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JUNE 2017 | | 336.274.3286

Baccalaureate Sunday | June 4 Congratulations Graduates! p.4-5

first baptist church greensboro

Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

The Friendly Garden at FBC

p.10 | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

June 2017 3 Window Gazing 4-5 Celebrating Our Graduates

July Connections Deadline: June 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director / x225 Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident / x223 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections

–Baccalaureate Sunday –High School, College, and Graduate School Grads

Youth Missions Trip to Shreveport, LA 6 Celebrating FBC Transitions Summer Kickoff 7 Connect with Worship

–FBC’s Music Intern Program

8-9 Connect with Adults

–Memorial Day at the Columbarium –July Access Class –Check Out New Library Books –Life Compass Seminar –Wednesday Night Fall Line Up

9 Summer @ FBC 10-11 Connect with Missions

–The Friendly Garden at FBC –Steps to Success Kindergarten Camp at Bessemer Elementary –Meet Janée Angel, CBF Field Personnel in Belgium –Missions at Home: Mobile Meals & StepUp Ministry

12-13 Connect with Children

–Peacehaven Farm Workday –Passportkids! Camp –Worship in the Arts –Vacation Bible School –This Summer at the Weekday School –Family Movie Night –Meet Amy Kirkman, FBC’s New Weekday School Director

14 Connect with Our Interns

–Kaylee Godfrey | Baker Lawrimore | Will Raybon

15 Connect with Business

–May Church Conference Summary –Online Giving Updates –CBF General Assembly

16-17 Connect with One Another

–Stay Connected with the Churchlife App –New Members | New Babies | Birthdays | Bereaved

18 June Calendar 19 A Thousand Words… 20 Oasis…FBC’s Adult Summer Sunday School Option Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.

Window Gazing

By Alan Sherouse


ake care of yourself. It’s all too precious.” I must have looked tired on the recent Sunday that a dear member of our church found me to earnestly share these words. They were spoken with love and the conviction that rest is essential - for ministers, and for all of us. We know this cognitively, of course. Our faith, like others, calls us to practice Sabbath, from the Babylonian sabattu, “a quieting of the heart.” Even more than a practice of keeping Sabbath, we who follow Christ deal in what Judith Hoch Wray has termed an entire “theology of rest.” I think of Father Joseph, an Episcopal priest I know in the Sudan, who related the story of a woman who would constantly sleep through worship services. Much more than a simple snooze through the sermon, this woman was in a deep sleep from the first “Hallelujah” to the final “Amen.” At the urging of agitated fellow worshippers, Father Joseph approached the woman to inquire about her habit. She described the stress and constant pressure of her life and said, “This is the only place where I’m able to sleep.” It was the only place peaceful and secure enough for her to trust that she could rest. So Father Joseph said to her, “Sister, sleep well.” Our faith calls us to practice rest. We know it cognitively. But do we practice it? This theology of rest is beautifully stated in the 23rd Psalm. While often associated with comfort amidst grief, it’s even more important that we make it a psalm about living, with its hope in something beyond this world, trust in the grace and direction of a Good Shepherd, and the promise of rest, with pastures green and water still. Phillip Keller, a former sheep-herder and rancher, has pointed out a little known fact. It seems sheep can survive, or “get by,” just fine for days, even weeks on end without actually stopping to drink water. The heavy dew on the grass proves to be enough sometimes. They can go for long periods of time without ever stopping for still water. How many of us are the same? We are constantly moving one place to another, working hard, identifying the next task, initiative or project. Even in church, sometimes we mistake busy-ness for faithfulness, forgetting that even the one we follow took time to rest. “Come away to a deserted place and rest,” Jesus says in chapter 6 of the gospel of Mark. It’s common for Jesus and the disciples to withdraw from the crowds in the gospels, but in this case Jesus calls them to rest. I imagine he even found them a spot with green grass and still water. The one who describes himself as a shepherd just lines later can see that in all of their coming and going, their traveling and trying, their crossing the Sea again and again and again, they’d had no time to rest.

