Eat:Drink Bradford

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Editors Note

Haigh Simpson (Festival Publications)

Welcome to the first ever Eat|Drink Bradford guide, a neat little handbook showcasing the best restaurants, cafes and bars in the Bradford district.

It is an exciting time to be based in the city, with developments such as the Broadway shopping centre and Sunbridge Wells injecting a new lease of life into the place. Elsewhere the superb Oastler Centre is a multi-cultural treasure trove of street-food style cuisine. Just around the corner is North Parade, packed with personality and home to some of Bradford’s best independent bars and cafes. We are spoilt for choice and it is improving all the time. It is the same story in Saltaire, Bingley and Keighley, where established favourites and creative newcomers are helping to improve the quality, choice and experience for drinkers and diners. We have tried to harness this into a handy directory-style guide to some of the districts finest venues. These include many venues we have worked with through our magazines and other venues that have been hand-picked for the quality and passion they offer.

We hope this guide will encourage more people to eat out more often in the Bradford area and contribute to a burgeoning cultural asset. We are grateful to everyone who helped to make this first edition possible including Visit Bradford, all participating venues, contributors and our design partners Foxduo Design Ltd. But never mind all that, it’s time you started planning your next night out...

Photo by Guzelian

Copy editors: Haigh Simpson, Lauren Fitzgerald, Rob Walsh Design: FoxDuo Design Distribution: Face Distribution, Visit Bradford This publication is published by Festival Publications Ltd. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of content we accept no liability for any resulting loss or damage. Views expressed by contributors are their own and not those of the publisher. ŠFestival Publications Ltd. All rights reserved. No reproduction or copying without permission. All information correct at time of publication, opening times subject to change. Please contact venues directly if you are unsure.

Festival Publications Ltd. t: 07392110861 e:


Sponsors Message

Diana Greenwood (Visit Bradford)

Visit Bradford are really pleased to be supporting the first ever Eat|Drink Bradford guide. Bradford has a fantastic food and drink offering and we hope this guide will encourage you to explore the district and sample some of its finest restaurants, bars and cafe’s. With its rich cultural heritage, Bradford is home to a wide range of cuisines from around the world and closer to home. Whether you are looking for a Middle Eastern mezze, an authentic curry or some traditional pub grub, Bradford has it all. It is famous for its curry deservingly holds the title of Curry Capital of the World. The district is also home to dozens of cosy pubs serving up traditional heart-warming meals in true Yorkshire style.

In the city centre, the growing culture of independent bars and cafes is the perfect compliment to a night at the West End, which has also seen a resurgence of new bars recently.

In the suburbs new and established eateries and bars continue to deliver choice, quality and a real taste of Yorkshire. Bradford district is also part of the real ale revolution and has an abundance of real ale bars and craft beer houses. Hopefully this guide will provide a handy aid as you explore the city and all it has to offer!


Photo by Guzelian

Contents Bradford: Curry Capital Of The World ��� 08 Little Germany: Bradfords Hidden Gem 12 Bradford Profiles ���������������������������������� 16 Shipley/Saltaire Profiles ����������������������� 38 Bingley Profiles ����������������������������������� 52 Keighley/Haworth Profiles ������������������� 66



Bradford: Curry Capital of the World

Photos by Guzelian

Bradford: Curry Capital of the World Every city has its ups and downs, but even throughout Bradford’s, erm, “iffy” years, there’s been a unifying presence that’s bonded us and furnished us with a welldeserved sense of swagger. Loved by the nation, but delivered with a particular passion and panache in these parts.

That’s right. Cheeky scamp Billy Pearce and his annual pantomime turn is a thing of legend. He’ll probably enjoy a few post-show curries throughout the season will Billy, and we’re pretty good at those too. Our repeat victories in the annual Capital of Curry competition warm the ghee-sodden heart.

So, come. Take our turmeric-stained, coriander-scented hand and let’s seek out the finest fodder that Bradford has to offer.

We’ll begin up the road from the Alhambra theatre with a triumvirate of decades-old local institutions that, disappointingly, nobody’s ever thought to call “The Curry Triangle.” Until now. 8

Bradford: Curry Capital of the World

Rick Stein went to the Karachi a few years ago and had such a spiffing old time of it that Saturday Kitchen shows the clip every other week.


Rick Stein went to the Karachi a few years ago and had such a spiffing old time of it that Saturday Kitchen shows the clip every other week. He opted for the lamb karahi, which mysteriously went up in price after the episode was broadcast. Given the oomph of meaty flavour, I suspect it’s actually mutton in that aromatic, moss-hued sauce. Round the corner, The Kashmir’s similar in the sense that it, too, could do with a lick of paint, but the famous, if ominous-sounding ‘meat curry’ (fear not, it’s more mutton) still has them flocking. Sit downstairs with the cool kids/council employees.

Robustly seasoned, spritely-spiced dishes of thick-sauced goodness will be found at The International, with a lime pickle that manages to tick each box of the tongue’s taste map. Bitter, salty, tangy brilliance. It’s likely, too, that you’ll be on hugging terms with the gregarious gaffer by the time you leave. Supping that new-fangled beer at The Sparrow or Record Cafe can be strenuous work, as I well know, and sustenance will be required. Get yourselves up to Sheesh Mehal for a heady rogan josh, or the attached Westgate where, local legend has it, the city’s chefs converge in the early hours to eat together. Just like the superhero hangout X Mansion, then, but for curry cooks.



Bradford: Curry Capital of the World

You’re not far away from the Sweet Centre up here; another spot popular with fans of the traditional approach. I know of one devotee who, in dark days for the city, refused to let a piffling thing like the riots get in the way of their weekly fix of chickpea masala. Dedication. It would be remiss when harping on about the best places to get among the spicy stuff not to mention the decor and service at some of these much loved establishments. The polite term that springs to mind is “old school”. Don’t expect any of that Michelin guff here, and if you’re lucky enough to get cutlery then well done you: VIP status has been unlocked.

That said, up past the University you’ll find blingy Mumtaz. Not one for the purists, this place, who often prefer the rustic charms of the smaller and shabbier joints closer to town for their fiery fix. And, what with the New Scotland Yard style sign outside, the branded bottles of water and showy photos of royal visits, they’re right; it could all seem a bit gaudy. But the curry we shovelled down here, a fragrant, slowburner of a chicken karahi, was an absolute belter. You’ll pay an extra couple of quid but it’s money well spent, and, after all, the ‘leccy bill for that rotating sign won’t be cheap. 10

A bhaji’s throw up the hill sits the Bharat, purveyor of the hottest dish ever to pass these lips; and that from a man not afraid to knock back three Doritos Roulette crisps in one go. I’m not the only sucker to be caught out by the jalfrezi here; a sizzling dry fry of chicken, peppers and what appeared to be half a sack of chilli powder, and the place is often rammed. We were warned, to be fair, but when a Bradford curry has been such a part of your upbringing that it’s practically in your DNA, one accepts this kind of advisory caution with something of a ‘whatevz’ attitude. The last stop on this particular path lands us at Lala’s whose dark, luscious Lamb Nihari oozing all the richness of a bit of meat cooked on a low heat for a long time - is deserving of an honourable mention. What we didn’t finish was bagged up and - but of course - consumed for breakfast the next morning. This is a rule. Our curry map spreads far and wide. Back in town, amid the covering-all-bases menu there’s some top drawer balti action to be had at My Lahore; the samosa chaat at Pakeezah’s cafe is a thing of crunchy, tangy aceness; and they’re queueing out of the door at Akbar’s.

Bradford: Curry Capital of the World

This list isn’t definitive. It’s a rundown of places popular with The People, where you might want to go toe-to-toe with a dish of spicy something, scooped up with a patch of steaming chapatti, usually for under a tenner.


You could quench your thirst at the timeless Fighting Cock boozer before heading round the corner for pungent provisions courtesy of the Punjab Sweet House, where we enjoyed mild and aromatic Good Things. Return to the pub. Repeat.

