1951El Espiritu

Page 30

ltU01 \J. S\Jl(llThree years ;,it C.H.S. Letterman's Club 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Ba11d J, 4; B Football Z; Chorus 2, 3; Roy the Boy, trumpet.

Two years at C.H.S. Camera Club 3, 4; B Footb:.11 4; Daubers 4; Annual St:iff 4; Joker. persistent.

Two ye:u-s at C.H.S. Social Chairman 3; Daubers, Vice­ Pres. 4; Hallowe'en Dance 4; Sona­ leader 4: Vivacious. pep, popubr.'='

120DI 1 WtlDED DE-llU Three years at C.H.S. Key Club 3, 4; Football 3. 4, Letter­ man's Club 3, 4; Stage Crew 2. 3, 4; Co-editor of Wolfpacket 4: Vonder­ wagoo , "Vondy," Senior girls.

S1.x years at C.H.S. Talent Show I, 2, 3, 4: C.S.F. 2, 3, 4, Ensemble 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; "Qur Heart, Were Young & Gay" 4; Costume Di.rector -4; Drama, sew­ ing. 28

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