May 2020

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First Lutheran Church Albert Lea, MN

M AY 2 0 2 0 M E S S E N G E R APRIL

30, 2020 VOLUME LXX NO.


Some Happenings at the FLC Campus During the Virus Crisis

DeeAnn Berglund and other FLC staff members are coping well.

FLC member, Joe LaFrance, Jason Dauer volunteered to serve the Lord at FLC by along with his wife, Marge, renovating the new Prayer On KAAL-TV volunteered and applied a Chapel on the 2nd floor of fresh coat of paint to the entire Channel 6 the FLC Parish House. interior of Bethany Hall. 10:00 a.m. Sundays

Brent Peterson, our new Building & Grounds Superintendent put 18 pots in the Parking Lot landscaping. Three plants per pot will help beautify that area. Would you like to sponsor a pot for $18? Let the church office know if you would like to, in honor or memory of someone.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


  Rejoice in the Lord !   Dear Friends in Christ, Almost unprecedented… dangerous… quarantine… shelter at home… disrupted economy… Who could have imagined just 4 months ago that we would not be meeting at church, or other places in our community to forestall the spread of an unseen enemy, the covid-19 coronavirus.? One day I found myself thinking about Ecclesiastes 3. Here are some excerpts: 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: 2 a time to be born and a time to die,... 5 a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,... These days we have needed to “refrain from embracing” (verse 5 above). This gesture, which always shows love, esteem and fondness for another, has been set aside for a time, for exactly those same reasons: love, esteem and fondness. We have replaced that with a gesture—perhaps the hand over the heart as a sign, when we’d rather give a hearty handshake or hug. Can we still share the peace and love of Christ this way, without an embrace, and, instead, through our words shared over the phone or in electronic text messages or in video conferences? Yes, we can, and we do! Recently, in reading through the Bible, I was in Luke 15—the 3 parables together of the “Lost Sheep”, the “Lost Coin” and the “Lost (Prodigal) Son.” (I prefer to call the third one “The Gracious Father.”) After wasting his father’s wealth, the boy returns to his Father to ask for mercy and something to eat. Then, verse 20: “So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” For far too long the Father had had to “refrain from embracing” his son, but now, with deep emotion, he ran to him, hugged and kissed him. During these days of quarantine, coronavirus and social distancing one of the things on which I have been meditating is: How God, our Heavenly Father, wants us to sense His desire to love us and hold us close. And, He would desire for us to do the same for each other… whether in a season of embracing, or refraining from embracing. Please, know that you are loved and cherished right now, whatever your condition. Call me if you want some extra assurance of this, or if you have any concern or prayer request. I hold it to be a high privilege and sacred calling to be your pastor—your shepherd. +



What’s next for FLC? Right now, with the public health directives, Governor Walz’s Executive Orders, and CDC best practices, we will continue to suspend meeting together in large groups at church. 1. For those of you with Internet access, you can still click on our website or Facebook page for inspiration and contact. Make sure your email address has been given to to receive weekly or semi-weekly updates. We hope to continue to innovate ways to connect virtually. 2. For those without Internet, Sunday mornings will be your main connection to the FLC worship with “Peace & Power” on ABC6-TV at 10:00 am or on KATE 1450 AM radio at 11:00 am. May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, Who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 In the Light of His love, 2

Pastor John F. Holt

FLC PASTORAL CALL TEAM UPDATE To the FLC Congregation: We wanted to give an update as to what we are doing. We hope you are all doing well and staying well. Lots of prayers for our world during this time. As a committee we continue to do some more work on the Ministry Site Profile while we allow the FLC Church Council time to look at the results from the “FLC Life Game� focus group meetings. Many of you participated in this and thank you! There are many points of discussion for the Council before they direct us in what the Call will be. They are going to take time to look through all this information. We ask for your patience in this process and to know that it is the right path for the future of FLC. We all want to take the path that the Spirit guides us on. Please, continue to pray and know that things are moving forward. In the meantime we worship on our technology and thank God for that ability. Hope to see you in church soon! If you have questions for Call Committee, please, direct them to Janice Hammer as chair. 507-383-9957 On behalf of the FLC Pastoral Call Team, Janice Hammer, Chairperson The Nominating Committee is looking to fill the positions of Youth Chair and Council Secretary. If you are interested or know someone that is interested please contact Larry Larson at 507-373-8793.