Being all cultured and having a nosey around Saltaire? Stop pretending - you’re kidding nobody - and go and educate yourself at the Rajpoot or Shimla Spice instead, a mere amble down the road.

This list isn’t definitive. It’s a rundown of places popular with The People, where you might want to go toe-to-toe with a dish of spicy something, scooped up with a patch of steaming chapatti, usually for under a tenner. Nor is it an attempt to identify the best curry in Bradford, which would of course be a fool’s errand. Although that is a debate where impassioned locals will be only too happy to set out their well-rehearsed and often spirited opinion. By Richard Miller (Eating the North) To read more articles by Richard, visit



Little Germany: Bradfords Hidden Gem

Little Germany: Bradford's Hidden Gem Photos by Guzelian

Located a short walk from Bradford city centre, Little Germany is an architecturally significant area that was once at the heart of the international wool textile industry of the Victorian era.

Aside from these beautiful buildings the most striking thing about Little Germany is the fact that it’s, well, quiet. (Very quiet, in fact). For those of us who live here, this can be a blessing. However for the handful of restaurants and cafés operating in the area it presents a clear challenge.

Indeed See Hung Pang, manager of Bangkok Thai on East Parade, comments, “The location is challenging because we are slightly out of the town centre, hidden away if you like.” At first glance it may seem that there isn’t a lot going on in Little Germany. However there are several notable cafés and restaurants hidden away in this quiet, mainly residential and architecturally beautiful area of Bradford. The owners and managers behind some of these businesses discuss how they are meeting the challenges of operating in this quiet corner of the city… 12

While Little Germany is something of an unknown treasure within the city, it’s location means that there is very little foot traffic. It’s interesting to find out how the restaurants in the area view this challenge.

Imran Ahmed, owner of Cona, an upscale restaurant also on East Parade, does not see a lack of walk-ins as a huge issue, “We pride ourselves on being this destination restaurant, where people visit Little Germany especially to see us.”

Little Germany: Bradford's Hidden Gem


It’s interesting to note that the businesses featured here are all relative newcomers to Little Germany, with Café Patisserie the longest resident at just less than three years.

For Imran Ahmed, Cona’s place on the UK’s gastronomic map as a destination restaurant is an essential source of custom, “We don’t have any competition locally or nationally – simply because no other restaurant in the country is doing Halal food at this level. We’re getting foodies travel from all over to sample what we’re doing.” It’s a strategy that is clearly paying off with up to 20 to 30 tables a week coming from cities outside of Bradford. Similarly Nik Dickens, manager of Guzelian’s Café Bar on Church Bank says, “I’d like people to come because they’ve found us and we’re a destination for the night.”

Frank Simpson, co-owner of Café Patisserie on the edge of Little Bradford on Barkerend Road also found that foot traffic was not a substantial source of custom, with over 90% of his customers arriving by car.

Without high levels of passing trade I wondered how big a role word-of-mouth plays for Little Germany’s cafés and restaurants, and how they

utilise social media to their advantage.

Cona’s Imran Ahmed says word-of-mouth plays a “massive part”, and the business also has a significant social media presence. “We do everything – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even LinkedIn. We like to post at least every day, if not twice.” Likewise Guzelian’s Nik Dickens has fully embraced the power of social media. “I would say that everything we do at the minute is through social media. It really, really works for small businesses.” It’s interesting to note that the businesses featured here are all relative newcomers to Little Germany, with Café Patisserie the longest resident at just less than three years. Collectively these businesses are contributing to what is widely seen as a resurgence of Bradford.

This is good news for Dave West, spearhead of Little Germany Action, a not-for-profit organisation which exists to promote the area.



Little Germany: Bradford's Hidden Gem

Nik Dickens, manager of Guzelian Café Bar, “I don’t think Broadway affects us at all.” On one hand, he says, lots of office workers in Little Germany forgo the cheaper lunch options and favour Guzelian. On the other hand some people are actually put off by the café/bar’s location, which is up a slight hill from the shopping centre! See Hung Pang, manager of Bangkok Thai, says that while the he hasn’t seen any additional footfall from Broadway, “One thing is for sure, it’s good for Bradford in general.” Frank Simpson of Café Patisserie admits the effect of Broadway on his business is hard to quantify yet there appears to be some positives, “It seems to be regenerating Bradford. I’d prefer it to be there, rather than not be there.” He comments, “It’s been very hard to find a good selection of bars, cafes and restaurant across the spectrum in Bradford. That’s changing for the better and needs to keep changing.”

However, he warns that those of us who live and work here should not become complacent. “For it to work, Bradford people must use these outlets and support them – use them or lose them.” There is no doubt the landscape of Bradford is changing, so what impact has the nearby Broadway shopping centre with its plentiful food and drink options had on restaurants operating in Little Germany? 14

The opening of Broadway has had a mixed reaction from the city but Dave West, spearhead of Little Germany Action, see’s a definite upside.

He comments, “Broadway has reconnected Little Germany and the Cathedral Quarter with the rest of the city centre – that’s the primary benefit. It has opened a lot of people’s eyes to a part of Bradford they were unfamiliar with.” Dave West also hopes that the introduction of Sunbridge Wells, a unique underground shopping and leisure area, will lead to the further rejuvenation of the city, “This can only be good for the city and Little Germany – the more diverse the offer the better!”

Little Germany: Bradford's Hidden Gem

Talk of Broadway and Sunbridge Wells raises the question of whether the ongoing rejuvenation of Bradford could lead to more catering and retail businesses moving into Little Germany.

Café Patisserie’s Frank Simpson believes more catering and retail in Little Germany would be a good thing, “It gives you the opportunity to build your business and you’ve got to be competitive, which I think is also very healthy.” So, on a more general note, does the future look bright for Little Germany? Dave West is cautiously optimistic, “There are positive signs that Little Germany is on an upward trend as part of the overall


regeneration of Bradford. But there’s still a lot to be done” He concludes, “Now is our opportunity to deliver a fantastic mix of uses that will see a living, thriving, quality quarter of the city within the backdrop of stunning Victorian architecture!”

In short, anyone interested in the future prosperity of Bradford should pay attention to this quiet, low-key area of the city – there’s more going on here than first meets the eye!

By Hannah Giles (The Extra Shot) To read more articles by Hannah, visit




Bradford The 1875 �����������������������������������������18 Bangkok Thai �����������������������������������19 Brew Haus ���������������������������������������20 Cona Restaurant ������������������������������21 Forks �����������������������������������������������22 Guzelian Cafė Bar �����������������������������23 Jinnah ���������������������������������������������24 My Lahore ����������������������������������������25 Mamma Mias �����������������������������������26 The Old Bank ����������������������������������27 Napoleons ��������������������������������������28 Prashad �������������������������������������������30 Restaurant 1914 ������������������������������31 Record Cafe ��������������������������������������32 The Sparrow �������������������������������������34 Zoya ������������������������������������������������36


Bradford Centre: The 1875

The 1875

14-18 Ivegate, Bradford, BD1 1SW

Opening Times: Tues - Sat 12pm - late t: 01274 962 400 w: @1875Experience

THE 1875 IS BRADFORD CITY CENTRE’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT BAR AND EVENT VENUE, OFFERING AN EXCELLENT RANGE OF CRAFT AND DRAUGHT BEERS, PREMIUM SPIRITS AND WINES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. In addition to their extensive drinks offering, the 1875 also specialises in international street food, with a seasonal snacks ideal for lunch, lite bites and parties.

Thanks to it’s size, the 1875 is ideal for any kind of event including corporate events, weddings, conferences and concerts. The bar can comfortably accommodate up to 400 seated guests or around 800 standing. While downstairs, a fully private basement space can accommodate up to 200 standing for any occasion. Events are catered for with the client’s needs and expectations, with a full a la carte or set menu service available.

