Issue 036 - Madrid & Barcelona 2022

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I ssue36-Jul y2022

Madr i dI nt er nat i onalFi l m Fest i val Fi l m FestI nt er nat i onalBar cel ona

Wel comet ot he

Madr i dI nt er nat i onalFi l m Fest i val 2022

Al lar t i cl es ,i ncl udi ngal ledi t or i alus edi nt hi s publ i cat i on( whet herpr i nt edordi gi t al )donot neces s ar i l yr epr es entt hevi ewsofanyoft he I nt er nat i onalFi l mmakerFes t i val s r epr es ent at i ves ,s t afforas s oci at es .Nopar tof t hi smagazi ne,whet herpr i nt edorel ect r oni c mayber epr oduced,s t or edorcopi edwi t hout t heexpr es spr i orwr i t t encons entoft he publ i s her .Reques t sf orper mi s s i ons houl dbe di r ect edt o: magazi ne@fil mf es t i nt er nat i onal . com.

DearFi l mmaker s ,Scr i pt wr i t er s ,Act or s&Fi l m Pr of es s i onal s

Al t houghwemakeever yeffor tt oens ur eal lof t hei nf or mat i oni nt hi spubl i cat i oni supt odat e andaccur at e,t hepubl i s hert akesno r es pons i bi l i t yf oranyomi s s i onsorer r or s .The publ i s heracceptnor es pons i bi l i t yf ort he mat er i al ss uppl i edi ncl udi ng( butnotl i mi t edt o) al ledi t or i alandadver t i s i ngcopyandany omi s s i ons ,er r or sormat t er sofcopyr i ght .Al l mat er i al ss uppl i edf orus ei ss ol el yt he r es pons i bi l i t yoft hes uppl i erors uppl i er soft he mat er i alr epr oducedi nt hi spubl i cat i onwhet her i nmechani calordi gi t alf or mat .Wher eedi t or i al copyi ss entl at e.Wear enotabl et or et ur nt he ar t i cl et ot hefil mmaker sf ors i gni ngoff.Fi l m The Magazi neLi mi t eddoesnotacceptr es pons i bi l i t y f orcopyt hati snotcor r ect .

Wel come!i nt hes echangi ngt i meswher et he cor onavi r ushasaffect eds omanyl i ves ,andwi t h t hewarands uffer i ngoft heUkr ai ni anpeopl e,i ti s har dt ocompr ehends ucht r eat mentofagood peopl ewi s hi ngt ol i vel i keusal l-i npeace,If el ti t i mpor t antt odoourbes tt ohonouri ndependent Fi l mmaker s ,Scr i pt wr i t er s&Fi l m Pr of es s i onal s , andcr eat eas mal levent . Fornear l y20year smys mal lgr oupoff es t i val s hass uppor t edi ndependentFi l mmaker sf r om al l overt hewor l d.SomeFi l mmaker shavegoneon t ohaves ucces s f ulcar eer si nouri ndus t r yandwe havehel pedwi t hdi s t r i but i onandmar ket sand financi ngf ormanyot her s .Somes cr i pt shave beenpi ckedupandt ur nedi nt os ucces s f ul pr oduct i ons .Wedohavef ewerFi l mmaker st han us ualt hi syear ,howeverwehopet hos eFi l mmaker t hathavej oi neduswi l lenj oyfinal l ymeet i ngot her fil m pr of es s i onal s . Wehopet hehonour edr eci pi ent sofourawar ds maybeabl et ous et hewi ni ngl aur elf or pr omot i onoft hei rfil m ors cr i pt . Car lTooney Pr es i dent Madr i dI nt er nat i onalFi l mf es t i val

Car lTooney

Publ i s her Pr es i dentofFi l m Fes tI nt er nat i onal pr es i dent @fil mf es t i nt er nat i onal . com

Adam Ti nni on

Magazi ne&BannerDes i gner Fes t i valDi r ect or adam@fil mf es t i nt er nat i onal . com

Kaor uKaj i t ani

As i aPaci ficRepr es ent at i ve Sal esDi r ect or kaor u@fil mf es t i nt er nat i onal . com


