Bisayan grammar and notes on Bisayan rhetoric and poetics and Filipino dialectology

Page 1








D : re~to:

of "san JJse"- C)lIege of Takloban-

-Profess)r of Lalin-

II !

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a trnalll


,"I", flO/ /" "'10 11' tilr I rl.llgllrt} c



my com h llj

I ha!'c Iill' tI ;f"


1908. "P.\'(i P~\"IlA.YAl;"





.... Til Til J..'

YOUTH OF S_41VIAR AND LEYTE who are clearly demonstrating aspirations for a brighter future thru education this book is dedicated, in the hope that it may give a stimulus to their work and all incentive to appreciate ll.'hat is best in their language as well as in the hope that, at a future day, some one of them may be fitted to do this work better than 1rere presented. THE AXTHUR


IXTROHGCTIOX The publication of a Bisayan grammar has been eagerly awaited by many. It has been desired by those who are interested simply in the study or a native dialect. It has been needed by all Americ::1l1s who desire an acquaintance with the language of the peopla am\)l1g wh om thpy Jive in ordrl' that they may get into clos'3l' touch wit b the great ma"s of n::lt ivf's as yet un'lbl e to spea k either Spanish OJ' Ettgli!:ib. It has oeen r~,.tu(路",terl by many native:; who \vish t.o improve their l'\~~ <>f Lhei r nl\Otb ,~ l' tongue. To all such, the present \'olnme will prove of great \'alue. The anthor is recogniz ed throughout Samar and L eyte as one of the highe~t authorities on the Samal'eilO dialect. His statements may therefore be accepted as au thorl tativH His treatment of pl'efixes and suffixes, of similar words with tlifferent meanings, and of the various forms of the verb are ('specially interesting and valuable. It is hoped that MI'. ~ol'berto Roml1;ildez may be able to c:1l'ry out his int@ntion of putting out a combined grammar and language book designed ~specially flH' those just beginning the study of Bisayan. Such a work in conjunction with the present grammar wO\.lld immensely facilitate the acquisition of a speaking knowledge of the :lialect.

vV. W. MARQUARDT, Division Superintendent of Schools.



'fhi::! book is not i,ntf'nrled to

be a COI~lp!ete gr3mmar,

hut is only an elementary work containing n colJection of ISOllle principles governillg the formation of the words and the comtl'uction of the sentenc(路 .~ (If tbe Bisilyan (*) dialect spoken on the!s of S;inJ3l' nnd nendy half of Leytf', by about four hundred thousand people. At random and at odd intervals H~ the nuthor's time permitted, he :Hrnn~erl) Illore or le~s in 11 logical grammatical order, the Illat'rial g ,ttlt l"路ll. Bearing in rni nd that there has ne\'er been any previons trf'ati!'e on thi.~ s\lbject 'orthy the lllHlIP, the whole tield therefore retl'l3ining practically unexplored, it. will \lilt be surpri"illg that the u~e of spare moments cO\'ering only a. short period has left much of the tield untlcvL'JulJed. However, what has beell collected in thi::; Ijook will be found to be of pri1l1ary importDnce tu anyone cle,;iring to gDin n, quick acqu<1.intance with tbe (lialect for immediate practical 11 St'. Aftpr a. carehll study of the many exalllple", lliider the different r\lles, coupled with a. conti 1l11011S practice, tlw USl'r will be smpl'i:::ed-if he i:-; a strangel'-at the C:I"e wit h which he acqllires an A:;iatic dialect, and-if be is ;1 Fili"ino-how clear and logical is one of the 1ll0:lt spoken dialects in bj~ l\Iotlwr-land. The author haJ no intention of launching this work at the present time; but it i" d lIle at the belle"t of his American friend", who lUl\'e urged him to issue what has been collected, a portion only of what is intended ultimately to be a complete treati,;e and gr:lInmur of Bisayn.n, in order that thi,; material Illay be u\'ailable fur the U"e of rerilons


(*J We \I Bisayan. llllJ Il I \. ,aYK!> for II e r 11 ' 011. R1I1ong oth~r s, tlltll there is no V or ~ .. Hllld " ~ JlI l , UI' C11 r h .' ttl, unfl Ilau there- ~e l' rns to 1Jt.: flu UCI1l',;:,,-it\P ior ('hangin!! in F.ngllsh lh" B ,,1' the original R;<((ya~ into I'. .

'I 1 t:lkill~ :til


there1).", bl'inging abollt pl'OO1r)t.e" it better fl'f.>lill~ b"t",n til t :,p lll'0~JI to: horn lwrL! [liltl the no::wcomer, Thl' ('XIll)"ition (II the' lliffl'l't'nt suhject:> is not in the 111'"lt'l'II diLi:ll'lie f)l"lll gelJerallr used ill this clas,; of works, TlIi" i~ :-;i III 1'1.\' dUll to the hck of sufficient time, Th 'ls the gl'atnllla;' j, di"itled into th ! lHIl:ll P'\ rts: lrtho~I'aphy, pro'f'oLl)" (,ti!llnlng,", alld ";."Iltax, ~",m(' of thL!,t' P~trts b:lve been treated til :t VlOry li'llit",j "X'ollt, 11' '1'1';' Ai 11t' Ill~ l;nt admitted {)f thl' ('l,ll('ctinl1 uf :,uft: ie,ll Illllf'ri t1 ;11)1\ ot the opportu"ity tn \Y,·i~il the> 1'"I;1ti," "Hlltf'~ '111,1 1'1111Iil"1\e tbe exceptions frolll til!' nil!·", ,\11 :lp;)t'lldi:-: llil~ i>l'':'1l ,tlkll'll where t'i\'O Lo~ic:,' are treat ed : 11ot<.:'; (III EilEllt'ic alld :J,),ti<.:" of Bi""lvan, and notes on Filipino Pi:tll'ctul\,~y t' )11>'i"tiltg~1 U <iburt enmparnt ive s tndy of this di:lll:1't ',I rderel (;.:j tl) T:lg-;Il d g:. \)11C or it~ sisterTIll' lirst n"le,; HI'(' (,i.-!"ig ned 1":1\'1.11 after the gram m t f shu\\' the pos:oibilit)' of a



ill the


(If l'C)lllIllUni r,;ttif)l1, which

ou t of

pt'lago, 111 rr :-imii:lr IV"}, as till" Mmll'rn Hj~h Germnn hos heen fot'"",d out of tilP l\lain jll'lilliti"t: groups Fl'l",iall and SaXl)n, l'r:\IIkish, If\'~:::i 111, :l! d fbllrill;;i<lll, alHI Alcmunnian and Ib';ari:\I). "'u 11'\"(' Lo !"'\H-."ll th:tt Ollt' w()rk i .; fil l' frum being pl'l'f",.'i , C'\','II CillllplL'tl'. \111 ,H'CllLll1t of J.H.:k of suff icie nt time, OWill: t, till' ':'1'1:' ·il'<"1111..;t,111(,!'" ltJall~' (,l'l'ot's in IJrinting b:\\'" l'I'\'I't inln liJi..; lJ(.(lk, 1\ hieb WC' kl\'P tril'cl to ('(l)'}'('ct :It til!' ('nd . lll,,1,!' till' hPI,Ji:l~ Err:lt'1, But we Kil1cel'ely :I IIlIit t~I'I~ Iidt :111 "t th .. l1Ii-:(.t1..c.'" that Illny be fO\1IHl in :1),(, In i hi,.; 1,". I", iI ">i;2;11I'" ttl 1:1,'\ IIf t i l11l', Likf' any thi" \\'0 I' k bears lila rks l,t111 :' 1'J'I'!'11't "1£ 11\1111:1;) 111111 s[.r ," { i !'I'l'tI\' ~ :tl'i,ill~ r1'" III t 1Ie t \\"1 ~C) lIr('\~,.; llLli n tl,d (l l1t I,," II (J\' [\ ce I


q\l:l~ :IPl

inc.:nrin fudit,

\lit 1t1:)II'!":l 1"11'1111 1 ('l1\'it Il~llllr:l, (:.1;)

.\ (·(lli1.Jliltl\·~ hl1



In' ,)\' ill :'\fq lib


thL, l'l1l'l'l)s(,.

\,11 Acknowledgement is hereby made for the help rendered by .Messrs. W. W. Marquardt, Div. SuperiuLenr1ent of Schools "of Leyte, P. 1., Fred Shoemaker, and H. "V. Halboul'g, in correcting part of the proof, and for the collaboration of ~Ir. Henry K Neibert, Former American Teacher of Jaro, Leyte, P. 1. whose knowledge of both tongues, English and I3isayan, add"<1 ml1ch materi::d to the work. Hoping that this little volume may be of interest and real help, it is offered to an indulgent public ÂŁ:::1' what it is worth.

Takloban, Province of Leyte, Philippine Islands. November 8, 1908.












5 5 7

PART:> OF SPEECH ARTJrr,[.:s, , , ])(>('\I'II,i011 , ::\()O~S





fliminntive FIgn1'l11h'e ,

\'erbnl. , , ('nl))pouncl , Deri\'ulivc '

PropP!' find C01llmOn, Poshive, Cumparative, Il.ud t\ul,el'luU I'e Cardinal, Ordinal, Partitive, flUO Distributive l'ollt,('tiYC I1COllcr. ~~Ull)II("T

l 'a~l'.





Ilt1])nl'lalJlObsCl'Y,lIion Tl'llllS1,c>sirion of .H'('rnls, PRu):nl'~



35 33 ·10


41 43




47 ·18

]h-lI1n'''II'otiYl' PV"':'-L' >d \'l' . Rt'l:lI i \'C', , ,


l·ll . . . lll·O{·tion:-:



, , ' , ' (\llljugnlit,IL-' \' ojrt:~


U Ild 'j'\!nlO,j)5

~ulllh('I' :111,1 P"I'~OI1

III tlt:c'! iOll" Tul,le 1.

rrimiti\',' ,\O'Iil'(o ,

T~'lIJJl' ~.--PI'Ui!l'et;'-j\,(l' Af'ti\"l...' Tuld~ :~.-·l'l'ill\ili\-L'I.jl'~·(

t P:l"'i"fl,

'1',,1<1(, l."l'rogl'(',sil'c ])ircct r'l~.i\'(', , 'ruble ii,--Pl'illlitiyc fnc:!iJ'crL Pass;,'!', , Tnl .' (j.--Pr\)g-rf>~siY(\ JndiTNl Jlnesi,-c. Tnld\ 7.--Pl'jmiti'\(' In~tnnnel1{Hl Pfl~siy\..·. TnlJl(' ~,--ProgrcRsjyc Instrnmcntnl Pllssiv€'.


\"egn (in'

RO 82 8'1 84 81 87


75 ,0


11Ifc1'l'og>1(i\'~ FOl'lTI~,

:-;l1P1'1(>1,-,I'Y \'l'I'bs, . f'1'ol1()tnilllll Form.

,\c1Y<'r1)iul Form. 1)]"('1'\'([t1011.


1mpl"r;oJl>ll \ 'e]'b" llefN'(;\'r Yer1J~, , Otltl'1' ('Jus~e" ni YNb~, ActiY!' YoieC', , flir" ... ! Pn,sh'e.

8S f9 90 9:;

] nuireN PIl<sive lnstrumen!nl PIl,sivc Dep"cl'in (i\'(' \' (,l'b8 ADI'EItD


96 ~!(;

!Ii HR





I NTF,nJ 1,(,T ION


i't'OJEI"1'!\'r: ItEl,ATTOX ,



Ifill 100 101 102 102





. \B80Lt'TE A~D JNDb:PEXDEX1' "O:<S1'RUCTlflN~, f-'TNTAX Of' YERH~,

103 lO:l






llA RBAnJ~~1 ,


/I'orlls ;1l11cccssm'ilil

Ill,:; ",'CI{

i,l fJl .. II!1CIII,

;;l'llllish 1I'01'l1s, ('binr~('

woruij ,

English \\PI'US, }I'nl'cion constructioNs



"'m'd,~ Jlu'f'~:!wdl!lli~('('

1111; lUe 111 111 ll~





,I PP l~'"Y [) 1 Y ~(" I' I~S

0:-; Hl",\ Y \:\ HllETIJI{J(' ,\:\ il POE'1'H'S f,"11:t'fH"S 01



111 11; J:!l



POP-TH' l 'O IDI ~


l'as ijll'atin II ('ol.I,EC'I'ION O~· SOMP. HI8AYA N SOXII ..

IrMa/ Pod"iI

J I)"

..... 1



1C~ 1

Xl PAGE Philo80phic PQCII'Y· Loue Por.II'Y . . .


Sundry. . . . , NOTE ON FILIPINO DIALECTOLOGY, Words exactly the SRme in Bisayan and in Tagalog. Words with some dialectal diiferences

Differences in the vow€' Is i, o. , , , . Differences in k, It t, r, d, t "... DIfiel't'ile6S Jh til



n, aile. .!l .he ,eptn'v.llvn of the syllables.

'l'ran.f. ,rmalion hun.. a to




und vice'Versa,

...................... .

125 126 128 128

130 130 131 132 132 133


Tbe Bisayan letters are tW€l1ty: ( *)

a, as a in large



h, as h in hat

p, as in English

i, sounding ee

qu, as the English k

c d


as In English

e, as e iH H'ell g, fiR .:0.o· in goud

as ·ng in long

) m ~ as n





u, souncl-ing



y, as .v i 11


t as ill good






as in English


(",) Arcorlling to the llllture of the Bisaya!l dialect and according to what some Filipino philoiogb't;s have written, Rii',l\l among them, referring to the dialects ill the Philil'PillCS, t-he lelbers of the Bjsayalliallguage must be the following: fl, b, d, e, g, i. h, i, k, 1, ID , n,l o, p, r, s, t, u, y, 'v . . As it Qan be noticed, t..he letters c, f, j , ii, q, v, x and z are omitted from the preceding list, Ilnd g ana \v are ~I1Ll'oull('ed. The reason for this i~ as foUows: c, in its sound as in city. can be sul;stituted by the letter s; and, in its sounel like c in cup, it clln be substituted by k. i is never u sed in BiJ;IlVRn. j, in its Spanish son n<:1', can he substituted by h, whicll has an aspirate pFonut1Qiot.i()ll ill BisIlYf\1l ill all CflJse'l. In Bisaya n, there is no sQund like that of the Etll{lish j; howeycr. in Rome placcs on the western and southern coasts oi Leyte , tile y is prollollnced like the English j, as in maa'yo (pronounced muhuh-joil) good. The 8panhJl letter fl, or a $ound like it, can be written in Bisayan more properly wilh the combiJlation of these two letters ny, as in rninyo (Pl'. mean-yo) married. q is not neecssary, since the k can be used in all cases, where q is needed. The phl'l\se qlliquUcwll co (1 Sllllil see iLl can be perfectly written kikilcwn ko. T is neyer used in Bis,tyan. x, in its Spanish s.)l1lld, cun Le substituted by k8; and, in its English sounds, it CRn be substituted lJy gs or k8, respectively. Z, in either its English or Us Spanish 'ound, is never used in nisayan . TI1e 'ii is for the naml sound that is yery often used in Bisayan, like the ng in .~OJ1g, longiny. The g is preferable to the combination nil, which would sometimes lead to ('o11fnsion; because this ('ombinatiou ng in Bisayau, is not pJ'onoulJl'ell us olle leLter. in m,lllY instanl'es, bnt each of these letters is pronounced; liS, for example, the word /Juga (fruit), iI written bunga, should sound f)oonggILel" , whkh l1H'tl llS Ie <1cu·t or to b.: da'rtllc/ . w iR needeu in 1111 ctl'es of sllunds like Spunish dipthongs; but it must be ulled in Bis!l),an flllyays as " COnSotHlU., IJel'er ilS a vowe l. NotwitiJst>1l1dillg' th~ Vl'eeeding considi'rlltiOIlR, the orthography u erl ill this bool< is [lIe olLl <lIle, ILl I "imp1itl~d to 11 ('el'lain extent, on tlccount of the [nct t1IAt thL'l <llphlliJd (if it ('IlH be properl), <, .. ned Ull aiphabd, it having no J or so und of .n iH not yet used, e,'ell known, but by very few persons Ilmong the BiHIl)' n!l spl:!llki Ill': people. Tt ",,,"ld be I'NY <1esil'llhlc for the people to adopt the new orthography proposcd ill this note , b~(,l\l1s ~ it i' evidently more simple and proper for the parti(ular 11J11ure of 1lu' .Bi~U)'Ull diulect.



page ~.)

- 2 .\f[('1' k:ll \\'ing the I'e,~p('rti\'e S01.1111..; of lhc~r lellers, n II tbe Id'P!'L'<Iillg talJIl', 110 J'llle j~ llPCCS:;:HY for the 1'l'lll'IIIWi:lll .. q "f Di"::IY:111 \I'IlI'lI~.



Tlt,~ ~ lyH 11.

orLbngl'<lpiJ;(,:ll lIl~<Iel'


ttl gi \'l'



<'iati II, :lllcl, c()I."'eqllt'J.Lly, tlil'ir

Ui tl'l'




il11pl1rl:lllt ~iglllil Bitlleil' pl"'lJer PI'OIlI! 11-

i.; nil

lite words





:trt' t\l',' waY,-: Olle is tht' Ilk(' ll';lt (If till' l<-:;ngli~11 1'()II'eIM, as III




llilg'a rlilllJi

I he




J1l'OII0l1I1('i lIP;

coni or wood),

fllH] the ntlH'1'

g\1l1 \I rn I




of 111l' yniep, like ( 1111 I gR )

lilt' Ihp

Tltif;i gllltlll'al

ilot 01'




drop). IS only used III the endings

(I[ \\'01"1.'.

F'l'I11i1 tilo \','lfioIl8 romhill:llions of theRe \Y;1~TS (If l'J'()lhlllll1'0\\",1" find lh( force Iyith IYbieh they art' pl'nnnUIl('cd, it f"illl\\,:; thnt a VI)\\'('I, Ill) llintter which ol1e it i", h;IS cil)~ llil' 1'11111'

c1ii'fl'}"'llt l'ol1l1c1s:,


As Ol'llillfll'ily,

and witb(Jllt any p:1.1'ticn 1(1 I'



AR ol'dinarily, hilt wILh fCll'C(' in its pronullciation. ;~I',]. By:1. gnlt.ul'al Rllsp('nilrd (,lllis8ion of thp \'0;('(', :tilt! l\'itllf)lIt f(\l'c('.


lI'i III

By:~ gnlllll'al sll~pl'n(.led Cillissioll of lbe I'oico, find


(('07l1ill/l((/ /1'/1/11 }JClP' /.) \ stltdy III Ih' 11ll'lilcl(l lIi 1'r'dl1f'illg Ih~l ntlllltH ' " (lr IHsnrun VOW('I~ is alsu lnh~' rll'!-lil'pcl,fl' il~I'~111~lht\.t lint IJI'Ill'ttlHlI thl'l'l' Itn' Jl(=l0detl, to wil: ft. l'nl'i,(I(1l' II. '1'1,(, ilUlpl'l' pf Ih" IIi flYfl.1I IUllg-lI p tllf,.... tlPcl 1'0), Pll('h n ~ilHpli('il\' Or. T. 1I. 1'~II'dti dv TII\·t'r~l. IL'fpl'l'iug' ttl tht' ItlH'il'Jll l"llipillll nlpllllheL :-:ilY";: .:, lit' nlplhtl.llt \\"no.. "1I11-1PI)I.:('" Ill" ~t>\'\'lltf'lql It'ltel'~, thl'l't' III' \\illl'h W('I'(' \'n\\"t'l~, \ ('IIU:--OIUlni ... rundillg' ),1"111' wnS }ll\\'ll~,; Pl'ulll1\11H'\·tl \rith lin a ~0Ulld Jdllo\\illg: IIY fll(~ lI:"l'uf II dill Itl' 11/1 ... 11 Ill'lIl' nlll t'11.flY(' Illl' ('nllN()Jlnl~1 :-:1('111. i"l llllll!h III€' :--UlIlf' fn!-'ilioll II~ 1-1 Uf.(1(l ill ('i'I'hlill,,'y"'ttlm~ nf~lll)l·lhnlld. ill~ll'nd ",1' tlllJ S()l1lHl ofthl'rl. th('.~OlIJld I.f tllt' vo\\"t,l t 01' ,. WHf.! 1l1'willl'CiL \\ IIl~TI fhi' ll'it 01' dH~h \\,us rdn('pd I,. l,'\\\' 'lie ('lllI~Pllnnl :-It'll1 the \O\\(') HIIlI d g;"I'1I "AN Cl,u;vnlcYiI, tu u 01' 'II." (~(l' (ll,'l;<.: fir till' "ldlippillC' hllnnd..:- l~J'I'l \'ullllllP Olh" pll~." ;1~7).

fhe /il'f'L wn,r docs not nee!] any orthographical sign. Dll! tbe lac:r thl't'C OlleS ref),nire a special ort.hographical acern!. ill ('neb r[1:;(;, n)\H'1 1!'l prollOOllCf'c1 0.'3 ordinarily, but with than tltltt'I'H in thp fo.:lme word, llle proppr accent 18 tlte nente ('). '''hell n, \'II\\'el is pronounced with a sllspended gnttural 8(1\1 lid, hut ",ithout any force, the cort'psponding accpnt 18 tit" grave ('), .\.Iltl whrn i1 \'o,,'el is prolJol111Ct'rl with a sm:pendecl f,!l1ltl1l'al bllund ",itl, force, its accent is the circumflpx ("), wIdell i" ~illJpl.\' the combinat.ion of the two foregoing ac('PDt. a~ thi~ l:1f't represent a sOllnd that is the combinatil)ll of the twn Founds SLl 'p n:.led guttl1l'ul ana "'jth force, Thel'pfol'P, in writillO' tl1e word quita, for example, in its three differel t meanings antI accol'c1iu'g to its three c1iffel'pnl pronul1ciati' ns, it nal t be as follows: \rlil'll





qu it~ (,,'e)

ql1ita (see)

quita" (look at),

RULE. Tlwre are three different accents in Bisayan: tll(> a(,l1te ('); the grave ('); and the angular, which we l\ia." (¡,111 illll'roperly circumflex (A). Till' aPllte i", located wherever it is needed, eilber at • thl' hrginning or 111 tbe millLlle or at the ending of the


Exa mp1es: llpa (reward)

l1pa (rice chaff).

The graye and a nguJar, by their nature, are only used npon words elllling in a vowel, and then only upon the last "o\\'e1. Exal11ples:









of [llillctllntion in Bisctyan are Ll e same as EIlglj,dl, tilt, lule", for lhe nse of the period (.), I'lllon (:), ~1'lllicolllli (;), C!1lllll1a (,), l'arcntbc::;iB (), da~h (-), l[llOtnlinll nJarks (q ") a III I ajH'1"tropiJe (') beinl! identical Tltt' in


-4Bl1t the rules are differeHt for the use of the iuterrogation an 1 l'xclal1ltltion poi ntf', ant! hyphen. In Bi~ayHn, tile !=:pnnish way is foJlo\yed in using two puillts of int,errogatiol'l alJu two of exclan 1 fltion, the one at tIle br>ginning of the question or exclamation U,) (i), and tIl<' otber at the ending ('7) (!). While the hyphen (.) is also used in Bisayan to connect parts of :\ word di\'idecl at the enu of a line, and to cunnect two or more n0I111"" adjectives, or particles, so a'l to flll'm them into a single compound, it has an additional Ilse which is to separate distinctly the syllables of certain word" th:lt would haye a different meaning or at all without tbe said sepn,ratiotl. Examples:

s~l-ong (to hoolr) s;'1ong (resin) sJl-a.v (bekhiug of all ilifallt) suiay (prop) hac-ad (t,u l1lJ 1'\111) os,og (to draw near from afar) im 路 'm (lip) sid- p to look at) san-o (when, future) cacal1-O ("'hen, pact) (,*) N01'b:.-Th c abo\'e rlepamtions ar~ net of the san'le cbaracte r as tho,:o caused. by CO[i}t\'(lctions or elisions, where the IHOlJel' f'ign i:" !lot a hyphen, but an apostc0pbe. As,

gab'i from gabii (night') cu.bit~n'all, from eabitoonan (stars) pab~J"i, from pabaxai (It'ave him 01' her) it' im' bugto n;'811 hit' ac' patod, from itOll imo lJUgt~ ng'all hit~I1 neon patod (yolll' brothel' 01' sist!;!r and Illy cOll::;in).

ThC'rdnrL', it wonld not be corn'ct to write gab-i, cabiton-an, pnlJay路i, \Ylwre the apflRtJ'ophe E'h<)ulcl be (;'mployed

in!"tcnol (If tll(' hyphen. Howl'l'l'r, the apo'-tl'ophe iR Llsed only wIlen IlI'I,tlL'.! to :\I'oill wrong prollunciutioll 01' confusion, -------------l'k) [n mOSI or the towns or the isluni! of S(trual', such separAtion as well n~ I hut uy nvostrophl' is frequently tlisregnrded, til is being one of the most noti路 ('(,Rule <lHfl'ren~cs uetw('~n I he S(tmnr and Leyl" dinlerts.

-5~o the last of the preceding examples is written without allY ~ign of pLlnctllUtioll) thus: it im bugto n,gan hit ae pat;d. VOWELS

1'bl2 Bi::nyan people, e::pecinlly in Leyte, always haye a t,' !1Clrncy to separate t.he yowels in pronouncing the words, there l)eing no Bis:tYElll diptbong. So it is bi.ol (small bUi'ket) ,tid !)0t biol; cSt-OIl (eat), ti.ii (foot),ma-opay (goodL ' nne' ... ' ::!:on , tiil, maopay. But thi s refersonlytc ::poken langu 't~l', l~()t Lo wdtten. ::30 n H:: wod" like yu;say (axe)) sab;{o (broth) are pro n0l1l1c')d 1 -:! -sr.;y, ~"-bao. and Dot u-a-sar sa-/}a路o. These ~y~ l. 'l;l es r.:~' and ao are ,t (lJl'tiJolIg", . The 11 in the y l t:)\0路 I 1.1 1'{ d13 0 j th路 'l :1 th le {W, Me noL the vO\vel s u) o J ;),t ~h' 'O! so n! _, 1 11'. ~"les e w-Jrds shoul d be written 11'J ,)!'e prop!:;!' I , wasay, saba~"I'. (1)



Every vowel (2, with the consonant or consonants pronounce(l with it and every vowel pronolln0er.l nlone form one f>yllable, and are written as sllch. This is the rule applied to the eli vision of a word at the end of a Ii ne. Examples: (conversation) b;c-dao (stand) a-ba-ea (hemp), etc. CAPITALIZATION

In l. 2. .~


of thp


Bisayan, the following wordl5 should begin with capitals: The first worn of every sentence. The proper noun~. The names of the days of the week and the month s; year. Titles of honor or oine ' .


- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

(1) Sec the note 011 the first page of this boole Thi s is onE' of the facts that urge th~ a(loption of a l'nore logical alphabet ('!) for the Bisayan tongue. (2) Except 0 and II when u sed as consonnnts, their function then being properly that of Il 1('.

-;65. All word~, except prepositions, conjunctions and uuimpnrtant adjectiYeR, in thl; titlee of books and essays. 6. All names of God, and expresf>ions referring to the Deity. 7. 'Vorci" represeuting Il1lportant events in bistury allli epocbfo1 of ti me. CONTRACTIONS

TIJel'e ilS III

the sig n

no contraction Ll se n in


Bisayall, except that (a particl e emp ]\)yed to express the idea

nf pill ra lit y ) . Hia ill for manga composed of ma (an important lrefix ,)f the Difo1;1yal1 ani ] To gil, log cl ialectR, which bears the i,iPD of : lHlndance or }lllll·a lit. , ) and ng~ (a conjllnctive particle \rhich is necessari ly el1l lJloyed to connect the variab le parts of spe eh). NOTI~. It wouJJ be d simble to have the following contractiul1s adopted in Bi. ayan, ina much as they are universally recn,gnizec1 :

e. fo r id est. " for exempli gratia. viz. for videlicet, etc. for et cetera. p, D. for post data. p, S. for post scriptum. N. B. for nota-bene. tl. m. for a11te meridiem. p. m. for post meridiem . ("' )


c, g


. Parts of' -Speech. T1tepc arl' ('ight in 1l11l11ber, in Bi sayan: article, noun, prolloun , veril, ad\'erb, prepositi0J1, C'Oujllllction, inLPl'jeC'tion. (.y,) 'l'1ll' I\\llll",· II clien·., lhlll it i ~ IJclle!' to adopt theRe rontl'Uc·tiuns than III '"Y""[ olbN" ui lIi:Il.l':lu llrigi" 1'0" llll' re"Hon thnt they affo]'(1 sigH" univer· sully UlJdC'l·"I"nd. uuo IJeclI u "c eYCF)' longuc h,lS '" lenOcnl'Y to Itssimilutc' ~ l1l'h unh'CI'".lll sl"Ils




There are three C]aE'SE.'R: Definite: an (the) Indefinite: in (a) Personal: hi or si (no equivalent 'in Englh3h) .

Th( defin;te article, as well as the inde.fin·ite, is used in Bi. nynn ill the . sarne manner as its equivalent in Engli::l, The c1efin'te article,' howe"er, is sometimes med hefore proper nouns, nnd. it is very often usee1 Defore the dellJonstrati\'e and pOE'sessi ve .pronouns. Examples: NaC<inhi an bata (the boy or girl has come) N in ba t~ ( ~ . bv)" or gi rl has cnme) An DY08 (1) m.tcagf'gah In (Sou is omnipotent An j ni ng~~ budd (tllis flower) An aeon cal'o (my hat)

aea nm

The pei'sonul rti'.::le i.s alwl ys used before the names of persons; it 1's also used bef!ore the personal pronoulJS, except the third persons. Examples.

Hi Pedro (Peter) Hi aco (I) Hi icao (YOLl) Insteau of hi, si may .be uE'ed. (2) These articles do not chang~ in gender. Exampl es: lin nnllty (the fathe:), an iroy (the mother); hi Juan (John), 'hi ~raria (Mary). The definite and indefinite articles change in the plural 111 tbe' ,following way: •


We do not wrile "Dia .• ", beenuse it woul<! be pronounced

\' Yo\\'l'lso J supra.

Di-os. -


The me of s instead of tht;' II, in these Ill'ti<'ies, ,de.pends upon the place Risi1yall is , sp01'cn. In the tOlyns of BUl'lill'en,: Dtllo.g lind Abll),Og of the Island of Ll'yte, and III some plnCI" 111 S~mal', .t he h IS n'ever usel], but- t:he s instead lor IheSl' articleR. Uencmlly, i( is ('on . ide red more olemn to nse the . 8 ill stenl! of the Ii, in speeches, letters nnd ppctry. But mnny times 'it j~ COj)Si(\elcJ liS 11 ridiCulous nliect.ltiOI1, in places -wherc the h is used. It v, ill he not.ed that, in some instll1]('es, the BisR),nn people Show n teudelicy I? ~bullKe (hE; tlspll'llte sound of the I~ or soft souncl of the Spnnish j, into s. <>0 111 o lden tImes, the name Ju.(t'll WfiS pronounced Bunn; J,teves WIlS proll('ltlJ]C<!ll SUebt'.9; and fmID the Span ish juga)', they mnde the Bisaynll word sl1ga/, whic·h is still ill UtIle. (2)





an mga in mga



The persllll:t1 art,it'll:) does not ('hangp, in pel':,on 01' nnmbel', except ill tile thi\'J person plu;'al where it takes the form of the thini personal pronoun thit'd person, pturllo1 numbtlr, Examples:


Hi quita (we) Hi cam6 (you, in plural) HiI;" Ped,'o ngan hi Juan (Peter anu John) DECLENSION.-Artides and objective,

have two cases: PLURAL





hi or si

han hin ni, can or or san I sin I

an mgn

in mga hint or sira

ha!l mg,a Olga nil'll, cunda or or san mga I sin mgal


An bat~ nagbaha~a han surat ni Pedro (the boy reads Peter's letter), Hil'a. Cados ngan hi Juan naghatng canda TomllS ng'in hi Pedro hin bucad (Charles and John gave flowers to Thomas and Peter),


The objective case covers all the different cases used in other 1n.nguages aftl?r the nominative. that is to say, the genitive, dative, accusative ;nd ablative cases, RULES, 1. The Bisayan articles are used immediately before the words to which they refer, 2, The definite article may be used without expresaing the object to whieh it refers, having, in this case, the nature of u relative pronoun. Examples:

An nagtutootl, nahabibs'ro (He, who studies, learns) . .4n mga nagtl1tutd~ ha aton (They who teach us.)

- - -- - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

(*) See "Contractions",8up,'a. As it lR seen, the m is for mao This contrac' tlon shows eXI4cLly the way in which the BisllYlln original letters were I1sed. It Is simply the nnciellt WilY of writing preserved after the adoption of the Spanish letters.

-9 :1. The pElr~onal article IS alwaYFi neces<:al'y before the namps of persons. It is n ot correct to .3 ay "Pec1ro nl1gsu5urat"; hi i: 11 " (L (:,,1, and it mnst be: " b ' Pe d ''C' _la gSl1SUrat" (Pet!'!' is writiolI).

E':.. Cl:PTIO~S. 1. Between the definite articlt! and the word I( whicb it refers, other words may be placed, iL) some inslanceR, as ill this phrase:

.An 1111 nga balay (thiE house), or an maopay nga bat~ (the good boy

01' girl). reglllar order in constructing tbe last is: an batR nga maopay.

2. \rhell tbe names of pâ‚Źrsons case, the personal article. is not med.


are In the vocative Thus we say:

Mariano, c df dao (Mmriano, come, please). Pamati, Juan (listen, .John). 3. In the objective case of hi; can is used before the nrb, and ni after tpe verb. Ex,amples: An can Juan guinsunit (what John wrote) An guinsurat ni Juan (what John wrote)

N. B.-The indefinite article, wheo needed at the beginning of the sentence, is replaced by the phrase "usa ng.a." So, if we wish to Bay "a boy came yesterday," we should not say

in bat~ nad,nhi cacoloPi but us;;;' nga bal~ na.c~lnbi cacol6p. This phrase us!t nga is nut a perfect article, but it hus the cbaracter of an ndjl'cti \' e, even when used flS an article. TherefoH" both tile indefinite in and the pb]'a~e - may be 111:'-ed in the I:'-ame sentence, So, we can lisa nga f'ay, l:lJanging tl1P regular order of the last sentence:


Kacaldli cacl)lo./! in usa nga bata (a boy came yesterday). NOUNS

These are substantive and adjective.

Both may be group-


10 -

cd in the following cla!:ses: pl'imiti\'e, diminutive, figUl'ative, verbal, compound, derivative, proper, common, po~iti\'e, eompal'ati\'e, l::tllJerlative, cardinal, orElinal, partitive,' distrihutive an(l colledil'e, N"olbing particular ncedp be ;;aid about tbe primitive,

DDIDTUTIVE I-拢X!l 1lJ pIe ::: : nnu,'UTTVE


baLi), (bou ej


f;;lroLlul (trolllOers)

saroualax earahtiay

c:lrah; (frying-pan) hnlMo (little bout) As lion of




seen, the diminutive is formed by the repetithe prilUitil'e 01' by adding to the latter the affix.