Bradford Centre: Bangkok Thai

Bangkok Thai

18 East Parade, Little Germany, Bradford, BD1 5EE

Opening Times: Tue - Thurs 5pm-10pm Fri 12pm-2pm, 5pm-11pm Sat 5pm-11pm Sun 2pm-9.30pm t: 01274 788333 w: @BangkokThaiUK

SITUATED IN LITTLE GERMANY BY THE NEW BROADWAY SHOPPING CENTRE, BANGKOK THAI IS A MODERN THAI RESTAURANT OFFERING AUTHENTIC THAI FOOD IN WARM SURROUNDINGS. AN EXTENSIVE MENU OFFERS A RANGE OF CURRIES, STIR FRYS SALADS AND NOODLE DISHES CREATED BY EXPERIENCED HEAD CHEF APIRAK MARAN. Apirak arrived in the UK fourteen years ago bringing with him years of delicate cooking talent which he acquired at a young age. His experience and skill is reflected in a menu full of colour and vibrancy where the ’high’ of the fresh ingredients is never disguised. Choose from the generous early bird menu, the 74-dish main menu or an extensive vegetarian menu and enjoy the fragrant flavours of Thailand in stylish surroundings.



Bradford Centre: Brew Haus

Brew Haus

Church Bank, Bradford, BD1 4DZ

Opening Times: Mon - Thurs 11am - Midnight Food Served until 9pm Fri - Sat 11am - 2am Food Served until 9pm Sun 12pm - 11pm Food Served until 7pm t: 01274 397 397 w: @BrewHausBrad

BREW HAUS IS A WORLD-CLASS FOOD AND DRINK DEN IN THE HEART OF THE CITY OF BRADFORD, OCCUPYING THE GROUND FLOOR OF THE HISTORIC OLD BRADFORD BATHS ON RANDALL WELL STREET. Exposed brickwork, steel beams, antique light fittings and huge Chesterfield sofa booths are but some of the unique features the bar has to offer.

Brew Haus offer a range of specially brewed craft beers and cocktails curated by the award winning Manchester bartenders, ‘The Liquorists’. Their craft beers are sourced from local breweries, wines from around the world and a massive range of cocktails featuring a mixture of classics, re-takes and their own trend-setters garnished with glowsticks, flames and roasted marshmallows. Their food focuses on comfort with proper butchers pies, artisan pizzas, poutines and fresher than fresh salads as well as an ever changing seasonal list of daily specials. .

Bradford Centre: Cona

Cona Restaurant

20 East Parade, Little Germany, Bradford, BD1 5HD

Opening Times: Wed - Fri 12pm-3pm, 6pm -11pm Sat 6pm-11pm Sun 12pm-6pm t: 01274 727 747 w: @cona_restaurant

CONA IS A STYLISH, UPMARKET RESTAURANT LOCATED IN LITTLE GERMANY THAT PRIDES ITSELF ON CREATING BEAUTIFUL DISHES USING THE BEST INGREDIENTS AROUND. The experience at Cona begins in welcoming understated surroundings, a space that celebrates the simplicity of world class products in both the kitchen and the dining environment.

Menus are product-driven, serving seasonal, innovative and classic dishes on clear understanding of flavour. Above all else the food should impress through its sheer simplicity and restraint. Cona serves prime cuts of natural graded beef, importing the finest produce, such as Wagyu, Kobe, USDA to name just a few. It was also the only northern restaurant to cook at 10 Downing Street for David Cameron's Eid reception in 2015.



Bradford Centre: Forks


14 North Parade, Bradford, BD1 3HT

Opening Times: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm Sat 9am - 4pm t: 01274 718 240 w: @forkscafe

FORKS CAFÉ IS A SUPERB VENUE SET IN THE HEART OF BRADFORD’S INDIE QUARTER, PROVIDING FRESH TASTY FOOD AND SUPERB SERVICE. THEIR FABULOUS MENU OFFERS FRESHLY PREPARED HOT MEALS, SANDWICHES AND SNACKS AS WELL AS A STUNNING DELI WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL RANGE OF LOCALLY SOURCED PRODUCE. Forks is also a social enterprise, and provides aspirational work experience and training for people who have recovered from alcohol or drug problems. Its unique approach aims to offer a future to people who want a hand up, not a hand out, by equipping them with quality skills and experience to find sustainable employment in the future.

It is also a superbly relaxing environment with comfortable seating upstairs, fantastic views over North Parade and excellent coffee and cake.

Bradford Centre: Guzelian

Guzelian Cafe Bar Church Bank, Bradford, BD1 4DZ

Opening Times: Mon - Sat 8am - 8pm Sun 10am - 4pm t: 01274 733 898 w: @GuzelianCafeBar

A SMALL BUT PERFECTLY FORMED CAFE BAR AND GALLERY SET IN BRADFORD’S HISTORIC MERCHANT’S QUARTER, GUZELIAN IS AN INTIMATE VENUE RIGHT IN THE HEART OF LITTLE GERMANY. Guzelian provide a variety of services available throughout the day, try their breakfast, lunch, evening tapas or Sunday roast – all freshly cooked behind the bar.

Guzelian has something for everyone, choose from an assortment of mediterranean and english food, accompanied by a variety of drinks. Relax with a fresh-ground coffee, sip on a glass of wine or enjoy a tasty real ale. The interior of Guzelian offers something a little bit different, take in the stunning photography featured on the walls from the Guzelian press agency as you dine.

Just two minutes walk from the Broadway shopping centre and across the way from Bradford Cathedral, make Guzelian your next destination for good food and drink, beautiful surroundings and an enjoyable meal.



Bradford Centre: Jinnah


99-109 Leeds Road, Bradford, BD1 5BL

Opening Times: Sat - Thu 11.30am - 11.30pm Fri 3pm - 11.30pm t: 01274 733 732 w: @JinnahBradford

WITH 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WITHIN THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY, THE FAMOUS JINNAH BRAND HAS FINALLY REACHED THE DIVERSE AND VIBRANT CITY OF BRADFORD. Serving authentic Kashmiri Cuisine alongside Fusion Food of famous dishes from around the world, there is something to suit everybody’s palate. From Curries to Steaks, Gourmet burgers, seafood and hand crafted mocktails, this restaurant brings new dimensions to the city dining experience.

Based near the Broadway Shopping Centre with large panoramic glass views, the interior décor is tastefully designed to make you feel you are somewhere special. Italian Chandeliers and suede seats will wrap you in a mesmerising experience with personalised service from the front of house team. A venue suitable for all ages and families for any birthday, wedding or celebration occasion.

Bradford Centre: My Lahore

My Lahore

MyLahore Flagship, 52 Great Horton Road, BD7 1AL

Opening Times: Mon – Thu 12am - 12pm Fri 12am – 1am Sat 1pm -1am Sun 1pm – 12am t: 01274 308 508 w: @mylahore

THE AIM FROM THE OUTSET WAS VERY CLEAR: TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY IN THE ASIAN FOOD MARKET, A MANTRA THE COMPANY STILL CARRIES FORWARD TO THIS DAY. MyLahore have been serving up a unique blend of British Asian deliciousness for over a decade. From the way they cook to the way they design their menus MyLahore really stands out. Their funky approach to food means you can mix things up a little with MyLahore - just as their passionate chefs do every time they create a new mouth watering dish. Their unique menu offers a healthy modern twist on Asian food and a hybrid of British puddings with national curry dishes, catering for the next generation of British Asian consumers and mainstream markets. MyLahore Flagship store has something for everyone and welcomes a wide range of guests from University and College students to families and friends.



Bradford Centre: Mamma Mias

Mamma Mias

3 Upper Piccadilly, Bradford, BD1 3PE

Opening Times: Tue 12pm - 2pm, 5pm - 10pm Wed - Thu 12pm - 2pm, 5.30pm - 10pm Fri - Sat 12pm - 2pm, 5.30pm - 11pm Sun 5pm - 9:30pm t: 01274 733 834 w: @italianbradford

MAMMA MIAS HAVE BEEN PREPARING AND SERVING AUTHENTIC ITALIAN FOOD IN BRADFORD FOR OVER 30 YEARS AND THANKS TO A RECENT REFURB, THE CITY CENTRE RESTAURANT IS AS POPULAR AS EVER. The menu offers a treasure trove of Italian favourites including authentic pizzas and an extensive range of vegetarian dishes. All the pasta and pizza dough’s are made fresh on the premises using authentic recipes and ingredients sourced direct from Italy. A black board of special dishes changes frequently, offering seasonal produce and fish with the occasional creative surprise from the Massimo Family kitchen! To compliment your meal are a wide range of fine Italian wines and Italian beers, including premium beers on tap and a range of craft bottles.

