Leading Light

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Leading Light by Patricia Kaminski Leading Light has been used as a key formula for decades in FES humanitarian and natural disaster rescue work. Its purpose is to help strengthen the resolve to serve others actively and selflessly in times of emergency and acute distress. Over time, it has emerged as a more foundational formula that can be of support in a wider way for so many who are called to bring initiative, courage, and wisdom in times of stress or crisis for their families, community, or in other capacities of service, organization, teaching, or leadership. Leading Light helps to inspire and energize the capacity for personal leadership that moves beyond self-concern or hesitation, toward compassionate insight and courageous action for the benefit of others. -1-

Indications for Use: • Ability to act with directed energy and inspiration to serve others during times of trauma and tribulation • When feeling depleted or lacking energetic motivation; need to tap into higher forces of inspired activity • Bringing renewed energy and commitment when one’s work or service is out of touch with a higher motivation, with drab and colorless fulfillment of tasks that doesn’t engage others • Need for connection to higher and purer sources of leadership when intense forces of the ego and lower personality distort one’s mission • To combine higher realms of inspiration and wisdom with sustained practical activity and active compassion for others • Ability to integrate one’s individuality and personal initiative with the larger needs of community and culture • For relief aid workers to maintain vision and energetic connection while working within a complex and challenging social terrain

The Leading Light Formula Larkspur Delphinium variegatum – To catalyze soul forces of inspired leadership; the ability to serve others with a sense of higher purpose and motivation; transforming an outer sense of duty or compulsion. Red Larkspur Delphinium nudicaule Allowing the metabolic-will forces of the body to receive spiritual forces of Light; replenishing energetic structures of the body so that Higher Will forces can activate and motivate one’s service; ability to radiate energy from the body as a force of charismatic leadership that nourishes others -2-

Tall Mountain Larkspur Delphinium glaucum – Spiritual alignment of one’s leadership and service to others; active meditation, prayer and visualization that allows one to hear, see and act out of higher moral forces of Good Will; reaching beyond the ego confines of one’s personality to lead and inspire others

Columbine Aquilegia formosa – Tapping into the spark of one’s creative forces; ability to instill warmth and soul radiance in leadership roles; bringing to Light one’s unique gifts and positive forces of individuality when leading and serving others; thinking outside the box in order to discover new and effective ways to catalyze social action Red Penstemon Penstemon rostriflorus – Bringing forces of courage and fearlessness to leadership tasks; determination and tenacity in the face of physical challenges; renewal of bodily-will forces in overwhelming or adversarial conditions Iris Iris douglasiana - Amplification of soul forces through creative and inspired vision; transformation of passive or spectator consciousness by igniting higher soul activity; awake and vibrant forces of soul that bring renewed color and iridescence to service and leadership tasks -3-

Sage Salvia officinalis – Objective ability to evaluate one’s active service; higher perspective gleaned from tangible experience; capacity to refine one’s purpose by gaining an encompassing view, capacity to assess and adjust the impact of one’s service, thereby continuing to evolve

Rose Attar essential oil Rosa damascena– Nourishes the metabolic will forces, especially their centering in the love forces of the heart

Sandalwood essential oil Santalum album – Provides calm co nta i n m e nt , a s a balance to the intense activity of leadership and service

"I worked in an outdoor clinic with a small team of volunteers to help displaced and traumatized victims of the Paradise (Camp) Fire near Chico, California. The Leading Light Formula provided a comforting container of strength to stay motivated and strong in our intentions. We used it repeatedly to help to keep our spirits up and our minds strong." Amy Branum, herbalist, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Lasya Wellness & Vitality, Grass Valley, California


Practical Directions Formulated for Direct Use — The FES Flourish Formulas™ are conveniently packaged with spray tops, ready for direct application. The standard oral dosage is one or two sprays in the mouth, four times daily in-between meals or before eating. For emergency or intense healing episodes, dose more frequently until the condition has stabilized. When to Use — The two most important times for application are when the body-soul matrix is shifting between wake and sleep: upon awakening, and just before sleeping. Many find it helpful to keep a bottle of the formula on the night stand for this purpose, along with another bottle that is carried in the purse or briefcase, or kept at the place of work, such as the office desk. (Flora-Sleep should be taken just prior to rest, please see the special indications for this formula.) Topical Application for Subtle Body Healing — The FES Flourish Formula™ spray tops allow topical applications to be effortless and sanitary. One of the most effective topical applications is on the pulse point inside the wrist. Spray and then lightly rub in the mixture; then apply gentle pressure for a minute or so while breathing deeply. Other receptor sites, meridians or chakra points respond very well to flower essences, depending on the knowledge and skill of the practitioner and the particular symptoms being treated. For example, it is very efficacious to apply the Sacred Heart™ Flourish formula on points along the heart meridian, in tandem with oral doses. Topical Application with Creme — The Flourish line is synergistically compatible with Self-Heal Creme™, or you can use any other carrier creme that is suitable. Apply one or two sprays per ounce of creme and then stir in both directions. General Misting – The Flourish formulas can also be very effective when lightly misted around the whole body, the head and surrounding body space. Be sure to close eyes and remove glasses before doing so. This method is a special favorite for many children. Herbal Supplement Status – These formulas are herbal supplements. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These products and the statements made in this brochure have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration -5-

Larkspur Delphinium variegatum

one of the key flower essences in the Leading LIght formula

Flower Essence Services www.fesflowers.com


©�lower Essence Services. Text by Patricia Kaminski.

Made with organic and wild-harvested flower essences and essential oils

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