Th e prillliii e is repeat~il when it has not two f'yllables, As,

more than


tLihon (lenvf'), c~ihoy (lNe),

clahondabon, cahoyetihoy,

Th p allix "-T or haX is added when the primitive has mortJ thall t\\'o syllabl('~; ay heillg nsed in cases where tlIe nOlln ends with a consonanl, 01' a vowel with a grave 01' tlilguin r accent; an(l hay being employed when路 the primitive enels with a \'o wel otherwise accented or non-accent('J ()!' a vowel thai is prQ,tlollllced s eparately from the l'11l)l)tl tilt

eO llSOllanL

pr cl:e, ling it, A s,

or is preeedeJ by





sacaYlin (boat) halll;l,\; (Inw)

balic~ (crooked)

sacayanay, haboboa.'V, balic6ay, (*)

(v, ) Thi s ,]il1lillulive 0.9 well liS the preceding does not need 10 be accen, Ipll Wd 11 /4 1'11\路" 'ItJd '\l"g'~lnl'_ a cce nt, as ol'iginlltly , firs t, b~cnnse snch IIccents are ollly use,1 III I h n l'1l.11I1g 01 the \vol'~1 s (eee the rnle, page al, lind 80(,0I1d, be('1111 .<e 1I1P <a.,p0: 1ol,' d :,1l1lLUml s.)l1 nd 01 the It\S~ "owel of its ' j.Jl'imitil'e is 111 some WIH pI e. ' l'vel1 by m~allS of the sepa ration with -(vh.ich the vuwels va are pl'OJlllUlll't:~l (d!:!!? 01\\1".\'1".11.,", rh\ ge 5) .



11 -

abaca (hem'p) babaye (woman) banat-i (a tree so called), ma!acfO i (fast),

abacahay, babayehay, banat-ihay, malac~fhay.

But the dissyllabic primitive is not repeated wh en its first yowe! is followed by more than ODe conson a nt" or when the last vowel has an acute accent or is p:-o nolloced separ~ ately from the conSOl'lant precedi ng it. In such cases th e affix ay or ha.y is employed, the rule<3 established for the llse of these affixes being applicable to 8uch diminutives. As, from Hmsi (bird), tamsiha_v, n"ot tamsitamsi, tli]-an (bone), tul-anay, not tul路antul-an, pl1ht (red color), puhiJhay, not pulapu!a, (1) sagpo '(plug), sagp04_, not sagposagpo, sab-a (a kind. of banana), sab-ahay, not sab- asab-a, bllngto (town), bongtohaf not bungtobungtC'.




Generally , as it has been olrt:: rved in the preceding examples, the adjectives follow the same rules. As , from l11atam-is (sweet), matam-isay, malomo (soft), malomohay, halipot (short), halipotay. But in mnst of the adjE:ctives fcrmed with rna (a particle bearing the idea of abundan~e) and ha (2) (a particle that bears the idea of place), like rnaopay , mabusag, mapula, hataas, haiaba., the prefixes rna or ht!l are disr egarded in the formation of their diminutives, th eir abstract roots being the only elements taken into consideration, as if such (1) But if the primitivE' is 711 CL p lt la, the diminutive will be ma,p ttl apula, a s will be noted later. (2) In some places In ,Leyte# and S搂.mar, this: particle is hi, 110t ha , where it is said hibob~. hilipot, h'ilaba, hUaas. But, in my opinion, it is simply a result of confounding the particle ma which is more proper fo r adjectives a s it bears th e idea. of abundance , with the personal !uticle h'i with which it is thus intend ed to personify the abstract ideas of bolio, lipot , taba , t~a$ .



'" were dyssi lin hir. Th us, .npa.l', bl1sag, pl1lD., t;a.s, Jaba, being the abst ract roots of the last mentioned adJ t'dlIBS, their din1inuti\-es will ue:

arliecti ves


from mu6p'ly (gnorl), mnopay-opa.r rnabudg (white), n~nbu"agbl1sag mapu];i (rpcI), mnpl1]ap拢;Ja b lhas (high), hataa C:nds hn:. :); (long), hnlabll18Jxi (1) ves.

There are some adj,' ""-08 ,dat have 81 h a"e the following:

irregular diminuti-



dac~ (large), guti (sma,]])

_ n;(rliLAR



IRRE Crl'L.\. F.

dacoJaa...v gutirunt

(2) (3)


We call those nouns fig111/iltive t.hat are applied to the objects which, not being of the same natnre as that which is expressed by their roots, show nevertheless analogy or similarity wi th those represented by the correspond i ng prim itive, in their meaning, form, use, 01' application. Examples: from boLon (fountain), mobonh~bon (4) (fontanel); val.\;iyo (borse), dampog (cloud), cttrocabayo, darod.hnpog, (objects that are like a horse 01' clouu). Whpl1 the pl'-imitive has not, llJOre than two syllables, the formn.tion of its figllrati\'e follows the same rulN) as those for the c1issyllnhir diminutive. As, (\) Jt. 1,as al~o Ihe )'l'gulfu fOl'ln "'lCllctl)~lal/". (2) Tllis is n ,\,etnthc is oj HI/eWOIt/a!!", hy the transposition of the liqniu consonf\nt I; n.lld th,s I '" "!lctcoaloy" llAS I)<'('n sub 路tltu ted. [,,1' phondkul 1'<'>1 SOIl for tile yor "({UCOO!lClY", whiC'h is L1,,' dimill Ulil'e of "dctooay" 1I0t used. ' (3) It seems Lhnt Lhis diminutin' is the eontrac1ion of "gulia'y" 7Iga ,11l"o~': it is not strictly n uimi"utve, it i.s n sup<'l'latiyc . (4) Transformed from bob/lllb~bo/l.



from hali (king)j we have lrRdildQJ (a person who . hy r:~ va r:l1y or harsh路 res " lllhlr<; the figllr e of a king).

nese: j

But when th~ primiti-ve has more than t wo syllables, or its 路last vowel is preceded by more than one consonant or is pronounced separately from the consonant preceding it, its figurative is formpd by adding to the root a prefix composed of its first syllahle if it begins with a consohant or of its first vowel if it begins with a vowel and the s.vllable ro (a particle that bears the idea of imitatiol1, repetition, or collection). As, from sacaylin (boat), sarosacli yan ulalaUpan (centippoe), uroulalahipan isda (fish), iroisda can'on (cooked rice) ca.rr0can'on (1) NOTE.-Many of the figurative nouns have the same forms as the collective. There are few figurath'es among the adjectives; of these, thotie having the form of ngura1ives are really comparatives. (2)


are formed from the verb-root transforu~e d by particles referring to the agents or the objects of tbe feets. Examples: from sayan (to dance) par.asay~lll (dancer), tigsayliu (persoll who sometimes da'nces), rnagsaraY,lll (person appointed to dance) s<1l'ayauan (3) (place designed for dancing), (1) which is (2) (3) notes on

We do not write can路on, beel\U3e it is a contraction 01 ra.ran'on, also contracted irom Ca1'a071U" . Sec "Comparative" and "Collective". supra. _ The last It is not a vowel properly; it should lae the aonSOlllll w. See pages 1 lI.ud 5 of this book.




Sar:lyanon (elance or musicfd piece lo ue danced)


fl'o 111 Hlua (to Llrm) j 1a01LlJlla (farmer)

ti~-u Jlla (person u"ed to do faJ'liJillg), ma?'-I1;'~l1H\ (pc·j·son in charge of farniing), \l rU~11:i.;lan, co ntr ac ted urz;mhal1 (place. designed fo.r


urunHihon, contracted urizrnhon (ground or plant to be culti va(.9d)



surut (to writf'). tllli c; i nJllal' '.-" rb :.tIs as above, so far as the idea of th e r Ol ~ a l d the Llse permit, with this variant: s L1szmitan~ ~uslmitol1,

nGt sururatlan, not sllrurcltonj


toce (to weep),' the similar verbals, so far as the root and the use permit, and this besides: matooc (weeper) j


bc50ng (to hrea.k), the similar verbals, :lnd thi!.': ma boro6ng (liable or expected to be broken) j' from

inum (to drink). tlle similar verbals, and the following: l1UZinOlflinom

(an inviting drink);

from ~o~6n

(to correct)

the similar yerua]s, and this:

hincson (person fond of or bolJ in conecting); (*) It t\"~ me.tns anxiety fol' danclIJ.g. SO' fl'om ;,~o (to enragp). it i~ said: "cinco iI ae ;P"9(1/t" (l·ontT/lctt·U 11'010 il·i~o yufl). JUy rllgu is great.

---.:.. 15

hom 1hanx (to borrow), hing-Lita ng or hing"UngntlLlTg (1) (pert'Qn fund of or Ilt,ll! ill ho;,!'()\\'ing-), It III ay be (J br'en'eLl 'dH\ t Hut ttl I of tile \'er\J- roots prod uC'tJ the f!All1e number of \'erbal nouns. It depends on the particular cbn.raetel' of e\'(.-ry idea. con\' eyed in the root, :> 11 ' mainly Oll the Uf:;e. From the preceding exampl Qri, it is seen tha t. th~ transformative particles of the verbal nouns are various, the said particles being the prefixes para, tig, mag, ma., hi, the in路 terfixes (2) r, ro, um or the affixes an, on. These p8.rticles are very important in Bisayan as they greatly help to erll'ich the limited \'ocabulary of this tongue. For the s,a ke of clearness, we 8h1111 see first the affixes. Anj on.


pal'tielee refer to the complement of the verbroot, all to the indirect object of the action (generally regarding the place where the act occurs), and on to the dil'e')t object (generally referring to the termination of the action ), An or on is used when the root' ends with a consonant or it vowel wich a grave or angular accent. A 11 11 preceds them \,.,.hen the roots ends with a vowel otherwise accented 01' non-accented, or pronounced separately from the pr~c~ding C0l1S0nant or consonants, The particle an or han is simply added to tbe root, as, from

caturog (to sleep), caturogan (sleeping place); singba (to ad~l'e), singba.han (church); taclab (to covel') tacUiban (3) (covering place); (1) The second syllable of the combiued prefix: is sometimes doubled to make the senteDce more emplultie, ('2) IIlt~ljtX is tlere ns~d to d-esignat.e the particle placed y\'ithin a word, (3) Such Is the name of the pre.;eul capital of the province of Leyte, Acordlng to a tro.dition. this' name oriiin,1te<.l from the filet that. before the tOWI\ wag formed. It point 01 the elt,stern COllst of its present site was known as II place where fishes were taken froRI the soa by a bamooo itlStrUIDcnt. like a cliver. called lac/ob,

--- 16 Lan-ao (to see at a di sta nce)' tan-a03n (1) ("'alching place); 01' is employe(l €lither with the interfix r. edmbil1()~ wi l.t L£le Ii r.,L '.)I\'el of the l'''ol 0 1' wi t h the first cons on an t and vowol (,1 t he root imtp ~'.d. as

Irom c;~on

(to Gilt) car.a,)'18..11

f rr, ,11 t n<)c

(tn assembly)

titi:ooan (meeting place); or with its fi rst vowel if the rOt ~ CO,11mences with a vowel, as

from aro (to ask) aaroa~ (place designed for asking). The particle on has the same use as an, as


caturogon, siringbahon , lilibaco.r: (hom Jibac, to back hi te ), ~aroon.

NOTE.- The

affix an is sometimes doubled, as,

fr o m loh6d (to kneel down) . lodhamln (2) frou~

, tamb~ (to lock out), talllboanan, from tambGnw (window).

Para , . tit;.

Para bE.'urs the idea of habit, CL15ltom or occupation. Tig conveys the idea of a repeated, but' not frequent, act. (1) It is the name of one of tll(! mos t important towns in Leyte . located on the Mste1'l1 ao a st of said i~land. Also aceordin~ ' to n traditioll, in tbe southof th e pl'esent £it,e of that town, bl!!ore the t o wn was built, there tall tll('_C, from ~who se prominent brllllciles the people Ilsed to wateh (ta'll-I to ) the "I101'OS Hom ~ulu, when In'l'ndlng the coosts of Leyte.·-ThE' last ooi thiR te>ll-ao i~ properly the ('o1.lsonat U!. (2) FI'om [a[odhamwn, from l%hoc/nn(JI/I., wher .. the 0 is suppressed, and the " onrl d transpo.ed. for phnl1etir'al 1'(,6 S0 118,

we~t()l'n ]),1.[t WR~ 11 large


17 -!!..

Tiley are simply prefixed to the mot without any Clther complementary p:l1'ticle as, from ~ :1 n III

( tt' cvrul;!). parac:llliJi,

tigdnhi . .:11.18., \Yitb on, with ro, or with r. Thp particle rna conveys the idea路 of fonclne!iis, desiraor pnssive potentiality. 01' possibility. 'Vhell it means flllldlle:;.~, it is employed either by pu tti ng it at the begi 11 n ing of the root wi thou t any other particle. as blel1ep~

from CiiOll (to eat), lDacaoll (glutton),. or by combihing it with the affix on or hon, according to the cas(>, a~


caturog (to sleep), ,macaturog~n (sleepy head). from aniba moaning),



maarabah;n (person fond of

When the prefix lD& bears the idea of desirablenel's, it is placed b~fore the doubled root, when the root klS not more than two syllables and its last vowel is prect'df'd by not more than two consonants or is not pronouliced separately from its. preceding consonant or cOUs011ants, tlS from

don, macaoncaon (t.hing inviting to be eaten) (*)


(*) As ,vhen WI.! SllY: "macao71cau:, in'拢 t nga baY61.bas'l (t.his gu~\ya i~ iIlYitjng). 'fhe idea of iuudness 8nmetirues takes the same fOl'm, as "macaoncao!t i n rija Sf)rogo01l" (this seryunt is i'Jnd IIi eating ~ul'\'eptitiously). 1'1lis form l~ "Iso used for lrnpersou\ll verbs, as will 1.11' Silen latllr, as' "mat:aonc;",] na" (1 buve nppetite already).


1S -

from (to commence), 1l1tJ.onaol1a (prm'o('[lti\'e, quarrelsome),


:IHd il) C'lcU whPl'I' Lh~ ]'ClOt '1 :1:< l110re tlJa.n two sylhb Je , 'It' If 1101. "'here its la st VOIVI'\ is prececleu by more than tWO ,,,n.;,,nilIlL路 or is prono unced sepo rat!'ly 'from the (,()Il~l'll:llJl 01' ,'d n ~r'naill jll'ereding it, then this preox is e lJp'''' ,(I in cOI,,1 11("路0J1. with tIH' . illtel'fix ro prf'cec1ed h,v the first C路I JSI'IJ:'nt antI yoweI of t.he "Vot 0]' h路- pie '.'(11\1:'1 01'1." if;1 - IIlL ],e(nns >:ritlt a \'0wel, as,

fn r ;>

" "

" "

"v', . '1UC











JI",k 'It) mCl.sirc9sitl-np, In.iba. lUflarlfll'ablt, iglJ<1[L, (tl) g l'lIllt) , 1l1airulgilam, O::i-og 'to drn. IV nea,r , ~rom afar), mtloroos-og, E'i.!-;\ -


Wh@n the par~icle ma con 'eys the idea, of pa.ssive potenLiality or po;:;si~i~it}", i b is u:3ed with the interfix r ['0111bined with the fi\' st v weI of the root, The r \\ ith it.s com pJ emen ta r,v vowel i pL1 t ufter the fi)'st "y Ua ble of the root. As, from Mung .(to break), mCl?~ot'oong (brit.tle) nb6t (to reach), maarauot (atta.inable). The rarticl e ma i!; hequently replaced by the prefix ig 0 1' i oombined with the interfix r or its sL1ustitutes, as hum tainb:l

(to cure)'lsurat (to write), igta rambn} 01' ita 1[/ mba} (Uled ici 11 e), (thillg to 'i\Tite witb).

, iSt1SUl at

}.1gu alld the r. TIle prefix mag ueal's the id['a, of forcible , necessary, or Qontillnnus :lgency. It i~ el1lploy'ed with (be internx r combilled wiLh nnt! before the llr~L VO\,,~J of tile rout, " I'his combinatioll is placcc1 between tbe ilrst and the !;l'C(llHI i'd. In.bJe of tile wot. BLlt ",ben there is all r in tl10 ro"ot. the intel'tix r is replaced hy tl.e iin;t consonant of tIle




If t[le root he;:;ills with a. vo~yel, the interfix r is !'oJl)l,timrs f'llppn':',l'od, th~ snid Jirf't yowf:'l beill f' 11"l'r1 in-

said rooL.

stead-of the ilJlL'l'l1X. As, froll). ~6d()'y (lo Hlroll about) mags61oc1ll Y (une "'ho strol Is about) ." bilil~g (to sr'l'k or senrGb).路maglqr"i:路/;->1, (,,:11' ,,[1(:: 1'), " f:ii~'il~ (to rf:'queBt), n7agsisil'ing, U, elllinllel'), 1I0t magsil;iring, " n!';oc (to I:lpt up), mag-llro.~{)L~ (pprson d pf'i~lle d to ::3Pt up), " nrot (tu cut the Ilair). nwg-aarot (barber,. The particle mag- is freqnently contracted into . 111fl. which casp the root is r"lll:lidered ns having an r, as




fronl R~ll;iy (to tenqiit), mammt'ilny (tempter), " tlLbnl1g (to ~~sist), mananlbang (helper).

Hi. This particle cOI1\'('Ys the idea of boldness_ Whell the root begins wit.h a labial con<;on8nt, except the m, th e said ccnsollrtllt is tranf'fonned into m, as from bl\'sa (to read), bim路.l'clll (person hold) in reaJing, " pirie (to leap), himitic (person bold in hlpillg).

WlllW the root begins with an 111, the p-re6x hi is not commonly used but the prefix para ma, 01' tig, as from mulay (to teach) para-,m8 -, or tigmulay, llot himula.\' , ,. mogr:J (to ebserve), para-,ma-, or tigmogo, not himago. \\'hen the l'oot hegins with a \'o,,'e l, n/i- i,; C\\') IIppenc1ed to the prefix; is also appended wben the root begins wiih a guttural cOllsonant, IJut tben the said COllSOnant is snppresc.t'd. Ai'.


froIll ,boy (to refer), J;irlg .iFOY (garrolous), " ctl.Oll (to eat) hilli QU (bo ld in eating), --~-

('I,) \'!l.ll ,


~ .--------------------

l~ny "is", bc e'Hl.c (hi:; l'ombiJ!olion 1711 is pl'op~ily Olle lellrl' ill .Di~R颅 n7ia . u:; !llicitntly

\lbi~h slH'uld be. e!llletl



from gll.bat (to invad<?), hingubat (bold in invading). ,,7hell the root cnm:nrllCcs with the nasal consonant ng, thr prefix hi i:-1 ol'dinal'i I)' l't.'plnced by the pr::'~x para, "I,.'I ",. If" III Ih. ril'~t s~'II,lh'e lIf Lbc r'loL Illadl' [r,11l-~, [\s fl'O:,;,

fJlOlI'in,; tll ..., teeth), or tigLlgl~j, or (person fond ot

(tt,; i<lllg.l,


p.1r!1-, 1.11'1.



',Vhen th 11 .':




bpgin" wit);), ilUY otllt'r corhol1nnt, ext;ept l'on50nullt i:: f:iupprpssed .lnd tIle Irttfr n



nded to




from dui6ng, itt) ;,truggl<,), him'dong (b\)la in struggling), " f:oson (t-. ,~.'rrec), hin'lson (bold in correcting), " tapod (t~l cOl1tide), hin,l.iJ0.-] (1) (bold 10 cunfiding) In all of ~h~'i"




thp syllalJle following the prefix to the use, as,


hi is s'llllctime": dooble,l,


him(tiu, imiwhic, hillg~ii:.'oYl b.) n, jniasor,

hino>ion, hilllmOSon,



Urn. This particle bears thl:' idea of \Iption. It if< us~c1 among the verbs for the suojul1rtjve, mede. It is alwa,v-: cVlIlhinec1 with the iuterfix r or itB slllISlitll!("S, and is placed between the ill'i1L eOl1sonnnt and t11l;: fir6t vowel of the rOllt. \-Vhell the l'oot b('gin,; with a vowel, tilu interfix is place(l imme-

t1i'ltel,\' before tbe vowel. fl'ol11 (':io))


(t 0 PH t), cumaraon (pel'son going to, 0)' ex-

pected to, eat), , TillS is nl." a "<'rllnl of ~(lpO<i (to gltthel') (;?) 'rlll' I)(\nit-Jl' hi "ometim('s wllh the veri), and especJinllyamong the deriyorivL' n.lllll:';: ('fHI\'tty" thl) .,i,leA. oj "P I1YI1l('1l(; fIll''', O:'i when fTom the- verus iJulilay (10 tIr.· nn·'·, ""If) "aiac"[1 (tl) ('munrlq, Ulill the nOllns apo!! (grnntlf.lll'Cl· or gl'll11l11llIJIhl"). IJ~·'",I (IIt,,'rll. it is ~;"id: MfIIlldlu!I (UllY rhing glyrllll-inpllyment 1.1] Itlly WI)l'k)' ·lii".ar.'~'·.l!1 (pn)'ulCllt (ll!' ]J,\sS'tKe);· hifl!Jelpuy (n present givel; to U grallllfl\lh<'l' 0,' gmn<lmothe" n[llJl) Ih,,, th.' In:\rrill!!~ ul ills 01' her gmnd.tlnll1(ht • ... r un(Il'1' I Ill' 1',Il"id~r<lt[ol1 of the iDl'Ill'CI", b~ing the !<\'twdflllhcr (>l' gl'llllc1n1l1thcl' oi th,' IllttH), II/ow",,,/ (Jll·u.'ent gin'" ttl the midwitl' lor cUlting :llId ntleJ,. Llin~ 10 lac' 1111\'1,11 oi 11 u~w·hol'J1 rhilu) (I)

,- 21 -

from abuL (to arrive), umarabot


ul'ri ve) , (to ask),


;:';OtJH.' ')'0 ,, 1"

an r,

(persutJ expect ed to

ut11aar~ ,p ersall expeeieJ La n~k) ,

withollt c follow til e rille as ii


h ad


ab ,

from t'aca (to go up, to board), sumasaca (boarder), Ob5erva.t'ionE\: ,1. There are verhals forl'ned with ma combined with the illterfix r or its substitutes, This fortBation tak!:Js place only in the intranslti\'e verbs conunen cillg with the ral'ticle ca which then conv,eys the idea of passivity. As, from. caau6d (to be ashamed), macnanlllod (shameful) , " cab6rol?g , (to be confl1~€'d), ,':mucabob6rong (cqufUl'3i IJg) , . : . "

casin a (to he ~n g ry), mac:ts is in n.

(odious) ,

2. The . infi n iLi;"'es of the verbs, which are . t\ 1ways preceded ' by the particle pag, are freqne~ltly ' em p loy ed as substantives, III such eased the part.icle P~K is tran ::: fOl'llleel in ' the plural, ' its g being then replaced by the " letter if the i'oot begi ns with 11 vowel or a guttural con~o­ nant, except- g, 01' by the eonsooant, n when th e root como : men eE'S with a delltal c0osonant, or by the m. i(it begins with n. labial. In the plural , the root:> commen cing' with a consonan't I06e ' said conso~aot. When the root begin s with a nasal or with the guttural g, said consonant is pl'esened aue! th t g of pag is l'epl a ct:'d 'l;y 11. , Examples : .

. ng

fr o m a rb (to a sk) : 'do~ (t,2 e<1t.), daop (La approach) basfl (to read), ng0yllgoy (to groan), g~bot (to , pull), we have ...

IlI~ G C' LA..R


]Jag·aro (asking) pagc~lon (eating) pagd'op (approachiBg) pagbasa (reading) p'agngoyngoy (grQaning) pagglibot (pulling)




PUllti't rO ,

pangaOA , panaop, pamasB.-J panl1goyngoy , pangabot,



3. The infiniti\'es of rooLs cOll1mencing with the particle ea are also Llsed as substantives, and then with or withom tbe prefix pag. frO ,d cahitlo' (to lie filll'ry). pag;eabid~, r3.hfd~, (sorro,,:). In SUdl c[\~es, tbe affix .111 \)1' 011 is SOlll.::lill1l' f' l'lliPloYt'd, as lroID casiquH (to be sau), casaCfuitan (sadness), " casina (to be angry), ca;;iu:1h6n (anger): CO~IPOUND

The use gives the following: , from solod (to enter) and halay (honse)



so]odb;l/J..v, which means the person who t.hru his intimae). with the occupant of a house" enters in at any time ; from sac~ eto go i.1p) and l~sad (to go down), .,.



saealusad,' api)lied

to ' the per$Ol1 who is very bllSY,or w!)o 3ni'fei;h a' gl'eat misfortune and goes l1p an;] down the hOllse repeatedly. It is also applied to hoys or girls who' go out the house freque ,ltly, especially witbont permission of theil' parents;



(to push) and b(;tong (to pull)

dos;;'hotOllg, ("Ye) n pplie(l to a per80n who takes ueterminations that are contmctictor.,' .: from

cabcab (to scratch) and toea (\'!:bat a hiI'd does when it picks up


bites something with

its beak)

cabcabtoca, applied to persons who have to expend for their subsistence all. that they gain by their work: from di, contraction of dir]' (not), ~LJotOJ1, from abot (to reach),¡' and ea10"toll, from d.Iot (to scratch), ~hli




We use 11 hypbell in this word on altcount oi the !Uliulu I!.cceut of

of the firs t verb.


- ;w cliabotoncal~Lon, applied to that pfll't of the hUlllan back, wb icl1 OLlr hands cannot reach to scratch ",hen it itches; from i~bag (help), ha, a preposi Uon for the objecti \' e case, amongaolOng' (to malign),

ltaba/?haamoni-among. applied to those who maliciously 'pretend to help a person in trouble, bnt injure hilU. Et.c .

DERIVATIVE Whe consider undex thi ~ heading the nouns deri verl from other nouns. Those originated from a verb ar c nlceady traated U!'l \'erb~I'S. ~fost of the derivatives are adjedi \les, The deri \' ative's, like tue yerbal , are f~Hmed with particles, prefixes, in terfixes, am' affixes. The usual particles are ca, ma, maca, mag, maqui, hi, pala, tag, as prefixes ; r , in' as interfixet' ; and an , on as As. from palla (light) , . c.apa.n~. (cleamess) ,. ,tram (wisdom) , mllllram (wise) " baY'lll (brother in. la,,'), mabantyan (brother-in. law-to-be) _ . l' bid~ (sorrow), macabibid~ (sorrowful) " lsd~ (fish), maquiisdl~ (fond of fish) " pusod (navel), himosod (payment for attending to the navel of a new-born child) " bugto (brother .or sjster), m~gbugt~ (refcning to two persons . who are brothers or siilters) (1) " bisay~' (bisayan), binisay; (biMyan -tongue) " sal;' (fault or guilt), (gl.lilty) . " buu~ (2) (ire), bnuclon (lier).' (1) When the , brothers .()r si8!el'S re ferred to are more than he interfix r is used, as Inagbul'ugto . (:l) The second. u - moat . be thll cou~onu.nt IV.

two, then


:21 -

Ca bear:> the idea of ({ uu li ty, and comhination with the nfth:. an. .\s


used alone or


from bat>las (high), rabat1laS (Iteight), " d~lOL (, c::1l'u.6tan, ~'f1nit'a.u (badness). " pana., (light) eapaua ~cle:lrness). ~


It is some-times ('ombined with t.he HlterfiA' in and the joined afll:;r anor1 l ·as from l111SU b Qt (obedient), camasinug'tanon (obedience): 1\!.:. conveys the i"des. of a'ounda;nce and future condit ion. 11. the first ca,E', it is aclded at the beginning of the primitive . which is thp forI)} of great lXla'i1Y adjecth'es, as,

from ito ~ (courage, rage), mdisog (courageous); and when it rpe.uns, fu t ure condition, it is used "hth the interfix r combil'\ed with 'th e first "owel of the primitive, as,

f rol11 as ~iuu. (wife), .ruaarasau,( (wom a n betrothed) The l'n trticl'e m£L if' rrcquently COlllbl11ed with the interllX in and the alii/, on 01' anon. In ·, the ma IS appended with g. As from tuman (perfOrl1HlllCe), m!ltill11m~inon (faultless) pImal; magtinum1tnon " sugot. (ohediencf), musinug't.inon (obedient)

LL iH also usell without all)' affix, and then the pnml' tive is tl0ubled ltf> from tllb~\ (R wine) . rl1atubatu·b~ (persoll or thing t~H\t smcll~ ns tub:i).

7vlaca hilS the idea "Of potentiality, and is aJded to the beginning of the pl'imiti\'e, by dOllblillg th€! firtlt ~y1l3 ble of the prinlitive 01' by using the iutel'fix r combined with the first vowel of t1.e primitive. As, . . from tilo (shame), macaaaIo ' ~hall1eful)" " llpay (jOY l' 1118caIilipay (rejoiceI') .., blHllay. q,p-i.e\'ailct' ), il1[icllbll~udIHY· 19rie\'ous),

Mag con \'eys the iueu- of

1ll ut lla-l

rela tionshi p,


1\11 also

- 2,,) --


or cOlltilJ'Ji .l in a few ca.;;eÂŁ. hegil J!l ing uf tlll~ primitive, Hel,.

: 0 11,. 1,1]>.

i " " 11 J : I'~" ,~,


It IS simyly added at

E.\umpleti ;

_ 1

(13 , h{or /'


<',' "

"-J' ,

.. 1-.,.,

flo;;l ~: ~

(-')-~sine ea eI' nthe J'

l11agp ot o"

to <J '. 1. i nj,

utllE'r :nd rl: ,U d


th e

I~~: l1 n





[!lc .

,\.1,110 1 . ~ ) ""17 8 :;)1: :1 ( t h~ w J:-, ~.l e night u n til tb e 1 ". "J111Jg)' culop (eveii'i;lg); 111,'"" ,:j \)P (t h e l';1 hol e ' r y u ntil the eY~ning.)



lllaqui signifiE:':3 t he id b;t of iOI Jdness, nnd


ct lJ1pl oyed

\\itl1(,ut any other t 'ao"forO'l . th' .:! particl~, a~ ,

from Dy03 (1) (G ,>u), w f;lQl1id'yo'ci {pi o n ~) . It is v~ e d ill v ery felll' c a~e s' tu form ,vel ba)E


frrJil1 ll.. m p3.n~ l to be p !'l~Sell t (1 un ng ,<1 :},)Uver< atiar) , ma quip.-qhampangon (. r.. - ') J fond d bein g rrese n t 01' t ak e )jart in a (, o IlV el'Si",: on ) ,

Hi:!.1 t row'l" [:natIvE' pal,ticl " '.1 I t l j va :~ ';es , ~:; !' n~ys ttle Idea cf :)0 \.. ~~ t' !' <1 1, ( a" ol ~, t l't ,_"iL c ntl c ' , .or l :i ,' ÂŁ ' _ " IlL, '{!le h ave bce n that i~ mean f: bold l"~- ',, 'he'11 j'JI' eel , 0 ,erbs to lt ~-

form Y. "/:I,d nour..:- (2).

As to


luyel-. ,- _\.:l

1'1) ; '-<;


~ i~ted





'." l1i

US"' ,

; ~.

\ ~t, " .

ts' lr" ':,, .:Jere the Exa :~ r !-es .

quil1Hbll~ j ~ J) ~\ni E h l ':lr)g l:l~gG), hli;l,.at :i h (r il e who veninr('!'; t,) t h _:o\. 3p!lni.E1h, ' l."nowing \.Jut li LtIp. of it).

(1) This is the modern WilY of pronouncing thi's word . 'n',:, nld '''0' t:ou in mak;llg' two syllables OUI of thi~ word, lind sCDo r ding to ,i:o~t piOn un it i~ written DiY08 (pronoun ced Dl"Yos), Dot DYOII, ('~) See "Hi" . undt'T the hending "Verba.l" ,' upra




apoy (gramlfathe1'), ilinK~p6y pllsud (nayel), himoi3od (*)

Pela mean" re!:f.'rnbl<lllce. an,

It 18 cUlubined with the Rffix.


Irom buyo (betel Hut), ~)alablly6al1 (applIed to the whle of cocuanut,


rl:~ln.ti)k:-: the tuste of th~ betE:l nut)


bir:lll (a plant) palabi:'an~ n (applieLi to the fruit of cocoanut !'f:'!'el.<ible3 the color of birau) CIL"11Ule



paiacnt110tian (appJied to the fruit .of "nangci" (a tree) th at resemlyles the color of

camote) "


gat as (milk) paJaga asan (applif:'d to the young rice 01' corn whose grain is yet liquid r~8em.bling the milk).

Tag ('onyeys the idea of ownel'shi POI' authorship. is simply ad<1t>d to the prirnitive.



hom hnUy (hollF:p) tfl~lj:1l;iy (ownCl' of n house) " c:;U!!O' (order) , tngsug~ (atlthor of an ' order), It is ROllletimf'8 uRed to indir'ate diRtrihulioil, and then it is fl'el[tlently combined prefix mEl pl'eeeding it. As fronl tuig (year). illgt-U1l! (~'t'ar by ye.!H)


:hlluo (day), Lllatag-liJL1o



These b\8t pal-tit'les are sometimes replill:"ed by iquina which f''Xpl'esse~, the same icit'u. As. from tuig, adl:lo, bull-ill ~1fI()nlh), pagclictn lt~ieal, iquitwtltig (e\'f:'!'!' yfnr) . ic/uinnadlao (every tiny) iqninabulan (every mUllth) iq1.1inapt;lgcaon, (every meal.) (*)

Bre note 2 on puge 20.


