All About the Florida Junior Classical League

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Florida Junior Classical League

All about

The Florida Junior Classical League (FJCL) is a student-run organization dedicat civilization. Now in its 70th year, the FJCL draws its members from middle and hig 100 chapters and over 4,000 members. The National Junior Classical League (NJ America for middle and high school students, and Florida is the third-largest NJC

The FJCL sponsors a number of competitions for its members each year, which FJCL hosts a Fall Forum, which is typically held in Orlando. Each of the eight regi January or early February. The State Latin Forum is held over three days in mid-Ap League Annual Convention during the summer. In addition, various local chapters

Members of the FJCL come together every year at Fall Forum, Regional Forum, S while making new ones, but also to have fun, all while learning about classical c and spirit of involvement in the JCL: “We affirm the JCL experience develops resp inspires dedication, and enriches our total growth.�

The FJCL offers an experience like no other, and we encourage any interested stud ing the future of this outstanding organization.


the FJCL

ted to the preservation and promotion of the study of Latin, Greek, and classical gh school students throughout the state of Florida. Currently, the FJCL has nearly JCL), the parent organization of the FJCL, is the largest academic organization in CL chapter in the world.

include academic, athletic, artistic, and dramatic contests. To kick off the year, ions in the state hosts a Regional Latin Forum, usually held on a Saturday in late pril, usually in Orlando. The FJCL also participates in the National Junior Classical s sponsor mini-fora and Certamen competitions.

State Forum, and National Convention, not only to compete and meet old friends civilization and language. One line from the NJCL Creed embodies the meaning ponsibility, fosters brotherhood, promotes enthusiasm, encourages competition,

dent not only to join the FJCL, but also to consider becoming an officer and shap-

How t

There are four easy steps to becoming a part of the Florida Junior Classical Leag be found at

1. Sponsor should complete the online FJCL Membership Form. Submit the online Janice Lee. Dues are $1 per student. The deadline is October 31. Address and this year; please join only with the online FJCL Membership Form, found at htt • FJCL Additional Members Form (only use this form to add members after you’ • FJCL Member-at-Large (only use this form if you are a student whose school d

2. Sponsor should register with the NJCL, found at Se are $2 per student. Register by December 1 and pay no chapter fee.

3. Sponsor should join the Classical Association of Florida. Complete the online C html and follow the instructions to mail dues to CAF Treasurer, Jana Wells. The

4. Sponsor should join the American Classical League. Complete the ACL Registr This may be submitted online or printed and sent to the ACL Office.

If you have any questions about membership, joining, or the organization in gene

Becoming a member of the Florida Junior Classical League is a highly rewarding public schools that share a love for Ancient Greek and Latin. We can’t wait to sha State Forum!

to join

gue and participating in State Forum. All of the forms must be completed and can

e form, then mail a list of members and a check for dues to FJCL Financial Director instructions are given on the form page. N.B. There is no paper registration form tp:// ’ve previously registered with the form above) does not have a JCL chapter)

end the form, a list of members, and payment for dues to the NJCL Office. Dues

CAF Registration Form found at e deadline is October 31.

ration Form sound at

eral, send inquiries here:

experience for students and teachers. The FJCL is comprised of private and are the “JCLove” with you, and we hope to see you and your students at the next


One of the best aspects of the FJCL is the wide variety of competitions it offers. These competitions allow students to express their academic, artistic, and athletic talents. The three major types of competitions offered are academic contests, creative contests, and athletic contests. Along with that, there are many other fun types of contests that take place at the State Forum, such as a scavenger hunt, and a ten minute long spirit competition at which all of the States show off their pride by cheering loudly and waving banners.

Almost all FJCL members participate in academic contests, which consist of tests and a jeopardy-like game called Certamen. Most FJCL members take one or two tests during Fall, Regional, and State Fora. Students compete based on their level of Latin, from ½ to 5+, based on how long each competitor has studied the Classics. To judge these tests, the judges divide all participants into certain levels, which go from Level ½ to Level 5, based on how long each participant has studied the Classics. Participants with the best scores in their level on a test receive a ribbon for that test. Certamen is also a major part of the academic aspect of the FJCL. In Certamen, teams of 3 or 4 students answer questions with buzzers. Certamen teams are also divided into levels.



For creative contests, students can bring a project which relates to the civilizations of Greece or Rome to Regional or State Fora. There are many different types of these creative competitions based on different types of projects. For example, there are contests for charts and posters, pottery, board games, and even digital projects which can be power points, tests or study guides. Although most projects are judged at each forum, some projects, such as modern myth, are judged earlier through electronic submission. Participants in creative contests are divided into only two levels for judgement based on their grade level. Ribbons are awarded to the highest-placing participants for a project in each level. All creative contests allow students to combine their love of both the Classics and art.

