successful touring artist, having headlined in the U.S. and Europe and toured with Television, Robyn Hitchcock, Drive-By Truckers and more. [MB]


Black Tusk

The World Famous • 9:30 p.m. • $15

Savannah’s Black Tusk has been delivering what it calls “thick and murky stoner sludge,” or more simply, “swamp metal” since its debut record, 2005’s When Kingdoms Fall. The band nods toward Motörhead and Mastodon as its influences, with a sound that is loud, proud and intense. Black Tusk was originally formed by Andrew Fidler, Jonathan Athon and James May, but recent personnel changes have seen the addition of bassist Derek Lynch, who a reviewer for Angry Metal Guy compliments for the “totality of barks, shrieks, and growls” that he contributes to the new, more melodically and rhythmically complex sound found in the band’s most recent record, The Way Forward. The show will be opened with scattered, smothered and blackened thrash from Beast Mode and emotional hardcore from In Memories. [MB]


Classic City Car Show

Classic Center • 11 a.m. • $20

Former Athens-based acts Houston in the Blind and Thayer Sarrano are coming together to play a show celebrating the former’s upcoming album release. Houston in the Blind began with a nine-track album called Limbs in 2015 that proved its indie rock potential, complete with alluring soundscapes and melancholy lyrics. This year’s release, Hide the Glow, is a marked shift, written after frontman Charlie Garrett’s move to Los Angeles in 2016 and the subsequent dissolution of his band. As a result, its themes are centered around change and resilience, and its sound inflects glimmers of hope. Thayer Sarrano is an artist who specializes in haunting and ethereal compositions along with Leonard Cohen-inspired lyricism. Her most recent

Mark Bugg’s car collection, which was started by his father, the late George C. Bugg, is vast and varied. It contains dozens of classic, well-maintained cars including pre-war Fords, World War-era Jeeps, post-war Chevrolets and more, offering guests a slice of American history. There are even one-of-a-kind picks like a 1948 Lincoln Continental that belonged to Motown Spinners singer Philippé Wynne. Most importantly, at the root of the show is a good cause. Mark Bugg is holding the event in conjunction with Bigger Vision, a nonprofit shelter for those experiencing homelessness in Athens. The shelter is responsible for providing food, lodging and basic necessities for up to 36 people every night, and all of the proceeds from the car show will go toward supporting that cause. There will also be a silent auction, vendor booths, outdoor food trucks and a family-friendly play area at the event. Kids under 12 get in free. [MB] f

bulletin board

Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board is every THURSDAY at 5 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

AAAC QUARTERLY GRANT (Athens, GA) The Athens Area Arts Council offers $500 grants to visual and performing artists in any medium to support specific projects that enrich the culture of Athens. Rolling deadlines are Sept. 15, Dec. 15, Mar. 15 and June 15. Apply online. www. athensarts.org/support


(Lyndon House Arts Center) The AIR Program provides participants with a semi-private workspace, access to the center’s seven open studios and a $250 stipend. Rising professional and studio-based artists are invited to apply. Artists will be expected to present their work in a workshop or artist talk and will be invited to take part in a group exhibition with other AIR Program alumni. Applications are reviewed Sept. 20 for residencies beginning Jan. 1 and Apr. 20 for residencies beginning July 1. www.accgov. com/lyndonhouse


ECT OPEN CALL (Lyndon House Arts Center) Seeking BIPOC individuals residing in Georgia to develop an art exhibition to be on display for 6–8 weeks at the LHAC. A stipend of $1500 is provided. www.accgov. com/9799/ArtistCurator

CALL FOR ART (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Seeking submissions for OCAF’s annual “Southworks” national juried art exhibition. This year’s juror is Bill Eiland. Cash prizes awarded. Submissions due July 19. Exhibition runs Sept. 27–Nov. 1. $30–40/submission

fee. art@ocaf.com, www.ocaf.com/ exhibitions/callforart

CALL FOR ART (Winterville Cultural Center Gallery) The WCCG is seeking submissions for its first annual juried art exhibition. Online submissions will be accepted through July 12. Exhibition runs Aug. 31–Oct. 30. $30/submission fee for up to three entries. wintervilleccgallery@ gmail.com, www.wintervillecc gallery.com