AN I NTERVI EW W I THDI RECTORYUJIKAKI ZAKI Q:Whatmot i vat edyout ocr eat et hefil m SI GNATURE? A:I n201 7 ,Idi r ect edTheUs ukeBoysandf el tt hi ngsl ef t undoneaf t ers hoot i ngi t ,s omyfir s tmot i vat i onf ormaki nga new fil m wer et hes el ef tundonet hi ngs .Namel y,i fMr .As ai wer es t i l ll i vi ngnow,Iwonder edwhatki ndofcomment ar y hewoul dhavepos s es s edr egar di ngJapanes ewi net oday, andt hedet ai l edr eas oni st hati fhewer eal i ve,whatwoul d hewantt os ayt hemos ti swhyIwant edt omaket hi sfil m. Q:Asadi r ect or ,whatscener emai nsi nyourmi nd? A:Mai nl ywhenAs ait el l show l onghehasl ef tt ol i ve.I nt hefinalexchangewi t ht heAnzocoupl e whocameal lt hewayf r om Fr ancet ovi s i thi mi nt hehos pi t al ,hes ays ,“ Youcar r yt hebur denof Japanes ewi nemaki ngf orme. ”Anzo’ sr eact i ont ot hi sl i nei st hemos tmemor abl es cenef orme. Al s o,asadi r ect or ,Iwant edt odepi ctt hedr amabehi ndt hewi nel i ket hevi t alepi s odesi nt el l i ng t hes t or yofJapanes ewi nel i kewhenaf amouswi nemakerf r om Fr anceort heNew Zeal and wi nemakerMr .Vul et i cact ual l yvi s i t edJapan. Q:Whati st hehi ghl i ghtoft hi swor k? A:Thes t or yofwi nemaker si nJapan.Forages ,Japanes ehavebeenqui t egi f t edcr af t s menand havebeenwel lr ecei vedover s eas .Al s o,asanat i on,manuf act ur i ngandcr af t s mans hi phasbeen pr omot edasaJapanes et r ai tacr os st heboar d.Nat ur al l y,t hi sgoesf orwi nemaki ngaswel l . Eveni fi tmi ghtbevi ewedaseas y,wi nemaki ngi ss t i l lacr af tj us tt hes ame.Whi l ewi newasbor n f r om f amouswi ner i ess t ar t i ngwi t hFr anceandt henl at erEur opeandAmer i ca,Japanes e wi nemaker sf ormanyyear shavehadadr eam t ogetcl os et o,t ochal l engeandover come Fr anceandt heWes tandhavet oi l edawayal wayswonder i nghow t oi mpl ementt hei deal sof wi nemaki ngi nt oJapanes ewi ne.Thi si swhatIhopet heaudi encewi l lenj oy.Al s o,al mos tal lof t hewi neus edi nt hefil mt hatt heact or sdr i nki st her ealdeal .Asadi r ect or ,If el tt het r uepower ofwi neandi t shugei nfluenceont hecas t .Ihopet hataudi encescanenj oyt hes eki ndsof s cenes . Q:Whatt ypeofpeopl edoyouhopeseest hi sfil m? A:Ihopet hatpeopl ewhol oveJapanes ewi ne,peopl ear oundt hewor l dwhol ovewi ne,and peopl ei nvol vedi ncr af t s mans hi p,wi l lal ls eet hi sfil m.Al s o,t hecul t ur eofwi newhi chwas t r ans mi t t edf r om t heWes thasbecomei t sownuni quecul t ur ei nJapan,andwear ewi t nes s i ng t hedawnofJapanes ewi neasi thasbeeni nt egr at edi nt ot hel i vesofJapanes epeopl e.Ihope t hataudi encescanwi t nes st hi smomenti nt i measwel l . Q:Whi l et hesequest i onswer eaboutSI GNATURE,doyouhaveanyi deasf oryournextwor k? A:AsIs hott wofil ms ,TheUs ukeBoysandSi gnat ur e,i nar ow bas edonJapanes ewi ne,Ihope t omakeaver yJapanes efil m aboutJapanandt heJapanes ei dent i t y.Es peci al l ywi t ht he i nt er nat i onalconf us i onf r om Covi dandRus s i a’ sat t ackon Ukr ai ne,asaper s onandfil mmaker ,s omet hi ngmus tbe donet omaket hewor l dabr i ght erpl aceandIbel i evet hat cr eat i ngawor ki st hebes twayt obeus ef ulandhopet o keepmaki ngfil msi nt hef ut ur e.

Si gnatur e

J apanr ecogni sedasoneof thewor l dsf or emostwi ner egi ons


AN I NTERVI EW W I THACTORHI ROYUKIHI RAYAMA Q:Whatwasyourhonestr eact i onwhenoffer edt her ol e? A:Bef or ewor ki ngasanact or ,Ius edt owor kasabar t ender ,andal wayst houghtI ’ dl i ket obe i nvol vedi nafil m aboutal cohol .SowhenIwasoffer edt her ol e,It hought ,“ Iknew i t . ” Q:Whatwast hehar destpar ti npl ayi ngt hi sr ol e? A:Si nceIwaspor t r ayi ngar eal l i f eper s onandt hatper s onwasons ets ever alt i mes ,If ound emot i onal l ypl ayi ngt her ol et obet hehar des t . Q:Whatscenest i cksi nyourmi nd? A:Thes cenewher eIfir s tmeetAs aiatt he companydor m ki t chen.Theact ualAnzos ai dhegoti mpor t antadvi ceher easawi nemaker . Q:Whatki ndofper sondoyouhopeseest hi sfil m? A:Ihopet hatpeopl eal lovert hewor l dwi l ll ear naboutJapanes ewi ne.Thi swor ki sfil l edwi t h t he es s enceoft as t i ngJapanes ewi ne.I twi l lmakemehappyi fs omeones eest hi sfil m andgoes outandbuyss omeKos huwi ne.