Bradford Centre: The Old Bank

The Old Bank

69 Market St, Bradford, BD1 1NE

Opening Times: Sun - Thu 11.30am - 11pm Fri - Sat 10am - 11pm t: 01274 738 218


Their menu includes a fabulous choice of seasonal food, something for everyone, including Hand Battered Fish and Chips, the 80s classic ‘Chicken In A Basket’ and a selection of freshly prepared tasty burgers. Vegetarian options and bar snacks are also available on their unbeatable value-for-money menu. Draft beers, Cask Ales, Wines and Spirits plus an excellent selection of Gins are available and the friendly staff will be more than happy to assist you.



Bradford Centre: Napoleons


37 Bolton Rd, Bradford, BD1 4DR

Opening Times: Mon - Sat 6pm - 10.30pm, 11pm -2.45am t: 01274 391820 w: bradford/ @NapsBradford

IF YOU WANT TO DINE OUT IN STYLE LOOK NO FURTHER THAN NAPOLEONS CASINO & RESTAURANT. THE RESTAURANT AT THE BOLTON ROAD VENUE HAS A SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT FEEL WITH LARGE MIRRORS COVERING TWO WALLS. Napoleons have an exciting calendar of monthly cabaret dinners lined up, including tributes to George Michael, Robbie Williams and Simply Red to name but a few. The events take place on the last Friday of every month and tickets cost £25 per person and include a four course meal, drink and £5 bet. The menu is not short of variety and stays true to Napoleons principles of good quality, taste and presentation. With a new menu designed by their head chef monthly,there is always something new to try.

Thursday evenings bring a new experience to your mealtimes with a rum tasting dinner and the ever popular beer and wine tasting dinners. Be warned though, due to popular demand these events do book up weeks in advance!


Bradford Centre: Prashad


137 Whitehall Road, Drighlington, BD11 1AT

Opening Times: Tue - Fri 5pm - 11pm Sat - Sun 12pm – 11pm t: 0113 285 2037 w: @Prashad_veggie

INTRODUCING PRASHAD THE ONLY TWO STAR AA ROSETTE INDIAN RESTAURANT IN YORKSHIRE AND CHANNEL 4’S RAMSAY’S BEST RESTAURANT FINALISTS. Prashad aim to give you a unique culinary experience consisting of the highest quality, lovingly-made Gujarati and North Indian vegetarian food served in an intimate and welcoming environment. Whether you are a vegetarian or devoted meat eater, their menu and food will excite you. Using authentic recipes handed down through the generations, along with new and creative dishes, Prashad combine the best of Gujarati and North Indian vegetarian food. The origins of their produce is important to Prashad. They cook with the freshest ingredients to support local growers and reduce food miles.

The success and quality of Prashad is reflected in their array of awards: named in The Michelin Guide and The Good Food Guide, a Bib Gourmand in 2014, the Yorkshire Life Chef of the Year 2013, the Oliver Awards Best Indian Restaurant 2014, and we have been awarded a Certificate of Excellence by Tripadvisor for the last 5 years in a row.

Bradford Centre: Restaurant 1914

Restaurant 1914

The Alhambra Theatre, Morley Street, Bradford, BD7 1AJ

Opening Times: Open on performance days only: matinees from 12pm and evenings from 5pm. t: 01274 431 052 w: @BradfordTheatre

LOCATED ON THE UPPER CIRCLE LEVEL AT THE ALHAMBRA THEATRE, BRADFORD RESTAURANT 1914 OFFERS THE BEST IN SERVICE AND STYLE AND THE MOST MEMORABLE SETTING IMAGINABLE. Serving a truly mouth-watering menu packed with a range of enticing delights such as minted melon, feta and fennel salad, tempura king prawns, mushroom and cauliflower cheese crumble and medallions of beef fillet.

Restaurant 1914 also has a range of delicious desserts including treacle tart with clotted cream. Customers can enjoy a luxurious and sumptuous dining experience with the best views over City Park. Keep checking the website as the menu does change to reflect seasonal variations and feedback. The extensive beverage and wine list will give you the perfect drink to complement your meal.



Bradford Centre: Record Cafe

Record Cafe

45-47 North Parade, Bradford, BD1 3JH

Opening Times: Mon - Thu 11am - 11pm Fri - Sat 11am - 12am Sun 12pm - 11pm t: 01274 723143 w: @TheRecordCafe

THE RECORD CAFÉ WAS OPENED IN NOVEMBER 2014 ON BRADFORD’S NORTH PARADE AS A RECORD SHOP OFFERING FOOD AND DRINK, SPECIALISING IN VINYL, ALE AND HAM. The cosily decorated upstairs record shop sells the latest releases and reissues on vinyl – LPs, Eps and singles. Everything from The Beatles to Miles Davis and Aphex Twin to The Foo Fighters.

The ground floor bar concentrates on beer with four rotating cask beers, six ‘craft’ keg lines and around 50 different bottled and canned beers from the UK and around the world. Along with a wide range of gin and single malt whiskies.

And finally ham. Acorn fed Jamón Ibérico, cheese, chorizo, olives, bread, oil, are all available from the charcuterie counter. It was also the Bradford CAMRA Pub of the Season Autumn 2015.

Independent record shop, real ale, craft beer & charcuterie counter Visit for more info. @therecordcafe

Bradford CAMRA Pub of the Season Autumn 2015

45-47 North Parade, Bradford, BD1 3JH


Bradford Centre: The Sparrow

The Sparrow

32 North Parade, Bradford, BD1 3HZ

Opening Times: Mon - Thu 11am - 11pm Fri - Sat 11am - 12am Sun 12pm - 11pm t: 01274 270 772 w: @thesparrowbd1

BRADFORD’S ORIGINAL BIER CAFE OPENED IN NORTH PARADE BACK IN MAY 2011. LES AND MARK HAD A SIMPLE AIM; TO PROVIDE GOOD QUALITY AND EVER CHANGING BEERS, SUPPORTED WITH LOCALLY SOURCED PLATTERS AND SNACKS IN A UNIQUE ENVIRONMENT. More than five years down the line this is what The Sparrow continues to do. There are eight ever changing beers on tap, threeclassic Czech pilsners and a wide selection of both classic and cutting edge bottles and cans, wines and spirits and soft drinks including the finest full roast Italian bar blend coffee.

All of The Sparrow’s food - from free pie and peas on Bradford City home games through artisan Scotch Eggs to European meat and cheese platters - continues to be sourced locally, the bulk being supplied by the wonderful Roswitha’s Deli in Jihn Street Market.



TOP TEN UK PUB 2013 As featured in The Guardian’s Top Ten UK Craft Beer Bars




2013, 2014 & 2015 @thesparrowbd1

Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun

32 NORTH PARADE, BRADFORD, BD1 3HZ (01274) 270 772

Find us on Facebook

11am – 11pm 11am – 11pm 11am – 11pm 11am – 12am 11am – 12am 11am – 12am 12pm – 11pm


Bradford Centre: Zoya


383 Leeds Rd, Bradford, BD3 9LY

Opening Times: Mon - Sat 8am - 12am Sun 8am - 11pm t: 01274 305333 w: @CafeZoya

CAFE ZOYA IS A MODERN INDIAN RESTAURANT OFFERING MUCH MORE THAN YOUR AVERAGE CURRY HOUSE. For the past 40 years Uncle Akbar Mughal has created Cafe Zoya’s with traditional sweets, hand-prepared in the same way they have been for the past four decades, with love and care rolled into every creation.

His authentic Asian breakfasts including the Classic Channa Puree and Halwa Puree dishes have been tasted by generations of families, transporting diners from West Yorkshire to the kitchens of Pakistan with one simple fork full of food. In addition to their famed Asian sweet boxes, diners can also take advantage of a range of patisserie desserts, prepared fresh everyday by Zoya’s own patisserie chef.

