Maximising value from Mineral Title

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Maximising Value from Mineral Title – Monitoring surface developments


Often landowners are unaware of the value of what lies beneath their land, and many may not know that the rights to the surface of land can be separate from the rights of the minerals beneath.

Similarly, it can be very difficult for mineral owners to keep track on third party surface developments which may affect their mineral title.


Fisher German recently notified an existing client when we were alerted to a developer receiving planning permission to build new homes on a site in North Nottinghamshire.

While the developers had the rights to the surface of the land, the mineral rights below ground were separate and belonged to Fisher German’s client. This meant the developers were in danger of trespassing or sterilising access to the minerals once the homes were built.

After consulting with the developers, Fisher German negotiated a settlement which meant the mineral owner was compensated fairly for the minerals.


Using our extensive GIS mapping capabilities and minerals expertise, we know the value of minerals beneath the ground. By mapping mineral title and using automated tracking software to monitor surface developments, Fisher German is alerted whenever a surface development comes forward on any given parcel of land.

This automated alert process means we can move quickly and proactively to tell mineral owners and surface developers alike about potential minerals trespass or sterilisation and using our minerals team, negotiate a fair price for our clients before work is started on the site.


It is important for landowners to understand the value of and the rights to the minerals beneath their land and to ensure the right compensation is paid if developers are looking to build on the surface.

We would encourage landowners unsure about their mineral rights, or landowners with large unwieldy and disparate areas of mineral title, to get in touch with our team to ensure that mineral rights are mapped, monitored, and protected. The Fisher German Minerals Department ensure maximum value is generated from minerals ownership.

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Or get in touch with a member of our Minerals team

Ensure you don’t miss out on any potential value in your land, by speaking with our experts about our mineral services. We are here to help you get the best deal at every stage of the process, from discovery to after uses.

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