Q:Whatwasyourhonestr eact i onwhen offer edt her ol e? A:Iwasver yhappy.Fouryear sear l i er ,Imett he r ealAnzoMas akoi nt hefil mi ngofUs ukeBoys , ands hei nfluencedmyl i f equi t eabi t .Sot obe abl et opl ayher ,i twass omet hi ngI ’ dnever donebef or e,s oI ’ m gr at ef ult ot hedi r ect orf or cas t i ngme. Q:Whatwast hehar destpar ti npl ayi ngt hi s r ol e? A:I nt hi sfil m,t hebondandaffect i onoft he coupl ei sover flowi ng.It hi nkIf ul l yconveyed t hi st ot heaudi ence.But ,ass he’ sawi nemaker ,Iwant edt opor t r ayherasas amemi nded comr adeandunder s t andi ngs uppor t erwi t ht hes ameequal i t yasherhus bandandnott he exi s t enceoft hechar act er i s t i cJapanes ewi f ewhoi sal waysawomanbehi ndherman.I t houghtdeepl yabouthow t oexpr es sherbel i ef s ,wor r i esandconfli ct si ncr eat i ngwi ne. Q:Whatscenest i cksi nyourmi nd? A:Thecl i maxs ceneatt hehos pi t al .Asi t ’ sanact ualevent ,whatAs aiconveyedi nhi sfinal moment sr eal l yhi t smedeepl yonanemot i onall evel . Q:Whatki ndofper sondoyouhopeseest hi sfil m? A:Ofcour s e,peopl ewhol ovewi ne.Ihopeaudi encesi nt er es t edi nwhatki ndofs ens i bi l i t y Japanes epeopl ehavewi l ls eet hefil m.Ihopeaudi encescanl ear naboutt heJapanes e ment al i t y.



Q:How di d youf eelwhenyou wer eappr oached t o makeafil m aboutyourl i f e? A:Iwasal i t t l eembar r assed becauseoft hepr i vat edet ai l s depi ct ed.However ,i thad been 20 year ssi nceMr .Asaipassed away,and It houghti twoul d be agood oppor t uni t yf orpeopl e t ol ear n aboutt heki nd of per son hewas. Q:Youal so wr ot et hel yr i csf or t het hemesong. A:It r i ed t o maket hel yr i cst o conveyt hej oyofwi neand wi nemaki ng. Q:W hatki nd ofpeopl ewoul d youl i ket o seet hi sfil m? A:Thosewho enj oydr i nki ng wi neand especi al l yt hosewho makewi neand gr apes ar ound t hewor l d. Q:AboutJapaneseW i ne A:Veget abl es,seaf ood,and meat spr oduced i n Japaneset er r oi rhaveaver yel egant t ast eand ar edel i ci ousi ngr edi ent s.Japanesewi nespr oduced f r om Japaneset er r oi r al so show t hesamefinesseand el egance.Ihopet hatmanypeopl ewi l lenj oyawi de r angeofJapanesewi nest hathaveauni queJapaneseflavor .

Synops i s Dr eam Yogai sananci entandmys t er i ousKungf u. Shi hao Li andhi sdaught erCr ys t al Li , bei ngt hes uc c es s or sof Dr eam Yoga, ar ecapabl eofl i vi ngandcr eat i ngdi ffer entl i v es i ndr eams . Shi hao’ sheal t hdet er i or at esandbef or ehef al l si nt oa c oma, hedeci dest ogi v ehi sc ompanyt ohi sfir s tl ov e, Li yi ngZhu. Unabl et of at hom herf at her ’ sdeci s i ons , Cr ys t al deci dest oobt ai n ans wer st hr oughDr eam Yoga. Sheent er st hedr eamsofherf at her ’ s fir s tl ov e, bes tf r i end, andr i v al t opi ec et oget hert hes t or yofher f at her ’ sy out h. Yetherj our ne yi sf ul l oft wi s t sandt ur ns , al l par t i es s het al kst os peaksofadi ffer entpas t . Los ti nbr ok enpi ec esof memor i esandi l l us i onsofdr eams , Cr ys t al cannothel pbutdi g deeperanddeeperi nt oherf at her ’ ss ecr et s …