Can we hear those words to us? Can we practice them as an essential part of what it means to be faithful? When I was a junior in college, I was part of a mission trip to the island of Abaco in The Bahamas. Our trip led us to partner with a church on the Island, and its pastor, whom we knew as “Pastor John.” The trip’s greatest challenge for our active group of do-gooders was all the down time Pastor John gave us in the afternoons. Oh, we led a Bible School each morning. And each evening we worshipped in local churches. But in the afternoon, we were idle. Restless. Feeling like we were wasting our time. I approached Pastor John about it one day. Couldn’t we paint a wall, or hang some sheet rock or something, instead of just relaxing in the afternoons while the children of the community vied for our attention? He seemed baffled by this. He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder, “Alan. You’ve worked hard. Why don’t you think you’ve done enough?” I think that’s the question for all of us who labor and toil and hustle and flow. Do you feel like you’ve done enough? Which is to ask, do you feel like you’ve been enough? In the end, our theology of rest says a lot about our theology of grace. And when we fail to slow beside the still water, perhaps it shows that we haven’t fully understood the grace of God. A grace that says, “You are enough.” As these summer months begin, I hope we will find time to rest. Some of us will have the opportunity to travel, or take time to be with our families withdrawn from the regular rhythms of our lives. I hope you find some still water. And I hope you feel the assurance of the Good Shepherd who helps us all to believe that even though there’s always more to do and more to be, we can rest in the grace of God that tells us that for today we are enough.

June 2017 | 3

Baccalaureate Sunday


Sunday, June 4 10:30 am Senior-Led Worship Service

College and Graduate School Courtney Key

Bachelor of Science in Biology | Bachelor of Arts in History University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Dixon Crews

Master in Computer Science (MCS) | North Carolina State University

David Culclasure

Master in History | North Carolina State University

Michael Hicks

M.D. in Anesthesiology | The University of Iowa

Lydia Lewis

BSD in Interior Design | Ohio State University

Mitchell Lewis

Bachelor of Finance | Bachelor of Sports Management North Carolina State University

Stuart Philpott

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering | North Carolina State University

Megan Pinder

Master of Medical Science | Wake Forest University

Autumn Rainey

Bachelor of Music | North Carolina Central University

Kevin Tutterow

BS in Emergency Medical Services | Western Carolina University

Pray for our Youth Summer Mission Trip June 23 - July 1 to…

Shreveport, LA

Our youth will be working with friends at FBC Shreveport through local organizations that help the homeless, repair homes, and provide children’s services. The ministries they will be helping will include VOA– Volunteers of America, Church of the Highlands Thursday Meal serving 125, Shreveport/Bossier Rescue Mission, Rolling Hills Thrift Store, and Love Well Center–The Hub.

4 | Connections

High School Graduates

Page High School

Madelyn Biffle

Kansas City Ballet School Daytime Program & Jefferson Preparatory Academy

Joshua Childs

Northern Guilford High School

Grimsley High School

UNC-G Early College High School

Matthew Kennedy

Mason Lewis

Hannah Lynch

Lilly Persinger

Lindley Sample

Jilien Steelman

Michaela Stutts

Western Guilford High School

Ethan Schneider

Megan Barlow

Grimsley High School

Caldwell Academy

Western Guilford High School

Meredith Vaughn

Lindsay Worsley

Weaver Academy

Grimsley High School

Grimsley High School

Western Guilford High School

Grimsley High School

Mallie Taylor

Northern Guilford High School

Kendall Gooding

Grimsley High School

Laura Tutterow Greensboro Day School

Jeremiah 29.11

Caroline Austin

June 2017 | 5

Celebrating FBC Transitions FBC extends our love and appreciation to these faithful staff members as they move into new chapters in their lives.

Dr. Ginny Carpenter


ur congregation extends its love and appreciation to Dr. Ginny Carpenter, who retires this spring after seven years as the Director of our First Baptist Weekday School. In that time span, our school has benefitted from her strong leadership. Our church has been impacted by her faith and her passionate commitment to her work. And our children and families have been blessed by her guidance, wisdom, compassion, the hundreds of books read during story time, and the thousands of welcoming hugs offered outside the red doors. First Baptist Greensboro had the chance to acknowledge Dr. Carpenter at our recent Weekday School Sunday, April 23, and we continue to give thanks for her gifts and offer our prayers in her retirement.

Jessica Hartman


f you called or visited the pastoral office the last few years, you met Jessica Hartman, our Pastoral Administrator since Fall 2014. But even if you haven’t met Jessica, you’ve likely been blessed by her work with our church – lovingly and faithfully serving our church in critical moments of grief or celebration, maintaining our prayer concerns and member needs, supporting our pastoral staff, and helping with hospitality and welcome. May 12 marked Jessica’s last day of work with us. She and her husband, Brad Temple, anticipate the arrival of Baby Boy Temple soon, and Jessica plans to be at home after the birth. We give thanks for Jessica’s gifts to our congregation, and offer our love and prayers for her family as they welcome their son very soon.