CALL FOR ARTISTS (Terrapin Beer Co.) Design Terrapin’s new bulldog statue. The winning design will receive a $500 cash prize. Submit designs online. Deadline July 26. www.terrapinbeer.com/bulldog

CALL FOR COLLECTORS (Lyndon House Arts Center) The LHAC’s “Collections from our Community” series features unique collections of objects found in the closets, cabinets and shelves of Athenians. Email if interested in displaying your collection. shelby.little@ accgov.com

CALL FOR EXHIBITION PROPOSALS (Lyndon House Arts Center) Artists, artist groups and curators can submit original exhibition proposals for consideration in the arts center’s gallery schedule. Arts can also submit images of their work for consideration in larger group or themed shows. Deadline Sept. 20, 11:59 p.m. www.accgov.com/6657/ Exhibition-Proposal-Form

JOKERJOKERTV CALL FOR ARTISTS (Online) JOKERJOKERtv is actively accepting proposals for collaboration from visual, musical and video artists and curators living in Athens. Artists worldwide can also submit music videos, short

art around town

ACE/FRANCISCO GALLERY (675 Pulaski St., Suite 1500) Jason Thrasher’s exhibition of photographs, “Kashi Washi,” documents his return to a specific street corner in Benares, India 25 years after his first visit in 1998. Closing Reception July 27, 11 a.m.–4 p.m.

ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART: ATHICA (675 Pulaski St.) The Artist-in-ATHICA residency program presents Benjamin Rouse, who will focus on completing a body of work, “Search for Symmetry,” that ventures into the paper craftsmanship of 3-D printmaking. Open studio hours and paper-making tutorials Saturdays and Sundays, 12–7 p.m. or by appointment. Closing event July 27, 6–9 p.m. Through July.

ATHICA@CINÉ GALLERY (234 W. Hancock Ave.) “Kurt Silvershield: Photographs” presents images taken in the industrial landscape of the River Rouge and Zug Island area near Detroit between 2018 and 2021. Through Aug. 25. CLASSIC CENTER (300 N. Thomas St.) In Classic Gallery I, “Spotlight” features works by painters William Ballard, Jaci Davis and Ella Hopkins. • In Classic Gallery II, Kristin Roberts’ “The Fables” illustrates Aesop’s Fables with detailed works that are both whimsical and dangerous.

GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART (90 Carlton St.) “Kei Ito: Staring at the Face of the Sun” uses photography to examine the intergenerational trauma of nuclear disaster and the possibilities of healing and reconciliation. Through July 14. • “A Perfect Model: Prints after Anthony van Dyck’s Portraits” presents prints that attest to Van Dyck’s lasting impact as a printmaker and portraitist. Through Dec. 1.

GLASSCUBE@INDIGO (500 College Ave.) Zane Cochran presents “Aurora,” a sculptural interpretation of the aurora borealis using 3D geometric figures and lights.

HENDERSHOT’S (237 Prince Ave.) Nirvinyl Album Art presents “Room by Room: The Kitchen Set.” Through mid-July. • The second annual “Together We Dazzle” art show and benefit features artwork by over 20 local artists. A portion of art sales will benefit the Ehlers-Danlos Society. Closing Reception Sept. 21, 3–8 p.m.

films, skits and ideas to share with a weekly livestream audience. www. jokerjokertv.com/submit MUSIC AND ARTS EDUCATION GRANTS (Athens, GA) AthFest Educates will award a total of $65,000 to music and arts education programs for local students. Applicants may request up to $5,000. Check website for requirements. Applications accepted through Aug. 24. www.athfest educates.org

OPEN STUDIOS (Lyndon House Arts Center) Studio members have access to spaces for painting, printmaking, photography, ceramics, jewelry, fiber and woodworking. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. $65/month. www. accgov.com/7350/Open-StudioMembership


(Athens GA) The Athens Cultural Affairs Commission is seeking community members to participate in upcoming public art selection panels. Panels review, evaluate and select from submitted proposals for ACC-funded public art commissions. www.accgov.com/9656/ Public-Art-Selection-Panels


