04 Pardo Live 6 | 8 | 2011

Page 6


Piazza Grande

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Le avventure di Doctor Cowboy e Mister Alien

Aliens, Camera, Action! Jon Favreau speaks

È il blockbuster hollywoodiano più elettrizzante dell’estate e approda in Piazza Grande in prima europea. Cowboys & Aliens, realizzato da Jon Favreau e prodotto da Steven Spielberg, assomiglia al sogno di un adolescente scappato dagli anni Ottanta. L’ondata di nostalgia scatenata da Super 8 e Attack the Block prosegue dunque con questo film che si serve delle tecnologie più moderne per ritrovare la patina dei film di fantascienza della nostra infanzia. Fin dai film di serie B degli anni Quaranta, si è spesso ricorsi alla combinazione di generi per attirare l’attenzione di un pubblico blasé o ghiotto di incontri eccentrici. Ricordiamo uno strano dittico datato 1966 e firmato William Beaudine in cui Jesse James incontrava la figlia di Frankestein e Billy the Kid affrontava Dracula. Né dimentichiamo i dinosauri che incrociarono cowboy e indiani ne The Valley of Gwangi tre anni più tardi. Ma queste reliquie di un altro tempo, avatar tardivi dei serial del muto, armate unicamente della loro delirante immaginazione, non potevano certo vantare cast stellari e budget da superproduzione. Diverso il caso di Cowboys & Aliens, che riunisce due icone del cinema d’azione, Harrison Ford e Daniel Graig, nonché una pleiade di attori straprdinari: la splendida Olivia Wilde – tanto sexy nei panni della cowgirl quanto nelle tute attillate di Tron: Legacy –, Keith Carradine, Paul Dano, Sam Rockwell… Il film, che ha l’enorme vantaggio di non essere un sequel né un remake e neppure una storia di supereroi, bensì l’adattamento di una graphic novel, propone, come suggerisce il titolo, un gustoso cocktail di spettacolo d’antan (il western, cinema americano per eccellenza) e creature dello spazio ripugnanti come non mai. Preparativi al ritorno della grande avventura.

Mr. Favreau, in this new Paramount picture already in the title we face an epic clash between two of the best loved genres in film. How does it feel to realize a film that brings together science-fiction and the western? The concept of combining these two genres is what attracted me to the project. Spielberg and Ron Howard had been developing this idea for some time and I read a script that was incredibly compelling. The most amazing part was how much the classic elements of both genres seamlessly overlapped. Although the title suggests a clash of aesthetics, the film bears out in unexpected harmony. It’s impossible not to talk about the cast: how was it working with such talent as Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig and Olivia Wilde? The casting of the film is the aspect of it that I’m the most proud of. To be able to draw upon the best of each generation of actor was a tremendous luxury. The unique opportunity to bring two action icons to the screen made for a very compelling filmmaking experience. Cowboys & Aliens is based on a famous graphic novel by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg. How much have you been influenced, in your directing choices, by the comic-strip nature of the subject? The basic premise and imagery was the most attractive aspect of the graphic novel. By the time I had been engaged to direct the film, Steven Spielberg and Ron Howard had already taken the material down a unique path that departed from the source material. If you were to pick one reason, among many, why audiences should go see this movie, what would it be? Many movies call themselves original but this one truly walks the walk. I’m most pleased with how we were able to combine the essence of two firmly established genres in a unique way. The film will be shown in Locarno’s main square, on the largest outdoor screen in Europe, in front of 8,000 people. Any particular feelings about this? This is one of the moments in your career where you can step back and remind yourself that your life is truly a dream come true. To see something that you’ve worked on for years in small groups or in complete isolation presented on such a huge scale in front of a discerning and enthusiastic audience is one of those opportunities that you remember forever. (Lorenzo Buccella)

(Olivier Père)

Cowboys & Aliens

Piazza Grande, il 6 | 8 | 2011, ore 21.30

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