FLC COUNCIL APRIL 2020 UPDATE Time and Talent Sheets have been sent in the Messenger for April and have also been emailed to the congregation. Please fill them out and get them in as soon as possible. The Council would like to thank the Congregation for their faithfulness in giving during the challenging time when we are unable to meet in person! The Drive-Through Blessing will continue every Wednesday from 10-11am and 5-6pm until further notice. The Council voted to disperse $11,000 from our endowment fund in scholarships to graduating seniors this year. The Call Committee and Council are having a few special meetings with the Synod in the coming weeks to move forward with the call process. 3



News from our Missionaries in Tanzania Dr. Stephen J. and Dr. Jodi Lynn Swanson serve in Arusha, Tanzania, and are partially sponsored by First Lutheran Church through the ELCA Global Mission. They have 3 teenage children: Hannah, Caedmon, and Indya. Stephen, a pediatric and infectious disease physician, serves at Arusha Lutheran Medical Center and Selian Lutheran Hospital in Arusha; is active in educational and research efforts and mentorship; helps to develop pediatric medical curriculum and ongoing training of Tanzanian nursing and medical students, assistant medical officers, interns and international residents; and serves as an intermediary to the international global health community. Jodi participates in care and management of acute childhood malnutrition in the hospital and community, is active in nursing and health education, and trains community health workers. Here’s their latest newsletter: In early March I started drafting this update, with the intent to share on the lives of our 3 kids, our community and hospital work, and an upcoming national Tanzanian neonatology conference that Steve was leading. Even at that time, the world was quickly turning upside down. Separated from friends and family across the world, we watched and prayed and discussed our own contingency plans. Inevitably, Tanzania's first confirmed Covid-19 case arrived, in our very own Arusha. As everywhere else, everything suddenly changed. Over the past weeks, we have many long discussions with family and colleagues, weighed our evacuation options, and prayerfully reflected upon the reasons for which we came to Tanzania (in 2013). We have assessed the extremely limited healthcare options in Tanzania (should we get sick from Covid-19), the high likelihood that all borders may close and international flights out of Tanzania be cancelled, and the possibility of panic and increasing scarcity when the virus arrives in full force. And, we have decided to stay in Tanzania. As healthcare providers, providing medical care in a time of need is in our very DNA. It isn't exactly "shelter-in-place" and isolate, as both of us still have roles to play in the Lutheran hospitals here. The Tanzanian doctors that Steve works with look to him for support. Many in the community rely on us for healthcare. The hospitals are still caring for patients, everyday. We are in a period of great uncertainty. While the ELCA Global Missionaries has recalled all it's missionaries back to USA, we have their support to stay and still serve in Tanzania. The thought of leaving our Tanzanian colleagues in a time like this does not sit well in our souls. At the time that I am writing this, there are 12 known Covid-19 confirmed cases, but as we all know, this virus travels silently, and numbers are likely much higher. We are all holding our breath. It is hard to tell if things are truly quiet or if this is the calm before the storm. We are preparing, and doing our best to anticipate what we will need. And doing our best to be calm and intentional in our service. We are encouraged that we are not alone. God is with us. I told this to Hannah as she was being evacuated out of Timor Leste, and traveled alone across the oceans to us yesterday. So also, I tell myself. God walks with us. We pray for you, that you will be safe and you will be well, and that you will have peace. The peace that passes understanding. With all our love, Jodi and Steve Keep reading for news of the kids and the work in the NICU and the community! Happy News from the Kid's Corner Hannah, Caedmon, and Indya are 19, 16, and 13 years of age which means it is "The Year of the Teenager" in the Swanson family. And yes, the moods are all over the place some days. Overall, each one is happy we made that move in 2013 and call Tanzania "their home."

