

Make your InDesign creations interactive

Join millions of users and turn flat Adobe InDesign files into dynamic assets for every channel: Flipbooks, Articles, Social Posts, and GIFs. Whether you’re an experienced InDesign user or just starting, easily export and publish your creations to Issuu’s all-in-one platform and instantly generate a variety of creative assets for sharing. Elevate your projects from InDesign to flipbook publications with the click of a button.

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Elevate any design with engaging elements

Whether creating a digital catalog, online photo album, brochure, or anything in between, export your InDesign creations to Issuu and instantly elevate them as interactive formats that drive engagement. Convert PDFs from InDesign to flipbooks before adding features like Videos and Links to deliver new dimensions of interest and functionality.

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Unleash your creativity and build an audience

Export a single InDesign file to Issuu and generate a range of assets to accelerate your design and content marketing capabilities. Put your best work front and center and grow your audience across all channels with a powerful blend of content types and customization capabilities.

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Publish and promote InDesign content online

Smart integrations save time and simplify your creative process. The InDesign extension on Adobe Exchange enables you to instantly export and publish all kinds of content on the web, including flyers, eBooks, presentations, brand books, and digital invitations. Discover a whole suite of benefits at your fingertips and seamlessly multiply your designs' potential without doing extra work.

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Explore features to elevate your content

With a wide range of features at your fingertips, Issuu helps you create unique and connected reading experiences.

Spotlight your best work with ease

Say goodbye to cumbersome email attachments with Issuu's no-code Embed feature. Make your work highly discoverable and accessible by adding it to any website or blog page; simply copy and paste. Customize your publication's background colors and layout to fit your brand’s identity, too. Promote it further with Fullscreen Sharing.

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Save time with our InDesign plugin

InDesign enables you to craft picture-perfect designs, and Issuu makes it easy to bring your creative work to life—ultimately delivering true reader delight. With Issuu, you can replace the outdated InDesign to PDF sharing process and export InDesign PDFs to the web directly.

Publish, share, and measure your content's performance in a seamless workflow with our InDesign plugin. Using Digital Sales, you can sell your digital flipbook publications with zero fees. Go from idea to impact while cutting your creative time in half.

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How to make a flipbook online with Issuu & InDesign:

  1. After you finish creating your content in InDesign, select “Window” from the menu bar, choose “Extensions” and select “Issuu - Publish a document”.

  2. Connect to your Issuu account if you haven’t already.

  3. Now, you can choose to either open your draft on Issuu for further editing or export it to Issuu right away.

  4. Proceed to confirm content rights before exporting it.

  5. Ready, set, and publish! Your design is now live on Issuu, where you can always edit it with our desktop editor.

InDesign Integration and Plugin FAQs:

  • Simply upload your document from InDesign to Issuu and create, publish, and promote it on Issuu. If you need to change or update your content after your flipbook is published, simply alter your content in InDesign and publish the updated version using the Issuu plugin.

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