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Manawatū top tramps to try this Autumn

Explore the beautiful and tranquil scenic area of northern Manawatū.

Rangiwahia Track Look-out

Rangiwahia Track Look-out


Active explorers can get amongst the natural wonderland Manawatū offers with these iconic hikes accessible to a range of fitness levels which you can also enjoy these hikes with tamariki in tow:

Rangiwahia Hut

Rangiwahia Hut

Photo: ManawatuNZ

Rangiwahia Hut Track -Located in Northern Manawatū just outside the charming village of Āpiti, the 4.4 km (2-3 hrs) hike up to Rangiwahia Hut Track is a great day hike or overnight hut experience – suitable for families with children and new trampers.

The track is well-graded offers a steady incline to the tussock tops along the Whanahuia Range. Along the way you will experience some incredible vistas – a stunning arched wooden bridge (pictured at top), deep ravines, red beech forests and enchanting Middle Earth scenery that will take your breath away. For those keen to stay overnight, Rangiwahia Hut is a serviced, cosy 12bunk hut with water from tap (not treated so you ’ll need to boil before use), a wood burner (firewood is supplied) and the most incredible views of Mount Ruapehu. The skies during sunset are rather spectacular and a waterfall make this an Instagram worthy spot.

Alice Nash Heritage Lodge

Alice Nash Heritage Lodge


Alice Nash Memorial Lodge Track -An ideal for families wanting to try out a bush walk; this track can be done as a short-day trip or an overnight stay. Starting off down steep farmland, the walk enters the bush via a fantastically curved bridge and has undulating climbs suitable for most fitness levels. The track is very well marked with DOC markers along the way and once you reach the hut you ’ll be treated to stunning views of the ranges and lush native bush. The hut can accommodate around 12 people if need be (with a bit of squishing) and is a true backcountry option without electricity or cooking facilities. It does, however, have running water, a stand-alone fireplace and an outdoor toilet. Discover more Manawatū moments to fill your Autumn buckets at