ANASTASIA (Quinn Hall) Athens Creative Theatre hosts auditions for a musical. Prepare one minute of music of your choosing. Email to schedule. Auditions held Aug. 12–13, 6–9 p.m. Rehearsals held Monday–Thursday nights. Performances held Nov. 7–10 at the Morton Theatre. act@accgov.com


A COURSE OF LOVE (Unity Athens Church) Learn a positive path for spiritual living based on A Course in Miracles. Wednesdays, 10–11:30 a.m. FREE! www.unity athens.com

AQUA AEROBICS (Memorial Park) In this low-impact exercise, participants will experience a variety of stretching, limbering and weight routines set to music. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6:30–7:30 p.m. Saturdays, 10–11 a.m. $5/session, $20/five classes. 706-613-3580

ART CLASSES (K.A. Artist Shop) The shop offers a range of fine art classes and workshops for adults, private classes and parties, summer camps, and art clubs for youth. Topics include acrylic, aqua oil, bookmaking, calligraphy, gouache, printmaking, and watercolor. Register online. www.kaartist.com


(Greenhow Handmade Ironworks, Washington) A variety of classes include “Christmas Ornaments in July” (July 13), “Forge a Tomahawk” (July 25), “Forge a Railroad Spike Knife” (July 26) and “Forge a Spear” (July 27). Classes run 10 a.m.–5 p.m. www.greenhowhand made.com/blacksmith-classes

CANOPY CLASSES & SCHOLARSHIPS (Canopy Studio) Canopy offers a variety of trapeze and aerial arts classes for children and adults. Scholarships and financial aid are available. outreach@canopystudio. org, www.canopystudio.org/ outreach/scholarships

COOKING CLASSES (Athens Cooks) “Rollin’ with Lobster: A Lobster Roll Extravaganza” will be held July 10, 6–8 p.m. $103. “Sake to Me Sushi” will be held July 13, 6-8 p.m. $103. “Steakhouse Date Night” will

LYNDON HOUSE ARTS CENTER (211 Hoyt St.) The Window Works series presents a site-specific artwork by Atlanta artist Michael Reese that questions the perception of the Black Body against cyanotype photography popular with architectural blueprints. Through spring 2025. • “Pathways” is a solo exhibition featuring Kristy Bishop’s body of work, “Metaweaves.” Through Aug. 31. • “Traditions Highway” is a presentation of photographs by Irina Rozovsky taken between 2017–2021 along Georgia State Route 15. Through Aug. 31. • Steven L. Anderson’s “Entropy Plan for the Western Fam” was inspired by Joseph Beuys’ 1974 tour of lectures and performances meant to address ecological and spiritual problems of the time. Through Aug. 31. • Led by Martihn van Wagtendonk, the kinetic sculpture “Cupola: A Collaboration” was inspired by Renaissance architect Filippo Brunelleschi. Through Aug. 31. • “Celestial Bodies” is a group exhibition exploring the relationship between the heavens and the earth. Through Aug. 31. • “Morphogenesis” spotlights Wilay Méndez Páez, an Afro-Cuban artist based in Atlanta whose small metal sculptures are made from discarded car parts. Reception July 18, 6 p.m. Currently on view through Aug. 31. • Amiri Farris’ paintings and collages blur the lines between contemporary cultures and pop traditions while delving into themes of history, culture, perception and time. Reception July 25, 6–8 p.m. Zine Workshop July 27, 2–4 p.m. Currently on view through Oct. 5. • “Scissors, Paper, Art” is an exhibition of collaged works by Jack Burke and Claire Clements inspired by nature. Artist Reception July 18, 6–8 p.m. Currently on view through Oct. 5.


“Madison Collects: Eugene Swain” spotlights the self-taught Madison artist who specialized in capturing rural life in Morgan County through his artwork. Through July 13.

MAGALLERY (125 W. Jefferson St., Madison) “Earthbound Stories and Skyward Dreams” features artwork by Peter Loose, Selena Schoen and Amy Durant. Through July 20.


