2023 Leadership Symposium - Agenda

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11:15 AM – 12:15 PM EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE AND FISCAL STEWARDSHIP A key responsibility of a fire leader is understanding the finances of the agency. One needs to be aware of what the financial picture looks like today as well as what past decisions and actions got you there. Add to that, what challenges or opportunities lie ahead. This session will provide attendees with a historical account of milestone decisions like Proposition 13, Proposition 76, Proposition 218, ERAF, and Prop 1. Discussions will be facilitated on budget basics, fiscal controls, fiduciary responsibility, and financial planning. This session will help attendees understand how local government fire service has been impacted over the last few decades by decisions out of their control; what challenges those efforts have brought to the fire service and how we could overcome them in the future. Higher wildfire challenges mean higher demand for services. How is that demand paid for?

Speaker: The establishment of culture is something that is deliberately achieved. • Rich Pearce, Fire Chief, Tiburon Fire District A culture can only thrive through mutually agreed upon values and • Catherine Smith, Owner, Smith Moore & Associates beliefs that we hold one another accountable to. The people who make a difference are the ones who say what they are going to and 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM then they actually do it. LUNCH Speaker: • Mark vonAppen, Captain & Speaker, FULLY INVOLVED

1:15 PM – 2:45 PM 212 THE EXTRA DEGREE

People do not become winners by embracing the status quo. We become winners by turning up the heat within ourselves. 212 is a simple concept to help you (and your people) embrace the value of a little This session focuses on educating and sharing with new and senior extra effort, care, and attention. Attendees will walk away with tools Fire Officials the different governance models found through the to test ourselves as a leader and push our boundaries even further, California Fire Service. Specifically, the difference between City, by exceeding even our own expectations and challenging those we Independent/ Dependent Districts, County Departments, JPA, County work with to become a better version of themselves. Service Areas (CSAs), and Tribal (to list a few). Attendees will depart Speakers: the session with an understanding of the guiding statutes/ laws, • Steve Hall, Fire Chief (ret.), Central Fire Protection District funding or alternative funding options, federal and state legislation • Steve Kovacs, Fire Chief (ret.), Scotts Valley Fire District impacts, and affiliation with associations that advocate for different types of districts. 2:45 PM – 3:00 PM Speakers: DESSERT BREAK • Don Butz, Fire Chief, Lakeside Fire District 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM • Brian Helmick, Deputy Fire Chief, Contra Costa County Fire INSIDE THE CALIFORNIA FIRE AND RESCUE MUTUAL AID District SYSTEM 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM An in-depth look at the Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid System including COFFEE BREAK the system’s strengths, weaknesses, and effort currently underway for improvement. 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM UNDERSTANDING YOUR PRINCIPAL AUTHORITY

Speaker: • Eric Walder, Fire Chief, Waterloo Morada Fire Protection District 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EXHIBIT HALL HOURS 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM NETWORKING RECEPTION


1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND THE ROLE OF THE FIRE OFFICER This session will focus on the importance of clear and effective communication, impacts of poor communication, various types of communication, knowing your demographics, difficult conversations v. FFBOR.

This session will cover: 1. Clear Communication: Nail effective firefighting messages. 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM 2. Avoid Misfires: See the chaos from misunderstood messages. STATE FIRE TRAINING UPDATE 3. Team Hacks: Enhance communication in your firefighting crew. 4. Connect with All: Tailor messages for diverse audiences. CAL FIRE – Office of the State Fire Marshal staff will give program updates on Fire Hazzard Severity Zone map updates, CWPM Grant 5. Tough Talks: Handle difficult conversations with ease. 6. Next Steps: Propel your skills forward. updates, fire work disposal, State Fire Training, and more. Speaker: • Daniel Berlant, Fire Chief, California State Fire Marshall • Andrew Henning, Assistant Deputy Director • Frank Bigelow, Assistant Deputy Director

Speakers: • Rich Pearce, Fire Chief, Tiburon Fire Protection District • Brian Helmick, Deputy Fire Chief, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District



Understanding and moderating the potential effects of compassion fatigue and burnout in Firefighters of all ranks, including Executive staff. Session includes interactive exercises.

This session is intended for anyone in the fire service who believes in striving for excellence and who has the desire to be the best they can be for those they are fortunate to serve, protect and/or take care of. If it truly is about “them,” then we need to start with ourselves to ensure we are prepared for any challenge we may be faced with on a daily basis. There has never been a more challenging time for the fire service related to leadership and followership at ALL ranks – firefighter all the way up to fire chief. Once you understand the need for personal leadership and how it ties into everything we do (especially in relation to our service delivery), you can then be a better teammate, family member, friend and overall good person.