27 --

The in tl~ rfix r, which bp.ars no particular Ir.Pf) ning, is here empJuyed under the same rules as thO~t establisbed for it.s us~ ill the figul'ative and verbal nouns. rhl' Intf:'r1ix ill t:lI.l'rr:r..05(;/':l illlit8tion. It is added ·at the beginning of the primit.ive if th@ latter eor:l1l1ep !~ r.s with a vowel. Other,,,jsc, it is placed' before tbe t'lr2~ vew,,} of t he prj mi ti ve. As

from SuIng (1:) (the ar~hiptllag(l of Snlu) Si11Ulug '(tt'fight dance .after the Suluan fashion) from tuyao (crazy) , tinuyWo (foolishn'ess) hom insic (chin?.mnn) ininsic (chinese Ian gl..l a'gf'. wnys or habits),


.'In 'nnd on ' a~orig the d1!ri.vati'Ves, signify the id ea of nbl1nannce 01' pal'tic1patiop, 8n Jrequ {' ntly conveying ' be idea of plnrE' , Both al'e appended t.o t.he primitive without any other plntirle, and complemented .with an 'h, ill the same way as in the formation Qf l"e.tbals. (2) Exat:npies:


" "



p,ilad (fate), plllaran (3) (forlllnate). u~Lhll1. (wife), asa.uihan (married' man) , Ho.Japi (sih'er , mOJ1ey,L salapi.:w (I\'ealt.b~r) cul'i (difikulty),cudan \stnbborn perSO-Jl) 'lumat (inf(;l'1n.aJiou), ~IlJlJat~ (credulous) hi.uabuu \fountain) , bl1rabuco~1J , (.4 ) (plaCE' where ther'(, 'nl't' man v fQuntains) tRI'O .\ \\'!l'X) ,- tal\Jhnn (n il object ·tbath1\s wax on ) tuba c: ( rlflt:< ,,'eoll (El. ,thiJ1g·, has .ants on. )

(1) ~o we.... say dol,io' !La ,s111u,t} . which rnean1! .a rnedleillRI plant (dnlao) frum (ha) Sulu (SulUlll. el) ~·ef.· "a'll, 011" under the hel1Jlng of "Verbal", page 15 supra,

1.3) From pa-lo.dau, the d hav<!ug been solYed , into ~', (4) It Is b~lien:d th;tt I he nam!' of oTle of t,he tow ns of Leyte, cl\l\ed by the'SIJIl.HI<lr,ns " SlU'altt!n" 8.11<d by the . ll'e.tIYes .:'Bl:ll'll1'l6n", has been uriginnted from bU.l'ab'uron (corn'mcted and made BtlTUuon), on account of the fact 1hut there are mflJ1Y ioullt,\ins in thflt place. There is no reason whv the native name ," Bm'all:" " used by the DatiYeS Ulltil .the present time should' not be emp, loyed for nll uses, thc 'I. of sale! word b~illg replaced by the 'w, if th e letters propo<pd ill the !Jote of the first png-e ox this - book liTe ItJ.,ptec.l .

'1'1 E:be particles are iiometillles employed joilltly, the an preceding the 011. This compound affix, anon, bears the idea of great ab\lndance', 01' birth or 1'8siLlelice pluce, ,fnd is prcceeded 1,y an h accordil1g t·n ".llll'~ \,llll's "'''tnhlist1t'rl fill' el11 allti



" ,,'



J1l:-:II~." 1,1 (wen]th). rrl!l.1lggiran (wealtby), mangf:(:\ ' ~ .• Jl1 (rich). ab:11.! L (hemp) , n:'(Ld,1:/,w ;peI'Sl)!! that has hl'll1?\ al)ilLJ !la.'non (ptlJ'20n thar owns n1l1Cll" he111p), Tan'flllilll ~':1 t OW l1 ,,0 C<l1 lfofl), tal1-l'lt13,nanQll cnati\'" or J' t';;i dr:nt nf T a nIHlan!. Pi.tI~· .(:~, ton'll so (,\'.lH.)l, palo.~no11 ,,.)--'.; cled pa1011 '0:1 (nalJ\'e 'J' 1'1"j i,' nt · of· P H.OJ) Tol"~(l (n. t.J\Y,Ft) . .~. 'f) ... h r 71011, ( 1~ ~...;te,l tolc~r;!£'­ h a n (n nt l \' L: u,' j :,1 ilL I)i 'lll lu'-::1) , .Vu)!;,nnl h e,(1IYn),,' '>lgaJ IJ,ia'no11, <'011' rart r d daga.midol1 nati\,p"O'r I',~,'jdent cf nagfltn i ), Mn:l'iin·:(n. t()~\'!1.·h l'l<l'l1,illfl~1On, ,cont,1' 3C't r,rl mna.:"inhqn (i) ' (na'tjvf' ( I t' rr1..:id ,'ll t of 1\L I' l~ill), ~ughU·(.Ul·h\~l. Rl1~hua'non, (nnthe 01' r~'Ridcnt of l' r· bll), I




::,a ·1l nt· ('PI})\'in~'l~

'ill) f'~111(' f l), sam'Hanon, cnntractI"d ''samnnwl1 (ll atl l'e OJ' l't'"idf:' llt of fhim:'11'), ~,hi)iht (J\buil'n.), [\\:llJilannoll, ('ontraf'ted 1nani-

};ill'on ",}lathe Ill' l'C'~'itl('nf vf

\buila). :, 11H'l'ica .. (A'rrl1:' J'icf.ll, ut11(~i'i.cnhall01l, contracted :1117ericn n Imn (:3)" (a m ~ rica'i]),


()Hi:l~:R\'A'rluX:l, 'L;li~r~ .'~r<~ 'o tiJ'_'t' f-o~n1:;:: of d~.ri\'ative;,\, (':/ t iqllin8. or quina.. ~R,g:):, r.~glim (\1' Ulit,m, hi, 0-




nl~i\ com:P41l.Y, ..a~ . ft.-o:lI' t'll'Vad (to·.))e side h.\' ,-i .it,) (':lt11pn~1 (thp ' pt·r.;nn :,;irl~ hy ~id'e)·. ,' ., . . ,

!ljl' t\llQ .

-. - - -. - - -

-- - - - - . . - - - - ' , - . , . . - -



(l) 'I'hi > '.\' ord !lues 11,,1 f!i.l1ow thi! rut" . FjJr~pb OllN jcl\l.l'en '~o us , ~n: it, io,'· lIInl,i llll IIIl h , i< \1 ",, 11 Hllll it ,.i.s U11t;l.! mOMinlrallon. rOll.traete-rl, ~;!aas·iIlAoll.:instead III m (W ,\(III~l~'IlI1 . wltif'll·is lbe l!~g \ll(\r if)t:ln. ",' ~ .', ' .~ . . " ~ . t~ ) Th,' IItILi\','~, ('!i.pecinfly lli pcio1il(>, pl'pnot]nce " -JIc?'ica jn~t~ad . Ii/lulcr, : lIIerit'ftllD ins tead of ,the , f:pn'n~!()l ".ant("i,~a'llo":'i9i' Aml1'lc£1'l1 .. .'

e'..low '





Cat means season, as from "anP' (harvest), "cat ani" (harvest time).

iql1ina or quina. f'xpresses nature, as from "tauo" (man), "bnhi" ([L1ive), "iquinat,l.uo" (property 'pecuh:tr to llJl:m), "qlllnabuhi" (life). THga mearH, origin or residence, posession, or me83ure, from "Leyte" (bhlncl so calledl, "suntiang" (bolo, " iroc'.' (;ll'l1J~iLS), we have: "taga Leyte" (from Leyte), "tagllsundang" (olle who Leal's u uolcl), "tagairoc" (up. to the amlpits). When this particle taga means mea::l1re, it. i" sometimes replaced by pa, as from "haLlac" (belly), "pabauac" (up t o t he IJ p lly).


Tagum expl'E-sses the


of !lower, virtu e, or peculfl, the m of tagum is suppressed. When the primitive begins wiLh a COllsonar:lt not lubial, the said 111 is replaced by n. It is sometilnes combined with the affix an. As: from "mata" (eye) "bab;'" (mouth), "llpong" (confusi@n), we have "tagumatli" (peculiar deseaee of the eye), 路'tagumbabI.La.n" (per~ on whose words have ' a peculiar power or virtue), "tagunlipongan" (one who has the power to make himself invisible).


'Vhen the prillJitive commences with

Hi is also combined with .the interfix r aud the affix

an, as from "poles" (profit), "himorolsan" (profitable). Among verbs ha is used instead of hi, as froUl "eaOH" (to eat l, "hacanton" (eatable). NOTE.-The past participlef' take sometimes the affix an, as from cauil (fish-hook), bitan~ (a kind of fishing llet) (fish catlght with "eauH") binitatHiun (fish caught with "bitan~l"): There are other transformative pArticles not 80 important as those already mentioned, and which ' the use will show to the stmlent.

PROPER AND COMMON Like in other tongues there is in Bisayan a ,.li stiilC'tiol1 between proper and common nOUllfIJ. Taclobn~ C.qtbalao-


Sf) ---


gan, ·J]on -Jlo118· CIloilo) , EspanYti (::;!J!tin), Pedro (Peter), Guiliezrmo (William), (jtc., are proIJer nouns; I..mcad (flower). bBto (stolle), a}"t:1m (<log), etc., are corumon. The Bisayan language hac; also familiar llUOIes ..for per-



of P()dro, Peoclong. Enclong, Ed6ng. Ed6s. Pedo, etc;

,. In:1u, U'tll':ll~,


L1:(u;. Uu-;, atc;

" Vieen te, TeLl tellg, Ti ti ng, Sen teo Si>\'tee, et.::; " RafHel . P .i peng, P,leng, Pael, P;ip'e, etc; " Margarito, Titong. Itong, Tito,v. Itoy, etc.; " Fl'cU1C.j"C'O, Qui(;oy. Itll'oy, Q\lic~. etc.; " .J U!l.n:1., U ,lndb y. U :idny, etc.; " Antonic), TOllY". TnrltSc, etc.; " Alejandro, Alldong, Andoy , etc.; " ha hf<l, )~ahe l, .elf',; ' , ~ " ( ,reg'll'io, <:inyong. etc.; 11 Satul'nino, ~atllr, etc.;

,. Clalldi\!. CaUll.


Among the nnllles (,f places, thcre are a few formed by the pr('pOf'i t.10ll C{'1n (which means possession or property), and t,he pal'ticl<>s en (.w hich denotes ablJndance), and gain (whi(·1t \'OIl\,<'YS Llw Idea 01' pal:;t paSSlve actiOll), as t~alls1imq\li

(n" pl :we , \\'hif'il probably belonged formerly 1,) nne 11 ltrllell Sl'l mqui)

Call-or'~l1iu (p1i"\,C'e

probably owned fOl'tlwrly by one call-

eJ Qrql1il1) ('R.l1J'~\IU()S.

(*) tl'Ansfonnt'd Ctll'l':lfllOS (piacf' J-lrnbably o\vI1Nl llr POS!'!f':iH(',j ill [tl)1TI1PI' iimes 1,\' on" 11 [lill('(l


(,,) 'I'll,·' Ill1mes C",tgar;; (J1llli\'e llllnH' oi lh" 10\\'11 oi l'al'igara, LcyLl' ) ha.; l>een prohallly "l'i~inaLe<1 f'·'~'.11 Crmgara (placed ur one· "ullert Go t ,;), .\ Similar

explllllll-tion 111 il'\liT h,· gi"("l1 ior LhE' forrnatinll ni lh~ !\llmes ('albig a' >lnd Colbayog ILOWII S of S~ilno.r), Re.illeo th e ".,,'Lide aWI", !h", pr()nOU1~ hira was I'rfliJabJy lIsed for similar ~llS()s, We liJillk IhllI1" " w"rel Hhafta (Bisu;,,," name of thE' word Leylc, 01'1'liE'd 10 n 10ll"n of the islnnd ()j tlw ~u ,rj(' name) is formed by thti said pronoun hirer nod Ilf , ll,·"l"a.hl)' Ih~ n .. UlP- "I 111C ,I lllcil'nt owners oi thlt.t plaie ,


31 -

CabllyUf!.n (place whE're form erly there was llJUch "buy'I1" (belelnul) Cabalian iL.(pblce where tbe strong current of the sea 1, 1<.- a.ks til! oars (buli) GUllHiglllun (place ill tbe "San JutiniC'o btralt," where the strong current of th{l sea tastes th e rowe r;; (tigllt)


(/1 place in Babay, S,lDl ar, wb pre ['l',obably many fishe s were ra.u ght (ttlhi y) WIth net6.

Etc. NOTE.- The names of ]1,,:-on8 amo ng the Bisay an 'people are all chri::ltian Ht the pr ~ellt tinJI::. i\bn)' of lhe SU fnames are 8pan:-h, nun:v (it! ters being of Bis,"tya n urigi n us Lligbas, P6cpoc, l\i1J -:as;1it, C'ah:lf)bao, Bnlasbas, Yag~r yom, etc.


indicate r e' atiol1ship, n3 the English papa, mamma, and respect! cOnfi <l(!.1ce, or t eq, lerness, the1'e are a llumber of Bis3Jyan nUU11 <-, ,w hich show by themseJ\'t>\3 t.h e' r e lation between the bpeaker 01' writer and the perwn to whom the nuun il!l applied. Examples : for papa, Htny or talay, tatang or, itay!. or ihing; mamma , n:in}y or namlY, nanang or nanin g. imiy , Qr There are others applied to grandfath<.>rs and grtl ndmothets, and also to thocie persons who act or , are 'on:3idered as fathers or mot.her5. Examples: Mano, man6ng, mat;,:lo, mamoy, babay, Judoy, dud~ inco, tutoy, yuyn . iyo (applied to elder brothers, uncl es or eldtH runle rela.t.ivp-s of any degree, /;,ve n to persons not related to but respected by th e 8peaker ur writer). ~hna (*) JlJanan g, man:i,y, Il1Qma, mamay, manding, duduy, dudi'" i(1si tuta}", yllyU, tutn \npplied to eld fl l" sisters, lluntiS or el rler female ff:latives of any (*) _U"a7lo Hh6T'17IQ1lCS."

and mana proba.bly a corruption of the Spll.nish ",;,' .

- 32degree, eycn to ,vomen not related to, but respected by the speaker or 路writer). Tio, or ti, tin. or ti (applied as <t f01'O'! of politeness and respect, respectively to m~l or women not lelated to OJ' unknown by the speaker or wl'i ter). Idoy, intoy, buday, bus6y; al1l1 id,iy, iuday, uda,}' i<ling, iying, bicliJay, non,.),, ' neneng, (applied with tenderness to boys or girls respectively). NorE.-The word CI1!:'1 thing b.y its elf, is applip.J the Rppake r or writer <.loes to express, As the phras~ in a cOllveri:!:l,tion, ami is and other pal路ts of sp~ech.

(so ancl so), not meaning anyto perSOIlR or things whose names not. kIIOW, . 01' venturi). 01' wish "so and so", it helps a great deal used al:;o instead of the verbs

The \vo\',ls infn (coll tmcted of in( nga.) ttnd ada (I goess, perhaps) nte also used in the conversation, as a uxiliary purticlt>s, theJ being then equivalent to the 'English

why. Exnmples: Qllestion.- " LGuinsorat 010 oa an balos?" (Have you already written the answer?) Answer.路-"Oo guincoan co na gad" (Ye~ I already: have). Q.-l,H~iin an basah6n? (Where is the book?) A.-Inin ... aadto ~da ha ac so16d (why ... I guess it is in my room) Q . -Mapir:iu, (.an6 in blluuhaton co? (1 am sleepy, what shall I do?) A, - Ada . , ,catul'og (Wby." to sleep). PO~ITIVE, COMPARATIVE,



As in other languages, there路 are thl'ee degrees for adjetives, :'1.180 , nsed for suhstantives in BisaYiln. These degrees are posithTe, compa.rative an(1 superlative. Nothing particHlar needs be observe(1 about t.he 'positive degree, cxc:pt what is mentioned ill the foregoing pal'agl'aph~.

The com parati yes forll1eJ exactly in tbe same way as the iigLll'atives (l), the number of syllables being uisl'egal'd. ed. ll::-: if all hacl more th:~n two syllables.

Ir()m h!lt;ias (hip,h), harohata (hi~ber), 110b6g (intoxicat8ct), horohob6g (1l1~)fe intoxicated), II t,ii!Q (man), tarotallo (more of a man). In the formation vf adjectives pl'efi?,ecl with ma, tbis p~rticle is pref,,'I'!lbly disregal'llacl, as if ,snch pal'ticJe diJ not E'1:: :,t, as i rom m aopay (good) 11l<l 0 rnopay (.)ptler) " lIl!lg'bu:",ig (white): I.wboro:)I>' '<-, ' ~\' l ) it rr'l

There is another form of IOln'\lal'atlVl! eC' il:',:::t:ns use ()f the combined pa:rticleR h-tbi (rn"I''::') nnd CEl, lab1 ea mfl@pay (bett~'r), labi ca mabusl'Ig (whiter).

etc, ]1\



This lnilt form is sometimes used for superlatn路es, The superlatives ar~ of three classes: ThoFe which do not admit any comparison, allcI whi('h we call absolute or supreme superlatives, as guimaopayi (the best of 1\1l); thosf' which are not so abs01ute, and which we call ordinary superlative,


en pin ell ma6pay


maopay nga pI n maopay hill sog~llg (2)


(\'ery good);

Ilnd those whieh CGnvey the idea of, call excessive superlatives, as


3n(l which


(1) See pngl.'~ 12 et uq of this book-. (2) The word cap i'll , sog/,ng, tjraUT拢t, in 80mI.' loc".]'Mes ore rl'l"'a r ed by the S'Pani~h WI)l'd dUTO (hard), flo they SI1,' "eiuro ea 1/". ~, 'IY", ma,:!'",_. '1 :iU. dll"O, or 路maupay hin duro (very good), It is pro)",r 10 adopt fOI'E'ign wordS when there nre not word~ COl'espondlng in .Bis;ayan, bUl we d" not ~ee why the pllre Bisll)'RIl wordH ph auld b~ forgotten when they Rre expressive, PUtt' nnn originlll. The prl.'posHlon cuna~ (but) is sufferIng the 88m(' fnte, by the intraduct.ion o[ the ~\la ni.b pero.




ul'<\llra (2) C(~ ula":)dY U1aupny



(too good),

As is seen rrcm the p l'l. cedillg eX<lILlLJJc:::, the ~t1pretn e , ":"1l1 ,c r JlIt ;, \'8 16 fOl'l1ed hy arl1i l' g' tl\ tlle b (:路!Silltlill~ "f the ]Jr!lll. ~ l\' e the prefix gl1i an ,l I)Y :ll)I-H:, i,ll; lI{! to :-::aill prillJi-

tin' - lIt: n:nx


b l' tl'J LI OI ,! ,l a,

\lS I!

f'l' ! !1





:. 'l 'lhlf' of tn';

llr illllllre ma y

p.:J"mi t.~.

\ h ; ;~b \

t:lil )


(Il J:lll/

foil", ' ) ;1 5; , 0 1' gnibn tq taasi (the bight:Stl, j!,l it :l ' i \ ll. true So ' ll perfect man), T il" ti ~"t ~h '.:, w

,i ,, ~

form is ill:::.,) a r ;<1p tu t for th,e f>ut,. [ anti\~E's fo b i ;; . "s: <leg ee f lentil,)' ~o in this phrn.,':(':

1.,:!1 g~: lan~~yi rno R\ 111 an n<ltaang ba imo <It is Y0ll! very f t! hel' W110 'calls YOll), The Ol'dIIlLl"- lllLrln.t ive i,' formed with the particles capin ca. or laiJi ell ;lnee(1 before the pl'i\nitive, or with the pill'ticle3 caopay, nge:l Ot' hin sogon拢' put after the 1:)1 illlit i vE', A::;, , hom rnabiclo vet'y \ ('apln ,~a I1JU blcl(~ Jabf en tlJabirl(~ mnlJid~ cropny ,, '~ mal id~ capin : ,Ilia bid(~ hin !'ogong J I

(\'(' 1')'



"o lllr (11 tIle ;uljectives f01'llH'11 with particle 111[1, hayp , ano!,] et' fonTI fOJ' orrlintlJ'y Hllperlnti\'e. 111 donhling thE-iI' root alld,ljsr0gnrdi llg thr, ,prpfi'{ 111 a , as from "111[\13iI'0111" (dark ) , "musil'omsit-6m'; (2) (I'l'l'\' dark); ,

The excesi\'e

s\lpel'l&tive. .is

fnrllwd with the


(1) Irl s tl'fld {J( Ilrn.'.,- ra, t.he ,vord mi"'路:iar/,,: II ('Orl'l1liti(}ll oi the )--puuj.,h tZ(nta6iado, l ~ lTlllc1. ill liRe , Read ~he I'T(' dillif 1I<,le, ' (,,)) It m~13t 1l0lilhi th6.t the H('(' ,,'lIt ill tI". '''I'' ,.I " r,,'e is on tn~ last ~y, llable 7IlC 'i "O I,,!i7'0J1l, while in the dl i llntin , (1I'llie'h hitS l'x.wtly the HtilIll' IOJ'Trt. except tl e II ccel") th~ a,ccent is UT '" 11,1' l'l'llulI, lIlrI" iroJll ';ro 1/1 , Till' 'nesn, ing i~ dlliel" ' llt il, the phrases masLromsir,o,Jl ' IJI(, lllI'l I/I/'f';"um,i,'om pI!: ll<~ 111'::t mell.l1S "it i s a little dark yet"; the Sl' ('(1l ltl " il is 1'1'1'Y uude y~I" ,


",'.)... UrEll1ra ca l)lacud lIraura l()t'ateti aft, frl)LJl


hef'Jre j'


tIle r01l1.

or [he p[lnicle 11ga



~ (o?xcessively salty)

urdura Cll llla.lslu

tllaaC:lu nga


The idea d the excessive superlative is also E'xpl'E's3ec1 :;:uw('til11etl with the particles "lapeis e.l" (excessiyely), or ",ith lIl( phrase "dirf son~; hin ca" or ''t1irl s(;(~61 hin ca." (out of lllCaSl1re), placed befur~ the primith'E', a:-i

lap,is ca maas!n dirt Qun~ hin ca maaF}n dir'i soc61 1Iin ca m ,«in.

NOTE.-The particles "labl)'and "capin", take sometimes the am", .all, as

from l11uhusay (orderly;, beautiful), . . ia bih. n eu ruah ';"ay (v 'y he." Ufu]) ; f 1'0111 masll'~uit Cpflintfu ) ma:,;aqllit nga capinau (tel'Y paintfLll(.







The cardinal adjectives are the follo'.i'ing: llSa, contl'actea

d nba




tnlo (three) u p~1t (foUl') limit (fin) Ullom (six)

l'it6 (seven) uali5 Hght) siy:iIu (rtine) \)apnl~ (*) (ten) (*) 'lht' 2i.,1 Ylill ('anlinals show t hilt t he original s)'''tem oi Bisnya 11 1'<'0»Il'in ""uuting wa- the ., .. CllDlll. l:'id ltaplI/u l~ II COlOPOUllU wOnlnOLtl JlU (1I11lJe) llll.l plli~ (vih-, ;.1<1111-1). Yapulo means "one pile made", wllere/l'ulu the tleciu1al

H.tem clearly shows,

llapul~ cag (1) Uti,L (elew n) l2) (twenty) Cil thin (thirty) cap'at:in (fort.)) c:lliu/an (fifty) caruha~n

(sixty) capito,in (seventy ) cau a lottn (eighty) c~~lyam:ih (nin ety) ns i ell. ga t'Js ( 01 0 hur. \lred) d'.lL i ell gatos ( '. W:l h'l\)clrec!) n il 1 ea yocot (or ciIOLB,tnrl) u·j ca ribo 3) I ten tholl!:'and) r-a:i engat6s ca nbn (one million), etc. C tUlllllan

n'Qciced :tboyer "h.e ca.rllin ~Is ::re I"'l',ned by "cag" (and), Lhe prefix ' .;,1" ("':Jich t:leans cclleJHon ) and the affix "an", addgd to tLle pl'i mi ti ves "us,i, duh ,!, tnlo, upit, lima, nu6m , pita, nlt/o, siy .lm, napulo', '_ 0,

t id

it. is

1't · p()"' ; tiOI ~

gdt03, yocot, ribo", fh '3 phot1eti~al consid eration. Thus we say:


being taken in

caruhaan, not caduhaJn, ('atlou.n, Got ('.atnl 0ci.n ,

co.p'atal1 not cat\pt~tau, calim'an not. cnJimahli.ll, caunman, not cftnl1onl<in. The wor,l " usa." is frequently contl:;lcted, especially in iclmihQr hnguage, by the· snpl'ei".~ion of the last \'owel. Thus:


Il s

ca gil. tos C:l y()c6t


ca riho



- - - - - - - - - - _.-




ca etc.

- - -.--

(1) This wor~ C '!I (and) Is u~e<l in rhl' i"1an(1 oi Panay. but not ill SAmar or Le yre wh ere n [J(trt , u.g Ilre employe 1 fo,· t lt~ said cOlljun('lion. In tb e south ern p:trt of Lf'YL~ It j~ said, 1/ 'pu/() "9 o~a. (2) A collective nOlln fOl"Ulod hy th(' Pl'C'lJx ea and tbe primHiv.e duha ",h(.se cI Is trlltlsfo rme(l into r, !lnd by the uHix air. 1~ meall~ t1.1e rennioll oi 1wo piles. (3) Th e re seems &0 be no doubt LhllL thiS word "tbo hils the samt) ori"in as the TaR ttl!)!: "lfbo"; but each one hils !l different llH'llning: while tb!' BisttY'W tibo m e ltn8 ten I h<)luand , the Tagalog libo mell"s only OI.C thaI/pond. To ('x. preis ten IhouMand., the Ta~alog8 hl1\"e rh(' W(lI·tI lac:a,


37 -

In rCS1c1ing the--- l1u:ri\JCr3, the hlllglj j b way I" £oll,)w ·'l, the p~l'ti (!le~ "ng l m.l.Y" b3in~ ::lJ.n~ti des e'nphy, ~ d \ -:[lo.;~j,dly In cn~ps r1f large nmoants. Thu~, to read this 11 1l1Jbe r

9876M321, we ,.ould


"C:lsiy,w),(n ca:{ Uft!\) cayoe.)· carib:>, ngJ. m1.y npj"

cng linLi Cal'U'I ;\,LII


pi t S e,g-' t r\~ Y lC.Jt )

'_~,l Il n !TJJ 1

t nl ,) ~:':i\.



1-0TE-In 13isayan, there is no word - cnr re::p o nding h. the Ellg'i.,ll zero (0) _ However, its fi,!'llre ' is u ~~ 1 in 13i8-ayan. It h :;uggcsted th:lt the W() i'·]' ILlni;.i.~ " (elJ, ') tyl , o r "llar,IY" ~tlothillg) be adopted aEo ("J'r " ~l ,ndiu .2: t o :' he w.) rd "zero" l,\lich is Jel'h'ed IrOll1 nl,)oCITI Latin zer hi, .: :1 i re, !,) Arauie cafron, cirrun 01' seier <empty), The onlinals are ft)rm~d by ef:'r'oyitlg tbe par ~.icl 'J ·' i.c .l" (which beal'd the idea of ol'llerj I pL~ced h"lore ~he c:ll',ll i na l. '.A~'



iea nnpul~ \I'll calim'an .


ica upat en g:l.tOi:l len siyl.\01 ca YUl!ut

ic{r pito ea ' ri bo, .

• I.


The ordinal of usa has also Blmpte f()rrTl~, :15 siyahn12, siyapa., .and ~r~9L1ently admit" tno particle icag in ~ tead of ica, a8 iCElg USB •

. The pal:tit.i\,('!) have exactly, the :::.ame form if-; the ordinals, except in that thE." ordinals c[).g usa, siJ'ahan :lud siyapa. ttrE: neser used a~ partitive:':'; that an~ thece j's the fOl'llJ tlln£,a'" [lnd its variants catunga, tl111;/~'- 0.1' catlwga. hip or ng-a (haW, employed inste(Hl of icad1.1ha, .. , The pilrllse ca. bahin <part) is frl:'ql1f'ntJ:,--- 1jf'ed m to . avoid cUlJfus,i.oll. Tbu~



an IC..a,UP1't c& bllhlll (the fourth part) "

i'he particle iell

tung; (haW, (11

i!J sometimes cont.racted into ca., as "ca.



':'be cistr :·.)\:;ive~ are fMr"'. eJ by aJJil' ; t\. the cardinals parti cle tag (which (i)OIl' ".),s the iu ... of di"L1' llJution). As ta~

rluha (t.wo, cflch) :!aua16a.n (eiglJty, each) tag vlicot (thonsf' >lu, each) ta~

ning" of portion, WhC'! tb e d istributive ~)ears the th !::! pni " h' iquina is com~ ,.ed with tag. .As illt r l~ tng CHlhlk ( ach two), etc.

COLf,ECTIV F, . ," The collc:, tive nouns are fornwJ 'Jy ,Lllr1i"llg at the beginni1lg of the : 'imi!,i\le te pn,fix ca (W lll~ h bears the idea of C(.[]('ction or reulllon) ann the afi,x:'" 8n. As, from bat; (bc,y

" "

girl), c,.bata:in (reuuion of boys or gid'l) taw€> (perRoll). c- atun6hau (l'punion of per"ons) . dllhii (two), caruba!in (twenty): 01'

These formA are \'ery fteqt\f>lItly med ty make the plural 118 f)f the singu]nl' hat~): , "t(\-,OJake the pInra!.

of the nOt1~lS ,

mga ba t~ or cab£) tAI.l n, NOT£-The pfll'tide ca is a I!:'(l ~tnp]o.ved to eXr~l'e~8 nb~· :, . tr:>.ct ideas, fl.! ~.


1'1'00) glHiil;t ,whit~ coIM), lllahll:-llig (whitt'}"' ca";lldJ1l8~i.g (",hitth{>s~),


the parliclt' pan aJdNl at the b pgll~:n ' \" riff " F.J is :'Io"metimt'i' of the ~)atticle IlS . : pagl'amahusllg (\Yhit~' rlt'fo'!-,


The eoll(;'cthes lo){() also tllp fOl'lIJ of tht:liguratives with or without l1lP particles til and "fln . •1S :th" e. nse IlJflV• pcrmi"", t, a~


.. ;;!} - '

caborohollgt6hn.n, borobongto.


N OTI';, - T hu_ is .t)Oth~.l! <:las:" of r 0 '~1l ~ wh :.:h may called dcppe<:!.ive. They are limited ]1. llUl.! b er. Th~ followinp; l)('J ong to ,uch claFis: for b8t~ (child),

nagbob6tu (a being bon~ tru 311 lnmatuti· (i)('r~on 01 big .. ~ l 0 - .:0 )

lugtnc, (1) motat~ (2) • mot6, from bote (uport of a gun, €xplosion) ; for anllc {Ion or dsughtsp)

nahvr)6t put l'trt,iciple of "h61bot" to. pull Gut of a hole ;

for (mouth) nlls.irag tot" "t'>lirag" to put somethin ,; ilJ. the :::lOl. th ) i

ior ealh6i (hand) csmrauon for sin~~idol

(from "Caml'arn", it$ fingers);


a~ ~agk

(:0ea with

iiil (toot) (3) etc.

There I1rt: despect i vea derived from tht:i r prj miti \'ef', as ,

lor hubya


"hubsac"j (4)

The \'(o)rialioIlt! tv which th£' ~el)der,



ling of (2)

(3) (I)

iaa~;: oi




Bi~tlyan ' llOUI1S




Thi:i "Iud ma)' h&?e been d,c'l'tved from -Iagi lle wbich menns t he .wel.: thing \1ue to dampness. humidity. or wnt.ef. An o~9molfo~!e w~rg bellri11g til, idea flf · pan-]{~:. An onomatopic w.Qrc1 mr 'l lli!l~ 1\ t/lil!.g Lha t milkeR _nQi~ e (ell. rfld\!l).: . :\s It will be leen ~fi.ter there are de$pectiye Vei'bl, II.S: of lar.~t (to wnlk) j/ru:;" (to t&bll. va(/q1711~ot . . . -: •





Gender. The geneh1' is scarcery regurded. "\Ve have hnWP\'er for few nL'llOs tt ':J liatural ~nd grammuieal gelld,l-

Examples of natural gender: FE]\IENINE


J d' r " ( mnle re rrion)

: ,1 ,( .i (ll1a l< not person) '· mi:Y (fa tL€!') \ ,..:1 :'. ( r: llsb" :ld) b·lLf'. (\. cl e' I; ly (, I,u ro . ~r in 1<;. \V) ,

lJ<tbaye (\\'oma tJ) (feD lule Ilot person) iroy, (mo ther) as:lllll (I\' iff') dad; (;"'tlt) hil,:tg (.~lst']i'·~ n .law), et,e.

Examples of gl'arna cicl! 1 ~~ndel':: MASCt;t~N.E.

.~EME~IJ~P:: •

';.:~ .d~l~ay

dudoy (1 )


.> :


" -;' idny

'jouy' intoy mu no ,I manoy

ioday .... "


manong tio



£l~ ~g

(2) .. '1:1a (3)., tHe . Ultl



Nllmhe.r The plural is determined by t,he ' pal'tid't, nign., nl' or those for cf'llecti \'es RIS formelly , !'f'f"1I (-4). or hy the i nt"l'fix g S'l1011g the ndjecti\'es, ExnJllPi!'i' :

of ta no (man) "mga Muo:'

()J' "('ntan61I!Hl" of dae~ (I:ll'ge), dagcq (Ial't~e. plLll'nl).

'-- - - - _._--01).



(1) See :n of this hook, .', (2) The. e nOUlIs are originated, In ('ur opinion, from $!,altlsh: See the note page ,31. xIlprll, " ., (3) W ... ,dao beheve thot tbeee noull~ SponiEh.· (4) Bee "Collectiv," '"pra, ' .

· ..... t' ••

41 of llJat:l!rl-is (::lWpct), magtarn-is (sweet1 plural), of haH1'ls (high), hagUas (high, pluraJ). \~TheLl the nonll is preceded by numeral adjectives, the singuJnr kepps its form. as llSa,

ca tciuo (one man), napnlo ca tallo (tel1 men),

11$<1 nga baUy (one honse), calim'a~ nga bal,!y (fifty houses). ~()lY1e


adjectives do not admit as

the interfix g, for ell-


(If hllby~ (lazy), I11ga hnbya", not hugby;', etc . .

Cas.e. There is no il1fiexio[il for Bisayan nOllns to distinguish their different Cflses, as in Greek and Latin. The cases are determined by the prepositions and . by variab~e parts of speech preceding the... noun. IMPORTANT OBSERVATION.