First Baptist Church

Summer Kickoff FBC Front Lawn Sunday, June 4 from 4-7 pm

Food Trucks, Inflatables & Summer Schedule Reveal 6 | Connections

Connect with Worhip

FBC’s Music Intern Program


By Doug Vancil

decade ago a faithful church member set up a fund to support music ministry endeavors beyond the annual budget. That generous gift named the Music Ministry Expansion Fund provided the means to begin a much needed mentoring program for university students who are contemplating a call to vocational music ministry. This is a complimentary aspect of our church’s wider commitment to being a teaching congregation, training and nurturing future pastoral leaders. Our local universities provide quality music education but do not emphasize church music and Baptist theological schools have shifted away from music ministry training. Still the training of future leaders in the unique vocation of church music is needed as much as ever. Five students served over a ten year period, including Rev. James Houghton, Rachel Roby Nall, Greyson Leybourne, Luke Arno, and Baker Lawrimore.

A Bequest Received that will Bless Many… Recently First Baptist Church received a bequest of more than $200,000 from the estate of member Dan McCormick (pictured on the right) whose simple instructions were for the use of music ministry, music scholarships, and musical programs to be determined by the Music Minister and the Deacons. Dan also spoke of his hope that the Chapel which now houses his Steinway grand piano be renovated for the continued use of worship and musical programs.

Leaving a Legacy of Music to Future Generations


irst Baptist Church is presently and has been historically a generous and faithful congregation. The Music Expansion Fund and the McCormick Music Fund, providing mentoring opportunities for young persons to search out God’s calling, are wonderful examples of how that legacy can be perpetuated into the future. If you would like to inquire about how your assets, no matter how great or small, can continue to support the ministries of First Baptist Church beyond your lifetime please contact Business Administrator Scott North in the church office – | x226.

FBC’s Music Funds Provide Support for Our Interns The Music Expansion Fund and the McCormick Music Fund overlapped to provide financial support for six interns whom you have observed leading, singing, playing, rehearsing and directing all of our ensembles throughout this past year. Baker Lawrimore, a UNCG music education major continues in his third year as music intern with increased time at the organ, with youth and adult choirs, Youth Handbells, and Instrumental Ensemble. Baker spends eight to ten hours weekly and received a $2400 scholarship per semester. Each of the other interns spends three to five hours per week in the Music ministry and receive a $1200 scholarship per semester. Olivia Boddicker who graduated this year from UNCG with a major in voice performance has worked primarily with Sanctuary Choir and Youth Choir and brings a unique perspective from her Catholic faith. Tia Pennington is a music education major at NC A&T and has worked with Sanctuary Choir and Children’s choirs. Brannon Kling, grandson of former Minister of Music Joye Brannon is a doctoral student at UNCG and has led worship on several occasions, directed Instrumental Ensemble, Adult Handbells, and Sanctuary Choir. Jamell Strickland, a third year music education major at NC A&T has worked with Youth Choir and Sanctuary Choir. Raleigh Cothran has grown up at First Baptist Church where everyone is familiar with his musical talent. He has worked with Youth Choir, Youth Handbells, Adult Handbells, and Sanctuary Choir. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement. Students experience leadership, not just participation, in rehearsal and service settings under the guidance of professional staff members. The congregation has the joy of helping the students grow and finding their place in vocational ministry. June 2017 | 7

Connect with Adults

Harry Thetford Will Address May 28’s Memorial Day at the Columbarium


special treat for this year’s tenth anniversary of our “Memorial Day at the Columbarium” will be a brief address by Harry Thetford. Formerly the manager of Sears at Friendly Center, Harry served First Baptist in the early 1990’s as Minister of Recreation. Nowadays the by-line Harry Thetford is familiar to readers of the Greensboro News & Record. There he serves as guest columnist, contributing first-person feature stories—most of them dealing with military veterans, their exploits during active service, their subsequent vocations, and their experiences during retirement. Memorial Day at the Columbarium is a brief service of remembrance, meeting at 9 am, prior to Sunday School. The observance features patriotic music and recognition of FBC veterans who are in attendance. This year trumpeter Charlie Adams will conclude the gathering with the playing of “Taps.” 8 | Connections

About July Access Speaker Dr. Jason Myers:


r. Jason Myers is the assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Greensboro College and is now in his second year at the college. He received his Ph.D. from Asbury Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 2015. His dissertation focused on the theme of obedience in Romans. His interest in the Apostle Paul has led to numerous presentations, a forthcoming book on Paul for IVP (2017) co-written with his advisor Dr. Ben Witherington III, and teaching in India, Nigeria, Estonia, Turkey, and Italy. Jason is active in both the academy and the church and has preached and taught at several churches in Greensboro. Jason is married to his wife Lisa who is a fitness professional and a certified personal trainer and attempts to keep him in top physical shape. They recently celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary.