Leadership starts with each one of us. If we cannot be a leader of one (ourselves), how can we expect to be a leader of any? The focus View Handout of this session is to have each attendee look in the mirror at some of the leadership challenges we all face as individuals, teammates, Progressive Discipline for the Regressive Employee: Building an Effective Case to Discipline Underperformers – This practical session family members and friends, both on and off the job. Leadership is a is designed for supervisors who face the challenges with disciplining responsibility for all ranks and does not discriminate. Many leaders talk the talk without a problem, but then struggle with the walk the employees who do not engage in misconduct but whose performance is consistently poor or marginal. This workshop explains how walk part. The most important parts of being a leader include (but are not limited to) leading by example, doing the right thing, and taking to ensure that poor performance is adequately documented and, care of those you are fortunate to lead and serve! Various examples when necessary, what discipline is appropriate. will be shared and discussed in a productive and non-punitive manSpeaker: ner so that attendees can reflect on their own situation and then be • James Oldendorph, Partner, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore provided with tips for success in the future, both in their personal and professional lives! 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Speaker: LUNCH • Steve Prziborowski, Deputy Fire Chief (ret.), Santa Clara County Fire Department


experience in inter-agency coordination, community engagement, and media relations. Proactive in program development to standardize best practices and support sustainable coordination and management of emergency NOVEMBER 13 -14, 2023 services, Brian is also a compelling presenter and inspiration to future firefighters everywhere. Recognized with numerous leadership awards and commendations, he is SPEAKER BIOS dedicated to public service and representing the District Deputy Fire Chief Brian Helmick is with the highest degree of integrity and professionalism. an executive management leader with When he is not orchestrating continuous reliable services more than 28 years of experience in fire for current and future public safety, he enjoys family time with his bride Kristen and his daughters Brooklyn, Kollyns protection and emergency response. Faith, and Addelyn Grace. Now serving one of California’s most


densely populated regions with the Chief Daniel Berlant is California’s Contra Costa County Fire Protection State Fire Marshal, following his apDistrict (CCCFPD), his prior roles include pointment by the Governor in October Fire Chief, Battalion Chief, Operations Chief, Agency 2023. Previous to that, he was designatRepresentative, Training & Safety Chief, Volunteer Reserve ed by the Governor as Acting State Fire Program Chief, Prevention Chief, Deputy Fire Marshal, Marshal in January 2023, in addition, and Firefighter Engineer and Captain for the East Contra continuing to function as the Deputy Costa Fire Protection District (ECCFPD). With a passion Director over Community Wildfire for teaching/training and an entrepreneurial spirit, Brian Preparedness and Mitigation. In his position he oversees founded two training/mentoring and certification organi- programs ranging from building and fire code developzations to support a pipeline of professional development ment, state building fire inspections, fire protection licensfor future firefighter recruits. He also developed the coun- ing, wildfire prevention, pipeline safety, and firefighter ty’s first CISM (critical incident stress management) Peer training certification. He has worked for CAL FIRE in Support Champlain Program and established a county- various roles since 2001 and been a part of the Office of wide model that was adopted and implemented nation- the State Fire Marshal since 2016. wide. And, he is a committed volunteer with numerous Chief Donald H. Butz currently holds local and statewide service agencies. He is a Brentwood the position of Fire Chief at the Lakeside Rotarian, a Fire Department Chaplain with the California Fire Protection District in San Diego Fire Chaplains, Past-President of the Contra Costa County County. He has 44 years of experiPublic Safety Support Services, four-year Zone 3 Director ence working as a First Responder, for the Fire District Association of California, and Director with the last 18 years as Fire Chief. He of Fire & EMS for the 10-33 Foundation out of Vacaville has worked for several agencies in providing peer support to members and families of first San Diego County, which include: Fire responders and the military. Protection Districts, the California Department of Forestry Deputy Chief Helmick holds a Master’s in Organizational and Fire Protection, City Government, and a Tribal Leadership and numerous certifications in operations, Government where he held a dual role of Fire Chief and incident command, instruction, counseling and crisis inter- Government Manager. vention, and special district leadership. In all his endeavChief Butz holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management, ors, he brings effective strategic planning with creative problem solving, innovative initiatives, efficient operations Master’s degree in Leadership with an emphasis in management, and sound fiscal oversight to improve or- Emergency Management and Executive Leadership, and ganizational performance and exceed community public Chief Officer Certification from the California State Fire safety goals with responsible allocation of public resourc- Marshal’s Office. Chief Butz has contributed and particies. He excels in complex project management and con- pated in the numerous revisions to professional developsensus building to balance competing priorities of multiple ment curriculum for the Office of the State Fire Marshal stakeholders, and he is a clear communicator with solid and International Fire Service Training Association. In addition, he has taught and presented at multiple venues