Tl ere are great many Bisayan nouns composed of the samet leters, but }'Vhich have different menning::; according to the aceent th€ly beat. Of these are the follo~v'ing: anay'(she-hog), linay (before) URC (grandson Ot' grand-daughter), ,ipo (a thing fully in trod nced) tiya~ (distributiye p03session), ayao (no, imperativE') b,iba (month), bab,i (to carry a thing on the back) babaye (~·ol11.~n) habaye (fem~le not person) bag;) (red-hot coal 01' wood), b,i!$a (lung), lJag<i (like ) b:ilay (turn), bahiy (honse) b:l1od (n k.ind (If dov.,), balod (waver 0:l.l08 (\'~tnrll) balos (re\'enge) blinus' (nbunnant, thick), banlis (to scrub) bitrang (au amLllel), badng (knot)



baydo (brother-ill-law), birao (to lift UP) hlleid (flower), bucad (to dig UP) hu!lat (work), huh:H (to loaise) huhi (alive), buhi' (losse) bulao (yellow), bulao (to provoke a stranger) bur0ng (1) (fog), bnrong (to throw) bllS~ (reprimancll, bus a" (therefore) cubal (thread), cob:i1 (corl1, cailosity) comCt (sinked), comot (qui('k d ,isol (pn ill ()f the st> ,nack), <10961 (despecti ve form of "don", to eat)

b6roo (tl)


the night),



(just), ig(~(to be bit)

, 'Uga, (flallJt:). lag; (cook~n) Uyn (n net for fishing), laY:L (to wither), lny~ (withered) Jnl:iq\li (rnat\), JoJaqui 'male, not pl"rson) Litos (renching, ()vert~king), latas (to whip) luya (1Yl>llknesi\). luy~ (lime), luy~ (re"tlessness), luy.,.a igo,




mtday (to teach) (to exhaust) U",l OJ' llS~ (one), l'!sa (to marvel) upa (rclV'lrd), l1pa (rice chaff) p:itng (plane) pnt:lg (a ki~d of basket) pfli (n tree SI> ca1Ied), pili (to select) p,iliHl (pnlm), pal~t(l (a fish) p\.l~~ (flower of bal~ana), PtlS~ (rice especially cooked) ob6s llclI\,) <'inos

p'llSa (pounded), pusa (to wash the feet) p~to (a daint? sr, palle,l), Pllto (partition) puto (last- son at' dflllgh If'l' ' ~:ltOt I!lgl'eement), !:'Hb6t (IiJetnelJt, or to moderstandl ~,lcay, (I.Hls~an~er or c0111panion on a boat,' sacay (to ell) bo. r]n

sccot rfl'f'qn,'n1) ,






-- - - - - - - -.------

(1) 'fbi" i" the nl'igill oi 'Uofongf\I1" a iO\Hl un the eastern COII~t of the Ishm,l of !;(lInllr, on llccount 01 the iart thnt llnring rel'TAin ~poch of the yefl.l'. tJ.UH )Jlacc i" DlorQ or less cOI'el'ed with f('og,

-- 43 :::uso (t~at), SlISO (thickset), ,suso ,(a mollusk so called) tJao (joke', tiio (maniac) tima (fini~bed) till1,t (uneven) tuba (a plant so callerl), tub"a (wine from cocoanut or nip,,) tuba (sugar-cane), tub~ (tc grow), etc,

Transposition of accents., The accent of a word frequently chayges its place upon ite: tJ'ansformalion. In Lhe diminutivE's formed by 1' of the root or by the affix ay, 'the acute accent is always placed upon t~e penult. As from bal,[y, balayb:l.lay Raroual, sQ-l'oll,ilay " hi! l<Sto, balot6hay.


Tbe grave nccent of ~he root is pl'es.oervf'd; and its angular accent hf'comes grave, which i preserved in its repetition. As from dac(;, da('~d~tco !' bob; (bole) bobo-bOho (little hole). tbe primith'e has the acute accent Oil its pellult, said accellt is transferred to the last syllable of the original pritnitive, til!' repeated primii,ive following the preceding 1'1l1E'1>. A~. yY'hen

from d,iholl, dn h6nd:ihoIJ c:ih<,))" r:ihoydhoy ha lfpot. hnlipt1tay mnop:ty. maop[l y-6pa.\' " !labia,.,. hat;)a,,!,i:1"

III the


followed; aud 'Whf?ll tlw intel't1~ 1'0 ii' employed the pl'imiti\'e generally 108(>e- lb ,Ientf' :Il'eent whicb i3 p1acecl upon the penult of lhe figurativ.路 :\:0 rile

:-alile rule",




III the verbal nouns it is a general rule that when tl1c verb root has its acate acoent on its penult, its verbals havc said accent tl'llu"placld to thf:'ir bOil syllables,

aut! VIce versa , as 11'001

!;ul'lit, (to

IVri te),

varu::>.urat tigsurat

lrom bllsa (to rend I paru bni>~l tigba sli mtlgbarasli bar(lsaluin bnr:l8ahlJn mabnsil Ibn ra 8:1.;

magsusurat SU:;l1l'


masurat iSl1f'urat,

except when the lransfoJ'l1lative parlicle is ma menning desirableness, ill which case th!? acnte accent is nlways on t.ho last f'yllable; aod also ill of the particle hi, where the nccent iR nlways p~lt on the penult. .As 11l\llitnat.f'I1I':\t.

hi 1'l1l1sil.


111 easel" where the penult of the

vBrb-rU(Jt. is necessarily long, as when its vowel lS foIl wed by more than one consonant, find when the lnst syllable of the root is pronounced independently hom the consonant or consooant;; prereding it, then the nriginlll 11Cl1te accent of the root is pl'e;;en<cd on the penult of the verbal. As from dnhi (to come), d61路ong (to bear, to a0company)

pal'uctlnhi tigdnhi ('umal'!lnhi l~aranhfan

cD.l'nnhion m:lr(lllhfon irll r.l n hi hnnganinhi


parad61-ong Tigd61-ong dOIDorol-ong dOl'ol-ongan dorol-6ngo'l llladol-6ngoll i rlor61-ong hinollol-ong .' '.

III the dt'rivative~, when lht! necenl is on tlit' penult the primiti\'e, it is '11sl,) placed on (he penn] t of the

rl"ri\'nfj\'f'; :11)11 \'::li'il thl: :H'('('llt i" on the last r-yllahlr! of 111!' Pl'i:IJifi\'(', it j,: :11,;(\ llilt 0.1 t.hc la,t f:'vllable of the

dt'l'i \':Jti I'f', fl'lllll



1>:1,Y.lll, pL[:-,od, hlill~, tuh,I("

111:t:lr:llll, Illnll:lr'lv:lll,




he !lol(路.1 thnL we l'pfer to the acute accent. IL ~(1l11Plill)(,S happens th:lt 111,' Inst syllabJe of t.he primitj"e has :111,'.!;t11:1J' n(,(,(,llt, ill \\'hieh case snch aCCf'nt is di:::collJplI;:!'c1, tllC gr[\I'(' 'ueing k!>pl anll the "cute being trullsposIII III lill' 11(,l1llI1 (If the rlpl'i\Tative, :'IS [t.



~al;;, pnl:inn,

whel'!' thc H of the pennlt really bears two accents, nngnlnl' nn\.lu:rave, tl1(' an;.!;ubl' not heing employer! f()J' thp 1'('81'011 thnt is it. not nl'Gc:4 sary, as thE: last two aR are pronouncell sC'l'al'utl'ly (1), nlld l)peallse- it is not proper, as the nllgular nt'cellL is ollly u8f'Ll nt the tlHlings of the worcl!", (2)

Tn the clpri\'ntivef' f()J'l1lcrl with taga, or tag, 01' maqui the ncc('nt of the root is not chnngen, frl)ll]


bil(ln, (:,alted fish), bnlay (house), calti1l1ny (d:nk ;;l1gUl'l

tagallodo tagbal~iy

mag uicn l:i Illay Tilt' 1'lJlllpal'atives fMlllC j with tile illterux. ro, have alway" 11-11' <lI'Ct'llt on L1w I:l:il :-;yllable no llJatter where it was ill the prilllilin'. ,\'" from h;lliih:l {illng', llguis (\rhite 1];\ rf)haLl h:;', 111'<,ngll If:,



i \"(',.;

r.. rflll'.j

with the prefix gl1i and the

atlix i :ll\\,:ly~ iJn\'I' Un: ilC'cc'nt on the pel1ult. lll'tiill!.!; wiJ('l'C> it wa:;; ill ille primitive. As 11) t'!)

,;ec "\'0\\','1.,", lJ"ge ii uf IIIIS hOIJk, !:!C(' ""{ulc", 禄>ll'e :1 of lhl' Louk,

withol1t reg-

40 (Llecp), IIllItaiJUIll (beautiful) glliba 1I01la rlinl i, gll i 111 all I a tn h umi.

from haUrlll1l

The collective!" follow the "'ft.\' ill ",hieh tlwir prillJit.iYf>s are :\c('('nted, so, if their primiti\'e5 ha\'c the acc0nt on the penult, tlipy luwe it on tIle lJenttlt, and when the primiti\'t's 11n\'e tile accent OIl the la:::i ::;yllable they also have it Oll their la::;t syllables.


from b'ib~ (child), baLiy (house) cn bntmin, cabnlay,in.

It ll1u:;t. be obsen'ed also tha.t there are nonns which, thru 1,honetical variations, have more than one forms. Of sueh word:; :l re tile following:

l)[il'h~, hich ~ (groaning) IJlllldoc, bun ao (kick) guip:ir, gnipuc ,broken) gus'l, ql1i;J, ellsi (sagged) Pat1al,tr<illl, Pala-naron, £lanaron (one of tile suburbs of the town of Taclobil(1), (1) }lilli, 101'1 (fold) quinlg, l'()r,j~ (lreml>ling)



coroglJos (surtout)

sil:::it, SULSllt ("hi:;tle) taclap, lapl:tc (blankell, etc. There are also wnrcls composed of the same letter:s but ollnLiing

hy, on ~yllal,j(:'s

differently and h<l\'illg diffprent meanings tht'l'eof the separation with which ~on\e of their are pr0l101l1lCt"ll. As.


kigo (a tree), Ing·() (1]1'\\') I a tlay (.,n.1 i IHI), I a l1-a.\' (I'epng i', :lllCe) t nglJc (r('si l) ('), t'::,g' 0<': ( l\ 11;1 rtie til a le

vuiee) .

(I) JIIIII'l'Y"r, the (,lJned !In,\ I'I'OPl'I' rOI'1ll is I he Iil··t, PHYla/H/'IIO, n verht\l derhNI I'mm ]1(.(,1/.11/",1 " IIllJl'Ill inflllitiVI' uf Ihl' l'el'l) p,oy.«;latl II hich TIll'ans "10 ~J)11ll\1". Tlte snill .lJlJlJrl, of '(',,,,Iullan, it i, IwticI'e,\ took lhis nnPlle f)'OllJ the f'H't Ihlll, IlJl('ient!y, (11(\ pcnl'll' nse'\ to "nu,Il,1 (pall~'atl) in "wit phll'<' which wns lhen ('IlI' ere'\ by 1he sea



b:igang (Ull insect), ItUg路aug (grinder) lJlltol (bulky), but-ol (throat), bulanon (ll1oony), ulll ';lI10n (from Bohol), etc. PRONOUN

There ure four classes: personal, demonstrative,

sive, anel relative. Pf~RBONAL.

l'hey are th e following: klINGULAR


Aco (I)

Quita, cami (we)

Ido, ea (1) (tholl, y0U) Hiyn.,


siy~i (2) (he or ~he)

Carno (you) Hid, or sini. (they).

Declensio11. Th e cases are four: n.ominativ.B, genitive . objective, and vocative.

First person.- Singular. Nominative, -Aco ([) GellitiYe. - N;leon, (-~) ,icem, co (of, by me) ObjecLiu.--Hu aeon, tLicon (5) (to. for, in, at, on, upon, ove)', under. etc. 1I1P)


(I) .On I~' 1I,,'d Jlllcr the ,,('rb. (:.!) IIill'" l111rl sill i IH'~ lhe sam.e. See the note 2 on page 7 of this boole. Ihe '>llU(' IllUY I)e sniJ about hi)'a and "ita. (:l) (l,li/" ru~nns "we" , lhe Ihtenel' inrltuled; rami ' means "we", the.liJllener


(',,"ll'fl,'ted from 1/; (of) and acon (mine). ('onlmf'tcd rrom ria Itll(1 arnn. Tlli~ particle <la is .nsed in some places t\~ equinlll'"1 tu tile )lJ'e l'osirj<ln IIa or the contraction hafl,. So in Oarigari, Ley. fe, Iht'Y Ray rlahani (nt oltl time.), instl'Rcl of hnnhall,( used in Tt\cloban aud otl1('1' 10\\'IIS of Ll'ytc. The forms (/am()n, date-II, dimo, diyo, diyn, di-ra have the SRme explnnation. (r.) Quila is frequently u sed fol' "ae6", as when we say tag.u l ql~ita hin sa. lQP7 (gil'e me money), iURtead 'of tag lli nco /tin salapt (.1)



lil] 1'1, :I II III



Ubj<:('lil'<:, dl',



hy 11~1 :lLull, ditllll 1.\(\, for,

'-'llt')ll, all;l, l.a (IIi,




Second }"'/ "cHI NOlllill:1lil'l',




lLhdl1. ,1'1111)

(;('l1ilil", :\illlO, illit', 111<) t,,,i, II.\' llivC', 01' yuu) Ol.jl'di,'e, - lIn ililtl, di:II'l (to, f,'l', ete, tlJl~l', (I/' you)

Vo,'a t i "L',




It 11,,11,

,,[' Y,HI)

Pfunil ~llilli Ildti \"', (~\:i1ill\'e,



-:\1,'-0, i.'-(l ({Ii,

Ol.jl'cli \'{',

Y,wati I'i',


():.jP,'1 \'111':\


etc, hi III or hpl')


twe-- Hi,"'!

PIll ad. ~()llIil1;1ti\'l' (:{~llili\'{

() I, j I

-nid crill')') (of, II)' (l]pm) 11 a i rn , d j l'<t ( to, f t) r Co tc , , t be U1)

:\inl, irn

d i I' ('


(tll(,},), DC1710Jlst rnth'es,


tl1p f,,1 : {\\\',,: ad;' (Ilii,:, tht'''p,




ft)I'III~ II1)lll


the singtllnl' and



tn tl)l~ "p";il(pr than til tile li,,-


to f.I)(~ spr'a!;:er than to

t c' 111'1') 1111

(thi,:, IIH',';I:)

it,) (lll;lt, t 111)"(,, t('III'I',


t'lll'r('~L)[II)c1il.lg t'P:I!''').









adto (that, those, further from the spenker than from lite listeller, am) corresponding to the Spanish "aC]t1e1, af]lldln., aql1ello", aquellll.$"). When used before the noUllS. they have the particle nga aftH them; said particle beitlg fnql1ently contracted with thl3 pronun. As n ' :1, contracted adin, illi 11 ~n, c\)ntl'tlct.ed i nin, firlj

ito ngn. cou t l'a c tf'd iton, ~tdto nga, contracted ~ldton. The form it~n sometimes takes again the particle ngll. So it is said iton nga bata~ (that boy or girl). Adi, adto in some places have their vari~ln1s yadi,

yadto. In plural, the particle mga ing cOlllbirlatioOf:1.


placed after the preced-


They have two cases: subjectiv0 and objectid:>.

Declension. Adi.-Singular

nia, adin (this) Objective-Hadi, hadi nga, hadin, or hadin mga (of, etc. this) Plural.

8ubjective-Adi, adi


811bjective-Adi, adi nga mga, arlin mga (theiOe) Objective-Hadi, hadi D!!U mgn. hadin, or hadin mga (of, pte" t-hese).



Suhj~cti\'c-Ini, in1 n~a, inll1 (this) Objective-Bini, hini ngn, hin1n (of, etc., this) Pluml.

Subjective-ltd, ini nga mga, Inll1 mga Objective,-HinL hini nga t;ga, hinin these) .

(these) (of, etc.,






::iuLjective.-It6, ito nga, iton, itou (LhatJ Objecti\'e--Hito. hito nga, hitan, hiton, Dga (of, that)




t:lubjcctive.-Ito, itr5 llga mga, iton mga, iton nga mga (those) Objective.-Hit6, hito nga mga, hitan mga, hiton !'Ign mgn (of, ptc., those) Adto.-Singular. Subjecti\,p.-AcUo, adto ng:L, adton (that) Objecli\'e.--Hadto, had~ong;ll b!l.utol1 (of, etc., that)

Plural. Subjecti ve.--A,rlto, adto nga mga, adton uiga (those) mga, hadtoD mga (of, etc.,

Objecti\'e.~Haato, hadto n~a


The fOr!ll" adt~n and hadton are frequently used instead of iton, hiton when , the object referred to is very close to tbe li8lcllPr. Iton is sometimes replaced by the form hadto'"n. Examples' mopay adton bil1i (that one is better tban this) condi clarodaco in1 hadtnll (hut this is larger thnn that) say co hatc!n (I prefer that one).' PO~SESSIVE.

They are the followiug: SJNUllLAR


acml, co (my, tiline) : aton, ta, amon (our, ours) imo, mo (thy, thine, your, yours) i)'o (your, yours) 'iya (his or her) iira (their)

The forms co,


ta are use(l only after the nouns.

51 Tbe fW Ill(:' distinction exists between at011 and amon, as bet lYP,ell quitfl" aud cami. (*)

Th€'y . have als0 two cases:

S Ll b j eeti \'e,



Declension. Acon.--Singulal·. Subjeetivc.-Acon, co (my. Objeetive.-Ha acoo, ban aeon ;of, etc., my) . Plural. Snojl'0tive.--AiClll, til, amon (our; our~) Objeetive.-Ha ::tton, han a ton, ba amon, 'han am on (of, et.c., our)

Su bjecti.v·e."-7 Imo; Objectivc.-Ha

YI)l1!'., yOUl'ti )

etc." -YOllr, thy ) .


(your, yeurs) Objective.-Ha iyo, ban lYo (of, etc., your)



Subjective---Iya (his~ hel',bel's) Objecti\'e.---Ha lya, han iya (of, etc., his, hoed

PlL1I'al. ~11 bject.i \·e.---Ira

\ their)

Objeeti\'c.---Ha ira. ban 11'n. (of, etc., their)

The::e plurals- refer to the subjects possessing. The plural referring to the objt'ets possessed, is formed in each case by I1sillG; the parlicle mga, As .\eoll· Inga


(my brothers 01' sisters)

1.'10 IIlKlt linas (your 'bodies) . ira ' JlIga cabnbFi.n (thpil' (.~)


"P(,l'SOBlll pl'Onnlln~"





5:J -

R EI1.lA LATIV ~~,

They are ns follows:

:t\ga (that, which) :I II I) (whah hi,;:11l ::tIlO (whatever' hfn'o Ol' sin'o (1) (who) , bisan hin'o or bis:\ 11 ~il1'o ~ whoever) h,iin (which) bi~all

h:lin tlYhidlt'\'el')

These pronouns, CXr'l'pt hin'o no inflexion for C<l!"e:> ,

and bisan



This relati\'e always refers to the subject of the verb, It nE'ver relates to the complement. So the- sentence,

"the house that Peter builds is big", cannot be translated littf'rnlly into Bisa),an, by p:li='si\'e voic(', Thns:


"an balllY gaintitind,]g ni litterally "the house that is beillg And this, "thE' bO(Jk which you gn ve me is translated "an basuh611 llga ihinatag mo littel'a!ly "the hook which was given




Pedro, daco", bailt by Peter is big",

yesterday" ha aeon cacoI6p"; hy you to me yesterdny"

Tbi;; pronoun is intlir;.pensahle when a qualified by an acljecti\'e. as



lllaopa)' Jig'll tUllO (good man,) not maupay biuo, ,bllcad ng,l rnnhalllot (fragl'nntflwer) notblldd llIahamot (2 )

It <liffer::l from the conjunction I1ga. (that) in that the See fhe note 2 011 pag~ 7, \\'(, tlse nposLrophe nnrl not hyphen, because are <,onll'llcten from II'i 0110 und si <1111/, (2) However in this form il~ which the substnntive pI'sC'eds the adjetlve the sU1,pressJon of ngo 1$ -permisible in p;-.etry (1)






alll'a.\:..'l rd e r:~ t() a nOlli}, ne\'er to a verb.


NO'J'I~ . - This j)Hticle ide:) of ";;(1)'ing," "qne:"lioll,"

(:xpref's(:"s in some instances the "ansl\"er," etc., as \"hen we say:

Nga IIi Perlro: "tJgui aco hin salapC" D,iyon baton oi Jnall, 11g~" niya: "uaray co f'::l:lpi." \')I-'tl>I: Htid: "give me monl~.v," John immediately replied uy :-<a ying: "I ku' e llO money'. " Pacallhia hi Guillernlo. Nga natull (1) "guinquiqllina_ hanglan en, did to." Make Guillerrno come. Tell him: "JOll are nceged tbC:'re."

When flpplied with the particle


the third pp-l'f'on it is frequently comoined


Nusirlng hi Pedro •1 shall study').

flS :

ng:}lallng: "mngtotoon aco." (Peter enid: •

This special idea cOO\Teyed by he word ngu i'eelll f:' to f' h nw 111 oth er instances in the Bif-:1y III tongne. as wiwil i t i:-; ",:l id depreciativel:,' : iCa darno hin im ng:lng}! How many things you ask or talk! where the doubled ngn menus requei:!t or talking.

This .pronollll has th() same lIl"e :;]8 tbe Ellgli~h what, excepL wll('1l the latter is useJ :u:f an obj~ctiye relnti\'e, in which the said Engli::-h prolloun is transla..ted by the al't.ick .an. A"" when it is said:




is pntieuce, not science,"



tnln"laled: An gllitlqbiql1illnl}'tlLglnll 1110 an pag-ilob, cliri hibaro. '(1) Thi s h 11l1otller irreglfifll'ity of the pronoun quita. Here it i s eqlliv8.lent "imo ; hnl thi s last form j o inndmi<s ible in such phl'8.$e , naton being the spe· eiul 11"onoua 1'01' the Sllm e •• to

54 Bisfln


Bisan ano meallS "anything"


·'",bl,tl-'\,er." I'JxampJes:

\YhaLever YOll elu I'll kllolV it. Bisan ano jll buh:itoll 1110, ' hisasabot;ltl co. lli\'u me HIlj'thillg ('Hluhl!'. T,iglli a('o hill bisail [ill; ugct baCaraOLl.

It ii:l frcquLlllIy fl'l)i-Iced by ano la, or an08110



ALlythiLlg 'you 111::)' desir!', I'll gi\'e yon . ..lno h~ liga caruy:tgoll IlJO, illnhat~g co ha imu. loll

wish to fOe!' el'<'rytlting 18 b1ll1t lIin hiqlliL'ml.


Wb e n it is Jrec edul by nn article, it means "which," as Ju YOU\ like? ahayo in buot


rIi11'o Thi s relative i .. only useJ in the illterrogati\" ) phru~fs, It if' lIoi elllpioyt'd as tbe English "who" when this"e Ke rl'(,S :If; "lilllt',. f)o this phrase "t.iJlIt JlPJ'so n 'who talks if' my brother" tr n ll :; latpci: "ilon tUllO I1ga nngyay:icnn, aeon uugLo ," 1I0t " i t,',11 {alln hin'o Ilngyaylicnll, etc." IR


11:1K (\1'0 C;J!-'t'F:

>'Iti.j(·cti \"e

and objective.

Declension .'> 1.\(: "L.I I:

~uhjl 'c ti\"C - lliLI'(l



Ubj! niqJ- C:IIHiy, can ('ami), (of, <'le. "ltolll II'llo:- e )


hin'o mean s

IIir:i IJin'o (\\1JO) C:lntla ('aldy (of, etc., ",bom,' II' 1!( 'S t·)

" \\'110('\'01'"




-- 55 \1,'lloe,,('r is tber'e, let hilll corne.

Bis811 !Jin'o ill ad';, pacauhfa. Allyone knows him. Bic;8n hin'o J),lq uiLUa. ha iya. It al~o has two cases: subjective and objective.

Declension. Sr."GULAR


~\1bjectin路. ~-13isal1 bin'o (who-

Bisull hir,i, bill'O (whoever)

evcr) Ohjcctive.--Bisan ' can,iy e(c., whomever)

Bisan cauda caml)' (of, etc. , whome\'er)


Rain. Hain means "which.!'


Which of these hats i~ yonn;'? llUin hini: nga mga cal~ in imo?

Similarly to "ano/' the pr(Jl1lJun "h,iin" is only u~ed ill the interrogative forms, ne\"e1' as (that). So the phrase


is translated and not

"the book which you saw" "and basahon 路nga imo quinitn" (literally: the book that W<l8 seen by you), . "an basuhon h;;in icao quiumil~l.

Bisan hain. It


equivalent to the English "whichever." Examplei;':

Whichever .of those books t'atisfies me. Dicla hit6 mgn, ba~a h6n bisan hain maopay co.


~o'rE.-The,e Jelatin's hain and bisan hIlin must not cunfnullded with the ad\'L'rbs of the same form, hain (where) antI 7JiSC!11 h:lin (\\'here\'er). The former refer only to nouns, the laller to \'el bs. l,(~



COl1tractions. The


prl )110UI1S


HCO, ,icon, !lacun d:icon C~lLllj

q uj ttl 1J tlllJ 0 11 aUlflll

neitoD :i LOll uUlllon J;ituu



" "

" " "

hini llinin hitQ II i L(Sa h a ton :ICOIl

awn 1I1110H

i 1110 hi san illltlfJi s a II kiin

clae £.:a111

quit 11a111

an1 IUlt [It

llim 1111






itv ;\(lil1 i lQll 113di


dam dut

ill1cJ Jim adl i ni



'j~J.ll 1I

t 1Y ('ontractpri


" "

" " " " ., " "

" "

" "

" "

dim cam nd in ' it ad it ht:ld had

hin hin hit hit

hat lIC

at ' /1m


his ano his hain


v Ll~

'1'1>(' ".,:'.1"




::ro'l[wd ill

tlte' folluwing


"\~ to Llleir t'lll1jl~~alioll: ncti\'p., pa5sive, negati,'e, interrogativE': ~111,p\f!t()]'y, il11(l8rf'.(lllll 1, clpft'clive, As to tbeir illDectiol1R: priIJliri\'p, anrl ]JrogrE'Rsive,

The .lorl \T/';

\'i'l'b repr";;~I1t,.: t.he dll;>jed


a\.!!i I1g, as:

ac6 11.I::lllgo' (J uHler), 'flu! P :\,S"U\T})

n~l'b i'epresent~

till' suuject as being 11cLed upon, as:

nc,!) sinllsngo (I am ordered).




involye~ a



a~':to cat.uToD' (do not sleep).


verb involves a questioD, as:



en. <.:a.d~)? ~where did you go?)

The 8L'PPL]~'I'ORY verb supplies the lack of all auxiliary and a few other "erus a3 frOln in{ (this), we have:

iini aco (I aC1 here), to expre~s the verh <:fo be," in Bisayan.



verb has not 11 definite suhject, lULudn (it rains)



verb lacks onl'l or

ll10re nf)ts


principal parts as,

iy:i. (receive it),



\'erb is usee!


its (wiginnl and simplest


UR: ~H";


TIll! P!:tCH,t:'E<:l\'h:

(I write,),


(lenotes conlinuance of the action, as:

aC0 llag~u::!ul'.iL (I am wl'lting)

C01\'.J ('(. ATJ


Tb,'\' :11',' a '~i\',,' <til I p.h"in', Tll...')l ts,:j,-e \-lll\:e ha.~ tlll'ee cl.a c;se:,: <l ired, in tl i roct, a nrl j nSL r llllle n ta 1. The clil"~ct pa'lsire is whf~n- t 1l'J subJect i,.l the direot objt'd in :-teLi,?!:' ,'oi"o, :18: :"




',,');1 n~It:';ln (IVrit p .ny name; lit"l':,ll,": leL my he WI'iUen hy Y(11) ,

Til l' ill.lir,路.'t p'1~SI'- t! i~ '\'l1"r~ (II' suhject ,)hj';'d Il[ tilt' ,"'I'll :1nl 'i,'



an incli'red

to ,nllll' father; literally: let ym to yoill' fatber),

TIF' ill~trl1m Il(lll pa;!si"", i8 wherE' the !"uhject IS the' ilJ~tll1n)I~nt, (11' reA) olJject of the action, as: ig.sudt ini ng:l, plumrt (write 'Iyith this pen: litterall,": let chis pen be used by yon in wt'itting,)




:ll'e i .lllt' lUl.lOd:,: in5nili\'e, ' l1bj lltH:tiVl'.



Th 路, intillilil't' ill S tl\'\ Lt'IH".,: prC3cnt, and gel'un(}; tilrr' voice: pre:"rnt, gpl'lllld. ;lnrl past participle.

p:\, ~si\'e

TIlt' illli{'uti,-e has thl'E'P, Till' ordinary forms kHl' PI'{'and flltl1l'P, 'fhp il'I't'glllnl' forms h"ve pt'e~f!llt, inl-

~rnt. pa.:[





Tbe i III P 'I,<tl.i \'1"1

il. L1

1 ;: ll1) j 11 11路'1 i VI! 11:1 n'

0a,c h

0 l1e


Pl'C~l:1l L.



'I'll .. prp.;cnl i-:; 1'1'<' 11l"lll,ly (ilw Jnl'al),







i.4 fl'Py.t.lelllly as:










hflll pag-aboL co :Ifridng).


pHt. i~i~lk

The P:lst


[ ,trrived: litlera.l1:': npon my emplo.yeti



adjec t.iv e , :t~:


(') ng~t irQy' \Illy dear mO Lher; litterally: motiler foved by me).

NIlTE.-There are in Bisnyan forllls resemblipg and equi\'m<tn~y instanc-es to the Latin inflnitive futnre ending in rus, in aeti\"e, an(l in dus, ill passive, as amatlln1!'; aDd n11w.ndas. Snch Bi!"a~Yan form!'> are those formed by the particle mn cnrnhinec1 with the inte1'6x r or its snbtitit.l1tes (See l,nge 20), as'

alpnL in


(one who is



carnon6n (a to he euteJ.). Ordinary forms. The present corresponds to the En"glisb, and also to the Soan ish and Latin imperfect. paR. AI':

I!\DIC'.\-rIVE. RaInO

tellse in





n:lcaon aeo han pag-ahot a rri \'e(l J


(I was eating when yon

'fIJI> past ten!"E' represents the English present perfect, amI pnst, indicnti"e mood. As: lMgSUl',it nc(j T have wt'itten (I wrote )

The fut.nrc corresponds to the English future tl;mse, as: 1l1,1Sll rat. aeo \ [ shall write) ~Llppletl)ry f()i'm~. The presellt represent;;; the. EngliJ'lh prl':'Pl1l :\1111 fnlul'!'

tell:; e;,:,


II(' i" ])f'I'l': hi~'6. h;ibani. lIe will II(> here tOll1orrow:


hiy,ÂŁ hahani bUlls

IJ~lSt [1,11(1 past tense corresponds to the the Latin and Spanish l:lnguages: as

The ill1p eded f:'~Nl(, tens(> of

didillbi (1.) hi Juan han pag,ah6t co (John ,,'n!'> here, \\'IH'l1 r a I'l' i \,p(1) (I)

In Dub:; and uth e l' pltle cs o[ LeYi~ , cllis word is

Pl'(H10tll) (Je u

(li"i~lh i.

(;iI --


. C A" IJ ""M) '''I,T(I,T.

e:lc11 of


T h:.' "i :lgl p t,~ 11 -:f)

11111lld-: \"l:'I"t ''1H'11

(PI'E:,3(, 11 t) Or' I" to tile ,; 1!11(' tt,'I1~(, III

ErJ.~ii:.::h, a8:

en,lto hUll" (g) the],(, t'l-lIJlll'n"Y) ('11!l1:ldto











~II lllPl't' tu-

The 1~ll~li~!J prtst lll'i'fer:t, illdic:tLi\'c, i~ [.;up1>li<"11 ill Bi';I.\':l1l h,\' tlll' 11l'P:"C'nt tense, il1(licntin', of the l'(\lL'lllinl fOI'Il! \,hieh \\'{' shall I'ee htp]', (1) A'"


Illln [llt~-[l.htlt n:H':lc:Ltima 11:1 nco ("'hen yon ul'li"etl,


f all'l'acly [illi!-Jhetl) ~. 'I'IIP l~ll~li~.dl fl1tl1l'e pE'rfed tf'lllOe is !-JuppJiec1 in gi;:,IY:111 \1\' till:' injul't' tpn~(~, indil'ntin'. of the potential fOI'Ill. As

umalllH va n~1l1t mncncalill1 J .,hall ha\'P' finirhru).


aco (when




Latin Hnrl Npanir:.h imprrfect pa, t tpl1se, fmllj 11 n 1i \ l' II lOod , is snplllir"ll in BisA.yn n hy the present. RulljUl1rtiu'. :mll flltll],(' inclirfltiYe. A" d,

('nil (ff

nco niy!in, ili!'i ('0 hiya iglluiqlliLn- lm:ls Sllllllld glJ tod:l)', I woulllllOt meet hirn to-m0r1'Ow).




Till' L:ltin niH} 8pani:<h perfect past teme, snbjul1l'~lIJlpliel1 ill Bis:tyan hy tht" pu~t tense, inc1ica.tive. Ii. 'I'll(' Lll i 11 :tnd Hpanif'h plllS([lJitmprrfeet past t!'nSt', !-'ltI,jll1H'tin, i" c;llp]>lil'll in niC;:I~'all hy illp past aud futnJ'd (putl'llli;!i) t(,1J"('~, il1(li0:111\'('. 1','spf'l,tinl.\T, As tiY£".


('lIll n:I~(l,ignliL :1('0,



ltillflalJllbl1 co t'lIntil Iti.":! (If 1 had .. :-It'lidd ita\,,., renchl',l hilll)

Ii. TI1t' L:Ilill :lIlt! Sp:lliish impl'riec'l flllur •.' !"IISP, bUlJjLllldivl', i,.: f'll[>plil'rl ill Hi!-JIlY:lIJ uy tlw l,resclit !:'LlUjlll1cti\'c. 7 . .\1)(1 till' pedl'l't fuLlll'P le11;:C. :mhjullcti\t', of t;;lid lrtllgltngr~, i~.


sll[lpli(,d in Bi!-lnyull 1,,~- lllP present, intiic:ltive,


_.- 1:1 ::\ [JIBE R X:W


Thoro nre two nllmbC'r~: ~inglllf\r an(l 1'll11'nl. 'fhnc nrc three persoll":: first, second, and third . Except 111 the imperative, (.he inflections of the ... erbs generally do lIot cha.nge, in ctLch tense. I-Iowe\'('I', the progrer;sivE' and suppletory forms frcqnently undergo I"ome changes in plum], as

aca nag8usnnit (I am writing), are wri ti ng )





The i nflection~ are determined b.y particles, which are 8hoWI1 in Lho following tables: (In the tn.bIes below, the dash represents the root; the (d) mCltnS that the first syllable of the root is doubled; amI p mean singular and pllll:ul, respectively).



Primitive [lctive Infinitive Present, flnd gerund: PAG--,S; PANG-, PAJ'vI-,PAN-, p. Indicatil'e Preseht: NA-Past: JKM-, or




Imperati\'e (the ruot unaltered) J;

Subj ulI1cti reUlII-,

or -u:\Ir-

, 0.)



OnSEn\'ATIO~::: :

Tnfinitin:. Thc rreE:clll, ~nd gerl1nd sre f0rfncd by the j1refi x jJng. and the ront. 111 the plllr:tl, the g of pag undnlIoe<; the following chall;.o;t· l': \Vbl'!1 tlle root begini; 'with ;1 v\)\vd ~) ': with the C,·lIsonanL c, the ]Jag is chang('cl intn pnllg-, the c then ueing sQl'preesecl. Examples: from " ar~" (to ask), png-aro, pI. pangaro. n "caiurog" (to Sll'CP I, pngdturog, 'pl. p:.w g:lit'irng. If [111' rooL

CO: ! IIl I CnCeS







[Jag ii) tr:tlt::iformed into. pn.;n; and then the labial comonant disappears.