Di r ect or ’ sBi ogr aphy Qi hua( Char l es )Duani sar enownedl a wy erandafir s t t i medi r ect or . Hi spas s i onf orl i t er at ur efir s ts par k eddur i nghi schi l dhoodwhenhe publ i s hedpoemsandnov el sonv ar i ousne ws paper s . I n201 0, af t er ov er30y ear sofe xper i enc ei nt hel egal i ndus t r y , Duanbeganhi s ne w car eeri nt heent er t ai nmentfiel d. Hewr ot eandpr oduc edt he TVs er i es“ Chi naLegal ”–Chi na’ sfir s taut hent i cl egal TVs er i es–and hads ubs t ant i al i nfluenc eont heChi nes es oci et y .I n201 7 , Duan r el eas edhi ss ec ondl egal TVs er i es“ Hei r s , ”whi chwasv er ywel l r ec ei v edbot hdomes t i cal l yandi nt er nat i onal l y . Fr om 201 8t o2020, ast hes cr eenwr i t er , di r ect or , andpr oduc er , Duan us edal l hi ss a vi ngsandmadehi sfir s tf eat ur efil m“ I Dr eameda Dr eam” . Seti nmoder nShanghai , “ I Dr eamedaDr eam”adopt sa uni queBuddhi s m medi t at i onpr act i c e, Dr eam Yoga, t obr i ng audi enc ei nt ot hemi ndsoft hechar act er sandpi ec et oget hera s t or yf r om t he1 970sChi na.Duanus edt hes t or i esi nhi sownl i f et o capt ur eaper i odi nChi nes ehi s t or yt hati sr ar el ypor t r a y edon s cr eens . Bor ni nt hefif t i es , Duanhasl i v edt hr oughat i mewhenl a w bendsbef or epower , wher el ov ecanbet ak en, f r eedom canbe c onfis cat ed, f ut ur ecanber emov edbyj us tas i ngl es t amp. The memor i esoft hos eda yswer ewhatpr opel l edDuant obec omea l a wy er . Hev owedt ohel pes t abl i s hal egal s ys t em i nmoder nChi na wher eci t i z ens ’ r i ght sar epr ot ect ed. I ti seas yt of or getandov er l ook t hec ons equenc eswhenl i f ei sateas e, buthi s t or ys houl dne v erbe er as ed. “ I Dr eamedaDr eam”hasf ac edmanyobs t acl esov ert hel as t s e v er al y ear s , butDuanhasne v ergi v enuponhi sdr eam. One per s on’ seffor tma ybel i mi t edbutDuanwi s hest ol ea v eat r ac ef or t hewor l dt oda yt or emembert hes t or i esofhi sgener at i on.

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A manwakesupi nt hebat ht ubwhoi she,whatwashedoi ng?How di d heendupi nt hebat ht ub? Hecoul dn' tr ememberanyt hi ng.Her ei s wher ei tal ls t ar t ed.Hegr adual l ygothi s memor ybackt hr ought her apys es s i ons , butt her ei ss omet hi ngi mpor t antt hat s eemst obemi s s i ng. " Doyouhaveawi f e?"

A ques t i ont r i gger edSt am' sflas hback.Ashe gr adual l yr emember edhi sbel ovedwi f e,andwhat happenedbet weent hem. Sam wasover l ypr ot ect i veofhi swi f edur i ngt hei r r el at i ons hi p,t ot hepoi ntt hathef ol l owedhert o wor kandmoni t or edherl i f et hr oughs ur vei l l ance camer as . Whenhi swi f edi s cover edwhatwashappeni ng, s hewasdi s gus t edbyt heki ndof" l ove"Sam pr es ent edandt r i edt obr eakupwi t hhi m. Whatchoi cedi dSam makeaf t erwaki ngupf r om t hatbat ht ub?Andwhatchoi cedi dhemake bef or ehel os thi smemor y?

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CasualCr i mi nal scanbestbe

descr i bedasanol df ashi oned sl apst i ckcomedy.Unl i kemy pr evi ousfil ms–Bust edCi t y, Amer i canBar bar i an,andEmpi r e– whi chcoul dbedescr i bedas pol i t i calsat i r eswi t hpl ent yofdar k humor ,t hi scur r entfil mi sal labout f un.Anyt hi nggoes. Thest or yent er t ai nsandsur pr i ses wi t hpl ent yofpl ott wi st s.Iseet he l ongl i neageofgr eatcomedi cfil ms t hati nfluencedmeandIenj oyedso muchwhi l egr owi ngupby fil mmaker sl i keChar l i eChapl i n, Bust erKeat on,TheThr eeSt ooges, MelBr ooks,WoodyAl l en,Bl ake Edwar ds,RobRei ner ,Har ol dRami s, andot her s.Somehow i tl edt oa fil m namedCasualCr i mi nal s.Enj oy!

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I n2020,t heNat i onalTheat r eofKor eahost edaper f or mancet i t l edt he “ShamanandPhot ogr apher . ” AsShamanHaeKyoungLeeal l owedaspi r i tt opossessherbodywi t ha t r adi t i onalKor eanGutphot ogr apher ,YounghoKangwhocapt ur edt he spi r i twi t hhi scamer aandpr oj ect edt hei mageuponascr eeni n r eal t i me. AsIwaswat chi ngt hi sper f or mance,Isuddenl yr emember edCar lJung. Rel i gi on,al chemy,andspi r i t ual i sm ar eact i vi t i esi ndi ffer entfiel dst hat t r yt or eal i set hedi vi ni t ywi t hi nhumanbei ngsyett omani f esti t sel f becauseofvar i ousment alai l ment s.