Hannah is in the midst of her gap year after graduating from Rift Valley Academy last July. After high school graduation, she

traveled to the South African bush for a 6-week volunteer program in wildlife conservation. It was a remarkable experience for 6

her. She now has all her applications into colleges/universities, and is waiting to hear back from all of them. She spent time at the end of last year with our family in the States, and began the process of learning to drive (thanks to the help of the women in my family!). Such is the life of a Third Culture Kid as she begins to get her bearings in the USA. Hannah was recently in Timor Leste, on an island in the Indonesian chain, volunteering in Marine Conservation. She was scuba diving almost every day and learning to identify various species of marine life for their research and work with local communities on ocean conversation. Abruptly, the decision was made to close the program and evacuate all island volunteers. It was stressful but we managed to get her home yesterday, just as international borders closed. Caedmon is head and shoulders above the girls! His school is an IB school which means this is Middle Years Program Year 5 (MYP5) and requires the completion of a Personal Project. He decided to dive into computer programming and learned two computer languages outside of regular school hours, and has designed his own website. Since his school is now closed, he is now at home figuring out how to do school remotely! Finally, our Indya. Suddenly she has leapt from 12 to what seems to be 18! She is developing her own sense of fashion, and continues to have her collections of feathers and shells, an aquarium of fish, and today she is drying out some of her sand collected from the Indian Ocean over Christmas. School isn't quite so exciting to her as it used to be...I think that means she really IS a teenager. Finally, let me answer that question so many people have asked—her ear surgery seems to have been successful last October and she has once again entered the pool! Every Baby Counts No Matter How Small.—316 Babies-a remarkable Survival Rate & writing of an essential NICU Handbook. Last year our NICU cared for 316 babies. 45% were premature, some weighing less than 2 pounds (<1000 grams). 85 babies (30%) from our poorest families were fully supported by our NICU Fund, and all remaining NICU babies received partial subsidization. Among viable babies admitted to our NICU, 93% survived. This has to be among the highest NICU survival rates reported anywhere in East Africa, and is a great tribute to the hard work of our entire team. At present, we are in the midst of writing the firstever neonatology handbook (300+ pages!) for use across all of Tanzania, and hope to publish it soon. Though COVID-19 is occupying all of our hearts, our NICU remains full every day with vulnerable babies and attentive mothers. We are taking precautions. And we continue to need funds to help us care for these most vulnerable babies, especially in this time when the hospital faces financial uncertainty. Schools and Gardens As we have worked with communities and their leaders, Elly has taught nutrition at village meetings, and we have had wonderful engaging conversations with the people. For some time now, we have been talking with the ward Educational Officer who asked us to help him with hunger in the schools. There are 4 primary and 2 secondary schools in this ward, each with more than 1,000 students per school! It's another overwhelming opportunity. We met with headmasters and teachers to discuss the possibilities and we have started Health and Garden Clubs in 5 schools this week! In each school it looks a little different, but the one thing that looks the same? The eager and joyful faces of children!! ... Since I wrote that paragraph above, the schools have now closed. Not exactly the best way to start a new project! However, I have been working with a young Maasai man who is eager to be a part of our project and he will stay in communication with the leaders of the schools. The wonderful English teacher pictured below has been asking for educational tools to use to spread correct information about the coronavirus, so I am thankful to have made this connection before the outbreak! Sincere Thanks & Prayer Requests—There have been many challenges we are facing, and we ask for your prayers.  New Work and Resident Permits to be granted to stay in Tanzania.  Health and Safety for us and discernment to deal with the pandemic as it unfolds here.  Wisdom and grace in parenting 3 teenagers, all with differing needs, all under one roof as we try to live by the principle of sheltering in place while still being of service in the hospitals.  Peace. Pray for peace. Pray for wisdom, that we will know where we can best be of service to Tanzanians at this time. In all these things we give thanks for God's unfailing love, and His wisdom that guides us. Jodi & Steve Swanson


Prayer List Our Prayers are requested for healing and wholeness for: Casey Dusza, Nancy Kotyk, Darlene Kvam and Officer Arik Matson.

Our Continued Prayers are requested for healing and wholeness for: Jody Bakken, Alan J. Christensen, Rodger Christenson, Mary Ann Christian, Millard Hamborg, Dorothy Hanson, Breckyn Heinemann, Glenn Helland, Sharon Johnson, Deb Koenigs, Phil Koppelman, Tom Loverink, Fred (Fritz) Moran, Paul Overgaard, Elaine Panzer, Jean Stearns, Warren Van Riper, ... and their spouses, families & caregivers, and… safety for people serving in the Armed Forces, and their families.