including conferences, workshops, and at various comthe development of Behavioral Health and Cancer mitmunity colleges in the areas of emergency operations, fire igation curriculum, authoring the Cal Chiefs Operations prevention and code enforcement, mitigation and resilManual section, and representing Cal Chiefs on importience, governance, management and leadership ant committees demonstrates her unwavering commitment to shaping the future of EMS and improving the well-beChief Butz is active in many civic and leadership organiing of firefighters in California. Chief Kristin Thompson’s zations and currently serves on the following boards and contributions continue to have a lasting impact on the organizations at the local, regional and state level. safety and care of both patients and first responders. Chief Eric Walder has been a memChief Richard Pearce has more than ber of the California Fire Service for 40 years of Fire and EMS experience 32 years, Chief Walder has held the that includes rural, suburban and metranks of Volunteer Firefighter, Reserve ropolitan delivery systems in both the Firefighter, Firefighter, Engineer, public and private sectors. Richard has Engineer Paramedic, Captain, Battalion served as the Fire Chief of the Tiburon Chief, Division Chief, Deputy Chief and Fire Protection District for 20 years. He was promoted to Fire Chief in December is committed to exceptional stewardship, of 2015 of the South Placer Fire District. In 2021 he was responsible local governance and fiscal responsibility. hired as the Fire Chief of the Waterloo Morada Fire District. As a Past President and Board Member of Fire District’s Association of California (FDAC), he is focused on Chief Walder attended Sierra College in Rocklin, collaboration with federal, state, and local officials on California and holds an Associates of Arts Degree in Fire the difficult issues facing Fire Districts across the state, the Technology and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public betterment of firefighter health & safety, enhanced service Safety Administration from Grand Canyon University. He delivery, legislation and ultimately, the long-term success has also completed the Executive Fire Officer Program at of the Fire Service. Richard has an A/S in fire science, the National Fire Academy. bachelors in vocation education and a master’s degree in Chief Walder has been the California Office of business administration. Emergency Services Region IV Coordinator managing Deputy Fire Chief Steve a 12 County response to the Master Mutual Aid system Prziborowski has over 31 years of since 2017. Additionally, Chief Walder is active with fire service experience, recently retirmany state and local fire service organizations including as a Deputy Chief with the Santa ing the Fire Districts Association of California serving Clara County (CA) Fire Department. He as President, FIRESCOPE Operations Team Member, is an adjunct instructor for the Chabot and the President of the San Joaquin County Fire Chiefs College (CA) Fire Technology Program, Association. a Contract Instructor for the National Chief Kristin Thompson has dedFire Academy (MD) and is still actively involved in the fire icated over 14 years to the field of service through speaking, writing, coaching, and mentoremergency medical services (EMS) ing personnel aspiring to either get hired or get promoted and firefighter health and safety. Her to all ranks up to fire chief. career began as an Emergency and Steve received the 2020 Ronny Jack Coleman Leadership Trauma RN, providing critical care to Legacy Award from the Center for Public Safety those in need. She then transitioned to Excellence (CPSE) and in 2008 was the California the Anaheim Fire Department, serving Fire Instructor of the year. Steve recently completed a as an EMS Educator and EMS Manager for eight years, five-year stint as an Executive Board Member for the before joining the Newport Beach Fire Department in California Fire Chiefs Association, is a Former President of 2015 as the EMS Division Chief. Chief Thompson’s impact the Northern California Training Officers Association and extends beyond her daily duties, as she has been actively is a current member of the International Association of involved in firefighter health and safety since 2007, conFire Chiefs Fire Rescue International Conference Program ducting training sessions and holding key roles in various Planning Committee. organizations. Her work as a Subject Matter Expert for