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TheModer nWay TheModer nWayi safil ms etwi t hi n1 980’ sBr i t ai n.A t i mewher ei twasi mpor t antf ort hewor ki ngcl as syout h t ohaveani dent i t y . TheModer ni s t ’ s ,TheSki nheadsandTheBi ker swer ej us t s omeoft hes ubcul t ur esi nBr i t ai nt hathadt hei rown wayofl i f ewi t ht hei rowni ndi vi duals t yl eswheni tcame downt omus i candf as hi on.Butmor ei mpor t ant l yi twas as ens eofbel ongi ng,A s ens eofpur pos eandf ors ome i twasaboutas ens eofr es pect . TheModer nWayi sagr i t t ydr amas etagai ns tt he backdr opofTheMod,TheSki nheadandTheBi ker Subcul t ur esont heout s ki r t sofLondon. Synops i s : Thes t or yf ocus esar oundt eenager Danni . Ayounggi r l s t r uggl i ngwi t h i s s uesathomeaf t erhermot herhas f al l envi ct i mt odr ugabus ewhi l s t deal i ngwi t ht her ec entl os sof Danni ’ sol derbr ot herJ ack. Fai l i ngt o findas ens eofbel ongi ngathome Danni s eeksc omf or twi t hMas onand hi sgr oupofSki nheadswhodonot ha v eherbes ti nt er es t sathear t . T er r yHar r i s on, awel l r es pect edModer ni s tandf r i endoft hef ami l yc omesbackt ot own. HefindsDanni ont hewr ongpat h andt r i est ogui deheront oabet t erone. Het r i est ohel pherfinds omecl ar i t ywhi l s tt r yi ngt oopenhermi ndt oThe Moder ni s t ’ sWa yofl i f e. Meanwhi l e, t hr eeyoungMod’ snamedFr anki e, LeonandMi l l i ear el ooki ngf or war dt oaweek enddowni nBr i ght on. Fr anki e t ak esavar i et yofdr ugsf r om awel l knownandf ear edBi k er , Har v eyGr ey . Har v eyexpect shi smoneyf r om Fr anki eaf t ert he gr oupst r i pdownt oBr i ght on. Quot ef r om Wr i t erand Act orJakeHender s on: “ Thi si smyfir s tf eat ur ed pr oj ectasawr i t erandasan act or. I want edt ot el l a s t or ywi t hpas s i on, meani ng andwi t hs omegr eatmus i c. Thi spar t i cul arpi ec eof Br i t i s hhi s t or ys eemedt o ha v ei tal l . I t hankt hecas t andt hecr ewf oral l t hei r har dwor k. I twasapr i vi l ege wor ki ngwi t hGi us eppeand I l ookf or war dt omany mor epr oj ect swi t hhi mi n t hef ut ur e. ”

Quot ef r om Di r ect orand Pr oduc erGi us eppe Mont i c ci ol o: “ Maki ngt hi sfil m wasan i ncr edi bl ee xper i enc e. We’ v e wor k edhar dt hes el as tf ew y ear sput t i ngi tt oget her , andI c oul dn’ tha v edones o al one. J ak eandt her es tof t hecas tandcr ewwer eal l s uchamaz i ngpeopl e, andI hopemor et hananyt hi ng t hatt heyar eal l s at i s fied wi t ht hewor kwe’ v edone her e. ”

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AnI nt er vi ew wi t hWr i t er Di r ect or Lal l anSamar oo How di dyoucomeupwi t ht hi sver yuni que i dea? Funnyst or y.Iwast ool i ngar oundwi t hmy DSLR andacci dent al l ypr essedt he“ bur stshot ” but t on.Sever alr api dfir eshot sofmywi f ewent off,t aki ngusbysur pr i se.W henIr evi ewedt he shot si nsequence,voi ceswentoff i nmyhead.

Lal l anSamar oo-Wr i t er Pr oducer Di r ect or

Voi ce:Wow.I tl ooksl i keshei smovi ng. Voi ce2:Shei smovi ng. Voi ce1 :Yes,buti tl ooksl i keshei smovi ng. Voi ce2:Idon’ tgeti t . Voi ce1 :Lookatt hatcer ami cdogont het abl e. ( Movesdog,t akesphot o,movesdog,t akes phot o…)Lookatt hi s( scr ol l st hr oughphot oson DSLR) . Voi ce2:W hoa!I tl ooksl i kehei smovi ng t owar dsus!Andl i kehei swai t i ngf or somet hi ng.Cool . Voi ce1 :That ’ sci nema.Wemadeci nema…on t hi st abl e.W hatwoul dnor mal l ybeonat abl e? Voi ce2:Wel l ,pl at es,doi l i es,f r ui t sVoi ce1 :Fr ui t s!That ’ si t !Let ’ smakeamovi e aboutf r ui t sonat abl e! Pause. Voi ce2:Youwantt omakeamovi eaboutf r ui t s onat abl e? Pause. Voi ce2:Youwantt omakeamovi eaboutf r ui t s onat abl e? Voi ce1 :Yes. Voi ce2:You’ r enut s! Voi ce1 :We’ r epastt hat .( Beat . )Ar eyoui n? Voi ce2:Oh,hel lyes!