Toccoa-based artist Normando Ismay shares recent sculptures made from recycled aluminum. Through Sept. 7.


Two new collections celebrating the connection between art and nature

be held July 17, 6–8 p.m. $103. Register online. www.athenscooks. com

PÉTANQUE CLUB OF ATHENS (5 Alumni Dr.) Learn to play Pétanque. RSVP for a free Wednesday introduction. athenspetanqueclub@ gmail.com, www.athenspetanque club.wixsite.com/play

PYTHON PROGRAMMING (ACC Library) Learn the basics of Python through game design in this threepart class series. July 13, July 20 & July 27, 10:30–11:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650

QPR SUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING (Nuçi’s Space) Nuçi’s hosts free monthly QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention sessions for anyone interested, not just mental health professionals. Nuçi’s also offers free training for businesses and organizations. qpr@nuci.org, www.nuci.org/qpr


CLASSES (Live Oak Martial Arts) Traditional and modern-style Taekwondo, self-defense, grappling and weapons classes are offered for all ages. Classes in Jodo, the art of the Japanese staff and sword, are held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 p.m. Visit the website for a full schedule. liveoak martialarts@gmail.com, www.live oakmartialarts.com

YOGA AND MORE (Revolution Therapy and Yoga) Revolution is a multipurpose mind-body wellness studio offering yoga and therapy with an emphasis on traumainformed practices. Check website for upcoming classes and programs. www.revolutiontherapyand yoga.com

YOGA CLASSES (Let It Be Yoga Studio, Watkinsville) Classes are offered in Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, beginner, gentle and other styles. Check online calendar for weekly offerings. www.letitbeyoga.org

Help Out

ATHENS FILM FESTIVAL (Athens, GA) The inaugural Athens Film Festival, held Aug. 15–17 across multiple venues, is seeking volunteers. See free films, meet filmmakers

and help support local creatives. support@athensfilm.com, www. athensfilm.com/volunteer

MULTIPLE CHOICES VOLUNTEERS (Multiple Choices Center for Independent Living) Seeking volunteers to assist a nonprofit agency that serves individuals living with disabilities throughout a 10-country area of Northeastern Georgia. Need help on July 2–3, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. to help put together pamphlets and separate Bingo card numbers. Contact Daniel Myers at 706-850-4025 or dmyers@multiplechoices.us

SEEKING BOARD MEMBERS (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Sandy Creek Nature Center, Inc., is seeking new members for its board of directors. Brochures and applications are available online. scncinc@gmail. com, www.sandycreeknaturecenter inc.org/board-members

SEEKING BOARD MEMBERS (Morton Theatre Corporation) The Morton Theatre Corporation is seeking new members for its board of directors and volunteers. The application is available online. board@morton theatre.com, www.mortontheatre. com/join-the-board


ATHENS FOREST KINDERGARTEN (Sandy Creek Park) Now enrolling children ages 3–6. AFK is a cooperative preschool that aims to develop initiative, persistence, interdependence, and empathy. www.athensforestkindergarten.org

BRELLA ACTIVITIES (‘BRELLA STUDIO) After-school art lessons for ages 6–11 include drawing and mixed media activities and are held Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Family Playgroups are for ages 0–5 and their caregivers. Check website for descriptions and meeting times. www.brellastudio.com/events

CREATIVE OPPORTUNITIES (Treehouse Kid & Craft) Treehouse offers a variety of art-centric activities for children, such as “Crafty Maker Mondays,” “Storytime with Mr. Doodles,” “Digital Art Designer,” “Baby Artists,” “Toddler Process Art,” “Creative Playtime,” “Saturday Craft” and more. Check website for

include a complete Jasperware tea set from Wedgewood in England and a series of hand-carved coconut vessels.

OCONEE LIBRARY (1925 Electric Ave., Watkinsville) Members of the Athens Art Association share their work. Opening Reception July 14, 2 p.m. Currently on view through August.


“The Mystic and Mistrial Art of Bob Marable” showcases works by a founding member of OCAF. Through Aug. 2. • The 2024 Members Exhibition includes a variety of artwork created by artists who support the gallery through its membership program. Through Aug. 2.