Exnllq,]ro': .

from "bc1.lnd" (to P:1Y ) , pagh 'iY:l,i, pI. pamayad. " '·pili" :to select), p~gpili, p1. pnmdi. \Vh en th e l'o,ot b13gill with 111, png i" tr:Ln~formc(l into 111 of the root remaining, in it. ~::;xamp.:

P/.,211, the

frolll "nJlllay" . te teach), pap:lDll.laYt p1. panHJulay. If the root COlllmeLJ(,l'S wilh allY otber C0I1S011ant, pag is l'l'lJla cell by pa11, tbe :'aid conEonant, being thrn .sllpprrE':"cd except whcn it is a g' or h. EXUlllpl('f;. from " hapon"

(to perch), pngh:ipnll, pI. paob,ipoll, " gubat" (to invade), paggubnt, pI. pangubat, "bU>lU" '{ to vil!'it), pllgc1uf!n, p1. p~lJ1bn, ci lHGo" (to grow), pagt.nb:" pI. pannbo, c'sud,L'" (to write), pagO'unit, pI. pan~m\t.




I11dicative.-Present, The Lra;lsfonnativ3 particle of this trm:c is t he prefix 11a, which must ah\Tays be pronounced long , in orel er not to COnfUl111d it with the short 118 of the ll;1~l'i\'c


(Inng 17n) ( !·; flOrt

lUI )



it will be :3fen later. (1) As

I),ipili :Lc(j (I s(,j('ct) napfll <leu (1 was seleclcll)_

PaBL.-Thi!:! ten !,e is ddenl1ined by the inlcrlix lam plnceu (1)

;>l' (!

' l'u t ~l lC inl

,F,ll'i" "


( '" I"

the first!nt ;w(l the fil'6t \'n,rd "f tilE' rpot. \riteu the r()()t ('omT!wncl'S Iyith a vow(:I, tili:; p:ll'Licie is sinlply prefixed L() the root. .,A;,. i;et"'Ul

wrile), ";11H>L" ito arrire) <leo t'ilJl11unit d) (I \nitf~), inl1l:1b6~ hir:~ (tbl".\' arri\路e.d~ ':. ll'lllll ":;ltr"l";10

i\OTB.-'I'lte m of iml1 is frtl1uently suppressed.


(to leach), n1J6L ito anl\'c) l11illUI,)y, il::ihot..

, froll] "1l1\'tlny"




tlctc,rtllinillg this tense is the prefi, 111:1 which ll1nst be al\\'a.\'8 pronounced long, so as not tu cOllfollnu it wiLh the sllOl't nUl useu among the vel'iJnl nnd tlt'ri ,'ati\'e

!lUll D5,


(long mil.) hi,v,i rutie:t()n (he or she ,,-ill eat) (:,bort 111:1) hi.1':1 ll:ad~Jt1 (he 01' f'he is fl glutton) (lolJg) m;illo],()Ng (there 'rill lJe fog) (::-hortl ILIa horollg (confll~'C)

Imper:1tive.-It L' f,illlpi,


the root whithout any tran-

sfunnaLive part.icle.

XI11'K.-:....Thl路rc is a form consisting in c10ubli np; tbe first of the root. But this fOl'ln ii> used only in th@ precq)ti,'o language, as when we say: tamtgon ca ngnni, bu.bat6n" (whenever yon are calied, alwa.~Ys answer).


Subjul1ctive.-ThB single tense of this mood' is dennined hy the illterfix 11:11 which is placed between the first consonant and the first yo,,"e1 of the root. If the root begins with :;t ,'owel, the inlerfix is added to the beginning as hom Laro'" (to ask), "l1mar~," fro:)) ."cao.:" (t:) eat) cnm~ibn. R:xalUpl~:

Hnot: "ur:it.

1 nfi niti,c \ ~i ngula r: pagsur:it I 'Present, and gerund. { (towrile, writln1'l I plural: panur:1t 1 ,

(1) ill:! 11J1Ig"

in un



S:iJl1tll' the '/,/ j, fra'luently suppressed, the first yowel heeom, 'onnt of ~u.lJ sU]lP1"('SSiOll. Su ther say thl~rc: ~llll.1tal InalJot.




Indicative PLt'RAL

aco iC:\f)

~ llHt~Urat )




, . . dIlll \JUit{L you


t wr~tc,




etc. sinmur:1t (I, etc. wrote)

he, s h c ' e c.



cnm6 . mbul'!lt) you hil';! \ (they






I cam], etc, l';inmnl'l~t (wc, etc. wrotc)


aco, etc. mti"uraj. (1 8h:1I1, etc. wrile) I Cil11lf, ~'tc. lUasurd (we lihall, etl'. wflte)

l1llpera the sumurut (,7:') cami, hid (1e~ us, them



SUll1UI'{lt (*) lIiya (1~t him or her surut qllita, camo (let UR, yell write)


ac~, sumurat (I may, etc.

writt:~ I CalIl], etc. I write)

sum unit (\\'e m,IY, etc.


Progrf'ssi r'e flctive Infinitive. (t.he some as that of the primitive acti,e) Indicativc (d) - . )\A(d)-, or NA>.;'(d) -, p. 01' XA!\-, p. d)-, S; ~IA);,~(d)-. ,IA(cll-, or ~L-\.~(l]l-, p

Present: )\AG(d)-,s;




Future' }!AG



!\A!\G-, :\A-,

1Il1perati\路('. P.V;-.





PAX --,


:-)Ubjllt1Cti\ C :lIHl --,


:'IJANn-. :lU--,

01' }IAX-,






It~ fui'IU.; are e:uctly the sam.:! as tho.:;e of tll(' IIl'iI1lili\I' ndil'f.'.

Prt'sent. Its F;ingulal' is ::\ete rll1ined by dOl1-bling tile fir.~t sy lLlbl e (*) of the root, prefixed by nag. Itli plural is formE'd according to the first lettei' of the root. When the root commences with a vowel, or with the consonant C HS :11';) (to a~k) 111 .hc<1rlV'e.

d,on (to eat), the furmat.ion takes the following pl'Oce.:i;: nf( is addeJ tJ the b<Jginlling of the root, C being !:'llppl'f101Oed, as

ngaro, llg,ion; the first syllable is donbled, (,*) a;; l'l~angnrn¡.

ngang7ion, to which the particle na

is prefixed, as {illed

llangan~aro, llangaligaon, wl1ich is the form. When the root commenCeS with a hbial cOlBonant, as

bayan (to pay) mul::ty, (to teach) pili lto s-elect), the f('rmation of the plural IS as follows: the tirst e(ln!,!~)JHlllt of the root is replaced by m, or not altered jf it all nl, as ,.

mayad, lllll.lay, milT; then the fir"t svl:aole


dOllbled, (*) as

(*) In the town of DlHag, Hurauen, and Abl1yog, of the island of Lenâ‚Ź' these forms are always contracted, the first syllable of th-e verb so formed becom: iog long 011 account of the said contraction. TlltlS it is said in the mentlc>neri pla('e~: ling.! It I'll! instead of Il(t9S1r.Ul'nt.

manJ;iyntl. 1111l11J11Iay, miruili; ltuel the prdlx 11an is f'lIlploye,l,


Jlanlllnm,iyad . nallllllllllt!lay, n:1nmimili. !ij(~

Th~ Ltf't

tillai flUlll.

11 of nan 1" freqll~lltly sllppressed, :1S

11 n III a 11) Ii Y[\(1 l1:1mimili.

\VI]('11 tiJe root begins wilh a


consonant as

dap~ (to nppro:lcb)

t:iboll (to COI'N) ~L1ni (t write), the formation of the plural consists In rE')liacin,." the ' fir!'>t C(lIlf;Ollant by 11, as

P :l[)(S, II a bon, 1111 fn t, s~7lJable

whrise ti1'f3t

is' 1l0ulJb1

( 1 ) , as

nanapo, Hanahon, nnnLlrat,

to which nan~il1np(\,

the particle na.



the fillal

nanLll111rat, form.

If the root cOl11menc'es wiLh nny othp.1' consonant, the pluml is fOl'llIell hy dou\Jlillg t.he fiTst, syllnble of the root, and l,y prdi;\illg the l),n rtirle lWl1 to the root EO tl'alH,forme<1. I~xalll pll':-:


hugas (to \\'ash) lub6tl (to kneel down) rabot (to plllI), naniluhngas, nanlolohotl, nanrnl'abot.

Pa t' l. 'I'll!' singlliar is fOrlllcll tho l'rt'iix lWg.

by atllling

to ,tho



C7 -

EIJ e ],lill';11 J R fO'l'llJ eri cxactly as the pll1ral present, exccpt in th ;lt th e fil'li t syllable of the l't>ot tran sformed is not dl)ubl ed.

Future . The

of this tense is the same , both in ~ illglllnl: Duel plUl'lll, ns tlJat of tb e present" eX'cep in thnt tile prefixes used here arc mag, ma, man, mallg, in st ead of nag, 11[1, nall, nang. flll'llwtiU\1 '

Imper[ltive.-- In singular the prefix es pag alld mag are In pJ ur:.1l , tbe prefixes, pa, pan, pang', nl8., 111 CJ,11 , llUl11g, a l'l! lIsed ill tbe same way al1l1 cft,ses as the prefixes lW , lwn, 11 cl11g , ill the present illdicatirE'. employtd.

Suhjul1cLi.'e. - It is forJ11 Qu in llle same \yny as the fptnr e iudi eatil'p, ex ce pt 110t

in that th e

first syllable of the I'oot is

doubled h(-I'l'. Root: sndt (\vrite)

In.til1itive ' .1 ~ singnlar: pa~sunit ~ (to lJe writing , being PJ'ese llt , all(1 "e l'Ul1u ,.. plul'al: panunit writing )

111dicative SINUUL,\R

Ht:U, et~路.



l1ngsnsllTat (1) (I am, ete.\ cnmf, ~t~. nanuFlUn1.t (we are, etc.

\\'ritin gJ




ac(), ete. lIags llrat (l was, etc. writ-I cami etc. nanurlH (we were, etc. ill)! ) I writing) FUTURE

:lc.), etc.


lI1ag!lHlSud~ (l

wl'iting )

shall , etc. I cam), etc. mUflunurat (we allall, etc. I be wl'itiug )

Imperative pag&ll1'at icao ( u e wri ti ng )

路 palmrat. quibi. cam6 (let u s , you be writing)

lllagslll'llt hiya (let him 01' her be 1manlll'i:\L camI, hira (let i IJe writing ) wl'!fin g)


th e m

Subjunctive :leu, {'tc. I\1D ;J;s un'lt (1 may, e tc. be I cam!, etc. manul'llt (we n.ay. etc. \\,l'itill~O I lJe writing )

T .\l~LE


Inlillitivo l)re",ellL, aud gerund: A,


PAG--A, S; PAi";G-A. PA:~I-A, PAK-







Present: I::~(d)-, or -IN(d)Past: 1X--, or - I X - . :Future; (d)-ox. Irnperali\'e -A,

Infinitive. The prese:nt unll gerund are determilled in singular by the prefix pa~ and the affix~. Pag is llsed as in the active "oice, The affix a is accented (if the la~t Eyllable ef the root is ftccentccl) and simp ly appended to the mot prpfixf'd by pag. Thiil affif', is sometimes 11a. The llSA Ilf a or 1m follows the same rules established fol' tile u:-.:c tJr the :1ftixes Lin an hand (Se~ page 15 of tlds book), III plural the prefixes pcwg, pam, pa.n, areernployed :in tile CIHllhilHtLiull with the affix [l. Thl; said prefixes ['.re used ill sallie way a,; their :::illJiiar ill the primili\'e acti\"e, (Sce page ij:l of this buuk).

The Jlft,;t j1:l.l'liciple is fornwd by the interfix in lJlaced betwl'€'11 the fir:<L rOIl'3on:trll :\Ild the fil'cit \'owel of tbe ro~t. If tlli::; IIt·gillH with a vowel the ill is (ll'cfixt'd tc the root. As fro[lI "ca(JIl·'., (1.0 P:lt), I.juin:loll (eaten) "jno/l1" (to drink), luin6m (rlrinked)

-- G9

111dicatiFe.-Present. Thi~ tense is formed by doubling tue fil'.:;t sylln,ble of tbe root and "by then placing in it (after doubling the said first syllable) the interfix in, in a similar \~ay as in the past participle. (See the preceding oosen"lti( ,n). A "l, from Clio)), quinn(';lon in6m, iniinolll (1)

Past.-The formation of this t.ense is exactly the same as that of the past participle seen above. Futl1re.-This tense is formed by donbling the first sylI aulo of the root n ncl append i ng to it the a.ffix on. As hom "CHon," ctlcaonon _ i nom," iioom611, contracted iinmon. "


Itl1perative.--Thc. si Ilg1e furm of this mode consists in the ront !l.ppend~d hy the affix "It." It mllst be observed that thi~ affix ":t') in the imperative bears the idea that lhe order 01' cO!11malHl i:> nlway~' directed t.o the second person or lil'.:;t plur.ll. (f sllch urder 01' command is directed to some other perSall, not to the second, or first (qnita) pllll'al th(>n the f'uhjn)1ctive is used. As nil


Dy()s (lo,'e God; !itt: let Gall be loved


you) hi~llgmn;i.

ta. an catfl(hingan (let us love justice; litt: let ]llstiee he loved by llS). hiingmaon nira al) ig0ilsit:lno Clet them love the fellow路 . lllfl n: Ii tt: let the iello\yman be loved hy them).

Th~ !:1ClIl.





i::l al::lo rrt'llllently nsed i!)l' the second perplmal, ~nd fOl' the fir,<t per::lotl, plural. A~

higllgll1:li~11 1110 nn

.Dy.),; rllJ\'e Gotl)

higllglll:llin IliYIl. etc. bigngll1flull lI:inron, etc. Iligll~lIln()I)

tn. ete.


The ~il\g-I(>


of rhis mo(le consists in



the root appenofld hy the af6x on, as it is seen In the preceding examples. Example:



1 ndicative Present, nnd gerund

5i ngulnl': pngsurnta plural: panurabi

(to be written, being written).

Past participle: sinl1l'at (writte:))

Indica tile l'RESE:-;1 "1~G(lLAn


et(l. sinURurat



(1 am,

etc, \ cami, etc. sinusurat (we are, etc. written) PAST

ac6, ete. sinl1l">it (1 was, etc. writt.en)

I !land,

etc. sinnrat (we were, etC'. written 1


ac6, etc. susurat6n

(I sball, et,('.

be written )

j caln!, etC'. susurat6n

(we shall, etc.

be wl'itten)

Imperative ')!lI'aLi nco, irao, hiya, cami, quita, eamo, hira


me, thee,

yon, l<Jim, her, 118, ),(,n them be writtell by YOll)

Subjunctive aen,

etc, :mrat6H wl'il.ten )




I ('amu. he'

'1'.\ 1:1.1':

etc, sUfl1t6n (we may, ('tc. II'rittrll)


J II f ill i t i Yt'. i'resent, A:






1'..1.(; -,\,

s; 1'.\:->11-.\, p.ur-'A, PAX


participle: (;cn:





111<1 ien t i \'t' Prese nt:

m 'I:\(d)




71 -

Past: (;UIN--S; PINA--, Fllture: PAG(d)--ON, s;


















OB:lERV.\ TIO.\ S.

Infinitive. Present and gprund. The singular is formed by the root prefixed by pag an affixed by a. In plural the prefixes pa. pan, or pang are employed in the same cases us th050 meutioned foJ' the use of nang nam, and na of the pre~ellt tenae, indicative, of the progressive form,active yoice. (1) The past participle is formed by the prefix guin added to the root. Indicative.

Present. In singular the first syllable is doubleci, (2) and the prefix f(uin is employed. 111 plmfi 1 t be prefix pina is used a nd the root is tranliformed exactl'y in the same way as the plural, present tense, intlicath'o. of the pl'ogressi\'e form active voice. (3) Past. The Rame U" the present, except in that the first syllable of the root tl'al1!:'fllJ'lneLl j,: not doubled. Fllturl'. It", ~ingl1Jal' is fOl'llWtl by the prefix pag, added to the ron! \\'h!,:<e first syllahl., i" donbled, (4) and by the



Its plural is funned l1y the prl'fi".': pa, pang 01' pam and the 1'oot.t t'al1sfol'med in t he same way (1" in the use of na or nam [llld as the tl'<l~fol'lllll.tion of the root ill the pImal, present t('l1l"Q, indicative of the Pl'ttgl'l's",ivl' form, active voice. (5) (1) Sl'e TJage .6i') ct . • e/}. It is nol doul>ll'u some pInel'S, H('e note on page 61;

(:!) (:i)

8f!'l' pnge 64 (t SOl·






lIot donhle,l SOU)!' JO<'flliti"R. 8ee note 011 page 65




Il11peratire. It consi<'ls III the root prefixed by pal? 11l1LI :tffi"{~ I Of a. \Vtl repro h3tl here the obsel'\·a.tiol1 made on



primitive forrn, direct



811bjl1/TCtiv·e. It" i'illgulal" is farmed by the root prefixed by pag a.nd affixed by on. lts pillral consists in the m;8 of p.1 pang or pam in the sallle way as in the plural, present tense inuictLtive, the :lfIix on.


form, active voice, (2)

and of

ExatlJple: Hoot: sunit

InfiIlitiT'e Pre~ent, :lnei l;el'l1nc1


~illg11181': p:1~',nlrnta I (to be written, l,ping plural: p<lnurata



s. ; pinUllllnunh p. i1\Titten).

Past participle: g'uinE'nnit

Indicati\'c PLt.:H.\L !H'(',

He. gl1illsnslll'l1t C1 am, I'll', 1<.:;.\1111, 'Ctc. l,jnanul'l1lI'lH (lYe alC', ('le. 1.... il1g: ",littell) . being written\ )',\1;1'


(-tf'. ~nill~l1r:h (l \l'a~. ('LI', IJL'iJ\~ 1 ('anJ! oil'. pinannrat (\l'e we1'C' , ell". "1'itII'111 I ).I'ing written)

FI'TT'HI'. (lei), ('I ,',

I'tl!!!-IIl!'lll'al.'.n (I ell'. IlI'ill!! II 1'i11el')

'lin" be, II'alll!, et." pal.\\I1UI'ntull (we slinlll,e, etf'. llf'illg "ritlell)

1111 pcrflt i vc l'agfnl'!1t:1 fil"'. ii'nll. l';\'!'l.



I'll'. 1"'~~llratull ,1 IIJ[I~ 1'1', IJcill" III'itl PI'

.- - (:2)


_~H~l' (~'"



JIH'J I,:;


I inl tll'! llie, yon, hi!1I 01' 11('1', II~', le!l, 11t1'II' I,,.. 1,L:illg\\l"i! t"'1\',


I'fllell, eft'. l,alJI.lI'alrll' IH' lll:ty I'e. .'11', 1)I.'ill~ Wl'i(IC!II)

- - - ---- -----




PriI11itit'e indirect passive Infilliti ve. I路rl.:.~{路Il(., :111:1 gerund: PAG--I, s; PA-I, Past partiei{1lc: -IN-AN, or IN-AN



Indicative. Present: IN (d)-AN, Ol'-TN( j Past: -IN-AK, or IN-AN Flltlll'C:




OmmIW A'rroN:

Infinitive. Present and gerund. This form c0nsists in the root tralli-formed by the affix i, and by the prefix pag ill sitlgular, and pang, pan, or pa in plnral, according to the rule!' abo \'f' establi~hcd for the lH,e of thepe prefixes. (1) PaBt participle.-Tbis form f'fllrlllCd by 'the interfix in and the interfix in follows the same estahlished for the Sllirl iuter6x.

consists in the root tranthe affix an. The use of rl1les as those hereinbefore (2)

111(1icflti"-i'e.-Prescllt. This tense is determined by doubling the first syllable of the root, and then (after the suiLl first c:yllaulc being dOllhle(l) hy placing the interfix in uetween the nrRt. conponant and the first vowel of the root. If the root brgin,s with a vowel, the interfix. in is prefixed to the root who~e first l;yllable has been alreacly doubled. (\) l'ee l'nge G2 01



}ltl gP l',~


-- ; I Tnst.- -This -ten!"C' has the sam!] f'll'll1 flS the P[lst participle. Tuturc.-The f"l'm of thi" tell"e: (:0112i6tE ill dOllhling the fir,.-! <:."11:\1111' nf the root :l1lc] Ly 31'lwnding tn it the: affix an. Impe-rnti\·e. Its forn. ('''Il!-'ist~ in the root nppcnded by t he affix i. 'I'll) same ob .~er v 'ltion is lllucip here, as that on the il11pCJl'aLiYe of the primitire tli I'eet pa,;~i\'e. (1) 8l1bjl1nctil'e. Its form is tbe l'Ul)t flppendcd by tbe affix an. Example: Root: sudt


~ "lural: nnlll1mtf

singulfl\': HagsuraU


(to be adrlressetl with a ldtel', being addressed t.., with a letter) (:?) Past l~art.i ('i pk: si nnratan (ndd re "E:;(~f i with 11 letter)

Prpsel.t, anll



Ind icatirc PTl.F:S1C'T

;\('6, etc. Aillusuratall (I a III , €'te . acldrp;:sed with n Jettel l


I '<lml,addressed E'te. SinUSlll'atan (we nre, dc. with a letter)

PA "}'


f'l{!. ~inlll'at:tll (1

w'\s, ete. ad·

t!n'~~ed with .t Jet~('r '

rami, etc. sinurat:1n (';'e arE', ete, ad,JreRl'E'(l with a Jf'tter)


acn. ('te. ~t1:'l1ratUn


shnll bf', etc.

:\l l"l'e~tir'tl "'irh " Jettc-r )

j cami.

etc, ~11~llrat:11l l we shall \ .e . ete-, a(lclre.Q~Qd with a lel.f:'l' J

i11Jperatire llrali :1l'U, ic"ln, hiyu , calli!, qnil:1, ea!ll6, hid (let me, tbee, ~'()tl, lJilll, ]" ' 1', lI", you, tbelll he! addl'esE'c,t1 with a letter) Slll~jl1 nctire

aeu. (,[,' , snralull ([ H,ltll'e~sed






with a If:'ttel'\

pA ge

ei ,'.

I' ('!lIlli, etc, ~ul'at:in (we pt\'. nr\clre!,I"ed with n

llIay be, letter)

(j~l .

(~) Thl' lrul1,lutlUlI lIlRde ill lhese eOlljugutiolJ,' i. I·i Item I , Eugll'll Ih(' l'XIH' 1 jclctl \,JllIz1~11i'll ill (JI (:'~l' iOl'm-,

We try to ('xprl'ss


Progressive indirect passive Infinitive Pn~~Pllt

and gerund:

p. Past pJ.l'ticiple:









Indicative Prps('nt: GL"IN(l)-AN, Sj PINA(d)-AN, PINAN(d)-AN, PINANG(d)-A~,


Pn~t: GUIN-AN, Sj



Futl1J'c: PAG(d)-AN, s: PA(d)--AN, PAN(d)-AN, PANG(d) -AN,

p. 1lDl'erati\ e







SllujulJctive PAG-AN







Infi11itiT-e.-P.l'esent, uud gerund.

Their single form is the

same as t.heil' cOITesp'l11ding primitive form, indirect passive. Past participl(o, It i~ distingl1iEhec1 by the prefix gl1in. -

Inriicatire.-PreRent, singlll:~r .. The first syllable of the root is douhl(路(l (1) and the afflx Rlzin added. Its plural is fonllel1 as its corresponding ill the progressive direct passive,. except. in th:lt here tilt aflix 811 is added. (2) Pwst.-Tile f()l'l1l~ of this tense are the same as those of their COl'\'cp.pont1illg fllrtll in' tbe progressive direct pap.~ive, except ill tlln t !Jere the n ftix an is added.



Sec liMe on p.lgC' 65.


See l'"gc 'i0 cl '<'I}.

(n) . ::ie-c pnge 'i1.

70 --

Fl1ture.--Tllc ,,;lIllC af' tb'll of lilt:; pl'ogre-ssil'e direct passi\'c, except in thuL the ::dIix: alJ i" \1:'f,,1 here instc[l,l of 011. _ l111/JCTatire.--Thc ~am( ,';0; Ilwi of the pl'0lll'elOE'l\'e direct 1'n8<;i\'c, ('xI'cpr ill t.hai lile ;d!i.x i is l1!"C'u here il'stencl of a. S117~iunctire--Al~o the f'allW a~ that of the progressi\'e dircct p:\s,~i\'c, ex'cept ill that the (lffix a11 is here Ilsl':'ll ill:'tead of 011, Hoot:

F\ll':' t

Indica tire Pr('sell t, a ml


g!?l'l1 lid

ngnlnr: pag"nrnti

p1n rn I: p:\ n 11 rn tf

!'n ot partil'iplc: guittElu.ll

Int/icati,c PLtTR.\ L


('te. pi na ntl n n I'll ta 11 call1l, etc. pilHlllnnllratull


t'l {'.

1l:tg!-=l1!'" 11 rn t :111

ImperatiT-c png:<lll'llli :lel', Il'an, hiyu, cami, {)niU, Cnl1lo, hil':.I

811 hJ1711Cti \~C , l':lll1J.



'1'.\ BLE I

Primitir't' instr17J17Cl1ic"1 )" s' " Ic,s.IT'e. Illfiniti\'C.

Present, :'Inc! gcrnnd: -A:-.I,

PAn -.\:\


[Jtlsi l'artic'i tile:


1-'1 - , IT~

s; PA--A~: p~ ~-AX)


/ I

Jnclicative PrcscnL: I--IK (d)--, IIN(d)Past: I-IX--, l I X Future: I (d)- . Imperati I'e 1-


Su bj 11 nct i ve J--


Infinitilre. ,fresent, and gerund. The snme obEerYutioll ii:! made U!5 thai on tile SUIDl~ t~llses of the primiti \'e, aetive, \l"ith the arJdition tllat here the affix an is appended to the ruot. Past participk It is formed by the prefix i and .the inlerlh: in. If the" rout commences \'vit.h a vowel, the prefix and inlerfix are jeil1ed, as from "aro" (to ask), jinaro.

IndicCltire.--Prescnt, pn1'1. They are tl1P. same as the present alit! pap!. tenRt:'S indicatil'E' uf the primitive llirect passive, with the addition of the prefix i. (1) Fut17re.---[t i:-; formed by donbJing tbe first syllable of the root :111,1 1,,, n,.ing the jll'dix i. As i:-;ll!3Ill'1it, iuaro.

Imperatilrc.---The fil'f't form cOll!"ists In prefixing to the root the partielc i. TIH' pe,~olld form consi路sts in affixing to the root the partic'lI.! a11. Sul~jl111cthTe. It consi:-,ts in prefixinp; to the root the part it: I to' i. NOTE.-Thc in,:tl:Ulllf~nta l passive' is also employed to expre!'s substitution, as when we say in Ellglish:


Hearl t!li.:; word fol' IllC: tf>l'uly: It't Il"le he s\!1J.3Litnlhl


ih:~ '11 a!~" j,,' YOU ill

h: :1; ugn

p()]oiig (iit',rc'l'd).

rC'ii rl1r.:; thi~

Infinitirt: Pl"('~t'llt, anc] f!tJ'UlleJ

<,inp:nlll.r: pa~sl1l'adn \

1pl Il nil :




be u~ed in writing,

.. b",iu~ u~ed ill'Wl'llll1;,)


Pa"t pal'l.icipJe: ifinnnit . med ill

]mjicntire PLCI:.\L lI!"'"

d.'. i~i"\I~lldt (I a III , e l ". \l~ed 1":ll1lf, etc. is:nnstlnH (\I'e are, ~.(', \'1: ill~1 I!t'illt-!;..O


art'l, etr. i"illllrat (

el('. i.路inlll路at \I,\,P :11'1', ete. 11,,('(1


fH'{'J pt(~.

writi Il~!)



i~lllut UJ' ~llr:lt:\n

j~\1!-l1I<1t (IH',!iall ~tr. lJ~.路d ill writillgj

be, 1I ltd, etr.

IlH"1 ill 1I'1I1illl-('




il-uo, liiYH, (;:ll11i, q\1it:i, camo lira I.let me, tbee, iJili. Iwl', 11". rOil. tl,em 1.e used ill writing).


Sllbil117ctil'e :\('ll.


i~lllAt (1 111:1)'

ill IITillIJ>.!)


he ll"ed ('ami. etl'. i"l'" tit ('Iye mny etc. lie, uh'd .ill l\'titillgl

1'.\ HL!.


Pro,!!,rcssin' irulirect r:lssin' I'I'l'>'Pllt ~Ild !.;(路I'nnd: PAC; A:-' 1':1:1

-AK, ."'; P..I -A~. PAX-.":;;, P:\.'\(l-




1 n d i (' (l ( i \. P l'rr.::-:elll: TI:t'J~((l)- s: If'T~H(ri)- IPl.'\.-\.~((l)- IpnU.'\G(cJ)-, p.

- 7!J -

I'n ;.: l: ICrUl~; - , S; l1'l:-;A-, IPISAS- , IPINASG-, p. Fulllre: rc:(d)-, s: IPA(d) - -, IPAN(d)-, IPANG(d)-, p.

1111 jJeJ'fl t i ve

IG-, si IPA-, IPAN-, IPANG-,


Btl bj 1I nct.i \'e IG-






Thc o[',- iprratio!l,; IlHtdu 011 the conjLlgation of the progress i\'c direct fiMSi\'e are ::tppli ed to the above conjugation excepL in Lb.\ t the present, a.nd ~cl'l1Dcl take the affix filn, alHI that the P\!'t p,articiple, the pre3ent, and past indicative, ~11(1 Lhe :> ubjunctivl\ plur;tl, take the prefix: i, and in that the iJ1lperati\'e bas ~he uffix ei11 , and the subjunctive singular the affix on, and the fu tl1l'e , imperative, and subjunctin-l :l. g after the prefix i. Example:

Root: surl'l.t

Infi1litive Pl'esen t, and Past p:tl'ticiple:

aerUIJ(1 e

~ plural:

singular: pagsuratan panuratan


Indicative ;;rxm.:' L.U{


cam!, etc. ipinanunnrat

3e路6, etc. igninsusurat. PAST

caml, etc. ipinanul'at

ac6, etc. iJninsur:it l?Gn'RE

nco, etc. igsusunH

camf, etc. ipanunnrat



lmperatile P,t;:s ul'.lt1n 0 1' i.,;s ur.l.t liCO, id.n, hiy,l. quit:t, cam6, hid.

Pauol'l!,tan or ipanunit cam!,

Sl1bjllI1ctire i~sn rat.

RCJ, etc.

cami, etc. ipanunit.


• Tbe;;c form s consi"t in employing the acl've rbs "diri" before the infl pct,iolls of the infinitive, present anrI futllrc :indica tive, an '! Sl1bjlltlctivej "nady" b ~· f()re the past inciicatin', and "lly:io" b'} fol'c th e illlp l~ r ttive. A s to tbe inflections of Lhe root, they are the sanw llS those of th e corrc, pol1!ling :ltlll·IMl.ti\,c CXC :3pt the pa~ t indi·cll tiv.:! , whi ch ahvaya takes the intil'ctions of the il1lperati\' 0. Ex a mple :

Ne,,,,.ltive 'Primitive Actire. TIoo t : sudt

lnclictlti.e PreSellt , and ge rund

' s in g nhn: !liri png~l1r:it I plnraI: eliri P'll1l1rClt

to write, \\Titing )

( not

ll u t

I nclicatirc "I


H1 L .\ Ie

did aeu, et c, lH'L ~ lld t (Ill" flot , \lrit L»

(' tl', \'

diri cam!, e. tc." nas nrat ( \\'e do n o], ~'L.:, ""rit !')

I ' ,\ ,.'1

Ult l'a)" :l(',) ,

l tc-.

et c, writ e)

Slll':!! II did ll'Jt , I liad)' call1i, ('Ie'. l'nnit ( W~ tlid Ilot ,

rte ,

wl'itC' )

FII'l'l' !tIc


IL l'

J, et.~.

Itd ; ..!I'.lt

uk. w;' itc)

( I ~ It ' dl

/101 ,


dirie:ulli, IlIlt, etc


llHIWl'!lt ( Ire f. JIR II

write )

1117pcra til' C (Illi a C:IIHU ( I ~ L YUI1 , tlS YrJll not Write ) diri S tlllllll':Lt l,il' ,l , c':li111, hil'(1. rie l him, 118, than !J o t Inite )


S llrlL t il'II .) ,




Subjllncth'c llIrl aco, etc. slllJludt (1 etc. write )



j clil:i

cam!, etc. sumuJ'at (we may, etc. not write)

NOTE.-The past consists sometimes, in primitive forms, in the root having the first f:'yllable doubled; and in progressive fOl'IlIS, it consists iu tbe prdix pag and the root whose first syllable i:; doulJled. In plural, .the pag undergoes the same changes as in the active conjugtttion. Examples: nemiy aco st1~U1'<it (I did not write) uad)' aco p:lgsusunit (I din t10t write)

Negative Progressive Active. 8U1'~it





Present, and o-erund singular: did pagsurat (not to be writing not, " ~ pilU'al: diri panurat \ being writing)

Indicative PRESE~'r



diri aco, etc. nagsusunit (l am, I diri cam!, etc. nanunurat (we art', etc. not writing) I etc. not writing) PAST Ulll'9.\'





Il.)t writing)

cami etc. pl1nurat (we were etl!. not writing)

(J was, I IUU'a)' I



at0 (;te. magsusurat rI shall. did eam!, etc. manunurat (we shall et(路. nut lJp writiilg not, etc . be writing)

impemtin: ay.\O ll':lU pagsuTat (tlo not be writ- \ ayao quita,路 camo llunurat (let us, you, not be writing) ing) did hiYll msg!!ur:it (let him not be did camf, hira mammit (let us them not be writing) writing)

Subjunctive diri ac6, etc. magsuT<1t (l may. etc. 1 diri camf, etc. manurat (we may, not be writing ) etc. no~ be writing )



I'll"'" ,II'(' dl'lvl'llJilild h,\ III<~ l"ll':i;-:"'~ "":1:: :illlJ" (why), find oy "cliin", "h:iin" (wl1\'l'o), ;tll.! y' "S:111-0", "en-cnn-o" (when, pnst alld fulLlI'e rel:'lJecti\"cl~'),

Cayano 1'1 e inlerJ'ogaLil'c cUlljllgatiun I,.\' this ph1':lse simply c0l18i8t<; in lhe l'egnlar conjll~atioll of the vcrb, placing hefol'e ~\'ery illflcction the snid phrat'p followed by the particle

nga, .-\S l,efl), ani) ng:l 11:1. ura ' l'a'? (\I'by do YOll IHitc?) ~,('a,\' nil.) nga Sillll1Ur:lt hiya? (wby L1id he 01' she II'rite?) i., C<lj' f11l0 Ilg:\ lila nil () qllit:1 ?(\I b,lt "ltall "'0 go lhltre for?) ttc,

Diill, Tho interrogative. Pl'illlltil'8 formed l!)' tbese a,h-erbs, has ollly t\\'o inflect-ions: Olie which consists in the originill root,. :lnd wllieh is the past tCI'.sn indicative; and olh(,1' Iyhich ('0Ilsi"t8 Oll the saTlie ruot, it" first syllable being tloLlbled; tltis [nst forl11 is fOI' tllE' present and futUre tenses, in<licati\'c- Tbese three t<'n:"e'3 are the only tenses that this conjngntion has. The adverb ''.Iiin')) is for the prescnt and post tensl'S, The adverb "llliin:l id for t.he fUllhe, Thus: Presellt: (,cliiu neli ~nSl1rnt? (wber do I m'ite'?) Past: diil) ea (wll('1'(' did you write?) Futmc: t,!J:iin CI\11l1 ,,:uHlI':iU (where shall we write',') The intcnogntinl pro~I'l'::,si\'t~ (lilly diffll'l't> frolll the Prltceding 011C in that the lJllrtick png precedc!:lflll of the illtiecti{IlI":, In plmal this pa,~' becol\le,; pa, ])nl1, 01' pang, nccol'lling to the Salll(' rules laid Oil tbe pr'ogl'essi\'e aCLive fo rm, (1) 'l'hns: l,lliill en pagslls'udt? (where are yon writing?) (,li:iill CHlllU panullll1'liL'? (where wil l YOll be writil?g'?)

