Feast Norfolk Magazine Issue 43 - February 2020

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Goodness ness OUR NUTRITIONAL EXPERT CATHERINE JEANS IS URGING US ALL TO LOVE OURSELVES THIS MONTH WITH THE HELP OF SOME NOURISHING FOOD IT SEEMS OVER THE PAST DECADE that nutrition has got a bit too complicated, and all too often in clinic I see people who have lost their way with food. They feel in a continual battle over what to eat and are fed up with all the mixed messages out there. One week you’re told not to eat chocolate, the next week it’s good for you. Then along comes the next magic diet, but you find you can’t stick to the strict regime long term and end up piling on lots more weight. It’s no wonder people feel lost about what should be on our plates, made worse by the growing number of unqualified foodies giving us advice online! So this February, I want to make things simple. I want to encourage you to ditch dieting, and simply give your body and mind some nutritious love by focusing on the good stuff you can add to your diet. Here are my top five tips on how to get in everyday goodness to give yourself some extra love.








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it up raw to make broccoli rice, use the stalks in soup and gently sauté it with garlic, fresh ginger and chilli for a zingy side dish. 3. KEFIR Have you got into kefir yet? You’ll see it on so many supermarket shelves these days, and this highly fermented yoghurt drink is packed with beneficial bacteria for your gut microbiome. Add a drizzle onto your oats, muesli or morning cereal, use it as a post-workout smoothie base or an afternoon snack with a sprinkle of cinnamon and slices of banana. 4. CIDER APPLE VINEGAR Brilliant for making dressings, this vinegar is great for supporting digestion and may even be helpful for those with inflammatory conditions. Choose a raw, unpasteurised cider apple vinegar that contains ‘the mother’ - the original ferment. I have a shot every morning in warm water – it keeps my digestion in tip top condition!

1. LOVE GREEN HERBS In the UK I find we’re all a bit conservative with our herbs. We use just a few leaves, but we can use big handfuls of these amazing nutrient powerhouses. Flat leaf parsley is packed with calcium and iron; coriander traditionally has anti-parasitic properties and basil is full of polyphenols that feed your gut microbiome. Add a handful of leaves to your salads, chop up and throw over your food for extra flavour and use lots of coriander in your curries.

5. CROWD YOUR PLATE WITH LOVELY VEGETABLES Veggies feature heavily in the diets of those who live the longest on our planet, and have been associated with a reduced risk of many health issues, including various types of cancer. Even eating just one more veg a day can help improve your health, and it’s very simple for us all to do. How about some frozen veg heated up to add to your evening meal, some carrot sticks into your packed lunch or slices of cucumber in your sandwiches?

2. LOVE BROCCOLI! Broccoli is one of the most accessible superfoods. It’s been studied by various institutions for its anti-cancer properties and features in our house on most days! Blitz

This month focus on the things you can achieve and what you can add to your diet, this helps to simplify and make your goals much more achievable. Everyone can concentrate on one thing they can add each day!




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