STATE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF GEORGIA (2450 S. Milledge Ave) Leigh Ellis presents her sixth exhibition at the garden, featuring watercolor nature scenes. Through Aug. 4.

STEFFEN THOMAS MUSEUM OF ART (4200 Bethany Rd., Buckhead)

“Peace in Our Time: Steffen Thomas Meisterwerke from the Lowrance Collection” shares works collected by Marjorie and Richard Lowrance over the span of 60 years. Through July 23. • The “Student Art Exhibition” features works by students from five different schools. Through July 27.

UGA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER LOBBY GALLERY (230 River Rd.) The new gallery debuts with large-scale paintings from Margaret Morrison’s “Paradigm Shift,” a series created after Morrison began questioning historical aspects of her closely held Mormon faith. Through July 26.

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF ATHENS CLEMENTS GALLERY (780 Timothy Rd.) “The Claire and Robert Clements Summer Invitational” features UUFA artists as well as artists who have shown or are scheduled to show in the gallery. Through Sept. 29.

WAYFARER HOTEL (114 N. Broad St., Monroe) Susan Pelham’s collages are inspired by Magic Realism, Surrealism, nursery rhymes, fables and more. Through July.

WINTERVILLE CULTURAL CENTER GALLERY (371 N. Church St., Winterville) On view in the lower exhibition hall, “Pen, Pencil, Paper and Ink” is a group exhibition highlighting different artistic approaches. Through Aug. 8. • “New Beginnings” is a group exhibition held in celebration of the center’s grand opening. Through Aug. 16. • Wildlife photographer Mike Ramy presents “An Intimate Look at Nature.” Through Aug. 16.

current schedule. www.treehouse kidandcraft.com

FARM CAMP (Sweet Olive Farm)

This all-outdoor camp for ages 6–12 includes caring for and interacting with the animals, creek time in the woods, outdoor crafts, games, music, art-making, writing and exploring the farm. Mondays–Fridays, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. during the summer. Register online. www. sweetolivefarm.org


(ReBlossom) A variety of classes, playgroups and support groups are offered for parents and young children. Topics include birth and breastfeeding, prenatal and parent-baby yoga, instrument play, maternal mental health and more. Check website for a schedule. www. reblossomathens.com

LEARN TO SWIM (Multiple Locations) The ACC Leisure Services Department offers swim lessons for children ages 3 and up at Heard Park, Lay Park, Memorial Park and Rocksprings Park including “Swim School” and “Parent/Tot Swim School.” $33 (residents), $50 (non-residents). The department’s Kinderswim program is offered to five-year-olds at no cost. www. accgov.com/myrec

LIBRARY STORYTIMES (ACC Library) Storytime for preschool aged children and their caregivers is offered every Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. www.athens library.org

MUSIC SUMMER CAMPS (Merit Music Academy) The academy offers small-group summer camps in a cappella, songwriting, ukulele and puppetry. Register online. $120/week. www.meritmusic academy.com/summercamps

NATURE AND FARM SUMMER CAMPS (Foxfire Woods and Farm) Offering three weeks of outdoor summer camp, including a half-day camp for preschoolers ages 3.5–6. Themes include survival skills, kinetics and simple machines, and outdoor exploration. www.foxfire woodsandfarm.com


PROGRAM (Multiple Locations) Students in Kindergarten through 12th grade can receive a free pool pass by bringing a report card will all A’s or E’s. A report card with all A’s and B’s or all E’s and M’s can earn 10 free swims. www.accgov. com/pools

SUMMER ART CAMPS (K.A. Artist Shop) Art Camps for Promising Young Artists are offered for half or

full days Mondays–Fridays during the summer. Activities range from drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, illustration, calligraphy and character design. www.kaartist.com

SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION (Athens, GA) ACC Leisure Services Department offers camps highlighting art, nature education, sports and theater. Now registering. www. accgov.com/myrec

