Most Magazine – Fashion SEPT-OCT'16 ISSUE NO.13

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The best part of playing Gloria on Fashion House?

The fun part about Gloria was that she is so different from me. What I enjoyed the most was getting to work with the legendary Tippi Heddrin (from Alfred Hitchcock’s, The Birds). She was really sweet and tried to calm my anxiety by assuring me that I will never have a more difficult job in the acting world. We shot 65 episodes in 13 weeks, which is basically 3 years’ worth of television shot in 3 months. It was the first pilot I ever auditioned for; and I ended up getting cast as a series regular. So it was certainly exciting, but very challenging for someone so inexperienced. I’m grateful for the opportunity I was given; and it led to a really big international fan base because, they ended up airing it in over 50 countries worldwide.

When you are dressing yourself, what are your go-to designers? Also, how would you describe your everyday style?

I don’t care as much about labels as I do about the cut and fit of a garment. I tend to like timeless styles. You can never go wrong with a little black dress when going to an event. Whether it’s Dolce // Bodysuit - Stefanie Naylor Couture Instagram @stefanienaylorcouture // Pants + Duster - Femme LA Instagram @femme_la

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& Gabanna, Marciano­­— or even Target­—it doesn’t make a difference where it’s from, as much as how you look and feel in it. As far as my everyday style, it depends on my mood. I can feel girly and wear a

// Shoes - Zara

pretty little floral dress and sandals, or often you’ll

Instagram @zarA

find me looking comfy in jeans and a t-shirt.


// S E P T - O CT 2 016

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