Masterpieces of Chinese Art - Volume I

Page 29

This fabulous pair of sitting dogs was excavated in Sichuan Province. Although it is possible they were meant to serve as a source of food, their elaborate collars and harnesses suggest otherwise. Most probably their function was to stand guard over the tomb of their master for eternity. Traces of light blue pigment can be found on both animals who seem to be taking their duties seriously. One can almost see their everalert ears twitching and hear their deep gnarl, as they attentively stand ready for their master's every command. These sculpted canines express most ardently an ancient peoples’ extreme regard for, and intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounded them. Today, the spirit of these dogs endures ever so proudly, one need only to gaze at their faces to experience their age-old guardian powers. - (DL.1000)

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