CARING AND SHARING —May 2020 - Naomi Co-Chairs— Bonnie Schneider 507-373-3767; Bonnie Trampel 507-373-1665 Audrey Christensen


Susan Larson

Tep Christensen Doris Hagen Margaret Hagen

Sandy Hareid Judy Kropp Jeanne Lageson

Darlene Levisen Marilyn Light Marilyn Sasser

Trudy Adams


Janice Lestrud

Jody Bakken Beth Doyle-Barclay Barbara Collins

Carol Farris Cindy Gilbert Deloris Goskeson

Nancy Martin Nancy Meyer Betty Sime

Courtney Drescher

Alicia Helland

Personal Visitation by the Pastors To support people at the time of illness or injury, pastors usually do make personal visits in hospitals, homes or Care Centers. However, during the restrictions due to the corona virus pandemic, visits are limited to telephone calls. Hospitals only call pastors/churches to inform them of dire emergencies where family requests them to do so. So, please, call us, if you want us to know. We try to be available in emergencies. Do not hesitate to call the church (373-6424),

if you have not talked to a pastor and would like to request a call. If you call the church office after hours and get the recording, pushing number ❸ on the phone will send your call directly to the pastor on call. No name is automatically put on a printed prayer list. We ask permission before we include a name on our printed prayer list. Please, let us know if you want to be on the prayer list or have a pastor call. ~Your FLC Pastors 8



eed a ride to church?

We are using the Albert Lea Taxi Service. Those who need a ride to church can call 383-3341 to schedule a ride to the worship service of their choice on Sundays, Wednesday or Thursday evenings. Just let the driver know to bill FLC.

Albert Lea

Please Note: In Case of Inclement Weather CANCELLATIONS & POSTPONEMENTS will be announced on: KAAL TV and KATE Radio [1450 AM]

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OFFICE: Phone (507) 373-6424; E-mail:; Fax 373-6330 Mailing address—301 W. Clark St., Albert Lea, MN 56007 Office Hours- Monday- Friday: 9:00 am–3:00 pm Building Hours- Monday – Thursday: 7am-8:30pm; Friday: 8am-4:45pm Saturday: 8am-12pm; Sunday: 7am-12pm Other times by appointment or as meetings/events are scheduled

Web site–

PASTORAL STAFF e-mails and emergency telephone numbers: Pastor John Holt, (Cell–383-4750; Home–377-0046) Pastor Jan Crissinger, (Cell—(507) 621-1758 If you have moved or changed phone numbers, (including cell phone), please, call the church office with your new information. Also, please, call in with, or send in, your email address, so we can keep you updated on things.

FLC Prayer Ministry Want prayer for yourself or others? Call Jo, 763-257-9018 or Julia, 373-9594. Prayers are kept confidential among prayer chain members. FIRST LUTHERAN MESSENGER (USPS196-560)

Periodicals postage paid at

Published by First Lutheran Church (Monthly)

Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007

301 West Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN

Subscription price $1.00 per year

(Postmaster send address correction to 301 W. Clark St, Albert Lea, MN 56007) 9


In Memory Of:

My wife Connie Albright given by Glen Albright Our parents Ellsworth & Delores Bennett given by Jeff & Traci Bennett Mary Behrends given by Jerome Baer Roger Boe given by Verona Boe Herb Brand given by Craig & Brenda Ludtke Wayne Hanson given by Bonnie Schneider, Millard & Phyllis Hamborg, Helen Lovik, Edna Herfendal given by Rose Perteet Verla Holman given by Marvin & Ruth Enzenauer Ken Joachim given by Laverne & Shirley Strand, Erlys Wittmer, Wayne & Arlene Sprecher, Bill & Jean Rondeau, Millard & Phyllis Hamborg, Jerry Baer Mary Nelson for Mother’s Day and her May 31st Birthday given by Jim & Sheila Hansen Burnett Loge given by Carol Olson, Gary & Ginny Thompson, Bonnie Schneider, Corald & Constance Peterson Ralph & Marjorie Peterson given by Jeff & Ann Hareid Our Parents Charles & Lucille Lange and Al & Florence Rocklin given by Dick Rocklin David Palmer given by John & Barb Cliff Gloria Schumacher given by Laverne & Shirley Strand Doris Trustem given by Charlotte Vinge