Along with academic and creative contests, students can also participate in athletic contests at FJCL events. There are two types of athletic contests: Olympika and Ludi. Olympika contests are for more serious athletes, with sports like track and field, whereas Ludi are more silly competitions that test your spirit. These athletic competitions give all students the chance to show their talent on the sports field in addition to the classroom.


in sum

All contests offered by the FJCL allow students to make new friends with whom they share their love of the Classics, as well as compete against them in a friendly manner. All students can participate simultaneously in academic, creative, and athletic competitions. FJCL members can compete for themselves and their schools at FJCL events, for there are both individual awards and overall sweepstakes awards for each school. Therefore both schools and students can place in the awards ceremonies. The whole competition experience is one of the many factors that makes the FJCL a truly wonderful organization for both students and teachers alike.

A Year in fora


In the autumn, the Florida Junior Classical League hosts Fall Forum, a fun way to kick off the school year and introduce new Latin scholars to the world of JCL. A mini-forum of sorts, students compete in academic events and have the option to participate in ludi and informational workshops. Fall Forum is usually in Orlando during November.

regionals The Florida Junior Classical League sponsors 8 Regional Fora that allow Latin students to come together for friendly competition. These competitions consist of athletic, artistic, and academic events in which students can earn awards and prizes. At the regional level, the fora take place on a Saturday in late January or early February.


After all the Regional Fora in Florida take place, the Florida Junior Classical League hosts the State Forum. Once again, students have the opportunity to compete in athletic, artistic, and academic events, but, this time, their accomplishments add to their school’s overall number of points. At the end, these are totaled up for each school, and the top ten schools win awards. Besides the competitions, the State Forum also hosts social events like a dance and karaoke, giving the students the chance to meet other FJCLers. Typically, State Forum is in Orlando for three days in April.


The National Latin Forum is a convention where students from the state Junior Classical League levels have the opportunity to come together for a week and enjoy the Classics. Just like the other fora, students compete in athletic, artistic, and academic competitions. However, these competitions last throughout the entire week and are much more rigorous. In addition to the competitions, the forum also hosts many social events including nightly dances, talent shows, games, and many more fun programs. The National Forum usually takes place at a university in the US for a week during the end of July.



lindsay jenkins, 2018-9 fjcl regional leader

The FJCL is more than just an’s a family, all of whom share the same passion for the Classics. Each and every person means so much to me, and it’s truly an honor to be able to serve, compete, and cheer all in the name of JCL!

matthew thomas, 2017-8 fjcl parliamentarian 2018-9 fjcl president Joining the FJCL has been without a doubt the most transformative experience of my life. I really understood how remarkable this organization is when I first went to States, where the FJCL in all its diversity is on display. In your time here you will make over a hundred friends, you will learn what it means to be a teammate, and you will experience a whole new thrill for competition, which will motivate you to immerse yourself in the ancient civilizations and make you a better person moreover. There’s a family for every activity—the ones most meaningful to me are the officers I’ve worked with for two years and the certamen players I’ve competed alongside for six. Anyone can play a part, no matter what level of involvement you’ve had, or whether you’re seeking leadership as an FJCL Officer or Regional Leader, glory in competition, or to develop as a thinker or artist. The opportunities are all waiting, and it’s up to you to embrace them.

rachel Robison, 2015-9 caf vice president

When I was asked to write this testimonial, I must admit I was stymied. How could mere words express my feelings about the organization that has done so much for me? I have been involved in the JCL for 15 years. When I joined Latin Club as a seventh grader, I had no idea of the enormous impact that the JCL would have on my life. As a shy and awkward kid, Latin Forum was the one place I felt I truly belonged. Thanks to the JCL, I have made friends from across the nation, tried things I never thought possible, and cemented my love of the Classics. When I became a Latin teacher, my first priority was to share the JCL experience with my students. We all know that Latin attracts a school’s top scholars; Latin Forum gives these students the unique opportunity to interact with peers who can truly challenge them. With each forum, I see students forge friendships that will last a lifetime. Three years ago, I became the CAF Vice President. This has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. The position allows me to work with phenomenal teachers and students from across the state. Having seen the JCL from so many perspectives, I can personally attest to the scope and power of the organization. I can honestly say that without the JCL, my life would be entirely different. I am profoundly grateful to come to work every day and do the job I love so much. Gratias maximas, discipuli!

credits Editor:

Taylor Rohleen

Photo Credits:

Maya Harris Dakota Williams Chapter historians and photographers

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