Zoya also cater for special events, with outdoor catering available for eye-catching food displays, perfect for weddings and birthdays.

New Menu

Coming Autumn 2016

22 - 24 North Parade, Bradford BD1 3HT | 01274 731160



Shipley/Saltaire 211 Deli ������������������������������������������40 Bar56 ����������������������������������������������41 Boathouse Inn ���������������������������������42 Cap and Collar ���������������������������������44 The Hop �������������������������������������������45 The Kirkgate Centre �������������������������46 Massarella's Cafe Bar and Gallery �����47 The Ring o’ Bells ������������������������������48 The Tapas Tree ����������������������������������49 The Woolpack ����������������������������������50 YoYo Bar and Restaurant ������������������51


Shipley/Saltaire: 211 Deli

211 Deli

211 Bingley Road, Saltaire, BD18 4DH

Opening Times: Mon - Wed 9am - 3pm Thu - Sat 9am - 9pm t: 01274 595081 w:

211 DELI IS A FAMILY RUN, FULLY LICENSED, DELI-BISTRO SITUATED ON THE EDGE OF SALTAIRE VILLAGE. THEY BELIEVE PASSIONATELY IN MAKING THEIR FOOD USING GOOD QUALITY AND ETHICALLY SOURCED LOCAL INGREDIENTS WHEREVER POSSIBLE AND PROVIDE A FRIENDLY AND INFORMAL DINING EXPERIENCE. By day the cafe offers a wide variety of hot and cold sandwiches, breakfasts, fresh salads, hot meals, and delicious homemade cakes, which are available either to eat in or to take away. All sandwiches are served using their freshly baked homemade focaccia bread, which are a must try. The evening menu includes 211 Deli’s hot rock specials, which allows you to cook your own meat, fish or veg on a block of volcanic rock. Hot and cold drinks are also available, including beer and wine.

Shipley/Saltaire: Bar 56

Bar 56

56 Bingley Road, Shipley, BD18 3HN

Opening Times: Mon - Thu 3pm - 11 pm (food 3pm -9pm) Fri - Sun 1pm - 12 am (food 1pm- 8pm) t: 01274 533599

BAR 56 SALTAIRE IS A NEW CONTEMPORARY COCKTAIL BAR IN THE HEART OF SALTAIRE SERVING A RANGE OF COCKTAILS, FINE WINES, BEERS AND SPIRITS. The bar menu provides a selection of Mediterranean-inspired dishes including traditional stone baked pizzas, freshly made pastas, salads and wraps.

For a lighter appetite there is also a range of cold and hot tapas including cured meats, quality cheese, home made foccaccia bread and butter-flied king prawns in garlic butter and white wine sauce.

Everything made in house from the freshest ingredients sourced from Italy, Spain and locally.





Shipley/Saltaire: The Boathouse Inn

The Boathouse Inn Victoria road, Saltaire, BD18 3LA

Opening Times: Mon - Sun 12pm - late (Food served from 12pm -9pm) t: 01274 585690 w: @ theboathouseinn

THE NEWLY REFURBISHED BOATHOUSE INN BOASTS ONE OF THE BEST VIEWS IN BRADFORD, LOOKING OUT ONTO ROBERT'S PARK AND THE RIVER AIRE. THE VENUE HAS RECENTLY REOPENED AFTER SEVERE FLOODING DAMAGE AND HAS BEEN GIVEN A TASTEFUL MAKEOVER THAT MAKES THE MOST OF IT'S FANTASTIC SETTING. Relax and enjoy the great views from the bar, restaurant and beer garden and choose from an extensive choice of real ales, craft beers and a carefully selected wine menu to compliment a delicious new menu. All their food is freshly prepared on site from high-quality local produce and cooked to order with seasonal specials and light bites also available.

Back In Business Fully Refurbished/New Menu/Great Beers/ Same Great View

The Boathouse Inn, Victoria Road, Shipley BD18 3LA 01274 585690 |


Shipley/Saltaire: Cap and Collar

Cap and Collar

4 Queens Road, Saltaire, BD18 4SJ

Opening Times: Tue Thu - 5pm - 10pm Fri 4pm - 11pm Sat 1pm - 11pm Sun 1pm - 6pm @capandcollar

SITUATED ADJACENT TO THE UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE OF SALTAIRE, CAP AND COLLAR OPENED ITS DOORS IN NOVEMBER 2014 AND WON THE AWARD FOR BRADFORD CAMRA PUB OF THE SEASON IN SUMMER 2015. Cap and Collar specialises in beer! It has a rotating selection of real ales, craft kegs (key kegs only) and a carefully curated selection of bottles and cans which focus on the “Best of British” beers. Snacks such as gourmet popcorns and local artisan pork pies are available.

This micropub has a relaxed cafe-style atmosphere conducive to enjoying both conversation and great beer. Being family friendly there is a selection of games and books to suit all ages and there is also a small beer yard which is perfect for those sunny afternoons and balmy summer evenings.

Make sure you swing by on Sunday afternoons to listen to or join in with local folk musicians!

Shipley/Saltaire: The Hop

The Hop

199 Bingley Rd, Shipley, BD18 4DH

Opening Times: Mon – Sun 12pm – 12am t: 01274 582 111 w: @TheHopSaltaire


It also delivers a delicious food offering of traditional pub classics, internationally influenced a la carte dining and their famous authentic wood-fired pizzas. All created using fresh, local and seasonal produce. The Hop also has a year-long programme of live entertainment including tribute acts and cover bands, acoustic sessions, live DJ's and a weekly pub quiz.



Shipley/Saltaire: The Woolpack

The Kirkgate Centre 39a Kirkgate, Shipley, BD18 3EH

Opening Times: Tue -Wed 9.30am - 4pm Sat 9.30am - 4pm t: 01274 580186 w: @kirkgate_centre

THE KIRKGATE CENTRE IS A COMMUNITY CENTRE IN SHIPLEY TOWN CENTRE THAT IS HOME TO MANY COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES INCLUDING A THRIVING ARTS AND CULTURAL SCENE. Its licensed bar and cafe help to support activities such as art exhibitions, children’s creative play, indy markets, as well as providing a welcome drop in space for Shipley’s older people. It’s good to know that every mouthful of freshly made cake or sip of ale supports the local community. The Kirkgate Centre bar opens for evening events, serving ales, ciders and wines, mostly coming from West Yorkshire's organic Little Valley Brewery, and supports gigs, discos and community cinema nights.

During the day the cafe focuses on providing high quality, freshly made food at affordable prices and there’s always a good veggie option. There’s also plentiful fresh coffee and cakes. The cafe is family friendly and on is often accompanied by creative play activities for children.

Shipley/Saltaire: Massarella’s Café Bar and Gallery

Massarella’s Café Bar and Gallery 14 Victoria Rd, Saltaire, BD18 3LQ

Opening Times: Tue - Fri 10am - 4pm Sat - Sun 10am - 4.30pm t: 01274 584386 w:

MASSARELLA’S CAFÉ BAR AND GALLERY IN SALTAIRE WAS FOUNDED, AS A GALLERY, IN 1998 BY ELLEN MASSARELLA, A MEMBER OF THE FAMOUS DONCASTER-BASED MASSARELLA'S ICE-CREAM MAKERS. In 2004, Ellen developed the café side of the Victoria Road business and has established it as one of the most popular eating places in the village. Colourful artwork and photography covers the walls, with internationally acclaimed artists, including Sheffield’s Joe Scarborough, exhibiting in the gallery over the years.

Massarella’s has gained an enviable reputation for its home made food including a wide range of soups and cakes. It is licensed, and sells a range of quality wines and locally produced bottled beers. It has received generous reviews by the national press, and is a popular meeting venue for concert goers attending events across the road in Victoria Hall.



