Del leopardo de las nieves a Mayakovski / From the Snow Leopard to Mayakovsky

Page 150


You ask why I sit upon a crag crying/Why that crying mood came over me for no reason/ In fact I wish, from the reverse side of a word/To illuminate another word, because in this phase//That word is situated in fearful darkness/This head of mine, buried in shadows of boulders—/Let me raise it out of fog, and with questioning eyes/Scrutinize the lurking dangers of our world/Our ways of surviving came down from our forefathers/The immemorial sun provides us with warmth/Within closer reach are those low-hanging moons/They too show kindness through the seasons and help us/To heed the language of all things, to commune with spirits/Indeed it’s come to our knowledge/That nature’s timeless laws over this world/Are being altered every day by mankind/Clang of steel and shadow of high rises/On the green lungs of this planet/Have left bloody wounds, and we can see/With every passing year/Extinction of creatures is happening/We know there’s not much time left/Not for humankind, not for ourselves/Maybe this is already our last chance/Because the course of all life on earth attests/To let any kind of plant or animal fade away/Would threaten disaster for all in common/Here’s what I would wish to tell human beings/There’s no escape route for any of us/This is why you see me here alone Sitting on a crag, racked by sobs!


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