Check Out the New Books in the FBC Library: • The Emperor’s Revenge by Clive Cussler • If Not For You by Debbie Macomber • IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament • The Jesus Quest by Ben Witherington • Journey to Munich by Jacqueline Winspear • Odessa Sea by Clive Cussler • Piranha by Clive Cussler • A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving • Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Quereshi • Silence by Shusaku Endo • A Rose for the Crown Scholastic Children’s Dictionary

Connect with Adults

Life Compass Seminar: Elegant Estate Planning

Wednesday Night



Tuesday, June 20 | 6-8 pm | FBC 102

reetings First Baptist! I hope to see you at Elegant Estate Planning on June 20. This seminar will provide all you need to set up an Elegant Estate Plan by utilizing the people close to you, and necessary professionals. We will provide the forms you will need to collect and share the appropriate information. The seminar will help you avoid unnecessary work and expense while preserving and expanding your legacy. This is a class for all adults. So many people do not know what they do not know about estate planning. This is one case where knowledge is necessary for wisdom to be found. See you there! –Dr. George Fuller

Fall Line Up

e are looking for people with a variety of gifts who would be willing to share them on Wednesday evenings this fall. Everyone is gifted in some way. We know that there are folks who produce beautiful artwork, handiwork, quilts, pottery, ceramics, and the list goes on and on. Perhaps your profession and/or hobby has allowed you to become the expert on a historical era or character. Whatever your passion, talent, or skill, we would love to offer you the opportunity to share it. To sign up or to find out more contact Courtney Stamey - | x223 or Steve Sumerel - | x233.

This Summer@FBC

• Summer Choir– With Summer Choir, the rehearsals are on Sundays at 8:30 am and the choir learns the music they will sing for that day. Summer Choir runs from June 11 through July 30. All are welcome! If you have any questions contact Doug Vancil - | x237 or Terri Vancil - | x238.

• Chapel Bible Study– “Favorites from the Five Books of Psalms” Wednesdays in June | 6:15 - 7 pm The conclusion to Springtime’s study of the Psalms will focus upon popular favorites from the traditional five books of the Psalter. | Taught by Dr. Pressley

• Youth Activities– Wednesdays: June 14, “Wet n’ Wild”;

June 21, “Night at the Movies”; July 12, “Horn in the West”; July 26, “Hanging Rock”.

• July 2 (Su) | Picnic at Canterbury School | 4-6 pm

Look for more information to come about this fun family event.

• Adult Access– “Paul and His World” Wednesdays in July | 6:15 - 7:15 pm

A social and historical study of the world of Paul.

• July 23 (Su) | All State Youth Choir Concert at FBC Greensboro

Mark your calendar to be here for the All State Youth Choir Closing concert!

June | 9

Connect with Missions

Partnering Together to Produce Food for the Growth of the Community By Scott Lyle


ur garden is beginning to take shape. We’ve sown the seeds and planted the plants, and now we begin the wait. While we wait we remain faithful to keep our attention on the garden even though it doesn’t seem like much is happening. There are still weeds to be pulled and watering needed when it hasn’t rained, and there is still much learning to be done. Now I look out at our garden, and I’m having a hard time managing my expectations. We’ve worked the ground, and we certainly have enough sunlight. The plants came from a good nursery and the seeds were fresh. So when do the “fruits of our labor” come in? The conditions are right for growth but it doesn’t really seem to be happening. I watch these YouTube videos of professional gardeners with their beautiful plots, and I guess I have “plant envy”. I know that things are happening. The roots of the plants are establishing themselves in our soil, the stems are thickening so that the plants will be supported as they grow up, and all of that takes time. My problem, I guess, is that I’m looking for the end result of that rich red tomato or the healthy squash and letting the desire for a visible result to take precedent over the process. After all, there is value just in the ‘doing’ of the garden. We do this kind of thing in our relationships too. We like it when we can see results when we’ve put in effort with another person. It feels good to get an accolade for being a good friend, or you feel good when you see your kid succeed at something you’ve helped him or her with. But those things are just ‘markers’ along the way. The real work is the daily relationship we cultivate with one another doing the 50-11 things we never really see a result from which all go together to create something beautiful. And in the end that is the real reason for this garden. Yes, it will be nice when the harvest comes in, and it will feel good when we pick that red tomato and give it to someone who needs it. But that isn’t the goal. We are all ‘working out our salvation’ learning how to live a kingdom life with one another. And as we do that, we share the good news that has found us so that in the end, we can be in relationship with even more people. Photo top: Volunteering in the garden plants seeds and produces growth. Photo right: An aerial view of “The Friendly Garden at FBC.”