Thi sconceptbur nedme.If el tIcoul ddoi t .I coul dcr eat eanor i gi nal :TheWor l d’ sFi r stFr ui t Ani mat i onMovi e.A st or yt ol donat abl e! Ast hest or ydevel oped,cl eart hemesemer ged al ongt hel i nesoff earandi gnor ance,knowi ng ourpl acei nt heor deroft hi ngs,t he envi r onment alquest i on.Theset hemesmel ded i nt oacoher entuni t y.Ij usthadt odoi t . W hatwer et hechal l engesandj oysi nmaki ng Fr ui t vi l l e? Ther ewer et womaj orchal l engeswef acedi n maki ngt hefil m.Fi r st l y,wehadl i mi t edr esour ces. The Car i bbeandoesnothaveal ar ge,est abl i shed fil mmaki ngi ndust r y.Wehadt oempl oyal otof i ngenui t yandcr eat i vi t yi nsol vi ngpr obl emsand i nj ustmaki ngt hi ngswor k.

Set upf ort heTeaser

Secondl y,wewer emaki ngast opani mat i onfil m wi t hr ealf r ui t .How woul dweensur econt i nui t y? Thi s r equi r edmodel i ngeachf r ui tanddevel opi nga st andar df oreach.Thenwehadt omi cr omanage t hesuppl ychai nt oensur ewemai nt ai nedt hat st andar d.

Si nger sZach&Ol i vi a

Di dyouchooseacer t ai ndi r ect i ngst yl e

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f ormaki ngFr ui t vi l l ebasedont hescr i pt ? W henIr eadascr i pt ,Iseekt hesouloft he st or y( t hi sgoesbeyondchar act er ,pl ot ,oreven t heme) ,andt henpl ant hedi r ect i ngst yl e accor di ngl y.Theessenceof“ Fr ui t vi l l e”i snat ur al , honest ,evennai ve.Hencet hest yl ei sdi r ect , unobt r usi ve,nat ur al .Il ett hechar act er sbewho t heyar e,andl ett hest or yt el li t sel f .Tr ut hdoesnot needal oudvoi ce.It r ustt heaudi encet ogeti nt o t hef r ui t s’wor l dandt ohavef unast heyabsor b t hemeani ngofevent s. Zai deeWal ker-Angel a

W hatki ndofi mpactwoul dyourfil m havei nt he wor l dandwhoi syouraudi ence? Basedonourscr eeni ngs,“ Fr ui t vi l l e”wi l lappealt o awi deaudi ence.Gr andmasandki dsl ovedi t . Young,soci al l yconsci ouspeopl ewer edr awnt oi t s envi r onment almessage.Ani mat or st houghti twas ani nt er est i ngandbr aveexper i ment .Comedy l over sl aughedoutl oudatkeypoi nt s. Dr amal over scoul dr el at et ot het hemes expr essed.Andt oourver ypl easantsur pr i se,a gr oupofyoungmen( 25t o35year ol ds )l ovedt he i nnat ewacki nessoft hefil m.Themostf r equent comment swer e:“ Li kenot hi ngI ’ veeverseen bef or e”and“ At r ueor i gi nal . ”

YoungAct r essesNal aandMayaHavi ngFun

Webel i eveaudi enceswi l lsee“ Fr ui t vi l l e”asa br ave,or i gi nalfil m whi chcr eat esanew ( sub) genr e.Wet hi nk“ Fr ui t vi l l e”wi l lgi vepeopl ea f unt i meandwi l lpr ovokedi scussi onaboutmany t opi cs,suchashow wef aceanunknown,whati s ourpl acei nt heor deroft hi ngs,andhow we shoul dt r eatnat ur alver susmanmade.

Zai dee( Angel a)Enj oyi ngt heFr ui t sofherLabor

Ani mat i oni sagr eatt eacher .I ti sver y demandi ng.So“ geti tr i ghtt hefir stt i me” becomest hemant r a.Youhavet oknow what youwantt oachi evewi t heachshot ,andpl an accor di ngl y.Then,youmustpaycl ose at t ent i ont odet ai li never ymomentof execut i on.Gr eatt eacher . If oundi tamazi ngt oseemyvi si oncomet o l i f e,t omovef r om i deat ocr eat i on.Iwasi n awet hatwecoul dpr oducesomet hi ngwhi ch anyonei nt hewor l dcanr el at et o,butwhi ch al sogi vesat ast eoft heCar i bbean.Forme,i t wasahumbl i ngwondert omakeFr ui t vi l l ef or audi encest ohavef unwi t handmaybeevent o seeamessage. Vet er anNi gelScot t-Mr .Ar t hur

Shomshukl l a MountUmer Thefil m wasshoti nbeaut i f ulAf r i cawi t hwi l d ani mal si nt hebackgr ound. I twasshotwi t hf ant ast i car t i st sandi t ' sast or yof st or yt el l i ngt oayounggi r l ,byhermot her ,about l ove,car eandcompassi on,whi l et heyounggi r l keepsonpai nt i ngandget t i ngengr ossedi nt he st or y.