TREEHOUSE SUMMER CAMPS (Treehouse Kid & Craft) Camps are offered in a variety of themes including “Mini Museum,” “Wonderful Wizards,” “Craft Inc. Business,” “Mouse Palace Camp,” “Camp Swiftie” and more. Visit the website for details, dates and to register. www.treehousekidandcraft. com


(Multiple Locations) Avid Bookshop hosts a city-wide scavenger hunt held between 15 local businesses. Pick up a passport from Avid and get it stamped or signed for each Waldo figure spotted. Bring the passport back to Avid for prizes. Through July 31. www.avidbook shop.com

WILD EARTH CAMP (Piedmont Preserve) Wild Earth Camp offers summer camps and homeschool

programs for ages 4–13. Participants explore the natural environment through games, storytelling, free play and teaching earth skills. Register online. www.wildearth camp.org

Support Groups

ACA ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS AND DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES (Holy Cross Lutheran Church) This support group meets weekly. Tuesdays, 6:30–7:30 p.m. annetteanelson@gmail.com

ATHENS COUNCIL OF THE BLIND (Athens, GA) Open to people of all ages with vision impairments, their families and friends. Topics include adaptive equipment, recreational and social opportunities, and advocacy. 706-424-2794, dlwahlers@ gmail.com

BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP (St. Mary’s Hospital, 5th Floor Therapy Room) This support group for survivors of traumatic head injury, their families, friends and caregivers offers friendship, information about resources and opportunities for advocacy. Every third Monday, 4:30–6 p.m. Contact Floretta Johnson, 706-353-1892, floretta.johnson@stmarysathens. org

NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP (Oconee Presbyterian Church) Peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Second Monday of the month, 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! joannehnamihallga@gmail.com

NEW PARENTS AND INFANT FEEDING SUPPORT GROUP (BYL Family Resource Center) Come as you are for community, snacks and feeding advice from professionals. Babies and children of all ages are welcome. Second and fourth Wednesdays, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www.byyourleave.org

PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP (First Baptist Church) This group is to encourage, support and share information with fellow sojourners who manage the challenges of Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders. Second Friday of the month, 1 p.m. gpnoblet@ bellsouth.net

POLYAMORY SUPPORT GROUP (Revolution Therapy and Yoga)

This open support group for adults practicing or considering polyamory or nonmonogamy discusses navigating jealousy, polysaturation, relationships with metamours and polyamorous parenting. Thursdays, 6:30–7:30 p.m. $10 donation. www.revolutiontherapyandyoga.com

PROJECT SAFE (Family Protection Center) Project Safe hosts a support group for survivors of domestic violence. Mondays, 6:30–8 p.m. www. project-safe.org

RECREATE JOY (Sunny Days Therapeutics) Nuçi’s Space hosts a recreational therapy support group. Improve coping skills and self esteem while reducing depression and anxiety through adaptive yoga, games and leisure education. Sixweek sessions. Wednesdays, 5–6 p.m. tinyurl.com/rnvuhesa

RECOVERY DHARMA (Athens Addiction Recovery Center) This peer-led support group offers a Buddhist-inspired path to recovery from any addiction. Visit the website for details. Thursdays, 7 p.m. www.athensrecoverydharma.org

SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE (Nuçi’s Space) SOS is a support group for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. Meets the third Wednesday of every month, 5:30–7:30 p.m. www.nuci.org

Word on the Street

BIKE REPAIR STATIONS (Multiple Locations) Over 15 free bike repair stations are located across Athens with tools, an air pump and a QR code for quick guides on basic bike repairs. Visit the website for participating locations. www.accgov. com/10584/Bike-Repair-Stations

DIAMOND HILL FARM CSA (Athentic Brewing Co.) The Community Supported Agriculture program offers a variety of seasonal vegetables, fruits and/or flowers directly to consumers each week. Check website for weekly pickup locations, home delivery details and to register. $15 (flower share), $25–35 (farm box). www.diamondhillfarm athens.com

FASHION DEEP DIVE (Oconee Library) The library will run fashionthemed programs in September and October. Seeking local designers and models to participate in a finale fashion show on Oct. 26, as well

as local experts can teach some workshops in fashion design basics, cosmetics, fashion sketching and costume designing. Contact James Mitchell, jmitchell@athenslibrary. org