Steps to Success at Bessemer Elementary

July 31-August 3 & August 7-10 | 9 am - 1 pm

FBC is helping Bessemer Elementary School in hosting its 4th annual two-week preparation camp for incoming kindergarten students. Help is needed with breakfast, lunch, music, art, library, PE, reading and centers. To volunteer or ask questions, contact Sandra Canipe: - 273-6491. 10 | Connections

Connect with Missions Each month we will feature CBF missionaries…

Meet Janée Angel– CBF Field Personnel Serving in Antwerp, Belgium


anée Angel is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel living and serving in Antwerp, Belgium, working particularly among the Arabic speaking community, which is ever growing in the midst of the world refugee crisis. Antwerp, where Janée serves, is the second largest city in Belgium, and is a predominantly Dutch speaking area. However, she and her husband, Hary minister among the Arabic speaking community. They live in a Moroccan neighborhood and primarily minister with those who come from the Middle East. With the war in Syria, Belgium has seen many Middle Easterners fleeing to safety in Europe, including 90 Syrian Christians who have recently traveled with the help of Janée and Hary. After working among Arabic speakers in an Arabic/French church in Brussels for 6 years, Janée and her family moved to Antwerp in a church planting effort to establish the first evangelical Arabic church outside the Brussels area. Today, the church holds weekly services and Bible studies, has a music ministry and children’s program, and Janée hosts women’s events and a prayer group. They also seek to meet the needs of the rapidly growing refugee community. Confronted with the global refugee crisis, Belgium has greeted many Iraqi and Syrian refugees. Hary leads the efforts in meeting these newcomers and showing them the love of Christ. Together, they host refugee dinners and open their home to those with nothing. Janée and Hary also collect food and clothing to distribute and have filled backpacks with winter clothes and Middle Eastern snacks to give to refugees in harsh winter months. They also often walk the streets of Antwerp in evangelism efforts and have worked to unify the three evangelical Arabic churches in Belgium by planning meetings and united church services. Janée also teaches English in an Evangelical school where 50 percent of the students are Muslim. Your generosity in support of Janée and her work will transform lives. Keep up with Janée and Hary’s ministry in Belgium at and also by going to | –NOTE: This article was printed from CBF’s website:

Mobile Meals FBC has been delivering Mobile Meals for over

60 years to people in our community who are unable to cook for themselves. The FBC delivery day is the 3rd Friday of every month. Volunteers are needed to drive an assigned route each month or you can volunteer as a sub. For more information or to volunteer: Cynthia Townes – | 273-4020 or Anita Philpott | 456-7116.

StepUp Ministry On 2

Each month we will highlight different FBC missions opportunities.

Sundays “interview ready” items of clothing and accessories for men and women are collected in the Atrium. Items needed for men: suits, jackets, slacks, shoes, belts and dress socks. Items needed for women: dresses, suits, jackets, slacks, shoes and accessories (scarves, pins, short necklaces and small earrings). Items should be clean and need no repair. For more information: Shirley Thompson – | 274-9622. nd

June | 11

Connect with Children

Join us for a morning of working on the farm with our ministry partner, Peacehaven Farm. Peacehaven is a sustainable farm that connects people with special needs to their community. They not only grow vegetables; they also grow relationships. We have 10 spots for children and 10 spots for adults so sign up with Christina McCord:

Passport Camp Meeting Sunday, June 4 8:45 am | Assembly Room All children and chaperones going to camp need to attend our final meeting to receive last minute information. We will also be completing paperwork and will have a notary present to notarize medical forms.

PASSPORTkids! Camp June 20-23 FBC is taking 19 children and 6 adult chaperones to PASSPORTkids! Camp at Eagly Eyrie Conference Center in Lynchburg, VA. This is a camp for children who are currently in 3rd-6th grade. It is a transformational 4-day, 3-night camp where the children have so much fun while also experiencing worship, small groups, free time, the pool, games, sports, devotions, and more. Please be in prayer for our children and chaperones as we are away. 12 | Connections

Connect with Children

…engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship

June 26 - 30 | 9 am - 1 pm | Grades 1-8 This energy-filled week nurtures the artistic and worshipful expression of young people by engaging them in song, drama, visual art, dance, and instruments. This year we will spend time both indoors and out, exploring the beauty and variety of “God’s Garden” through classic, jazz and bluegrass music. Melanie Crump, Director of Music Ministries at Guilford College United Methodist Church and Vocal Instructor at High Point University, will lead the choirs. The public is invited to the closing concert on Friday at 1 pm. Cost is $40. Sign-up online:

This Summer at the Weekday School: Summer Days | May 30 - June 16 Theater & Art Camp | June 19 - 23 Planet Protectors | June 26 - 30 Holiday Hulabaloo | July 17 -21 Please check the desk outside the school office for registration forms.

