Cantos del país soñado - The Songs of the Dreaming Country

Page 181

I AM AN OCELOTE I am an ocelot and I live in the jungle I feed on human flesh and on animal’s meat I live with my friends, the ocelots I’m afraid of the leopard and the lion My best friend is the owl I play with my friends to eat animals At night, I dream of being the one who always has power My clothes are very some beautiful manes I have the power to kill with my claws.

Madelin Gutierrez (11 años)



Soy un elefante y vivo en el bosque Viajo al arco iris Me alimento de amor y vivo con alegría Le tengo miedo al león Mi mejor amigo es el delfín Juego con la mariposa Tengo el poder del agua. I AM AN ELEPHANT I am an elephant and I live in the forest I travel with the rainbow I feed on love and I live with joy I’m afraid of the lion My best friend is the dolphin I play with the butterfly I have the power of water.

Melisa González Rodríguez (10 años)

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