Palabras de fuego (Jidi Majia)

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Jidi Majia

Proveerán las cosas de la eterna memoria En una noche como esta, veo el cambio de luz Los serenos picos que brillan, como en un cuento antiguo En este momento parezco un celebrante Sin nada que ofrecer, sino lágrimas en mi rostro Y mi credo de toda la vida al cual le doy voz Confiándolo a los mensajeros del crepúsculo Descubro que mi espíritu busca dirección Pasando por valles, a través del aire prístino A través de una amplia llanura, una tierra de libertad Allá lo veo, como una sacra garuda dorada Por fin alcanzando la entrada de luz de la humanidad

ONE POEM, TWO VERSIONS —Dedicated to the Kunlun Mountains, one of the great ranges of the Orient// Snowy Mountain, Golden Flames// In Kekexili where people seldom come/ I once had the experience of standing still/ Alone in an expanse of wilderness/ In autumn, as night was coming on/ A holy snow mountain loomed before me/ From long gazing the old impulse stirred/ To revere and give thanks for life/ I felt no chill, because that pure snow-cap/ Was lit up in golden flames/ Making thoughts and wishes turn buoyant/ At this moment I can no longer watch/ As the starry veil of Maya falls/ Into darkness of the mother’ belly/ But my body and soul tell me/ This moment, in infinite cosmic reaches/ I stand at the center of this boundless land/ I know my final chance has arrived/ My tongue sends forth praise of holy spirits/ While blue yearnings of distant seas subside/ Truly we stem from the Snow Tribe’s dozen sons/ Resurrected of late from a requiem for heroes/ Only here, in sunlight’s eternal domain/ Will the shadow of a bird, the cycle of life/ Render the stuff of memory eternal/ On a evening like this, I watch the light change/ The serene peak glows, as if in an ancient tale/ At this moment I resemble a celebrant/ With nothing to offer but tears on my face/ And my lifelong credo to which I give voice/ Confiding it to messengers of twilight/ I find that my spirit seeks direction/ Passing through valleys, through pristine air/ Through a broad plain, a land of freedom/ Yonder I see it, like a sacred golden garuda/ At last reaching mankind’s entranceway of light//


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