Children and their families are invited to join us for an early evening viewing of “Cars 3”! Once the times are released, communication of the location and time will be shared.


magine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they’re lovingly crafted by God. Each day kids will travel through rotations that reinforce relevant Bible Points and immerse them in new adventures. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will be doing mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 am. They will be joining the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost is $20 per child with a $50 family max. Sign-up online:

Meet Amy Kirkman, FBC’s New Weekday School Director Amy Kirkman comes to First Baptist having worked with children of all ages for the past 17 years, and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that her heart is with preschool. She brings broad experience in early childhood education, staff management, curriculum development, and implementation of vision and creativity that are a great fit for our Weekday School. Amy is a 2000 graduate of UNC-Greensboro where she earned a Bachelor of Social Work Degree. She continued to pursue her education earning a Master of Education Degree with a focus on Birth through Kindergarten and Special Education. Her first year out of college was spent as a Group Home Counselor with Youth Opportunities in Winston Salem. In 2001, Amy served as a Center Director of a Head Start program at Guilford Child Development. In 2004, she managed a staff of rehabilitative play and speech therapists with CNC Access. For the past 11 years, she has served as an Exceptional Children’s Itinerant Teacher for children ages 3-5 with Guilford County Schools. Amy works with children in the classroom setting to provide consultation to teachers and directors on improving environment and curriculum, not just for children with special needs, but for all children. Outside of her career, Amy enjoys cooking, swing dancing, reading, home renovation, and outdoor activities with her family. June | 13

Connect with Our Interns


s we continue to explore our role as a teaching congregation through programs like the Pastoral Residency, Summer Internships are an outstanding opportunity in her/his discernment. Summer Internships in a teaching congregation can often be a cornerstone in a young minister’s call to ministry, whether they are at the undergraduate or graduate level. I am excited to work with Kaylee, Baker, and Will this summer as they listen for God’s Spirit in this place. —Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident

Will Raybon

Kaylee Godfrey



(Youth Ministry)

ill Raybon is a graduate of Appalachian State University and has just completed his first year at Gardner-Webb Divinity School. Will worked last year with youth at FBC Boone, has been active this past year working with college students at ASU and WCU, and Will is looking forward to a great summer with the youth of FBC Greensboro. You might even recognize Will, since he spent a semester in Greensboro two years ago working with the U.S. Marshals, was a frequent Wednesday night supper guest, and helped out with the youth on several occasions too!

(Missions and Community Partners) aylee Godfrey is a 23-year-old Wake Forest University School of Divinity student from High Point, NC. Prior to entering Divinity School, Kaylee received her Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from Appalachian State University and spent a year doing disaster relief with AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps. Kaylee is seeking ordination within the Baptist Church, and is passionate about meeting the needs of the local community and focusing mission efforts within the Triad area. Kaylee’s vocational goal is to become an Associate Pastor that spends time in ministry and pastoral care as well as community-based missions. Kaylee loves spending time outdoors in her hammock, petting cats, and advocating for the rights of women.

Baker Lawrimore (General Ministry)


aker Lawrimore is no stranger to FBC, having not only been an active member since beginning his studies at UNCG two years ago but also having served as part of the Music Intern cohort this past year. Baker will be serving in several different areas this summer as our all-purpose intern, and we look forward to seeing his many gifts at work around FBC.

*2017 Intern Fun Fact: Baker and Will know each other well, having grown up together at FBC Asheville!

14 | Connections

Connect with Business

May Church Conference Summary The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, May 21, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Scott Culclasure presided. The church voted to receive two new members. The following motions were approved by the congregation: Scott North, Church Administrator made the following motions: • Motion: On behalf of the Missions Committee, Finance Committee and the Diaconate: That $1,000 be released to help underwrite the cost of the medical missionary trip of Robyn Cothran to Ecuador, with funds to be taken from the Great Commission Fund. • Motion: On behalf of the Building and Grounds Committee, Finance Committee and the Diaconate: That $61,823 be appropriated to replace the HVAC system’s cooling tower, with funds taken from the Major Maintenance Fund. Dr. Laura Lomax, Chair of the Committee on Committees (COC) made the following motions: Motion 1: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominees: • To serve 3-year terms beginning October 1, 2017 on the Diaconate: Alice Culclasure, Anna Cushman, Adam Duggins, Dan Kennedy, Sara Massey, John Mobley, Janice Newsom, Bryan Parrish, Joan Ratliff, Davis Troxler, Brad Wall, Dave Worsley Motion 2: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominees: • To serve 3-year terms beginning June 1, 2017 on the Finance Committee: David Philpott, Suzanne Rohrbaugh, Bud Taylor, Cathy Wells, Anita Wilson, Harold Messick to fill unexpired term of John Gee Motion 3: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominee: • To serve a five-year term beginning October 1, 2017 as Endowment Trust Trustee: John Hardy Motion 4: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominee: • To serve a 3-year term beginning January 1, 2018 as Church Treasurer: Bobbie Brown Motion 5: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominee: • To serve a 2-year term beginning October 1, 2017 as Church Clerk: Robb Wells