He is a state-certified Chief Officer and Master Instructor, District’s Association of California, President of FDAC has earned a Master’s degree in Emergency Services Employee Benefit Authority, FIRESCOPE, FRMS, State Administration, has completed the Executive Fire Officer Board of Fire Services and the CFAA Committee. He Program at the National Fire Academy, and has received is also a member of CalChiefs, IAFC and was recently Chief Fire Officer and Chief Training Officer Designation inducted into the California Fire Chief’s Association, Fire through the Commission on Professional Credentialing. Chief’s Hall of Fame for 2023. Steve is a regular speaker and presenter at fire departChief Steve Hall has worked in the ments and conferences across the country, having prefire service for over 29 years, with 18 sented or scheduled over 400 sessions, courses, and years of experience holding Fire Chief webinars in 40 states, moving closer to reaching his goal and Chief Officer positions. During his of all 50 states. tenure he has implemented several fire, He has authored and contributed to over 300 articles, community risk reduction, emergency podcasts, videos, blogs, and books in the leading fire management, and special operations service publications, and has published four career programs. Chief Hall has extensive development books: “Reach for the Firefighter Badge,” experience in developing strategic, master, and emer“The Future Firefighter’s Preparation Guide,” “How to gency plans, as well as developing and implementing Excel at Fire Department Promotional Exams,” and most shared-services, agency reorganization, and functional recently, “101 Tips to Ace Your Promotional Exam,” consolidations. published by Fire Engineering Books & Videos. He is also Chief Hall is a Chief Fire Officer Designee (CFO) through finalizing another book that will be published by Fire the Center for Public Safety Excellence, holds Executive Engineering Books & Videos soon – “Courage Under Fire Fire Officer Designation (EFO) through the National Leadership,” a topic he passionately speaks and writes Fire Academy; has a Master’s degree in Executive Fire about to ensure today’s leaders are prepared for tomorLeadership and Emergency Preparedness from Grand row’s challenges. For more information or to contact him, Canyon University, Arizona; a Bachelor’s degree in please visit his website at www.code3firetraining.com Occupational Studies from California State University Chief Steve Kovacs has over 42 Long Beach, CA, and an Associate degree in Fire Science years of emergency service experience, – Modesto Junior College, Modesto, CA. He is a certified including 15 years as a Fire Chief. He Emergency Management Specialist – Governor’s Office started in 1981 with the Ebbetts Pass Fire of Emergency Services, California and has extensive District, serving for 31 years, reaching training in leadership, command, strategic planning, and the rank of Battalion Chief. In 1990, emergency management. he concurrently joined the Murphys Chief Hall’s professional experience includes servFire Protection District as a volunteer. In ing as Fire Chief – Central Fire District of Santa Cruz February 2006, he was promoted to Fire Chief, serving County (2016 – 2020); Assistant Fire Chief – Central for 12 years. In 2017, he became the Fire Chief of the Fire District of Santa Cruz County (2015 – 2016); Fire Scotts Valley Fire District in Santa Cruz County until retireChief / Emergency Manager – City of Patterson & West ment in November of 2020. Chief Kovacs has an extenStanislaus FPD (2010-2015); Division Chief/Fire Marshal sive background in leading people, both volunteer and – City of Patterson / West Stanislaus FPD (2001-2010). career. He has taught many classes throughout the United States and has owned a Leadership and Emergency James E. Oldendorph is an expeServices Consulting Business for 34 years, specializing rienced litigator and has successfully in Strategic Planning, Leadership, Management, Ethical represented clients in employment litiBehavior and teaching multiple Fire Service classes. He gation matters in both State and Federal is a qualified Division/Group Supervisor, Strike Team court from inception through discovery, Leader, Task Force Leader and Incident Commander, pre-trial proceedings, and settlement or Type 3. trial. James regularly provides advice and counsel and representation to firm Chief Kovacs has led and served on many Boards and clients on a wide array of litigation, administrative and Committees, including two terms as President of the Fire personnel matters involving the Public Safety Officers

Procedural Bill of Rights Act, the Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights Act, the California Labor Code, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the California Public Records Act. While James represents all types of public employers, he focuses his practice on advising, counseling and representing law enforcement and fire agencies, and has successfully prosecuted numerous employee discipline and grievance matters involving these employees. James routinely assists public agency clients and law enforcement and fire service executives with matters such as personnel management, investigation and discipline, grievances, medical and other types of leaves of absence, fitness for duty and disability accommodation, and public safety retirement issues. James’s practice also includes overseeing and advising various clients on administrative investigations and discipline, including those conducted pursuant to the POBR and FBOR. Additionally, James has an active training practice. He frequently speaks at public safety conferences, and conducts individual client trainings on subjects such as disciplinary investigations, workplace harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, free speech and social media, drugs and alcohol in the workplace, legal updates, in addition to trainings certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. Mark vonAPPEN, has been a member of the fire service since 1998, is assigned to the suppression division where he holds the rank of captain. He is a committee member for California State Fire Training and has contributed to the development of Firefighter Survival and Rapid Intervention curriculums. Mark has been published in Fire Engineering Magazine, Fire Service Warrior, and is the creator of the fire service leadership blog FULLY INVOLVED. He is an instructor for the Santa Clara County Joint Fire Academy, a recruit Instructor for Palo Alto Fire, an academy instructor at Evergreen Community College, and a member of the “Nobody Gets Left Behind” training group. He has been involved in public speaking since 2005.






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