LEISURE SERVICES MASTER PLAN (Athens, GA) The ACC Leisure Services Department is in the process of developing a new comprehensive master plan. Share your thoughts online or in person. Check website for pop-up events. www. accgov.com/activateathens

POOL AND SPLASH PAD SEASON (Multiple Locations) ACC Leisure Services pools and splash pads are now open through July 28. Check website for hours. www.accgov. com/splashpad

RABBIT HOLE EVENTS (Rabbit Hole Studios) Weekly events include Open Mic (Tuesdays, 7–11 p.m.), Acoustic Song Circle (Thursdays, 7–11 p.m.) and Drumming and Song Circle (Sundays, 3–5 p.m.). Wednesday Yoga (5 p.m.) is followed by Meditation and Integration (6 p.m.). Events are free or donation based. www.rabbitholestudios.org/ calendar

SEEKING MUSIC (Athens, GA) Seeking music submissions for the third season of “View Finders,” a locally produced TV series that will air on national PBS. Music can vary from electronic, ambient, hip hop, folk, Americana, rock, country, blues, classical and beyond. Contact for submission form. chrisgreer photography@gmail.com, www. viewfindersontv.com

SEVENTH GENERATION (Healing Path Farm) Seventh Generation Native American Church hosts gatherings on Sundays at 11 a.m., Men’s Group on Tuesdays at 6 p.m., and Women’s Circle every second and fourth Wednesday at 6 p.m. www.seventhgeneration nativeamericanchurch.org

VHS DIGITIZATION (Athens, GA) Brad Staples (of the Athens GA Live Music crew) is seeking previously recorded concerts and events on VHS, VHSC or DVDs to digitize and archive on his YouTube channel, vhsordie (@vhsordie3030). Original recordings will be returned, and credits and dates will be included in the online video description. Digitization services are free. Contact for details and to coordinate shipping. bradley.staples88@gmail.com f

Will Eskridge recently completed a new mural, “A Giant Leap Forward,” at Whit Davis Elementary School.




3BR/2BA House in Normaltown, quiet interior street. Central heat/air. Furnished. Hwd floors. Washer/ dryer. Driveway/on-street parking. No smokers, pets. Calls only! 706-372-1505


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Fantastic naturally grown blueberries. Pick your own buckets $12, pre-picked pints $5. Everyday, sunrise-to-sunset. Healing Path Farms at 5055 Barnett Shoals Rd. Call 706.248.0812 information.

Sell your stuff in the Flagpole Classifieds. Call 706549-0301 to place an ad.



Nuçi’s Space is always accepting and selling used gear and instruments. All porfits go toward our mission of ending the epidemic of suicide. Visit nuci.org/ rewired.


Athens School of Music. Now offering in-person and online instruction in guitar, bass, drums, piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin and more. From beginner to expert, all styles. Visit www.athens schoolofmusic.com. 706543-5800


Instant cash is now being paid for good vinyl records & CDs in fine condition. Wuxtry Records at corner of Clayton & College Dwntn. 706-369-9428

Sell your musical equipment in the Flagpole Classifieds. Call 706-549-0301 or email class@flagpole.com.



We offer garden clean-up/ maintenance, invasive plant removal, raised beds, personalized native/edible gardens for home/business and more! Call/Text: 706395-5321.



White Tiger is now hiring servers and line cook positions at White Tiger Watkinsville location. No experience necessary. Email work history or resume to jobs@ whitetigerdeluxe.com.


Join a diverse, inclusive workplace and get paid to type! 12–40 hours, Mon–Fri. NEVER be called in for a shift you didn’t sign up for. Must type 65+ wpm. Make your own schedule and work independently with no customer interaction. Starts at $13 with automatic increases. www.ctscribes. com

Join us! Part-Time Tour Guide wanted at Historic Athens Welcome Center. $16.75/hour + tips. Apply: athenswelcomecenter.com/ jobs. Share history and make memories!

Find employees by placing an ad in the Flagpole Classifieds. Call 706-549-0301 today.

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