Online Giving Updates… We made improvements to our church’s online giving program last month. Our updated program offers more ways for you to support the church and costs the church less than our previous program. Look for announcements about our giving with the Church Life app. You can now give also via text message. Simply text FBCGSO to 73256. Standard message rates apply. Some of you may have already noticed our updated online giving webpage: To help protect your information, any saved payment methods in our former system were deleted when we transitioned. If you had a saved payment method, please prepare to enter it again the next time you give. All our new ways to give offer the same security as our old method where processing standards meet the highest regulations set by the card industry. If you have any questions, please contact Scott North at the church office - | x226.

Community Lunch followed by Church Conference Sunday, June 11 after Worship

Cost is $6/person and $20/family maximum. NO reservation is needed. A brief church conference will follow lunch.

April 2017 Financial Results

Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements YTD Receipts Net Surplus (Deficit)

Actual $135,198 $544,411 $523,495 $ (20,916)

Budget $138,693 $586,336 $576,493 $ (9,843)

Last Year $134,662 $550,157 $549,204 $ (953)

Mobile Giving Options In addition to the giving app

on iPhone or Android, you can now give using the Church Life app. Download the Church Life app for iPhone or Android or other mobile devices. Log in using the same username and password you use for your member login on our website. If you need help with your login, contact Scott at the above email address or phone number. Select the menu, then select the menu option for giving. To see a quick and easy video, go to You can also scan the QR code printed on this page and go right to our giving entry screen.

CBF General Assembly

Atlanta, Georgia | June 26-30, 2017


Connect with One Another

Stay Connected on the Go with the Churchlife App


ave you ever needed a church member’s phone number or address when you are away from home or the church is closed? Well, the Churchlife app could be very helpful to you. The Churchlife app is a FREE, easy to use app that will give you instant access to the FBC contact database from your mobile devices. Only FBC members in our database have access to this information. You can easily look up phone numbers, addresses, and emails for each person in our Access ACSTM database. The app will even map a route to an address! Simply login using your Access ACSTM Member username and password from the “SignIn” at the top of the FBC website. Note: We have no access to your password, but we can help you with your username. We can help you reset your password if needed or you can reset it from the website link. If you have questions, contact Scott North - | x226.

Keep Us Updated! If you’ve had any changes to your contact information (phone, email, and address) let us know. If your children move, get married, go to college or graduate — we need to know that too! Send all updates to Rosemary Kellam: | x225. You can also update your member information via the private FBC Member website – click the “Sign In” button at the top of the website. All FBC members can create a login/ password and have online access to your giving summary, church calendar, online registrations, search information, etc. Go to to get started!

16 | Connections

Subscribe to the online version of Connections:

FBC produces Connections in a printed format, but also in an online version with “active” links within the document that allow the reader to send an email or to access websites for more information. To subscribe, go to

Keep up with FBC thru social media: “Like” us on Facebook REMIND Messaging for youth & parents: Sign up to receive

one-way REMINDers of youth events via Text or Email – you choose Middle School, High School or Both! You can also join the Youth Choir group. Sign up at:

College Messaging: Sign up and receive important information– • Via TEXT: text@collegegso to 81010 • Via EMAIL: send an email to

Connect with One Another

Responding to the Invitation

Welcome New Babies! William James Wood Born: May 5 | Parents: David & Lori Wood

Andrew Scott Pardue Born: May 20 | Parents: Marina Cothran & Jeff Pardue

June Birthdays (No FBC birthdays June 20, 30)