Shipley/Saltaire: The Ring o’ Bells

The Ring O’ Bells 3 Bradford Rd, Shipley BD18 3PR

Opening Times: Mon - Thu 12pm - 9pm Fri 12pm - 8pm Sat - Sun 12pm - 7pm t: 01274 584386 w: @TheRingOBells1

THE RING O’ BELLS IS A TRADITIONAL COMMUNITY PUB SERVING HOME COOKED PUB CLASSICS AND A RANGE OF FINE ALES, PREMIUM LAGERS, CIDERS, WINES AND SPIRITS. The pub is tastefully fitted out following a recent refurb, with comfortable seating and a traditional homely feel thanks to its stone floors and open fireplace.

A large menu caters for all tastes with light bites and larger meals available including burgers, pies, sausage and mash and fish and chips. A specials board also offers up home made curries and stews. All major live sports events are catered for and the pub runs regular quiz nights, poker nights and musicians nights, with free food often provided.

Shipley/Saltaire: Tapas Tree

Tapas Tree

Wharf House, Wharf Street, Shipley, BD17 7DW

Opening Times: Mon - Sun 12pm - 11pm t: 01274 533988 w: @tapas_tree

THE TAPAS TREE WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1996 AND HAS BEEN DELIVERING AN ATMOSPHERIC TAPAS EXPERIENCE IN SHIPLEY EVER SINCE. An extensive menu offers a range of tapas classics such as albondigas and paella, alongside dishes inspired from around the world. From seafood to salads there is something for everyone, making it the perfect venue for large or small parties to enjoy an evening out. The Tapas Tree team also pride themselves on creating tasty specials using fresh, seasonal ingredients and a wide range of influences. Alongside the food offering the Tapas Tree also has an impressive selection of wines and draught beers.



Shipley/Saltaire: The Woolpack

The Woolpack

The Woolpack, Main Street, Esholt, BD17 7QZ

Opening Times: Mon - Sun 12pm - 11pm t: 01274 809495 w: @woolpackesholt

THE FAMOUS ‘EMMERDALE’ WOOLPACK IN ESHOLT IS NOW FINDING NOTORIETY FOR ITS FOOD AND WARM WELCOME. People have been visiting the picturesque village of Esholt and the Woolpack pub from all over the world, ever since it was originally used as the location for Emmerdale in 1976. But now it is also becoming famous for its top quality, great value food and well-kept ales. Landlord James Downey, who used to own the Waterside in Shipley, has brought his culinary skills to the Woolpack offering great value tasty homemade ‘Pub Classics’ and traditional Sunday roasts and a tempting evening a la carte. Lunch is served Wednesday to Sunday with evening food available Wednesday to Saturday – excluding Thursday, which is the popular quiz night.

Shipley/Saltaire: Yo Yo Bar and Restaurant

Yo Yo Bar & Restaurant Rosse Street, Off Saltaire Road, Shipley, BD18 3SW

Opening Times: Mon - Thu 5.30pm - 9.30pm Fri - Sat 5.30pm - 10.15pm Bar open till late t: 01274 599880 w: @YoYoShipley

YO YO’S IS A MODERN PAN ASIAN RESTAURANT OFFERING A UNIQUE MIX OF JAPANESE, CHINESE, THAI AND MALAYSIAN FOOD AND IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ON TRIPADVISOR. The menu offers an impressive range of authentic dishes including sushi, tempura and dim sum, seabass, noodles and Thai curries. Vegetarians and coeliacs are well catered for and there is a special menu for children up to the age of 11. YoYo's also offer a Yo Prime Time Menu all night Monday to Thursday and from 5.30pm to 7.00pm on Friday evenings. This changes weekly and offers diners the chance to enjoy a two course menu for £14.95 per person. To complement the restaurant is a stunning bar which offers a vast range of premium draft beers a wide range of continental and oriental bottled beers and over 30 Cocktails and shooters. YoYo's also boasts an extensive Wine and Champagne selection as well as a range of coffees, steamers and infusions.




Bingley The Brown Cow ��������������������������������54 Fishermans Inn ��������������������������������56 Martinez Wines ��������������������������������57 Five Rise Locks ���������������������������������58 Foundry Hill �������������������������������������60 The Golden Fleece ����������������������������61 Krave Deli ����������������������������������������62 The Potting Shed ������������������������������64 Taylormade Sweets ��������������������������65


Bingley: The Brown Cow

The Brown Cow

The Brown Cow, Ireland Bridge, Bingley, BD16 2QX

Opening Times: Sun - Thu 11.30am - 11pm Fri - Sat 11.30am – 12am t: 01274 564345 w: @BrownCowBingley

THE BROWN COW PRIDES ITSELF ON YORKSHIRE PRODUCE, YORKSHIRE VALUES AND BOASTS STUNNING YORKSHIRE COUNTRYSIDE ON ITS DOORSTEP. Landlords’s Mat and Jo both grew up and started their hostelry careers in Bingley and have a real love for the pub and the area. The business had gone from strength to strength and was refurbished in October last year only to be flooded 11 weeks later on Boxing Day. After a four month closure the pub is open again, and has been fully refurbished,

The Brown Cow is open every day with a warm welcome, serving home cooked food and all five Timothy Taylor Ales. Their weekly events include pizza and pasta night, gourmet burger night, steak and wine night, pub quiz and live music on some Saturdays.

The Brown Cow Delivering award winning cask beers, innovative homemade food and live music! The Brown Cow is open every day with a warm welcome, serving home cooked food and all five Timothy Taylor Ales. Their weekly events include pizza & pasta night, gourmet burger night, steak & wine night, pub quiz & live music on some Saturdays.

Opening Times: Sunday- Thursday 11:30am - 11pm Friday & Saturday 11:30am – Midnight Serving Food 12pm – 9pm everyday (on band nights food service will cease at 8pm)


Bingley: Fishermans Inn

Fishermans Inn Wagon Lane, Bingley, BD16 1TS

Opening Times: Mon - Fri 12 - 3pm, 5pm - 9pm Sat 12 - 9pm Sun 12 - 7pm Bar open till 11:30pm t: 01274 510479 w: @FishermanInn

THE FISHERMANS INN WAS TAKEN OVER BY NEW MANAGEMENT IN MARCH AND IS ALREADY GAINING A STRONG REPUTATION FOR QUALITY FOOD AND A PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE. The menu offers a range of traditional English pub food from Fish and Chips to Steak and Ale Pie with a children’s menu, specials board and a large range of sandwiches if you are looking for something lighter.

The drinks selection includes several hand pulled cask ales on rotation and there is also a fantastic range of continental lagers, ciders and wines.

The Fisherman’s crowning glory is the great setting on the canal towpath and the newly refurbished beer garden will host a number of BBQ and special events over the summer. THE

Fishermans Inn

Bingley: Martinez Wines

Martinez Wines 110 Main Street, Bingley, BD16 2JH

Opening Times: Wed 4pm – 11pm Thu 4pm – 11pm Fri 4pm – 12am Sat 12pm – 12am t: 01274 565000 w: @MartinezWines

MARTINEZ WINE BAR, ON THE SITE OF THE FORMER CONSERVATIVE CLUB ON MAIN STREET BINGLEY, OFFERS A CHOICE OF OVER 500 WINES COMPLEMENTED BY SIMPLE, AUTHENTIC TAPAS. The wine bar has over 25 wines by the glass all available to try before you buy as well as over 500 wines in the adjoining shop, which are available to drink in for a small corkage charge. This means customers can enjoy quality wines, champagne and award-winning prosecco at affordable prices. Martinez also offer a selection of premium gins with matching tonics, real ales from Goose Eye Brewery, Estrella Galicia lager on draught and a choice of many other spirits, soft drinks and world beers.

Enjoy a relaxed informal atmosphere with friendly service in our atmospheric bar complete with its original parquet flooring, brick walls, wooden furniture, unique lighting and decoration.



