"Energy Denmark"- DI Energy annual magazine 2016

Page 6

11189 路 VISION

New regulations for GWO refresher certifications When must I renew my certificate? The GWO certificate must be renewed before the end of the validity period. If a certificate is expired, the Delegate must complete the full Basic Safety Training.

New regulations A certificate can be renewed up to two months prior to expiry and maintain the original certification date. If a certificate is renewed outwith of two months of expiry it must carry the new date of certification. It is now possible to participate in a GWO refresher course up to two month prior to existing certificates expiry date without influence on the new certificate expiry date. If GWO refresher courses are taken earlier than two month before the existing certificate expiry date, the date of the new certificate will be the actual date of the course. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us!

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