Lauren and Michael Vance (April 30) By Letter with Charlotte and James

Matt Wise

(April 30) By Statement with wife Beth and son Hardy

1. Parker Curtis, Trevor Gill 2. Lynne Greene, Thom Little, Billie Reeves 3. Clara Jennings, Johnny Jones, Dylan Messick, Landon Schneider, Hardy Wise 4. D.C. Thompson 5. Teresa Allen, Pamela Key 6. Ginny Barnes, Allen Kopp, Hilary Leonard, Kay Smith 7. Angela Perry 8. Pam Bearden, Diane Davis, Emma Donovan, Jolyn Kelley, Melissa Norman 9. Christopher Rider 10. Tyler Carter, Adam Duggins, Rick Milligan, Varnell Moore, Chuck Sample, Polly Snow 11. Phyllis Sykes, Teresa Whitehead 12. Dickie Payne 13. Jess Grassi, Davis Smith, Joe White 14. John Curlee, Jenny Milynn, Lindley Sample, Dot Walker 15. Jim Burch, Carolyn Case, Kathy Edwards 16. Bunny Godfrey, Chrissie Idol 17. Teresa Barber 18. Robert Angell, Jill Curtis, Brandon Harris, Jeff Perry, Rhonda Woodell 19. Yvonne Johnson 21. Clara Bennett, Teresa Kayembe, Margaret Oberholtzer, Tami Payne, John Weeks 22. John Mobley, Marilue Sheffield 23. Libby Shull 24. Lori Harris, Tori Vaughan 25. Charles Hartis, Katie Parrish 26. Angie Messick, Andrew Petitt, Lindsay Worsley 27. Benjamin Duckworth, Guy McCall, Carter Parham, Al Snider 28. Darlene Biffle, Sophy Gould, Steve Pressley, Della Sherouse 29. Chartee Plyler, Audrey Thompson, Kathy Troxler

College Birthday John Weeks | East Carolina University | June 21 2912 New Hanover Drive, Greensboro, NC 27408


Mary Anne Straughan (May 21) By Letter

• Shaun and Maggie Martin in the loss of their friend, Colby Murphey, on April 29 • Linda Wayne in the loss of her husband, Dr. Jim Wayne, on May 2 • Dan Kennedy in the loss of his father, William R. Kennedy, on May 9 June 2017 | 17

Regular Weekly Schedule

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us… (Hebrews 12:1)

June @FBC Wednesday Night Weekly Activities Whether you are a first time attender or a lifetime participant we invite you to find your place at the table. It is at the table where we have community. We want you here; your place at the table is waiting.

Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Chapel Bible Study: 6:15 - 7 pm June 7: Breakfast June 14: Fajitas June 21: Pasta June 28: Cookout Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc. Reservations are encouraged for meals. 18 | Connections

Sunday AM @FBC • Bible Study - 9:15 am • Worship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209

Wednesdays@FBC •Fellowship Meal Reservations

Reservations due Mon. 12 noon. Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam – x245 or Chapel Bible Study - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

• •

Peacehaven Farm Workday. Peacehaven Farm, 9 am •33 (Sa): •Adults (Sa): Senior Banquet. 108, 5 pm • •All Ages Passport Camp Meeting. Assembly Room, 8:45 am •44 (Su): Children Worship/Baccalaureate Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am • •4 (Su): Seniors • Summer Kickoff. FBC Front Lawn, 4 pm • 4 (Su): Missions • • (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm Weekday • •5 (M): Deacons’ Meeting. 102, 7 pm School •6 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm Worship • •6 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •Youth •7 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up. Kitchen, 5 pm 21, 28 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. •7,108,14,5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) 11 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am • 11 (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. •108, 11:45 am •13 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •13 (Tu): WMU Group 4. 204, 10:30 am •14 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •16 (F): Mobile Meals. Peace United Church of Christ, 9:30 am (Tu-F): PASSPORTkids! Camp. Lynchburg, VA •20-23 20 (Tu): Life Compass Seminar. 102, 6-8 pm • 21 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm • 23-July 1 (F-Sa): Youth Mission Trip to Shreveport, LA • 26-30 (M-F): Worship in the Arts. FBC, 9 am - 1 pm • 27 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm • 27 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm • 29 (Th): “Cars Three” Family Movie Night. Location and time TBA • 30 (F): Worship in the Arts Closing Concert. Sanctuary, 1 pm •

A Thousand Words… A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.

“Table for Five…Thousand!” was presented by FBC’s Young Musicians & Music Makers Choirs at Gateway Gardens. FBC youth experienced hunger, slept in boxes, and packaged 10,000 meals to help Stop Hunger Now! This event is a wonderful experience that helps our youth put their faith into action to feed hungry people around the world.

The Youth Choir Concert in the Sanctuary was followed by a time of honoring our graduating seniors. June | 19

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


Oasis: a refuge

…FBC’s adult summer Sunday School option


n the desert, an oasis is a place of rest and replenishment. It is our hope that Oasis will be just that for many of our teachers. Beginning on June 4, Oasis is a combined Sunday School class which shall meet in room 102. All classes will have the opportunity to meet, have prayer, count noses and all the other tasks that define individual classes before joining Oasis at 9:30 am. We will use the Formations material. Come for a week, a month, or the whole summer…but come and rest.

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