Bingley: Five Rise Locks

Five Rise Locks Beck Lane, Bingley, BD16 4DD

Opening Times: Mon - Sat 6.30pm - 8.30pm t: 01274 565 296 w: @5RiseLocksHotel

THE FIVE RISE HOTEL IS A FORMER VICTORIAN MILL OWNERS HOUSE AND PRIDES ITSELF ON POSSESSING AN AA ROSETTE FOR ITS RESTAURANT WHERE GUESTS CAN ENJOY EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY FOOD, COOKED USING ONLY THE FRESHEST INGREDIENTS AVAILABLE. With stunning views over the Aire Valley the Restaurant and Bar, the Restaurant presents crisp Fine White Linen Cloths, Linen Napkins and Black Leather Chairs with ample space between the tables. The Proprietors Richard and Margaret Stoyle personally supervise the service and ensure all the team are fully familiar with all dishes, their make up and flavour. They are also able to recommend the appropriate wines if required.

Want to know more about Wine?

Then join us for our wine evening. 6 Course Meal with wines to accompany them.

Only £36.00 per person

Looking for a place to eat out? Why not try our Early Bird Menu £16.95 for 3 Courses or £13.95 for 2 Courses (available Mon - Sat)

Do you have a party coming up and don’t want to do all the work? Let us host your event for you. You can even hire the whole house! See our website for more details Call us on 01274 565296 or email us at


Bingley: Foundry Hill

Foundry Hill

Arden House, Wellington St, Bingley BD16 2NB

Opening Times: Wed – Sat 12pm – 8.30pm Sun 12pm – 5.30pm t: 01274 566144 w: @foundryhill

CONVENIENTLY SITUATED OPPOSITE BINGLEY RAILWAY STATION, FOUNDRY HILL OFFERS A CASUAL SETTING WITH A GREAT RANGE OF FOOD AND WELL CHOSEN DRINKS. Priding themselves on home-made freshly cooked food, there is a tasty selection of starters and main courses to choose from including a fantastic choice of burgers and flatbreads. Sunday lunch is also served from 12pm to 5.30pm on Sundays with home made gravy and Yorkshire puds.

Foundry Hill serve a wide range of drinks including five real ales sourced from all over the country and have now been featured in the Good Beer Guide for two years running. There is also wide variety of premium lagers and world beers to choose from alongside a well chosen wine list.

Foundry Hill

Bingley: The Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece 38 Long Lane, Bingley, BD16 1HP

Opening Times: Mon - Thu 12pm - 2.30pm, 5pm - 9pm Fri - Sun 12pm - 9pm t: 01535 273970

THE GOLDEN FLEECE INN IS A FRIENDLY TRADITIONAL VILLAGE INN, LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE VILLAGE OF HARDEN. CLOSE TO THE SPECTACULAR ST IVES ESTATE & GOLF CLUB, IT’S ALSO POPULAR WITH WALKERS, GOLFERS, BIKERS, FAMILIES, DOGS AND THEIR OWNERS. With passion for truly delicious food, talented chefs Ari-Lee Townsend and Heidi Western prepare a storm in the kitchen. Using the best local ingredients, they bake and steam, fry and grill, roast and boil some amazing dishes to please every palate. Expect traditional mouth-watering British cuisine and chef’s specials with interesting twists. The Golden Fleece also dishes up a fantastic Sunday roasts and a range of tasty sandwiches for lighter lunch. The pub is family friendly and a childrens menu is available.


Golden Fleece



Bingley: Krave Deli

Krave Deli

126 Main St, Wilsden, Bradford BD15 0AS

Opening Times: Wed - Thurs: 9am - 2pm Fri - Sat: 9am - 5pm Sun: 10am - 2pm t: 01535 271622 w: @Kravedeli

KRAVE PRIDES ITSELF ON USING THE BEST INGREDIENTS POSSIBLE TO CREATE STREET FOOD AND CLASSICAL DISHES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. The Deli has a quirky bohemian feel and are always looking to push the boundaries using one of their wood fired pizza ovens to cook pizza and anything else they see fit. They also run a busy catering company and wood fired pizza business called The Pizza Pod.

Priding themselves on finding the finest produce around, Christian and his partner have been working with coffee and pizza for over 35 years, having honed their skills during travels in Spain and Italy.

Serving breakfast, brunch, lunch and now opening some evenings you really need to give this place a try. The food is generous, gutsy, filling, thedayafterthenightbefore kinda food with a twist, with a beautiful herb garden around the back, outside seating, room to park bikes and dog walkers with their pets are welcome.


Bingley: The Potting Shed

The Potting Shed 94 Main St, Bingley BD16 2JH

Opening Times: Sun - Thu 12pm - 11pm Fri - Sat 12pm - 1am t: 01943 512635 w: @PottingShedBar

THE POTTING SHED IS A UNIQUE, FAMILY FRIENDLY BAR IN THE HEART OF BINGLEY BOASTING A HUGE RANGE OF FOOD AND DRINK CHOICES WITH A NEWLY REFURBISHED AWARD WINNING TERRACE BAR AND BEER GARDEN. All the food at The Potting Shed is made from locally sourced, fresh produce and the menu changes seasonally to keep things fresh and ensure everything is made to the highest possible standards. Regular fixtures on the menu include a range of mouthwatering burgers and authentic wood-fired pizzas.

Alongside the food choices is an option of over 100 different drinks from a stunning line-up of beer, spirits and wines. An ideal venue for a relaxed meal, a night out or just a few after work drinks.

Bingley: Taylormade Treats

Taylormade Treats

200-202 Swan Avenue, Eldwick, Bingley, BD16 3PA

Opening Times: Tue - Sat 9am – 4.30pm t: 01274 560044 w: @taylormadetreat

TAYLORMADE TREATS IS A BEAUTIFUL LICENSED CAFÉ SITUATED IN THE VILLAGE OF ELDWICK JUST OUTSIDE BINGLEY SPECIALISING IN HOMEMADE PATISSERIE & CAKES. The café is proud to have a locally sourced menu serving breakfast (from a full English breakfast to American style pancakes), lunch (menu includes panini, sandwiches, salads and more) and homemade afternoon tea (booking required).

Taylormade Treats also specialise in celebration and wedding cakes and in 2015 won the Cake and Bake professional cake display cake. All cakes are individually designed, baked and crafted. On top of all that, Taylormade Treats also offer outside catering buffets and cakes and in house office lunches delivered to y our door.





Keighley Airedale Heifer ��������������������������������68 Amici Restaurant �����������������������������69 Cobbles and Clay �����������������������������70 The Fleece Inn ����������������������������������71 Moghuls on the Rocks ����������������������72 Slow Food Kitchen ���������������������������74


Keighley: Airedale Heifer

Airedale Heifer

Hawkcliffe Works/Hebden Bridge Rd, Keighley BD22 9SY

Opening Times: Mon - Sun 12pm - 11pm t: 01535 642893 w: @BBrewery

THE RECENTLY RENOVATED AIREDALE HEIFER IS A COSY FAMILY (AND DOG) FRIENDLY PUB SERVING GREAT FOOD AND OUTSTANDING CRAFT BEER BREWED ON SITE. The pub has a large beer garden which is maintained throughout the year, making it a gorgeous hotspot to enjoy some time in the sunshine, while sharing a jug of homemade sangria. A spacious bar area and open plan family friendly dining room also provide a welcoming setting for a meal out with friends or family. The Airedale Heifer's experienced award winning chefs work very hard to ensure that all tastes are catered for with broad menu selection, which is fresh, home cooked, and locally sourced. The bar area has a well-stocked selection of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages to suit all tastes, including their very own Bridgehouse Brewery Ales.

Keighley: Amici Restaurant

Amici Restaurant

105-107 East Parade, Keighley, BD21 5HU

Opening Times: Mon - Thur 11am-10pm Fri - Sat 11am-11pm Sun 11am-9pm t: 01535 610699 w: @AmiciKeighley

AMICI IS ITALIAN FOR FRIENDS, AND THAT’S HOW OWNER NICK RISIDI LIKES TO THINK OF HIS CUSTOMERS. THE RESTAURANT, ON EAST PARADE IN KEIGHLEY, OPENED IN 2008 AND HAS EARNED A REPUTATION AS ONE OF WEST YORKSHIRE’S BEST ITALIAN RESTAURANTS. Sardinian Head chef Luciano Vespucci has created a menu which offers a fresh and simple approach to authentic Italian cuisine, focusing on quality and affordability. The restaurant prides itself on using a combination of locally sourced products and speciality Italian imports. A traditional wood burning pizza oven adds to the authentic experience, with home made dough and top quality toppings making their pizzas the best around. Nick and his team also offer a comprehensive selection of Italian wines, worldwide beers, aperitifs and digestifs.