\J. , I)')

III paf'~il'e \'OiC I~ f'f thc.-e St1IlJe forllls are followcd except in th:J.l thl: root taker:: the affix a in the dircct passive and the affix i in the- inJinct lJ::tssive, ::1.Il~1 th e prefix i for the primitive form, '11' t I,, 路 l'rt:fi:x 1~{ fill' tIL" 1'J'tl gl'('::;~ i\' e form, il1 th~ Instrumental passi "~Po TJIlIS:

(. cl i f 11 e;u I'H ta? lrlifn smati?, etc. NOTE.-Instend of the prefix ig 01' i, in the instrumental passin', the afux an is freql1ently employed. As.

t.difn SllSlll'abin? for ldiin i;,llSUr:lt? et.c. Cacat1-Q sat1'Q

"Cacan-o" it" plnce(l befqr e the past indicative; "r::an-o" is lIsetl before tbe fUiure, inlticative. There are the only two ten ses of this kind of cOlljugatiun. As t.o the inflections in the pril1lili,'e forlll, the I'M! is simply th e root, and the future is the root, whose first two Jett0rs are doubled. As lcncan-o cnu,lO mat? (when did YOll write?) lsan-o ('a cclcanhi'? (when will you came?)

In the progrt'8siYe form the root takes the prefixes pag for the singular and pa, pan, pang in plural. In tbe passi\'(~) the affix a is used in the direct passh'e; the affix i, in tbe indirect passive; and the prefix i or ig in the instrumental. These prefixe<J are frequently replaced by the ufl'jx an. Examples: lcacn.ll-o Rurata? lRan-o snsurati? etc IMPORTANT OBSERVATION. The verb referred to by any adI'e rb of tilne take the r;ame form, as to the indicative, as the adl'et'l)s cactW-Q alld san-Q. As hILlS <leo cacanhi (tomorro~y I shall come) canilla ban ,iga ac<'i pugslll'lit (this. morning I have written) (1) (1) The future er thi R form is tuc same as in the regulur Tagalog [olm, where it is "l\ir1 ~'181I lal (/'cU (I sh ull write), ultcas acu 811.s Lllat (tomorrow I sball \\'l


-_. R路l -



Irregular conjugation The .snppletory verbs in Bisayan are tho~e formed by the pronouns "ini", "adi", "ito", "iton", "adto", "adton"; to supply the English "to be", and those formed by t.he adverbs "dinbi", "ctidi". "dida", "did ton", dithon", "did to", to supply the Ralll e vGrb "to b~" a uri the verbs "to com 13", and ,路to go." Of these verbs we call pronominal tho~e derived from pronoLlns, and adverbial those derived form adn~rbs. PRONOMINAL FORM.

This is a defect.ive form, as it has only one infiertion which consists in doa bI i ng the Ii rst vowel it bei ng for the present tense, ind'icativ路e mood. Ex.: iini aoo (I am here) andi cap)} are nere) iito hiya (he or she iR there) iiton hint (they are there) aadto en. (you urI'! there) uadton carna (you are there)


NO'fE. In same places of Leyte, as Dulag, these forms are not used but instead of them, tbe pronouns are douhIed as: il1iil1i, ndiadi, itoito, etc. III lll'ing these forms it is }Jrefel'uble to bu\路e the pronoulls postponed to tllt'm.


This conjLlgation is common to the adverbs cliniJi, did}

rJidto, dithol1, didto. Hoot: dfnhi


lnfinitire 1'I'eRent, and >!cnllld

I sin<>nlat': 1 '" 1



paoodinhi (. '; (to be bere, being bere )

p urn : pallll'lhl


0 .... l'路)

l1JrJjcntin' PRE:L-'"




ad" ('tr. a:ll1bi UI" 1Ial1l1lli II am, etC'. j C"l.\Jlli, etc. a:llIhi 01' hrlbani (we are >Iwll Ill'. ete. IINC' ' e t l ' . sllall be, etc. l!ere) , Impcrf\'ct past, nnd past.





nrtt'anhi (I

ele. here)


rli', I C"flll1f etr. didil1lli 01' I II'ere, ek. here)



Impcrntirc tlillhi


01<', ,II(' here, e\('l.

Subju11ctive aco, dc. maanhi or mahaui CI may I cami, et.c. 'maanhi or mahani (we t \1' he hcre) I may, etc . be here)


Here tbe particl es pag

and pan are emploYf'p. ili'le acli\'e voice (1).

hH same way as among the






png{lidi !I:lgdi t !; paglhd lUll IldgllitLlll1 pagdit1to lIlrlicEdh~e,-

llanilh pau idton

panithon pa.nidto.

Pree80t flud future . It is formed by reIpttpl'H of the root with the prefix a doub-

pln.cing the first two


.:\ s

from clinhi (1id f " did; '1

" l'

" (1)




:13,1111i, aadl aad~


auLl ton

eli liJoll

aathon aadto


),",lTE.--The form hah~ll1i i,~ tilt' tnlll;;illl"muLioll ()f acHlhi, wlwl'e the 11 i; rloubll'd :111<1 lr<111:pn2l'll hy plncing cach !J 1,('tl'l'(' I'f'lt'h n. I'llf' (Jth 'I' Pl'llllllllll,; ha\'o Ililt S\lI·1! a forlll. rlllpedl~ct

dllllhlilig (h"

pa:-;t ;llld I,n (;l'I"L



Tllf'ir r--ingk fllrnl cOl1!'i:-ls in

Il'll('l'''; ()f tlHl 1'I\(lt,

from rl i 1111 i ditli


,. ;)


did~ didlon d i llillll didt"

(18"hi dididi dfdid·i. dil1idtun didithon dirlidto (2)

IL j 11

II, ll1t II1I


11I:lnd l

didtvll, "

tlitholl. didto,

llladi(ltull, madithotl. lIHhl i(itn,

IlHLa.d:; mnad[oll 1Ilanlli011 lilnadlo,

\\l'1' I'; -Thl' flll'lil 1110hnni is:l Lrnnsfn1'mntinn uf 1J1flnTlhi like jwlJtuJi 01 lWl1hi.

The \'l1l'1),.; lhltt Rlipply (lie English "[,) CO III 0 " [tlll.t t. 0 g"" arc l.'ol1jL1galc·,l HS (Irtlill~1J'yly. BuL t!IO\' h:l\() n. baf'i,; fill' cUl1jugaii(lI1. rlnil,,'d 1'1'(1111 (lio origillal root, and II'l1i('11 we eall conju,!4l1tiOJJnl 1'oot. ~() frllll1 tile original ],Ol'l.,




dilllti, did), did;!, didluJ1, clillilJll, didl,\ ha\'e tllp. CC,)l'J'CS]H1llrlilig ('onjllgatiullal root:-: ,'~i lilli, e ad i , e l\ d ti, (' a d tOil, (' at Ii n n, c;i d to. III

.~u il

HIlII1V uud IlLlle1' pIH(·(~.' of L(·)rt'.' I ~tlitl· (lillil/~, l't{l,

{JII' FHTent i~

fl'HJ.l pos ..'d

ttl lhll

Tile fOl'llI followed in this conjnga.tiou it! thut uf a pl'irn-iThlJR fronl tlle root "C;11111i", ~~e have: Infinitive, PI'f'5Cc'ni nIH1 pl'c~('nt pnl'ticiple: pagcanhi (to Cllllll', ('(lJlJil1~)


KOTE.-1311t the plural


this tense is irregular.



pagpacallhi (to cnllW, coming, plural). II


pref'ent: aco, etc, lHlcanhi. pn.':5t: aco, etc, ql1il1m~inbi. fL1ture: ilCO, etc, llllicanhi.

Impen tive: c[tubi, elc, SlIbjL1I1CliYl.:: :,lCO, etc, cunl~tnbi. NOT)']. Tbe past, indicative, and the present, subjuncti \'8, lJave the: il'l'egu'1n1' fOI'11)s, nacanhi and mac811hi 1'espl~('ti \'(;l~' wbieh Il)u;:;t lI0t, be Cflnfonncied with present nnd future, iudicatiye, as tne accenL of the former in past and ~uLjunctivu it> on t1ll\ penult and not on the first syllable a:3 in tbe presellL rtl1(l fntnre indicative.

ObSCI vatioll. \\'e lut\'o seen that when tho verb "to be" refers to a place it is freqnently expre8~ed in Bisayan either hy the pl'ononJina.l form or by the acl~'erbial fOHn. But whon the V01'1 1 "to be" is eqni\'alent to the Spanish "csta.r", i. P., when it represents state, sitllation, or conti~C'l1t condition, it is thou expressed uy the lJarLicles pag, nag, nw, lUI ncilltld to the worrls which are predicate of "to be" in English. As

1 ~hnll In' sorry: ll~agmall1aIJicl; ac6. Tn (.':1Spq II'bel'c tho verh "t<) he" needs t.o 1)e represented 1)), :1n int1rpcndl'1lL wOl'll, the expressions "amo", "asya", "H:->,i.\ ", L,;ny" (which express identity, rather than a 1111"1'0 e_~~l'J1l~ " Sl1h3t'\n~e or I'x:i~t'mee) arE' ÂŁreqnontly employrrl. A"



rHi Pt,·llll ;iwtl[ln t:1g.iya. hillIng!] lJ~ll:;)' the olYlwrj Iii Pedro [I".ya [Ill tng-iY'l, ell!. (,f this hO\l:;e I hi Pedro :l~liy tag iya, elC'. hi PI·l1m <::n.\' tng-iya, etC'.




III otllt.l' r.:u"es, the veri! "to bu" J:-; llol lr;tIl~IaLl'l1 illlli Bieayall. lit) God i:; omnipotent: un Dyos lllucugag,tbnll1.

UIPER;::iOXAL VERBS The! il1lpersonn.l velb" fullow tbe two forms:


ulld progl·l'2:oive . Owing to lile fUr.:L that the Bisayan tongue has iudirect and inf:'tl'L11lJClltal pn.ssive, all or the verbs, no mntLer to what clns:=: the? 1) ']l'ng, ban' pn,,,,,,ive ,"Olce . 80 the illtransit} I'e vt'rb.; of othFlr L\J1 llagp~ han' p~s"ive voice i li HigHy~n. 'I'lw Rai~w thillg h:lpp 118 to the ill11)CrRonal v(,l'l,s. They h:t\'p illdjr~l't Hilt! il1~tj'nlllental pur;::il·c.,> which arc compleLc ill their cOlljuga,ti :1. TIlliS, in pm,sitc impersonal \ erb in His,,ynn. The f,ll'lllS of (If this killa ,of yel'L1S are tllC.' ~allie as thore of tIl!' re)!ular \'(;'rb8. l~xa 1Il plcs:

lwgtladulogdu~ (iL tbnllLlcl'~) Jlagijl)Ul'flll (it raill,3 ptl'::;istE'ntly) iUllLlr;111UIl llir,l (tlll' ruitJ~ hl1~ on ure raiLlGd)


lilll'l'itlly: tIll',"


DEFECT] \' E \' ImBs Tbe following l)e/olJg 1<, slIvli plas}': lllny (to Itar\:) wltieh

hns only



(11'1, I rln lint ",i"ll) iyil \)'cl.:eiH il)


(;li~ (Illuk Ht it) .11<1Y is al..;) ll;-;('ll ::1..1 illl)l"unnai :\1)(1 tilcil il mean~ "tliurt:', is, tlll'I'1' W:IH, dc."; ('CIllO (IH' 0)' }'lw ~.'1y,; 0)' p:,id; the'\' f'tI~· or "aidj -il i" .. aid, it \\,:18 said)

(l dl) lJot

.1JlJ b(jt

Thr:: Ellgl i:.b 路'to tlw

b, U \\')



abo expressed in Bif:ayan by

m"l.l - 'I'lr;, whw"\e irregllhr conjn';atinll it ;~;; 拢0111"",::;;



lnfilliti\re Prt't::elolt,


gerulld: pagcaada or; (to have) PLURAL

8J:-I(I 11 L.\ R

nco, ell'. t路te.


nO.1 or na)(cacaadA. (l


I ea mf,ete.

may ada or nangagcaca' ada (we, etc . have)


fl('O, etc. ll11gl'lInOa (I, etc. hno I cam!, etc. nangagcf.lllda (we, etc. hlld F(,'TURE

aco etc. Illa.~cac<\da have)


sh路\!!, et..:.

I . cami, etc. mangagcacaada shall, etc. have


Imperative Subjunctive NOTE 1. The strict meaning os the form may-ada is "to :l('quire", rather than t'to have", for which the defective mar . 1!'l used. . i. The impersolJal alltl def~cti ~'e may is \'ery frc.:queotly jllined to verh" III passive voi('e. it keeping it.,; impersonal



l\'{flY llH.llllita en nga bucad (I saw

It flOW8I'; lit.terally: There is a flower sPen b~r me),

its ngnlar onler being:

llIay blH'ad nga lJaqllil~\ co. Ml1Y tinngan co hin i"alapi (I gave money to sorneone; litternl1y: tilt're iF ,,0111e Oll(;l l;!i\'Ptl by me with muney);,,,herp, the wonls' lfluo IIp;;t') al'e tncit, tbe regular form being: '\la~' tnllO ll~il tinag,lll co hin i'illlapi. -

OTHER C.LASSl1~S OF VERBS Tl\pre are ot\1rr kind::; of verbs whose distinguishing char('on~ist~ in their ('olljl1!ptionn l root;;. TIH'~' rrre alwa.vs


~ H)

dei'i\:ed froill tIle ordinary yerl;~, !Jut Le:l.l' l1j拢krent llwulling, :1l11](1 ~'\)nju~a[(,J a" ordillfll'iJy, TIJ .. c'I1IJj;I:"'lli n ll'll ]'<1'" ill ;l"ti\'c "Ili,'" a 1'(' fil,'r"l'l'nt frnm III (



1 \.

Fl'piU ti,t' nriginaJ


S1. nAT ...... ,' hn\'(~ the fullo\ying ela",8e8:

,\.CTlY E VUleE

Conjngntion:t/ root f'i un]':] t

Indicative Present II al!~ i;:i 11 II ra I

Classes C01\TINUATl"L

Cdsur路1 t



cngsur;lt iSll':'Ul';ll



i[l:'l;>l1 s 11rnt




IlClip:lgf'18111'!It lIiipa,u[,;lL


p:1 jl<lv;ail'tl t


IJt1 p:igHlI'a t


pn }1:1 ).!;~H1l':1L


Hl";llr<l t

::>ul'lllstl]'a t sural "11 r,j t


DrpnE~lliDIT,\ Tlve





S \1 r:t I;; l11'; j t



Sll ra



n :.lgpn pft" I] ra tStll'll t


t'Sur:! t I'll S111'[1. t Btl 1':11 1<'1'()111

the original root "llo.di,"




l;'I'UI1J tIll" OI'iginnl ront e' hL1<::ig."

Ilngli,,;t 1111sag \Ill gt i l:<1 l'lI':l,~


We.' han?

!l'lli":J 1l\1~:I!2:


11:1 \!;Li I il':dJ Iisag

ltEI.\rt\'E ':I~.lj)t路U


it 111r1,\' he o\)sC'I'I'pd n[-,,,,'(>, Olle original root 1ll.IV gn'at )'In(lllwr of ditl'~rel1t cJns"cs of ,'('rhi', as U;(> II at tll'.: (Ii Iii,' root and 11:'(' 11Ul," p"I'll1it. 'rbI' ,-;nbLiiri::ljoll





Ild rc!.'lth·c (·f t 1H'~l! l'l,tf;<ocs C(lrl'('f;poncls (lxacLly to til" i,l'i nili\'(' ·11·d 1"" hr,·~,i;, ",'IIQ nlrendy explninpd. ill· ("I,I,tiII1l:1li':t: i~' (h,illclli"b. d. in itb conjllg,tliounl 1',IIOt J,. tl,' Wll rli:; ll1 alld it. l'X )lI'l''':f;P'': pt:'[';:;i,.:,tellc(' of the actioll. Af;



llagtitiIH)()C nn


(till'" ('hild if.: crying persi~lentl.\')

Thf' potpntinl is detel'mined, in ill'; ('oujll~ntion~d rootf'.; by the lJJ'l'(ix p.1ca or pC/cag (,,\)51,ll1le find reluti\'e) an(l

it Illenmi

al,ilit.\' (In


part of



thl' ,Icliol) (;'xpl'lss!'d Ly the ol'igi nal root.

cl i ri




j)iy.i IlHcacH.sUI';it, cay elir; lll:Hll'am (he cannot write, 1)('('l111RL! dOL's l](,t know hnl\' to) ltiy:i nncaeagslIl'.it C.l), clamo in buhat (h0 cannot \\'ritl', IJt'call~l' he is busy) ,

Tile optali\'e bo::;, in ilE' c:'onjugationnl root the prefix 1 or ipng (ab:,:oll1tll and rclati\'(~), nud it represents the i,lca d d,-,:;irl'. The ahsolutfl III nll~ H, 'tI'esirc nbunl to bu ir,t.entioll.

execLlted; till'


ll"ilrdac:1t na biy,i han fir p~g-nhoU (be was about to (lepart Wlll'lI [ met him) n:lipagsllsnrat aeo It:"l [1111) (I wn~ intellding to wrile you) the ahsolnte optntiYc bears. the C:'xpn'f'f'I'H tlJPl1 proxirllntp pa~sh·it~.. , [If' When


ca, it

nnic;lhorolt5g an bunga. (Lhr< frnit i:-; about to fall) Tilr perll1iHsl"c is clistill~ni~bPlI in itil Cotljllgl'ttionnl 1'00t hy thl:! l'rdix pagpa ()]' papa~t (alJ':.:olLltt> anrl relative) and it llIl':tlJf' J"U\'I' pf all(111duIIIIJl·llt. As Jiri JJiya 11:Il>llut::llIg hill sal:tpi (be does not jpnc.l allY IIlld)lY; litlel':dly' lIe dews !lot permit any l1loney to 1It.: I. '11\ ) Whf>1l 1il(' nriginal root of this form j" no slllJst:<lntive r/'fC'rri'llg tIl n plnct', thell tile idelt of "going" or "coll1illg" h



lliapn ),Innilu C'-1m! (we f;IJall go to I\lani1a) n~lpnhor6n hi Juan (John went to the fnrm)



ThE' imperatin', which me:1I1S order or command, is detel'lOinp,l h:v th,:> prefix: p7.,'Ja '. ; au--l the the interfix in, As IJillOlCacadlu l'H (YULI :\\'1' nrtil'l'ed tIl go tllere) pillapagtuOl1 camo (you are CU1Illll'lnll",j lo "tndy)

The imprell1etlitatl\'c i!' detcl'mil1l,rl by the J'upditi('ll IIf the first 8yllable of the original' root. and eX[>l'~sseg a. sndden and iI1C()ll"idtl'ale fiction. As n:iYHy:iean ca i<拢

(yon talk incon;:.iderately)

The formatioll pf the dirninlltive follows tbat of a. c1iminuli\'e noun. (1) As

nagtatanol1ltar'lom caUll hin call10te (we are cultivating a IiUle c<ll1lote) Tile l'cpecit,ive bas the sHme formation as the dimiout.ive. The. rep.:;tillve has t.he IlIHnp formation as t.he diminutive, except in that be accent is always on the last i;yl lable or the repet.illv f' , T~ fn110IVs the formation of the 1i.gUl'Ilttve nOl1n~, (1) Wllt'll the root has llj{)l'e than two syllable . 01' when the In!:'t ~rilnlde i!'; preceded by more thil n ong con GO !) ,1nt Ol' i~ 11l'OllOllllcctl sl.lparatcly from tile proeetl-

ing cuosonnnt.

ThtJ rt::j1etitl,'e l<xpressPR a repeated action. As

trJagt 'ltnl1'II,llilll':'11l ;Iel) hin al.lacci (1 shall c'lllth'fite hemp ;,lgnill)



The I't.I:il'l" H' lllf' i;;



C'ept ill [hnL lilt, recipclI'rnr U

1ll1llll .1I



,lwlJ corne ngaiu


,路x:1(' [IR the dilllilll1tiVt" exL1'i'.'~

the pl'cH'{ pa.

It mellll';

'l('(io11 . . \~





writing: tn each other)

II i,.; :\1';1] [Ilrnl' I 1)\路 I Ii" prplix.<'", pug aud ig, and tiLe affh tW, Ao; "pll~'1llil!iall (to llleet). iguin'llliqllitn ignillhilti,.llgat", Jt h:I" a p~l,,:<i\'(-' cilnracter, TIl(~ ill1il,Ltil'l' iri f,)1'11Wd l',l' till! prellx PllCfl, the 8nllll.' as til<' a\1,,()1II tt' plllt'nli,ti, hut hf'rp tlw root. is alway" a nOllll, tilt' olJjl'<"L of lht' illlitn1i.>l1, .\,. - --. --.- --~------

hi}':\ nil pile.-: m:dram (he pretend::: b be le!1rned) hiy:( llnpa c:lc:lt:-il,\ (111' :d'fc'd;:: til be '1 Spaniard) The ~radu;,l is .1Ct.:rtllill,'d ]'Y the prefix lJE-tf{tiCEl, antI

llH':1n" :111 action ]'Y digr,路c:::,


Il.'gtilicnpas(; in1n adlan (the day is becoming hatter) llagLiticn.lamrag all bulan (the Illoon is bE'coming brighter) The figurative \'el'b bas the 'Efln.e form ns its origina l, except in the !lC\cent wbich iil always on the last syllable, As u:tg..;as:tYi\O hiy L Lungud h;.l11 cil :) I-ol (he jumps as if he was dancing, on account of the pain he feels)



'nlljllgntiunaJ !'not: sil1ll.l'&,t I IJ fi nit i \' e:

j.He3ent and gernnd: pagsiuurata s; pagpllHt111n1ta p . Present: guin:::i~i nurat S; guinpipinanurat p. 1 ncl iCilli ve: Past: gl1insioul'at S; guinpinanurat p. Future: pag:,isinL1l'atoo s; pagpipillanLlraton p. pag;::inul'1itn. s; pagpinfl.ntll'lita p. Imperative: Subjunctive: !Jflgsinuraton s; pagpinannraton p. .\B~OLUTE


Conjugational root: hif-'l1r:it Indicat.iye:

paghisurclL s; panhisunit p. Present: oflhaf-'usnnit

1ll1pera ti \'e:

Pfl~l: nahasl1r:it FuturE': mahllsllsunit (no itnper:ltil'e)


Inn h:u:nnit.

. III fi nit i ,'r:

--.------U [~ L.\Tl\' I': POTE);,TIA L

Conjugationltl rout: hisudt'


pagbisudt. s; panhisurJt p_


0-1 -


Pr o..:8c n t, [lah, l' .~d s; I1nnhihisllrUt p. p ,\"t : lIUh '1 j! l,! • •ll,: t s ; lInnLisnnit p, Fntnr ... : l1lahap:lpa!.!!'lll':it s; manhihi,.tmit p, 1Il'l'C'rntil"e: Subjllnctive:

( 11 <l

j III P t' l' n t j' \' f )

\lJahnpag::iul'ilt s: lJI;wl,i~UI';L(, [J.

All jOL,efl: OPT

\'{'[n .

Conj llgntiollul rool: iSllSLll'at

pag-iBl1S11l'aln. Sj !In.g-ip:UlUnUl'H1;.a p, Present: gliin-iisnSlll'at Past: gnin-i:=:U8l1J'at.

] nfini Li I'e: Indicative:


Flltl11'e: pag-iii"n~'ll'<lt()n, pagisllEl1ratn

f)u bj II nct,i Yt':


(S;onj l~g'LtlOl1a 1 J l10L: isnsurat. pug-il uf;cu"uruta s; pag-ipanunu!'<ita p,

Inuuitive: InJiQol\.tive:

PI'esent: gnin-iipag'>llStl1'at., Sj gllin-jip:llllll1urat. Past: l!uin-ipugsll. ll(,\t s; gllil~-ipanunur!lt. Futnre: pag-iip!H!Sllsur,ltol1 Sj pag-iipannnuraton,

[mpt' rati\'e: ]1:\ g-i pHgsnSl1l'ata :::illbjUllctivE:' : 1.Hlg -i pagsusur3 ton,

(The f-'t'f'I11i~,]i\'1' vel'b ,~ hal'c no lH:;sive) AJ.;:-((ILl'TE D!PERATl\'E

infillilive: 1ndicaii I'e,


Imperutive: Subjunctive:

j pn su nl t.

s; 1',\pnI1Ul'aUill p.

Pt','s"lll: ipillClHBlll'Ut. l'<lst: ipin:\';\.lrat.



ipnslll':il: H gr,.-I.''p[\'JC [}'[pr;fl.\Tl I' E

Conjngntiol1nl ['oot:


pupng. nrat:ln s; vnp:lllurallin p.

-- Q路3 -

Prc.=Ult: il,;niIJ';\t{Slll<t~ s: ipin,ipallur:it p. Pa:,t: illillapngsllr:tt s; il'1.13panul'lit p. FULure: ip:ipagHlr<il 5; i{.ntpalllll';,tt p. I 1Il pCl'ati \'e: i l1a pa .Q':;tll':1 t s: i p:1 pilllll nil p. ;)ubjunctive: ipapagsuniL s; ipupnnud.t p. Inc1icati\'e:



In 1'1 II i ti ve:



pag,)lIs11dta s; panLlllurJta. p. Pl'I'f'ell t: 5i n llSllSU rat. Post: SinLlSl1dt.. Future; Sl1S11f;ur;lton. Sl1S11 r,ita


Imperatire: SLl bj Ull eli \'e :

BUi'll!':! tOll .


ConjE gatiunal roo t : Slnnratsurat

ltlJperati \'e:

I.Ht~Suratsul':ita S; panuratsl11'ita p. Pre"ell: sinUSLlr:lt5urat. Past: sinurafstln l. Fnture: Sl1:oU I'll ttiu raton. Sllr:ltsUl',1 [:1 .

S u bi LlDet i \'e:

;.<ura tEll nit 0 n.



gLlilLlll'ntSu.J'at pagRlltatsur,lt,i Sj panul'atsul':lta p. Infinitive: 1'1'0Sent: gllil1!'l1"llrnt'<Ul':lts; pinanUllUl'at:3l11'at p. Il1(hciltive: Pnst: glli l1SllI'H [::;l1I'Ht s; pina I1Ul'atSL1l'at p. FururO:': p:lg:ilHumt;-;ura.ton s; pallllllUl' lltsllrilt,ll1 p. png::mratstll'ata s; p;tnL\l'at~ur,ita p. ImlJera ti \'L' Sl1bjunctiH': pa:'lll'at":l1r,lton s; pan lls.ltSnl'(ltOll p. Conjugational root:


(The l'epetiti\'e luve the SHll1e form as the Jilltilllltiv e) (Tll'e reciprocate have no passi\'e) (Tht! imitatirc , gradual and figurative hn\'c no passiye)

DI; l~Dm ECT

P_\.~S IV E

TlJe illdil'ed jJfl""i\'e i.; ~illlilar to the ordinHry progres!-'i\,c' i!lI lil' t'cL \,:l s-< i\'t' (set' !Jag" 711) . except in tb~lt in the cu nlillllnt,i\'(' forl1! the illtedix in is u sed . Tile pot c ntial ltav H FlO indir eet pa ssive. Tile OpLllive h .lve their ildirect p:uisive <IS that of the o rdill il ry form (see pllge 73 et seq.), llS to the affixes. Th e imperati\'~ hav e Ill! il1 tlirect passive. The ill1)lI'<;me路 li tativc bas its illLlirect p<tssive the same a:! that o f th e IJrimi li\' e indirt'ct pUi:'s ive (see page 74) as to til(' nffixe~. The indirec t paEsive .f the diminutive is the same as that (I f thl' ordinul'Y primitiv e (See page 73 et seq. ) as to the affixE's. ..S:$TltO:\lE_ TAL

l'ASl::\I\路 I '~ .

The im. LrLlment\l~ pn.,;si\'E' or the cOlltinnativc iU1lJl'l.lJUedittlti vl' alld dillli'll11ii\' ~ ve(1)" 1;; similiar to tbat of the prug r essi\'e (page 79 and 80) OR to the prefixes. Thl' other verhs a hore mentioned have not in拢trumental pas"i\'C' ._ :\OTE. Th t' l' e art' olb(~l' classes of " e rbs formed by otlw \' parLicles n 11(1 coru bi nntiort l5; out lheil' conjugation will be of no cliffielllt~r if the (lifferE'nt forms hereinhof()\'e gi\'en are thoroughly ma.sterpcl.

Dfi:PREC'U.TI\' E \,ERB8

Then' :lrt' \'f l'ba

L1 8f' d

for etlon (t,) ('at) " la cttt (to walk) " )',.etln (to talk)

in a d t' i-'l'ec iaLi\' t'tulle. lISOC, LiL'l1on, etc, latlg yaqnimhot, etc.

These verbs are couj L1gated as ordinarily.



Til l' 'ul \'l'r"~ ar .. IIi


follulI'inp; da:,:'t'-:

.\ l)\' ETlBS OF PL.H :.I.;

DII~ (where), -1318:\.~ DII~ C"'h('rever, a.uywhel'e),-DIDI (bere, l1e11rer to the speaker tbell t.n the liBtener),-DTNHI (herel,-DIDA (tbere, ne,ll'er tu the li,;tenel' than t.o the ;' penker),- DIDTO (there),HAHANI (llcar),--H.-\IUyi) dar) .





CAC.\N , O ,,,heD, pa~t).--8AX-O (whell, future),-BISAX CACAN-O ( whem'\'c'l' , pa"t),-BIS.\.~ f:l:\N·O (whenever, future1,-Nly.A.N (now ) ,-CANINA ( hetore, "hlll't time ago, in the saIDe day),C.-H'AB'J (last lIi::-h t ),--C :\CO (yeder<.lay),--C.H3AXGAB'I (the Ili;,{ht belot'u Iast),--! '.\. ' -\SG00LO~' It. e I .; befo!'e ~' os t e rd : I\' ), .. CA.S.\. XGY,\.DTO (t.'l • P 'f' \ j " l ' t ~'ie 1 ~ , L ie yeslLr,layl,--.-\i'l"AY (befure, ancielltl\'),--U~ _-A, (athel', 1'\ the tl tUlHl dav),--BUAS (to-mOl'\·o\\'l,--ISAXGBU.A.t> (~h. J: \' after tQ' 1l1l1lTOwl,--ISAXGYADTO ' (Lbe .hy foll owing the Llav a(t'l' ',)-1)) J\'l'uld-,CASO\' AY (always),--DA YOIH. Y ( ; )er s i~telltly) ·LA )!O~ (~'))Ii .. D~YON (iomeuiatelyl,--HADTO tbell, Lefore) , .. \(1:\Xl, In;.' (wl,e..!, whclle\'cr),--KA1IAN (agaill),- ' LIUAT (ag[\\:l)."P,\ (\'etJ.--.H. (·,11ro?11yl.--A(1S0B (h'eqnentlYl, .. DAX.\ Y (sometill,e~) .--X(~ AHAO (thell / . .



CAPli'.', L-\BIS, LAP.{S (01t1re) ,--OROG (mo;,ll, -URAURA · (cxce,~-· little ",·{ll'cclyl, ' .

si\,j'I~·1 . --1'1":\[A.X (u

,\ O\·ER\;.., vF


AiI!U, ASYA ("'u, thu,;J,--O~AX-O (how),--lUAS (alsQ),-·COLAOSG, COLA~6T. COL.\XTOY (for exaHlple, luI' instance). ADYERBS UF DOCBT

.\l>7~, :llAH.UlOC, :'\fAt>.-\.G~l, :'IIAHARANI, CAD"C A~ TINUALL B:\. ' CiIx. :-:AB.\LI (~j'I,lJnbly, !,prltal'!"l,--BAGA (a"l. .\1'\ EIUI" OF \l,'FllDlATIO:,

00 oe:;1.-.:.\l.\Sl;(']) (illdl'lill, .. ('.HYA., eGA, CAY HAPUX (IIi "1l11J'''l'1.


(1111).--['.\ RA "l

(nn, pa,,--.\YAU ADYERBS OF C.H'SE

C .\ Y (j,t·'·~1\l~eJ.·-TUSG(TD (bel:ansel.


future) ..



