FLACK July 2012

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www.flack ambridge.org.uk

Go Ape While Facing Your Fear by James Elliott, FLACK’s Head Gardener


he day began with some apprehension as we parked and walked toward the visitor centre set in the tranquil surroundings of Thetford forest in Suffolk. Squirrels and pheasants stalked about peripherally in the surrounding woodlands and the soft acoustics of the towering trees gave a sense of calm. In a beautiful timber-framed lodge we were welcomed by hypnotherapists John Clifford and Susan Banks with a friendly and open discussion about phobias, of heights in particular, and the symptoms we tend to exhibit when reacting to them. Introduction over we exchanged some humorous anecdotes of vertigo through the coffee and yummy biscuits, then the hypnotherapy session quickly followed. This was given in soothing tones and with assurances of the safety of the method which was based on a process of relaxation that initially appeared unintrusive, but, as I later reflected with hindsight, proved to be uncannily effective. By now well primed, we headed across to the ‘Go Ape’ – the UK’s number one tree top adventure site. An initial signing of disclaimers and fitting of harnesses was followed by a thoroughly supervised training area session where the safety system procedures were gone through. By now the realisation of what was in store for us through the forest apparatus of zips, climbs and traverses had fully dawned. The only way was forwards and the exhilaration intensified as each platform offered a partial view of the challenges ahead. Toothy adrenaline-fuelled grins were involuntary and behind us we heard the shrieks and whoops of other participants undergoing the same experiences. Swinging into giant cargo nets and foofooing for long distances is a great way to experience the mature forests of Thetford, there is plenty of time to gawk about with delight. I let out a few uncharacteristic woohoos and surprised myself and present company. Only the trainer and safety supervisor who appeared periodically to check on PAGE 10 | FLACK | JULY 2012

our progress seemed unsurprised. The final two challenges were, firstly, the aptly titled ‘Tarzan Swing’ – a small step for a non-phobic person and a little leap of faith for the phobiaafflicted kind. This was the acid test of fear-facing endeavours and was not attempted by all - there is a mincer’s alternative. I glanced down briefly to see Sue and John peering up with mild expectancy, they had accompanied us unobtrusively throughout. There too was our safety supervisor, present for the closing stages to help guide us to this point. Everything that had preceded carried over enough momentum to allow me to take that leap. I wasn’t disappointed and was grinning very hard indeed even during the event. The very last step was another extremely long zip slide to the waiting congratulations. We strolled back through the woods and felt like we had really partaken of its atmosphere and seen it from every angle. The issuing of certificates followed as we handed back the harnesses and reclaimed our valuables. My chest puffed out briefly and we shook hands and thanked everybody present, even those who weren’t remotely involved in the tremendousness of the day before making off to the nice warm car. Pay attention to the instructions given pertaining to suitable attire and footwear to make the absolute most of the occasion. Participation also provides the opportunity to raise funds for your favourite cause or charity. A truly rewarding experience and a must do. Make a booking at www.faceyourfear.co.uk

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