Janice Heusinkveld, Beverly Trinka, James Braun, Janice Andree, Gordon & Terry Briggs, Charlotte Olson, Leverne & Liz Skov, Arlene Green, Patricia Goodrich, Daphne Hamborg, Rita Kramer, Lillian Gravos, Janice Kirchgatter, Leona Howe, Dorinda Leutink, Debra, Kjarland, Judy Hellie, Karen Ingvaldson, Terry Tarvestad, Donna Erdman, Walter & JoAnn Ring GENERAL FUND

Gifts Given by:


In Memory Of:


In Memory Of:

Vern Jahnke given by Audrey Sorenson Howard Sorenson given by Audrey Sorenson

Gifts Given by:

Dennis & Carol Colstrup PRAYER SHAWL FUND

In Memory Of:

Natasha Weigel given by Audrey Sorenson

Pastoral Records: Baptisms, Weddings, Deaths, Funerals, Memorial Services

Gifts Given by: Leo & Carol Haubenschild, Linda Souhrada, Marjorie Jensen, Gilbert Gilbertson, Michael & Joan Johnson, Bob & Pat Goldman, Charles & Janet Griebenow, David Paulson, Ila Beck, Carol Koch, Deacon Douglas Spiotta, the Cottages, Stewartville MN, Karen Thomas, Harold & Lavonne Christenson, Patricia Tallman,

Deaths Wayne Hanson, April 4, 2020 Burnett Loge, April 10, 2020 Arlys Jensen, April 16, 2020 Arline Gore, April 19, 2020 10


AZALEAS GIVEN IN HONOR OF:  To the Glory of God for the awesome amazing staff and their families at First Lutheran given by the Wayne Sletten family AZALEAS GIVEN IN MEMORY OF:  My husband Wallace given by Helen Lovik  Norman & Marcine Drescher given by their family LILIES GIVEN IN HONOR OF:  In thankfulness to God for our precious children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, Mark, Paul & Christina, Emma and Noah; Jill Marie & Steve, Paul, Samantha, Wes and Jack, Sydne and Greta; Daniel & Jennifer, Jacob, Anders and Macallan given by Wayne & Jackie Sletten  Our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, Paul, Robbi, Bryn, Ben, Amanda and Genevieve Woodside, Ann, Gene, Brooke, and Luke Arnold, Alli, Ryan, Rogen and Riggs Kuhlman and Dan Woodside given by Jack & Orlene Woodside  Our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren Emma, Luna, Kolten and Brooks given by Janice & Larry Lestrud LILIES GIVEN IN MEMORY OF:  Our parents Walt & Ev Abraham, Mel & Alice Sletten, and daughter Wendy Lyn given by Wayne & Jackie Sletten and Greg Abraham  Larry Gates given by Roberta Gates  Dan & Anne Nafzger given by Julie & Paul Nafzger TULIPS GIVEN IN HONOR OF:  All our precious shut-ins and dear ones on our prayer list given by Wayne & Jackie Sletten TULIPS GIVEN IN MEMORY OF:  Our grandson Easton LaFrance given by Joe & Marge LaFrance GIFTS TO HUNGER APPEAL GIVEN IN HONOR OF:  Our dear service men & women, past, present and their devoted families back home given by the Wayne Sletten family GIFTS TO HUNGER APPEAL GIVEN IN MEMORY OF:  My good friend Karen Neale given by Orlene Woodside  Our Parents given by Larry & Janice Lestrud  My husband Donald Smith and family given by Arlis Smith  Loved ones given by Helen Lovik


Come Worship With Us Sundays through May 17: 8 am — Traditional Worship Service* 9:15 am — Worship in the Chapel* 10:30 am — Praise & Worship Service* Sundays Beginning May 24: 8 am — Traditional Worship Service* 10:00 am — Praise & Worship Service*

Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month, and the Thursdays preceding those Sundays.

9:15 am- Sunday morning “Immersion” 9:30 am- Wednesday morning Bible Study

First Lutheran Church 301 W Clark St. Albert Lea, MN 56007

Periodicals Postage Paid at Albert Lea, MN 56007

Sunday Worship Broadcasts 10:00 a.m. - Peace & Power-KAAL TV- Channel 6 (11:00 a.m. - KATE RADIO AM 1450)

First Lutheran Church—F.L.C.—For the Love of Christ

[Address label here]


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