Staying Positive

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Stay Positive


Gareema Deeksha Amelia Jessica Sarah

Lockdown is very controversial, some people like it, while others don’t. When you stay at home for a long time, it is normal to feel anxious. The first step is recognise and accept these emotions, accepting these emotions means that you are trying to be honest about how you are feeling. Don’t suppress your feeling or try to get rid of them. Accepting your emotions can actually help you control them. When we’re in lockdown, it is important to find something to do, something that’ll keep you motivated. Whether it’s a friend or a hobby, it doesn’t matter what it is, just something you like to do. While staying at home it is important to do things you love, but you also need to do things for your mental and physical health. Stay active, is the one thing all lockdowns have included as a reason to leave home, given that exercise triggers the release of endorphins into the bloodstream. Endorphins relieve pain and reinstate a feeling of well-being, taking a walk, jog, run or cycle everyday during lockdown will help fend off the blues. So come on folks take a walk with us through the pages of this magazine, designed to encourage you and give you ideas to spend your lockdown a bit better! Remember you are not alone! Gareema

We can together! Last year COVID – 19 took over the world we were quick to get into lockdown to contain the outbreak. This didn’t help since we are humans’ and social creatures, we are so interconnected it didn’t take long for the whole planet to be affected by the virus. At first the idea of working from home seemed like rose petals until you pulled them off, to reveal the ants. Many lost their jobs and lost their loved ones all to COVID – 19. People started isolating themselves from the world. We forgot how to interact with each other, forgot how to carry conversations. The novelty of lockdowns wore off in rapid time and our global leaders found it hard to keep everyone safe. Millions of protests = Millions of Outbreaks. We didn’t realise the cost of our actions and how by doing this, we were just affecting ourselves. Many people found it hard to keep going and many had poor mental health. They started to stop looking at the positives and got engulfed by negativity. Today we’ve made this magazine to help you to keep looking at the positives and keep you going for the long road ahead. Deeksha (co-editor)

Come with Me!

Let us explore and discover the world, in lockdown, around us!

Our World

Before lockdown we were slowly destroying the world around us by wasting our precious resources such as our fossil fuels, gas and many others. This was causing GLOBAL WARMING. Our world was being destroyed day by day. Then COVID - 19 hit our world in December 2019. There were many negative impacts on us but for the first time nature had time to heal. crops were growing, roads empty this was a blessing in disguise. We started to realise how beautiful our world is and its not our place to destroy it but to mantain it.

Because when you stop and look around, this world is pretty amazing -Dr Suess


Strong words You would have heard them before, i am just repeating!

Resilience Strength Patience Gratitude

Well-being in Lockdown Everyone knows, by now, the ins and outs of lockdown. We’ve toughened up throughout 6 periods of stay-at-home rules, restricted to a certain limit and confined to our houses and our screens. During this turbulent time of COVID-19 in Victoria, looking after ourselves is just as important as looking after the community - which is why I’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks I’ve found useful for my wellbeing over the course of my journey through the coronavirus. To stay well in lockdown, first think about yourself. Take the initiative to have alone time to recover from the day. This could be traversing your favourite walking route, undergoing your favourite activity, anything to give you the energy you need to walk back into a room with a smile on your face. It could be difficult at times but remember that this will pass. Gratitude is another integral part of getting through lockdown. I’m not saying to ignore the inconveniences and problems the last few hours – or even weeks – have held for you. Look at the whole day, the dark parts, the bright parts, and choose to focus on the better moments. Jotting down what others have done for you, or what you did for others, can change your entire outlook.

Exercising is a priority, especially when you’re restricted to your home most of the time. Get out there, get as much fresh air as you can with a mask, and you’ll feel the benefits right away. Regular exercising has been known to improve your mental, emotional and physical health. It’s a win-only situation.

Lastly, always look out for those around you. Feeling needed in a time when you might be suffering emotions of helplessness and incompetence can do wonders for your health - as well as the health of those around you. Make sure your friends and family are alright and that they have as much support as they need. We’re all going through the same experiences, everyone, and we’ll get through this together. As someone I know once told me:

“We are living in dark times, but even these dark times can be a blessing.”


Things to do! We asked our friends how are they occupying themselves during the holidays, in lock down? This is what they had to say.....