Keighley: Cobbles and Clay

Cobbles and Clay 70-72 Main Street, Haworth, BD22 8DP

Opening Times: Mon - Sun 8:45am - 5pm t: 01535 958961 w: @cobbles_clay

COBBLES AND CLAY IS A CREATIVE CAFE AND POTTERY PAINTING STUDIO RIGHT IN THE HEART OF HAWORTH MAIN STREET. Owner Jill Ross and her team are passionate about serving freshly made, healthy food that caters for veggie and vegan, gluten and dairy free requirements. An extensive menu features a range of ‘no junk, no gunk’ meals, freshly made cakes and snacks, speciality teas and coffees, additive free soft drinks, milk shakes, smoothies and organic wines and beers. With free wifi, baby changing facilities and space for private parties and group bookings upstairs, Cobbles and Clay is the perfect setting for a family day out, celebration, corporate away day, breakfast, lunch or quick coffee.

Keighley: The Fleece Inn

The Fleece Inn

67 Main Street, Haworth, BD22 8DA

Opening Times: Mon - Sat 12pm - 9pm Sun 12pm - 8pm t: 01535 642172 w: @fleecehaworth

THE FLEECE INN IS AN IMPOSING THREE STOREY VICTORIAN PUB WITH STONE-FLAGGED FLOORS AND COSY ROOMS WITH REAL FIRES SET ON THE FAMOUS COBBLED STREET IN THE PICTURESQUE VILLAGE OF HAWORTH. Award winning cask ales are available at all times, including a selection from local favourite Timothy Taylor’s, as well as an excellent selection of world and craft beers, Malt whisky and a range of premium gins. The Fleece’s food menu offers honest home cooked food using fresh local produce and is served with a smile.

The pub is ideally located for exploring the moors made famous by the Brontes, with the Parsonage and Old School rooms just a short walk up the hill, and Top Withens nearby. The stunning Keighley & Worth Valley Railway is also just a small stroll from our door.



Keighley: Moghuls on the Rocks

Moghuls on the Rocks 114-116 North Street, Keighley, BD21 3AL

Opening Times: Sun - Thurs 5pm - 11:30pm Fri - Sat 5pm - 12:30pm t: 01535 604423 w: @Moghuls

MOGHULS WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1981 AS AN INDIAN RESTAURANT, BUT THE VENUE TOOK A BIG CHANGE IN DIRECTION IN OCTOBER 2015 WHEN IT UNDERWENT A MAJOR RE-BRAND AND INTRODUCED A REVOLUTIONARY HOT-ROCK CONCEPT TO THE MENU. The “Hot Rock” concept allows customers to control the finish of each cut of a range of plain or marinated Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Salmon and Prawns dishes on volcanic rocks heated to 450 degrees. Traditional curry’s are still available and there is an extensive range of street food starters and chef’s specials to complete a truly modern Indian experience.

At Moghuls on the Rocks, every meal is now an experience and the team is proud to be the first Indian restaurant offering a fusion between curry and steak. The unique concept is one that must be seen in order to appreciate the full impact of how it works and bring people together.






Keighley: Slow Food Kitchen

Slow Food Kitchen 39-43 North Street, Keighley BD21 3SL

Opening Times: Wed - Sat 6pm - 10pm t: 07585296311 w: @andrewpcowen

SLOW FOOD KITCHEN CONCENTRATES ON THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THE DINING EXPERIENCE, THE FOOD! Locally sourced where possible and cooked with passion in the small open kitchen, the menu is very small with just three or four items per course meaning that everything can be cooked fresh.

The menu also changes every two weeks to keep up with trends and seasonal produce. The restaurant itself is often described as quirky, it is set inside a recently restored Victorian Arcade and has a relaxing atmosphere, surrounded by large floor to ceiling windows reflecting the dull lighting and shabby-chic furniture.

Slow Food Kitchen

You can also take your own wine or beer as its unlicensed. There is no corkage charge and glasses are provided, which keeps the cost down and lets you enjoy your favourite tipple.

Check us out at or call 01274 436113


Venue Directory




The 1875

Mamma Mias

211 Deli

t: 01274 962 400 w:

t: 01274 733 834 w:

t: 01274 595081 w:

Bangkok Thai

The Old Bank


t: 01274 788333 w:

t: 01274 738 218

t: 01274 533599


Boathouse Inn

Brewhaus t: 01274 397 397 w:

t: 01274 391820 w: bradford/

t: 01274 585690 w:

Cona Restaurant


t: 01274 727 747 w:

t: 0113 285 2037 w:

t: 01274 582 111 w:


Restaurant 1914

t: 01274 718 240 w:

t: 01274 431 052 w:

Guzelian CafÄ— Bar

Record Cafe

Massarella's Cafe Bar and Gallery

t: 01274 733 898 w:

t: 01274 723143 w:

t: 01274 584386 w:


The Sparrow

The Ring o’ Bells

t: 01274 733 732 w:

t: 01274 270 772 w:

t: 01274 584386 w:

My Lahore


The Tapas Tree

t: 01274 308 508 w:

t: 01274 305333 w:

t: 01274 533988 w:

The Hop

The Kirkgate Centre t: 01274 580186 w:

Venue Directory



The Woolpack

The Brown Cow

Amici Restaurant

t: 01274 809495 w:

t: 01274 564345 w:

t: 01535 610699 w:

YoYo Bar and Restaurant

Fishermans Inn

Airedale Heifer

t: 01274 599880 w:


t: 01535 642893 w:

Five Rise Locks t: 01274 565 296 w: Foundry Hill t: 01274 566144 w: The Golden Fleece t: 01535 273970 Martinez Wines t: 01274 565000 w: The Potting Shed t: 01943 512635 w:


Cobbles and Clay t: 01535 958961 w: The Fleece Inn t: 01535 642172 w: Moghuls on the Rocks t: 01535 604423 w: Slow Food Kitchen t: 07585296311 w:

Taylormade Sweets t: 01274 560044 w:


david ad | Restaurant and cafe design | | 07779 015999 | 01274 401445 | | | | | Assembly Bradford | 1st Floor | Market Pavilion | | Bradford | BD1 3QQ |

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FOXDUO DESIGN ARE BASED IN BRADFORD CITY CENTRE AND OFFER A RANGE OF DESIGN SERVICES INCLUDING BRAND IDENTITY DESIGN, WEB DESIGN AND DESIGN FOR PRINT. FoxDuo Design works with clients to ensure that projects are unique solutions to clients requirements and are designed with their clients-clients as the focus. Using their extensive library of over 1000 design books and magazines they actively research and develop a greater understanding of both design history and practice.

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Festival Publications, promoting culture, community and everything in between

Proud producers of The Bradford, Saltaire and Bingley Review. Reaching thousands every month and giving a voice to the community. For information on how to advertise in our publications please contact • 07392110861

Festival Publications Ltd t: 07538075939 w: @festpublication

FESTIVAL PUBLICATIONS ARE A BRADFORD-BASED PRINT AND ONLINE PUBLISHING COMPANY. WE PUBLISH A FAMILY OF IN-HOUSE PUBLICATIONS INCLUDING THE BRADFORD REVIEW MAGAZINE AND ALSO WORK WITH CLIENTS TO PRODUCE BESPOKE PRINTED GUIDES, BROCHURES AND EVENT PROGRAMMES. We offer a full range of services from copy-writing to print management and provide a one-stop-shop for any business /event looking to develop an eye-catching print product. We are also able to help plan and execute social media campaigns and develop the online presence of a business/event. For more information or for a free, no-obligations consultation please contact

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