1. :\Iany adj ectiye:3 and phra::;es ploy ed af' a(l\-erbs, as OBSERVATION'S



igbao (abuve) niyu,!l 11!l:l arllao (to-rlny) d;111JU

(much )

etc. 2, Some of the adverbs nrC' frequently contracteu, as those composed of <Cbisan" which is contrup.tecl into "bis," Examples:

Lisan dilll contracted bis diio gllihapon OJ guihap,

0, lativ E',

1 be a dnrbs hav(O diminutive , comparative and super· Aa hal'ollarani, guihahamnli,


Ii.\, (t u , trOIll, o Yt:t, und~f),-·TIPA (against, tuwt\l'J~),··'1'.(j~lllj 1J , iCll),· ·PATI, UPOD (wlJi th),,,,Gn.U AS (withontl,··CAN (of, to), .. TI· l'_ ~ _- G , Gl'ICAN (f!'Om, 8ince),--TURTUB (up to, till, until), .. TALI · UAS (aft c:r ),--L..\.BrT (exce pt ),


Th ... l.'onjl1ncti()[l s nre of tire following

cli\.., se,~:

l ' ()p(f LA Tty E

[ ' tl,


(n.nd ) ,--:\f :L\' (f.llso), .. ~<'1A (that). 111 " .1 [' \


..l Tl\" EH";.\T'I\,E

l' LT.\"nf , IJlli),--S.-\.JHLI , l.·(f:\.Rl~G (llUt,:tlIOU~h ) , CUS. xUAXI \ if l,-- mf'o\N (e v('n , th Cl Ugh ),-- BAUAY (RS ) ,--CU~Tl\ (which bears the 01 ' Il.ltul'e d esire; iL lIlay be translated in En. with th e phrn ~ f' : " if p o ~~ihll''' \ ,

ilil' <l Il l' pfl sl g li ~ L

-----.-----_._--- - - - - - -T his "" .. ,iu llc1i u li i s bl'lduUI LIS(" ] , Ut l' I'he lll , iol' Ihe disjunctive Or, Thl" r;:l1l!' li ~h 0/' ,m el 111l' Rpl\ ,, !s h 0 j leco lfl C diffi c ult tl) 00 translate,! int", Bis n)"an (I)

w it h U:i

(II/I ,



p" " th I.

J't'Il,O Il

i ll 'rn g'fdOl:{

ill l'

fh t! '":: IJn u ish


Eng li sll ,Jr.



freq U('IJ (11'



Bi'a~' tlU,


(;U~ ~GX'\1. ABJ, (1) "CGAIU;\"G tif).. CACSAL

('.\ Y. 1'[',(i1' Il, BAC.-i '1', SA KnLIT, CAY (inasllluch, berausc ·'. FINAL lU~1


())"der to)

,- - BA~GI~.



TACAY (then) ,- -BUS,o\ ,therefore) ,--TARA (then).


ADMIRATIOK: lai, iay!, ib:i:l!, iabaa!, ibaadao!, i:lbaaclao!~. . ipastilan!, ipal1ican!, ipaufsac!, ipalipacl, iPalisac!, ipauirlay!,.. · iugninlpauic:1ll!, iaguimpastilan!, iagllimpauis3c!, lag~1ilm)ali, ' pac!, lagllilllp::d isac!, iaguimpauiday!, ipascalan!, ibongnnsis()!, !odoy!, IUl:igAd!, iaJ\lga{l (laol, Ian ac pal, iito ngahao!, eL··. PAIN AND SoRROW: Ifly!, iayhayl, iagu!l, iaroyl, lohoy!, .j past i lun l, et('. A'rTENTION: ioho!' iohondti!, irubl!, iOy!, jacay! ihacay!, isolibangcol, etc. IXSTfi'fE'NCE: 19~dl, idao!, iugal, iluga!, illgnringl, ilng:~­ ri ngl, icaiy;;!, Tpndo!, i haromamuyl, etc. REPROBATION: Idirii, iuady!, iayaO!,ihll.h lt!, . ihod(il, j bur6!, etc. SUltPRJSE: iay!, ian!. iall\!. iUSi, iba litaoi. ibay:ii,

etc. ('&) PI'fY:

etc. DEsrn.E:

iC3il'o!, iin





i nguii

i C'unta!, i IIp:lydn!, i Llnta!, i mangad pa!, i hinaot-

pa!, i tllbangan pa la!, etC'. JOY: i a~'!, i allay 1, i npa)'lln!, i :-;ab mat!, ita!, A\'ERf'.W:\: i,li, i,lgui!, iamboti, isab:l!, etc, INvITAThn,: ica.di!, ;t:lll:i!, ih:ll:i!, dc. (1)

It RlRO (!OnVlll'~ thl' illefl n[ ":-;nying", os in th£' ('xDBlple: 'n!lSiring o n

('~.IRilR, ngfllROllg: "p:1gnme". abi L.tpA: "bRy'tl'i !lc·o·'. , (2) Tht"'J'E' is flltot her. \'iz: ·<':'/I·~JIIa"!lnSt'p «II' .;':If.~m(tI·O!$t·l)· :--:pan:~1J


'·.1c~\l~, )h,T'itl Y .Juh('·',


corrupt ed


au!, j,l}'!, j·.upoyJn' SUSPE:-;SIO:-;-: etlan .... infn., .' ililllat:, iniyail!, etC'. DESPATR:. i":1.ho'. pte. lil{.\T]'ITfW: i":li:1I1Ial!. il)y();, l!lag \l,iyad!. i Dyus Ill:'!! SlIg,I~:







equivalent, 11'\'lJely or an





\'cr\) may Ile either ,




or its

verb in the infinitive 111 JOd,

phrnse. Oll)

III potl)11 t.)

is goolj lilk'rally: tlJC ,~-, GC'Ir';QUIQUI~AUA'X,}LAX T.-\.

we lH'








Tltl:' \t::ril agl't'<:· with it ."1.t1Jject ill r.H'rsuu awl numbe!' . ..:\.3 .lJUIHlnil qlliLI llet u,; write) llHlg!"ndt hi?,! (let idlll nl' her lI'I'itl') Al'TlUBlTTIVE REL.\'l'lO:\

'1' h t,

t lJ pi r d j II i \' a i e 11 t S llJ :1 y he lU 0 d i Ii e tl 11\' :ltii",'lil'l·tl, i.lellloi1stl'ativ('.:< PI'OllOUllS. possessil'l'

' I I () till"


:t I "I

pl'llllilllli". alill l':lni'-'iplp..;, EX"<:llt ill ('J,;!:" til pnsses;;il'e Pl'(IlH)IIIl~. J'ltl:ltil'(' t~:I i~ pi;wf'd I.ldl\el'll t.i1'J noun 01' its equi\,:llt'nr~, and lill.' /lIodi llying \I'llI'd. A:-: ,!J:llrt l1)£n SOI'Ug,j'l[) (lhl' Y,1l1llg' SI~I'\';tlll; lilt':l'll.lly: the hoy >'1'1'\'n Ill) ~tn ":lllg(':I\' I~';t 111'l"]I,IY (lite good friend) illl 11~:l Il:ll:iy (thi,.; 1t')llH.) :til nCOll :l11l.1.\' (my f,lUlf'l') Ilil1igllglll:l l1g;:t iI',")' (1')\'eLi (JJLJlh~r)

! Ii t, , '\()'rh, \Vllcn tht.: 'p rO/IIH1ll are h111'\' tIt'1 t. t l) ('clc('(,(l'.:cd", not employeri.

":lI,ltClll': "I<ll(~".

alld jl" infll'clion:'> the par ticle nfra IS

adton PE;ldro ( the hnc P<.:ter)

Thp article also modifies the nOUl) and its equivalents, that it limits them. Tile articles always preced e the word or words to which they refer. .--\8 is seen before (page t\) the pel':>otl'd at'ticl~ is l.llways emrloyed before the proper llOlll\f;, except in the v'lcntive cnse , As In

an langit (the heaven, or the sky) hi Endong: (Petel') The definit e article i' :-;omAt,imes used before propel' noun s, and frequently befoj'(? tfie demonstrat.ive and possessive pronouns. The iu(lefinite al,tiele is sometimes employed before the po~ses"i\'1)' Pl'OIl,()UI1 " , Tile per:;onal article is sometimes nsed before the p el's In,d prl)noul1~_ except the third person, As

D)' <is l God) ~tn lnt Hga bata (tbi,. buy) an amr))) uungto (onr town)

11 11

lO!l.oanhi in aco n sangcay (a friend of mille will come ) hi carno ngan hi nco (you and I)

The object of the \'(:rb is alw ,tY8 ill, the objective ,c;,\l:>~ determined bv tbe cOl'l'esponding article , 'n r hy a., prepo,~l' tioo ,

As hi P" Iiagbat):'\ :ca iWf1 "ural (Peter 'r ead s the lett e r ) i1il',i r.tnngaturc,g ha 3,;ca.,V:in (they sleep on the boat) hi T onnl nnr11l'uyng hin p:;lg0t\ uhi ' ,(ThOl:n-n-s wishes to cullJe; li terally; Tb(,'m :ls wishes 2l, coming ), IIlJcadt.o aco 11a Abu.\'f1g' (I shan, go t.o Abl1yog), _ The object of the


to be is in the nominative case,As

an imo bahin, umo ini (YOll'\, part. is this) all tttllO mamadt.yon (the man is mortal)


10:? -


TI1P adverbs a 11(1 the lI,h,~r~:al moJify a verb, an adJ,'ct.i"p, or :1.llothpr l1lh'erb, .\s :!c....i ('ull1:tullJ, (.1 ~(1 nabnt-il l;g:tlli nCll, ll:ih:t~:t. rl路ad::; nlsll).



R()nJdiml'~ )


lJiY;l (If 1 1'10,111, he

The ndvel'b.~ are generally plllGCtl ll{'xL t.o tlH''' wor(l that they modify, [':Ol}le before the .,aid word as "n~~()h" (frequently), "d;iuay" (someLil11es), "maducol" (often), "mncatnlngsa" (seld om), etc" a nu other nft er the said word as "l,a" (yet), 'na" (already), "ma.n" (also), '-gud" (precisely), etc" and some before 01' after the saie! wol'l1 as "Jugud" (on the contra ry), etc, REPREBEN'f.'-TIVE


The import lit Bi.3l1yllil wonl that expresses repref:.entative rLl:ltiGl1s irs t,ll ~ IT '1 ti '(' pl"Onon 11 nK8, which is invariahle.

1111 bllt.lllg,t tinnLHulg net aonl) (the b()y who c~lIerl IIW) an onuat:lan n~'l,lnfug h'l ~con (the hoys who cHlkd me) (~Jlt~t.l 52) thut this ['dati, c of the verb, The sentellc0S in the English and (it-her lilllgLllIges, wher8 the cOI'l'e;::pondiLg relative pronoun l'elates to the lJbject of tilt' vel'b and whtJe -consequently the said relative b in the objecLive case, arA expressed ill Bis<lynn in pur;sive voice which is the most used in thif' tongue, (1) Thus if n't' wish to fIlly

As to


we luve

nga ne\'er refers to the

the boy whom I we thollld S:'ly an batfl







which litteralJy i~: the boy wb,) WaS l~&.lIed by JlIt-' The personal, demullstrative and po~~ef:'8ive lJronouns agree in llt:I '~()1l !\fld !lumber witll their antececlents 01' the wtll'd

.----------------.-- --(1) The ftlct lhnr tl1el'e Ilre tlll'ee c l~sses of pHssiv~ voice in Bis!\Vllll show IL" great importnnce of the snld voice ill thi~ tDnglle, Thus it' W0 w{sh to sav "I love you", it i9' mOl'e expl'essjv~ to say: hinihiYllrlma co icao (litternlly' jlOU an' lo~'erl Ii!! nll) [hun rn 'ny: Iln)lIf/Uum拢t at" /La illiD



or words that tlJ~y represent. gender


There :s ,:0 IlBrsement in

the pronouns have' no gender. CO~NECTIVE


Thp prepc,flil,i ollS join tbe lluUll:>, tr.e:r equivalents, or the pronouns to SOl1Je ottwt' IH 1'0. Toey place in the objecti\'8 case the "'lord that d13pcndti on t nO I1. Toe most important prepo·itinD ill BiF~ynn i~ ha, which is equivalent Lo nearly all d the pl'l"po"iri'll)" of other languagc8.

Examl'lcs: He saw llle-hiyu. qnillmit~· ha aeon.


wrote to llIe-biy;i Jla [;con

I come to TadCo,b :j 'l-tl'ICauh i nco ha Taeloban I come from PalJ-ticl\llg nco ha Palo 1 pass by youI' house-linmn.bay. aco ha iyo baLly He is in the J'oolll-aadto niy.1, ha 6016d




Absolute al1cl independent CCll1structione take place in with vocatives, and illtl.:rjections.





Peciro, nga niya. cncil dao (PetH, he sad. come, please)

III tel'jectiotl, u;; PaRtilan, cal06yi gau nco (olll, S\)l)J!:;



pity of me)

phrases arc connected with the rest of

the thought by the flch·t'rh man, as naabot cami, natutlll10d man an adlao (when we al'l'ived . the "un set; 1iUfrally; we arri,"ed, the sun also set.), SYNT.A.X OF VERBS

THE L-FIl'TTIV}", The preE'ent has the constrnction of the nOl1n, a" an prig-nl'llill bin mnopay limo [1.·11 catungdanan han biltn (to Jearn wetl is the duty of a hoy).


The gerund E'xpresst's the idea of past when preceeded the pf1.1,ticle han, contract ion of the prepMitinl1 ha i\·nd

the al'tielt:' an;


- JU i . h:lli pagsfrang han ulllao, nagruamata nil. th@ snn raised, I wa~' :drt'ady l'Iwake')'



The pd!:it part.iciple has the ('Olbu'uction of an adjectiv(', as l)illilang~ n'V;a t:iU0 (prisoner; litterally: all imprisoned l})a Il)' INDIIJATIVE. Beside~ it:: (Jl'rlinnl'Y us~d, its present is freql\ently l'!~lployed with the particle clwta, 'to exprc~s the idea I)f an intel'!'lJpt\!d or intenried acti"on. As

('nn nady ca Clinhi, .!lnladt Cl1uta ac6 (If you had not

come, I would



SlJBJU~CTIVjj:. It being used in [\ subol'dinale propoaitions, i~ is always constructed with the conjunctions nga (thato),

cun, nga;i (if), cllnt'8. (if possible).

l'vg'u und cun always precede the verb; ngani and cUl1ta when 11set! for the snbj1111c\i\'c" is all'.·uys placed after tha verb. AI' ('orllyag co nga cumanlll qa blln~ (I wish you to come t o-l11orrow; litera 1Iy: I wish t ha t YOll may come to-lllOrrOW) . (1) "1111 lutnabay hi Jlltln, tal.lliga. (If Jonh passes by, c;l11 hll11 )

iUll1abay llgall~ hi JlIA.11 taunga. (,llllT~ hi Juan (God grant that John passes) .


~u bj II ne l i \'C f01'l11 is freq ueutiy constrnctvQ lllud,d IId\'l'l'bs :lnd adjectives and then such com. L,in:l(il111~ hnl'(' the conf:tl'l1rtinn nf nn ad.jectin>. As • CI']'I·: . --The



mllOpuj' f:Ullll1l'Hl (u good writ~r; jit.eralJ),; who \\'I'itf'~ \v(-lfi) ll1ucos6g :'tlTllling ll~a carnh,]o (a BtJ'Ol~g dragger carabao) pte. t:iuo Ilgn :l


(1) In Bisoynn, there is no Gonstruction similiar to that oi the English tonguc, consisting in putting the subject. in the -objectlvp CAse. and irs verlJ in rhp inilnitil'!'; which is an eXltct Lntin syntax, us h& wishe~ me to corne IlJe VIII t me ,-enire Hueh sentence is expressed in BisaYlln with The aid vi tlte COlljullcrioll lip". til" , "hi~"1 in nominotive cusC'. unrl the Y(,l'1> in <l1hil1l1('(iY(' mn()(l. t],l1PIll'l1yl1~ Id~' H nryn ~H'(l ('utnl'nhi


TIJ(' cldjedivt,,; and \'l'riJf' are al\\'n)'8 preferably employed, ,vheneyer pORsihle. at the beginning (If a phl'flSe, clanse, or :; C'fltpnee, ~xrl1llj,j(ls:

IllflclPflY nga U ,110 (good man) rlflgsLlsnnit ::100 (f write) etc.


Tho most frequent violntion of good use of the Bisayan tonglle is the Barbarism . J t iE' committed oy using foreign words, an<.1 foreign constrnctions. \'


J.\Inriy foreign w6rds have been and are being inlroduced in j he Bisayan conversations and writings. Must of such words are being adopt6cl, not because they are neeessal'Y, but simply thru a.ffectation and lo\'e of inno\'atioll, thus tlttempting against the purity of Bisayan. Some of the word s intl'oc1nceu however are necessary as they ha\'e no corres路 ponding in Bisayan.

1t Iti

8,onnislJ \\'onls ~(JlJ'-'ll)


.\ iJiC'rt!1,


BillllCl':ln, inudh, huds \leah,

" Dayan) I'flynntlnynn

:'I,clorno (ndOnllH:'I1[) "

Ag\1a (uc('cl tomellil perfnll'le) " Tnlamhot A!?;ll:lllf;1 suITer) " flob, hnJat .\li,'t.1 (from listo) 'I Ancl;lm .\niign (fl'il'nll) ., S:lllgcay Saoe AplqlW teIOf'e) Apur'l, apllrauo (hurry) ), Dagmit I cadagrnitan A[1"I:\'<' I" ntrcvit/o (bold .. P<l~gllhum, gamh;inall ,\ vel' (f') I' "~j \'V me") " IC'ucli ,\ \"('1' pa (God g'nnt) " l\Iangad. pa .. Hnbobo, obos 13:1 jndo, Blljn l' (1o,,, \ (bench)


Ihlldn (pdiet)


B:. 1id I) (ful' "ex pl'riel1cl'd" ) Be)tt'







I'alnhnw (jail) l'1l1"II]" (l'al('11111") I.'n 11 (' (:-11 l'pet) Call1pnlla (l){'II)

P6ngcoan, hncol'an, piipag Pabnmatngnn

'. Lnsglltl, hiara " Sacayan .. T:igsa .. Bilnngoal1

" Igoigo " Dfllan

.. Linganay ('llllt;l (~illg) Lllygay, Jaylny l'nllt()d(,~ (fl'tJlll ('cantore:!::") P.\l'alnygay (';11'1,(,1



(for "rld,r')

['nl' 11!'

(JlC'.-;iJ (11111",)

<'np:l!. (';1~ti ,!41 1





.. U 11 ()(1

" S:ldallg', :1llgay, [aul.; ., ~il'OI

Lotuafl PII~dn,'n]J


"colar") 1.',11(11' (l'olill') Cola

Bilang(inn " (Ttang



" BReH




- . 1L I ('olw;:-;Ia IHlII


d lc'

Cnlr!ll11 ('(l/l\'icl:l





,\ (,l! )

(C<1lliltJ(llll lill\'jtP)


(against) (curtain)





Cuercl:l::-' (stri ng:::) Curllo (colInI') Cucnta. (account)

De hnlcle (nJollsefLllly) De buC'n,l;; Deci l' (fot'




.IiJspejll I!,fl <ll"l> ' Esquilla Icorne-r' 11:::;Llllll';t Cilll:I:2:t' Fillo dint" Fi l'lne \ fur :t 1\\':1 y:; rt::lJgth Fuel'te (strong' Fnsil Igun' FU8r7.ll


1\路r l\h li"1H,lJ 0 ea " C:\';'l It intll .' Aa\)iabi, 拢abi 'l'i~a, lJato(', e::I<iuay " Biray 8,lJapi I'



Solael Dolos Buliag lbtip, isip C,iuang

" " " .,



Decfeto (defvcl) 1>e malA"' (l1nflH'EuIH tel Del'ecliu (right) Dl'scallso (reBt) De'"I,("lid;! Oibl1jO (thowing) Difel'Pllcia (cliffp.rencc, Dilnt:1f (ior delay) DiOignt-'to' (unlikeness) Di"pensa (eX(,llSI~) Diversion (all1l1scment Dulce (~W(:t'l candy) ~:mpezilr : to C'Olllmenee) Entra I fnr "to make Im'c": I' E l1lremt;.; joke Esenel:1



" "iring bil1~.pp , Casaquih:in, canit'oll

" Uaniy pnlad ., .:',i(lon~, d,tyon, cataelungan " Pahuuay P:lnnnJilit. ,. Badlis, Baguis " Gnincalainao, guicaibhan " Pag-ul,tng, pagpahalawig " Cangalas

" PUBoylo, pagnnrd .. Uali~l ll:W,


., l\L,tull1'is " Pagticaog " Pangas~t1a .. Tfun

" Liboniu .. SnJnl111ng n


.. Lnd:t tl:1 11 Gal1ltly, pili "



" Uusog .. ?\Iacusog, mab,lcou II


P:tiuti (il'ldll "paLdi(")",. , I P r;i t'l j c r,') PHilO (cloth) Paiinlitn (llflnukcrchief) Pal'a (for, halt) l'a l'l'C't'J' (opi 11 iClll) Pal'ejo (eyunl) P,lsentla (i'rotn "pasco")

[1'(1 III

EoI' jLIg-CJl'IJIlIt ,t Panaptoll, IJlld6ng,

" Modongpol.long ., ., " "

Basi, ngada, hulat, oeoy, torooo Saglmng SiiOta, sandng Lneall;lcnt " en tn rngnln n " Tnlinll

Peligl'o (danger) I'ens[\r (foJ' talpnt) Peruona (from t'pPl'donar") " Pasnylu Pel'o (but) " Cl1t1c1i Perlin(\. (for "pretina", waif-tba n tl) " I-Lillac Piel'de (from tCpercler " to lost) " Lupig, llUTa Pintar (to paint) " Dum-it. dihog Pintura (paint) " Iclirih6g Plalo (plate) , . Pill~nn PJatito (a little di!:'h) " Lallr1 pay Pliegl1es (plaits) , " Lopi Pobre (pOOl') " Cabla s Polvo (powder) " :Bocboe Posta- (from Ctap~lest.a" bit) "Butang Prerio (price) " Pnlft Preparal' (to prepace) " Pag-andam, pagtflll;.l Preso (prissones) " Binilang6 Probar (to Jaste) " Tilao, sari Propeeto (from tC perfecto," perfect) " GuinooJ " Paac3matood Prueba (proof, e\'idence) " La b;\o, pohonan Principal (chief, capital ) ') Pol6s ProveC'ho (profit) " Ganghn'cin Puerta (door) " Hag-id) tl1a bn mis Pulido (neflt) " PI,l Lli, lonlon, sancioK, Pmo (pure) Quc:ja (complaint )' " Dl.lmbong Hinigngma, pinalanga Querido ~dear) Que vel' dol' "to do" ) " L~iboL )I


110 Quinol;i (from coIn)') for Bi n,il:hau Rnbenque ,from "n-,bpllque", whipe ) " Lutu\), laLo::; Caraua,t Recibi (from "recibil''') ReclulllO (claim) .. Paglcinnt Redolld" ( )'I)UnJ1 "LiporolJ, Illalidong H.egu 10 (pre~en tl " Higngrna, ha tng, bncad Heguhr \regul.11'j ., I~!/), :0: 0(' II 1 11.1"10, rel,i.~ (frOOI "I't'I(lj" watch, clock) ., (1) H.enlo (0a1') " Gaod Renllncio (from "r~l111ncfar", to renounce) "Pagdiri, pagdiuara Re\'entn (from I'l'evt'nta\''' to

explode) " PI1gbot6 \{ico (ril'h) " Mii II gar a II H,ugal (from "lug-ill''', spot) " Oaraanan, tuna, uma H:lcO (sack) " S0pot ~ada

(f)'om "('ierra" (hall)


Locon Ruang Ba)'!). (~kirl) Tumpi, Talapi :-:;pgurn (fCH "proulIbly") MahJ111uc, angay la ~t'I-lOr (Sir, ?lIi~ter) Guinoo Sir\'e (from "servir" to ~cn'e)" Pagmangno pag-!igad :-Inerte (for "talk") " Himangr.a o Suslellto (maintanpl1ce) ,. Pagbnhi, ibl1l'uili, cabuhiHll '1'abl11 (board) ,. Bllgha TacitaI' (for "contempt") ,. Yilbit, t1imay Taza (ellp) ., YuiJ(iug Tielll!J1l (time) " Adll1o, luig 'l'ienJa (merchandise', store) " Bnlig-Y~l, bnligy.inn Tieso (stiff) " J);ingag, tndong ToeaI' (to piny) " Pl'Igton6g Tne:lt\o)' (flll' gi ,l';,,) ,. Sal;) mfng " L())'ong, p:tlinqn'i,' pa(llns Tout" (fuol) Tn\l)aju (work) " B llitat ~Hla



" " " "

i-:lcp "Fon' !l1h word . nccsS8ITily nrloptcd ill



111 -Tr,II1<.::t


un r )

ror ?fol. Balab:ig

Tumlin (to tnmhl(') Vado (empty) VpntHlIll (window) V erd c (green) Vieio (vice) Virtud dol' (/power" i Zurce (for "zlll"cir" to darn) And many other~,

., PltC'an 'I Lll ng:ig '1 'rHtl1b6an ,. Saguind:ihon " 'Cil~<lqllih~ln

" GabullJ 11 Pngt:ibinV,


Boehang (for sow) Duisit (unfortunate) Camsya (for "thank") GonggolJg (foolish) Lamloc (deer, for fat) LaotllY (old) Sy;i (for eat) Sinqui (new ) Ta m pua (excess, Ueh~ng (rich) Uisit tiortunate) :lnd some other >:.

fOt, Uablas

" UarllY palad " Salam at " Uat'ay salab6tan

" J\>latamboc " Lagas, gnmng_ " CaOH Ba -0 I ' 'ftiuad, labis _ " MUllg:iran " Pnl:irall, )l


Halo dln lloo) Miting ("meeting" ) lIayc ("hike") Moning (f(lr "ll1oney" ) Sausau (chaw-chnw) And other>:


for Oh6 禄


Pa.ghlc li t , ::-Iodo.\' " 8al:lpf :' Page:i on, en I'dOtlOn

puspnt, among the students it is frequent 10 henr l h:iitl n n ac dyo/!,"rafi <geography), an ac Rnsmitic (ari.thmetic)?" ";,aadn en hn fif (fifth) /!,"reyd (grade) ?", "mnal'nnl nil lICO mag espeling (spelling)"-Why not t bey talk in English? XO'fE.-At


U.. ) We do not refer to those chinese words imported to Philippines with ('hinese object. Sneh words are to be kept necessa.rily In :Bisaya.n. becl/.\lsc their t''1 niYlllcnt I'ernurnlnr rxpressions. ('ither are lost, or never exi!t~d.






",)llIC Tag;t1o,~ IH>l',l:;



trudion..; lI-;nll in Bisa,van; IJlll WI' do 110t cul16iller their USI' n..; '1 hnbrlr''';111, be(';tl1~u Tn~tlio~ illlt! l1is;\.yall aI'" I> Ill! di,IieclR OT n comll1on tongl1E', and h"f'1IHf' slll'h ~1':1' 111'1\' 11,)111 tbp fMm'llioll of :l, P ).;.;ihl(' Pllip!'I) 1.111V;114~1"

.\.Illong olhcr.', r.1t, [nll'\lill.!; I'; .\ u:uu:tri"m ill jhl) l'tlll"lnwtioll: "m:l(Jroopny il,l Ql1E h i t6n", (thi", is betler thall tlint., TIll' llf'l! of thl' Ql'}; (which if'; Sjlani~h meaning "than") i:i l'lltirel~7 ~pallish nne! i:i not neceesary in Bisa~ yill1, :1'; the ll1E'ntic-med .entence i" expr~sqed simply aud with tha f'all1l' strC'ngth a nc1 more purity and correctne"R'''maoornp:i~' in! hitun", 1"011t:H1'1 W()RD:> NE('ES'ARlToY \DOPl'ED 1'1


But tlwl'e a~e many ,,:o.1'rl now in use in Bisayan tlije of which l1l'iches 1':1. he!' then destroys the language, \Ve 1'''[<'1' to th0se w,Hds t!Jn II I VI" b2cn n~cessitri!y imported froll) other Inngnages to exp1'e$S ideas not represented by n 1)\' worll, or \\'ho~e corrcf'J1onding words nre lost in Bi路

f\ lop~i()n

!on."n n

ider their use as n. b:nbal'ism, n.s it is not (,Oll"idered :H such in English, Spanish, French anri I'lher Enropeall langllflg<?s the ncloption ,~f Greek and Latin \Yord~, \\'~ illit ollly do lIot criticize sllch adoption in the Filipinll dinlp!'t:.: hllt rnlller ,lesirc ana encourage it, became it will undoubtedly l>l1ablt' our dialect.s to be llsed in all kinds of s!'ienlillc alld :1rtif;lil' expressions, ,\.IIIOI,g the foreign \\'ol'll~ alrearl~' aflopte<1, thp f()Jlowin~ III a \' 1If' cO n n Iell : \\' 0


1I0t ('OIl.

Dyos (fro II I till" 8PHlli~11 I>IU"; ) , [I i~ Ii'll(' Ibnl we', h:1\,(' "l11e 'J'ngtUog BATHAJ.A wllic!, refers to the omnipOlCnl'Y, nllel till' Bisaya Il LA6:-\ wlliclt rcf('I'S to the et.ernily, But in "it'''' of the faeL that tl1拢' \YOI'd rhos derived from the Latin DellS, frOl1l the Cheek Zeus which 1nt'111l:; Div,inite, Sllpreme Be{?in, has heell H) Illuch nsed ill Bisl'lyan, nnd it l'eprrHnt another phnst' of lhl' ~ltlrihllt{'i" of timl, we think that the Raid


113 -

word Dyos ought to ue adopted in Bisayan, aclap路 ting its form to the inflections of our dialect. ORAS (from the Spanish HORA "hom").-We have to adopt thi~ word, liS there is 110 cO.rresponding expression known in Bisayan. By its adoption we have a way to avoid the uroe of RELOJ, with the derivative ORASAN already used. BAPOB (from the Spanish "vapor" steambot). It ha~ no corl'esponding in Bisayan. We have SACAYAN (boat), but it does .not include the idea of the "steam." PAPEL (from the Spanish "papel").-It has no corl'espon路 ding in Bisayan. The Spanish names of the days of the week, and of the months of the year, whIch must be written 1n Bisayan form, as: LUNES, MARTES, MYERKOLES, HWEBES, BYERNES, SABADO, DOMINGO, ENERO, PEBRERO, MARSO, ABRIL, MAYO, JU NY 9, HULYO, AGOSTO, SEPTYEMBRE, OKTUBRE, NOBYEMBRJi::, DISYEMBREI ARORU (from the English "arrow-root"). A plant. And

many others.











Simile . This figmc is ono of the most used in BisayiJ.n, even iu ordinary cOllversatiollS. Example5:

1. Ba g-a an nlisirong Applied to a peTFnn 01'


<lila. lh ill~ intended to be krpt flllt of the rain, but ,,:Itlch becomes wet, lIke the tongue (dila) whieh is always wet ill th e l.l.1onth. 2. Canogon pa daQ la-~ an imo catindog ma6pay 81 b,iyhon-mar:iot n n b,intog igpapannnglit co-bllytibas 1\g[\ hinog, ma6pay n n panit--016ron fI 11 on6d (A IJllPUJull song,) Where the resemblance is b etw een "maopay si bayhon" and "maopay an panit", and also bl:!tween "rna~'aot an bantog" and "016ron an on6d". MetE!phor. It is al:::o used, especially in poetry . Example:

1. Cahoyen flga linulHian sa buquiJ nnnauanti.l uill1 cun canan Dyos ca. pngbut-an matop6ng Fa nlagiman . (A popular song ) Applied to one who is in a high position in life, lib "cahoy ngl.t lin311,lan", the "Iauaan" tree being one of the tallest \'rees.

Allegory. It is also found in Bisayan. Example:

Uga Ilga cahoy si lauas, patay na, lay~ si dahon

118 llannl'il~g~illg <ill 1l1nJUilg:1 ~ill



(A p0pular song'

Here the life lIr lJOtI} (I:iu:l;:) i~ called :l dry tree (ug!t IIga c<.i.I!(\)'I, already de:ld (}ldL;iy lla),.\Vbo~e leaves are withered (Iaya si dabon), and Irhieb sprouted E'OITOW (lHlnnll'il:.-gsing sii) 'cas:iqt1it), awl gave as huit, the death (namunga ~ill


Personification. One of the most fre.quent cases of perpOllifiC,ltiol1 in Bisayan is tiJat cotJ:oi::;ting in applying to things and objects the personal article si. Example:

song) Wbt'l'e the tt'lrUe-dovc (tue-rno) i" per~onifed by si. The eXPI't'RSion would l'\l e III leh 0, it:; ell 1l"11 路j路f thG ,niclc [In is emploFd instead of si.


We hav!:: this figure



J1Jx..L'nple: Canogon pn dao la-sall imn cntindog mnopl1y si bayhon-maniot an bant9g, \Vhere "lllnopay" (gllocl) and "mal'a.ot" Cbucl), "bayhon" (face) and "u,tntog" (bln~) are Clll1tra.sted.


This fignre, in its oJ(Jdel'l1 meanh1g, is used


Bil'lflyan. 拢X:tlllPII" :

(,UlltlIUlul iJa nil nngbilHly,

n 11



Wltil.!h literally IIIt)Cll1fi: he \\'bo wellt ~l()w 1V~::1 awaited fol'; he who ll:lsten'j,l ,\'as not wait.(~rl for. It" point is cqui\'~It)nL to that of th~ Ellglic:lt "sILlw, out iC'ure." "Glliubullit" (was await. ",1.1 fIll). "L\:ll'lty" (Wll:O nl1t), "n,lghina-y" (went slow) and "nllg<i,igmit" 'lltlSlned 'lrL' cOlltl'a:;t.~d.

- 11 'J-.11C(011),/1]),.

It!., nl~o fOLlllll in Bi"ayall .

.ill Imtay IJaL11I~i~, ;III iJlllli'paclIult.

Jet the clt"'1d go to hen"pn; let the jiving go to the "c<lllil" (a ballJiJOo \\'11\~I'c lbc tnl).~ .",j lle i::i ordinarily .1li'l('(;'dJ. The figure con~j~ts ill tldti \\'0l'd "cllnit," container, 'for "!Ul!:l \\'iIH'," 'the tbil,g cuni:lilll'd,




Png ;irog bill chill()


Ullg :IS

~a'y damo callll nga bab;.

Litt'l'ally it menng: "P,!, p:lre lIlU'~ h , rice becallse we are many ILHlliI.:." IIcr0 the mouths (b1l Lw) a part, j~ Lll'el1 for

-persoll, tbl'

wlloj ...


in BisaYl1n,


01; l3' II ga l,niil- -llJl;<l cab"t;l ,, -an taballgi, buliglli-adill way pinab'nu All in! nga p :i latl-con dil'i llJau;iui dao ad,i-~inin q uinabllhi




Literally: HeavE'ns, altitudeR, protect, hel p thi-s I\'ho 8ufft:'rs sometbi ng; if this fate is not averted, It will L1 ndoubtedly affect the life.

ExclamatIon. Example: I Pn:3tilan bidfday,-uldi,j 'l)" Cit lUall la nga nar<1CalllCl1111Y--!:'ini n hllnahulltl!. .. iay;io p!1g s;lqllitn !-in)' .! !) [iaguidoa, C:ly I1lag tilinangis-canl1gon S!111 Inha!. .. (A popular S()lIg)

Intel rOf{ation. Exilli)plc:


I" ngit: thrHn dan <laplt an St1qllil.?"