W henI ,ILoveYou. Thi sfil m wasshoti nt heSout hofFr ance,i n andar oundt hebeaut i f ular eaofNi ce. Theact or sar eBr i t i shandFr ench. I t ' sast or yofawr i t erandhi sdesi r et ofind t r uel ove.

PAMPERO wr i t t enbyGabr i el aNafissi( gnafissi 75@me. com) Scr i pt wr i t i ngcat egor y.Nonpr oduced. Nomi nat i ont oTheMadr i dI nt er nat i onalFi l m Fest i val2022,Madr i d Wr i t er :Gabr i el aLaur aNafissi Pr oj ectType:Shor tScr i pt NumberofPages:24 Count r yofOr i gi n:Ar gent i na Language:Spani sh

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Synopsi s:

Emi l i oandhi sdaught er s,Leonor aandFr anci sca,under t akeat r i pf r om Mendozat oRosar i ot obuya boataf t ermot herAmel i a,shakenbyt henewsofherdyi ngf at her ,deci dest ot r avelt oaccompany hi mi nhi sl astdays.W i t ht hemot herabsent ,t hef at her ’ spl anst obuyt heboatpl unget hef ami l yi nt o mul t i pl ehar dshi pst oachi evet hegoal . Nar r at edf r om t heper spect i veoft heol derdaught er ,el evenyear ol dLeonor a,t hest or ynear si t s endi ngwhent heyar r i veatt hei rdest i nat i onandEmi l i odeci dest ot esthi sr ecentacqui si t i onont he Par anáRi ver .

Gabr i el aNafissi ’ spr evi ousfil msasadi r ect orandscr i pt wr i t er : TheSt oneont hePat h( 2021 ) BestDocument ar yatt heBl ackSwanI nt er nat i onalFi l m Fest i vali nCal cut a,I ndi a.Out st andi ng Achi evement( 2021 ) ,Honor abl eMent i onatLondonI nt er nat i onalMont hl yFi l m Fest i val .Best I nt er nat i onalDocument ar yatHol l ywoodI nt er nat i onalGol denAgeFest i val ,New Yor k,2021 .Best I nt er nat i onalShor tFi l m atI nt er nat i onalFi l m Fest i val ,I ndi a,2021 .BestI nt er nat i onalDocument ar yat VancouverI ndependentFi l m Fest i val ,Canada,2021 . El ephantEscabeaux BestExper i ment alFi l m atCi nemaI nt er nazi onal ediVenezi a,Veni ce,I t al y,201 7.BestFemal eDi r ect or andBestAni mat edFeat ur eFi l m att heAr t eNonSt opFi l m Fest i val ,201 7. Si gnsofanAr t i st Gol dAwar df ort heBestExper i ment alShor tFi l m att heI nt er nat i onalFi l m Fest i valf orWomen,Soci al I ssuesandZer oDi scr i mi nat i oni nJakar t a,I ndonesi a,201 6. Rewr i t i ngs Gol dAwar d( 201 5,Amat eurCat egor y)atVi si ónRi ber eña.Codi r ect edwi t hRami r oNavar r o.