Lockdown Lookout I guess I make time for myself and do something that i enjoy.

a a i i l l e e m m A A

Jes sic a I look after myself mentally by taking breaks when I need them. The first step to a good mental health is to give yourself time to reflect on your day and plan for the next one. Exercising is also a great way to feel good about yourself - like you're doing something worthwhile with your time.

I I try to go off screens as much as I can. I do fun things with my family like puzzles and board games (bored games). Help with gardening and go waking with my family.

Sa rah

Remember! There is always a light at the end of the tunnel (and sometimes a TV)!

Acts and Scenes of Positivity I trudged through the streets, breath heavy and stale in my mask. The sun beat down on my back, and I felt like I was baking in the heat, shrivelling up into a husk. Fresh air. I laughed at the word. More like dead air - the mask made the humidity from the day ten times worse. Life had been difficult, the workload overwhelming, and my very bones ached. As I turned the corner, I spotted a flash of white to my left. I spun around, then, despite everything... I smiled. Sticking out of the ground was a whole village of spoons, morphed into characters from books and movies. I saw Harry Potter, with his tell-tale scar, and Forky from Toy Story, Pipecleaners sticking out every which-way. The art looked to have been created by people of all ages; kids and their parents, high-schoolers and primaryschool students. Arcing above this all, there was a large wooden sign. It read: 'SPOONVILLE. Everyone welcome!' Going home that day, I wondered at the creativity of human beings. Because when our world is reduced to one tiny house, we decide to create a village.


Acts and Scenes of Positivity Acts of positivity include when going for walks, seeing friends on your walks and walking with friends too. Also, you get to see a lot of people outside because lockdown is pushing everyone to go out. Finally, when I go walking and buy lunch from small cafes and shops, I feel happy to help the businesses , during lockdown.


Acts and Scenes of Positivity Acts of positivity are there, all around the pandemic, but it is what we choose to see. A few days ago, I walked down the well-paved streets of Melbourne and I saw a basket of lemons sitting on the porch of someone’s house, there was a big sign that read “Free Lemons”. There it was just sitting there, a true act of positivity, I thought to myself “When life gives you lemons, take them, because hey, Free Lemons”, a quote that truly applies to this scenario. Another act I saw is quite simply something you wouldn’t think is an act of positivity, When I was at the grocery shops, it was nice to see children accompany their parents. Mainly the older generation accompanied by their sons or daughters, it was nice to see them help push the trolleys, talk and shop around with them, as for the older generation it created a sense of belonging because usually, grocery shopping is their only outing. You’d see them all get dressed ready and go, and due to COVID their sons and daughters had come to help them to help them cope with the isolation. COVID you’d think has separated us all, but in other ways, it has connected us back all together. The perspective is important, “Always look on the bright side of life.”


Acts and Scenes of Positivity Walking calms me down. it clears my mind. So if your stressed take a walk and have positive thoughts and a healthy mind. Going for a walk puts me in a good mood as it clears my mind With a clear mind, it's easier for me to be in a good mood and stay positive.


Our top quotes! "Stay positive. Better days are on their way" -Anonymous "If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." - Martin Luther King Jr "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." - Maori Proverb "I don't try to be candy coated. I don't try to walk on eggshells. I am what I am. Love me or hate me." - Pink

The Importance of Positivity Lockdown. a word a few years ago that was practically meaningless but now we all know too well what it means! It may be hard and stressful and scary and worrying (and other words) but there’s positivity within our very homes. Let's start with a very common one. I know being stuck at home means you see a lot of your siblings and parent and not much of other people. However, you now can do more fun activities at home, strengthening your bonds with them. Another positive is what’s happening outside of your house. Pollution levels have gone down. More people aren’t using their cars as often and there is less traffic and less noise!

Now moving on to some exciting things to look forward to after lockdown! Seeing friends and family is a big one, as being trapped in your house with limited social interaction makes you want to scream. Humans are supposed to see other people and without socialising, your mood can dip way below zero. Leisure activities are also something that many people are keen on. It’s been FOREVER since we’ve gone bowling, or swimming, or going on that holiday you planned for 2020 but some unexpected virus ruined them… the list is endless!


Lockdown Laughs


Finally... The only way forward from this pandemic is to get vaccinated! Yes guys! That is the only truth at the moment.... so what are you waiting for, go get the jab!

See you all on the other side!

Thank you for reading

all rights reserved Festive Riot 2021

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