-- 120 - ~a

('alibutan uady man:



pn oon1'10I1I:111. (A IJOpular !'0ng)


It III irrlquellL ill Billayan.

Examples :

1. J\lacilp.inas hin buquid. (:.lan a.ble to level a mount ain) 2. Macasagpo bin bahci . pIan able to suspend a flood) 2. Cun tot6o, intoY-l;ga iOl0 tinguha pag biliug la ?n~y-sflot lIg:t may boa. (A popular song)

L: terally: If your love i ~ true, look fOl' a "si lot" (a young fruit of coconnllt) which has "uua" (the uulb of the old cocoanut ,{f uit when it is old enough to be used as !\


Climax. Example : (

. . ...... .. . . nanaringsing sin mas:iquit, namunga sin carnatt-iyon.

Irony. EXII Lnpte :

lCamaopay mol p6loog. Li te ra lly: word .

uaray ca glld pag tllman han imo

How gooj are y ou! you dU not keep you r

Asyndeton Example : Ohoy


langit-mga cahatas'an

tabangi, buligui, infn may pinas'an, etc. (A popular song)




Exa IlJ 11 ks:


Did co eel)' yubiL--uiri co C,lY d<iyao pal'l1ahonp:ihon may p!uayao, etc. (A popular song)


Pastilcin, bididaJr--bididay en. ma 11 l~ nacacalucmay-sillitl hl1nahui1a, etc.


(A popula r song) .

Concatenation. Example: Pastilan ca curi-cacuri capinan capin ca mabido-san bido sa dugha'l1 , .' dughan co pagllob-ilob calaua.san, liiu8s eo napOll0"-pU/lO casaql..litan. (

(A popular song)

l!HOSE Of the three universal important forms in prose, i. e., description,' narration, and exposition nothing in general needs be observed. Ll~ TTERS

At presrnt,


ill Hi"a)':lll Vros!'


of tbe forms most generally employed tb~t lwlonging to the class of narra-

tion, the lotteI'. Xothing :,;pcoial needs he ohsel'\'ec1 about letters, at pref\ent times, :1 pH 1't frC1l11 thei.r exterllal form::; ill1d the tendenry to inllo\'ation prolllinently shown in them more tban anywhere els(>, by frequent barbari!>Il)s. As to the external forms of the Bisayan letters, it is to be observed t,bilt a rontinary introduction is almost l1ni路 yersally fHIJo"'ed. We refer to th(l ordinary introduction consiClting in the following ideus and order: "This letter has

-- I") -

no oth01' PUI'pose" 2) "but to ask 11011' YOll are" 3) '路becc.l1se l11C" t) "1 am 1n :l. good hp.alth", "~nd :lttel' ..:uch :111 inv;ll'iable intl"oc1nctloll, the writer goes on in a paragraph apart; " And I 811a11 add that'" etc.

a s to

Kxallll,I. 路:

U ltl"ilY Jiiin llga LllJ0 hilll ng~l aeOIl sllrat cunJi a.n damo Il g: t



mg.l pUI1gom6stu co




imo, cay Cl1n aco in ipuqui<ina,

Dyo"l ma6pl1Y,

~g-;\II iso~ol1 lh .l ("lI lil\~it,


Thi s i8 thf' illtl'Odlletion generally adopted. We do not hesitate to state that Illore than fifty per cent of the letters written in our Bisoyan commence lVith these or equi. valent ideas a~ld ill the some other. As to (ll!' hUl'bal'iIHTlS, they entirp letter.

are elllployed thruout the

On the beading it is usuall .. written: Tacloball, :i :2 de Uetuhre dt' HI08. in"llE'fld of:

'l':lcloh:ln. irll 2 han Octnbl'e han 1908.

011 the intl'uduction it ordinarily appe,ll's ~r.


I) .

1>." ............ , .. .

\Ii e~!ill1fldo nnJigl.>: or

;\[ lIy es t i ilIad tl ~ef1ortl :

The hoth- of tile' I ... tt'r i:-: nSl1nlly :le f,tlll)"',,:

l' Hl'ay luil! lig-a objeto bini Ilga aeon Sllrat" sino nn dnrno nga mgll. pnng'omostn hft i,\'o -Hg~tan:in, ray cnl1 ram1 in iyn ipaquitina, ('nlooy non-dllrl.







Y de cOllsiguiente, tllt:1.y, iSl1Slmod C(J liuat : ('lin lIal'uy 1110 inCOl1l'Cllicnte, g'usto co cunta comad:i. pag wlcacion; pero como gainadveriir 11)0 nla.~l aro h :LI1 Ilacadi C<I ngn mag proclIrnr aCr) hi n pag n/Jtener a llay han titulo, pOI' eso nmo ini IIga diri af'O l);,t f:ltrever pag gllic<tn mientras dirt pac:\ at' " Ill:lcaenrall:it han iltH' cnntestacion l1~a pag hatag hi n permiso, bi~aJl CUll sobra y bnstn gllcl an aeon nTgn. dcseos pag l'isiUt l1a lyn. ete.

Of the thl'e main classes of 1'0C'tl'y, epie, lyrie and dramatic, the lyric is the Qllly one presen'ed in " BTsaynn in the form of popl1lar son~s . The dramatic form is found at present ma.inly iu t he trall..:l,ttibl1s of Tllgalog and Spanish rll'umUf', Ils11uJly cl.uploycrl as plays on the Patron's days in the townR. VERSIFICATJON

Rhythm and rhyme He observed in Bisayan poem~ . The rhyme is not so perf..,ct as that of the Spanish verses. Consonant words or with similar sounding endings are employed in Bisayan. Kinds of metel. There are two kinds d meter moSt used in Bisayan poetry: verses of six verses of eight syllables, and verses of twelve syllables divided ill two it-agments of six syllables earh. Exnl1lplf'f': YE'rselS of f.:ix "yll<lblC'R: lH:iin ca nn, punay? .. cnell na. ilanambo, fa 111 bo madalia y,

liann <:i caRbo: llnsi Illlmalayh:l!'


1'.H -

inill sayuit, iJido llga usny tiona), ,;an cnsi ng(~asi ng eo Vl'rses of clght syllaldes:

/>..('0 in! sllgadsllgad san b,lnLlu nga tnrotltnglt\d, bisan cun lliiu italac1 mahuhllhi Cl111 may palaJ. \' en;es of twelve syllables:

Togon co sa imo,-mahal nga in6gay di ell gud padnd.-sa n damo nga sangcay; an paglaCiit nimo -gabay 1l1agmah'oay, nga diri hat6cso,-lun1 iscad san hany, NOTE,-The verses of t\Ycl\"t~ . Ryllables are really verses of six, the odd" v'erSeS no ~ being rhymed. Combina.tions, .-\.R set;n in the preceding ('xflll1r1@s the combin:ltions are the following: . The verses' of six "yliltbles nre grouped ill fOllr verses, thE' even VE'l's(:';; being rh,rmes!, Tlw \,C'l'>les of ('ight Ryllnbles nrc grouped also in fOUl' yerser; itll rhyll1£,\1. Tilt" \'e rse" of twelvc syllables ure nl~o groupecl in fonr 'l' h~' l1l('tl




~Ol'j£· 111 LI'n.II";('l'ibilig the [\)lI r )wlng' stlag. \YO shall ll ..., ..!, tbl!. Ol'Lilog'r,qJh. l'll~ Pu!<wti in till" 11 I'1t(.- oj' Ihl" li"~L P fi~L' nr fhi~ hook', ll si ng nnly three v,l\\'(,'I~: a,l. o.


Il 11 I Ill)' ,

~Ilaldy ,"Ii ko babaYlU.1lt

kllY da.m!1 ng~\


nn aknn na.ntng

kiln pllg·JisiV,IU un SiYIlID kn hol/lll ;:n l'u g-·i llf>kny kO"fI knn IInnny (i)·nll .


'l'ogunkoSaiU1,),Ulllhfll;tl.in6gnv :

k.l go,l p!l.(l>lrll. SUIl d m(~g-;l nllgk~Y; , ',11 pal<llllcut lIiJU() gabfly mag lOtlbil1ay. , ;;" ,li"1 klllok,n , tlll11i.~kl\(l Mn l:llny.

I di

Knrnat.f'l.I'Of"'lyag Ra lnnla 1'.1.gkit'ol1

sillin mllg-a,awa g,~ Will'll)' ill Ihnbog, kOll,lH.1V n":lbot nu iru kamnU,yoll Ilfthok{, an Llngit basi nint s0ullJll.

Ayowgnni kahihilig nYflw kuri ri kllJldiknn,

kay di mlln hagyo an tOig, <1i man kikila an bolan.


~J:" I,ilonn Rn lll~11 may mnpnw:. nHlY ml.t.-;;i1..bitl con SIl t.I\\O igpnllu:'lit, luny mnlip:ly,lUny ma>iikit.

80gncl god n};6 sitn gam6t ;01 nllilillom sa kotkot, knn 1..lIHll1 Dyos pngbe6t m.ll:U.nw Ilk6 ,an 6dlot

Knho~' kl1 :lIlinalYl1!1.n IJlJkicJ 11>1 11.1 (:n\,<1II. kon kal111 n nyl)~ ka l,a~bnt'an mat')l vg SI1 .. II1"iIl1l11).

inthtyun, psghttl ~nuri;: kny bagln kit,j k8pllug-;;'n, h.Hay6 nn loorogk,itan.

Di ko ginknkn.·owk'H.n nn slllspl, all tonln"!.II;


illY lw ginkikillnhul?l.RI i8 gi IIII II i •.<11.

W~l';lY hini lJ!\los l',{IVflLl }".s' In !lri h"ot JOJ1{(l'Lynr'i

Did btl uko n~~f!~irii.



Jl1 I\"l'ny

Guill hollit pa an llaghlnny, dug-eli t, W~i.l":1.~-.



An but6 bftl1til is nallnls, lHlkilot Fa (01'6 san t6tJig Stl dllrno~ginM: i kn.igkl1"ig JlU ba an diri htl1ll6ruuk ~n gl'lgmn Slln tnwn kon sa tu.Iin6not. Di h:l M,lt;) Ilnn~' imo ak<1> sr~ng. R" l\'flla g"tt KltmM, todl6 tnIDOylg'ki;:'; 1>:111ll1n it6 ni)'un Ili ka nn nllsiplnt, ;.1t116 lUI

so lu ko Sil iUlO no 1.>611a t '?

Fa til"n Ka kori, kn koJ' ignk'lpin

pili kIl.S(,kit s inin ka';::;kasig: igpllpaTJll.glit ko sa 0 l\ ~Il l1l1J'i'i( bi"lIl pudg6son mn)' git1apon hilill. . flnlll11)'

IIilin ka nil pondY, klldi 11'\ pl1n,nnbo, tambo madllliav, Iinw",i ks,']>o: lH~l bomnmiyllity illio ~akit bido '~ fI~~ty t i 6na y ~tl lq\:):.gkn~ig kn.

,\ n .,akit sa uomuom ,'g Stl Itonallona, mnkori ilGkucl. makori lhigun: i. ihllg:lU s;t-lii.n;lt'! i,itamod sa tona? i.-I. bll:l D~'os ko, m"OlJUn'!l <130 III !.,.

AI:'l Tigtig, alJa Tigtig, inli nn IlkOll sigsig.opoytlll \rOH logarigon, kondl kanan InkloIJ.1noJ1.


kl1kol'i, lLa kori kapinan 'nu bi:lo Sol d6ghan: l\Ogb tl;,! kn pag-i~()h. iloil ka'tlwt\.san, Lill'a.s kn gil pon61'olH ku s7 kit an



I'a:;l.ilun, bidioa" bididay kn ma.n III ga n.tkak:I]"kllwy ~inlll honRbonll: ayuo l)ng ~akita. np" lag JddM, kay llln!{ litinul1~i ... k:l.llUgl1ll sun h.ho..

A kOIl igli-libng1ib:(: jilin kas:\klt sa dOglJlll1 h.tllHlIl hll bA."ig ig- m~Ca-g sakit !fa magtiti l(,gs·g-.

Kauto !lll, kadt' oa, ka,llo nn sortIng'" ka ~t) 11ft pRg hiJ;.i Sill i1>8 i:;~, gOgIP.Il ayaw gild pag hfg\ap sin .ogacl S,l "kon tu:.:ty t~gohaH 11 a -I)-ay gil I rjyho"


126 Han nakadto klL hn Inwu>ln nkon kn gintinoll-awoll hapit k6 ikllw ka..ralYton hI! barns diri pntonbon_

Kon boot ka mango.s>l.\Vu inln bMaS po.g pislu, di ko. guni lllnko.pi i pllg toro.w nil III gall 01 i.

KIlIl IIng-iim6t kll snn imo knmathom SILIl ]Jag kllmabaysay san iooo pnmnyhon, llisall la fln t:Jil(), flll lnhok, pallllpton k \11 tt~fl~'. o.Tlipa;: m }l.~pay lln.nllkon.

KOIl d 'lw hll, k:t q irigl111 >11

tobig ko. ~ irlnomOll did ~a t\t\hon po.honbon, pah6no11l "0. doghun nakon


lIb\ rti n!t) lTIltgn'l. \\':1. l1Htg··mkaysakay sa b\)n\ og ,Ii,lto nko hirhgsa


koboy. i lawu.s patay no., laYd sl ,100110n lInnnri,"{sii? sin I{as,\kit n&m6~d in kaIDutnyon

8!l ka~-:gtl.wtLu gtl

Kap'atan ko. tllig an ak0n pa:;:bigynp pag·iooasisirig,;a imo, bi n6rnk.

!Ian n:l.katlto kll1>\ P,\llt!tW o.kon ko. gintilino.n.nw hnf'Apit nko mnt6no..w sa dako i"-' Pllg kal1id,I1W AM lnl g., n Vlora)" kaIDllsnkit. kl1m tko.poy, an 1I111'.t, sogAd si n Icl hoy

iL ginhnhLrohltr6poy Bohi pa un bn.t6!;11 pin .lIn~nllklln ditlto la katikll~ IlI1 k ''''oka)"'11nl1

P'HtiLtn k1 Inri sIn pil~.igirikun nat 'l;4h'; ~i in 1,I.Y ;-.,. binabayann, 1!'11»1ydaw Itt 11 ,'Jil1n illin kalalll.wd'ln


diri t \)1l16Ii~ inin png~~lrA.kynl\


Klltl6nn ka tlligga akon knhidlflw SO",id kn sin tobig nakon ikn6bRw Kon bnga ako si taro t'lIl ,\W nasa p!Lg kaAlo; mnopny si nlimago J>ny may pal! kalono16!'1o )l~!lln'5it. mga Inglt. h,\in d <w olapll an ~okit'? .. , ~a k, w<lrA)' mn'l $n iii Sil. p'UlOm 1 Jlllnll ~

Sin pag k ·~m tm7,aw slnlfl kakorol~on wnri\Y god nnblliltad bis os!l.'6!l. d"hon bis an m:;, tam,,1 sahid mahid6 111 lsay pa bl!. an t lW.>, ui n.'p.1~1 gill Ipon '! .. _ Hill6gn.y nn intoy, siton pnklllipogsin killarokanhi slulu a'nln libu-r opaydu, Icon hit-" i ton imo bayhou mlltl11l0"i k9. d,l\\, lIt sinln ban tog uamon


A,110 nn ~i ndlllw ~tl u/)kld ,. 011 Illl, Indoyon, kill' II tll' ny pn t6iJig.

kon eli ko kRh~dlok pllghirot sin gaba pag·t)ui1101011 ko HUll imo diln

HI Ilonoy ~, kq wnyt1nol1 mnlobaylOJbny 11 a;' '1011 nRglilin ,ikOI hn kugon I,i hUlI'nk l'uyflkLloY6kon

Ako 1l11lgtO(l>01l tliri kl) 'On 'Ub\\"lll mflllgnci na mnlolO, ,1il'i ko . ~o O"'-Ull 5i ak6 mAtimo di ko POPOrotOIl " Ul>lngad nn lOub@'6g. Lliri ko lotolnon,


lronimIJ USus ~~, IlRgytll'nbol'lI

r;. . l1ug,' iyillflkan

IlulL lunloll IJllI'o :

A nu mall in ak"11 kDIl diin ka kadrG> , di rno fa pag dna-on nil Wb'ig, kalnl'o: di 1110 IDnlll lJinohl illi g;, lawas ko' tinlllOuo si illda)' ko.,,:; 'ill ilHll'iy .1;0



An tannmnn nimo lIlnntlig ginsisin(,lod san kaJ.1d i an tllranll1l\n nakikil go kny gill bobow •• tl san bnktin.

An6 man in nkon kon r1lln kn hnnoy di rno In p 'l gdad-on an tobig, nn kahoy i III ;;Il l,lwas ko g;,. rnakill0160y tinmobo kal'l tatay, kan nnnoy gil. ir6~'

i.AnO hR, Dyo~ ko, an nakakll 6~lld, an isda sa ,l Lgln ~, nagkak.ll6pn1 ?... i,ano hI, Oyo, ko. inl gIL nftc1Jr6y, i;;lm kMamsilull:itL nagltakalagoy? .

Dil'i 1;0 kay y6bit, diri ko kay dayaw pamnhonpahon mo baga may parayaw; an irno pamiIJod pugkasadag', baga nllgkokori an IlkOll ginhawa.

Knl1ogon pa daw la mn il'l1o );atindog llla6pay Ri uaylllln, murotot an bllRtOg: Igpap.tnag'lit ko, boyttbl1S ~l hin6g, ma6pay an pAnit, oloron an on6n.

Ayaw gR.d hin tamay, oyaw gad hin y6bit kay ma.gRama mn,n Ia inln aton pault; an atOll logal'ig ginkakalainnn, kay diri mag-osa. ioln alon garan.

Ambot daw '1 rln mllor:in si dllmpog- na.:'. "':,dt6hOln bisll.n Ill. Inln ptl~.ino(l d01'6yog tipa il'llI'od Rusa, bayai, balitaw, nyAw gad tood kay tlaw inl ~n akon pagbo1nw igpa.pallaoli gahllw. HllniKog kitl\, hilogkllg "Inln pulllll'un ia pankllg kay bug-in, id{ty, makMag d6Joktan sinln all\mog.

Busa, bayai, bayai, boylii ayaw boliki, bislln dahon sin kamoti mabobohi kOHli dinhi.

Aba Lolay, aML@iay ligid lil:'id sinin baybay kon igkitn ka sin away dniogaFl, nynw papll.tay Makadl knmi maoli ba](,y ga sinoramhi bison 1tl mllWM9.y b6gbo~ maoli ka,y logarigon ~a

Mnkadi kami mlloti, mlloli ~il bag" nil'i, nflg~lihiawil pa gllni . sau ka lDllQpny ,Iln gawl

An di ko iginldnnnta (*) an kabasollin onina; si kahoy di may baliko, may ballsa

An di lto .jginpil1{Jlo~ an kllblls61!in in Ilknn: si kllhoy eli mt'l; tOl'6poi Ult'Y baliko, molY mnLodog

An akon pagkinllnt{tlloll tl"yall Sf\n nko~ kinu0n; toi~l1n 111. nk6 j,oihoy6n i;n diri oraorabon.

)fag sisirom ua dilW iHln kakorolpon gatan{1Il gil tamsi sa ktihoy nil hnpon kit{t man an ta\\(i ga may i~ill domdom, maoli SIl billay 01 kalogal'ijun


lJel'h-ed from the Spani b "('antill''' (to sing)



l~:) -


It i:;

beyond any qnestion that must of the Filipino uinlects are derived from a common origin: lhe Malay tongue. For this reason lOany Bisayan \\'ord" n rfl exactly the l::lUilJe ill other Filipino dialectf', and many others bear SOIllH local dialectal differences, thus all\"ayil showing a C01TI11l0 I origin. The followi ng lisll:l are short collections of slich worus. WORDS EX,\CTLY TIll:.: S.D1E

r~ B[SAYA~ A~D I~


A Allino.--~ll;lllI)W

Ako. (*)---1 A.:a.w.--'fn sI1nt1wh Aglit.--A litlle put AlIlilJao.-·l\orth wind AIlUk.--SOIl, u:lughlel'

\ ~ S II' 1 d .f S~ll.· - a A 1'0.-' C,l'<\,l1l 'UIl, gran - A .( "r't I swag.-1 C1 . lall~htel' Atal'.--Liver ~ PI)g.-- Llllle .'. . 9aWI\.-- Wife AI' <1~ .--Flght

B Ihsa.--To read Babo)' .-- L'i~ IhLn.- Cltild /)U-r'1 --l{eu-holt Jlalu.--Stoue B'\~H~--a!!, lik\;< Ihwi.--Tu recover Baga. --Luug B:1 n\ I,:\s.--Gu:l\·a Ba~oll.--Tn. rni,;e Ba·\'Hd.--Pay Balltuv.--" ,tLeh Uanlil·is.-A killu or rock Ua)'ltw --l3rvther-i nola w

Hok:i.--Opell, nntieu Boka,;.--Open. Bok6.--Knot Bot16k.--IIail' Bo~\.--Fl'Uit

K J':',l)ig.--Pull KI\!Jo\' .--Tree, w·,.)oLl

KaWa\'a:l.--H:3111 \)OU timber, Kilal,i.--'fo kllow Koha.--T'lke

K6htg. --Insnffici:mt Kota.--\Vall

D J):1l!:1t.--SNt

lJalton. -- Le,"


]JaIL--Qui k L>i la.-Tongup

Dog6 .. Blood

I Ihauaw.--llver Iknw.--TllUll, yun (1,)

We U'''- in Lhl-se

Lnit.--Heat Ii~L:

the orlhol!l'uplly

.!;o@!11.--Drink pnoPOIlC?<.I in till' 1Ir t puge of

lhi ' -'I.luok. os HII orthog'l'tll'h) prn('li(·tlll~r (11f.\ ~nh\.:.: i~ II;)\\" jll 'l'ngtl.I(lg. But we C1l1)lJUY uidy thl~I'C y.J\\"I.!lb a, i, o.





rralJ1I)!at. -- W t'l3t II aplall. --Sta il'case Ih~·op. -Anilll:11

Iii no~. -- Hi pe H6gfi!!.-- \\ ash

H ilaw.-- U mi pc Hinay.-=Slow

L L:1bi".--I:xC'c":o

Lak bny .--(io O\'er Lll-~aw.-Fly

La-~it.--Ilt!aven, sky

L·\ way .--8ali \'a Likotl.--BtlCk Lima.--Vi\·e Li wallag. --Clcnrne:!B

Lok!"Il.--J u nIp LohiL--Tenl'

Lor~.--Spit Lot~. --('onk('ll


~b:16k.--(,h il-kcn

:.\[a!;l.-- Eye

~\i al.l II h6k. -- Flit J{ay. ·-There l~, etc.

1\[;IY<l.--'-\ kink of hiru

N ~·):illus . --Tl)

~iri!1 ... ThinlleS:l



o O!.(:H.--Yeill, HerVe ( )Id.·-Tlead (In.-- YeJ'l

Up:\.-- P~ll-Illellt Ot.a~.-- Debt

()\\ ak.--RftYen O\\<l\" .. -Yine

p 1'.lkpak.-Al.j1lause with lHllmfl Pail --Bitterlll'''s Pnlrul.-Pnllll of the hand Patay.--Kill l'nti.--AIso, with

Pi\tog. --Tn pfu.l·e Q\-er Pil.y<¥.--U III urella 1':1\'PU)' .-- Fau

Pi \lISa n. --Plate Pit6.--t:!eypn Pukpok.--To beat.

Pili.--A tree so called Pola.--Rec! Pl!!"od.--Navel TIili.--To sele<·t

s RlI. -Tn, at, (l'om, Oil, etc . 8:1l"1'ay.--To ('orreet Sawil:tw.--To wash :-1ahl\\v.--13roth tjiko.--EIl!ow :-111kHI·. -To embark t;aki~--Sikne,.;s

t;i~ba. --To udore

Hagfg. --B:\ l1a 11a Sa10. -- R,'l'e i \"t.

f:lili.--Ppper Siya.--He, sbe

" .' -......

Sivam.--Nine Soka.--To vomit

Sogay.--HOl'll Solog.--Forwanl SODod.--Folow ~on og.-- Fi re

T Tu:\s.--nci~h l T:lha~.--Ttl


T:\dl":l<l.--T,) l'ril"k Tngi:-;.--Tn WPI·p TahL·-Tu sew

'Ii 11·IO~C --"0 III h Tiy:'ill . --Belly T,d,t.--,1. wille Tohit.-- WI'C'at Tnh6.--Su;.Ptl' calle.

w ~\'uI6


TolK;. Profit, to grow Tohod. Knee Tohog. To string Ton6g. Sound Twad. To fal'E' tin W"tlW!1l''':;




\yon n:-: ,nTH Rmn: 1n:\ L ECT .U, ])1 f.FETI ENCER

Differences in the vowels i, o. 1:1:<,\ YA::\




Akin Al1lin Asim "\ till At!p Hituin

III y,


ti.~h-bone, boue rice weight. to su n cleaf ('ooked ril'C to e,lt to itch, ikbillg amount, mucb to arri\'e to adhere. adhered (\;11' k slice to Well \'e kiss, to kiss to llccompnllY to UOITOW potable watÂŁ>1' lJlack ' Heck wenveu nipn floor


A s lom Atull

Atup Hi:6on Bukog





Unlall Bligol 1\:'ln-on K:wn Ka tn\ Dalll'o Dntug

Dilau Ri~i

K:\nin Knin

Kat! Dami nati~

111 ine onr ncidity Ol1!'

roof s tnl'


j)i ld t.

J)O\{'1ll (ior6t Habol Ha\,(.k II atou 11 Or:llll J nOllll>1I

j)iI i III

(Jilit HnlJi lIa)ik Hatid Hir!llll JUl1nlin



J ~ i o}.!

1'a \I'ut l

Liig Pawicl


~~Ihi g

:-;'llHlig Takl.\, Tan n lll Tal'ull} '['inllnk

:->: II HI a 1

t<> 1en Jl




T Cll}f.k

'!',lIlilll ]',lli Il~ 'fllndol;: Tillcli:,!' Til1ik

plantAtion cllge of a 10 WO \'C! , etc, n killd of iJani\Ull to ~ t:\ iii 1 til'-,l'IJ




k. h, I, r, d, t,

Blf'.\ Y..I..'\



AdlaI\' Anlln nall,~ I Ill. lay Halo Halon Harahibo Bllri Bohln Kng6u Kal"t I\, a mil Kol6 l>ttlall

Araw Alam

::;\1/1 ,

I )arnga

nig~ Dir\ IIadi HalalJ:l Ilal:lr c'll1 l[arr&\'o


liaro Bahay Bau Baon Balabibo Bali Bwan Kaynd Klimot Kay6 Knkn. Daun

Dlilagfl, J.igo Hil1lfi.

Hari Mllhaba ~Ialalill1

Malayo Hig'a

(111 \'

Wisdom Chern ise Hoase vVi<low, widower Pl'ovisiell Feather, ,Tawn To break 1\loon, month '1'0 scrath To scratch Yon Nail Path, road Young girl To bath Not l(ing LangDeep Far To lay down





Lnkau Uot Malinis J.nluok Sa III Pl! PlIl!lboy Pi lit l'lll~) 1. \\'(\~ Sabod KalHpati :-;ala\\"l\l

To walk Ocean Glean J\1osq 11 i to Ten Fa\'ul', grace To force Island Bt'oad To rccei\"c Pigcon Pant!' They Tu appeal' Beneath ('om b Letter

L:lwod l\lahinis ~amok

Napolo Parabol l'irit Puro Roag~alod


:-\a 1'0 \\':\ I ~il'R







f-!.nklllY :-:Illat :-\nluk

t:"OI'at ~()l't)k


- 1 ,',)



'fa.1ii·l 'fa l'u~

Tail.:fl. T;'lo~


Toro TIll'og Tokt .. k


Drop To sleep To ;::Olll1<1,






Differences in tile arcent, an(l in the separation of the syllables. 1:lI1>.\ \"A:\


Bl'iii k Kuh:l UUlHl

B:ilfk (':lud



Laon Sautly

L,tull Sau:l.\'



KlI.u·it Kalll-:l \\' Kan-on Koal1 l;'lh-i l'a" -H SalJ-it Tan-HW Tlg-a 'ful-iu



lloila lIauob~) S o k(,1

'1',,16 ( In'JlI' Upa l


to come back to take oar "j:;ier-in -law olu, ancient


&iJlluI tal1<:OllS 1>1 ngh connected a di~h


E.-!lIin K\, ~n Un bf

('ooked rit:e f<u alld so l' \' elli n g', ni~llt


kinu or banana to book to luuk hardness H


Tan,! \\" Tig&d Twiu Trall~funnati()11



hom a to



and \'ice\1ena

Alapaal' Kamay

cloud, fog

Ilalawa :\lauah~t SlIkat


'raUl) _\ II i III

.\ pat I' \;\ k

hanci ]\)W

measnre three :;ix fllllr




E JLKA'J' .-\

pvn, 1 2


,;itS. 1 (note) this method ].~ han

8 1:1 3 If) 23 18 10 18 27 ]9

(11ote) SUPRA


19]9 ~~


24 25

11 31

















simyly 1ake


:~o ~l





in!?1ed t.hat and te


C'Rbataan'(l't'1l ni011 ]\1 I,' make ,I el'pel'ti Vp -1 -, tl'1l :!:1 -;oriatiollS ,,(notes) panit.\'

:39 +0

+. I ~





inflexion samet l(>t(>r~

-w -n -n +~


J:! d..J:


:~,4(notl's) onomatopit~


17 :!H :~[J



zingibel' Ifwrl fll'f<tand pasf'anger lollwed

f'xpreF<f:eF< namE'" tt,~t,.

adjer, excessi\'e before the pl'imitive

last line excesi"f' 1 before pl"imitjve 11 paintful




tnete", adj(>-

111, 2)





bold in reading)

patla, l'apaua


l'xpres:'e", 1 (notf') nam!?:.;





flier) pa\]~,


the method han. canan



25 2J 2H

ir))' city,


painful instead and that "



cabataan-(I'eunion t.o make uepl'eciati ve



" "

variations littleness ooomatop oetic FEMININE


nr by


-" same Jettel's ., ginget' .. understand passenger "



13-1 -




4-6 'W


cabataan "" guipac, gnipac (saliba) '" (l'esine \ " (nnarticulate ,'oice) " Quita, C!lml (we) " further frolll the 1.'peaker tl~an from the listenesl' ., the fOl'm hadton


46 30 4-0 30 -l7 10 4-V 1 50 ::0



1)2 11 ,i2 lll, HI, N 52 16 52 28 52 3 (~otes) 52 4- (~ote , ) ;)8 lii ;)\J 1, -l i1\l 21 flO 11), liO :!f1

" inflexion litterally yerlecl " flwer) prel'eds the adjetive permisihlC' litternlh litlerally " I hanl wl'ittf'n <l wrC!)te" l'nhjnhtin' llade ..



F.,K!l III P

62 62

18 tbe ~aitl consonant, being" 1 (Note) Potencial


(\:\ I)il

F~TURE H del'llli Hed :?8,24 fj-l 21 the "OHlt.' 64 1 (not,e) sn IJjunctive if it an \1 11;' :!~ I': he HI 07 :) PX('E'I' 1'1 "R 1~ ;.tD !lAND tl;-; :!l thl' C'omuillRticl(J I)~ 2:: ((lrinke() HrI :\(1 Ii\) :!l. 2:1. :!Ii Ii rt. I:-:J)IC'ATIVI.: 70 :; I ,~DI(,ATIVF. 70 10 and interfix " 17 litleralh' IS I.:! I'H()C;RR:;;:O;I\I~

;8 ~Ij sO ;I:! s {J

:~ :!

P .\581



11 ~ • L

RELATIVE inflection literally e::;;~re~sed

flower) pl'e!'edes the adjective pPrmissible literally literally (I hnve writteu, I wrote) Bubjllnetive had Example the said consonant being Potential FUTURE


,Ieterm i ned the S~ mt' subjunctive if it i~ lin


'1'111' pxcepi

uf flDn


C'urubinatioll (drunk ) lit,. I~F1NITIVE


lind the interfix 1iterally PRO(1RE~l<ln:

[)lR'rR U)IE.'\'rAL


\,1 ~



cabntlian guipic, gnipac (Raliva) (resin) (inarticulate voice) Quita, cami (3) (we) far from bo ..h, the speaker and thp li~teFler the forms hadto and haton,


n:<, you [hem IIO[ w!'it"

".\(;[: U;\E













83 20 81 2-1

3-1 R6 86


" 3

86 26 .J " 87 14 Si :;4 88











7 27

m !H 92



92 20 82 21) n!1 ;)









10:! ll):!

:ll :5

lOa ] ():~ 1ll:3

tl :!7

104 104 lOS IO(j lO()

fi :!n :!l.2Z






prilllitive forms and in and other wher there arp came take pO!ltponed to them ALV ERB1AL FORM carh hefere oruinaryly I'reseut with jJre~ent contigent the rains than; litterally it as follWl! os the- form litternlly

" among the primitive forms ., and among the " and the other where ff they are " come f' take!! " follow them " ADVERBIA.L FOR* Eeach " before "IJ orciin;,ryly " p 'esent ,. with the present " contingent f' the rain " them; literally " is as follows " of the form literally




leave of abandonment " leave or abandonment Ii terally littpraJ1y the interfix the the interiix preceding proceding " reciprocate l'e ei poe I'll te hottel' hattpl' tune " tone whid) " with lit,el'ally I ittera lIy riemonstrat.l ve JeUlUf.I!:ltl'ati \,f" should thonld literally 1ittNal h' Ii teralIy I itteralh be said hI" .,;ad literally 1i tterally " I'l'e(:ecrled nsed .Tonh "urrespond i I1g



lIse John corresponding word





lI1eet Illi.\1seiull}


U llllf<efully





meat Deiecto


10u -

1' .\10 /'. 1.1.' F



107 :!() lOS 21 IOn Vi 109 ,)'.-' ~,' 109 no 26 111 If> 111 28 111 2 (note) 118 34 122. III 123 .23 124 25 12¡1 26 125 27 128 14 128 19, 20,,21 128 3 (note) C)~



(!rowing hulter to lost 11it. Inste maintanenre .leer, for fat chaw-chaw object hastned , some other':..!


, . • lrawing butter ,. to lose .. bet .. taste " maintenaDre " dear, fat " chow -clll'w II objects ' . -.. ,: . hastened .. ~ame order " verse!! of six syllables, verses ., BISAYAN SONGS ., f0110wing songs. " 1'0,'ed " _-\;:(lit, aswag., Baga, Bagn, Baga .. three vowels


MAtoA fU lJI'lDAl'tUM, IN(: .


PL 5624 R65 Ii E R I TAG E Bisayan grammar and notes on Bisayan rhetoric and poetics


LIB It A It Y and Filipino didlectology

I by Norberto Romualdez

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