sl andofDoct orMor on® 20 TheI Bar cel onamar kst he21 sti nt er nat i onalfil mt ohavesel ect edTheI sl andofDoct orMor on® .The fil m hasscr eenedi n1 1count r i esacr osst hewor l dwi nni ngnumer ousnomi nat i onsandawar dsal ong t heway.Thefil mi sahybr i dcr eat i onofChr i sandLynDockr i l l .Tr ue,t her emaybemanyar chi valfil ms ofr ockmusi cal soutt her e,butnotl i ket hi sone.Mor oni snotan‘ ar chi val ’fil m.Mor oni suni que.As Chr i ssays,“ weused1 4camer aspershootdur i ngt hel i vewor l dpr emi er epr oduct i onandshott he show t ent i mes. ”That ’ s280 hour soff oot age!“ Wet henspentt enmont hsi nt heedi t i ngsui t et ocr eat e t hi samazi ngfil m. ”Ther esul ti saci nemat i cqual i t yt wohourfil m oft hi scompl et el yor i gi nalAust r al i an r ockmusi cal .Thepi ct ur eandsoundar est at eoft hear t .Thefil m al r eadysi t si nt heAust r al i an Nat i onalFi l m andSoundAr chi veduet oi t suni queness. “ Ourl ongt er m ai m, ”saysChr i s,“ i st ouset hefil m asapl at f or mt opr omot et heshow asal i vemusi cal . Thecommer ci alpot ent i ali senor mous. ”Wehaveyett obeconf r ont edbyanyonewhoi snotover awed byMor on.Themusi cespeci al l yj ustbl owspeopl eaway.Addedt ot hati st hechor eogr aphywhi chi s r el ent l ess.“ Iwant edt heensembl et ol eaveeachshow t ot al l yexhaust edyett ot al l ysat i sfiedt hatt hey hadt heoppor t uni t yt or eal l ydemonst r at et hei rski l l s, ”sai dChr i s.Addt ot hatar et hechar act er swho ar el ar ger t hanl i f ei nanyst or y.DocMor onwant st or educehumanst oani mal l i kest at ust o,ashesays, “ br i ngoutt hebeast ”i nt hem al l( l i st ent ot hefinal esong,“ Br i ngOutt heBeasti nMe” ) ;Fi t t erand Tur ner ,t heDoct or ’ sl abassi st ant s,dwar f sj oi nedatt hebr ai natbi r t h“ j ustl ovet hewetj obs”whi l e VoodooVal mai saf or cet ober eckonedwi t h.Addt ot hatt hebl ackhi pshaki ngpr eacher ,Br ot herBob andMor on’ sneur ot i cphot ohi st or i an,Schnapps,t oget herwi t hBal t hasar( “ t hi ssur eai n’ tnoCl ub Medi t er r anean” ) ,Val ma’ sr i ght handmanandt her eci pei ssetf ort wohour sofabsol ut el ycr azyf un. CDs,TeeShi r t s,capsandbadgesar eavai l abl et hr oughourwebsi t e.Justcont actus. “ Wehopeyouenj oyyourvi si tt oTheI sl andofDoct orMor on® .


Synopsi s: Di nneri sanani mat edshor tabouta ber eavedf ami l y,t hedi nnerandt he r emembr anceofabel ovedone.The st or yi saboutamandesper at el y t r yi ngt or ecr eat ehi sl at ewi f e’ sdi sh.

Cr edi t s: Chenxi nYang-Di r ect or Si hanYuan-Musi ccomposer

Di r ect orBi ogr aphy: Chenxi nYangi sanawar dwi nni ng mot i ongr aphi cdesi gner ,cr eat i ng handdr awnt ext ur edst yl e ani mat i ons.Herpastwor kshave beenf eat ur edi nmul t i pl emaj or medi aandnat i onalTV.


l l a,isaboutthelife, Thefil m,Be i nfluenceandi mpactof Cal i f or ni abasedar t i standact i vi stBel l a Lewi t zky.Descr i bedas“ . . . oneoft he gr eat estAmer i candancer sofourage” ( Wal t erTer r y)Bel l aLewi t zkywasat al ent ed, st r ong,out spokenar t i st ,whodedi cat edher cr eat i vel i f et opr ot ectt her i ght sofever y Amer i canci t i zen.Desi gnat edoneofAmer i ca’ s I r r epl aceabl eDanceTr easur esbyt heDance Her i t ageCoal i t i onandawar dedt heNat i onal MedalofAr t sbyPr esi dentCl i nt on,Lewi t zky’ s l i f edemonst r at eshow a“ uni quel yCal i f or ni an” ar t i stwi t hvi si onandt enaci t ycanchanget he l i vesofherf el l ow ci t i zens.

Da r k oPUHARI Ć ,d i r e c t o r




Ti t l e


. . LOVEHOTEL… ~ TheGui det oJapanese Mi dni ghtcul t ur e~


Aki ko Yui chiMar umur a CocoKano Mi namiMat suzaka Har uhiNanao

Di r ect or /Scr eenwr i t er /Pr oducer Kai chiSat o

St or y

Anaffai rwi t hacoupl ei nal ove hot eli nJapani n1 98x. Dr awi ngt heact i vi t yoft hemedi um whocamet oi nvest i gat et heghost appear i ngi nt her oom.


29 Anaut hent i chi st or i calnar r at i vefil m depi ct i ngt hel ast year soft hewar l or d Nobut or a“Ti ger ”Takeda 450 year sago.Thefil mi sahumandr amat hatpor t r ays hi sson,Shi ngen,whoi sf or cedt ofleehi shomel and,but i si nspi r ed,f eel i nganxi ousaboutt hef ut ur eofhi sf ami l y. Thedi r ect ori sShusukeKanekowhodr ew 6. 5mi l l i on vi ewer sf orDEATH NOTE.Themusi ci scr eat edby Shi n' i chi r oI kebe,af ami l i arf acei nAki r aKur osawa' s wor ks.Thefil m wasshotent i r el ywi t hi nat empl ei n Kyot o,wi t hf amousMasaeMi yamot oi nchar geof cost umes.Asyoucanseef r om t heuseoft r adi t i onal Japanesehor sesandexpensi vear t wor k,t hefil m st i ckst o genui net hi ngst hor oughl y,andi saspi noff oft hecl assi c Kagemusha.



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